THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN. PORTLAND. JUNE 22, 1919. 9 SEW TO DAT. Farm Lands For Sale BT Alt ESTATE. 409 acres nemr Dundee, Or., poad buildings: 40 meres In wheat, 18 acres During walnuts; zu neaa aneep, noes, etc. 8 acres, iig"ht at station. Elmontea, 15 miles from Portland: about one- half In cultivation, balance In timber and stumpage. Fine opportunity for subdivision. 25 acres sear Dundee. Entire tract in highest state of cultivation, with English walnuts in full bearing. No buildings. Beautiful site for home. H 2S acres on Skyline boulevard ft seven miles from city. Twelve acres In cultivation. Attractive wooded culch. Splendid spring. Ideal view. C o m f a r table farmhouse and barn. Would make an Ideal country home site. 19 acres stumpage. near Mllwaukle; plotted In acre tracts. No buildings, will sell entire tract at great sacri fice. E 10 acres close to earllne at Green berg and Tlgard. will eell one, two or more acres as desired. No build ings. Fins opportunity for chicken ranensa. 7 T acres eae mile this side of Ore con City, main West Side road; 26 acres in cultivation. Buildings on pixce. but in poor condition. 8 1ST acres five miles west of New berg. No buildings. Nearly all cov ered with second-growth timber suit able for ties and spiles. Easy down , srade haul to railroad. AtXi that properties belong; to one estate and will be sold at very low 5 rices and upon terms If desired, 'or full information call at 127 Sixth street. Portland. VUTHBOP HAasOXD, Guardian. : J I .5 s5. t- ;- --NrSf?- SPECIAL OFFERING This positively Is on of the best fin ished houses In the city and can only be appreciated by examination. Workmanship and construction fur above the average high -class dwell Ing. The location la second to none, beinC Just far enough above the street to be exclusive and attractive. Fine view of beautiful laurelhurst park and lake. Large living room and dining room, library, kitchen, 2 large bedrooms, bath and toilet on first floor. Specially fine large fire place that Is a beauty. Billiard par lor, with fireplace. In basement: nice bedroom, lavatory and toilet and at tic above stairs. Grounds elegantly arranged and planted to special va riety of flowers, roses, vines, berries, etc. Large double garage, equipped with light, water and 150-gallon gas oline tank and pump complete. The owner of this property has author ised us to offer same for $12,750 for quick sale, and It Is really a bargain. If you are looking for something in a real high-class home, this Is it.. C. H. WOODWARD, RITTKR, LOWE &.CO, 201-3-5 Board of Trade Bldg. MIGHT CONSIDER SOME TRADE THE BEAUTIFUL HOME OF THE LATE k DR. HARRY McKAY eOSHTIX; OP 15H ACRES on HAHD-M'RFACK KOAO flYU MILKS OIT. THT ACREAGE ALOTF. IS WORTH MORK THAN I AM AKINO FOR THE tMlHK tSTATt. The house could not be built for $10,000. and the cost of the entire Improve ments will run over $25,000. but Mrs. McKay demands that we make imme diate sale. In view of that fact has MADE THE PRICE $16,000 WTtlcta Is one-half of the value of this property. Call in our office and aee photos of this beautiful suburban home. FIELY & GUSTAFSON fMKt YKOX Bl.DG. RIVERA r Bonn f Dlfttiactlom Beautiful Building Sites BuHd a home this summer !n Rivera or tn restricted district of Dunthorpe. Bulldlnc sites from one to five acres. Wonderful views of river or valleys and mountains. Paved roads; sas; Bull Run; electricity; new school: comforts of city combined with free dom and invigorating air of country. Several fine residences for sale. Han dled by resident, who knows the district thoroughly, call mornings belore 12:30. TURNER A 323 Krs. Mala 3751 Road. Rivera. To Satisfy Mortgage Must sacrifice 4 block of the finest property in the city. Walking distance; good flat building covers about 60-foot frontage, formerly held at $55,000. Present sacrifice price $35,000 Ritter, Lowe & Co. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ALAMEDA FINE HOME Cttm.r 50xlrt: fin., seven rooms nd .l.epinc porch; hardwood floors, larire reception hall and llvinc room, larite dlninir room with exninslte bullt-ins: parage: all newly decorated. Beautiful view of three snow-capped mountains. This bouse, value J7000. can be had this week only for $a-5rt. Owner left, vacant BOW. J. n. KEWKDV. S3 Salmoa. Mai 47SS. JOHN B. COFFEY, MORTGAGE LOAD'S. Insurance, Surety Bonds M WILCOX BUML ' ttaia 70S, A S793 i:trZ IMS sVt Sl !11 I- . J-J : KIW TODAY. Houses for Homes PHOTOS OF THESE AST MAJTT OTHERS AT OUB OFFICE. AAnn ' - v. KArinit: bath, sleet.. dZJUU basement; Emerson, nr. E 10th. X300 cash, vacant. t9nnn S-r. cottage, elect, bath. dXUUU 124 Minnesota, nr. Ainaworth S200 cash. ttocn -r. nice house. E. Alder and fJU 30th: J500 cash. Biff snap. tOKflfl - house. Water sU nr. Curry, Z0UU west side; $300 cash. snnnn vi,.. r- Kimrnlow: furnace; iZallU t. liens In and paid: E. Tam- hlll, nr. 37th; uu STDfin acre and nice "r- bunE'low: wwwww jots of fruit: at muiiuuiu." $1000 cash. tinnn JNee cottage: 100x100: lots OOUUU of fine fruits; E. 44th st. 1 blk. to car; tnOO casn. tllKfl s"r- "ne bungalow, Jo"i, VUIUW firenlnoe. oak floors. Ei. near Taylor; ISoO casn. $3500 Fine 6-r. bungalow, furnace. fireplace, garage, sip. pore", 3 bedrooms; Irvington Park; a00 cash. fin nw s-r bungalow, cor S3250 ner lot; Virginia at. west side. $3250 -r. house. 52x100, Ivy st, Union ave. Snap; J500 cash. X-r .trlntlv modern bungalow, $3500 $3700 furnace, fireplace, oak floors. garage; H. no. nr. Aimi, 1000 cash. 6-r. fine, modern house, fur nace, fireplace; E. 31st. near Main; $500 cash. Snap. Swell large bungalow, fur nace, garage. 65x127 Vt, fruit; Rodney ave., nr. Piedmont; $4000 $500 cash. Vacant. $4000 1 acre and fine -r. bungalow at Jennings Lodge: $1000 casn. 2 flata on Jackson st nr. 10th. west aide. 10 mln. walk to $4200 $5000 postoffice. Small 8-r. house, 2 lota, fruit. etc. E. 79th, near Burnsiae; $1000 cash. 10-r. modern house. B. Salmon, $5000 nr. 14th; big; snap; $1000 cash. S-r. strictly modern h o n s e, Laurelhurst: terms, or trade $5500 $9000 for bungalow. Swell 9-r house, furnace. 4 f t r e p laces, 100x100. beautiful view; hi. bia ana Morrison, jxll. Tabor. aay terma. GRUSSI & BENNETT S18 Board ( Trade. Mala 74SX BURNSIDE ST. BEST BUY IN LIVE DISTRICT! 100x100. corner, near intersec tion of Washington st. Covered with old buildings, no leases, rent $2-10; 5 new brick. buildings be ing built in immediate neighbor hood. Ripe for improvement, excellent speculation, or conserv ative investment, as it pays oyo NET. Price $37,000. E. J. DALY 219-221 FAILING BLDG. 100x125 CORNER 21st and Vaughn $15,000 2 large nouses and garage. The lots alone are worth more than we are asking for the entire property. Ritter, Lowe & Co. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. AUTOMOBILE DEALERS ACCESSORY DEALERS TIRE AGENCIES CAW MAKE 2.-YEAR GROUND LEASE OX THE REST CORN ER I' TILS AITOMOHII.E DISTRICT. IS1 FEET OF PROMINENT FROXTAfiE Just the riKht shape lot for automobile occupiuicv with 6240 sq. ft. of area. THIS IS A GOOD LEASE W. H. WEBB. Yeon Bulldtujc. Mala 4913. SEAL ESTATB. BEATS 'EM ALU Fine T-room hus. Alameda district, worth 4hvo for U7A0: $H50 cash; ciowe to Broadway and Alberta cars. J. X. Kennedy. 329 Salmon. Main 4789. Ml'ST sell, llioo takes It, fiO acres, near Goldendale. Wash.; 1 lot, Portland. Or.; 2 lots Seaside, Or. G. A. Johnson. Ed- fcMte. Mich. ML'ST sell. $1100 takes it, 80 'acres, near ttAlrlendale. Wash.: 1 lot. Portland. Or.; 2 lots. Seaside, Or. G. A. Johnson. Edgetts, Wash. ASTORIA has 45 ft. water to the sea. large docks, belt railway, etc best place for in vestment. . fciizey. jvvi m FOR SALE S acres improved. 2 houses, 2 Mma '2 blocks from Metzger station. Price $4600, mike terma TeL Main 4430. 1" 1-3 ACRES, cleared, Metsger; fine for greenhouse. L 234, Oregonian. For Sale Its. ARLINGTON HEIGHTS. One of the best lots In this addition ith i: fr ttt front a re on Paved street level, unobstructed view of ML Hood end City ; DOn-rf JUi'ni turn urnru w rn rlflces for J500. Including all Improve ments paid: terrra. AJ P26. Oregonian. L FEW lots left in Montlcello addition, on r .mh r n-ar Stark: water. CSS. light. etc- t hand; no building restrictions; also a nice 100x100 Just over city limits, on hrrf-surfaee street. Prices $150 up for SxlOO- easy payments. At home Sundays. Mr McCov. ml Tabor (MT 8Sth cars to pSth ft., then 4 blocks north. 1 east. f5xlOO CORNER on top Alameda park over looking city and on the Alameda drive high and level J27.'o, Including im provements. fioxlOO on the Alamada-Olm-stead park. fliO. a snap. J. C. COR BIN CO., 15-6-7-8 Lewis Blag. WEST mToPE MOUNT TABOR. rvn.rslVE DISTRICT. IOOtJOO in the best part of this choice district: 2 blocks south of Mount Tabor car- price fli.M or 5"xtii ror iru. CLEVELAND-BARR-HENDERSON CO. 12 RAILWAY EXCH. BLDU. MAIN 8751. iBYlvfiTOV CORNERS X W cor. lth A Klickitat 50x100 1S00 SW cor. lrtth Klickitat CSxlOl $1300 sl E cor. 17th A Freemont (WxlK) ,13H) &. W. cor. ?rt:h A Tillamook WxlOO $1800 Improvements a. I paid. J. C OORBIN CO.. 305-Q-7-8 Lewis Bldg. LOT BARGAINS. ITtn Alnsworth. 50x100. ........ $400. 27t KUltngsworth. 5xl00 4rS- m acre on carline, close In $37&. Other g'Vd brrains: easy terma A. H. Akerson. 410 Henry Bldg.. Mar. 4QTft PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Heautiful homea in all parts of this dis trict . and AIO. the bargains. NeTer had a dltwa'tvfied customer. Mar. 4-S27 BROOKE. A 8. LADDS APDITION. Elliott ave- nr. '2tt and Hawthorne: all street Improvements paid: price $1500. tlODPARD W1EDRICK, 243 Stark St. CORNER nd E- Broadway. 50x100 lot. tinimproved. near Rose City Park school. $wO: terma Kennedy, 414 Market at. 100x100 CORNER LOT 41st ave. and 42d st. : you caa save $2QO en this. Tabor C610. PORTLAND Heights level lol, AOxts) and large tent, Marshall 5 $5 4 SEAT. ESTATE. For Sale Lota, EXTRA GOOD BARGAIN'S. S260O. large corner lot on Clinton street, right on earllne; 7-room house, lots of xruit. 1500 cash, balance Ilk rent. $3o00. fine corner lot. Irvington district. with 6-room residence, a deciaea snap, XI 000 cash will handle. $3700. fine lot. and 6-room house, modern improvements, on East loin. Detween Hawthorne and Belmont: a great buy, I75CO for whole quarter block. 6-room residence, modern to the minute, beautiful view, a great snap, S'JOOO cash, balance easy. Many other bargains to choose from. ir-ucns, 4-o Chamber or commerce. LrOT BARGAIN3. rRVTVOTON" DISTRICT $700 IRVINGTON PARK 400 WEST SIDE 700 LAURELHURDST 900 ALAMEDA PARK 7O0 HAWTHORNE AVENUE BOO W A VEKLaEl G H HEIGHTS &00 STREETS PAID. JOHNSON DODSON CO 33 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. 2 ACRES ADJOrNTNO EACH ONLY $50 DOWN. PARKROSE ACRE TRACT. ATI cleared and only 2 blocks to Sandy blvd. Will sell on straight m on Inly con tract, interest on it o per cent. J. l. HARTMAN COM PANT, 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. 4th and Stark, Main 208. ROfiB CTTZ PARK SNAP- $85d Tlnr eerner lot en Ahuneda Drire. Street ajaeamenta paid to date, balance to be assumed. This la well worth the price. Go see it. Corner We math Lane and Alameda Drive, (be tween 4Sth and 49th sts.) J. L. Hart man Company. T Chamber of Commerce 014. Main Z0& LOT BARGAIN S. XaawnAale, $4O0. $10 eaeh, $1 monthry. Brentwood- 250l $10 cash. SS monthly. Rom City Park. GOth and Broadway, 700. $100 cash. $15 monthly: 61st and XMvlstojx. lOOxlOO, $1500, we have several Hundred lets In aB parts of the city. Our lot man will show you. COS A. McKBNNA CO Open Even in ma. 3 4th SC. Board of Trade Bide Main 4S22. $20O FOR 80OO SQ. FT. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Less than 200 ft. from car near Patten road. This Is a good building site for two nouses. tub lot is wortn sioou. x win give clear title to this piece of property zor sjou casn ana you assume improve ment assessment a This will make lot etand you about $1100. This is the best pickup in the city of Portland. Grab it before the city takes It. Address L. A. P 4o J-ierwy Didg., beattie. wasn. LOT BARGAINS. U PRICE. $350 50x110 each, S choice Rose City lots. I (ISO Rose Citv: 58th. near Alameda. $850 Beaumont: 40th, near Alameda; Improvements paid. $500 Tremont; cor. 62d and 57th ave. $050 Laurel hurst, near Sandy rd. : cor. $1350 Laurel hurst, near Park; imp. pd. $l0 irvington; L'd St.; imps. paia. CHAS. RINGLER & CO.. 225 Henry bldg. EAST FRONT CORNER LOT ROSE CITY PARK Only $750. Bonded assessment only $185. Southwest corner of 53d and Stan ton, J. L. Hartman Company. t cna ru ber of Commerce bldg.. 4Lh and Stark. Main 208. ROSE CITT LOTS. Beautiful paved corner 100x100 (S. E. rnmr nf V- St. and TUlamOOk). U'r.nHrfnl irrnva of trmn lOOO. Sublect to assts. Assts. are paid to date; $1000 cash. bal. 3 years. WM. MURPHY, 1314 SANDT BLVD. Call Tabor 499 or Tabor 5660. WILL sacrifice for a quick sale lots 3 and 4. block 2, Princeton far aaamon, h,mi moreland. close to the city, Princeton Park, well located, restricted district, at ISuu, terms to suit, UDprai casn uiaceuut. A. SCHWEIN FORTH, 671 4d St. Oakland, Cal. . GO AND LOOK. $590 ROSE CITY PARK LOT, 50x100. Kvervthinr in and paid, lot 3. block 14L on 49th st., between Siskiyou and Stanton, 3d lot south of Stsklyou, facing easU Cost $1300. yours for $090. De Forest, 320 Hen ry bldg. ATTENTION, LOT OWNERS. Let me show you how to sell your lot by erecting a ready-cut government house on it at small cost. Plans, blueprints and a sample bouse already erected. Don't delay. 609 SPALDING BLDG. RIVER front, fine trees, carline, pavement Into city. Bull Run water, gas eiectncuy and phones; building "sites $2000 to $4000, half cash and 6 per cent interest. See Mrs. Klein on property at south end of Rlverwood (Elk Rock station), or P. B. Van Nice, agent. 401 Concord bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. $700. Near 37th and Han code Improvements paid. J. L. KARXOPP & CO.. 319 Railway Exchange Bldg.. Main 675. HAWTHORNE LOT SNAP. . 50x100 one block from Hawthorne ave., facing east., St. Improved and paid; fine surroundings. Will sell for half price for quick cash -deal. Owner, 992 E, Madison. Phone Tabor 7S75. ARLINGTON HEIGHTS. $1000 TO $3750. The Heights of Beautiful Homes. J. L. KARNOPP & CO.. 317-319 Railway Exchange Bide. Main 675. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. Fine quarter block on Knott street, 100x100. Including street Improvements costing over $1000. Price only $2100. GODDARD St W1EDR1CK, 243 Stark St. HAVE moved to town. Two good fresh cows and calves, one jersey ana one uurnani, giving four to five gallons ?er day, must be sold at once. 234 Front street, foot of Main. FOR SALE by owner, extra large lots, all partly improved, wen iencea; gooa water; small house, east front on carline, at sta tion, school and stores; cheap; best terms. 44S Belmont. ADMINISTRATOR can sell lot 60x100, fin for modest home, K. J tin ana a ins wortn, near car. clear, for $340. Details on re quest. X 811. Oregonian. ROSE CITY PARK LOT E. 4.1st St. N., near Thompson; paved street, east front; one block from car; $800. Lueddemann Co.. 913 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Cheap, terms, lots 9-10, block 10. Fox Chase addition; lot 8, block 8. Cen ter addition. Inquire box 185, Oregon City. FINE lot located In choicest part of Irving ton on 22d st., facing east hard-surfaced streets in and paid. Will sacrifice for $1550. Phone East 7516 1 FOR SALE at a sacrifice, two choice resi dence lots on 77th st, only 1 block from Sandy blvd., no reasonable offer refused. P 224. Oregonian. IRVINGTON" BARGAIN Beautiful bunga low lot 17th, near Stanton, $1200.. clear. Neuhausen A Co. 50 by 100: Improvements in and paid; East 11th. near Prescott; bargain, $1150. 999 Belmont st. Tabor 1S35. LAURELHURST $125 or $200, for sale at a sacrifice; will accept auto as first pay ment . CORNER lot with bearing trees. 2 blocks from St Johns car. Address J. M Mll waukle. Or., box 477c, R. No. 2. FINE corner lot for sale or trade for 1918 1919 model Ford. 3703 60th at S. E., 37uh ave. LOT 50x100 on East Oak street, west of Union avenue. Cheap. Call at 304 Ger- ltnger bldg. HAVE lots tn Warren ton and money as first payment on modern bungalow, good location; owners only. Y 32S. Oregonian. NOTICE builders, sightly east front Irving ton lot $500 less than original cost AJ 616. Oregonian. IRVINGTON SNAP Beautiful lot block from car: fine home either side, $1150. NEUHAUSEN A CO.. Main 8078. IF YOU are interested In one of Laurelhurst choice lots at an extremely low figure, call Main 623; no agents. BEAUTIFUL Irvington lot 50x100 ft, on 26th st, 150 ft north of Thompson; price $1350. Owner, 690 Lcvejoy. LOT 50x100 near KUltngsworth. All clear. $500 takes It, or will trade. Main 6414. TWO corner lots one block from carline, on the Sandy boulevard. 200 Columbia st LOT for sale cheap, lot 5, blk. 8, Piedmont Heights and Jessup st WILL sacrifice one or two lots In Errol Heights. Call Main 828. ' FOR SALE 3 lots, N. B. corner of 31st and Alberta st. cheap. Hotel Carlton, room 409. LaLBERTA lot $50 cssh end $10 payments, wr iuji, wwurr. IRVINGTON lots. 18th and 19th sts. sa c r! rice. ,au owner. Jinin 'qt. NICE lot in Waverly. nice for home. Call East bZJ-. THREE fine lots 50x100 each. In Irvington pa rk. for $300 each: terms. Broadway 3747. 170x230 ON Hamilton ave.; fine city view; $1600: cash. 202 GerMnger bldg. WESTMORELAND district, $400; Improve ments in, x vregoniaa. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. BLOCKS CITY PARK. $2250 Comer lot, level, no extra ex pense for building, all improvements In and paid; only 2 blocks back of the park and 2 blocks east of the children's play grounds and tennis courts being developed elaborately by the city; unobstructed view of tha city and Mount Hood, beautiful homes all around it; cost non-resident over $5000. The best bargain on the west side; investigate, KASER Je RATNEY. S23-6 Gasco Bldg. Marshall 3123. "DEVIL DOG" LOT BARGAINS. Very choice lot in Laurelhurst bungalow district, $1200. Great big Irvington snap; $1100. Beautiful west side Nob Hill lot. $3200. And the biggest snap of all E- Tilla mook and 69th. $120. W. B. STRBETER A J. H. KEATING. 617 Board of Trade Bldg.. Main 163. EASTERN MAN OFFERS BIGGEST SNAP In Portland; about half an acre en East Halsey st, near 81st st-. for $$00; is platted into 8 lots; this is only $100 per lot; extends from Halsey to O.-W. R. & N.. giving trackage for factories. This price for only a few days while I can at- tena to it. a k. u re go man. WE have 2 dandv lots In Alameda nark, blocks west of Broadway car, for $S50, lncludlnr ail ajtsts. You would never be lieve it possible to buy lots like these for so little money. You would expect to pay $1300. Let us snow you. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark St.. near 3d. Main 3093, Main 3516. Sundays and evenings phone Tabor 872L IRVINGTON LOTS. OOxlOO on 16th between TlUamoolc 41 Thompson, $1060. COxlOO on 13th near Stanton, $1978. 60x100 on 24th between Thompson a - -B razee, $1500. 100x100 8. W. or 17th A Bresee, $4900. Price Includes all Improvementsi J. C. OORBLN OO 306-6-7-8 Lewis Bids;. CHOICE lots on Lombard sL, sacrinca. Own- r, xaoor zuzs. For Sale Beach Property. GET A BEACH HOME new at Seaside, Or. in neauuiui -Tjartwngnt tarav at re duced prices: $25 to $700: easy install ments. 6 per cent; soon to be connected by all-paved highway with eastern and southern Oregon, which, with proposed 2000-foot pier, will make "Cartwright Park one of the most attractive spots on Pacific coast. Whitmer-Kelly Co., 414 Jfittock block. SALT AIR, TILLAMOOK BEACH. Two choice lots, 60x100. at Saltair sta tion, Tillamook Beach; near depot and hotel; adjoins board walk, county road .nu raiiroaa; tacea racmc ocean; suit able for business or residence; value $500; will consider trfyie for auto, property or morcaanaise. a a areas nu zui, oregonian. GEARHART PROPERTY. $2000 WILL BUY. Apartment bouse of 4 furnished apart ments, with sleeping porch; has electric lights, bath; reasonable terma can be made. OTTO A HARKSON REALTY CO.. 413 Chamber of Commerce. NATURE'S IDEAL OCEAN RESORT. Roosevelt highway? Tillamook county, Nehalem coast; Classic Ridge beach. Hurrah! Grove or view; lots $50 and up; $5 a month or less. J. H. and L. H. Ed wards, owners, Oregon Conservatory of Music, 165 H 4th st. at Morrison. Port land. Or, U. 8. A. FOR SALE Sunset Beach lots cheap; lives in Idaho; inside lots $60, corners $75; will take liberty bonds at full value. Buy a lot. take your tent and spend your vacation at the beach. AC 635, Ore Ionian. BEACH AND MOUNTAIN CABINS. Something new, unique and comfort able; will accommodate four to eight peo ple. $150 to $400, complete. Let m show you plana Phone Tabor 7325. SEAVIEW, Wash 5-room furnished bouse. nrepiace, large pantry, o cioseis. i-il. eorch; 100x100 or 200; 2 blocks from each or station; will take auto as part payment Marshall 1550. SACRIFICE for $575 cash, 60x100, cheap 3- room plastered house, VHH ii. a4tn near Alameda Park ; 708 Market, Ta coma. $800 WILL buy neat cottage, furnished, well located, iuii ioc ii t eta ave,, oeasiae. Phone East 2409. GEARHART cottage, will take lot as part payment, ii-iizey. Jdain FOR SALE OR TRADE Nice Bay ocean lot. 141 6th St., Portland. Main 7215. Flat and A part ment Propert y. APARTMENT HOUSE OPPORTUNITY. Completely 'furnished; income $10,000 yearly: price $30,000 cash, $15,000 terms. 1219 Northwestern Bank Bldg. WEST SIDE apartments, corner, 5 minutes walk business section; $15, 000, 4tou nan dies. East side flats. Income $1500; price $!750; $H000 handles. Owner East 7722. WILL sell $7500 equity In $14,000 flat build ing for $6o00; good monthly Income; east side, close in ; good residence district. AK 433, Oregonian. $8500 Desirable corner, 3 stores, 3 fur nished flats; Income $125 mo.; lurniture included; fine proposition. Woodlawn 3219. TWO-FLAT building, west side, income $690 JoOOO. fhone East 2621. For Sale Houses. IRVINGTON And near Irvington bargains, 706 30th St. N., 7-room bungalow, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, toilet on each floor, full cement basement. Only $3500. 878 FREMONT, nr. 28th. 5-rm. bunalow, garage, basement, no attic. Only $3250. 829 DUNCKLEY ave., Alameda Park. 7 room bungalow, sleeping porch, finished in old ivory, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, garage. Price $4900. 2 NICE bungalows, modern In every re spect on 21st st- Irvington. $5250 and $6000. Another nice one at $6500 and one at $8500. A nice Colonial built house on 12th st. at $5250; modern in every respect, has a garage. A fine bur In a large house out on Broadway at $5500. Call at office. East 15th at Broadway. Monday or phone East 894. Not open to- aay. R. T. STREET. Irvington service for Irvington buyers. LAURELHURST $8500. 7 rooms and sleeping porch. Folks, you would never dream It possible to buy a home like this one for so little money. Cost over $10,000 when prices were low. Splendidly located on spacious grounds; an abundance of shrubbery ndds to the attractiveness of the home. The house is modem to the last detail. It will be a downright pleasure to show you. Yes, there Is a garage. A. G. TEEPE & CO., 264 Stark st, near 3d. Main 3092, Main 3516. Branch Office 50th and Sandy. (Open Sunday.) ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOWS. E. 63d St, near Sandy. . .$3500 $ 600 cash E. 6'Jth St., near Sisk.... 3500 1000 cash E. 57th St. near Stan... 4250 1000 cash E. 61st St, -near Sandy.. 5000 1500 cash E. 47th St., near Sandy.. 6000 2000 cash All strictly modern and nearly new. J. C. CORBIN CO., S05-6-7-8 Lewis Bldg. $3500 ROSE CITY PARK $3500. Modern 2-story, 6-room bungalow, fire place with large bookcases, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement furnace, laundry trays, lot 50x100, garage; terma Office open Sunday. WEIST A DOLLAR HIDE. 510 Lewis Bldg. Main 2667. "$1250! MT. SCOTT. $1250. Nice little 4 -room cottage, electric ilgiits. bath and toilet lot 50x100. 1 block off car Te-ms. Office open Sunday. WEIST A DOLLARHIDE. G10 Lewis bldg. Main 2667. WHEN you buy a home, plan to build it to suit yourself. We design, build and finance homes for less. "Own your own home." PORTLAND HOME -BUILDING ASSN. 506 Henry Bldg. Main 6199. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Beautiful homesites on all parts of Port lnnd Heights. A few great bargains. Every customer a reference. Marshall 4827. BROOKE. A 8839. KENTON BUNGALOW. Just completed 3-4 rooms, worth $1850. Sell for $1450, 245 Kilpatrlck st. 2H blocks west of Kenton bank. Owner on grounda 5- ROOM bungalow, hardwood floors In all rooms, fireplace, dutch kitchen, garage; easy terms. Call Sellwood 489 or Main 2949. DANDY 6-room home, $2800, and only block Woodstock car. Pay me $500 cash and move in. Go look. Nx 4205 46th ave. Owner, 1219 N. W. bank bldg.. Main 1643. 6- ROOM house and garage, just refinlshed, valuable lot E. Burnside and 20th; snap at $5500. Owner, Tabor 6673. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. WeH constructed, modern. 7-room house. 1 block to car. Marshall 1720. , LAURELHURST SACRIFICE. By owner. 7-room house In first-class condition. $5200. 1181 Royal Court. $23.50 COTTAGE. 5 rooms and bath, two more rooms in attic; garage, garden, ber ries, fruits, flowers; corner. Tabor 4107. 5-ROOM bungalow, 100x100 corner lot; $2200 cash. 311 76th st, Montavilla. or call Tabor 3632. ROSE CITY PARK Five-room bungalow: fireplace, furnace; very reasonable. East 2S3S. $2800 5-ROOM modern bungalow, Haw thorne district near car line; easy terma East 6329. FIVE-ROOM plastered house, bath, bae meut $50. 201 Wilcox bldg. East 1193. BEAL ESTATE. FOR SALE by owner. TeL Main 6&4 any morning at 9 A. M.: ' S. W. cor. 16th and Alder; 100x100, one story garage. 865 Overton; 100x100, 21 rooms and double garage. 38 Eugene; 25x100, 5 rooms. 890 Eugene; 25x100, 5 rooms. 600 Borthwlck; 50x100, 6 rooms. 68 Clinton; 50x100, 4 rooms. 620 E 10th and Clinton; 50x50, 4 rooms. 62S E. 19th St.; 60x50. 4 rooms. 804 N. 24th; 33 1-3x60. 7 rooms. 668 Qulmby; 33 1-3x100, 7 rooms. Two houses and four flats, cor. Michigan ave and Jessup at. All houses have bath, gas, electricity, etc. GRAND 7-ROOM HOUSE. A- WELLrCONSTRUCTED HOUSE A. HOMEY HOME. A REAL HOME A STAPLE! INVESTMENT. Close in on East Burnslde, close to car; paved streets, all paid ; not a cent to assume; a thoroughly modern home, with large rooms, 2 fireplaces, Al furnace, 60x100 lot; built for a home; substantial, complete. Look the city over you can not find such a remarkable value. Why loan your money at 7 per cent when you can purchase this home that will net you above 8 per cent with large per cent In crease in value. Price $5500. Can you match It? THE LAWRENCE CO, 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. A 2815. REAL IRVINGTON SACRIFICE. - $6000- A sudden unexpected move to Cal ifornia forces on the market an at tractive 2-story 6-room house with den or breakfast room and sleeping porch, located on E. 22 d st. in very choicest section of Irvington. Nice yard with ample room for garage. Easily worth $8000 on present mar ket. Possession at once. Shown by appointment only. Don't ask lor location. Tabor 407. IRVINOTON. New and modern. 12 spacious rooms, fin est selected mahogany and oak finish, hardwood floors throughout, three artis tic fireplaces, white tile bathrooms, three toilets, sun parlor, sleeping porch, full ce ment basement, large finished attic, rooms beautifully finished, latest sanitary plumb ing, stationery vacuum cleaner, house phone, large grounds beautified with rar est shrubs and flowers. This is absolutely one or me lines t Duiit ana most artistic residences In Portland. Inspection in vited by the most critical. Easy terms. uwner Atv Oregonian. HANDSOME IRVINGTON HOM"E for sale by owner: strictly modern 9 -room residence, stucco on metal laths; hardwood rioors, white enamel and mahogany wood work, plate-glass windows, tile bath with anower, two fireplaces. Bleeping porch, dressing room with triple mirrors, large closets with windows, fine room with bath on third floor, full cement basement, ex cellent furnace. Price reasonable. If you are looaing tor a good home, your inspec tion is invited. 63 East 24th st N. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME. $3500. Large 7-room modern dwelling, furnace, 2 toilets, large assorted fruit trees on paved street located at 781 Montgomery drive, 1 block from car. This house has no clneer-bread effects but is all house and well worth the money. $500 cash, balance easy; monthly payments, ireo w. uerman Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. Open evenings and Sunday. ROSE CITY PARK CORNER. Close in. $800 Cash $35 a Month. Attractive 6-room bungalow, in excellent condition, pretty orica entrance, nara wood floors, full cement basement fur nace, fireplace, two porches, French doors, buffet, bookcases: Drice S4000: cost over $5500. F. H. Deshon, 615 Chamber of Commerce bldg. READ HERE IS BIG BUY READ One 6-room cottage, one 7-room bouse on 50x100 lot paved street all paid, near 16th. on East Madison street now renting' for $50 per month; income over 13 per cent; only $4200; $700 cash. Don't miss this. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. A 2S15. COLONIAL HEIGHTS. E. 22d. cor. Market: 7 rooms with 8 bed rooms and sewing-room on 2d floor, all modern Improvements, hardwood floors, white enamel finish ; fine location with good surroundings ; quick possession can be arranRed. Price SSOOO. GODDARD A WIEDRfCK. 243 Stark St HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. For sale by owner, well-built bungalow with attic and basement; would have to see to appreciate; corner lot 100x75; fruit trees and berries, lots of roses, price reas onable and terms by owner. 250 E. 60th st., cor. E. Madison. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Just Like New. 8 rooms, close to car, easy walking dis tance, beautiruiiy finished in ivory enamel and gray paper; large living room, fire place, hardwood floors, bookcases, lovely outiooK, nice view porcn; jouu, terms. F. H. Deshon, 615 Cham, of Com. bldg. LAURELHURST. On Royal Ct, I1,! -story, 7-rm. bungalow, S bedrooms, Dutch kitchen, mahogany and white Ivory finish, paper in all rooms blends well with finish; unusually large supply of closets and wardrobes. Price S5M00. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. WESTMORELAND BUNGALOW, $2750. Nifty, well-built 5-room modern bunga. low, hardwood floors, good fireylace. lo cated at 1249 E. 22d st; $500 cash. Photo at office of r red W. berraan Co., iJ2 Chamber of Commerce. Open evenings and Sundays. COUNTRY home In city limits with trout stream in back yard ; 4 lots and 6-room house, lights, basement shrubbery, flow ers, etc.; near a city park and carline; $2750, 1-3 cash, balance terms. Immediate possession. Sell. 161 during office hours. Sell. 2958 evenings. BEAUTIFUL HOME. 3124 Franklin St.. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS $7000. Strictly modern, 7 rooms and sleeping porch, garage; lot 75x100; owner In Cali fornia; possession July 15. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St 7-ROOM, 2-story frame residence, furnished; ground space 60x72; garage space 22x22; a choice view; close in. on Portland Hts. foothills; cash $1000, balance easy; upper 50x72 same terms. Owner, 455 13th St., corner Jackson. LAURELHURST. In the center of the best district we have a 9-rm. residence; 5 bedrooms on 2d floor, 2 baths, all hardwood floors, garage, cor. lot opposite park; price $11,000. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St YOUR OPPORTUNITY. WALNUT PARK offers EXCEPTIONAL opportunity to own a NEW HOME TO COST NO MORE. Many are building now; why not you ? Don't fail to investigate TODAY. Phone NOW, Woodlawn 3304. MODERN Hawthorne bungalow, $4500; 8 rooms, furnace, fireplace, buffet book cases, Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment, all Improvements in and paid for, corner lot, on car line. By owner, phone Tabor 4873. LAURELHURST. 6-rm. stucco bungalow on 100x100 cor ner; street improvements all paid and cost $3000; we will sell with everything clear for $S00O. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St 7-ROOM house, bath and toilet 3 acres of ground, good barn, fruit situated on Lin coln St., in Woodburn, Or. Write L. M. Evans, Woodburn, or J. L. Green, Grants Pass, Or., or phone East 440L FOR SALE BY OWNER. 5-room modern house, lot 100x100, re stricted district; 1 block to car and 3 to school; price $3550. Woodlawn 3663. INVESTIGATE. Extraordinary opportunity for your home in Walnut arK. (au toaay. woodlawn 3304. CALL TODAY. Your opportunity to own a home of your own in w aiuui x-ua. i&u luuay. wood lawn 3304. NEAT 6-room house, furnace, electric lights and gas, lot 40x106, close to Crest on school, $1900. Terms. S531 49th st S. E. Tabor 8654. Ask for Lunqcist MT. TABOR, WEST SLOPE. $5150. Beautiful, substantial, modern home, 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch, paved street ga rage, fruit Owner Tabor 6824. NEW, modern, b-room bungalow, plastered and wnue fw'usi -a-iperta ais- trict; $2600, terms. 1050 34th st N. E. BEAUTIFUL Laurelhurst home. 6 rooms and sleeping porch; hardwood floors; all built in features; fine fruit trees. East 2056. IRVINGTON HOME. DEL AH UN T. EAST 1347. 6-ROOM cottage. Alberta district ready to moveiinto. at in umuu ave. Aorta, P h one owner. Tabor 2977. PLASTERED 6-room house; also 5-room bungalow, for sale. 1305 Patton ave. 1203 Gay st Woodlawn 6096. FOR SALE By owner, 6-room bungalow, bath, gas, electricity ; full basement ; lot 50x100. Phone Sellwood 530. 6-ROOM bungalow, 60x100 lot clear perfect title; $2000 cash. 87 Texas st, Southern Portland, owner P. D. Staub. "PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME $16,000. This home is perfect fine grounds and lew. East 419. IRVINGTON HOUSES. For the best call East 419. 6-ROOM house for phone Tabor 6916. sale. 1176 E. Main, FOR SALE Small house, terms, part cash, Wdln. 2433. . REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. $5000 BEAUTIFUL HOME $5000 IN $5000 BEAUTIFUL BEAUMONT $5000. TWO-STORY HOUSE IN SPLENDID CONDITION, IVORY INTERIOR FINISH, HARDWOOD FLOORS, HOT WATER HEAT. LARGE LIVING ROOM, DINING ROOM. KITCHEN, PANTRY, 3 LARGE BEDROOMS. DOUBLE GARAGE, LAND SCAPED GROUNDS WITH EXPENSIVE SHRUBBERY AND FLOWERS. DRIVE UP AND SEE IT, ADDRESS 692 E. 44TH ST. N TELEPHONE TABOR 3782. LATJRELHURST. East Flanders Beautiful 7 -room house; has living room with built-in bookcases, artistic ornamental fireplace, dining room with built-in buffet, elegantly appointed kitchen, fin roomy basement, wash trays. economical furnace. 3 attractive Dea rooms, one with fireplace, usual closets. UDstairs finished In white enamel, all wall! artistically tinted, hardwood floors up and aownstairs. new linoleum on kitchen noor. commodious garage with cement noor in side; 50x100 lot, nice lawn: price foovv. FRED W. NEWELL. OREGON INVESTMENT & MORTGAGE CO. 220-21-22 C'WM" c" OMMKRCE. MARSHALL 205. FOR SALH BUNGALOW. $-room house, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, liv ing room, dining room and kitchen, full cement basement, fireplace and built-in bookcases either side of fireplace. Lot 60x100 feet. East 33d and Gladstone ave. For sale by owner. Price $2500. Ail im provements paid. yOR 8ALB TTOTTJni. T-room house, 4 bedrooms, bath, living room, dining room and kitchen, full ce ment basement. Lot 62x100 feet. 1496 Rodney ave. For sale by owner. Inquire 400 Oregonian bldg., between 1 and 6 P. Jd. price tjjou, an improvements paia. RARB LAURETLHURST BARGAIN. WITH GARAGE $5500. Owner moved to country, forces sale at sacrifice of an attractive m story -room homo in excellent condi tion, best section of Laurelhurst 1 block from car in Park section; mas sive fireplace, hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen, breakfast room or den, toilet on first floor, 3 bedrooms and bath on second floor, attic, full cement basement good furnace and fine garage; a mighty (rood buy; terma. Tabor 4,07. REAL BARGAIN. Beautiful 6-room house on 100x100, strictly modern, with an enclosed sleep ing porch, house screened ail around, fine electric fixtures, shades all over house, linoleum kitchen and bath room, full base ment ruei in for next winter; garage, chicken house with 20 laying hens; over iuu rose ousnes, iruit trees, rine lawn and flowers; 50x100, and garden, all for $.1,100; about $800 cash, balance like rent; deal directly with owner. 290 E. 78th st jsorth. Tabor 5844 every evening after all day Sunday. IRVTNGTOX. VERY SPECIAL. 6-room bungalow with good con crete garage, double lot 3 bedrooms all finished In white ; hardwood floors, fireplace and furnace; best of shrubbery, strictly modern In every respect. Owner will sell for $5500. part cash. For special appointment call L AL Lawrence, Main US GO. CLOSE TO ST. JOHNS CAR. Large living, cheerful dining, bullt-lns, Dutch kitchen down, 8 bedrooms and sleeping porch, bath and toilet up; cement basement fine hot-air furnace, 50x100 lot. on Villard street 2 blocks from Greely street and car; like new and nice homes adjoining; a real homey home and a splen oma buy, $.i-iu; $iouo cash. THE LAWRENCE CO., 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915, A 2818. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. WONDERFUL BARGAIN. $2850. S rooms, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, cement basement laundry trays, nice lawn, shade trees; 1 block north of Sandy; $750 cash, balance $25 per month inc. in terest at oo. iou win nave to nurry. WM. MURPHY, 1314 SANDY BLVD. Call Tabor 499 or Tabor 5660. EXCELLENT RIVER VIEW. Five-room modern house, all conven iences, one-quarter acre, lo kinds of fruit, roses and other flowers; accessible to per fect bathing beach; garden, planted, good son. snacious Dorcnes. on rocK road best electric service out of Portland; $2450 $250 cash, balance easy terms. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. ; open evenings ana eunaays. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT, WONDERFUL BARGAIN. Only $2500 $1000 Less Than Cost $400 Cash. Nice, well-built 6-room bungalow. 2 blocks to car, fuil cement basement lire- place, large attic, built-in conveniences; garage; gooa neignoornooa. r . n. uestion, 615 Chamber of Commerce bldg. GREAT BARGAIN Modern 10-room house. lot fioxiuu. iaces two improvea streets, close in: fine lawn, garden, berries and fruit; just the thing for boarding and rooming house or large family; built and occupied by owner; decrease in family, reason for selling; Price $4500. Call al owner's office, 4 2d st, during business hours. ROSE CITY PARK $500 cash; a beauty; o line rooms, large attic, well ltgntea. fireplace, narawooa rioors, uutcn kitchen, full cement baaement. laundry trays. Pos itively a most splendid bungalow in every sense and in line district. Uo south on 62d to Broadway. No. 1441, corner 63d paved street, paid. Price only $3450, $20 montn, Vj per cent, xaoor 004 lorenoons, THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into Income ? We design and build apartments, garages. residences, anything; furnish plans and finance. Established ten years. We offer SECURITY. SERVICE, SATISFACTION L. R. Bailey Co., Inc., contracting archi tects, 924 N. W. Bank bldg. HURRY if you want this 6-room bungalow: hardwood floors, Duiit-in effects, fireplace and furnace, with double garage 18x20 at 907 Tillamook St. Phone East 7655; price inciuaing electric range terms cash. Sightseers not wanted if you don't mean business. Please don't answer un less you mean business. IRVINGTON. E. 24th near Knott; a 9-rm. residence, mahogany and white enamel finish. 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, tile shower bath, large bedroom and bath on 3d floor; price $11, 500. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. MODERN bungalow, 7 rooms, sleeping porch. Kitcnen, nrepiace, ouiit-in buffet, china closet and bookcases, large cement basement, wash trays, furnace, garage, fine lawn, choice roses and fruit trees, lot 60x90. Phone C 2067, or call 1065 Hancock st MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE, FIREPLACE, BUILT-IN UUKKKT AND BOOKCASES. GARAGE; CORNER, CLOSE IN ON EAST SIDE; BEST CAK LINE IN CITV; $4250. TERMS. PHONE EAST 3069. MURRAY MEAD, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Near E. 24th. 7-rm. residence, hardwood floors and other modern appointments; now vacant; can have immediate posses sion. Price $5000. GODDARD & WIEDRICK.' 243 Stark St WANT Portland Heights, Willamette Hts. or Nob Hill bungalow preferred. Buyer waiting. J. A. WICKMAN CO. 204 Ry. Exchange Bldg. Main 1094. HAWTHORE BUNGALOW 5-room, mod ern; fireplace, built-in effects, full cement basement, attic; East 44th, near Haw thorne. Phone Bert Morden, Main 7070, composing room. " ALBERTA DISTRICT. On E. 28th. 7 rooms, with 3 bedrooms, yk block from carline. Price $2900; $500 cash will handle. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. GOING to build or repair? Get my ideas and estimates. B. T. Allyn, 243 Stark st. Office hours 3 to 5 P. M. Phone Main 831. p, es. phone Tabor 194. 7-ROOM strictly modern house, acre, at Stanley station. Estacada line. $3000, 1-3 cash. Come out or phone Miller, Sell wood l"lj IRVINGTON Corner lot 7 rooms, old ivory finish, exceptional bargain, $4750. East 8015. COZY cottage, nicely furnished; price $1400, terma 1800 Siskiyou st, near 70th. R. C car. ' BEAUTIFULLY located, close-in cottage; terms. $2150. East 1040. 647 E. 7th N. Owner. 5-ROOM house, full line plumbing, gas and electricity, full basement; lot 50x100; price $2100. AP 242. Oregonian. $3300 R. C. Park 5-room modern bungalow; furnace, fireplace, built-ins, full cement floor, attic. 4U2 E. 53d N. WELL-BUILT, 6 rooms. 152 East 28th. Must be sold. Would consider well-located lot as part payment IRVINGTON HOMES OUR SPECIALTY" NEUHAUSEN ft CO., Main 8073. East 894. NEW lovely 7-room home. 20 mln. St Johns car; sacrifice $2800. East 8015, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. TRVTNGTON. znegant T-room bungalow, 15th st. IC-, noar Knott st; lot 75x100; fine lawn, cement drive and walkways. First floor Living anfi dlninr-rooma, Slate glass windows and doors, nrepiace, ullt-in bookcase, hardwood floors, fine buffet 2 bedrooms: also modern bat. Kitchen M any closets and pan trie, fin ished la white; electric cooker goes with place. Second floor 3 bedrooms, modern bath. Sleeping porch ; garage (now), cement porch across front of house; very reasoa able price and good terma S. 12th wL W near Otaatoa at, $3 room house, bedrooms 2d floor, t bexLroozri) 3d floor, unusual bedroom, llvtns;. dining rooms, built-in buffet, also other conven iences, finished in mahogany, plate glsaa windows, French glass doors, opening la living -room: also white enamel ansa par lore, double garage, full basoment fur nace, etc.; second floor finished In whits. '"ce owv; mix, ."JW at T par 4 BArJT 8TDH 41st at. S. 3C. near Francis ava. eoems 2 bedrooms downstairs, 8 large rooms) l stalrs; living, dining rooms, kitchen, full bsLsement fireplace, bath and toilet, double floors, gas, electric; lot 80x100; all kinds fruit trees and berries; paved street con structing; city water, 2 blocks from Wood- n car. .trice UUU, casa SIOOQ. 1 Ner 12th and Kfeett stav -PstiA aoton- ta house. 8 rooms, bedrooms) and trpetairs hall firrfshed In white. Hkewlae kitchen, living-room, dtmlng-room with beamod celling:, also panel work; reception hall, sun parlor, hardwood floors, two fire places, bath and toilet; extra toDet la basement furnace, aiso Royal hot water heater; lot COxlOa Price $T&0O; terms Ledd AdtttonKlegaiit Tl nwn hewss. plate r)s windows, 4 bedroom soon4 floor, with bath and toilet; also slenplug porch; S bedrooms third floor with bath amd toilet; H vine-room, reception hall, ves tibuled dlntnx-room with beamed eeUlnst telephone room, butler's pantry, refrlrer ator room, den with panels; full basement; furnace; vary modern house. Price $70Uw terms. Vaeoo, near East 4n street 4far 300; 7-room house, hall, llvtegroom, fire place, dining-room, bay window, sewlnjr room, pass pantry, kitchen, finished. In w-hite. toilet downstairs. 3 bedrooms, bath, large sleep leg porch. Price $4650, MTJRRAYMT5AD District Bast Bhm near East 24th street 8-room house. 4 large bedrooms, sleeping porch. Uvlns room 16x30, fireplace, dining-room, oov ceiling, cabinet kitchen, elec range, kitch en and bath finished in French gray, bed rooms, living and dining-rooms in Ivory white, full basement wash trays. LISTEN! ! ! Very fine furnace, unusual, use 5-foot slabs flrlnr once in 24 hour a used 6 cords last season at $7 per cord, entire cost $42; lot 49x118; garage, cemeu runways. Price $7500; cash 92500; WEST STTB. 60x100 lot and modern lO-roora house; house now leased for one year at $60 per imotnth; location near St. Helens road and ihurmsn street This Is a nice, dean prop erty, xrice iouv; eouu fr-room modern house, en Harrison at near Portland's academy; 4 bedrooms, maid's room, up-to-date bath and toilet sleeping porch, reception hall. living--room. dining-room, dei, fireplace, hardwood floors, pantry, kitchen, full basement fur nace, stone bulkhead; lot 60xlO; hnrd surfaced street; fine view. Price $8500; terms. Nearly one acre and 4-room bcrnjratow. East 6 2d and O.-W. R. ft N. Co. right of way; price $3200; cash $700. balance mort gage at 6 per cent payable at $25 a month. 4-room bungalow, 50x100 lot, and East Burnslde streets: located In Monta villa district Price $2O00; half cash, bal ance mortgage at 7 per cent 7-room brick house, some frame. very nice proposition; lot 60x100; In Lents dis trict Price $2250; cash $1000. 1176 Arbina eve, block north from Killings worth, faces west; 8 rooms, living room, parlor, d1nfng-room, kitchen, 4 bed rooms, bath, full basement, 60x100 lot Price $3250, FRFD W. NE WJ57JL. OREGON INVESTMENT A MT0. CO, 220-221-222 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 305. $3250 PRIZE-WINNING BUNGALOW $3250. Here Is one of the most attractive, ar tistic, distinctive bungalows in the en tire Hawthorne district; solid concrete porch, painted beautiful light green with ivy trimmings, attractive tan awnings, living room with art brick fireplace, lead ed glass bookcases, paneled dining room with plate rail and massive leaded glass buffet, hfrdwood flours, white enamel Dutch kitchen with every built-in con venience, 2 bedrooms, full beveled glass mirror, white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas, screens and shades for each window; house has been completely painted inside and out, very attractive gray ; tapentry paper. This bungalow is a prize-winner; just south of Hawthorne car. Can arrange terms. SEE FRANK L. McOl'IHB TO BUY YOUR HOME. Ablngton Building. Main 5156. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. ROSE CITY PARK BELOW THE HILL Only $3650 and clear of atl encum brance. 6 rooms and large attic (large enough for 2 more rooms.) This is truly a good buy, but it takes not less than half cash. Yes. it Is on a paved street and it is now rented, so make an ap pointment to see It. J. L. Hartman Company. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4th and Stark. Main 208. FURNISHED COTTAGE OR BUNGALOW, including furniture, for sale; location Hawthorne district, near East 44th and Madison street; 6 rooms, bath, etc, paved street, several prolific fruit trees, large strawberry patch with fine crop, lot 6ox loo, nice lawn, premises very neat and clean; price $2500. FRED W. NEWELL, Oregon Investment & Mortgage Co, 220-221-222 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 205. UNPARALLELED ALBERTA SNAP. EASY TERMS. Just think or a 6-room modern very substantial home with pleasing lines In a bungalow type, comparatively new home; larse porch extending across entire front of house; reception hall, living room, din ing room, kitchen, good cement basement 3 bedrooms, white enamel plumbing, elec tric lights and gas. Emerson St., near 24th. This house cannot last See It to day, sep: FRANK L. McGUTRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Ablngton Building. Main 5101, Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. MODERN 7-room, 2-story dwelling, full basement witn iurnace, large living room with fireplace, also fireplace in upper hall; laundry room with trays, large gar den space; beautifully situated in Han croft Heights, South Portland, near Ter williger boulevard; price and terms rea sonable. AB 443. Oregonian ROSE CITY PARK. 6-room bungalow; hardwood floors, fire place, built-in buffet, cabinet kitchen, good furnace; 1 block to Rose City car. on 61 ft st corner lot; price $3800, $300 cash, $30 nr month and interest Gibson, 268 Stark. Marshall 12. IRVINGTON. On E. 12th. with unusually good sur roundings; 2-story 7-rm. house, hardwood, floors up and downstairs; all modern con veniences: price $R300. GO D D ARP & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark Bt. BUNGALOW, 3 large rooms, bath and toilet fireplace, DOOKtiiBCS, m - uaiueiru Dutch kitchen, every convenience, large lawn, choice roses, fruit trees, berries, gar den space, chicken house, equity on $1500. 6410 5Sth st W & S car. cT-v-nrtnM fauntralow. hardwood floors, full cement basement. hot-water heat all built-ins including Ice box. lot 60x100. 1557 Omaha ave., between Kenton and St Johns car lines. $4000, terma. 4-ROOM house, full lot, well fenced, new chicken house and yard ; water, garden In- $1500, cash or terms; leaving next week. Call Sunday or Monday, 7013 85th st. S. E. COMPLETELY furnished. modem, new bungalow, a beauty, $3150 and 4-room - unfurnished ditto $2450. easy terms. Bee owner, 1004 S. Leonard, near Buchanan 1 block N. of St Johns car line. 4-ROOM modern bungalow 11350. 3 iota, 1785 North st, Sellwood Gardens.