The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 15, 1919, SECTION TWO, Page 18, Image 42

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123. OREGON IAN. .
Married man. a?ed 35. seeks engage
ment aa working ranch manager of busi
ness man's property whore his attention
cannot tm ctveu for the welfare of same,
experience is varied in general farming,
stock raising, including poultry; a good
handler of labor and a ranch developer, can
adapt se!f to any condition, especially
wheie spirit of co-operation Is pood,
WILSON. P. O. BOX 2007. .
LUMBERMAN, long: experienced, wants po
sition ab buyer for wholesale lumber con
cern, or as sales-manager or assistant: is
competent, thoroughly reliable and can
supply references showing- ability and in
tegrity. AV 113, Oregonian,
FACTORY, electro-c-heraical or electric fur
nace works, foreman wants position with
growing firm. Technical education, suc
cessful experience, executive ability, young,
good health, married; references from
present and past employers. Address
Horace &. Little. 3 212 5th ave. North.
Great Falls. Montana.
YOUNG man, 33, well educated, experienced
in newspaper advertising and ad-agency
work, copy writing and art depts; also
sales experience in other lines, wishes po
sition in advertising depu or agency. Have
been out of this work for some time so
will start at $25 weekly. J S3, Oregonian,
BY MARRIED man, no children, position as
tie loreman with some logging or other
railroad; capable to take full charge of
new construction, as well as maintenance
of old track. References. Y 362, Ore
gonian. POSITION by young married man. 2 years'
hardware experience. 4 years bicycle and
auto accessories; retail and wholesale
from the stockroom to the road; other
varied experience: excellent recommenda
tions. A? 267, Oregonian.
aTi CARPENTER,' conscientious in every
way, wants to help you build or remodel
your house or garage: both carpentering
and concrete work ; reasonable; just your
address or phone and convenient time; I
will call. AL 365. Oregonian.
YOUNG married man, recently discharged
from army, wishes a steady position in
garage, has had some experience in gas
engines and tracktors; willing to start
with small wages; can furnish ref. Mar.
MARRIED man wants work in city; good
gardener, or will take any kind of work;
handy with tools; understands care of
PacKard, Buick or electric cars. K 366,
Qrego n i an.
A FARM manager desires position; pure
bred hogs, pay big. 25 to 50 per cent; also
poultry; I know the business, want small
salary and share of profits. Address AO
3 -;.". Oregonian.
YOUNG MAN who is working during day
desires evening work such as tending
lawns, gardening, janitor work, etc. He
is willing to work Sundays. Steady work
preterred. Inquire phone East 6&27.
"WANTED Position as stationary engineer,
also boilermaker and machinist; years' ex
perience; best references. Would consider
laundry job at $45 per week. Apply AV
1-o. Oregonian.
luLiNu MAN of good appearance; well edu
cated : excellent penman; recently mar
ried and wishes clerical wora with pros
pects of future advancement. What have
jou to offer ? BC 14D, Oregonian,
bTOCKROOM. by young married man; ex
perienced in machinery, hardware, auto
accessories and household furnishings of
all kinds. Best references, local and out
of town. BP 330, Oregonian.
LANDSCAPE gardener wishes a few more
places to look after; do new work and
take care of lawn and flowers. Call Tabor
WANT few hours extra work evenings, after
7 o'clock doing janitor work during the
day; state all particulars, wages, etc. AP
265, Oregonian.
MAN and wife camp cooks, 16 years' ex
perience, economical; will take two chil
dren with us, like large or small camp.
AM 36y. Oregonian.
"WANTED A place in auto repair shop; 2
years' steam and air pump experience,
want to learn auto repairing. S 020, Ore
gon! an.
JEWISH young man having a thorough ex
perience in the shoe business desires to
locat-3 in a country store, where there is
a. good opportunity. AL 3o0. Oregonian
"WANTED Small camp job by man and
wife ; both first-class people, can deliver
the goods: sawmill or logging camp. AM
ooO. Oregonian.
FI RST-CLASS auto mechanic, over 15 yrs.
experience, as all-round repair man on ig
nition, starters. carburetor and inotof
work. AK 305, Oregonian.
"WANTED By experienced carpenter, finish
ing, remodeling or general carpenter work.
C. H. ilunu. 755 East Main st. Phone
East 1 720.
YOUNG man. age 31. 10 years' salf-s ex
perience, desires position with reliable
firm covering Alaska territory; at present
employed. BC 134, Oregonian.
ilARKlRED man wants year-around job on
ranch ; 2."t years experience; can take full
charge ; must have separate house. Hood
River. Box "
YOUNG man, IS, strong and intelligent,
wants position in garage to learn auto
repair. J S43. Oregonian.
SALESMAN desires position with firm where
ability counts; prefer city work. V 370.
YOUNG man 25j, energetic and ambitious,
seeks posit ion as talesman in a store;
best of references. K 371. Oregonian.
YOUNG man desires garage work or work
with an automobile firm. Have had three
years driving experience. Phone E. 953.
EXPERIENCED office man with consider
able capital seeks connection with estab
lished business. P. O. Box 1047.
TOlNG man has several hours during day
for other employment ; honest and ener
getic. AR .'41. Oregonian.
SITUATION middle-aged man, as watch
man, best of references. Can fire boiler.
Phone Marshall 301. H. Westhoff.
Do you need an expt-rif-nfed and reliable
abstractor? I 274, Oregonian.
BY ex -merchant, traveling man or running
store or dept.; good advertiser and busi
ngs n setter. O 657. Oregon i an.
MECHANICAL engineer wants to locate
permanently. What have you ? Phone B
0161. ak for 351- AF 42, Oregonian.
MAN and wife with 4-yea r-o'd boy want
to work on farm. Addre 495 Flanders,
Broadway 1007.
HEAT boy, age 14, best of references, wants
work in oiiice, garage or store. BC 145,
YOUNG man. 25, desires position with chance
for advancement; have had selling and of
fice experience. L 2oS, Oregonian.
HOUSE painter wants work; inside only; no
hi eh ladder or swinging scaffold. Tabor
EXPERIENCED shoemaker and first-class
repairer wants position. AiN orego
nian '
3JAN and wife, experienced, want man
agement hotel, cafeteria, resort or club
house. J S36, Oregonian.
NIGHT watchman wishes permanent po
sit ton. city or country ; some experience,
A P 253, Oregonian.
MARRIED MAN, competent bookkeeper, ex
perienced, to wait on trftie; references
Tabor 27S9.
JAPANESE wishes position, any kind of
work, city or out of city. AN 269. Orego
nian. ELDERLY man as hnuse-to-house solicitor,
watchman or any light work. AP 270. Ore
gonian. GARDENER in need of work will work for
1 a day and board. Has references. Ad
dress AK 352, Oregonian.
POSITION as ice cream brick cutter or Ire
cream helper; hard work, lets of experi
ence. AL GO'. Oregonian.
WANTED To learn vulcanising, experience,
pot money, wanted; married and 2S years
old. J. A. M.. 4M Wsco !.
ADVERTISING distributor want some job
by day or contract. BF 5.S, Oregonian,
A POULTRYMAN and gardener desires po
sition. Address Y 30, Oregonian.
POSITION wanted by young man where
there Is a future. AM 3 Oregonian.
ka'soinining, neat work. Call
EXPERIENCED chef cook wants work In oi
out of city. CaU E. 600. 322 Williams ave.
CARPENTER jobbing and repairing; all
Kinds: No. 1 workman. Last 5;;;G.
1 WILL drive your machine on highway
trips, etc. N titi4. OreRonian.
SPECIALIST, upright drlilmau. Phone Main
1 IAV, Call for room 1 2.
SH1NGLERS When ou want shingling done
call Woodlawn .v(m.
LAWN work nnd garden work, all kinds.
Phone UaFt 7972.
ADVR'lUilN'Cr distributor, want some job
cy aay ov contract. i urton.
I have made rood for thirteen years
as salts manager and branch manager
for one large eastern manufacturer. Hav
ing moved to coast end resigned my po
sition, I would consider connection that
would utilize about half mjr time. Am
40, enjoy excellent health, and can fur
nish best local and eastern reference,
AM 360. Oregonian.
MAN and wife, no children, will go any
where if both can work; man experienced
construction foreman ; can handle pow
der, drilling and drilling machines, but
will do anything; wife good cook or do
any kind of work in kitchen or diner. Call
or wTite. O. W. G-, 340 2d St.. apartment
5. Portland.?
SITUATION wanted by practical baker as
foreman. Years of experience, all late
methods bread making. Wm. Page, -04
Fast Pine. Phone East 681 2.
EXPERIENCED truck driver who knows
city wants position driving truck or de
livery. Phone Wood lawn 15S5.
Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Office.
and accountant with several years experi
ence In corporation accounting, familiar
with P. S. C, 1. C. C. and income tax re
ports, desires position with corporation
where industry and ability will lead to
advancement. AV 111, Oregonian.
LARGE corporation, reducing staff, account
cancellation government orders, desires se
cure position for young married man, ex
pert stenographer, all-around office expe
rience, including dictaphone; good at fig
ures. B O 656, Oregonian.
HAVE had 1 8 years experience as book
keeper and office manager, fa mil law with
loose leaf and voucher systems. Can as
sume full charge of an office; references
furnished. BC 12S, Oregonian.
ACCOUNTANT, can take care of several
rnort small sets of books during business
hours ; ef t iciency assured. W 258, Orn-
YOUNG man stenographer, timekeeper, as
sistant bookkeeper wishes position. 267
E. Knott st., apt. 11.
YOUNG man. 22. good typist, desires po
sition assisting bookkeeper; best references,
AO 340. Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER and accountant can take on
extra work up to half a day; terms rea
sonable. P. O. box 1117.
ACCOUNTANT and office manager of expe
rience wishes to connect up with a good
firm; references. AN 256. Oregonian.
COMPETENT, trustworthy bookkeeper, ex
perienced iln wholesale and retail trade;
references. BC 154. Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER -or other clerical capacity),
competent, extensive experience, good pen
man. K 354. Oregonian.
EX -SERVICE, honest young married man,
not afraid of work, wants position as book
keeper or typist. S 633. Oregonian.
Soldiers and Sailors.
STEADY, reliable man wants to care for
country or suburban place; is good gar
dener and poultry man ; can milk and
make butter. Address AL 355. Oregonian.
EX-SERVICE Position as chauffeur or
truck driver ; shop experience. BC 161,
Or-egonian. .
CAN you use a truck driver (army experi
ence), stock keeper, window trimmer ot
salesman? Write AK 367, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED chauffeur wishes driving,
private family; good mechanic. AN 257,
DISCHARGED soldier wants position to
learn auto repairing, understands driving.
Phone Woodlawn Gt53.
WANTED Position as mill supL or fore
man, all round mill mechanic and A-l
lumberman. AL 360, Oregonian.
GOOD all-around cook wants situation In
hotel, restaurant or camp. Telephone
Broadway 2675, R 42.
WANTED by -experienced stenographer
Work evenings after 6 o'clock, Saturdays
ami Sundays alter 2:3U r. .; extensive
experience in publishing, commercial,
medical, psychiatrical and commission
house work; reasonable. AG 252, Ore
gonian. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, young
lady, five years' experience, wishes per
manent position; have naa cnarge oi or-
fice and can furnish best of references;
kindly state what salary may be ex
pected. BC 164, Oregonian.
CAPABLE middle-aged woman desires po
sition in hotel, rooming house or apts.,
h. k., assist or care of linen; thoroughly
experienced; reference. Bdwy. 267. EC
13s, Oregonian.
as companion to semi -invalid, willing to
give some care, by refined, cheerful, unin
cumbered lady ; willing to leave city. D
319, oregonian.
REFINED lady wishes to be companion
refined home, good seamstress, willing to
assist, prefer out-of-town. Address 1) lo,
HOUSEKEEPER'S position desired by mid
die-aged woman with elderly couple of
gentleman aesiring renaoie neip; reier
ence. BF Oregonian.
LADY would like position as house and auto
maid, w!rn wealthy aged couple preferred,
who would appreciate her care. AL 361,
YOUNG lady of good education would like
position as collector for business firm or
any form of outdoor work. AM 3C4. Ore
gonian. POSITION bv woman, age 35, strong, sav
ing, reliable : washing dishes, restaurant
or delicatessen; give details. V 372 Ore
gonian. EX P E RI ENCE D lady go out to w ork. 8
hours dav, washing and ironing: no sweep
Ing. Call after 5 P. M. Tabor 5&gQ.
A PROFESSIONAL cook wants parties,
luncheons and dinners to serve; rates -reasonable.
Call East 003 S.
housework for two
woman days. 380 E.
healthy, kind, do
and care for sick
1st st.
POSITION wanted by high school gradu
ate. Will consider anything that pays
well. Sell. 2041.
HIGH school girl wants to assist In house
work; hae experience; age 15. AH 270,
POSITION wanted, girl, high school grad
uate, can handle Spanish correspondence,
AG 274. Oregonian.
COLLEGE student wants work during sum
mer months; experienced s cashier and
cutlery clerk. P 158. Oregonian.
HIGH school girl wishes plane to take care
of babe; would go to beach. AK 369,
REFINED lady must have money: wants
pomo kind of work after 6 evenings. AP
212, Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED lady wants plain cooking
or laundry work; country preferred. BD
327. Oregonian.
GIRL 13 years old wants place to do light
work, board and small wages: fond of
babies. Call S50 Sandy blvd.. Rose City car.
LADY with experience wishes situation in
grocery or as cashier. Phone Woodlawn
4.36. Ask for Mrs. Harrison.
W ANTED A place to take care of children
evenings while mother is away; references.
Woodlawn 1611.
GIRL with good knowledge of sewing wants
position as dressmaker's helper. Phone
East 7694.
INEXPERIENCED girl. 19 years old. wishes
position in physician s oxtice. V 359, Ore
gonian. RELIABLE woman wishes day work. Main
GIRL wants position, clerk in grocery
book stor-. Phone East 7694.
COLORED woman would like cooking or any
other fforK, in AiaaKa. woodlawn 6261.
WANTED Day work not less than 6 hours.
Tabor 3179.
EXPERIENCED woman wants hous clean
ing or laundry. Phone Main 752S.
WOMAN wants day work ironing or clean
ing: will get dinners. Phone Sell. 24i0.
GI RL wishes position as elevator girl or
cannier. BC 152, Oregonian.
WINDOWS nnd general house cleaning.
Woodlawn 6094.
EXPERIENCED woman does laundry beau-
tifuMy- Main PI 32.
TEACHER, wiliing. capable, wishes vi ork
few hours week days. X 746. Oregonian.
wishes position.
comptometer operator
P 155, Oregon'an.
WOMAN wants day work
after 8 P. M.
Ring Main 311
GRADUATE piano teacher with experience.
Lessons at your home. 75 cents. Tabor 1398.
GOOD cook w ants place where boy 15 can
find employment. 350 Salmon.
WANTED Day work. Call East 31S1. Mrs.
EXPERIENCED woman wishes day work.
Mon., Wed., Thur. Sellwood 1032.
WOMAN wants 8-hour day work. No wash
ing. Preferably Laurelhurst. E. 32SL
Bookkeeper.s Stenographers, Office.
SITUATION wanted as office secretary or
bookkeeper by competent bookkeeper with
stenographic experience; will go out of
city. AV 112. Oregonian
STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper, compe
tent and experienced young lady wishes
permanent position. Phone East 4280.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper - stenographer
wants work in or out of city. Phone Main
EXPERIENCED young woman wishes cleri-
cal position. Call Columbia 236.
COMPETENT stenographer and typist de
circa a position. JJC 133, Oresonuin.
-bookkeepers. Stenographers. Office.
XOUNG woman, university graduate, wants
office position; has slight knowledge of
bookkeeping, typewriting, knows how to
meet public, reliable, conscientious worker.
If you have opening, call Marshall 20.
CAPABLE young woman with education, ex
perienced bookkeeper, helper and general
office work, desires employment, BC 123,
GIRL with high school education wishes po
ol nun - p. o. x. operator or oince as
sistant. V 360. Oregonian.
perienced In bank. law and commercial
work. Main 2817.
YOUNG lady would like office position; high
school education. Phone Broadway 1507
after 5:30 P, M.
SITUATION wanted by experienced stenogr-
jinn . jiarana u i i.
D rest, in avers.
LADIES silk dresses $5; children's and plain
reasonaoie. u
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants aewlnr
ty day. Main 5463.
SEWING done by day. Miss Bush. East 2393.
iwo Williams Ave.
Why stay at home: normal confinement
rases taken care of for lees than one-half
the usual charges. Cases including drugs,
dressings, licensed physician's services,
two weeks hospital care, for $40; all other
surgical cases taken under same condi
tions. Phone Woodlawn 166, Main 7744, or ap
ply 702 Dekum Bldg.
T. ciai o.i gymnastics; graauate or
Sweden. Phone Main 2442, if no answer
Main 6556. Hours by appointment at your
PRACTICAL, experienced child's nurse; will
take temporary work for few weeks. In
fants or older children, Ref. X 770. Ore
gonian. CHILDREN between 4 and 9 years cared for
at my home, by week or month. 412 Alle
gheny st.; take St. Johns car. For refer
ences call Columbia 196.
WILL accept a limited number of patients
at my home, convalescent or otherwise:
,. care guaranteed. For Information
call Tabor 472.
PRACTICAL nurse wants position caring
for children or invalids during day. will
consider confinement cases. Call Wdln,
POSITION by undergraduate nurse, matern
ity work specialty; any kind of case
taken : 17 years experience; terms rea
sonable. Main 392.
EXPERIENCED practical maternity nurse;
doctor reference; can do some housework -g!5
perweek. Tabor 3978.
A PRACTICAL NURSE of long experience.
1S09 confinement cases. Call Woodlawn
LADY alone wishes large furnished house
keeping rooms. Modern, south of Wash
lngton. Permanent if suited. Tabor 935.
GRADUATE osteopath and nurse, competent
and experienced, would like protracted
v c ii inn; wouia travel, bast olba.
MIDDLE-AGED practical nurse desires ner
vous or mental , case; will travel. Tabor
501 0.
TRAINED nurse, best mental, nervous cases,
write room22 Brad i ford hotel nurse.
PRACTICAL nurse will care for sick and do
MIDDLE-AGED practical nurse desires posi
tion of trust. Tabor 5910.
VERNON maternity home, 1022 Vernon ave..
woodlawn 4272.
pI,AUTlCAL nurse desires confinement case.
Woodlawn 5224.
AN experienced practical nurse would like
employment. BP 355, Oregonian.
Hou sek eepers.
MIDDLE-AGED lady alone, wishes position
as housekeeper for widower or bachelor
on ranch; good plain cook; no triflers
wanted. Phone Sellwood 250 or write
Willamette Moorage 4S. Riv-r Rout No 3
WIDOW, with girl years old, wants place
to keep house for a respectable widower
or bachelor, in a nice, modern house;
more for home than big wages. AL 375,
POSITION as housekeeper by a refined
widow, with boy 6 years old; only those
requiring the services of a respectable
person need reply. Broadway 2193.
WANTED Position as housekeeper and care
of children by married woman with two
small children; no wages, our expenses.
4tf2tf 63d st. S. E. .
A LAUNDRESS that will not fail you. As
Apex electric washer pays for itself every
eight months. Phone Main 143. J. c
English Co.. UPSTAIRS. 14S Fifth St.
REFINED widow would like housekeeping
in cultured home, near graded school in
Multnomah county, good cook; church
golng people preferred. AV 125, Oregonian.
REFINED, middle-aged lady wants position
as housekeeper in refined home; have one
boy 10 years. Address O. D., box 128. The
Dalles. Or.
WIDOW desires situation as housekeeper in
widower's or bachelor's good" home, capa
ble of taking full charge. AR 530, Ore
gonia.n. THE MAID of today insists upon modern
electrical appliances. Apex electric wash
ers; Eureka vacuum cleaners. J. C. Eng
lish Co., 14S Fifth St.. upstairs. Main 14
NEAT, agreeable widow wants housekeep
ing position. P. O. box 354. Oregon City,
REFINED, middle-aged widow wishes house
keeping In widower s or bachelor's modern
horn-: city preferred. R 741. Oregonian.
LADY w ants house cleaning, other work,
hour, day; satisfaction guaranteed. Wood
lawn 6305.
LADY with daughter 7 wishes position aa
housekeeper for gentleman. BC 156. Ore
gonian. UNINCUMBERED widow wishes housekeep
ing one or more gentlemen on ranch. K
3 2.). Oregonian.
REFINED responsible woman, not young,
wishes to act as caretaker in small home
during summer. Phone Tabor 408.
WIDOW desires housekeeping for widower
rbachelor V 354, Oregonian.
SEWING by the day: children's work a
specialty. Phone East LV;r.
Domest ics.
PRACTICAL working woman wants 3 hrs.
work afternoon or evening. Broadway
TEACHER desires work few hours week
days; ironing, housework, children: good
worker; 40c. car fare. J SU Oregonian
COMPETENT, experienced nurs would like
proirai-a care in van u or elderly. Mar
Fhall 28S3.
WOMAN with 2 children would like position
as cook on ranrh. Prefer eastern Oregon.
121 E. &th st. The Dalles. Or.
rr.Ki fc.N middle-aged woman wants
position as cook: wages $50; no phone
ihiis. x3 1 o-, -j o 1 1 1 a n .
WANTED To ren t Private garage, east
eiu). aci 1J-. oregonian.
WANTED To rent at leant 8-room resi
dence: prefer Portland Heights; must be
modern. Apply R, M. Dooly Jr., Main
WANTED Furnished house, by man and
wife; prefer one with garage; can f ur
ni?h best of references. Cail Broadway
W A XTED to lease a 6 or 7-room modern
house within waiting distance to Jeffer
son high school, with garage preferred.
ia nor iu.
WANTED- -Modern house or buncalow of
six rooms; rent or iease, telephone. Tabor
WANTED at once, modern house or flat, 6
or b rooms, long lease, southwest part of
city preterrea. crossman, .Marshall ."35
WANTED at once, 6 or 7-room house, close
jn. rent reasonaDie. email space lor gar'
den, some fruit. East
SMALL furnished house, by. younz muni
We wan a home and will treat it as such;
reasonaoie rent oregonian.
WANTED To rent for sen son, furnished
cottage on oeacn. .Mrs. o. iieimcke.
oj-jls, . . -I'n st.. laKiraa, w asn.
WANT soon, about 7-room house, near as
possible to Vancouver and Knott; no chi
dren; permanent. X 745, Oregonian.
OLD COUPLE, no children, want to rent
small house with plenty ground; prefer
iruit trees, an jaoor ton.
WANTED 3 or 4 furnished or Dartlv fur
nished rooms or small house, close in. AK
ot;. oregonian.
WANTED By June IS. small house, 4 or 5
unrurnisnra rooms, west side preferred.
woomawn 1000.
BY RELIABLE partyi small, furnished cot
tage, overlooking ocean at Seaside, for
juty ana August:. a.h oregonian.
WANTED 5-room. nicely furnished house;
close-in on St. Johns carline. Phone Room
uo. agninsion noiei, mornings.
WANTED to rent 4 or 5-room cottage, fur
nished: can give references. BD 301,
FURNISHED house, six or eight roomx
would lease: references. Phone East 5261.
WA-NTED to rent, modern 5 or 6-room house
on me neignis. f jvj, oregonian.
WANTED to rent
ent By responsible party, 5
East Side. East b552.
room house.
WANTED A furnished how s 5 or 6 rooms
Information and
Jlental Bureau.
Reliable up-to-date lists of dsr'rabla va
cant houses, apartments and flats with
definite information pertaining to each.
Newcomers to Portland wilt find this
bureau cf great vlue in helping them
properly and Quickly located.
Eighth Floor.
WANTED A strictly modem, well-located
house or bungalow of about five or six
rooms, with furnace heat, gas water heater,
etc., by a small, refined family, for a per
iod of one or more years: references, etc.,
as to responsibility furnished : will want
possession about July 1 or 15. or might
buy if price and terms are right. Address
W. C. Decker, 4204 27th ave. . E.. Tabor
We have application from a fine class
ef people for bungalows and residence
wishing to lease for a year or more. Thej
are willing to pay 935 to 40 a month, fur
modern places.
WANTED To rent August 1, or any timt
before, a modern unfurnished house, 6 or
8 rooms and garage; lease preferred.
Phone Mr. Case. Main 6723, or call at the
Wiley B. Alien Co.. Morrison at Broadway.
RELIABLE PARTY Family of three wishes
to lease for one year modern 6 or 6 -room
bunK&low with garage, Ross City or Ala
meda preferred; highest-class references.
Res. phone Tabor 257. office 654 Pit lock
blk., phone Broadway 232.
YOUNG COUPLE without children, want to
rent permanently, small zurnlsnea bungs
low, with garage, or one near; husband in
responsible position with larce local con
cern; state rent and number of rooms, R
70o, Oregonian.
WANTED 4 or 5-room house by June 23
within 15 blocks of Pacific Car & Foundry
Co., or near Montavilla; also place to
keep cow. Write to Bennett. 244 E. 55th
sLN., cor. Multnomah.
RESPONSIBLE old couple, without children.
want 3 or 4 -room house, prefer north of
Alberta et and with fruit trees. KiTTB I
LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade
YOUNG COUPLE with small child want to
rent, permanently, small furnished bunga
low or flat ; would consider lease: state
rent and location; references given. Aj
457, Oregonian.
RESPONSIBLE couple wants 5 to 7-room
unfurnished house or bungalow by July 1;
prefer, in or near R. C. Park; must be
reasonable; would lease. Tabor 8327.
WANTED A modern 4 or 5-room bungalow
in good district, on easy payments.
Marshall 240. 1212 Gaeco Bldg.
W A N T ED to rent Strictly modern house in
Irvington, Rose City or Beaumont; not
over $35; responsible young married cou
ple. Phone E. 7466.
RELIABLE discharged marine and wife
aesire 4 or o-roora xurnisnea Dungaiow
or flat, not over $20; care guaranteed. BD
8iS7, Oregonian.
WANTED To rent, 5-room house, not too
far out and In a good location. Call Mar
shall 543.
WANTED To rent a 5-room bungalow, fur-
ushed or unfurnished. Phone Tabor 3uutJ.
WANTED to rent unfurnished apartment
or partly furnished, modern, close-in,
walking, west side; would take upper flat.
Two bedrooms. J 840, Oregonian.
El' JULY 15, 3 or 4 unfurnished rooms, mod
em in every way. close to Lnlon ave. and
Russell st. ; wilt take long lease; refer
ences. Phone East 6j68.
BY JULY 1 Neatly furn. apt., refined cou
ple and two grown sons; central; reason
able. BD 330. Oregonian.
YOUNG couple ould like to rent 3 -room
furnished apartment. lor aoout 2 months,
beginning June 25. AM 351. Oregonian.
3 OR 4-ROOM unfurnished apartment in
residential section. Address 13 D Jtu, ore
gonian. WANTED Furnished apartment for sum
mer; no cniidren. Aduress .ao 0, ore
gonian. Rooms.
WANTED, by nurse, a front room In nice
modern nome, witn privilege or aoing a
little cooking when home or room with
kitchenette. Am a good housekeeper and
can give the best of references; perma
nent; east eido preferred. East C7'J8.
Mrs. Emerson.
GENTLEMAN. 35, desires permanent loca
tion lurnisned room, someimng aoout u
per month; am in banking business and
can furnish very highest references. Please
give particulars in your reply. AO 66,
WANTED by nurses, 2 furnished, 1 unfur
nished rooms, H. K., nice family; phone,
elec., gas; give price; location west side,
AE 157, Oregonian.
FURNISHED room or bachelor's apartment
wanted by young man; wouia consider
roommate; must be first class and walking
distance. M 3-5. Oregonian.
WANTED Furnished room by elderly gen
tleman In quifct private family near ult
nomah club. BO 140. Oregonian.
WA N'T ED A light housekeeping room for
elderly lady; Albina preierred. none .ast
WANTED furnished room in private family
by young man. BD 3b2, oregonian.
Room With Board.
VERY cooKcnial American gentleman, 36,
holding executive position, tired of res
taurants and hotels, desires good room
and two meals per day in private family,
with no other boarders, for which he will
pay a good prt'e; fond of music and chil
dren and looking for a place here he
can cut the gra.-s and carry in the kindling
and feel at home; can furnish best of ref
erences; prefer place not too far out. ron
eriient to M. V. cars and having phone.
Give parllcuiars in replying. AV 131, Ore
gonian. BUSINESS woman will pay 60 cents for 1
home dinner each weeK, no large board
ing house, any location : would consider
far out. W 253. Oregonian.
PI EDMONT district; young couple, em
ployed, desire room and board or house
keeping privileges refined home. BD 354,
w i now would like large room and board
in first -class home: tuburbs or country
preferred ; references exchanged. Tabor
WANTED Board in nice private family for
girls T and . dtn. anr v. ,m.
Housekeeping Rooms.
U. K. ROOM by middle-aged lady. Sunny
elde ditt. B" 144. Oregonian.
reasonable prices. Full instructions free.
Pike & O'Neill. "The Shop With the Green
Tile Front." Washington, bet. Broadway
and Parlc.
WANTEX Morris or Old Town canoe, terms
cash. Phono alter o o ciock inua, Mar
shall 4335.
WANTED To rent auto bed and tent for
two weeks. Telephone labor
Furnished Rooms.
Absolutelv fircoroof. newly renovated
throughout; special rates during summer
months to permanent people; rooms single
or en sum-, w itn or wnnoui oain.
NORTON I A HOTEL. Portland's downtown
high-class family hotel; rooms en suite or
ein.c. with or without board, for families
and business men and women. W give
you all the comforts oi a nome. reason
able rates.
6 ROOMS 6.
Half b'ock from Washington Ft. In
heart of city; cheap rent. This is all oak
furniture, silk f Ions mattress, dandy car
petn, and all for $425 on your own terms.
ieiers, 10 flin.
LARGE front furnished room in private
home for light housekeeping; handy to
car line ; use of phono and bath. East
127. 331 East 12th South.
NICELY furnished large front room, suit
able for 2. in first-class apartment: men
or nurse-s preferred. ofia Northrup st.
Main 4:;76.
t ROOMS, partly furnished, with bath and
toilet. You can sub-rent rooms and make
more than rent; rent, including light and
water, 18 month. Peters at 15 N. 5th st.
SLEEPING rooms for rent, 407 Hoiliday.
Fine location, pleasant front room. Mod
ern. E. 52t.
SMALL family, adults, will lease 5 or 6-room
modern bungalow. Rose City. AP 2u3,
HOTEL NORRTS. under new management
17th and Wash. Clean, modern rooms with
or without batn; very reasonapie rates.
n:R'fSHED room in steam-heated apt.,
with couple. Inquire of manager, 70
Kearney, near 2 1 t' st.
PALACE HOTEL. 446 Wash, su; downtown
location, respectable and strict'y modern,
steam heat: rooms large, clean.
HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison st, at Tenth
Rates $1 Per day up: weekly, $4 up; run
ning witer. free phone and bath.
SARGENT HOTEL, 271 -z Grand ave h. k
apt. and sleeping rooms. East 2!1.
SINGLE rooms and alto 2-room housekeep
ing apartments. 132 Union ave.
FURNISHED room, $2.00 per week.
iwrtii 17 La,
Fnrniiifd Room.
A Moderate-Priced Hotel of MezlU
East Uorri.on and East Sixth.
Hotel Cliiford is the principal eat side
hotel and is hotel of dignity and refine
ment. Dally rates SI. 00 up; two In room,
yi.75; weekly rates, $5 and up.
TWO furnished rooms, steam heat, bath,
phone : rent $10 each. 44o Columbia St.
NICELY furnish-d front room. -thorne.
cor. llth. E. 7P7S.
6.3 Haw-
SINGLE or ensuite. newly furnished: also
cheap basement rooms. 475 Morrison.
I"nfiirnihel Room.
TWO unfurnished rooms for light house
keeping. bt3 Hawthorne, cor. ltfth. East
rurnished Rooms In Private Family.
LARGE, airy front room, for gentleman,
nicety furnished, fireplace, large double
doors, open on upper veranda, nice neigh
borhood, telephone, hot water, walking
distance, three adults in family. -69 East
Main. East 1360.
NICE large room, mahogany furniture. In
beautiful home on west side; hot and cold
water in room: suitable for 1. 2 or 3 per
sons: C ml n. walk, from business district;
board if desired. Main 7t5.
MODERN room, overlooking city, at 604
Market st. drive; walking distance : con
venient to Council Crest or IJ cars; break
fast if desired; lady or gentleman. Main
NICE, large front room, nicely furnished,
Hawthorne district, block from Hawthorne
car. 254 E, 16th at, cor. Madison, phone
East 234.
FINE larce front room, nicely furnished.
modern new house, with, piano; excellent
location ; 10-mlnute ride Hawthorne car.
. 304 E. 22d. near Hawthorne. East 6636.
6S3 E. 23D ST. N. ATTRACTIVE and newly
furnished rooms in a private home in Irv
lngton ; board if desired ; one block from
liroadway car, o mm. to city.
TWO nicely furnished rooms for light house-
Kceping in private zamuy, nice vara, piano,
sewing machine and phone free 120.
Tabor 24.
GENTLEMEN Are you looking for a home
wnere you can nave noma privileges ana
two well -cooked meals at moderate rate?
Call East 5860.
FURNISHED front room, sleeping porch-
suitable for two. from June 15 to Sept. l
reasonable. May get own breakfast. Main
344 'J.
ATTRACTIVE large bright sunny front room
in private ramuy. unturmanea, suitaoie
for two gentlemen. 66 N. 17th- walking
TWO furnished rooms, first floor; 1 has hot
and cold water; privilege or phone and
bath; $2 and $3 per week. 30. liolladay
ave. . 4BS1.
PARTLY furnished 2, 3 or 4-roora flat, white
enameled Kitcnen, ail modern, waiaing
distance, also well furnished front bed
room. 029 East Ash st.
ELEGANTLY furnished front room In a swell
private home, suitable for two young men,
$10 each, also oue for $12 month, 71
Trinity Place.
NICE front room in private family, for lady
or gentleman, employed. $2.50 per week.
741 rioyt, near 23d. Main mi.
LARGE furnished room
with or without
car line. Phone
kitchen privLcges, on
Tabor 05iy.
TWO H. K. rooms and sleeoln- porch, adults,
rent 925. 90 College su between otn ana
LARGE front room in modern home to gen
tleman, walking distance. 554 xamhlii,
cor. 13th.
FURNISHED rooms In private family; de
sirable room; attractive iiat: nr. library;
for lady employed. Main 44-3.
LARGE room In modern home: private
family: use of parlor, piano ana tiruns
wik. 72U East Yamhill st. Phone E. 71i.
ONE or two very desirable modern rooms.
one or two occupants; rexined people con
sidered ;wal king distance. Bdwy. 2266.
DANDY room In modern home for 1 or 2
men ; one other roomer; break last It de
sired. Woodlawn 91.
EXTRA well-furnished large front room,
close in, suitable for 2, $13 a month.
Main 371.
DESIRABLE room, steam heat and bath, in
private apt. ; best location. Phone East
3581. 240 E. 10th and Main st.
FRONT room, well furnished; sleeping porch.
garage; corner; near oiumoia river snip
yard. Marshall 3908. 841 Front Bt.
FURNISHED room for one or two ladles,
422 Benton St., near the east end of
Broadway bridge. Call after 3 P. M.
2 SLEEPING rooms In private home, all
home comforts. 626 Tenino ave. Sellwood
FOR RENT Front room in quiet family. No
other roomer. Phone and bath. 4o3 E. 0th
st. N.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished front parlor
bedroom, near Williams ave. car line. 265
Fargo st.
LARGE furnished room sultabia for 1
or 2 gentlemen. 7.1 Hawthorne ave. East
LA RGE. nicely furnished front room. In
Irvinjfton home, reasonable to permanent
roomer. 658 Weidler. East 2745.
ir NEAT, well-furnished room for re
fined man, in quit home of adults, near
Auditorium. P 153. Oregonian.
LARGE well -furnished f ronfc room. 1 block
from library, suitable for 2 adults. 215
11th SU Phone Main 8378.
LADD addition, front room, 2 largo win
dows, modern conveniences, close in. Phone
Sell. 3030.
GENTLEMAN for room and board, pleasant
room, homo cooking, walking distance,,
J7."0 a week, all home comforts. 525 Clay.
WEST SI DE, large nicely furnished front
room, bath and phone. 105 sorth 22nd
st. Thone Main 140.
NICELY furnished front room, quiet house,
conveniences. 494 Taylor.
COZY furn. room, phone, near bath, steam
heat. 210 Market st.
NICELY furnished front room for rent;
gentleman preferred. 321 B. 9th st. N.
BRIGHT room In modern home. Marshall
395. 557 Taylor st.
LARGE front room $ week, $10 month. 626
E. Main st. East 6611.
NICE ROOM with phone privileges, widov
horn, close in. fine location. East 6228.
FURNISHED front in Irvington In private
family, 455 East 10th N. Phone East 501.
ALMOST new Singer sowing machine at
half price. Marshall H4Ui.
ONE nice large room, suitable for two;
gentlemen preferred; board. Phone E. 958.
LARGE, comfortable room, suitable fo- two,
west side, walking distance. Main t485.
BOARD and room, private family; 3 week.
35 X. 22d st.
ta nee.
Main 755
rooms In walking dig-
2 NICELY furnished rooms
20th St., nar Jefferson.
May Sax, SIS
PLEASANT front s eeping room. $16.
N. 21st. Main 5223.
ROOM FOR RENT. 455 13th st.
If vou are looking for a good room, close in.
call Main 571.
$25 3 FURNISHED rooms, light, gas, phone.
laundry trays. 4. iu. oitn su
SLEEPING room In private family; walking
distance; gentlemen oniy. aiain u.
NICELY furnished room, reasonable, board
next door. ej. e2s.
VERY desirable, furnished la Ivory, close to
the Campbell Hill, pnone Marsnaii 24 ia.
PLEAS A NT front room, opening on poroh,
for gentlemen. N. 21st st.
NICELY furnished room in private family,
gentlemen only. 400 Clay st.. cor. 10th.
NICELY furnished room In private home.
7tV Irving st. Alain bi7t.
IRVINGTON Room in private home; two
carlines. East it.
FURNISHED room, private bath if desired,
for gentleman. Main 3452. 150 N. 24th.
LARGE modern room, private home. Main
FRONT parlor; water;
ICth, near Wash.
gentlemen. 54 N.
NEWLY furnished room. Nob Hill; walking
distance, modern, reasonable. &6'- jonnson.
FURNISHED and unfurnished rooms. Broad
way 1218.
FURNISHED room, modern conveniences.
54 Couch. Bet. 17 and 18, Apt. J.
ROOMS for business people, home privileges;
walking distance. Mar. 2003. 309 Hth st.
ROOM with or without garage, near Broad
way DrlQge. J-J.rr-c-:. -a.n
FURNISHED sleeping room, home privileges,
near carline; lady only. Phone East 2151.
W NTED Six refined young men for a suite
NICE room,
14th St.
clo-e In, gentleman only, 2uS
3 LARGE partlv fur. H- K. rooms, one to be
sublet for sleeping room. Marshall 4020.
ONE room furnished. 448 Hall street.
NICE room in comfortable home. E.. 2SC3.
Rooms With Board.
S80 10th eL For business girls and tu
Cents: reasonable ratet. Mar-hall 1251.
American plan hotel; desirable rooms;
excellent table: meats served transients.
ROOM and board for business
modern conveniences ; wa Iking
$4 per week. East 4732. 12 E.
gir:s. all
7th st.
PARKVIEW HOTcL Rooms with board!
e-celient tame; ciose ib, o uuiioici J,
near V est a- .
Room With Board.
741 Washington.
23d and Hoyt.
Residence Hotel : American Plan,
Excellent Dintns-Room Service
On Carline, Near Garage,
Reasonable Rates.
la& Week. Mouth,
Thoroughly renovated and - under the
management of Mrs. J. D. Stryker. as a.
strictly up-to-date American p'an family
hotel. Desirable rooms and excellent table.
Meals served transients.
AIRY rooms, single or double; good board;
ciose in. L 13 tn st.
Rooms With Board In Private Family.
WOULD care for child not under 2 years of
age, Kjou home with motherly care. Mrs,
A. Dorn, M ilwaukie highw ay, box e0.
Courtney station, Oregon City line.
BOARD and room for a man and wife,
terms reasonable; 20 minutes from cen
ter of city. 451 E. Holland su, near
Union ave.
WORKING young man to room and board
in small congenial family. Piano, modern
conveniences. Main ,
WELL-FURNISHED front room tn widow's
home tor 2 people; walking distance. East
71 m.
NICELY furnished room with good board,
private family, walking distance. 703
KEEL at home In Irvington refined modern
home, large room with borad for 2: walk-
Ing distance; reasonable. East
PRACTICAL nurse has board and room In
pleasant suburban home for convalesenta
Terms moderate. Apply K 369. Oregonian.
WI DOW will take care of one or two re
fined children in her home; also give mu
sical training. Main 908.
TWO pleasant rooms with board In desir
able location modern home. Phone Tabor
COUNTRY home and mother's care for boy.
G to 9 years; Jersey milk, and cream. AO
355. Oregonian.
LARGE front room with board, west side,
waging distance. H block, from oar. Phone
Main 4276.
LARGE front room for 2. with board and
home privileges. 744 Irving, near 23d st
carline. Phone Main 1 539
LARUE sleeping room for 2 peopl. home
privileges, private family; breakfast and
dinner if desired. East 7473.
ROOM with board.-for two working people.
In widow's home: flat. 544 V 4t b.
ATTRACTIVE! large room with 2 closets
across from Mult nomah club. M 7720.
LARGE room. 2 beds; home cooking and
comfort. 331 Montgomery Bt.
ONE fine room for rent with breakfast.
East 6381.
BOARD and room In private family. 69
E. 7th st. N. East 2075.
WOULD like a little girl to board; mother's
care given. Sellwood 31D3.
ROOM and board in private home,
men. 576 Laid ave.. Last 2333.
VERY comfortable room with breakfast.
within walking dlstncu 469 Clay st.
ROOM with breakfast and dinner, in pleas-
ant home. 455 E. I4th N.
ROOM or board and room; home privileges.
Tabor 3S3
FINE room, with good home cooking, near
Muitnoman club, reasons Die. .Main i.
WISH to board boy, five, where mother can
nave room, AO ou. oregonian.
Furnished Apartments.
$4k -ROOM MODERN APT. $60.
Large, light outside rooms, heat, phone,
water; good furnishing: no children.
FOR RENT An outside, sunny 3 -room
apartment, beauttiuiiy rurnlshed with
blue rugs and willow furniture: also suite
for bachelor; ref. req. Marshall 2830.
NICELY furnished room and kitchenette.
team beau hot water, attractive yard,
easy walking distance, $20. 30 E. Sth st
X. East 2079.
CARLOTTA COURT. Everett and 17th. five
min. bus. center. 2 and rooms. Dot a
phones free in apt. New, modern, clean.
Save carfare. Ref.
NICELY furnished 2-room base-mem apart
ment; no extra charge for private phone,
steam heat or lights; $26. Lincoln apart
ments. 4th and Lincoln.
464 E. COUCH.
Nicely furnished 3 rooms, modern, cor
ner apartment.
FURNISHED apartment for man and wife;
no children ; rent and w ages to wne in
exchange for chamber work; man can get
work nearby easily. O 206. Oregonian.
FURNITURE of 4-room apartment for sale
at a bargain if taken at once; apartment
for rent, close ia on west side. Phone
Marshall 5576.
FOR RENT until Oct. L Completely fur
nished 3-room apartment. $4J, immediate
possession. Call Main 6456 or see janitor,
Melcliffe Court apartment.
ENTIRE second floor. 3 rooms, hall. bath.
kitchenette, phone. u. r uei gas. lignu
more. 69 o E. Kith S. Call or phono C W.
Roland. O. W. K. store.
2 AND 3-ROOM apartments, furnished, for
rent. 514 16th aud Jefferson. Jdlersonlun
THE DENNSION. cor. 34th and Belmont;
modern 2 to 3-room fur. apts. ith private
bath and phone. Tabor 546.
FURNISHED basement apartment. living
room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, private batii,
modern. 5'il Glisan su .
MODERN apartment, living room, kitchen
ette, batn. 'iciepnone. tariois , i i-iiu,
cor. Market.
CLINTON APTS. E. 16th and Clinton ; 3-
room lurnisrea apartment, oeas ana pri
vate bath; hot water day and nigliU
ONE furnished, one unfurnished apt. Guild
apts.. beu 23d and 24th, Thurman and
FOR RENT 2 and 3-room apartments. 5
minutes from center ot town, inquire
631 v- 1st st
YOL'NG business woman to share apartment
on w e-t fide ; references exchanged. BC
135. Oregonian.
WILL sublet my 3-room apartment irom
June 23 to September 1. Phone Main
364V afier 10 A. M. Monday.
TH REE 3-room apt.. $30. $35. $4i. Phone
Knit 2S46. Jackson apts., 51 Union avenue
WELL-FURNISH ED 3-room apt.-for rent
for summT. $32.50: adults: references re
quired. Phona Broadway 553 1.
MODERN S-room furnished apt., private
bath. Blanchard apts., 146 1 Killings-. orth
ave. Wood law n 2161.
WINDSOR Apts.. E. 14th and Yamhill; li
re om furnished. 2 biocks of carline; no
children. Phone East 2007.
FURNISHED housekeeping ants.. South
Portland, shipyard districL 131 Grover st.
Phone Main 953.
4 ROOMS furnished, with bath, adults only.
Cor E. 27th and Nelson. One block south
of Sandy Blvd. 10 minute car service.
WILL sub-let to responsible party for 5 or
6 months 4-room furnished apartmenU Apu
203. Irving apts. Phone Main 601&.
4-room furnished apartxnenL
8181. ,
3-ROOM furnished apartment, bath and
sleeping porch. 223 N. 2'V.h.
BAGGAGE and furniture moving; phone
Broadway 4'Jj. Alert Transfer. 411 H Stark.
WILL share my apt. with lady; rent rea
sonable. 16J7 EaPt 1 3th ft.
GRAND OAK apt., 2 and 3 -rooms, strictly
modern. Grand ave. E. Oak. East 302.
MODERN 2 rooms, light, phone, bath,
nished. close in. $30. 2S8 13th st.
ONE 2-room furnished apt. with light and
heat. Gray Gables. 299 Tenth. $24.
WELL furnished 5-room apartment, July
and August. 658 Flanders. Brdw y. 34?6.
PEN 1 N'S LT CaTpT? 11M Aibina ave. Con
rrete bld-, 2 and 3-room apts. Wdin. 132.
$14 PER month. 2 rooms nicely furnished.
w-at?r and electricity. Call 535 E. Pine su
LA M B ROOK fipta., E. 7th and Yamhill;
room apt. Eaet 462.
TWO-ROOM furnished apartment with
piano. July and August. Main 142.
COMPLETE spartinenu $19, concrete bldg.
Woodlawn 512.
4-ROOM furnished apartment. Berkeley
apt.. 30 Trinity place.
"-ROOM basement apartment for rent, 170
" 10th st.. $20. Main 7920.
FURNISHED 2-room apartment, $35.
3S6. Oregonian.
SECOND floor. 4 rooms, sleeping porch, $30
month. Wunnyside. Tabor 7226
GOOD 3-room apartment, partly furnished,
with heat and water. $25. 1051 Kerby su
HIGH CLASS 4-room. modern apt Price
$45. Phone Main 6375.
2-ROOM furnished apts. on Vancouver car
line. East 5340.
JULIANA apartments. S-room furnibhed apt,
adults only. Marshall 6'J0.
TWO and one-room furnished apts., walk
ing distance. 328 Mill, near Bdwy.
TWO 2-room apts.. nicely furnished com
plete. 6S0 Lombard st.
fclb 2 ROOMS, modern, walking distance,
porch, lawn. 443 Hassalo. cor. E. 7th.
AFT. lor rent, furniture for eaJe, lain SidO
l uralfcUcd A pa rtmenta.
Fifth and Columbia Street a
Five minutes walk to Meier t PYtnVl
tore; good lurrounain., strictly modem.
2 and 3 -room furnished apts.. all outside
with French doors and baiconjr.
Twelfth and Taylor.
Most modern furnished apartment on
the Pacific coast.
Roof Garden in Connection.
Walking distance. References.
-htrnUheu A psrtoieBi
MODERN, ."-room unfurnished apartment;
rew building, close In. west side. Main
otil I.
U NKL'liMtllKD 6-room apartment, prtvat
front and back porches, all outs ids rooms.
third floor, modern. 561 Clean st.
LORENZO apts.. 427 Salmon St.. unfurnished
2 -room apt., water, light, phone, adults.
Phone Main 87.
LIVING ROOM, kitchenette, bath, dressing
room. Murphy bed, telephone, front apt.
Classic sptn. Broadway 234.
5-ROOM furnished apt., on or about 1st of
July: furniture for sale. E 839. Oregonian.
THE AMERICAN" 3 -room unfurnished
apartment. Broadway S36o.
LHGB, single bay window apartments; gas .
electric lights, bath. 715 Everett st.
DOVER APT.. 3 and 4 -room unrniad.
near 24th and Thurman.
ROSENFELdI 14th and East Stark st, -One
4 -room unfurnished apt., $ 32.50.
5-ROOM apartment. Nob Hill;
jvxarsnail 1314.
BR YN MAWR. 1S5 East 16th 5 -room ap4
sieeptng porch. $50. East 21 54.
3-ROOM basement art, hardwood (looflh
" ticrmoH Annex, jutn ana caimon.
FurnUhed or Unfurnished Apartmeata.
2 AND 3-room furnished bousekMBim
apartments: moderate ratea.
nurnside. cor. Grand ave.
MODERN brick bid., large, light. 2 -room,
apu, bath, dressing-room, walking dis
tance. 855 Chapman, cor. MHL
MODERN 5-room uppef.Sat, with aleeplng
porch, gas range in' heater And raa
registers for heating. BOO &an Rafael,
near Union, clove in, A5; adult nLy
Inquire Hancock. E-t 1685.
WEST SIDE flat on 22d sU wnrnr and ga
rage, 4 rooms and basement $46. wiLhoul
garage $40.
Main 7266. 624 Henry B1Sy.
UNFURNISHED 6-room modem flaU 1
m : n. to bu-iness center. CaU at SIO 3d SU
for key.
MODERN 3 rooms, rent $16.50, near Wdln.
and Vancouver cars. Phone East 4267
l M oDERN upper flat of 5 rooms and
ba th; electric lights and gas range; rent
$25. 9S4 East Washington sU. cor. 53d.
5-ROOM lower flat, large porch and yard
walking distance. No, 721 E. Yamhill su
FOR RENT 2 larpe rooms, bath, pantry,
closets; adults. 9194 Williams ave.
NICE CLEAN 3-roora flat tWlllbridg $14,
Fast 5914.
Furnished Flats.
FOR RENT 5-room furnished flat, brie
bldg., large back porch, every room sunny,
large yard; want to reserve one room for
self; 15 minutes to center of city. Sellwood -car.
773 u Milwaukle sU Sell. 2895.
ROSE CITY PARK 6-room furnished bun
galow until September or October, rent
$55, Including phone, water, piano and
graphonola: no children. Tabor 727T.
3ARGAIN 3 or 4-room flat, furniture com-
Piexe. lor saie ruep. irnns, im
tance. Apply 497 Columbia su. top flaU
MODERN 5 rooms, S30, near Wdln. and
Vancouver cars. Phone East 4267 morn-
FOR RENT $35 5-room furnished flat, 940
Mallory ave., 2 blocks from U nlon ave,
car. 3 blocks from St. Johns car.
sTx-ROOAIfurnished flaU gaa. furnace and
phone. $40 per month, 187 Union ave. N.
Phone East
28 EAST 13TH, near Ash. 5-iwm upper. .
nicely located; clean; reL East 287 L
6ROOM;3, partly furnished, lower flat, mod-
ern: $40. 842 E. Stark. East 4763,
5-ROOM modern furnished flat for rent..
Woodlawn 588.
ROOM furnished flat, ail ligut rooms. 740
Minnesota ave.
MODERN 4 rooms, walking distance, adult-.
$32.50. Phone after 11 A. M. st 7
3-ROOM furnished fiat at No. 1 E. SOth su.
corner Ankeny. .
$ls MODERN 5-room furnished fiaU 996
Commercial sU Woodlawn IS?.
NEW, modern 3-room flat with privats bath.
Call Col. 7!s4 or ItHiS Huron st.; adults only.
5".ROOM nicely furnished flat; 5-room ex
pensively furnished apu Main 1973-
4 ROOM furnished flat, strictly clean and
modern. Phone East 1108.
FURNISHED 350 E- 60th. Call 1 to 3
today. Kent $ 10.
SEE clean, homr-like. partly furnished 4
room flat. 674 Mississippi ave.
-ROOM flat for rent. Call Broadway 2617.
ITomkeeptng Rooms.
TWO front rooms, furnished for housekeep
ing, with free bath, phone and lighU
good brick building, for $1S per month;
(adults only, at r.5 Will iams ave,
l'hone Woodlawn 3707.
2-ROOM housekeeping npartments fur
nished, and single sleeping rooms, with
steam heat, hot and cold water, electrio
lights. Commercial hotel, 490 '. Wash
ington st-
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, single
and 2-room aps.. good accommoda tiont
for bachelors. 372 1st su, cor. Mont
gumory. APARTMENTS, hot and cold water, gas.
brtth: l-" and 52U-. Nokomls Annex. 245 V
17th st N. Rroadws ' 2642.
CLEAN h! k! room, electric lights, rent
reasonable, 203 Stanton tt, Woodlawn
ONE modern furnished housekeeping room;
free- icas. light. 327 Washington st.
R a 1 elh building, office oOl.
4 FURNISHED H. K." rooms, including light,
vwter and use of phone, 6S8 Upshur L
Rdwv. 3 4 ".7.
A BRGAIN if tak-n at once: barber shop
at 55 13 72d st. S. E. ; living rooms in con
nection. -
TWO lnrce front rooms, also single rooms;
hot water for baths . no launory. always;
v;tv reasonable. G55 Flanders.
CI-H-N, modern room, also sleeping rooms,
:i2' Hawthorne. The Kelso spts. East
721. -.
DO I" RLE H. K. apt.. nie for 3 or 6 gir!
pmpioj ed preferred ; Fulton car. 155.
Keiiy st.
B VGGAGE and furniture moving; phono
Hi oadway401. AlerTransfer, 411 hi Stark-
SINGLE and 2-room furnished housekeep
ing suite. 132 3 Union ave.
461 E. MORRISON, cor. E. Sth Furnished
1 and 2-room H. K- apts.; adults.
4 HOUSEKEEPING rooms overlooking Al
berta st.; gas and electricity. Wdln. -30.
FURNISHED H. K- room. :
10:h and Washington.
24 FUedner bid
TWO housekeeping rooms. &50 Hoyt Call
Bdwy. 3647
in the basement 150 11th st.
FURN I SHED housekeeping rooms for rer,:.
iil Harrison.' from Montgomery down 14th
oae nlocK.
NEAT single housekeeping room, sultabia
for 1. $2.50 per week. 206 13th st.
2 OH 3 furnished H. K. rooms. 328 '4 N- 17th.
Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family.
VERY desirable housekeeping suite: west
side: walking distance; adults only. 650
Glisan Bt.
FURNISHED H. TC. room, working man or
w oman. Broadw ay 2473.
2 FURN1S-IED H. K. rooms. COS E. Mor-
2 ROOMS, every convenience,
Marshall .145fi.
7S1 Kearney.
3 F U RN IS H ED H . K. rooms, private ba til
and toilet. $-5 per mo. 521 E. Pine su
CLEAN nicely furnished 2-room apt, nice
surroundings. 347 Hall sU
FLR.N'ISHED housekeeping rooms. 335 6th.
corner Harrison. ,
LARGE front housekeeping room. 154 X.
18th st.
ONE largo furnished room and kitchenette,
331 Clackamas st.
TH RES furnished I IL K rooms. S31
C lackamas st.
FURNISHED and unfurnished housekeepina!
rooms. Broadway I2l3-
TWO furnished H. K. rooms at 410 4th st.
Phone Mar.25.
TWO rooms and kitchenette, with or with
out garage. East 33i2.
DESIRABLE housekeeping suite for two.
Phone Bdwy. 2266.
THREE room
s. unfurnished, private family.
448 Hall st.
2 FURNISH ED rooms and sleeping porc'
nnd garage. 2 no E. 2.d. Khona Last j-i..
LARGE kitchenette apt., well furnished,
pho ne. bath and electric llg hts. 405 12th.
HOUSfcSKEEPING rooms, refined family,
loe In. 34 Park. Marshall 3069.
I on e 2-room aot.. 1 sinicle H. K. room.
1 aU bleeping room. l'JS 20 LU at.