THE SUNDAY OREGOMAX. PORTLAND. JUNE 15, 1919. REAL ESTATE. LATJREX.HXTRST BUNGALOW SACRIFICE. MOVING TO SALEM. The purchase of a business in Sa lem throws on the market for quick sale one of the classiest 6 -room bun galows in city. It is located on choice site just east of beautiful Laurl hurst park. Large living room with artistic fireplace and bookcases. French doors to an exquisite dining room, breakfast room, 1 bedroom, tile bath and gem of a kitchen on 1 st floor; 1 bedroom, sewing room and sleeping porch on 2d floor; old ivory finish throughout; also hard wood floors, cement basement, good furnace and garage. Price only $6300, terms. Tabor 407. IN PARKROSE ON ACRE TRACT. SUBURBAN HOME, NEAR CAR. All kinds of bearing fruit trees and Berries; barn with cement floor and drain. A good chicken house and bee house. The Bungalow has 5 rooms with fire place and built-in efefcts. Large acreened in porch; full cement basement with laun dry trays; fruit closet and woodlifts; ideal location, as it Is only 2 blocks to Sandy Boulevard. May be occupied about the 15th. Price only $4250. Terms 1-3 cash, balance $25 a month and interest. It may be seen by appointment. J. L, HART MAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 4th & Stark. Main 208. ROSE cmr PARK. SPLENDID BUNGALOW $4250. Owner moving from Portland and of fers bis beautiful bungalow at a reason able figure. Beautifully situated in the paved district. If the owner wasn't mov ing from Portland you can rest assured he wouldn't sell. Of course, it has hard wood floors, fireplace, buffet, full cement basement, furnace, etc. Now let us show ?ou. Naturally, you will be under no ob igations. A. O. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark, near 3d. Main 3002, Main 3516. Branch office, 50th and Sandy. (Open Sunday.) NOT A SNAP. NOT A SACRIFICE. BUT an unusual OPPORTUNITT to acquire a most charming residence in LAURELHURST. No detail was overlooked ' that would add to the grace and comfort of a real home, from the artistic ballroom with its large fireplace to the modern hot-water heating system. , Complete in every detail. It Is a home to satisfy the mo.t exacting taste. Priced low at $8900. Terms if desired. MacINNES & PRATT, 413 Board of Trade Building. Main 3868 or Tabor 3810. Sunday. ROSE CITY PARK. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. $3500. 555 E. 40th St- N.. 2 blocks N. of Sandy. Go by and see the outside. Do not disturb the tenants. 3 bedrooms; attic; room for 2 more rooms; modern ; with hardwood floors; fireplace; cement basement; fur nace; st. imp. only $30; terms $2000 cash, bal. mtg. J. L. HARTMAN COM PANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 4th & Stark, Main 208. ROSE CITY DISTRICT SACRIFICE. Here is a $5500 home for $4500 if taken at once, just 1 blocks north of Sandy blvd., below the hill; 6 rooms and sleep ing porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in writing desk, bookcases and buf fet, full cement basement, furnace, all bedrooms, sleeping porch and kitchen fin ished in white enamel; east front, paved streets in and paid; let us show you this snap, you will say so. C. A. Warrlner, RITTER, LOWE & CO., S01-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. THE McGUIRE SY STEM makes home buying easy. You can come to this office and see over 600 photo grahps of homes for sale, arranged in districts; every one has been appraised ; ten automobiles at your service. Some wonderful bargains; that Is why we sold over 100 homes in May. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Ablngton Building. Main 515ti, Main 1063. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. VACANT MOVE RIGHT IN. 4000 Beautiful corner home of 7 rooms and sleeping porch, 2 bedrooms down stairs, 2 and sleeping porch up stairs; strictly modern throughout; garage; improvements all in and included in price; TERMS. Sunday call E. 2544, T. US81.) J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 1004. $.1450 MT. TABOR ft -room house. 2 lots; view, trees; Toses. House newly papered and painted Inside; new fixtures and shades. Easy terms. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.. 4th &. Stark. Main 208. HERE'S A WONDER. $100 down, balance like rent, takes this -room house and ground 67 xlOO, right on Mississippi ave., paved st. and car line, barn, fruit trees and shrubbery; all elar of incumbrances; price $3400. WATCH OUR ADS; WE GET RESULTS. C. A. Warriner, RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 40 ACRES in edge of 5000 town in Boise val ley, close to college, about half cleared. 6 or 6 acres in cultivation ; good small house and bam; could be cut into 5 or 10-acre tracts and sold at good priof-s. Owner wants something in or near Port land. Price $135 per acre, with good water right. W. S. Badley. 1517 Yeon bldg. " ALBERTA, About the niftiest little 4-room house to be found anywhere and only $17S5; $o00 cash will handle. ERNEST WELLS CO.. Main 6S29. 300 Henry Bldg. Evenings and Sundays, Tabor 5606. Ail LEAVING the city, will sacrifice a built-by-the-day house, 7 rooms, furnace, two toilets, cement basement, fireplace first-class condition; 2 blocks Alberta car; open Sunday and Monday after 10 o'clock; j:250 cash and payments; no commission. 1O09 E. 24th st. N. t "" NEW BUNGALOW, $2200. $500 down ; 5-rooms. full cement base ment, fireplace, garage; lot 50x109. Near Knott and 36th. Ask Wales. A. J. PeFOREST & CO. 320 Henry Bldg. Main 2600. J $2000 $300 CASH. Modem 5-room bungalow, furnished, best of plumbing, electricity and gas; full ce ment basement; close to car. W. A. WRIGHT. 417 Abington Bldg. Res. Sell. 1355. Office. Main 53S3. T-ROOM house and large sleeping porch. 2 bathrooms, full basement, modern, screened throughout including back porch and sleep ing porch; fine view of city ; 50x100 lot; a snap; by owner. 920 Gladstone ave.. cor. SOth at. ' $3750 IRVING TON $5750. Srx rooms, modern; three bedrooms and sleeping porch, garage, hardwood floors, built-ins; excellent condition, ideal loca tion. East 24th st. North. Phone East 3320. w 9 $S00 SACRIFICE AND VACANT. 6 nice large rooms; bath, full cement tasement; lot 90x110; cherries, berries, nuts, roses; block car; price $2700, terms. Owner, 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 1043. yOR SALE by owner, $700. $20 down, bal ance terms; 4-room plastered cottage, fireplace, fruit trees, large garden, in good neighborhood. 1307 E. 19th st. N. Wood lawn car to 18th st 5 blocks south. Wdln. 1236. CORNER on boulevard extending, east front, unobstructed view, 5-rm. house, lot fiOxlOO, cow barn, pigeon, chicken houses; several voung bearing fruit trees; near Albina shops. $1. Easy. Owner 2a2 Taylor st. BUNGALOW, pretty outline, cobble front porch piers and fireplace; 4 rooms beside bath ; north and east front, corner lot; price $1750. $SO0 cash. Balance like rent. Johnson-Dodson Co.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. gfXXYSirB, $4500. H down, a beautiful modern 7-room residence, hardwood floors, furnace, etc., lot 50x100. between both car lines. H. H. Staub, 1027 Belmont; week phone Tabor 19. 4-ROOM bungalow and attic, on Sell wood car; 06x100 lot, fruit and flowers; gar den ; Total price only $lyS0; terms. W. A. WRIGHT. 417 Ablngton Bldg. Res. Sellwood 1"55. Office Main 5083. FOR SALE by owner, strictly modern resi dence of S rooms, in most desirable part of Portland Heights; quarter block, fine view. AL 374. Oresonian. S1475-FOUR ROOMS AND GARAGE-$1475. Basement, paved streets and sewer paid, close in and near good car. Some terms. Estes. 267 hit Oak St. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW It's a Beauty ibuOO, all oak floors, large airy rooms; rod as new, garage. Neuhausen A Co. BEAUTIFUL 8 -room home, best section of Piedmont; must be sold at once; luOxluO corner, big sacrifice. Wdln, 0277. BARGAIN 7-room modern house. 9th and Alberta sts.. 1 block from car. Woodlawn 1675. J'OR SALE by owner. $1800; nice 4roora buncalow. fine garden, fruit and all kinds of berries. 3128 52d st. S. E. 8-ROOM house, fine lot. $750; $200 down. Call today, 1S27 Woolsey st., St. John line. KOR SALE 1 h -story bungalow; some fur niture; Rose Ci ty Park ; garage. Tabor 3260. IRVINGTON Strictly modern S-room, be tween Knott and Bra zee. Owner, East i W9S REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. LAURELHURST. $8500 One of the best located home in Laurel hurst. Thoroughly modern throughout and extremely weil ap pointed. Two-story with large attic, contains eight m-ell ventilated . rooms, two fireplaces, large mod ern furnace, hardwood floors, built in conveniences; convenient to street car. Beautiful lawn and grounds, large porch. This Laurel hurst home is just the home- for one of means. $7300 Situated on a high bank, permit ting an unobstructed view of beau tiful Laurel hurst, is one of the best appointed homes in Portland; surrounded by beautiful grounds and flowers this home is the show piace of Laurelhurst. It is two stories and ail modern; has 9 rooms, full cement basement, hard wood floors, furnace. fireplace. Dutch kitchen, beautiful fixtures, etc.; lot 50x100 feet; also a large, well equipped garage. This la more than a house it is a home. $8700 This is a 6-room modern home, one story, and has a large sleep ing porch. Is mod-ern in all ways, has full cement basement, furnace, Dutch kitchen and large garage; location excellent. $5300 Will buy a full 2-story home In Laurelhurst; 8 rooms, all modern and large, full cement basement, furnace, hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen, etc. A real homelike place; this is hard to duplicate. $5200 Two blocks from car line, modern bungalow of six rooms, has furnace, fireplace, Dutch kitchen. hard wood floors, full cement basement, also garage. Lot is 50x100 feet. ROSE CITY PARK. $4400 5-room modern bungalow, furnace, hardwood floors, fireplace, full ce ment basement, Dutch kitchen, modern in all respects, block from street car, lot 50x100; $1200 will handle. $2100 On 7th street, near Rosa City oar, 5-room, modern, full cement basement, two bedrooms and a sleeping porch. This is a good buy for someone who desires to go out a little ways. Lot 50x100; $1000 down will buy. $3700 On Tillamook street. 5-room mod ern house, with full cement base ment, Dutch kitchen and other modern conveniences; $1200 will handle this one. $4300 On 4Sth street, one block and half from Rose City Park car; 6-room modern home with attic, sleeping porch, full basement and other modem conveniences; lot 50x100; $1000 will handle. $3400 On 46th street, half block from Rose City car. seven-room house, full cement basement and modern conveniences; present owner will put in furnace for same price; lot 50x08 feat. If sold at once $1000 will handle and balance $20 per month. IRVINGTON. $3200 Lot 50x100. located on East Broad way ; 6-room with furnace, fire place, full cement basement, and is thoroughly modern in every re spect. At present is rented for $55 per month. To handle it is neces sary to hava $2700. ALAMEDA PARK. $4500 New bungalow; five-room home with fireplace, full cement base ment, hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen and also a garage. This placs can be handled for $2200; lot is 50x100. BUSINESS SERVICE. 317 Hen ry Bid g. Main 67J7. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME. For Sale By Owner. Beautiful hillside home on Portland Heights. Unobstructed view of city and mountains. 12 rooms and 3 baths. Many special conveniences, including sun par lor, billiard room, servants quarters, etc Swiss chalet architecture, double garage and stable, with quarters for chauffeur. Poultry house and yard. Grounds cover one acre, i-acre in landscape gardening. Within 100 feet of carline. Pavement continuous from city. Owner must sell account continued absence from city. In spection of property by appointment. Phons Main 7893. " HAWTHORNE $4"50l 7-ROOM BUNGALOW. We want you to se this splendid bnn (ralow home; 5 rooms on 1st floor and 2 on 2d ; hardwood floors, fireplace, book cases, massive buffet, paneled dining room, expensive plumbing, light fixtures, cement basement, furnace, etc.; located 1028 Ste phens st. (1 block north of Harrison), 84th; full 50x100 lot and all assts. paid; very easy term.. You don't want to miss this opportunity to get a good, modern, nifty bungalow in this superior location lor so little money and on such liberal terms. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark, near 3d. Main 3092, Main 3516. GENTJTNT5 SNAP. Four-room modern cottage 4?ith and East Taylor, In thickly settled district; all improvements paid and clear, and a nice lot of shade and fruit trees in full bearing and on a corner lot for $1500. The lot should be worth more. One-half cash and balance to suit or for three years with only interest to pay. Come early, as this will not last. A. J. PRESTON, 422-423 Henry Bldg., Portland, Or. ROSE CITY PARK. $5000 Here is your opportunity to buy a 7 rm. strictly mod. home in this desira ble district; west of 40th st., only 2 blocks from car; hot water heat; 1 bedroom and breakfast room on first floor, 3 bedrooms above; fireplace, hardwood floors; all built-ins; newly painted ; Improvements Included in price. Let us show you. (Sunday call E. 2544, T. 6:1.) J. A. WICKMAN CO 204 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 1094. terms. bhK FRANK L. McGTTRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Building. Main 5150. Main 1063. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. ROSE CITY PARK. $4500 Beautiful 5-room bungalow, abso lutely modern, fireplace, hardwood floors, buffet, dutch kitchen, linen closet, furnace, full cement basement, wash trays; GARAGE; sewer in and hardsurface included in price; TERMS. (Sunday call T. GSol, E. 2544.) J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 1094. STOP PAYING RENT. Say, Mr. Renter, pay rent to yourself; we will sell you a good level building lot on payments as low as $S a month; we will also sell you lumber for a house on easy monthly payments; come in and we will explain our plan. COE A. McKENNA A CO. Main 4522. 82 4th St.. Board of Trade Bldg. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, $3250. On paved street; all improvements paid; full-size basement, laundry trays, fire place, built-in buffet and conveniences in kitchen; close to two carlines and Jeffer son high school; $500 cash, balance easy terms. See E. M. Brown, with NEILAN A PARKHILL, 219 Lumbermens Bldg., 5th and Stark Rts. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW. On west side, 5 rooms, bath, lavatory, 2 fireplaces. Dutch kitchen, cement base ment, hardwood floors. 2 full lots with na tive trees and flowers; wonderful view of snow mountains and river; 3 car lines. 5 cent fare; $0000, $2500 cash, balance 10 years at 6 per cent. John I. Wilcox. 414 Pittock block. BELOW ITS VALUE. Splendid 0-room house, vacant. 50x100 lot, tor $:i250, $500 cash, easy terms on balance. This property is close to good car service, paved street, school and Columbia park. IT'S A BARGAIN. See E. M. Brown, with NEILAN & PARKHILL, 219 Lumbermen's Bldg., 5th and Stark Sts. IRVINGTON HOME. $5000 GARAGE. Modern five rooms and sleeping porch; exceptionally large living room; this home has all the features you have been read ing about and is in first-class condition. . CLE VELANO-B ARR-H ENDERSON CO.. 12 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 6752. MODERN 6-room bungalow with sleeping porch, fireplace, hardwood floors, cement basement, sanitary laundry trays, furnace, street improvements and sewer in and paid for. 9S3 Tillamook St., near 33d; price $4200, $1200 cash, balance $30 per month, including interest: no agents. ROSE CITY PARK. 39TH ST. Modern 5-room buncalow, floored attic, basement, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, built-in buffet, hard-surface street, in sewer district; big bargain for $4000; terms $0ftO cash, $:t0 per month and in tTfst GIBSON. 2S Stark. Marshall 12. ROSE CITY PARK. 6-room bungalow; hardwood floors, fire place, built-in buffet, cabinet kitchen, good furnace; 1 block to Rose City car. on 61st st.. corner lot; price $3b00, $$O0 cash, $ -o per month and interest. GIBSON, 26S Stark. Marshall 12. 5-ROOM bungalow, north Mt Tabor district, bookcases, buffet, fireplace, street Im provements in and raid, lot 156 feet deep, nice fruit and garden; price $260. $SO0 ca?h. balance to suit. Johnson-Dodson Co., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. $2500 SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE $2500. A 7-room house, in good condition, part basement, bath, etc. 0xl00 lot. one block street car, cement walks in and paid. $3'Vo down, balance like rent. Rummell A Rum men. 274 Stark st. CALL TODAY. Your opportunity to own a home of your own in alnut park, call toaay. v ood lawn. 3304, , 27511 HAWTHORNE Ti I'XGA LOW $2750. well built; reception hail, living room, solid paneled dining room with plate rail and leaded glass buffet, beamed ceiling, cement basement and laundry trays, white a n r m 1 n ' 1 1 m 1 1 i n ! t.!j.rtri. 1 i i ' i t nnri l- :j REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Houet. HAWTHORNE. NIFTY MODERN BUNGALOW $3350. Look here, folks, wake up; don't let an opportunity like this get away from you; can you conceive It possible to buy a strictly modern bungalow within two blocks of Hawthorne car with hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, attractive buf fet, Dutch kitchen with canopy over range, cement basement, wash trays, at tic, etc, with street Improvements' in and paid for $3350? Go to the phone now, make an appointment, and see this; we will stake our time against yours; you will be under no obligation; let us em phasize the importance of Immediate ac tion; a little delay might mean your loss; you just must hurry. A. G. TEEPE CO.. . 264 Stark St.. Near 3d. Main 8516, Main 3092. IP YOU SEE THIS HOME priced at $3650. we believe you would buy it; it has living room with fireplace, dining room with buffet. Dutch kitchen, bath and one bedroom down, and two . bedrooms, toilet and lavatory up; a full cement basement furnace heat; corner lot 50x100; street paved; we firmly be lieve you'll not find a. buy to equal this; owner wants $1000 cash, balance easy terms. COE A. McKENNA A CO, Main 4522. 82 4th St., Board of Trade Bldg. $.HJ00 EAST OF PIEDMONT 36O0. On 100x100. Is a very attractive 5-room bungalow type home with garage; dandy full cement basement; white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas, fire place, paneled dining room with built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, loads of flowers and shrubbery; abundance or fruit and berries; garden already in. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE. TO BUY YOUR HOME. Ablngton Building. Main 106S. Main 5156. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. THOROUGHLY modern 5-room bungalow, double construction, lots of windows, full cement basement, large attic, all built-ins, beamed ceiling In dining room, Dutct kitchen, furnace, gaa range, linoleum and shades; lot 100x100. east front. 100 extra choice roses. 12 bearing fruit trees, fine garage; 5 blocks from Myrtle Park. ML Scott carline. Price $450O; $2000 will handle. Will sell furniture if desired. Owner, Sellwood 1S74 or BF 540, Orego nlan. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW SLEEPING PORCH $2650. Street paved, sewer In; all paid. E0xl0$-ft. lot. Priced Xor quick sale. Terms. $700 down. $30 month and in terest at f'e. 305 Ivy St. J. L, HART MAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Com merce Bldg., 4th and Stark. Main 208. HAWTHORXK "RTrvfi a t j-voct nmniTM $4000 This is a beauty in every sense of the wora. L.esa tnan 6 months old; hard wood floors throughout; 6 rooms and breakfast room, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, dutch kitchen, furnace, full cement basement; wash trays. If you look at it you will buy It. (Sun day call E. 2544, T. 6881.) J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 1094. $;;0o0 INCOME PROPERTY $3000. On a full lot on the hill, adjoining the O.-W. R. Sc. N. shops, is a 20-room apart ment house, furnished, bringing in a good income; should always be rented on ac count of its location; $500 will handle. FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Ablngton Building. Main 515U, Main 3068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. VACANT MOVE RIGHT IN. $750 Cash. Balance $35 Month, Including . Interest. Six rooms and sleeping porch; it'e mod ern to the minute; Al condition and garage; this is certainly a big bargain. OLE V'ELAND-BARR-H ENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 6752. 50x100, S-ROOM modern house on Mallory ave.. near Shaver; full basement, cement floor, wash trays, fireplace. built-ins; house could not be duplicated for lss than $4000; street improvements all in and the price is only $:':uhi; terms $500 cash, bal ance $25 per month and interest. GIBSON'. 2ib Stark. Marshall 12. $150 WILL HANDLE. Furnished place, small plastered house on good cemented rock foundation, lot 60x 100, improved with fruit and shrubbery, good chicken house and run, furnishings include dishes, books, chairs, stove, etc.; very easy payments. Johnson Dodson Co.. 633 N. y. Bank Bldg. JUST finished, 5-roffm bungalow. No, 2623 50th, Houth of Division. near Franklin high. By avoiding all extra expense can sell full corner lot. for $2850; everything in and flly paid; $500 down, balance to suit. Will show any time. BUILDERS' CREDIT CO.. Main 532. Marshall 2899. WEST SIDE BARGAIN. 8 rooms and bath. 705 Everett St.. near 22d ; basement, furnace, fireplace, gas and electric .lights; lot 31x100; price $4750, $1750 cash, balance on time. See E. M. Brown, with XKIUX ft PARKHILL. 219 Lumbermens Bldg.. 5th end Stark Sts. DANDY 6-room modern bungalow, 2 lots, variety of fruit, berries, flowers, close to car. An excellent buy. $3000, terms. Nifty 4-room modern bungalow, fireplace, built-ins. nice location, good terms. $2250. C. E. Adams, 07 Chamber of Commerce, Marshall 2575. 7-ROOM HOUSE Near Sandy blvd.; lot 50x 1O0; fireplace. Dutch kitchen, cement basement, laundry and built-ins. big sleep ing porch, fruit, berries and shrubbery; price ?31 50; $65t down. Ask Wales, A. J. DeFOREST A CO. 320 Henry Bldg. Main 2690. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT BUY. 7 rooms, bath and toilet, 50x100 lot. fine buy for $2500. $350 cash. bal. monthly. J. ROBBINS. 301 Railway Exchange. Res. Tabor 53 Hi. Office. Main 7031. WALNUT PARK DISTRICT. 6-room house, fine corner lot, fruit, flowers, etc., only $3500. $350 cash. $35 per month. You can pay for this with rent money. Johnson-Dodson Co., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. EXPERIENCED HOTEL AND ROOMING HOUSE SALESMAN WANTS TO GET IN TOUCH WITH REAL ESTATE CONCERN WHO DESIRES TO OPEN DEPARTMENT OF THIS KIND. BRWY 2636. ST. JOHNS shipbuilding district; 6-room plastered house. 2 lots, 10 fruit trees, Vz block to car and hard-surface street; big bargain for quick sale. Price $1500; terms $'I0O cash, $15 per month and interest. GIBSON. 263 Stark. Marshall 12. HAWTHORNE SNAP, $2G50. A nice 2-story 6-room house, wide lot, paved street and assessments paid; ready to occupy. See it at 10S7 Grant st. Phone Tabor 5798. or see owner, 340 Glenn. IRVINGTON. If you want a good home. strictly mod ern, beautiful ground 75x150, at right price, with terms, call owner. Main 3S44, or Main 8667. AM LEAVING city, must sell my $300 equity in o-room oungaiow, uixuu lot. Balance $655, $15 per month good garden all in. A snap for some one. Inquire at U321 51st ave. S. E., Lents, near 92d st. DO YOU HAVE $150 CASH? Tf you have, take this nice corner lot with fruit trees, on carline, and 5-room house, dirt cheap, for $1500. Easy terms. F. Fuchs. 420 Cham, of Comm. $4000. SNAP, for sale by owner; modern 8 room corner bouse, all conveniences; con crete wall all around. 15 fruit trees. 973 E. 20th st. N. Alberta and Irving ton car line. IRVINGTON, SOME CLASS to this home; all oak floors; mahogany and white enamel, original design; expensive con struction. Bargain at $11,500. Neuhausen & Co. Main 807 S. ROSE CITY HOME. 6-room, modern, with den. 3 large bed rooms, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, block to car, all improvements paid, $5500. terms. Main 793L $1500.50 3-ROOM furnished house in good district. One-fourth down, balance like rent. Garden, chicken run full lot, with street Improvements. Owner. O 660, Ore gontan. A MODERN, well-built house; bearing fruit trees, improved streets, . 4 block from carline; to be seen to be appreciated; price reasonable, by owner. 10 Jl E. 10th North. EXCELLENT GOOD BUY. Large corner on carline. fairly close in with 7-room house, lots of fruit. A snap for $26ou. $500 cash will handle. l Fuchs 420 Chamber of Commerce. 50x150, NEW 4-room cottage, store bubilding and barn; bldgs. cost over $1600; 47th ave. and East luoth st; all for $13oo, $300 cash, $15 per month. GIBSON, 2ts Stark. Marshall 12. IRVINGTON, CHEAP BUT GOOD 14100 buys this 7-room home, furnace, fireplace. 454 E. 12th st. N. Seen by appointment. Neuhausen & Co. ROSE CITY HOME. 650 East 53d street; 5-room modern. $3650; will show house Sunday. 1 to 5 P. M or Tabor 5319. Main 731. FOR SALE 3 -room house and lot In Wood lawn; berries, fruit trees and roses; $7o0; J150 down, balance like rent. Inquire 1223 E. 15th St. N. ALBERTA DISTRICT SNAP. 6-room modern. 50x1 00 lot. house built 4 years, two blocks car; price $2500. $500 cah. bal monthly. Ca.I Main 7931. 40S E. 37TH N. Strictly modem 5-room bungalow; look it over. Owner. Broadway 637 or Marshall 4726. FOR SALE A nice home, 8 rooms, close In. nice district, lots of fruit and flowers. $3750. Owner. Garage. BD 321, Oregonlan. $150 CASH, $13 monthly buys 4-room mod ern bungalow near Nashville; $1600. East 1133. REAL ESTATE. For Sale House. $4300 On 4Sth street, one block and hi . from Rose City Park car. Six-room modern home with attic, sleeping porch, full basement and other modern conveniences. Lot 60x100. JMHiO will handle. $3400 On 46th street, half block from Rose City car, seven-room house, full cement basement and modern conveniences; present owner will put in furnace for same price. Ixt 50x98 feet. If sold at once J lot mi will handle and balance $20 per month. IRVINGTON. $5200 Lot 50x100. Located on East Broadway. Six-room with furnace, fireplace, full cement basement, and is thoroughly modern in every respect. At present is rented for $55 per month. To handle It is necessary to have $2700. ALAMEDA PARK. $4500 New bungalow. Five-room home with fireplace, full cement base ment, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, and also a garage. This place can be handled for $2200. Lot 50x100. BUSINESS SERVICE. SIT Henry Bldg. Main 6TT7. HOUSES FOR SALE. TOO MANT TO LIST! HOUSES OF ALL PRICES AND IN NEARLY ALT. PARTS OF THE CITY. SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE BUYS AND BEST PREVAILING TERMS. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO, 85 4TH ST. BIG SACRIFICE. CUT PRICE. On account of owner leaving city, see what he has to offer; a strictly modern semi-bungalow, 6 rooms and sleeping porch ; hardwood floors, fireplace, built in bookcases and buffet, furnace, full ce ment basemefrt, gas range all connected up, good linoleum on bath, kitchen and pass pantry floors go with place; full cor ner lot, all paved sts. In and paid, beau tiful lawn and shrubbery, all for $3.00; now vacant: $1000 cash takes possession, balance easy. C. A. WARRINER, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trad e Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. FIVE ROOMS BREAKFAST ALCOVE $3850. We want yon to see this nifty new modern bungalow, with hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen with breakfast alcove, cement basement, wash trays, etc; exceptionally large living room with plate glass windows; located In paved district of Rose City Park, with ail assessments paid. A. O. TEEPE A CO 264 Stark St., Near 8. Main 3516, Main 3092. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. Open Sunday. ROSE CITY PARK HOMES. We have a dozen good buys In this beautiful district: for $3350 we can show you a real California bungalow of five rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, built in buffet, beam celling, Dutch kitchen, furnace heat. cement basement; owner wants $600 cash. For $3500 we have six-rom eeml bungalow with fireplace, furnace, garage; you need only $."oo cash to buy this; let us show you these and 10 others rang ing in price from $3400 to $55o0; our autos will take you out COE A. McKENNA & CO, Main 4522. S3 4th St., Board of Trade Bldg. $400P1EDMONT HOME BARGAIN $4200 Here in an unusual bargain in a 6-room very substantial, attractive home, y block from Killings worth avenue; living room with fireplace, dining room, kitchen, full cement basement, furnace, laundry trays. 3 large, light, airy bedrooms on the 2d floor; white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas ; house newly painted French gray; faces east; large garage; lot is GOxll'3 feet; no street liens. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Ablngton Building. Main 0150, Main 106. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. $ 1 00 C A SH $100. " " BALANCE TO SUIT. Ground KiOxlOO. with about 80 good bearing fruit trees and 4-room shack, barn and root cellar, 1 blk. from hard surface st.. now vacant; price $100. WATCH OUR ADS. WE C.ET RESULTS. C. A. WARKl.VEJt, RITTER, LOW K & CO., gQ1-3-.V7 Board of Trade Bldg. BEAUTIFUL HOME with more than block of ground ; shrub bery, shade, garden, fruit, double garage, scenic drives, massive masonry retaining walls, etc; house has 2 fireplaces, 5 bed rooms, 2 baths; just the home for retired stock or wheat man, or a doctor for pri vate sanitarium, maternity home, etc.; close to car and paved St.; non-residnt owner will sacrifice. Call on Jno. H. 04b son. 768 Stark St., Portland, Or. $.100 EAST $J50O. Full corner lot and 6-room house: dandy fine garden goes with place, or. 100x100 can be had for $350O; 1 blk. from car and paved sts. ; $500 cash will handle, bal. like rent. C A. WARRINER, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IRVINGTON AND PORTLAND HEIGHT?. H A V E MANY EXC LUS I V E HOMES IN" THESE DISTRICTS, STRICTLY MOD ERN. 7 TO 1.'. ROOMS, $00O0 TO $43,000. GLAD TO SHOW YOtT. OREGON BUND & MORTGAGE CO., 20it-'Jl2 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. WE WRITE PIKE INSURANCE. NEAT AND COZY. 4 rooms and nice screened-In back porch ; fireplace, built-in bookcases and buffet, good cement basement, beautiful lawn and shrubbery, good garage, full 50x100 lot; price $i:."0n. terms. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOW E & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. CLOSE TO JEFFERSON HIGH. On Haight street, near Mason, 6-room modern home with nice sleeping porch, full cement basement, fine furnace, fine place and lovely, well lighted bedrooms, $4000, $700 cash, bain nee like rent. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY, 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 6015. A 2815. MODERN 5-room cottage, furnished, good location, free from ail incumbrance, close to 2 car lines. Will exchange for $1300 cash and modern apt. -house, from 12 to 15 rooms, netting $85 to $100 monthly. For particulars call East 73th st. S. Week days from 2 to S P. M., or Sunday after 10 A. M. PENINSULA DISTRICT. 4 rooms, full lot, abundance of berries, fruit trees and shrubbery, paved sts. In and paid, on carline; price $1600, terms. C. A. WARRINER, RITTER. LOWE Sc CO., . 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. STR ICTLT MOD E R N IRVINGTON RESI DENCE, FIVE BEDROOMS, SLEEPING PORCH. GARAGE. $8500. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 209-212 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1S00. WE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE. RIVERA. ' Houses of distinction. 20 mln. from business center. Overlooking rrver. paved road. gas. Bull Run, electricity. Call be fore 12:30. TURNER. Main 3751. A 3239. UNION AVE. DISTRICT. 8 rooms, good basement, paved sts. In and paid, abt. blk. from Union ave.; clear of all inc.: price $2000, terms. C. A. WARRINER, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. GOOD 8 -room house with modern conven iences and located on good 100x100 corner lot, for sale at only $5T(0; will give terms and might include some furniture; near two good car lines. SAMUEL DOAK, 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. COLONIAL HEIGHTS. E. 22d, cor. lot. 50x100. 2-story T-rm. bungalow-roof residence; hardwood floors, white enamel finish, sleeping porch; fine location ; price $8000. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. YOUR OPPORTUNITY. WALNUT PARK offers EXCEPTIONAL opportunity to own a NEW HOME TO COST NO MORE. Many are building now; why not you ? Don't fail to Investigate 'ivuai. rnone , v ooaiawn a-in-t. MONTAVI LLA $700. East S3d st.. 5-rm. modern cottage, at tractive looking ; full basement, fireplace, chicken house, various fruit trees; terms $r.otr cash. OODDAKD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. 7-ROOM modern house. acre, good barn, bearing: fruit trees and berries, shrubbery, flowers, place for chickens, cow and rab bits; S350t; terms. Phone Tabor 737. 616 firh ave. S. E. MT. TABOR DISTRICT. E. BSth St.; lot 50x100: 7-nn. strictly modern house, garage : streets paved and paid; price $5000. $15O0 cash will handle. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. ROSE CITY PARK $4OQ0. E. 60th N., 7-rm. house and breakfast rm. : hardwood floors; street graded and sidewalks; lot r.Oxiiw. GODDARD &, WIEDRICK. 43 Stark St. $2500 CORNER lot and 5-room bungs low, near car line; reasonable terms. East ex:a. A REAL ESTATE. For Sale -l!oueft. HOUSES AT MULTNOMAH. $3304). choice acre of ground, two blocks from Multnomah Station, situated with a view in all directions, in high state of cultivation, with bearing orchard, 4-room house, exceptional value. $-9.0, modern 5-room bungalow this ts a real bungalow lurge tract of ground. x 1 .19 fee t. on lm proved county road, will be ready for occupancy In ten days. $2CoO, modern 4-room bungalow, located on a fine building site, 7xLiS feet. Just being completed. Will be ready to occupy in ." days. $2100, dandy little 4-room bungalow on sightly lot in Buckingham Heights is now ready to move into. Has ail modern con veniences. View of ML Mood. CasiTTTde range and Coast range. A beautiful little home. All of the foregoing can be purchased on terms to suit, and are excellent buys. If you care to see the property, come out Sunday and Inquire at the real estate of fice at Multnomah Station, or call for particulars during the week at 404 Piatt Bldg., cor. Park and Washington. Ben Ricsland, exclusive sales agent. West side homes. $3500 HAWTHORNE BU-N'GALOW $i0K. A 6-room bungalow, floored attic, full basement, laundry trays, furnace, fire place, built-ins, fine cabinet kitchen; lot 42xIOO feet; new garage; hard surfaced street and sewer in and paid; terms easy, location close In. $3000 TERRACE PARK BTTNOALOW $3000. A 5-room modern bungalow, floored attic, cement basement, wash traya, furnace, fireplace, all built-ins; new oak floors; mirror in hall; large lot; fruit, berries and rosea; easiest terms: linoleum in kitchen and bath and shades; vacant; move right In. $4500 ROSTE CITT BTTNV3ALOW $4300. A srtrictly modern, practically new, bun galow on hard surfaced street; attic, full cement basement, wash trays, every build in feature; furnace. fireplace, Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors, fine garage; terms right; location is ideal; if you are looking for a nifty bungalow home see this. RU31MELL A RUMMELL 274 Stark St, PRICE REDUCED FOR QUICK SALS. $5500. Tar Physician or Surgeon. T84 Hoyt t.. near St. Vlncenf a hospital. Kewly renovated throughout. 9 rooms, modern. Hardwood floors downstairs; two baths, two fireplaces. Desirable neighbor hood. Satisfactory terms. WAKEFIELD. FRIES A CO, 85 Fourth St. WEST SIDE HOME SITES are becoming rv desirable, especially that section about Multnomah station, on the Oregon Electric and the Capital highway. Only 20 min utes from the heart of the city by either rail or motor. 1 am offering on the mar ket all manner and kind of home loca tions There are 11 additions to select from: small lots, large lots, half acres, quarter acres, and some acre tracts. We have Hull Run water in our streets, gas. electricity, telephone In fact, all of the utilities and comforts offered by the city itself, and besides the fine air of a. 500-ft. elevation above the Willamette river. If you desire a home built, submit your plan and we will endeavor to supply your wish, even though you have but a small amount of money on hand. My ngents are on the ground on Sundays at Multnomah station during the week, telephone Main hSO or call at the office. 4H Piatt bldg.. for par ticulars. Ben Riesland, West SIdo Sub divisions. ROSE CITY PARK. 7 ROOMS $4300. t , .T.Vfo,Ik'L- l,ere 6urf iy Is good buy. Just think of being able to buy a, 7-rooin house with hardwood floors, furnace fire place, buffet, on a full lot. with all as Bpinent paid, for $4:100; located 5fi0 E. 4-d st. N. Reasonable Initial payment, balance per cent interest. Quick action absolutely nej:esi3arv. A. ti. TKEPE CO., 264 Stark, near3ii. Main SOU 2, Main S516, Bianch office, ROth and Sandy. (Open Su n da y . $100 COM FORT ARLE HOME SlOO. On a full lot is a G-room substantial borne with pleasing lines; large front porch, living room, a bedrooms and sleep in? porch; b large bearing fruit trees, from which the owner sold last year over $lo0 worth of fruit; electric lights; $-!.0 will handle; $lioo Is the total, price; located in Woodlawn. SEE KHAN K L. MfGflllE TO BUY YOLR HOME. Ablngton Building. Main MTh,, Main IOCS. UlTire Open Evenings and Sundays. GROVKLAND PARK HOME Owner moving from city and offers his beautiful 7-rooni house on 67th st. for sale; rOxll4 lot. paved streets all in and pMid; this wa built by owner for a home and really ia one. large uell-lighted rooms and thoroughly modern and exceptionally fine finish; cloe to car and a few blocks from the Franklin high; $0250; let us show you thl real home. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY, 20. Corbett bldg. Main A 2815. KENTON. $.-..-,..(. $1500 CASH. BALANCE EASY. Fen wick st. Desirable corner, 6,xl05. House arranged for 'Z families, but may be advantageously adapted for one. Oarage. FirepiM.ce. Hot water heat. Io not dis turb tenant. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO.. 8. Fourth St. CHE1UIY ST. BUY. Good 6-roum house, full semi-cement basement, macadam streets, clear of all incumbrance, clnye to Bdwv. bridge, abu 100 ft. from carline; price $i':00, terms. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-rt-.ri-7 Board of Trade Bldg. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW $3600. 5 large rooms, hardwood floors, fire place, furnace. Inlaid linoleum in bath and kitchen. room for garage; hlph and sightly; only 2 blocks to Hawthorne car; on paved street. About 10O0 cash. Tabor 5273 or 328 K. iiOth st. MODERN 7-room house on East Burns! do street between East 22d and l.4th, all street Improvements in and paid for, including har-surfare, house newly painted and in good condition. Owner, non-resident, de sires to sell immediately. Can give pos session In a few days. For particulars rail 404 Piatt bldg. $.-rtoo. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. Located in Overlook, one block to car. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, fireplace, fur nace, full basement, attic; ItOxlOO lot; view of city and river. Or will sell furnished for $:too. Terms arranged. W. G. Cox. 221 Falling bldg. Main G363. $2CO0 HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW $J0uo. T rooms and full floored attic, fireplace, built-in bookcases and buffet, full cement basement, paved sts. In and paid, 1 blk. from II. car; terms. C. A. WARRINER RITTER, LOWE A CO., 501-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. A BEAUTY I Rose City Park. $350 cash, balance $3100, easy. Splendidly constructed 5 rma. and attic, fireplace, hardwood floors, paved street, full cement basement, laun dry trays, lot 5Ox03, N. W. cor. 63d and Broadway. Vacant. Open. Tabor i54 ML'RRAYMEAD $.".ft00. E. 24th st., 7 large rooms, sleeping porch, hardwood floors throughout, one block from car; modern in every respect; our best buy; price $."ono. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. IRVINGTON $;.ino! ' 2-story 9-room house; hardwood floors, modern In every respect; 50x100; every thing paid. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. 7-room house, garage; large living room; 2 fireplaces: 2 lott ; attractively built. Price reasonable; terms. Main 1480. 1023 Gasco bldg. HAVE very desirable suburban acre, city water, ras. electricity; value IIO.V): will take your car in at same value dealer will allow on new biuaebakcr. jzL 3-i Ore gonlcn. AN" EXCELLENT BUY. 6-room modern stucco bunft:i!ow In Lao rel hurst, nr. E. 40th : lot looxioo : st. Im provements cost $3rtO; price. $U0O. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 24.; Stark St. FOR SALE Modern bungalow, 5 rooms; strictly modern; 2 lots, large fruit trees, shrubbery, etc. ll.VfO; $l500 cash will handle; balance terms. 442 E. SSth st. MARKET STREET DRIVE. 6-room residence : furnace, fireplace, etc.. 5Jxl04; price $:ifl0o. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. Extraordinary opportunity for your home In Walnut Park. Call todav. Woodlawn ::04. WEST SIDE. 9-room modern residence: hardwood floors, garage, corner lot: price ?S..i0. GODDA RP A Wl EDRIC K, J4 3 Star kS t. OWNER going east, good 0-room cot i aire. 100x100; fruits, flowers, garden, berries, chicken park. fl3t0. M2 Gerllnger bldg. AUTO WANTED Ford or Chevrolet in ex change for good corner lot: will take or pay ditrerence. t an Homo Fhone 4 si 2. HALF acre f nearly , 4-room modern bun galow; $1250. $!in cash. East 1 i:3. SIX rooms, modern, 50100 lot Piedmont. Woodlawn Slot). REAL ESTATE. or Sale Houmr. RICHMOND DISTRICT. $3200 Modern O-room bungalow. No. 2720 East 43d, near Clinton; now vacant, ready to move in. 3S00 Modern 7-room residence, corner lot AOxlOO; fruit trees, improved streets, all paid for: good turnace and garage; easy terms, monthly payments. $I4KK) 5-room house on E, 84th St., lot ftoxluo; terms. $2.0 cash. Vacant lots in all parts of city; will furnish money for building. Jyo Fine lot, 43x100. situated on East Madison, between 3th and 3Uth-; Improve ments ail in and paid lor. WILLIAM G. BECK. Real Estat. Loan and Fire Insurance. 215 -2 Vti Failing Rldg. S. E, Corner Third and Washington St a. $2450 VACANT RUNG ALOW $24r0. owl Look at This for the Frice. 5 rooms, on extra room in attic, large living-room. firep:ace. built-in buffet, white enameled, Dutch kitchen, frne bath, good basement. laundry trays, in fine con dition. Just like new in ski and out. beau tiful full lot with lawn and rose galore, faces east with fine view of mountains, vacant lot next to it, one block Monta vilia car. All it takes Is $5O0 down. bal. anything reasonable. Shown by appoint ment only. Com earlv. OPEN EVENINGS. GEO. T. MOORS CO.. IQhC Yeon Bldg. SEVEN ROOMS HOT WATER HEATING PLANT. Folks, here Is a home that Is a gen uine bargain: seven rooms and a sleeping porch; expensive hot water heating plant; offered on reasonable terms; owner mov ing to Seattle and must sell at once; price has been reduced for quick sale; let us show you. Hurry! A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St.. Near 3d. Main 302. Main 3510. Branch Office. Goth and Sandy. Open Sunday. ATTRACT IV E PAR TOP IRVINGTON. PRACTICALLY NEW HOUSE. $0300. TERMS. Artistically designed; built for present owner; large living room with fireplace and sun room, kitchen with built-ins. folding breakfast table, S bedrooms and sleeping porch, oak floors, gar ace; line lot and well-kept lawn. See MR. GALBRATH, GEO. E. EN OLE HA RT, Main T26Q. 64 Henry Wdg. $3000 $&00 ADJOINTXO FRANKLIN HIGH. On a corner lot on Cleveland avenue, on a paved street with all liens paid, is a very attractive 0-room home; sleeping porch, good cement basement, white en amel plumbing, electric lights and gaa, newly tinted; terms. SEE FRANK I McGtTRB TO BUY YOVR HOME. Ablngton Building. Main 5156. Main 106S. Office Open Ev eniii gs and Su n d ay a t POSSESSION IN THREE DAYS. SAVE RENT SEE THIS TODAY. GARDEN, CHICKENS AND FRUIT. Most two lots and a good 6-room house, east of Laurelhurst: full basement, good plumbing,, gas. electric lights and In tine condition ;' lots of fruit, berries, chicken run, henhouse and garage. The price is only $2ft."0, on very easy terms. This is some snap. Sunday and evenings. Mar. 5 !;.;. week days Main 7007. Mariels or William!". 820 Chamber of Comerce bldg. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. Large living, fireplace, dining, built-ins, polished hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen, 2 fine bedrooms and a lovely large en closed sleeping porch, full cement base ment, fine furnare; this is a real home and almost new; on tJ.Mh f-L N., near Rose City park car. $4250, $1200 cash. Be aure and see this. THE LAWRENCE! COMPANY, 20.-. Corbett bldg. Main 6i15. A .2815. IRVINGTON BARGAIN. 7-room strictly modern, hardwood floors. 2 fireplaces, ivory enamel interior, sun porch, can be breakfast room. Full base ment, tubs, fruit room, with garage, nice lawn, trees. Fine location, lUth, near Bruzoe. A well-built. nicely arranged home. In splendid condition; only $oou. $10u0 cash, your own terms. J. C. COR BIN CO.. oOo-G-7-3 Lewis Wdg. $ 22 '0 i EN I N SI" LA PA R K $2200. A Lovely Bungalow in the Pine, Trees. 5 rooms, double constructed, plastered, large living-room, fine bath, swell kitchen, lis hts. gas. water. 5OxlO0 beautiful lot with bearing fruit trees and berries. 4 blocks St. Johns car; closo to school. Terms. OPEN EVENTNG3. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. HXC Yeo n Rl d g PIEDMONT. PIEDMONT. PIEDMONTV $5000 Buys wonderful bungalow, ft rooms and breakfast room, with attic; large plate gia.-s windows, hardwood floors, lurnacf, fireplace, all built-ins; CJA K Af'.E; alley: Improvements all paid: T E K M S. Su nday cail E. 2544, T GfeSl.) J. A. WICKMAN CO., -04 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 1014. $400 ALAMEDA HOME $4H0O THE BIGGEST SNAP WE HAVE. 6 rooms and sleeping porch ; strictly modern; full basement. furnace. trava, fireplace, all built-ins, h. w. floors, very large rooms and house is in good condi tion ; paved streets, paid, near car; ga rasc ; terms. .Sundays and evenings. Mar. fa'tin ; week days. Main 7017. Marlels or Williams. Chamber of Commerce bldg. fWHO WANTS THIS HOVSK? Ine 7-room house In the Ladd district. Just off Hawthorne avenue; hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, full cement base ment, fruit cellar, line shade and fruit trees ; street paved, everything in and paid for. Price $."r00. $1000 cash, balance just like rent. 411 Henry bldg. Evenings and Sundays, C2T Hawthorne avenue. ROSE CITT PARK DISTRICT. Ftrictiy modern 7-room residence, 1 H blocks from Sandy boulevard; living room, library. gunroom, dlninpr room, Dutch kitchen, fireplace. 3 sleeping rooms, bath and sleeping porch on lid lltoor; splendid cement basement with extra good furnace; toilet: lot ,'HixiOO. garage; price $5200. C.ODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. $3000 LAURELHURST HOUSES. $500 CASH. Non -resident owner has authorised a sale; 7 rooms; pleasing first-floor arrange ment; hardwood floors. 3 fine bedrooms and sleeping porch; improvements all paid; garage. Oo direct to CEO. E. ENGLEHART. Main T2C0. 624 Henry bldg. HERE'S THE BIG NEWS $150 cash puts you in possession of a neat 4-room plastered cottage, lights, gas if wanted. Bull Run water, lovely lot. 6 bearing fruit trees, great quantitv ber ries. ML Scott car. Full price $075. Get out of the rent rut. Open Evenings. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. $1700 DANDT 4-room bungalow, Tremont place. 32!?0 5-room house, 2 lots, 23d and Tibbitts. $r,oo0 Beautiful 8 - room bungalow. Highland Park ; all modern ; worth see ing; term on these. Owner, 412 Fenton bldg. $2.r.O0 W. PRESCOTT HOME. 8 -room- house, nicely arranged; nice ga rage, some fruit, fine basement, with sta tionary tubs. 16-foot alloy: fine place for cow and chickens: two blocks from car; nlv $:'m cash. hI. terms. FMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. $250 CASH; $20 PER MONTH BUYS furnished shingled bungalow. Alberta dis trict; fine lot. improved with choice shrubbery, berries and fruit, near car; price reduced to $1150. See us at once If you want a home. Johnson-Dodson Co., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. CAN OFFER BARGAINS REQUIRING FROM $SO TO $200 REPAIRS EACH. 6 or 7 bungalows in desirable parts of city. Go direct to GEO. E. KXGLKHART. Main 72 6 1$. 624 Henry bldg. 6-ROOM house with bath, electric lights; Sellwood; $110O. 2 -room shack. fu3t lot, $750. R-room house, modern, close in, $5ono. 7 -room house, modern, Frnies ave., $:iOOO. WESTEXGAKD. Room 1 Worcester bldg. LARGE two-story house. 7 rooms, furnace, f ire place, full basement, garage, huilt-ins. convenient to Albina carshops and ship yards ; $4000, $500 down, any reasonable terms. J. C. CORBTN CO.. 305-0-7-8 Lewis bldg. GOOD, substantinl 7-room house, lot 61x100, Mount Scott district, near Franklin high school, grammar schools, churches and public library ; clear of incumbrance: can be bought for $24u0; reasonable down pay ment, easy terms on balance. Tabor 42!. IRVINGTON district, modern. 7-room home on corner, both streets paved; no assess ments, bist buy in the district at $4.mj ; M000 or more cash, balance to suit. For show only bv appointment. See Atchison, 4U4 Piatt bldg. $3250 MODERN home In Ladd's add'tion; 7 rms. and sleeping porch, hardwo. floors., built-ins. fine basement with furnace; worth $tiOOO; terms. M. Billings, SOS McKay bldg. Main 13JVO. $Ho CASH, $25 per month, buys 6-room home on E. Wash, st.; street improve ments all in and paid, west of 37th st. See Mr. Farnsworth. THE BRONO CO.. 2H74 OAK ST. KO?K CITY PARK. By owner, for quick sale, $46T0; modem 6-room, fireplace, furnace, paved street. Owner on premises Sunday 1-3. 541 E. 43th st. N. WILLIAMS A VENT' E NEAR FH AVER. $-.-) $70O CASH, BAL. TERMS. r-rcom house, gas. electric, wash trays, full bnsement: paving In and paid. SM1TH-WAOOXSB CO., STOCK EX. $40( FOR good fl-rm. home on Hawthorne ave.: all sorts of fruit; cor. lot; cash. M. Billings, M9 McKay bldg. Main !;. ROSE CITY" PARK Fine 5-room niwdern bungalow at a bargain. East 60 tf. REAL ESTATE. ror Sale Hou-e: r.0rt $40uO TYPICAL ROSE CITY PVNGALOW. On a lull corner lot on 4;h s;re;t. below the hili. cloe to the car. is a very at tractie 5-room modern bungalow; largo front porch: has music room, large living room with fireplace, tolid paneled dining room with pl.ite rail, beamed ceiling, hardwood floors, while enamel kitchen. 2 bedrooms with iarpe closets, white eniiroi p'umbing. good cement basement, furnace and laundry traye ; paved street, liens ail paid; terms. sKE Kit AN K. L. McGUIRE TO RUY YOVR HOME. Abington Building. Main 51,6, Main 106S. Otilce Open Evenings and Sundays. MT. TABOR One of the best-built bungalows in the clt y, 8 rooms, sleeping porch, billiard room with pool table, two bathrooms, fire place, modern furnace; built-in effects throughout the house, tastefully arranged and convenient. Nearly new wood and coal range, linoleum on kitchen and bath room, carpets in hall and on stairs. Hard wood floors; garage; up-to-date; full lot. on hard -surf ;ice street ; all Improvements paid. Price $0OO0, terms If you want them. 4ee Petersoqn WITH THE FRED A. JACOBS CO. 1U4 FIFTH STREET. Maln 6il or Residence Tabor 822. $200. 8 ROOMS WEPT SIDE. An Ideal home for large family, 8 rooms, all large, each bedroom has closet, nice big kitchen, excellent bath, fine fixtures, lights, gas, water, good basement, fine 60x100 lot with commanding view of city and river, sewer, handy to Fulton car. st. paved, close to school. Full price only $3000. Open Evenings. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Teon Bldg. GRAND 7-ROOM HOME. Living, fireplace, dining, large bedroom, toilet and wash., large kitchen, cold water cooler, breakfast room, 3 fine bedrooms, one with fireplace, bath and toilet; all the built-tns. full cement basement, A-l fur nace, 60x100 lot. close in on Burnsido, offered at price one-half its value, $.3(o, $1500, balance at 6 per cent. No Incum brances whatever to assume. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY, 20 Corbett bldg. Main 6iU5. A 215. Mm ROSE CITY PARK. 14200 Buys beautiful gray shingled bunga low of A rooms and Sleeping porch, all on one floor; strictly modern, fire place, hardwood floors, buffet, dutch kitchen, furnace, full cement base ment, wash trays, parage; improve ments all In and paid. On E. 43d st. o"4'- u ow jou. (Sunday call K. 2544, T. 6tM.) J- A WICK. MAX CO.. 204 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 10J4. I WANT TO CI.OFE OCT WEs5T side home. First J13.HX) takes it (cost J23.0OO; not surpassed in Portland. If vou want a palatial, modern home with every modern convenience far entertaining, etc.. at less 4S5n,;lalX value, address for appointment 11-. Oregonian. IHlis Ml'ST BE SOLD AT ONCE. AS OWNER IS GOING ON FA KM. Nice 4-room bungalow with attic above ru.l concrete basement with laundry travs. built-in fixtures, bath, tc ilet. etc., little barn on back for cow. chicken house, young fruit trees. berrv bushes and shrubbery; st. graded, sidewalks In and paid; all for $UOuu. on exceedingly good terms if taken at once. STEWART A BUCK. 315 Northwestern Punk BMp. $107i-PENTNSrLA PAR K $ 107.. A Happy Ending to Home Hunting .-room plastered rnttage-nunga low. largtk light rooms, delightful living and dining rooms, fine hath, toilet, eweil kitchen lights, gas. water. .WxlOO lot. fruit and ad trees, nice garden; a real home; SU blocks St. Johns car. close Ockley Green school. Terms. Hustle. OPEN EVENINGS OPO. T. MOORE CO.. TOOT Teon Rldg. ROSE CTTY SACRTFICE. , ERJL NTCK I-ITTLE BUNGA LOW. COMPLETELY FURNISHED. IN GOOD DISTRICT: OWNER 13 LEAVING CITY. MUST SELL NOW A GREAT SNAP AT $2500; TERMS L- M. LAWRENCE. MAIN 6Sto". $2500 MODERN BUNGALOW J2500. WHY TRY TO RENT? 6 rooms, one floor, full basement, fine plumbing; electric lights, gas, fireplace, some buift-lns; a mighty swell-built house; lot is "TixllO. near the car; a snap at price, very easy terms. Sundav and even in ss. Mar. 6!M3; week days. Main 7itfi7. MariHs or Williams, b20 Chamber of Commerce building. $:HU0 ROSE CITY HOME S40n. On K. 4Gth street. block from the Rose City car. is a -room substantial home; living room, solid paneled dining room, buffet, white enamel- plumbing, elec tric lights and g;is; terms. SEE PR A N K U M cOt'lRK TO BUY YOUR, HOME. Ablngton Building. Main rl .", Main 106. Office Open Even ingy and Sun days. WALNUT PARK. Just a splendid 6-room house with full cement basement. A-l furnace. love I v large rooms, 5ox 100 lot. beautiful roses and lovely large shade trees, paved street, all paid, cut to $4000. $.VtO cash for quick sale. This home is on Cleveland avenue surrounded bv lovelv homes THE LAWRENCE COMPANY. 201 Corbett bldg. Main 6'.15. A 2915. $2000 6- ROO M BUNGALOW $ 2100. Don't fail to see this strictly modern 6-rcom bungalow in a desirable residence district; has re cpi ion hall, living room, dining rno n and Iwrge Dutch kitchen on first floor; 3 bedrooms and bath on seo--nd. 2 toilets, fuma re and full cement basement ; electric lights and gas; 50x100 lot. nice lawn; ."oo ca.h, bal. like rent. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. MOUNT TABOR. NEAR HAWTHORNE CAR. 32im $7f0 CASH. View lot. with a pretty bungalow 5 rooms and enclosed den or 3d bedroom: don't overlook this home, so favorably situated among good houses. GEO. E. ENGLEHART. Main 7SGtf. 624 Henry bldg. ONE FLOCK MT. TABOR CAR. 8 ROOMS. EAST MORRISON ST. 8 rooms. ioubie constructed, bath, Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet, full cement base ment, laundry trays, beautiful 50x100 lot. fruit trees and berries, garden all in ; $3150. Terms. Open Evenings. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. A GOOD 5-room plain house, room on 2d floor for 2 more rooms; bath, toilet, gas. full basement, street imps, all in and paid: 3 blocks to Irvincton car, on 12th St.; a derided bargain for llO : a good 4-room cottage, bath and toilet, partly furnished, corner lot. with fruit and flowers, sidewalk in, street graded, f 1 350; easv terms. HOL'CK. 110 10th st. MODERN HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. SEE THIS IT'S SOME SNAP. S rooms, strictly modern, one floor, full basement, trayp, Fteam hosting system, fireplace, h. w. floors, all kinds of built ins and the price is only $3350, on terms. Sunday and evenings. Mar. Mfi3; week days. Main '.n7 Mariels or Williams. b20 Chamber of Commerce bldg. LARGE modern 7-room house, on good cor ner, near Multnomah Station, fireplace, stationary tubw. In fact all modern im provements. $3200. Owner offering at this low figure for quick sale. For particulars call at our real estate office at Multnomah on Sunday, or at my office at 404 Piatt bldg. during the week. Ren Riesland, Multnomah real estate exclusively. 5 -R OOM B U N G A LO W " I WOO. Good lot, near Ainsworth and Bast 8th St.; $750 cash. See MR. GALBRATH. GEO. E. ENGLEHART, Main 7261. 624 Henry bldg. ROSE CITT PARK. flOOO CASH. New, modern, 5-room bungalow. In white enamel oak floors, fl replace, bonk -cases, butfet. cement bapemtnt. on 3th st.; price 4:Wo. Johnson-Dodson Co., N. W. Hank Bldg. HAWTHORNE district. Immediate posw-R-si on. 5-room bungalow, ncwly-p;iintvd and decorated inide nnd mu. Paved s-treet. no assessments. ill take $T.M c;ih and ? 20 per month. St-e Atchison, 4;4 Mail bldg. - $ 1 c GO 4 -ROOM BUNGALOW $ U 1 . Dandy little 4-room bungalow and bath, in Rood district. 4xl20 lot: blocks from carline; only $20u first payment; balance lik rent. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, fireplace, wash trays, full cement basement, paved ftr t. 4 sewer, all paid, 50xl0-ft. lot; only $2350, $250 cash, balance $27.50 per month, in cluding interest. See Mr. Karnsworth. THE BRONu CO.. 27 S OAK ST. LAURELHURST SACRIFICE. A six-room motlern bung.-ilow is offered at a very low price for immediate sale; $15O0 cash required. J. C. CORRIN CO.. 305-6-7- Lewis bTdtf. $1K0 CASH will buy good 5-room modern house. oOxlOo lot. near sc. 'mo!; nicelv located. Phone owner, C. l!5o or call tl7 Holman st. .BEAUTIFUL modern 12-room lioust;, suita ble for sanatorium or rst cure; $7500. 24S Stark et. Rhone Mnin 2V -s. IO-ROOM HOUSR and four lot. gol o dition. at the prHe is a bargain. K. itth and Yamhill sts. J-loOO BEAUTIFUL, modern 7-rm. bune.t lovv on 45th st. in Rose City Park; terms. M. Billings, !MW McKay bldir. Mam 1 3!M. LA I RE LI Il'RST dis t.. 1 o rooms, hailwoo.l fleers, f! replace, sleeping port: lies. $." hi. labor 7 2 x FOR SALE Modern S-room bungalow, hardwood floors, prac. electric eiove 1'hone Sunday. Tabor blo3.