8 :f THE -SUNDAY- OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, JUXE 15, 1919. REAL ESTATE. lor Sale -Housee- $7O0 DISTINCTIVE IRVINGTON BUN GALOW. Here is an unusually attractive, artistic, typicai bungaJow ; practically new, buiit for a home; best material and workman chip; double constructed; contains many unique, original, practical ideas and con veniences; piate glass and hardwood floors throughout; den with firepiace; large living room, paneled dining room, plat? beveled glass byffet. French doors open onto pergola; a wonderful full rutch Kitchen: every buiit-in convenience: two iight. airy bedrooms, large closets; best white enamel plumbing fixtures; sep arate shower room, full floored attic, full c-.ment buement; furnace, laundry trays, fruit room, Arco-Wand electric motor vacuum cleaning plant; large Ruud auto rr.tiz ci ater heater: a full lot on E. 4th street, one of ti choicest locations; beautiful lawn and rosre. It clinker brick orch columns, its very distinctive bun galow line?, make a very pleasing, sub stantial exterior appearance; unusual bar gain. Can arrange terms. SEE . FRANK L. McOUIRE. TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Building. Main 100S. Main 51o6. Off i c e Open Evenings and Sundays. MR. AND MRS. HOMESEEKER. Here are two very desirably located and reasonably priced homes : i rooms, modern, fireplace and furnace, hardwood floors, electric lights, bath and most conveniently arranged house; on hard-surfaced streets in Rose City Park, on 4Sth street, close to good car service. Only $4750. ,r-room cottage-bungalow; electric lights, bath, toilet, hot and cold water, gas. full cement basement: on :;4th st.. between Hawthorne and Sunny side cars. Only $2750. I have many others, from $2000 to $20,000 each, and can quote a homeseeker very reasonable prices and terms. J. B. HOLBROOX 214-215 Panama Bldg. 2S1 houses for sale, many fine bungalows on easy terms. Salesmen with autos to show the property. Call at 306 Corbett bldg. or phone Main 7141, Ralph Ackley Land Co. FURNISHED SUNNY!? IDE HOME. Close in, 8 large rooms, full basement, firapiace, furnace heat, laundry trays amV woodllft; a real modern, up-to-date home, beautiful lot 50x120 feet, fine flowers, fruit and berries; handy to car, school, feign school and Benson Polytechnic echool; a real snap for $3500, terms en tirely satisfactory; if you are looking for a. good home close in, furnished, ready for occupancy and a real snap, see tnis one. E. W. HUGHES, 507 Journal Bldg. phone Main 2SoS. IRVINGTON. 7 rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen with cooler closet, four large bedrooms, nice bathroom and electric fixtures, large fireplace, sweU built-in buffet, window seat, full concrete basement, good furnace, laundry trays, woodllft; extra large lot; price $0000; $1000 cash, balance to suit. A. H. BiRRELL CO., Marshall 4114. A 4118. 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. t ON'iY $3250: vou cannot replace the house alone for $40'0; the bank offers for sale mis property with all charges paid, payed streets, sewer and cement sidewalks; this propertv is located on N. 12th st.; it is practically new 7-room house with a full cement basement walls; it is modern; there- is a lull lot close, in between Pall ing and Shaver sts. ; $."00 cash will han dle it. balance easy terms. M. J. CLOHEHSY, ABINGTON BLDG. $2450. NEAR WALNUT PARK. Modern 6-room house, close to Missis sippi car and Jefferson high school; has full cement basement, gas, electric lights, newly painted inside and put; this is a bargain and must be sold at once. Im provements paid : terms. J. L. KARNOPP & CO.. 31ft Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 075. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME. $3500. Large 7-room modern dwelling, furnace. 2 toilets, large assorted fruit trees on paved street, located at 731 Montgomery drive, 1 block from car. This house has no ginger-bread effects but is all house and well worth the money. $500 cash, balance easy; monthly payments. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. Open evenings and Sunday. ARTISTIC LITTLE BUNGALOW. ;-room very neat bungalow, full lot. combination living and dining room with disappearing bed ; Dutch kitchen, elec irifMty and gas. E. Slst street; easy terms. tEE FRANK L. McGUIRE. TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Building. Main 16S. Main 515G. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. " ALAMEDA PARK. Beautiful residence, modern in every re spect, hardwood floors, fireplace, splendil view that can never be obstructed, on tri angular lot 212x185x100: seven very large rooms and sleeping porch, living room 28 c IK, half block to car; surrounded by beau tiful homes; large concrete para?-? ; prop erty worth $15,000: price $!0n0. h74 Laura ave. Woodlawn 247 or Main 492$. VACANT POSSESSION TOMOHP-OW. At S2!i E. Madison, near East 2Jth, Is a 5-room and sleeping porch home, full concrete basement, furnace, firer"jce, electricity, gas, woodllft, etc. ; streets im proved; all for $3X50; see it today. A. H. B1RRELL CO., Marshall 4114. A 4118. 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. WALKING DISTANCE. Here's your chance to get a modern residence at a sacrifice: 6 rooms and at tic, lull cement basement, hot water heat, clear of incumbrance ; $500 down, balamra $35 per mo., including interest at 6 per cent. Price $3700. RI ELY & GUSTAFSON. 90S Yeon Bldg. Mar. 1456. SOUTHWEST SUNNYSIDE HOME. 6-room cottage, full basement, laundry trays, Dutch kitchen, buffet and china closet, garage; 9 fruit trees, all bearing. 3 blocks to car line, cement walks. Price only $2250, $.00 down, balance $20 mo. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY, yi3 Chamber of. Commerce. S U N N YSID E S UNN YSIDE. Only $2750; nifty -room cottage, ce ment basement. built-iu conveniences; best car service in the city; never offered btfore. ERNEST WELLS CO.. Main 682.t. 300 Henry Bldg. Evenings and Sundays. Tabor 5606. NORTH RUP STREET $0250. 8 rooms and maid's rm,; extra tine built in features and light fixtures, center and side lights both up and downstairs, 2 baths, toilets, every modern convenience; GODDARP & WIE PRICK. 243 Stark St. FOR $3500, your choice of either of two valuable places on Market st.. right in yie heart of the city ; on ert her of these places five-room cottages, neat and mod erately modern; in either case the lot a'one is worth more than the price asked. M. ,T. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. WEST SIDE. $2850. Good 5-room bungalow, 1 block to car. sidewalks and streets -paved and paid; first-class location, lot 42x110. full cement basement, a good buy. $.100 cash, balance $25 monthlv. Johnson Podson Co., 634 N. 'W- Bank Bldg.. Main 37S7. IJ ERE is one for $1 550, a 4 -room house with all the city conveniences, a full lot; with this place goes all o the furniture ; is is on tiSth st.: $3U0 cash, with a month lv payment of $13, turns the deal. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON' BLDG. t MISSOURI AVE., NEAR KILLINGS WORTH. Good 5-room bungalow, garage, chicken house, shade and fruit trees; paving paid. Price $33u0. GOPDARD &'IEDRICK, 243 Stark St. tiOOD 7-room modern bungalow. 4 fine lots. on corner, 3 blocks from car in good dis tort. $500 down, bal. $25 month; price $400Q. TUCKER & S1IRECK, Spaldir.g B'dg FOR SALE bv owner, cottage 5 rooms, bath and full basement, Ir good condition: just painted inside and out. Lot 50x112; pave-1 tared, close to school. 1 block to Sunny- side car. Bargain at J2.oO; SdOO down $25 month. Phone Tabor 7548. ALAMEDA PARK. Beautiful 6-room bungalow, just being finished, on 2Srh and fkidmore. Call and see this, or phone owner and builder. v ooaiawn u.:. FOR SALE By owner, modern house. ItiO Morris St.: fireilsce. basement, garage sleeping porch, built-in features, street im provement paid; $4000. Call E. 723? Monday. 1RV1NTON SNAP. Leaving city, will sacrifice my nice five room home. E. 13th and Tillamook; com ly furnirhei. E. 70t ROSE CITY PARK. D- room bungalow, strict iy modern, fin ished taaioutrhout in white and ivory, $3400, terms. Owner, Tabor 47t- MCx-'NT TABOR, WEST SLOPE. Bt-autilul 7-room home. '. bedrooms, sleeping porch, thoroughly modern, ga rage, paved st.. $52oO. Owner. Tabor SsiM. $300o. $500 CASH: cosy, convenient 5-room bungalow, bookcases., cement basement, mce location. Johnson-Dodson Co.. G34 N. W. Bank Bldg. FOR SALE Ry owner, beautiful 9-room house, strictly modern, good as new; terms. Call at 394 Elliott ave., or phone B 214. ft ROOMS. FULL LOT. CLOSE IN. Modern, blk- to car. paved st., $2100, terms'. Main 5231. Tabor 8202. AN S-room bom, 774 E. Burnsid. cor. fine residence neighborhood. E. 3151. CLOSING n estate: west side hous rooms, $lbo0. ELLZEV. Main 12V3. REAL ESTATE. for Sa 1 e H ous-.es. ROSE CITY HOMES. $2150 6-room plastered home; whita en amel plumbing, electric 11 g fata and gas; $200 will handle. $2500 5-room bungalow type home on a full lot ; modern plumbing, electric lights and gas; E. ttOth street, near Sandy ; owner lives in Arizona and will be in the city a few days to sell this home; $30O will handle. $3150 10-room house, E. 57th street; white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas; could easily be converted into flats; terms. $4725 7-room very modern, attractive, distinctive home below the hill; terms. $4750 8-room modern home on E. 41st; terms. $5500 b-ruora modern typical bungalow type home on 100xl21-foot lot; liens .included; very distinctive lines; terms. $7500, 7-room unusually attractive home; hardwood floors, every built-in con venience, den. best plumbing fix tures, hot water heating system, garage; on Wisteria; $500 will han dle. $10,000 9-room bungalow type home on a quarter block, facing on the Ala meda ; practically new, modern in every respect; everything that you would expect in a $10,000 home; terms. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Building. Main 5156, Main 108. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. ROSE CITY PARK. S35O0 ON TERMS. COLONIAL HOME. We have just completed what we be lieve to be the best constructed and nicest arranged small colonial type home in Port land. Living room extends clear across front of house. Dining room and kitchen are roomy and light with built-in fea tures. Artlrtic stairway leads to second floor. The two bedrooms are large, light and airy with light closets. The bath is large. Hardwood floors on entire first floor. Artistic fireplace. Beautiful tap estrv wall paper. All wood work in old ivory enamel. Thjs is strictly up to the minute home and a dream. On paved atreet. three blocks south of Sandy on east side, 62d. Open all day, today for in spection. Come out. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. . 104 5th St. REALTORS. Main 636ft. $250 DOWN. $.2950 MODERN HOME $2950. On a full lot. 1 block to the Montavilla car line, is a very modern colonial type home; reception hall, large living room with fireplace and bookcases. paneled dining room with buffet, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas; sleeping porch; practically your own terms; unusual bar gain. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE. TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Building. Main 10iS. Main 5156. Otfice Open Evenings and Sundays. LAURELHURST DISTRICT. $3200. Fine modern 6-room house, large living room, dining room, den. kitchen, pantry and enclosed porch on the first floor; three bedrooms and bath on the second floor, full basement, fruit room, laundry room and laundry trays, furnace, less than two years old; new electric light and gas fix tures; lot alone worth $1500, house could not be duplicated for less than $3000; lo cated on E. Flanders, 1 blk. from Laurel hurst. J. L. KARNOPP & CO.. ' 319 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 67 5. $3750 MOUNT TABOR $3750. Choice 3 00x145 of ground, on hard surface street: good view; fine assortment fruits, in full bearing, shrubbery and flowers; comfortable 0-room house. in good reDair. with furnace and fireplace; price is under ground value, and $375 casn nannies it, balance to suit. A. H. B1RRELL CO., Marshall 4114. A 4115. 217 N. W. Bank" Bldg. IRVINGTON HOME. Strictly modern, hardwood floors, fire place and furnace, full -cement basement, laundry trays, etc.: 0 room?. Targe sleep ing porch glassed in; lot 60x100. new gar age, chicken coop, cement walks and paved streets: ail improvements In and paid. Price onfy $G750. $2500 down; bal ance easy. LUEDOEMANN COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce. ROSE CITY". 596 EAST 3TH ST. X.. MODERN BUNGALOW. Garage. 100x100 Lot. 5 Rooms and Sun Room. Hardwood Floors. Furnace. Etc. Lots of Shrubbery. Berries and Fruit Trees. $5250. Half Cash. Tabor 2532. No Agents. Please. PORTLAND HEIGHTS SNAP. Six-room bunsralow with hardwood firs.. fireplace, cement basement, built-ins and plenty of closet room. Price $3250. Terms $5O0 down and $35 per month, including interest. ro Uenn. GEORGE M. REED CO., Main 1976. Spalding Bldg. DEAL WITH OWNER. $3500 TERMS. 6 rooms, large porches, sleeninsr Dorch fireplace, modern, built of No. 1 material by day labor; full lot. hard-surfaced ; near Keni! worth Park. Now vacant. 780 fcast o2d st. W oodstock car. P. F. Jones, Bdwy. tt5tj or Bdwy. 4080. RO.SE CITY" CORNER. $5250 Spjendid 0-room bungalow type; an latest conveniences; meal lawn; eac lacing ana Deiow the hill. ERNEST WELLS CO.. Main 662'.!. 300 Henry Bldg. Evenings and Sundays. Tabor 5606. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. This place consists of 2 acres: has barn, garage and chicken house: Onlv 6 miles from Portland on paved road. For quick taie win raKe 3auu. i erms. RIELY & GUSTAFSON. 905 Yeon Bid?. Mar. 1456. UN LY $1050 tor a 4-room house: Dutch Kltcnen, case merit, rrul t trees, uatn. toi let, city water and gas; there Is a full lot goes witn tnis place: tms is on jtn st- $300 cash and $2u per month will change ownership. 31. J. CLUilbSSi, Abl.NU TON BLDG. ROSE CITY CARLINE. Price $1400. $500 cash. Good little 3 roora bungalow on 50x100 lot, water, light, gas. bath, 2 fireplace?, lota of fruit and nice garden: will make a mighty comfort able home for the right party. Jounson- Dodson Co., i34 J. V. Bank Bldg. MODERN 0-room bungalow-btyle house, in teunnvsiae. ouxiuu it. lot. large cnerr:. trees and other fruit, paved street and walks, basement with launary trays, iur naue. firenlace. Dutch kitchi and sleep ing porch. Price $3700: $1200 down. Ralph Ac-Kiev, aut) torDett Jiag. ONLY $1750 buys a new 5-room house; with this house goes luuxlOO it., all in garden; this place is situated in a close-in suburb on the Oregon cny can me, at Kvergreen station. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. MODERN, almost new, extra well built bungalow, 5 good rooms, hall, bath, Dutch kitchen with all modern conveniences first floor: upstairs unfinished ; full basement; near Portland blvd. : would cost $3000 to duplicate: $2300. oodlawn 14.. SOUTH PORTLAND. It vou want to buy a home in South Portland, ca II and see mc. as I handle that property exclusively; $1200 and up. John Singer, 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. COLONIAL HEIGHTS. Very attractive 7-room residence; white enamel finish ; sleeping porch; 1 block from car; price snoou. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. ROSE CITY PARK. 6-room. 2-story la-ge bungalow on 59th a blocks to car. strictly modern: S3SOO terms. Phone Miller, Sell. 1714, ,or par ticulars. $300 DOWN. 5-room house with bath and toilet, on Minnesota ave., near rremoni; price $1000. GODDARD & w it,JLJKiJv, MarK at. BY" the owner, 7-room house, near Williams ave.. on Stanton sr.; large lot. one case ment. J3000: $1000 cash, balance to suit Woodlawn ltios. LAURELHURST home for sale, modern S-room house, $S4oO, terms. Call at any time except Sunday. Owner, 134 Laurel hurst ave. IRVINGTON Going east, will sell at very reasonaoie price. i-room moaern, nouse half b'.ocK irom ciuonouse; pnone owne for description, bact li.'o. 9 SALESMEN. P autos. office enlarged, want more houses to sell: see us at once; old established firm. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. b3 N. W. BANK BLDG. , 4-ROOM house. 2 lots, in Lents: has barn and chicken house; blocks from car line; terms reasonable. Owner, 560S 99th st. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. S-room house, furnace, laundry travs. built-ir.s. only $27 "0. and terms. Hitch cock. SO 4th st. Main 113. $1250. 5-ROOM house in St. Johns, only i block to car; owner must sell; $300 cash", balance $10 a month. Col. 49 or 1215 Charleston Et. IK VI NGTON. 24th. near Stanton: modern S-room house, sleeping porch, hardwood floors. Call owner. Max Kaufman. Broad way llo. 9 A. M. NEW '3 -room house and 1 acre land, cheap :i22 E. 77th St., 1 block S. E. Powell Valley road. 2-ROOM house, VOOxlOO grounds, berries: T'O feet from Woodstock car. Phone 170S. NEW. MODERN, ROSE CITY PARK, ft rooms, attic,- sleeping porch, right to date. $3f.r0. terms. Main 5231. MODERN 5-room H. B. ; everything up-to-date. 5uu cash. See it soon. Sellwood Moorage, root of Karnty ave., Sellwoou. TO sell your home see JOHNSON-DODSON I CO.. 633 N. W. BANK BLDG. 9 w:cMaea REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Houses. LAURELHURST. 1229 East Flanders Beautiful 7-room house; has living room with built-in book cases, artistic ornamental fireplace, dining room with built-in buffet, elegant ap pointed kitchen, fine roomy basement, w-ash trays, economical furnace. 3 attrac tive bedrooms, one with fireplace, usual closets, upstairs finished in white enamel, all walla artistically tinted. hardwood floors up and downstairs, new linoleum on kitchen floor, commodious garage with ce ment floor inside; 50x100 lot. nice lawn; price $5500. FRED W. NEWELL, OREGON INVESTMENT Ac MTG. CO., 220-221-222 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 205. IRVINGTON. Eiegant 7-room bungalow. 15 th St. N., near Knott st.: lot 75x1 oo. fine lawn, ce ment drive and walk ways. First floor Living and dining rooms, plate glass windows and doors, fireplace, built-in bookuases. hardwood floors, fine Puffet. 2 bedrooms, also modern bath. Kitchen Many closets and pantries, finished in white; electric cooker goes with place. Second floor 2 bedrooms, modern bath, sleeping porch; garage (new), cement - porch across front of house; very reason able price and good terms. E. l.th st. N"., near Stanton St., 8-room house, 4 bedrooms 2d floor. 2 bedrooms 3d floor, usual bathrooms, living, dining rooms, built-in buffet, also other conven iences, finished In mahogany, plate-glass windows. French glass .doors opening to living room, also white enamel sun parlors.- double garage, full basement, fur nave, etc.: second floor finished In white. Price $500O, mtg. $2500 4t 7 per cent. EAST SltE. 4lst st. F. E.. near Francis ave. rooms, 2 bedrooms downcrairs. 3 large rooms up stairs: living, dining rooms, kitchen, full basement, fireplace, bath and toilet. doi:t!e floors, gas, electric: lot 80x100: all kinds fruit trees and berries: paved street Con structing; city water; 2 blocks from Wood lawn car. Price $4000, cash $1000, balancs at 6 per cent. Xear 12th and Knott streets Dutch co lonial house. 8 rooms, bedrooms and up stairs hall finished in white, likewise kitchen, living room, dining room with beamed ceiling, also pane work ; recep tion hall, sun parlor, hardwood floors, two fireplaces, bath and toilet, extra toilet in basement, furnace, also Royal hot-water heater; lot 50x100. Prica $7500, terms. I -add Addition Elegant ll-room house: plate glass windows, 4 bedrooms second floor, with bath and toilet, also sleeping porch, 3 bedrooms third floor with bath and toilet, living room, reception hall, vestibuled, dining room with beamed ceil ing, telephone room, butler's Dan try, re frigerator room, den with panels; full basement, furnace; vary modern house. Price $7500, terms. "Wasco, rear East 24th street Lot 42x 100; 7-room house. hall. living room. fireplace, dining room, bay window, sew ing room, pass pantry, kitchen, finished in wnite, totiec downstairs. ;-t oearooms, bath, large sleeping porch. Plce $4t50. MTJRRAYXTEAd district. East Sherman, near East 24th street 8-room house, 4 large bedrooms, sleeping porch, livln room lbxoO. fireplace, dining room, cove ceiling. cabinet kitchen. eTec. range. kitchen and bath finished in French erav. bedrooms, -livinj and dining rooms In ivory white, full basement, wash trays. LISTEN!!! very fine furnace, unusual, us 5-foot slabs firing once in 24 hours, used 6 cords last season at $7 per, cord, entire cost $42; lot 40x1 IS; garage, cement run ways. Price $7500, cash $2500. WEST GTDE. 50x100 lot and modern 10-room house : house now leased for one year at $0 per month; location near St. Helens road and Thurman street. This is a nice, clean property. Price $7500; $25'X cash. One house for ssle, west side. 8 to 10 rooms, fireplace, furnace, bath; located on 12th street, near Montgomery si. ; full lot; reasonable pntt ; easy terms. 9-room modern house On Harrison st., near Portland academy; 4 bedrooms, maid's room, up-to-date bath and uilet. sleeping porch, reception hall, living Vooin. fining room, den. firep'ace, h irdwood floors, pantry. kitchen, full basement, furnace, stone bulkhead: lot 50x100, hard surfaced street, fine view. Price $S500, terms. Nearly one acr and 4-room bungalow. East R2d and O.-W.. R. N. Co. right of way; price $3200. cash $700. balance mort gage at 6 per cent, payable at $25 a month 4-room bungalow, 50x100 lot. 83d and East Kurnside streets, located in Monta villa district. Price $2000, half cash, bal ance mortgage at 7 per cent. 7-room brick hois, some frame, vpry nice proposition: lo. 50xO0: In Lents dis trict. Price $2250, cash $1000. 1 176 Alhfna ave., 4 block north from Killingsworth, faces west; 8 rooms, living room, parlor, dining room, kitchen. 4 bed rooms, bath, full basement, 50x100 lot. Price $3250. FRED W. NEWEL1"-. OREGON INVESTMENT & MTG. CO., 220-221-222 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall SOS. DON'T YOU WANT A BARGAIN? YOU WILL HAVE TO HURRY'. $1900 For a dandy well-built home of 5 rooms, bath, full cement basement, wash trays, gas, electric lights. Plas tered? Sure, and in good condition; drive by and look at it If you like, but DO NOT DISTURB TENANT. We will he glad to call for you If you like, but whatever you do don't delay. No mortgage, easy terms; everything paid. This bargain is at JU9 E- Stark st. (.Sunday call E. 2544, T. G8&1.) J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 1094. $1700 $1700 SELLWOOD HOME BARGAIN. On Millers avenue, on a GOxlOO lot. In a 7-room attractive house; living room, din ing room, kitchen and one bedroom down, 3 bedrooms up ; white enamel plum bin g. electric lights and gas, berries, fruit and flowers: easy terms: also a good one-room house in rear. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abinerton Building. Main 31i. Main 1063. Office Open Evenings and Sundnys. HAWTHORNE AVE. An all-modern home in the best section of Hawthorn district. This house has 6 rooms, fireplace, full cement basement, 2 bedrooms downstairs. I upstairs; Dutch kitchen and all modern throughout. In cluded with the housn is one extra good stove and a good pool table. Rightly lo cation, convenient. Price $32o0. Will 4 take $800 down and remainder on easy terms. BUSINESS SERVICE. 317 Henry Bldg. Main B797. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW GA RAGE $3SOO. Here is your opportunity to get a real nifty bungalow, wini narawood floors, fire place, massive Durret. paved street paid for, garag?. etc.. for $CSo0, and on terms, too. Located 337 E. 47th st.. just south of Hawthorne; now vacant and ready for occupancy Yon can't afford to pnss this by. See it. Of course, you will be under no oblirations. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark, near 3d. Main 3032. Main 3516. "12750 $350 CASH. $275 Go out and have room for garden, fruit and chickens; nifty 6-room bungalow, fire place, built-in buffet, good plumbing, gas, electricity, fine basement, on 100x100 cor ner. N. E. slope Ml. Ta-bor ; no gravel, best of soil ; easy terms. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. Marshall 4114. A 411S. 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. $2100 ROSE CITY DISTRICT $2150. $200 DOWN. Here Is a 6-room plastered house on a full lot : white enamel plumbing ; electric lights and gas: 3 blocks from the car; un usual bargain. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE. TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Building. Main 106s. Main 5136. Offtre Open Evenings and Sundays. VACANT MOVE RIGHT IN. $3250 Buys 5-room bung-alow on full 50x100 lot just west of Laurel hur. newly painted and tinted throughout; im provements all in and paid for: fur nace, bath, gas, electric lights. (.Sun day call E. 2144, T. J. A- WICKMAN CO., 2Q4 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 1094. - TWO 5-ROOM FLATS $300. Two-story double house, live in one. rent the other: gas. electricity and fireplace: full basement with laundry trays; blk. from Willamette blvd . picntv of bearing fruit. Price $30. $1000 cash, balance easy, or will trade for acreage clote in. LITE DD EM ANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. ROSE CITY" CAR LINE. - Price $!b!0. $500 cash, terms easy. Good 5-room furnished house on 100.x ioo lot. water, light. gas, 2mV. chicks, brooders, rabbits, garden in and growing. Johnson- Doason co.. .--. . uariK itiag. TrXGAlTo W BARGA I nTON LTT h"50CV New bungalow, just completed, corner lot. hardwood floors, fireplace, all built-in conveniences; located on East 2-1"-th st-; ery exy tenna 5in Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. REAL ESTATE. For Sale H out INPARALKLLF.D LAURELHURST SACRIFICE. REAL BUNGALOW. CORNER LOT. LIENS ALL PAID. BEDICED FROM $7000. " TOTAL PRICE $5500. Very artistic typical bungalow type B room home; large front porch extending across entire front of bouse, unusual large living room, cove celling, art tiled fire place, bookcases; on the south side of this room French doors lead into a music room 12x14; on the west side French doors lead into a solid paneled dining room with plate rail; unusually artistic massive beveled glass buffet; both of these rooms are Iinished In old ivory; Ideal full whito Dutch kitchen, 3 light.- airy bed rooms with larpe closets, best white en amel plumbing fixtures, full cement base ment, furnace and laundry trays; 2 bed rooms finished In attic; a billiard room could also be finished on this floor; this house contains every thing you could ex pect to find in a $7000 home; on a full lot on Glisan street, west of 3Uth: all street liens included. This is a force sale. -Only two weeks in which to dis pofl of property. Total price $5500, terms. SEE FRANK L, McGUIRE TO lU'Y YOUR HOME. Abington Building. Main 31. Mi, Main 106S. Office Opea Evenings and Sundays. 5-ROOM modern bungalow on 64th st., near Franklin high echool. This hnme has a large sleeping porch, built-in effects, pan eled dining room, wash trays and is strictly modern. This piaco if sold before Sunday may be got for $2700, $1000 cash and balance on easy terms. Here if a 7-room home In Rose City Park. Located on 46th street, convenient to street car and on sightly lot. House modern throughout. Has no furnace, but owner will Install one at this same price if you so desire. The price of this horna is but $3400 and only requires $10u0 cash and balance at $20 per month. Block and half from Rose City car, on 48th street, in the heart of Portland's home district. Six rooms, all modern, large sleeping porch and attic. Must be seen to be appreciated. Price $430O. Will take $1000 down, and the balance on easy payments. BUSINESS SERVICE. 317 Henry Bldg. Main C79T. FURNISHED COTTAGE! OR BUNGALOW. Including furniture for . sale. Location Hawthorne district, near East 44th and Madison street; 6 rooms, bath, etc., paved street, several prolific frui,t trees, large strawberry patch with fine crop, lot 60x 100, nice lawn, premises very neat and clean Price $2500. FRED W NEWELL, Oregon Investment & Mortgage Co.. 220-221-222 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 205. HAWTHORNE! BUNGALOW THOROLY MODERN $4000. OWNER OFFERED BETTER JOB IN EAST. Must sell at once. Beautiful bimgalow offered at & price way be.ow actual worth. Here la your opportu.nl ty 10 get one or tne most substantiaiiy-omit, and one of the real attractive bungalows, in this favored district at a low price. Require $lOto cash. If you have that much money, hurry. Yon certainly can- - not aiiord to pass up tnis spienaia Duy. A, Ci TEKPE CO.. 264 Stark, near 3d. Main 3002. Main 3510. Branch office, 50th and bandy. tQpen Sunday.) $3670 REAL KENTON HOME $3675. 6-room very modern substantial attrac tive Home with garage, on a paved street. hi block to Derby street. 1 hs blocks to srhcol and 3 to bank; has furnace and fireplace; solid paneled dining room, Dutch kitchen, many built-in conveniences; to tal price 5o675; street liens included ; terms. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE. TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Building. Main 1008. Main 6156. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. CLOSE IN BARGAIN. $C300 Just think of buying a G-room house, near 3'Jth-and E. Ankeny with built ins, gas, bath, electric lights, full basement, wash trays, for so little money, and the lot is 47x100. Do you wonder that we say this won't lat long ? Be convinced yoursel f. Iet us show you this rare bargain. (Sunday call E. 2544, T. 6S8L) J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 1004. ON F OR T LAND HEIGHTS. . On a beautiful tract over 2 lots In area, with fine natural shade trees and shrub bery, is a G-room bungalow requiring some repairs which can be made at a fcmall expense. This property carries a $J0 loan; non-residential owner offers to take $10u0 cash for equity; this Is an opportunity for a nice turn for you. A. H. BIRRELL CO., Marshall 4114. A 4113. 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. THE McGUIRE SYSTEM makes home buying easy. You can come to this oiYice and see over 600 photograhps of homes for sale, arranged In districts ; every one has been appraised; ten auto mobiles at your service; some wonderful bargains; that Is why we sold over 100 homes in May. SEE FRANK L. McGUTRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Building. Main ."il .", Main 106S. Off ic Open Evenings and Sundays. ROS E CITY PARK BUNGALOW $3S'0. Splendid 5-room bung-alow, lomted P34 E 50th st. N.. just north of Sandy: hard wood floors, fireplace, built-in buffet. Fox furnace, etc.; $S50 cash will handle. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark, near 3d. Main 392. Main 3516. Branch office, 50th and Sandy. (Open Sunday.) v IRVINGTON. $5500. New 6-room bungalow with all modern conveniences, hardwood floors, built-in ef fects, large living room and extra large plate glass in living room. House has not been occupied and Is ready for in spection. All improvements paid. J. L. KARNOPP & CO.. 319 By. Exch. Bldg. Main 675. ROSE CITY PARK. ? 3500 Buys a dandy new modern bungalow. only one block from car; never been occupied: fireplace, hardwood floors, buffet, dutch kitchen, linen closets; full cement basement, wash trays; $500 will handle. Let us show you. (Sunday call T. 6SS1. E. 2514.) J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 1094. LARGE grounds, plenty of fruit and flowers with a good 6-room bungalow w Jth full ' cement basement, furnace and other con veniences : on a block to car; very attrac tive home and only ?3S50. ERNEST WELLS CO.. Main 6829. 00 Henry Bldg. Evenings and Sundays, Tabor 5606. IRVINGTON HOME. Beautiful home, seven ro.oms. hardwood floors throughout, cement basement and big sleeping porch. Owner jubt back from France and must sell cheaj. $6000 and easy terms. GEORGE M. REED CO, Main 197G. Spalding Bldg. 5-ROOM bungalow, basement, plumbing, rooms light and conveniently arranged; lot 50x100, nice lawn, trees and shrubbery, faces east and Is near school; price $lSou, tSyo cash, balance $20 per month, includ ing Interest. Johnson-Dodson Co., 634 N. W. Bank bldg. ONLY $2000 for a 6-room house right in the heart of the city, on Caruthers st., be tween Front and Water sts.; this prop erty is where you want it. being close to the Northwest shipbuilding works: easv terms will be given. M. J. CLOHESSY". ABlNGTOXBLDG. SUNNYSIDE bargain. $3000. with 5,4 cash, verv good modern 7-room house, corner r.OxlOG feet, beautiful yard, finest bearing fruit trees, between both car lines; see this before buying anywhere. H. H. Ftaub, 1027 Belmont: week phone Tabor 219. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, fireplace, book cases, buffet, basement, attic, 100x100 lot, fruit, shrubbery, garage on alley, large enough for four autos; $3000. $500 cash, balance easy. Johnson-Dodson Co.. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. SUNNYSIDE SNAP $2330 with $600 down, verv good elderly 6-room cettage, fine lot, 50x100, garage. 3 blks. Belmont st. H. H. Staub, 1027 Belmont; week phone Tabor 219. SUNY'SIDE SNAP $1350 with $400 down, 4-room cottage, lot 4xl09. on E. Alder near 34th, hard-surface street paid for. lot alone worth the price. H- H. Staub, 1027 Belmont; week phone Tabor 219. DEAL WITH OWNER. $220O, 6-room modern bungalow. Im provements paid: $;'-00 down and $22.50 per month, including interest. Owner, Sellwood 1S55. IRVINGTON 520 East 24th N.. cor. Brat: lot 50xlo0;- modern 8-room house, sleeping porch, fireplace, furnace, full basement; garage. For sale by F. E. Bowman 6c. Co.. 213 Chamber of Commerce. 3-ROOM house in Sunnyslde. 50x100 lot, price $12t0. easy terms; 1 block from car line, some buy. See Wortben. 2u9 Alisky Building. " AN EXCELLENT BUY. Smi'.l 3-room house in good eonditlon. Tremont district, let 44x131. Will sell for $141(10. E. N. TOWNSEND. 29 Alisky Bldg. H E RE7? A BARGAIN. LOT, SOxlOO. 9-ROOM HOUSE. 345 11TH ST.. S4600. P 33. OREGON I AN. FOR SALE in Ashland. Or., a house and lot, or exchange for house and lot in Portland, by owner, Kaposin, Wash., box 2. ! NICE Laurelhurst lot, $900: streets paid; torms. .lohnson-JJouson o., . w. Bank bldg. 6-ROOM old hous. 5Oxl00 lot in Sellwood ; price $1000. easy terms. 5 blocks from car Une. Worthen. 201 Alisl.-y. hm. BG4 E. 34th N., near Alameda Park. 70S larket- Tacoma. REAL ESTATE. MAGNIFICENT LAURELHURST HOME TO BE SACRIFICED. Owner suddenly removed east. In structs me to effect quick sale of his handsome new 8-room Laurel hurst home, with garage, located on fcOxloo choice site, overlooking beau tiful Laurelhurst park. This delightful home has hot water neat, is exquisitely decorated and pa pered throughout with elaborate fix tures, tile baths. with separate shower compartment, an unusually large living room with tile fireplace, lots of French doors, a wonderful dining room with pass pantry and convenient kitchen with every built in convenience, including composition drafn boards and breakfast nook, tile lavatory ; an ornamental stair leads to 3 large bedrooms (2 with private sleeping porches) on 2d floor; maid's room with bath on 3d floor. All of the drape at curtain rods, stair carpets, stoves, g&s heaters and plates go with house. Tho grounds nave been beautifully planted and landscaped. Price cut to $11,000; only $2500 cash required, balance to suit pur chaser. This Is a rare bargain, it's lik new and is worth $15,000. Tabor . LAURELHURST HOMES. $4.50 -6-room modern home on Hassalo fctreet. near 40th; liens all paid; terms. $5000 7-room very attractive strict! modern home with garage; can ax range terms. $6000 7-room modern home on Haiel Fern street, near GHsan; $000 $6500 7-room strictly modern bnnralow on Burnside street, close to paxk; woodwork finished in oak and w-hlte enamel ; terms. $6u00 Very attractive concrete Enxllsh Colonial home, very modern and " distinctive; on imperial ave; terms. 7000 6-room very attractive home: ever modern convenience; on Haael Fern, Just north of GItsan. $7500 8-room very modern typical bun galow; hot water heat: corner lot; jucai location; gooa vsiue. FRANK L. McGIHRB TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Building. Main 6156. Main 106S. Cftice Open Evenings and Sundays. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT BUNGALOW. Just completed, tine brand-nnw five- room moaern, il-jt Mister t bet. 4ist and 42d. near Richmond school ; double constructed: reception hall, living room, li replace. Plate class window, bookcases. dining room, buffet, Dutch kitchen, brealc fat alcove, bedrooms, bath; finished old ixory and white throughout; attractively papered and tinted; hardwood floors, shades, electric fixtures, cement basement. faved streets; all Improvements In; walk ng distance Franklin high; price reason able; terms. Call Sunday (today), see owner. Telephone Marshall 6705 mornings or evenings. FORECLOSURE BARGAIN. Look at 833 E. 37th st. S.. but do not disturb the tenant. $15u0 0-room bungalow, bath, gas. electric lights, full basement; house alone worth more than price asked ; re demption period Just up; sewer In and ppid for; EASY TERMS; QUICK POSSESSION. (Sunday call E, 544. V. 6bl. J. A. WICKMAN COM 504 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 1034. NEAT BUNGALOW BELOW HILL, CLOSE TO SANDY. 6 rooms and floored attic, all built-in conveniences and fireplace, cement base ment and furnace, large living and din In room, fine carpets on both floors go w-ith place, paved streets in and paid ; about H block from Rose City car line; price $3700, terms. C. A. Warriner. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. CLOSE LAURELHURST PARK. SUNNYSIDE CAR. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Modern home, corner lot, paved streets, 6 rooms and sleeping porch, fireplace, fur nace, Dutch kitchen, etc.; splendid garage: one of the best close-In residence sections In city; unexcelled car service; 10 minutes to west side. This Is a real home buy ; come and see it. Open for Inspection to day 11 A. M. to 8:30 P. M., or phone Tabor 'i 552 and I will call for you in my car. $3600 UNUSUAL HAWTHORNE BARGAIN. Very distinctive G-room modern home; large living room, paneled dining room, kitchen. 8 light airy bedrooms on second floor; best white enamel plumbing: elec tricity and gas; full cement basement, laundry trays; paved street; ail Hens paid; unutiual bargain. See Frank I. McGuire to buy your home. Abington bids laln TOGS. Main MSG. WHERE CAN YOTT DO BETTER IN HAWTHORNE DISTRICT FOR $2SOO? Good looking 5-room modern bun r a low, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, built-in kitchen, sleeping porch: streets paved and paid; $5o cash, balance like rent. Call 304 l-j Oak St. Brnadway 206. BRAZEE-STFJCET HOME, $400. This Is a moHt beautiful location, ft rooms and sleeping porch, fireplace and furnace, nice lawn and shrubbery. paed k treats in and paid ; one block from car; price $4500. terms. C. A. Warriner, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. GO LOOK AT THIS. 1092 E. 2b TH N. VACANT. $2500 Buys this 5-room bungalow, newly painted and tinted inside and out; full basement: wash trays: la blocks north of Alberta car: terms. (Sun day call T. 681. E. 2544.) 3. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 1094. ACHB TRACT WITH 5-ROOM HOUSE. Finest annle. cherry, walnut, near. etc. orchard In Portland; 150x215 feet, S lo;s; house has electricity, gas. tinted, dandy kitchen, bath and pantry, cement walks and basement, roses, shrubbery- and small iruits a-pienty: yours tor price or nous and one lot; terms. 721 E. 40th at. W. S. car to 42d st. $2000 -ROOM HOUSE: $2000. $150 down payment, $20 a month and interest buys a 7 -room, modern home on jayior, near 3atn. .bt; FRANK L. MctiL'IRB To Buy Your Home. Abington bldg. Main 10G8. Main 5156. Office open evenings and Sundays. MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE VACANT. Pay me $500 cSsh and move In. Lo cated In the choicest part of the very best residence district block from car. Hix rooms and sleeping porch in first class condition. Garage. Everything complete. Phone Mr. Delahunty. Main 1700. Sundays ana evenings ast ::t(i. LAURELHURST BARGAIN. Beautiful 6-room cement bungalow, all hardwood floors: three years old: cement garage; large corner lot: place cost over $11,000, but will sell quick for $8000; good terms. GEORGE M. REED CO., Main 1976. Spalding Bldg. EAST 24TH STREET SEE IT TODAY'. If you are looking- for 8-room house. new, clean; needs no repairs; large, artis ilc rooms, ivory finish; superior heating plant, gaxase, sleeping porch, electric vooKing range. oreaKiast nooK. rrutt. ber ries, roses. Phone SelU 1096; $7500, i erms. 7-ROOM bungalow, in aood district. Dutch kitchen, fireplace, cement basement, piped for furnace, in best condition, nice lawn, trees, shrubbery, etc., i block to car and paved street, near school; price only $36oo, Terms if desired. Johnson-Dodson Co., 633 N. w. Bank Bldg. $500 HANDLES. Six-room house; attic, built-ins, Dutch Kitchen- cement basement: surrounded bv beautiful homes; lot 50x100; price $2500; on Clinton su. nar ja. A. J. DeFOREST & CO. 320 Henry Bldg. Main 2390. A REAL BARGAIN. E. 72d and Clackamas ; fine corner, 80x1 no: 6-room nouse, bath, toilet, base ment; no encumbrance; price $2000; $700 cash. GODDARD WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. MOVE RIGHT IN. ft ROOMS AND BATH. RIGHT ON A R LINE ; NICE HOME: MUST SELL 2500. EASY TERMS. UNION SAFE DE POSIT A TRUST CO.. 2S4 OAK. A 5-ROOM modern bungalow, strictly mod ern, on 53d and Sandy blvd.; 50x100 lot: It has fruit, berries and walnut trees $4200, S12U0 cash. Call Main 5142 tomor row. Balance easy terma. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW B A R G A I N Iarge living room, music room or library, fireplace, osk floors, 3 bed-ooms, sleeping porch, garage. 636 E. 1Mb st. N. Seen by appointment. Neuhausen & Co. FOR SALE A 4-flat apartment houfe, bearing I Pr cent net on $13,000, which Is the purchase price. 745 Hoyt st. Mar shall SG39. E. MADISON, near 34th, S-room house, fur nished, suitable for 2 families; rents foi '$40 per month: $2750 takes it, $600 down Tabor IS 11. W. H. Sawtell. 5-ROOM bungalow, full cement basement, garage with cement floor and runway; some fruniture : $2500; terms; leas for cash. 1144 E. Harrison st. IRVINGTON SEE THIS charming "bungalow-style home, 75x100 corner, choice loca tion: 2 fireplaces, 2 bath rooms, $7S00. Neuhausen & Co. FOR SALE by owner Modern 5-room bun galow, fireplace, hardwood floors, garage. Rose City Park. Call Tabor 5558, Sunday. ESTABLISHED long time, well equipped, can uell your home. Johnson-Dodsoo Co.. N. W. Bank bldg. I FOR SALE $1450. 5-room hout- fruit trees J and garden. Bargain. Tabor 6fc3L REAL KSTATE. For Sale -Hou LAURELHURST $S.00. Here la one of Laurelhurst's real homes 6 rooms and sleeping porch. Th s Is so delightfully beautitul so splendidly sit uatedthat we just mant the opportunity of showing yon. An exceptionally larte lot and an abundance of shrubbery adils a charm and a dell jiit that Is more than satisfying. However. !'. us warn you. If you don't possess $2-VtO. th amount of Initial payment required by ownVr, p.oase don't soe this. We know you'll wuiit It end then not to be able to make the pur chase would be an utter disappointment. You'll find every built-in convenience every refinement one would expect to find 9n so costly a homo. V We don't need to mention that it has hardwood floors. 2 fireplaces, mu porch, etc Yes. there Is a rarape. Plioae today now for an ap pointment. A. O. TEEPE CO . 2G4 Stark, near 3d. Main 3002. Main 3516. Brunch office, 50 th and Sandy. (Open Sunday.) SOME GOOD BUYS. 6-r. bungalow. large attic, 100x100 feet, $-000; $700 cash. bal. terms. 6-r. bungralow, sleeping porch, fireplace, eras radiators; this la nice, neat and clean, close to car; $3-50; $1000 cash, balance to suit you. 6-r. modern bungalow, full concrete basement, 10Oi35 feet. $70O; $30 cash. $15 month. 4- r cottaire, modern plumbing, 4 years old. $1300; $000 cash. bL $10 month, per cent. f-r. house, 4 lots 60xl0O each. $2000; $200 cash. bal. $15 month 6 per cent; this is In Sellwood. 5- r. modern bungalow, fireplace, paved street, Hawthorne district, $2MXi; $600 ch. bal. to suit. A snap. 6- r. modern bunicalow, saratre. paTed St., 60xls5 feet, at &Mh and U. Taylor, $100; $1700 cash, bal. monthlv. R. M. OATBWQOD A CO- 165 4th St. ALL IM LArREI.KHRST. These house a are all modern. In Orwt- ciui conoition ana rcacy TO aiOVE INTO. Laurel hurst Is s hich-clasa. restricted residential section. In choosing- your per manent -home, location and environment snout a ds riven thou eh tf ul consideration. LETT US SHOW YOU A FEW HOMES. A 6-room house all in white. A 7-room bungalow-type house with r a rare- A 8-room house hardwood floors; rar- A 5-room bnnralow close to ear. A 5-room bunsaiow near park- and ethers. M-R. BROWN, LAUR ET , rTTJRS T OFFICE. E. 89th AND G LIP AN STS. Tabor 8433 Evenlnt-3. Tabor 69. $4900 IRVINGTON PARK HOME $4i)00.. Here ts a very modern, unusually con venient home; large living room, 16x2s feet; beamed celling; fireplace, inlaid hard wood floors, solid paneled dining room with plate rail, den with fireplace, full Dutch kitchen with cooler, 3 Large, light, airy bedrooms and sleeping porch, extra large bathroom with shower, sewlnr room, laun dry room, hot water heating system, hy draulic wood lift ; lOOxloo lot. beautiful trees and shrubbery; only 3 years old; has many original practical conveniences. You must see ts home to appreciate it. Un usual bargain. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abtnrton Building. Main 5156, Main 106S. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. BUNGALOW. Near East Stark street; 4 blocks from car. Six rooms; very modern; two bed rooms, living and dining rooms, fireplace, kitchen, fine basement, furnace, wash trays; hardwood floors, excellent view; beautiful grove, 50x100 lot. Price onlv $3650: cash required $900; balance pay able $20 per month at 6 per cent. Good streets. FRED W. NEWELL, Oregon Investment & Mortgage Co.. 220-221-222 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 205. MUST BE SOLD. COMPLETELY FURNISHED. Close in, east side, nice corner tot 50x 300, fruit trees, berries, shrubbery and nice garden, paved street in and paid and & good G-room house, good basement; now vacant: $50u cash will take possession, only $3000. this price Includes everything, a $500 piano and fine oak furniture is included in this buy; quick action neces sary. C. A, Warriner. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ALA M CD A PARK ! T ROOMS SUN PARLOR .fi270. Splendidly located n Alameda Park. 2 lots on beautiful corner, all assts. paid. This is a genuine bargain and will be wild at once. Hard wood floors, fireplace, and all tha real modern conveniences one ex pects to find In a Dt?a! expensive home. Probably never again an opportunity like taia one. Jct us t now you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 2G4 Stark, near 3d. Main 3092. Main 3510. Branch office. 50th and Sandy. (Open Puniy.) RARE IRVING TON SNAP. Vacant, ready to move into today, a ciasy 7-room Irving ton home, lo cated in best section: old Ivory fin ish and hardwood floors throughout, 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch, nice yard with room for garage; price $GOO0. terms. This is an unbeatab'o bargain and it's like new. Tabor 407 for appointment. $4500 HOME 100x223 LOT $100. On East Glisan and Montavilla car lines .on 100x225 feet of ground is a very substantial S-room house. 4 large airy bedrooms, electric lights and gas. white enamel plumbing, gas radiator heat, large bearing orchard, over 30 trees, all kinds or berries and grapes; attractive lawn; flowers and shrubbery. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE. TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Building. Main 10HS. Main 5156. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. JUST WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN LOOK ING FO R 1 N ROSE CITY PAR K FOR $3500 ON TERMS. ft-room modern bungalow, fireplace. bookcases, buffet, dandy built-in kitchen, full basement, east front, garage, paved streets. Call 304 1. Oak St. Broadway BEAUTIFUL HOME BARGAIN. $3800 Buvs fine two-story home ot 6 rooms and sleeping porcti: iun cement base ment, turnace. sarace: soxluo lot, Improvements all in and paid; quick possession; TERMS. (Sunday call E. 2544, T. 6S81. - J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 1094. BIG BARGAIN IN LAURELHURST. 9-Room House. Location Is the ery choicest In the dis trict. 5 large airy bed -rooms and extra large family sleeping porch. Close to car. Worth at least $9000. See it and make me an offer. Must be sold this month. $1000 cash will handle. Main 1700, Sunday and evenings. LAURELHURST MAGNIFICENT S-ROOM HOM E, with garage, located choicest section of Laurelhurst, overlooking park ; beautiful decorations and fixtures, hot water heat, large tiled bath with shower, maid's room with bath: thi new home can't be dupli cated for $15.0ii0. price $12,000. terms. 1421 Northwestern Bank Bldg. COOK AVENUE. NEAR WILLIAMS. 6 rooms, cement basement, furnace, hard surface In and paid; block from car. Al location; out-of-town owner must sell; price $3600. C. A. Warriner, RTTTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BEAUTIFUL $14,000 HOME. FOR QUICK SALE $9000. $5000 will handle corner lot. 100x100: cedar built-ins. hardwood floors, tv.o fire places, big Dutch kitchen, fruit, berries, lawn, roses. Ask Wale?. A. J. DeFOREST & CO. 320 Henry Bldg. Main 20. CUT THE LIVING COST. FOUR LOTS IN GARDEN AND GOOD THREE-ROOM HOUSE. ONLY $1700. SUNDAY. 2 TO 5. S P A " KM ANA. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO., 2S4 OAK ST. ' BEAUTIFUL new home adjoining Piedmont, hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, buf fet. Duth kitchen, built-in dr-ers. ce ment basement, furnace. $4500. $lsooeash. A bargain. Johnson-Dodson Co., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. IF you desire residences in any part of the city at pricrs ery much below their true worth, kindly call and learn the particu lars from our listing. M. J. (JLOH ESSV. ABINGTON BLDG. IRVINGTON EXTRA GOOD handsome, square Colonial home, located on beauti ful large corner: fine garage; cos-t $25.ooo. Will sacrltce for 515,500 and less without extra lot. Neuhausen &, Co. 5-ROOM house In S. Portland, lot 50li: on Fulton carline, paved street and irlwaik in and paid lor: i(mj. uu down. hai. Si. a month. An excellent buy. Worthen. 203 Alisky Bldg. NE V R FRANKLIN HIGH SCHOOL. . 4-room cottage, on fine lOoxl 0 corner, a very nice home, has garage, berries, etc. Price $1700. SOO cash, batance easy. Johnson-Dodson Co.. G33 N. W. Bank bldg. $000 7-room houes and full l.ti. No. 270 Graham ave.; must be sold to sett-e an estate. See Mr. Strong, executor, 777 Love joy st. Phone Main 3592. " MONTAVIILA DISTRICT. 5-room bungalow, modern, facing Clack amas: young fruit trees. Price J250O. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. MODERN S-room house, Jrvlngton district; $154)0 down, balance to suit. Particulars address owner, 436 E. 27lli st. N. jjtV INGTON'b lN G Ale J (M t; term; 3 rooms, large attic, fireplace, hot w ater beat. Neuhaus-n & Co. MODERN bungalow. 5 rooms. Wose in, $550 ; bargain. ELLZEY, Main 12j3, REAL ESTATE. For Sjle INDUSTRIAL CENTER. Contract itt for the new bouisvard puts us one m:ie nearer town. $soo . rooms, strictly modern. 5 rooms strict. y modern. '.'.! 1 rooms. strict. y modern. room, modern. rooms, moiirirn fnrr rooms, moaern. $.Uu 6 rooms, stnctiy modern. a:i ths above from $150 to $5O0 cash snd $13 to $5 per month. They are withia t to 3 blocks from car line. l45o 4 rooms. 75x100 feet. $l.vo rooms, hard-surface atreet- $HOt 5 rooms. 75x100; plenty of fruit, $infi 3 rooms. 75x100. plenty of truiU f IMH 4 roomjL fri $l,Vi i rooms. 75x100. worlds of trait. $l.xn ;t rooms. $;oo ft rooms, plenty of fruit. $7.o ft rooms. $;:,MHt s rooms. 11 rots, worlds ef fru!t and garden: very cheap; easy terms. The above are within one to six blocks of t-t. Johns and Kenton can; tera. $50 $200 cash and from $12-$20 per month: nothing over G per cent Interest. If the do not suit you we will try to build toj one. A, C. McDonald. 206 Lombard. Take St- Johns car. Office open Sundays and evenings. BUNGALOW BREAKFAST ROOM ALAMEDA DRIVE Hose City Park. $750 down. $50 month, interest Included. Pavement and sewer ia and paid. Lot 50x120. Entrance haU; big living and dining rooms with hard wood Uoors: fireplace; buffet; whits enamel kitchen: big breakfaat nook; J bod rooms: large bath. Beautifully pa pered throughout; fixtures, shades ana a gas heating system; a full, deep concrete basement; laundry trays; close to car. New never occupied. J. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Coznmere Bldg., 4th & Stark. Main -OS. ROSE CITY PARK. 6 WELL- BUNGALOW GARAGrT $45v. DO YOU LOVE YOUR WTFET Then srpend just $500 more than vou had fig ured on and buy her this nifty, aubsta--tial, classy but.ga.low home. Ifa r.Eht tip to the minute in every reepect win lit ret with the most exacting requirements one would naturally expect to find in an expensive home. Draw on your Imagina tion as much as you like picture the bungalow you want and then see If this tine does not fill your requirements. Our autos are at your snrvlce. Phone today right now. A. G. TEEPE CO . 24 Ptark. near 3d. Main 8z. Main SMI Branch office, 50th snd Sandy. (Open Sunday.) HERE IS A BEAUTY, COMPLETE IN EVERY PARTICULAR. This bungalow Is above the average In style, build and below in price; 5 rooms and den, full floored attic, hardwood floors, built-in bookcases, buffet, fireplace. French doors, Dutch kitchen, finished throughout in old ivory, full cement base ment, furnace, everything in Al shape; fine garage. heautKul lawn and shrub bery; restricted district and quick posses sion can be had ; only $4500 and terms. This is a pick-up. C a. Warriner, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201 -3-5-7 Board of Trade Bid g. ROSE CITY PARK HOMES. 7-room modern home, newly painted and. looks fine; a good buy at S4100. terms. 7-room modern home, all kinds of fruit, onlv $2800. easy terms. New 5-room bungalow, attle. fireplace oak floors, fine built-in work; breakfast nook; be sure to see this pretty home. $4;:00. terms New, well-built. 5-room bungalow, fire place, oak floors, walls tinted, light fix tures and window shades. Your money's worth, only $".:i50. easy terms. B. F. POND REALTY CO.. 1230 Sandy blvd. Tabor 8S25. Office open Sunday and evenings. ' IRVXNGTON DUTCH" COLONTAL SACRIFICE. Do you want to buy an exquisite strictly modern Irvington home that lias never been offered for sale be fore, having 7 large rooms and sleep ing porch, at the extremely low price of $7500? If so. call Tabor 407 for appointment. No particu lars over phone. YOUR HOME. EASY TERMS. Capitol highway, acre. 4 ras., mod ern. Mi!waukic. 50x100. 5 rms., modem. Hawthorne dist.. 50x100, 4 rms. A beanty. Laurelhurst, 50x100. 5 rms.; a snap. Ro.-se City, 5oxl00. 7 rms.; a good om?. Crept view, 100x1 0O, 6 rms.; snap buy. Irvington. 5u. 10, S rms.. snap buy. Oregon City line, - acre, modern bun gn low, 4 rms. MAGOOX, 431 Cham, of Com. bldg. $175 DOWN. f $ 1 3 7 5 1 ; X U S U A L B A KG Al N $ 1 5 7 5. On a full lot is a 5-room neat plastered bungalow; re- eption hall, living room, din- , ing room, china closet, kitchen, 2 bed rooms; - hlte enamel plumbing, electric liu'hts and gas, SL:reened-in back porch; $175 will handle; no liens: close to school and Mt. Scott cr. INVESTIGATE. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Building. Main 5156, Msin 1063. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. 8 ROOMS. MODERN VACANT $250 down, $40 month. Interest Included. E. Couch, near 24th St.. 3 large bedrooms; big closet; hardwood floors in mam rooms; fireplace: full cement basement; laundry trays. Good value. J. L. HART MAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Com merce Bldg., 4th & Stark. Main -03. THREE MORE WONDERFUL BUYS. Look at 4S, 50. 62 Mason at., but don't disturb the tenant. $2400 $2300 $25iio 5 room, bath, gas. electric lights, full basement: street improvements all in and paid; make offer as to terms. t Sunday call T. 66S1, E. 2544.) J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 104. WEST-SIDE SNAP. Ground I00xl5i and 10-room house, fireplace, good basement, abundance of fruit and shrubbery, beautiful river view, 2 blocks from car and paved streets: clear of all incumbrance: $5o cash will handle. C A. Warriner, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. -ROOM, strictly modern home in Ladd s addition; large lot with garage, turnace, 2 f irtp:acs. hardwood floors; house cost cost S5MJ0 4 yars ago to build;- lot cost $2250; yours for S5730; terms. W. A. WRIGHT. 417 Abington Bldg. Res. Se'.lwood 1355. Office Main SPSS. $750 CASH. HAWTHORNE. $3175. Bungalow, pretty outlines, cozy, conven iently arranged 5 rooms and sleeping porch, east front with nice porch ; well built, lot 30x100. choice fruit, 1 block to car. Johr.bon-Dodson Co.. 633 N. W. Bank Building. ACRE SNAP $1Su0. $300 down; 3-rdom plastered house, barn, garace, gas and water: near 4Sth ave. and 8d st., block from county road. Ask Wales. A. J. DeFOREST As CO. 320 Henry Bldg. Main 26S0. A COSY BUNGALOW FOR TWO. Homelike, convenient to car. modern ; 2 bedrooms, living room, hardwood floor and fireplace ; Dutch kitchen, cement basement: low prlcea at $CSTO; terms. MacINNES & PRATT. 413 Board of Trade Bldg. Tabor 8613. BY owner. 5 rooms. new!y painted and tint ed: improvements In; built-in sideboard and Dutch kitthen. full basement; 1 block to car. 2 blocks school; I want to leave and will sell fnr $2750. $500 down and terms. Call at S51 E. Kelly st. W. W. car. FURNISHED complete, ready to move in; fine new bungalow, one $3175 and a fonr room new bungalow, unfurnished, at $2450. Both on terms. Call on owner. 1004 s. Leonard, near Buchanan. 200 feet north of S. Johns car. BY nwnr who is leavir g city. $4200. -room house. 1430 Alameda drive, Rosi City dis. ; hardwood floors, sleeping por-h on second floor, large Dutch kitchen: lot over 5o ft. front by 109 deep; 100 ft. finest location. FOR SALE by owner, modern home, 7 rooms, lot 7SxlOO; 8 niit tree, full cement base ment. 4 blocks from Alberta car line; will sacrifice for cash. Call 1224 East 16ih street North- FOR SALE by owner. $12,000; large &-rm. house, in good condition, half cash, bal ance can be arranged. Miss Holman. 7S Everett St., Main 4b41; also choice Irving ton lot. m IRVINGTON BUNGALOW Some Snap At tractive, well built. 7 roomn, 'J bath rooms, oak floors, fireplace. Only $4a00. Neu- huuen & Co. 5-ROOM modern bungalow jn Montavilla. in excellent condition ; fine lawn, fruit trees. grapes and berries; tw-o blocks from car. 4ti E. 62d st North. M ANT years experience selring Portland ral estate. We can sell your home; salesmen have autos. Johnson-Dodsun C "HOMES ALLPARTS OF CITY. AL.L f K 11 J 1 CU.iS. Fee W. A. WRIGHT. 417 Abington Bldg. R-s. g::wood 1355. Office Main 53 FOK SALE -room house. 425 East Couch st.; cost $5600; will sell for $420t; $50O cash, balance to suit purchaser. Inquire ut h-jugg- WILL tnke lot Row City Park car as tlrnt payimiit on new bungalow in Rose City ; k. 1- U;- repQt.ai- 5-ROoM buniralow, Fplendd location; terms esy; modern. Tabor S12. FURNITURE for sn le. V house, feaxaffa, fur aie cr lease. Es.t 2l.