The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 08, 1919, SECTION SIX, Page 2, Image 88

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    -v- v.
lwllilkizAl is
jf. Astonishing """J
Advance of TAfireless
by yVhich a Single Voice
May Actually Be Heard
in Every Corner of the
Country , on Mountain
Top or Coal ISIine at
the Same Moment
If W
".f ti !
A field wlrcleu station is operation
WITH the aid of the long-aistance
wireless telephone a single voice
may address the population of
'the entire nation. A revolution in com
munication will date from the installa
tion of this marvelous new Instrument.
In the not distant future the news
papers may announce some day, for in
stance, that the president of the United
States will address the people the fol
lowing morning at 10 o'clock. At the
appointed hour 100,000,000 persons scat
tered throughout the country may listen
to his address without misslns a word
j c n mo uuicuiiun oi mo speaKers
voice. At a burst of eloquence a great
.wave of applause will sweep the coun
try and a joke will raise a laugh from
Cea to sea.
In some hour of great national peril
uo enure population can thus De col-
- lected and addressed in a few minutes.
- If the wireless telephone were installed
today it would be possible, for examnle.
for President Wilson on his return from
1'rance to discuss the league of nations
, In this way with every oitizen. It is
prophesied with confidence by tele
phone engineers that within a few years
me president 3 message at his inaugural
or before congress will be delivered
directly in this way to the entire
. people.
lne wireless telephone promises to
make the world safe for democracy as
has no other agent. In the early days
of the Greek republic It will be re
membered. the1 populace was in the
habit of meeting at noon every day be
fore the tribune to be addressed by
the orators and to determine affairs of
government. The system Insured a pure
democracy in which every citizen could
take part and be represented. With the
growth of population the daily meeting
soon became unwieldly and a form of
representative government was evolved.
Centuries later the wireless telephone
will make It possible to return In a
measure to these primitive and ideal
conditions. An entire people may be
summoned to stand, as It were, in one
vast audience and listen to their chief
The importance of this direct means
of communicating with the population,
no matter in what part of the United
States It may be situated, can scarcely
be measured. In the early days of the
republic when communication was by
stagecoach, days were required to carry
the president's message from Washing
ton to the principal cities of the coun
try. The system was slow and awk
ward to a degree, and national develop
ment was correspondingly deliberate.
The appearance of the railroad and the
telegraph worked a revolution by cut
ting the time between cities to perhaps
one-tenth. The marvelous development
of the United States In the past 70
years Is very largely due to improved
means of communication.
The wireless telephone annihilates
space. It will work a revolution com
parable to that of the railroad and the
telegraph. No other country Is so well
prepared as the United States to take
advantage of the new invention. There
are today about 175,000 wireless sta
tions scattered far and wide through
out the United States. A great many of
these are amateur stations, equipped
with receiving devices only. Such ap
paratus may be adjusted readily to pick
up the Invisible waves of the telephone
messages. So numerous have these ama
teur wireless stations become In all
parts of the country that it became nec
essary for the governmnt to regulate
them by law to keep them from Inter
fering with the sending of government
and commercial messages. A receiving
station, however, can do no harm.
The cost of Installing such a station
Is trifling. The wires which pick up
the vibrations may be strung from the
barn to the haystack of every farm or
upon the roof of any city house. The
cost of such an outfit need not exceed
to. The cost of keeping up such a plant
is trifling. The wireless telephone is,
therefore, within the reach of all. The
apparatus required for sending out mes
sages, enabling the operator actually
to talk through the air, is expensive at
present and requires some technical
experience to operate. But anyone with
j , f
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A tm iiuk ued as a
an outlay of $S and a little time may
be connected up with the great wireless
telephone which will soon be extended
far and wide over th United States.
The efficiency of the wireless tele
phone has been clearly shown by Its
work with airplanes in flight. A small
telephone set which works perfectly
through a radius of 250 miles has been
used repeatedly to signal to flying
squadrons. The writer has "listened
in" on many conversations between the
ground stations and the air pilots. The
human voice is transmitted much more
clearly by the wireless system than by
the copper wires which tend to distort
it- Voices are perfectly reproduced and
seem to be spoken Into one's ear al
though the pilots may be miles away
and often at great altitudes. To test the
telephone an order would be given to
the leader of the air squadron to torn
his fleet to the" right or left, and a
moment later the great fleets of air
ships would obey the order.
The transmitter of the wireless tel
ephone may be readily equipped with an
amplifier which will enable the voice
to be heard by thousands of people.
During the aeronautical exhibition in
the Madison Square Garden in New
York the voice of an airplane pilot,
speaking from his machine a mile
above the earth and many miles dis
tant, was thus amplified and distinctly
and mora people. An antenna, for ex
ample, could be quickly and cheaply
raised above the roof of a theater and
the words of the president, for exam
ple, thus picked out of the sky and
amplified so that an audience of thou
sands could hear every word. If all the
moving-picture- theaters of the land
were thus equipped, what an audience
could be addressed nightly throughout
the United States.
Kvery section of the United States
will thus be brought within touch of
Washington or any other center. Every
theater of a great city and the factory
or office of every business could thus
hear the voice. In remote parts or tne
heard throughout the hall by 10,000 country, where even the malls reach
wireless tawer
but once a day or at longer Intervals,
the population assembled at the village
school, store or church could listen In at
the same time. The wireless telephone
may also be connected up with the or
dinary telephone system, which could
thus be used to supplement it. Every
telephone in the country could be con
nected up with Washington at the ap
pointed hour and the president's voice
could be beard on mountain tops or in
coal mines. There would be few people
in the country who could not be brought
within sound of it. No Invention In all
history has so served to knit the world
so closely together or seems destined
to work such a revolution.
Jeffrey Hudson, 18 Inches High, Gained Introduction to Henrietta Maria,
Consort of Charles I, When He Stepped Out of Big Venison Pie.
JEFFREY HUDSON, the story runs,
was introduced to Henrietta Maria,
consort of Charles I., in a big veni
son pie. When the pie was opened out
stepped Jeffery in all the dignity of his
'18 inches and made a courtley obeisance
"to the astonished and delighted queen.
he took the little man into her service.
Now this Jeffrey Hudson was of stout
heart and possessed an adventurous
spirit despite his diminutive propor
tions. He fought two duels, one with
a turkey cock and one with a certain
Crorts, who faced Hudson armed with
a "squirt" and was forthwith "shot
dead." Twice Jeffrey saw the inside
f a prison; once when he was cap
tured by the French on his way across
the channel and again when he was
. taken by Barbary coast corsairs. To
round out his career of adventure he
-an accused of complicity in the "Pop-
. ish plot," and spent the last of his days
in the Gate House in 1682.
Another famous dwarf was Borul
Vaski. the Pole, of whose debut an in
teresting story is told. As a boy of
15, when he as just one inch higher
than a two-foot rule, Borulwaski was
-xiresented te the Empress Maria The
.xesa, who was so charmed by his ap
pearance that she seated him on her
lap. To the queen's questions as to
vt'hat he considered the most interest
invr slht in Vienna the dwarf replied:
"What I now behold, so little a man
. en the lap of so great a lady."
Xhis tyeech made, the little fellow
most popular. He became a special
favorite of Stanislaus IL. who took him
to England and Introduced him to
George IIL. and for more than half a
century Borulwaski made his home at
the English court.
This dwarf, who at his tallest was a
yard and three Inches, had a sister
whose head just reached her brother's
shoulders. Borulwaski was not only
a handsome man and a courtier but a
scholar of repute. He lived in five
reigns and was laid to rest in Dunham
in 1837.
Richard Gibson and his wife, who
lived in the 17th century, were a re
markable pair, quite apart from, their
inches, which combined barely made up
seven feet. Both were clever painters
of miniatures and Gibson was drawing
master to the daughters of James II.
At their wedding, which was arranged
by Henrietta Maria, Charles 1. gave tne
bride away, the queen placed a valuable
diamond ring on her finger and Ed
mund Waller, the court poet, wrote a
poem in honor of the occasion.
Among other dwarfs of interest was
Philates. who acted as tutor to Ptolemy
Philadelphus, and who wassaid to be
so light as well as short that he car
ried weights in his pockets to prevent
hia being blown away. Then there
were Coropas and Andromeda, two tiny
handmaidens of Julia, niece of Augus
tus, each of whom was but 2ft inches
high. . Ricliebourg, who died, in Faris
In 1S58, was just one Inch under two
It is a carious fact that most of the
famous dwarfs attained ripe old age.
Borulwaski was only two years short
of the century when he died. Riche
bourg was 90, Gibson was 74, while his
widow died at 89 years.
Among those in the service of the
late Sultan of Turkey. Abdnl Hamld,
who found themselves without a job
upon the abdication of that ruler, was
the clever dwarf, Mehemmed Sellm, who
stands 28 Inches In his stockings. Me
hemmed Selim is said to be a linguist
of attainment and a musician of no
mean ability.
Armistice Comes Too Soon
for Patterson.
Few Soldiers la France More Disap
pointed Than Hood River Boy.
HOOD RIVER. Or., June 7. tspe
clal.) It is unlikely that among
all the 2,000,000 doughboys In France
any one was more greatly disappointed
when news of the armistice came than
Glen Patterson, The Dalles soldier. And
with good reason, for it had been Mr.
Patterson's absorbing ambition from
April 6, 1917. to take part In actual con
flict against the bodies.
Patterson, who was here recently
visiting friends, said his ammunition
train had lust received orders to move
up to the front when news of the armis
tice reached them.
"Right then," he declared, "all of the
'pep' went out of me."
Glen Patterson entered the first offi
cers' training school at the Presidio In
1917 and received a second lieutenant's
commission in infantry. However, he
was placed on tbe reeecve list, and this
was not at all to his liking. The army i
had a need for artillery officers, and
the young man sacrificed his infantry
commission to enter an artillery offi
cers' school. Here again he was disap
pointed. Patterson was next tried out
in a training school for aviation offi
cers. "I de not blame anybody bnt myself
for failure in aviation." said Mr.- Pat
terson. I thought I knew everything
about wireless, but I fell down. I
couldn't receive fast enough." The
draft was his last resort.
Patterson and his ammunition train
went across with 2000 negro stevedores.
A U-boat attacked their transport and
the panlo of the negroes, he says, was
a spectacle not to be forgotten. That
sub, coming up out of the deep and fir
ing a torpedo at their ship, was more
than they could stand. Destroyers
drove the diver away after her shot had
"We arrived at Brest, and on disem
barking were ordered to take the
darkies and unload the transport," says
Patterson, "and let me tell you we cer
tainly grumbled. We thought we had
been badly treated, but when our work
was finished we discovered that our
companion companies aboard the trans
port had been taken direct from the
boat to be Bent on a 14-mile hike, while
moving pictures representing them as
marines returning from the front were
"Grouching comes natural to the
doughboy," eays Patterson, who re
turned home with the two stripes of a
corporal, 'but if he will Just look
around he will always find some fel
low who had a little bit worse time
than himself."
Sweden Has Bread a-PIenty.
STOCKHOLM. Sweden's bread ra
tlonlnr will be abandoned owing to
tbe satisfactory importation. o cereals.
Lazy Slan's Paradise Discovered in South Seas American Colony Finds
Nature Provides All Wants and No Effort Is Required.
-- LFE In the Isle of Utllla Is described (
I . as an existence of unbroken ease.
There are no worries or ceaseless
struggles for your dally oatflakea
Nature takes care of all that. Utllla's
place on the map would be hard to find.
but It's worth discovering. Away off In
southern sea, never heard from be
fore and but little known, itt comes to
the knowledge of tbe Pan-American
Union that here have Americana found
home that others enjuy when they
are dead.
"We call It a laxy man's paradise,"
says the message from this land of de
light, "not that the Inhabitants are
necessarily Indolent, but simply because
a large amount of labor Is superfluous.
Nature provides for nearly all our
wants here as In most tropical coun
tries. Farming is our principal occu
pation, yet there is not a plow on the
Island. Frost is unknown and extreme
heat is never experienced. Ninety de
grees in the shado would be an un
usually high temperature. Our grade
schools are of high standard, attendance
being compulsory ten months in the
year. American text-books exclusively
are used and social life could not be
distinguished from that of the United
Utilla Is one of the Bay Islands,
string of six verdant keys in tbe Bay
of Honduras, an arm of the Caribbean
sea, which were discovered by Colum
bus In 1S02. They were then thickly
populated by native Indians who be
came slaves. The Islands now are In
habited wholly by English-speaking
"The first family to settle here.
rAM on the letter, "was that of Joseph
Cooper, who found upon landing two
lone American young men. saamuei sua
.Toxhnii Warren, bv name. A few years
later came Mark G. Morgan, an Ameri
can from Philadelphia. The descendants
of these men now inhabit the islands.
tv. ntnnAA n- r- r-.f Pnrltnn stock.
all seafarers Imbued with the spirit of
adventure who. though filled with
wanderlust, found conditions on the
island so ideal that they planted their
takes deen and said. 'Alabama, here
we rest.' "
T Mma tiiat Athur mlrantS COT1
tinued to arrive until in 1852 there
... -a manv ttint Vl V Dfttitioned the
Governor of Belize to administer them
as a British colony. This was done
until 1860, when the island was ceded
to Honduras. "The change somewhat
discouraged the people at first,". says
the letter, "but they soon learned that
the laws of Honduras were equally just
a ..n .. 1 1 th, mT-fvHlAe-ea In the
pursuit of life and happiness enjoyed
uuaer iirllita rule. ae numiunuauuu
of the present governor, R. Barahona
Mejia, whose headquarters are at
Roatan, the capital, is giving general
Of the principal exports 10.000.000
eocoanuta are sent yearly to the United
States. There are 14 Methodist churches
and six of the Seventh Day Adventists
on the Island with over 700 members
and S00 children in their Sunday
school s.
Try it! For a few cents you can
dry clean everything.
Cave five to ten dollars quickly by
dry cleaning everything In the home
with gasoline that would be ruined by
soap and water suits, coata, waists,
silks, laces, cloves, shoes, furs, drap
eries, rugs everything!
Place a gallon or more or gasoline la
a dlshpan or washboller. then put In
the things to be dry cleaned, then
wash them with Solvite soap. Shortly
everything comes out looking like new.
Nothing fades, shrinks or wrinkles.
Do not attempt to dry clean without
6olvlte soap. This gasoline soap Is the
secret of all dry eleantns.
A package of Eolvlte soap containing
directions for home dry cleaning, coats
ilttle at any drug store. Dry clean out
aoora et Xrpm (lam L : - ..