THE .SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JUNE 8, 1919. 11 REAL EST ATI. For ??ale Huu-cs. SELLWOOD. $107o Good ti-room house, large lot; ony inconvenience against property Is tnttt it is 0 blocks irom car; $JuO will hdudie. ALBERTA. $17So Just the niiuest little 4-roora house you could expect to buy for the money; neat as a pin. WAVhhLLIGH HTS. $25o0 Splendid i-room cottage; beau tiful street; $0uo cash. J1VKTLK PARK. $2500 Your terms! corner lot; splendid buy in ti-room cottage. ANAbEL. $3850 lOOxlOu with six-room bungalow, fuil cement basement, furnace, large attic, elegant lawn, abundance howers and fruit; $luoo cash. HAWTHORNE. $4000 7-room strictly modern bungalow with garage; you will buy this fine house if you once look in it; $10uo cash. PIEDMONT. $4250 A $6oOO house sacrificed for quick action; can make a cash loan on this property for you of $3000; $120o will can dle. ROSE CITY. $5250 Splendid 6-room bungalow type house, corner lot; a little beauty. IRVIXGTON, FURNISHED. $5750 Right on Broadway; good 6-room house about 10 years old, nicely fur nished, including player piano, tine leather upholstered chairs and ready to step into; a, wonderful buy. ERNEST WELLS CO., 300 Henry Bldg. Main GS29. Evenings and Sundays. Tabor 5606. NEAR AN KENT" CAR BARNS. A good, well-built 8-room home, 2 blocks from car barns; street improvements all paid; full basement; furnace; gas and electricity; 50-ft. lot; nice lawn; an opportunity for someone to get a home cheap. $3500 and easy terms. See Peterson. THE FRED A- JACOBS COMPANY, 101 5th fit.. Realtors, ilain t869. $3750 ROSE CITY BUNGALOW $3750. Modem in every way, 5 rooms, hard wood floors, fireplace, full cement base ment, furnace, dandy buffet, fine location, beautiful lawn, shade trees, etc.; this is a well constructed bungalow and among the last few that can be had in this district at such a reasonable price. Be sure and see this before deciding on your home. $12o0 cash. Call at Uil4 Sandy blvd. AUTOMOBILE FIRST PAYMENT. 7-room, double constructed residence, 4 blocks Woodlawn car, close to school. This is a fine, modern home with good lot and fruit; wiil take auto as part of first payment; full price only $2500. Ask us about it. Open Evenings. GEO T. MOORE CO. 1U07 Yeon Bids. IN IRVINGTON. In the beautiful Irvington district, 6 room modern home, in every respect; fire rlace, lull cement basement, furnace, etc. This home is one of the snow pi-ices of Irvington and is located nrar the Broad way carline. Price $5J00. "Will give terms to responsible party. See our rep resentative at ai7 Henry bldg. Main 67Q7. " ONE BLOCK MT. TABOR CAR." ' 8 Rooms, East Morrison St. 8 rooms, dbl. constructed, bath, Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet, full cement base fruit tres and berries, garden all in; ment. laundry trays, beautiful 50x100 lot, $ol50, terms. Open Evenings. CEO T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. IRVINGTON residence. No. 754 Hancock St., very choice district, lot SOxlurt, house cen ter entrance, 8 rooms, fireplace, furnace. Bleeping porch, hardwood floors, modern conveniences, fine condition, lfirge garape. full cement runway, trees, shrubery. $0250 cash, balance $2000 time. By appointment nfter Sunday. East 4191, owner. S:iD ST BUNGALOW. Nifty 5-room bungalow with fireplace, beamed celling and panel dining room, o--ment basement, wash travs. lot 50x100. Price $2000, $500 cash, $15 monthly, 6 per cent. R. V. FEEMSTER, 3m3 Abington bldg. LOOK For sale by owner, best buy in Van couver, U-room modern bungalow on car line, 2 lots, nice garden, garage, chicken house and chickens, either completely fur nished or unfurnished to suit buyer, easy terms; must sell at once; call Sunday. Sifton car. get off corner 33d and Drum mond ave. $;;.-,oO ROSE CITY PARK $3500. (!-room 1 -story bungalow, all built-in features, fireplace, full cement basement, furnace, wash trays, lot 50x100; eiy terms. Sundays and evenings. Mar. r:i:i, week days. .Main 7ln7. Marie's & Williams, S2Q Chamber of Commerce bldg. THIS isn't a shack but a 6-room house, 50x xloo corner lot, fruit trees, one block from hard-surface, in Sellwood, and will sell for the price of the lot. Call Marshall 2oG7 mornings and evenings. $3750 -IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. 7-room home, furnace, 50xl00-fL lot, terms easy; Commercial st., between Fail ing and Shaver sts. Call the owner week days between ! mid 0 P. M., tel. Mar. 0025; ALBERT A BARGAIN. Owner going east and must sell quick; H rooni modern bungalow, 1O05 East 24th at. North, 100 feet north of Alberta. Full lot. fine locality. Will sell furniture. Reas onable terms. Call at house. NKWIIERii RESIDENCE Substantial and desirable ; modern plumbl ng. elegant elec tric light lixtures; some furniture; two nice lots and some fruit ; all for $3150 and best of terms. "White &. Co., 703 V2 1st st., Xewberg, Or. ON OREGON CITY car line 7-room house, barn, chicken house, 2 wells, running stream, roses, shrubbery, 48 fruit trees, grapes; 15 minutes from carline; 6 lots. A. J. Bock ho Id, Sth. and Main, Oregon City. Or. ONE ACRE, SMALL HOUSE, 513O0. Near Fulton car line and Oregon electric, land all under cultivation; easy terms. F. V. Andrews & Co., tith floor Piatt bldg., tel. Mar. 0025. 1VKW 5-room bungalow for sale, paved eireeis. corner lot, all paid improvement.-, price 52N50 : first payment, $5uo. balance like rent; Mt. Scott car to until and 20; h ave., 1 block south of Division st. S 044, Oregon! -in. FINE HOME 0 rooms and splendid concrete basement, buffet, bam ceiling, Dutch kitchen, plumbing, electricity, gas, gar age, paid improvements, restricted choice district, for $li!H. $705 down. M t Scott car to Kern Park, see No. 6018 opposite. IRVINGTON HOME; one of the finest in the city; 0 rooms and sleeping porch. 125x100 corner, all modern conveniences; a real home; $5000 cash will handle this. Phone East 419. $2750. 5-room modern bungalow with hard wood floors, fireplace, Montavilia district; terms easy. Call owner weekdays, 9 to 6 P. M., tel. Mar. 6025. $2650 WILL buy a 6-room house, basement, two stories, cor. lot, 50-ft. front, 350 back, good location near carline. Alberta dis trict; easy terms. East 3245. Call t50 East Alder st. IRVINGTON Charming bungalow, attrac tive, large rooms, oak floor, fireplace, 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch, garage. 636 East 18th North. Seen by appointment. Neuh au se n & Co. MliRLOW, near boulevard, a desirable home, 6 rooms and sleeping porch, all modern conveniences; near 54th st., on Sacramento ave; cheap at the price; $2500 will handle this. Phone East 419. GOOD 7-room house. 60x100, corner lot, fruit trees, two blocks from Mt. Scott car. The price is $lS.".o, just about the cost of the material. Terms. Call Marshall 2307 mornings and evenings. IRVINGTON Swell home, center hall, col onial design, all oak floors, beautiful grounds, iiue location. Garage. Neuhau sen & Co. AM IN TOWN for a couple of days; I want to sell my bungalow; you can move righc in; will make price and terms right. Call VVdln. 5968. BARGAIN! By owner, a 6-room house, 100x100 lot. 7 big fruit trees, must sell at once, party leaving city. 1390 Wilbur st. St. Johns car to Portland blvd. WEST SIDE. $3750. 7-room home, situated on 24th st. N., near Thurraan st. : terms. F. V. Andrews fc Co., 604 Piatt bldg., tel. Mar. 6025. IRVINGTON "New today." Beautiful, al most new home, 75x100 lot. all large rooms, 2 bathrooms, garage, $785. Neu hausen & Co. MUST sell at once a 5-room house at 863 E. 11th st. N. cost $2250. must sacrifice for $13O0, $300 down. Wood. 2641. BEAUTI FUL 5-room. large lot. fruit, shrub -bery. roses and other flowers. Owner, Ta bor 340U. $175i) $100 cash, balance $20 per month, buys 6-room house and acre east side. M. E. Lee. 505 Corbett bldg. $lt'0t $150 cash, balance $13 per month, buys 4 -room cottage, west side, berries ft and fruit. M. E. Lee. 505 Corbett bldg. CiOOD 6-room house. 13th and E. Taylor, $3300. Wolf stein. 114 1st st. 6-ROOM modern house, near school and . car line; very reasonable. East 6329. SEVEN-ROOM house, gas and bath. Rent $15.60. 16 East 9th st- North. I-ROOM cottage; paved St.; snap for $100". torm. 200 Oregon bldg. Broadway lOOS. REAL ESTATE. for Sale Houses. STREET'S GOOD HOMES $3000 TO $5000 $3250 5-room bungalow, near Irving-ton, fc78 Fremont st., near 29th; Broad way car service; garage; fruit trees; terms. $3500 5-room bungalow, 706 E. 30th N., near Fremont st. : terms. $3500- 6 rooms, 329 Sacramento, corner of Rodney; a small corner, but a good one; all liens paid; & fine turn ace. $4750 74 E. 62d at., Mt Tabor., corner of starK st.; 100x100; shrubbery and fruit trees, all hard surface in and paid; garage; this prominent corner home particularly suited for doctor, is it a Duy: $4500 6-room motiern home, near 26th and Multnomah. $4200 5-room bungalow and sleeping porch, modern, 842 Multnomah st., near 27th; Jot 50x250, with nice fruit trees; the rear lot la & val uable property; terms. $5000 Alameda bungalow, on Hamblet ave., Alameda Park, including ga rage; very desirable. "We have half a dozen choice small Alameda homes and bungalows, $4500 to $5800; some of these have fine view; still others in Irvingtoh and East Irvlngton. You will be pieased if you look through some of these bargains; at these reason able prices you can afford to live in these good districts. See our column In "New Today" col umns adjoining- of some of Jrvington's best house buys. We have others we cannot advertise. R. T. STREET. Agent. East 804. IRVINGTON HOMES. 50x100. b-room residence. 511 20th, cor ner Brazee; 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch. 50x100, 7-room. modern residence. 629 East Sth. between Stanton and Siskiyou. 65x114, 7 rooms, modern residence, and Piedmont. VACANT LOTS. IMPROVEMENTS PAID. 100x100. southwest corner East 31st and Harrison; M acre; CUth and Royal ave.. Mount Tabor. 70x100. Halsey st., near E. 27th. fcOxOO. west entrance City Park, garage; cor. East 7th and Alnsworth ave., Donald Macleod, 1001-2 Spalding bldg. IRVINGTON HOME. Virginia type of singular charm, in most exclusive section of Irving ton; hall, living, 18x25; dining, 18x22; kitchen built in conveniences, 3 bed rooms in white, enclosed glassed sleeping porch, double garage; cost $8500, will sell for $6500, have to. East 1347. BEAUTIFUL ROSE CITY HOME. Fine paved corner, 75x100, cement re taining wall, cement garage, all paid in full, has all kinds of fruit trees, berries, garden, flowers, 6 rooms and sleeping porch, fireplace, hardwood floors, real Dutch kitchen, cement basement, furnace, everything for a real home, $5000, $5o0 cash, balance $50 per mo., $1h0 under Value; owners leaving city. Cull at 1314 Sandy blvd. FINE WOODSTOCK BUNGALOW. Here's one of those large, roomy bun galows with 5 rooms and floored attic, extra lart;e living and dining rooms, fire place. Dutch kitchen, swell bath, extra good quality plumbing, highly improved 5Oxl00 lot with fruit and garden planted, lovely lawn, roses in abundance ; can use vacant lot next to it; 4 blocks car. 2 blocks school; price only $2o0; house alone would cost $2SO0 to build. Open Evenings. GEO T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. $4500 HAWTHORNE SNAP. 6-room, 2-story, t-trictly modern, mas sive buffet entire length of dining room, fireplace with bookcases entire length of living room Dutch kitchen. 3 lurge bed rooms, full cement basement. furnace, laundry trays. This house is in the best of condition; hard surface in and paid. Sundays and evenings. Marshall .V.t;;i; wc kdays. M;iin 7'67. Mariels & Williams, S2Q Chamber of Commerce. $"3500 MISSISSIPPI CART""""""-" This is one of thos nifty 5-room bun galows, floored attic, big living room, fireplace, built-in buffet, oak floors. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, laundry trays, nice cor. lot, 6 bearing fruit trees, paved street ; 15 rnin. to 5th and Wash, sts. Terms. Call for appointment. Open Evenings. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. LAURELHURST HOME. Six-room modern home in heart of Laurelhurst ; sleeping porch, hardwood floors, furnace, fire-place and all modern improvements. Also large R.irage; large full-sized lot. Owner is willing to sacri fice if taken this week; $120O cash will handle. See my representative at 317 Henry bldg. $3000 ROSE CITY BUNGALOW $3000. Modern 5-room bungalow, fireplace, beam ceiling, Dutch kitchen, cement base ment, laundry trays, fine- lawn, shade, etc., 1 block to Sandy, real bargain, $5uy cash. See this at once. Call at 1314 Sandy blvd. 2d ODER NH A W TH O RN EB UNO A LOW. SEE THIS IT'S "SOME SNAP. Ii rooms, strictly modern, one floor, full basement, trays, hot water heating sys tem, fireplace, h. w. floors, all kinds of built-lus, and thu price is only $:i:;5o. on terms. Sunday and evenings. Mar. 506:; ; weekdays. Main 7067 Mariels or Williams, 82o Chamber fo Commerce bldg. 6-ROOM HOUSE AND ACRE, $14'.m. House plastered ; concrete foundation; fair condition (not modern); acre ground in cultivation ; about 15 blocks from Mt. Scott car; for $1400; pay $110 cash, balance $20 month. Owner, 1. J. Gordon, 631 Chamber of Commerce. $3;no BUYS 6-room modern bungalow, near 37th and Hawthorne, large ai : built-in buffets, etc. Full cement basen; . !.t 50 foot front, street and sewer lm ro vcments paid in full. $2000 cash, balance on time. See owner 400 East 50th st., alter A. M. Monday. BY OWNER Save commission; a first-class 1 -story double const, house in K ,C. Park; 5 rms. and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, built-in buffet and bookcases, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement; piped for furnace. If interested, see 4'JO East 4flth st. N. $2750. 100x200 feet, with 0-room house, fruit trees, etc.; situated on south iMle of E. CSth ave. S. E., between E. 45th and E. 46th sts. S. E. ; taken in under foreclosure; easy terms. F. V. Andrews & Co., 604 Piatt bldg., phone Mar. 6025. ALAMEDA PARK. This beautiful little bungalow In Ala njeda has 5 rooms, fireplace, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, large cement base ment, and a large garage. Price $45o0. "Will give terms. Main 6707. 317 Henry bicg. FOR $2OO0 I offer 5-room- house, with gas. electricity and Bull Run water. ce ment walk; lots 52x110; paved streets, about 6 blocks from station; 7c fare; fine neighborhood; close to good school. G. C. Pel ton. Mi lwaukie. 6-ROOM HOUSE, bath, toilet, lights, gas, etc., fine lawn and roses, chicken house and yard; price $2500, take $250 cash, bal ance to suit. See property, 4S17 E. 63d st. S. E., 1 w blocks south of Mt. Scott car line. Phone owner Monday, Tabor 147S. $200 DOWN, $12.50 per month and interest. 4-room frame house, partly ceiled, modern plumbing, bath, wash tray in kitchen, 2 lots chicken house and run. 2-room house, on rear of lots, $1200. Owner, 670 Depauw. near FIske. BUILD NOW. If you own a lot we will furnish the money and build for you. Terms less than rent. A V 97, Oregonlan. FOR SALE Lovely home, all modern, half block from Irvington car; nice fruit trees and roses: big bargain. CaJl 513 Rodney ave., or phone East 1327. Call Monday between 9 and 12 o'clock. HAWTHORNE AVE. 8-room modern house, lot 50x1 20. ga rage, improvements paid : cost t SUOO, my price $5500. Tabor S11S, owner; no agents. THE BEST buy in Irvlngton for $6500. hard wood floors, hot water heat, full cement basement, double plumbing; you will say so when you see It. Owner, F 245, Ore gonian. WILL build residence to suit purchaser on fine lot near Ladd Addition; residence at cost plus 10 per cent; lot priced right. See owner. 45 4th St., room 607. Phone Broadway 1S:6. NEWBEKG BUNGALOW Five rooms. Dutch kitchen, basement, fruit trees: lot 100x105; good location and north front ; $2200; phone; will meet you at the train. White & Co., 703 1 3 1st st., Newberg. $1650 $500 CASH; 79 E. Sth st. N. ; 5 room cottage. bath electricity: paved street; improvements paid: 50x100 lot: 7 fruit trees, four kinds berries. East 5571. Owner. 462 Flmt st. IRVINGTON Charming house. 502 East liuh North, $6350, terms. ' Double garage, attractive, iarge living room, fireplace. Great sacrifice. Seen by appointment. Neuhausen & Co. FOR SALE 8-room fine house. 423 East Couch st. Fine cement basement, laundry, garage, cost owner $5500 before war. Will sell for $4200. S500 cash, balance to suit purchaser. F 236, Oregonlan. IRVI N G TON BUNGALOW a beauty. 7 rooms, oak floors, fireplace. Choice loca tion, south .facing, garage. $6O0O. Neu hausen & Co. 7 ROOMS and sleeping porch, good garage, streets paved; on Portland Heigh u?, one block to car; can pet a bargain if taken now. Owner staying, Monday Main 631. 2-FLAT house, all modern. 4 blocks from Broadway bridge; all kinds of fruit trees. Call East 1327. Gail Monday. 0-12 o'clock. $4000, REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Houses. $500, $100 CASH, 2-room old house), 40x120, io-ft. alley. $700. $200 cash, 4 rooms. 40x100. $7u0, $150 cash, 4 rooms, 40x100, 6 blocks to car. $600. $185 cash, 5 rooms, 63x63, 1 block to car, Lents; attic, basement, fenced. $00, $3oo cash. 2-room bungalow, newly plastered; 40x100 lot, V blocks to car. $40. $200 cash, 2 rooms, plastered, 40x1'mi lot. 'J blks. to car. $suo, $ 150 ca3h. 6 rooms, gas ; 11 to - car. 40x1 00, chicken house, small base ment. $1200. $200 cash, 5 rooms and bath 12 to car, 40x1 uO. $ 1 250, $ 1 50 cash, 3 rooms (large) , 80x125-20, lo to car; fenced, chicken and rabbit houses. $2500, $1200 cash. 100x147, 20 fruit trees, dairy; 4 rooms and bath, barn and milk house, basement and attic; lot facing county rock road, city boundary; 6 blocks to car; looxl47. Brentwood. $2100, $500 cash, modern, 60x125-20, alley, basement, attic. $2500, 80x125-20. $500 cash, 5 rooms, bath, basement and attic. $1600, $5oo cash, 5 rooms and bath, 100x124; 20 fruit trees; all kind of flowers, berries and garden in; 15 blks. to car. Brentwood. FRED SPEAR, TABOR 5887. 65th ave.. t7th su, near Brentwood Nazarene church. PEOPLE GOING TO CALIFORNIA MUST SELL BEFORE JUNE 15. Here Is a 6-room house with sleeping porch, priced to sell and sell quick, pos session June 16, 2-story, 5 large rooms and 1 small room, bath, full cement basement, large reception hall with built-in hall seata, natural wood finish, piped for fur nace, place is well kept up, lot of shade trees, full front porch up and down and back porch, lot 40x100 with alley, also a garage on alley, while price is low, it is not a cheap, run-down place; price $2350, $1000 down, balance like rent; will also sell all or part of furniture at sacrifice price, come in and let us show you this place. STEWART & BUCK, 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. 530 EAST 1STH J ai. aukth; CHEAPEST BUNGALOW IN IRVINGTON TODAY ; DRIVE BY AND TAKE A LOOK AT IT. LIVING ROOM. DINING ROOM. DUTCH KITCHEN. 3 $5500: TERMS. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 20W-212 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. WE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE. $2600. $1000 CASH. $2000. 1 block to hard-surface st.. 82d S. E., facing north, a 7-room house and full bath, all bullt-ins that are required, paneled dining room, rough plaster walls, most of them have never been tinted. You can Bee they are new ; 5 rooms 1st floor and bath, 2 bedrooms upstairs and hall used as a room, 3 clothespresses In each room. Down stairs bedroom has large closet also. You find a fruit closet, plenty of fruit and chicken houses, brooding pens; lot 50x150; 11 block to car. Fred Spear, Tabor 5887. $2uo CASH $150; 5-room plastered, mod. plumbing. $2uo cash $1650 3-rm, plastered; mod. plumbing. $200 cash $1950 Dandy, close In bun galow. $200 cash $2000 Right on "Wms.-ave. Snap. $200 cash $2250 3 blks car, 80x120, modern. $200 cash $2S00 Alberta bung., artis tic. Snap. G. C. GOLDENBERG, ABINGTON BLDG. "35 Yrs. in Portland.' Main 4803. $;1100 WOODLAWN BUNGALOW. 5-room, double constructed, modem bungalow, large floored attic, hdw. floors, fireplace. lovely, light Dutch kitchen, buiit-in buffet and other conveniences, full cement basement, laundry trays, 50x100 lot. 5 blocks Woodlawn car, close to school. A nifty home, mighty cheap. Don't delay; $750 cash. bal. $20 month and interest. Open Evenings. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. FOR SALE By owner, leaving city, will sacrifice my 6-room house if taken this week for $;i6O0; $1CMiO down. bal. to suit; full cement basement, fireplace, furnace, round water heater, garage with full ce ment drive, large cabinet kitchen. 3 bed rooms, bath fin. in white enamel, recep tion hall, living and dining-room fin. in old Ivory; streets paved and paid for; 1 block from car. in Hawthorne district. 315 E. ,"I6th st.; 1 block south of Haw. ave. $200. 8 Rooms. West Side. An Idea) home for large family, 8 rms., large, each bedroom has closet, nice big kitchen, excellent bath, fine fixtures, lights, gas, water, good basement, fine 50x100 lot with commanding view of city and river, sewer, handy to Fulton car; st. paved, close to school; full price only $3000. Open Evenings. GEO T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. LAURELHURST BARGAIN Elegant 8-room home with sleeping porch and sun parlor. A-l construct! ton throughout and most practical arrange ment. Built only three years and no expense was spared to make it complete. Reverses, foreclosure, therefore bargain price of $0000, fully $2000 under value. For particulars call, JOHNSON, 212 Lumbermen's Bldg. Broadway 1 ri 2. IRVINGTON. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. HAVE MANY EXCLUSIVE HOMES IN THESE DISTRICTS, STRICTLY MODERN, 7 TO 15 ROOMS ; $6500 TO $43,000; GLAD TO SHOW YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 200-212 SELL! NG BLDG., MAIN 1800. WE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE. FOR QUICK SALE. My home, desirable location. $3500, terms; lot 43x127. 0 good-size rooms, well arranged ; must be seen to be appre ciated; 2 porches, 2 closets, pantry, mod ern con veniences. large basement, fruit trees, improvements all in and paid. Good business proposition. Would rent for $4. Inquire owner. Here a short time. 1143 Hawthorne ave.. cor. 3Sth st. TWO 5-ROOM BUNGALOWS. Nice location, street paved and paid, close to Jefferson high school and Pied mont business district, both houses prac tically good as new; numbers 5ft and 63 K. Emerson st. : $-1250 each, easy terms. See E. M. Brown with NEILAN A: PARKHILL, 210 Lumbermen's Bldg., 5th and Stark Stn. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, hardwood floors, bulli-ln buffet and china closet. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement. 50x1 00 lot. a Hey in rear; 1 block to Mt. Tabor par: 2S minutes to 3d and Morrison; price $2250. Any substantial payment down and pay ments to suit. The house Is newly fur nished ; will also sell furniture on easy payment". Call East 5779. $MiO. $200 CASH takes 4-room house, elec tric light, gas. large clothes closet, built in drawers: plenty of cupboard room; 1 room newly tinted and 2 rooms newly papered. Basement, cement walks. 5 blks. to car; foundation for garage. Fred Spear, 65th ave., 67th st- S. E. Tabor 5887. Brentwood. YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS VERY MUCH. 2-story 6-room house, modern conveni ences, 50x100, 14 block from carline on Lombard st., and entrance to Columbia Park: $3250. $500 cash, balance to suit. See E. M. Brown with NEILAN & PARKHILL, 210 Lumbermen's Bldg., Sth and Stark Sts. ROSE CITY PARK. Nice 5-room bungalow with plentv of room upstairs, 50x100 lot. on 55th st. This is a bargain at $2oo; $500 cash. R. F. FEEMSTER. 309 Abington Bldg. $1950. $350 CASH. 5-ronm semi bungalow, close In: macad amized street ; wash trays, etc. Splendid buy. EDWARD A. BROWN CO.. 302-::o:t Railway Exchange bldg. IRVINGTON Modern new home, $125 per month for July and August; elegantly fur nished, sleeping porch, sun room, electric range, electric wash machine, water heat er, garage, lovely lawn and flowers. 630 E. 162th N. East 6189. .Call mornings. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW, $4S50. terms worth much more. Charming, well-built. lth st., near Brazee. This won't last. Neuhausen & Co. NOB HILTj 8-room residence and servants' room ; west of 23d: a bargain at $7300; ditto on Overton near 26th, $7500. Gold schmidfs Agency, Stock Exchange bldg. SOUTH PORTLAND. 6-room house, all furnished, rented for $5 month; price $2200: terms. John Singer. 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FOR SALE $6500: 635 East Sth st. North, in Irvington: a modern 8-room house, lot 5Oxl00; hardwood floors, with hot water hating: garage. See for yourself; terms. 1913 KNOX chassis. SO h. and 1912 starter, Davis 7-passenger to trade for good acreage or lots. 4'J3 Alder st. 3 ACRES and 7-room house in Hillsboro. Take good. light car part payment. Tabor 4"67. K 326. Oregonlan. 4 ROOMS. $2150, $3-0 cash, balance terms: iiawtnorne car. 1:0- j. stn st., or phone Sellwood 3045. VE R Y ATT R ACTIVE home, near 42d and Hawthorne; 3 bedroom?, 1 downstairs ; S4QQO. Goldschmldt. Stock Exchange bldg. 5-ROOM bungalow, extra fine home, easy terms. $2750. William J. Hyland. Phone Tabor 812. IRVLNGTON SNAP $4100, terms. 7 rooms, furnace, fireplace. 454 East 12th North. Seen by appointment. Neuhausen & Co. FINE bungalow In Beaumont; 7 rooms, sleeping porch. fruit trees and berry bushes. Phone owner. Tabor 47. VERY ATTRACTIVE bungalow. Lincoln and 41st.; $3000. Goldschmidt's Agency, Stock Exchange bldg. 5-ROOM cottage. 3 lots, cement walks, $1600. McFarland, 602 Yepn bldg. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. $55o SMALL store building, lot 5oxUH. on Dean st., near tth southeast, Brentwood; terms. $150 cash. Ji50 4-room house, corner lot 50x100; 40tu ave. southeast; terms, $250 cash, bal ance monthly. 1 1 6h) 5-room house on E, 84th St., lot 50x1 OO ; terms. $250 cash. RICHMOND DISTRICT. $3200 Modern 6-room bungalow. No. 2720 East 43d, near Clinton; now vacant, ready to move in. $3SOO Modern 7-room residence, corner lot 50x100; fruit trees, improved streets, all paid for; good furnace and garage; easy terms, monthly payments. Vacant rots in all parts of city; will fur nish money for building. $ 50 Fine lot 4xloo, situated on East Madison, between 3&th and 3tth; improvements all in and paid for. WILLIAM G. BECK, Real Estate. Loans and Fire Insurance. 215-216 Falling Bldg. S. E. Corner Third and Washington Sts. $5000 BEAUTIFUL HOME $5000 IN $5000 BEAUTIFUL , BEAUMONT 1 $50U0. TWO-STORY HOUSES IN SPLENDID CONDITION, IVORY INTERIOR FINISH, HARDWOOD FLOORS. HOT WATER HEAT, LARGE LIVING ROOM, DINING ROOM, KITCHEN, PANTRY, 3 LARGE BEDROOMS. DOUBLE GARAGE, LAND SCAPED GROUNDS WITH EXPENSIVE SHRUBBERY AND FLOWERS. DRIVE UP-AND SEE IT. ADDRESS 6i2 B. 44TH ST. N., TELEPHONE TABOR 72, SAVE YOUR MONEY. rent to yourself. $1600 5-room cottage, full lot; Monta vilia: start with $200. balance monthly. $2000 5-room col rage, near E. 12th, central; $200 cash, balance monthly; vacant. $3250 6-room house, every convenience. IS. Utn. E. Morrison cars. $3500 6-room house. 50x120, on Union ave.. bet. Russel and Free mo nt. $3650 G rooms, sleeping porch, nice condition. E. Ankeny, west of 24th. $45uo 6-room sleeping balcony; all con veniences; loth st., Irvlngton. F. W. TORGLER. 106 Sherlock bldg. GREAT BARGAIN. CENTRAL IRVINGTON HOME. PRICE J4UO0 FOR CLEAR TITLE. HAS FIREPLACB. FURNACE AND SLEEPING PORCH, FULL LOT. PROP ERTY SHOWN FREE. SOME BIG BAR GAINS IN IRVINGTON EXCLUSIVE HOMES AND VACANT LOTS ON E AS X" TERMS. J. O. GORDON", EAST SIXTH AT BDWT. SNAP $4500 SNAP. EERY BODY TO THE FRONT ROSSMERE BUNGALOW COME OUT TODAY. SEE SOME THING GRAND. 7 ROOMS, SLP. PR.. FURNACE, FIREPLACE. GARAGE, BLT. INS; PAVING AND SEWER PD. ; 50x103. OWNER. GO LOOK! TODAY. MAIN 4S03. G. C. GOLDENBERG Abington bldg. "35 Yrs. in Portland. BEAUTIFUL, artistic bungalow, edge of Piedmont; 3 rooms, modern, double con structed, large attic, cement basement, garage, all built-in conveniences; no agents. By owner. Woodlawn 1736. Subuiban Homes. ONLY $4000 You will never get anything like this again for the price on the River dale road, on the Red car line. In m. high class district. Sit on the front porch and look down upon the waters from shore to shore of the Willamette: there Is a 4 room bungalow with ail of the city conven iences that we throw In. with more than 1 acre of the most beautiful-lying land. Its location, beauty and desirability no person can exaggerate. The measly pay ment of $120O cash turns the deal. We have also on the river front in this same location a modern, up-to-date U-room bun galow with 1 acre of land, very finely improved with fruit, flowers and shrub bery. This is river front, where nothing lies between you and the east shore but water. This place should sell for $10.oOo right off the reel, but all we want is $7(0, with terms. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. ONLY $4900 for 3 big acres of land, all of It Improved with garden and orchard, which Is in full bearing with standard variety of fruit, there is a new 6-room bungalow, modern and very attractive, with large porch, cement basement, fire place, there is gas, barn and a poultry house. This place is situated only about 400 feet from the river and on a paved highway within a short distance of the house. It Is also on the Oregon City car line. One-half cash will handle It. M. J. Clohessy.- Abington bldg. COUNTRY PLACE ON CITY'S DOORSTEP. 36 acres, highly improved, on Multno mah county's finest paved highway; easy access to city; 35 tnin. from business cen ter. IO in in. to Gresham ; located where values are rapidly increasing ; 9-room house, full set buildings; large, .fully established orchard, variety fruit; sea son's crop almost ready to harvest ; a beautiful little farm-home; $10,000; terms. Will considt r taking part trade. O. W. Bryan, 50K Chamber of Commerce; Main li'K3; evenings. Marshall b65. SOMETHING BIG. 160 acres within Portland city limits, $50 per acre, plus grading assessments for new Hillside boulevard. In the wild. No finer views of Bnow caps and rivers in the state. 80 acres A I wood timber. As a country home It cannot be excelled, as an investment it is a gold mine; $500 per acre has been offered and refused for land adjoining. J. C. CORBIN CO., 305-0-7-8 Lewis Bldg. NOTICE. 1 00x200. good 4-room bungalow, gas connected, a good gas range and a Buck range; aiso good heater; several fine fruit trees, 2 good, large chicken houses with runs, good woodshed, all woven-wire fence with cedar posts, all necessary tools and ten chickens: 5 minutes' walk to Wichita sta., 25 minutes from center -of city. Price $ ).50, terms. See Geo. P. Henry, with FRANK L. McGLlRE. ABINGTON BLDG. Open Sundays and Evenings. NOTICE. We have a choice list of suburban homes ranging In size from H to 10 acres. If you are in the market It will not cost you anything to consult our suburban home dept. and It may save you time and money We stand behind the properties we offer. See Geo. P. Henry with Frank L. McGulre, Abington bldg. Open Sun days and evenings. ON WESTSIDE. NEAR RIVER. Only $2100 for over 2 acres, most of It In producing orchard, fine soil, view, one block I'acific highway, choice location in high-class district: for immediate sale sac rificed to one-half of cost price; will make some terms. Address me, V 314, Oregonlan. TWO ACRES NEAR FRANKLIN SCHOOL Modern bungalow, cement basement, big garage, chicken house. 35 assorted Bruit trees, alt Kinds 01 berries and vegetables, beautiful view, good slope, fountain, roses; price $6400; $20O down. Ask Wales. A. J. DE FOREST &. CO.. 820 Henry Bldg. Main 2690. COUNTRY home in city limit with trout stream in back yard ; 4 lots and 6-room house, lights, basement, shrubbery, flow ers, etc.; near a city park and car line; $2750, 1-3 cash, balance terms. Immediate possession. Sell. 161 during office hours. eii. s evenings. (.LAtKAAlAS MA11U.N. 84 acres, nearly all in cult., on main road, black loam soil; 8-room house, large Darn, running water, a oeautixui country nome; price iw.iru. GODDARD & WIEDRTCK. 243 Stark St. ONLY f370O for a new. uD-to-date buns-alow only two blocks from the station with 5c car fare; with this bungalow goes almost one acre of land with an abundance of frutt. small and large. $2000 cash will be necessary. M. J. Clohessy. Abington bldg. FOSTER ROAD. 1 acre, all in cultivation with fair build ings; fruit, etc., paved road; good loca tion; price only $1700. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. SELECT- 6-room modern bungalow with 1 acres fruit and berries, bearing; beautiful view, paved street; 25 mniutes on Oregon City car; $4200, small payment and terms. If you want a suburban home you should see this. Mil ner, C29 Henry bldg. RIVER FRONT. ' 2 acres, west side, fronting on the river, bulkhead, all parked, much fruit, 7-room rustic home. Station on the property ; 6c by ticket. 23 minutes out ; $7500. J. C. CORBIN CO., 305-6-7-8 Lewis Bldg. NEAR COUNCIL CREST. Five acres, level; fruit and shade trees, small house, city water, gas, fine view of valley. Ideal for country home. BROOKE, Mar. 427, A 3S39. A REAL SNAP. 6 acres on Alnsworth ave., all In cult no gravel; 7-room house, large orchard; price $5OO0. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. $1050, NEAR CAPITOL HILL. Large half-acre in garden; splendid view; lots of berries rnd fruit; good house, good road; fare. East 1393. ACRE near Oswego Lake. 5-room bungalow; electricity, water, phone. Bryant sta., $1650, only $230 cash ; other nice homes. Main 3672. McFarland, 602 Yeon bldg. SNAP Only $1100. fine cultivated acre, neat 4-room bungalow, good well, bungalow style chicken house, macadam road. Ore gon City car. Thomson. Mohawk bldg. $1500 COSY 3-room cottage, acre. Lake Grove: garden, shade trees ; easy terms. Main 3672. McFarland. 6"2 Yeon bldg. BUNGALOW and H acre, all In orchard, sitfhtly, $12o. Terms. V 374, Oregonlan. REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. GARDEN HOME BARGAINS. Located on the ORKGu.N ELECTRIC, the best suburban line out of Portland; 7c commutation fare ; gas, electricity, city water, phones. COME TO GARDEN HOME TODAY. Take a ride on the Oregon Electric and Investigate this fast-growuig WEST SIDE DISTRICT. Get out of town where your living is only one-half what it is in the city. Come to Garden Home today and 1 11 show you the kind of a place you want at the price you want to pay. Have all kinds of places ranging from a quarter acre to five acres; some are improed. with strictly modern homes, all kinds of bearing fruit, berries, etc. Others with only 2, 3 and 4-room houses on good terms. BEAUTIFUL ACRE TRACTS. Close to station at Garden Home, with city water, gas and electricity accessible; prices range from $Simj to $150u per acre. Why live on a city lot when you can buy one of the beautiful cultivated acres cheap and on easy terms. This district is grow ing rapidly; these same acres will sell for double present prices in leas than three years. DON'T BE A DOUBTING THOMAS. Take a 15-mlnute ride on the Oregon Electric today and see for yourself. Ask for McCORMIC at the Jtation ; will meet all trains. Or weekdavs see thJ G. O. McCORMIC COs 418 Fenton bldg. b4 Sixth st. Sunday and evenings phone Main 931 s. ON THE Powell Valley road, not as far out as 3th. is one of the most valuable places in the city of Portland, as well as a place which produces ready money; the orchard, which comprises every kind of fruit of the best variety. Is in full bear rng. This year's crop will produce Im mense; no orchard that we know of is comparable to this. There are more than 8 acrea in this place, every inch in culti vation and highly improved. .With this land goes a very substantial 9-room house, modern enough for any person. It has all of the city conveniences, being located on a paved street, from the business center te the gate. There is a fine barn, garage, chicken house and other buildings, whose character is in keeping. with the value of the land and the general surrounding. This place is only 3 blocks from a car Irne and Is practically walking distance from the business center. The owners are compelled to sell for the reason that they are Incapacitated from any further work or supervision. This place should bring $30.4HH as there is a fortune In it. but the owner orders It sold for $18,500. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. OUT on the Capitol highway, you go to It over the Terwilliger boulevard, close to to the business center, close to a station with 5c carfare, close to a city school with all city conveniences to be had such as city water, gas, and electric lights are three big acres of land which is improved and location defies comparison. Thin is on the west side In a district which will be al ways of high class order. There Is a small bungalow, not of an expensive style. There Is a good barn, chicken house; there are all varieties of fruit In full bearing, the garden alone on this place makes it espe cially attractive. All of this is offered for a very low price of $5750. You will have to go some to find anything like it; about half cash will convince the owners that the buyer means business. M, J. Clo heswy. Abington bldg. ON THE Oregon City carline at Courtney station; everybody should know this place, no more beautiful home could be desired. 4 big acres of land, all of it along the car line, all of It improved to the pink of perfection. It is a place that is worth spending one hour or two to view the llltkemper place, known as the "Elk horn"; the buildings are all high-class and just jch a place as a person of means would choose In preference to anything to or around Portland: fruit of all kinds In full bearing: the grape vineyard alone is n, big income producer. This place was of fered for sale only recently for the purpose of closing an estate. The price Is a sac rifice. Call and inquire at the office. M. J. Clohessy, Abington bldg. ONLY $5500 and It should be $75oO. buys al most 1 acres of the most highly Improved land with an abundance of fruit of all kinds, grapea in an immense quantity. There Is a bungalow on this land which is new, modem and up to date; it contains seven rooms with screened-in glared sleeping porches, screened-in other porches, fireplace, every city convenience this house contains; Its location Is Ideal, drive to the gate on a hard surface street only two blocks from the river and 3 blocks from the carline and station. This place Is distinguished by Its hedge of roses making a fence 50 feet long; any person desiring a beautiful home at a moderate price will not pass this up if they are sound mentally M. J. Clohesvsy, Abington bldg. ACRE HOME WITH ALL CITY CONVENIENCES. Pretty bungalow. 0 rooms, full base ment, fireplace, all in tip-top condition; fine grounds, large assortment fruit and berries; nice fir grove; Bull Run water, lights and gas; short distance from 6c fare. If you want a first-class place, see this and you won't be disappointed; $45im !. McCheaney, 304Vi Oak st. Broadway MR. HOMESEEKER. Why not get a nice little country horn of one to five acres, where you can enjy all the beauties of country life and still have the advantages of the city? I have some nice places with modern houses and bungalows with gas. electric lights, bath and toilet, on the Oregon Cltv car line. 25 to 30 minutes' service, on which I cai give, you very good prices and terms. J. B. HOLBROOK. 214-213 Panama bldg. WILL PAY CASH DIFFERENCE. Have 14 acres with splendid 5-room house. cement basement. work shop, chicken house, variety of bearing fruit trees, grapes and berries. On paved high way, at station about 3 miles from city minis. jniy .:." u. Terms, or trade for t 4 or 5-room modern house in city and pay up to $1,000 cah difference. See Ott. with G. S. Smith & Co., 432 Chamber of lb iOU WANT u-acre. from that uo to 5 ncres. on the Oregon City car line, the . Oregon Electric or Red car line, or should you prefer the river, we have plenty of them and any parcel that you desire close to the station we can supply you at a price very much lower than its real worth. Call and Inspect our lftlngs of such prop erties. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON PRETTY SUBURBAN HOME of 20 acres, which lies very sightly and has plenty of fruit: land is all in culti vation, lou couldn't ask for better soil; fine little home ol 4 large rooms, very well built and kept up; good chicken house; about 3 blocks from cr and lor fare; close to paved highway. It's the most you can expert for your money. D McChesney, 304 V Oak st. Broadway 266." ONLY $3800 will buy 6 big acres of land, all of It on the Base Line road, as well as rrontmg on the electric car line; plenty of rrult of different varieties In full bear ing. There Is a good 6-room house, with a full cement basement, barn, garage wagon and cow house. This Is a prettv place a well as a big money-maker. About i1" M- J CLOHESSY. ABINGTON lalDG. 1 ACRE. 4-room house, with fireplace gas and electric lights and bath; price $250; J1 acres, ail in high cultivation and fruit trees o-room house: price $2500; beauti ful 4-room bungalow with 2 lots, all in bearing fruit, price $2100; 3 lots, 6-room house, all modern, price $3000. Inquire 3d house north of Risley station. Mrs. F M. Young;. Oregon Cltv carline. NEW HOME! MULTNOMAH STATION! . m ON THE BOULEVARD! Modern 7-room home, full cement base ment wi h furnace and modern ronven- iences; best-built home n the district owner In ar zone. Instructs us t& sell' Will take $ro0 cash or liberty bonds and $25 per month. See Atchison, 404 Piatt bldg. SUBURBAN. Oregon Electric, 5-room mod ern bungalow, close in, on 5c fare, with basement, laundry trays, fireplace, city water, electric light, newly painted, fine condition. $:ioo casn, balance monthly beautiful location, fine view of the moun to ins. See Atchison. 404 Piatt bldg. GLADSTONE PARK, on Oregon City car line $3rn H), 1-3 down; extra fine 3 acres, black soil, modern 6-room house, small barn, city water, bath, about 40 fine young bearing fruit trees. Plac cost owner $5iOU. Certainly a snap; 3 blocks car line. n. n. tauo, 1021 iieimont. Week. phone Tabor 219. $2500 BUYS sightly 1 14 acres at Multnomah station, wilh small bungalow and chicken h ousts. All kinds of small fruits on part of the tract, balance in cultivation ; will take $2r5n and include cow, pig. chickens and rabbits. See Atchison. 404 Piatt bldg 89 ACRES $1900 $400 CASH. Near Columbia highway, river and good town, house, barn and chicken house; plenty of good running water. F. H. DESHO.V, 615 Cham, of Com. Bldg. H to 2 ACRES with 6-rm. bungalow, bath city water, elec. gas: beam ceilings, hard W004 floors, fireplace ; beautiful bearing orchard, lawn, flowers. A picture place. " Reasonable terms. AE 162, Oregonlan. $14O0 BUYS nifty 4-room bungalow on Ore Ifon Electric line. 6Uc fare, watr, gas electric light. Will take as low as $200 cesh and $13 per month. See Atchison 404 Piatt bldg. SUBURBAN homesite, $475. I have 25x150 with nice grove of dogwood, evergreens, water, lights; if you love outdoor lire, this will appeal to you, and only $50 down. 600 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. CHOICE homestts at Garden Home. Mult nomah and Beaverton. By S. L. N. tiill man. Main S40 and Main 5437. BEST BUY IN MULTNOMAH. Beautiful 5-room modern bungalow one block south of station. Phone Main 4253 5-rm. bath, fine bungalow, fine view at station, 54-cent fare; $40 will handle. Ned Burke, Multnomah sta. Main 1903. REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. ONL .t5oo On the river front. The bun galow alone cannot be repiaced for this price. You can drive to the house from the business center almost to the gate on a paved street; there is with this bunga low almost an acre of land, no more prrt tl.y located acre on either side of the Willamette river. This bungalow contains t rooms and U a modern as a city home: it has all the city conveniences; it Is alsi new. having been built only a few years; this river front is ideal from the fact that the beach is sandy and a popu lar place for bathing. This place should bring $0000. and it is worth the monev for any person desiring a beautiful river front home. It 1 an unusual opportunity to buv, as the owner is leaving and offers to sac rifice; In fact. It is a gift. The soil iiself Is the richest to be found. About $15m cash as the first payment will change ownership, the balance can be arranged easy enough for any person. M. J. CLO HESSY. A BINGTON BLDG. LAKE VIEW VILLAS EXTENDED. WE ARE OPENING A NEW TRACT ON OSWEGO LAKE. WATER, AUTO ROADS. LIGHTS; PARTICULARLY FINE VIEW PROPERTY WITH GOOD SOIL AND SPLENDID GROVES OF CEDAR. DOG WOOD, YEW AND MADRONA: SPRING BROOK FLOWS THROUGH SEVERAL, GIVING ADMIRABLE CHANCES FOR EFFECTIVE LANDSCAPING; A WALK THROUGH THIS BEAUTIFUL TRACT W I LL CON V I N CB YOU: PRICES R UN FROM 3o0, ON VERY EASY TERMS. TAKE S. P. ELECTRIC OR HOONES FERRY ROAD TO LAKE GROVE. ASK FOR MR. ALLEN OR CALL AT ftH CON CORD BLDG., 2D AND STARK, MAIN b5. SUBURBAN BUNGALOW HOME $S000- 24 acres; 15 acrea undler plow, 3 acres good fir grove, balance stump pasture, easily cleared; black shot soil; all fenced and cros&-f enced ; new 8-room plastered bungalow, large new barn, 2 wells, gaso line pump, family orchard; good team. 1 cow, 1 heifer. 2 plows, 2 cultivators. 1 buggy. 1 wagon. 1 stump puller, etc., all In first-class condition; j-raile to graded school. 1 mile to town of Tualatin, on Oregon Electric li. R. ; 40-mln. ride from Portland; $2000 cash, balance to suit. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. 732 Cham, of Com. Open evenings and Sundays. THERE is that berry farm where only $26K in cash la required to buy IO big produc ing acres; on half of this tract there is - fortune. The crop Is now on the place which will net the owners this year at least $4000 of every kind of fruit of the standard varieties in full bearing. This is a case where the place must be sold, and all of It lies on the Base Line road. If you want only two acres of this valuable place we will make a price of $22oU which pays in full for two acres, aai in fruit. The lo ax-res is offered for at least $4oOO less than its market value. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME. 20 acres on the electric line, close to paved highway, 17 miles out: fine mod ern house with bath and toilet, elec trio lights, water-pressure system throughout buildings and grounds, concrete flours in barn, chicken and hoghouses; fine soil, trout stream, home orchard, thousands of roses, flowers and all kinds of shrubbery and many beautiful trees; this place rep resents an investment of $ 1 1.O00, but for Immediate sale 1 am authorized to sell for $7006. JOHN E. HOWARD, 818 Chamber of Commerce. S U B U RBAN H DME S. Inland station, Oregon City elec. car, near Milwaukie; lOUxlOO. beautiful grove. 7-room bouse ; haj living room, dining room, library with fireplace, kitchen. Second fit or, 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch, cement basement, furnace. ;ity water, gas, electricity; near carline; price $4500; mort gage $2250. FRED W. NEWELL, OREGON INVESTMENT Ac MORTGAGE! COMPANY. 20-221-222 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Marshall 205. RIVER HOMESITE. OVExt AN ACRE. A beaittful site with river frontage, at electric station, near the Rlverdale dis trict ; adjoining beautiful home and can not be surpassed for one loving the water and desiring easy access. We are au thorized to make sale of this for $40o0, which Is a great bargain. KASER & RA1NEY. 823-0 Gasco bldg. Marshall 3125. 7-ROOM SUIt URBAN HOME. 2 blocks ouuida city limits, 2 acres highly cultivated, modern house, bath, furnace, city water, electricity, gas, fam ily orchard, mixed varieties; chicken house, fine new garage, workshop and necessary outbuildings; clean-cut proposi tion and worthy of investigation if you are looking for a real country home plus city contenieucc; $Oou0, eaty term. C. 11. Woodward, RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ONLY $4200 for 10 big acres of land, ail in cultivation, with some fruit coming Intt bearing; there Is on this land a new 5 room bungalow with a full basement and cement wall; there is a good big barn, chickvn house and a garage. This place is located in the right direction. Just east of b2d on the SunnysKie and the Damascus road. There Is no land ra this section that can be bought for this price. If this place is worth a dollar it is worth $65m. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. FORCED TO LEAVE. AN IDEAL HOME. INVESTIGATE. STARTLING SACRIFICE. Modern 8-room house, corner lot. 175x160; garage, workshop, chicken house, cement basement, furnace, orna menial trees, 200 ruse bushes, paved street, cement side walk. All Improvements paid, b" blocks to cur 4o00 Eighty-second St. S. E. Tabor 5356. PINE KNOTT STATION, 8 MILES FROM PORTLAND, . OREGON ELECTRIC. T acres, one block trora station, 6-room bungalow, orchard and outbuildings for chickens, pigs, etc., good well, strawber ries, loganberries, all fenced and cross fenced ; best buy In district, $45ou, $25uO cah, balance terms. C. H. Woodward, RITTER, LOWE 4c CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME. Five acres of fine soil in high biate of cultivation. Just outside city limit on Division st.. all kinds of fruit and ber ries lor family use. Bull Run water, 7-rm. house with hut and cold water, bath and toilet, lurnace and wash tras in base ment, good barn; offered beiow price of adjoining property, $7500, $5o0 cash. Call on owner at E. 94th and Division sts.. Tabor 3341. W1LSONVILLE. FOUR ACRES, WILLAMETTE RIVER. All cultivated and in crops, good house, boat, tools and furniture, beautiful loca tion and Ideal place for one who cares for country life ; place actual lj cost over J 550O, but will sell for $45uu, $15uu cash, balance $500 per year at 6 per cent. C. 11. Woodward, RITTER, LOWE dc CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. I M MEDIATE possession of one clear acre, with frame house, barn, chicken bouse, good well, fruit trees, berries, etc. on a fair road and only 5 minutes on board walk to station at Metzger; commutation fare about 9c This place can be made a very attractive and profitable home and to sell quickly will take $1500, also one clear acre near school for $550. Phone owner. Tabor 020. 2-ACRE tract with small house, grounds in high state of cultivation, some fruit trees; on macadamized county road, an ideal place for a home, which I am offering at tho extremely low figure of $2650. If you would prefer only one acre 1 can arrange that al&o on easy terms. For particulars see me at 4u4 Piatt bldg., or at Multnomah on tee- on Sunday. Ben Riesland, west side subdivisions, 4U4 Piatt bldg. OREGON CITY CAR LINE. $JO0U CLEAR OF DEBT. 1-3 of an acr in high state of cultiva tion; good 5-room bungaiow, fine Well, woodshed. Chicken house and yard; lots of bearing fruit and berries; $1000 cah and terms, or would exchange for a good house In the city. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 309 Oak St. Broadway 41"3. SAY, do you want of an acre of land. ' all In fruit and garden with a house of 5 rooms, chicken house and other nect-ssary buildings, for the small price of $1Ahi'.' This place has all the city conveniences, such as city water, gas and electric light: everything goes, including the household furniture, garden tools, etc.. at the price. M. J. CLOU ESS V. ABINGTON BLDG. SECOND FLOOR 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch, cement basement. furnace, city water, gaf, electricity; near cur line; price $4500, mortgage $2250. FRED W. N EWELL. Oregon Investment & Mortgage Co., 220-221-222 Chamber of Commerce, Marshall 205. AC R E SNA V $ 1 SO0. $300 down; 3 -room plastered house, barn, garage, gas and water: near 4m h ave. and 2d St., block from county road. Ask Wales. A. J. DE FOREST & CO.. 32Q Henry Bldg. Main 209O. 5-KOOM modern, up-to-date bungalow and near I v 1 acre of land, iruit tre-s in bear ing, half hour's ride from Portland on Oregon City line; price $3200. terms and monthly payments. 313 Henry bldg., owner, or call -W Oak Grove; no agents. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near car line, from $lSoo up. Inquire third house north of Risley station, on Oregon City car line, si gn "Alder Brook." OSWEGO LAKE Have been authorized by non-resident to sell 100-foot frontage on Oswego lake at once; fenced, fruit trees, berries, finely constructed tenthouse. Far ticulars. flop Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. ISLAND STATION Oregon City elec. car. near Milwaukie ; HfOxloo, beautiful grove, 7-room house; has living room, dining room, library with fireplace, kitchen. R E A L ESTATE. Suburban Homes. SPEND SUNDAY UP THE RIVER In the most beautiful place on the west side, where you can picnic in the big or chards and under the big oaks and native trees of Glenmorrie and enjoy the wonder ful view of mountains and river. There will be no salesmen there to bother you. We want you to know how beautiful It 1 and that It Is highly developed with fine roads, orchard and carefully parked woods, and to see the fine homes w hich have been built; It has been subdivided into tracts of I M to 3 acres, with re strictions requiring residences shall cost not less than $35uo; the route of the Pa ri tic highw ay from Oswego has been changed so it will run through the center of Gtenmorne. giving a pavea road all the way and only a 25-mlnute drive; drive all over it on its fine roads and If any tract appeals to you e will be pleased to quote you a bargain price, as we are instructed to close out the remaining tracts at a big sacrifice; beautiful tracts at $H0O pr acre. Drive out today, evenings or any tlms you like; go out either Macadam or Cor bett sts, along the river road to Oswego: through Oswego and cross bridge ; 150 yards beyond bridge turn to right at Glenmorrie sign, which is the beginning of Glenmorrie; drive through the entire property to the top of the hill and you will be repaid by enjoying the most won derful view in Oregon. KTSER A RAIXET.' S?3-g Gasco Bldg. Marshall 8123. WHAT do you know about this? Right in the heart of the Industrial center, right where the big works axe. right where the land will sell readily if sub-divided In lots whereby 2o per cent profit can be made and then sold cheap for house lots. Lav ing all this aside, this olace todav will convince any person of the big money to be made yearly from Its Immense fruit crop; there a re ""aim oat 100 Italian prune trees, 50 Bartlett pear trees. 50 choice variety of cherries of the best kind; a. I of this in full bearing: a commercial or chard. If you please, insuring a big in come from the fruit alone. We are talk ing about five of the biggest and best acres of land, only 8 blocks from the Al berta car line; cement walks and paved street leading to the place, and the gar den this place produces Is such as to make It a ready proposition to lease at big yearly rental. This is certainly buv Ing $20 gold pieces for 56c on the $t. The price for all of it is only $&50. We -will make terms Mt!ifact-rv. M. J. CLO H ESS Y, A BINGTON BLDG. LL'NALILO, on the Garden Home branch of me x-aciiic nignway, just west or Multno mah on the Oregon Electric. There aro no prettier building sites on the west side than found here. The slope is east and north, giving a wonderful outlook over the Tualatin valley and Council Crest. There are only a limttt-d number of these choice quarter-acre tracts, and they are going fast. Make your reservations im mediately if you wish a homesite. There will be agents on the ground at Multnomah all day Sunday, or call up the office. Main, bSO, 404 Piatt bldg., and arrange for per sonal investigation. Ben Riesland, exclu sive sales agent. FACING ON PACIFIC HIGHWAY SOUTH OF RrVERDALE. A wonderful tract of about 2 1-3 acres) highly developed wltn big oaks, native, and choice imported trees; wonderful view f the river and mountains; in one of the few and best-known restricted country home districts, surrounded by beautiful homes; if you want the very best give this a close investigation and get the benefit of such a large sacrifice. Price $3450. V 317. Oregonian. SUBURBAN HOME CLOSE IN. Out Multnomah station way about 3 blocks from Dosch station on 4:h st., elec tric line, 6c fare commuters ticket ; Bull Run water, electric lights, gas in the street, bath, toilet and lavatory; fruit trees, berries, etc.; $350O. $1U0 cash, bal ance eajjjr payments. fciee E. M. Brow n with NEILAN A PARKHILL, 219 Lumbermen's Bldg., Sth and Stark Sts. for Sale Business Property. BEST BUY IN LIVE DISTRICT. $37,000. BURNSIDE STREET. 100x100 corner, near 14th st,, ffve new brick buildings in course of construction within 5 blocks. Covered with temporary buildings, rent $240. Pays 3 per cent net on investment, with sure prospect of groat increase in land value. Could be improve. I and made to pay S per cent net. Coul.i probably be resold at $3000 to $10,000 pro! it. An opportunity like this does not often occur, o get busy. E. J. DALY, 221 Falling bldg. $25.000 Buys east side business property that is) paying 14 per cent on tho investment. Building 50x70. 3 stories, cement blocks, corner lot. In AI condition and good loca tion. Owner wants to retire from acti life and will sell at a sacrifice. For particulars see. C. T. S A LING. 122 E. 2Mb St. N. lou2uo East half covered with good four story brick building on N. 13th st,, track age, rental from which earns Interest on Investment: some income also from hour on west half, now Is the time to buy for future net-as of expanding business. In quire R. J. O'Neil. attorney. 717 Board of Trade bldg. lu0xll(vI-2-STORY and basement. brick building: construction will permit the ad dition of 3 more stories; hard surfaced street all In and paid lor; premises suit able for manufacturing, laundry or utoraso purposes; present income per month $165; location weft side. SAFE AND SANE. Rare Investment offered by owner In a, series of unfurnished apartment flats ex clusively situated, select h igh-clafs ten ancy under annual leases. $37.r.oo, netting 20 per cent on money invested. Addret-s bona fide inquiries lo P. O. Box 111U. BUSINESS INVESTMENT Garage properly well located and doing a nice lot of re pair work ; renter will remain and take l-ns : large building, concrete floor; lot &oxl"0 feet: cost the owner $4300: sell for $3500; some terms. White &. Co., 703 1st St., Newberg. Or. FOR SALE 145 acres of land containing a valuable factory site with fully developed, water power. Numerous buildings, in cluding a very good residence. For further Information inquire of J. H, Walker. 7jtl PittocK block, Portland. Or. 100x100 FEET. On Union ave. and Stark at.; the Ideal Ioch tion for a garage at one-ha. f tli normal value; price ut present is $20,0110, and a party wall fre. Henry F. Cover, 04 Union ave. WAREHOUSE OR FA C T O R Y SITE: Situated on o.-W. It. & N. Ry. and main high wa , within li." m in. on st rue t cir aim 1 ." min. by "auto to main part of city; some wood-working machinery and buiid inR. N 34:i. Ot-friniar. lOOxKM) E. WATKR ST.. BKTWEKN Mi Hi lt 1 SON A N D llAWT'JOR N bZ B K ID" J US. ON TRACKAGE: WILL SACRIFICE AND r.IVE EASY TKUilrx OWNER. M 3 4 1 1, OREO ON IAN. FOR SALE or lease, or will build for tenant, either T.'.viuo or .oxlOO or 12.".xlon. S. E. corner 4th and Flanders. Apply lo ownr. E. A. Redman, phone East &33S or Eubt 22 1 It. NEW larg two-story brick, with basement and another building adjoining; one of tho beft business local ions in town. For price and terms, se White & Co.. 7oil: 1st St.. New be rg. Or. DANDY" liitle corner tobacco and soft drink store ; good paying plac-: will sacriflra all stock and lixtures rnnipfe fur $123 cah. Owner. I'M N"rih iiroadway. QUARTER block. 1 "i: h st. near municipal dock; Hire" bu.ldinps: bargain; easy terms. F. H. Cook. 2t Stark. WEST SIDE corner on Yamhill street for assessed value. C 42i. Qrtconian. APART Si F.NT SITE 214 feet front ; upper Washington nt. Wo' f stein. 114- 1 st st. For Sale Fruit Itnds. $2.Vm INCOME GUARANTEED. READ CAREFULLY Income of $2..0 by Dec. 1. $2.".ou for year 10 20. Buy our G-acre apple orchard, give it good care and the above income is cua ran teed. It should be much more. Trtes U yrs. old. Price onl v $2."o per acre. CELLA RS-M U R TON" CO., T2" (lasco bldjr. lo ACHES; 10 acr-s lo-year walnut trom; all fenced: small house, barn and out buildings; will consider Portland to $40011. Handy Bros, Ooti Railway Exchange.