THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAXD, JUNE 8, 1919. 9 &AL ESTATE. lor hale -Houses. IN LAURELHURST Multnomah St., -bIk. from car, strictly modern. O-room house, full basement, laundry tray a, furnace, etc., kitchen, living room, timing room, with beamed ceiling and pantis, fire place, hardwood noors, kitchen and up stairs in white, downstairs in natural wood, 3 bedrooms and bath, laundry trays in basement; lot 6uxlJU; house laces north. Price 4&00. terms. Floral avenue 30x100 Inside lot, 9-roora house, garage. Jj'jrst Uoor 1 bedroom, bath and show er, two fireplaces, living, dining' rooms, kitchen, den, billiard or party room -lx i.4, hardwood floors. Second floor 2 bedrooms and sleeping porch, bath. Kull basement, laundry, steam heat, or can be turned into hot wattr. Price JfiOuo. IRVINGTON. Elegant 7-roora bungalow, 15th St. N., near Knott st. ; lot TGxlou, fine lawn, ce ment drive and walk ways. .First floor .Living and dining rooms, plate glass windows and doors, fireplace, built-in bookcase, hardwood floors, fine turret. 2 Ded rooms, also modern bath. Kitchen Many closets and pantries, finished in white; electric cooker goes with place. Second floor1 2 bedrooms, modern bath, sleeping porch; garage (.new), cement porch across front of house; very reason able price and good terms. K. 1'lst N., near Brazee st., 75x100, 5 bedrooms, living room 16x32, dining room loxlti, rec. hall 14x10, bathroom, library, pars pantry, den, lavatory, basement, laundry, toilet, billiard room, brick bldg., hardwood floors. Price $18,000. terms. E. 12th st. N"., near Stanton st., 8 -room house, 4 bedrooms 2d floor. 2 bedrooms 3d floor, usual bathrooms, living, dining rooms, built-in buffet, also other conven iences, finished in mahogany, plate glass windows, French glass doors opening to living room, also white enamel sun par lors, double garage, full basement, fur nace, etc.: second floor finished in white. Price JS00O, mtg. $Za00 at 7 per cent. EAST SIDE. 41st st. S. E.. near Francis ave. 6 rooms, 2 bedrooms downstairs, 3 large rooms up stairs; living, dining rooms, kitchen, full basement, fireplace, bath and toilet, double floors, gas, electric; lot 80x100, all kinds fruit trees and berries; paved street con structing; city water; 2 blocks from Wood lawn car. Price $-4000, cash $1000, balance at 6 per cent. East Taylor street, near 20th Double flats of 4 rooms each, neatest and clean est proposition in the city; finished in white; lower flat rents for $40 per month: full basement, furnace, etc., front and back yards, room for garage. Price $4000, liberal terms. 13th and East Broadway 100x100, 10 Toom house. 5 bedrooms, parlor, library, flrep'ace, full basement, kitchen, pan pantry, built-in buffet, house modern and in fiiie condition; many fruit trees, roses, -etc. Price $12,000, easy terms. Near 12th and Knott streets Dutch co lonial house, S rooms, bedrooms and up stairs hall finished in white, likewise kitchen, living room, dining room with beamed ceiling, also panel work ; rec ?p tion hall, sun parlor, hardwood flojrs. two fireplaces, bath and toilet, extra toilet in basement, furnace, also Itoval hot-water heater; lot 00x100. Price $7500, terms. L.rn.dA Addition Elegant 11-room house; Ylate Elass windows. 4 bedrooms second floor, with bath and toilet, also sleeping porcn. a Dea rooms tnira noor wit n oat n and toilet, living room, reception hall, vestibuled. dining room with beamed ceil ing, telephone room, butler's pantry, re frigerator room, den with panels; full basement, furnace; very modern house. Price $7500, terms. "Wasco, near East 24th street Lrot 42x TOO; 7-room house, hall, living room. fireplace, dining room, bay window, sew ing room, pass pantry.- kitchen, finished In white, toilet downstairs, 3 bedrooms, bath, large sleeping porch. Price $4650. MURRATMKAD district. East Sherman near East 24th street S-room house, 4 large bedrooms, sleeping porch, living room 16x:ift, fireplace, dining room, cove ceilinir. cabinet kitchen. eiec. ranee. kitchen and bath finished In French gray. bedrooms, living and dining rooms in ivory white, full basement, wash trays, very fine furnace, unusual, use 5-foot slabs, firing once in 24 hours; taoi slabs, firing once in 24 hours, used cords last season at $7 per cord, en tire cost $42; lot 49x118; garage, cement run- WB vs. Price $8000, cash $2500. WEST STPE. BAxlOO lot and modern ln-room house house now leased for one year at $'0 per month; location near St. Helens road and Thurman street. This Is a nice, clean property. Price $7500, $2500 cash. One house for sale, west side, 8 to 10 rooms, fireplace, furnace, bath; located on 12th street, near Montgomery st ; full lot; reasonable price, easy terms. -room modern house On Harrison st.. near Portland academy: 4 bedrooms, maid's room, up-to-date bath and toilet, sleeping porch, reception hall, living room, dining room. den. fireplace, hardwood -Moors, pantry. kitchen, full basement, furnace, stone bulkhead: lot 5xino, hard surfaced street, fine view. Price $S500. terms. NearTv otip acre and 4-room bungalow. East S2d and 0.-"W. R. & N. Co. right of way ; price $3200, cash $700. balance mortgage at 6 per cent, payable at $25 a month. 4-room hungalow. 50x100 lot. 83d and East Burnside streets, located in Motila villa district. Price $200n, half cash, bal ance mortgage at 7 per cent. T-room brick house, some frame, very nice proposition: lot 5OxT0C: in Lents dis trict. Price $2250. cash $1000. TtTCHMONT DTSTRTCT 5-room bun galow, living room, dining room, firp place. kitchen, pantry. 2 bedrooms, hath, full cement basement, wash trays, fur niture included ; corner 5" 0x1 no lot : beau tiful shade trees, rose hedee. hard-surfaced street; on car line. Price $:i500. 117ft Alhina are., H-klocT? north from nirs worth, faces west : 8 rooms, liv ing room, parlor, dining room, kitchen. 4 bedroom?, bath, full basement, 50x100 lot Price $3250. FRET Tv NKWELL. OREOOX TNVFSTMKNT MTG. CO. 20-221-222 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 205. j!7n00 LAr-RET.TTT'RST $7300. Here is a wonderful bungalow, very mod ern, unusually attractive; has larec front and side porch living room with f ire rdace. bookcases, French doors leading Into large mus'c room and dining room, which has a 7-foot buffet: ideal "Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook, two large, light, airy bedrooms, house equipped with Rector gas radiators; entire house is fin ished in old ivory; hardwood floors, very artistic lighting fixtures: best white enamel plumbing -with separate shower room. On a full comer lot. just east of Laurel hurst park. Can arrnngo some terms. See FRANK I,. McC.nKE To Buy Your Home. Abineton building. Main ."..Mi. Main 1008. Office Onen Evenincs and Sundays. BIG CASH SACRIFICE. 1 14 blocks from Ro?e City car on 44th St., modern to the minute. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, all built-in conveniences, hardwood floors, full cement basement, furnace, all bedrooms, sleeping porch. bath and kitchen finished in white enam el, paved streets in ana paid; if you know a real snap when you see it. let us show you this. Price $4500. C. A. WARRIXER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-5-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. A BARGAIN. My 6-roomed modern home, with large Fleeplng porch, on Belmont street. Am leaving the citv, so will sell at a bar gain. Phone Main 6943 or call at 215 Alisky bldg today. FOR SALE, or lease for 2 years, furnished -room house with sleeping porch, ground 80x225 feet, garden and chicken yard ; owner. Tabor ."2." 2. J"OR SALE 5-room cottaee in good condi tion, Sunnyside; $2S00, terms. Owner. Ta- ' bor 3SiS IRVINGTON Phone owner for price and de scription of 7-room modern house in the fntr of Irvington. East 1725. Jf"OR SALE By owner. 4-room and sleepinp jorch. lot 50x100: hard surface; fruit and t rrles. 65 E. 26th st. 75xlO0 IN Irvington district, good 8-room house, S'Pepini! porrnfa, Pir., fiiaue ami fruil trees; OT'T'VWEST $:t .10; terms, owner. 1 fcOrT'VWEST corner, t -room house, close In. improvements u 1 1 pdiu , jouuv, lei 1110. 11.' E. 26th St. m gNAP 3-room bungalow, furnished, bath, gara e: corner 5'"xl0: leaving town, 653 E 7 9 1 h St. N . ; Rote City car. cjs'AP A J3000 home for $2400 on 81st., ML Scott, extra large 5 room house, modern plumbing, built In conveniences, Tbr. 7621. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Hoose. Knip noon t-ittys 5-r. bungalow. large attic. 100x100 ! foot &KHHI- 7 mi cash. Lai. terms. 5-r. bungalow, sleeping porch," fireplace, gas radiators; this is nice, neat and clean, close to car ; $5250 ; $1000 cash, balance to unit vnii 5-r. modern bungalow, full concrete basement, 100x155 feet, $1700; $350 cash. I 415 month. 4-r. cottage, modern plumbing. 4 years old, $1500; $500 cash, bal. $10 month, 6 per cent. , :,.r bm. A lots 50x100 each. $2000; $00 cash, bal. $15 month. per cent; r.-i- mrvtCom hnnzfliow. fireplace, paved street. Hawthorne district. $2b00; $tU0 cash, bal. to suit. A snap. 6-r. modern bungalow, garage, paved st , 50x135 feet, at 5Sth and E. Taylor, $4200; $1700 cash. bal. monthly. ... R. M. CI ATE WOOD & CO.. 16o 4th St. YOU CAN'T BEAT THESE. $1200 4, block. Irvington district, S25UC 50x100. 22d and Savier. $lloo 50x100, E. 22d near Couch. i 40050x100. Irvington; Hens paid. $4i0 40xli:o. Ainsworth ave., just east of Piedmont, on paved street. $750 Laurelhurst lot. near 33d and Gllsan StJy'ij Rose City corner lot, below the tii.i. close to car. , , $4y0 E. th street, near Brooklyn. $100 &7th and E. Burnside. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abington building. Main 5156, Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. pfiisw riTY DISTRICT BUNGALOW. This is just about block from Sandy y.xiA hcinw thA hill 5 rooms and full floored attic, built-in bookcases and buf fet, fireplace, large living and dining room, fine carpets in each, go with place; large basement, lull cemented, h-iio., paved sts. in and paid, price $3700, $10U0 cash will handle. Just on tne mar ket; you can see it first if you hurry. C. A. WAR Ft IN ER, RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LAURELHURST $4750. XKW BUNGALOW. This Is one of the most beautiful bunga lows in Laurelhurst. It has 5 rooms, den and breakfast nook. The rooms are beauti ful y finished, an unusually line nrep.ace. hot-air heatine system. an expensive garage. The lot is a corner location. 2 I blocks to car: this is a lovely home and the price is absolutely right; owner wantw I $1500 cash. .May we snow you tomorrow COE A. McKENNA & CO. Main 4522. 82 4th St.. Board of Trade Bldg. J.JK..n HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW $2850. Here is a D-roora ij picai uungaiow win very attractive lines, reception hall, large living room with fireplace and bookcases, paneled dining room with buffet, Dutch kitchen, three bedroom good, cement basement. Oil E. 47th street. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abington building. Main 515U. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. EXCELLENT RIVER VIEW. 4-room modern house, all conveniences, one-auarter acre. 15 kinds of fruit, roses and other flowers; accessible to perfect bathlne beach: cardan nlantea. gooa sou. spacious porches, on rock road, best elec tric service out of Portland; J24iu, $250 cash, balance easy terms. Fred W. Ger man Co., 7X2 Cham, of Com.; open even ings and Sundays. THE McGUIRE SYSTEM. makes home-buying easy. You can come to this office and see over 600 photographs of homes for sale, arranged in districts every one has been appraited. Ten auto mobiles at your service. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abington building. Main 515ti. Main IOCS. Office Open Evenings and Sunoays. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 5 ROOM BUNGALOW, BEAUTIFUL DOUBLE CORNER LOT, STATIONARY WASH TUBS. BATH AND TOILET. FULL CEMENT BASEMENT, ATTIC FLOORED: LEAVING FOR SAN FRAN CISCO JUNE 25, FOR SALE REASON ABLE BY OWNER. 25H EAST 50TH COR MADISON. NO AGENTS. NEW MODERN IRVINGTON RESIDENCE. 12 rooms, hardwood floors throughout, I beautiful mahogany and oak finish; sun parlor, sleepine porch. lull cement base ment, large finished attic, 3 toilets, tile bathrooms, sanitary plumbing, 3 artistic tile fireplaces, stationary vacuum cieaner. all modern conveniences; easy terms; some trade. owner -M. a-ifi, uregonian. " 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. PRICE $1:000 $250 DOWN. Good 5-room bungalow, close to Ala meda. Park and - block from hard sur face street; good garage; here is a REAL I XSARGAIN; hurry if you want it. KKLIARLK INVESTMENT CO.. 309 Oak St. Broadway 4133.1 STRICTLY modern 5-room house, breakfast room, trays in kitchen, screened front porch, full basement, fine yard with big grape arbor and cherry tree and lots of roses and flowers, all well kept; price 12100, terms. Owner. Talor 27h2; located 6S22 44th ave. S. E., Mt. Scott car to 67th. WE HAVE for sale houses at all prices in good districts of good value; also have first-class architect and builder in our office who in reliable and will furnish plans and build to suit; we nave an auto at your service, and will bo pleased to show you houses or submit plans. M. Billings, 509 McKay bldg. Main 1300. W AVE K LEY BUNGALOW. rooms, good cement basement, cornel lot. paved sts. in and paid, nice lawn. close to car, school and stores, price $ili0. terms. C. A. WARRIXER. RITTKR. LOWE & CO., 201-5-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE A nice 7-room house, electric lights and gas, good pHinihlng, fruit trees and other small fruit; also a den in back part of lot. If you are looking for a oarsain it win pay you to investigate. Will sell for cash or on terms to right parties by owner. 4.i jessup st. SEVEN-ROOM MODERN HOME. Newly painted, large rooms, lull lot. east front. Rose City Park. Only $41oo. Terms. C. F. Bond Realty Co., 1230 Sandy blvd. Tabor 3S25. Office open Sunday. CLOSE-IN 7-ROOM HOME. Just a splendid home on 50x100 lot. East Burnside, near 10th. A great sacrifice at I $5500. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 205 Corbett bldg. Main 0015 A 2815. A GREAT BARGAIN. Four-roomed house and bath, gas, elec tricity, lOOxlOO-foot lot. No commission to pay. A small home for two-thirds its value to clo.e an estate. Phone Main 6943 or call at 215 Alisky bldg today. IF You have $200 cash and want a good Home ior fiaou, Call Tabor 1701. ALL FURNISHED. Will sell my brand ! new bunealow. completely furnished. ; ready to move into, on easy payments. Mrs. Hartog, 1004 South leonard, near Buchanan. One block north of Lombard and St. Johns carline. SIX 5 and 6-roorn modern flats Jn best west side location with central heating plant: lot assessed at $11. 000; will tell Jot and building for $18.0oo; half cash. Phone East S000 and ask for E. H. Col lis. S-ROOM plastered house, in good order; electric lights, cement walks, on hard- surface road. lot .OxlOO ; value S2000 ; blks. from car line. K52 N. Jersey st-. St. Johns. 50 IRVINGTON. Six rooms, modern, and sleeping porch. garage, hardwool iioors, ouut-ins, excel lent condition, ideal location. East 24th street north. Phone East 3820. BRENTWOOD DISTRICT. 5-room plastered bun en low. built-in I conveniences, s'eeping porch, lot 40x100, bearing fruit trees and berries; $1 4 00; terms. Call D 1611 after 4:30 P. M. ROSE CITY PARK. 5-room modern bungalow; hardwood I floors throughout, white kitchen, buffet. I fireplace, bookcases, furnace, living room! :;0 feet long; terms, fhone raoor KENTON BUNGALOW. Just completed, neat 3 -4-room plastered. Built for myself but must ell. No profit asked. J 1450. 245 KiipatrtcK st.. 2 W blocks west of Kenton banK. " $ 315'rt B UN GALOW $31 50. Have made up my mind to sell my I fi-room bungalow on the Woodstock car- line. N. E. cor 2th st. ana rrancis st. 50x100. P h one Sell wood 33i7. GOING to build or repair? Get my ideas and estimate. B. T. Allyn, 243 Stark st. Office hours 3 to 5 P. M. .fnone Main S31. Res. phone. Tabor 104. FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW. Fireplace, full lot, one block from Mt- Tnhnr f-sr: on V SlOOO. W. H. ROS. ll'' N. W. Bank Bldg. BEAUTIFUL Piedmont home. 7 large rooms. nnnlrnnm. full basement, storeroom, laun dry, garage. iwn-i. ' " u u 1 1 1-y ave.. Wood lawn Ijoh; owner leaving city. THE house you buy is much more attrac tive with English jo. ngniing nxturea J. C. English Co., 148 5th St. ENGLISH lighting fixtures in a house de note a high standard of construction. J. C. English Co.. 14S 5th St.. ups'-aira CALIFORNIA bungalow, fireplace, built-ins. Dutch kitchen, bath, gas. electricity. lot lloxl37. $2000. Phone Tabor S537 after I 4 P. M. ERTZ dc WEGMAN. Architects and Builders, 6.1 1 PittocK iilocK. We design artistic homes. 4-ROOM cottage, modern and furnace, two lots. 6 $1650. Terms. except fireplace j Attn BL . i REAL barcain. from owner: good 6-r. house, lot 50xloo, on car line. $1250; terms. In quire 5'tOl I, st., Vancouver, Wash. TWO good 4-room cottaees, $2"n0 and $2200. Walking distance, owner. East 2109. KEAL ESTATE. For Stile -Uoma. $7000 DISTINCTIVE IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Here Is an unusually attractive, artistic. typical bungalow, practically new, built for a home; best material and workman ship; double-constructed ; contains many unioue. orieinal. oractical ideas ana con veniences; plateglass and hardwaod floor? I xnrougnout; aen witn nrep.ace. mrgo n- insr room, naneled c in in room. Diaie-raii. beveled elsa buffet. French doors open onto pergola; a wonaeriui iun umca aucn en. everv built-in convenience; 2 light. airv bedrooms, large closets; best wnite enar.iel nlum fixtures: se oar ate show er room, run xioo.ea aiuc; iuu ceinem basement; furnace, laundry trays, fruit room: Arco-Wand electric motor vacuum cleaning plant; large Guud automatic gas water neater; a run lot on -im atn-ei, cne of the choicest locations; beautiful lawn and roses. Its clinker brick porcn and columns, its very distinctive bunga low lines, maKe a very pieasmg. sud- etantial exterior appearance; unusual bar gain, can arrange terms. be,Hi To Ruv Your Home. Ab'ngton bldg. Main 5156, Main 1063. itiice upen evenings ana punama. MODERN BUNGALOW- " " 12050. Modern 5-room bungalow with good at tic, full basement, Dutch kitchen, dining room, built-in buffet, fireplace, etc.; lot 44x100, improvements paid. J.JU LAURELHURST DISTRICT. Modern 6-room house with furnace. fruitroom. laundry room and laundry trays, kitchen, pantry, inclosed porch, dou ble garage, cement runway; lot ooxiuu; E. Flanders and only a lew blocks to K.ern school. SS.IOfl "Modern ft-room house, furnace, hardwood floors, built-in conveniences, etc.; lot 60x 100; E. Lincoln near 38th. Modern 8-room house on Mississippi ave., near Walnut Park; full cement basement and all improvements in ana paia; a Bnap. 319 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 675. ta.-.ftfl RVriTPTIOXAL BARGAIN S3500. tn .Marguerite avenue, in me nenri ui the Hawthorne district, we are authorized to offer for ouick. sale a T-room very mod ern substantial attractive home, large liv ing room with fireplace and bookcases; oane ed dining room wun piate ran. cum in buffet: white enamel Dutch kitchen. screened-m back porch with extra toilet; full cement basement, laundry trays. 4 bed rooms on the second iioor witn sleeping porch, white enamel plumbing, electric listhta and eas. frice includes street nena. $500 will handle. See IT RANK J-. MCUUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abington building. Main 515. Main 1068. Oiiice open evenings ana bunaays. 13675 MODERN KENTON HOME $3675. An unusual oDDortunttv to buy a o- room suOHtantial modern home, right in the heart of Kenton. block from ueroy street : 3 blocks to tne banic ana 13 blocks to the scIidoL House has reception hall, large living room with fireplace; solid paneled dining room with, plate-rail; Uutch kitchen : S lartre. llsnt. airy oea- rooms with closets: white enamel plumb ing fixtures: electric lights and gas; full cement basement witn laundry trays; Ka ra ire. Total price includes paved street; $;;7.": terms: immediate possession. No. J4 W. Farragut. I will be at home be tween 10 and 2 Sunday. This la a real bargain. NKA R FRANKLIN HIGH SCHOOL. This fine houe has been anoralsed at I 14250. you can buy It this weea ior ijmu. It has living room, aining room, aiccnen, bath and one bedroom down and two bed rooms and lavatory unner floor: it nai beautiful fireplace, built-in buffet, fur nace heat, full cement basement, wash trays; the lot is a corner, ooxioo, ana dcsi of all. the street Is paved and paid; if you can find a better bargain in Portland we would like to see it; if you can pay $1000 down don t delay a moment. C'OK A. McKKXNA & J.. 82 4th St. Board of Trade Bldg. Main 4522. BUNGALOW. Near East Stark street; 4 blocks from car. Six rooms; very modern; two oea- rooms. living and dining rooms, 11 replace, kitchen, iine basement, furnace, wash trays. Hardwood floors. Excellent view. beau tiful grove. 50x100 lot. Price only S30o0; I cash required, $uoO; balance payable S20 per month at o per cent. 000a streets. Oregon Investment & Mortgage Co., 220-221-222 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 205. BUNGALOW SACRIFICE, $5000 HOME FOR S4200. Modern 5-room bungalow with sleeping , porch, living room 24 feet long, fine ga- raee wtin cement driveway: lot roxuo. all street improvements in and paid; 4 fruit trees; this home , is located in best ttart of Mt. Tabor near the west entrance of the park; price cut to $4200, $1200 cash. CLE VELAND-BARR-HENDERSON CO., 212 RY. EXCH. BLDG., MAIN 6752. $3750 HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW $3750. Ctn Kast 41st street, near t-iRy, is a very- attractive, strictly modern, typical bunga low of 5 rooms : living room with fire place; Folid paneled dining room with lurge buffet; Dutch kitchen: 2 light, airy bedrooms; white enamel plumbing; elec tric lights and gas. rerms. FRANK L. McGUIRE, Tn Tiv Voiir Unnic. Abington bldg. Main 51."6. Main 106S. Office Open Evenings and Sun day a CLOSE LAURELHURST PARK. SUNNYSIDE CAR. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Modern home, corner lot. paved streeta 6 rooms and sleeping porch, fireplace, fur- rarc Uutch kitchen, etc.. spienuia garage. one of the best close-in residence sections in city, unexceled car service, 10 mintuea to west side. This is a real home buy; come and see it. Open for inspection to- dav 11 A- M. to 3:50 P. M.. or phone la bor 7552 and 1 will call for you in my car. 4r. TKNN HOME $2425. On Atlantic street. 2 blocks .north of KiDingswoi t h and 1 block from St. Johns carline. 've are oirering ior a non-resiaent n 6-room. very substantial home on full lot; good cemtn. basement; white enamel plumbing: electric lights and gas; abundance of fruit; very easy terms. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Ruv Yonr Home. Abington bldg. Main 5150, Main 106S. Otfice Open Evenings and Sundays. VACANT MOVE RIGHT IN. Ml 23S EAST 5 1ST ST. 5-room bungalow. doubly constructed throughout, has fireplace, furnace, built-in features and large floored attic; here Is a dandy buy in one of Portland's best districts; 1 blocks to Hawthorne car; price $325i; $S0o cash and $30 per month; Key at iirst nouc nuii ii. pki.i A iE INVESTMENT CO.. 309 Oak St. Broadway 4133. "tinn ALBERTA BUNGALOW $1800. On Roseiawn avenue, near E. 0th street ! Is a typical 5-room very attraceive ounga-!-.- ni-t-h pxtpndlnz across entire front of house; Dutch kitchen, white enamel niumbine. electric lights and gas; terms. Owner leaving city. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Ruv Your Home. Abington building. Main 5156, Main 1068. Office Open jvemngs ana aunuayi, IRVINGTON HOME. A BEAUTY. This beautiful home is modem to the minute, 7 rooms and sleeping porch and nlcp v furnished rooms In attic, nara- wood floors on 1st and 2d, all built-in conv., full cement basement, furnace, full lot, east front, garage, paved sta in and paid, price $So00. terms. C. A. WARKINER, 50X100, 8-ROOM modern house on Mai lory ave.. near Shaver, lull basement, cement floor. wash trays, fireplace, bui It-ins; house could not be duplicated for less than $400. street improvements all in and the price is oniy .wioo; terms .nu casn, oai- ance - per montn ana interest. GIBSON. 208 Stark. Marshall l! LAl'RELHt' ST $ 5500. Royal court, near E. 41st st .N-, 50x100, 1 7-room residence, extra-good fixtures and built-in features; all finished in white ivory ; streets paved, cement walks, fur nace, launury. iruuroom. etc.; terms. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. ROSE CITY PARK. 30TH ST. Modern 5-room bungalow, floored attic. basement, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, built-in buffet, hard -surface street. in sewei district, big bargain for $400o; terms, fiiooo cash, .;o per month ana in terest. GIBSON. 268 Stark. Marshall 12. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. If you are looking for a new bungalow for too less than you can buy one else where, go look at 403 East 50th street, cor. Lincoln st. The so-caiiea iook is wel come. Living and dining room In front. G. E. Weller, owner ana ounaer. I.A IT R ELH URST rooms and tiled bath. fireplace, narawooa iioors. not water neat. lull cement oasemeni. corner ioi ana trac tion in best part : street improvements all paid; $11,000, terms. Call A 4U27 or Main :21. 206 Corbett b!dg. COLONIAL HEIGHTS. 7-room modern residence, unusually good aoDointmentr. on E. 24th near Hawthorne. corner lot, 50x100; very well kept; price 1 ssooo. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. A BARGAIN. nnnd ".-room house ana bath. 1 acre. barn, city water, fruit and berries; east i lope of Mount Tabor: 4 blocks from street car; tine view, r none liwi . " HAWTHORNE "DISTRICT. Grcveiand Park bungalow, 51x100 lot, all assessments in and paid. Price 3250. 416 East 53d. Don t Dottier tenants. Ta- bor 8743. 50xlO0. new 4-room cottage, store building and barn, mass, cost over nnu, tn ave. and East Hoth St.. all for $1300, $300 cash. $15 per month. GIBSON, 20S Stark. Mar shall roSY cottaee. nicely furnished: price $1400. terms, lsuo aisaiyou st., near utn. it. c car. iaoo 6-room house. Sell wood car, 619 Ma- SEAL ESTATE. Yot Ssle Hoatfi, $4500 REMAKKABLB LAURELHURST 3 A KUA1N .U UUW X. On Pacific, hear 34th. close to the car- line and s irrounded by nice homes. Is a very substantial. 7-room. modern home ; hs reception hall with full beveled mir ror; large living room with artistic fire place with leaded glass bookcases on each side and a besreled glass mirror above ; paneled dining room with plate-rail ana mapsH e 10-foot loaded glass buffet ; hard wood floors; den ; Dutch kitchen; screened in back porch with extra toilet : full ce ment basement; laundry trays and fruit room; furnace. The first floor is finished in fir. On the 2d floor are J large, iignt. airy bedrooms with a sewing room. This floor is finished in white enamel, wnne poicelain plumbing fixtures, electric light and gas; full lot. Good garage. Thi price includes all street liena -Mommy payments liKe rent at per cent. To Buy Your Home. Abington bldg. Main 5150. Main 1068 Office Open Evenings and Sundays. FURNISHED COTTAGE OR BUNGALOW. Including furniture, ior saie. location, Hawthorne district, near East 44th and Madison streets, tt-rooms, bath, etc., paved street, several prolific fruit trees, large strawberry patch with fine crop, lot 5ox jou. nice lawn, premises very neat ana clean. Price $2500. FRED W. NEWELL. Oregon Investment &. Mortgage Co., 220-221-222 Chamber of Commerce, Marshall 205. $150 DOWN. $2700 UNUSUAL BARGAIN $2700. Here Is a large 7-room very substantial modern home; reception hall, living room, dmlng room with plate rail, kitchen, but ler s pantry, lull cement basement witn laundry trays. 3 large, light airy bedrooms. sleeping porch, white enamel plumbing. electric lights and gas, garage, corner lot. 1 block to car. House could not be bum for less than $3000. Like new. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buv Your Home. Abington building. Main 5150. Main 1068. ornce upen evenings ana bunaays. LAURELHURST $500 CASH. Call at our office and see Dhoto of this fine 8-room home; 2 bedrooms down and 2 and sleeping porch up; big living room with fireplace, dining room with buffet, Dutch kitchen, oak floors in front rooms, full basement: hot-air heat. "We are of fering this splendid big homo for $4i.0l and ask only $500 down. Immediate I possession. COE A. McKENNA A CO. Main 4523. b2 4th St.. .Board or Trade tsiag. "handsome i r v1ng6nhom E. for paIa hv owner: strict) modern ll-room I residence, stucco on metal laths; hardwood I floors, white enamel and mahogany wood work, plate-glafH windows, tile bath witn shower, two fireplaces, sleeping porch. dressing room with triple mirrors, large closets with windows, fine room with bath on third floor, full cement bane me nt, excel lent furnace. i'riee reasonable. it you , are looking for a good home, your Inspec tion is tnvitea. on a i-iast 4tn bl in. tAOOO LAURELHURST HOME. 7 larce rooms, fireplace, furnace, buffet. hardwood floors, full basement, 50x100; 1 block- to car. GOOD, MODERN, SUBSTANTIAL HOUSE. owner left town; SI 500 cash, bal. terms. CLEVELAND-BARR-H EN DERSUN CO., 12 R.v. Exch. Bide Main UT.v:. WEST SLOPE OF MOUNT TABOR, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-5-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ALBERTA CORNER BUNGALOW. 5 'rooms and floored attic, built-in book cases, buffet, fireplace, run semi-cement basement, clear of all incumbrances, price $5250. S. A. WAKKK-NJMt, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $2150 ROSE CITY DISTIUCT- 12150. 20O DOWN. Here is a 6-room nlastered house on full lot; white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas, 3 blocks from the car. Unusual bargain. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abington building. Main 5150. Main 106S. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. lOOxlOO. BUNGALOW. Big living room, with brick fireplace. dining room. bath, kitchen. 2 bedrooms large attic, garage, loOxlOO lot. with all kinds of fruit in bearing. This is mighty fine place for the price, $3450; pay $o0o cash and move in. CUti A. MCKKN.NA &. CO.. 82 4th st.. Board of Trade bldg. Main 422. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, 2 large lots with old maples. cedar, alder and dogwoods. On west side with magnificent view of mountains and river. Three car lines. 5-cent fare. One of the prettiest homes in Portland. $600, terms s..imi cash, jo years on balance. payments $30 oer month. Just Ilka rent. , John D. Wilcox. 414 Pittock block. P K T C E $ 2500 FU R N I S HE D. READY TO MOVE JN. Dandv modem 4-room bunealow. 50x101 lot. comoieteiy rurntsneo with line new furniture which cost $V00: all goes for no : U cash. This is better than it sounds. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 309 Oak St. Broadway 4153. MODERN fi-room house, newly decorated inside and out, all large rooms, modern improvements, furnace, gas, electricity, large basement, lot 100x100 feet, fruit trees, berries, flowers, etc.. a fine home. Am leaving city in 30 days. Don't want to rent. Price $43oO thin Is throwing off $500. Call at house, 1 Sfil East Flanders street, or pnone uaoor ii.s. MURRAY M E A D T M M EDIATE POSSESSION. 7-rm. modern residence, hardwood floors throughout, even kitchen; 1 block from car and In the midst of beautiful homes; streets paved and paid: price Snooo. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. BUY FROM OWNER VENN ELWORTH. $3500, TERMS. R rooms, laree porches, sleeping porch I fireplace, modern, built of No. 1 material by day labor: full lot. hard-surfaced street, pnsesslon Immediately. P. F. Jones. Bdwy. 656 or Bdwy. 4050. ROSE CITY PARK. 6-room bunealow. hardwood floors, fire- nlaca. built-in buffet, cabinet kitchen, good Turn :e, 1 oiock 10 nose 1 1 y car, on otsi 1 t.. corner lot: price $3ou. ssoo cash. ;o per month and interst. GIBSON, 2od Stark. Marshall 12. ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN. A rooms, modern, hardwood floors fireolaces. full cement basement, furnace. wash trays, fine garage with cement ap proach. Owner leaving for east. Tabor 5S07. ST. JOHNS shipbuilding district fl-room plastered house. Z lots, in iruit tree, block to car and hard-surface street; big bargain for quick sale. Price $1500; terms $300 cash. $15 per month and interest. GIBSON, 268 Stark. Marshall 12. " JUST BEING COMPLETED. Large 6-room bungalow, 450 E. 4lst North. 1 block to Beaumont or Rose City cars: Ivory finish throughout, hardwood floors, furnace, etc.; owner on ground all day: price reasonable. FOR SALE Portland Heights home, clear. improvements in ana paia. v rooms, moa ern, sleeping porch, garage, garden, fruit. $8000. Apply owner, Harry Duncan, 631 Morrison st. P. O. 6-ROOM home, garage. East Burnside at th : nrof it able investment ana comiort- able home; bargain price. Owner Ta- I bor 5673 1250(1 HAWTHORNE DISTRICT 2500. ;rnveland Park bungalow. 50x100 lot. all hard-surface streets. 1430 East Lincoln. Ready to move in. Tabor 8743. WEST SIDE. On Lincoln, near th; 7-room cottage with fractional lot; price ir.oo. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. am i.KAVING city and must sell my 12 room modern rooming nouse, not ana com water in each apt., elegant location, J41 Harrison St.. corner Broadway. irciR kale or exchange, on Newberg Daved road. 7-room moaern nouse, garage, two chicken houses, 1 acre. Telephone Tabor I 205 W. TREMONT PARK. 4 lots sacrificed ty non-resident owner for $125 each. Whltmer-Kelly Co.. 414 Pittock block. bargain 7-room house, porch, electricity. gas. full basement. . lots. siaewaiK, s ire trees, rosea Derries, garuen in, aney. cnica ens, $2250; Hawthorne acr. xaoor50L'. $16oO. 5-ROOM cottage, high, sightly, lot ments paid for. Terms. Inquire 538 I Pershing at. enwooa c; SAVE commission. A danay 5-room bun- I galow, strictly moaern tnrougnout. tjtu i cauh. balance like rnt. Real estate men I do not answer. K 334. Oregonlan. FOR SALE 5-room modern house. 874 Kil- lingsworth ave., one oioca irom Aioerta car. Wood la wn 364 IRVINGTON HOMES OUR SPECIALTY. NEUHAUSEN & CO.. Main 8"78. East 894. TWO good homes at prices less than the! houses can oe punt. oiumoia n:i. $275 CASH. Movable house, 3 rooms, screened, wired. 72 Sandy. bath, fully Tabor 4244. ROSE CITY. 53D AND THOMPSON. 5 rooms, modern, splendid buy, $3500 I terms. Main -oi, i aoor HAWTHORNE district, 5-room modern bun- I galow. garage, irom owner, s-i'joo. labor I 82 IS. $225o. 5-ROOM modern house, garage, fruit. improved nireoi, m uuui y n . .,,i, i abu, balance $25 monthly, be 11 wood 2 06. TWO occupied houses on one lot, large garage, basement, large rruit trees, sjouu. AR 5 5 a. Oregonian. HOM E of 6 -rooms with furniture. cloe to car, jrico $ioou, terms, oiu aweuana Diag. REAL ESTATE. Furnished House. . INDUSTRIAL CENTER. Contracts let for new boulevard shortens the distance out here one mile. $l0lK tt-room modern bungalow; hard- , curface street; fine location: hard wood floors. $2ROO 5-room. new modern bungalow. $1si'K Almost new modern 7-room house. $ 24 too H-room modern bungalow. $2:t50 7-room house. $2150 6-room modern bungalow ; dandy little home. $no0 6-room, modern: all furnished. $24 too u-room modern house. $ 1 4oO 4-room house. $775 4-room house. $Sn0 3-room. new house; only $50 cash. $ 155i 3-room and sleeping porch ; hard surface street. $1 OOO 5-room house; very cheap. Nearly every place has worlds of fruit and flowers. All are within a balf block to 3 blocks to St. Johns or Kenton car. and on the easiest terms of any property offered in this district, snd all are good buys- Will build you a new 3-room house $50 cash. $15 per month, from $600 to $1000. a. c. Mcdonald, 206 Lombard. Wood lawn 6273. Office Open Sundays and Evenings. ROSE CITY PARK BUY. 6 rooms, with furnace, fireplace: new; 2 blocks from car ; 50x100 ; only $5650 ; terms. IRVINGTON BUT. 7 rooms. E. 27th St.; built four years; good garage, hard-surface street; only $4750; terms. HOLLADAY DISTRICT. 8 rooms, modern, up to the minute; nearly new; AOxloo lot; onlv $0500. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 7 rooms, bath, .toilet. 50x100; $2500, terms. EAST PIEDMONT DISTRICT. B rooms, modern, good condition: two blocks from car; fine fruit trees; $2800, terms. J. BOBBINS. 301 Railway Exchange. Main 7051. or Tabor 5319. Office Open Sunday. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW BREAKFAST ROOM ALAMEDA DRIVE Rose Cltv Park; $750 down. $50 month. Interest included ; pavement and sewer in and paid; lot 50x120; entrance hall, big living and dining rooms, with hardwood floor. fireplace. buffet. white enamel kitchen, big breakfast nook, 2 bedrooms. large bath : beautifully papered through out : fixtures, shades and a gas-heating system : a run deep concrete basement, launnry trays ; close to car; new, never occuplfd. Call early for appointment. J. L. HAKTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Cham ber of Commerce bldg., 4th and Stark. .Main -Ot. THE KVENING8 ARE IvONG. Let us take you out some evening after work and show you some real home bar gains, wo ee op-n every evening. 1 1-1 r McGUIRE SYSTEM makes it easy to find the home you are looking for. Over 600 fihotographs of homes that we are offer ng for sale are arranged In their respec tive districts in our display room- 1. nave personally inspected and appraised every house. Every property we offer is a good valie. Come in any evening and we'll drive out and look at a few of the bst bus out of 600 houses TF NECESSARY. 11,1, h h. i , f 1 uu aiaae xuuxt r inai PAYMENT. SEE FRANK 1. McGl'I RE, To Ruv Your Home. Abington bldg. Main M5rt, Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and bun day a FOR g ALE Hirh-srrade "Laurelhurst home. Spanish colonial design. extra large grounds, roses, flowers and family garden balcony, large living room, iinrary. uinini room, laboratory, beakfast nook and kltch en on first floor; one extra large bedroom with fireplace, connected with sleepinp porch, 2 other bedrooms and bathroom 01 aecona iioor; nas every mooern conven ience; also large garage: fine view place, good location. 1 block north from cornet of E. 4-id and tiiisa-n. on iiontavina car line. Phone Tabor 6255, or call on owner 1251 Laddington court. I "SEE THE YELLOW SIGN." 8 rooms. 50x100. Woodstock, modern. $2900: $50 cash: take car first payment 2 rooms. 40x100. Kern iJaric. only $550: SHOO cash: terms on balance. 7 rooms. HKxiuu: lour rooms iirsx iioor am) fhre on second: K. Main and 43d: lots of fruU: d ace for cara re. S30OO: cash $400. a rooms, ftoxiuo, wooaiawn; not moaern. hut vprv rhea n. $ 1500 : terms. a rooms all on one noor. oxioo tot. Laurelwood. Only $300 and $25 per month. 6 rooms. 50xioo, Cleveland ave., near Beech street. $2SOO; $1000 cash. "SEE THE YELLOW KIGN." SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EX. $1900 LINNTON DISTRICT $1900. On a full lot In Glenn Harbor is a prac tieally new, modern. 5-room house, living room and porcn extenaing across enure front or house, dinine room. Liutcn Kitcnen 2 bedrooms, white enamel plumbing, elec tric lights. A wonaeriui unoustructea view of the river and mountains for hundreds of mlies. Can arrange terms. Convenient to shipyards, mills and gas company a plant exceptional bargain. ee f KANK I-. MCULlKti To Buy Your Home. Abington building. Main 5156. Main 106S. Office Open Lvenings and Sundays. HOME BUYERS. ATTENTION. we have .oO homes for sale in all sec tlons from $1500 up. Some very good buys in Hawthorne, Sunnyside and Mt. Tabor sections from $1900 up: Rose City Park from $5000 uo: northeastern section fro $1500 up. It will pay you to call and in soect our photos and listings before buy lng. We are sailing more houses than ever oetore because we nave tne bargains Let us show you. You will not be urged to buy. J. A. WTCKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exchange Bldg. Main 1094. Office Not Open Sundays. JUST BEYOND CITY LIMITS $3100 BUNGALOW WITH 4 LOTS. In Parkrose. on a hard-surface road and only half block from Sandy boulevard and carline: water, gas ana electricity, nre place and modern plumbing; some fruit trees, chicken house and some garden in terms $750 down, balance arranged. J L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chambe of Commerce bldg., 4th and Stark. Main 203. BRAZEE ST. HOME. $4500. 5 rooms and sleeping porch, fireplace. furnace, all modern conveniences, nice lawn and shrubbery, paved sta In an paid, 1 blk. from car, terms. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C. A. WARRIXER, RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $3150 ROSE CITY HOME $3150. 10-room very substantial home on East oth street, 1 block to the Rose City car white enamel plumbing, electric lights an gas. could easily be converted into flats See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abington building. Main 5156. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. EAST MAIN ST. HAWTHORNE. An Ideal home. 2 blks. to Hawthorn car: 7 rooms and sleeping porch. attl and full cement basement with laundry trays, cement waitcs ana pavea street. lur nace. 2 hrenlaces. 1 upstairs and 1 down This is worth $7500. Price only $t000, .;ouu casn. nmance . yrs., per cent. Ll'EDDEM ANN COMPANY. 113 Chamber of Commerce. $10,000 to $20,000 IRVINGTON HOME WANTED. Have a client with CASH who wants fine home In Irvington; must be up to da and have some style to It; submit your lowest casn xigure ana pay me a com mission. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 5O0 Oak St. Broadway 4133. MT. SCOTT HOME. 80x100 lot ; fruit, berries. 5 rooms lower, with bath and toilet, large atti 1 block off hard-surface street. This nice, clean home for one wishing nlc garden and good value at $2200, $bOO cas balance $!. per montn. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 205 Corbett bldg. Main 6015. A 2815. NEAR FRANKLIN HIGH SCHOOL. 4-room cottage and garden on an ex cellent 100x100 lot. facmg east: choice fruit and berries, dsndy garden : excep tionally good moderately priced home. Prtc $1800. $oo cash. balance eas v. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 634 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 377. WEST SIDE HOME. $6500. Easy walking distance to retail dis trict; fine view of mountains and river: 9 big rooms, all In good condit Ion ; lot f0x loo; will sacrifice at $65o0. which is about value of ground alone: easy terms. LUEDDEM A NN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. VACANT MOVE RIGHT IN. $2500 Buys 5-room bungalow. newly painted and tinted inside and out; full basement with laundry room In basement. See today at 1002 East 2Mh st. N. J. A. WirKMAN CO, 204 Ry. Exchange Bldg. Main 1004. E. 17TH STREET. NEAR DIVISION. 6-room modern home, full cement base ment, wood lifts, wash trays, piped for furnace, etc: double construction through out: lot 45x50; hard-surface street. Price $3H0. easy terms. YATES REALTY CO.. 249 4th St. 5 ROOMS, modem bungalow, north Mount Tabor district; bookcases, buffet, fireplace, street improvements in and paid, lot l.6 fet deep, fruit and garden. Price $2600, oo rnh, balance to suit. JOHNSON DODSON r-O.. 651 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 37b7. REAL ESTATE. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW GARAGE FORCED SALE. The purchase of a business In Salem today throws on the market for imme diate sale one of the classiest 7-room bungalows ever built In .Portland. This is the first time it has been offered for sale. It is located on choice site Just east of Laurelhurst park. Has a very large living room with an artis tic fireplace and bookcases; French doors to a beautiful dining room, dainty breakfast room, 1 bedroom, tile bath and a gem of a kitchen on first floor; 1 bedroom, sewing room and sleeping porch on second floor; old ivory finish throughout, like new. fine hardwood floors, cement basement with good furnace and garage. Price, for quick action only $3oo, worth $7500 on this market. Must have sub stantial cash, payment. Tabor 407. MR. AND MRS. HOMESEEKER. Here are two very desirably located and reasonably priced homes: rooms, modern, fireplace and furnace, hardwood floors, electric lights, bath and most conveniently arranged house; oa hard-surfaced streets in Rose City Part, on 4Mb. street; close to good, car serviciw Only $4750. 5-room cottage-bungalow; electric lights, bath, toilet, hot and cold water, g&s. full cement basement; on 54th st.. between Hawthorne and Sunny side cars. Only $2750. I have many others, from $2000 to ' $20,000 each, and can quote a homeaeeke' very reasonable prwes and terms. J. B. HuLBROOK. 214-215 Panama bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. $4750 Here, folks, is a truly wonderful bungalow a remarkably good buy; 5 rooms and music room, breakfast room and sleeping porcn all on one floor with dandy attic for storage; very modern with fine hardwood floors. ftrenlace. buffet. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, fur nace, st. imp. all Included in price. We just sold one near this lami home for $5000 and we consider this a better one. See this today, as it will not la&t long. Sunday call laoor twi or 044. J. A. WICK MAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 1004. $1325 EAST OF LAURELHURST. On E. Oak street is an unusual bargain in a 4-room plastered, modern, bungalow cottage; nus reception hall, largo iivin roorr. dining room, kitchen wtili pantry; large, light, airy bedroom with closet; electric lights and gas. gas radiator heat; 3 white euumeT plumbing fixtures in tin bathroom; good cement basement. Mt Tabor car; close to school ; beautiful climbing roses cover the porch, and irout oi nouse. btta FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Buv Your Home. Ablngion bids. Main Main lOOS Office Open Evenings and Sunday a BEAUMONT lOOxlOO CORNER Big living room across front, fireplace at end; dining room, built-in buffet. blK kitchen. 4 bedrooms and sleeping porcn upstairs, attic, full deep cement basement furnace, garage, lawn, nowers. sni uooery trees: close to car. lacing south and i-asL orice $0ooo. Go bv and take a look, for ner 4d and KiickitaU J. L. HAKTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. 4th and Stark. Mam 208. WISTERIA AVE. HOME. Living room 15x26, fireplace; dining 14x 16. built-in buffet; Dutch kitchen, break fast nook ; very convenient stairway ; one bedroom 12x16. one 12x14. one 11x14; ha large sleeping porch; most beautiful porch and pergola, full cement basement, good hot air neating, large iw r front, on paved st., all paid; realty a mo beautiful home, oniy built a few years clean. ntt and like new, and price is be low actual value. ..o. JloOO casn. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 6'.' 15. A 2S15 5-ROOM BUNGALOW SLEEPING PORCH GARAGE A-.n qtraat t vri wwer In. all nald 52xlOh-ft. lot. 3ot Ivy St.; priced for quick sale; terms $700 down, $f montn ana in i-rZmt f fi'I- J. L HAKTMAN COM PANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 4th ana stara. jaain iua. iRVIr.Ti1" HOME. Btrlctlv modern, hardwood floors. Are onri fnrnnrK. full cement basemen laundry travi, etc.; 6 rooms, large sleep In norch. glassed in; lot 50x100; new ga rage, chicken coop, cement walks paved streets: all Improvements in paid; price only $G750. $25oo down, ance DDEMANN- COMPANY. yV.J Chamber of Commerce i-iCANT MOVE RIGHT IN. jor.A Riua .".-room bunealow in fine con Hitlon lust west of Laurelhurst full cement basement. furnace. wash trays; street imp. all in an nn id: no mortgage to assume; 50x100 lot with lots of fruit: term Sunday. East -J.4 4, i aoor oaoi. 1 A WIl'k'MAX CO.. o Rr. Exchange Bldg. Main 1004 1 AM NOT SICK, NEITHER IS MY WIFE. And l m not leaving the city, but will sell my fine fi-room modern home o . nn int In Piedmont. 2 blocks f ror .ovor-o l t- llnoa and 2 blocks from Pe nimula Dark, for $2000 less than cost price. See my agent. v 1 wpi iiP.i nr. IXVESTVENT CO.. 300 Oak St. Broadway 4153 ciiTTTW PORTLAND BARGAIN. nrnunH ioniro with abundance of fruit, berries, shrubbery and roses, 10-room house, 2 blocks from car. beautiful rive and citv view, riear OI an incumorancei price $5500. $500 cash, balance like ren This Is a snap. C. A. WARRTNER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. THE McGUIRE SYSTEM maVB home-buying easy. You can come to this office and see over 600 photo graphs of ho ties for sale, arrar.ecd in cistricts; every one has been appraised, ten automobiles at your service. SEE FRANK L- McGUIRE. To Buy Your Home. Abington bldg. Main 5156, Main 1063. Of fire Open Eveningsand Sundays. " FORECLOSURE BARGAIN. $1SOO Buys 5-room modern bungalow, only 1 block from car. on East 37th st. AH good -sized rooms ; house alone worth mora than price asked. Very easy terms. Sunday call East 2544. Tabor ssi. J. A. WICK MAN CO.. 2 04 Ry. Exchang e Bldg. Main 1Q04 . GOOD 4-room house on a dandy 100x100 east facing corner lot: sidewalks and sew er in. choice fruit and berries, fine gar den trsct. chicken park: near car line. Price $1HOO. Vi cash, balance mortgafie. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 634 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 37S7. SOUTHWEST SUNNYSIDE HOME. 6-room cottage, full basement, laundry trays, Dutch kitchen, buffet and china closet, garage; ft fruit trees, all bearing: 3 blks to carline: cement walks; price only $2250. $5oo down, balance $20 mo. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY, 13 Chamber of Commerce. WAVERLEY HEIGHTS. A grand 6-room house, H block from car: living, dining, kitchen down. 3 love ly bedrooms, bath and toilet up; full ce ment basement, good furnace; splendid value at $3500. $1000, cash. THE LAWRENCE CO., 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 6015, A 215. BEAUTIFUL new home. Piedmont district ; 7 room snd sleeping porch, hardwood floors, bookcases, buffet. Dutch kitchen, fireplace, furnace; $45n. $15fn cash, and may take good lot. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 654 N. W. BANK BLDG. $3200 CLOSE IN EAST SIDE COTTAGE. ONLY $50O CASH. BAL. TERMS. 5 rooms, Al condition, corner lot. ce ment basement: no street assessment. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. SMITH-WAGONER CO. JUST completed, 6-room bungalow. Ron C!itv Park: fireplace, hardwood floors, re- hanmpni. double constructed; 1 ti. blocks to car; Immediate possession. Phoni owner. Main .iU; evenings, A otiKi. Mar. 3404. fSELLWOOD CARLINE. $1850 House with 4 large rooms and bath. 50x100 lot, chicken house, young fruit trees; $600 down, balance $20 per mo., inc. int. rturai ave. SUNNYSIDE $2400. $400 down; very good. nest, modern 6-room cottage; fruit trees, bard -surfaced street, close in : a bargain. H. H. Staub. 1027 Belmont. Week, phone Tabor 213. vi m fi I.K La rice Nob Hill residence, oc cupied as room in. t house : has 3 bal hs. 2 sleeping porches, gas. electricity, furnace heat; Ditngs gooa income, -mhim jiw. BUNGALOW Best architecture and con st ruction, with garage. finest sleeping porch, fruit trees. Owner. 60 Last Burn side. Fast 6!51. - MARKET-STREET DRIVE. 6-room residence, furnace, fireplace, etc., 5xl4; price $3ooO. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 248 Stark BL B4.ROATN at .3700: 7-room house, beau tiful shrubbery, f lower, and fruit: corner lot 50xl0: by owner. 1233 !. Yamhill. Tabor 7641. SNAP. Why pay rent? Cabin, newly furnished. floO: complete: no rent. l.'.O E. 1st at. N. BEARING fruit. lOOxlon. 5-room house. Harden all In. Price SlooO, foOO cash. JU monthly. Sellwood 2706. FURNISHED bungalow, Sunny.ide, 2sr.o; terms. KL.T-.7EV. IMS Fourth. Main 1L".'3. MODERN fi-room bungalow, between 3 ear lilies, walking diatance. Sellwood i)3. REAL ESTATE. Fr Sale -H $3500 HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW $3'O0. A 5-room bunealow. floored attic, full basement, laundry trays, furnace, fire place, built-Ins. fine cabinet kitchen ; lot 42laXlOo feet: new garage; hard surfaced street and sewer in and paid; terms easy. Location cloc in. S3000 TERRACE PARK BUNGALOW S3000. A 5-room modern bungalow, floored at tic, cement basement, wash trays, furnace, fireplace, all built-in; rew oak floor; minor in hall; large lot: fruit, berrieji and roses; easie.-t terms; linoleum in kitchen and bath, and shades; vacartt; move right in. $4500 ROSE CITY BUNGALOW $4500. A strictly modern, practically new, bun galow on hard surtaced street: attic, full cement basement, nach trays, every built in feature; furnace. fireplace. Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors, tiue gaxage; terms right; location is ideal; if you are) looking lor a nuty bungatow home see tin. RUMMELL & RUMMELL. 274 Stark St. HAWTHORNE $4o50. 7 -Room Bunga low. We want you to see this splendid bun galow home; 5 rooms on first Lor and i on second; hardwood floors. firep.ace, bookcufetfs, masane buffet, paneled dining roo m. v e ry e x ve nsive plumbing nci light f.xtures, cement basement, furnace, etc. located 1U2S Stephens st 1 block north of Ha.rrison near 54th ; full 5oxlO0 lot and all attstts. paid; very easy terms. Open for inspection today between 2:;U and 5 P. M. You don't want to mi&s this opportunity to get a good modern, nifty bungalow in this superior location for so Utile money and on such libera I terms. A. G. TEEPE CO, 264 Stark st., nar 5d. Main 30H2. Main 3516. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. (Open Sunday . $250 DOWN. $2050 MODERN HOME $2050. On a full lot. 1 block to the Montavilla car line, is a very moeern colonial type home ; reception hali. large living room with fireplace and bookcases; paneled dining room with buffet, hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen, white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas, sleeping porch. Practically your own terms. Unusual bar gain. See PRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Ahlrgton buildinc. Main 5156. Main 106S. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. REAL CLASS. REAL BARGAIN. Nifty front the word gu, rooms and den. finished throughout in old ivory. French doors, ail built-in effects with beautiful hardwood floors. full cement basement, furnace, dandy garape. very at tractive, neat bungalow, restricted dis trict, hnrd-surface sts. in and paid. A.l for $45o0, terms. C. A. WARRIXER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-5-5-7 Hoard of Trade Bldg. HAWTHORNE AVENUE PICKXP. Just one block to car. a line 6-room home, all white enamel tinlh except living and dining rooms; full concrete basement, laundry t ray s, I ruit closets, etc.. Dutch kitchen, bathroom haw full et of bost new fixtures, buiit-in buffet in dining room, nice Ranee with concrete floor; street im provements all in; price $;;5oo, $1500 cash. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114, A 411. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW BARGAIN. $4000 This is a bt-auty In every sense of the word; less than 6 months old; hdwd. f:oors throughout. 5 rooms and breakfast room, fireplace, buf fet, bookcases. Dutch kitchen, fur nace, full cement basement. wa.h trays. Sunday call East 2544 or Ta bor 6iSl. J. A. WTCKMAN CO.. 204 Rv. Exchange U'.tlg. Main 1004. mtT T A BOR 6-room house. 2 lots, view, trees; Jots of room in the house for big family : house newly papered and painted inslle, new fixtures and shades; easy terms. J. L. IURTMAX COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. 4th and Stark. Main 20S. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW, f 4 0 ,n N O W V A C A N T $ 4 1 iO0. Corner 5dxloo, all paved streets in and paid, fine lawn and shrubbery, 6 rooms and sleeping porch, modem from A to Z. all built-in features, hardwood floors, full cement basement and everything for $4000, and easy terms; move ripht in. C. A. WARKINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-5-5-7 Board of Trade BMr. HAWTHO RN E $5250. Here is one of the niftiest, classiest lit Ue bungalows you ever saw; hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, attic. Dutch kitchen with canopy over ranse. cement basement, wash trays, etc Let us show you. A. O. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st.. near ;sd. Main 5!C Main 3516. Branch office. 50th Sandy. (Open S tin day). . OPEN FOR INSPECTION TODAY. Mortgage foreclosure. 6-room bungalow and sleepin g porch, block from car; hardwood floors in every room: In fine condition; garage; 1750 cash will handle, VACANT. Key at office. East 3tth and Gllsan sta SEE THIS QUICK! TABOR 3433 or Evening EAST 200. $10Q DOWN. $11C 0 1 1 0 M E HA KG A I N $ 1100. On loOxlOO, is a 4-room cottaee. abun dance of fruit and garden already in; va cant; immediate pof session ; terms. Close to Wood lawn ca r. ce FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buv Your Home. Abington building. Main 5150. Main IOCS. Oftice Oprn Evenings and Sundays. OPEN HOUSE 1:30 TO 5:30 P. M. SUNDAY. Price $4300 Cash JIOOO. Brand new, modern, 5-room bungalow in ROSE CITY PARK, close In; hardwood floors in living and dining rooms; fire place, bookcases, buffet, breakfast nook. Dut-h kitchen, linoleum included; 3 blocks north of Sandy blvd. Call and see for yourself. 42 E. 37th St. N. Main 3787. ONLY $270U FOR A fl-KM. AND S. P. BUN GALOW. Vacant; move richt in; newly tinted and stained, clean as a pin ; 3 rms. and bed room downstairs, two bedrooms and sleep ing porch upstairs; fine closets, built in: basement; one block from the beautiful Franklin school. 3 blks. to streetcar; very fasv terms. Mitchell Rippey. 205 Gerllnger Bldg. $ t OO CAS H 1 OO. Ground lOOxlOo, abundance of dandy bearing fruit trees, 4-room shack, barn and root cellar: 1 block irom hard sur face street; terms to suit: price $1600. WATCH Ol'R ADS. WE tSET RESULTS. C. A. WARKINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 5 ROOMS. CEILED AND PAPERED. Electric light, water, garage, five blocks to car; lot 75x1 0o ; hard -surfaced street , $noo. $io0 cash, $2u per month, includ ing interest. WILLIAMS & MTNOTT, Gravs Crossing. M t. Scott Car. Tabor 4::;4. E. TAYLOR. CLOSE IN. Good six-rooin house; three sleeping rooms good plumbing: house in excellent condition; fine lot 50xl"o; fruit trees, garage; a good buy at $57oU. See us for terms. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 2J7 W. Bank HWlg. Mar. 4 114, 411 S. S5.-. M I R V 1 NGTON BU NG A LO W. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace, nice porch, garage, all improve ments in ami paid. IMMEDIATE POPSICSSIOX OP I'KOl'EKTY. fVlTH-WAnONEIt CO.. STOCK EX. BY OWXEI1 Hawthorne district. 6-room modern bungalow; lull basement. larBo lot 4 lovelv .hado.trj" f In parkins: lots of fruit and berrt.s': all Improvement. In and paid; part rash, balance to uit buyer. 313 Bart 4Mh nt. p. IRVINOTON HCNOAI.OW. Modern artl.tlc bunKalow. 5 rooma. built for home, with beautiful outlook, one bik. from Irvington and Broadway tan, Imt water heat. For appointment call Eaat 61..".. ONLY U..". :: CASH, -.rooms and .leepina porch. ..Ot104. macadamized street: am moving to warm er climate: must .ell before going: will plve someone a bargain. (Jwner. 41o SlocH Kxchaticej 6-ROOM cottane. overlooking the river, heichts and mountains; is semi-modern: lawn roees: f.nxino lot: street hard sur faced' and Included In Price T1 imi; JT.-V0 c-ash. jr. per mo. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. ti.i4 .V. . BANK BI.r3. S-ROOM house: lot -Sx'llHI: Sellwood district- lot covered with all kinds of fruit and berries: vour own terms. Price, J1..O0. BKLCK OODOAP.D. Owner. T.0'2 Couch Mds! FoK SALE bv owner. 3 acres: 1 acre clear; -room new. plastered bunsalow; chicken house, rabbit hutchef. garage. A-l w.U. near hard surface road. 3J.1 cash. Owner leaving. Call Tabor S3-.. S-ROOM house and two lots for sale; cen trally located. within walking distance from town: good iocatlon for apartment liou-e. Woodlawn -1--. a Tovrc ft. room house and lot. fine extra garden, chicken house, yard, barn anif rhlcktns. plenty room lor cowa. Tabor ".--". Call x 1 nKRTA DISTRICT BAROAIN. r.-riom modern cotlase. East 'Jtith. near Alberta: J'J-'".". easy tmi. Stark. Marshall 1J. U1BSON, BAHRAIN Modern. C.-room houw; hlg" porch; one block to Moi tavilla car: very cheap; ery easy terms. Owner. 956 E. Klan.Icr-s; Ea.-I M. Tr VINO T' IN SEE THE HEST HOMES FROM I550O UP. EAST 4ia. I