The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 08, 1919, Section One, Page 3, Image 3

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Slightly Easier Terms for En
emy Are Expected.
Teuton Request for Admission to the
League likely to 'Win. Some
Measure ot Security.
game commission by farmers living
along the banks of the Luckiamute
river in the southwestern part of Polk
county asking permission to kill a
number of beavers which are seriously
damaging lantte along that stream.
Several ranchers in Dallas this week
stated that the beavers were under
mining the property along the banks
of the Luckiamute, that the land was
dangerous to stock running at large
in the fields &nd that already a num
ber of cattle had been injured by
breaking through the ground.
A sample mof one of the trees cut
down by the beavers on display in the
Commercial Club rooms of Dallas is
about eight ir.ches in diameter.
(Copyright by the New York World. Pub
lished by arrangement.)
PARIS, June 7. (Special Cable.) Al
though called by another name and not
officially admitted, the fact remains
' that there will be substantial revision
of the German treaty, and several points
on which the Teutons laid emphasis
will approach a form calculated to
make them more acceptable to the de
feated enemy and more workable.
Much uncertainty was removed today
when the big four after a long session,
without adopting a definite policy in
the matter, agreed that changes in the
original terms will be made. Assurances
are given that no principles are to be
affe-ted and that the am-ndments will
deal only with phraseology, but that is
a matter of opinion, for in several in
stances the changes go sufficiently deep
to justify a liberal v i - v.- of the modi
fication, while other changes are so
slight as to warrant the statement that
they involve only the wording.
Some Security Asmured.
Action is imminent on the German
request that Germany be admitted to
the league of nations. It is improbable
that she will be accepted in full mem
bership at once, but in return for her
compliance with the terms for a skele
ton army it is certain that a compen
sating measure of security will be as
sured her. This is by far the most im
portant decision yet.
While it is fair to say that distinct
progress has been made in respect to
the German counter - proposals, and
equally true that immediate danger of
a serious crisis is greatly reduced, it
should be borne in mind that argu
ments in the matter have not been
closed and that there are still grave
issues between the pro and anti-re
(By tlio Associated Press.)
Peace conference commissions and
council continue their work of hasten
ing completion of the reply to the Ger
man counter-proposals. Indications are
lacking, however, as to when the an
swer will be ready. No date for hand
ing the reply to the Germans has been
set, although it was reported earlier in
the week that Monday would see the
reply transmitted.
The council of four has again con
sidered the German counter-proposals,
especially that affecting the western
frontier of Poland. The frontier, as
outlined in the peace terms, was the
cause of strong protests from the Ger
mans. Itheninh Republic l'aclor.
Count von Brockdorff-Rantzau. the
head of the German delegation, is at
Cologne. One report is that his visit
has to dp, with the situation in the
Rhineland. brought about by -the proc
lamation of a Rhenish republic. The
Berlin government is attempting to
counteract the republican movement by
the appointment of Karl Trimborn, a
centrist, and a resident of the Khine-
land, as regional president.
A report through Paris says the Ger
man national assembly met in Berlin
Saturday to consider the peace terms
and reports from the German plenipo
tentiaries. Another report is that the
assembly has been called to meet in Ber
lin late next week. Dr. Renner, chair
man of the Austrian delegation, has re
turned to St. Germain after conferring
with fellow members of the Austrian
government at i'eldkirch.
Germany Much Dlnturbed.
There are signs of political discontent
in Germany. The radicals have seized
upon the alleged mistakes of the gov
ernment to begin another campaign.
In Bavaria disorders have broken out
in Munich as a protest by the radicals
against the execution of the Bavarian
communist leader, Levine Nissen. A
seneral strike has been called in Ber
lin and strikes also have occurred in
(several cities in Bavaria.
LONDON". June 7. Germany's inabil
ity to meet the financial demands of the
peace terms and the inability of the
allies to make her pay, are insisted
upon by Dr. Bernard Dernburg, German
minister of finance, in an interview
telegraphed today by the Daily Mail's
Berlin correspondent. Dr. Dernburg
reiterates his recent declaration that
Germany will not sign the terms as pre
sented. PARIS. June 7. The American dele
gation to the peace conference ap
parently is firm in its decision not to
authorize the publication of the Ger
man peace treaty until it is signed, and
not even to communicate the official
text in its present form to the United
States senate.
WASHINGTON. June 7. Administra
tion officials believe President Wil
son"s reply to the senate resolution
asking for the peace treaty with Ger
many will be that it is not compatible
with the public interest to furnish the
text at'this time.
This belief was strengthened by dis
patches today from Paris saying the
American peace delegation apparently
is firm in its decision not to authorize
publication of the treaty until it is
Coffee Cup Is Xame ot Restaurant
Which Began Service Last Xight
in Basement of Cornelius.
With the serving of an excellent
course dinner to more than10 invited
guests Arthur H. Johnston, popular ca
terer, last . night threw open a new
dining room that will be known as the
Coffee Cup. It Is located in the base
ment of the Hotel Cornelius, invitingly
arranged with kitchen and serving
tables open to view of patrons.
Those present at the opening includ
ed business men, social and fraternal
friends of the host and representatives
of the courthouse, city hall and news
papers. Elmer H. Cook, deputy county
clerk, as spokesman for the men from
that office, presented Mrs. Johnston
with a bouquet bearing the colors of
the Order of Eastern Star, in which
she is an active worker. In brief ex
temporaneous talks several of the
guests expressed their appreciation of
participating in the pleasant occasion,
among thern J. M. Atterbury, master
of Portland Masonic lodge. No. 5; A.
C. Jackson, advertising agent of the
Oregon-Washington lines; Paul Ryan,
of The Oregonian news staff; Fred
Lockley, of the Journal, and J. C. Jameson.
Organization of Club to Push Candi
dacy of General Started.
TACOMA. June 7. Thirty Tacomans,
most of whom were republicans, at
tended a meeting in the office of At
torney Guy E. Kelley. former speaker
of the state legislature, and heard
Major Henry Armstead of Spokane out
line why they should center their ef
forts to obtain the nomination of
Major-General Leonard Wood for the
republican presidential nomination.
A committee on organization was
formed which proceeded with the for
mation of a permanent club here, hav
ing for its sole purpose that of obtain
ing General Wood's nomination. The
committee is composed of William
Jones, Louis H. Burnett and Miss Rose
Harry Hanover, state organizer of
the Loyal Legion, precipitated laughter
when he told or an interview with
Captain Hazlett, the bayonet instruc
tor for General Wood's division. "He
said General Wood was a regular 'he
man." " declared Mr. Hanover, "and
further characterized him as a 'heller.' "
A temporary chairman was named
and after additional members are ob
tained permanent officers will be
Josiah Wills Named School Superin
tendent; I". S. Ilolman, Assessor.
DALLAS. Or., June 7. (Special.)
The Polk county court this week filled
two vacancies in county offices. School
Supervisor Josiah Wills was named
superintenient of schools to succeed
Fred S. Crowley, who resigned to go
to Prairie City.
The resignation of Carl S. Graves
as county assessor was a surprise in
Dallas. Mr. Graves asked the court
to release him immediately. He said
his business interests in the Graves
Canning company of Sheridan, oper
ated By nis brother, Roy Graves, and
himself, needed his entire time. Fred
Holman, deputy assessor in the of
fice for the past three years, was ap
pointed to fill the unexpired term.
.Marino Iron Works and Road Larg-cj-t
in Country.
ASTORIA. Or.. June 7. (Special.)
The first pile was driven today in the
construction of the foundation for the
Marine Iron works new plant and the
marine railway on Youngs bay.
The marine railway is to be the
largest of its kind in the United States
and will be of sufficient capacity to
handle a 10,000-ton steamer.
Motorcycle, at High Rate of Speed,
Hits Telephone I'ole.
Patrolman Rippen of the traffic
squad was injured severely yesterday
when his motorcycle struck a tele
phone pole at Albina avenue and Bian
dena street. Patrolman Cash. who
witnessed the accident, reported that
Rippen was riding about 40 miles an
hour, apparently in pursuit of another
motorcyclist who was exceeding the
speed limit.
The policeman ran into a traffic jam,
dodged several machines, finally
scraped the fender of a car, and was
thrown off his course by the collision.
He is in St. Vincent's hospital, but
probably will be back to work in a
few days.
Bring. Your Eye Troubles to
Experienced Men if You
Want the Best Service
. t
I jr. t
i - : -
J Our Ophthalmoscope and Retinoscope is
one of the most scientific eye-testing instru
ments in the world.
Scientific Knowledge
of the highest order is required to recognize
and properly correct defects of vision.
C It is extremely unsafe to permit anyone not
thoroughly qualified to test your eyesight or to
prescribe glasses for you.
C Not only is this expert knowledge necessary;
the latest scientific instruments and appliances
are required and years of applied experience
to make the result of the examination abso
lutely certain.
J Our many years' experience in scientific eye
sight testing, fitting and making perfect glasses
is at your disposal.
jf Complete lens-grinding factory on premises.'
Arrange to Attend This Great Sale of
Wm. Rogers and Son Triple Plated A. A.
Prices Are Extraordinarily Reduced!
Few women can well afford to overlook this saving opportunity
to secure a generous supply of dependable quality silverware.
For an opening sale of this new department the manufacturer co
operates with us in price concessions that are far and beyond
the ordinary.
Eyesight Specialists
Portland's Largest, Most Modern, Best Equipped
Exclusive Optical Establishment
209-10-11 Corbett Building, Fifth and Morrison
Since 1908
1 11 1
pastry, combination luncheons and pie
are the articles raised. There is to be no
change in vegetables or meat orders.
The raise ranges from approximately
15 per cent to 100 per cent. The articles
which are to be raised are: Pie 10 cents,
milk 10 cents, coffee 10 cents, French
pastry 15 cents, bread and butter 5
cents, merchant's lunch 5 cents advance.
The announcement was made today
by Don Babcotk, secretary of the as
sociation. Practically all the firnt-class
houses in the city are members of the
Restaurant Men's association.
Tichenor Arrives Safely.
Held up as a suspected .bootlegger
and his credentials questioned, Deputy
United States Marshal Tichenor finally
arrived in Portland yesterday with his
prisoner, Rada Zobencia and 200 quarts
of whisky. One quart smashed on the
floor of the postoffice building? as Tich
enor was dragging a sack filled with
bottles from his car to the marshal's
office. Twice on the trip to Portland
the officer was detained and the
marshal's ofice in Portland had to tele
phone assurances to The Dalles that
Tichenor was an honest-to-goodness
limb of the law.
board. Following- the exercises a re
ception was held in the school gymnasium.
League Organizer Near Win lock.
CENTRA LI A, Wash.. June 7. -rcpe-cial.)
W. B. Edwards, an organizer for
the Non-Partisan league, who was ar
rested in Central ia a year ago on a
charge of inciting: a riot, the charges
having been dismissed on his
to leave the county, has returned to the
county and Is making his headquarters
at the home of a farmer near Winlock.
Edwards is said to be again plyir.g his
trade of collecting $16 per head from
prosnrtiv leairiif members.
Trip From Xcw York to San I ran
eisoo to Start This Month.
CLEVELAND, June 7. Captain Roy
X. Francis, United States airplane pilot,
today made the final test of. the twin
motor, 800-horsepower Martin bombing
airplane with which he plans to fly
from New York to San Francisco, mak
ing only one stop and will endeavor to
break the world's long: distance non
stop flight record this month.
Captain Francis will start from New
York probably June 15 or 16. for his
1309-mile continuous flight to Xorth
Platte, Xeb., where he expects to land
about 19 hours after taking the air.
The machine will carry 75 gallons of
gasoline and 60 gallons of oil.
Ccntralia Students Graduate.
CEXTKALIA. AVash.. June 7. (Spe
cial.) Forty-seven graduates of the
Centralis hish school received their di
plomas :t the commencement exercises
of the senior class held last night in
the hiKh school .auditorium. It was
tiie second largest class ever graduated
here. The commencement address was
delivered by Tr. J. H. Oervin pastor
of the Christian church. Dr. Milton
Simpson, of Whitman college, who was
to have spoken, having missed his
train. The diplomas were presented by
J. C. Watson, president of the school
& Hoch
Plnus for Civilian Military Train
ing: This Summer Abandoned.
WASHINGTON. June 7. There will
be no training camps for civilians and
reserve officers during the summer,
ilie war department today advised
Charles B. Pike, chairman of the mili
tary training camps association, giv
ing lack of funds as the reason.
Increase Ranges From 15 to 100
Per Cent and Hits Coffee-and.'
SPOKANE, Wash.. June 7. (Special.)
Six fixed charges, effective in all
restaurants of Spokane belonging to
the Restaurant Men's association, will
go into effect Monday morning.
Bread and butter, milk, coffee. French
It retails,
LADIES $2.50
Xcw classes for beginners start Mon
day and Thursday evenings, 8 to 11:30.
This week advanced clasnes Ptart Tues
day and Friday evenings, 8 to 11:20.
All modern ballroom dances, including
the Gingle, Fox Trot and new Jazz
steps, correctly taught in eight lessons
ladies $2.50, gentlemen $5. Private
lessons given all hours. Lady and gen
tlemen instructors. Special low rates
this week. Open all summer.
This guarantee term is worth $15.
and if you ever intend to learn dancing
take advantage of this cut rate, for this
week only. Secure your tickets at once.
Take one or three lessons a week.
Tickets are good until used.
We have large and select classes and
the social features of belonging to our
c s is worth double the price.
. i.c Only School with a separate stop
ioim and 10 extra teachers where back
ward pupils receive special attention.
Xh Only School teaching each lesson
the entire evening. 8 to 1 1 :0. where
you receive the proper amount of prac
tice. The Only School with a system where
you dance with dozens of different
fiartnors. teaching the gentlemen to
ead and ladv to follow correctlv fthe
only way to become a practical dancer). ''
The Only School where each pupil re
reives a printed description of all
dances free. We do not teach before
dancing parties begin, or give short
one-hour lessons, and I conscientiously
believe one lesson from us is worth six
in the average school. The most back
ward pupil will not feel em,ba.rrassed.
Our academy is in the best residence
location, and you will meet refined
The Only School where the teachers
are real professional dancers, with abil
ity to appear before the public in stage
and exhibition dances.
whose ability consists of a Victrola and
small room or those who derive their
profits from publ ic dances and teach
a a side line. Hundreds of my pupils
spent time and money in such schools.
They were discouraged and thought
they could never learn to dance until
they joined my classes. They are now
I good dancers, and I tell you you can
learn it is Him pie ana easy, but you
must have a real teacher, and you must
have practice. My new book on Dan
cing, Ktiquette, tirace. New Steps and
Stace Dances will be striven free to m 1 1
joining our new classes, or taking pri
vate lesson a in is weeK. or win be
mailed on receipt of $1. Call afternoon
or evening, learn from professional
dancers. Phone Main 7656. Clip this
out, tell your friends. Adv.
Polk County Karnicrs Ask Permis
sion to Kill Animals.
DALLAS. Or., June 7. (Special.) A
request bus been sent in to tbe state
Make Your Motor
At last a successful warranted
electric motor.
See Piano Dept., Third Floor
Eilers Music Bldg.
Entrance 287 Washington St,
Below Fifth St.
Woman Thinks She
Can't Talk Enough
"I had gall stones for 14 years and
suffered severely from gas, colic and
indigestion. Doctors wanted me to go to
the hospital, but I took Mayr's Wonder
ful Remedy instead, and am now feel
ing fine and better than 1 ever did. I
can't talk enough about this remedy."
It is a simple, harmless preparation
that removes the catarrhal mucus from
the intestinal tract and allays the in
flammation which causes practically all
stomach, liver and intestinal ailmerft.
including appendicitis. One dose will
convince or money refunded. Uruggists
everywhere- Adv.
pi i
; yl,
Mlfj '
Goods Come
A Beautiful
26-Piece Set
With Cabinet
What could be more at
tractive or acceptable
for a gift or for per
sonal service than, one
of these beautiful sets ?
Each Set Includes
6 Tea Spoons
6 Dessert Spoons
6 Med. Knives
6 Dessert Forks
1 Sugar Shell
1 Butter Knife
The cabinet is of
hardwood in oak
As the supply to
sell at this special
price is limited, we
suggest an early
It is a Special Sale of Win. Rogers
& Son Triple Plate
A. A. Silverware.
Guaranteed To Give Satisfaction.
Two beautiful designs to select from
Clinton in Plain Bright Finish
Hampden A Neat Design in
Gray Finish.
Purchase At This Sale and Pay
Only $2.25 for 6 Dainty Salad Forks
Only $4.50 for 6 Med. Knives and Forks
Only $1.85 for 6 Fine Oyster Forks
Only $1.20 for 6 Fine Coffee Spoons
Only $2.20 for 6 Fine Butter Spreaders
Only $2.19 for 6 Fine Fruit Knives
Only $1.80 for 6 Fine Soup Spoons
Only 98c for 6 Fine Tea Spoons
Only 75c for 2-Piece Baby Set
Only 98c for 3-Piece Child's Set
Only 95c for Sugar Shell, Butter Knife
Only 75c for a Fine Gravy Ladle
Only 98c for a Fine Berry Spoon
Only 75c for a Cold Meat Fork
Only 59c for a Long Pickle Fork
Only 69c for a Fine Cream Ladle
Neatly Boxed and Are Subject to a 5 Per Cent War Tax
New Cotton
At 35c Yd.
Standard quality chambrays
and invincible suitings in plain
colors stripes and checks
they come 32 inches wide.
Percales and
at 25c Yd.
36-inch percales and 27-inch
standard quality dress ging
hams in all desirable patterns
and colors.
Just Received a Special Importation
of Natural Color.
Pongee Silks $1 Q
In 34-Inch Width On Sale ' w
A most unusual value in real hand-loom pongee silks
of double weight and good wide width 34 inches an
exceedingly durable silk especially adapted for separate
skirts, jacket suits, separate jackets, men's shirts, etc.
It is a silk that will wash and wear like linen.
White Organdie and French Voiles
Beautiful fabrics for summer or graduation dresses
prices from 50c up. to $2 yard.
The Most Attractive New Patterns in
Embroideries and Flouncings
All Most Moderately Priced.
In our Fancy Goods Section you'll find on special display and sale the most popular
styles in dainty Embroideries and Flouncings for summer wear you 11 find the
low prices quoted to be particularly interest. Come and see these
18-inch Embroideries for corset covers and flouncings new patterns in Swiss,
long cloth and cambric
Priced From 25c Up to 85c Yard.
27-inch Batiste Flouncings of fine quality shown in pretty patterns for infants
and women's garments special values.
Priced From 59c Up to 75c Yard.
27-inch Organdie Flouncings fine imported embroideries shown in a complete
assortment of desirable new patterns.
Priced From $150 Up to $1.95 Yd.
40-inch White Voile Flouncings in a wonderful assortment of
handsome patterns flouncings of exceptionally fine quality.
Priced For this Sale at $1J9 a Yd.
Men's Summer Weight Union Suits at $2.00
Celebrated Motter
Spring-needle Garments.
Cooper's Bennington
Spring-needle Garments.
Quality garments of fine cotton shown in
white and ecru, and in styles with long or
short sleeves also three-quarter or sleeve
less and in ankle or knee length all sizes
a standard quality union suit at $2.
Splendid fitting garments of seasonable
weight shown in styles with long or short
sleeves and in angle length all sizes union
suits of special value at $2.
Women's Pumps and Oxfords $5.50 to $7
Reliable Makes in Fashionable Leathers
Step down into our Basement Store section and see how splendidly ready we are to sup
ply your shoe needs at prices you'll be pleased to pay less than shoes of quality and style
are sold for elsewhere. Take this sale for example: The very latest and best new styles in
women's patent colt and vici kid Pumps and Oxfords, with low or high heels, are offered
in this sale at 5.50 up to S7.
White Canvas Mary Janes for Misses
and Children
Also Emmy Lous
Sizes 82 to 10'2, at pair S1.75
Sizes ll'2 to 2, at pair S2.00
Sizes 22 to 7, at pair S2.25
Patent Leather Mary Janes for Misses'
and Children
Size 3 at pair SI. 75
Sizes 5V2 to 8, at pair S2.00
Sizes 82 to 11, at pair. 83.00
Sizes 11 Vz to 2, at pair S3.50
Store Opens
at 8:30 A.M.
at 9 A.M.
The Most in Value The Best in Quality
Store Closes
at 5 :30 P.M.
at 6 P.M.
See McDougall
AKFalx for
C. G. Conn Band Instruments
Send for Catalosnea.
323 Alder SU Portland
1 Vr
The Personal
Writing Alacbine.
Exclusive Distribu
tor a.
110 SUUl St.
Your Eyes
445-7 Stark t Ilt. llti ami K. t U.
I'bnuf lirml'a 2IK.