8 r j 24 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTXAND, JUNE 8. 1919. Former Employes Desiring All-Day or Short-Hour Work This Week Report 8:30 A. M. Tomorrow, Ready to Go to Work Boy Scout Week is observed this week by a nation-wide campaign for 1,000.000 associate members. An associate membership on the National Council of Boy Scouts will be issued for each subscription of $1 or over. Out-of-Town . Visitors When in the store this week be sure to register for our FREE grocery and miscellane ous catalogue soon to be pub lished. There are two conven iently located- registration booths on the Main floor. Headquarters for FLAGS Fifth Floor. EsUkUrftt 1387 The- Quality' Store-, or- Portland" New Summer Furs comprising- Fox and Wolf animal scarfs In the fashionable shades, also Jap Mink, Jap Kolin sky and Hudson, Bay Sables $19.50 to 100. Repairing and Remodeling of winter furs expertly executed. Special sum mer rates now in effect Fourth Floor, Famous Mack Sennett . Bathing Girls who appear In person at the Majestic Theater this week will Rive a revue of the latest bath ing suit and beach fashions in our Sixth Floor Auditorium Tuesday beginning at 2:30 P. M. This exhibition is for ladies only. There is no charge for admission. I fa Victor- c ow o, . jlj? t' - HOSE KCWOwKB jr vnfc ll lit J J 171 1 TT TT Trs j ft - & ; ' TT "TT TT mn -A y J -K Lr? ! ll f i .ff raYmf-u mix r V 7 A y "V M ft K , ! Featuring Made in OregonGoods MEIER & FRANK'S The Home of Oregon Made Goods i , TO THE 'Advertising Convention ! The White Sale of Needlework brings many very special values. Here are three im portant offerings for to morrow. 30c Shetland Floss 19 The well known Columbia Shetland floss in white only. Regularly priced at 30c skein now 19c. Stamped Night Gowns $1.39 Many attractive designs in these gowns stamped on extra quality nainsook. Garments are already sewn. All sizes. Stamped Pillow Slips $1.19 These pillow slips are stamped on excellent quality tubing in many new patterns. 42 or 45 inches wide. Pair $1.19. Meier & Frank's: Second Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) Second Week of the June White Sale Domestic and Hand -Embroidered Under' muslins, Crepe de Chine Undergarments, Laces, Linens, Etc., at Exceptional Savings The Most Attractive Displays of New Summer Dresses will greet those who come to our Apparel Shop tomorrow. Our assortments leave nothing to be desired in point of extensiveness or variety and the qualities taken in conjunction with the moderate prices determine the yalues as conspicuously fine. Dresses of organdy, voile, gingham, Georgette and Moonglo Crepe compose a large part of this attractive assemblage. All the newest models are represented. The range of pat terns and colorings is practically unlimited. Prices range from $7.50 to $45. Capes and Dolmans are ready for summer in the preferred materials, styles and colors. $15 to $85. Meier & Frank's: Fourth Floor. (Mail Orders Killed.) New Summer Suits merit attention because of the many attractive ways in which they pre-figure the summer mode. The diversity insures the gratification of every taste. The range of prices is so broad that the requirements of every expenditure can be satisfactorily met. Wool jersey suits in white and colors and new silk suits of tricolette, poulette and pongee will be especially in demand. - $20 to $85. Crepe de Chine and Georgette Waists $5 Special The quality of the materials, the desirability of the styles, the attractiveness of the trimmings, the variety of colors all go to stamp these waists exceptional values at $5, Early shop ping is suggested. Meier & Frank's: Fourth Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) Voile Dress Embroidery 79c S6-inch voile dress embroideries with Copen, rose, green, gold, helio, pink and black designs, scalloped edges. Also Copen, green, gold, peach, pink, rose and sky with white embroidery. Embroideries $1.19 36-inch organdy dress embroid eries with dainty floral patterns and scalloped edges. Dress Flouncings 36-inch lawn and organdy flounc ings with tucks and pleated frills. White, pink, Copen, green and gold. Yard $2.25 to $3.50. . Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. Kerchiefs. Three good values in handker chiefs for women and misses. . 'Kerchiefs 6 Sheer lawn kerchiefs in one corner embroidered styles with ini tials. White and colors, -inch hemstitched hems. Dozen 60. 'Kerchiefs 85 Women's novelty embroidered and initial lawn handkerchiefs in many styles. White and colors. 'Kerchiefs 50 Women's REAL MADEIRA ker chiefs with hand-embroidery work on fine sheer linen. Plain and hand scalloped edges. 6 for $2.90. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. Kodaks YouH want a kodak for the Vic tory Rose Festival. We have com-r plete stocks of genuine Eastman kodaks and cameras. For best results in developing and printing bring us tomorrow the films you expose today. Take your own motion pictures with the "Movette" motion picture camera. We sell it. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. YA Off Sale of Hats From Vogue0 Knox, Phipps, Burgesser The makers' names are guaran tees of high quality and correct style. Women's and misses' tai lored hats of rough straw, milan and lisere in large and small sail ors, mushroom and rolled brim shapes. Fashionable shades of taupe, sand, navy, brown, purple and black. The regular priees of $10 to $20 are reduced one-fourth for this sale. Untrimmed Hats of milan, milan hemp, lisere and rough straw in black, white and colors, regularly $3.50 to $12, to morrow at one-fourth off. Meier Sc. Frank's: Fourth Floor. (Mail Orders Fitted.) THE MEIER & FRANK store, recognizing the importance of fostering the development of home industry, eagerly avails itself of Home Products Week to feature in an exceptionally striking way the many Made-in-Oregon Products which this store handles and to which at all times it gives full opportunities for expansion. Throughout the various departments special displays of Made-in-Oregon Goods are now being shown. Particular attention is directed to our WINDOW DISPLAYS of Made-in-Oregon Merchandise as Our Entire Window Frontage on Morrison, Fifth, Sixth and Alder Streets Is Devoted to Home Products Displays The time is especially appropriate, with so many visitors in our midst, for advertising far and wide the meritorious qualities of "Oregon-Made." MEIER & FRANK'S will do its share to put Made-in-Oregon Goods in the forefront of the best in which honorable position indeed many of our local products deservedly find themselves already. Here A re Leading Oregon Manufacturers Whose Lines Are Carried by This Store ADAMS MFG. CO. Women's and Children's Liresses. ADRIAN KECKWEAB CO. Men's Neckwear and Suspenders. AI.BERS BROS. MILLING CO. Flour, Cereals, Etc. ALLEX A LEWIS Groceries. American BRCSH MFG. CO. Brushes and Brooms. BABY KO-RAL CO. Baby Ko-r&ls. BALFOIR. GUTHRIE A c. Flour, Cereals, Etc. BALL MFG. CO. Women's Waists. W. J. BALL Women's Waists. BEATER. GLOVE MFG. CO. Leather GloTes. THEO, BERGMANN SHOE MFG. CO. Men's and Boys' Shoes. BLinAlER.FRAJiK DRCG CO. Drugs and Chem icals. CARMAN MFG. CO. Furniture and Bedding:. CENTRAL DOOR A LUMBER CO. Paints. Oils, Glass. CLOSSET DEVERS Tea. Coffee, Extracts. COI.IMBIA AW.MG A SHADE CO. Tents and Awnings. CONGER LANTERN CO. Electric Lanterns. CRANMOOR MFG. CO. Soft Drinks. CROWN MILLS Flour. DOERNBECHER MFG. CO. Furniture. D WIGHT-ED WARDS CO. Tea, Coffee. Spices. Etc EASTERN NOVELTY MFG. CO. Women's Neck we.ar. FAK WKJT MFG. CO. Wheelbarrows, Ladders. Ce dar Chests. FLEISCHNER. MATER A CO. Play Suits, Over alls. Etc. FR EEL AND FURNITURE CO. Tables. W. .1. FULLER A CO. Paints, Oils. Glass, Etc. GIEBISCU A JOPLIN "Yeloban" Milk. GOLDEN ROD MILLING CO. Cereals. GRANDMA COOKIE CO. Cookies. GRAY. McT.KAH 4 PERCY Bakers' and Confec tioners' Supplies. HANSEN MKG. CO. Bluing-. THE HAZELWOOD CO. Dairy Produce and Ice Cream. HIRKCH-WEIS MFG. CO. Tents. Awnings, Mack inaws. Etc. HOLLY MILK A CEREAL CO. Evaporated Milk. Itice and Milk, Etc. JACOBS' HAT CAP WORKS Men's and Women's" Hats and Caps. JANTZEN KNITTING MILLS Bathing Suits. Sox, Sw eaters. Etc JONES BROS. A CO. Loganberry Juice and Cider. KAOLA COMPANY Cocoanut Oil. KING-FISHER MATTRESS CO. Mattresses. KNIGHT PACKING CO. Pickles, Vinegar, Etc. KONSTRUCTO CO. Toy Building Blocks. LANG A CO. Groceries. LUCKEL. KING A CAKE SOAP CO. Soap and Laundry Supplies. LUSTEROL MFG. CO. Furniture and Antomoblle Polish. MASON, EHRHAX CO. Groceries. METROPOLITAN M T AND CAP MFG. CO. Men's, Women's and Children's Hats and Caps. MORGAN RAZOR WORKS Razor Strops. Brushes and Razors. MOUNT HOOD SOAP CO. Soap. MULTNOMAH TRUNK A BAG CO. Trunks, Bags, Etc. MUTUAL CREAMERY CO. Dairy Products. NEUSTADTER BROS. Men's Furnishings. NORTHWEST PHEASANT FRUIT JUICE CO. Fruit Juices. NORTHWEST RUG CO. Rugs. OREGON CHAIR CO. Chairs. OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILLS Woolen Goods. OREGON MACARONI CO. Macaroni. Etc. OREGON MIRROR A BEVEL WORKS. Mirrors and Plate Glass. PACIFIC COAST BISCUIT CO. Biscuits, Candy. Etc. PACIFIC COAST SYRUP CO. Syrup, Preserves, Etc. PACIFIC HONEY CO. Honey. PACIFIC LADDER WORKS Ladders. PACIFIC STONEWARE CO. Stoneware. PARIS HAT MFG. CO. Women's Hats and Hat Frames. PENDLETON WOOLEN MILLS Woolen Goods. PETTIT FEATHER A BEDDING CO. Mattresses, Etc. PORTER-SCAR PELLI MACARONI CO. Macaroni. PORTLAND BASKET A HANDLE CO. Baskets. PORTLAND BROOM CO. Brooms. PORTLAND CHEESE CO. Cheese. PORTLAND FLOURING MILLS Flour and Cereals. PORTLAND FURNITURE MFG. CO. Furniture. PORTLAND RUBBER MILLS Heels and Soles, Mechanical ltubber Goods. Etc. PORTLAND STOVE WORKS Kitchen Stoves. PURD1N BROS. Airtight Heaters, Camp Stoves, Garbage Cans, Etc. SCENIC AMERICA CO. Kiser Hand-Colored Oil Photographs. SIMMONS GLOVE MFG. CO. Gloves. , STANDARD BROOM FACTORY Broom.". STERLING FOOD PRODUCTS CO. Pickles and Condiments. TIMMS, CRESS A CO. Paints. TONSING BROS. CO. Furniture. TRU-BLU BISCUIT CO. Biscuits, Candy. UNION MEAT CO. Columbia Brand Packing House Products and Oleomargarine. UTILITY GARMENT CO. Women's House Dresses and Aprons. VOGAN CANDY CO. Candy. WADHAMS A CO. Groceries. WATERPROOF GARMENT CO. Men's and Wom en's Will-Wear Outing Suite. Etc. HENRY WEINHARD PLANT Soft Drinks. WILLOWCRAFT FURNITURE CO. Willow Fur niture. WITTENBERG-KING CO. Evaporated Fruits and Vegetables. VENDER PRODUCTS CO. Cleaning Powder. ZAN BROS. Brooms. A Few of Our Store 1 Conveniences 1 for Rose Festival and Adver- I tisingr Convention, visitors: I Rest and Writing Room, I Fifth Floor. Check Room, Basement Bal- 1 cony. Accommodation Bureau, BaSement Balcony. Public Telephones, Fifth Floor and Basement Balcony. Sixteen Passenger Ele- 1 vators. Seven Escalators (Moving Stairways). t Personal Shopping Bureau, 1 Seventh Floor. Tea Room, Ninth Floor. 1 Dairy Lunch, Ninth Floor. Men's Grille, Ninth Floor. I Soda Fountain, Mezzanine. Beauty Parlors, Fifth Floor. Ask Mr. Foster Free Travel 1 Information Service, Sixth 1 Floor. Shoe Shining Parlors, Base- ment Balcony. I Ask any floorman for in- formation and direction. We shall do everything in our 1 power to make your stay in 1 Portland pleasant. There are 2000 of us ready and willing to help you in every way. 1 jutfutri: Mr. Lancaster Will Autograph from 11 to 1 daily in our Book Shop copies of his book "The Columbia America's Great Highway" on sale in our Book Shop at $2.50. Meier & Frank's: Fifth Floor. .. Mail Orders Filled.) "Made in Oregon" Neckwear Two especially attractive groups of "Made in Oregon" neckwear. At $1.50 to $2.50 Organdy modesty pieces and vestees trimmed with frills and Val. lace. Some have collars, others have collars and cuffs. At $1.69 to $1.95 Organdy collar and cuff sets with frills. Organdy sets with net ruffles. Flat and roll col lars, cuffs are from 3 to 6 inches. Meier Sc. Frank's: Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) Porch and Garden Furniture The season for porch and gar den furniture is here. We are ready to supply all your needs fiber and reed chairs in various finishes and coverings, hickory, oak and maple chairs, rockers and tables. This week we fea ture the Famous "Bar Harbor" Chairs $9.75 These chairs are made in Port land from Oregon grown willow. Finished in natural or ivory enamel. Special for this week natural finished chair without cushion $9.75. We also have these chairs with cushions. Meier & Frank's: KiRhth Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) ! I I J