The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 08, 1919, Section One, Page 20, Image 20

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Upper Chamber Torn Over In
ternational Questions.
t -p VsJ -r'-JsW 3 m? i
Oriental Problems Rising and Seri
ous Complications Possible.
Important Probes Ordered.
frVjntinuerl Prom First Pase.
of helpless Chinese to Japan. And
then, perhaps, the settlement of Fiume's
fate will be declared by the senate to
be a question for self-determination by
the peoples affectet!.
The announcement of Senators Lodge
and Borah that they had seen the full
text of the peace treaty in New York
produced an almost riotous effect on
the senate. Senator Hitchcock of Ne
braska displayed such emotion as has
not been witnessed in the senate in n.
loner time. He seemed to sense a high
crime, but the spectator was impressed
that in Senator Hitchcock's estimation
the crime was in the peace treaty's
having been exhibited to somebody
else before he had seen it.
Distress Held Justified.
And gossip has it that Senator Hitch
rock has pood reason to feer slighted.
He has led the administration's fight
in the senate for a league of nations,
and private individuals have been per
mitted to seo the treaty draft before it
has been offered to him.
This leak, like many that have char
acterized the course of this adminis
tration, is laid to some of Mr. Wilson's
advisers. The gossip is that one copy
of the peace treaty was sent back from
Paris or Versailles by a distinguished
member of the American commission to
a friend in New York to scrutinize and
dissect. At least three others are said
to have fallen in some manner into
the hands of other equally good friends,
and from friends they may have passed
into the hands of enemies, such as Sen
ators Lodge and Borah. Additional
copies are said to be on the way from
Germany and Norway, one dispatch
saying that the German government
had sent copies of the treaty to all
members of congress.
It 11 mors Are Doing; Harm.
Even the advocates of the league of
nations undoubtedly feel now that it
would be well to lay the full treaty
before the senate without delay, be
cause rumors are going abroad which
are doing much harm. The league cause
is being hurt by rumors which may not
be true, and so long as the treaty is
unrevealed, other new and more dan
gerous rumors will arise that cannot
be overcome after the public prejudices
are once set in the belief that great
wrongs have been perpetrated in secret
conferences to which the president of
the United States has been a party.
One rumor that is doing particular
harm relates to the labor section of the
treaty. Labor is hearing that the plan
is one which calls for the leveling of
labor standards throughout the world,
through which it is declared American
industrial workers will suffer by reason
of their having the highest standards
of living, the best working conditions
and the best scale of wages.
Bad Complications Possible.
Other reports have it that there is
bo much in the treaty calling for leg
islation by congress as to involve the
house of representatives. Members of
the house are stirred by some of the
reports regarding the treaty, as well as
by demands from their constituents that
they take a hand in seeing that the
treaty contains this or that or is re
jected. These constituents, of course, do
not understand that treaties are rati
fied by the senate, but there are possi
bilities for many complications in this
nagging at members of the house.
The house has on two or three occa
sions in the history of this country as
serted its right to participate in treaty
making and in 1S00 called on the execu
tive for correspondence in connection
with the Prussian treaty which was
then up for ratification in the senate.
The correspondence was furnished.
Should this treaty once get into the
hands of the house all of the work at
Paris would probably have to be done
over again.
Lfamie Overshndows All.
So absorbing has been the interest
In the league of nations developments
in the senate that Washington almost
forgot within a few hours the attempt
to blow up the home of Attorney-General
Palmer last Monday night, and
the passage of the resolution to sub
mit the woman's suffrage amendment
to the states. The attempt to assassi
nate the attorney-general did not cre
ate the keenest excitement because it
was generally felt that the leniency
with which the administration has been
dealing with radicals of all descrip
tions was sure to lead to serious out
breaks. When it was found that the
dynamiter came from outside Wash
ington and that he was just an ordi
nary anarchist all interest was lost.
While the senate is furnishing th
thrilling sensations, the house is legis
lating with the same vim that marked
the first days of the session, and when
President Wilson returns . it will not
he the fault of the house if the last
important measure left over from the
65th congress is not ready for his sig
nature. Important Probea Ordered.
Besides passing the agricultural ap
propriation bill, it has passed the reso
lution creating the Graham committee
to investigate the entire management
of the war, both as it relates to
preparations in this country and on the
battle lines in France. - Another reso
lution provides for an investigation of
the shipping board from top to bottom
and at every port where a ship was
built for or floated by the goernment.
The army appropriation bill has been
reported to the house for passage with
$400,000,000 recommended by Secretary
Baker eliminated and plans are making
to report the naval bill with similar re
ductions, and the appropriations com
mittee is bringing forth the bill to ap
propriate $750,000,000 for the railroads.
A recommendation for the cepeal of
the daylight saving law, effective aftet
October 1, has been made and in a few
days the house committee on inter
state commerce, following the action of
the same committee in the senate
earlier in the week, is expected to rec
ommend the return of telegraph and
telephone lines to the private owners,
to which additional interest attaches by
reason of the action of Postmaster
General Burleson this week in restor
ing the old operating boards of the
companies to power.
Wood Sentiment Growing.
Presidential politics in Washington
at this time deals with only two names.
General Leonard Wood occupies the
center of the stage as the republican
candidate, and the democrats talk no
longer of anybody but Wilson.
The situation as to General Wood is
remarkable in that the politicians
largely seem to have surrendered to
the belief that he will be the republi
can nominee next year. The demand
for Wood, it is frankly admitted, comes
Irom the rank and file and the develop-
, AT ; $L?
JXHS&jX& M, hit
The launching of the Wonahbe at the plant of Geo. TP. Rodgers & Co., at
Astoria, brings out the fact her sponsor, Mrs. H. W. Meyers of Salem, comes
from a prominent American maritime family of the post-revolutionary war
period, which helped to build and man . some of the famous ships of that
historic time. Her great-grandfather, Josiah Barker, as a young man, served
in the frigate La Hague, in the war of the revolution. Later, as United States
naval constructor, he built the U. S. sloop of war, Frolic, which was captured
by the British frigate Orpheus off M atanzas. In the war of 1812. After
her memorable and gallant career in the war of 1812, he rebuilt the famous old
sea-fighter. Constitution, for years the pride of the American navy. In 1843
he planned and constructed the Portsmouth and so well was she built that
for more than 60 years she remained in the service of the United States
navy. His son, Seth Barker, who could not resist the lure of the sea. fol
lowed in his father's footsteps and Mrs. Meyers, in breaking the bottle on the
modern Wonahbe, can be said to have done her share in keeping up the
maritime tradition of the family.
ment of the Wood sentiment so gener
ally about the country seems to have
forced the politicians to get into line,
although they do it reluctantly. It is
not because the politicians dislike
Wood, but because the most of them
were .committed to other candidacies
which several weeks ago looked prom
ising. The fact is that General v ood
has no genuine enemies in the republi
can party while he has many demo
cratic admirers.
Democrats who had hoped to oppose
General Wood, in event that he is the
republican candidate, on the ground
that he is a military man, were horri
fied this week to learn that their own
party once put itself on record as de
claring that General Wood was not a
military man at all. In 1912 when the
promotion of General Wood to major
general was proposed the democrats
consumed days in putting before con
gress evidence that Wood was not a
military man and that therefore he
had no right to a high place in the
army. He was a great administrator
and a practical executive, they ad
mitted, as was demonstrated by him
while governor-general of Cuba, but as
to being a military man they would
have none of it.
Today the Wilson candidacy looks as
certain as the Wood candidacy. The
democrats admit that they have no one
else and say that if anyone can keep
their party in power it is Woodrow
Wilson. They do not declare with any
real earnestness their belief that he can
win, but, they say, he is their only
Gossip this week deals with only
three names in the country-wide polit
ical situation.
Hoover'a Eye on Senate.
The first is that of Herbert Hoover,
food administrator, now In Europe, who
is reported to be getting ready to run
for the United States senate in Cali
fornia. Although ne has always called
himself a republican, the question is,
does he so align himself now since in
dorsing the president's proclamation of
last October that the country must
elect a democratic congress. The sale
of the Sacramento Union, with the an
nouncement that Ben Allen, Hoover's
former food publicity man, is to be the
editor-manager, is responsible for the
Another story is that definite deci
sion has been reached by the national
democratic organization to oppose Sena
tor Chamberlain in Oregon next year,
about which Senator Chamberlain will
be the least concerned man alive as
shown by his recent course.
And still another report tells us that
the way has been found to put ex-Presl
dent Taft on the supreme bench next
Man of Many Aliases Leaves Hos
pital Where Wounds Treated.
Ramlow Wilson, who spent 90 days
in the county jail in 1917 as Fred Wil
son, ISO days in the county jail in 191S
as Fred Morris and a term in the
penitentiary at Walla Walla as Joe
Jones, was brought to the county jail
yesterday from the county hospital,
where he has been recuperating from
the effects of bird-shot fired at close
range. He probably has lost the use
of his left arm, say physicians.
Wilson was arrested at Fairview
after having been shot by the pro
prietor of the general merchandise
store as he tried to effect an entrance
through a window.
Headache 1 Painl Neuralgia 1
Get almost instant relief, without fear, if you see the safety
'Bayer Cross" on Tablets! Look for the "Bayer Cross"!
Safe and proper directions in each Bayer package.
iayar-Ta blats of Aspiri n
Boxes of 12 tablets Bottles of 24 Bottles of 100 Also Capsules.
Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaccticacidcster of SaHcylicacid
Crippled Woman in Indianapolis to
Receive Gift or Blooms
From Portland.
Twelve thousand rosebuds, the ma
jority of them Caroline Testouts, left
Portland last evening for Indianapolis
and the Shrine convention. They are
to help Portland's claims to the 1920
Shriners convention. The roses were
packed in 15 large boxes.
While the roses are being sent pri
marily in the cause of the 1920 Shriners'
convention for Portland, they will also
perform a mission of altruism. Mrs.
O. J. Frankel, acting police matron,
who as head of the Portland Women's
Federated clubs superintended the gath
ering of a large share of the rosebuds,
knows of a crippled woman living in
Indianapolis. Because of her infirmity
this woman has never been able to
come to Portland and see the roses
about which she has heard so much.
Her name and address were telegraphed
yesterday afternoon to W. J. Hofmann,
illustrious potentate of Portland's Al
Kader temple, with the instructions for
a group of Portland Shriners to go in
uniform and present to her a number
of Portland's official roses.
It was originally planned to send but
10,000 roses to Indianapolis. This num
ber was supplied by the Portland park
board alone. An extra 2000 were culled
from gardens of members of the wom
en's federated clubs.
Wife Says Husband Visited Another
Woman; Divorce Asked.
Lillian M. Conrad kept an enlarged
photograph of another man on the par
lor table in their home, complains An
thony R. Conrad in a suit for divorce
filed yesterday, and finally left her hus
band March 8, 1919, with the announce
ment that she "had never loved him
and only married him out of spite."
Bessie I. Sword complains that E. TJ.
Sword after joining the navy at Brem
erton in August, 1917, made infrequent
visits to Portland and upon coming to
this city called on another young
woman instead of his wife and child.
Other divorce actions filed yesterday
were: Crystal Evelyn Welch against
Orme X. 'Welch, desertion: Eva F. Ross
against C. W. Ross, cruelty; and Mar
garet Valentine against Frank Valen
tine, desertion.
AVe wish to thank the many kind friends
and neighbors for their assistance and
sympathy and beautiful floral remem
brances at the time of the illness and
death of our beloved wife and mother.
AVilliam H. Green, Edna Green, Kenneth
Green. Adv.
We wish to express our heartfelt thanks
to our neighbors and many friends, also
Boy Scouts, for the beautiful floral of
ferings and acts of kindness and love
shown us in our recent bereavement in
the death of our beloved pon, Bertie.
One B
Reputation of Portland Endangered
If Householders Refuse Aid
in Emergency.
Unless 6000 rooms in private Port
land homes are listed before Tuesday
night at the housing bureau in Liberty
temple the Victory Rose Festival will
not be a success.
Such was the announcement made
yesterday by Ira L. Rigrgs, president of
the Victory Rose Festival board of di
rectors. The Liberty temple will be
kept open all today that rooms may be
listed. The housing bureau may be
reached by calling Main 313 by those
who cannot personally call at the bu
reau. Less than 1000 rooms have as yet
been listed. Within the last week more
than 2500 applications for reservations
during the Ad club convention and the
Victory Rose Festival have been re
fused by Portland hotels, already over
crowded. Some hotel men estimate
that 10,000 rooms In private homes will
be necessary if out-of-town visitors
are fully accommodated.
Julius Meier has declared his will
ingness to co-operate in the emer
gency. "My home is not large, but our
spare bedroom will be occupied by a
Victory Rose Festival guest," he de
clared yesterday. "Very few Portland
business men are anxious to make
money by taking in roomers, but nearly
every business man of this city is eager
to increase the good reputation of
Portland. This city has a reputation
for hospitality and it must be sus
tained." The same plea for the reputation of
Portland was made by Richard W.
Childs, manager of the Portland hotel
and chairman of the special committee
appointed by the Hotel Men's asBocla-
Better Shaves For
the Camper J
A RAZOR and Ezonall,
in tube or jar, are
all the shav
ing kit you
need on that
camping; trip.
Ezonall will
crive you a
head-barber shave with
out the use of soap, cold
cream, witch hazel or
other shaving prepara
tions Heating water in
camp or on the road is
ofttimes mighty incon
venient. Many men say
In lubes or jars as jjou prefer.
I For Sale at Drug Stores 1
and Better Barber Shops
'.V., .r?tas&tSSK3
X. Cf tJ J
There Are Many Good Pianos
ush &
From all corners of the world renowned musicians have ac
claimed it a criterion in pianoforte making, and rightly so, for
there is none better. It lasts a lifetime. DON'T BE ENVIOUS
tion to co-operate with the housing
John L. Etheridge has not only
turned over to the housing1 bureau the
two upper stories of the building now
occupied by the Morris Bros, bond
house, formerly used as a hotel, but has
also promised to list one of the bed
rooms in his residence. "We have no
spare room in our house at the present
time," he said, "but this is a time when
everybody must sacrifice for the sake
of the city."
H. W. Arbury, chairman of the hous
ing bureau, appointed Mrs. Caroline
Jones, adjutant of the women's league
for national service, and Mrs. Norman
Christie of the war camp community
service, as a special committe to solicit
rooms. The committee began its work
Thursday. It has visited small hotels
and rooming houses somewhat removed
from the business section and has listed
every available room.
Norman Ralston, 2 6, Dies.
Norman Ralston. 724 East Ash street,
died at the family home Friday. He
was 26 years old, and had lived in Ore
gon 17 years. Mr. Ralston was born In
Marshalltown, la., August 8, 1892. Ht
was in the spruce division for two
years. He died after three weeks' ill
ness. Funeral services will be held in
Miller & Tracey's chapel at ! P. M. to
morrow. Interment will be in Rose City
Elma, Wash., Marine Coming- Home.
ington, June 7. Corporal Dan Car
stairs of Elma, Wash., who has been
serving with the United States marines
in the dominican republic, has been
ordered returned to the United States
for discharge, his wife and child need-
Uig his services at home.
Threat to Kill Girl Alleged.
Alleged threats to kill Miss Harriet
Lavagette. 534 Kelly street, yesterday
led to the issuing of a warrant for the
arrest of Emanuel Pito. The girl told
Deputy District Attorney Deich that
Plto entered her home flourishing two
Ezonall works as well
with cold water as with
A little of the
Ezonall cream
left on the
face after the
shave offers
perfect protection for the. .
tender face against sun
and wind burn.
Ezpnall gives perfect pro
tection against skin in
fections in addition to the
maximum of shaving
comfort and convenience.
Hem fiw?&&ft
M : "'-L-
Lane Piano
revolvers. She alleged that he placed
one of the weapons against her temple
and threatened to kill her unless she
agreed to marry him within ten min
utes. The girl and her mother finally
persuaded him to leave the house. He
had not been arrested at a late hour
Huntington Reunion Planned.
The first annual reunion of the Hunt
ngton clan of Oregon will be held in
Portland on Tuesday at Mount Tabor
Park. A basket dinner at noon will
mark the opening of the reunion. It
is expected that more than 100 persons.
many from up-state points, will be in
attendance. Nine eervice men will be
present. The clan will effect an or
ganization. Election Cost $2 4,0 00.
The cost of the recent election to
the city of Portland, county of Mult
nomah and Port of Portland is esti
mated at $24,441. The city, the county
and he port each are assessed one-
In Accord With the Spirit of the Times
Of the Council of the Twelve. Church of CkrUt of Latter-day Satntat
Salt Lake City. Vtak.
Xotei For free copies of other articles of tola series, aeod request to the author.
"We believe all that God ha. re
vealed, all that He does now reveal, and
we believe that He will yet reveal many
arreat and Important things pertaining
to the Kingdom of God.' (Articles of
We live In an epoch of unusual activ
ity, both of thought and deed, an age
of unprecedented achievement in mate
rial things, an era of unbounded prom
ise. The fever of effort burns in the blood
and brain of man. The discoveries and
inventions of a year surpass the rec
ord of centuries bygone. So many, so
momentous are the new developments
of this day that we live in constant ex
pectation of other and greater things.
Incredulity as to the possible is out of
fashion. Every fresh discovery or ap
plication to service is another find in
the rich mines of truth, and continuous
revelation is a feature of the age.
Vhat would be thought of the as
tronomer who would dare affirm that
man already knows all that may be
learned of the heights and depths of
Epace that we may not, must not. ex
pect or hope to learn of satellites, plan
ets or suns heretofore unknown? What
of the geologist who would say that
the atony pages of the earth's crust
have been fully read, and that no new
record is to be found, no further truths
to be made plain? What of the chemist
who shuns the laboratory because, for
sooth, he thinks that new discoveries
are impossible, and the best he can do
is to follow the lore of ancient books?
Such men. for such declarations, would
be deservedly scorned.
But note this terrifying exception,
and the awful inconsistency of it all.
It has been long taught that nothing
new can come direct from the heavens
to mankind, that Divine revelation be
longs to the past! Dare we thus teach?
In so doing are we not blasphemously
assuming to seal the lips of the Eternal
One. to ignore the hand of God as a fac
tor in current events, and in our hearts
dethrone the Supreme Ruler?
Is the civilized world rejecting real
theism, which embraces faith in a liv
ing, loving, intelligent and omnipotent
God, and reverting to pagan deism
that misty, malformed conception of a
deity bound and trammeled by man
prescribed limitations?
A church that lives not. grows not.
develops not. in short a church that is
dead, has no attractions for me. I pro
fess no allegiance to a creed that is
always behind the times, now and for
ever finished and fossilized In its un
alterable incompleteness. While I tol
erate, 1 cannot accept the doctrine that
i- " f
third of the cast, making the share of
each SS147. The chief item of expense
was the payment of clerks and judges,
which totaled $16,520. which included
pay for services and allowances for
meals on election day.
How He Quit Tobacco
This veteran. S. B.
Lamp tie re, was addicted
to the excessive use ol
tobacco lor many years.
He wanted to quit, but
needed bometbiug t
help him.
tie learned of a fre
book, thai tells about to
bacco habit and how t
conuuer it Quickly, eas
!y and safely. In a recent letter he write:
I have no desire for tobacco any more. I
feel like a new man."
Anyone desiring a copy of this book on
tobacco habit, smoking and chewing can
Set It free, postpaid, by writing to Edward
J. Woods. TD-mrt, Station F. New YorK
City. You will be surprised and pleased.
Look for quieter nerves, stronger heart,
belter digestion, improved eyesight, increased
vigor, longer life and ottur advantage if
you ni'Jt rntrtn1pir vmirf'f A rj v
offers no living water for the spirit
athirst. that has no bread of life fot
the hungering soul.
My Church must be up-to-date. Its
religion vital and progressive. That
Church must be in direct communica
tion with headquarters the source of
unfailing wisdom. It must give me tho
latest news from God, information as
to the events of time, assurances as to
the possibilities .-.nd certainttes of eter
nity. I accept the Holy Writ of ancient
days for just what it purports to be. It
is indispensable to the world's advance
ment. Without the Holy Bible and other
Sacred Scriptures the human race would,
be In a deplorable state. But living
prophecy, current-day revelation, aro
likewise essential. One is the letter,
the other the spirit that giveth life.
In the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints alone do T find tho
satisfaction I have sought. Its profes
sions and claims would be bold to tho
verge of blasphemy were they false:
but I bear record unto all who read
that they are true. In this, the Church,
of my choice, I witness a vigor and
vitality that speak of eternal duration:
herein I find an ever-growing record
of revealed truth new Scriptures that
are their own justification, serve to
explain and glorify the Sacred Writ of
other days. I discover no Inconsistency,
far less contradiction, between latter
day Scriptures and the inspired rec
ords of olden times. Their agreement
is such as to declare a common author
Is this up-to-date religion really new?
Only In the sense of having been re
established among men, with authority
and power restored; new only as each
recurring dawn is the birth of a new
day, though the light of that day is
the light of the same sun that shone
before. Every day is both old and new,
each the sum of yesterdays that hav
gone, and the assuring promise of all
the tomorrows yet unborn.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
day Saints will ever be up-to-date: its
activities will endure even when time
shall be no more. It possesss this essen
tial feature of perfection the life prin
ciple that insures advancement. It
lives and operates under the direction
of The Christ, whose name it bears.
I'or the IlooR of Mormon, ete., apply
to orthwetern State MlnNlon, tMO
East Madlnon St., Portland, Ore.
Ir'or book of iUlO pp., containing com
plcte atcrtca of theae artlclca, numbering
KM, entitled 'I'he Vitality of Mormon
Inni, apply to pnhliKherxt The tiorham
l'resa. Uoaton, ."lass. Adv.
v..' .