The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 08, 1919, Section One, Page 2, Image 2

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German ex-Chancellor Makes
u Sorry Apology for Huns.
Former Teuton Official in Seeking
to Justify Own Actions, Only
V fixes Much. Blame on Self.
(Copyright by the New York "World. Pub
lished by arrangement.)
LONDON, June 7. (Special Cable.)
Bethraann - Hollweg, former German
Chancellor, who for six months has
been living quietly in his country house
near Berlin, has spent his leisure in
writing his memoirs, which are now
finished and will consist of two vol
umes of 500 pages each, according to a
Milan dispatch by A. Beaumont to the
Daily Telegraph.
The first of the volumes already has
been printed and has reached friends in
Lugano, probably in advance of knowl
edge of its contents in Berlin. It is
curious that the ex-chancellor's first
idea has been to forward advance
copies of the book to members of the
Giolottl party in Italy. The Stampa
of Turin publishes extracts from the
Naturally the work is in the nature
of an apologia pro domo suo. It is ex
peoted the first volume will be issued
to the public in about a fortnight.
Book la Poor Excuse
Evidently the f ormer chancellor
Imagines that he is giving signal proof
that the entente cordiale between Eng
land and France tended toward nothing
else than the annihilation of Germany
and that such proof is furnished at the
very time of the publication of his
book in the peace terms Germany is
expected to sign.
From the extracts published the
book appears to be a sorry composi
tion. While it tends to exonerate the
author it furnishes solemn proof that
Uermany's foreign policy, in his term
of office, was not known to the man
who was supposed to be its pre-eminent
Bethmann-IIollweg repeats old state
ments with his usual lack of sincerity
and of conviction. He dwells on his
alleged firm conviction of a deliberate
plan by France and England to en
circle Germany, with the view to her
destruction. As to the Austrian ulti
matum, he repeats that he knew of it
only in a general way before it was
published and sajs that when it ap
peared he was astonished at its vigor.
Once the die was cast his hands were
tied, he asserts.
Von Moltke Wants War.
He declares that If he had allowed
Russia to attack Austria that course
would have meant the destruction of
Austria, which Germany could not per
mit by the terms of alliance. There
fore, he was obliged to give his un
qualified support to Austria. General
Falkenhayen, then minister of war, was
personally opposed to the Austrian ulti
matum, but General von Moltke, chief
of staff, insisted that it be maintained.
Moltke, on his own responsibility,
ordered the invasion of Belgium, the
book says, although the chancellor
himself was opposed to that move. This
is an instance, by the chancellor's own
statement, which makes evident that
the real foreign policy of Germany was
not conducted by the chancellor, but
by the military leaders, who worked
behind his back and always imposed
their will upon him at ' critical mp-ments.
The former chancellor tries once more
to make out that the kaiser was not
in connivance with this underhand
Now that Germany has lost her cause,
he says, judgment should be pro
nounced against those who were guilty
of the war, but he refuses to accept
the tribunal constituted by the enemies
of Germany. In his view, such a tri
bunal should be composed of represen
tatives from neutral states.
y" -
But from his own book, the Daily
Telegraph's correspondent says: Beth-
inann-Hollweg would be condemned by
any court, for he was the responsible
chancellor of the German empire and
the book by implication admits, first,
that Germany gave a free hand to Aus
tria against Serbia, with full knowledge
that the act would create a general
European conflict: secondly, he admits
that the Austrian ultimatum was ex
orbitant in its terms; thirdly, he admits
that by the proposal to localize the con
flict he only raised false hopes of
peaceful settlement; fourthly, he admits
his personal responsibility for declining
viscount Greys proposal for a four
power conference; fifthly, he admits
having made a false proposal of direct
negotiations between Vienna and St.
Petersburg, while at the same time he
was advising Austria to abstain from
euch negotiations; sixthly, he explicitly
admits having left unanswered the sug
gestion that there had been other medi
ation, after he had declined the four
power conference; seventhly, he shows
he was personally responsible for hav
ing declined various other proposals
for mediation suggested by Lord Grey
eighthly, he left unanswered every sug
gestion of M. Sazanoff, the- Russian
minister of foreign affairs, looking to
an amicable settlement; ninthly, he
gave his cossent to the declaration of
war against Russia when negotiations
were still in progress; and, finally, he
pave his consent to i the Invasion of
Bethmann-Hollwesr's book, the Daily
Telegraph correspondent says, instead
of being an effective plea for his own
cause constitutes Its most scathing de
One-Sided Examination at Waverly
Baby Home Not Desired.
"All we want is justice done the
"Waverly Baby Home and any means
ttuupLeu uy represeniaiives OI rortiana
civic clubs in an inquiry into condi-
! satisfactory to us." said Dr. J. B. Bii-
uci Lmvu., siAii - piii siumu, jesieraay in
denial of the impression that the in
vestigation courted by the board ot
directors of the baby home was to
lie a one-sided affair.
We desire an investigation by per
sons whose report will have the weight
of authority and will stop unjustified
criticism. Conditions have not been
inA sit I n unu v nnrnp. nur Tn -vetrv
Dest mar. couia oe oDtainea under all
circumstances. If criticism which is
undeserved is " allowed to stand un-
n n ?swrfirt- if will rflfot tn tho HAtri
". jnent of the babies. Members of thi
, VJ.I 1 H vA ultCVlUt '.111 11 V O UllVUfill
criticism, but the babies will be the
ones who will suffer when funds are
nought for the furtherance of the work
of the home.
Dr. Bilberback said that the board
of directors desired investigators from
r the Oregon Civic league. Progressive
Business Men s club, the Portland Ad
elub, the Chamber of Commerce, the
. Rotary club and other civic bodies.
Because of the press of work falling
lip on the civic clubs at this time due
to the Rose Festival, It is not expected
that anything will be done in the mat
ter until after the rose show.
"I believe that matters should be
cleared up, and every detail gone into,"
said Dr. 3. H. Douglas, president of
the Rotary club, yesterday, "The in
vestigation should be thorough. . The
Rotary club is willing to co-operate
in any way, but it is very unlikely
that these matters will be given any
consideration until after the rose
A. C. Newill, head of the Oregon
Civic league, said yesterday that the
representative of the league on the in
vestigating committee probably will
be Mrs. Harry Gorbett, as she is chair
man of the child welfare department
of the league.
"From information which has reached
me from private sources, conditions at
the Waverly home are sadly in need of
a searching investigation," said Mr.
Newell. "For several years sanltary
conditlons at the home have been rot
ten. If reports are correct. There is no
question but that an investigation will
at least clear the atmosphere."
Mrs. D. C. Burns, president of the
home, said yesterday that she did not
care to talk about the matter, but that
she had no particular objection to hav
ing both sides in the controversy in
vestigated thoroughly.
Graduates of Pioneer Methodist
School Active In Oregon's Devel
opment ; High Ideals Taught.
ROSEBURG, Or, June 7. (Special.)
men and women whose hair has
whitened with the years today enjoyed
a reunion on the grounds where, as
children of pioneer parents, they at
tended the Wilbur academy.
Established in a log building on the
claim of Rev. James H. Wilbur, a Meth
odist missionary and pioneer and in
1857 chartered by the territorial legis
lature, the Wilbur academy became the
greatest educational institution in
southern Oregon. Located In what later
was known as Douglas county, this
school was attended by youngsters who
grew up to take an active part in the
upbuilding of Oregon. "
"Father" Wilbur taught to the stu
dents high ideals of Christianity and
American citizenship.
The student roll was rapidly In
creased and the old log structure was
succeeded by a more commodious build
ing. In 1873 another building was
erected. Later the buildings were leased
to the county. In 1900 the property was
sold to the school district and has since
been conducted as a public school.
Some of the students of the old Wil
bur academy have come here from east
ern states for the reunion.
Among the names on the student roll
of 50 years ago are those of the Browns,
the Kuykendalls, Dillons, Chapmans,
Watsons, Stearns, Grubbes, Millers,
Pinkstons, Reeds, Slocums, Wades, Fitz-
hughs, Mires, Booths, Riddles, Stephen-
sons, Partys, Nelsons and scores of
Airplane Flights Promised at Spring
, field Jubilee.
EUGENE, Or, June 7. (Special.)
Airplanes and other attractions are
promised at the Irrigated jubilee at
Springfield next Thursday, Friday and
Saturday, accroding to those in charge
of the celebration. The events will In
elude a visit to the headgates of the
Benham ditch on the McKenzie river.
On Thursday Mayor Morrison will de
liver the opening address at an open
air pavilion. There will be various
sports that day and a dance at night.
Friday will be the big day of the
celebration. Everybody will be given
a free auto trip to the headgates. State
Engineer Percy Cupper, Professor W
L. Powers of the state college and
"Farmer" C. L. Smith of the O.-W. R
& N. company will speak. There will
be more sports and another big dance.
On Saturday the aviators, who will
be here on their way from Portland to
Sacramento, will give an exhibition
flight. The Benham ditch takes water
from the McKenzie river about four
miles north of Springfield and by the
date of the jubilee the water will be
ready for use.
Colonel John Leader Delivers Com
mencement Address.
ST. HELENS, Or., June 7. (Special.)
The commencement exercises of the
St. Helens high school were held last
night in the city hall before a. large
audience. Colonel John Leader deliv
ered the graduating address, his sub
ject being "Lights and Shadows of the
Great War." The salutatory address
was by Mason Dillard and the valedic
tory by Miss Annette Payne.
The graduating class follows: An
nette Payne, Ethel Lynch, Anna Lar
sen, Helena Walker, Robert Dixon,
John Masten. Mason Dillard, Louis La
Bare, Caly Stanwood, Iver Wellnder,
Wesley Mays and John Corslglia.
Lebanon to See Fliers.
LEBANON, Or., June 7. (Special.)
Lebanon commercial club received a
telegram this morning 'announcing that
the flying squadron on the way from
Mather field, Sacramento, to Portland
to exhibt at the Rose Festival will stop
Tuesday morning in Lebonan for a
short rest. A landing field has been
selected just west of the city, which
will be properly marked. The an
nouncement was received with cheers
and the prospects are that one of the
biggest crowds ever assembled here
will be on hand to see the war planes.
Auditors Meet This Month.
SPOKANE, Wash., June 7. bounty
auditors of Washington will hold their
annual convention here June 19 to 21,
it was announced today by Joseph
Stewart, auditor of Spokane county.
Miss Laura Schragg, auditor of Adams
county, second vice-president of the
state association, will call the conven
tion to order, as she is the only one
of last year's officers who is now an
Fire Ousts Students.
COTTAGE GROVE, Or., June 7. (Spe
cial.) The main cabin at the combina
tion mines in the Bohemia district was
cabin was occupied by the students
from Oregon Agricultural college who
went to the district recently to study
All the Great Artists of the World in Your
Home at Your Command Continuously
by Way of Edwards Through
Get Yours This Week
Make your first payment in July. Pay only for
the records at time of selection. Remember, too,
Edwards does not charge interest, even though you
do take a year to pay.
The' Brunswick Oval Horn!
Just You Hear It!
"Oh, Isn't It Pretty!" that Is what nearly every
one says; but looks was not so much considered
when Brunswick built it. The all-wood oval horn
tapering Into a perfectly round throat was added
that better and fuller "Round Tones" would be
The result was wonderful take a trip to
Edwards' Brunswick Parlors yourself and have
your favorite record played.
Not only, does the Brunswick play all records,
but it "Plays All Records at Their Best." Take, for
example, a military band start It "In low," open
the tone modifier, and if you didn't know there was .
a Brunswick In the house, you'd look out the win
dow to see the parade.
Do you know about the Brunswick TJltona Not
Well, the TJltona is an over-Bised Reproducer that
plays all makes of records without changing parts.
Use a loud-tone needle and open the modifier and
this TJltona will supply music for a big open-air
r - '
Edwards Devotes One
Half of the Second Floor
to the Display of Quality
Think of It, over 400 different
Rugs (no two alike) on display.
You'll make no mistake by look
ing them over when rugs are
anticipated. That you may more
fully realize the advantage of
getting acquainted with Edwards,
the following is puDiisneo:
$26.75, $28.90, $31.50, $34.75
$3735, $39.65, $4450, $4930
$11.75, $13.95, $16.75
Mr. Edwards has arranged for the placing of many easy chairs along
the main aisles and invites all visitors, as well as home folks, to use
them this week. He knows there will be many tired feet, especially
among the visitors, who will, no doubt, appreciate an easy chair between
acts. Now. don't be timid; the comfort awaits you, and, really, Edwards
has a cool spot two blocks north of Washington street.
ilT 1 r"
:! "PI-ra
Edwards' Master Model
Kitchen Cabinets at
$5 Cash $1 Week No Interest
Organize your kitchen work like a modern business
office. This "Master Model" Kitchen Cabinet will bring
to you unconfined kitchen Joy. Needless moves and
wasted moments will be saved. YES. INDEED, this
"MaBter-Model" will be In your kitchen
A Much-Appreciated Servant
White enamel upper Interior.
Top flour bin with sifter.
Glass sugar, coffee, tea and spice Jars with aluminum
ecrew caps.
Aluminum top extension work table.
Metal-lined cake and bread drawer.
Two spacious linen and silver drawers.
Cooking utensil compartment with center shelf.
Oh, yes; roll-open front and metal door and. drawer
Stands 70 Inches high and 40 inches wide.
Golden polished, front and sides, finish.
A Two -Room Outfit Built Entirely of
Displaced and Offered
Four-Piece Living-Room Suite '
Identical to illustration, excepting the Arm Chair, !j f9 QC
which Is replaced by a Rocker. Think of It a beau-j i J J
tiful Library Table, with magazine racks, 3 big, mt a
comfortablerockers.aU fintshed to match In "Hand-
Rubbed" .Golden Wax. The four pieces special at
Seven-Piece Dining-Room Suite
Fine, big Table, with 45-lnch top that opens to slxC A 7(
feet, fclx solid oak chairs of exceptionally sturdyj . I VF
construction. This suite is finished to match liv- fcB
Ing-room suite illustrated above and the price for Jfc
eeven pieces Is only
Tapestry Overstuffed
Threee-Loose Cushion
$10.00 Cash $2.00 Week
No Interest
Like the morning sun from over Mount
Hood, with its bright and shining light,
Edwards' Overstuffed Furniture stands out
with that distinctiveness which will ADD
TONE to your home. Each season Increases
the popularity, of overstuffed. Select for
your home now and pay later on.
During Carnival Week Only
will the above mentioned price be maintained.
In all sincerity if you are contemplating the
addition of a Davenport to your home, get it
this wc6k.
Besides the one above mentioned, Edwards
has on display many others more massive In
both tapestry and velour. Terms will be
arranged to fit your convenience.
Behold Your Credit Is Good as Gold
A Typical Edwards Value!
Big Post Bed, Spring and Mattress
$5 Cash$1 Week No Interest
Ton can have either white or ivory enamel or V. M. (gold fin
ish) Continuous-Post Steel Bed the fabric link spring is square
link instead of diamond shape (like Illustration); mattress Is "all
cotton" of comfortable thickness in flower-strewn art tick.
D , ill
ri' 7i7v. Tnl nQ- QUO- .nr-,n. .QnQ. . Jg
minerology. All were away on their
studies at the time of the fire. An
expensive camera, valuable instruments,
money and clothing were destroyed.
The origin of the fire Is unknown. On
account of the loss of their effects the
students returned here.
Read The Oregonlan classified ads.
MANY men who would like to shave
themselves., dread the after - smart
caused by using the razor daily on a
tender skin. To all such we recommend
Santiseptic Lotion; it not only allays
the smarting and soreness, but It acts
as well as an antiseptic, protecting
the frace from Infection. The sense of
security from infection that you enjoy
from the use of antiseptic is especial
ly reassuring. Santiseptic. too, is de
lightfullv cooling and refreshing; It
leaves the kin with that soft, velvety
finish which bespeaks the healthy, well
groomed man. There is no shave "too
close" when Santiseptic is used. The
odor of Sant'septic is wholesome and
cleanly. Unlike many preparations, it
is not sticky. To use It in your dally
shave Is to enlov a real luxury. Santi
septic is easily procured at most drug
and department stores. If you cannot
secure it, send 50 cents, with dealer's
name, to the Esbencott Laboratories,
Portland, Or., for a full-size Dottle,
postpaid. Adv.
Canning Made Easy
With the H. & A. Steam Pressure Canning Outfits. Cans
Corn, Green Beans, Meats, Salmon, Clams and Fowl in
Sixty Minutes ; Fruits in three to fifteen minutes, in Tin
or Glass.
The H. & A. Hand Power Sanitary Can Sealer will seal
jdl sizes of sanitary tin cans and is the only adjustable
hand-power machine built. Built in Portland and sold the
world over.
Call or write for catalogue to
Henninger & Ayes Mfg. Co.