The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 08, 1919, Section One, Page 19, Image 19

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Propagation of Commercial
Fishing Held Successful.
Members of State Commission Ex
hibit Photographs to Prove Birds,
y Deer and Fish Plentiful.
Oregon has plenty of game fish.
jlenty of game birds and deer, if
eportsmen will take the trouble to go
into sections not furnished with good
roads, where the automobile sportsmen
will have to tramp for their fun. Too
few sportsmen are willing to aid In the
protection of game by co-operating with
the wardens. Propagation of commer
cial fish has been wonderfully success
ful, and propagation of trout i pro
gressing better than in most states and
at less cost.
These were outstanding points de
veloped in the all-day hearing of
charges brought against the state fish
and game commission by the Oregon
Sportsmen's league, the Mutlnomah
Anglers' club and the Oregon Hotel
Men's association. Out of the mass of
testimony offered the facts were
elicited that the game situation in Ore
Bon is not as dismal as the Portland
critics of the commission have declared.
Trout liOssev Below Average.
It is true that trout propagation has
tiot attained the degree of perfection
achieved with salmon, but salmon
hatching has been carried on for many
years, whereas trout culture is only
eight years old and the state fish cul
turist is still experimenting and striv
ing for something better. Trout losses
toy the Oregon hatcheries are not nearly
bb great as the loss in the United States
Fisheries Bureau and in hatcheries of
California and some other states.
Out of 11 counties, represented at the
bearing by witnesses, seven reported
good game conditions arM good warden
(service. Of the remaining four counties,
there was a difference of opinion in
three. Clatsop, Columbia, Lincoln, Lane,
Jackson, Linn and Deschutes announced
good game; from Multnomah, Wallowa
and Douglas were opposing reports;
Clackamas reported constant violations
by commercial fishermen.
140 Arreata Reported.
Notwithstanding' complaint of la
warden service, State Game "Warden
Shoemaker reported 140 arrests since
JIarth 1, with fines aggregating J4942.
Twenty-seven arrests were made at
Oregon City, where W. E. Toung al
leged exists an organized band of fish
robbers and that the wardens are doing
nothing, and intimated that the war
dens are standing in with fish poach
ers. Complaint was made by critics of the
commission that the warden service is
not as good as in Maine, which is a
famous game state. Commissioner
Warren explained that Oregon is an
emnlre: that Oregon has counties larger
than Maine, and if the 90,000 square
miles of Oregon were guaraea as are
the much fewer miles of Maine it
would cost $100,000 a year to patrol.
The commissioner declared the only
eolution is a ranger service, which
means the organization of a small mo
bile force of secret agents who will
cover the state and -who will be in a
better position to gather evidence of
law violations than the well-known
wardens because the wardens' Identity
is not suspected.
Violation In Curry Charged.
Two of the principal critics of the
commission, who complained of inef
ficient law enforcement, were Roy Mc
Olellan of Wallowa and Dr. A. K.
Downs, president of the Oregon Sports
men's league. The former asserted
there were flagrant violations that he
knew of but explained that he would
not involve himself in prosecutions be
cause it would ruin his business. The
latter declared that he had hunted
without a. license and didn't care, be
cause he didn't expect any. warden to
appear and ask him to show one. Dr.
Downs, who carries a special deputy
warden's star, charged that poople were
running deer with dogs in Curry county
And that the evidence was there when
lio was in the Curry section.' He took
no action, despite being clothed with
authority, but awaited his return to
Portland, when lie notified the state
game office. When a warden made the
trip to Curry the evidence was gone.
Kvidence of Catches Shoirn.
D. B. Bubar of Douglas informed
Governor Olcott at the hearing that
nearly every man there hunts with dogs
nnd that salmon are not being caught.
This statement concerning salmon was
answered by Warden Shoemaker, who
produced a photograph recently pub
lished in a newspaper showing Mrs,
"Bubar holding a 35-pound salmon Ehe
had hooked. From the files of a Port
land afternoon newspaper which has
tieen attacking the commission and
claiming fish and game depletion, Mr.
fchoemaker read news Items from va
rious parts of the state in which were
reported glowing accounts of big bags.
Among the items -was one referring to
a great catch by H. B. Van Duaer, one
of the sharpest critics of the commis
"riven Richard M. Price, president of
the Multnomah Anglers club arid Ore
gon Hotel Men's association, had to
smile when Mr. Shoemaker read an
article by Mr. Price in a national maga
zine telling of the abundance of trout
and game birds in Oregon. In his
charges Mr. Price has insisted that the
supply of fish and game is rapidly Bi
minishing in this state.
Fish Culture la Topic.
Fish culture, particularly trout, con
sumed a large share of the hearing.
A professor from Keed college com
plained that no research work was be
ing performed; that the commission
did not know now large a starfish
should be when 2 years old; that big
corporations made immense appropria
tions for research work and were will
ing to wait ten years for the research
ers to find out something. The pro
fessor is experimenting with some
trout at a pond on the campus. Master
Fish Warden Clanton confessed that he
was not a scientist, but merely a fish
culturist, and while he did not know
how big a starfish should be at any
specified age, that as far as salmon
propagation is concerned, Oregon does
not have to take a back seat.
He admitted that he is not research
ing, but said his force of men, with 30
years of practical experience, is striv
ing each year to make betterments.
particularly with trout. Mr. Clanton
said it would be a fine thing to have a
real scientist, but Professor Gilbert,
the right-hand man of David Starr Jor
dan, is not available.
Trout Hatching Beajlms la 1912.
"Most of the attack on the commission
Is directed at my department, and 1
assume all the responsibility," said Mr.
Clanton. "If mistakes have been made
they are my mistakes, and the only
mistake the commission Is chargeable
witn is in employing me. I was assured
by Mr. Price that it was not me they
were after but someone else, yet the
attack is chiefly at my department."
prior to 1811 no trout were hatched
in Oregon. A start was made in 1912
13. It was something new, and expedi
tions had to be sent out to find the
eggs ana study had to be made of han
dling them. In 1918 the trout had a bad
year, due to the fact, explained Mr.
Clanton, that experienced trout men
were called to the service and inexpert
enced men were used on the work, al
though they came from California well
recommended. All states hatching trout
have bad years, he said. Twenty-seven
trout stations have been established
some of them failures. Maino, which
has been turning out trout for 30 years.
said Mr. Clanton, last year turned out
less than Oregon. It cost Maine $9.05
1000 for trout and S3 a 1000 In Oregon
tor 1918.
Steelhead Claaaed as Trout.
Mr. Price wanted to know If Mr.
Clanton thought a steelhead was a sal
mon or a trout. The official replied
that they are classified as a trout in
Oregon and California, and the Mc
KLenzie, Hood, Umatilla and Rogue
rivers want them as game fish. Doug
las county wrote three times for a car
load of steelheads. Answering the com
plaint of Mr. McClellan that no fish are
being sent to Wallowa and that the
lakes are filled there with bluebacks,
Mr. Clanton stated that more fish went
to Wallowa than to any other county
in proportion to the licenses. As for
DiueDacKS, or sock-eyes, they were
planted in the lakes at the suggestion of
protessor Gilbert In the hope to get a
sock-eye run in the Columbia. There
is now ho way of getting the bluebacks
out of the lake because of screens.
Trout Loss Laid to Plantings.
A loss of trout occurs when the fish
are turned over to sportsmen for dis
tribution, continued the state fish
culturist. The fish are improperly
planted in streams, but the system of
turning the fish over to sportsmen is
followed byill the other states and the
Lnited States fisheries bureau. The
best plan would be to have an expert
go out with the sportsmen, but as there
are sometimes 20 automobiles leaving
the distributing center, it -would re
quire a large force of experts to super
vise the planting.
On the subject of trout loss. Commis
sioner Warren read statistics which he
gathered from the government at
Washington last month. These figures
disclosed that the government losses
range from 16 to 65 per cent at the sta
tions accounted for, except the one on
the Clackamas, where the loss was 3
per cent. Out of 8,227,000 rainbow eggs
last year the bureau of fisheries got
2,800,000 fish to the point of planting.
Crerliana Deemed Menace.
"When a sportsman writes for fish,"
inquired Mr. Price, "does he get what
he asks for rather than fish native to
those waters?" He was answered that
the department sent the kind requested,
lr possible.
E. C. Simmons, president of the Eu
gene Commercial club, testified that the
commission gave good service In Lane
county, and said that greylings, planted
by scientists, were the greatest menace
to trout in the McKenzie. W. L. Kinley
denied that the greylings were planted
in the McKenzie by scientists. He said
there are no greylings in Oregon -and
what fishermen call greylings are a
native, the Williamson whitefish.
. War Blamed for Small Force.
As to using game funds to aid the
commercial fish to the detriment of the
trout, Mr. Clanton asserted that when
the auditor goes through the books he
will find that 'the commercial men have
had the worst of it. Mr. Shoemaker
admitted insufficient warden service
last year because, on account of the
war, the expenses were cut down by
the commission and the smaller iium
ber of field deputies made it necessary
for him to travel extensively to keep
in closer touch. This accounted for his
increased traveling expenses. The state
game warden declared the commission
has practiced conservation by reducing
bag limits, making a closed season, and
concluded with the statement that the
oommission has been .working con
stautly and steadily for the sportsmen.
Long -Standing Troubles End
After He Takes Tanlac Gains
Twenty-five Pounds.
"All my troubles have completely
disappeared since I commenced tak
ing Tanlac, and I have not only
gasi.ed twenty-five pounds In weight,
but I feel twenty years younger than
I did," said G. T. Shaw, a well-known
employe of the Spokane. Portland and
Seattle Railway, and who live at 490
Umatilla Ave., Portland, the other day.
"I was In mighty bad health for. ten
years or more," continued Mr. Shaw;
"there was about three years of that
time that I was not able to hit a lick
of work. My stomach getting out of
order was the cause of all my troubles,
nnd this condition Just gradually grew
worse all the time. After meals t
would have cramping pains in the pit
of my stomach that would almost draw
me double and I wouM be terribly
bloated up wtth gas that formed from
the sour, undigested food In my stom
ach. Of course, I was very careful
about what I ate, but for the past two
or three years my troubles had gotten
so much worse, that even the very
lightest kind of food would cause me
to suffer. My blood seemed to
thin, too, and
my circulation was so
bad that my arms and ! would tco to
sleep, and very often during the night
I would have to sit up in bed and rub
my arms and legs for a good long
time before I could get my blood to
circulate. I never slept very well,
either. In fact, I don't believe I got
one good night's sleep out of every
ten. In spite of everything I did to
get rid of these troubles, I just kept
getting weaker, and I knew that some
thing had to be done or I would soon
be past traveling altogether.
"I had heard so much about Tanlac
tbat I decided to give it a trial, and I
Just want to say before I go any
further, that I honestly believe It is
the best medicine ever made. Why, if
Tanlac had been made especially for
my case It couldn't possibly, have
worked any better. One by one my
troubles all disappeared, and I am as
well and strong now as I ever was in
my life. I am eating three big meals
every day. and I know I never en
Joyed my food as much In all my life.
I don't suffer with Indigestion and
sour stomach. I sleep like a log every
night now, and I really enjoy Jumping
out of bed and eating a hearty break
fast and bustling off to my work. I
put in good time every day at my
work, too never lose a minute and
when I get home at night I am not all
tired out like I used to be. I never
have any trouble about my legs and
arms going to sleep now, and my cir
culation Is fine. Yes, sir, Tanlac is a
fin medicine, and I wouldn't take any
thing In the world for what It has
done for me."
Tanlac is sold in Portland, by the
Owl Druir Co. Adv.
The Best Merchandise Underbuy, Undersell These Are the Principles That Are Making Simon's Your Store!
Crockery Specials
for Monday
42-piece Dinner Sets, regularly priced
to ?i many patterns rrom
which to select on sale Mon
day at
1 bin-blown Turn- I nn 65c Covered cn
,.. I Casseroles.. J
biers only. ,
Grocery Specials
- for Monday
Hazelwood Butter, roll $1.15
Choice Columbia Kippered Sal
mon; can 20
Libby's Veal Loaf; 7-oz. can 33
Olympic Salmon; Us flat; 2 cans..2o
A Week's
At the Bi
argain Festival
Women's French Serge
$11.95 to $22.50
Closing all spring models at attractive
prices. We show dresses in navy, brown,
taupe, black and burgundy. Not all sizes in
each color. Now is the time to buy a dress
at a saving worth while. v
Children's Coats Only $5.98
A few of these left in ages 2 to 5 years;
made of silk poplin in old rose and liberty
blue. Every one a bargain!
Maternity Dresses
$14.95 to $16.95
Made up in the best of models in taupe and
black silk poplin.
which now demands that Its college
should be given the status of a sepa
rate university.
The Cork claim has united every
Bection of Munster men and the peti
tions in its favor have been signed by
the heads of all the religious denom
inations and the leading men of the
province. It involves, however, a new
charter from the crown, and the bulk
of Sinn Fein opinion, while In favor of
the separate university for Cork, is
hostile to the only method by which
under present conditions it can be obtained.
Man Overseas '.
Corns, Callouses
Quit Quick!
Two Drops of "Gets-It" Will Do It.
Kver hand-carve your toe with a.
It i! it" e trying- to xet rid of a corn? Kver
iifje scissors and snip off part of the
corn too close to the Quick? Kver pack
"Gets -It Pats Vonr Jfet in Clover
It Ends Corha Quickly.
tip your toe with "contraptions" and
plasters as though you were packing
a glass vase for parcel post? Ever use
greasy ointments that rub off on your
stocking? Kver use sticky tape that
gets jerked off when you pull your
stocking off? Kind o' foolish, when 2
or 3 drops of "Gets-It" on any corn or
callous gives It a quick, painless, peace
ful, dend-sure funeral! Why putter
and suffer? "Gets-lt" stops corn paine,
it lets you work, smile and dance, even
with corns. It's the common-sense
way, the only simple, easy way peels
. corns off like a banana feel. Used by
millions. It never fails.
'iets-It." the guaranteed, money
back corn-remover, the only sure way.
costs but a trifle at any drug store.
M'fd by E. Lawrence & Co., Chi
cago, llL
tjold in Portland by Owl Drug Co.
SI stores on the FacUic Coast Adv.
American AVlio Enlists 'Wins Com
mission in Foreign Legion.
PARIS, May 15. The Official Journal
has just published a citation awarded
to Ferdinand Capdevielle of New Tork,
who was one of the first Americans to
enlist in the foreign legion at the com
mencment of the war. It reads:
"Capdevieile (Ferdinand), second lieu
tenant, 170th regiment; brilliant officer,
American citizen; volunteered In the
service of France at the very beginning
of the war. Has taken part in both the
foreign legion and the 170th regiment
in every important battle of the Cham-y
pagne. Has always been the admira
tion of his men and won the esteem of
his chiefs by his military and moral
"On October S, 1918, charged with
leading the head platoon of his com
pany to the attack, he made a superb
start, progressing despite the extreemly
violent fire of enemy machine guns.
Fell gloriously, strusk by a bullet in
the head, at the very second he rose to
his full height to lead his men to the
assault Of the eenmy."
Lieutenant Capdevielle was, as his
name indicates, of French origin. He
became a sergeant in the legion and
was offered a commission in the French
army (a rare thing).
Letter No. 34.
PATJ, France. P. M. Lopes of Brook
lyn, N. Y., formerly of South Caro
lina, now head of the big amusement
"Y" hut at Brest, was my companion on
a Bide trip to Lourdes and Cauterets. The
railroad to Lourdes follows a rushing
mountain stream, winding In and out
much the same as along many of our
western streams through the coast
range. The great cathedral of Lourdes
on the hill was in full view as we came
into the station; so, too, was the quaint
old city in the mouth of the gorge. This
city is exceedingly interesting and the
setting Is beyond description, great
rolling green hills getting higher and
higher as the eye follows back to the
snow-capped peaks beyond. The coun-
try and people in this region look more
Spanish than French.
We climbed the hiU of the church
along the "Way of the Cross." The 14
"stations' are wonderful groups of life
size in bronie. The view from the top
was still more wonderful valleys In
all directions stretching away at our
feet to the snow-capped mountains in
the distance on every side and near at
hand the wonderful cathedral with all
its attendant buildings and statuary.
As we were leaving, about 300 dough
boys under a "Y" guide passed us on
their way to the church. I saw my
first English goldfinch here and a flock
of several hundred of the most beautiful
swallows. They dipped and whirled like
thistle down.
From Lourdes we went by trolley to
Cauterets.. a two-hour .ride up - the
mountains. Cauterets, In the Hautes
Pyrenees, " Is at an elevation of 30o5
feet and nearly all its horizon Is made
up of mountains of varying heights,
their steep sides overhanging the very
roofs of the little town. One great peak.
8935 feet, a spur of the great Jlonno
on the weBt, has been christened the
PIc de Wilson. A much lower peak
on the east, the Pic des Bains, is where
an American marine was killed by a
fall last February.
Cauterets is one of the leave centers
of the A. E. F. and Its great swimming
pools and wonderful medicinal baths,
dating back to Roman times, are open
to the American soldiers. - The little
town is unusually clean and well built.
Tpp streets are bordered, not by gut-
Bathing Suits
for Women
New -shades are here in all
wool suits black and oranRe,
khaki and sold, red and white,
green and white, royal and
green, yale and white, scarlet
and green, old rose, and royal
blue a wonderfully handsome
$4.98, $5.49, $5.98,
Bathing Caps to
Match 25c
Rare Bargains in
Dress Fabrics
French Serge,
Panama Cloths,
Regular $2.50 Values
Only $1.98
Lovely fabrics, 42 inches
wide. Every piece a bargain!
Stripe and Plaid
To $2.50 Values
36-inch materials, including
some beautiful taffeta and
satin foulards; fine, heavy
materials. Choose tomorrow
at our attractive price!
Big Cigar Sale!
20,000 La Constancia Cigars
Manila cigars to be placed on
Very high quality
at these prices: .
Brevas; 6 for 25; box of 50 for $2.00
Perfecto Sublimes; each 6; box of 50 for.. $2. 75
Cayadores; 3 for 25; box of 50 for $.J.5D
In-B-Tween Little, Cigars, 10 in a box; reg- oc
ularly 60c box; special ""
sale tomorrow
Outing Pillows 10c
A lot of Japanese grass pillows for
launches or porches. While they
last, we offer them at only JL0.
Women's Purses 98c
Sheet and Pillow-Case
Full-bleach Sheets, 72x90. . ..SI. OO
Full-bleach Sheets, 76x90. . .1.39
Full-bleach "Mohawk" Sheets,
72x90, for $JLo9
Full-bleach Pillow Cases, 45x36
for only 25
Full-bleach Pillow Cases, 45x38
for only 39
Fancy Turkish
48c, 59c, 79c, 89c
For One Week Only
All Our Men's Suits
Ten Per Cent Off
Regular Prices
This splendid offer includes new suits Just
arrived. We show nationally famed makes,
such as Michael - Stern, Hart Schaffner &
Marx, and other fine makes, in worsteds.
Scottish tweeds, navy series and novelty
weaves. Any style you may wish two
button, waistline, conservative. Our prices
ranee from fl8 to $32.50 the suit, which Is 15
to $10 below what you can buy equal quality
for elsewhere. This, added to the extra I0
discount, makes a handsome saving on your
suit. Come in next week and see these good
clothes. Ureas up for the Festival!
Boys' Good Clothes at a
Saving in Price
Lowest Prices on
Hats, Dress Shirts, Under
wear, Suit Cases & Trunks
New Summer Pumps for Women
Smart styles to wear right now at prices below what you are I
asked to pay elsewhere. Choose from these offers and save money:
PUMPS in white sea island
duck; Cuban heels; light-
weight soles; cool and i
2S"Sar?r$2.49 I
PUMPS in black kid, hand-
turned soles; French
heels; med dim short I
vamp. Splen-JJO QQ I
did value, at
PUMPS in patent colt;
French heels; Colonial I
effect, with bright buc-
kles attached; are very I
pretty and JJ4 QQ 1
stylish; pair JtXi0
PUMPS in brown kid;
lightweight soles; Cuban
heels; the correct shade
of brown to JJ QQ I
match; pair V'fO
n'lilllllliillllllllUllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllililllllllllilll IIUI.IIilllUllllilillilllllUUIMIIlUIIUil.iUiUUUiiUUIliliiilU.iUiilillUlliillilUilltUlltil
Jflsh City Wants School Independent
of Other Colleges.
DUBLIN'. The National University
of Ireland is a federal Institution com
posed of three colleges, in Dublin, Cork
and Galway. It was established to
meet the claim of the Irish Catholics
for university education. The federal
system lias proved- irksome to Cork,
ters, but by flowing mountain streams
The Gave (creek) flows under the very
Place de la Malrie, and the water from
the hot springs is piped to the public
I had the pleasure of meetlnfr John
Hampton Jr. of Portland, -who was at
Cauterets on leave. He is a fine young
fellow who served on the Mexican bor
der during the trouble there. Since
being: over here he.haa joined the "Y"
force. I haven't my heavy outfit of
reels and slides with me, for I am on
my "leave," but 1 gave an Oregon talk
to about 2000 boys in the bi casino
Y" hut at Cauterets. That roorninR 1
tramped up a gorge Just out of town.
The birds were out in full force and
I saw my first redstart and a pair of
dlnpers or European water ouzels. They
differ from our ouzels in color, but they
have the same habit of diving: boldly
into the swiftest water, often staying
out of sight for a minute or more.
The "Y" man at Cauterets brought
us back to Pau in his machine. We
came down the wonderful gorge, 40
miles, in the brightest sunshine. The
rolling hills, high snow-white moun
tain peaks and ranges, boiling cataracts
and glistening glaciers beggar descrip
tion, l locks or eneep were cieins pas
tured so high up on the mountains they
looked like specks of moving white.
Little Btone cabins were perched high
up in the air as though ready to fly
There was a thin growth of fir and
spruce but no heavy timber. The cattle
feedimr near were large and sleek-
looking. '
Knights Open Hotel In Dublin.
DUBLIN". The Knights of Columbus
have established In Dublin an admir
ably equipped hotel for the accommo
dation of United States soldiers and
sailors on leave here. This is the first
institution of the Knights of Columbus
In Ireland and it is cordially welcomed.
Famous In A Day For Her
Beautiful Complexion,
Oatmeal Combination Does It
A Free -Prescription Does Its Work
Overnight You Can Prepare
It at Your Home.
Kew Tork: It is my own discovery and it
takes just one night to get such marvelous
results, says Mao Edna Wilder, when her
friends ask her about her wonderful com
plexion and the Improved appearance of her
hands and arms. You can do the same thins
if you follow my advice, she says: I feel it
my duty to tell every girl and woman what
this wonderful prescription 'did for me. I
never tire of telling others Just what brought
about such remarkable results. Hero is the
identical prescription that removed every de
feet from my face, neck, hands and arms.
Until you try it you can form no Idea of tha
marvelous change it will make In Just one
application. The prescription which you can
prepare at your own home la aa follows: Go
to any grocVry and fret ten cents worth of
ordinary oatmeal, and from any drug stores
a bottle of derwillo. Prepare the oatmeal
as directed in every package of derwillo and
apply night and morning. The first applica
tion will astonish you. It makes the skin
appear transparent smooth and velvety. 1
especially recommend it for freckles, tan,
sun spots, coarse pores, rough skin, ruddi-
neatt, wrinkles, and. In fact, every blemish
the face, hands and arms are heir to. If
your neck or chest Is discolored from ex
posure, apply this combination there and
the objectionable defect will disappear. It
Is absolutely harmless and will not produce
or stimulate a growth of hair. No matter
how rough and ungainly the hands and
arms, or what abases they have had through
hard work and exposure to aun and wind,
this ofctmeal-derwillo combination will work
a wonderful transformation in 3 2 hours at
tha most. Thousands who have used it have
had the Same results I have had.
Note! To get the best effect be sure to
follow the complete directions contained in
every package -of derwillo. You have only
to get derwillo and oatmeal. You need
no thin else and it is so simple that any
one can uea it; and ia so inexpensive that
any girl or woman can afford it. The
manufacturers and druggists guarantee that
there will be a noticeable Improvement after
the flrat application or they will refund the
money, it 13 sola in this city under a money
refund guarantee by department stores and
ail up-to-date druggists Including Wood
war a, uiarite to.t ana tne owl atoraa.
(E. R. Parker)
New Dentistry vs." Old Dentistry
Have you teeth? Yes?
Then you must be interested in DENTISTRY.
What is it? It is the science and art of KEEPING
good teeth well, and MAKING bad teeth GOOD.
There's OLD DENTISTRY. And there's NEW DEN
TISTRY. And these two are at War.
NEW DENTISTRY is dentistry touched by the new
spirit that is in the World.
What is this new Spirit? At its touch, LIFE for the
COMMON PEOPLE has begin to burn with a more
brilliant flame. People's thought and feeling have become more intense,
sense of manhood has risen.
They are determined to lead a life of EXCELLENCE a life of activity, useful
ness, joyousness and freedom.
With this change in the people's attitude towards life is bound to come a change
in their attitude towards dentistry.
They will see that physical well-being depends on sound digestion. And diges
tion depends on the condition of the teeth.
The spirit is affected by the state of the stomach, and that depends on the condi
tion of the mouth and the teeth.
So, the people will demand that dentistry become POPULAR. -
The old dentistry was only for the rich.The NEW DENTISTRY is dentistry for
the people at large. - ...
Has been laid the basis of NEW DENTISTRY.
Most moderate prices are charged for first-class dental work of all kinds.
Painless Parker Dentist
326 Vz Washington Street, Corner Sixth