The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 08, 1919, Section One, Page 13, Image 13

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111 H
W. M. Ladd Chairman of tha Board
Edward Cookingham. . .............. .President
Isaao D. Hunt. . . .Vice-President
R. S. Howard. . ............. . .Vioe-Prasldent
Samuel L. Eddy. .Vice-President
Walter M. Cook. Cashier
Thomas II. West. . ........ .Assistant Cashier
Cameron Squires. . ........ .Assistant Qishler
G. C. Blohm .Mgr. Credit Dept.
A. W. Brookings. . ............. Auditor
W. M. Ladd, Edward Cooklneham,
Raymond B. Wilcox, Isaac D. Hunt.
Frederick B. Pratt. Harold I. Pratt.
Cameron Squires.
Threescore years
of uninterrupted progress a progress
closely interwoven with that of the vast Pacific Northwest
Territory of sturdy pioneer times to the great commercial and
industrial Pacific Northwest of today; a progress marked
by continuous activity and resourcefulness, of faith in the
community which it has so long served.
In this interval of time many changes have taken
place changes far beyond the limitations of human
foresight, and The Ladd & Tilton Bank, like all
sound institutions and enterprises of long standing,
Jias changed also. Many things reflect its steady
and substantial growth, not the least of which are
its increasing deposits as shown in the figures
which appear here.
Reviewing with satisfaction its long stand
ing, its adherence to sound banking principles, and the enviable position which it
has always occupied, this pioneer institution, now passing its sixtieth milestone,
again desires to express its willingness
to serve and satisfy, and to extend
assistance and advice whenever and
wherever possible.
Ladd & Tilton
Oldest in the Northvesl
Washington and Third
DEC3I-IS69 2SS.0O42O I
DEC 3HSS9 3.$9.2ZZ SS
I DEC &.790.0lt2
6ZC3-IS09 $11,512.744,75 1
iMAY 12-1919 2l.89&.62&24
Deposits at Ten-Year Periods
Since 1859
1 ft m
& ?1 I
i 'all 1
I,t. Col. George A. White Describes
Trip Taken In. Territory Where
Are "So Allied Troops.
a few days which cleans the slate
so far as Oregon units are concerned,
although there are a thousand or two
casuals still here. They are moving
rapidly, however, and all will be home
before the summer is ended. I hope
that an appropriate reception is given
the 400 Oregon men of the 148th when
they arrive fairly early in June, for
they have been in all the actions over
here and have made a brilliant record.
Among the first here, they are among
the last to leave, and while the public
may have tired of receptions, at the
Fame time this outfit richly merits a
real one."
Beyond the army of occupation, in
the German interior, there is manifest
a very different outward attitude to
ward America and American soldiers
than that which greets them on the
Rhine, according to a letter recent
ly received from Lieutenant-Colonel
George A. "White, who left the post
of adjutant-general of Oregon when
he followed the flag across.
Colonel White, according to informa
tion of a later date than that contained
in his letter, is to arrive In New York
the latter part of this week and should
be home in Porland by June 20. His
letter, dated at Namur, Belgium, on
Alay 17, Is as follows:
. "If my schedule had worked out true
to form I should have been headed for
Brest and a boat by this time, but it
didn't, and so, while aelayed a few
days, expect to make it very soon. In
fact, when the boohe 'signs you will
know that I'm on my way. Not that
either event is greatly dependent on the
other. Mind you, the boche would sign
whether I were here or not, and fur
thermore, 1 think I would go eventual
ly whether the- boche signed or didn t
1 can't think of anything that would
be simpler for the government than to
run the A. K. K. without my humble
"Have been over some very interest
ing ground today. Also the past week.
Was over in the real Prussia where
there are no Americajj or allied troops,
and saw something of Prussia as it is
today without any camouflage on for
the benefit of enemy patrols. And
suspect that they love us not, despite
the pretended amicability in the occu
pied territory. Old Her Rat variety of
Germans turned their heads away as
the car with the red, white and blue
shield went by. Women covered their
faces with their hands or aprons. We
were encountered by a cold reserve
even at Konigswintern, where the
stony-faced chef held us up for 248
marks for luncheon. But the minute
we entered the occupied area on our
way back the Germans showed their
tine hypocritical adaptability. Through
out the British area every postman
policeman and soldier saluted and
every civilian lifted his hat. Not with
any great enthusiasm, mind you, bu
yet they did it.
"Today we came over the same coun
try where you and I used to follow the
German armies on their initial rush
from the German frontier down the
Belgium gateway into France. While
this is the country in which the Bel
gians put up their unexpected resist
anco and enabled France to mobilize,
the country was not very badly d:im
aged. Liege, with its network of for
tiiications, was not damaged much
Namur shows few of the earmarks o
assault and the country appears to b
fairly prosperous and well supplied
despite the fact that the Germans go
out of her only a few months ago afte
several years of forcible occupation.
"It is a very beautiful country, bu
I imagine that you've heard so muc
about it all that you are as sick of i
as I am. It will take a year before
want to hear anything more about th
place once I get out of here, and
think it will take longer than that be
fore anyone wants to hear about It,
"Suppose you know now that the last
of the Oregon units have been placed
on priority. The old converted cavalry
eut&t, liSth artillery, is due to move
State Association Divides Sessions
Among Three Towns.
A quarterly meeting or the Oregon
Dairymen's association will be held in
Coos county June 12. 13 and 14. The
first date the meeting will be in Marsh
field, the second day in Bandon and
the third in Mrytle Point. These meet
ngs will take the place ot the annual
spring dairy picnics that have been
held previously by the Farmers union
and the grange.
Alma D. Katz, president of the Ore
gon Dairymen s leagrue, and J. D.
Mickle, state dairy and food commis
sioner, will be among the speakers who
will go from Portland for these meet
ings. Professol P. M. Brandt of the
dairy department of Oregon Agricul
tural college, A. E. Westcott of Cor-
vayis, and C. L. Hawley of McCoy, will
be other speakers.
The keynote of the meeting will be
along the line of farmers market
ing organizations, the aim being to
strengthen the Coos-Curry Cheese as
sociation and the organization of farm
ers which backs this association. The
development of purebred livestock, bet
ter breeding methods and the use of
substitutes for butterfat will be other
topics. Several delegates from Port
land, In addition to the speakers, will
be in attendance.
hose stock is the source of supply
for many of the biggest circuses.
The feature of the opening day will
be the balloon ascension and parachute
Jump. This will take place In the early
afternoon at a time when the breezes
will interfere least with the successful
Ten Graduates Recommended for
Commissions in Reserve Corps.
Corvallis. June 7. (Special.) Pro
vided that they can pass stringent phy
sical examinations, ten O. A. C. grad
uates will be commissioned as second
lieutenants in the United States re
serve officers corps, uoionei josepn
K. Partello, commandant, and Presi
dent W. J. Kerr have recommended to
war department the following men:
Klmer D. Hunter, Portland; Karl
Hutchings, Corvallis: Sigurd W. Lag us
Astoria: Arthur Moulton, Portland;
Karl Neuhaus, Ben Nichols, Tacoma;
Ellsworth Ricketts, Portland; George
V. Robinson, Forest Grove; Merwyn
Stephenson, Philip B. Swency, Walla
Walla, Wash.
Fonrtli of July Celebration This
Year to Be Biggest Kver.
BEND. Or.. June 7. (Special.) The
big:gest Fourth of July celebration ever
held in central Oregon will be staged
in Bend this year, was the unanimous
decision reached by the Bend Commer
cial club. As the result of suggestions
made by a number of speakers it is
probable the celebration will be con
fined to one day and that all the events
which would ordinarily be scattered
over two days will be packed into half
the time.
Two features which have already
been tentatively arranged are a smoker
and dance, to be civen on the Fourth.
Monster Dance Floor for 20 00 Fox
Trotters Ready Water Toboggan
and Blnkley's Ponies Features.
Only by working nights as well as
days this week has Columbia beach
been prepared for its big day, today. It
will open this morning for th 1919
season. The whole of Sand island, al
most a mile long, is devoted to th!
river resort between Portland and Van
The park in all its newness will stand
practically completed, only one of the
big things promised the public being
not quite ready for the crowds. This
is the water toboggan, and with the
water receding rapidly from Its high
mark, this should be ready in a few
The new dance floor installed by M.
M. Ringler contains 11,000 square feet
and will accommodate 2000 dancers at
one time. It is now being encased in
glass and at all times will be com
fortable. The Cotillion ten-piece or
chestra, which is known to Portland
dancers through several seasons' pop
ularity, will be on the floor at all times.
The miniature railway will high ball
the first train out on time. Miniature
railway describes it exactly. It runs
by steam and its mile of track through
the groves and along the river's bank
is beset with all kinds of engineering
difficulties. Here the train takes
tunnel. At another point Jt goes
through a deep cut and finally comes
down the home stretch to the station
on the board walk over a trestle.
"Miniature" also applies to Binkley's
ponies from Goldendale, which are
herding at the beach. These little
horses, the size of a Shetland pony, are
marked and built like very small
horses, with the eye and characteristics
of an Arabian. They are a special breed
developed through 30 years by Binkley,
Gold Star Memorial Service Planned.
Dr. Pence to Speak.
LEGE, Corvallis, June 7. (-Special.)
Honoring the men of Oregon Agricul
tural College who gave their lives in
the war, a gold star memorial service
will be held Monday morning. Fifty
three faculty members and students
made the sacrifice.
Parents and other relatives of the
dead will occupy seats on the platform
The address of the day will be given by
Dr. E: H. Pence of Portland, and E. T.
Reed, college editor will tell of the
college men in service. The college
band will give selections and N. R.
Moore will be soloist. President W. J.
Kerr will preside. The entire regi
ment of cadets, wearing a badge of
mourning, will attend.
The honor roll Included 1931 faculty
members and students. Deaths caused
by sickness were 20; killed in action
I'd; victim of Tuscania disaster, 1; and
details unknown, lo. Two faculty mem
bers. Lieutenant Wendell J. Phillips
medical corps, and Mark Middlekauff
first lieutenant in aviation, are among
those for whom the service will be
Pasco Lads Consider Plans for Mak
lng Eastern Trip.
PASCO, Wash., June 7. (Special.)
Professor Whitney, who is attempting
to organize a boys' chorus in Wash
ington with the intention of making a
H I VI I VJ L 1 1 1 0 I Ofl L , 11 vl nun lilO
cf Pasco in the chamber of commerce
ruoini s&iuruay evtzfiiug, e&piaiiiiiig ms
A number of Paeco boys made the
trip to Seattle and Tacoma with Pro
fessor Whitney's chorus some months
oobpear Hrfjoe Company-
ago, but
tha trip was not a financial I oring to recoup the financial loss and I the expense they- were put to on that
Professor Whitney Is endear-1 promises to reimburse the boys for all I trip.
White Canvas Shoes and Oxfords $4.95
White Nubuck Shoes and Oxfords $5.95
During Rose Carnival Week
See Windows
149 Fourth Street 149
Union Shop Next to Honeyman Hardware Company " Union Store
Interior view of th
Orchestral Section
This Is An Interior View
of the Orchestral Section of
THE orchestral section of the Cheney is one of the important
and exclusive features which have given this instrument
acknowledged supremacy in sweetness and purity of tone.
Note that it is made from seasoned wood, which adds a mellow
quality to the tones as they pass through.
Yet more important, note that the old megaphone principle has
been discarded for a more scientific method of tone amplification
through a series of chambers, graduated in size. These chambers
will preserve a perfect balance in reproducing band, orchestra or
other ensemble selections. Each voice or instrument is readily
recognized promptly identified.
This is only one of many improvements that have placed the Cheney
in a class apart. Call at our store and let us show you the tone -arm,
the acoustical throat, the reproducer, the resonator. Best or
all, let us show you the artistic Cheney cabinets in period design.
They fittingly enshrine the superior Cheney tonal system.
CJhenev Talking Machine Company
represented by
G. F. Johnson Piano Co.
Exclusive Cheney Representatives
U7-U9 Sixth St., Bet. Afder and Morrison