The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 08, 1919, Section One, Page 10, Image 10

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Women Press Passage
Anthony Amendment.
leaders Attribute Prosperity of State
to Removal of Saloon, Formerly
Bi Political Issue.
BOISE, Idaho, June 7. (Special.)
Passage by congress of the Susan B,
Anthony amendment, giving equal
rights to 'women, has a decidedly stim
ulating effect on the women ot Idaho.
Suffragettes of Idaho have played no
unimportant part in obtaining favora
ble action at the national capital.
Idaho has enjoyed suffrage as a state
since 1896. Women In this state have
had the equal right of franchise and
have proved a powerful influence In
molding public sentiment and opinion.
The Idaho legislature at its next reg
ular session will unquestionably ratify
the federal amendment. While that
is conceded, suffrage leaders in this
state declared they were not going
to take any chances, but would pro
ceed immediately to organize and pave
the way for ratification by a unani
mous vote of the solons.
Borah Fight Recalled.
For a time women of the state were
divided over the suffrage issue be
cause of the methods pursued by the
two different factions, one of which
was militant and the other opposed to
any act bearing upon radical action.
Tiie militants last fall sought to de
feat Senator Borah at the general elec
tion. The women of the state were
divided over the attacks made on him.
Senator Borah to the last refused to
recede from his stand. He voted
against the amendment resolution on
final passage. Senator Nugent, demo
crat, also from this state, voted for
the resolution. He was pledged from
the f irst to its support and passage.
Both ot Idaho's representatives. Burton
l. fTencn ana Addison T. Smith, sup
ported the amendment in the house.
PaKMsf Pleases Leaders.
'We are glad that the Susan ' B.
Anthony amendment has been passed
by congress and have no criticism to
offer," said one of the leading suffrage
leaders of the state when discussing
the success of the amendment. "Sena
tor Borah was quite within his rights
to refuse to be moved from his posi
tion on the state rights issue, and I
am more inclined to admire him for
tne stand he maintained against the
pressure brought against him than I
am to criticise him for not supporting
the amendment. We have been sue
cessful before congress and will be just
as successful in getting two-thirds of
the states to ratify the amendment
through legislative enactment."
Politically speaking, the action of
congress removes forever from mooted
issues in this state the suffrage ques
tion. For years prohibition played a
greater part in politics than did suf
frage. Prohibition la Liked.
The fact that the nation is slated
soon to go dry is not worrying the
people of Idaho, either. The saloon
will never again be permitted to op
erate in this state, the women declare.
The most radical "wets," the most bit
ter opponents of local option and state
wide prohibition are today in Idaho
its most ardent champions. Even the
bootlegger is finding It so dangerous
to continue in the illicit traffic that
he is departing for other fields. The
present prosperity of the state, even
political leaders will admit, is due
largely to the enactment of prohibi
tion legislation. The activity of fed
eral officials, coupled with the putting
into effect of the law enforcement de
partment of the new state govern
ment, has made the moonshine bust
ness deeidedly dangerous. Most of the
liquor "leaks" into Idaho are along
the Idaho-Nevada boundary, but these
will be plugged through the recent ac
tion of '.he supreme court of that state
in holding constitutional the prohibi
tion law which the electors of Nevada
have ratified.
Idaho party leaders, and particularly
women, who have been conspicuously
active in both the suffrage and prohi
bition fights, view with a degree of
satisfaction the effective disposal of
the suffrage and liquor questions. In
the directing of party affairs in the
future they are confident that neither
issue will cut much figure in the cam
Ode to the Last Day of School." by
Edwin Thomas Owens, grammar school
graduate 1919. At the graduation ex
ercises of the High school diplomas
were presented by W. A. Johnson,
chairman of the directors, to Wayne
M. Parpala and P. Waldemar Carlson,
and to liss 11a Anna Johnson A local
chorua ot 42 voices directed by A. M.
Willis, principal, made its first public
appearance. A reception In honor or
the graduates was held.
Certificates of award have been Is
sued for essays In the "Earning and
Giving" contest by the state superin
tendent to ten pupils of Nasel s seventh
and eighth grades, Mrs. A. M. Willis,
teacher: to one in the ninth and tenth
grades and to four of the eleventh and
twelfth grades, Miss Oma B. Scott,
teacher. Two of Nasel's pupils were
listed among the best in the state.
Former Liberty Loan Speakers to Be
Enlisted In Effort to Get $2,500,
0 00 Fund Secured.
, Members of the 47 parent-teacher as
sociations of the city will be mobilized
this week for an active campaign to
be waged in the interests of the $2,-
HlillK AM) l- VALLIiY
Mrs. Minnie Bailey Morrison.
Oregon lost another pioneer
resident Friday when Mrs. Nan
nie Bailey Morrison died at the
family residence, 318 East Sixth
street North, at the age of 71.
Before coming to Portland to re
side Mrs. Morrison had lived sev
eral years in Albany and Forest
Grove, after a visit to her old
home in Baileyvllle, Pa., in "!6.
Besides her husband, three sons
and four daughters, she ia sur
vived by eight brothers and sis
ters. 6She was the mother of ten
children, three of whom are dead.
She was a member of the West
minster Presbyterian church.
Footwear of White
Summer shoes that fit like kid; lasted by skilled shoe
makers'. Rosenthal white footwear is footwear of quality!
It wears, and looks well in, the wearing.
Women's White Canvas Oxfords,
Smart style; welt soles
$70 and U p wards.
Women's White Nu-Buck Shoes, $10.
In lace, with Cuban heels. All widths and sizes.
Women's White Nilecloth and Washable
Kid Pumps and Oxfords.
Laird, Schober & Co.'s make; very smart; French heels.
Out-of-town visitors: Welcome to Rosenthal's,
Portland's best shoe store.
129 Tenth Street, Bet. Washington and Alder "
500.000 bond issue which will be voted
upon June 21, to make possible a build
ing programme for the Portland public
This was the decision reached yes
terday, following; a meeting of Mrs.
William Akers. president of the Cen
tral Parent-Teacher association, and
four executives. An executive meet
ing of tho central council will be held
tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock in the
central library, at which it is expected
that'representatives of each of the 47
city associations will pledge support
to the measure.
Following' the executive meeting of
the central association, members will
attend the meeting scheduled for 4
o'clock at the school directors rooms
on the third floor of the courthouse.
This meeting has been called to enlist
the aid of men and women who will
speak before every public meetine held
in the city tomorrow eveninsr and June
El in the interests of the bond issue.
Letters were mailed yesterday by
Mark Woodruff, manager of the school
campaign, to 285 of the speakers who
appeared before Portland audiences for
the liberty loan drives. It is expected
that i larce number of these men and
women will be in attendance at the
meeting in the courthouse tomorrow
Julius J. Berg, General, Announces
Staff of Workers Portland to
Raise $135,000.
By enllstinr the most active wrkers
in Multnomah county, the leaders in
Portland Elks lodge, 142, expect te go
over the top in the drive or the Salva
tion Army Homeservlce, June 23 to SO,
before the campaign is fairly under
Julius J. Berg, exalted ruler of 142,
has been chosen as the general of the
drive, and Henry E. Reed will be lieutenant-general.
General Berg announc
ed his staff yesterday.
Colonel W. F. McKinney will have
charge of the industrial section wiUi
Harry Anderson, president e the Fed
erated Trades council, as lieutenant-
colonel. Fred W. Wagner will be colo
nel of the east side workers, with J. C.
Mauck as lieutenant-colonel.
A. R. McKinley was selected as colo
nel in the west sic"e and he selected
without delay, Ray C. Winter as his
Mrs. E. J. Eivers will be colonel of
the United War auxiliaries and. under
her command, will be some cf the most
active women workers in the city. Mrs
Eivers Is the wife of Captain Eivers
who received the help of Salvation
Army workers In the front line trenches
in France.
The flying squadron will olar a sretli.
Inent part in the campaign. W. R. Mc-
JJonald, past exalted ruler, is colonel.
He has selected for his workers. A. L
Fraley. Ira K. Powers, F. E. Taylor.
Ferry Smith. H. E. Witham. W. F.
Woodward, Ray Barkhurst. A. H. John
son. R. W. Petersen, 8. C. Pier. Joe For-
restel. J. IX Nellan. Charles Rudeen. P.
J. Lonergan, H. O. Allen, Dr. T. L. Per
kins, George O. Brandenburar. K. V.
Lively, F. A. Kribs, Charles E. Gray, W.
A. Adams. J. O. Hoyt. C. F. Bert. Phil
Metschan. Jr., R. W. Stewart. W. B.
Honeyman, Prake O'Reilly, Dan Kella,
her and K. K. Kubll.
It is up to Portland to raise $155,000
ror the drive. The state will raise an
other Jl 25,000. making a total of 1250.-
000 with which the Salvation Army will
conauoi tne maternity and rescue
homes, hotels for the poor and a gen
eral campaign to relieve the needy for
one year.
Shortage of Pickers Before Wednes
day Forecast at Hood River.
HOOD RIVER, Or.. June 7 (See.
clal.) While berry pickers are here In
sufficient numbers at present, C. B.
Green, in charge of the free federal em
ployment bureau, says that warm
weather will cause a shortage before
Seventeen carloads of strawberries
have been shipped by the spple grow-
i ify ."yiL
: ntnmminitmntniinimiiaiitniHnri
Joy makes suits to your order on easy
payments. Measuring, cutting, design
ing, tailoring all under one roof, bee
Joy for service. H. E. Joy, Unique Tail
oring Co., 104 Fourth, bet. Washington
and Stark. Adv.
Portland Residents to Hear C. V.
Vickrey and Dr. Lincoln Wirt In
Municipal Auditorium June 17.
A trip over Palestine and the city of
Jerusalem will be taken Tuesday, June
17, by all who attend the mass meet
ing at the municipal auditorium, where
motion pictures of a 'J00-mile airplane
journey above the Holy Land will be
The films were made just recently
and will be brought to Portland by C.
V. Vickrey and Dr. Lincoln Wirt, who
will lecture in the auditorium under
the auspices of the American com
mittee for Armenian and Syrian relief.
No admission will be charged.
A section of the house will be re
served for children and young people
who will sing in the big chorus. Com
munity singing will open the pro
lr. Wirt, who has been in the Holy
Land, Armenia and Syria, will tell of
conditions. The meeting will begin at
S o clock.
State Superintendent Issues Cert if i
cates of Awards for Essays.
NASEL. Pacific County. Wash., June
T. (Special.) The nine and one-half
month term of Nasel schools ended
June 2. The grammar school pro
gramme feature was an oricrinal poem.
Standard Oil Builds Road.
ABERDEEN, Wash., June 7. (Spe
cial.) The Standard Oil company will
complete the road to Its first drilling
site near Moclips next week. Five
buildings will be erected, an office and
cook and bunk houses. Drilling ma
chinery is expected, within the next
Read The Oregonian classified ads.
Make Your Motor
At last a successful warranted
electric motor.
See Piano Dept., Third Floor
Eilers Music Bldg.
Entrance 287 Washington St.,
Below Fifth St-
Victor Records
Wrist Watches
-more popular than ever
YES, some" folks thought Wrist Watches were a
fad that they would not last long. But they are
here to stay, nevertheless. When you see how
handy they are, youH want one.
At this store you will find just the kind of wrist
watch you always wanted, that is, if you want a
good reliable timer.
In Gold Filled Cases ......
In Solid Gold Cases.. t
In Diamond Stnded Cases,
.$ 18 to $ 40
.$ 30 to $155
.$100 to $650'
Credit Accommodations
Without Extra Charge
19S40 I'm Forever Blowing Bub
bles Peerless Quartet.
1S540 By the Campflre Hart-Shaw.
18545 That Tumble-Down Shack in
Athlone Sterling Trio.
1S543 Smile and the World Smiles
With Tou Lewis James and
Peerless Quartet.
18543 Canary Medley Fox-Trot
Smith's Orchestra.
16543 Royal Vagabond M e d 1 a y
Fox-Trot Smith's Orchestra.
1S54S Sweet Siamese Foot-Trot
Krantzen s bociety orchestra.
1S54S He's Had No l-iovin' Medley
One-Step Frantzen's Society
1S547 Just Blue Fox - Trot All
Star Trio.
1S54T You'll Find Old Dixieland in
France Fox-Trot I'ietro.
64730 Dream of Youth Violin
Fritz Kreisler.
64S09 Little Old Log Cabin In. the
Lane Alma Oluck.
Hovenden Piano Co.
146 Park St.,
Bet. Alder and Morrlnoe.
Larsrest Diamond Dealer In Oregon,
3:4 Washington St., Opp. Owl
l)ni(f Co.
First Impressions Count
A traveler's luggage, its quality, its appearance tell a story without
words of the owner.
Buy your Trunk, 'Handbag, Suitcase, Grip, Roll-up, Dressing Case,
with an American maker's name famed for every good and needed
We've sold "Liklys" for years; every piece is RIGHT, made of the best
material by skilled American craftsmen; artists 'aye in their trade
here's just one of the many offerings worthy your attention yes
your purse. T
or gentleman. . lead the description.
Mighty few for the money these days.
"f ' ' J - ' A price Special ....
y $13.75 I
Large pattern five-piece extended
construction heavy steel leather
covered frame leather -covered
inlays, special brass-plated trim
mings lift catches English con
cealed lock leather-covered "LIK
LY" steel form handle large cor
ners sewed on flat-side method
throughout. Good leather lining
with one long and two short
pockets. Outside leather is good
quality brown smooth-grain cowhide.
ers' association in straight carlots. and
other shippers routed three. The ex
press shipments will bring the total
onnage to 25 cars, about 25 per cent
ot the season's yield.
Hoqulam Man Gets Passports.
fiiton. June 7. Mr. and Mrs. Eli T.
Kthler of Hoqulam. Wash-, have been
granted passports to to England
after many difficulties in satisfying
the rigid requirements of the stats department.
Stores to Close Thursday 'While
Residents Motor to Portland.
HOOD RIVER. Or June 7. (Spe
cial.) Next Thursday will be Hood
River day at the Portland Rose Fes
tival. All stores of the city will be
closed for the day, and bright anbV
early Thursday morning, according ta
estimates, more than 500 local people
will motor to Portland over the Column
bia River highway.
The city's activity for the day will
be lijnited to strawberry harvest anJ
shipments. Many o the Indian berry
pickers, owners of motor cars, however,
will join the Portland-bound tutomo.
bile parties.
East Eighth and Clay Sts.
Does Four Kinds of Laundry
No. 1 High-gTade, hand-finished work.
No. 2 Rough dry at 7c per lb. All flat pieces nicely ironed
and all starch pieces starched ready to iron.
No. 3 Economy family wash at 5c per lb. All flat pieces
ironed and wearing apparel dried in vacuum dryers.
No starch.
No. 4 Wet wash. 15 lbs. for 65c Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday. 15 lbs. for 60c Thursday, Friday and
Saturday. 23 .drivers waiting for your phone call.
' East 454 B 2S22
Every Kian in Portland who is particular about his collars
should try our new collar work.
Vf 111 I U I III I III UII III I I1 I IIIWIUP""'"" MmKi,!.JK.i'!XB59P
mi m s - i .. i . . . . . - . . . - . -
Vfc "X. V; . - - - . , ' tf '
j - ':: ':"' Taken From the Famous Book byjj jjj
I .--.3 V - " ''&-sfPM-farL2.' " " " tt I
j jj " ZZ?J?m'"''' j - , " I PI j
I h'--? Featuring :: l. y ; V j
1 U 1 The dramatic force of Kath- . ' ' V ' .
1 if y leen Norris famous novel has i --' jVi's ' ' '
1 A- been splendidly conveyed to r " t T '
ffl s the screen by Miss Barriscale ' I V- 8 Hill!
B : J and her supporting cast. The fT ..l I
9 6tory is itself an absorbing I -'VN I
H 4 . ' drama of domestic difficulties , ' 1a" t (f..S - B II j
H X. ."i with a frivolous stepmother, j "J- ' - . - i B
9 : ',' an aged father, an artist y , ; - I 2)'tvVi I
.! :.i 1 son and his adorable wife : 1 j . .. S
' and little son the center of J- J
1 ': aT unusual love quadrangle . Ji .? t Tiv ' J I I I
1 ' t '.;MM14.V4MJ'.-'J " " ' :-: i-ri- ... . ... A
ill lifE! ffnu "vM' w i