The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 08, 1919, Section One, Image 1

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    Section One
Pages 1 to 24
96 Pages
Six Sections
VVVVIir vn 7J Entered at Portland 0 re iron)
, V -V A V 111 Iostofflre as S?cond-ClHF Matter.
- .- s ' ' ' " ' - ' - 1 -'
Victory Rose Festival and
Ad Men's Meet Unite.
Only Serious Problem Left Is
Caring for Visitors.
Mollicr Portland. Has Everything
ill Readiness for Company; Mu
sic to Signal Morn.
7 A. M. Sons reveille, followed
by community sins. Laurelhurst
park, 9:30 A. M. Reception and
chowder luncheon on arrival .of
Spokane ad men at Automobile
club. Ad men's meeting opens at
municipal auditorium. Illumina
tion of streets.
Aeroplane flight starts from
F.akersfield, Cal.. to Portland.
Lane o' Laughter opens in south
park blocks. General session dd
men's convention.
Air squadrons arrive Eastmore
land muicipal golf course. Orien
tal gardens In north park blocks
open. Annual banquet and grand
ball of ad men.
Victory Rose Festival officially
opens. Goddess of victory arrives
on cruiser Minneapolis. Victory
industrial parade.
Ship launching Albina Engine
works. Military and naval pa
rade. Devil Dogs' ball, Multnomah
Eleventh annual floral parade.
Royal Rosarian ball. Cotillion
"Listen, children; were going to
have coinp'ny."
Mother Portland, following a week of
preparation for the big. event, stood her
youngsters in a row last night and
save them final instructions. She had
mowed the front lawn, washed all the
windows, cleaned the lamp chimneys,
placed a fresh bouquet of roses on the
mantel, swept and dusted until her
own complexion was as radiant as the
pctaled blossoms that made her famous,
"Yes," she admonished the row of
listeners, "we're going to bave com
pany, and I'm expecting them at any
time. I want you to be nice to them,
for they have not seen "us for two
years. I want you to remember and
not ask for a second piece of cake
when you see the supply is getting
low; and if you havo to wait and eat at
the second table, just smile and look
Ilka you enjoy it. I have fixed up
extra beds in the garret for you, and I
don't want to hear any whimpering
about the darkness or the bumpy mat
tresses. Smile again, just like you al
ways had been accustomed to it, and
make them feel that they are not in
conveniencing us.
"Some of those nice ad men are
going to be at our house, and they
will be sure to be particular about
everything. So I want you to wear your
Concluded on I'age IS, Column 1.)
Mining Men, Arrive at N'ogales and
Report Crimes Texas Governor
Wants Larger Border Patrol.
NOG ALES. Ariz.. June 7. At least
two Americans and Mexicans have been
killed by Yaquis and bandits In the
La Colorado district of Sonora, Mexico,
during the last two weeks, according
to the statement of nine American
mining men who arrived from that
neighborhood tonight.
The party of Americans, whose homes
are in Arizona. Colorado and California,
have sent a statement on conditions in
that district to the state department
at Washington, with copies to Senators
C. S. Thomas, of Colorado; Hiram John
son, of California, and Marcus Smith
and Henry F. Ashurst, of Arizona.
WASHINGTON, June 7. Declaring
that the Mexican situation is so crit
ical that a larger' force of troops on the
border is necessary to protect lives and
property of citizens. Governor Hobby
of Texas has requested Secretary Ba
ker to call into the federal service the
first and second brigades of Texas
cavalry and to mobilize them at a con
venient point.
The war department immediately
telegraphed - Che commanding general
of the .southern depratment, who has
charge of the border guard, asking his
views on the request and for any in
formation bearing upon the situation
described by Governor Hobby.
Confidential reports reaching the war
department within the last week re
garding the situation in northern Mex
ico contained no information, it was
said, that would lead army officers to
hold the opinion expressed by Gover
nor Hobby. The border guard at pres
ent exceeds 20,000 troops including cav
alry, infantry, field artillery, air squad
rons and engineer units, distributed
from Yuma, Ariz., to south of Laredo.
The latter is headquarters of the 4th
U. S. cavalry. Behind these is an even
larger force at the demobilization camps
or en route.
Major-General De Rosey Cabell, in
command of the Mexican border dis
trict, has standing orders to dispose of
the American troops as he thinks best
to protect lives and property.
General Candido Aguilar, governor of
the state of Vera Cruz, and son-in-law
of President Carranza, reached here
today from Mexico on a mission the
nature of which was not explained.
Astoria Veterans Objeet to Order
Recommended by IMsque.
ASTORIA, Or., June 7. (Special.)
The 1'nited War Veterans of this city
do not take kindly to the recommenda
tion made by Colonel Disque that dis
tinguished service medals be awarded
to certain officers of the spruce pro
duction division.
At a meeting last evening the vet
erans adopted a resolution condemning
the recommendation and saying the
value of these medals will be cheapened
if they are to be given to men who
"stayed at home to fill business posi
tions at high salaries."
Hale Makes 3S Knots on Trial Trip
in Eastern Waters.
BATH,, Maine, June 7. All speed rec
ords of the Rockland trial course have
been broken by the new torpedo boat
destroyer Hale, according: to an an
nouncement by officials of the Bath
Iron works today.
A mean speed of 37.63 knots was
made during .builders preliminary
trials, while the fastest mile, with
wind and tide favoring the ship, was
made at the rate of 38.38 knots an hour.
Traffic Comes to Standstill When
Employes Walk Out.
DETROIT, June 7. Street car serv
ice in Detroit came to a sudden halt at
10 o'clock tonight when motormen and
conductors of the Detroit United Rail
ways company struck to enforce their
demands for increased pay.
Three Weeks of Present
Session History.
Upper Chamber Torn Over In
ternational Questions.
Oriental Problems Rising and Seri
ous Complications Possible.
Important Probes Ordered.
ington, June 7. Congress ends its third
week with the house earnestly grind
ing out the much-needed legislation at
unprecedented speed, while the senate
is swept by a storm that looks more
threatening than the eventful days at
the capitol in April. 1917, when an extra
session was convened and almost unit
edly declared war on Germany.
The difference between then and now
is that the senate today is split over a
great International question, with one
side declaring war on the other. One
side is criticising the peace negotia
tions, hurling bricks at the league of
nations and for pastime "twisting the
lion's tail," while the other side, coun
tering with a fairly stiff defense, is
weakened by the disposition to concede
a pointor two on some most embar
rassing questions, such as the Irish
Senate's Irritation Grows.
This irritation on the part of the sen
ate is growing steadily worse, if that
be possible, because it has reached the
point where senators can quarrel with
each other while voting in harmony,
just as they did on the passage of the
demand that the American delegates
seek a hearing for the Iiish at the
peace conference.
The storm which broke first oer th
question of Monroe Doctrine recognition
in the treaty is leading: to no one knows
where. It was this question which made
it possible to inject the Irish resolution,
the league opponents taking the po
sition that the ' other nations at the
peace conference had tampered with
the affairs of the United States in re
lation to the Monroe Doctrine and that
therefore it was perfectly justifiable to
mix in England's Irish question. A dis
cussion of that point probably would
bring no common agreement, but there
is no gainsaying that these develop
ments have thrown uwn the bars to
interminable and serious international
complications which threaten to make
peace-time enemies of war-time friends, j
Oriental Problem Klnlnp.
It is almost certain now that within 1
the next two or three days a resolution
will be offered in the senate demanding
a hearing for Corea before the peace
conference, exactly as was asked for the
Irish. This means that the United
States will be placed in the same atti
tude toward Japan that this country
now occupies, in Uie eyes of Great Brit
ain by reason of the Irish resolution.
The Corean resolution, if the Corean
delegates have their way, will come
from Senator Johnson of California,
whose opposition to the league of na
tions has grown as violent as that of
Borah. The adoption of the resolution
is almost as sure as anything that could
happen; then, what next?
Shantung Question Next.
This brings up the question of
Shantung, with its further menace to
prompt ratification and Its trouble
making possibilities. It means, one
senator said today, that never will the
treaty be ratified by the senate with
out the reservation that this country
does not consent to stand behind Presi
dent Wilson in handing over 40,000,000
c i Concluded on Page 20, Column 1.)
Jaxlmum tetaperatare. 74
num. 4 ie reem.
. pen tie northwesterly winds,
lcd by Yaquis. Section 1.
degree 5"
pace 1.
Locr1s at Wlnnf pic hav charters forfeited
by union officials. Section 1, page
Cpypt Ian revolt almost forgotten In world
turmoil. Section 1, pace 4.
Hoi i wop convict self in war book. Section
1. page '2.
Some revision of German treaty reported
assured. Section 1, pace 3.
Rantzau tnfl prexldent of new republic con
fer. Section 1. pace 17.
Tclecraphors set nation-wide strike for
W odneiay. Section 1, pugs 1.
IIouhc grinds out legislation while senate
talk?. Section 1, pace 1. 1
President "Wilson believed to be Bending out .
feelers to American people before he re-
turns. taction 1, page 7. ,
Plot to bilk Undo Sam of million charged.
Section 1, page 1. i
Financiers and public may Join In plan to
restore economic normality. Section 1.
page :2.
"Portland in lft'JO' is ' slogan of Mystic
Shrincrs. Section 1, page 14.
Farifle Northwest.
Storr's offer to wed Ruth Garrison blocked
by Judge. Section 1, page 9.
Better rail rates for Portland asked. Section
2, page 6.
O. A. C. will honor 131 with diplomas. S-
tlon lt page
Suffrage victory ends fight in Idaho. Section
1, pago 10.
WaHhington state democratic officeholders
rest easier. Section 1, page 11.
K ports.
Pacific Coapt league results: Portland C,
Sacramento 3; Lob Angeles 4, San Fran
elsco 2: Vernon 7, Oakland 2; Salt Lake
6. Seattle 4. Section U. page 1.
Corn Tasel wins suburban classic. Section
. pago 1.
Curioutf fight fans fall to get glimpse of
WHIard and Dempwy In action. Section
page 3.
Michigan wins Western conference track
meet. Section II, page 2. .
Graduate Manager Walker to retire at Ore
gon. Section 2 page 1.
Everything act for golf championships.
Section 2, page 5.
"Bill" llayward, veteran trainer, takes
charge of Winged M athletics. Section
-. page 2.
Festival visitors to see many lines of sport.
Section 2, page 5. .
Three teams are tied for school honors.
Section 2, pace 4.
Dog owners prepare for victory trials. Sec
tion page 5.
Water regatta Wednesday event of promise.
Section 2. page 3.
Aggies to have strong team. Section 2,
page 4.
Commercial and Marine.
First of Portland European fleet expected to
sail from coast In July. Section 2, page
Flurry in hop market due to English buying.
Section 2, page 23.
Liquidation d? presses com futures at Chi
cago. Section 2, page 22.
Shippings lead sharp advance in Wall-street
market. Secion 2, page 23.
Captain accused of murder shown to have
had record on coast. Section 2. page 24.
Shipping Information furnished free by navy
department. Section 2. page G.
Portland and Vicinity.
Everything In readrnte8 for gala week with
Ad Men and Koi Festival. Section 1.
- page 1.
Wife sues huioand for damages but asks no
divorce. Section 1, page 1.
State highway today faces busy session.
Section 3, page 16.
Big Portland bank celebrates sixtieth anni
versary. Section 1, page 12.
Big supply of fish and game revealed at
hearing. Section 1, page 19.
Salary rise granted by Commissioner Mann
gives hope to all city employes. Section
1, page IK.
Northwestern Commercial Travelers
Conclude Session.
VICTORIA. B. C. June 7. Portland,
Or., was chosen for the 1920 meeting
of the Washington, Oregon and British
Columbia Council of the United Com
mercial Travelers . association, which
completed its 1919 session, here today.
The meeting will be held during the
week of the Rose Festival. General
officers were chosen as follows:
A. R. Macfarlane, Vancouver, past
counsellor; Percy Martin, Vancouver,
counsellor; V. E. Arlett, Portland,
junior counsellor; H. W. Thompson,
Tacoma, secretary; G. R. Kerr, Seattle,
treasurer; E. M. McConnan, Tacoma,
conductor; C. W. Moore. Spokane, page;
W. H. Rice, Seattle, sentinel.
Reports in Switzerland Say Recruit
ing Is Being Rushed.
BERNE, Switzerland, Friday. June 6.
(French wireless service.) Great ac
tivity is being displayed in (Germany
in recruiting men for the arn y and in
gathering ammunition, the Independent
Socialist Die Frciheit, of Berlin, says.
According to the socialist Abendl of
Vienna, German recruiting agents are
busily at work in Austria.
Huge Conspiracy Against
Government Alleged.
Rakeoff on $30,000,000 Sales
Declared Object.
Elimination of Bidders for Purchase
or Munitions Supplies Held to
Bo Scheme Adopted.
DETROIT, June 7 With the arrest
here today of four men. one of them
an array officer, department of justice
agents disclosed an alleged conspiracy
to defraud the government in the sale
of $30,000,000 worth of army supplies
to be salvaged here.
The United States grand Jury has re
turned indictments, it was announced,
against Captain Soterios Nicholson of
Washington, chief finarce officer of
the ordnance department for this dis
trict; an unnamed army officer recently
sent to France In connection with the
disposal of excess supplies; (5 rant Hugh
Browne, a millionaire sportsman and
racatrack owner of Detroit, and Fred
C. Collins, vice-consul for Greece and
president of a local realty company.
Arrests follow Investigation.
All but the officer in France, together
with Bert Harris, a junk dealer of New
York, are held at Fort Wayne, an army
post here, for trial. Harris, who, it is
alleged, was to dispose of the material,
will be arraigned before the grand jury
The arrests followed an Investigation
extending over two months and came,
department of justice officials said,
after the first deal in the alleged plot
was put through at Rochester, N. Y..
Thursday. The transaction, it is air
leged, involved 21,000 tons of materia)
valued at $300,000. According to Arthur
L. Barkey, chief of the bureau of In
vestigation here, Collins, Browne and
Harris are charged with conspiracy to
eliminate other bidders for the material,
the bids being held so low that the
highest of the three would be far below
the value of the supplies disposed of.
Prober. U.e Dictaphone.
By means of a dictaphone installed
in Captain Nicholson's room at a hotel
the federal officers declare, they fol
lowed the alleged conspiracy since its
inception early In April. The matter
was placed in their hands by another
officer of the ordnance department,
whose name they withheld.
WASHINGTON", June 7. Indictment
of army officers and business men at
Detroit was the first step by the de
partment of justice and army Intelli
gence service. It was said here today,
in a campaign against alleged authors
of fraudulent plots against the gov
ernment In connection with the sale of
munitions supplies.
Chicago, Pittsburg and Boston were
among the cities mentioned here as be
ing other centers of the investigation.
NEW YORK. June 7. Grant Hugh
Browne, who waa indicted in Detroit
today on a charge of conspiring to de
fraud the government, has been identi
fied with New York and London finan
cial affairs for many years.
He is president of Steel & Radiation,
Ltd., of Toronto, a director In the Page
Helser Iron Tube & Lead Company, of
Toronto, and president of the United
Cobalt Exploration company.
He formed a syndicate in London in
August, 1014, which purchased the Brit
ish steamer Viking to bring home
Americans stranded in Europe when
the war broke out.
Unique Suit Filed Againt William
B. W arson for Alleged Elope
ment With Wife's Sifter.
Marriage as a civil contract, in which
both parties agree to certain term?
the wife to perform household duties,
bear children, and love her spouse; the
hUSband tO Rlmimrt nnri Maintain 1.1,
family and also contribute love and af-
lecuon is the view taken by Mrs.
Erma V. Watson, who does not ask di
vorce. In a uninue euit filed in the cir
cuit court yesterdav. but demands
$2000 damages for breach of contract
for the alleged r!mvm.nt nr i tm.
band, William B. Watson, with her sis
ter. Arrest or the pair in San Fran
cisco Was rennvteH TTVih-,-.. wKa I. . - -
said they were accused of violating the
..i i u ii a 1 1.
Mrs. Watson's action was filed by At
torney Henry S. Westbrook and is the
first of its kind Multnomah county
courts have known.
The Watsons were married Septem
ber 28, 1909, or, to use the words of
the complaint filed by the wife, "for
lovo and affection and a lawful consid
eration entered Into the contract of
marriage." This was a civil contract,
recites the wife. In which Mrs. Watson
performed her part. She lived with her
husband and bore him two children.
Wilma Watson, aged 8, and Dorothy
Watson, aged 3, she avers.
The husband's duty was to support
and maintain his wife and children,
contends the wife. Instead of so doing.
Watson eloped with his wife's sister
on May 19, 1519. going to San Fran
cisco by automobile, charges Mrs. Wat
son He left a note saying that he was
going away, never to return, and that
there would be no satisfaction in look
ing for him.
Mrs. Watson declares that for this
breach of the marriace contract a rea
sonable sum should be awarded her for
future support and maintenance. She
reeks to attach property her husband
left behind. The complaint does not
mention divorce, only, demanding judg
ment for JL-Ooo, "and such other relief
as the court may deem proper."
American Citizens Were Damaged
$600,000,000 by U-ltoats.
WASHINGTON. June 7. Claims of
American citizens against Germany be
cause of submarine warfare and the
action of the German government
against American property in that
country, aggregate nearly $1,000,000,000,
congress was informed today ly Act
ing Secretary Polk.
The claims growing out of submarine
warfare alone aggregate $600,000,000,
Mr. Polk said.
Citizenship Withhold From Man Who
Flouted United States.
MARSHFIELD. Or.. June 7 (Spc
cial.) Herman Reichter, & German, for
many years resident of Coos county,
was denied naturalization papers by
Judge John S. Coke, when government
Justice . operatives presented evidence
that Reichter had advertised in an As
toria revolutionary paper, flouting the
United States.
Government Calls Halt on July 4
Plane Exhibitions.
WASHINGTON. June 7. Major-General
Menoher, director of the air serv
ice, announced today that requests
from over the country for aeronautical
exhibits on July 4 had so taxed the air
service that it would be impossible to
give consideration to new applications.
Nearly Normal Temperatures to Pre
vail In Paciric States.
WASHINGTON. June 7. Weather
predictions for the week beginning
Monday, June 9, issued by the weather
bureau today are:
Pacific states Generally fair, with
nearly normal temperature.
Union Strike Called for 8
A. M. Wednesday.
Orders Issued by International
Western Union, American Telegraph)
and Postal System Targets; De
cision Declared Final.
CHICAGO. Juno 7. A nation wide,
strike of telegraph and telephone opcr.
ators who are members- of the Com
mercial Telegraphers" Union of Ameri
ca was ordered today to take effect
next Wednesday morning at 8 A. M.
standard time. The order was issued
at general headquarters of the union
here on telegraphic Instructions from
S. J. Konenkamp, international presi
dent, who was in Pittsburg-on his way
to Chicago.
The strike order is declared effec
tive against the Western Union Tele
graph company, and American Tele
phone and Telegraph company, and the
Postal Telegraph and Cable company
with its associated institutions.
Decision Declared Final.
It was estimated at the headquar
ters here that the strike would affect
between 60.000 and 100.000 Individuals
of whom nearly 25,000 were said to be
members of the union.
Outside of the union ranks it was
said, many wire workers had pledged
themselves to support a strike.
The decision to call a nation-wide
strike was reached by President Konen
kamp after spending several days in
Washington where he had directed a
strike of union employes in ten south
eastern states. That strike followed
a strike of telephone workers iu At
lanta, where telephone employes were
said to have been discharged because
of union affiliations, although the
Southern Bell Telephone company de
nied that union membership had beeu
the basis of any discharges.
Konenkamp Inanea Orders.
A strike vote was taken recently
concurrently with the InternationaV
Electrical Workers union.
The strike order was as follows:
"All telegraph and telephone em
ployes: "A strike Is hereby declared to take
effect Wednesday, June 11. 1919, at 8
A- M., standard time, against the West
ern Union Telegraph company, the
American Telephone & Telegraph com
pany, the Postal Telegraph & Cable
company with its associated institu
tions including the Mackay and North
American companies and against tele
phone companies where our members
are employed.
"International President."
Canadians to Co-operate.
Accompanying the strike order were
lengthy instructions to members in
which members employed by concerns
not affected by the order were instruct
ed to aid in making the strike effective.
This, it was explained, meant that aucb
employes of other concerns would re
fuse to handle telegraph and telephone
messages classed as commercial busi
ness. Canadian members of the union, it
was said, would refuse to handle any
commercial business originating in the
United States or directed to any point
within this country.
Railway telegraphers also would re
fuse to handle commercial business, it
was declared, as a result of the passage
of a resolution at the recent conven
tion of the Order of Railway Teles -(Com-luded
on Fuse 6, Column 1.)