THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND. JUNE 1, 1919. 11 RIGID TEST SYSTEM FOB CADILLAC CARS Mechanism Must Be Perfect When It Leaves Factory. EVERY PART IS TRIED OUT lour Hard Trials Must Be Pa&iml Before Finished Car Is Sent . Out to Sealer. BT It M. COVEf. "President Covey Motor-Oar Company. From ore to automobile there are nnumerable thousands of tests which Co into the manufacture or a good motor car. 1'Or instance, there ari Tria trial tests of wo6d ancL metals. make) a fourth check on, tho -work which has gone before and there is considerable rivalry between them and the rough testers to catch any small defects which might have es caped the latter. . The dependable wearing qualities of Cadillac cars are in no email part due to the keenness of these inspectors in ferreting out the Insignificant errors in assembly which later would cause inconvenience and delay. If allowed to pass without rectification. CARE OF TRUCK IS IMPORTANT Mack Distributor Emphasizes Xeed of Protecting Investment. Whenever statistics that have to do with the cost of motor triMJc operation are compiled one of the most Import ant items that should receive consid eration, but which is absolutely in tangible, is the human element. More than any other single factor of import ance in computing costs, according to F. C. Atwell, of the International Mack corporation, distributors here for Mack trucks, is the attitude of the owner or driver toward the truck. Oiven a high-grade truck, one that Is built right in the first place, the de gree of satisfactory service received will depend almost wholly upon the at titude of the operator. If the truck is handled by a careless or indifferent operator, it makes no difference how llFiDUHiT ROAD BOOSTER COAST CHIEF FOR WHITE COM PANY TALKS. by What Can Be Done for State Roads Shown by Case of California, He Says. Officials of the White company have taken a leading part in the good-roads movement from the start of the auto mobile industry. One man who has been advocating good roads ever since he arrived in the west is G. A. t'rqu hart, coast manager of the White com pany, with headquarters in San. J'ran cisuo. Urquhart has been In the motor car and truck business for many years He started with the industry and has grown up with it. He was a good roads booster when the first cars were built and has been a tireless worker in this cause ever since. "I remember when the first automo biles came to the coast," says Mr. Ur quhart. "The roads then were the old- style county highways, roads in name only a good part of the year. In win ter they were full of mud and holes and travel was necessarily slow. Few CROW-ELKHART MAKES BOW TO PORTLAND. y- j , ; w v ap ' " X .jj rtV' lOU Will, SEE LOTS OK THESE CARS ON THE STREETS SOON. tavid A. Pepp of the Daniels sales agency has taken on this well-known line to handle in conjunction with the Daniel Kijrht and the Revere. The Crow Elkhart comes in four and six-eyiinder models, the four-cylinder having a Lycoming aim ine six a. nuieuour motor, ii s a cidfib-iuo&iuc uliio car. xu. iais niciure aiso is jack LuuuiDRaim, sa.ictiiiia.tL ior Sir. PeDD. fabrics and finishes, oils and com pounds, unere are manuiacturing tests, oi organizations ana metnoas. 01 ma- i cumins ana assemDiies. 01; new lueas ann principles. Kach reveals efficiency, or exposes the lack of it. Each adds an element ot certainty to tne periormance 01 me finished product. The only absolute guarantee, how ever, that tne iinisnea mecnanism win be as good as the elements which have gone inco it is ine test ot tne macnine itself. Cadillac final tests are. In part tests of Cadillac materials and manu facture: but above all. they are the prooi oi caaiiiac stanaaras 01 assem bly. Each Cadillac driving unit, engine, transmission and rear axle, before It becomes a part of the chassis, is given thorough test in the department wnere it is ount. -acn test is ae- eisrnea to give tne unit a gooa worn- out under every Kina ot operatins conditions. rjacn part is waicneu. ana particularly listened to. Testers Have Keen Ears. Every Cadillac eight-cylinder engine Is given a block test of several hours under various loads at various speeds. During this period it is under the watchful eye and ear of an expert tester, who has been raised mechani cally to the tune of an eight-cylinder motor, i ne sugntest trouoie wnicn may develop during this time is cause for turning it back to the motor assembly department. If no trouble develops during the block test, the oil pan is removed, all bearings are examined and adjusted, if necessary, and valves and seats are inspected and finally set. Kngine, transmission and axles are then assembled in the frame and the car started up under its own power. From the chassis assembly it goes to the dynamometer room. Here the rear wheels are jacked up and connected with silent chain to the dynamometer. The engine is again started and the testing goes on. The chassis is oper ated in high, medium and low gears, as well as reverse, at all speeds and under all loads. Here for the first time the car, as a complete driving mechanism, is under inspection. Cadillac testers receive a liberal education before they are set to judge the soundness of a new automobile. They are men who have graduated from many other departments. They have seen the car in all phases of manufacture. They have at their fin Kers' ends all the ailments which an automobile is heir to. They know what a good automobile should be. The slightest sound, which the owner or even the average garage mechanic, wouldn't even notice, means some thing definite to them. Kina! Test Hardest of All. When the car passes the dynamo meter test satisfactorily. It is put through a rough road test. It is the ambition of the rough tester to catch any mistake which may have previ ously been missed. Any trouble here, and the car is taken out of production and sent to the chassis repair shop. liYom the routrh road test the chas sis goes through the final painting and baking process, after which it is sent to the final assembly room for its body. Still one more test is made, the final test with the car completed as it stands ready to ship. Final testers good It may be, neglect of attention and I abuse will result in making the truck appear unsatisfactory. This state of affairs accounts for the wide range in the cost of operation reported by the 'owners for the same make and model of truck. "There are some operators who per sist in driving their truck at a higher speed than it should be driven for the rating of the truck and the load car ried," said Mr. Atwell. "Others neglect to give the proper attention to lubri cation, one of the most important in connection with truck operation. They fail to realize what this neglect means until a bearing is burned out. Then they look at the oil. Tires are a big item also and excessive - speed under load is ruinous to tires. "It Is a fact that on the whole own ers of high-grade trucks are most at tentive to them. Perhaps they realize more fully that they have a large sum of money Invested in a machine upon the care of which depends the returns they get. I believe that owners of Mack trucks rate especially high In this respect. It has been our aim to impress all Mack owners that the truck is an investment and should be treated with the same consideration any other object representing the same amount of money would be shown." . PUNT FOR SAXON BIG FACTORY COVERS 40 ACRES NEAR DETROIT. IBIIBlERDiaiaaiEDSIHV s EXPERTS 1 Z BUICK REPAIRS EXCLUSIVELY 32,000 sq. ft. floor space. J Live or dead storage. H Cheap rates. g PARTS SUPPLIES " PORTLAND BUICK n REPAIR CO. m N. W. Cor. Sixteenth and 2 , Jefferson St. War Delayed Occupancy by Company as Buildings Were tJsed for Military Warehouses. The huge concrete and steel plant built for the Saxon Motor Car corpora' tion, according to officials of the com pany, will soon be ready for occu pancy. Just as the plant was nearing com pletion the country was plunged into war. The government, looking about for warehouses big enough to house the trappings of a nation at war, took over the new Saxon plant for the dura tion of hostilities. It became a supply depot for a vast treasure in military stores. Aircraft engines, war trucks, officers cars filled the building and soldiers were on guard day and night. with the cuts in automobile manu facture dictated by the government, all plants found their facilities ample for building the passenger car schedules permitted by the government- Under normal circumstances the Saxon com pany would have suffered hardship In being unable to enjoy the increased manufacturing facilities afforded by its new plant. Hut the curtailment dic tated by Uncle Sam made possible the taking on of more war contracts. The Saxon company was awarded contracts for building the government standard one-ton truck known as style AA. The company is still engaged in turning out these trucks along with its regular passenger car manufacture. As the government Is able to divert its war materials into civilian uses, its great military warehouses will be emptied. The new Saxon plant" then will be available as the ultra-modern home of Saxon Six. It is located within five miles of the center of Detroit, on a 40-acre tract valued at $5000 an acre. The property fronts upon a terminal railroad, thu affording excellent shipping facilities. In March, 1897, in the New fork Journal, a writer described his firs motorcar ride as follows: "In search o a new sensation I went yesterday and rode in a horseless carriage. I dreamed once that I walked down Fifth avenu in my pajamas in the full tide of th afternoo-i promenade and almost die with shame before I awoke. Yesterday I had something of the same strange feeling as I sat there and folt mysel pushed forward into the very face o crrinning. staring and sometimej jeerir. New York." Portlr M?in 3419 n Under the auspices of the Dulutb (Minn.) automobile club, & move ha begun to test the city wheelage tax i the courts. The tax, which is held un just, in addition to the personal prop' erty tax on automobiles, is 50 cents per horse power for cars and $10 per ton cared to make any kind of a trip by road. "California has taken the lead in th construction of roads among the Pa cific coast states and in the entire ountry. Oregon and Washington are ow following suit. The possibilltie of road development In Oregon and Washington are wonderful. There is more scenery and better scenery than In California. There are high mountains. snow-capped the year round, and a undred and one other things to see. "The Columbia river highway in Ore gon is a wonderful bit of road work and shows conclnsively what could be one for the whole state. It is only a question of time now when there will be a nation-wide system of roads that will permit of all-year traffic. California is about -to vote an issue of $40,000,000 worth of road bonds to complete its highway system. Experts have figured that the tax rate will not be materially increased by the Issuance of these bonds. In a state-wide can vass made by one of the automobile clubs there was not & dissenting vote. 'The man with a truck is the surest booster in the whole wide world for good roads. With the growth of the truck Industry has come a huge de mand for more roads. Experts all over the country agree that good roads and increased production go hand in hand and in" communities where there are good roads the people are more pros perous. "A farmer equipped with good trucks and with good roads from his farm to town can deliver his produce to market at low expense and sell more than he can If located on poor roads and equipped only with horses. "The government showed the people of Oregon and Washington how to use trucks during the war in the spruce production division. Since the armistice was signed there has been an insistent r nr fujjuifir Turning Car. vriti tw9 Jr3r - - - - - - - - - nxliry ttts, 1785 yfiil "--ZIICZIIZ ZZ" ZZ Z ZZ.1ZZ 3tW - o. i. factory jSCtTX ------ f" r n n i Latest Improvements CUMBERSOME, unnecessary weight and parts are avoided by new im provements which make for lightness, ease of control and dependable strength. In the frame alone, one hundred parts have been eliminated. Our exclusive Moore Multiple Exhaust System gives greater power on a smaller consumption of iueL Let us show you the one-finger emergency brake, oilless bushings and non-metallic universal joints and other mechanical perfections. The combined skill of ten large fac tories specialrzirig in motor car parts is focused on making the Lexirtgton a betUr car for less money. BltUNN MOTOR CAR CO. Distributers In Our New Location 23-30 North Broadway Lexington MciYCcmpany.CuuuU3ileJL.U-&A m demand for more trucks and then more. The factories have been hard put to build them fast enough to supply north western buyers." KLNG RIDES OX XOBBY TREADS Norway's Ruler Uses United States Tire Equipment. When King Haakon of Norway goes forth to ride in his limousine these days he makes his journey on American tires. His car is equipped all round with the Nobby tread pattern of United States tires. Cord tires have not yet gained much of a foothold) in Scandinavian countries, as the cars there nearly all call for equipment of the old clincher type. American tires are In great favor and their popularity gives Indication of re- maining permanent. The allied nations put on so tight an embargo against rubber during the war that the Scandinavian countries suffered' a great tire shortage, their proximity to Germany making tire shipments to them inadvisable. A high wave of buying followed the lifting of the embargo. SGrvicG Station, eifre'More'Qian Accessories.' GordonTire Guarantee Please don't buy a Gordon Tire merely because you can't lose on it buy it because yon want to win sev eral thousand surplus miles, because that's what you actually will do. And Gordon Quality is INVARI ABLE. We want you to know from experience that one Gordon is as good as all other Gordon Tires. By registering your Gordon Tire when you buy it we keep a complete history of that tire from birth to old age. It's a method that takes the unpleasantness and unfairness out of tire buying. Buy just one Gordon and let your speedometer tell the story. Pacific Tire Co., 437 Stark St. Phone Broadway 1448 &leuw&Service at Your Serv ice Every Minute of the Day r SHOULDbe a considerable satisfaction to you to know that right here, within a stone's throw," is an authorized Stewart Service Station, giving "SAME-DAY" SERVICE in the sur rounding territory. You need never worry about being for long without the use of any of your Stewart Necessities. Oura is specialized Stewart service, rendered by a corps of factory-trained experts. And the minute you drive into our garage is whan this service begins. We carry a complete stock of Stewart parts for all products. You "re only sure of getting the genuine here. We also have on hand complete line of the famous Stewart Custombilt Necessities. InTestigmte them. Stewart Products Service Station 333 Ankeny St., Portland , Phone Broadway. 5666 B ' Chevrolet Ue. rw f ggf ZslZr1' 45Q vjtjthnht. 6x $11.00 3j jllti r : if iji'.-ri.;,1! i,iTTTr V JHHHr,Arnii.i'.I..L1 rrrr-.-r-.-n i . i 1 1 li . l.Tmrtii j. ir.mim f W r... rmrt- lor trucks.