7 E business section," said Mr. Hutchins, "and make it a place of real conveni ence, and it will be one of the greatest publicity assets you will ever have. We have equipped our "park with tables, chairs and three cooking units. We have just built a rest house, of bun galow type. It has been comfortably furnished by donations from public spirited citizens. "We have provided a registration booth, asking visitors to designate both their home addresses and their destination- It is interesting to read the expressions of appreciation jotted down by those who have partaken of our hospitality. "The park is a profitable investment on the part of storekeepers. All com ers make purchases that they would not have stopped for if we had no park." INSPECTORS WITCH If. GOODYEAR PLANT IN FOUR HOURS FLAT AF1PER J. fie dClSSOrS leSt lam Stretch to 9 in. orthre times its original length. Cat on the edge with the scissors. The cut should not b mors than 's in. across the aampl. If the atrip tears apart th rubber i inferior. Hudson Super-Six Does Fast 1200 Men Devote Whole Time to Inspecting Tires. Time Over Lower Highway. DAVID KILTON AT WHEEL SLIGHTEST DEFECT NOTED, HIGHWAY EOCTE IS CHANGED THE SUNDAY tREGONIAX. PORTLAND. JUNE 1, 1919. SON Road Found Very Good, With Two Exceptions, One Xear Astoria, for Whole 10 7 Miles. Four hours flat was the time made ast week by ravid Kilton. salesman for the C. L- Boss Automobile company driving a Hudson super-six from Portland to Astoria by way of the lower Columbia river highway. . He l-ft Portland at 4:15 Wednesday Viewers Make Recommendations on McKenzie Road. EUGENE, Or., May 31. (Special.) If the report of the special viewers appointed by the county court a few days ago to determine the location of a road to replace the bad road over Cogswell hill on the McKenzie high way is accepted, the new road will not follow the bottom lands at the foot of the hills as long planned but will be built on the side hill a few yards below the old one. The report of the Every Process of Manufacture of Tires Carerully Crecked Up. m at Bis Factory. Now that good standard automobile tires have reached a degree of perfec tion permitting motorists to operate their cars with no more anxiety about their tires than about any other part of their machines, it is interesting to note just what part is played in tire BETHLEHEM TRUCK WITH ALL-PNEUMATIC TIRE EQUIPMENT. - rmt BaM LJT . .. . . 5z7 or Or 6 Yr . Marvelous in Performance Beautiful in Design and Finish Entirely Complete in Equipment Fike-Horn Motor Co. 60 Broadway Phone Bdwy. 1490 MILLER CORD TIRES OX THIS 1-TON POWER WAGON. Pneumatic tires have increased truck efficiency so greatly that more and more owners are Insisting on them. This 1-ton Bethlehem truck, sold by the Northwest Auto company to a purchaser in Yakima, Wash., is a repeat order, the first one having been sold there a few weeks ago. This truck has 35x5 Miller truck cord tires in front and 36x6 in the rear. Clyde L. Jones is at the wheel and Ed Howe, truck salesman, is beside him. Charles Youngr, advertising manager lor the xvortnwest Auto company, is tne tmra man in me picture. t and arrived in Astoria at' 8:15. Not only that, but the car was stopped a couple of times to adjust a vaive and to fill up with gasoline. As hVz to S hours is considered good time for this run, it will be seen that Kiiton hummed right along every mo ment of the trip. A. F. Wirkkala. who lives at Nasel, Wash., across the bay from Astoria, accompanied Mr. Kilton to take delivery of the car at Astoria. The speedometer registered exactly 107 miles on arrival at Astoria, so the peed averaged a little better than 25 miles an hour. Klilton maintains that the trip can be made in ZVx hours with a super-cix and that he will post a bet that he can make it in that time, provided speed cops along the route will look the other way when he passes. When the pavement is completed along the stretch between St. Helens and Goble, even this time may be mate rially cut down. Road gangs are now laying crushed rock along a stretch of approximately eix miles this side of Astoria and when these two etretches. now rough and choppy, are finished, it will be just a nice morning's drive from Portland to Astoria and Seaside. The remainder of the distance to As toria is in first-class condition, Mr. Wilton reports, and is much, better than the inland route. PARK FOR ALTO CAM PUIS White Salmon's Experience Cited for Hood River. HOOD RIVER, Or, May 31. (Spe cial.) C. C Hutchins, secretary of the White Salmon Commercial club and one of those Instrumental in obtain ing a well-equipped automobile park there, while here this week strongly advised Hood River citizens to hasten to establish a convenient camping park for motorists. "Place your park well in toward your viewers, Frank L. Armstrong and Cal M. Young, was filed with the county court yesterday and action will be taken within a few days. These viewers also recommejid that the road in ap proaching the Cogswell hill be changed so that a sharp curve may be avoided and so that it will pass through the old Cogswell ranch westerly to a .point half a mile from the hill. WOBBLY WHEELS HURT TIRES Loose Lugs on Rims Often Cause of Rocking Motion. Lack of attention to the way the rear wheels are running is a source of sub sequent financial loss to automobilists. It seems that nowadays there are more cars with wobbly rear wheels than ever before. This may be because the de mountable rim lugs are not fully cinched up so that the wheels run even ly. It all makes for wear on tires and shortens their life. From the back it gives the car, as it moves away, a sort of pacing gait. The front wheels are running in one line and the rear wheels are running in another. This racking motion jars the daylights out of the passengers. SEW YORK AFllvK HEADLIGHTS Laws Against Glare to Be Enforced Strictly in That State. There will be strict enforcement of the no-glare headlight law in New York state this year. State troopers have re ceived orders to patrol the highways at night to enforce headlight laws, while in the cities police officers will attend to the enforcement. Lists containing the names of 51 lenses and devices ap proved by the state bureau have been sent to police chiefs, justices of the peace and other officials in the state. These show just what lenses are legal and give angles at which lights must be tilted wb,en this is necessary. NO. 9 CAN YOU IDENTIFY THIS CAR? jx- v , . - ta j- rr t- ' t , - r. t building by the rigid inspection-systems of big tire manufacturing com panies. One of the advantages that the big manufacturer has over the small one is the greater thoroughness with which he can afford to inspect his product in its different stages of manufacture. In the larger factories, where thou sands of tires are built daily, the work of an inspector covers but one single operation of the many involved in tire building. Just how extensive an Inspection de partment one of the great tire manu facturing companies maintains, to in sure uniform quality In its product and universal satisfaction among its cus tomers, is indicated in the statement of afactory executive of the Goodyear Tire & Rubber company. Akron. O., that more than 1200 men are employed in the Goodyear plant, simply to inspect product and see that in every depart ment, as tire construction advances from one operation to another, none but perfect materials and workmanship en ter into its makeup. Inspectors F.Trn at Plantations. "This rigid system of inspection really begins long before the materials arrive at our factory," he says. "We have our men in the remote corners of the world, who buy up what rubber we do not raise on our Far Eastern plantations, and who insist that only the best grades of rubber be shipped overseas to our factory. And in the manufacture of our tire fabric in our own mills, from cotton which we raise on our big plantations in Arizona, we insist that our inspectors reject every piece of cloth that is not absolute! perfect- 'Our fabric-making machinery is so delicately arranged that even In the seemingly unimportant operation of rolling twisted strands of cotton on big spools, the breaking of a single thread automatically stops the machinery, per mitting the operator to detect the dif ficulty at once. "The different stages of preparation through which tire-building materials pass are all thoroughly watched. The washing of the rubber, the mixing of the chemical ingredients that must become a part of the rubber compound to insure perfect vulcanization, the working up' of the rubber slock, the frictioning of the tire frabic, the con struction of the bead all these are mercilessly inspected to insure the en trance of none but perfect materials. "Then as the tire is built up by the tire builder, either by machine or by hand, the inspector is standing by to see that each successive operation is perfectly accomplished. Even after the IT OUGHT TO BE EASY, FOR IT HAS SOME IDESTTIFICATIOST MARKS ALL ITS OWN. Have you been trying your skill at Identifying the rear-end pictures of cars run in The Oregonian's automobile section? It's good practice and may come In handy some time when -you want to know Just what car is ahead of you. Next time you take a trip, see how many of the cars you can identify from the rear. Members of the police traffic squads in many big cities are required to be able to name car instantly from just one glimpse, front, side or rear. The nas ho wn lASMaviday wa a. Studebaker Light SU, . tires are taken steaming hot, from the big vulcanizing vats, the wrappings are removed and the tires rigidly ex amined for any imperfections which may have developed through vul canization. Last Inspection Merciless. "And in this last inspection our men are merciless. Somtimes a tire comes up for its last Inspection with but a slight imperfecction usually In ap pearance only intensified by vulcani sation. The chances are 99 to one that it will run its full mileage with proper care. No one -will ever know. But we insist that it be rejected. "By the system of rigid inspection we insure the perpetuation of that uni form quality for which Goodyear tires have become known the world over. These 1200 inspectors who stand be tween our tire builders and the great tire-using public perform a service that is immeasurably beneficial to both', for they help the tire maker to maintain a high standard of efficiency and in sure for the car owner the best tire that perfect materials and skilled workmanship can put together." MANY STEWART PRODUCTS SPEEDOMETER NOT ONLY OXE BY AXY MEANS. Strtt.d. m la th Cir, food tnbM do aot rip wha aat. Thmr cat not do aot rip. Malt yoar dal or prova that the tubo hsM.Uwil) ataadtb Nor walk taU POHTUND TO GET BRANCH KELLY-SPRINGFIELD FACTORY TO PLACE STORE HERE. J. IT. Alrtscough of Kelly Tire Sales Company, Howewr, Will Con tinue to Handle Local Sales. The Kelly-Springfield tire company will soon establish a factory distribut ing branch ln Portland. This an nouncement was made here last week by F. H. Hearsch of San Francisco. Pa cific coast manager, and H. M. Gagne of Seattle, northwest manager for the Kelly-Springfield. The new branch is to be established as soon as a suitable location can be obtained. However, this branch, it also is an nounced, will not affect the retail busi ness in Kelly-Sprinf fields being han dled by the Kelly Tire Sales company, of which J. H. Alnscough is manager. Mr. Ainscough will continue to handle Kelly-Springfield cords and fabrics and Kelly-Springfield truck solid tires, ln eluding the famous new caterpillar tread, as at present. His sales have been mounting stead Ily since he took the local agency, and for the present month so far have been pretty nearly twice the amount for the same period In any previous month. A hill was Introduced in the Massa rhu setts legislature early in the year 1900 to require all motor vehicles op erated in the city of Boston to carry fenders. w'- 3a v 1 .OABrllBL, UUDBEPv owre f 1 RrsovNS I i ntiaaia I i I For Sale and Installed by Sunset EUectric Co. Antomobfia Electric Equipment Agents Representing USL Batteries ELECTRIC AUTO LITE CORPORATION REM Y ELECTRIC CO. "SPLTTDORF ELECTRIC CO. ATWATER-KENT MFG. CO. GABRIEL SNTJBBERS BLTUR MOTOR APPLIANCES WALTHAM SPEEDOMETERS SPARTAN HORNS .Eichlh and Davis Broadway 126 Vacuum System, Searchlights and Bumpers a Few Others of "Big Ten" Products. "It is a rather unusual thing to me,' says Thomas M. Hart, manager of the local Stewart Products Service station, "that the average person still thinks of our company only as the speedometer maker. "True, It was our first big product and Stewart speedometers are today the most universally used. "But. ln. addition to this, we are also ihe largest manufacturers of gasoline feeds. In fact, our Stewart vacuum system is the only really scientific feed system ever devised. "We are also the largest manufac turers of warning signals and search lights (generally known as spotlights). "In addition to this, we produce very large quantities of bumpers, called autoguards, and also spark plugs. "However, I guess we are up against the same proposition as Heins. The world knew him as the 'Pickle Maker' and was slow to think of him as any thing else, notwithstanding the fact that he later on made a wide variety of articles. So he inaugurated the '67 varieties.' "It was for this reason that we brought out the idea of the Stewart 'Big Ten," to impress motordom gen erally with the fact that, in addition to the Stewart speedometer, the Stew art factory makes nine other widely used products." Don't let oil, grease or gasoline re main on your tires. They all destroy rubber. Wash only with pure cold water and a little soap. Tlie Test iPTliat Tells Hoiv to Tell Rubber THE scissors test shows you plainly that Norwalk Tubes do not rip. The scissors snip is like the edge of a punc ture. Norwalk tubes do not rip in your hands, and they will not rip on the road. The scissors test means that you can demonstrate the superiority of Norwalk Tubes before you buy. It convinces you of the value of Nor walk floating stock Tubes.The tube will convince you that you need the Norwalk cord or fabric casing with the snow white sidewalls and the black tread. If your local dealer cannot supply you write to Autoparts Supply Co. Autoparts Supply Co. Portland, Oregon 812 E. Pike St, Seattle, Wash. Distributors NORWALK TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY ilakert of Ccuingt, Cord and Fabric; and of Tubes, Red and Cray, Norwalk, Connecticut "Floating stock is a definite standard of quality. It is rubber so f pure that it Boats. To the rubber industry it means what 24K gold means to the Jeweler. To you it means mileage. File sway e dated sample of Norwalk Tube and others and compare tbenm at the end oi a year. You are going to lean a lot more about Norwalk quality.- But don't wait. Start saving your mileage? money now. Ask as for a sample ol iorwslk Kubber. NOK WALK TUBES ana CASINGS I The Universal Car Out of the more than 3,000,000 Ford cars now in use, about sixty per cent have been sold to farmers. Probably no other one thing has brought to the farm so much of Out of the more than 3,000,000 Ford cars now in use, about sixty per cent have been sold to farmers. Probably no other one thing has brought to the farm so much of comfort and profit as has the Ford car. It has enlarged the social life,, doubled the facilities for marketing, brought the town next door to the farm, multiplied for the farmer the pleasures of living, and by the same token the Ford Touring Car has brought just as much pleasure to the residents of the towns and cities, because it is an every-day-in-the-year utility, answering the demand of quick transportation at low expense. A family car without an equal in low cost of operation and main tenance. We solicit your order for one. We have the full line of Ford cars. We carry the genuine Ford Parts, and assure you the best of mechanical service and the most reasonable prices. ' FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO. E. 13th and Hawthorne WM. lhtjghson CO. Broadway and Davis PALACE GARAGE CO. 12th at Stark ROBINSON-SMITH CO. 6th and Madison RUSHLIGHT & PENNEY ' E. 3d and Broadway TALBOT & CASEY E. Ankeny and Grand ,1