THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. PORTLAND. JUNK 1. 1919. 'It THAT NEW STRAW HAT IS AMONG BRIGGS' TOPICS FOR TODAY MOVIE OF,A.MiN AND AN EAPLV STJ?AW ftU'TeT ALL RlSHT im NEW ' STravj LOtprO I tlO TV Bit C CNVeVAMC$ CtwJjPicoouSweas (lHew) IWCBEA5ES silGt-Ur UMCOMFORTABue was woTtcs-D That MkxV STRAW MATS HAVE MADe ' TwtFlR APrEARn)ce - - SALUE3 FORTH MIHCS HE MIS OFFCC But coesMT see A 5IU&I.E 5TRJ MAT HQV4-- wevei eewT So Conscious, IKI. HIS UFS -reecS-- most AJ?Rve AT WONDEf? WHAT A -FATHER THlNK5,B0tr WHEN 0ME CrtiXlTJG ON H)S MUGHTEHJ Tvat chap to see MABEU , AGAiM. t PAIL To .See vahat shG see.S itj him Bit of sejse op mv seadiwS Gee WHIZ- HE'5 GETTirOG FAMtLlAU - i rJve. &tt get a Good jq,oimt at him. Nil CCS. LOOKIM6 NIy6 But probably poesN t I MEsSCr PtLT uuvweLCcMe no alc iy lire i sufpose i Mlf AS WELL GO To Bl- 1 D OFFER WIM A I WAS eJCOURAaiUi Hlvu rcu pReieivit To lie inoramt OF HIS PRcr-serJCe HP'S ILL. AT EAS6 t iOPPoSG, BPCAU-SI? I f-t HSRE -BUT I M MOT aOIMa To 6et out - ' I 'M Oor roto To GE&, je use Mr 5iT-r(j hRct- Thev Keep (,O0lIMi at rvie AijT I KMOW Tuft VWI3H I j? Beat it- oh uiCul ( tV4 TiRCD AwVWAV I've got a Right To 5it Heme, if- t want To t CAAJ TLU tSr The. wat Tuer act THeVyjtSrt I'D So Tb 'BED-' BuT a WONT Good toiHT. saw m i r MOVIE OF TWiarieN TRYIN&TOTHINKOFA PHONE MuH.PITR NUMBER S Oauli etowen FivC "51 - Seveu - TWO -III TSV T. I TH.MHf TkS - I GUESS THA-T. ,,.,..-, A(IrD 1 if II VV-1 J T- : , 1 1 I I CV 7 ) KLMe HARRY- I I I IX- FIVE- I I I V . , J If - MAT B& its I .5lCM TVJfll I ) T ;.-5ewey . 1 , -V -V was The I iet e see- FlNe-TWo-J I've ha- got a f wwl Lpe jTRr.Tiu, iuPPoe 1 ( iij-anL ' T, friend op r7i-2,, seweA 6tVEM - Six. f . r a Tkousa. VoU AID ps " S LKC T- 1 ) MAYBE IUU CcT THlS ; '- AINT IT A GRANQ AND GI-ORIOU fFELJSG? WHEfJ Y"tv HAUEU'T efN B0R4 MORE N A tee.H. OR SO AMD Yow Pa aaiO Voo VA HfieP PEiTeRlMCJ The CiFe CUT op reo 1 AMD TmCiO YeoR Pa JoonCeS Ydo UP AtJD COlAlJ OM S KkJEES GECAUSE ME .TmimlS You have Th Colic qi 5omETHMC " AnO too wamT To J o To 5Leep By T (jRftMMA eet$ PE.CKWS AT Too - An) AT LAST M CePAiQ Yoa jET OP A Towv. aioQ 'OU PAMTS ars -amD Just as'YowR folks SCl(E TO CALL. M A'flOC" SO TM6VH. SO AWAT AnUl LEAvS YOV AL0MS OH'H'H - Baby acm-t it a Grivrand Akin 7i'aP-R'Biou PEflim'? Chess. E. H- BRYANT, Editor. Contributions of gatuea, ealings, problem r 4tem8 nt interest, criticisms and club rotes polioucd. bond direct to Kaat O-'birty-fifLU Btret, rnOBLliM NO. .",04. Tiy "V. Tt. fuse U.tlton, Seattla. Wash. This will iipeal to every lover of the royal jjport for its cveral excellent tries, mystify in key and tl place valu of the pietcS. Wo doubt if any problem has any more cxptrlcnee litnd it and ii is tliis ex ponenre which qualities and guarantees the doctor's ability to servo you. Kuspectfully iiQUicavCd to fc t- Perncll and R. Grosi, BLACK NIN15 X'lKCKS. - I 0 M M, 1, '"Ji j. 'i rr r WH ITE NINE PIECES. White ti ulav and mate in Ihruo moves. "V 1 ) i t Kins on cRr, Queen on KKt, blshcj on Qo. knipht on KR5, pawui on KB6. KKt, OBI. QKtti. QIvt7. lilack kinff on vJK-I, rooks oil KR and KKt. bishop on iCQ, pawns ou iv-Kt:. Jvivi. u-. wku, tjKa. PROBLEM NO. 30.-. Bv r. K. Putm-v. Oorvallls. Or. This will go straight to the to I vers hea.rt because it is a Wiaiuy. C. F. Putney's brand is a guarantee that it is O. K. and that it 'will allora soma tnrius to tue successcui solver. It is a douola four niovr. tiolve the first as diagram mad the a move lUt pawn on tia4 to ,K.r.i. HI-ACK KIGHT PIECE?. 1 - : "I" L ijh .1 M fA" ill A .... &TFZ y t-i i-JHij(-. "ri?TTE NTNE PIECES. "White ti 4Iay and mate iu Xuur movci. White rooh on KB, bishops on KKtT snd KKtS, pawns on KKt2. tBJ, QKt-l, QRi. Hiack. kin? on K5, pawns ou Kft, KKt.t, KKtG, QBS, QB'I, QR4. The white king cannot be used, which violates, etc. Keep still and solve it. please. SOLUTIONS. Problem Ko. Quo Key, Q-KtS, BxQ; 2, RxPch, K-Q.-i; 3. B-B2. mata; or 2, K-Qr: 3. Kt. mates. Look at this one: 1. P-Btt; 2. KtxPtBrocn. BxKt: OxKt, mate. There Hre icveral varieties bJt, 1, Kt-Bl': 2. KtxKch, K-Qr; a, QB. Brother Grosa of Salem &ays it ai most strains ones brain. The doctor t ertainly deserves all credit for a twister. Q-Ktti and RiBp are euch catchy tries. Problem No. 501 Key, R-B2. BtR; 2, QxB, KtxQ; 3. Kt-B.". mate. Var. 1: 1, KtxP; 2. R-Q2rh, Kt-Qfi; ,n. KxKt. mat. Var. 2: 1. KtxP: '2. Rchs. K-BH KtxP. mate. These two problems are worth the price of , The Oreroniau for & whole year Ray La Jfevir. city. faoiutiona nave been received from C 1. i Putney, tleorgo Griffith. Howard Johnston. 1 eorge Robinson, A. Springer. J. Kane, D. ooney. W. R. I. Dalton. J. N. Babson. I. Putcrbauph, F. S, Prancis. IL A. Iavts. t. W. J?ovTe. L E. bmith. H. Pyerita. C. Doll Kloyd, H. H. Bngham. Chester Roberts. E. J. Gillette. I. V Wooley, James Constable. 1 ne teirsrrapnic chess matrn on Decora tion day between the Portland Chess club and the chess pla.v erg of the Mechanics' institute, t-an irrami8:o. trai.. is attract ins; the attention 01 an p.ayers on tn-.s coast nil arousing an Interest that will prove beneficial in the efforts to popularize this royal same. The Portland fans are up against a very hard proposition, for num bered among the ban rancisco toys are many problem composers and players of many year experience, while several of the players in the Portland team have only been plainjf chess from one to three years. evert ne irss, our ooys win give mem a hard tursle for championship honors. Hur prises are in store for the San Franciscans. Below are the names of the Portlaud gen tlemen who will play. One or two names wiil be dropped from this list: A. Ki. John son, W. . Ringer, K. G. Short, O. tlold man, A. J. Ray, Mr, Vanianle, E. E. Jones, K. Myers, 1. ti. McMastrs. C. W. Pe Graff. E. K. Thomas: alternate. J. "Wark. Published in the July folder, 1918. of the Good Companion Chess Problem club, la an article on the evolution of problem con struction by Alain C. White, the American problem expert. It would well repay every composer to secure the same and study it. Caoablanca of Havana. Cuba, stands out conspicuously amongst the masters of the American continent, end his successes in Europe, while comparatively fewer, were stronger testsuof his powers and so placed him above alrEaropean masters, except the world's champion. Lasker. tit. Louis Globe Democrat. An extraordinary sol vine; tourney Is !n progress In Philadelphia, conducted by David Mitchell, chess and checker editor of the Public Ledger. It is the greatest event ever conducted by a newspaper. An end game by Frank Marshall and two problems will appear every week. Prizes of excep tional merit and value will be awarded for the best solutions. The party making the highest scora according to a point method of credits will receive a gold medal of ex quisite design and Uie title of solving cham pion. C. P. Putney, Corvallis. Or. Have mailed you receipt for Weekly Oregonian and trust you will hava no more trouble. We requrst all subscribers for the Weekly to Immedi ately notify us If tbey fail to receive their copies. V. V. Huber Have tried to find you and failed. Please call up. Dr. W. K. I. lialion, Seattle. Wash. Ac Knowledge our error end publish, the per fected copy at the head of the column today. TUere is going to be something doipg before the solvers pet It. Juseph Key Babson. Seattle, "Wash. Will be very happy to meet you again in Tort land. CaU up. GAME NO. RM. FRENCH DEFENCE. Played in the British Columbia rham- Slonshlp srief. White. B. A. Yates. Black, enkins. Notes by George Kobinson. Van couver. B. C White. Black.lWTilte. Black. 1 P-K4 P-K31S P-KtS C!-Ktr 2 P-j4 PxKtiO BxP 3 Kt-QB3 Kt-K B.I; 20 Kt-K.'. Q-Rtt 4 B-Ktft PxpU l Kt-KB4Ul fi HxKl (2 PxBI3 QxRPMt 6 KtxP P-KB4 22 KB l'.P 7 Kt-KtS B Kt2 2.1 Q-Q2 ' P-Kt7 8 Kt-B3 KtrB3i24 K-K2 . B-U3 0 P-cjH;j t?-K2.23 KtxB BxKt 10 B-Q::4 H-Q2 26 KtxP KQ 11 O-OfS O-OfC 27 -3-Q Q-HI 12 I-K14(7 QR-Kt 28 P-B1 Tt-Ktrt 13 n-K Q-B32 K-B2 P-KtScJ It f-Ljm 31K-KMJ W-lti l.'i P-R." I'-R.liSl K-(v UxR 16 Kt-K2(S B-B'2 B-B B Klti 17 F-Kt5 C-Kt2!Mate. 1) Rather unubiiat. 1 2 ) KtxP Just as good ff not better. 13) LVually taken with !. but JenkiiLR, knowing Yates, expecting him to castle KR, purposely selected the open file. ( 4 Yatea goes on as though his opponent would castle KR. 45) CastifH into the dan re r zone. 16) Castles Into safety zone. (7 Now Q's side attack versus K s Fide attack. The race is on i ?) Kt-lJ teems better. ( 0) Yates must have bad some knockout drops, for he falls to see his opponent's pur pose. K) Still in the dark. U) This fine play opens his eyes all too late. If 22, Kvtj, PxP dmiMe cb. 23, K move. R mates. Mr. Yates might just as well have resigned at Ihi point. Mr. Jenkin .vs that or two years he has been out of form, but 1h trying to make a come-back. Front tue abovo it appears that he has arrived. GAME NO. SO.T IRREGULAR. Played in the Hastings, England, tourna ment. Mr. Lasker played the white and Mr. Bird the black men. Bird had previously been defeated by Pillsbury and was at the mercy of the great Lusker from the middle to the end game. Nevertheless the game urew an unusual number or spectators. Checkers. BlacV. H-B3 F-QK.U PxP BR.f n-QKt B-R5 B-QB7 RxR PxP R-K R-K8 BJIU BxKt White. Black. I White. 1 P-KB4 P-K4I1A P-QB4 2 PxP . P-Q.: 20 Q-K2 3 PxP . PxP 21 P-Kt3 4 P-KKt3 P-KB4 22 KtPxP (V.P-Q Kt-KB3".'3 R-Kt 6 P-QBS Kt-H3'24 Kt-Q3 7 B-Kt2 Kt-K4'2n K-Kt2 8 Kt-QJ O-K220 R-R2 9 Kt-B B-Q- 27 RxR 10 B-B4 O-U'24 P-Q4 1 1 Bx K t Bx B1 21 Px P 12 Q-B2 KR SO Q-KB 13 B-H3 QR-QKt 31 P-R 14 Q-Q2 KR-KS2 OxK 15 p.KRj 33 Kt-Kt3 16 Q-B2 P-QB4 34 PxB 17 P-K3 B-K.14 35 Resigns. 18 QR-Q QR-QI A chess department has started In the Tuesday issue or the Christian Science Mon Itor of Boston, Mass. Nine chess clubs are expected to enter the annual championship series of the Metropolitan Cheaa league of iew x om city. A. A. Simmons, Eugene, Or. The Mis souri elope cbeba and checker tournament was held at Dickinson, N. IX, from February 21 to 24, we understand. There are so many these days that play both games 'that a joint tournament should bo held In every 3L& IC N. B. Carl Welnert. 5S6 Everett street. Portland, Dr., a boy 11 years of age, the youngest solver on our list, send solution to yromem u. W4. vey tx.-tui. The big" elephant Jumbo was brought to the United States in 18S0 and exhib Hed with Barnum. BaiXey & Hutch in son's circus until 18S5. He was killed at St. Thomas, Ontario, by a Grand Trunk railroad train on September 15, 1SS5, E. H. BRYANT. Krfltor. Phone Tabor C213. Portland Chef and Checker club, Wor cester building. Third and Oak streets, room 2UI. Contributions solicited. Mail to 143 East Thirty-fifth strict. PROBLEM NO. S6f. By P. J. Lee, Ta' oina, Wash. This Is a "nristol" ending and the sMver will get double the quantity of satisfaction and pleasure out of thif. for tt Is worthy of your best efforts. Metaphorically, you will be panting and winded as football player when victory crowns your efforts. " Hub your eyes and wake up and send in a solution, right or wrung. black, l, a. . t. if, n. 1. -V PI I oj.!-io;--.i i .,;or-- Ti oj. ""fy y l , . ; ' ; 1 lynyP"? I kM-y Idb- WHITE. 13, JR, ;o. 23, 21. 2T. 30, SL Black to play and win. PROBLKM NO. 8i By T J. Vair. 47a6 Tennyaou tit., PenTfr. Col. Thia i distinctively & Vair proposition, a spectacular ending that crowns tho white with glory. Black. X. ID, 15, Zr,; kings, 18. 10, 'J9. While. 0. 2, 1. 7, 32; kioss. D. 6. White to plav arid win. PROBLEM NO. 86X By M. M. Brennan. Another choice problem aud a sptenaid companion lor the one above: Black, 18; kings. 2. , 22. 2. White, la. 23; ktnss, 14. 20. 27, another White man on 2a, White to p'ay and win. PKOBLEM NO. 864. By D. A. Brodie. Black. 2. 10. 12, It: kinc, tt. White. 10. 20, 22; kins. 8. White to play and black wins. fULtTlUNS. Problem No. bJ4 B.. 6, 12. 17; kings 14. 31. W 7. 'M, 21, 2."i; klnit. 6. 12-lii. 20-11. 14-10, 21-14, 10-12. 25-21. ol-2. ai-17. 12-16. 11-7. lii-H. 7-3. ti-10. 14-7. 11.2. 17-ia. 2-6, 3-7. 2o-23. 7-2. e-1. 2-7. 1-S. T-10. 23-1J. lu-it. iv-ia. Ms wins. Problem No. b.-.s B.. 8, 11. 17. 22. W.. 12, 20. 2; king, 2. 23-18, 22-20. 2-0, 2(1-31. 6-10, 31-26. 18-14. 27-23. 14-0, 2.1-19, 9-, 17-21, 0-2. 21-25, 2-8. 11-ir.. B-2. 2j-2'J, 2-7. 20-25. 7-11. i;-to, ll-l-x w. wins. Problem No. eSfl B . 2. 3, 22. S3. 24. W 10. 11, 12, 80, 81. 24-28. 11-8. 2N-32. 8-4, 82-28, 4-8. 2-7. 10-6. 7-11. 8-15, 23-27, 31-21. 28-1. 1. wins. Problem No. 57 B.. 4. 6. . 20: king. Sa W.. 11. 13, 14. 15. 28. 30-26. 11-7, 28-i3. 7-a, 23-18. 14-JO, TS-11, lO-l, 31-16. 1-B, 16-in, -10. 1-1. ID-7. 3H-12. 7-11. J3-10. 3 16-12. J-10, X2-1S, li-li. 4-8, la-lS, 6-1L tjruw-n. i oluilons have been received from X. &an fluid. P. J. Te, -V. A- Simmons.. F. K. Berr, A. Hart. Gori:e Blanrbard. I P. Puicr uuJlieU. Hen ir'rakar. L. J. Vair. L. iC. mith, A. P. Jones, tieorge AfcDonald. J. Ci'thani, W. 1. Bryant. A. J. i;arvor. T- R. lavies, iMaac Urcenbaum. liarr-y Oibbs. Oeorg, Kobinson. ti. O. Turner, charlfs Uavenport, J. J. Buttcrficld. The editor again calls the attttutiou of the contributors to their copies. bom of thrm are exaaperaling. plauinc two rows of numbers bciaccu ruled lines and written comments all Jum bled together In a h.trogencous niaas. Plcnse take plenty of space and make the fifcuies as plain aa possib;-the nutations the same. Frank J. Marshall at the Norwa'fc, O., Chess club, at one time entertulned four playure at simultaneous checkers, but lost two and drew two. His Toledo checkers was even Iocs satisfactory, the nine simul taneous ffamws nattmr him only one win and two or thr.e draws. Of a certainty lie evaued us on the chess snuad- But check ers is nq boys gam, you knee. Vie re gret that no move so far has besu made to hold another state checker tournament this reason. livery tournsment Imparts a decided impetus to the gam, ana inus every player benefits to the extent of a sharpened appetite Tor it ana an ennanceo means of satisfying hla hunger. That Is ih. nrlncittle of true recreation. which brings In Its tram a zest and vim for the transaction ot me ordinary aiiairs oi uie. K. T'-srhlcit. Havbrook. High street. Lon don. West, England Have ordered The Weekly oregonian to ue itiaiiri to jou rea- ularly. Mr. Tesch-lelfs reputation as one ol the very best composers and checker an aivsts is well known to the fraternity In this country and we appreclste his remark that The OrusonltTt lu'.a ono of the best checker columns that he has seen. Below Is . "Dundee' game dt nitu mat ue ie.rms . .m. of blunders." It is submitted as correction of game No. 32, American Tour ny Book. 1;1". This is a very valuable contribution from over the sea and the readers of these column, will be delighted wiLh the Di.iy. (IAMB NO. 842. PUNPER. V. Tesebleie. London. c.nglana. defenee Is not sound for a draw, white has ,ecral other lines of plav. Game No. S30 at note B. Is It a loser as claimed ? A 2-2. S0-2S. 18-26, 1-11. SS-3L 22-17. 31-27. 24-20. 27-23. Jl-. Brawn. B 27-31. 11-7. 2-11. 22-1S 15-22. Sl-S. 27-32. 2S-24. lvrawn. 12-7 or 1-6. 2S-24. Drawn. 9 2-6, 16-11. no good. r.AMK NO. 844. J. J. Butterfleld. Centralis. Wash. It was pot the two variations In No. e24 that eon viticed m of draw, but the fallowing tn-alvsii,: 15-24 23-19 J4.1S 22-1 5 13-22 25-18 4-28 11-1.1 21-17 0.13 2.1-21 rt-U 2H-1 8-11 20-23 !)-l t 18-0 4-14 84-20 1-S (A 11-10. 28-24 4- SO-2C 5- I 32 -2S 12-1 24-1V 1.1-24 28-10 3 1-1.1 K7-24 2-6 24-18 (X 14-9 31-18 P-2 18-28 1U-1.1 2-32 9-2M AtB 1)21-1712(3 2-28 P. 13 2S-22 17-14 17-26 10-17 II 1-22 18-14 23-26 7-11 a- 11-17. 23-2H. 27-23. 82 :s-30, 2-8, 24-10. By 12-16 21-17 0-13 24--0 11-1.1 20-11 7-16 2:;-18 .1- 9 18-11 8-1.1 27- 23 11-1 4 28- 24 14-21 24-20 16-111 2--16 1.1-111 2-18 4- 8 2-1-2'! 8-11 IK- 7 2-11 32-283 0- ill 31-27 21-2.1 30-21 VARIATION 10-14 27-2.1 11-16 20-11 1- S 23-16 14-30 22-18 BO-26 18-15 1. 11- . 31-27 1.1-1 1 27-23 11- 7 0-13 T- 2 W, 20-23 3.1.10 2.1-10 16-12 1U-1.1 lO- 7 2-10 28-24 Prawn. 13-17 s- 3 17-22 14-3 S3- 7 3-10 wins. 3- 8 81-20 8-12 22-17 17-22(2 17-14 13-22 26-17 1-5 26-17 llt-23 10-13 6- 0 28-24 11-16 17-14 23-27 20-11 iil-lT -'4-19 27-S1 Variation 2 S-12. 29-23, 9-13, 17-14. 10.23. 1-"- 2-24. -;i-l. -4-1H. ,1 1. J'J-lrt, 11-10. 20-11. 27-23. 11-7. 3-19. 14-10. 19-23, 9-2. White wins. V.rlillnn 3. 22-17. 31-22. 26-1T. B-9. 2-2, 9-13(6. 2.1-22. I1-2.K4. 30-2.1(5. 19-23. 18-14. 23-26ril-T. 3-lo. 17-14. 10-17. 1-14, 11-13. 14-10. 26-30. 10-7. 30-26, 2-17, 12-22, 7-3. 20-30. 3-7. 22-23. urawn. 4 l-.i. 2i-16. 11-20. 18-13. White wins. 5 1-6. IS-lt. Whit wins. 0 3-8, 17-14. etc W hite win,. GAilB NO. 843. llOLGUArl. By N. Sanfleld, I'entraiia. Wash. 11-15 22-17 S-U 7-13 4- 8 25-22 1.1-1J 2 1-1.1 10-19 21- 1 6 12-19 22- lS 9-14 18- a 5-14 29-2.1 11-15 27-24 18-J 'J 32-27 7-10 27-23 3- 8 3-16 12-19 2.1-23 14-18 2-17 8-12 37-14 30-17 21-11 1 8-23 24-2-1 1.1-18 14.10 6-1 5 20-16'X 3-27(1(3 Kl-24 18-23 26-22 3-27 (A 10-1 1 30-23(33 2-'JO 27 -.".l 22-1T X This looks liko a life-saver. 31 80, 23-26 17-14 27-23 11-10 3-18 10- 7 26-SO 1 18-14 7- 3 Prawn If laid 30-38 3.1-1.1 30-26 2-18 20-23 18-14 23-18 6- 9 18-13 9-6 lit-1 8 14-9 18-14 Urawti. rr. 23-18. 27-24, 13-10(C. 1U-1B. lB.llfH, 17-22, 11-4. 15-11, 4-8. 11-4. 10-7. pr. BI -6. 32.28. 1.10(D. 17-21 White cannor capture a piece. IC) 6-10. 8-7, weak. i ui i na game sui v. var. i. -3--1. iu-i.. 2.1-22(E. 14-23. 21-17. 2S-32, St-2T, 28-2l, 1-13, 32-18. 20-2. 28-30, 22-18. 30-26, 18-14, -18. 2-11. 26-23. 9-141F. 18-22. Dr. IK) 19-16. 14-23. 10-11. 7-16. 2D-4. 28-32. 4-8. S2--J-". 1.1-10. -!.".. 9-11. 28-82. Pr. Var. . 31-27. 8-32. 27-23. S2-27. 18-14. 27-31. 14-5. 11-1.1. w-in. in-let, si-it, lB-ii, it-is, iu, -j-.a, 4-17. 23-21, 17-14. u-1. 14-0, 1-5, 0-14, 5-1 or 21-1. 14-21. There Is some very fine lilav In l hla variation that 1 have not fully developed. IX) A splendid move. It will be noticed that white a objective, ts men on 8 and 8, but every time white lines up to capture one or the men, biacic iron Tar or near, like Jolinbon the sport, appear . and frustrate white a ambitious career. N. ean- Ilel'l. HAY FEVER CURE SOUGHT 8alcm Professor to Spend Sumriicr Colle-ctlng Oregon Pollen. ; EAjLKM. Or, May 31. Colleotlns pollen from Oregon plant and -grasses Is the novel occupation Herman Clark, professor of chemistry and physics at cJalem high school, will en sat; e in thil summer. As a preliminary to his work: he must go to Portland this week Willi Principal J. C. Nelson to Identify, a, number of the species with which-be is at present unfamiliar. Pollen is understood as the cans of hay fever and Mr. Clark will be em ployed by Dr. Grant Eelfridne. a prom inent specialist of San Kraucisco. to collect material to be used in his ex periments to find a cure for tlia malady. North Bank Grading Not l'inislicd. WHITE SALMON, Wash.. May 31. (Special.) The completion of n rati in u; has not been quite finished on . the North Bank hlghway, which is closed to all traffio between Collins and Cooks, About July 1 will probably seo this scenic highway from Vancouver to White Salmon and east in pood condi tion for travel. Notice will be given when this niid-Columbla-Cascade loop tour up one side and back the other from Portland may enjoyed. CAN BE CURED Free Proof To You J. C. Mvtren. R. P.. PKUCCIST AH I want Is your name snd address so I ran send yotj a free trial treatment. I want you just to try this treatment that's all Just try la. I hat my only arrument- 1've been in the Ketail Drug Business for fn years. I am a member of the Indiana Slate Board of Fharmacyand Presidentof the Retail Uruggt.U' AMciation. Nearly everyone in rort Wayne knows me and knows about my successful treatment. Over Isht thousand seven hundred Men, Women and Children outside of Fort Wayne have, according to their own state ments, been cured by this treatment since I firnt made this offer public. If you have Eczema, Itch, Salt Rheum, Trt.r mind how bad my treatment has cured the worst cua I ever saw (jive) arte m chance to strew sny claim. bend me your name and address on the coupon below and get the trial treatment I want to send you r KLK. The wonders accomph.hed is your own case will be proof. CUT AND MAIL TODAY aawi.wai J. C. HUTZELL, Druggist, 3142 Wtt Main St., Fort Wayne Ind. please send without cost or oblication to ms your Free Proof Treatment. Kanve .Are- Post OAce. -State. Street and No