JUNE 1, 1910. 9 AD MEN PREPARING FOR EiERTlHT PORTLAND AD CLUB MEN PROMINENT IN PREPARATIONS FOR COMING PACIFIC COAST CONVENTION. v and CitnDM 1 I u-Girtc. Wiliamtt btTd., cor. Gay rt. ."2-88 Kiilinsswortti ve., cor. Michlsan -Knrln bouse. inamsti Diva, tna Patten ve. M:slppt v.. near Skldxnere at. 2.i-S.ft Miwisstppl tv., teC buaver and &lujnn utm. 2MS-i Mtaslsatppt bt. BMch and Failingr Ms. 25-77a Mitsaippl ar bet. Beech and Kra- mont Bts. ESA-TT3 William ive., near Beeh t- rA6.-SSl Williams tve., cor. Siiavor st. All Visitors to June Convention to Have Good Time. 257-i4 AlMna ve., bC Frascott and BLaa- dent ta. ;K7i.2l Williams ave.. r. Sk&dmora at. U5S-Pubiio library. Kiilmcsworin tva. and Commsrciai st. 2P9-26 Hefrh pt.. near Williams v. 'rtO-Hi7 V'nlon ave. N.. cor. Skitlmore St. 2X-3;5 Albert st., near jarri-ia ava, 2$2-$2 VnioQ ave. N.. Det. b ailing and Sha-; ver sta. SPECIAL PLANS ARE MADE 263-Garaice. Msson st bst. Grand ave. and VI. S:lih St. 23i Garage. 5S3 E. fttb st. X- cor Mason St. liiH-WS I n ion ave. Dot. ooinc ana v THE SUNDAY OKEGOXIAN, PORTLAND, . ' 11 . -y i m , - ..' VA - . Kt f t Hi m i f . i 1 1 1 v - i i ii r -.'"inn i ii I r . - ' i I I I I . i 1 I 1 1 I - - I II II i ' I 'II i Gathering to Be Marked by More Festivities and Hard Work Than Any Former Meet. Between 1000 and 1500 delegates and visitors from, different cities on the Pacific coast will come to Portland to attend tha sixteenth annual convention f the Pacific Coast Advertising Men's association to be held here June 8. 9, 10 and 11. Many of the delegates will bring their wives and families, and preparations are being: made on an ex tensive scale for the entertainment of these visitors, most of whom will prob ably remain in Portland for the Rose Festival, which immediately follows the convention. The activities of the convention this year will ail center around the general theme of reconstruction work, and it will be the purpose of the assemblage to discuss and work out a vigorous, comprehensive and practical programme through which all the ad clubs on the Pacific elope will be enabled to join in a concerted and effective effort to nerve the government in the solution of the grave reconstruction and indus trial readjustment problems which are now confronting the country and which are of vital importance to the Pacific coast particularly. Many Speakers Invited. Kor the thorough consideration of these important problems specialists and eminent speakers from many dif ferent cities have been invited to at tend the convention, and an attractive programme, which will deal with re construction matters from all angles has been arranged. More than 100 dis tinguished speakers are scheduled for addresses and informal talks at the general sessions and various depart mental meetings. To enliven the spirit of rivalry among the various delegations, an attractive array of trophies have been hung up. There will be upward of 20 beautiful silver cups and trophies to be awarded in contests at general sessions and in the departmental, with a solid silver classic, costing $125. which will be awarded to the city winning; it two years in succession by making the best ten-minute talk on "Why Industries Should Locate on the Pacific Coast-" L'nlqne Stunts Planned. An entertainment programme that is confidently expected to surpass any ever offered at the IB previous annual conventions is being built up by the numerous hard-working committees serving under General Director Frank McCrillls. who is in charge of all the entertainment features for the hun dreds of delegates and visitors. Beginning with a number of unique reception features and an elaborate breakfast at the Automobile club on Sunday. June 8. and concluding with grand ball to close the four-day ses sion, there will be numerous luncheons, teas, dinners and banquets, an early morning drive over the Columbia River highway, and a trout breakfast served in the forest at Eagle creek on long tables under the trees. For this latter feature hundreds of beautiful trout will be freshly caught from the running mountain streams by government for est rangers, and the trout will be cooked in the open and served with hot biscuits, Oregon strawberries and other breakfast dainties. Personal Interest Festnre. Mr. McCrillls has a big force of busy committees assisting him and to carry out the elaborate entertainment plans that have been worked out to the minutest detail. There will be a spe cial committee for each visiting dele gation, and throughout the four-day session it will be the special duty of these committees to look after the comfort, conveniences and pleasure of the delegations which have been as signed to them. Many of the delegates are good roads boosters and will arrive by automobile caravan. Upward of 100 cars will come from Spokane and other eastern Wash ington points, this caravan being joined by Idaho cars en route. Probably as many more cars will be lined up In the big caravan that is being organized at Seattle, and which will include cars from Victoria and Vancouver. B. C, as well as many from Tacoma. Belling bam. Ellensburg and other western Washington points. Cars to Parade In. Mr. McCrillls and his committees are making preparations to receive these delegates at the Automobile club on Sunday morning, and while the visitors are being cared for and served break fast in the clubhouse, their cars will be washed and put into shape by a big force of men, so that they will be ready for the refreshed visitors to drive on in to Portland for the opening event of the programme, a big inspirational meeting at the auditorium. Mr. McCrillis and his aides are also making arrangements for having the banners of the visiting cars recognized by the police for special privileges, and for extensive parking space and hous ing facilities for the out-of-town auto mobiles. Through another committee hotel reservations are being looked after, and it is the aim of the conven tion committee to see that every visitor will be a specially considered guest during the entire period of the four- day session. Who's Who In Charge. The following are the entertainment bureau committees: FYank McCrillis. director-general; alrles, Fred T. Hyskell. K. D. Strong, John C. Boy or and Ed s. Higglna. Iteeeptlon Committees. Spokane Fred Speri. r.hitman: T. E Rrtu, G. A. Lovejoy. A. V. btypes, Q. L. Shearer. C. W. Meera. W. F. Still. w. F. White!"-. M. O. W k nj. Seattle Cinral Chariest F. Beebe, chair man: A. J. isuian. r rank Case, A. L. I-inley, w . u. einiveiy, tarn "-wOnneii. jonn Annano. Tacoma K. J' Jaeser, chairman; K. X, Weinbaum, A. IL Geph&rt, A. G. Ramsey, A. U. sunton. La Grande Altr"eA. Aya. chairman: H. A. Woocirum. Ldwaid O'Noill, "W. H. Mit- CneM. J. il. STcothelm. BoUa M. R. Johnson, chairman; 75. Tt. Lipschut. James H. t'ixon. K. V,". "Wooda, c. i,. Anient. Salt L-alte J.fiitnn R. Klepper, chairman It. H. Nslson. J. B. Keefar, J?. W. Vogler, OlklinJ F. W. Chaunt, chairman: C. w. Borfiera. Harry Marcus. H. H. Uayaes. Los Angeles w. H. Chatten. chairman, l-eo Hartsiein. Georea C- Kazelton. T t Baldwin. Max H. Smith. cjan Dieyo G. G. Roher, chairman; A. T. Rolmboe. Hoy Trine. E. B. Wheat. Emil Struplere. Sacramento T. J. Mullin. chairman, E. H. McCany. Charies Katield, SJ. K. Lee, Ray Barlchurst. btockton Phil Easterdav, chairman' J W. Hi'. I. W. M. Jackaon, ll. K. L'AnKlalie. I. M. Wa:vr. Chlco D. T. Fhort, chairman- Pheldon R. Coons, W. J. PattenoB. Georea Webber 1. B. Waibrinn. San Francisco Thomas t,. Emerv. chair man: J. A. Hailiday, W. D. ilcWaters, B. S Pease. F. A. Fr.eraan Banquet F. T. Hyafeell. chairman: John F. Beaumont, G. G. Joyce. Ball John C. Boyer, chairman; G W Dean. Miles Stundish. Breakfast. 1-JaglB Creek E. N. Strona ehairuian; Henry w. Kent, A. t. Froat. otunts A. B. Cleveland, chairman; c. M -: l- ?"y::''-:':;:;-;MMB W P? rr: r-'- -1 ff . .r-ri"! mfesifei i:pe: i -rr-y i 2a" - - Menxles. Charles Tonnj, John Do u it all, R. M. Stundish. A. C. McMlcken, . C Freaman. Floor Frank McCrillis. chairman; Gen eral Charles F. Eeebe, Fred Spoerl. E. J, Jaeger, A. A. Aya, M. R. Klepper, T. L, Emery. F. W, Chauase, W. U. Chatten. O. G. Kohrer. T. J. MuIUn, , T- Short. PhU East e relay, 11. K. Johnson. HOW WILL WORLD BE FED? Association for Advancement of Sci ence to Discuss Problem. PASADENA, Cal.. May 31. With food prices soaring now how will the world bo fed when wars end and scienca stifles plagues, epidemics and disease and the population grows from its present 1.675.000,000 to billions? Her bert C. Hoover is busy now making the world food supply stretch around, but food for the future billions will be dis cussed here June 19 to 22, when about 400 world - renowned scientist will gather. This is but one of the problems to be discussed by the members of the Pa cific division for the American Asso ciation for the Advancement of Science, in session here then. Their answer to the food Question will be: "Co to sea." They will have a projected explora tion of the north Pacific ocean, from whence may come, they believe, more food than the world has ever before heard of. Speaking of this, one of the scientists arranging the programme said: "Very little is known of the resources of the Pacific ocean or of any ocean, for that matter. When it is stated that the organic productivity of the ocean very probably exceeds that of the land the significance of scientific explora tion in this field becomes apparent. In the vision of the scientist, the ocean, that great source of life in this planet, may yet prove to be our main reliance for food and sustenance. "When the population of the world. freed by science from the ravages of disease and wars, shall continue to in crease even more rapidly than it has hitherto, and the limits of agriculture have been reached, we may yet find in mother ocean the final impulse that will carry civilization on to its goal. This Indeed is visionary. We shall at least, through this projected explora tion, extend the boundaries of human knowledge and add greatly to the wealth of man. "This subject is of vital Interest to the peoples of the Pacifio area, and it is proposed to set forth the possi bilities of the undertaking in a sym posium under eight headings or topics. Specialists qualified by experience will present the problems involved and the advantages to be gained through in vestigations in their respective fields." There will be representatives in at tendance from Washington, Oregon. California, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Ari zona, Alaska, British Columbia, Mexico, Hawaii, and the Philippines. The mem bership of the association's Pacifio 41 vision, comprising 1430, Includes in ad dition to noted scientists, men of af fairs, manufacturers, agriculturists, or chardlsts and many from other walks of life. HOOD GIRLS INDUSTRIOUS Myrtle and Esther Hnsband Earn "Way Through College. HOOD RIVER. Or., May Jl (Spe cial.) Misses Myrtle and Esther Hus bands, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Husbands of this city, and graduates of the Hood River High school, who will graduate in June at the Oregon Agricultural college, have worked their way through the institution. Both have made remarkable records. Miss Myrtle Husbands was a member of the faculty in the commercial de partraent this year. She will have charge of the commercial department at the Union High school the coming year. She will also be assistant in structor in the department of physical education. During her junior year Miss Esther Husbands had charge of the stockroom at the bora economies building. She expects to enter insti tutional management work.. Portland People at White Salmon. The following guests recently reg. istered at the Eyrie, White Salmon Miss Emma Reynolds. Mrs. Harrison Allen and party of Portland. Bishop P:igro and wife of Spokane, Madame Paso of Winchester, Mass. Lvi'VA 5 Lv.m t,'. PJ;-1 i-- -K-sU " - ; "1 " W l - J -. K : I m . MS ,:v I Ilk zK-imY, r" 1 , I 1 K-V A f Mil '-i W s ;Ov yjA'' ' y 1 -W. j. Hoffmann, director-srrneral of chairman of newspaper co-operation committee. 4 C. K. Bcrs; president I'nclfie Const Ad Men', uoctatioa. 6 M. 1' Smead, chairman of antomoblle committee. C J. L. lOlherldae, chairman of finance committee. 7 W. P. Strnndboric. chairman of prosnmne committee. 8w. S. Klrkpatricfc. chairman of attendance committee. 0 K. B. Vincent, chair man of publicity and badge committee. lOwMarshall Dana, chairman of executive committee. llA. J. Robinson, chairman of trophy committee. 1 Aaron Frank, chairman of decoration committee. 13 Charlea W. lCngllsh, chair man of adverrialnsr committee. J4 -I'lorenc 1'revoit, chairman of woman's committee. 13 1'rtnk AlcCrllli., chairman of entertainment committee. LIST OF POLLING PLACES GIVEN FOR THE SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD NEXT TUESDAY FOLLOWING is a list of polling places for the special election to be held next Tuesday: 1- Garase. Thurraan at., bet. 82d and Ru-by 2- Terraca Grocery, 3lh and Thurmao at 8N. W. cor. 25th and Upshur ata. 4- soO Thurman St., cor. -4th St. 8-735 Vaughn st. near 22d st. 5- 31S3 N. 23d St.. cor. fcavier at 7- 687 Wilaon, bet. 21at and 23d Sta, 8- HM Thurman at., bat. 20th and 21st ata 8-840 K. lth sc. cor. Raleigh st. J0-3-H Giiaan at., bat. Sth tt and Broadwajr It. SIS Northrup au, cor. 15th su 12- 554 Northrup St.. cor. 17tU st. J2H -Church, s. W. cor. 17th and Marshall. 13- 208 N. 21st st.. near rettyerove st. K-Usraca, 20!i N. 21st St.. cor. Northrop St. 15- Gar&ge. g'JS Overton St., bet. Stith St. anl Cornell road. 1BW-H!11 academy, 851 Marshall St. 16- I2ns;lne house. 24th and Johnson sta. 17- Factory Motor Car Co., Kearney St.. bet. 21st and 22d sts. 18- 151 N. 23d st, bet. Hoyt and Irving sts. 19- Garas;, 8. E. enr. 23d and Irving sts. 20- Hartford spts.. 21st and Flandars sts. 21- lt N. 21st st-, bat. Johnson and Irving. - OOl (.rllnan SU. Ml. .uia HU .1.1 bu. 23- Old Couch school. 17th and Kearney sta, 24- Garage. N. E. eor. lath and Irving sta. 25- Bat.ement, N. E. cor. ISth and Glisan sta 25 -Basement Wellington Court, 15th and Everett sts. 2-Eiiine house, 511 Glisan at. 27- rundee Garass. Broadway aad Flanders. 28- 27 N. 1st st.. bet. BuroBida and Couch. 29- Hunt Transfer office, 45 N. 5th St., bet. Couch and Davis sts. so-w. L. Hughson Co., Broadway and Davla 31- 32 X. 11th St.. bet. Couch and Burnside. 32- Speedwell Motor Co., 8. W. oar. 14th and Couch sta. 88-575 TVashiacton at., bet. 17th and 18th. 84-43 Ella st.. bet. Washingtoa and Everett. 84H-6S3 Washington St., bst. 20th and Trinity place. 55- V.lla Motor Co-. SS H. 33d St. 85 W -705 Davis St. 56- gcott'a Karage. 2 Cornell road. 37-450 Burnsido at., bet. 11th and 12th sta. 87 -Room east side 14th St., bet. Waahing ton and Burnalde ata 88- 331 stark it, hetweea W. Park and 10th sts. 89- 804 H Pine St., ber. Bth and th sts. 40.Ensine house. 2d and Oak sta. 41-114 1st St.. cor. Washlnston st-41-246 Washing-ion at., bet. 2d and 8d ata.' 48-147 Park st.. bet. Alder and Msrrison sts. 44- 185 10th St., between Washington and Alder sta. 44 H -4444 Washington st,. bet. 12th and 13th sts. 45- Encine house. 16th and Washington sta. 43-Corner 21t and Washlnston ftts. 46 W-Tailor shop, 70 Washington St., bet Kiny and 22d sta. 4T-Baaemant &U0 Salmon st, eor. Nartllla. 48'Roeenfeld garage, 221 Vista ave., cor. Park ave. 48-163 Lewnsdale sC, bet. Tamhill aad Taylor sts, 49 H -173 17th St. 60-M. E. church. 15th and Taylor sts. M-Garage. 1S2 10th et, cor. Taylor at R-'-Y. M. C. A- 6th and Taylor sts. M-Knijlne house, 4th ana Yamhill sta. 04-204 Sd st.. cor. Taylor st. r5-Kast entrance of courthouse. 56-S. E. cor. Broadway and Taylor st, 67-White temple. JSth and Taylor sts. S-20 14th at., bet. Jettorson and Mala sta 6SVi-Gar(e. 209 13th at. bet Taylor and caimon sts. K9-D4S Nartilla at., near Madison st. 60- 404 Madison St.. eor. loih st. 61- l.add school. 10th and Jetisrson sts. 62- Rast entrance city bal). 68-246 Main Lbet 1st and 2d sta. 4-:.'S Columbia at., bet 1st and 2d eta. 65.17 lt at, bet Market u4 iiill iu, I .i. ;-c I . 1 convention. 2 Todd Rasen. chairman 60-City auditorium. Market st entrance. 67-805 4th st, bet Clay and Columbia ata. bo-Corbett'a garage, Broadway and Co lumbia st. 69- Church, 8. W. cor. Wast Park and Jef ferson sts. 70- Frank tiaraca. 313 12th at 704-'j.5V4 llth at. cor. Columbia st 71- 460 '4 Jefferaon st, bet 18th and 14th. 71 v-useraent Whitney apt., llth aad Market sts. 73-Basement. 874 llth St. eer Montgomery. 73- Garase, 1 N. E. cor. 17th and Columbta, 74- 823 Chapman at. near Clay st 75- Englne house. Lownadale and Montgom ery sut. 76- 425 Montgomery st, cor. llth st 76Vi-430 Harrison st, bet llth and 13th sta 77- shattuck school. Park and Hall sta 78 Garass. 42S Bth st. bet Hall and College. 79-Engine house, 4th and Montgomery sta. 7UH-450 4th st, bet. Lincoln and Colleee. KO-itSl 1st st, eor. Mill st. 1-1-543 1st at, bet Hal and I-lneeln eta, 62-Cottel Drug Co., 1st and Sherman sts. 83- Basement 808 College st, bet 5th. and 6th sts. 84- Garage, 435 West Park t, eor Cellege. eo-oarae, 14. is. cor. .Broadway ana .Lin coln sta 8-48 Vista ave.. near Spring st t Engine bouse. 20th and Spring sta. 8a-5troheeker garage, 73 Patton road. Sti-e!3Vi 1st st., bet Sheridan and Arthur. bO-Failmg sohool. Front and Porter sta. D1-2KI Hooker st, cor. 4th st 82-473 Uibbs st. cor. llth st &3-4th Presbyterian church, 1st and Gibbe. 84-661 Corbett st 95-Helman aehool. Corbett and Bancroft ata. &6-1084 Corbett st u7-Iuiton school. First and Mllss sta. V3-1578 Macadam st, near Nevada st 9SM-1435 Macadam t, bet Dakota aad Carolina sts. 99-548 Umatilla ave.. bet. E. 12th and 13th. 100- 1748 IS. 13tl at. bat. Marlon and Clatsop. 101- JH03 E. loth St.. near Tenino ave. 103-1BS4 E. 13th st, bet UmaUlla and Har ney aves. 108-Community house. S. 15th at and Spe- Kan av. 104- Strahlman's hall. E. 13th st and Bpe kane ave. 105- Garas-e. 1508 TE. llth st 10r,4-i8So Mtlwaukle st, near Brbee m 106- New Midway firehall. N. W. cor. Ra mon, ave. and Milwaukia st 107- Garace. 1136 Milwaukie st.. cor. Sllla. 108- Berkeley etore. 14S3 E. 87th st. 109- 4423 Woodstock ave., bet 44th and 45th streets Southeast. 110- Church. 44th st and Woodstock av. 111- Church, N. W. cor. 41st st and Wood, stock ave. 112- 5010 41st st S. B.. near Both av. 8. B. 113- 5033 Woodstock ave.. bat S6th and 57th Streets Southeast 114- S5U7 72d st a. E.. near 55th av. 8. E. 115-Woodmere halt Woodstock av. and 77th st 8. E. 116-Office. 5228 72d st 8. C, bet 82d av. and Whitman a vs. 6. E. 117Green's residence, E. 74th st. Bear Pow, 11 street. 118-S217 Woodstock ave.. near 82d st S. E lia.Stor. a. fc. cor. 60th st aad Woodstock sve. S. E., Lents. 120-Coffman's garage. D2d St., bet 61st and o.a avenu.es oou.neast. JSl-Firehail. 624 at., bet Foster road and fisth ava. H. r. . 123-Grango hail, S2d st, bet. SSth ave. and Foster road e. K. 133M,-B1'J Foster road, bet 61th and 69th streets bouthsast- 134.390U 70th st. bet STib and 40th ave nues c-outneas. 125-W. O. W. hall. 65th U bet. 43th nd Poster road. is. E. ave. lse-t-aurelu-ood M. E. church, CSd at, bet I .a saa u ve. o, k hotel committee. S Charles Rafleld, 126V-Church. N. K. cor. 2d at and 89th avenue Houtheaat. 127- Ol.i .south Mt. Tabor school, B. 65th and Division ata. 128- 100 Division, cor. B. 60th st. 129.5533 Foster road, bet 61th and 86th sta., 8. K. 130.532 Foster road, bet 03d aad 84th sts., 8. E. IS l-O range, S. E. cor. B2d st and 43th ave., H. E. 132- Creston school, B. 48th and Powell sta. 133- N. W. cor. B. 60th and Powell sta. 134- McMahon'a hall, 8. W. cor. B. 4Sd and Division ate. 135- Hasernent garage, 8. W. cor. B. 37th and Clinton sta. 133H -Richmond garage, B. 87th and Di vision sts. 136- Jones' store, 861 B. 87th at, nsar Mall st 136tt-Englue houa, Francis and Greenwood aves. 13T-8H5 Gladstone ave., cor. B. SOth st 13X-6.VJ hi. 21st st, near Powell st. 130-t'linton Kelly school, E. 27th and Frank lin sts. 140-Gurage. 407 B. 38th st, bet Clinton and Division sta. 110', -Garage. 1017 Clinton st, bst E. 84th and Greenwood av. 141-ttns Clinton at., bet. E. 35th and 26th sta. 14:3-7 (a t:iinton tit., corner E. 2lat st. 143- 534 Powell St.. near Milwauki at 144- 6-4 Milwaukia st, cor. nhlne at 145- 776 Milwaukie St.. cor. Blsmark at 140 14- Brooklyn school, bat Milwaukl and r redHrick ata. 140-561 Milwaukie st., bet Brooklyn at and woodward av. 147- Northwest cor. E. 8th and B. Grant sta. 148- Engin hous, E. 7th and btephens sta. 14D-3U4 U. Clay st, bet Grand and Union 140H-473H Hawthorns ave., near B. 8th st 150-Church, E. 16th and Poplar sts. 150W -Garage, Mulberry at. bet Palm and west r.rit sta. 151-711 Division St.. eor. US. 30th at. 151-087 Division st, bet K. iJd and Oreen- wooa ave. 153-930 Hawthorne ave.. cor. E. 81st st. 153 Si -Oarage, 2U7 E. 24th st, near Haw thorna ave. 153-107X Hawthorne av., bet B. 34th and ajtn ata. 154-Garage. 1046 B. Lincoln St., near Mar- guerit av. 1R4H-N. W. cor. E. 41st and Division sta. 155-U. P. church. N. E. cor. B. 8Jth and Ulay sts. 185-A-12o4tc Hswthorne ave.. near B. 43d st ioo-uersie, a. w, cor. ,ta st ana liaw thorne ave. 15SH-347 E. ooth st. bet Stephens and E. aim su 157-Church, N. W. cor. E. S2d aad B. Lln coin sts. 157H -Garage, 816 B. 57th St., bat Haw. thorn ave. and E. Lincoln st. 153-N. W. cor. Grand ave. and Hawthorne av. 159.151 Grand av.. cor. Belmont st lil0-406 E. Alder st. near Grsnd av. 161- 80 Grand ave.. eor E. Stark at 162- frt. Francis hall. E llth and Pin ata Ittf-East bide library. E. llth and IS. Aldr BIN 164-Francls garage, B. 13th st and Haw- inorne av. 165-BaHement, 641 B. Madlso.n st., cor. E. t tin au 16.Garare E. 14th st, bet E. Morrison 167-Washington high achoot, E. 14th and etarx sta 18-Grage, J5. Stark, bet 18th and 10th. lt0-8. E. cor. K. 20lh and E- Morrison sta. 170-705H Hawthorn av., nar E. 20th st 1JU M-Garage. 792 K. balmon st, bet K. 23d '-u c . .ota sis. 171-6S1 Belmont tu, cor. E. 39th st. T2-Cliur.;n. E. 20th and 1- Stark ata. 173-983 Belmont t. eor. K. 33d at ITi-'jji Ltlmoul st, bw U. Hi aud SiUt (U, 5-Garage, E. 28th Mactson sts. 175H -Garage. S. B- eor. E. Salmon st and Glenn av. 176- 2M1 E. 37th at, eor. B. Madison st 177- Kngine house, E. 35th and Belmont sts. ITS-loi:i Belmont st, bet t S3d and E. 34th sts. 178V -Garage. 1036 E. Washington st. cor. E. 35th at. 179-150 B. S8th st, cor. of Belmont st 17UVt-Garag. 1258 Balmont at, bet E. 43d and 43d ata. 10-11113 E. Madison t, cor. B. 40th st 181- 13DU Hawthorn ave., bet E. 4BUi and K. 40 th sts. 182- 1315 Belmont st, cor. E. 46th St IbS-Garage, E. Madison st, bet E. 61st st and E. 52d st 1M-1601 Belmont at. eor. B. 61st st 105-174 Belmont st, cor. E. 6uth st. 166-Iiimi E. fcltark. st, bet E. iSth and B. 70th sts. 187-2(120 K. Stark St. IsS-Engina bou, B. 82d st and B. Burn- 189.1U73 K. Stark st, near B. TSth st luo.l. o. n. hall, ll 80th and E. Glisan sts. 1U04.1918 IS. Gllan St., cor. B. 76th st 101-Chureh, K. 76th and E. Hoyt sts. 192.20O1 K. Glisan st. near E. fcOth st 13-Gienhaven school, K. 81st and Schuyler sts. ISSVii-R. E. office. Sandy blvd., bat E. 72 d and K. T.ld ata. 194-R. K. office, S. B. cor. B. 68th st and bandy blvd. 104 hi -Garage, 683 E. 64th St N.. bet Slskl you and Klickitat 185-Twoliy Bros.. 21 E- 0th st. N. 1D6-177J K. Glisan st, eor. TS. 69th St. 197.1KK8 K. Glisan at., cor. E. Suth atr 19S-U 01 E. Burnald st, garage, cor. E. 3U.lt at 198', -8. E. eor. B. 471 and B. Ollean sts. mu-.V. W. cor. E. 62d and E. Glisan sta. 200-Garage. Sandy blvd., bet K. 56th and 57th sis. 200H-1490 fandy blvd., eor. B. 54th st "01-455 E. 47th st. N.. eor. Tillamook st 201 M -Garage, S. E. cor. E. 47th and Tilla mook st. 202-West End I-aurelhurst office, S. 89th and Glisan at. 202- .Uaureihurst elub, 1125 Ti. Ankeny st rMin.fcR.1, 8andv blvd.. near K. 28th r t. 204-Garase, E. 81st. bet Flanders and Everett. Ml li. c. O.l. w , 1. M . 2ib-tterns school, t. 2itn ana iv. couca sts. 07-704 banay biva.. near ts. zum st. :07Vi -Garage, N. W. cor. E. 22d and Ankeny sta. 0S-X5 E. ISth at N. :oa-Garase, S. E. cor. E. ICth and B. Ankeny a is. 308 v -Garage, 874 E. Couch st. eor E. llth St. 10-Garare. 80 E. 12th at. eor. B. Everett st 211-Buckman school, E. 12th and E. Bum side St. Sim-Garaga, 13 E. 13th st, near E. Ankeny at 313-414 E. Burnside st, near E. 6th st. 2l3-3-3 K. Hurnsiae st.. near t.nion ave. 214-4i Union ave. X., bet E. Couch and lavin ata. 31 5-Garage, 190 E. 21st st K. cor. Oregon st 216-Garaite, 808 Clackamas st, bet K. 24th and E. 2Glh sta 16H-Garage, 718 Multnomah st, cor. E. :11st sl 17-Garaga. S. W. cor. E. 10th and Haaaalo sts. 318-Engtne house. Grand ave. and Multno mah st. 310-Mwcll Motor Sales Co., B. 3d and orecon st. 330-2.U Holladay ave., eor. Larrabee st l-sos Lrraoe St.. nar r:. uroaawav. S21h-Garage. N. W. cor. Jtosa and McMil lan ata 33-Basement, 434 Larrabee st, cor. Dupent SL S23-S43 Williams ave.. near Weldler st 123 V. -338 Union ave. N.. near Weldler st 224-Garaee, 353 E. bth st bet Broadway and welder st. 233-Garage. B. W. cor. E. 14th st and Broadway. 30-Frazier's garage. 834 E. 16th N., car. Weldler st 336 V.-Garage. 643 Schuyler st. cor. E. 17th st .Oarage, 694 E. Broadway, bet E. 19th and 1. 21st als. :28-Basement, N. E. eor. E. 22 d and Tiila- mooK sis. 329-Englne hous. E. 34th st, bat Tillamook and xnomDson sts. 220 U - Fern wood school, Hancock st, bet. E. jinn ana u,. a.u su. 330-Grocery, E. 8Jth st. and Sandy blvd. 230H-Blvd- garage. Sandy blvd. and E. 41st st. 231-652 E. 57th st N'.. near Sandy blvd. 232-R. E. office, N. W. cor. E. 62d at and sanay eiva. 233 H -Garage. Thompson st., bat E. 46th and K. 4,tll sts. 33S-Garage. 8. W. cor. E. 4trt and Knott sta 233 H -Garage, N. w. cor. E. 43d and Klickl tat als. 334-Malarkey garage, E. 34th and Knott sta 235-Garase, 67 av. 20th at N., near Klick ltat at 335 'i -Garage, N. B. eor. E. 16th and Brasee ets. 336-Garage, 840 B. 10th at N., bet Knott ana uraze sts. 236 Va-Irvlngton school, E. llth and Thomp son 8 Ls. 387-714 Union ave. IT. bet Cook ave. and Ivy at. 337 Vj -Garage, 868 Union av. v., near Gra nam ave. 239-Garage. 540 Thompson St. cor. B. 12th. 23s V -Garage, 0. w. cor. ti. lotn and Tbomp son sta. 239-470 Union ave. M.. cor. Buaen st 240-449 Union ave. N., bet Euen and Tllla- mooa sis. 340'A-47X Williams av.. near Eugn at 341-367 Russell st. bet Union and Rodney. 44.556 Williams ave., beta. ecu Knott st ana nraiiam ave. 343- 7U3 Williams av., bet Cook ave. and Ivy st 344- 723 Williams ave., bet Ivy and Fremont 24a-B4f vwiuams ave.. cor. .Monro fit. 24d-2b9 Russell st, bet Williams and Van couver aves. 347-153 Russell at, eor. Borthwick st 244-141 Kustell St.. near Albina ave. 249-677 Borthwii:k at., cor. largo st 2 trt Vi -645 Mississippi ave. near Morris et 50-iarae. shaver st, bet Colonial Lopgvisw aves, Kant sir. 2St1--r.4 Alberta st.. near K. ISth st. 2rt-.iH;i3 I'reticott St.. cor. E. 35th St. Alberta st., bet. K. JMa and E, i(Jtn. 2C6V-T2 Alberta St.. bet. K. 1Mb. and i.. 19th 8tS. 2nrVemoa school. K. 23d and Tys;aiit ets. "S-St0 i:. -'.th st. norib. OSV--Cow ley's ba:i w. cor. js. ln ana AILxTla FtS. :fi9AlHnig-, K. 33d and Alberta sta. I'riS-K. K. office. K. 27th and Albert sts. 270-Kennedy school. E. aild and Jrrett t-hn. 70 - onronlm coi.ese. i.. .mh, tuia no. -man sts. 1 271-N. W. cor. U. 16th sL and Killlncrvorih a vs. 272-671 Alberta at bet. K. lb and E. ltt'.h. r.'H-i Airta. au, oct. j-. .am ana i. L'6th ets. 273-Oet ee. 1060 E. 14th St. near A - berta t. I 273H --' Alberta BL. bst. E. 12th and X. lath sts. 74-.:hurch. N". E. cor. Ti. 6th and Alberta. 7A-1'J.a Union ave. nesr A lnu worth aa Dckum ave.. cor. K. th st. 277-3 Iekura ave.. cor. E. 13th st. 78-4.' Uurhsiii ae.. bet. Dekum and Ma drona aves. 270-Woodlawn school. Cnlon aa, and Bry ant t 2T0W-Oereir. 274 Portland blvd. cor. Will iam ave. i SSO-church. CleveTsnd ave. and J arret t st. 20Vi-Garaffe. 1.3S Williams ave.. MU Bar rett st. and Almworth ave. 21-Oaraire. 11S9 AlMna ave., cor. Jemjp at. X-Girii(p. Alnsworth ave.. bet. Alb in and ltstaltMopi -vr. 2S2S -Grocery, 3. ii, cor. Tatton and Ains wnrt h aves. 2SS-Kenton club. Rutsett anfl Creonwleh sts. 3 H -1 -1 Umbard t, cor. AlMna ave. ai-l.'O KlipatncW St.. bet. Lerby and Bran i on ts. 55-Kire hall. Portlsnd bWd. and Greeley mU 2Svi-PJ wt Portland biva.. oeu uenver ave. and CatnDbolI st. 2S6S-N. W. cor. KUllnaworth ave. and Csinnbell t. 2T-1J41 Greeley st. 7S-Garaxe. 1178 Omaha ivt , net. Rimuft worth ave. and Jessup u 2S-K$7 Peninsula ave.. near Lombard St. 2PS-S24 Hunt st.. nesr I'emntuia ave. 2-43 Lombard st cor. Wsshburn st. ftrt-cnurch. r isks sU near Gombard at. Jl-i:4 Lombard st- nesr Viske st. I'ttJ-Sost I-oinhard sL, near Portsmouth ave :-M9 Lombard St., cor. Portsmouth ave. lltchmond St., cor. Jersey st. rJih-GarsKe. Ivanhoe st. beu Burr ana Alma eta. 295-t'ity hall, PJ. Johns. 2$-Bull's KarsKe. 7' ivannoe st. .rrts-4ni K. Ktssenden it, cor. 6tnuh avs. 7-Publlc library. Charleston and Kellesc sta 298-Kirst Savings Trust Bank bldg.. Midway and Festtenden sta 317S-Flre ra:lh Whitwood court Linnton. 8'8-Klre hail. Linnton. 29-Nl.oUl Garugo. Columbia blvd. and Der by. 800- Park Pos Congregational church. Paik Roe. 801- Grange hall. Ruaaellvllle. 302-Iturkley schooihouse. Si'3-Calkina hali. Gilbert Station. 304-Firnsuorth store. Gilbert fetation. 805-City hall. Fairview. Stti-Maccabees" hall. Koekwood. 307-Pleasant Valley Grange hall. Sycamore station. S08-Murphy's hall. Greshaxn. ns-Flrst btate Bank bidg., Gresnam. I'.'Vs-C'.ty hall. Gresnam. 10-Mssonic hall. Troutdale. tl-Eillotfa hall. Powell valley. 51 1 V, -Denny's hall. Pleasant Horn. 312- 1 nlon llifth icaooi, coroett. 313- Llbrary Bridal Veil Lumber Co., Veil. Bridal 314-Bridal Veil Lumber Ce.. Palmer. Or. 13-Warrendale etore. Warrendal. Or. 1 tl-Sch 00 1 house. Sauvles taland. 17-Holhrook acnoolhous. Holbrook. Or. 17 H -Fire hall, Whitwood court tin the city or t'ortiand). 818-Fire hall. Linnton (In th city of Port- nd. 318t-FrHnk Johnson's hous. 4 mil north ot intersection oc sskylin Diva, ana uer mantown road. 819-Sylvan achoolhouse. Sylvan. o-ralroale schooihouse. 21-Hillstiale schooihouse. -Ryan Place clubhouse. 323-Vnplewood clubhouse. 24-v. est Portland achoolhouse. ;25-1ntersfctlon Palatin Hill road and Boone a Kerrv road. 326- Brentwood hall, corner Cooper and Mat thews. S26V;-V.57 82d st 327- Errol Heiithts elnbhouse. -i m ry -ai Virnlta Ant rantain John MacGresror. M. C D. C. M- Canadlanv Victoria cross, snowshoed over 100 miles to Join the colors. Once Gray -Haired, Not Always So! Ko longer ls It necessary for men or women to be held back on account of gray hair. The business world takes keen notice of ferray hair nowadays but why worry, when it can be easily restored to its natural color, with the wonderful Co-Lo Hair Restorer? A scientifio process discovered by Prof. John H. Austin, of Chicago, for developing the natural color of the hair in a similar manner to that of develop ing the photographio negative. It is positively the only satisfactory and lasting treatment for restoring color to the hair In a mild, healthful manner. Co-Lo Hair Restorer is absolutely harmless, and will not injure either the balr or scalp; is not a dye; contains no lead or sulphur; has no sediment, and is as clear as water a pleasing and simple remedy to apply. It will not wash or rub off. Co-Lo Hair Restorer comes in AO for 111 ave k and all Dark kkade of B row o. -.A7 1-atra Strong, for Jet Black hair only. A H for nil Median Brown Shadem. A 9 for nil very Light Brown, Drab nasi Auburn Shades. Co-Lo Is on tuale ia all Owl prug Stores. Gives Wife Adler-i-ka "My wlfo was pronounced incurable by physictans'unless operated (compli cated bowel trouble). I began giving her Adler-i-ka and she is Improving and I mean to continue until she is cured." (Signed) J. H. Underwood, Ma. Adler-1-ka, expels ALL, gas and sour ness, stopping stomach distress IN STANTLY. Empties BOTH upper nd. lower bowel, flushing ENTIRE allmen mentary canal. Removes ALL foul mat ter which poisons system. Often CURES constipation. Prevents appendicitis. W have sold Adler-i-ka many years. It i a mixture of buckthorn, cagcara, glyc erine and nine other simple drugs, Skldmore Drug company and leading dsufcTgiKt- AW.