The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 01, 1919, SECTION FOUR, Page 2, Image 60

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"I Certainly Am Happy to Return to Portland
With Such Wonderful Offers' Says King Cotton
"And. I Am Making Every Part of This Great
Store Match My Values in Their Own Lines."
Everyone Should Come Here Tomorrow as Early as Possible
jmxxumoUa & (So.
C"Merchandiso of o Merit Only"
Women' DemULinen
Three for 50c
Women who know linen
know that it is impossible to
buy kerchiefs, half linen, at
a price o low. These are
worth half again as much.
Sea them!.
the New Models
in a Great Sale
$3.95, $4.95, $5.95
"These prices in some
cases are less than half."
The wise old king knows full well that his
very smartest frocks are sad failures if they are
not worn over properly fitting corsets, so he
brings these excellent models, which he has re
duced so sharply.
All new spring models in the Modart front
laced corset; made of fancy batiste, brocades
and fancy figured silk batiste.
Low bust, straight lines, medium and long
hip and back trimmed the Modart way. They
truly are the most wonderful corset values we
have ever heard of.
Fourth Floor Lipman, Wolf a & Co.
Men's Fine Pure Linen
At 25c
i Men will thank King
Cotton for providing pure
linen kerchiefs at this re
markably low price. The
values are exceptional and
will go quickly.
These two items in handkerchiefs represent exceptional
values values that are practically unsurpassed and we ad
vise early shopping.
Street Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
"Those 300 New Aprons
at $1.65 Unheard Of"
quoth King Cotton, and you will
agree with him the instant you set
eyes on these brand new aprons.
They're wonders at the price.
There are seven models, and your
only difficulty will be in deciding
which is the prettiest. There are
plaids, pin checks and plain colors
in Scout percale.
i The king loves to see house
wives wear pretty and becoming
aprons about their work, so he chose
seven of the best models and ruth
lessly cut their price.
Fourth Fir. Lipman. W olfc & Co.
Women's Madras Athletic Union
Suits for the Sale, $1.35
The merry monarch advocates athletics for women, and
especially that they wear cool and comfortable athletic under
wear for sports of all kinds, and he says that so many women
in the East are wearing them in the house and for every day
because they are so comfortable and easily laundered.
Striped madras with knitted piece set in back and crotch.
Just like men's except for the lace edge athe neck and knee.
Sizes 36 to 44. Special for this sale.
Street Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
White Pumps, Oxfords and Boots
"This is an entirely new special group."
Trim white shoes are specially smart with cotton frocks, so the king,
a veritable Santa Claus, brings with him the finest collection of white
footwear at the most unbelievable low prices.
Group l$5.45
Women's white canvas and white pop
lin pumps and oxfords in turn and welt
soles. High covered Louis heels and
military heels.
Unusually good qualities. All sizes;
widths AAA to D.
Group 2 $6.85
Women's white canvas and while pop
lin oxfords and boots. This lot comprises
some wonderful shoes of famous makes.
Welt and turn soles. Covered Louis and
Cuban heels, and while enameled leather
heels. All sizes.
Second Floor Lipman, W olfe & Co.
XT T 1 T" 1 1
lNew JLaces ana tLmoroiaenes
"All specially bought and priced for King Cotton's Sale."
His Majesty knew that just at this time women would be busily making pretty
"undies" and all sorts of summer things that require dainty laces and embroideries, so
he bought up a lot and priced them his own way.
Filet Crochet, 25c
Laces and bandinjr for
curtains and brassieres,
Normandy Val
Shadow, 35c
Shadow laces for under
wear. New patterns, 3 la
to b inches.
French Val Lace, 10c
White and cream, edges,
insertions and galloons.
Flouncing, $2.25 to
Ruffled flouncing: fine
nets and organdies.
Light cooL
Cambric Edges
Embroidered, 15c
Kyelet and closed designs
for children's and under
wear. Cambric Flouncing
Swiss imported cloth. 12
in. Wonderful values.
Second Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Gabardine Vests,
Waistcoats at $1
Waistcoats and apron vests,
plain tucked or button trimmed;
fine quality, lined throughout.
Lxcellent value.
Plain and Fancy
Mesh Veilings 49c
Dotted border and scroll veil
ings; black, brown, taupe and
navy. Very specially priced.
Street Floor.
Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Fancy Figured Hook-Back Ban
deaus, Very Special at 39c
You will look twice at the price tag on these to make
sure there's no mistake; made of soft, fancy figured mate
rial, with tape shoulders. All sizes.
500 Boys' New Summer Wash Suits
About Half Price Monday $1.59
And this is the best sale
Portland will see in months."
For the little boy subjects King Cotton has pro
vided a special event of new wash suits. They are
manufacturer's samples and surplus, and the old
king, ever on the lookout for undreamed of "bar
gains' for his Lipman-Wolfe friends snapped them
up and ran off as fast as his royal robes would let
him, but not before he made drastic cuts in prices.
Xew models, new colors and combinations, in middy,
Billy Boy. Junior Norfolk and Oliver Styles. Sizes
!: lo 8 years.
Fourth Floor Lipman, Wolf a & Co.
Reinforced Hook-Front Brassieres
Very Special, 65c
V shape; made wide, pretty lace; reinforced under
arm. All sizes. A notable offering even in this event
of notable offerings. Excellent for the price.
Here 1 50 New Sport Hats
All Wonderful at $6.95
"And there's nothing so
good to be found in Portland."
Old King Cotton combed the country to find these hats
for his loyal followers in Portland. And although we
have offered some unusual specials in the past, none of
them come up to this.
Beautiful leghorns in medium and large sizes, with the
cleverest and most modish trimmings; handsome ribbon and
straw folds and scarfs, with binding to match; chenille and
wool embroidered motifs on brim, crown or ribbon.
The sketch gives you some hint of what awaits you, but
even that is inadequate. You will be delighted and amazed
when you try on some of these clever hats at this low price.
rAinf Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
, Only in My Sale Can You Buy
White Tub Silk Petticoats
Double Paneled at $3.50
'Ho! ho!" said King Cotton, "petticoats from my own
domain would cost that much, and these are of excellent
quality silk."
They're cut full and roomy, yet are so soft that they
follow the season's long, clinging lines. They are trimmed
with knife-pleated frill and tucked flounce and have double
panels front and bade.
Third Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
"Men-Take A Tip
"From One Who Knows Cotton's Worth"-
. And Save Dollars in This Sale.
"You're well enough' versed in the news of the day to know
all about the high prices that cottons are bringing and that
there's no immediate drop in sight so I'm doubly glad to be
able to offer these specials."
750 Famous'Regatta,
Athletic Union
All New
For Monday
This is the lowest price at which these
have been sold for many a long day. They
are of fine nainsook, plaids, and checks
and Mullah, generously cut and well made
throughout. Exceptional values at $1.15.
1 200 Shirts Crepe and Woven
Madras Wonders $ 1 .25
You'll wtnt half a dozen of them the minute you see what
fine fabrics have gone into their making and the beautiful colors
in which they're shown. Crystal cloths, woven madras and fine
crepe madras; in all sizes 14 lo 171-2, inclusive.'
Another Sale of Richelieu
Ribbed Sox All Colors 25c
It has not been long since a sale of these splendid sox was
held and in one day 2 30 dozens were snapped up. Along
comes King Cotton with another lot but not nearly so large
as the first. However, he has all colors and all sizes. And
they're wonders at a quarter.
Mens Store, ust Inside Wash'mston-Slrecl Entrance.
King Cotton Brings a Sale of Children 's Stamped
Dresses, Gowns, Pajamas and Combinations, 79c
"I've made especial preparations to please those women who are fond of add
ing a few touches of handiwork to kiddies wearables, and am offering a won
derful gtoup of specials at seventy-nine cents."
Hundreds at Very
Special Prices
"llrre's where I shine," chuckled
old King Cotton "my loveliest
cotton fabrics have been inadu up
Into these blouses at my royal
command at excellent price re
ductions! Every one Is smart and
new!" a
A1 f A Is a moderate price.
SX"jlJ for these white voile
N w blouse in six new
models lace and embroidery
1 fC finds five new styles
rKX 7 J in white voile blouses
wjth the prettiest
touches of lace, tucking, em
broidery and frill trlmminc
AO r ( tickets tho daintiest
?HT "3U white batiste and
voile blouses em
broidered and lace trimmed, some
with colored embroidery and fine
pin tucking.
A, A rrt Is exceptionally low
ST Til for the lovely white
K batiste and voile
blouses you'll find here at that
price. Many dainty styles, some
h a n d-e rabroidered and lace
Third Floor.
Lipman, Wolfe & Co. .
DRESSES in sizes 6 months to 8 years;
ready made, of lawn, pique or poplin.
Stamped in simple stitches.
GOWNS in sizes 8, 10 and 12 years; ready
made, of fine nainsook, stamped for scal
loping; solid and eyelet stitches.
Stamped Dresses
Very Special 45c
Sizes 6 months to I year.
Dresses of fine shirette and
batiste; stamped in dainty
eyelet and solid embroidery
White Tub Skirts
"Buy them for all summer
while I am here in Portland."
King Cotton knows that he has es
tablished prices that will establish a
new record for Iowness with such qual
ity as is offered in these:
Stamped Gowns
Are Special, 95c
These are ready made, in
kimono style, with round,
square and V-necks, of ex
cellent quality nainsook,
daintily stamped.
Fifth Floor Lipman, IVolfe & Co.
PAJAMAS in sizes 4, 6 and 8 years; ready
made, of dainty pink crepe With just a
ltitle work, they're lovely.
COMBINATIONS in sizes 6 and 8 years;
envelope-style; ready made, of fine nain
sook, stamped for simple embroidery.
Stamped Luncheon
Cloths, Special $1.25
43 and 54-inch round
cloths, of heavy white art
cloth. Stamped in butterfly,
basket and conventional daisy
designs for dainty stitches.
for white walking; and
sport skirts of pique and
cotton nabardine. Thero
are six very smart, new styles.
At A f A , for tub skirls Ideal for
;Sf Tl I 'walking and sport wear.
r -'- They are in five new mod
els and ara made of pique, gabardine
and golflet.
left- smart new tub skirts
oi cotton gabardine or
pique of fine quality. There
are five distinctive models, trimmed
with tuck, folds and pearl button.
7"n'rJ Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
r J
H It
fl It
For Baby
From King Cotton
-Rlankrli for baby's crib-
cial at BiC
-Wool Blanket sof t downy
wool ones. with blue borders
and bandins- special SI. US.
-Doable Blanket famous Bea
con Blankets:, size 3242 inches
with f h n-o y bindiUK spe
cial $1.95.
T.lMle Sheets for baby's crib
with double hemstitched ends
epeciiil ."c 1'iliow blips to
match 15c
Long: Slips and Shrt Presses
for baby special 81. OO.
Crepeila Soeojncs thell scal
loped and embroidered il5l',
Fourth Floor,
Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
A Great Lingerie Ribbon Sale
"Too'Late for the Anniversary, but in Time for Me."
It is an ill wind that blows nobody good." quoted King Cotton,
"for if these had arrived on time I should not have been able to
offer them to you at these special prices
"25 c 35c 39c 59c 65 c 85c"
500 Remarkable Frocks
For 2 to 6 Girls $1.25
"It was indeed fortunate to have the manufacturer
who pave us such wonderful bargains in girls' dresses
repeat the order for my sale!"
Thero are ten models all of excellent quality cham
bray or Bingrham on straight line styles, on hifrn.
walsted and dainty round collar styles. Borne have
scalloped collars and cuffs, and some are prettily
smocked. They're wonder values oven for King
Cotton . Fourth Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
They are in beautiful quality and
artistis designs satin, with
dotted and floral patterns. The
colors are white, pink and blue
widths from No. I to No. 5.
Ten-yard pieces to th bolt and
they are of a quality not often found
at ever o much, more tbau theo
very special prices. King Cotton
was amazed at the Iowness of price!
Ton will save, considerably on your ribbons for summer lingerie
. . If you buy now 1 Street Floor, Liipmau. WoUe ec Co.
Scrim or Marquisette
Fourth Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Please See The
Opposite Page
"This Is One of My Very Best Offers."
If King Cotton had not planned this sale very care
fully and a long time ago, even His Majesty would
be unable to offer such values. These are curtains
of excellent quality, 214 yards long, in while or cream
color; daintily hemstitched and trimmed with neat lace
edges. Values extraordinary.
Fifth Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co.