The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 01, 1919, SECTION FOUR, Image 59

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Pages 1 to 12
Dramatic, Photoplays .
and News Features
jRetoirE to 1
ESS . Mlifift i
nc t;en Though Cottons Are Now Higher on the Market Than Ever, He
Remembers His Royal Reception of Former Years and Brings With
Him a Great Assemblage of His Followers9 "New Goods" at
Prices Way, Way Below Their Present Worth . The
- : Bountiful Gifts of the King Are Spread
on These Three Pages !
"And Now," Says King Cotton, "There Will Be at Least One Popular King in This
City After You Oregonians Have Looked Over My Marvelous Sale Offers!"
"Well, Portland, here I am fcack again after bebg
away a year.
. . "And. while it may sound vain, you are all going
to think a lot of me before I leave here again for I
have brought with me" the greatest savings on season
able merchandise you have seen.
"and I know about how great Lipman, Wolfe &
Co.'s Anniversary was, in point of value-giving, too.
"You probably don't know that cotton in the raw
state is higher today than in years and .that every day
sees it 'go higher. .....-. ;
"But don't worry -for my prices take no note of
these increases. Just come here tomorrow, though,
and stock up.
"And I have challenged all other sections to match'
my offers and they certainly are doing it
i "Be here when the doors open."- King Cotton.
J "Merchandise of c Merit Only"
Pure Silk Hose, $1.39
King Cotton says: "Call these silk stock
ings 'seconds' and sell them for $1.39 a pair.
i "I know that, although the imperfections are
practically indiscernible, even to my sharp eyes,
they do not quite measure up to the Lipman
Wolfe standard of first quality" hence the classi
fication and the pricing.
They are medium weight, full-fashioned, with
silk lisle garter tops and heavy heels ind toes.
Black, white and a number of attractive shades.
The value is unsurpassed.
Street Floor.
Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Down Go White Goods and Domestics
"This Is Where I Show My Power" Says King Cotton
Ten Yards Sterling Longcloth
One Piece to a Customer $1.85
King Cotton knew he would make a host of new
friends when he marked this fine, soft finished
longcloth at this low price. It cannot be excelled
for undergarments, nigntgowns, etc. And he gave in
structions that only one piece be sold to a customer.
2000 Yards Novelty White Goods
For Summer 35c
. ."Won't the women who are planning to make
new waistsj skirts and dresses, or any other sort
of 'white wear, be tickled when they see this?"
said old King Cotton. There are fancy white
voiles, dimities. Flaxons, madras and skirtings;
11 new and brought out by King Cotton.
12 Yards Famous Bridal
Wreath Nainsook for $4.75
- "I'm happy to bring you this fine soft nainsook,"
said jolly King Cotton as he unpacked this lot.
It is the finest finished nainsook on the market;
delightful for fine undergarments and children's
wear. Absolutely free from dressing and 36
inches wide.
54x90 Heavy Seamless Sheets
Exceptional Offer at $1
"If the hotel and rooming-hoTjse people and oil
those folk who want sheets for single beds are
wise, they'll buy liberally of there," quoth King
Cotton. They are extra heavy and free- from dropp
ing and the price is so low there will be no reduc
tion on quantities!
12 Yards Cherry Blossom or
Baby Nainsook at $3.95
"The best is none too good for my Annual
Sale," said old King Cotton, so he insisted that
this remarkably soft, fine nainsook be sold at this
low price. It is especially suitable for baby wear;
it is so soft and fine and lovely; 36 and 39
inches wide.
2500 Yards 32-Inch Plaid
Ginghams Unusual 35c
"A rather exceptipnal purchase, even for me,"
modestly smiled old King Cotton as he flashed
these handsome plaid ginghams before the
astonished beholder. Stripes checks, plaids; the
handsomest patterns you ever saw at considerably
more than this special price.
Three-Quarter and Full Size Spreads
Below Present Cost -$3.75
"You couldn't buy them for that wholesale,"
said King Cotton, "and I couldn't bring them to
you if . I didn't supervise their manufacture and
hadn't reserved them for this sale." Beautiful
patterns, with hemmed and scalloped borders.
BoPeep Wool Finish
Cotton Batts Special
"We'll have something- for those women who
always make their comforters in the summer" so
here a special offer of excellent imported cotton
la-tt that look like wool and cobt much less.
2-lb. size. 11. iO 21a lbs., $2 3 lbs.. 12.60.
Sheets Down
And for an added attrac
tion to this royal festival we'll
have a special sale of the pop
ular Defender sheets. They
are full bleached, seamless
and free from dressing.
72x90 inches, $1.40
72 x 99 inches, $1.50
81 x 99 inches, $1.60
81x108 inches, $1.70
Second Floor.
- Lipman. Wolfe & Co.
King Cotton Invites a
Special Sale of
300 Pairs White
Lambskin Gloves
Remarkably Priced
A sale of white gloves that
does the old king's heart good
to see. Plain stitched and fan
cifully trimmed with contrasting
welt and embroidery. Some are
washable; 52 to 7z.
Street Floor.
Lipman, Wolfe & Co. .
And the King Also
Invites an Offer of
All Wool
Cream Serge At
His Majesty informs us, out
of his store of almost uncanny
wisdom, , that cream serge will
play an important part in the
summer plans of fashionable
women for suits, skirts and
dresses. This is excellent quality
and perfect weave and finish.
Second Floor.
Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
A Tremendous Sale of New White Silks $ 1 .69 inducing to Oregon j
Uerryvale Linens
"Match This if You Can," Challenges the Silk Section to King Cotton
p7""' And the jovial old king shakes his cotton head and admits that the value IS unmatchable, the quality, newness and the predicted vogue of white silk considered.
Gleaming satins for sports wear, skirts, frocks, etc.; Wash broadcloth, imported habutai, taffetas, and
beautiful messalines, wash satins and crepes that fashion more besides but you must see this gathering of the
into lovely summer wearables (graduation dresses and season's most approved white silks to judge of the actual
the like). savings you may effect in this sale of sales.
Go back over this ad, please, and note well the silks offered at this price and figure up your own savings.
Second Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Discerning women who are both shop-wise and' fore
sighted will make systematic estimates of their white silk
needs for months to come and buy as they never bought
silk (or anything else, for that matter) before.
It's well worth a little mental effort on your part
"I've neither part nor parcel in the making of
these; they're out of my' realm entirely; yet it does
my old cotton heart good to tell my loyal subjects that
these are the finest linens made, and I want the whole
state of Oregon to know
"I Offer Unheard-of Savings in Cotton or Silk Underthings"
"Never Before Such Opportunities, " Says King Cotton, "But You'll Have to Come Early"
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Women's Longcloth Underskirts
Special $1.25
Most excellent white longcloth skirts,
with deep ruffle of embroidery in dotted
and flowered designs. Deep underruffle.
Remarkable value.
Double Panel Skirts, $1.45
Made of soft longcloth, with scallop
edge. Double panel both front and back.
A typical King Cotton value, and one that
we are glad to offer.
Wonderful Gowns, Five New
Styles $1.65
Five of the prettiest new models in
longcloth gowns. Square and round
neck, empire or yoke style with em
broidered organdie and lace.
Other Gowns $1 to $3.45
Also of soft finish longcloth in
charming styles; ribbons, beading and
shirring for adornment. Surprisingly
good values.
Envelope Chemise
Remarkable at $1.15
Daintily effective styles, in soft
longcloth chemise. Insertion, lace,
embroidery, medallions trim them.
Strap or corset cover styles.' All sizes.
OrAer Chemise $1 to $1.95
A most attractive assortment of lace
and embroidery trimmed chemise in
empire and yoke styles. The best we
have ever shown at these prices.
Fourth Floor Lipman, Wolfe r Co.'
Sale of Crepe de Chine Gown -$4.95
King Cotton selected these lovely blossom-tinted "nighties"
himself. The sentimental old soul says: "I bring these pretties
specially for brides and girl graduates." Both tailored and
more elaborate styles . in a wonderfully good quality crepe
de chine.
Sale of Crepe de Chine Chemise $2.95
And for all his feminine subjects King Cotton brings a
marvelous lot of crepe de chine chemise, flesh tinted and in
seven styles, exquisitely fashioned; both the simple and
unadorned types and the beautifully elaborate.
Beautiful Crepe de Chine and
Satin Skirts $3.95
Our friend, the king, says: "The 'swish'
f silken ' petticoats Is no lontrer heard -
because they are cow made of soft silks,
eo demure and - clinging. Flesh and
white tailored and trimmed. Wonderful.
Flesh Colored Satin Bloomers
Sale $3.45
King- Cotton tells us that this is an
imbelievably low price for such beau
tiful satin bloomers. Wide- grarter ef
fects with tucks, hemstitching and lace
edge 'at knee. Elastic at waist. Alt
Hundreds of Camisoles Special
at 95c and $U5
Such 'a host of adorable camisoles
the merry monarch became quite, be
wildered in the midst of eo much pink
silk finery, and promptly gave them
two absurdly low prices and made a
hasty retreat. Tailored and fancy
camisole and corset cover styles.
This Famous Line Now
Here Exclusively
"It is, indeed, fit that these be
found only at my store Lipman.
Wolfe & Co. for the best of every
thnig is found here. And Derryvale
patterns, texture and quality are un
equaled for beauty."
The Complete Derryvale Line Ready on
the Second Floor Monday See Windows
These are the famous linens you've seen advertised in the national
magazines, and you buy quality to the utmost in these. Every piece
of Derryvale linen is guaranteed absolutely. Briefly, you'll find:
Circular patterned cloths of
beautiful tulip, chrysanthemum
and rose pattern from $7.25
to $10.85, with napkins at
$10.25 the dozen.
Genuine Irish. Linen
'typical scent inthelrish tmtn coiatrp -
Round .patterned cloths of
snow white damask, many
patterns 19.75 and 112. with
napkins at 113 75 the dozen.
Cloths In fine patterns
pure linen and very beautiful
$12.50 to 118.75. with nap
kino at 117 the dozen.
, J
Double damask cloths at $14
to 120. GO. and matching nap
- kins at $18.50 the dozen.
-Second Kloor,
Lipman, Wolfe &. Co.
See the Next Tim Pages!
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