The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 01, 1919, SECTION THREE, Image 47

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j Pages 1 to 12
Editorial, Society and
Church News
NO. 22.
The Great Book of the Age "Belgium," by Brand Whitlock 2 Vols. $7.50 Book Shop, Main Floor.
S. & H. Green Trading Stamps Will Be Given on All Charge Accounts if Paid in Full on or Before the 10th of Each Month Don't Overlook This Direct Cash Saving on the Money You Spend.
Trunks, Suitcases and Bags Now Occupy Enlarged Quarters Near S. & H. Stamp Office on 3d Floor Furniture Department Moved to 4th Floor Lawn Swings and Hammocks on 3d Floor
Home Journal Patterns
Are Easiest to Use!
Millions of American women who do their own
sewing find Home Journal Patterns satisfactory in
every way. Stylish, perfect-fitting and accurate.
The Standard Store of the Northwest
Olds, Wortman & Kin:
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
25c Crescent Sardines
Special 19c Can
Model Grocery, Fourth Floor At this special price
Monday only. Booth's Crescent brand Sardines
soused, mustard or tomato regular 25c size
Double Stamps given with cash purchases Monday.
The Great, JUNE WHITE SALE Starts Monday
Double Stamps With Cash Purchases In All Departments!
Tomorrow we launch our JUNE WHITE SALE for 1919. We have assembled great stocks of dependable merchandise for this event and assure our thousands of '
customers that the values we offer are the best obtainable in the market. Practically every department of the store has many special bargains for the June Sale Visit the store tomorrow and every day You will
find hundreds of opportunities to save money on seasonable wearables and household supplies. As an added attraction we will give DOUBLE S. & H. TRADING STAMPS WITH CASH PURCHASES MADE MONDAY
For Gifts
handkerchiefs exquisite designs in
colors on fine linen. Exceptional
values at 75c up to $2.50 each.
25c Handkerchiefs,
At 19c
Main Floor Women's pure linen
handkerchiefs with neat hem
stitched edge. Excellent " Q
25c quality. Special at
WOMEN'S fine hand-embroidered
handkerchiefs of pure linen.
Priced now at 49c and 79c each.
New Bridal Wreaths
and Veilings
Main Floor Newest ideas in bridal
wreaths priced at 75c to $2.25.
Bridal veilings 3 yards wide, fa
mous Heathcoat quality none bet
ter. Priced at only $1.75 the yard.
Bridal wreath buds and flowers
priced at from 25c to 50c each.
Dainty Gifts in
Main Floor Imitation ivory toilet
ware $7.50 set of three pieces
comb, brush and mirror. 0A Kfl
Triced special, the set BJvJ
5 ',i x 9-inch Trays, special 50c
4 x 6-inch Trays, special at 25c
75c Dressing Combs, special 50c
Powder Boxes, Hair Receivers
and Manicure articles special at 25c
HAND-PAINTED Ivory in sev
eral decorations distinctive and
beautiful for gifts. Reasonable
prices. Drug Dept., Main Floor.
Dainty Undermuslins
In the June White Sale
Second Floor This is one of the most important
events of the year the Sale of Undermuslins
and many women take advantage of the special
low prices and supply their undearwear needs
for the entire season at this time.
$1.98 Night Gowns
Special $1.69
Second Floor Plain white cotton
crepe Night Gowns, neatly (PI JCk
trimmed. Sale price only OJ.JJa
Women's blue Night Gowns with
bluebird, bluebell or. butter- C?" QQ
fly designs. Worth to $2.25 wl.iO
'Muslin Gowns, slip-over style QO
values to $1.50. Special at f Ot
White Sateen Petticoats, Special $1.49
White Pique Bloomers at 49c
Second Floor WTiite Satten Petti
coats with adjustable waist meas-
Jap crepe in pink and blue
Dresses, Suits, Coats and Capes
In the June White Sale
THE GARMENT STORE offers many extraordinary bargains for the June
White Sale in Coats, Capes, Dresses, Waists, etc. For Monday's selling we
mention a few of the special sales that will be of interest to all women.
II f 1 I . T m Wi
Charming Net
Frocks .
Second Floor Many delightful styles
in this showing. One model is in
full waist style trimmed with tucks
and narrow satin ribbon another is
in high waist effect with ruffle
trimmed skirt and wide satin girdle.
Another style is in surplice model with
scalloped tunic skirt and folded net gir
dle. These are priced $15, $17 and $21,
Capes and Coats
at $28.95
Second Floor These are all from our
regular stock and were formerly
priced much higher. AIL this season's
most wanted styles, both in capes and
coats. Made up in gabardine, serge,
jersey, silvertone and mixtures. Many
of the capes have draped collars.
Splendid assortment of CJOO QfT
colors. Priced special at D0tJ
Women's Suits
At Sale Prices
Second Floor We have taken a large number of our very finest
suits and repriced them for the June White Sale. Beautiful braided
and embroidered styles in sport suits; also novelty belted and tailored
models. Wool jersey, faille silk, tricotine, gabardine and other wanted
materials. Double. S. & H. Trading Stamps given with cash purchases.
Curtain Corners
38c to 98c
Bargain Circle, First Floor Lace
Curtain Corners Manufacturer's
sample pieces fine for sash cur
tains. Large assortment on sale
Monday. Special at 380 to 980.
45c Marquisettes,
29c Yard
Many pVetty patterns in CQp
this lot. Special price, yard
40c Curtain Voiles, the yard 270'
35c Curtain Scrims, the yard 2 40
35c White Curtain Swistes, 190
75c Cretonnes, 48c
Cretonnes for draperies, bags, pil
low tops and fancy work. Great
assortment of patterns. 75c IQ
grade. On sale Monday, yard Oi
$7.50 White Boots
At $5.98
Main Floor Women's White Nu-Buck Lace Boots
medium round toe last with imitation tip. Smart "sport"
modeL Short forepart, flat heel and flexible fiber sole.
Vamp trimmed with small perforations.
Especially smart for golf, tennis and out
ing wear. These are from our regular
stock marked at $7.50. On sale QJT QQ
Monday at very special, a pair Otl0
Women's Laced
A - QQ
l it W1.tU Boots of white can
vas, with high covered Louis heels
and tipless toe also with enameled
white military heel, plain toe and
covered military heel with medium
round tipless toe. All the sizes.
Broken sizes $5.50 to $7.50 White Albo Cloth Boots at $3.50
Af QQ Women's White
rX OO.iO Canvas Pumps and
Oxfords with hand-turned soles.
One and two straps, laced oxfords
and plain pumps with high or low
heels. All sizes in the different
styles. Best makes.
Women's $48.50 Suits, Special $36.37
Women's $55.00 Suits, Special $41.25
Women's $62.50 Suits, Special $46.88
Women's $65.00 Suits, Special $48.75
Women's $68.50 Suits, Special $51.37
W'omen's $69.75 Suits, Special $52.32
Women's $75.00 Suits, Special $56.25
Women's $78.50 Suits, Special $58.37
Women's $89.50 Suits, Special $67.13
Women's $89.75 Suits, Special $67.32
Women's $95.00 Suits Special $71.25
Women's $110 Suits, Special $82.50
Women's $115 Suits, Special $86.25
Women's 4125 Suits, Special $93.75
Georgette Waists $1.98
Center Circle, 1st Floor Georgette
crepe and crepe de chine waists in a
number of pretty styles. Some are
rather fancy others in tailored ef
fects. Trimmed with tucks or em
broidery. Square or V J- QQ
at tPJ-.J
necks. Monday, special
in many beautiful new models -in
white and colored voiles, lawns and
batistes. Square, round or V necks.
Lace and tuck trimmed. All sizes
and many styles. Priced C1 fTQ
for Monday's sale at only
June White Sale of Laces
And Embroideries
Main Floor Embroideries and Laces of finest im
ported and domestic manufacture thousand of yards
of every desirable kind and width in the June Sale
at low prices. Note the following special bargains:
18c Embroideries
10c Yard
Main Floor Excellent quality Cambric Edges, with
attractive new eyelet and floral designs. Well
worked edges. Embroideries such as you pay 1 fin
15c and 18c for in the regular way. Special
A $mfi if'
stripes with scalldped bottoms
Also muslin petticoats AQ
Friccd special Monday )l.rxJ
Women's White Pique Bloomers
finished with elastic in waist and
knee. These are of good quality
and well made. Our regular
65 grade. Priced special AQs
for Monday's selling at, pr.
Women's Closed Marcella Drawers
Special 79c and 98c Pair
rjQn I Marcella Drawers, $1.2o QOp
I nnrl 1 KD orarlps. Snprinl at fOU
Linens for June Brides
Marcella Drawers, val
ues to $1. Priced special at
Discontinued Models
Gossard Corsets
Special $2.98
Second Floor Also a few styles in Bon Ton, OWE
Special and Bien Jolie Grecian Treco Corsets.
Moilels in this lot formerly selling up to $7.
A great chance to save on high-grade corsets.
!t:20-21 ;22!2324:2526!27
I -1! 9; 51 410! 21 2JJ
2S !29i30'3i 32 33'34 S5i3S
I 2 1514; 2 2! 3 6 4. 4
Corsets Worth to $3.50
Special $1.98
Second Floor Discontinued models in Royal
Worcester, OWK Special and a few Bon Ton
Corsets. Broken lots and odd sizes grouped into
one big assortment and offered special at $1.98.
Sizes. . ..
Sizes. . ..
4 2 1 3;i426,10
. . . .t28'29;30!31 '32'33'34'3S 3S
Ill ?j 7 5 5 2j 2j 1! 2
The Ideal Gift
When you buy at. this store yoa
know you are getting linens of
quality at a reasonable price. Visit
this department and see the many
attractive offerings in fine linens
for wedding gifts. Main floor.
Dinner Sets
Richardson's pure linen sets
table cloth and one dozen napkins
to match. Beautiful new patterns.
Sets size 2x2 yards priced $28.50
Sets size 2x2M yds. priced $30.50
Sets size 2x3 yards priced $32.50
Sets size 2x24 yards at $33.00
ODD DOZENS fine dinner nap
kins priced $18.50, $22.50, $25 doz.
Madeira Linens
Madeira hand-embroidered and
hand-scallpped Doilie Sets center
piece and 12 doilies in each set.
Moderately priced, $6, $7 and $7.50.
Lingerie Linens
Richardson's S6-inch Lingerie
Linens f o r summer underwear.
Regular 85c grade, special at 75c
Regular 90c grade, special at 80c
$1 grade 90c $1.25 grade at $1
Sale of Lingerie Nainsooks
$3.50 Nainsooks, box PQ 1 E? I 4.25 iTiinoooKs, the box $3.83
of 10 yards now at
$-3.90 Nainsooks, box
$4.75 Nainsooks, the box $4.28
$5.50 Nainsooks, the box 4.95
-$6.r0 -Cinsooks, the box $5.85
72-inch Nets $1.25
Main Moor 72-inch Dress Nets of
fine quality. Priced spe- ?" OK
cial for Monday at, yard D-LJ
40-inch xruf f led, tucked, hem
stitched and pleated net Flouncings
for summer dresses. Prices range
$2.75 to $3795 yard. See these!
40-inch extra quality ?0 Kft
Flouncing. Special, yard Wii.tJU
Wash Laces 6c Yard
Main Floor Dainty Val. Wash
Laces in diamond and two-thread
edges, insertions, beading and bead
ing edges. Worth to 10c Ctn
Monday priced special, the yard v)C
Camisole Laces beading points
and 6-inch beading edges. 9Cn
50c grades priced Monday at OUl
Double stamps, cash purchases.
New Georgette Crepes
Main Floor Nearly every day we receive new shipments of crepes. Over
100 beautiful new shades to select from light and dark. Crepes of de
pendable quality that will give service. Prices range $2.25 to $3.50 yard.
WHITE GEORGETTE in dainty figured effects of lavender and pink
or tan and pink. Trice $3.50 a yard. Excellent quality Lace Dept. 1st Floor.
$15 and $20 Hats
At $10
Second Floor The great $10 Sale
that created such a stir Saturday
will be repeated Monday with many
more beautiful hats included.
Women who have heard about the
remarkable values this store offers
will want to be here early Monday
and share in this great sale.
Trimmed Hats none worth less
than $15.00 and on up to $20.00
All the season's best styles. ?- A
All colors. Monday only 0-l-Vf
Millinery Salons
Second Floor
72x90 Sheets. Special at $1.45
81x90 Sheets. Special at $1.75
Pillow Cases of good quality.
Special at 25 0, 330, 390 each.
of 10 yards now
Sheets and Pillow Cases
Bleached Sheets, size OfT
54x90 inches, now at &J-tJ
Bleached Sheets, size J"1 A f
63x90 inches, now at Ul-'xU
June White Sale in the
Women's " Night Gowns, Enve
lope Chemise, Pajamas and Com
binations. Great variety of styles,
trimmed with dainty embroideries
and laces. Hundreds of garments
to select from in this offering.
White Silks
In Great Variety
Jap Silks, 75c to $2.25 a yard
Shantungs, $1.75 to $2.25 a yard
36-inch Jap Silks, $1.23 to $3.50
40-inch White Satins, $3 to $6
40-inch White' Crepe de Chine
priced at $2.50 to $4.50 a yard
40-inch Mirette Crepe $5 a yard
40-inch White Jersete, $6 a yard
36-inch White Tussah, $2.50 yard
S6-inch White Mandarin at $3.50
40-inch White Sonata Satin at $6
36-inch Uzene Satin at $1.75 yard
40-inch Crepes and Voiles now
priced at $2.25 and $2.50 a yard.
White Wool
Main Floor Our stock embraces all
the season's wanted weaves for
dresses, skirts, coats, suits, etc.
White Wool Batistes at $1.50 yard
Chiffon Panamas at $2.00 a yard
French Serges, yard $2.50 and up
Storm Serges, yard $2.00 and up
A 1 s o White Poplins, Tricotines,
Gabardines, Bedford Cords, Jerseys
and Broadcloths ' at popular prices.
Sale of Refrigerators
-LOT 1 1500 Pieces
5 S1.00
Muslin Underwear, on'
LOT 2 1200 Pieces Q- OQ
Muslin Underwear, only 3i-07
LOT 3 1800 Pieces Q- ?Q
Muslin Underwear, only 3-Lvi7
Entire Stock
Monday, Tuesday and Wednes
day you may choose any refrig
erator in our stock at a substan
tial reduction. This includes the
famous "Automatic," "Crystal
White," "Columbia" and Illinois"
makes. Sale prices range from
$13.95 up to as high as $95.40
For Warm Days
Water coolers, portable ovens,
gas hot plates, meat safes
vacuum bottles, oil heaters, lunch
kits, lawn mowers, hose, etc. etc.
L:T 13, '
1 re; irf-'
June Sale of Dinner Sets
And Fancy China
Third Floor White and Gold Nip
pon China Dinner Sets. Very fine
quality. Sets contain 100 pieces.
Regular price $77.00. CJCfl flf
Special sale price, set 'Jt'u,vu
SOUP SETS, French Jr ff
china. $10.30 value at DOJJ
Imported China Dinner Sets with
floral blue decoration. 53 pieces
to the set. Regular price $58.90
Offered in the June QO'T Cf
sale, a't a setl.OU
-SOUP SETS of 15 C7 Eft
O 4 ,0J
pieces, $13.25 value, now
White and Gold China
Imported White and Gold China
on sale at specially reduced prices.
$1.75 Sugar Bowls now at 750
$1.50 Sugar Bowls now at 850
60c Creamers, special each 300
$2.60 Berry Bowls, only $1.2
$3.00 Berry Bowls, only $1.50
$4.75 Covered Vegetable Dishes
on sale at Special price each $2.00
$1.30 Platters. Special at 50
6.50 Turkey Platters, at $2.50
$1.35 Olive Dishes, each 750
$3.50 Bon Bon Dishes at $2.00
Haviland t Pvir
Fancy China 72 illtc
Great assortment of Haviland &
Co. fancy French China in the June
Sale at just regular prices. In
cluded are Sugars and Creamers,
Spoon Trays, Dresser Trays, Pin
Trays, Cake Comports, Olive
Dishes, Hot Milk Pitchers, Coffee
Pots, Relish Dishes and a great
many other articles suitable for
gifts. All on sale at just 2 price.
Plates in All Sizes
Third Floor Such famous makes
as Minton, Copeland, Royal Wor
cester and Haviland. Plates of
all sizes. Note the reduced prices.
$24.00 dozen Plates at $18.00
$50.00 dozen Plates at $30.00
$57.50 dozen Plates at $42.50
$76.00 dozen Plates at $40.00
$15.00 dozen Plates at $ 7.SO
$30.00 dozen Plates at SS15.00
$45.00 dozen Plates at $22.50
$11.25 dozen Plates at $ 6.00
$22.50 dozen Plates at S12.00
$28.00 dozen Plates at $14.00
$42.00 dozen Plates at $21.00