THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, JUNE 1, 1919. 21 MOHUB MARKET IS IDJ STRONG POSITION War Creates New Avenues of Consumption. YARN EXPORT IS FACTOR English Expert Believes Values Will "ot Be Seriously Affected by Movement of Turkish Stock- Alfalfa rood bat soma Injury from weevil and grasshoppers. NEVADA. Continued warm weather fa vorable for wheat, oats, barley, rye and al falfa, which developed rapidly tinder Irrigation. SMALL SHORTS SQUEEZED; Strawberry Market Is Firmer. Strawberries were firmer yesterday. Re ceipts were not larre and they cleaned np quickly at 33.73Q4. Lambert cherries from California made their appearance and were quoted at 25 cents a ponnd. Tartarions were in large supply and drag-red at 1015cenia, New potato receipts were heavy but there was a rood demand and the market was steady at 798c a pound. Old Oregon were unchanged at $1.75 a sack. Good Price Paid For Err, While the demand for errs 1 not strong. buyers are paying rood prices, ranging up to 44 cents, to country shippers. Receipts were 109 J cases from Oregon and 45 from Washington. Street stocks were 4145 cases as against 8101 cases a week ago. FITE-CEXT ADVANCE IX CORX AT CHICAGO. MAY The market abroad Is in a rela tively strong position, notwithstanding the probability of a large movement of Turkish hair which has been accumulating during the war, and which by some Is estimated to amount to 80.000 bags of all descriptions. Commenting on the situation, the Branioro, England, correspondent of the Angora Jour nal writes: "Men here who know the trade thoroughly are convinced that the new avenues of con sumption which the war created are not oing to be closed now that the fighting la ever, and strong hopes are entertained that the future has nothing but good in store for the article. Of course It Is the custom of spinners to lie low and say nowt," but all the aame it is known that an expanding con sumption Is proceeding and directly peace ia alened. old markets on the continent must open, although naturally the outlook there Is as yet not too Inviting. Germany and Russia have been Bradford" moat important mohair yarn markets and, although today tere is nothing Inspiring when one looks across to these two countries, chaos cannot reign indefinitely. The Cape article as well as that grown fa the States will have to face a revived competitor in Turkey, but the general feel ing is that, given reasonable conditions, mo hair is bound to occupy a fairly strong po sition. Of course the crux of .the matter lies in the amount of mohair yarns that it will be possible to export. Some say that Germany is bankrupt. We do not believe that. If that country will only settle down to peace conditions, credits will be forth coming to pay for big quantities of wool. tnohair, yarns and piece goods. "One must not forget that mohair la to day being so treated that Its luster can be removed without the fabric suffering any depreciation, and therefore used in conjunc tion with wool, as well as artificial silk. Mohair is destined to occupy a more promi nent position In the textile world than In any pre-war times. There are those who are talking in Bradford about mohair firsts coming down to 32d (64c). that being esti mated as a fair market price here today. As a matter of fact, there is no actual mar ket price, but It seems to the writer that at around 30d there will be buyers, although readers must clearly understand that Brad ford operators will want to purchase at sen sibly less at the Cape. At the moment the market is in an evolutionary stage. All are anxiously waiting for the peace terms to be signed," CUBES HIGHEB THAN PRINT BUTTER Market Unsettled by Action of Local Cream ery Men. Competition among the city creameries, the entry of a new company In the local field and efforts to bear prices so as to bring about cheaper storage have resulted In a temporarily lower market for print than for cube butter. 8everal of the manu . facturers reduced print prices 2 cents yes terday to 68 cents, box basis; but cubes did not go down correspondingly, and 59 cents was again obtainable for extras. The larger handlers of cube butter, in fact, have de ctded to make no concessions, as there ap pears to be a sufficiently good outlet at the old price. To add to the unsettlement, va rious quotation are being put out on butter fat, ranging Ima 68 to 60 cents at stations. while the new company is reported to be bidding 67 cents. Storage holdings Increased 28,427 pounds, and for the week gained 108,322 pounds. Street stocks yesterday were 105,568 pounds. as compared with 109,748 pounds a week ago. Receipts were: Pounds, California 4.S92 Oregon 25,911 Washington ... 3.S00 Butter and Eggs In Storage. Storage holdings of butter and eggs leading coast cities yesterday were lows: Butter Portland . . . Seattle San Francisco ........ Kg S3 Portland Receipts Very Large, But Industries Corp pete "With Elevators to Tn usual Degree. CHICAGO. BCav 31. Belated covering by small shorts brought about a sharp last-of- t he-month bulge In corn prices today, not withstanding big receipts. The market closed unsettled 1 H 5c net higher with July Sl.ee1 3 1.66H and September gl.58 &1.5Sm. Oats finished at IVic net decline to hie advance and provisions varying from 20c off to a rise of 65c. f resh supplies here, amounting to be tween 600 and 700 carloads, turned the corn downward art first and relieved to a great extent iear that any disastrous might accompany the final adjustment of luei tncludln. a t l O boo , l In the May contracts. Selling pressure, however. Alerltin mincVDa? ofT.rfn ' ,"0t,T' " rd'.Ml ,"J..lh.' hu", ".I R.tetnonmCnCaSS! ."nd B operations aggregating slightly more than 2,000.000 shares. Intervals of dullness and uncertainty ac companied signs of higher money and appre hension concerning the possible course of events abroad, but these were overcome by fresh waves of buying, which embraced the entire list. The market has now experienced almost four months of trading on an unparalleled scale. Its magnitude may be Judged from the fact that stock transactions for the first five months of the year are almost double the 1918 output for the same period, while bond sales have vastly more than doubled. In the highest financial circles there ap pears to be an Increasing realisation that the United States will have to bear a large part of the burden necessary to restore nor mal financial and economic conditions abroad Proposals to discount part of Ger many's Indemnity to France are expected to form part of the comprehensive plan now under consideration by American bankers. There was a broader Inquiry for special ties comprising the food, chemical, rubber and tei. tile groups, accumulations of those Issues being based on tangible evidence of general trade lmorovement. The unqualified success of the Victory losn. shown by the large oversubscriotlon. alSO Sttmulatr1 th rtnnrl m rial n H nn. tributed to the success of several new cap- 000 South Pounds. .. .450,189 .. .81 .-2e-2 Case 5. .35,132 plurwithevatr. !"du"rt" nd.nV ndT fon waT without adverse "I Veverth e .man .ZrfV 'V'Zl11 oa Britu" and Frencn w" "orations. mB" shorts waited in hope wh, h Ru,,ian .. .,,1. m.,u.: Seattle ....... aa. Francisco ...43,132 .. .82.SS7 Bank Clearings. ot an eleventh-hour collapse of values. The wait was futile, though, for the rush to cover In the last five minutes of the ses sion carried May up to the highest prices of the day, 5c above the previous close. Breaking of the drouth In the northwest made the oats market relatively weak. novi.ioii. averaged higher owing chiefly strengthened substantially. MARKET STEDY AT CLOSE Bank clearing, of the Northwestern clUea 8 "Do" buying of lard. Strength of hog yesterday were a follows: ' tlon" in various principal markets Clearings. Balances, i a. a ouiusn influence. Portland J5.07a.578 s edl..o Seattle 8.78-M44 1.354.130 Tacoma .. 773.778 U25.U1 Spokane X.&42.616 700.559 Clearings ox forliann, beattie aca x acorn CORX. High. Low. 1.63 1.55 for the past week and corresponding wees in former years were Close. LS8 FEW LIVESTOCK SALES MADE AT YARDS. AKE 1919. . 1918.. 1917.. 1916.. 1915.. 1914. . 1913.. 1912. . 1911.. 1910. Portland .2.203.528 . 19.566.129 . 13.02 7.691 . 9.113.000 . 8.675.95 . 11.S12.465 . 13.750.575 . 1O.3U0.45O . 8.661.258 8.395.678 Seattle. S30.9V.5.370 27.553.237 17.911.41S 13.041.912 11.646.583 15.104.866 12,874,404 11,20.352 10.718.263 11.071.992 i Sept Taooma S3. 822. 960 3.662.447 Jnlr 2.761. ISSS I Sept. 1.977,628 2.45S.3S 2,751,653 4,772,604 4,129.151 5.447.691 .T, '.ft Total Portland bank clearings for May of this and former years were: -65 B0 .23 43.75 82.59 31.90 2T.95 27.30 May. 1919 May, 1918 May, 1917 May. 1916 May. 1915 May. 1914 May. 1913 May, 1913 May. 1911 May. 1910 tl32.82S.654 . 96.S53.218 . ... 7:i.n4.3:"2 49,417.011 . ... 40.U32.319 47.6C3.567 .... 61.467.133 48.594.638 44.518.67T 41.395.362 May, 1909. SO.334.061 rOBTLAXD MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain, Floor. Feed. Etc Merchants' Exchange, noon session. June July oats hid. bid. No. 2 whit, feed . $0'.0O JO-'.OO Barley Standard feed .r. 52.00 62.00 Standard A 53.00 03.50 Eastern oats and corn, bulk: Oats No. 3 white 49.00 49.00 1 No. 38 clipped whit 60.00 60.00 i Corn No. 3 yellow 69.00 67.00 No. 3 mixed 67.50 66.50 O n t. May $1.64 XU67 fee pt. 1.554 1.59 OATS Jnly ...... .6TH .csv 64 S .66 MESS PORK. 50.25 49.153 49.00 48. 75 LARD. Jnly 82.25 S2.57 33 50 faept- 31.60 81.80 S1.60 SHORT RTRR uly 27.70 28.00 2T.70 Sept (asn nrfce ctt-. - fnnw.. Corn No. a v n - or i ? a . V 1 ' r W riAm us v- re . 1 . . - : . - ye now, nominal. 6Q7oT wlte. 67,8tSic. standard, J-:ye :Vo. 2. 81.51. Barley $1.13 1.23. Timothy Nominal. Clover Nominal. Pork Nominal. Lard "4 5n Ribs 23.5029.5. Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. May CL Flour, SI 2. 90 f. o. b. warehouse. VJIflIU v UBBL. ill 7 Aat rsl fsarl "7 "7f i r . . ... . - - I i-uiuiduii to lair aieflri. a -u : com. uaiilorn a vai ln en i k n ia . i , m . -w. i l-aney. ISO. I red, 1913 croc S2.50& 2.52 u. I Medium to laod cowa. h-lfers. Hay Wheat Or Wheat AnH -v t t1ft?1fl I- lr In mt In m ftsarm halfcrsi u..ij:t iit&iv; oariey, mg)i4; alfalfa, I canners DUMB No Indication of Material Chang In Price Eight Loads Are Recclxcd. Elct leads of stoeJc were received at the yards yesterday, but there was little busi ness done durins the half day of trad ins;. The market closed steady la all lines, with no Indication of material chance In prices either way In the Immediate future. Receipts were 114 cattle. 44 hoes and 344 sheep. The day's sales were ast follows: Wt Price! Wt Price. 8 hops 201 120 no! Shoes 20 $17.50 22 h ore 28 19 75! 9 lambs .i8 14. 0O lho; 1W 19.751 5 lambs. ... 47 11.00 1 hor SOO 18.0O, 1 buck 140 7.00 ft ices quoted at me local yarns loiiow: Cattle- Best steers Good to choice steers.... Medium to choice steers. Fair to good steers-. . Transfer Made in Portland in 1892 Held to Bar Claim of Nephews by Seattle Court. OLYMPIA, Wash.. May 31. (Spe- laL) In a ease, the atory of which, tn the language of the supreme court. could only be adequately analyzed in tsaizac a "Fere Goriot." William B. Bushnell. who died two years agro In Wisconsin, is declared to have left no i property to be administered in Kins; county. Mr. Bushnell Is described in the u- reme court opinion as a man of eupe- lor attainments and education, who was .the victim of recurrent insanity. He stripped himself bare of property In 892 In Portland by making over to his wile his capital tock in the Seattle Ice om party and similar holdings in Port- and and T acorn a, thereafter to lead a ort of fugitive life, alternating be tween long sojourns in mental hospitals with lucid Intervale, for the most part periods of unrelieved poverty and ne glect, the supreme court declares in an opinion written by Judge Kenneth Mackintosh. In these years it is related the value f the stock became exceedingly great. the wife being crdited with a dominati ng personality and ability in manage ment. With expression of a wish that might be otherwise, the supreme court says the "respondent has estab lished her right to her pound of flesh." Mr. Bushnell was released from the Illinois state hospital in 1914 and went o Wisconsin in search of nephews whom he wished to make his benefi ciaries after his wife was provided for. rie died there in 1916, leaving such a win. wnicu the widow contested on petition of Calvin E. Vilas to be ap pointed administrator in King county. The final conclusion makes his belief that he had anything to beaueath only a delusion, as the wife retains full title to it. tluld; barley straw, SOfifSOc bale." Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, May SI. Barley, $1,090 Flax, $4.304.32. Doltith Linseed Market. DULUTH, May SI. Linseed. $4.2404.30. basis, f.20 per WHEAT Government bushel. FLOUR Patents. $11.45 delivered. 111.30 at mill; bakers', $11 15 11.30, whole wheat. iu.-j.-iftiu.4u: graham, 3 lo.o. M1LLFEED Aliil run t. o. b. mill, carlots, S37&3S per ton. mixed cars. $37. 50538. r0: ton lots or over, $38 '540; less than ton, $40 (tAl: rolled barley. st0a.62: rolled oats. Sol eround barley. $60. tutus wno.e, ton. S7&; cracKeo. 77 per 3447 H A T Buyln g prices f. o. b. Portl an d ; Eastern Oregon timothy, $36 37 per ton ; aiiana, ; vaney gram nay, ztas clover, $2628. SAN FRANCISCO PKODICB MAJULET Prices Current on Eggs, Vegetables, Freeh ! Fruits, fctc. at Bay City. BAN- FRANCISCO, May 3L Butter, fflo. Sgs Fresh extras, 51c; firsts. 50 Nc: irCSIl HXLrft IrUHOLO, IOC Cheese New firsts, 30c; young Americas. Poultry Hens. 34'!l3Se: roosters. Tnnr. toiauc; om, u'tp-c; iryers, 4U4c: broil- ers, 32333c for amall. 30&3Sc: laree 34 35c lb.; squabs. $33.50 dozen; pigeons. vegetables Asparagus, graded. 10 31 lie lb; Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER Cubes, B 2 -score. 69c: fil-seore, I eSS plant, 15&20c lb.; peppers, bell, 2030c oc; wu-score, ooc: prints, parenment I " omawa. cnne, jr; wraDDera box lota 58e: cartons. &ic: half I summer squash, 85c$l crate or box: boxes. Me more; less than half boxes, 1c ! tomatoee, $3.5Ujg;4 crate. No. 1 Mexican; let-' 67 & 60c per pound. case count. 45c; more; butterfat. No. 1, station. EGGS Oregon ranch, candled. 46c: selects. 46c. CHEESE Tillamook, f. o. . Tillamook: Triplets, 34c; Young Americas. 35c; Coos and (jurry. r. o. D. Myrtle foint. iriniets. 33 c; xotine Americas, df v.c; longnorns, a-tc. POULTRY Hens. 30c; broilers, 30 32c; geese and live turkeys, nominal. VEAL Fancy, 20c per pound. PORK Fancy, 26c per pound. Staple Groceries Local lobblnc quotations: SUGAR Sack basi3. Fruit and berry, sy.oo: beet. ia.4&; Honolulu cane, su.ou: ex tra C, $9.15; powdered in barrels, $10.25; cubes in barrels. 1U.4.". NUTS Walnuts, 2735c; Brazil nuts. 35c; filberts, 2c; almonds, 24 Q 30c; peanuts. 11 re 15c. SALT Half-ground 100s, $16 per ton; ous, i 1.9 per ion; uairy, per ion. tuce. 75c $1.25 crate; potatoes, now, $4" a 5 cental ; sweet, so (& o.ou; onions Bermuda, j. crystal wax ana yellow, 3.50i 3.75 crate; green. $1.752 box; rhubarb and, s i.3&(i; 1.7a box ; green peas. bay No. 1, 6H6c lb; do. No. 2. 4&5c; do. Half Moon Bay, 7 S:bc; cucumbers. S2iv 2.25 box; spinach, 7.1c $1.25 crate, string beans, Kentucky Wonder. 13 3 15c lb; wax. izi3c; poie, i-wiic; carrots, 9404.50 sk green okxa, 20(&25c lb.; green corn, 20 40c I Totals U. S. aozen. Fruit Lemons, $3fD4 box; Valencia oratigs. $4.25 5.25 ; grapefruit, $3.50 fp 4. 50 box. fancy : tangerines. iJ.iyO (a, box : ba nanas, SS'c per lb; pineapples. $3&4 dox. small, s'iio large; apples, .twuiwn piDDlns. S3. 2534 box; loquatt;. 6 8c lb; peaches, $ r z. -o crate ; tigs, .zi (a. z dox lor M isstons and Brunswick ; white. S1.25 1.50; straw oerrteo, $10 U 15, according to grade: crated berries, $27 2.25 crate; raspberries, $2.50 fi. 3 crate; biacaberries. .i per crate; cherries. bulk, black. lO'g. 12c lb. ; white. 68c; $11.0012.50 10.50 2 11.00 IO.OOiX 10.50 8.75 9 75 7:75 fit 8.75 9.50&11.00 6.50(0 7.53 4.50 tw 5.50 2.000 4. OA . 5.00 9 8.50 Calves 9 GO'? 13.00 Stockers and feeders 7.00 lu 00 Worn T Prime mixed........... 19.50 19.75 Medium mixed Pough heavies is.uo-j) 18.73 Pig 1L75125 Sheen Prima serin r lambs. ........... 1 4.00 1 5 00 Fair to medium lambs 12.5013.25 Yearlings 7.00& 9.50 Werners 7.00 s sa Ewes 6.00 O 8 00 SEATTLE. May 81. Hogs Receipts. 218. Weak. Prime. 120.15 ff 20.5 : medium choice. $20020.10; rough heavies, $1818.25 piga $18 19.25. Cattle Receipts. 253. Steady. Best steers $11.50013.60: medium to choice, $10.50&11; common to good, $7310; best cows ana neiiers, isgij; common to goo a. ft i.uu; ouiis, tDtriu; caives 9v IN STATE ORIGINS OF LIVESTOCK LOADED Shipments to the Leading Markets of the Pacific Northwest. State origins of livestock loaded May 0, 1919: For Portland Cattle, Horses.arixed Calves. Hogs. Sheep. Mules. Stic Idaho . .. Oreffon ... 2 3 Washington. ... ... i ota is fortiana One week ago.. 80. 5 Four weeks ago 2 J 3 ... One year ago.. 13 6 2 Loaded for other markets .2257 lti!0 59T One week ago.. 3137 3060 610 Four weeks aeo 3V.I8 2517 130O One year ago... 233 1249 768 11 18S 301 175 191 454 259 RICE Japan style, 934c; blue rose, 10c aprlcata, $33.25 crate; gooseberries, 08c Total 34.603 The butter market for the past week. reported for Chicago, New York, Boston and Philadelphia, has exhibited an easy, unset tled and rather forced appearance. It has been a typical "bull" and "bear market. Supplies of fresh butter on hand have been liberal and receipts have been constantly Increasing. The bulls, banking on a future heavy export demand and on heavy storage buying, looked to see the surplus quickly taken up, while the bears figuring present prices too high for extensive storing, thought accumulations would break the market. So far the bears have been more nearly correct, aa prices have been forced downward about 3 cents on all markets. 2 26 6 13 14 14 9 69 23 26 14 3 26 19 1099 2745 758 3177 4S0 1327 2565 1 3 .... 3 2 43 199 1213 87 .... 299 1607 3-15 1 1 .... 4 3 100 16S2 598 2557 331 16SS 1104 3U93 head. 12c per pound. BEANS Buying price, large white, 6 5ric pf?r pound; rea, 4c per pouna. COFFEE Roasted, in drums, 3042c Fruits and Vegetables. FRUITS Oranges. $4'0.23; lemons, $3.75(0-6 per box; bananas, 83 t& 9c per pound; apples, 55 5.50 per box; grapefruit. $4 4.25 ; strawberries, $3. 73 4.00; cherries. 1025c per pound; cantaloupes, $C14 per crate. v tdti i An anoage, o.uu per juu pounds ; lettuce, $2.25 1&2.50 per crate; pep pers. 3Uc pr pouna; articnoKes. uc; cauli flower, S3. 25; beets, $2.aO per cack; car- pound; cantaloupes, standard crate, $7kf8; waterme ons. So 10. Receipts Flour, H954 quarters; barley, 54.- S29 centals; beans. 2707 sacks; onions, 367 sacks; potatoes, 2093 sacks; hay, 210 tons; bsiac-a, 1044; wine, zw gallons Eastern Dairy Produce. NEW YORK. May 31. Butter unsettled creamery higher than extras, 5556xc; extra, ouc; zirsts, t- (a uc. Eggs weak; fresh gathered extras, 48H0 49c; fresh gathered northern section firsts. 4.1 V-45c; ditto southern, 4344.o. Cheese easy: state wnoie niiiK xiats coun try make specials, 32j324c; ditto average Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA Neb., May 31. Hogs Receipts 9500. Market active to 510c higher. N heavyweights here. Top. $20.05 bulk, $19.80 fit 19.95; heavyweight, $19.90 20.05; medi umweight, $19.8520.05: lightweight, $19.75 ifl9.90; light lights, 19.Z519.75; heavy packing sows, smooth. $19. 5 19.90; packin sows, rough, $19.50 19.75; pigs, medium. S1T.7SA1S.75. Cattle Receipts, iroo. Market compared with week ago: Bef and butcher cattle- $1 a1 1.25 lower; stockers and feeders, 75c lower. Sheep Receipts, 300. Market compared with week ago: All classes about steady. DISCOUNT OPERATIONS ARE ENLARGED rots, $3.50 per sack; turnips, $3.25 per rxn, 81 ?314fcc; ditto twins, specJals, 32 (o CORN BIDS RAISE TJF TO HALF DOLLAR Offers for Eastern White Oats Lower on Local Board. There was an advance of 50 cents In corn trtds at the Merchant's Exchange yesterday. Bulk white oats were 50 cents lower and other bids were unchanged. Weather conditions in the middle west, as wired from Chicago: "Minneapolis part cloudy, 80. Chicago, clear, 'warm. Peoria, partly cloudy. Missouri and Kansas, partly cloudy, warm. Sad alia, rain. Omaha, partly cloudy, warm. Little rain yesterday. Ohio valley, clear, warm. Forecast Grain belt, all states, showers tonight and Sunday, cooler." Argentine wheat shipments this week were 15.000 bushels to the United Kingdom, 843, OOO bushels to the Continent and 103,000 bushels to Non-European ports. Terminal receipts, in cars, were reported by the Merchant's Exchange as follows: Wheat. Barley.Flour. Oats. Hay. Portland. Satur. 27 "Year ago Total this week R Year ago 25 Se:.son to date. 7459 Year ago 3814 Tacorna, Thurs. S Y'ear ago 15 Season to date. 5402 Year ago 5553 Seattle. Thurs. . 2 Year ago 1 Season to date. 5343 Year ago. ..... NORTHWESTERN GRAIN CROPS GOOD Wheat and Barley Harvest Is General In Southern California. Crop conditions In the coast states are re ported by the weather bureau as follows: WASHINGTON. Grasses and small grains in good to excellent condition, especially winter and spring wheat; barley, good; rye generally headed; winter wheat beginning to head; oats all sown, except in wettest local! ties; alfalfa about ready for cutting; corn planting continues, some Is now up. IDAHO. Good growing weather, except too dry. First cutting alfalfa begun in Lewlston valley. Considerable acreage of corn being planted. CALIFORNIA. Barley and wheat harvest becoming general in southern counties. Early sown wheat, barley and oats in northern counties filling nicely. Late sown poor. much being cut for hay. Good second-crop alfalfa being harvested. ARIZONA. Wheat harvest begun ; yield large and quality excellent. Second cutting alfalfa begun. UTAH. Com coming up to good stand. Barley, wheat, oats and rye fair to good; sack; cucumbers. $1.502.25 per dozen; to matoes, $3,20 44.50 box; spinach, Sc per lb. peas, 11 12c per pound ; rhubarb, 7 H & 8c per pound; asparagus, $2 2.25 per crate. P O T A T O E S Oregon Burbanks, best, 11.73: new California, 7 8c per pound. ONIONS White, $4.75 per crate; red. 5ic per pound. Provisions. Ixca! lobblnc Quotations: HAMS All sizf-s, choice, 41HM2c; stand ard. 41c; skinned, 35&36c; picnic, 29c; cot-I taere roll. 3Sc. LARD Tierce basis, 35c; compound, 26 c I ner pound. DRY SALT Short, clear backs, 29934c; dates. 2o ' 2Sc: exports. 31 c BACON Fancy, 53 55c; standard, 46 49c; choice, 3 (o -iisc Hops, Mohair, Etc. HOPS Oregon, 1918 crop, 45c; 1917 crop, 272Sc; 1916 crop, loritc per pound; tnree- vear contracts. 3uc. 28c, 25c. WOOL Eastern Oregon and Washington, 40 57c per pound; valley, 40&55c per pound. MOHAIR 1918 clip. 55c per pound. TALLOW No. 1. iAc per pound: No. 2. 6iac per pound; grease No. 1, 6Vsc; No. 2, 5?feC per pouna. CASOAHA BARK New, 10c per pound. GRAIN oAua -In carlots. 13C Hides and Pelts. HIDES No. 1 salt-cured Maes. 30 lbs. and up, 20c; No. 1 part-cured hides, 30 lbs. and up, lKic; No. 1 green hides, 30 lbs. and up, 17c; No. 1 salt-cured bull hides, 30 lbs. and up, 14c; No. 1 part-curea duii niaes, 50 lbs. and up, 11c The price on No. 1! hides will be lc per pound less than on No. 1. No. 1 calf skins, up to 13 lbs.. 45c; No. 2 can bK ins, up 10 10 ids., jc; is o. 1 ivip skids, 15 to 25 lbs.. 25c: No. 2 kip skins. 15 to 23 i lbs.. 23c: dry flint hides. 7 lbs. and up. 30c; drv flint calf hides, under 7 lbs.. 40c; dry ealt hides. 7 lbs. and up, 24c; dry salt calf hides, under 7 lbs.. 34c; dry runt stag or bull hides, 20c; dry salt bull hides. 14c; dry bull hides and skins, half price; dry horse toirlR. accordine to size and Quality, each. $1.50 10-3; salt horse hides, skinned to hoof and head on, $36; horse hides with heads oti. 50c less. Increase of Forty-one Millions Reported by Federal Reserve Banks. WASHINGTON, May 31. Discounts of th 12 federal reserve banks, which totalis $2,173,042,000 at the close of business Ma 29. increases 4i,uuu.wu over tne previo week, according to tonight's official stat ment of conditions. The Increase came chief ly in bills secured oy government war obll gatlona The consolidated statement foi lows: RMOurec: ftr.t 41uai2fi: ordinary firsts'. 40 140 We ! Gold coin and certificates. ...$ 846.618.000 I i.h.HoH Ani&i- .tnr IGold settlement iuna k. r.24c; ditto average run. 31431c. CHICAGO. May 81. Butter lower. Cream ery. .oo.r.5c Esrb Lower. Receipts; 3,itw cases; ags packed firsts, 42 .43c; extras. 439 43 He. Poultry, alive, lower, rowu, s-tto. Decrease In Sarplns Reserve. NEW YORK. Miy 31. The actual condi tion of clearing house banks and trust com panies for the week (five days) shows that I Gold settlement board 586.742.000 I0W WINS WILL FIGHT B. BCSHXELU HELD VICTIM OF RECURRENT XXSAXITT. TRAVELERS OFF FOR EAST Oregon Delegation Plans to Bring Next Con Tent Ion Here. Tho Oregon del. .ration to the na tional convention of the Travelers Pro tective association will leava this morn- Ins- at 9:30 o'clock via tho Union Pa jific for New Orleans with the avowed purpose of securing the next national convention for Portland. A day will be spent In Chlcasro and another day at the national office of the association at St. Louts. From there special train will be made up of western delegates, and will leave Sat urday afternoon for New Orleans, ar riving there Sunday morning. The Oregon delegates are well sup plied with literature advertising; this section or the country, and have ar ranged for a quantity of loganberry Juice for distribution at the convention. A number of unique stunts have been planned by the Oregon delegation. The delegates representing Oregon are Roy C. Slocom. Clyde Evans, Pau C Morton. W. L. Grlnnell. Paul J. Bulll van, A. E. Brown. It. M. Dunne. Theo Rothschild, Charles EL BaJey and Earl Bunting. BLIND PUPILT0 GRADUATE Commencement Exercises to Be Held for Joseph F. Stephens. Commencement exercises for Joseph h. Stephens, only graduate of thi year's class at the public blind school, will be held Friday evening at 8 o'clock in the central library. The programme, with two exceptions, will be conducted by sightless persons. Mr. Stephens will be graduated from the piano tuning department. He will be the fifth person the school has graduated. The other four are now earning their own living as the result of the Instruction received 1 th school. Mr. Stephens Is a married man with children dependent upon him. The speaker for the commencement programme will be llllam F. wood ward. The Portland blind school located in the old Falling school on First and Hooker streets. Total gold held by banks. federal nter . 83S.360.000 Gold with aicents fi.iM.T23.nno Gold redemption fund.... l-'2.6r;8.000 Total gold reserve. $2,187,743,000 they hold t22,civ,,i60 reserve In excess ot LeraJ tender notes, .liver, etc. . 67.363.000 loirnl requirements. xitis i. . nccreui o f31.402.4-0 from last week. Bar Silver Market. NEW YORK, May 31. Bar silver, $1.08 H. Mexican dollars, S4. LONDON, May 31. Bar silver, 63d per ounce. loney ana aiscoum uncaansea. Total reserves (2,205. 106.000 Bills olaeounted (secured by aovernment war obllcatlons) .Il,02.8!3.0n0 All other 188.4!s.rtno Bills bought In open market. . 1S3.050.000 TOURIST. SEASON BRIGH Klamath Falls and Bend Prepare for Big Business. KLAMATH FALLS. Or., May 31. (Special.) W. C Bird sail, proprietor of the Pilot Butte Inn at Bend. Or. came in on a flying: visit yesterday to call on his friends In Klamath Falls and work up a closer co-operation be twee the two points in taking- care of tour ist travel east of the mountains. There Is going to be a tremendous amount of travel through here thi: year, Mr. Birdsall declares, the Call fornia Tourist association bavins; rout ed all the tourists through via Klamath Falls and Bend, and he believes that every effort must be made to make their trips pleasant in order that th country may be favorably advertised. This is to be the playground of Amer ica, he declares. Total bills on hand... Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK, May 31. Evaporated apples. quiet and firm; prunes In demand; peaches firm. T7. S. g-ovemment bonds.... ... U. o. victory noi. U. R. certificates of Indebted ness Total earning assets ... 27.1R1.000 83. 000.000 201.800.000 COAST AT EASTERN DAIRY PRODUCE Bank premises .....9 Uncoil ected items ana omer riArinntions from rrosa receipts Butter Market Conditions at Leading Dls- I Five per cent redemption fund a.t !. I against r. t- uaiiK, uuics. $2,402,056,000 10.tr06.000 634.639.000 San Krsnelsco and eastern dairy produce rrort received by wire by the Portland office of tne bureau of markets yesterday follow: Chicago. The batter market Is weak and prices were lowered balf a cent on 02 score to 55c today and from a half to 1 cent on centralized cars. Some butter has con tinued to move to storage on dealers ac count, however, and speculators have been sufficiently active to lend some degree of support to the market. Trading was very liciit today and conditions unsettled, vv ith the holiday and bunaay receipts aoaea to present accumulations, dealers were pretty All other resources Total resources 10.035.000 .$5,321,785,000 lMnbllltles r.ritsi nairi In .... S &2.S9.0nO Surplus 49.466.000 Government deposits 141.470.000 Due to members' reserve sect.. 1.656.11S.oon Deferred availability items. . . . ijl7.633.0uu Other deposits. Including for- sign government; creuits. ... lau.otuuu PELTS- Dry long-wool sheep pelts, per skeptical as to the market. Cars in fair A other "abilities Total cross deposits S2.4fVV5M9.0n0 F R. notes In actual circulation 2.619.292.000 K R hank notes In circulation net liability wn.i-zi lb., 25 35c; dry medium wool sheep pelts, per lb.f a0'3 3uc, dry shearling sheep pelts, each, 50''a7ac: salted long wool sheep pelts. each, J.Sin; fcaneti meaium wool sneep pens, each, $1 'ft 2 ; salted shearling sheep pelts, each. 5u&75c supDly but very weak. New York. A decline or ie took place In the market today. Trading was very unsatisfactory with heavy arrivals at the docks. Ivittle interest was noted Tn t Ftsn.-t M ft v Rm fmn1i!rl r beine taken to organize a dairv charged their methods and are making ! ... , .,, -, r-a.TAv i market was still weaa ner tne aecitne narkers and dealers to arrange plans. I ' ' " " L" " 1 " . - Portland had such an exchange a few years tubs. fctoras;. nosings were mcreasea ai K.. I n-a o nnf n .nrPri. Th. m.thnH, I mOSt Halt anrt aunDort was withdrawn. The principal San Francisco. The butter market w .M.i.m as-ainst the old bnaH 1 very aulet today, due to the partial ob was its practice of fixing quotation that were servance of a local holiday and also to the not based on actual sales. weak feeling and lack of buying Interest among dealers. ine ouying. ana selling Naval Stores. I basis Is unchanged, although this does not SAVANNAH, Oa., May 31. Turpentine I represent true conaiuooa, ana tn. feeling firm. SiVc: sales, none; receipts, til bar- general teat . pnee aojust- Total liabilities $5,321,785,000 Ratio of total reserve, to net deposit and F. R. not. liabilities combined. 61.8 per cent Ratio of srold resenre, to F. R. note. In"-, .t E"behm.,lefS.r, r."! ---"'""tTo.iVM"8! r" I htM from the courthouse stepg. Oood Fish Car Rate Held High. SALEM. Or, May SI. (Special.) Chairman Buchtel of the public service commission today wrote to the United States railroad administration tn an effort to procure a reduction in the transportation cost of the fish car oper ated by the Oregon fish and game com mission. He calls attention to the fact that under the present rate fixed by the government It costs the. state $15 to transport the fish car from Portland to Bonneville, whereas under private own ership the railroads charged but $3.90. $35,000.00 School District Bonds Umatilla County, Oregon Union High School Dist. No. 2 Principal and Semi-Annual Interest Payable at the Fiscal Agency of the State of Oregon. New York City. Denomination. SIOOO Each. Dated Jose 1. 1919. Due without right of prior option as follows: VSOfto. Jnne 1. 1823 tsoon. Jane 1. SOO. Jnne 1. 1923 (MOO. Jane 1. l- SOOO. Jane 1. 1924 5noa. Jane 1. 1027 f-iOOO. Jane 1. 1928 FINANCIAL. STATEMENT. True -rnlae of property (estimated) Mt.ono,000 Assessed valuation. 1918 2,852,840 Population 1919 (estimated).. . 3O0O Cnlon High School District No. . Umatilla County, Oregon, comprises fourteen school districts and is situated in the heart of the wheat-growing section of Umatilla County. The purpose of this bond issue is for the purchase of a site and the construction of a High School building In the said district. TO YIELD 5 Liberty and Victory Bonds If roe must sell your Liberty or Victory bonds, .ell to u. If you can buy mor. Liberty or Victory bonds, buy from us. On Thursday. May 29th. th. closing Vew York market price, war. as rten o.tow. 4 Market closed Friday and Saturday.) They ar. th. governing price, for Liberty and Victory bond, all over th. world, and th. hlghost. We ad v.rtls. the., price, dally In order that you may always know th. New York market and tho exact value of your Liberty and Victory bonds. SH 1st 4s 2d 4s 1st 4Vs 2d IHi Sd 44s 4th 4. V. Ss V. 4 M'k-t pr..$ $35.tVi 94.S $95.70 'J5.1 S95.-J0 $s.4 $100.00 $ 9.S3 Ac'd Int.. (1.62 .19 1.97 .2u .81 .64 J 3 J4 Total.. 1101.18 $87.54 $90.07 $87.67 $85.38 $8.81 $3.5 $100.13 $100.08 When baying w. deduct 37e on a $-0 bond and $2.50 on a $1000 bond. We sell at the New York market plus the accrued Interest. BIRGLAK AND FISEPBOOF SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOB KENT. MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. THE FRKMDZB. MCNICITAX. BOND HOUSE Established Over :$ Yean. ' 309-311 Stark St. Bet. 5th and 6th (ground floor). Telephone Broadway 213X. EXCLUSIVE DEALERS IN BONDS GOVERNMENT CORPORATION MUNICIPAL ROBERTSON & EWING 207-8 N. W. BANK BLDG. PORTLAND, OR. FRANK ROBERTSON II. C. EWING Goverment and Municipal Bonds Bought and Sold (. Devereaux &(5mpany 87 SIXTH STREET BROADWAY 1042 Ground Floor Wells-Fargo Building First Mortgages on Improved Farms in the Willamette Valley Interest 6 Interest and principal collected and remitted without expense. COMMERCE SAFE DEPOSIT AND MORTGAGE COMPANY 91 Third St. Gronnd Floor Chamber of Commerce Bid?. Main 3067 May Tea Imports Light. Tacoma, May SI Tea Imports through this district, of which Ta coma Is the examining; port, have reached the low ebb. Examiner L. G. Fenton said today. In May 2259 pack ages were Imported aggregating; 166.- 612 pounds. music will be provided and Judge Clee ton of Portland will be the principal speaker. $r. ewit and effep $100,000 Short 'Term Oregon City Elks Set Flag Hay. OREGON CITT. Or, May 31. (Spe cial.) The local Elks' lodge will hold its annual Flag-day exercises Sunday, June 15, and an appropriate programme will be given. These exercises will be LIBERTY BONDS CASH PAID FOR BONDS, FULL. MARKET PRICE WITH ACCRUED INTEREST. LESS SMALL. CHARGE FOR SERVICE. barrels; stocks, 7Gos rels; shipments. barrels. Rosin firm: sales, 194 barrels: receipts, 444 barrels: shipments, 550 barrels: stocks. 55. il5 barrels. Quote: B, S10.50: D, E, $10.65; F $10.65; G. $10.70; H. $10.75; I. $11: K, $12.30; M, $12.55; N, $13; WO, $13.23 WW, 13.30. The occupations of civil war soldiers were as follows: Fanners, 1,372.333: mechanics, 686,192; laborers, 457.461: commercial pursuits. 142,957: profes- I sion&l men, 85,774; miscellaneous, 114,- ment must take place shortly. In the mean time surplus stocks are Increasing;, heavy In storage movement continues, all of which Is causing; a somewhat depressed feeling;: 93-score, 59c MOTHS OF I N FA KALI. EI. KD TRADING Stock and Bond Transfers Twice as Large as Year Ago. NEW TORK, May SI. Business on the stock exchange this week was limited to our full sessions, but the turnover In that comparatively short time lacked nothing in point of activity or variety, the first day' Saturday, May 3L Price for 1100 Bond $101.08 2d 4a 195.05 3d4Ks 896.80 4th 48 896.01 TOU CAN BORROW CASH OF US ON LIBERTY BONDS, WAR SAVING STAMPS OR MONET TO FINISH PAYING FOR VICTORY BONDS. BET TER PREPARED THAN EVER TO SERVE YOU, OR TO FURNISH AT TRACTIVE INVESTMENTS FOR CLIENTS SEEKING GOOD MORTGAGE LOANS OR BONDS. SEE EXILE BURKITT. PRESIDENT OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO. 21J SELLING BLDG, BONDS. COR SIXTH AND ALDER (SECOND FLOOR). MORTGAGE LOANS. INSURANCE. Municipal Gold Bonds Burnaby British Columbia Sixes at 98.85 to yield 6 Ask for eMails BLM. pfcsrTNWDrzm Bank Freeman Smith Camp Co. I OVERBEGK & COOKE CO. Broken, Ptrk, Ron da. Cottak. Grain. Et. Il-tl7 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. MEMBERS CHICAGO BOARD OF MEMBERS CtTwtwm rtenf of eUra A Bryma, Cbiemso and New York. Kew York Stork Exrhmoff. Chicago Stock Exttuora. Boat on Stock Excbanre Chlcavo Board of Tra do. New York Cotton Exchanr. New Orleans Cotton Excnaafa. New York Coffee Excbanca. New York Produce KxetuuLt. Liverpool Cotton Aae'n. J. B. Steinbach & Co. STOfKS. BONDS. COTTON. GRAIN. 201 -2 -a Railway Exchange Building. n. F. Hnttoa A Co.. Coast - to - Coast Leased Wire. Accounts Carried om Ceaserratlve Alarslsus. Tela. Mala 3S3-SS. FREE MAP, large Map In colors, also the STORY OF RANGER th. greatest of all oil fields. CTRTIS. PACKER CO. t.0 Brojd 6u. New York. "The Ranger Road to Riches" The first complete and correct statisti cal record of all th. Ranger and Texas Oil stocks traded la on tne New Tors; Curb. It's Free! C. E. HERRICK & CO., INC. 7 Exchange Place. New York. --..