20 " THTE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JUNE 1, 1919. BCSINESS OFPOBTOTTIES. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. Cash businses, good location.; rent $20; no deliveries; price $1100. GROCERY. I Cash ' business, no deliveries; 5 living t rooms, west side; price J 12 00. ; GROCERY. Good west side store, cash business; t no deliveries; 5 living rooms; garage; f -will invoice stock aud fixture about 1700. AVE ST SIDE GROCERY. Cash business; no deliveries; right down town; 3 living rooms, including furniture: stock and fixtures only 15o0. CIOAR STORE AND CONFECTIONERY. East side : rent $14.50 ; doing about $41 dav cash business; price $1500. i CONFECTIONERY AND ICE CREAM , PARLOR. . Best place on east side; 8-year lease; . rent $35; price $7500. 1 We have 2 good restaurant In -west side location for $800 and $1900; one cigar store, conf. and billiard room; good wst side location; estab. 15 years; price $3500; $2000 cash. baL on terms. ATLAS BUSINESS AGENCY & REALTY CO, 716 Hoard of Trade Bldg., Main 5315. FORECLOSURE PRICE. FRUIT EVAPORATOR EQUIPMENT. AN ABSOLUTE SACRIFICE. LOCATION "BEST IN WEST." FOUR 71-H. P. MOTORS. 3 PHASE 220V.. A. C.) FIRST-CLASS CONDITION WITH WE8TINGHOUSE STARTER, ALSO ABOUT 15,000 FT. 1-INCH STEAM PIPE (HEAT COILS FOR EVAPORATOR) WITH HEADERS, EL BOWS. DRAIN TRAPS. VALVES. ETC ALSO 20 STEEL METAL (FRUIT TRAY) CARS. AND ABOUT 1200 GALV. TRAYS AND OTHER EQUIPMENT USEFUL IN MODERN FRUIT EVAPORATOR PLANT. ALL OR ANY PART AT LESS THAN HALF VALUE. LIBERAL TERMS. PLANT CAN BE OPERATED AS 13 TO GREAT PROFIT. SEE THIS. MAKE OFFER. w ADDRESS "THE OWNER." P. O. BOX 222, PORTLAND. OR. CONFECTIONERY & LIGHT GROCERIES. The best little buy in the city for $1500, can give some terms. GROCERY STORE. Etoek $1800, fixtures $700, rent $40; apt. house district, 4 large living rooms in cluded, new fire-proof bldg.; $2500 for all. COUNTRY STORES. T have some good buys In country towns, both Oregon and Washington. WATCH OUR ADS; WE GET RESULTS. 1 F. Rierdon, HITTER. LOWE A CO., I 201-3-5-7 Board of Trad Bid. f E manufacture a carburetor for Ford cars which is guaranteed to give double the mileage over any other carburetor ever constructed, regardless of name, make or price. We are now ready to furnish car buretors also for Dodge and Maxwell cars. Will furnish them for other cars in a short time. Money refunded if 15-day FREE trial does not prove it. Entirely new principle; simple, plain tube; not a moving part. Guaranteed to start in zero weather without heating or priming. Tre mendous demand. 15,000 now in use In Chicago territory. Reliable. energetic men who can guarantee sales and carry stock of $500 or S2O00 depending on de mand, can secure exclusive territory and wiil easily net $20,000 this year. No special experience necessary. Frank A. Urwan. 509 W. Jackson blvd.. Chicago. 111. CAFETERIA. Seats about 100 workingmen; low rent; bargain; $S50. $500 cash. $25 week. CONFECTIONERY n Washington St.; nice place- for a lady; only $1300. CAFETERIA located In center of Portland. Owner going east. Genuine snap at $1750. CASH GROCERY with living-rooms, doing $70 day; stock end fixtures. $2700. MEAT MARKET AND GROCERY. Real business house; sales $4500 month. Best buy in city. $4500. CA.RL E. TUGGLE. 630 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main S002. BY ACTING promptly you may acquire for only $100 per county, and a royalty of to per machine, a license to manufacture, or assemble and sell under my exclusive patents an Improvement that replaces ice, colder and cleaner, fully automatic and self regulating. Parts can be purchased ' In any quantity and can be readily put together anywhere with little labor and no , machinery. Quick turnover, tremendous I proi its. Every home, farm and store a j -prospect. This is the coming business and i now is the time to get into it. No ice this ' year. Territory' is being closed by wire. Don't wait, if you can qualify. FRED W. WOLF, 3J7 N. Wells St., Chicago. 111. OPTICIAN. JEWELERS, OPPORTUNITY." "GREAT SPECIALLY DESIRABLE BROADWAY LOCATION. HIGH CLASS. NEW FIXTURES, GOOD LEASE. OWNER OBLIGED TO SELL ACCOUNT OTHER BUSINESS REQUIRES ATTENTION. A REAL SACRIFICE OF BOTH STOCK AND FIXTURES. ALL CLEAR. ADDRESS OWNER, P. O. BOX 222, PORTLAND. UP-TO-THE-MINUTE-NEWS ; FROM TEXAS OIL FIELD. Get your name on our mailing list. We are watching the developments and will furnish you with this information. WITHOUT COST TO YOIT. WRITE FOR IT. UP-TO-THE-MINUTE OIL NEWS, Oil Operators Bldg., Fort Worth. Tex. Business Opportunities Wanted NOTICE. THE PARTIES AT 446 TAYLOR ST.. MAIN 2175. HAVE ESTABLISHED AN OFFICE AT 282 TAYLOR ST., COR. FOURTH. WE WOULD APPRECIATE MEETING ALL OF OUR CUSTOMERS WHO WISH TO ELY OR SELL OR EXCHANGE ANY THING IN BUSINESS OPPORTUNIHES, HOTELS. APARTMENTS OR ROOMING HOUSES. NODURFT & HEDGES, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. 2S2 TAYLOR ST., CORNER FOURTH. TELEPHONE APPLIED Ft JR. IF YOU WANT TO BUT. SELL OR EX CHANGE REAL ESTATE. HOTELS, AFT.-HOUSE OR BUSINESS OPPOR TUNITIES. CALL AT 44 TAYLOR ST., OR PHONE MAIN" 2175. OR WRITE P. O. BOX SGS. CENTRAL STA-. CITY. OWNERS OR AGENTS I will loan $13,500 PRIVATE FUNDS DIVIDE TO SUIT Lowest rates- no delay .125 HENRY" ELD'.;. MARSHALL 5858. WE HAVE a cash buyer with $2000 or more for good cigar and conf. store on west siae; must be a gooa location. Atlas Busi ness Agency & Realty Co., 710 Board of i raae Diag. iiajn b3l5. WANTED Small cash grocery; no deltverv with living rooms; good location; will buy lurnnure; must oe a oargain ror cash. Full namcuiars ana price Iirst letter. BF 557, Oregonian. WANT TO BUY family hotel. 25 to 35 rooms irom owner only; must be good cation, neat appearing, modern; give price and very best terms. Room t22, Imperial UUlf I. WANTED Lease and furnishines of ant- house, rooming house or housekeeping house; will trade property and give some casn. i am no agent, Marshall 3612. WANTED A garage, or would buy half- interest witn a renaoie man; have suffi cient capital and can give good refer ences. Address G 21S, Oregonian. I ANT to buy a grocery or confectionery store; will pay cash; give particulars and I will cail; no agentt. Address G 217. Oregonian. V"1LL buy your stock of merchandise of any description and in any quantity; highest prices pa.id. Call or write Brown Mer cantile Co. Main 16.."2. WANT restaurant, dairy lunch or paying business, for Rose City Park lot en 49th; paved street, all improvements paid. C 4vo. Oregonian. OWNERS Am looking for business, have up to $2000, would put It in a garage, with some good man; only want a square deal; might buy all. H 202. Oregonian. TOURING southern Oregon and California, What have you to offer in the way of ad vertisements? J. A. McEIhanej-, 547 3d st. S.. city. 1 WANT a rooming bouse or hotel: can pay J 1500 to $2000 cash aud will assume or give .mortgage back for balance: prefer about 20 to oO rooms. G 210, Oregonian. WANT HOTEL OR APT. HOUSE About 60 rooms; must be modern and well located ; can make substantial cah payment. G 212. Oregonian. WA NTE D From owner, small west side rooming house, good location. G 252, Orejronian. TO rent or buy, furnishings of 10 to 14-room modern apartment house, wesj. side. F 273, Oregon lan. HAVE client with $10.00p cash to invest In pood hotel or first class restaurant. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 305-6-7 Lewis Bldg. HAVE about $4000 to invest in legitimate business with services. W 222. Oregonian. Hotels and Rooming Mouses. 14 ROOMS RIGHT DOWNTOWN. Good moiify-maker. cheap rent; must be seen to be appreciated. J. BRUCE GODDARD, 502 Couch Bldg. 32 ROOMS, housekeeping, modern corner house: give you a bargain with terms. Call week days, 10 to 3 .only. 141 North Itiih; have other business. - BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC. 514 to 519 S wetland Bids. RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. J3250 $1300 down buys a crackerjack place, dandy location, exception ally well furnished, 30 rooms, has 28 boarders now and turning mora away every day ; guaranteed re ceipts from $050 to $lloo per month ; steam heat, hot and cold water in part of the rooms, plenty linen, vacuum sweepers, etc. This Is a rare opportunity, don't miss it. HERB ARB SOME BARGAINS. $2 GOO 50 rooms, all full, very good fur nishings, and rent only 900; good, long lease. This is a winner. $2250 $1250 down, 2T rooms, wet! fur nished, moderate rent; receipts now $312.60 per month. This is a good money-maker; see it,. $1300 $1500 down, balance $25 per month, takes 20 rooms, housekeep ing, well furnished ; corner; clears good money ; reasonable rent ; in sured now for $1500 for 3 years. Come in and see me about this. LOOK AT THIS. $1600 $1500 cash buys a fine place of 15 rooms; a real buy; fine location; moderate rent; very nice furniture. Place must be seen to be appre ciated. HERE'S A GOOD ONE. $1575 cash buys 1-7 rooms, mostly housekeeping; income about $200 per month ; good, large basement; moderate rent; close in- Will trade for city property and assume. CAN YOU BEAT THIS? J 12 7 5 Cash buys 32 rooms, $802 worth of new furniture since August; rent only $25 per month; lots of linen, wood, 27 extra comforts; place has not changed hands for 2 years. Here is a good proposi tion. Would you give a peanut for an orange? $1275 $700 down buys IS rooms, well furnished, steam heat, low rent, with receipts $141.00 per month ; water in apts. This party is leav ing city and will sacrifice. Don't miss this. A BEAUTIFUL FLAT. $1050 $650 down buys the nicest S-room flat you ever saw easily worth J 1 300 ; fine rugs, beautiful loca tion, close in, reasonable rent. See this before buying elsewhere. NEW FURNITURE. $ 800 7-room flat, all new furniture, clean as a pin, gas ranges, close in. This is no Junk; investigate. $,775 Cash. 9 rooms, close In. 11th at. location; very good furniture; fine large basement, yard, etc ; rent only $32.50. A snap. SOME BUT. $ 650 Terms, 8 rooms, close in, well furnished; clears $60, and 2 roortae besides. A very good place for a widow. $ 550 6 rooms, rent only $17.50. about this one. Ask We are headquarters for hotels and rooming houses. See me if you wish to buy or sell. I handle only good, legit imate propositions. LA MONTE, With PACIFIC AGENCY. INC., 614 to 519 Swetiand bldg.. Corner 5th and Washington. Marshall 3089. HOTEL FOR SALE. On Grand ave.. near Mill st.; hotel of -3 rooms, exclusive of dining- room, kitch en and office, including furniture; lot 60x88; leased at $50 per month, four years still remaining, two years' option to purchase the property at $6000; fur niture and lease for sale at attractive price; located in the manufacturing dis trict; turning people away all the time; sickness reason for disposal of property. Fred W. News 11. OREGON INVESTMENT & MORTGAG1 COM PA NY, 220-221-222 Chamber of Commerce, 4th and Stark Sts. FOR SALE Commercial hotel clearing $400 per month, located in one of the beat towns in Oregon of 1000 population two years' lease with privilege of two more, wen-furnished 40-room hotel -with rent at $12o per month. Linen, silverware, stock and kitchen utensils, 1 7-passenger auto mobile, for sale, including lease, at $1600. This is a snap buy; owner going into other business. For full Information, writs Owner. AV 64. Oregonian. HOTEL and boarding house In one of the ... "7"s ia eastern Oregon; located six blocks from center of city and close to big lumber mill; always full and a money-maker; price for buildings and fur nishings complete, including three cows some pigs and chickens, $8500; terms, half cash, balance to suit; this Is no fly-by-night proposition, but a good Al In- lof".'; vEor Particulars see Atchison. 4((4 Flattnldg. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL Business Hotel. Rooming or Apartment House of any kind, anywhere, see F. Rierdon, WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. 203-5- uue u ui a raae Diag. LOOK-! i 1 navfe1 two fine hotels, excellent loca- . itvv ptuces are strictly modem. VftfXft ie-" ne and one 510.000 ; one o-room place. $2800 ; one large place $5000, and others. If you are Interested in anything of this kind, see 209 AlfsUy bldg.. Tliirdand Morrison sts. AN ABSOLUTE SNAP. 4-room hotel. 16 connecting baths. "aLei ,a every room, corner, white pressed brick bldg.. on west side rent $20 income S665. nri nf it.i,' ings. $4500, $2500 down, balance $75 per ..v.m ,o, jayaneeg consiaereo. j-j-ci- vi est, ou nenry Diag. 70-ROOM 6TH-ST. HOTEL. Brick bldg.. running water and closets In all rooms, s tea m heat, f l n e grou n d floor lobby, rent $30 per month; income $1200 to $1300. Price of furnishings $S.i00, part time. DeForest. 20 Henry 100-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE o4 apartments, strictly modern brick bldg., private bath and phone In each apartment; 3-year lease at $350 per month rent, located in easy walking distance; casn nannies it. DeForest Henry bldg. 320 bo-ROOM apt. house, consisting of 28, 3- ruora apurimems ; rent oOO a month. woaern corner oricK bldg. over 2 vears lease ; clears $450 per month net. Price of furnishings $7500. S5H0 cash, balance w fruii. ieroresi, ju nenry oidg. 65-ROOM apartment house, well located on west side; strictly modern, fireproof build ing with automatic elevator; good money- iiifcin.tr, uirfw jears tease. frice of furn ishings $5500, half cash, balance to suit. uer oresi, ou nenry Diag. 2S-ROOM rooming house all on one floor. close In brick bldg. Rent only $50 mo. All housekeeping, easy to run. for quick sale will sacrifice $1S00 cash. DeForest. 60-ROOM APT. HOUSE. Here's a dandy little place of SO apts. in moaeru oricic Diag., good for $050 net every montn ana tue price ts only $5500, lime un t'aiu iertirest, ou tienry Dldg. r OR SALE a 3b-room hotel aoing a good r or partciulars call or write E. C. Mad- golk. Arimfcion, Kjr. $14oO WILL buy furniture of clean rooming house. Owner obliged to go to California it is paying fine. Call 511 Railway Ex change. 14-ROOM. rooming house on Washington st. Here's a nice little place for only $1200. part time. DeForest, 320 Henry bldg. ROOMING HOUSE for sale, or exchange for acreage. 105 4th st., Vancouver. Wash. FOR best bargains in rooming or apartment house see members of the Realty Board. Yates Realty Co 240 4th St. MARY E. LENT. HOTEL & APARTMENT HOUSE BROKER. 723-4 N. W. BANK BLDG. WANTED At once, well-located rooming house or family hotel. B 45!, Oregonian. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Hoiuea. SMALL TRANSIENT HOTEL. 3 1 -room modern corner brick building; team heat, hot and cold water in rooms; rent $14U. with lease, netting $250 above expenses; this is a well-furnished place and is priced right; $35u0, $2uuu cash. HOtiiEkJLEPlU APTS. 24 rooms, close to 14th and Wash.; brick buiidlng, nice appearance; this has good furniture, electric lights; rent $&o. with good lease, and clears $15 every month; this will sell to the first legitimate buyer who sees it; it's a snap at lbuu, $looO cash. 24 rooms, all on one floor, well furnished; rent only $40; all h. k. but 3 rooms; elec tric lights; location such that rooms are always full; it clears $lu0 per month and will clear more under proper manage ment; price $1000. $1000 cash. AN ABSOLUTE SNAP. 12 rooms; rent $25; located en 13th, south of Morrison ; furniture and carpets are all good; nets $65 per month; the price has gust been cut to $S50 for quick sale. IDEAL FOR BOARDING HOUSE: 12 rooms. Nob Hill district; extra nice house, nicely furnished; location and ar rangement Is Ideal lor keeping boarders. House is modern in every respect. Price $075, $400 cash. 13 ROOMS, $850. Located near 6th and Taylor; electric lights. This place has an income of $134.60 and with a little work would easily sell for $1100. Price $$00, but It's cash, HERE'S A DANDY. 8 rooms, located close 'to 16th and Morrison; rent $35. This Is the pret tiest and cleanest place in the city; has electric lights; a little furniture can be used upstairs. Price $650 cash. SEE MR. BOW DEN, WITH E. O. MAGOON. 431 Chamber of Commerce. 96-ROOM modern brick apartment, 5 blocks from Morrison st.; up-to-date in every re spect; elegantly furnished and In perfect condition; clears $650 per mo. Price $11, 000 ; terms. 68 rms. on Washington St.; modern brick corner; low rent, long lease, free elevator power, lights and water; Clears $450 per mo. Price 52u0; terms. 23 housekeeping rms. on West Park st, close In; all light, airy rooms; big money maker; will sacrifice and accept smaller house as part payment. 24 housekeeping rms.. all on one floor; brick bldg.; rent $65; electric lights, water in rooms, etc. ; good furniture and carpets; clears $140 per mo. Price $1900; terms. 12 housekeeping rms.; rent $25; good west side district, near 12 tb and Jeffer son ; clears $05 per mo. Price $850; terms. YATES REALTY CO.. 249 4th St. 41 ROOMS on Morrison st., clearing about $300 a month; corner, brick building; good location; this is a good buy If you are looking for a money-maker; price $3000; terms. 60 rooms on 8d st. ; steam heat, hot and cold water in every room; two-year lease; rent only $200 a month; this place cheap at $3700; tetms. If you are looking for hotels, rooming houses or apartment houses, on east o west side, come up and see us; we have them; all sizes. BUSINESS SERVICE, Main 6707. 317 Henry Bldg. FOR SALE. We have something to offer you that Is worth Investigating. Two large modern buildings, one-half block off the busiest street in Portland. One 16-room flat, four large rooms, bath and toilet in each apart ment, and a 7-room house next door to the fiat. Full basement, hot air furnace, com pletely furnished: five minutes walk from postofflce. Always rented. Two buildings can be bought for $12,000. Will give terms. See Peterson. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO, 104 Fifth St. Main 6S60. HOTELS. 72 rooms, 8 baths, dining room, lobby, fi5 steady boarders and roomers: price $4000. A lso have some good buys In rooming houses; prices $2000 up to $7800. Call us up about these. ATLAS BUSINESS AGENCY & REALTY CO., 710 Board of Trade Bldg., Main 5315. 12 ROOMS, furniture and lease, garage with sleeping room, west side; walking distance; $1500 cash handles. 16 rooms, 2 sleeping porches, garage, long lease, furniture all new, ivory and mahogany; idal for private boarding house ; close in, west side; $1600 cash handles. - COAST INVESTMENT CO.. Room 2, Railway Exch. Bldg. ROOMING HOUSES. 24 housekeeping rooms on Grand ave., near E. Morrison, $1500; $150 per month. A. W. Lambert & Son. S3 housekeeping rooms, east side, rood location; income $214. per month. Rent only $40. Two years lease; $1325. A. W. LAMBERT & SON, 6. E, Corner Grand Ave. and E. Alder St. Portland, Oregon. A LITTLE BEAUTY. 60 -room hotel, finely furnished; over 25 private baths ; modern brick building ; steam heat, hot and cold water in all rooms, making fine money; downstairs lobby, automatic elevator. Price $0500, with good terms. See Mrs. Keller. Geo. T. Moore Co. 1007 Yeon Bldg. WEST SIDE APARTMENT LEASE and elegant furniture lor sale; long-time lease: present income ;oo per month; good location, quite close in. Nob Hill section. FRED W. NEWELL, Oregon Investment & Mortgage Co., 220-221-222 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 205. FOR SALE First-class modern hotel in the heart of can Francisco; b rooms, each with bath, with income from $1800 t $200 per month; bank mortgage of $100, OO0 with G per cent interest; would cost $230,000 to replace. Will sell completely zurnisnea ior aoout jta.uuu on easy terms. AV 781, Oregonian. NOB HILL LOCATION. 10-room house, beautifully furnished: rent $40; hot water heat, running water In rooms; all housekeeping; sink In each kitchen. This place is absolutely clean nets $75 month. Price $1125. See Mrs. Keller. Geo. T. Moore Co. 1007 Yeon Bldg. WOKKXNGM AN'S hotel lease and furniture wanted; 50 to 60 rooms; must be on west side, north end. FRED W. NEWELL, Oregon Investment & Mortgage Co.. 220-221-222 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 205. SNAP. 1H rooms, all housekeeping, rent only $30; clears above all expenses $75; price si.ju, .jiMj aown. Se Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. 30-ROOM rooming house, fine location. nearly iree rent; gooa lease., malting good money. Owner must -sell on account of health. Can be bought riijtit. Call 163 H west rarK st. v ells-Anderson Real Es tate Co. FOR QUICK SALE. List your hotels, apartment and room ing house with us. We have cash buyers waiting ior gooa propositions. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon B!dg. GET IN MY AUTOMOBILE and I will show you some of the buys In Portland. J. BRUCE GODDARD, 502 Couch Bldg. best MUST sell today good furniture of modern ju-roora nouse, ail housekeeping, clean. running water in rooms, good Income. walking distance; cash or terms. Phone owner, aroaaway oao. 13 ROOMS, all housekeeping, rent $25; all newiy paperea; lots or bedding, gas ranges, etc; nets about $75 month. Price $650. see jura, jeiier. Geo. T. Moore Co. 1007 Yeon Bldg. 11 ROOMS NICE AND CLEAN. A. money-maker for $S50. J. BRUCE GODDARD, 502 Couch Bldg. WOULD like to hear from owner desiring to sell a good rooming house. I wish to buy one ana can pay an cash. G 211, oregonian. 12-ROOM rooming house, fine location, cood furniture. Owner must sell if taken this week, price $uou, good terms. Call 1033 v csi earn bu 9-ROOM family hotel In country town; good business; electric lights, hot and cold water, laundry. v 111 take auto as part payment- i erras. rnone i aoor wo. WHITE TEMPLE DISTRICT. 12 rooms, all housekeeping, price $800, see jars, ivei ier. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. FOR SALE Rooming house, Forest Grove, near business section. Let La E. Jones, 4soi 30th ave. S. E., Portland, or Tabor 1452. WE HAVE good buys in 6. 9, 10, 12, 14 room rooming houses on west side. Call 163 West Park at-. Wells-Anderson Real Estate Co. WANTED A rooming house on west about 15 rooms. No agents. B 451, gonian. side, Ore- 27-ROOM apartment house, well located, good furniture, making good money; price $2230, terms. Call 163V West Park st. 29 ROOMS, housekeeping, brick; rent $60; walking distance; sell cheap or exchange. Hatfield & Crabtree, 231i Morrison st. WANT a rooming house, 20 to 30 rooms; will pa spot cash for good place; west side preferred. G 215. Oregonian. 11 HOUSEKEEPING rooms for sale by owner; good location; always full. 370 1st. WANTED Rooming house around 12 rooms. west sice from owner. J 872. Oregonian. HAVE $900 cash, small rooming house; would assume good security. Main 6103. 8 FURNISHED h. k. rooms, west side, close In ; price $S00; terms. Main 4933. ROOMING house, all full, close in, sacrifice. Owner ill. Main 7957. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. ONE OF THE BEST HOTELS IN CITY. Over 100 rooms, fireproof brick bldg., center of business district, all complete and elegantly furnished, lobby; can make good lease at fair rental; $12,000 handle. 88-ROOM HOTEL. Completely furnished, good carpets and furn 1 tu re, rent $ 1 50 per mon tn. lease : $3500 will do business. S0-ROOM HOTEL 80. Every room completely furnished, large dining room and kitchen furnished, can keep plenty boarders If you wish ; rent $125; price $3250, some terms. NEW EASTERN OREGON HOTEL. Large fireproof bldg., 35 rooms, dining room, kitchen, office and lobby, all com pletely furnished; store. P. O. and Millard parlor, which is rented out; bldg., ground and furnishings for $27.0O0. small amount down and bal. (225 per month; payroll of $70,000 monthly In this town. FINE APARTMENT HOUSE. 42 apartments and some sleeping rooms, fine building, well located and good fur niture; can obtain good lease; price $8000, terms to right parties. ANOTHER GOOD BUT. 8 2-room modern apartment house, com pletely furnished, long lease at $300 per month; $3500 can handle this. SOME SMALL BARGAINS. 17 rooms. rent $50.00; price $1800. 23 rooms, 14 rooms. rent rent rent rent rent rent rent rent rent rent rent rent rent rent oo.uu; price 1000. 45.00; price 45.00; price imo. 050. 1000. 1200. 550. feSO. 1050. 2100. 900. 50. 500. 12."0. 7 SO. 12 11 rooms, rooms, rooms, rooms, rooms, rooms, rooms, rooms, rooms. 40.00; price price price price price price 0 42.00; 42.00; 82.50; 25.00; 8 8 11 19 7 60.00; 40.00; price 8 7 25.00; price 20.00; price 50. OO; price 60.00; price rooms. 23 rooms. DU S rent .;: price 600. WATCH OUR ADS; WE GET RESULTS. F Rierdon, HITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 5433. 6th and Washington Sts. SPARKS-STEVENS CO., Suite 511-12-13 Wilcox Bldg. SPECIALTY SHOP. Manufacturing and selling, suitable for a lady to handle, party having knowledge of dressmaking and cutting can clear $400 a month ; present owner doing this, but on account of sickness must sell ; price $450. a real bargain. Main 5433. 6th and Washington Sts. SPARKS-STEVENS CO., Suite 511-12-13 Wilcox Bldg. MODERN HOTELS. 87 rooms; corner, brick $3500; terms 44 rooms: corner, brick 1400O: term, 60 rooms; Inside, brick $4000; terms 80 rooms; housekeeping $320O; terms 40 rooms; making $5uo mo...$8000; terms SO rooms; making $300 mo $5800; terms CAUL E. TUGGLE, 630 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main $002. $800 MONTH NET PROFIT. 70-room hotel, elegantly furnished; over 80 private baths; Class A, pressed brick building; absolutely modern ; very high class trade. $ 10,000 will give you posses sion. $16,000 full price. See Mrs. Keller. Geo. T. Moore Co. 1007 Teon Bldg. NIFTY HOTEL. 56 rooms beautifully furnished, 87 baths; making big money; never on market be fore; clean as wax. Price $14,000. Will taKo ljiDeny bonds or city improved prop erty up to $7000; balance cash. See Mrs. Keller. Geo. T. Moore Co. 1007 Teon Bldg. SPLENDID HOTEL. yw so rooms, 24 bath rooms, excep tionally well furnished; fine modern brick Duiiaing; steam heat, water in every room; nets $6U0: down town location; $6000 will See Mrs. Keller. Geo. T. Moore Co. 1007 Yeon Bldg. FOR SALE ROOMING HOT7PF.S 0 E of the best paying transient hotels In Vancouver; 40 rooms; good reason for eiiing. S134 Washington st, Vancouver, Wash. RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. 80 rooms rnnt CI T. stoum ,M furnished; gross income $1002 month. Price ouou, terms. See Mrs. Keller. Geo. T. Moore Co. 1007 Teon Bldg. 12 ROOMS DOWNTOWN. Near Portland hotel; full to the guards utile, $uu. J. BRUCE GODDARD, 502 Couch Bldg. FOR SALE 8 room,- housekeeping, fully oc- vujjx-u. vy pieasani tenants; furniture nearly new, house In fint-clasK and sani tary condition. $750. 16th fit, west side. 70-ROOM hotel, modern, good furniture, flm location, good lease, making good monev price $00o, terms. Call lf-3 West Park tn.. wens-Anaerson rteal Estate Co. ROOMING house. 20 rooms, verv central rent $o0; mouey-maker. Well furnished. j:"-1 B"i' jvi oilier bargains. laiiu, OU. wa.ntld A hotel or roomlnr-house tht wt imiiuieu ior sioou or $2000. Call Main 4034. A rAt ior noine. S-room. close-in wt iuo. uric iurn;ture, carpets, etc; modern, ouav. oo. uanana. iss Sd. LOST AND FOOD. THE following article have been found on Power pin. a books, a r ovm. uv, 7 packages, 1 shoe. 1 check, car tickets, 2 baskets. 1 handbag, 6 suitcases, 9 lunch Doxes, io umbrellas. 1 milk can. Owners rny obtain property at First and Alder LiiST Li'ht brown valise at Vancouver or utziwceii Vancouver ana orchards, con tains Bible, with the name F. II. Conway and hymn book, containing name of Birdie vonway, outer articles in valise will Identify valise. Leave Oregonian office. LOST Lady's Hampden wrist watch between - namner or Commerce bldg. and Fifth snd Washington, noon Saturday. Return 321 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Reward. Phone Main 1330. Residence phone Main LOST in Lone Kir Cemetery, black handbag. irimmea witn green leather, containing diiio.ii i imufco, purpio loiuer witn child necklacbe. rlne and nihnr thinv in Aih.. Please return to 708 East Burnslde or call r.a.L lot. newara. ionowing articles have been found on .u.r oi tae rornana rial! way Light & Power Co., May 30. 1019: 1 purse. 1 bill, 1 kodak, 2 gloves. 3 packages, 5 baskets, 1 level, 25 umbrellas. Owners may ob- y iy a.L r irst anu Alder fats, i LUhT Wednesday evening, on Oregon City road, near Portland Saniarium. brown hand bag. which Is a gift; kindly return same to Empire Transfer Co. Broadway LOST Purse, on Richmond car, bet. E. 21s' and 2d and Yamhill. 2:45 8aturdav change and trunk checks : kn k n and return purse and checks to 455 Alder HOTEL, full now, waiting list. Hot and cold water, all rooms, all outside, fine furni ture and rugs. Income about $600, low rent. eav commission, xso agents. E S60, LOST Lady's gold wrist watch on Union ave., Detween uroaaway and Hoi lad ay. on Decoration day. Finder please phone i iiou wi irmin IQ OOO Hi. i tn St. N . LOST A bunch of keys in a rinsr with twii chain attached, finder will please leave at W. H. Markell & Co., Union avenue and casi jiorrison ana receive reward. klwakjj ior return of card case with passes anu papert; no vaiue to anyone ex cept owner Sherman W oiler, SOd Knott b i r ii ohm cast o?l'J. isV&x wanet, containing papers and U. c Biraiiiuufti itwnse , xinaer return municipal pier No, 1 and receive ward. to LOST Lady's black eilk bag. with lnsu ance papers or my brother. Edgar Melrhen who Is in the service. Please return to xi iss j essie a. jaeignen. 3io Alder. REWARD for Information or return my setter dog; black with white around necK ana legs; tan collar, license No. -4-1.. oj xsroaaway. CAMEO pin between May and Chetopa apts., layior ana join to nam. to ISth Flanders. Phone Broadway 4926; reward. LOST Railroad ticket from Chicago to Los Angeles and return. Finder please return to iotei uenson. auitaDie reward offered. I kj l.nu A-.aav 8 nanQDaK. containing am. money. Owner can describe contents by pill u ug i uur iiij. LOST Umbrella in cover, folding style, with DiacK nanaie ana cora on j. car or Council Crest. Call East 3690. Reward. LOST On Oak's car Friday, blue silk um. brella with owl's head on handle. Finder p l ease noti ry w. ix., uawy. 6741. daytojj Dieycie leit in rront or mv itnm Owner may have same by identifying and paying c cargo. on cast tun st. LOST Diamond tie pin, platinum setting. LlDCmi ICaiU. J nunc .uanjllUU OliU. LOST Purple silk umbrella. May 28. Call Tabor 5240. Wednesday, LOST Saturday, pink cameo brooch. Finder call fc-enwooa ooa. itewara. STRAYED Bay horse, weight 1300. marked white on ngnr nina toot, w ooaiawn 200. FOUND, May 13, part of diamond ear ring. 507 Y. Vancouver. 314 W. 24th st. LOST Black sealskin fur cape. East 1175. watch. Main 3741 LOST AND FOOD. LOST White Alaskan Spits; answers to name of Son. on Broadway, between Union ave. and 21st. or on 21st between Broad way and Thompson. Finder notify W. D. Allen. Golden West hotel. PFECIAL NOTTCKUL WHOM It may concern. On or after June 1. we win not be responsible for any debts contracted by Laura ItusselL Signed) MR. AND MRS. C. A. RUSSELL. SPECIAL NOTICE. Progrmmmes. rosters for lodges, organi sations, theaters, amusement parks, pic nlc and dance. F 271, Oregonian. Proposals Invited. STATE OF OREGON PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES. The Oregon State Board of Control will receive sealed bids on June 12, li19. at 2 P. M-, for furnishing supplies to the various state Institutions, consisting of dry goods, clothing. furnishings, groceries, shoes, hardware, brooms, drugs, stationery, crockery, plumbing, etc.. for the semi-annual period ending December 31. ltl. Specifications and schedules will be fur nished upon application to the secretary at Salem. Oreron. also from the Indus tries and manufacturers' bureau. Chamber ot commerce, fort land. or. bach bid to be accompanied by a certified check rep resenting 10 per cent of the whole amount Of bid. payable to the Oregon State Board of Control, which shall be held as a guaranty of the faithful performance of the contract. The board reserves the right to rJct any or all bids or to accept any part of a bid. R. B. GOODIN. Secretary, Oregon State Board of Control. Miscellaneous. NOTICE From this date I will not be re sponslDle lor any oil's contracted tor by my wir. ti. x. Sahlln. S37 Division st. HEREAFTER I will not be responsible for neots incurrea by members or my family. George L. Baker, Sherwood, Or. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS. If you must sell your liberty or victory bonds, sell to us. If you can buy more liberty or victory bonds, buy from us. We buy and we sell liberty and victory bonds at the market. YOU CANNOT DO BETTER YOU MAY DO WORSE. On Saturday, May 31. we paid the fol lowing prices for United States govern ment liberty and victory bonds, which were the closing New York market prices of May 20 Friday Memorial day no market Saturday), plus the accrued in terest. N.Y.Mkt, Ac. Int. TI. Pd. 84 $ tHt.r.O $1.02 $101.18 1st 4s 2d 4s , 1st 4 lis .... 2d 4s ..... Sd 4.B .... 4th 4 'is Victory S4s 95. iM.sa 1.84 7.r4 Wo. 07 97.07 90. SI 95.05 .". 70 95.16 95.00 95.40 100.00 00.92 1.07 .20 .01 ,;5 .13 1 00. 1 3 100.O9 Victory 4Jis .16 In purchasing liberty and victory bonds we deduct from the above prices 37c on a $50 bond and $2.50 on a $loou bond. In selling liberty and victory bands we charge the New York market price plus the accrued Interest. ASK ABOUT THE MORRIS BROTHERS PLAN. Burglar and fireproof safe deposit boxes for rent. MORRIS BROS.. INC., The Premier Municipal Bond House. Established over 25 yearn 809-311 Stark st- bet, 5th And 6th. (Ground floor) Telephone Bdwy. 21151. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. If yon must sell yonr bonds or partially paid receipts, sell to us. We buy and eU all issues at highestmarket price. BONDS THURSDAY WERS WORTH: FIRST $H INTEREST $101.12 SECOND 4 INTEREST 85.01 THIRD 4494 INTEREST 96.80 FOURTH 444 INTEREST 86.03 FIFTH 4 INTEREST VICTORY 100.13 Loss S7o brokerage and commission on a $50 bond. Others may pay less, none pay more. Checks mailed out-of-town sellers day bonds are received. MONEY LOANED ON BONDS. NORTHWESTERN TRUST COMPANY. Second Floor Wilcox Bldg. 6th and Washington. Established 1909 LIBERTY BONDS. All Issues Bought and Sold. Before buying or selling get our quotations. E. L DEVE R E ATTX COMPANY. Government and Municipal Bonds. 87 Sixth Street. Between Stark and Oak. LIBERTY BONDS. BOUGHT AND SOLD. NEW YORK EXCHANGE QUOTATIONS WITH INTEREST ADDED THURSDAY WERE AS FOLLOWS; FTRST SHC SECOND 4 .... THIRD 4 .... FOURTH 4 .. VICTORY 4fc . ....$101.15 . ... 93.04 .... ti.77 . ... flo.82 . ... 100.12 WE WILL PAY YOU THE MARKET PRICE FOR YOUR BONDS. WE LOAN 0 ON THE FACE VALUE AT 7 INTEREST. FINANCE SECURITIES COMPANY. STOCKS AND BONDS. 231 TJ. S. NATIONAL BANK BLDG. OPEN SATURDAY UNTIL 8 P. M. LIBERTY AND VICTOR YBONDS" BOUGHT AND SOLD. NEW YORK EXCHANGE QUOTATION'S WITH INTEREST ADDED SATURDAY WERE AS FOLLOWS: FTRST 3 4 per cent $10L19 SECOND 4 per cent 95.03 THIRD 4U per cent 9tf2 FOURTH 44 per cent 93.0tJ VICTORY 4 percent 100.17 WE WILL PAY YOU THE MARKET PRICE FOR YOUR BONDS. WE LOAN 00 PER CENT ON THE FACE VALUE AT 7 PER CENT. INTEREST. FINANCE SECURITIES COMPANY. STOCKS AND BONDS. 231 U. S. NATIONAL BANK BLDG. OPENSAT L'RDAY UNTIL 8 P. M. LIBERTY BONDS CASH PAID FOR ANY ISSUE OF BONDS FULL MARKET PRICE. LOANS ON LIBERTY BONDS. YOTJ CAN BORROW CASH OF US ON BONDS, WAR SAVINGS STAMPS, OR TO FINISH PAYING FOR VICTORY BONDS. I SEE E. BTJRTCrTT, PRESIDENT OREGON BOND &. MORTGAGE CO. 212 SELLING BLDG. (2D FLOOR) COR. 6TH AND ALDER STS. BONDS BOUGHT. BPOT CASK. SPOT CASH. VAIL BONDS to on. We will remit by return maiL Send us your receipts. MONEY TO LOAN ON BONDS. W. a S-, 1 Interest; also on real estate. Remember the Place T23 Gasco building. Fifth and Alder. CELLARS-MURTON CO. MONET TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY. TITLE AND TRUST BLDG. CASH paid ror mortgages and sellers con tracts on real estate In Washington or 6r ton. xL. Hi. is. o Die, aio LuroUermeu bldg. Money to Loan on Real K state. $4000 AVAILABLE July 1 on good city or farm security at current Interest. J 8&i, Oregonian. TO LOAN, $2000. $3000, $5000 up to $30,000 on mortgage term ot years; city property. ewoye, iu xiaiiM ay rizcuaase oiug. $o00, $400. $500, $600. $700, $1U00 AND UP; lowest rates; quick action. Goraon In vestment Co.. 631 Ch. of Com. Main 1370. Luaa & on ci ty ana iarm property. 5 per cent up. r . rucm, v v. u.m. 01 i nr, SEE OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO.. v.aiimuer 01 v, u inincrvc. m ana Mart MORTGAGE loans, lowest rates. A, Harding. 312 Railway Exchange. MONEY to loan on rarm and improved city property, n.. f rsaxier. 104 opaiaing blag. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON sg CO.. 408 Selling bldg $500. $1000 and up. 1166. F. H. Deshon. no commission. Main 615 Cha. of Coin, bldg. $2000 TO $S0OO 7 per cent, city residence. uiuson .00 mara, tarsnai 1. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan on Tteal Estate. OCR Installment plan Is the best and sorest met ho i of paying a loan. S 32.29 per month for 8 month, or 121.24 per month for k months, or $15 17 for bti months pays a $1000 loan and lntt'reet. Other amounts In proportion. We loan on improved city property. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSX. 242 Stark fit.. Portland, Or. RESIDENCE LOANS. From to 7 per cent for five years. YOU MAY PAY lOO or any amount on principal and reduce interest. ABSOLUTELY NO CHARG3 TO APPLICANT. Also see ns for lowest interest rates on business property. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. mPhone Main 2541. 1524-29 Yeon Bldg. FARM LOANS, insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates en Willamette Valley farms. No commlsslous .No delays IVREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY. 87 Sixth St.. Portland. Or. EASTERN MONEY TO LOAN. On office buildings, hotels and apart ment buildings; must be gilt-edge, first mortgage; w e also place bond issues on timber and saw mil la TIMBER LAND BUREAU, Board of Trade Bldg., Portland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS on real estate security; any amount from $500 up on improved city or farm prop erty. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY. 2ii3 Corbett Bldg. M. 6013. A 2S15. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges, A. H. BIRR ELL CO.. S17 Northwestern Bank Bids . Marshall 4114. A 4113. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY, BH PER CENT, 6 PER CENT. 7 PER CENT. UNION ABSTRACT CO.. Coroett Bide. MORTGAGE LOANS made on improved city property; prompt action; no Uelavs. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON Northwestern Bank Bldg. I CAN handle your loan, large or small. See me aoout your building loan. Quick ac tion and lowest rates. C. J. Johnson, 313 Henry building. Main BS12. MONEY to loan on real estate security at g-ing rate of interest. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO.. 413 Chamber of Commerce. $300. $4G0. $500. $750. $1000 and up at lowest rates; quick actlou. Fred W. German Co 732 Ch. of Com Main 6445. $100,000 TO LOAN on farms. No delay, no red tape, no publicity. Willamette Vai- ley Mortgage Loan Co., Aurora. Or. $20,000 TO LOAN in sums to suit; building loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck. 2 15-1 Falling bldg. Phone Main 34U7. MORTGAGE LOANS On approved real estate security. Unloi Sate Deposit Company, 284 Oak at. MONEY TO LOAN on real estate, first mort gaga security. B 475, Oregonian. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Phone Broadway 810. 894 Stark Street. Near lOlh. Loans on diamonds, watches, rlctrolas, pianos, kodaks, shotguns, furniture, musi cal Instruments and anything of value. ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OF PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE BOR ROWER. City and face value. county warrants cashed for CARRIE MYERS-HERRMAN. Manager. DO TOU NEED MONET. We make a specialty of loans en auto mobiles, furniture, vlcirolas, etc. Security left in your possession. fcmall weekly or ALSO Loans made to salarVd people. Rates reasonable. Private office. All business vonnaenuai. PORTLAND LOAN CO (Licensed). Third and Washington sts. 806-307 Dekum bldg. Marshall 8286. bALAKi. LOANS. CHATTEL. en short notice to sa.arled or working men on their own notea Weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments Each uniMLuon nci.y cunziae n tiai. NO MOHTGAGiCS. NO IN'DORSKR. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We a too loan on household furniture, piano a etc. without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. LICENSED. 218 Failing Building. aONEY to loan on atamonaa. Jewelry; legal rates, all articles held a year; established since lfeSS. Dan Marx. 283 Washington. HATHAWAY, loans on pianos, furniture and other securities. Room 20S Washington bldg. GEO. HA R VET loans money on household goods. Legal rates. Tabor S806. roans Wanted. $ 700 at 7 per cent. Two loans of this amount on two houses. each now soiling for $1600. New residence near Hawthorne ave. Good farm property near Base Line road $3250 at 7 per cent. $5000 at 7 per cent. at Rock wood. B. LEE PAGET. Corbett bldg. Main 230. 60: WAN T E D LO A N. $.50O from private party for S years at reasonable rate ol interest.- mortgage se cured by west side improved Broadway corner, 50xluO. Will positively pay .no commission. JOHN WE 1ST. Lewis Bldg. Properties Worth While. LOANS WANTED $1000 at 7rr property worth $ $000 jl.r(K st t'r property worth S500 $3HHi at 7'V property worth 6SO0 : to at e'v property worth 12,500 lauOO at 7'.' property worth 22,000 OTIS C. BECK. 25 Henry Bldg. Marshall 65. $JS00, 3 YEARS, 7 PER CENT. B-rooni bungalow, bath, toilet, concrete foundation; 15 lots. 30x100 each, all in cultivation, on 55th ave. Place worth $45oo. GORDON INVESTMENT CO., 6M Chamber of Commerce. Main 13T0. $15,010 AT C PER CENT. Loan wanted on business property, vi cinity 12 1 h and Stark ; income $375 per month. Wakeneld, Fries A Co., $5 4th st. WANT loan $2750. 7 per cent, brand new home. 7 rooms. Rose City Park, on 43d st. Phone Tabor 1S00 Monday. 501 E. 43d North, WANTED $3500 loan on income city prop erty; prt ate party, oeaitng wit a private parties only. G 273. Oregonian. WANT ED -$ 2 500, 1 year; security 1st mort gage on sawmill, timber, donkeys; worth $12,500. AN 225. oregonian. STUDENT wants to borrow $400. Salary $iso0 assured. on graduation. AV 63, Ore gonian. WANTED $4000 and J6000 at 7 per cent Very good security. F. Fuchs, 420 Chamber of Commerce. $1500. 8 PER CENT, on Improved 40 acres, Columbia highway; principals. East 6329. WANTED $10,000 loan on property valued at $45,000. Call 520 Henry bldg. WANTED $1200 or more, iroa N. w. bank bldg no commission. FIRST MTGS. FOR SALE. $500 AND UP. F. II. DESHON. 15 CHA. OF COM. Bldg. WANTED security Main 2538. SEE OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. PERSONAL. REPUTATION. Tls what your friends may think of you That makes your reputatlon" ; And not what you may think of self From self -infatuation. Man Is his own creator Of the life he lives each hour: He makes himself a weakling Or creates within, a power. For man to live for self alone Takes up allotted space; He is no benefit to mankind Aud helps retard the race. We have this reputation" That you can save much more: On each SPRING SUIT, COAT, DRESS AND WAIST AT PETERSON'S UPSTAIRS STORE. 2d Floor Pittock Block. BOOKKEEPERS, stenographers and all of 1 flee employes wanted at 8:30 P. M. Tues day. . June 3 at Central library. Everyone In Portland come. IF you are looking for speed, Sandy's In the lead. "In at 1. at 0 they're done. DOESN'T Tom. Dick snd Harry pay you 7 See Viereck. collections. Dekum bldg. $2200 Ni Grove. W bungalow, modern, acre. Lake .Mcrananu, ou- xeon Diag. jkDY BARBERS Shave. 15c; haircut. 25c: face massage, 35c 25 Glisan. near Gth. VIOLIN and piano lessons 00c, Main 1039. PkHSONAU GET WELL. FBEB. FREE. FREB Every day. from 10 A. M. to 4 P. V.. and eveuings on Monday. Wednesday and F.i dav. from 7 to 8. and Sunday from 10 to 12- THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS WHO HAVE FAILED to get relief in any other way are Invited to Investigate Chiropractic methoda, which are permanently curing hundreds every day. THE BEST OF CHIROPRACTIC DIAGNOSTICIANS will thoroughly examine you. make a com plete diagnosis of your case and direct your treatments WITHOUT ANY COST TO YOTJ WHATEVER. CHIROPRACTIC is the safe, sane, sure end modern science of curing and prevent lng disease. CHIROPRACTIC win permanently core 3 per cent of all diseases. CHIROPRACTIC removes ths cause nealth returns. Th above service ia all free to you st the college building and may bo had in private if desired. PRIVATE TREATMENTS may also be had in college bul.ding by members of the cuty. by either lady or men practitioners, P-VUFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE. Corner of Park and Yamhill. Tel. Main 1014. In HObFlTAL connection with co:;ege. Will handle out-or-town patients at a most reasonable Jn oror to show what Chiropractio can do. Add ress al 1 com m um cation to DR. O. W. ELLIOTT. , President. 100 PER CENT CHIROPRACTIC SYSTEM. -aiion, uacieay bldg., Portland, chiropractor of experience, a past ama Uk lu0 Pr cent chiropractic specialist, ith highest testimonials from patients irorn e4Hcrn states, familiar with the oest: also from western and local patients having unfortunately had less than 1K per cent chiropractic elsewhere, with, of course, corresponding disappointment in delayed relief. Men and women are fully satisfied with my 100 per cent chiropractic philosophy. .xPrnce and superior skill demon strated in consultation examinations: easy, careful adjustment, rates and, finally, re eults. Tenth year in Una city. Each case pfrsonally examined, instructed and ad justed by myself at all times. Terms. 1 adjustments $13. Phone, call or writs. FOLRTH AND WASHINGTON. , New Home. 647 Eat Salmon St. DIATHERMIA. with proper equipment and properly applied. Is one of the best tnodaii tiea known In electrotherapeutics, lta use Is successful in all inflamed (sore) condi tions and no psrt of the bodv is too re mote to be reached with almost mathe matical precision. For this reason tor ovaries, uterus, prostrate gland, bladder, stomach, bowels, liver, kidneys, lungs. Joints in fine, any part of the body cas be reached and the sore part healed. Tu berculous Joints and cancerous conditions rl no cePtion If taken in time. If suffering from soreness in any part of the body, come in and have this method of ir,.1?101. xpIi"eL Dr. R. A. Phillips, 0O. Broadway bldg CORA 1 ALE BELL, chiropodist pediat rist. from Chicago; treats corns, cal louses, bunions. ingrown nails. weak arches and foot troubles generally; foot ma&sage given; vibrator and electricity used, Paradic current. S00-507 Swetiand bldg.. entrance 5th off Washington: open Sundays. Main 114.". HAIR GOODS. LOWEST PRICES. 20-inch wavy switch. 3 sep $1.4fj All-around transformation L4 Hairdreaslng, shampooing, face massage, hair bobbing, manicuring. 25c Hair re moved by electric needle; switch mad off combings. 90c. Sanitary parlora, 400-412 Dekum bldg.. 3d and Wah. Marshall 1702. TRY THE NEW Scientific beauty tarIor. We antee to rebuild up the muscles off the face and neck. A 'so do mani curing, scalp treatments and sham pooing. 212 Swetiand bldg. 100 PER CKVT AMPririv Dr. A. J. Stephens has opened a modern, up-to-date office. 414 Dekum building. Bo Is prepared to treat chronic diseases of men. women aud children by electrical and other drugltfas methods. Lady assistant. Main 164. INFORMATION regarding whereabouts of Richard A. Lane will be a ppreciated by his mother. Mrs. E. Lane. JXfs S. Spauld lng ave.. Chicago. Is 36 vrs, of age. Last heard from April 1, ItfOS, lluuingion, Kan. AN" ELECTRIC CABINET BATH, a tub and a soientiiic massage for rheu matism, lumbago, neuritis, etc.. at Ironside Institute, 327-S-tf Pittock Blk. ; graduate nurse assistants. Pnone Bdwy. 012. ALL the latest remeaici cold at tue Clena enson Drug Co.. 200 Morrison st.. St. Charles Hotel corner. At this drugstore you get just what you call for. We have no substitutes. MRS. KATHERINE ROSE LAMB, or any one know lng her address within the iast 7 years please communicate with Charles 3- Lamb. 527 Biggins bttig., Los Angeles, California. BICYCLE standing at curb near Hippodrome theater on Tuesday morning and got dam aged, please answer this ad with the amount of damage and get reimbursed. B 453, Oregonian. NOLAN & HOLLOWAY, formerly with Olds. Wortman &. King, hair dressing, manicur ing, marcel wave, hair tleiu;. 2tt Pit tok b'.k. Broadway 45o7. MRS. M. L. LAMAR. 2". 5TU ST. SPIRITUAL ADVISER. Instructions in the theory ot health, suc cess and harmony. MRS. STEVENS. 25 years Portland's re nowned teacher of palmistry and crystal gazing: has crystals for sale ; also her book 'Palmistry M.ide Easy." 375 Taylor. 1'OR SALE and agents wanted for the Psycho, an instrument for spirit manifes tation. 5:i3 E. ft 1st North. Tabor 7773, n'.fo 3t:i Tilford bldg. BEST STEAM BATH. Masssge. vibration, electric and chiroprac tio in city. Dr. Margaret Havnie. 215 Swetiand bldg. Open evenings. Main 1765. DR. RUTH OLSSON. Swedish drugless meth ods, 12 years successrui experience. S.3 Washington bldg., 4th and Washington. Main 34. CHEERFUL, beautiful rooms with food pre pared ov expert dietitian, ior convalescents, $25 and up a week. 143 19th st. Broadway 4314. WILL THE LADY or gentleman who wants a raincoat, motor coat or leather coat at wholesale call at United Rubber Co.. 72$ Morgan bldg. CHI KOPODiST, manicurist, face and scalp specialist, tuperf.uous hair permanently removed. CIO Bush c Lane b.dg4 corner Broad way and Alder. FEB VET & HANNEBCT. leading wig and toupe makers, finest stock human hair rood a hairdressing. manicuring, face and scalp treatment. 349 Alder. Main 546. RALPH I COLLINS, or anyone knowing his whereabouts, please communicate with R. L. McCready. llosklns. Or.. as It will greatly benefit him and his family. $1 WILL get Doth your feet fixed up good at Dr. Eaton's the chiropodist, who doesn't hurt you: 5 years here; exam. free. Glob T h eater bldg.. 11th and Wash. Bdwy. 224- ERIKSON's white shield maternity home fop unfortunate girls : no publicity; babies placed in Christian homes. Address 7i E. 72d su N. Phone C 1279. LUNGS, bronchitis, chronic coughs, asthma. Lecture free. Dr. Bluaieaberj Sanatorium Walnut Creek. CaL TOBACCO or snuff habit cured or no pay $1 If cured. Remedy sent on trial, bu perba Co.. W 314. Ba.timors. Md. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removed by 10 needle method; trial free. Josle Fin ley. 614 Bu.-h &. Lane bldg. Main 6368. APPENDICITIS Hundreds cured without knife. Free circular on request. Hixs Co 703 Swetiand bldg. GOITRE, enlarged gianda. cure yourself per manently. A. R. Strachan. Route 5, Hills boro. Oregon. REV. MRS. J. C SCHORI, spiritual adviser. 15 E. 15th st. N.. cor. Burnslde. Question meeting Tues.. Thura.. S P. M. East 304. ANYONE going to California by auto want two passengers down? Call Marshall 2211 room lo. WANT the address of John and William Cooper. Joseph Delay, Willamette Hotel. 322 Vs Stark st., room 10. MM E, OR EN ELL relieves dandruff; face massage; 23a Fhedner bldg itching, scap, moles removed. bOPHIA B SEIP. spiritual adviser. 20$ Goodnoush bldg. Question meetings. Tuaa Frl.. 8 P. M. Marshall 2503. DR. W. L. HOLLOWAV. Chiropractor bldg. Main 413. rtea.. woocuawn 6172 DR. NEi-SOPsi cures corns. Dun ions, ingrow ing nans witnout pain; consultation tree; very reasonaoie. oua dckuiu oiag. SPI RITUAL advice daily; circles Tue. 2; Wed and Sun. 8. Rev. May A. Price. 1310 Division st-. near M. S. car. GERTRUDE DANIELS, superfluous hair specialist, manicuring, face and scalp; 323 FUedner bldg. Broadway &U2. GRADUATE nurse treats lumbago, etc Hours. 2 to 5, or by appointment. Phone Main 1040. Office 308 C 3d. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removed by 10-needie method; trial free. Josie Fln ler. 14 Bush St Lane bldg. Main 0368. DR. ELLA SORENSEN, 503 Panama" bldg. Drug less methods. Stomach, kldnes. rheu matisin, constipation, etc. Main 50S6. RUPTURE CAN BE CURED without an op eration. Free booklet. P. O. box llu5. BE Individual, comfortable, stylish: have a Barclay corset made for you. Wdln. 5775. MANICURING and scalp treatment; hours) 11 to 8. 216 Panama bldg.. 3d snd A:dcr. PILES CAN BE CURED Without on.n-iAn- aend for free booklet. P. O. Box 1105. PRIM EDA BALM, formerly called Balm of Figa, $14 E,. 33d.' Seilwood 2213 morning,