THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JUNE 1, 1919. 19 I FOR KKT. Housekeeping Booms In Private Famlly. HANDSOMELY furnished bungalow, seven rooms, in Laurelhurst, for three or four months; references required. Phone Mar shall 692. Ask for Mr. Dekum. F. E Taylor Co., Kenry bldg. WJLL rent pleasant furnished room with housekeeping privileges to on or two "woraen or married couple, private homes good district or two-room apartment. Ta bor 2062. I'uk KcNT Two months, beginning June 15, lower floor of five rooms and bath, completely furnished, including player piano; walking distance. Marshall 98. HOUSEKEEPING suite in beautiful home, close in, walking distance; those employed preferred; may be been after 12 today at 414 Market. ----. FURNISHED and unfurnished housekeep ing rooms; electric lights, telephone, gas; reasonable; also bedrooms. Broadway 1213. ONE furnished housekeeping room ; heat, 1 1 gh ts, gas, hot and cold water ; nice lo catlon. 699 Everett st. HuLfeEivEEPI.N'G apartment In private home, suitable for coupie; $-Q per montn. 1U24 East Main st. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms; $16 month; adults only. 694 Front, corner Meade. FURNISHED housekeeping room, employed peopie preferred; children cared for dur ing the cay. 3i. Ha'st-y. near Union ave, BATCHING rooms for reliable working man. $2, $2.50, ?3.50 week. Everything lurnit-iied. 2.3 4th. opposite city nail. LARGE h. k. room auite reasonable worthy working woman. Broadway 2473 after 2:30 P. M. THR E E housekeeping rooms, 1 tent house keeping room. Apply 3 North. 21st, near w aanington. FOUR furnished H. K. rooms. Including sleeping porch. Ill E. S4th St., near Lau relhurst park. TWO lares front rooms, also single rooms and sleeping porch; hot water, baths, laun dry, phone; adults, bod l1 lanaers. THREE furnished H. K. rooms, all outside rooms, large yard and porches. 1470 East Oiisan street. Phone 'labor odU7. CALL after 2 o'clock, attractive Irvington home; room with housekeeping privileges. No children. East tii53. 447 istn st. N. bINGLE h. k. room for bacheior; every thing furnished. 154 N. 18th. H 264, Oregonlan. pNB room and kitchenette, furnished, very desirable, suitable ior laay, l oioct tiaw thorne car. 734 E. 3adifon. East 7531. TWO furnished or partly furnished H. KL. rooms. 4:7 CJiay. iar. io7. S FRONT rooms furnished. East 1501. 567 E. Couch. TWO furnished h. k. Marshall 52S. rooms at 410 4th st. THREE nicely furnished rooms ; gas, bath ; $7 week. housekeeping 692 front st. THREE furnlsned H. K. rooms at 1000 East Main. Tabor 8769. HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent. 427 Clay. Mar. 167. JS'lCELY furnished housekeeping rooms at 2;a Kast tsth st. FOR RENT 2 laundry trays. or 3 housekeeping rooms. 074 E. star it. TWO nice housekeeping rooms, well located. sink ana range. -jua est farK. 105 20TH, cor. Flanders; housekeeping rooms. neatly furnished S-ROOM H. K. apartment; $4 per week. 490 Clay st. TWO or three partly furnished housekeep ing rooms. a;t ;ou. liADY to share small flat; all conveniences private room, reasonable. .Main BUSINESS lady may housekeep In private. mocern nome. East ibbo. Iff. K, ROOMS for rent. 510 Flanders st. BoueB. FOR RENT. Souse on west side, two arteries. rooms, bath, toilet: one block from Wil lamette Heights car line. SCO Upshur fit. i-ent, :.oU. F. E. TAYLOR CO- Inside property dealer. Ground floor. Henry building. i'HREB large rooms, $13; gas fixtures, city water, garage, $5; barn $5; 100x100 for tarden. AddLy corner &9th and East Stark. Mi. Tabor ( MT SSth car to end. fout blocks north, one eaau SNAP j-room house for rent to who buy: ruy furniture; am living city; must seen to be appreciated; garden spot, plenty roses and c Merries; pre uy place to live, 544 Broadway. FIVE-ROOM house, furniture for sale. will rent furnished, or sell house, lot. fur niture, 5:50, $50O down and long time on balance, owner, w ooaiawn ouib, even inga alter 5. WHtN YOU MOVE Use NORTHWESTERN" ELECTRIC light service. Broadway 5S0. A 6747. 6 ROOMS, Portland Heights, large grounds and shrubbery. $30. A. 1L iiirreu lo., zi Northwestern; Bldg. Marshall 4114. A. 41 IS. 1'UR RENT Room 23x68 on second floor of brick building at Front and Stark ets. ; suitable lor oifices or shop. Rent $30. F-ed S. Williams. i)2 1st b L " SCENIC LODGE. Cottages, 524 Heights terrace. S rooms and porch; fine view; shower and tub baths; cheap rent; must see to appreciate, OSWEGO lake, four-room bungalow, modern, al! conveniences; will lease for season, $27. 10. Call 500 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. MR. RENTER, " We have a few homes on hand for rent, which are to be vacated on the 1st. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EX f-ROOM house, very nice shape: 60x100 lot; fruit t'-ees, etc; 1 block of Sellwood car line. Inquire 5bl Henry ave. Phone Sell wood 508. CAMP SITES for rent at Lake Grove, Os wego lake; why Iook for a house in town? 5o0 Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark. ilOViNG Piano, furniture and long-die tance hauling a specialty. O. & W. Truck Service Co.. 40 Second St. Phone Broadway 512L MODERN desirable 6-room house! 037 E. Everett. Can bo teen Monday. Adults only. B-ROOM house, not modern; fruit, berries. barn, room for 2 machines. b25 Knott St., est Elue. i-none fc-ast tj-. KEAH-KAH-NIK MT. beach, completely fur nished modem cottage, beautiful view. nrepiace, season. jiain 4UJi. JXR REN T Myrtle Park station, 3-rooin house, not modern; gas range and lights. Call la Dor oOJJ, 910 A MO.NTIL 3 rooms, large garden, part ly furnished. Call 1031 Glenn ave. N. Al berta car to K'th st. 27.50 MODERN rage, oiec and 2od. Thur. 7-room house, with ga gas. 303 Guild sL near JiARDWOOD floors, furnace, fireplace, sleeping porch; walking di tance. 602 Dekum. 0 ROOM3 and bath, sleeping porch, fireplace, 'hot water heat, large grounds, $40 per mo. jiiarsnaii zi-'s. FIVE rooms, gas. electricity, wood lift. good neigh Lor hood. 647 Front st. Mar. 444U. MODERN 5-room bungalow with garage; large yard. Inquire 1747 Division uU Tabor Siy3. SUN'NYSIDE Modern 6-room house on car line, $35 per mo. 1030 Belmont. Tabor 1309. $50 7 ROOMS, sleepin s porch, corner, Ala meda. J. D. Kennedy, 320 Salmon. 0-ROOM upper flat at 1694 Foss street, right at Columbia parK, ? t i au qwy. opo.t $25 SEVEN rooms, clean, some modern conveniences. 273 N. 21st st Mar 4440. HOUSE for rent, some furniture for uale. 1076 East 27th st. North today. FOR REN" ne four-room 8 P. M. house. Call 123S B. after COTTAGE for rent, between Seaview and Long Beach. Call E. 7:24. JUODERN bungalow. furnace, fireplace largo yard. $4U. Wood lawn 196. B-ROOM house on Woodstock car line, $6 per month: nne gsraen m. .Main 1651. 7-ROOM home, furnace. 622 Commercial tt. F. V. Andrews Co., t04 Piatt bldg. 6-ROOM house at S34 Kerby st., $30. Call 4:-5 E. Mh N. 724 E. MAIN. 7 rooms, flrep'.aca. furnace, sras range, water heater, r.owers. MODERN 4 -room house, yots N. W. Bank bldg. $20 per month. yOR RENT 7-room house. Woodlawn 634ft. f-'urni-hed Houses. FURNISHED HOUSE One to three months. $,"i0 per month; call alter f. rida.y r-ffrenri's rertr.irea. lltn st. 6-ROOM furnished house during June and July. $50 per mo.; wa.Kins distance; rex required. 140 E. 2d st. N. glX rooms, some furniture for sale, rents for $25 per mo. Call at 6S9 Glisan. west side. FURNISHED 4-room house; $20: coupl only. Mar. JL'uo. ater ana paone. jTrOOM partly furnished house. 1005 Salmon. Tabor S343. $25, MODERN. 5-rooms with garage, fur nished. 9tS Commercial. Woodlawn 1S7. D OR 6-ROOM furnished house." 694 Market st. drive. can frunuay. 6-ROOM furnished cotta-re. 597 Rodney ave. near Stanton. Phor.e East 59S5. IsICELY furnfshed house, garage, Irvington district ; $100 per mo. O 32 Oregonian. A JaAfrWat fco furniBh-Hi 107 Nebraska, at. FOB RENT. Furnished UooJtee. IRVINGTON home, completely furnished: S larce. exceptional: y well lighted rooms. 4 ideal bedrooms, full concrete basement and fruit cellar, lare floored attic, large screened back: oorch. ever? convenience. fireplace, furnace. 2 toilets, piano, motor I washer, electric sewing machine, vacuum I cieaner. garage; rent lor year or seii. East 5656. BEAUTIFUL, home in Alameda; 10 rooms; everything complete; double garage; tin- obstructed view of citv : rent for sum mer or lease for year, $150 per month. Also several beautiful furnished houses on wes-. side, $100 to $250 per month. These are an exclusive Domes. Office Open Sundays. STANLEY S. THDMP80X CO., 802 Oak. WILL LEASE mv beautiful furnished home. lurKisn rugs, cut glassware, rtaviiana china, mahogany furniture, full linen and Biiverware, iuh basement, stationary tuos fine furnace, white enamel woodwork and just nicely painted outside, to reliable family; references. Main 8840. LEASE for 1 year, 8 -room suburban home iurnisnea; 20 min. ride to .Portland, close to main line Southern Pac East Mtlwaukie nagstop. About S blocks to Oregon city electric line depot. A. Wendel, 1 Oak. su. jvuiwauKie, Uregon. BEAUTIFULLY furnished 12-room house for rent : select west side neighborhood : all hardwood floors, garage, large ball room: modern in every detail: $175 per month; references. E. J. Daly, 221 Failing Diag. FOR RENT. FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW. Completely furnished, bath, electrlo It gh ts. gas. shade trees, garden space ; rent $35. Reference required; adults pre ferred: will lease. 4525 70th, near 45th ave. ; Alt. Scott car. FROM June 15 to Sent. 1. modern bunga low, oesiraoie neignoornooa; rooms, witn bath, basement, etc. ; fine garden ; adults only; references. - 1449 Sacramento Rose City car to 62d, JUNE IS, for two months, six rooms of my eiKfit-roora bouse, comfortably rurnisnea: east side, walking distance, yard, fruit. flowers; $50. Give references. J bo7, orego- nian. LAURELHURST home, 8 rooms, sleeping porcn ana oreaxiast room, every con venience, hot-water furnace, baby-grand piano, iurnisnea beauuxuny; garage; siuu. Main 6167. SEVEN-ROOM nicely furnished house, gas. electric lignt, fireplace and hot water heat. $o5, including phone, water and piano. will rent lor e months or l year. Ref erences required. No children. Phone Main 7797. 318 20th St. south. WILL rent my beautiful, well -furnished 8- ruom nome ana garage in irvinaton lor summer months, ail large and well lighted rooms: lots of flowers and shrubs. Phone li-ast 74WS. $o AVAILABLE June 5, 7-room modern 1 lurmshed heme, sleeping porch, fireplace. mrnace. garage; roses ana otner i lowers; references requirea. 1 6S4. Uregoman. HAWTHORNE district, strlctlv modern H- room, 2 Bleeping porches, fine yard ; no children ; references required. $55. East 10i3. WILL rent furnished complete, 5 rooms of ' our nome, juqo zu to oepu x. a diocks ' from 2 car lines; adults; ref.; $35. Tabor j upo. netween io and la A. M- Sunday. FURNISHED 7 ROOMS Modern house with sleeping porch and garage for 2 months. in Irvington; references required. East 1403. MODERN, furnished S-room bungalow. Mon- taviua a ist net. 5 blocks from car; will rent to desirable tenant; no children, from June io. ror a months. C 467, Oregonlan. COMPLETELY furnished modern house fori rent near Is. Z4tn and Marsnn.11 sta.: Si. per month. See Wakefield, Fries &. Co, co sc. . BEAUTIFULLY situated seven-room house. nicely rumished. all modern conveniences. Including garage; reference required. 834 Ainamura ave. wain. 41-fi. PLEASANT Irvington home, all modern Im- provements. sleeniner norch. ntuno. from june 1 to (Sept. 1. 360 E. sth cor. Jtsroaaway. YOUNG widow, for fair remuneration, having beautiful home, lovely grounds, will share same with one or two gentlemen or couple. FURNISHED 6-room modern bungalow. 32d. near Hawthorne; rent $37.50 to purchaser of part of furniture, $225; fruit, berries, 2 tuorna iurnisnea in attic labor DOla. BEAUTIFULLY situated 6-room residence flat for 3 mo., west side; very much out of the ordinary; $75 per mo.; references required Marshall 4371. Garages. NICELY furnished 2-room basement suite; Duiit-ln conveniences; private entrance; desirable. 94 N. 16th st cor. Flanders, LARGE, well-furnished home, west side: fine location; about July L AM 265, Ore- Eonrnn. 46'J 22T ST. N., partly furnished 7-room, gas, electricity, bath, full basement, big garden cpace. namiiton. aiain nt. PARTLY furnished house, 2 rooms and clos ets, on iitn ave. owner, -izi ototn ave. t. fj. wooastock. TWO months, June 34-Aug. 14, four-room turnisned bungalow; adults. J 81O, Ore gonlan. $30. BUNGALOW, 4-roora, Myrtle Park. moaern, garaen. Aicariana, eua xeon bldg. FROM June 15 to Sept. 1. 6-room furnished oungaiow ror rent. 103 is. both, north of oimoni; ret. requirea. Summer Resorts. CAMPERS, ATTENTION New Management- Columbia 5 each tsy tne sea otters the most ideal camping grounds at very reas onable rates. Good pure mountain water piped throughout grounds. Fresh water laV s and streams and the best ocean beach on the Clatsop shore. All kinds of eea food for the taking. The big luscious razor-back clams are more plentiful this season than ever before. Come out pre pared to have a feast. For particulars I can or write COLUMBIA BEACH COM PANT, 212 Lumbermen's Bldg. FOR RENT At Seaview. Wash., for the season, the nicest home on the North I Beach; 0-room cottage, beautifully fur nished, electricity, running watep. bath. etc: nice park; garage if desired; aiso I smaller cottages for rent. For partlcu- I lars. address box 1S, aeaview, wash. GEARHART PARK cottage, on ridge, on ocean zront, o bedrooms, living room, din ing room, kitchen, enclosed sun porch. 2 j baths. 2 toilets, running water in every 1 room, nicely iurnisnea; S4ou tor season till September 15. B. M. Lombard, 250 3d. GEARHART Modern completely furnished house or a rooms and large sleeping porch. fronting on golf links to rent for Julv and August. A. H. Blrrell Co., 216-219 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4118. ATTRACT! v E bungalow tor summer on beach. Ocean Park, Wash., beautifully lo cated, completely furnished with every nome comiort, fireplace, large living room best water; reasonable. Tabor 2248- SEASIDE Small well-furnished three-room I bungalow in Hermosia Park; private, very picturesque and cosy; no children. Phone,! days, Broadway StiOl; evenings, after 8, Main Doa. GEARHART, completely furnished modern 8-room cottage, sun porcn ana tent. 5 minutes from ocean. M 4463 or Harar, Gear hart. ROCKAWAY BEACH Nicely furnished, 2, 9 or i-roomea cottages oy ins weeic or month. Address J. J. Krebs, Rockaway, Or. GEARHART Small cottage east of the links, completely rurntsneu- win rent lor short Qeriols. Mais 346S. FOR RENT New cottage at Cannon Beach. tor particulars write Airs. J. zdegier. Ecola. Or. 5-ROOMED fully furnished beach cottage. lovely view, .ean-Ran-niP, season e.o or by month. Eaton, Mar. 4237. SEASIDE. 7-ROOM cottage overlooking ocean; $1T5 for season. Main 5404. FOR RENT Furnished cottage at Lone Beach. V ash. ; modern conveniences ocean view, pnone w ooaiawn wi. GEVURTZ cottage at Beach Center. Wash. 7 rooms, furnished, running water, one block from ocean. Main 2317. WILL exchange rent furnished beach house. Gearhart, lor rent or nice Portland fur nished home soon. 1314 H: Belmont St. 6-ROOM cottage. Manhattan Beach, $125 for season ; ocean iront; large fireplace. Phone laoor o-j. FOR RENT Beautifully situated Cannon Beach cottages ana tent-nouses. bell- wood 1025. GEARHART. after July 5. for season, mod ern 0-r. furnlaned cottage. iJ. A. Lie wis. First National ban k. .Marsnall f5QO. SEASIDE. 5-ROOM cottage; modern; furnished; near beach; desirable. Bdwy. 3543. WANTED 3 or 4 room cottge for season or month of August at seaside, aioaern conveniences- Call Tabor 4073. CANNON BEACH, ocean front tenthouse, complete and attractive. Phone Bdwy. 293. skvex-ROOM furnished cottage for sea son. Apply Mr. Latz at Sealy, Dresser Co, SEASIDE, 6-room cottage, electric lights, water, July, v ooaiawn st. FOR RENT One small cottage, furnished, at Seaside, can iiain t.. FIVE-ROOM furnished house, fireplace. Beach Center, $75 season. Main 4o&i. FOR RENT Seaside, modern 7-room house. completely furnished. w oodlawn h.4. FOR RENT Cottage. Seaview, .Wash, quire Swart. SO 4th St. In vtrmshed cottaxe. Beach Center, view; fireplace, city water. East 14S. SEAVIEW, Wash., P. H. Pchulderman house FOR REM. Summer Reports. GEARHART. Lovely Fro h roan cottage on Ocean ave., completely furnished ; 7 beds; for August or July and August. Gearfaart. ttor WART -RTOUSE SPACE FOR RENT; 6K0O SQUARE FEET IN tWM-KtTH ELDG.; SPUR TRACK: UHUL'D FLOOR. THE R. M. HOLLINGS HEAD CO.. 19TH AND UPSHUR. BROADWAY 4062, STORE 20x60. suitable for dry goods, over- ails, furnishings, notions, muimery, etc. in Dnr.nesa DlocK in residential ainrit-i South Portland, near shipyard. Four fur nished living rooms and bath In rear, in cluding steel range, gas plate, furniture. etc - fibeivinr already in: moaern ironu Rent $25. Telephone Milton uevurtz. aiam 2317. FOR RENT Best corner store, also large store equipped for groceries; both located in Seaside, Or., in modern concrete build ing. A. GILBERT &. bO-N , SLASilJt. UK- GROUND LEASE CLOSE IN EAST SIDE At locations, to see this means your consideration: fine garage site. SMITH-WAGON EK. CO.. STUCK. EJL. FOR RENT My store at Wemme on Mt Hood road. L. A. v reno, care l. Hoigate. u. s. bank. FACING on Broadway, near Taylor, large store 30x50, with lignt Daaement ouxnu. Apply :uo uroaaway. rnone -Main oa. STORE, cor. 13th and Harnev. Sell wood: fine for confectionery, grocery. Seilwood 626. STORES IN ALL PARTS OF CITY. II. WEBB, VEON BLDG. MAIN 4913. FOR RENT Space for stores. Northeast corner ist and Washington sts. FOR RENT Space for stores. Northeast corner 1st and Washington sta. Office. DESIRABLE offices, modern conveniences. Stark street, between 3d and tn. Apply room 312. Railway Exchange. DESK AND CHAIR. Cutler, five-foot, oak. rolltop; A - j condition: cost $125, $65 takes 1 1 . -a u w ood l a w n - u . v. DESK or -desk room for rent in nice large carpented room, including phone service. Room 432 Chamber of Commerce. FREE location for public stenographer may be had at 416 stock Exch. Diag. Main 3Jo OFFICES $10 and up. including light, heal and service. fatock Exchange mag. OFFICE and desk to share. 408 Swetland bMg. DESK room or furnished office for rent. 202 I McKay bldg DESK Phone attendance; nicely furnished I office, 431 Chamoer of Commerce Diag. Miscellaneous. FOR RENT Piano, to thoroughly responsible I party. AG Z-j. oregonian. FOR RENT Upright piano. Broadway S2S9. GARAGE for rent. S88 E. 46th st. N. BUSINESS O PPO RTCN TTIF JUST 4 MILES FROM OREGON CITY WE HAVE ONE OF THE BEST IMPROVED I LITTLE PLACES IN CLACKAMAS CO. I 3 acres in nign state or cultivation, u acres now In croo: Potatoes, corn, oats. wheat, clover and garden, AH kinds of fruits and berries: cement walks to ouia- Ings; good fences, water pressure system piped to garage, chicken houses, barn. 1 garden, lawn, etc; good 6-room house, with bath- toilet, sink and cooling plant. In fact tills place baa every convenience one could want. Riwht on main road. Price for crop and improvements. $jo00, naix 1 casn. Let us snow you tnis. STEWART & BUCK, 815 Northwestern Bank Bldg. HERE IS A FARM ON WHICH YOU CAN MAKE A SUCCESS. 85 acres, near Oregon City: all In crop and good soil; the present owner made a success on this farm and is now going on a larger place; good six-room house, large barn, chicken nouses, nog nouses ana lot of good outbuildings; everything on this farm is handy ; place is convenient to market. We have photo in office and can give you an accurate description. we know you will not be disappointed If you are looking for a good place, STEWART & BUCK. 815 Northwestern Bank Bldg. A GOOD FARM NEAR PORTLAND. 20 acres. 4 miles from Lents, on good bard-surfaced road: good large 4-room house, large barn, water piped to house and barn, rood spring and small creek. water the year around; nearly all of place I in croo. will make itood money this year. I This la a irood buv and Brood land: no junk. 1 Price 55000: about i'jouu oown. lr you 1 want a good place near Portland, you had I better see tm. STEWART ft BUCK. 815 N'orthweHtem Bank Bldg. FOR SALE GREENHOUSES. About 11.000 square feet glass, 6 city lots, hot-water heat, electric lights and city water; on carllne and hard surface road; 30 minutes to Portland; doing good wholesale and retail business: Ford de livery, stock and good-will; price very reasonable and part terms; give possession any time; don't waft If you want a business with a big future. Address AG 226, Oregonlan. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. For sale at a bargain, 0 rooms, always I full; large restaurant ana luncn counter. FHilIv eauloped. showcases, cigars, candy. two cash registers: rooms more than pay rent, $1200 takes the whole tuing. tasy terms. 300 WASH. ST.. Vancouver, Wash. PARTNER wanted to sell supplies, gasoline. etc.. and make btmseir generally usetui in auto garage; $1200 required to buy equal half interest with a mechanic; 38 cars storage and good repair business. Call room 401 ueKum Diag. MAN thoroughly versed loan and real estate business wishes to associate- him self with private party or firm : refer ence exchanged; might consider some other business; correspondence strictly confidential. AH 223, Oregonian. AUTO GARAGE. ! This is a fireproof bldg., good storage and repair business and net profits over $400 month; excellent place for an active man; good lease and reasonable rent. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. GROCERY and meats, established 18 years; doing $10,000 per montn, can do Dougnt at invoice; about $ H00 required; making money; owner's books will show net profit $10,000 last vear: good reason ror selling. J. C. CORBIN CO., 305-6-7 Lewis Bldg. I I NEED $10,000 on my sawmill to pay mort gage and operating expenses; win pay good interest and half of net Income until mortgage fully paid ; party can handle all the money and have full charge of operating mill. Owner. N 519. Oregonlan. RESTAURANT FOR SALE. Extra fine equipment and net profits $450 to 000 month; will stand closest in vestigation; $2250 required. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. 1 ORGANIZE your business under dcclara tion of trust. Legal in all states If prop erly drawn. Save franchise, federal, cor poration and certificate tax. Information free. Nat'l Org. Co., 123 Madison, Chicago, FO R SALE Generai merchandise store do ing a gooa o us in ess, witn a rancn in con nection; located In a thriving stock coun try in eastern Oregon, Address Post m aster. Beulah. Or. A COUNTRY GARAGE. Fireproof building, a splendid location, a good business now and can be increased; price only $1550. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. ESTABLISHED PRINTING OFFICE AT A BARGAIN una iuxid ana one bxiz press, good variety of tyr. etc.. all in good con dition; must sell, $2100. $500 cash, balance easy terms. AG 28. Oregonlan. AUTO REPAIR BUSINESS. Extra good location and can make large profits; a brick building and rent only $15 month: $500 cash required, fully secured. Call room room 401 Dekum bldg. WEST SIDE corner, house and two-store buildings. income, per monm. -duw. $2500 cash. The Ross Co., Main 75S0. 12 Chamber of Commerce. XV WO wants to buy a good confectionery. soft drink, light groceries. ior nan wnat It is actually worth? about $900 required. AC 603. Oregonian. GENERAL country store at a good point for business, no competition block ana real estate $6000. sales run $22,000 a year. DeForest. S20 Henry bldg. OLD established real estate firm can use reliable salesman wnn nis own car; can make good connection; state age, phone. AF 447. OregoniaiK A CLOSE-IN cash grocery for $1400. no de livery and 4. gooa living rooms, aai room 401 Dekum bldg. RESTAURANT This place Is good and will bear investigation; ouainesa oi strict. H. & H CIS Swetland bldg. a rm.i KfTiON bpsmess ior eaie. a live man snouia ciear -w iuoiuh, umy required. can room wi icnum oiog. K-rt-n K.iAaii euortlies and pen needs you meet, cail at Sandy's on Broadway or Wash In gton street. $200 REQUIRED Collector wanted. Call at 517 Henry bldg. GROCERY Have all cash, possible. J &73. Oregonlan. west siae FOR SALE At once, bakery, doing No. 1 busin ess. City bakery, Vancouver. Wash. W ANT experienced real estate or business chances man. Main 6127. TWO continuous bowling alleys and equip- ! ment, cheap. J. W. Blaney. Broadway. COR, of Mill and 4th. 50x100. J. D. Ken nedy, 329 Salmon. W. E. GILBERT, real estate and mortgage loans, 2u4 Corbett bldg. Main 91u. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. WANTED PARTY WITH $2.":.000 TO IN VEST IN ON h Or 1 fin. jtai L: PROPOSITIONS IN THE WEST. BIG FINANCIAL RETURNS, PA R T Y MAY TAKE ACTIVE PART IN COMPANY. FULL INVESTIGATION INVITED. AD DRESS P. O. BOX 35, PORTLAND, OREGON. CASCADE. IDAHO. Permanent count seat of valley county, en Idaho Northern railroad, population 500; has the finest dairying and stocktak ing propositions in Idaho; surrounded by rich, fertile soil with ample .rainfall. Lands can be had at from $15 to $50 per acre. Thousands of acres of outside rang. Va" cade is center of large lumbering indus try, employing from 700 to 1000 men. Cas cade has three churches. $20.OuO school building, good school, fine gravity water system, sewer system, electric lights snd v, ti nnwer in City limits. Addition to power plant U being made now. . . . Cascade needs a furniture store, cloth ing store, steam laundry, bakery, cream ery, harness shop. Implement store, nara ware store, shoe store and many otner lines of business. Cascade needs yen. Mr. Business Man, and you need Cascade. . Long Valley needs yoo, Mr. Farmer and Dairy Man. You can do no better man come. There is an opportunity k you. Write the Cascade Commercial Club, 1 or get right on the train and comi look The Cascade Commercial elub has noth ing to sll you and will get no erornlas,'on on anything you may bey. but will be g-aa to render you every possible assistance in getting located. , CREAMERY FOR SALE. .T A WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY. LOCATED NEAR PORTLAND. ONE OF THE LEADING ICE CREAM AND BUTTER PRODUCING CREAMERIES IN THE STATE. THE PLANT IS EQUIPPED WITH TH 12 MOST MODERN' A P P L I -ANTES. UNDER MANAGEMENT OF PRESENT OWNER FOR (12 VEARS. LARGE STOCK OF SUPPLIES ON HAN D. 2 REPUBLIC TRUCKS 1 TON LAC H , LIVERY: TOGETHER WITH A 2-STORY BUILDING. 60x60; LOT 86x100. J. -n. M 319. OREGON IAN. poR S LE In a live town on the main Una of tne o. S. L. Ry. in the best alfalfa .1 - 1 THaVtn and In th Boise Payette government irrigation proj rt tok of hardware, harness and im plements invoicing about 20.u0u. can re duce this $5000; real estate $o000; 191 sales $55,0o0; 1910 sales 25 ahead of 1918. Established 10 years; an unusual opportunity for a live man; casn; trades. A V 2, Oregonlan. DON'T LET YOUR WAGES BE AT tached Take all the time you wsnt to pay "back bills." We stop the pressure of creditors, give you a chance to clear yourself and live without worry; keep youf present Job, avoid attachments, satisfy your creditors, all on the money you ar now earning. Our plan and services are H' a Inn rt mnnev or ask TOU for one cent. If you need help, address box 192. clty . GROCERY store Candy and ice cream store........ Restaurant Saw mill ,$1.0O0 600 600 . 1,700 Rooming house . i.ottu Auto accessories and gas 4 .000 Machine shop ? 000 Candy factory and retail store. ..... 1.200 Call 517 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WOOD HAULING CONTRACT. Needs total Investment of $700. Can arrange LIBERAL TERMS. s- See Mc WILLIAMS, at 522 Alder st., Broadway 24if2. WANTED A baker to lease an old estab lished business. located in the Beaver hotel building at Independence. Or. Room for rent at a reasonable rental; do not ned m huv anv f old oulDment: can put in all modern electric plant; business guaran teed. Phone Main 4777, or call at -ui Corbett bldg. . DECIDE QUICK. If yon are looking for a good, clean stock of mdse., where you can make money from rK, nn1 wn. da not fail to investigate this, 20 per cent off on dry goods, shoes and notions, groceries at market value; no commission to agents, av vvj. uregoman ci' uiT 'Tl a l. mannfirturlne corporation wants capable men to establish branch and manage salesmen; $200 to $1000 necessary. You handle own mony. Will allow ex penses to Baltimore if you will qualify. For particulars, address Secretary. 416 N. Howard St., Baltimore. Md. r.non ri:t An old established fuel business in good university town; fully niiinnii and with a. 11 necessarv yards, tracks, saws; a fine stock of fuel nad several thousand dollars in orders on hand; will turn all with the business: ail clear; t n is is kj. tv. a h mcsui"a. rnrVTRY e-nera.l merchandise store an tnir inratAd in Washington, on railway and highway. 2 miles from water, do ing fine business; value about $3u00; will take part cash and some good Portland property in iraae. i-aii room oxu riotei. FOR RENT A fine dining room, kitchen and pantry: all furnished; this Is in con r..tinn with Rrooki hotel, one of the best In the valley; reasonable rent; good for man and wife or woman and girl. For particulars write n. &. Anueroou, uvm j-l o tel. canton, urcsua is- t mn hrw vou where I make $300 net per month en an investment of between i ono an a x-nriG will vou buy my busi- neos? I must leave ths city Monday. An swer quick if you want a bargain, it you do not mean business do not take up my time. A K SOS. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Retail lumber yard, including carpenter shop, planer shed. 4-H P. gas engine. 4-inch sticker, both rip and cut-off .awa Hrnm Bander: $750 takes It without in. indinr stock on hand. Address the owner at Yoncalls, Or., lock box 74. an INVESTMENT of $50O will return ap proximately $325 annually; ecurUy guar anteed. See Mr. McCleilaa, b02 Chamber of Commerce oiag. FOR SALE: Confectionery stock, fine fix .. marhlA raunter. show case. tc. must vacate July 1; will sacrifice. AK 823, Oregonlan. or pnone proaoway .oio. ACCOUNT of other business I will sell my good-paying conietuoucij .uu r, i j at invoice for cash, about $2500; no agents. D 372. Oregonlan. $525 CASH buys seller's contract. $660, draw ing 7 per cent interest; city property; have immediate us for cash. BF 671. Orego- GENERAL MDS. store In country for sale; business average $8000 a month; stock 116 OmO: can be lowered to suit buyer. Answer AV 137. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Fully equipped vulcanising plant, with stock, also agency for Gates Half Tires; 3-year lease on building. Ap ply Fish's Tyre Shop. Astoria, Or. MR. BARBER, don't overlook this snap; barber shop and confectionery, all ready for business; stock and all for $250 cash, at Warren, Or. t SNAP and a paying investment; owner leaving the state; modern apartment house, bakery, store and garage. Teo . phone East 23S8. FOR SALE Cigars, soft drinks and card room, good location, rent $70 per month. Price $1200 cash; good reasons for selling. E 803. Oregonlan. FOR RENT or lease, home bakery and gro cery, doing good business; stock at in- voice. Call 4t AiarKet St., city. FoR SALIfi On 40 M. Cap. mill, three donkeys and complete rigging, planing roiU a. A. nuimann. nmoer. rr GARAGE and blacksmith shop for sale: fine location; price $4000. C. A. Rydell, Elkton, or. NEW furniture of an 6-room boarding and rooming house for sale, house for rent. Marshall a io. GENTS' furnishings and dry goods store; also grocery fixtures. Safe and adding ma chine. Main CQtKS or Lo.umoia FOR SALE or trade. International hotel. 100 rooms, omte. v,w... aiijcii w round floor; rent reasonable. 2 N. 3d st. tv a p Garace doing a big repair busl with blacksmith shop; leaving city. v I 476 l. n ion ave. WANT to rent beach or resort hoteL Call Broadway looa. wmou. FOR BALE Restaurant; $150; som terma 154 I - 154 H Nortn tam FOR SALE Country store; will sell mer ehandise. building and land; no trade. Ap ply . iautier, ow u, otuwuii, ua. dc-ctaI'RANT Close to Alnsworth dock money maaer. - cc -- - BAKERY and confectionery, fixtures Sa.O, boo 3 r OBLU tvnu., f uuun lauui BCSINFSS OPPORTUNITIES. PATENTS AND TRADE MARKS. Introducing Material Chasers Company, 826 Railway Exchange building, represent ing largest, most reliable patent special ists. We are practical equipment special ists. Your trade marks and patents abso lutely guaranteed ; confldertla.1 assistance: standard rate for patent $ 5 for 30 nays will give our clients 5 per cent reduction. Don't let your Ideas lie idle. Office hours, Sunday and week days, morning 8 to 10; afternoons. 1 to 3; evenings. 7 to 9 o'clock. We buy and sell your patents. Time is valuabie. ALL VALUABLE mineral deposits, gold, silver, copper, lead, etc.. In lands belong ing to Li. . government are open to exploration. Anyone desiring a free mining claim la the well mineralized western or southwestern states should first send for full particulars and mining laws of U. S. A., Including laws to locate oil land. 240-page book. Postpaid, price 91. A. 8. Wright mineralogist. P O. Box 8-vO. Portland. Or. . i. RARE opportunity to get into a manu facturing corporation. We want to In crease our capital and Install labor-saving machinery. Want several thousand dol lars, which will put us in position jo com pete with the largest and best on the coast and make 35 per cent profit- We In vite the strictest investigation and would like to hear from some one with capital. An elegant opportunity for a salesman who wants to get into a paying buslnesa T 305, Oregonlan. FINE general store, consisting of hardware, tinware, groceries and notions, store build ing and residence to exchange for stock ranch. Extra fancy grocery and notions, in good town, cheap rent and good fixtures, to exchange for small farm ; will put In some cash. This store is doing sv good business. J. C. GILBERT. McMlnnvllle, Oregon, I. O. O. F. bids. PAINLESS DENTAL PARLORS Fullv eoulDDed. one of the oldest estab lished in the city; have 5 chairs, but working alone. I am clearing very close to $10u0 per month; can be made to clear $4000 per month with- assistance. Cen tral 1 v Inrfttpd - overhead eXDensOS Very light. Wiil sell all or consider partner if qualified. Must have unexceptional ref erences. See my representative. Mr. Mlllership, room 214 Alder Hotel. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE. ANNUAL SALES $50,000. Located in wealthy dairy sectleo about 20 miles from Portland : established 25 years ago by present owner. He has made a fortune and wishes to retire. Stock will invoice about $10,000. will stand the acid test. CLE V ELAND-BAR R-HENDERSON CO. 212 RailwayEx change bldg. Main 6i5X FOR SALE: A general merchandise store m one of the best small-town locations in me Willamette valley; stock of about $15,000: buslnesa last year about $45,000, and running much larger this year; Mtok clean ; small Investment in fixtures; old established business; fine farming dis trict to draw from Will make s!ight discount if necessary. Address AV 4J, Oregonlan. READ THIS SACRIFICE) I have an A-l confectionery and lee cream parlor and soda fountain complete for making own candies and ice cream. Also lunch room connected: $050 will handle this, balance can be paid out of business. This is come snap. This will nav for Itself in few months. Reason for selling sickness. Oregonlan. Addreas 463 WAREHOUSE PTPArB FOR FT: 600 SQUARE FE'flT IN CONCtlETB BLDG. ; SPUR '.'RACK; GROUND FLOOR. THE P.. M. HOLLINGS HEAD CO., 19TH AND BROAD WAY. BROADWAY 4062. WE HAVE BUYERS for Grocery 8 tores. Cigars and Confectionery. Restaurants. Garages. Hotels and Rooming Houses. Anything in the business line. T f t-nn slih t n In IV lP Kl 1 CS.Il ATLAS BUSINESS AGENCY A REALTT CXX, 7iti tioard or iraae Diag ASSURED INCOME SEVEN YEARS. Downtown office building lease; runs for seven years at iow rental; nearly filled; now netting $300 monthly: good ttnnnti and in A-l condition ; can be made to net $400 monthly; price $7500 inpiitriinr ntirA Mmoment and lease ; flue chance for one not able to do strenuous work. E S55. Oregonian. PIP TVTT T? W A VTF.n I have fully equipped road show and have contracts, but need partner with $250 cash to go along with me and handle the business for me. Every dollar secured. A chance to make money. Don t delay, get busy. See Mlllership, Alder Hotel, room 14. HERE'S A BUSINESS WITH A PROFIT I have an A-l moving picture ana vaudeville house fully equipped for sale; 1500 will handle this; It's a money maker in one of the liveliest towns in Oregon, Reason for selling, sicaness. Address J hH5, Oregonian. PARTNER WANTED I want a partner with $5o0 to go in partnership in good clean business. A chance to make money. Have well equipped office in center of city. Investi gate this. See Mr. Mlllership, room 214, Alder Hotel. WANTED Experienced mill operator, with or without mill, to cut ouncn oi rea nr. railroad running through tract; contract or sale: mill furnished by owner. To reach owner phone bdwy. 164. CAUTION, BUYERS. Before closing deal of so-called Interest In established real estate business get advice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL COWGILL. Secretary. PROMOTERS. ATTENTION Will pay $500 fee for your selling .uuo ousmw invorT-m., recommendation, curbstone rs keep out; manufacturers' agency and patent special ists. R 708. Oregonian. ROOMING bouse, 15 rooms, well located. low rent. Ai?o rooming noose, oq roomn, with hot and cold water in each room. Both of these are bargains. Room 617, Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANTED Good man with $600 and sales ability to buy hair interest in manumr turing concern with unlimited future. Call at factory, 371 East Morrison St. WANTED Reliable sawmill man financlaTry able to set UP medium-sized mui ana worn on shares. Logs and mill furnished. Out put contracted. Phone Tabor 7705. ICE CREAM, soft drinks, butter, eggs, milk, etc., living rooms in connection; good lo cation. $',oO. Call 617 Chamber of Com merce 1'ldg. COAST INVESTMENT CO.. BROKERS. Apartment, rooming house and business cnances. e neip you uuy your uusiumm. Phone Main S0r.2. Room 2 Ry. Exch. bldg. Rii.l.TARn and soft drinks. cigars. Ice cream, fruit, lunch: $20 rent; everything in clear; call personally. 54 N. 2d st cor ner liars. LAUNDRY FOR SALE. One-half or whole Interest.; big plant. Address D. D. Olmstead, 215 Union aL, Salem, Or FOR SALE One of the best wholesale and retail markets on Yamhill st.; rent $125 a month; sales average $9000 a month, with big profit. Y 281. Oregonlan. WANTED A partner, used car business; one who isn t strata to rusue; come ana se me at 414 West Glisan. WE sell all kinds of barbers supplies. Agents for KOKffl B uaroer lihii. kiwi Supply Co.. 271 Washington St. WANT to meet party who knows how to . manufacture wmomini Oregonlan. r . i . ..Lvl i-ln ftTn n.T 7InM r.ii M7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ibv y ,'" Zil LOGGER with $2000 to Invest In southern Orecon lumber company: spienuia oppor tunity. AV 59. Oregonlan. GROCERY store at Invoice, on corner, good location, noing nice nuainw ow m. i Call 617 Chamber of Commerce bldg. I - t ir-i. d v atnr .inlTTed for de Mrs tessen. chenp rent ana i cause, oy owner, qju wso. T 306. regonian FOR SALE, cheap Bakery and ice cream parlor; gOa OUSlTirss, cnP rrrnv, iwvu location Call at 319 Williams ave. SAWMILL, all machinery complete. S1700: worth L'50U. can room en, ,uioow ok Commerce bldg FOR SALE Tailor shop; has been estab lished O years; uoiuj goou uusmew. .p ply 231 BumFide st. Good reason selling. MOVING-PICTURE show, good houe. mak ing money, seats ouu. i-nt- 517 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. B4.RBER SHOP and confectionery doing "business every day: $250 takes It. act auick. A. H. Buss. Warren. Or. Al VULCANIZING shop In city, good loca tion; no competition. Inquire or phone owner, P. E. Walker. Holbrook, Or. SHOE SHOP Best location in St. Johns. Inquire at American Shoe Shop, 110 ii. Jersey St.. St. Johns, Or. a v a RTN'ER WANTED Man or woman. for a shoe store; must have $1500 to Invest. Broad way 8o4. SMALL lunch counter very cheap if taken at onre. S5 wtn st. A CHANCE for party with $200 to engage in gooa business. ur ou urti-onnn. WANTED Partner aa or sell one at once. I have two studios Main 103. WANT to invest $500 in business with serv ices. BF 55. Oregonlan. LADY to buy H Interest in paying cafe teria Jrom owner. A 255. Oregonlan. MEAT MARKET for rent; fully equipped. fi. i 5 45 w liiiama ave. fori FOR SALb l-cnair oaroer -nap. tvvui -w.- .-- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. OIL IN PORTLAND. Some Portland man with mony. enercy and xip i none othr need answer this ad. will be shown a BIG KNOWN OIL POOL near this city, worth millions, and Will be given the chance of a half interest there in. He mould handle his own money anl control operations. NOT A CENT TO THE ADVERTISER. Promoters and the mereiy curious PLEASE KEEP OUT. For personal interview and CONVINC ING PROOF send name and phone. Ad dress to Room. 268 Multnomah HoteL CALIFORNIA well-equipped manufactur ing plant, producing diaulled water, syrups and high-grade fruit Juice beverages; having fine location with excellent terri tory and wonderful money-making possi bilities, wants active man who can xur- nish good references; $5000 cash, or se curity; substantial salary for right man. and chance to acquire larger Interest from earnings of business, P. O. box b57 San Diego, CaL MACHINE. blacksmith and auto repair snop. itoraee room attached Dower ma chinery and full set hand tools; everything necessary for work and 2 men more than busy. If you want a money-maker, look mis up ; jjooo cash and terms. COAssT INVESTMENT CO. Room 2. Railway Exchange Bldg. FOR SALE or exchange, woodyard. well lo cated; large shed house and store room, 2 floors and full basement 50x45 feet, on car line, hard street ; permit tor oil station and garage: lot 100x1 JO. corner. 50u$ 41st st. Truck and team. Woodstock car to outn ave. WANTED Sales manager as Jobber in your territory: carry stock for salesmen direct to consumer; no accounts to carry; smaii article, but unlimited nopslblllties: exclus Ive contract: S2U0 to $To0 capital required- Western Brokerage CoH 415 Washington blug., Los Angeles. Cai. WANTED Steady, intelllKent, neat-appear Ing lady partner, h ge 25 to SS. to assis' in developing a little manufacturing en terprlse, with a, prospective future before it wen worm wnne; state situation, etc. ; investigate. Address P. O. Box 2020, Sta. A. city. WHY INVEST your money in barren oil wells, when bar silver Is $1.06 per ounce. demand unlimited, muFt nave snver ic pay off the enormous debts of the world Al silver properties can be secured by location. (et in on these w nue tne get ting is good. X 70 o, Oregonian. FOR SALE OR TRADE. Paw-mill and locking camp operating on Toreiirn contract. Thirty million reel cree timber. Mill capacity 5O.jO0 feet per day. Can ship by rati or vessel. Will consider partial payment or trade. L 113, Ore gonlan. PATENT on Improved tool for hardware trade which will make basts of prontab! manuf acturln e buslnens or fine side I in tor established Arm, will be sold reason ably. It meets real demand and yield: attractive prorit. H H-S Oregonian. NEWLY finished product with waiting mar ket needs additional capital to iinano manufacture on large scale. Tne sen in is e&sv. ODenlne for clean, htgh-cla man to be active In the business, which is lucrative. AH 243. Oregonlan. WILL finance active owner of 10 to 25 M capacity sawmill to cut p.oou.uuu, gooa timber, smootn grouna. i mues iro Portland; will drive you out to see tlmb in 45 mitt, or will pure base mi 11. i Oregonian. "WANTED A capable business man with capital to take a substantial interest in patented meritorious invention. This is a public necessity that should make a for tune for manufacturers. if Qualified ad dress Box 401. Rainier. Or. . FOR SALE Pool hall, 4 tables, best back bar, card tables, fine fixtures, good stock, lumbering town; also county seat; only pool ball in town. Price right. Will give - trial. Reason for selling, other buslnesa Box 1&3. Stevenson. Wash. MERCHANTS. We have buyers for a garage, with storage, a good repair shop, a grocery store or can get you a partner if you wish. See us at once. Western Laud Co.. 511 Railway Exchange. SACRIFICE sale, live, close in east side cigar, confectionery and fruit business ; sickness; called east at once. Catl E. 27U9 or see agent 615 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANTED Sales agents for mfr's products: universal demand; large profits; small capital required. Wsrde-Dunlap Co., sole distributors, 223 W 4th st., Los Angeles, Cal. 40 ACRES unimproved bench land, good soli, 4 miles northeast of North Plains, 22 miles of Portland: price $1600. Will exchange for stork of groceries. ATbert Harala, 122 N. tith at. Broadway 43S1. FOR SALE Orpheum Sitter restaurant at Seaside, Oregon; best summer resort, bath places ready for business, at low price. Inquire Tom Graves, 25 N. 5th at Bdwy. 8M6. IT wi.I pay you to Investigate the silver black fox Industry. If you cannot start farm, buy a pair. I will raise them for you on s hares. Ira L. Mart in, 74 l'J fid ave. t. GROCERY MEN. ATTENTION I I have for sale a first-class family grocery store; staple line, clejin stock of about $3000. doing about $30oo per month business. Will sell at Invoice. De Forest, 320 Henry hide. SIMPLEX & POWERS MOVING PICTURE MACHINES Complete machine shoo for all repair ing. We have theaters for rent or sale. GENERAL SUPPLY A REPAIR CO. 213 Fourth St., near Salmon. Main 2518. WOULD you pay $3500 for a business that takes in $10o a day 7 Rent stands you onty $5 a month, good lease. Lunch room, card tables, ciar ana soli arm stana. is a y 42. BUSY garage, cement building, stores cars; excellent location, good repair busi ness and low rent, making money. In vestigate please. Call 511 Railway Ex- cnance. WANT to purchase from owner, a good pay ing business, $3000 to $5000, or might con sider partners nip in larper business; ret- erences exenangea. AO -4J. oregonian. WANTED Experienced cutt!ng-dle maker and stereotyper; small capital; epecia proposition: state name and address. AG 24 1 . Oregonlan. MANUFACTURER desires electrical special tios. Devices or supplies having possibili ties or large sales wanted. w hav you ? North Pniis.. Pa.. P. O. box 5 SOI. WANT man or woman wiLh $10Oo 90 days. 1 per cent per month bonus: plenty of se curity and position at good salary. Answer by noon .Monday. AG Oregonian. AUTO accessory store, good west side loca lion; clearing f4up montn; can be in creased. Price, $2300. Call 011 Railway Exch a n gftj WANTED A young man to Invest about $1500 and services In a good paying busi ness; prefers one who knows something about selling shoes. J 875 Oregonlan. FOR RALE by owner, grocery and feed store, Gilbert station, on Gresham line; good cash bti tineas; will move stock, Phon D 61. 2624. POOL ROO M Estah 1 is h e d 6 years, o n bn sry street; sells cigars, etc, has 6 tables and equipment. This Is a fine place. Call 511 Railway Exchange. ICE and cold storage plant in eastern Ore gon, established 4 years and doing good business. Price, $0000, part time. DeForest, 320 Henry bldg. FLNE grocery stock. Invoices $1000: fine liv ing rooms, garage, rent $20; wUl discount for cash. 19o0 East Stark at. GOOD grocery store. In fin location, doing ; upwards : day; not too many fixtures. Price. $lWO. Call 511 Railway Exchange. DO YOU want a business? Let us show you our new UsL bvaus &. A be her, 414 Oer linger bldg GROCERY and confectionery; two living rooms ; low rent ; $1200 ; Hawthorne car. 7ist and "Jth ave. SECOND-HAND clothes shop, well located and doing a gooa ousiness, tor sale; price reasona tj :e. can at -u ; . t n. WANT man to take active interest box fac tory ; mut invest .ki; invest ment well secured. 414 irerimgr. Main .;. IF YOU have $1000 and want to secure a good Income from sale oils, gasoline and repairs, call an railway ir.xcnange. PHOTOGRA PHIC studio for sale. Apply Kay, photographer, Panama bidg., 3d and Aiaer. WANTED A partner, lady or man, in a good -paying burtness; experience unr.ecea wary : capital. H 27Q. Oregonian. GOOD-PAYING, cash grocery. Living rooms. win invoice aoout or ies. aanor 6414. GRINDING machine with auxiliary attach ment to sharpen razors, knives, scissors, SO Sixth bL. nearStark. KOKEN & KOCH hydraulic barber chairs, mirrors and fixtures; sacrifice. 80 &ixtli st., near Stark. A SMALL, psying. cash business on Wash ington st., near 11th. by owner, cheap rent Phone Tabor 7T.".S. GROCERY etore. east side, for sale; about S0O will handle this, balance out of the trade. Owner, W 212, Oregonian. PARTNER wanted in a good paying busi ness; about $500 required. The owner, P 106. Oregonlan. UIZZ CO.. 705 Swetland bldg.. of any one with appendicitis want address GOOD location for public stenoj--apher : rent, typewriter and desk free. Maryha'l 40. PATENT for sale; 15-CcOt household article. A Jio, ureyonian. WANT backing to O t05, OreKwnian. go out prospecting. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. PACIFIC AGENCT, INC., 514-519 SweUand Bldg. FOR GARAGES WE ARE HEADQUARTERS. $7500 B! g eaart-etde storage, accessory as A vulcanizing p'.ant, will sell or in voice; this Ls a regular place. prof Its are big, terms on part; $300 a month storage Income. $10 a day profit on accessory business; 4 me chanics are buay as can be; $,- rent on good lease; looks like this might be a money-maker, doesn't It? IT IS good for $70o or $SX a month; will Invoice about $4200, $3500 cash down will hud; 1U $SSOo West side, dandy location, more business than they can handle: food brick corner; clears ail of 6u0 per month; nxuat go this week. $2750 Big ftormfe aoceiwrtea and rwpaiTS, 70x100, modern fireproof building, low rent, long lease: this is a nice, clean place and a money-maker. $3000 Buys H interest In big used ear alw agency, own 17 cars, business and storage, clears over $1000 per month; wsnt man who can take charge of sales. $060 Good location !n town about ?3 miles from Portland; 2-story and basement. 20 cars regular storage. Boswer pump, 5-year lease, rent very reasonable. Com Monday if you want this. $0000 Good out-of-town location, price In cludes building. Del co lighting and charging plant, gas tank and pump. S autos. stage line clear ing $30 per day, also hours. 0 rooms and bath: will bear investigation; part terms. CAFXTERIA. $560 West side, low rent, doing good business; Investigate. $125 West side, good lease, flno eovto ment. low overhead expense, good business, busy location, DAIRY LUNCH. $2500 West side location. $18 or better net profit per dav. low rent. niciy equipped, rent right, will bear in vesugarlon. $3500 West side, right down town, long lease, best of equipment: can show a net profit of over $20 per day. Come Monday for this one. RESTAURANTS. $5000 Out-of-town location, on of tie beat equipped places, doing a very good business; owner has other In terests, only reason for selling; a xujney-maker fur som one. $3000 Out-of-town location, a very attract ive, long-established place, clearing over $500 per month, th bent equipment: large ic cream and candy business in addition. $3000 Very desirable location, finely equipped, large seating capacity, long, low lease; this ls cheap at . price asked, doing a very good business. If you want a real place, look after this. $13O0 Central location, low rent, do In; a $73 per day business, good. $1050 North end, doing good bmdncsv low rent, good equipment. $550 Rast side location, Tearing evwr $50 per week, fine place for maa and wife. 6TORPS. $21O0 6. 10 and 2cent store, afcowt 50 miles from Portland, established 5 years; will Invoice more than price asked; sickness cause of selling. CON FftCTIONTJRT. $1500 Washington street location, soda fountain, soft drink, ice cream, candies, etc., a real buy and worth investigating. $2050 East side, rent $25, doing a busi ness of $40 to $" per day, a nice, neat, clean place; snap. GROCERT. $750 And Invoice about I2O0O. cash end carry. 5 living rooms upstairs. $0 to T0 daily bu?inss; can easilv run this up to $150 per day; rent $30. $500 RE AT GROCrTRT BUSINESS $?W. Wha do you know about this T $5oo buy stock and fixtures of cioso-ln east side grocerv and pro- " duee, DOING $100 A DAY CAtH and no delivery: rent only $15. Sounds like a mistake, doesn't it It's real. Come early Monday If you want this. $1SQ0 Kas side. nice, clean store, dolnr business at $75 per dsy; rent $23 per month. Sickness only reason for seliing. T7RE VTJLC ANTING RTTPTNESS. Tire vulcanising business, best town In Willamette vslley, $SOO0 stock of tires on hand and other equipment; $350O takes everything; clearing $300 to $400 pax month. PACIFIC AGENCT. fTnr.) 514 to 510 Swetland Bldg. Marshall FOR a dictor who wishes to retir in a country home within 40 mile of Port land, on highway, her is aa unusual chance, where a good income la positively guaranteed for the reason this Is an In dustrial town; no competition; ls equipped nicely as a hospital, small stock of drugs, good residence and about an sere of high ly improved land with an abundance of fruit in bearing. For full particulars ad dress P. O. box 154. Cascade Locks. Or. RESTAURANT, confectionery and soft drinks; tnis is in the beat location in town; sales are about $30 per day; 111 health is the cause of them wanting to sell; this ls a good chance for some one; price $750. all cash; rent of building $13 per month. Quick Sales Land Co., Wv D. A rnistron g. mgr., McMlnnvllle. P. O, box 244: office one block from depot. MERCHANDISE FOR SALE. $11.0o0 stock of general merchandise la a country store for $10,000 and will ac cept 2 r ce trade. This la an established business and sales run $35,oOO to $40,0u0 annually. Will give long time lease on bldg. and fixtures at $40 per month. Dt? Forest. 320 Henry bldg. FoR SAl.K R1ackmith shop, tools and stock; also residence and bam, three lots COx 1 00, located 1 n good f armln g d istrirt, good place for garage on Condon branch R R. For further particulars call on or write owner. Ralph Strode. Mikkalo. Or. FOR SA LE nixing shop in a 11 v town on the Columbia highway. Hay wood, model 12. outfit, everything com plete ; business well established. A dor ess box 193. Arlington. Or. EXPERIENCED builder and architect wants to help you design, plan, build or remodel your house or carafe. All kinds of car pentering and concrete construction work. Will save you money. D oT-"., Oregonlan. FOR SALE Restaurant and confectionery; good location : uoing gooa ousiness; muse be sold to settle estate; appraised value $100. Call or write, Ida L CovelL adra, 4 1 7 Lyon st-. Albany. Or. THE FIRST man with $450 gets a big busi ness In a little store ; sales from $75 to $125 per day. Rent only $15. No deliv ery. Open Sunday. 410 E. Morrison. FOR SALE Dressmaking shop, good loca tion, well estaolished; lot of work on hand: good ear service; will bear clos ebt Investigation. G 251. Oregonian, FOR SALE Wet wash laundry In Portland, bargain for some one. Reason for selMnar present owners can't agree. Call at 69th and Foster road. Ml Scott car. W ANTED V fTnancfal. partner for new business In this part of the country; gen tmuu or lad. A. J. Clar, Rauiapo ho tel. Portland. Or. WANTED Partner with $500 in wood butl ness. E fetl. Oregonian. 107 FEET front, 2 modern bolMings near Wafehintftou at Woltsteln. 114 First.