rrra rttstiay otjegcvxtax, Portland, jtjxe i, loio. 17 HELP WAJ.TEP MALE. LOYAL LEGION OF LOGGERS AND LUMBERMEN. FREE EMPLOYMENT SERVICK. 78 and 80 Third JStreet. Main 6400. A 1567. Logger and Mlllmen, Attention. Mills Just starting. Camps just opening. Wanted Today. Fallers Suckers . ... . Chasers ...... Snipers Buckera (top) "Wood bucks . . Wood splits . . Chokermen Swampers . . . Paction men Tunnel men . .$5.40, $5. SO 5.20 fi.20 4.S0 4.20 4.40 4.40 5..0 4.40 4.00 6.00 5.20. 4.00. KAST TO BEND, OREGOIC. FARE ADVANCED, 8 set of fellers . . . Chokermen ........ fcwampers fiteel gang laborers Contract $ .54 ...c $4.00 4.00 Car loaders 4.10 Pine timber, all level ground, no brush. snip today, tare aavanceo. Fdrermsa ...... Xoggers ....... Patchet setters Teamsters ..... Boom men Off bearer, head ...... . . ....3.30 ................ 4-40 4.80 , 4.00 . ... 4. GO 4.60 Off bearer. 2d . . U . .. ..-......... .-v ffbearer, ed per ........... .' 4.40 Ketawytr. norz. o.yu Porting table laborers 4.64 Flashermen 4.40 Trimmerman. automatic 6,00 Mill and yardmen .... .... 4.40 Car tallymen, graders .............. 4.50 Planer feeder - 4.40 Cabinet makers.. 60 to 75 cants per hour. New work coming tn all the time. Se smr boards for complete list. If skilled In woods or mills we request yon to res istor. OPEN TODAT. WANTED Alert young men and women with brains, ambition and commercial In stincts to qualify ma copywriters and ad vertising managers through spare-time study of complete advertising course, taught by international correspondence schools; we offer the most thorough, most practical and up-to-the-minute course of training In this field ever prepared. For full particulars see H. - F. Woodhead, the I. C. 8. man, Monday, 9 A. M. to 9 P. M-, at 19 1 Broadway, ground floor, Heilig theater. BTH"B OLDS, WOUTMAIf XTNO STORE requires the services of an experienced shoe salesman, also experienced floor managers. 1 Apply superintendent's office. 9 to 10:30 A, M. ' 4 fOXJn JANTTORS for day and night work. Two experienced packers. Experienced carpet layer. 1 Three boys between tho 'ages of 10 and 18. I Apply Employment Manager. 6th floor, ' Meier A Frank Co. XIAN WITH experience In abstract of rec ord titles; must be a fairly rapid typist and competent on Indexes; low wages to start with, prospect of moderate advance ment as the details of a large and in fluential corporation are mastered. Apply In own handwriting, stating all particu lars of your experience and circumstances. Balary expected from time to time, age and family. H 252, Oregonian. IWANTED Traveling salesman to start re tailers on r-ortopnone; wansen s commis sion check last week. $111; quick sales every retailer a prospect; big season start ing now: full time or scare time: big com missions on repeat business. Portophone Co., feufl Milton st., Dayton, Ohio. PARTY to loan me $1000 quick: plenty rhattft security: 90 davs. 8 per cent, with bonus. Answer by 12 o'clock Monday if Dossiole. Good position for office man or workman of any kind. AG 233, Ore gonian. "WANTED Man and wife for small apart ment house; furnished 3-room apt. and reasonable salary; man can work outside; , answer in person at 4o v est rarK i Douglas Court: no phone calls. WANTED Youne man to learn piano tun ing-repair trade. Wages nominal first 4 months aoDrentice period, then rapid ad van-cement. Ask for Mr. Murphy. Oregon Eilers Music House, 2S7 Washington st. JsRIGHT office boy, must come well recom mended. Position offers rapid advance- men t. Address In own handwriting with reterences as to character. u oos, ure Ionian. WANTED Elevator operator. This is good oDDortunitv for active, oolite, elderly man of good address. See Mr. Murphy, 2d floor Ell era Music bldg., entrance Jf warning ton st.. below 5th. $o A DAY gathering evergreens, roots and herbs. Ginsenir $14 lb. Belladonna seed Si4 lb. or grow It yourself. Book and war pnotos free. isotanicai, scw iiaven, Conn. WANTED Truck driver; must come well recommended ; willing to work in ware house in spare time; married man pre ferred. Apply 209 Front at. VANTED Car tallyman, band ripman, bull cook, laborers: out-oi-town sawmill. Ap ply 327 Lumbermens bldg., 6th and Stark sta., Sunday, 11 to 12. 6AWYER or engineer for tie mill, with $1000. fully secured, bonus and good wages, other help also. Answer by noon jvionaay. u 301. oregonian. Elan NDY man to repair furniture; must b experienced and able to drive Reo truck. Levin Hardware A Furniture Co., 221 Front st. FANTED Young man for printing shop to set tVDe and Derate press: state expert' ence and salary expected; give phone numoer. i. izi, urgonian. MEN AKe 17 to 53: experience unnecessary, Travel; make secret investigations, reports. fc.aia.ries. expenses. American roreign De tective Agency, ous st. uouia. Help Wanted Salesmen. ACCESSORIES AUTO MOB TLB. District sales manager and salesmen with rora cars, entirely new Kind or accessory, eu)out to be nationally advertised; no com petition ; enormous demand. PENNTPACKEU MFG. CO.. 9riS AddlFon. Chicago. fcELL "tire armor" for auto tires; doubles mileage, makes ail tires trouble proof; lo tn cost, easily applied and outlasts several t:res: Immense demand, btg profits. Men ' with selling ability should net $100 to $300 weekly. i as Motor rroauctB company, inc. cueaffo, ill. fcALESMEN -Inexperienced or experienced. city or traveung ; write tor list oi open in jr a ana run particulars. Address r tional Salesmen's Tr. Assn., Dept. 8L Chicago, UL HALES MAN. experienced any tins: ne strong proposition of merit to general re tail trade in Oregon; $35 weekly advance to producers. The Continental Jewelry Co, id&22 Continental bldg., Cleveland DISTRIBUTOR wanted In ever? town for speedoline ; quart equals 53 gallons gaso line; hustlers make ouu to tow per montn , particulars tree. SPEEDOLINE CO.. DALLAS, TEX. 3? WO young men who are anxious to be come salesmen ; experience not necessary as we train you; permanent work, goo pay; references required. Apply 1 to 3 week days. 614 Stock Exch. bldg. ADVERTISING salesmen an unusual op portunity ror a nicn-ciass man in tm territory. Commission basis. Replies con fidential. Address A, B. S.. 32 Wade sl, Cincinnati, Ohio. SALESMAN to call on professional men; es tablished trade; steady permanent In come; also one for Washington; state acre, experience. P. O. box 121, Philadelphia, Pa. .WANTED Honest, competent and aggres sive salesmen. Must have some selling ability and willing to learn our selling bysiera. Right men can earn $100 or more weekly. J 855, Oregonian. SALESMEN and sideline men to handle Hercules tire patch ; easy seller; guaran teed product. Write Hercules Manufactur ing Co., Oklahoma City. Okia. VANT a live real estate salesman with car; plenty of prospects and a good list; can make big money; state age, experience, phone. AF 443. Oregonlaiu SALESMAN wanted with car to sell big money-making accessory. Either city or territory. Phone Main 007 Monday or call 206 Railway Exchange bldg. REPRESENTATIVES for eastern ststes: also agents for Oregon and Wash.: wonderful money-saver for automobiles: brg seller. Prims Gasifier Mfg. Co.. 711 Clinton st. SALESMEN to call on all lines of trade soliciting pnst due accounts for collec tion, good chance for live men. National Col let tlon A gency Co.. Denver,Colo. WANTED Sporting goods salesmen; give ex perience and references; also salary wanted. BD S25. OreRonian. jLaLESM EN Energetic, to visit schools, $100 salary and liberal commission. R. O. Evans & Co., 1100 Wabash ave., Chicago. TIRE and accessories salesmen wanted; give experience, references, also salary wanted. BD S24. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED dry goods salesman wanted. Young married man preferred. Address J. 1 Barney, Yakima, Wash. HELP WANTED MAI.R. Help Wanted Salesmen. SALESMAN. We have a genuine opportunity for a capable salesman ; we want a man who Is ambitious to own his own business; a business which in a few months' time should be paying him $100 to $150 per week. We are a nationally-known concern manufacturing an article, which sells for $27.50, and which Is a necessity in every business. Our product is being adver tised in a full page way in the leading magazines of the country. We give our men a training through our sales manual and he is visited regu larly by our field manager. The man we select must be able to purchase a stock of our goods costing about $loo, which are sold to him under our broad money-back guarantee. This opportunity Is open to only one man In this community. If you mean business write for particulars, stating age and past selling experience. Robert iL Ingersoll, room 1873, 38 S. Stats SL, Chi cago, IlL . WANTED. SALESMAN ABLE TO EARN $100 WEEKLY". TTnni ml nnnortunit for a bts? TO an : new strong proposition of merit; staple roods to general stores, drag stores and hardware stores in Oregon; not an easy line, but one which brings big returns. Geo. R. Williams, sales manager, 1920 Euclid, Dept. R, Cleveland, O. SALESMEN wanted; must be clean, manly, honest and straightforward. Position mans a place with a sales organization of reputation where your earnings can be $100 or more per week. You will hav the experience of a live managr and larg and .efficient organization back of you. Good opportunity for advancement. C 421, oregonian. SALESMEN .New carburetor for Ford cars; simple, not a moving part; Installed in 30 minutes; guaranteed to double your mile age and start in zero weather without heating or priming; 15-day free trial. Our St. Louis man sold 1400 in 6 months; Salt Lake City man made $1200 In one week. Write M. & J. Carburetor Co., 505 W. Jack son blvd., Chicago. WANTED Five live salesmen for Oregon. A spienaia proposition backed by Al com pany. Experience in advertising methods a help, though not a necessity; an attrac tive side line, as we deal with retailers only. Main 881. 503 Spalding bldg. WANTED AGENTS. 1000 PER man per county. Strange in vention startles world; agents amazed. Ten Inexperienced men divide $40,000. ivoretad. a farmer, did $2200 in 14 days. Schleicher, a minister, Jiua rirst 12 hours. $1200 cold cash made, paid, banked by Stone man in 30 days; $15,000 to date. A hot or cold running water bath equipment for any home at only $4.50. Self-heating. No plumbing or waterworks required. In vestigate. Exclusive sale. Credit given. Send no money. Write letter or postal today. Allen Mfg. Co., 517 Allen Bldg.. Toledo, Ohio. AGENTS Free sample case offer. This Is me tung-pto producer or all. Ho-Ro-Co line of toilet articles, soaps and household necessities will make you independent. Established demand. Guaranteed products, exclusive territory? profits are from luO to 140 per cent. We furnish selling helps and give fullest co-operation. Now, if ever, is the time to make big money. Ho-Ro-Co will help you. Ho-lto-Co, 117 Locust at., St. Louis, Mo. AGENTS Best seller; Jem Rubber Repair ior tires ana tunes; supersedes vulcaniza tion at a saving of over 800 per cent; put It on cold, it vulcanizes itself in two min utes, and is guaranteed to last the life of the tire or tube; sells to every auto owner and accessory dealer, tor particulars how to make Dig money and free sample, ad dress Amazon Rubber Co Philadelphia, ra., uept. i . AGENTS wanted in ail sections of the United States to assist in placing the BEST INDIVIDUAL GAS GENERATOR In existance; can be placed In a lew min utes in any range, heating stove, furnace or fireplace, without disturolng their pres ent arrangement; no labor, smoke or dirt. excellent opportunity for expert gas so licitors. Address c 47L Oregonian. MAN in each town to refinlsh chandeliera. Drass neas, automobiles, by new method. $10 daily without capital or experience; an or spare time; every household, store and office possible customer; field unlim ited in this big money-making business; write lor tree particulars ana proois. Uun metal Co., 33 Elm, Decatur, 111. WANTED Agents to represent us In every section oi tne -"aci'ic coast and kockv mountain states; previous experience not necessary; we train new men and ad vance cash weekly on orders. W rite to day. Oregon Nursery company. Ortnco, Oregon AUTHORIZED negro war book, 700 pages. by Kelly Miller or Washington, D. C, and an assistant of the navy department; best book for colored people ever written; over 10U pictures, $2.50: selling like wi dfire. Get the big book, act quick. Jenkins Pub. Co., Como xiidg., Chicago. i00 PER MONTH selling a riew patented fuel vaporizer, guaranteed to save up to 50ro In gasoline; 40 miles per gallon made with Ford car. Sold on money-back guar antee. One sample free. Stransky Va porizer Co, Pukwana, S. Dak. SELL Mexican diamonds In your spare time; beautiful pocket sample case makes sales on sight; have rainbow fire of genuine diamonds; fool experts, stand tests. Write today. Mexican Diamond Importing Co.. Las Cruces, N. M. MI RACLK MOTOR GAS amazes motorists; 3c worth equals callon gasoline; elimi nates carbon; :J009i profit, lsom, Idaho, wires; "Ship 500 packages. Made $70 yes terday." Chas. Butler Co., Depu 43, To ledo. O. AGENTS $40 a week; startling new hosiery proposition; guaranteed ror one year; must wear 12 months or replaced free. G. W. Noble made JU5 one day; sworn proof. Samples free to workers. Guaranteed Ho siery Co, Post st.. Dayton, O. WE start you in business furnishing every thing; men and women, opportunity lire time to earn $30 to $iu0 weekly operating our "New System Specialty Candy Fac tories" home anywhere; booklet free. Ragsdale Co., Box S, East Orange, N. J. OURS Is a spontaneous 'selling proposition that has the irresirtiDle appeal to a"l ates, nationalities and classes. New men mak ing $5 to J20 per day. Ex-mllitary man made $125 first 5 days. Samuel C. Osborn Co., Dept. H, Masonic Temple, Chicago. AGENTS make big profits selling our ex tracts, perfumes, cold creams, race pow ders, spices, medicines, etc; beautiful high grade line; exclusive territory; sample soap Tree. Lacassian Co., Dept. 14 L bU Louis. Mo. AGENTS If you want to average $10 dally. a nign-graae line or comDS, nrusnes, mirrors and other novelties in Ivory ware. direct from factory to consumer; enormous demand; particulars free. Yanoco Ivory Co., Eeominster, jiass. AGENTS Bie nay and free automobile in troducmg wonderiui new gasoline saver; ounctureproof : 5-year spark plugs, .and other economical auto necessities. Outfit free. L. Bailwey, 621 Sta. F, Louisville, Ky. AGENTS 200 profit: wonderful little i tide: something new: sells like wildfire; carry right In pocket. Write at once for free sample. Albert Mills, general man ager, 191 American bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. AGENTS Hugro India Wonder brooms tickle the housewife. 20 calls. 15 salei Biggest quick money maker for agents. Also complete catalog of hand and eleo tric vacs. Hugro Mfg. Co Warsaw, Dad. AGENTS Ons pound of our herbs drives the most stubborn rheumatism entirely out of the system; -never fails; pound, & post paid. Laugniin Diog.. xos angeies itnsu- rnatisra Herb Co CaL AGENTS $40 to $100 week; free samples gold siffn letters; anyone can put on store windows: big aemana; liberal offer to gen eral agents. Metallic Letter Co., 435 N. Clark. Chicago. AGENTS Earn $200 monthly with our won derful line of men a tailored neckwear. Permanent, dignified, money-making bus iness. Keiser Neckwear Co., Palmer bldg.. .ueiroiu -i)cn HOME gas plants, $15; costs Agents $8: ex clusive territory; wonderful selling plan; you get the money. U. S. Mfg. Co.. DepU IS. Columbus, Ohio. ACTIVE SALESMEN, double shipyard wages. nice, clean, high-clask job; faithful, hon est fellows ran call ofi Specialty Foundry Works, S. E cor, B. 7th and BelmonU AGENTS Opportunity; territory open in Oregon, Bai.ey Improved Kerosene Gas Maker. 314 Stark su Caiorlc Pipeiess Fur nace Co. AGE NTS make 100 to 500 per cent, $10 to $ju per day; fine side line or mail proposi tion; have your own business. S. A S. Co- 2b27 Monmouth ave., io Angelas, cai. AGENTS, demonstrators, sell SIZZ laundry tablets and rug cleaner; ons 10c box will clean 9x12 rug; free sample. Write SIZZ Chemical Co.. SU Louis, Mo. MEN operating SUGAR PUPF WAFFLE MACHINES earn $35 to $70 daily, ma chines priced $25 to $150 on trial. Talbot M:g. Co., SU Louis, Mo. AGENTS Wonderful seller: Pc profit every dollar sale: no license required; no stock to carry; sample free. Mission Bead Co., 13S7 Irola, Los Angeles. CaL - AGENTS Btg money mailing circulars: earn tvpewrlter; safety razor blades sharp ened free. 112 Turk. Sari Franclaco. SIGNS for store and office windows : $50 week easily made. Chicago Sign System. A 323 River st., Chicago. REAL AGENTS wanted to sell Carboncide. let us chow you what others are doing. Jennings. 723 Pittock block. AGENTS, $10 to $20 daiiy. sample free. An thony Fisher, Salt Lake, Utah. AGENTS at once. Sell 50c per month hos pital tlcketa. 206 Corbett bldg. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS Send for our new selling plan; $35 weekly, no canvassing. Tho Varsity, 2o6 7th at., Oakland. Cal. HELP WANTED FEMALE, LETTER WRITERS. Men who can write business-getting letters and have made a study of same from a scientific standpoint can earn from $200 to $10,UH a year. Dean D. Walter Morton of the University of Ore gon has completed a business letter writ ing course which prepares you for these positions. It is a oume study training which brings financial returns at once. Northwestern Correspondence School, Inc. Call, write or phone Will S. Cooper, voca tional training, suite us Yeon bldg. Main 7S54. TYPIST to do copy work, requiring great neatness and cars rather than speed; salary moderate until satisfactory re sults are forthcoming; no Investment re quired and opportunity, for permanent employment with old-established com pany; state salary you expect, age, whether living with parents or not, and experience. J 801, Oregon! an. TTTB OLDS, WORTMAN A KTNO STORE requires the services of thoroughly experi enced saleswomen for draperies and waist. Apply superintendent's office, 9 to 10:30 EXPERIENCED TYPIST; CAPABLE OF HANDLING BILLING FOR LARGE OF FICE; PREFER ONE WHO HAS HAD EXPERIENCE WITH COMPTOMETER OTHERWISE MUST BE COMPETENT AND WILLING TO LEARN; SALARY $75; GIVE AGE, EXPERIENCE AND PHONE NUMBER IN REPLY. N 522, WANTED Ambitious women to develop their talent axons artlstlo lines. Tn Federal Schools of Commercial Designing ana Applied cartooning nav made avail able a home study training which in creases your earning ability long before your studies are completed. Call, write or phone. Will's. Cooper, Sutte ftGS Yeon FORMER LIP MAN. WOLFB ft CO. EMPLOYES are asked to assist in the King Cotton sales. Report at superintendent's office. Monday morning at ft sharp, ready to go to work. FTTR FINISHERS WANTED. Highest salary to experienced hands; steady worn. N. M. UN GAR, Broadway and Aider FAMILY of 2 adults wants a refined woman to assist in care of two infants; want agreeable, companionable woman who loves children and will appreciate a com- joriaoie nome; state wages ana run par ticulars in letter to Ali 331, Oregonian. SMALL family, mother and son. desire gin to maxe ner nome with us and to as sist In household duties ; want a refined. agreeame gin wno desires a good nome will pay reasonable wages. AJ 436. Ore gonian. WANTED Stenographers wanted to go with me to berry camp; if you work can make - per uay ; gooa quarters and pieasan surroundings; will take a cook with us am a stenographer and teacher myself. Marshall 3074. WANTED Saleslady for dry goods; also one for ready-to-wear and corsets; good salary to right parties; give references, experience, age, etc. Mannhelmer Broa Bend Or. WANTED Three ladies, free to leave city, capable of club work with ladles. Experi ence not necessary, earnest work, will net you $M to $7. a week. Railroad fars paid. A 274, Oregonian. LADIES $1 an hour for spare time; sell complete line of guaranteed hosiery; bought before prices doubled : free sam ples to start you. Newstyle Hosiery Co., .'oq oitoo su. iayton. onio. WOMAN wanted at once for running very small restaurant In Metolius. Or.t no ob jection to woman with child; no washing nor bread-making; wages $., room and board. Frank Peterson. Metollua, Or. WANTED 5 bright, capable ladies to travel. demonstrate and sell dealers, 5 to $0O per weetc. Kauroad rare paid. writs once. Goodrich Drug Co., dept. 829, Omaha, WANTED Lady employed during day as companion to eiaeriy laay. eve nine. exchange for room, walking distance. eoi, oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED woman without children. gooa cook, ior a on tarra. aioaern con veniences. Call mornings. 44 y E. 20 th st. S. lHnrPKFFPs - n TTTj 7Z I H cfldSn Ind l I-r. h! ?fiflt"3 hi. - m AJl ? ' niutiba IiT Jf CVJ c? 'r? An MARRIED or single woman to work pleasant boarding hotel. Prefer one who rooms out; t hours work, good pay. vj; dim wvt;. nuiei, ura.nu ave. WANTED A GIRL OR MIDDLE-AGED W'JilA.N r OK GENERAL HOUSEWORK. APPLY AT ONCE. 201 A INS WORTH &T. rHU.NK YVUODLAWN 1213. WANT a girl or middle-aged lady for bouse- worii z in lamiiy; waees ju: no wash ing. Answer at once. AG 234, Orego nian. WANTED Lady with automobile during month of June to show two lady visitors in and around Portland. 210, orego nian. WRITE PHOTOPLAYS $2.S-$30 paid any one zor suitaDie laeas. experience unnec essary; complete outline free. Write Pro ducers League, &U Louis, $2.50 PER DAY paid one lady In each town to distriDute iree circulars for Economy ison-Aironouc r lavors; permanent posi tion, i' . jl. itvr r vu., iuicago. YOUNG lady to assist in our alteration de partment; must be aole to do plain sewlne and come well recommended. Gravelle Corset bhop, 346 Wash, st. STENOGRAPHER for real estate and law oft ices; small salary with privilege of public work. Ar 444, Oregonian. WANTEI Employed woman to cook plain for room and board and some dinner wages. Main 1314. WOMAN to take Job with man where serv ices or ootn are required. AH 227, Orego nian. GIRL, wanted to work in confectionery store; experience not necessary. iLiess bweet Shop. 291 Morrison st. WANTED Thoroughly experienced bermald, wages $15 per week. Hotel, 440 Wash. st. cham Palace EXPERIENCED hair dresser and mani curist; also apprentice. Rosenthal Sisters, Llpman. w oiie co.. mezzanine i.oor. GIRL for dressmaking" parlors;" must be good sewer and have experience. Call Sunday, Mars nail 3.4s. GENERAL housework; middle-aged wo man preferred; very desirable place. 464 E. 17th N. EXPERIENCED talloress to work on men's garments. Apply at once WLuthrop Hammond Co., 17 fcixtn st. ESTABLISHED firm desires woman of ability to fill paying position; not office work, au 44, orsgonian. WANTED Employed girls to share flat; walking distance; give pnone numb sr. B 471. Oregonian. POWER machine operators. Steady work, good wagea Apply Simmons Glove Co loo in. otn su, cor. irianaera COOK Must be first class, for country inn short distance from city: state ability and salary expected, aj eo, oregonian. WANTED Graduate nurse for general duty 1 P. M. to 10 P. Salary $65 per rao., with room and board. C 463, Oregonian. WANTED Teacher of commercial sublecta. Gregg shorthand. In private school; whole or part term, v no-, oregonian. FREE room and breakfast to employed girl in exchange for light household duties; best room, piano; 2 in family. Tabor 4677. GIRL or woman for general housework; S. D. A. preferred. Phone 909-L. E. R McKay. 915 Main su, ancouver. wash. GIRL wanted to work on coat. Apply at S2C H wash, su, room 3Ui- MAID to stay with little girl evenings, 50 cents. D oregonian. FOUR grade teachers for the summer seay s on. uooa salary, o oregonian. WANTED Lady barber; good wages guar anteed, can 17T Maaison si. WANTED Capable girl for tray work In institution. AH 245. Oregonian. WANTED Cook that can do short orders and make saiaas. s-j a su WANTED -Mangle girl, experienced er in- experienced. Portland Hotel Laundry. APPRENTICE for private hair work. Please .an Don't nhone. 434 4th SU WANTED Stenographer and office assist- anU Apply Monday 419 Lumbermen's bldg. A WOMAN to work for room and board of self and husband. Main WANTED Chamber maid. 6th and Hoyt sts. Hoyt hotel. WANTED An experienced girl for confeo- tionery. Apply -- -o. TWO a-irls wanted as waitresses, 64 Sixth stretu Nick's cafe. WAITRESS wanted for Majestic restauranu 4" wasnington si. CHOCOLATE dipper wanted three or four days a weeK. av o. uregonian. WANTED Women for canning work. Wad- hams a Averr pros., jljio ana iavia. FIRST-CLASS help for dressmaking. Yamhill. HELP WANTED FEMALE. fOUNO LADIES WANTED FOR TKLB- PHONHJ OPERATING. BEGINNERS IN TRAINING SCHOOL WITHOUT ANY EXPERIENCES PAID AT RATB OF $11 PER WEEK; APPROXIMATELY $48 PER MONTH; FREQUENT INCREASES IN PAY AFTER TRANSFERRING TO OPERATING WORK. CALL AT ROOM 0L SIXTH FLOOR, TELEPHONE BUILDING, PARK AND OAK STREETS. WANTED Orris. 1 to 80 years, to sew em uvwer maenma, experienced or inexper ienced; steady employment, good wages. A mes-Harr la-Neville Bag Co., 15th and Aoyt. WANTED at once, experienced operators to sew on icnaki clothing; power sewing ma- cnines; aiao gtris to learn; paid w nue learn ing. Steady work, good pay, good hours. -jpiy WATERPROOF GARMENT CO.. 82 N. oth Street. Upstairs. LADY, snergetlc. Industrious, and must bs gooa worner, with tome sales experience, also able to do small amount of billing on typewriter. Ideal place for one desiring permanent position, with excellent oppor tunity for advancement. Stats age, ex perience and salary expected. Ail 21A Oregonian. WANTED Experienced overcoat, macktnaw and pants operators; good wages. Apply Standard Factory No. X Grand ava. and E. Taylor. WAITRESS AND GENERAL HELPER. FOR LOGGING CAMP FOK WoKK ABOUT JUNE 1. REPLY. GIVING AGE AND EXPERIENCE. PHONE NUMBER AND ADDRESS AND STATE WHEN YOU W 1 1 L, BE READY TO REPORT FOR WORK. P 10, OREGONIAN. WANTED EXPERIENCED AND INEX PERIENCED OPERATORS TO WORK ON POWER MACHINES. PAY WHILE1 LEARNING. APPLY STANDARD FAC TORY NO. 2, GRAND AVE. AND EAST TAYLOR. BILL CLERK. Experienced biller. Remington machine; State experience, references, age and salary expected. W 11G, Orgonlan. WOMEN and girls wanted, with or without experience. Those without experience re ceive good pay while learning. Advance ment rapid. PALACE LAUNDRY CO. East 10th and Everett. WANTED A thoroughly experienced cloak and suit woman, one who Knows mer chandise and styles, how to handle trade and to manage a department. Good posi tion ana permanent to rigin party, wxo. Oregonian. WANTED Several ladies of culture and In telligence for special work along child weliare lines. Interebtlng work and UDersJ remuneration. Good salary, to thoso whs qualify. Apply 313 Couch bldg., between ana o. HUNDREDS of rovernment Jobs open to women; $looQ-$ltKM year; pleasant work; paid vacation: common education suffi cient. Writs Immediately for free list positions now open. Franklin institute. Depu 704 P, Rochester, N. Y. ; PERMANENT positions In oar waist and fur departments. Applicants experienced la these lines prei erred. Emporium, 12& 6th sU WOMEN'S Protective Division, located at room 803 Police Headquarters, id and Oak sta., will furnish information, give protection and assistance fre to woman ind girls. interviews conflusntlal. CoO K and helper wanted In camp of girl berry picker, long season; good wages; cook must pay helper; must give refer ences as to ability and personal character. a jv aw. uregonian. HOARD and room given In exchange for light housework to woman who is em ployed during day time by elderly woman living alons in bunny aide district. D 307, Oregonian. POSITION open with large well-known firm; applicant must be wall educated; not office work; state education, ex pen riunce and phone number. xiC bl, Ore gonian. WANTED Good cook for wheat ranch; family of three; O to 8 employed heip; single woman, no children. Box 2b7 Wasco, Oregon. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER, must h neat, accurate and a good penman; state agn, experience, salary and references. AJ uregonian. WANTED All-round lady for beauty parlor work; good wages, steady work ; best place In the city: this is nice Place to worn, a rv oregonian. WANTED Experienced saleslady for cor sei uepartment aua capable or working omer aepis. aiso. aiOKei ury oooos o ancouver. Wash. G1KL of school age to assist with llxht housework; desirable place for one who wiitiies a good home and good wages. Woodiawn xsl. WANTED Application from girls to work in wood-working lactory at St. Johns. Steady work and good wagea J 700. Ore- goitian. HIGH seal of wages. 48-hour week, for ex perienced operators on overalls, shirts waterproof clothing, tents, Hlrach-Weis Mig. co., 2 t . uurnsiae fit. W A NTED Experienced sales) ady for fur section. Apply v A. M. iL. L1EBES A CO. 14U Broadway. ANY girl In need of a friend apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home, 3 'J 2 East 10th bU N.. or phono East 123. LUMBER stenographer, $100: law stenog- rapner, su , dook Keeper, siuu; rapid typ 1st, $75. 301 N. W. Bank bldg. WANTED Immediately. enerretie sal person, no experience; salary and commis sion, .us c leiuncr Diag. LAD i for shooting gallery c Jt of Portland; salary or partnership; good pay and easy work. can t't tn su, i-ortiana. ELDERLY lady to work in family of S, wishing permanent noma, boi Leonard su North. 1st. jonns. CHAMBERMAID, one who has had exDe- rtence in gooa notet, permanent position and a nice place to wortc conraains hotel. WANTED Sensible, unincumbered woman. to keep nous xor two uusmesa women. Phons Marsnaii aiwu. WANTED Experienced waltresa Apply Muitnoman auusuc ciu umini room, ooi Salmon st. WANTED Young girl to assist with gen eral houseworic ramny o: tnree; soul a u?e school giiri. wooaiawn siBi. waN TED Experienced marker and sorter. Steady work, opera nouse launary. 243 EveretU WANT E D Experlencedsecond maid. M R Glisan. 163 North 19 Lh su Phone Broadway 2902. TEACHERS Splendid positions opsn for vacation; giv education, experience ana phone numher. Art 4(o. oregonian. Waited Names women, 18 or over, wish lng U. s. government ciencai positions. $i00-$15OO year, a v yuo. oregonian. WOMAN to car for home and two children parents away; no ODjection to one child good home, not Dig wages. Tabor 1853. LADY barber wanted for SaU, or steady work, o-o jjiiaan. oraBf oia. WANTED Thoroughly competent cook for country mi. " vtm.i. I .vt". waitress, one practical nurse at th Old People s nomo.n.a6i oq ana banay. WANTED 2 womn to work In kitchen. Sellwood Hospital, .-.rnwoou on. WANTED Chambermaid- 1751 Derby Phone wooaiawn ata. WANTED Dishwasher. 1751 Derby sU Phone wooaiawni I WANTED Dining-room girl. 1T51 Derby 1 Rt phons vv oodiawn Jia. EXPERIENCED telephone operators mar be i obtain ea oy ooi I WANTED Dining room girl. Whitehall ho tel. 53 6th. LADY to care for little girl and room 1 rarents. E iJO. oregonian. WANTED Experienced chambermaid. A ply at tne Atanoty uioi,i wjownaaait. WANTED Chambermaid, alio dining room g:rl. v nite nan um". -iio pin iu I WANTED A lady to do Janitor work at MARKER AND PORTER Good wages to right party. v WANTED Mldd'.e-aged lady to look after LIGHT factory work, steady position, good wages. jiorgan s.ji ui mu, l ibu CHORUS GIP.LS Highest wagea long en Easements; no traveimi. vnui no tneate EXPERIENCED candy girl. Cat 145 Broadway. EXPERIENCED waitress. Cat Flddls, 145 t roaa way. HELP WANTED FEMALE. THE MEIER & FRANK CO. requtr ths services of the following: Ten girls between lo and 18 for posi tions in wrapping department; expenuic unnecessary. Three experienced saleswomen for house dress and muslin underwear departments. Two experienced saleswomen for jewelry department. Three experienced crockery saleswomen. Cashier1 One with d apartment store ex perience preferred. Two experienced manicurists. Flv experienced sales women, whose duties wil be divided among various departments. Experienced carpet sewer. Two janl tresses, for night work. Apply Employment Manager, Oth Host. FORMER employes f tho Meier A Frank Co. not now engaged are invited to call at the office of the Employment Manager, tn xioor, ana arrange lor reinstatement. GENERAL utility girl to work la largo gen eral merchandise storm, keep poatoffica. atlend telephone; must be a stenographer; steady work, pleasant surroundings: lo cated on Oreron coast: waxes ltd to b gin with, more If satisfactory ; board and lodging furnished at $33. U 473. Orego nian. WANTED Two waitresses, $55 per mo. and board first month : $t ner month and board second month and thereafter. Work 6 davs per week, and as lata as 12 P. M. Good chance for promotion to girls who apply themselves. Apply rtroao way jtiaxei wood. 127 Broadway. NURSE with small family to make horns In smau soiospitai out or town ; very com fortab: work not heavy; fair salary ; t receive answer, must givs full particu lars, age, experience, size and age of family. AV &. Oregonian. REFINED. Intelligent young glrL help with nousewor ana tatts care ciiiio. win g good home and wages to right party, or would give room and board and some wags to school girl for services morning and evening. oodiawn 1 iu. SIX girls of good appearance to Join musi cal comedy show. Apply today or all week to liack & Cotton, theatrical attrac tions, 401 Bush A Lans bldg. Marshall 1S45. MIDDLE-AGED woman wanted to cook and assist in general housework, near city; do objections to one child; good home; good wages; modern convenlencea J 660, Ore gonian. A COMPETENT office girl and stenographer for doctor's office. One with soms hos pital training preferred; hours 1- to 3 P. M. Salary $0O per month, L 13J; Oregonian. GIRLS wanted for following positions, ex perience not necessary, machine marker, towel supply, sorter, shakers, body kroner. Crystal Laundry, E. 21st and Bandy. East 40U. NURSE for small hospital and doctor's of fice; oue with hospital experience pre ferred ; state age. experience and wages expected, c o. uospitai. cottage orove, or. THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED CUSTOM EH1KTMAKER. JACOB3 SHIRT COH -T WASHINGTON ST. FURNISHED apartment for man and wife; no children ; rent and waits to wife In exchange for chamber worU; man can get work uearby easily. G .uo, oregonian. OUT-OP-TOWN private hospital offers to an educated woman, 80 to 40 years of age. an opportunity tor training in nursiug; salary from start. AV b, Oregonian. OUNG girl to assist with housework. In Rose City Para; will pay wages according to experience or efficiency of gin no laundry except smull ltema Tabor 290. ANTED Young lady is anxious to obtain position In or t ice; filing or general clerical work; will make good if given an oppor tunity, rnone fctroauway qui. YOUNG lady, receptionist for photo studio; must nave selling experience, oiv pre vious experience and phone nam bar. H 203, Oregonian. WOMAN for store and soda fountain work: must hav references. Apply bun- day. 147 10th SU Oregon Elec Waiting Koom. GIRLS WANTED. 6TEADY EMPLOYMENT. AMERICAN LA UN DRY, 140 E. 8D ST. N. WANTED Lady as stenographer. book keeper and general office work ; good salary and permanent if qualified. AH 4ol Qrvgonlan. EXPERIENCED and competent sales ladj wanted in nign-ciass jewelry efitaouan- mcnt ; references required. a 44, Ore gon lan. WANT neat appearing sales girl to travel for clothing house; salary and expenses. For particulars address James Busha, care J. 1 . Morgan. Lena, or. EXPERIENCED salesladies for dry goods and ready-to-wear departments; good sal ary paid to competent women. Apply jd r. Kemp, bimons store, 1st and Aider. WANTED Girl for office work ; one who understands typing; reterences reoulred apply in person. Crystal Laundry, 21st and Sandy road. GIRL for few hours light work In factory. rest of time answer telephone; state wages required and phone number. AM 'os. oregonian. GOOD stout woman to heip In boarding nouse: wages iiu a weea ana ooaru, Main 647. WANTED Young lady to answer phone cans in oiKiors orrice; salary a month. Phone Marshall 2597. GIRL wanted 8 hours; no Sunday work. Damascus Lunch, 145 Broadway. Apply Monday morning. COUNTER girl. 8 hours; no Sunday work. Damascus Lunch, Ho Broadway. Apply Monday morning. EXPERIENCED child's nurse, middle- aged, with references; best wagea Broad- ay 1150. EXPERIENCED chocolate dipper. Apply after 9:80 Monday. Chocolate Products Co. 513 East Betmonu HOUSEKEEPER wanted to take full and ft children. charge house for father Marshall &1&3. HOUSEKEEPER wanted; plain borne; three adults ; no washing. E. Broadway. m victoria, near APPRENTICE and other help needed: drees- m-itmg snop. Apply today u to i, 22 uroaaway wwu - room and moaia. Hotel Marion. Salem, Or WANTED An experienced girl to work on cun ana necaDana press, aiso gin te learn. Union laundry . aa ana coiumma WANTED A strong, kindly woman to help cars for a man convalescent ana assist at light housework. Phone Seat 287 WANTED Girls to work on lunch counter and concessions, good wages to light party. Call Monday aftarnooa at 24 Second sU WANTED Dressmaker or good finisher, to work witn aressmaaer; win snare oair the profits. Ksarnsy su w vted Honsekeeoer bv week man an d wifa Phone Mam too or cau 1st SU 201 COMPETENT cashier; must have references New Urand i neater, iuo otn su WANTED Middle-aged woman for light housework. 18 E. HlsU Montavtlia car. WANTED Second maid; apply to Mra Bur- re 1 1 828 Hawthorne ave; fc,ast a. WANTED Woman cook. Bradley's Lunch, park and btaric WANTED Good housekeeper; no objection to one child; good wagea sou. Attain 44, EXPERIENCED girl for soft drink stand. $15 week, 1 day on. iso is. lutn su WANTED Counter girl. Superior Cafeteria. 212 Madlscn sU SEAMSTRESS wanted. Call 2Z2 N. 18th su I Phone Broadway ouae. GIRLS wanted; experience not necessary. Multnomah Hotsi launary. HOUSEKEEPER for widower's home; quiet place, light dutlea Jt sia, oregonian. LADY attendant at local hospital. Tabor 292, Call ASSISTANT cook Tabor 2802. at local hospital. GIRLS wanted and Couch. -Portland Laundry Ceu, t th WANTED Lady stenographer with lumber experience, V 2U. uregonian. WANTED All-around dressmaking help. The Elson, 4a3 wasningt.on il. WANTED A masseuse, for institutional po sition. AC C73. Oregonian. WANTED A good plain cook ; comfortable home and good sa!ary. AC 674. Oregonian. WANT waitress: 6-hour shift; small place; $13.r0 week. 462 Gllian SU WANTED Competent legal stenographer, $100 per month. L 112. Oregonian. WAITRESS and chambermaid. Hereford hotel, 735 HoyU , WANT lady In tailor shop. 54 N. 4th st. WANTED Chambermaid. Carlton hotel. HELP WANTED FEMALE. ACCOUNTANTS AND BOOKKEEPERS. Ws have more calls for competent men to fill accounting positions thaa we can fill. Accountancy trained men art in unparalleled demand. We are an as sociation of certified public accountants, vpvcializtng In training men for executive and accounting positions. We have trained hundreds now holding big paying position and dozens who now hold the degree of sertlned public accountant. Ac cepted applicants guaranteed satisfaction. Cull, write or phone Will S. Cooper, suits Cos Yeon bldg. Main T&54. WANTED FEMALE. Experienced typist for billing posi tion, must be accurst with figures and neat, rapid typist. A large office ts willing to pay noerai salary to right party. oie age. experience, reference and salary de sired; state whether or cot experienced with comptometer. L 13 J, Oregonian. anted Domestic. LADY housekeeper, $40 a month, room and ooard. age 30 to 40 years. For lumberman at Grays Harbor, Wash. Four children, youngest 13 years old. going to school. Come to Lumbermens Employment Agency, corner Second and Ankeny. No charges. Will advance fare. EXPERIENCED woman to do cooking and general housework; 4 adults; no warn ing; no fires to build; no stairs to climb; everything convenient; good home. V Sua. Oregonian. COMPETENT girl or middle-aged woman to go to Hood Kiver valley lor general nouse-w-ork and cooking; no laundry'! small fam ily and highest wages. Main -uTC. 773 Johnson. GIRL or middle-aged woman to help with general housework; no children; no wash ing; no objections to colored person. Call at 905 Oregon iL, near A 1st, or phons East 8433. GOOD girl for housework, no cooking; must be willing to assist with children; will spend summer at Seaside: good wages. good home. Apply 4 J I E, ltih N. East bCliOOL GIRL or other girl, not under 16 years, to help with general housework for room, Doard and xair wages; sno warning, East 37l'3. GIRL for second work and to assist with children; no laundry. $40 per month. Phone Marshall It 07. Inquire 9 Cornell roaq. nead ut iovejoy street. WANTED Good girl for general house work, experience not necessary but pre ferred; good wagas If proficinL. Tator -. '0, o r c a A 1 3 J J A. am rci ave. WJLL give good home, small pay to middle- aged lady gor care or two cnuoren ; light service; no washing. AL 313. Ore gonian. WANTED Competent girl to cook and do downstairs worn: no heavy sweeping; good wagea 4f u 2 1st at-, cor. Myrtle. Portland Heights. WANTED Girl or woman to assist In very light housework : no wanning. Apply &i3 K. lth U N. Taks Irvingion car. Phons c.ast tw. EXPERIENCED woman for srer.eral bouse work and cookinK. fcwedisn girl preterred bmall family. Mrs. M. J. J cues, iUj Davis street. wOLLD .iks good, neat girl for genera housework. 4 aduts In family: want some one who prefers good home to big salary. fames gone a:i day. l Trinity place. VoL'N'i; girl to assist with housework and cooking, must e over Iri years old: fam Iiy of three. 611 S. &3d North. 3 blocks north of i?ncy blvd. WANTED Maid for general housework; $4 per month; work hrs, per day; of Thursdays from 10 A. M.. Sundays tternoon. 674 E. 21st N. Phone Fast 23. GIRL over 1$ years, to assist with hou work and helD care for baby: must under 'and plain cooking; good horn. Tabor OS4.S. EXPERIENCED second maid. Mrs. J. H. Page, Vista ave. and Clifton it, Portland rltt.fchta. W A NTED Tounf rlrl or woman to tak care of baby ; good wages. Apply 341 iitn su EXPERIENCED maid for cooking and to assist with hou work; highest wagea Main 4so. WANTED Competent girl to do cooking. where second girl is kept: gooa wagea Apply 429 Vista ave., cor. Carter Lane. EXPERIENCED woman for general house work and cooking; small family. ApU o. roa Davis su COMPETENT girl for cooking and general housework to go to uesrnart June lo. eu morn i ngs. Main S225. 91 Irving st. WANTED Girl to assist with housework; no heavy work; salary $lo month. Apply Multnomah sU, near East FlrvU I EXPERIENCED maid for general house work, family of 4 adults: no isunary ; ttgfft .o. Main 2hm. call mornings. i WANTED Reliable girl for general house work; small family; good wagea aiaiu 434. WANTED A woman living near lth and Belmont to care for child two or three evening a w eek. Call East 2 7. WANTED A good helper In boarding- house: will give board ana room for two with some wagea 191 11th su I GIRL or woman to assist with housework and care of children; no wnshlng or cook ing; good noma uaoor win. WANTED Woman or girl to do housework in modern country home; good pay. teee or write Mrs. Kuehne, Tigard, Or. WANTED Girl to do housework for few weeks. 52 v illamette Moorage. Sell wood 3141. EXPERIENCED COOK, where second girt Is kept; no washing; wages $-10. Apply ill Knight. Knight S hoe Co.. 342 Morrison. WANTED Girl to assist with general house work, small family, good wagea Appty 274 N. 25th ft. GIRL for general housework In small fam- liv wit r. some slight knowledge or cook lng. Main 1912. W A NTED A girl for general housework and plain coo.tlng; small ramily. good w:tres. 770 Hoyt. GIRL for general housework; must know how to cook; 2 in family; good home; good wagea M 9439. GIRL for housework In flat; no cooking or washing. Phone Monday, East olt . 8. , COOK wanted. No Sunday or holiday work. Apply th floor, Ulpmsn, Wolfe co. WOMAN aanted for housework by day. Ap ply immediately. sou .. Mauison. WANTED Chambermaid. Chesterbury hotel. A GIRL or woman wanted to assist in light housework. Apply 4oo miu. .Main 4.mj. WANTED Girl to assibt with general SSI 10th st. hou sew or ; no cniiaren. EXPERIENCED maid tor general house work. 7"i j nmmooK. t.ast cm. WANTED Experienced second maid. Phone Marshall 213 or A 3446. GIRL, tor general housework; no washing; good wagea a 4 o t-aai iim . I WMrcit.; i " ","i"V,f I wages. Mra E. C Shevlin. Broad. 7 I vi-i vTFn a rood reliable cook. Perman ent place, bummer at Deacn. sua ooii. GIRL to assist with general housework. Ap ply mornings. o tAitjoy b. WANTED Girl for cooking and general housework; gooa wagea laoor oue. WOMAN for general housework. Phone Tabor B827. GIRL to go to the beach for rammsr to Bsc 1st in generai nouse wora. aiannan il WANTED Girl for general housework, 4 In family. A oregonian. WANTED A girl for light housework; good w a gea Apply 4au aim sr. I GIRL for general housework; one who can do plain cooKing. iatun oo I GIRL wanted for general housework; two In family. Main 9467. HELP WANTED MAt-g OR FEMALE. virv WOMEN. 18 or over, wanted for U- B. government me joos . iuug io iiouu year: pleasant wort, non nours, paiu rattnn. ouick raise: common education suf firint: hundreds Dosttions now obtainable. Write Immediately for free 1I?U Franklin Institute Depu 3if f, rtocnester, . x. 1DDUEaGED man and wife with no chll dren to care for man partially paralysed and 6 acres under cultivation; good home and wagea W. T. Hershey, Durham sta tion O. E. railway. Call Woodiawn 5 4 SI Monday. MAN and wife on country place near city m wnn can anvn cr. l icnei handy work and wife for laundry ; good wages and good place to live tor tne rich couple. Call at Hansen's Emp'oymec Age ncy. Raleigh bldg.. 6th an d ash. WANTED Al stenographer, wholesale lum ber office: answer at once In own h. d wrltlng. stating experience and salary ex pected. VV urejonian. WANTED IMMEDI ATKLT, Uovernment ilnsv nail clerks. $1100-$ 1600 year Write for list position. Franklin Institute. DepU A7Q f. Kocnefcter. jn. a. Co., 4th and Glisan. WANTED Weavers; experienced ; steady work: good wages. Alo young women to learn weaving. Portland Woolen Mil FDCCATIONAL. DECKER'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. Tvnewrlting. bookkeeping, comptometer. all other mod. business courses. Day, nlsht school. AllsKy Ding., a ana aor. aiain o PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE teaches trade In 8 weeks; pay while learning; po sition guaranteed. Mi uoucn su EDCCATIONAU BE A DOCTOK - OP CHIROPRACTIC. Tho chiropractic profession offers tno most unusual opportunities of any field - In the world today. Know about Its gret opportunities be.' ore deciding your career, or If you are dissatisfied in your present position In life or its earnng capacity is , not what you would like it to be, investl- gats the great opportunities offered lm this greatest of all professions CHIRO PRACTIC. A most exceptional oppor tunity to study Chiropractic and to beme a Chiropractic physician Is oflered at this . time by our colie&e; both day and nlrht. courses. ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND Chiropractic physicians needed tn tSa United States today to supply the d- ; mands of the millions who have turned to this greal method of healing their ills. INVESTIGATE. Augmented Curriculum, Able Faculty. Clinical Facilities Unexcelled. For particulars address Dr. Oscar W. Elliott, president. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE, Park and Yamhill. " Main 1014. Portland. Or. You cannot learn anr art of this pro fession through correspondence ARE- you mechanically Inclined? Learn a- trade. Learn auto, tractor. truCK ana air plane business; big pay; wonderful oppor- tunltles. Learn by Sweeney system prac tical instruction in 8 weeks: Army school now open to you; same Instructors, equip ment and methods used in training Ziw , soidier mechanics for Government Write for big tree catalogue; tells whole story. Sweeney Auto School. Department fi-L . Sweeney building, Kansas City. Mo. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS Departmental. , Field. Kail way Mail, bookkeeping, sten ographic. Filing. Internal Revenue. Census and other tig Government Departments. Examinations everywhere. Special train ing. Intense Coaching. "LUNS1R SYS- TEM." Complete Service. $Vt)0. AMERI CAN INSTITUTE OF CIVIL SERVICE, 17H0-P, Washington. D. C EAP.N BIG MONEY tn the auto and tractor business; learn tn few weeks. Practical work. Expert Instruc tors. Earn board and room wtji.e learning. Free catalogue tells all about iU National Automotive School. oldest in thd coun- ; try." Sis So. Figueroa. Los Angeles, Cai. t , LEAKS AUTOS AND TRACTORS. FIVE PAYS' FREE TRIAL PAY TLITluX WHEN SATISFIED. We teach Auto, Tractor, Gas Englnst - . and Auto Electrical Worn. BIG 100-PAGE CATALOGL'E FKEK. AdJre.-a Adcol Auto , A Tractor school, DepU K, Union ave. and Wasco su. Portland. Or. Phone East 744i. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS Departmental. Field. Filing, BooKkeeping. iMenograpnic . Examlnatto:is for girls and women every where, l-pecial training; Intense coaching. Ll'NSlR SYSTEM." Complete S'rvioe. $r. . AMERICAN INSTITl'TB OF CIVIL. btiKVICU, 17UO-P, Washington. D. C. - BURSE LL PRIVATE BUSINESS SCHOOL. Now is the time to prepare for a oettcr poMtion. our successful students prove that our method are rlghu Individual instruction, new equipment. Lumbermen , bldg-. 5th and Stark. Broadway 3434. Miss F. liur.ll. principal. DAY SCHOOL, NIGHT SCHOOL. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. 462 Hawthorne Ave. Automobiles, trucks, tractors. Ignition and atirtrr work. Vulvanlzmg and re treading Special summer rates. Day and evening cl:ies. TUB SCHOOL THAT TEACHES YOU TO BOSS THE JOB. PRACTICAL training In gas. electrical and steam engineering, mechanical drawing, roach tne shop practice. oxy-acetyiene wviding, automobile and tractor operating and repairing. Catalogue on each subiecu Write lor one you wanu Seattle Engineer ing School. Seattle, Wash. POSITIONS ASSURED. KVKP.V GRADUATE OF ItEHNKE-WALKER Palnen o. icce. Port lard. Enroll any tinif. Telegraphy, stenography, banting, bookkeeping, fcccretarial. Free catalogue. WANTED Young man to learn actual busi ness forms as used In offsets; wija es- tstes. tl: les, etc. ; roft small. The Port land Abstract Co.. 411 Stock Exch. bldg. Main 327o. m EAST SIDE COM M FRCIA L SCH OOL MUs Buckel's private school, individual Instruction. 122 GRAND AVE. EAST 427. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Toung itn and women wanted. Call 218 Rallaav Exchanse bldg. Splendid oppor tunity to learn a well-paid profession. Free bookieu Railway Telegraph Institute. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE pavs you while learning, gives you a set of -tools. PoMttons secured. Snd for cats- ; logue. 234 Burnitlde su Broadway 1731. BOOKKEEPERS, stenographers and all of- " floe emilov wanted at 8:30 P. M. Tues- -day. June 3d at Central library. Everyone In 1 ortland come. WILL give stenographic course and board and room in exchange for household work. Call H Miss Allen's, 4S5 X. 42d st. Tabor 432. . MEN, WOMEN, learu barber trade free; wage while learning; position guaranteed. Oregon -JJarber College, 233 Madison st. FRENCH instruction by Parisian student; also every urancn oi art ana r-njusa in struction to foreigners. Main 4403. TEACHERS wanted for positions now open. Yates-Fisher Teacners Agency, wit nroaa way bldg. MISS MATTINGLTS Shorthand. Typewrit ing School, day, evening, a-o moniu. 14th, near Jefferson Main 3bi3. SHORTHAND, typewriting, short course. Mrs. Hannum's scnoou jst asou. -ou Tillamook st. ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEACHERS AGENCY. Frank K. w ciis, ex-assi. otaie oupt... mr. N. W. Bank bldg. Teachers placed promptly. TEACHING position secured, free registra tion. rhoue Main 4?. r its leacners A g ency. Journal bid g. FRENCH, English, Greek. Latin, Spanish prl v a te'.y taught ny rn. P. lanor 4D4. THE International Correspondence Schools can raise your salary. ivi oroiu my. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE, WANTED By experienced man, position la bank. Can give rtlerencea Address j. H. Brodie. Free water. Or. COMPETENT. experienced logging camp timekeeper ana commissary uian wania iu sition, BF 008, Oregonian. PAINTING, psper hanging and tint in t : skilled workmen, lowest prices ior gooa work. Call Marshall 2413. . ABSTRACTORS. Do yon need an experienced and reliable abstractor? E 873, Oregonian. MAN, 40. livestock and mercantile experi ence, wants employment, u io - ua.uy. has auto. Sellwood 3U49. EXPERIENCED DRIVER deoires position - witn private isiniiy, wv . icioicm,. Call Marsnaii 1100, apartment No. 22. TOUNG reliable married man, experienced In gardening, wants position as careiaaw of summer home. C 470, Oregonian. POSITION as foreman of first-class farm. Experience witn slock. aiameo. house to live In- D 35 L Oregonian, LOGGING camp timekeeper and commis sary man, several years eipcntact. wants position. J 867, Oregonian. STOVE repairing, water coils, any stylo Main 1374 . 1 JANITOR, thoroughly experienced;- have own tools ior repairs. -r m, wi - nian, . PAINTING contractor. Price reasonable. Main 1UZ7. HOMES work wanted by man, mechanically Inclined. B 4TU. otegomaiu LAWN and garden work. Experienced men. Giiroy. Bdwy xaa. CARPENTER contracts wanted for building or alteration worn. Manny, geuwooa . YOUNG MAN, speaking Spanish, French. It a: Tan. wants position. At, ua, uregonian. CARPENTER jobbing and repairing: all ktnes: 0. x woramaa. wum X MAKE new lawns and guarantee paUsIsc- tion. usroener. r. j. ox. WANTED Work for Broadway 133: a 2-ton truck. Phone COLORED man and wife want Janitor work. in spj.rtmenux.awt woa- WE DIG basements and cesspools, and g- eral. teaming, can laoor o.ai. JAPANESE cook wants place. D 169. Ore- gonian. WANTED Position as caretaker for small place; reference. L HO. Oregonian. ELDERLY married man wants night watch man JOD. r Ou, Hfcuunm. JAPANESE boy will work mornings in ex change for room. F 267. Oregonian. b"uSHELMAN and presser wants Job. 2u8 Sherman st. J. Clare. EXPERIENCED, all-around baker wants po sition. B 402, Oregonian. ti rxiRlvn renalr eXDort Stoppages, colls, gas; reasonable. McCurdy, E. 3704. FIRST-CLASS pastry" man wishes position. X 713. Oregonian. SHINGLEKS When you want done call Woodiawn 6208. shingling FliiST-CLASS truck driver wants work any where: knows city. Call Bob. East 2S2. 6HINGLERS Reshlngling done. Marshall HAULING contract wanted, AH 244, Ore- gonian, VOUNG man wants a or 4 Hours' work cany. H 22. Oregonian. JAPANESE boy wants few hours' work after .- R P. M.. AH 23a. Oregonian. - GARDENER. SELLWOOD 2049.