16 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JTXE 1, 1919. FOB 8 AXE AUTOMOBILES. Automobiles Wanted. AUTOMOBILE WANTED. "Will eicha,nge two choice lots at Salta.Tr station. Tillamook beach, near depot and " hotel; adjoins board walk, county road ' and railroad; faces the Pacific ocean; also 60 by about 140 feet; Buitabie for busi nesi or for cottage; will pay some dif ference. Address BP 205. Oregonian. , LONG & SILVA. Anto wreckers. We wreck cars and bsto ' yoa 50 per cent on parts. e,edt lnKI ' parts you need and we will duplicate them. Autos bought regardless of --onditiun. Phone East 6840. 462 Hawthorne ave. , .WILL accept-good automobile as part pur chase price on high-class 3-flat bu ding built for a home; good location or will sell on terms; owner leaving city. Call today at 326 E. 34th St.. or phone Tabor 51&. WANTED FORD. CHEVROLET OR MAX ' WELL, Must be in good condition and Price right; spot cash. C. G. Bleasde. 1D llln, cor. Aiuei, VE FAY CASH FOR YOUR CAR IF IT 13 jk. LATE MODEL. - THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 527 WASHINGTON ST. PHONE BROADWAY 13 82. WANT a used DODGE or equally good llfiht touring car; must look like new and be in good condition; state lowest price, model and time used. AV 62, Oregonian. FIVE-PASSENGER touring light G. not old er than 1018, cash or Irvington corner lot, or both, to value of car. Answer prompt ly. X 719, Oregonian. t WANTED Light car or motorcycle with side car In exchange for 10 acres of fruit land or Canadian patent. H. S. Hall. Stevenson. Wash. WANT late model Dodge, Buick or Oakland touring car, from owner; must be In Ai condition and a bargain; state lowest cash price. D iiv-i, oregonian. WANTED TO TRADE SEE BURG UP RIGHT GRAND PIANO. ELECTRIC OR HAND. FOR LIGHT AUTO. WILL TAKL OR PAY DIFFERENCE. 393 OAK ST. SO ACRES, pine timber, Klickitat county, Washington; value $1600 to $$000, ex change for good used car. Franklin pre ferred. Address Box 149. Astoria, Or. HAVE 0 Jpts near Rose City Park car.ine; want aAomobile in good condition; havi come cfJi to put In if machine is O. K AE HLj OregOTt'.an. TWO good" lots in Salem, worth $300 each, to exchange for auto; will pay difference In cash. What have you? Address L L-o, Oregonian. 4 OR 5-PASS. Buick, Studebaker, Hudson or Chalmers; give lowest price for cash. No Junk. L 124. Oregonian. AUTOMOBILE in exchange for lot in Irv ington Park. I will pay difference in cash. L 125, Oregonian- 1500 EQUITY In $2000 residence In good valley town, for 2 or 2'A-ton truck. AH 21 5, Oregonian. WILL trade some good, big young work horses for a light car. 6G2 E. 2Sth st. S. Woodstock car. . WILL exchange 80 acres raw wheat land, central Oregon, for good auto. L 114, Ore gonlan. - AUTO WANTED 1918, 6-passenger tour ing car, from owner. No Fords, junk or agents. X 720, Oregonian. CHEVROLET. Ford. Maxwell, pay cash, no dealer, 1913 or '19, 510 Washington St. Sears. W'lLL pay cash for late model Ford, mutt - be in good condition and a bargain. Call Tabor 4673 after 7 P. M. 15 ACRES- of good land in Tillamook county, to trade for or on good auto. C 43, Ore gonian. I HAVE $350 cash to pay for a 1917 or IS Ford. Call at 1125 East 16th Gt. be tween 8 A. M. and 11:30 A. M.. Sunday. WILL pay cash for good second-hand Ford touring from owner; no dealers. C 402, Oregonian. X HAVE a good lot to trade for light car or bug; must be in good order. Tabor S122. , WANT Maxwell touring car or 1917 Dodge; must be in good condition and reasonable. D 357. Oregonian. WILL trade a 1917 5-passenger Chalmers for a Dodge or other lisht roadster. Broadway 994. WANTED A light car; must be reasonable Call Sunday between 10 and 12. or any evening after 6. Call 1189 Gay st- iU0 SHARES of typewriter stock, value $410, for auto op what have you 7 E 735, Ore gonian. WILL pay cash for 1918 or '19 Maxwell car. Call Mr. Gilbert. Main 5297. 1 Motorcycles. MOTORCYCLE HEADQUARTERS. JTHRRrLL-STRINTB CYCLE CO., Ine fctj Broadway. Op p. Beoson Hotel. EXCELSIOR A-ND CLEVELAND MOTORCYCLES VISITORS WELCOME. MOTORCYCLES Xld Ton watch the races Decoration day f Piece your order now for a 1919 Harley Davidson motorcycle. Guaranteed used and rebuilt motorcycles groin $75 to $300. MOTORCYCLE PTJFFLY CO., Inc. Distributor and Service Center. Harley Davidson Motocycles. afain 7Ss9. 200 8d st. USED MOTORCYCLE. , Below Is a partial list of our used i motorcycles: t 1917 3-speed, electric-equipped Indiana X 1016 2-speed Henderson, equipped. , 1 HUT 3-speed Henderson, 3. 191S Indian, lightweight twin, 1 1916 3-speed Thor, equipped. 1 1913 2-speed Dayton. 1 1913 Twin Indian. 1 1.16 3-speed liarley-Davidson. j 1017 3-speed Barley-Da vldson. electric. Bicycles, bicycle tires, general repairing. PRICES AND TERMS TO SUIT. DAYTON CYCLE CO., OS CUi St. , It Will Pay You to See OurHstock of" USED MOTORCYCLES. Indiana HarIey-Davidons Excelsiors, etc. i Terms If desired. Liberty bonds accepted. I Vised motors, magnetos, clutches, carbu , fetors, cylinders, grinding, acetylene weld- shS, magaetc, generator, battery repairing. ' We are equipped and can take cure of Anything in the motorcycle line. Your Overhauling and repairing solicited. J EAST SIDii MOTORCYCLE CO, J 44 Grand ave. T Excelsior and Cleveland Motorcycle. Excelsior and Tremont .Bicycles. 4.338 HENDERSON motorcycle and side car; electrically equipped; almost new; pertect condition; neea caia; suu. none v ooa lawn 230. FOR SALE Cheapest buy in town: 17 Ind. P. Plus, nearly new. lust uncrated; can be seen Sunday, 182 Meade ; part liberty bonds. MOTORCYCLES; We have a few used ones at fair prices. tome in ana Iook them over. INDIAN JK'WKt 1 CXL.it, blC"HJi,t; tU, Main 6139. 204-0 TnirJ st. SO CiOOD second-hand bicvcles on hand, from $12 to $-"0 each. JOE'S BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP, 204 Fourth Ht, GENTS' eold watch, cost $100. and city lot. clear and free; cither or both for best motorcycle offered. Call 447 11th st. LATE 17 H. D. motorcycle, electric, fu'.Jy equipped; bargain; $300. East 291, room SOS. 70R S.VLES Twin Indian motorcycle, newly overhauled; speedometer and Presto-lite. yiOO. ill take llbe rty fronds, s - b 1 i a . 1 1913 EXCELSIOR. 555 cash. Call Tabor 2156. between 1U ana 12 o clock Sunday Ask for Ed. TWIN Indian. 2 epd. kick start, like new $125, bonds or terms. L. Mann, 273 Co lumbia st. BABY POPE motorcycle. first-class running order. ew r ires tone ures, Ji.j bjih st. K. Tabor $47. EXCELLENT twin Indian motorcycle, fully equtppea. recently overnamea, practical iy new i ires, jia.n ja or a jju. FOR SALE 10 IS CLEVELAND MOTOR CYCLE. GOOD CONDITION. S6S UNION AVE. N. 1W15 THREE-SPEED Indian, Dream tan m, presto light, speedometer; bargain at $iro. 1344 t;. :. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICiCLLo TRY INDIAN motorcycle, sido car, for sale. 434 N. 20th and Wilson sts. DELIVERY van; Marshall 1072. fit any motorcycle; $35. 191S ELECTRICAL, Harley-Davidon, fully equipped; private party Tabor 2756. 319 3-speed Excelsior mortorcyoie, fully equipped. East 2704 or 7'.5 Orison st. jj A RLE Y -DAVIDSON, with si d tear, $300. t53 Leland st, Woodlawn G241. 3919 CLEVELAND. $175. $ Auto Tires and Accessories. LOOK Brand new 37x5 Silver town cord tire, tube and rim. A snap. 2 34x4 ufed casings- A snap. R. Becker. .Broad way 660. BARGAIN ; one 34x4 H tire, inner tube and double rim: price right: 5 lite preservers, ood sa new. Tabor 210. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. Auto Tiros and Accessories. DISTRIBUTOR WANTED A good live man to act as Washington and Oregon dis tributor for our Big Chief" spark ping to retail for $1.25. Big profits to live wires. Write us today for state rights. FLEER PETTY AUTO ACCESSORIES COMPANY. 7th and Chestnut streets. St. Louis. Mo. FABRIC TIRES Made from auto tire fabric will prevent punctures and blow outs and give several thousand more milea to your old tires. Front Ford $2.50; rear. $3; 32x3 , $3.50; 31x4. $4; 02x4. $4.50; ,34x4. $5. Write Auto Accessories Co., box 1141. Savannah, Ga. FORD WHEELS. 30 Ford wheels, some new, some slight ly used. To clean up quick will sacri fice at $1 each. WENTWORTH & IRWIN, INCL. 2d and Taylor Sta. USED TIRES. 2 34x4. good condition, $10 each. 1 33x4, $6. 1 30x4, $12. WOO DL AWN 4704. FOR SALE New welding plant an3 tank, sacrifice, $35 cash. Apply 703 Multno- mah. after Sunday. GOOD Ford delivery body $35. Phone Wood lawn 2739. Automobiles for Hire. NEW CARS FOR RENT. WITHOUT DRIVERS. G. N. SMITH. THIRD AND GLISAN STS. A 2629. BROADWAY 2629. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVERLANDS HUDSON'S. LOWNSDALE OARAGE. BRDWY. 240S. 15TH AND WASH. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. L. I. SULLIVAN. FASHION GARAGE. Mar. 232. 10TH AND YAMHILL. A 123. HIGHWAY AUTO SERVICE: HIGHWAY AND CITY TRIPS. N. W. LUK. blil AJ WASHINGTON. Main 7OS0. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New cars, reasonable rates. City Garage, 86 10th at., Broadway 840. FORD, competent driver, go anywhere and get DacK. A. hi. winter, raDor ium. WANTED Truck hauling of any kind. East J21TJ. FISHER HIGHWAY SERVICE; highway and other trips; reasonable rates. Main 25SL 5-PASS. Dodge for hire, touring, calling. shopping, highway. JHroaaway orf. PICNIC BUS for hire. Tabor 2631. FOR SALE TRUCKS. COVET MOTOR CAR OCX We have taken the foTlowinsr WE'D DE LIVERY CARS and LIGHT TRUCKS in exchange on NEW DODGE BROS,' DELI VlilRY CARS. THEST3 CAR S are tn good eon dltlon. have good bodies and serviceable tires. IT WILL PAT YOTJ TO INSPECT THEM. 1015 FORD, panel bodr ... 3-915 FORD, panel body .. $ SCO 1913 STUDEBAKER body and top-. S50 4917 STUDEBAKER, panel body ... 600 1114 OVERLAND delivery 350 3917 OVERLAND, panel body f'5 1917 OVERLAND, pane! body 550 1916 DODGE, panel body 65 191t DODGE-GRAHAM 1-txm truck. 1450 1912 CADILLAC 1-ton 1400 REASONABLE TERMS Open Evenings and Sunday. COVET MOTOR CAR CO.. 21st and Washington. Main 6244. FORD DELIVERY CARJEL 1915 PANEL BODY DELIVERT. good mechanical condition, good. Ures, newly painted. Price $325. 1915 PANEL BODY DELIVERY, good mechanical condition, fair tires, repainted. Price $300. Open Evenings and Sunday. COVEY MOTOR CAR CCs, 21st and Washington. SPECIAL 4 -TON1 STERLING, WITH 4 fcrand new tires, electric lights and starter, 2 spot lights, delivery body; a real buy at $11 j0. Easy Terms. DIAMOND T TRUCK SALE3 CO. 830 Burns! da St. REMOVAL 6AT.fl FORD DELIVERY CARS. We have several 1917 and 1918 Ford panel side delivery cars that we wish to sell before moving to our new location; s price you can't refuse will be made you on these cars. REGNER A FIELDS. INC. E&ft 92. 12 Grand Ave. X. Open Till 9 o'clock Evenings. THREE-TON GRAVM TRUCK. GOOD CONDITION; TERMS. tOX F, PHILOMATH. OR. 5-TON MACK, Equipped for wood hauling. Jtret the truck for a gravel Job. Very reasonable price and attractive terms. Mc WILLI Ail S. Broadway 622 Alder 1492, $750. Reo ,-toTi speed wagon In perfect con dition. Has just been thoroughly over hauled and repainted. Special delivery body, new battery, two new tires, extra equipment. You cannot find a better light delivery truck than this or a bigger bar gain. Must sen today, uU. bee .Air. 'lay l'ir at 344 Burnyide et. 3-TON TRUCK. At a snap price : in excellent shape, with new tires, body and roLers; goes for $20u0, cash or INQUIRE MONTGOMERY GA RAGE. Front st. REO TRUCK. Good condition. For particulars sea McWILLIAMS. 622 Alder. Broadway 2493. FO R SALE Two new. high-grade trucks, tw o and one-half and four-ton models; these trucks were purchased to go on con tract that w as cancelled. I wl'.l sacrifice for immediate buyer. I'ulJ uaran:ee as trucks have never been useii. Address box E s-tl. Oregonian. Tltl'CIC drivers can tave an hour a day and give their trucks better lubrication than ever V'efore hy ins t:i '.ling our Alemtte Lubricating System. No grease cups to fill. The Alemite Lubricator Company of the Northwest, 432 Alder street. Broadway 3MHI. " AUTO TRUCKS FOR HIRIS. 1. 2 and 5-ton capacity; dump bodies, platform and trailers for long piece-work for hire by day or piece-work; new equip ment. Robert Carroll, Hotel Conraaine, Portland, or. Broadway 4i'49. DELIVERY CAR. 17 series Stu-lebaker, -ton, panel body, excellent shan-. Cary, Aldr st. Broad wiy 2 412. A REO truck at a bargain, i -ton Sterling body, electric siarter and lights, only $s50. Koehring Machine Co., N. W. 254 Haw thorne ave. E 64S2. FOR SA LE Republic truck, three-quarter-ton capacity ; body and top, $7o0 for quick buyer. F 257. Oregonian. G. M. C. 3 -ton truck; in perfect Condition; good Etako body. Broadway 1723. 54 1 Alder st. S'-TON truck. G. M. C, aUo trailer for hmling logs: mortgagee must have money. 412 Fenion bU1g. Broadway 1733. FOR SALE Two three-ton Packard dump trucks. East 1st and Main ets. E. SUM. 2 AND G-ton White truck, first-class order ;4 E. 10th st. S?:iwood 2U27. PAIGE- dell v tv. $550, in good -condition. 734 Sandy Blvd. FOIi A 1 .K --ion uutiit FOB SALE TRUCKS. GET A TRUCK ANT BB YOUR OWN BOSS. "WE HAVE JUST FEW LEFT JLKD THEY ARE GOING RAPIDLY. FORD EXPRESS JOB, 3du CADILLAC. $375. MAXWELL PANEL JOB, $750. 1-TON STUDEBAKER EXPRESS JOB, GOOD AS NEW. $1650. BRAND NEW 1-TON DENBY, EXPRESS BODY, COMPLETE, 1500l 6-TON DENBY, DRIVEN ZOO MILES. PRICE $3'J00. 1-TON DENBY, BRAND NEW, 'WITH EXPRESS BODY, $1500. STUDEBAKER, V4-TON EXPRESS JOB, $S50. MACK 2-TON TRUCK. $1650. THESE TRUCKS ARB ALL IN GOOD CONDITION AND READY TO GO TO WORK. EASY TERMS TO RESPONSIBLE BUYERS. LET US SHOW TOTJ THESE TRUCKS AND EXPLAIN OUR. PAYMENT FLAN OREGON MOTOR CAR COMPANY. TRUCK BEPX PARK AND DAVIS STREETS. " PHONE BDWY. CI 6. USED TRUCK BARGAINS. We have too many and must sell. Lib eral terms to responsible parties. Liberty toads taken at face value. 8-ton Denby. thoroughly overhauled, al most new tires, equipped with body, cab, windshield and Presto headlights. $1000. 2 -ton Moreland, worm drive, new tires en all wheels, overhauled, repainted, cab and windshield; fitted with distillate burner. A good truck at a reasonable price. $2350. 2-ton Nash, overhauled and painted In first-class condition In every respect. Equipped with cab, shield, Bosch mag neto, electric generator, battery, electric lights and good tires. $1450. lH-ton worm-drive G. M. C. thoroughly overhauled an A In perfect condition, good Ures. repainted and ready to run. fine buy at $1550. 1-ton Moreland worm drive. We are now overhauling this truck. It will be in fine condition in a few days; good tires, cab, express body and top. electric lights and repainted. This is a bargain. $b50. 4& -ton Studebaker, Just overhauled, fitted with a good panel body, windshield. 5 tires, electric starter and lights. Just the truck for a baker, or similar business. The best truck, buy in Portland. $750. 1-ton Ford track, fitted with, body and top, ready to run. $450. Ford, fitted with panel body for deliv ery. Just overhauled. $425. Maxwell panel body, electric starter and lights. Car used Just three months. $G50. If you do not find what yoa need in the above see us. We are always in commu nication with customers whose truck does n t fit their business. We can locate what you want. Open Sunday 10 A. M. to 2. P. m WENTWORTH & IRWIN, INC. Trnck Headquarters. 2d St. at Taylor. Main 2&U2. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. -THE CARS described below are on display at our showroom and wUl he Xound as represented, COMMERCIAL CARS. 1918 DODGE GRAHAM TRUCK, 1-ton truck, A-l mechanical con dition, good tires, good body and top. Price $1450. 1319 DODGE PANEL DELIVERY, good mechanical condition, body good, fair tires. Price $650. 11T OVERLAND DELIVERY panel body, good mechanical condition, fairly good tires, body finish good. Price $50O. 11 OVERLAND DELIVERY. Price 1917 STUDEBAKER DELIVERY, good body, top and curtain, good mechanical condition, good tires. Price $500. FORD DELIVERY 1915-16 and 17 models in good general condition. $a00 to $400. . OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Washing ton SL at :11st, Maia 6244. OPEN SUNDAYS. THESE TRUCKS AT BARGAIN PRICES. REPUBLIC i-ton. body, top, curtains, electric light, pneumatic tires; will change to solid tires i MAXWELL 1-ton. express bod v. crS ana windshield SH50 KISSKLKAR .-ton, panel body" " In very good condition ...$850 C A . B Lua gooa tires, stake body and top Si M- c- H-ton, body. top'compl'eVe! 6 cord tires, windshield and running do a r as s in'.n - Y v VL uiiva wufl ooay ana top. in good condition $700 ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO.. INC., Park and Everett Sta, Bdwy. 1363. TRUCK BARGAINS. GERSIX ONLY $1200. 1-TON FEDERAL. 2-TON REO. X-TON NASH QUAD, BRAND NEW. AT TREMENDOUS DISCOUNT. MAKE US AN OFFER. NAME YOUR OWN TERMS. DIAMOND T TRUCK! SALES AGENCY. S30 BURNSIDE ST. 1H-TON TRUCK. Federal. Just overhauled. GOOD TERMS. Trade in your truck on McWILLIAMS. L22 Alder. Broadway 2422. 2-TON TRUCK. A powerful truck. In first-class con dition; new express body; $1250. Broad way 1723. 542 A'der st. AUTOMOBILE TRUCK TRAILER. Nearly new, 7 ton capacity. Trailer cross chains, 5th wheel, everything com plete. Chas. C. Pagan Co., 23d and Wash ington sts. Main 40i3. 1117 FORD 1-ton truck In good condition; must leave torn. Cail Monday. 2ua Front st. .Marsnan i'o. REPUBLIC TRUC K 1918. ton. spe 1 motor. Good tires and conditions. $1m5u. Phone 621, Gresham. $ii5 1-TON truck, fine condition: a real snap. See Mr. Lyon, The White Company. Park and Couch sub. FOR SALE Menominee truck in good con dition ; reasonable : terms. Apply Brey- FOR SALE TRUCKS. MONEY-MAKER, contract two-ton truck, city Job, bargain, terms. Wdln. 4S79. GARAGES. FIRST-CLASS carpenter wants to figure on a garage tor you. All kinds of carpenter and concrete work. Just your address or phone number and I will calL BF 605, Ore gonian. WANTED Someone to build a garage; 1 00x1 oO ; In a good locality ; can furnish, the best of references.. J 859, Oregonian.1' AUTO REPAIRING. DIVISION . . . GARAGE. 1372 Division PL Phone Tabor 5918. EXPERT . . AUTO . . RE PA1 RING- SERVICE OUR MIDDLE NAME. EXPERT REPAIRING AND WASHING. LOWNSDALE GARAGE, cor 15th A Wash. PHONE BDWY. 24 u 9. DAY AND NIGHT SEE US 3 Grand ave. N. Phone East 305. WE CAN handie any make of IGNITION and REPAIR any car, bug. truck, or trac tor. WORK GUARANTEED. NATIONAL AUTO REPaTr CO. We specialise on FORDS and CHEVRO LETS; all merit guaranteed; 15 years' ex perience. 505 Burnside. Phone Bdwy. 3450. WANTED TO RENT Space or shop for auto repairing; first-class reliable me chanics, H 27 L Oregonian, WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WILL PAY CASH FOR 200 feet 12 or 14-lnch sheet metal pipe, ltf-gauge or heavier; suitable for sluicing irauet One small portable rock crusher; motor drive; give location and full specif ica- uons In answering. Ail 270, Oregonian. $2.50 UP TO $25 FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. We will pay any price for man's clothes. OREGON CLEANERS 4k TAILORS, 117 2d St.. N. W. Cor. Wasrw Main U344. $10 AND UP $10 for second-hand auita Meyer the tailor pays highest prices tor clothing, shoes, overcoat. We call day or evening any where in the city. Call Marshall U2tf 253 Madison. nes.r Sd. X WANT used clothing. We pay from $10 and up for men's used, suits and overcoats. Call us and you will get the right prices for your goods. Call Mir. 1229. or 253 Madiaon. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. Good prices paid. Bdwy 2845. 129 N. 6th St. HIGHEST -PRICES PAID. I buy all second-hand clothes, especially ladles' and gent.emen's suits, dresses, etc New buyer. Try ine before you caii others. Phone Broadway Uw2. 215 Burnside. be tween 2d and iid. OUR SPECIALTY Is buying men's cast-off voiding. ij finest casn price paid. Will call day or night. PEOPLES SECOND-HAND STORE. Marshall 3225, or 2uo Madison st. WANTED To buy, 1 power dishwashing machine, 1 large bake oven. 2 gross of table trays, other equipment for caieterla. A. H. Johnston, Leighton Lunch. Broad way and Washington su OUR SPECIALTY Is buying men's cast-off doming. Aiignest casn prices paid. WUl call day or night. Call Mar. 1229. or 53 Madison. I WANT USED GtiOThlNG, We, pay from $lu up for men s used suits and overcoat a Call us and you eUl get the right price for your goods. MAIN 738. YOUNG bachelor wishes to meet woman In terested in chicken business; have own place ; must be congenial and have some capital; will split 5U-50. C 422, Oregonian. WANTED Shooting privilege for two or small duck lake tor two; will feed heavy; good lake only. D 355, Oregonian. TWO WAYS I wil leither buy your diamond for cash or sell it Tor you on commission. Miller's Clearing House fur Diamonds, 355 Wash. Bt next door Majestic theater. WANT machine lathe, drill press and Bhaper, smal 1 size; will trade three-room house and 100x100 lot. Phone Main 255 Monday. ALL THE comforts of home for your toy dog white you are away. Elkton kenneL East 2904. WANTED Lady with automobile during month of June to show lady visitors in and around Portland. F 20, Oregonian. BICYCLE, suitable for boy 10 years old; must be good condition, cheap for cash. East 1234. WANTED 1-horse low-hame harness; heavy 1-horse truck, garden wagon. Address E. T. Dana. Riddle. Or. JUNK WANTED We pay full value fof all kinds of junk, tools, rags and clothing. Call Main 112:;, lUTl Front st. DIAMOND wanted. Ms to 1 kt., or about; fine stone for" engagement ring; cash, F 2u7, Oregonian. W A N T K t Send-hand bed for camping for Ford touring car. What have you Address W. E. Wood. Ill 3d st. YOU can save mony by having your clock repaired at the Portland Clock Co. Call Broadway 15 til. Th-y call and deli ver. WE BUi DIAMONDS. OLD GOLD, OLD Jewelry for cash; name your price. Bring or mail. 323 V.- Wash., bet. 6th and Bdwy. LENS of good make for G y. 8 Va -In. camera wanted ; give particulars and price to E S.'tS. O regou i an. W AN T E D A 1 5-ln. or 10-In. modem lsthe, new or used, but must be good shape. Address Chas. Lindiey, Olytnpia, Wash. WANTED Large size leather suitcase; must be in good condition and cheap; state price. 2t8, Oregonian. HIGHEST casn price paid for your rlfie, shot gun or kodak; must be first-class. Hoch fe d.85 3d St.. near Oak. Phone Main 358L YOUNG couple wish to take care of two children between the ages of two and five. Good home. D 374, Oregonian. APPENDICITIS and stomach trouble cured without the knilu; circular free. Hiza Co., 7u5 Swetland bldg.. Portland. SECOND-HAND FURNITURE WANTED. We need furniture of all description and will pay ail It ! worth. Call Main 734. MISFIT AND DISCARDED CLOTHES BOUGHT, CASH PAID. ALTERATION EXPERTS. PlluXB MAIN 6701. WINCHESTER. Remington automatic and pump Fhotguns. Hochteld. 85 3d. WILL buy 50oo Idaho Gold & Ruby mining stock, loc Box 3sl, Colfax, Wash. WE will buy your old typewriters and pay you cash. Oregon Typewriter Co., 94 oth. BU o WC ASE, cash register, scale, electric jan wantea. .Main j-js 1st. WANT Popcorn and peanut wagon for uireei ute. ti3, oregonian. BIDS on 14,00o vest pocket camera prints; three-cent grade. H 272. Oregotfian. Di A MO.N D wanted, H to 1 kt. ; pay good price. v 4 1 1 Alain anirt, V IO o. ik. uti.? l wants oia dictionary, cheap; stale price ana condition. 11 2:, Oregonian. WANTED a nice bird's-eye maple dressing WANTED Second-hand Job type In, gooa WANTED Kodak enlarging machine; state price. A. i -. ureutnan, WANT used wardrobe trunk, good condition D 354. Oregonian. WANT about G earkt good seed potatoea WANTED Younsr cockerels for caponlzlng will caponlze on shares. Woodlawn 620 i WANT tent, oil stove, too hi. electric fan, bi- cycie- jwain j aoor uiis. 12s r irst st. WANTED Tinner's 30-In. folder. 415 J ess up DIAMOND wanted Fin stone; to l Furniture Wanted. HEA D 1 M PO RT A NT R E AD. We carry a greater varied assortment of new and used merchandise than any store in the city. There is hardly an item we do not buy and sell. We specialize In shelf and heavy hardware. sporting goods, household goods, office furniture, hotel and camp supplies. When you have anything to buy or sell. cau or punne MAIN 9072. A 7174. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO., 221-3-5 Front St., Cor. Salmon. ARE YOU GOING EAST ? Consult us about reduced freight rates en household goods to all points: faL through service. Pacific Coast Forward ing Co., 8th and lioyt sts. Broadway. 7u3. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE or any aescription ; nave the rtauy cash. Fhone today. -Main or u-i r irst st CASH for office desks, chairs, files and sales, facmc siaty. dc -tg. o. WANTED Automatic Rnud heater. No. 3 in good condition. Bdwy. 3227. . WE PAY the highest cash prices for sec ond-hand furniture. Marshall 5321. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL 1 A I t- A&M. iJJZ. WANTED Roll-top desk. East rt7, regonlan. CASH FOR USED FURNITURE. Highest prices in city. Main 1633. WANTED The best auto $200 cash will buy. Chassis considered. J S62, Oregonian. WANTED Black walnut chest of dxanera Bdy. Si27. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. lumiture Wsntes. FURNITURE WANTED. WE WILL BUY FOR SPOT CASH YOUR HOUSE HOLD FURNITURE FOR ANY AMOUNT. A PHONE CALL WILL BRING US TO YOUR DOOR. NO CHARGE. OUR VALUAT1XO IS HIGHER THAN THE OTHER FEL LOW'S. THERE'S A REASON. BE CAUSE WE SELL TODAY WHAT W E BOUGHT YEiTEKDAY. Phonsw MARSHALL 69 81. Phene. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. 1S& First Street. CALL MAIN 809 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICBS EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE C1T X FOR FURNITURE, CARPETS. ETC YOUR CALL WILL BULNG THsS BUY ER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO 192 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAILOR. MAIN atrjL I WANT used furniture; cah will be paid for stoves and ranges and all kinds of household goods. Call us for one article or a houseiul and a competent, courteous buyer will call. Marshall 2&3. Crown. I WANT used furniture; will pay as much as any dealer ran pay. East 0417. M, 1L Calef. dealer. 540 WLlisms avenue. WANTED Pair of ivory twin beds; must be of high grade, complete, with springs and mattress. G 274. Oregonian. HELP WANTED MAI.B. LOOGBR3 AND MILL MEN. PLEASE NOTICE THE WAGES THAT ARE BEINO PAID IN THE CAMPS AND MILLS. WHY NOT TAKE A JOB IN THB OPEN FOR THE MUMMER AT WAGES THAT ARE OF THE BEST. COME IN AND LET US PLACE YOU. WANTED TODAY. 1 SAW FILER $W x iiUAi'iu t.rsui t-CiK. .......... e IKI 1 RAFTSMAN 6.50 1 HOOK TENDER fc.00 5 SETS FALLERS 5. $0-5 40 6 LOG BUCKBRS ft. 40 1 PILE-DRIVER MAN 6 OO 2 BULL COOKS 95.0O THE FOLLOWING 13 WORK THAT INEXPERIENCED MEN CAN START AT: WOOD BUCKERS 4.40 WOOD SPLITTERS 4.40 WORKING ON CHUNK OUT 6.00 SAWMILL WORK. 1 CAR TALLYMAN $5.00 1 CUTOFFMAN I , 4 40 1 HELPER ON RE SAW 6.0O X fLA.NEKMA.N 5.50 4 CAR LOADERS 4.50 2 CHAINMKN 4.20 19 YARDMEN 4 00 IF YOU NEED THE FARE WE WILL ADVANCE IT. THIS OFFICE 19 BONDED AND LI CENSED BY THE CITY AND. STATE AND OUR BOOKS ARE OPEN TO PL'B LIC INSPECTION AT ALL TIMES TO SHOW THAT THIS OFFICE IS RUN ON A SQUARE-DEAL BASIS FOR HELP AND EMPLOYERS. A MINIMUM OF $1 IS CHARGED FOR THIS SERVICE, WHICH GUARANTEES YOU YOUR FARE TO AND FROM THE PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT IF WORK IS NOT AS REPRESENTED. DBLANBY'S EMPLOYMENT SERVICE. 14 N. 2D ST., PHONE BHD WAY 6T. PORTLAND. OR. ACCOUNTANTS AND BOOKKEEPERS. We tiave more calls for competent men to fill accounting positions than we can fllL Accountancy trained men are In unparalleled demand. We are an asso ciation, of certified public accountants speclalizlnig In training men for executive and accounting positions. We have trained hundreds now holding big paying position and dozens who now hold the degree of certified public accountant. Ac cepted applicants guaranteed satisfaction. Call, write or phone Will S, Cooper, suite 68 Yeon bldg. Main 7o54. LETTER WRITERS ' Men who can write business-retting letters and have made a study of same from a scientific standpoint can earn from $2500 to $10,00 a year. Dean D. Walter Morton of the University of Ore gon has completed a business letter writ ing course which prepares you for these position. It In a home study training which brings financial returns at once. Northwestern Correspondence School. Inc. Call, write or phone Will S. Cooper, voca tional training, suite 6ua Yeon bldg. Main 7854. WANTED Ambitious men wbo want to de velop their talent along artistic lines will welcome the Information that the Federal School of Commercial Designing and Ap plied Cartooning has made available a home study training. We are in a posi tion to market all original Ideas. Increas ing year earnings long before your train ing is completed. Call, write or phone Will S. Cooper, state manager, suite COS Yeon bldg. Main 7b54J WIDE-AWAKE man to take charge of our local trade; $4 to $5 a day steady; no ex perience required; pay starts at once. Write today. American Products Go.. lo4 American bldg., Cincinnati. O. ALL-AROUND shipping clerk for planing mill, estimator, sasn ana aoor macnine men, cabinet men, cabinet cutter, sash and door machine helper. 240 Salmon il, corner 2d. WANTED Boy for office work; high school stuuent wno can tatce dictation prexerreo; answer in own handwriting, stating wages expected. A F 442 Oregonian. WANTED A chauffeur, steady position. good wages; must be anie to give first class references. Apply AH 237. Orego nian. WANTED Night position by responsible man. 40; long hours prererrea ; cash se curity or bond If required; small salary. G 270, Oregonian. MEN" wanted for detective work. Write J. Ganor. former U. S, govt, detective, Dan ville, III. $150 AND an auto will nut you Into business lr you are wilting to wont you can maas over $10 a day. L 12S. oregonian. BOYS with bicycles are making from $12 to $1S a week. 15 N. J2th st. recycles fur nished If necessnry. Bdwy. 43". A i!-i. BELIjMA-N" wanted: neat appearing and ac live man; from ji to ou wouia auiu Ar lington club, 2Q Park st. WANTED Hand ironer, also aMrt girl; steady employment; pleasant working con ditions. ime launory, r. jiornson. FIRST -CLASS MACHINIST for lathe and bench work. Fred Dundee, Broadway and r landers st. FKElti rent and wages to man. do garden work ana care lor iruits, aienaenhoini, Oak Grove. 103 M. FLANNEL washer wanted. Apply Sunday between 1J A. at. ana l r. .m. at btaie Laundry Co., Swo E. Broadway. WANTED Alt-around machinist or lathe hand. Address The Dalles Iron Works. The Dalles, Ur. BOY n anted, 16 years old ; steady work. Apply Mmmons oiove to, auv s. ota su, corner Flanders. WANTED Janitor for Institution; $40 per month with room and board. AH 240, Oregonian. THREE first-class linemen wanted, 60 cents per hour. Wire Eastern Oregon Light ac rower lo., i-a uranue. EXPERIENCED rrocerymen wanted. Call Monday morning. Bring references. Java of re Co.. 2iu l amnin t. CLERK at the SL Elmo hotel. Vancouver, warm. Appiy in person to tne manager P.ef urenrea. WANTED Man for Insurance work, pay salary and commission; experience un necessary. Ar urtsonian. WANTED Team to haul wood and t1 $2.25 pr cord; ties 7c each; S-mlls haul. downnill. uison nowiu, xsuii nun. WANTED First-class auto washer; steady job and highest pay to right man. Covey Auto co. MANAGER wanted for lares new cafeteria: state where last employed. whaX length of time. tr lilJ. oregonian. FOUR high school boys, 17 years or older, for vacation work. Call Sunday. 1 to 4. 311 Globe building. BOY to learn good trade; start $1.50. Mor gan Razor Works, 212 First et. WANTED A high -class chef tor cafeteria. F 214. Oregonian. JANITOR Good wages, room and board. Hereford hotel. 735 Hoyt WANTED Good coatmaker. J. S. Jensen, The Dalles. Or. 10 TO 18-year-old boy to learn plumbing trade. oS Davis st. CABINET maker wanted. 27th and Pacific sts. E. Thomas. East PLATEN PRESS FEEDER Boy or girl, at Bushong Ac Co.. 91 Park st. GRADER behind fast-feed flooring ma chine. Call 13o6 N. W. Bank bldg. WANTED Machinist. Bend Iron Works, Bend. Or. DOORMAN at New Grand Theater, 105 Oth st. WANTED Pastry helper; necewary. 27 4th st. experience un- A SALESMAN for motor trucks; good cod trnct. AH 233. Oregonian. PLUMBER a-anted. $3 per day. Open shop. Call Woodlawn 4037. WA NTBD An experienced Clyde hotel, 403 Stark. elevator boy. PAINTER, wanted. $3.00 a day. Call East HELP WANTED MALE. INCIDENT. One of M a n v. ornee of Secretary Advisory and Employ men t Department Y. M. C. A. Young man. stranger, out of work ($20 Ills total cjh aets i. If I pay you $3 for membership In the Y, M. C A. I' will have only $15 left between ine and starvation. Secretary If you take out membership In the association you will have the Y. M. C A. with all its influence, strength and resources between you and starvation. Result Young man Joined the associa tion. In less than a wetk he had satis factory employment, and a membership card in his pocket, which assures hlni, along with Y. M. C. A. privileges, employ ment Insurance for one year. The excuse the Y. M. C. A. has for ex istence is that It serves young men, and the function of this department is to serve them along a mo.-1 vital line: the clothes line, the bread-line, the Ute-llne. Calls for men since Jan. 1. 1319 &l Positions fnled 479 Shy the kind of men wanted 3-6 The standing this department has with Portland employers Is due to the discrim inating servu-e we have rendered them lor a period of 15 years. If you will be guided by our Instructions we wi'l guarantee that you will secure em ployment or refund membership fee. Sol diers and sailors given three months' com plimentary membership. XAKE MONEY. Reliable men to handle the fsmona Indiana Silo In territories In Oregon, Washington or Idaho. Does not re quire an Investment. A bonl fide money -making proposition. W nte for further information giving data as to experience and capabilities. Keferences rcoulrea. CHAS. X. PPAULDINO COMPANY SALEM. OREGON. WANTED BY G. M. STAND1FER CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION. Steel Yard. Vancouver. Washington. SOO bolters-up st $4.64 per day. loo general helpers at S4.&4 per day. JOO laborers at $4.10 per day. Good accooimdations st the new Liberty Hotel, built especially by the corporation for its employee, Kates 67 cents per day Meals cafeteria style, average 35 cents. WANTED A man with considerable force of character, capable of making a short convincing speech for pushing an organ ization made up of citizens ot the United States or those desiring to become such. One having worked In or acquainted with the logging or lumber Industry preferred. Must be willing to go into any part of Oregon or Washington, Good sa.ary to start State experience. Address AM 322. oregonian. YOUNG man as csslstant to manager of less price basement, handling ready-to-wear, dry goods, men's clothing and furnishings and shoes; one who has had experience preferred. Applicants will get a personal Interview In Portia nd next a eek. A ppi y by letter to the superintendent. Culvertson. Grote Rankin Co.. Epotcane. Waco. IOUNO man, energetic, industrious, and must be a good worker, w ith some sates experlnce; also .ble to do small a mount of billing on typewriter; Ideal place fof one desiring permanent position with ex cellent opportunity for advancement. State age, experience and salary expected. & ooS, QregoPian. SPINNERS WANTED Night work. 4 -hour wee, no worn baturaay or Sunday nights, liberal pay. Oregon City Wooden MiUa Oregon Ciuy. MAN FOR CHOR3 WORK IN LOGGING tAMr BUILDING FIRES. CLEANING GROUNDS. SPLITTING WOOD, ETC. FOR WORK ABOUT JUNE 1; GOOD WAGES. REPLY, GIVING AGE. PHuN E NUMBER AND ADDRESS. P 119. ORE GONIAN. WIND RIVER LBR CO. WANTS A FEW MEN IN THEIR LOGGING CAMP AND AT SAWMILL. APPLY AT 1117 YEON BLDG. CHEF Must bo A-No. L BF 552. Ore go- YOUNG man. IS or 19 years old. to learn wnoiesa.e stove and tinware business; must be willing to work and start at smaW wages; chance to advance rapidly to raits man's position, with good pay if jou show ability. D o70. Oregonian. W E want a young man who has had col lection, insurance or store experience, ca pable of meeting the public, wiltiug to work for advau :ement; good sa.ary to start, increases wiiu, experience. U 3lk, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS automobile electrical start ing, lighting ana ignition repairman; good wges and hours; overtime, but must know tho line; no other need Dply. SUNSET ELECTRIC CO.. 4S North Eighth St. EXPERIENCED -miners at $4.75 and muck- era at $4.23 a day; board L.2a; rooms 10 cents day ; wanted lor Troy, Mont., by Snow storm Mines, Cons. Tunnel and stops only ; bring blanacts. Apply Troy or Spokane. WANTED Foreman finisher for work on chairs; must be sble to handle colora Ad visa salary expected. Address R Veal Sc Son. Albany, Or. WANTED Men for sawmill, Isto mill and lumber yards; good wages, steady wors. Write or aire Weed Lumber Co.. Weed. Csl. EXPERIENCED presser on men's costs and vests can fin a steady employment at tne Brownsville Woolen Mills. 3d and Morri son sts. WANTED Men to work In wood-working tactory; wages u .a. u nours; steady work with chance for advancement. Give phone number and address. V 130, Oregonian. W ANTED Steward to take complete chars of restaurant ; thoroughly competent of managing same. no tut Lmpu.ua, l.ose burg. or. YOUNG man wanted to share nice, larse room; bath and phone. i7 per montn. Call room 517 Hotel liitx. phone Mar&tiall 2M8. BA KKR'S helper wanted at once. Royal Bakery Sc. Coulectionery. 11th and Everett WANTED Experienced Janitor, one who understands firms; boiler. $110 per mouth and room. Broadway Hotvl. WAXTKD A milker, man and wife, $100 a month, every t lung free, without board. vsoodiawn lr .-a8t 2 1st . WEAVERS W AN T K D. WESTERN FLI7FF RUG CO.. T4 Union Ave. North. WANTED Strong boy or eiderly msn on poultry ranch near Portland. Phone Ta bor 1410. WANTED Competent Japanese cook in prl vate family; TO per month; good borne. Call tt. Multnomah. SHOEMAKERS Want No. 5 machine oper ator; one who is willing to go to Seattle. A v l.is. oregonian. WANTED A-l cleaner, dyer snd spotter In vell-equtppea plant. Address J. rv. Mig don, 17 E. Yakima ave.. Yakima, Wash. WANTED All-around bak-r, $30 week; In crease if satisfactory; day work. Lclb's Bakery. Albany, ur. WANTED Soli-vM boy for evening work; mt st be lrt ; permanent. Ca 11 at Albma Branrn Hbra.v. a.non st. WANTED Loom fixer: stead v work : 4S- bour week; good wagca Portland Woolen Mills. COUNTRY hotel wants cook, married, wife to wait on table; no children; must bo Al cook. C 4jri, OresonlaiL WANTED Flrt class cook for small mountain resort .ntr Port-Land. AK 31 3, c'remttuan. tXPiTivIKNCt-D helper for automobile shop. Burners Sl Martin, 15th and Alder. Bdwy. 2tbu. WANTED Sash and door machine men and assemblers. Llinrlea K. bpaululug Log' gmi Company. McMinn ville. Or. EXPERIENCED operator for Elliot-Fisher billing machine. Cail syptem uted. Appiy Lowensart st -o.. 1 1 i - uroaaway. TAILOR wanted to do busheling and press ing, j. a. vminy. v WANTED Experienced shoe salesman. 203 Morrison si, v-jji -oLn WANTED An Al buttermaker; Al wage. YOUNG man for general work in wholesale and retail store. -vo m bl DENTIST wanted, salary $40. Address O 607, Oregonian. WANTED Reliable man for general farm work. - . ureioiuu. MN for janitor work and firing boiler. 260 uth su WANTED Man for nlKht Janitor work. Se head Janltjr, oregonian Plug., room inoo. ADVERTISING and subscription solicitor wanted. isau rvi i uoiu oiu, veiling oUg EXPERIENCED counter man wanted. AK 318, Oregonian WANTED- Programme advertising solicitor. Apply manager H ippodr ome. DELIVERY boy with bicycle; a.l day work. Frank Nau. Uh and Aider. WANTED Man to work around, 1751 Derby. Wood. 2'1 5. CHIEF engineer wanted. 2'i9 6-h st. ALEaMAN snd coUectea. 40i YVasia St, nn.P WANTED MAI E. V MAN TO WORK IN GENERA LSTORB NEAR PORTLAND FuR ABOUT TWO Oit THREE WEEK.S WHILE MANAGER IS TAKING H.S VACATION; ML" ST Bb; F AM Al LIAR WITH PRICES AND WORK 1 NJ A GENERAL STOKE AND READY TO l.El'OKT FOR WORK ABOUT JUNE 5. KEFLY GIVING AGE, EXPEKIKNCU AND lwEFEKKNCE, K. bbj, UKLGO N 1 AN. MEN to work In mill and log '.ug camn near Timber Valley, Washington, about 2t nn loa from L e, Washington, near the Klickitat Nortnern raiiroad; free houses for married men ; mat treses, springs and bunk houses tree; standard wages; guar antee BieaJy worn all summer; can work a many hours each day as they wish, and paid by tue hour; good school and poet of:Ke clove by; come riht along wita your MunKetK. Wilson & liolleubecK. rout 6. Liberty Bond, WsAhlng-toa. Klickitat rounty. Ft. R eastern Oregon piae mill; modern hotel, board ana room $S.50 per eK; lro refunded alter bd day on the job. 1 triinmerman, $5 day. 1 resaw man. day. 2 carnage rulers, $ day. 1 tirenun, night shift. $110 per xnontSv 7 leamsiers, o2-c per hour. OREGON LUMBER CO., 830 Nortawtlern Lank Bidg., Portland. Mam 32- WANTED FOR MTLL CP COLUMBIA P. 1 VEIL 3 GKADEKS FOR HIGH-St'tED PLANERS; lOP WAGES, ALSO 3 TIERS, 9 TRIMMERS. APPLY 1111 VEON BLDG. WANTED To get In touch with practical tirst-ciass mechanical and cons t ruction engineer whose specialty is designing: thorough, practical knowledge of figuring Strains and stresses, drafting, pattern a ork and casting required; others need not St.swer. Full information first letter. AV r't. t re g o n i a n. WANTED 2io high school girls to go berry picking under capab.e supervisors; camps ill open about ith to 7th and 14th to 20; h; all sppl cants piesse register with Mr. Scott, L. S. Employment Service, 211 Lewis bldg. Mothers wishing further ia fomiatlon regarding this ramp work pleaso cn -i rs, ecoii, .Main t a. WANTED At once. Al barber; guaranteed $:tu a week and free room; have billiard parlor, confectionery and barber shop; must open shop mornings and sweep; must be good, fast workman ; no others noed apply; money no object if you can deliver the goods. W. O. Hundrlcks. Warren ton. Or. STEADY men wanted to take exclusive con troi of good territory in uregon and Wash ington; money advanced weekly, oufit and spt-cial training free, experience unneces sary ; our active men are making good money, you can do the same; c.ean, hardy, guaranteed stock. Yakima Valley Nursery Co.. Top pen Is h. Wash. NIGHT watchman to lire stationary boiler ana carry waicnmans cioca; must nave bad experience bring boilers; steady em ployment. Apply Monday A. M. Do not phone. Oregon Chair Co.. 1190 Macadam su Take Fulton or S. P. car. MANUFACTURING firm has opening for men experienced in construction ox metal furniture or similar lines; good oppor tunity; state age, experience snd wages) expected. P. O. box 427. Portland. hrlTL'RNKD army men. we have a perma nent position open tnat wiii pay you s to $10 per day; a chance o identify your self alth a reputab.e concern; no bond or deposit required. Call 301 Oregonian bidg t to n. GRADER BEHIND PLANER. TOP WAGES. APPLY 1117 YEON BLTX5. MILL AT CASCADE LOCKS. WANTED Experienced shirt cutters; must re capanie n marning ana pinning up stripes on golf snd negligee shirts; steady position; union shop. Address Cohn. Gold water Co., Los Angeles, Cal. A FIRM that Is well established requires a salesman; a splendid opportunity for a man that wants to make a permanent connection. See sales manager, Ik to 11 A. M., Monday. 400 Mohawk bldg. WOODWORKERS wanted, 1 band saw and st:cKer man, one iraxne maser, one man to p'lt up breakfast tables. Apply to United Mfjr. Co.. Inc.. formerly United Mattress a.- rad Co., I'll sandy road. MAN and wife, to milk In milkhouse work. iio; marriea; neip on tarmi ana a sines; big wages; all kinds of farm and dairy help wsnted. Pioneer Employment Co 14 N. 2d st. DR1 V ER for Ford delivery ear in grocery DUKine.s; must do thoroughly acquainted with city and be an experienced driver; hours from 8 to 6 P. M. B, 450, Qre- conian. WANTED Lumber man or sawmill man to ret up and operate mill on shares; must have some capital; timber and mill fur nished; wu advance on lumber. Phono Tabor 770 BR A K EM EN-FIREMEN. $150 to $225 monthly; experience unnecessary; full particular and application blank free. Railway 136, Fresno. Cal. MAN and wife to do janitor work in ex change for attractive d-room unfurnished apt., private bath, gas ranee A good riace for the rlsht people. frtilH Front st. WANTED Linotype operator for model a; union; $27. -0, days, about June 25. Ad dress II . w. .lohnson, caro Guard Ptg "o.. Eune. Or. 11 RST-CLASS retail jewelry salesman, good salary, permanent position. All appli cations strictiy confidentiaL E 650. Ore- foii lan. WANTED Two men to work around con crete, $ J.5t, 8 hours, steady job In tow to neht men. Apply at once. Campbell. 1 IS l:th st. West. CljM I'oSlTOR wanted for wetkiy papert m ust bi a U -a round man, good on ads and job work: foreman's union wages. Phone Main 3 2. o7ii Tamhlii. MANUFACTURING firm has opening for several painters, experienced in rubbln and tpriiyinsr; state age. experience and wages expected. P. O. box 427. FL'RNISHHD apartment for man and wife; no children; rent and wages to wife ln exchange for chamber work; man can get work neafby easily. G 2tfi. Oregonian. WANTED A first-class pie and cako baker. d;iy work: salary $1Sj per month ana board. Apply the Haaelwood, Wash- InKtnn St. ELDERLY nan to clenn shop, etc.; steady work. Burness &. Martin, 15th and Al MAN dishwasher; ni Sunday work. Pa mnj'js Lunch, 149 Broadway. Apply Monday morning. WANTED Good platen preesfeeder; ono capable to make resdy. Apply room 214 Chamber of Commerce bldg. MAN to milk one cow, attend garden and chorea; single man ; il e on pce. East ; (1 and V a rn h 1 1 1 sta EX I'KKI ENCED umbrella repair man for our Seattle store; permanent position; good pay. Lennon's, 309 Morrison st. W ANTE D A yard man and yard teamster at Multnomah Lumber At Boa Co.. It. of Hancrof t ave. SAWYER WANTED. Tie mil! man; good wages and bonus. H 2 . Or'K'-niau. Fl HST-i LASS automoblie mechanic; nono but fi-st-class, all-around men need ap p' y . Mark ham A Kepple. 110 10th st- DLNTISTS Wanted experienced operator; good salary. Electro Dental Parlors, Ta- roma. Wash. WANTED Competent foreman and three carpenters. Apply UacLean. 614 Lewis bid g. . V A N'TED Man and wife for large apart ment house ; must be willing workers; pive phone number. G Oregonian. WANTED Boy abuut 18 years old. In of fice. Address in own handwriting. 1 tVj, Oregonian. COMMISSARY man and timekeeper with In vestment, to join our lumber operation; waces. AV 60, Oregonian. WANTED An experienced man to drivo a milk wagon, $0, board and rooua. TabtT 27Q2. WNTHI A wringer. Apply Monday morning. Consolidaied Wet Wash. 12d t tsy. WANTED Soda dispensers. Apply Perkins pharmary. LA btKKRS wanted Concrete work. $4.50, a hours. Itith and Alberta. Alberta car. LUMBER grader; association wagea Roguo River Lumber Ac Box Co.. Gold Hill. Or. PLANER feeder, to Insert; wages $5 per day. AV til, Oreconlan. HIGH SCHOOL boy over 1ft. for theater. Nvw Grand Theater, 103 6th St. ADVERTISING solicitors; money dally. 401 2 McKay bldg. . WANTED Auto mechanic; state experience and n.t ' 'f ications. C 41. Oregonian. WANTED Man on ranch. $.0 per month and board. B 454. Oregonian. TIB-HACKS Better proposition than youi ever had before. H 2.5, Cregonl; boV 10" yrs. old to make himself I.in C'.othtng Co.. 4ih at Morrison. ver r.aa oerore. n -j, oregonian. Useful STWK CUTTER wanted. Kauts ManuIaC turmg Co.. 20th and Nicholat. BUS B Y wanted. See Hart, Imperial ho tel : f5 end board. CALNG and tanit n aiu 23 Aldar. J