12 THE SUNDAY OHEGOXIAN, rOIlTXAXDf JUNE 1, 1919. SEAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. VALLEY FARMS. M acres. 4a acres first-class wheat; S acres timber; new 6-room bungalow and barn; good water; on main road; $3000; good term. This is choice. 87 acres, 4 in culiivation, balance good ssaw timber; 5-room house, barn and out buildings; running water; fuiiy stocked and equipped with everything necessary; $11,000 with everything; $9000 without stock and equipment; good terms. 103 acres. 75 acres in cultivation; no waste land; some timber; running water; level land; 7-room house and barn; other outbuildings ; fully stocked and equipped with everything necessary: $l."i,00u; good terms; this place extra well located. 14 acres. 10 acres cultivated, balance pasture; running water; 6-room modern house; good barn ; other outbuildings; paved road; only 45 minutes by auto from heart of city; $4600; good terms; this Is a snap. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO., 165 U 4th Ft. MR. HOMESEEKER. Here is as fine a tract of land as any one wishes to look at; it certainly is a tin home, and is worthy of your consider ation; it lies Just east of Portland about CO miles; this place consists of o acres, all lays with a gentle roll and all under plow, with as fine orchard as could be had anywhere of acres, 14 years old, with great prospects; miles from R. 1 mile school; Al gravel road, good 9-room house, hot and cold water, bath, etc. ; 2 barns, all farming implements, household roods included at S15.00O. Let us show you this fine home place; It is sure to please. A. G. BENDER, HITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade BIdg. 8 a-ACRE RANCH. 12 ACRES IN ITALIAN PRUNES. $10,000. Located In one of the best prune sec tions in Oregon ; 30 miles from Portland on good road; R. F. I. and phone; abun dance of running water; good spring water piped to buildings, furnishes power to run 32-inch water motor; could be made to furnish electric lights; 6-room house, big barn, other outbuildings; family orchard, plenty of berries; about 30 acres In wheat, oats and hay; 40 acres pasture, balance rood timber. See Sam Hewey at J. 1 HA.RTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. CHOICE WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM. Non-resident owner has one of the fin est farms in Willamette valley, 12 miles south of Salem, close to station on Oregon Electric railway, with river frontage. About 500 acres, over half under cultiva tion, rich bottom land. well fenced, stocked, buildings new and in good con dition; running water. For grain, hay and stock, this place is very choice. Property will bear close examination. Price very reasonable and terms to suit. Might take first-class unincumbered improved Port land property as part consideration. A. H. BIRRELL. 217 Northwestern Bank Bids' Marshall 4114, A 4118. ONE OF OUR YAKIMA SNAPS. 20 acres, 2 miles from town, with gov ernment irrigation, splendid house and in cluding fine crop. House is full 1 y stories, 6 rooms, hard plaster, concrete foundation, open stairway, built-in features; good cel lar; fine well, shed, stable, shade and a few fruit trees. About 9 acres in alfalfa. 2 acres corn, 0 acres potatoes. 2 acres rutabagas. Crop and all only $4000. Build ings and crop actually worth much more than half the price asked. Other tracts, any size, similarly priced. Write for il lustrated price list. CENTRAL YAKIMA RANCHES CO PROSSER, WASH. FARM SNAP. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 75 acres, west of Yamhill, Or.; 35 acres in cultivation; 5-acre orchard; good 5-room house, large ba.rn, hog house, chicken house, shop, etc; good blocky team, one 2-year-old colt, 2 milk cows, 1 heifer. 3 wagons, cultivator, harrows, plow, disc, mowing machine, rake, gas engine, wood saw. all kinds of small tools; ready to move on; good well and spring; rlht on Yamhill river and railroad. Price $;730; $15O0 cash, balance to suit. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Com merce. Open eve nines and Sundays. FOR lSALE BY OWNER Farm. 163 acres, every inch under cultivation, fenced and cross fenced with woven wire, fine drain age. 2hb acres bearing orchard, 7-room modern house, 1 tenant house, new 90 ton silo, large barn and other buildings, near Albany. Or., and 2Va miles from town on main line of S. P.; price $100 per acre; farm stocked with 17 head registered and grade Holstein cows and heifers. 40 head Cotswold sheep, complete line of farm ma chinery, to be sold with or separate from farm. Phone E. 4731 or write F. H. Brown, 516 Williams ave., Portland. Or. 2235-ACRR WHEAT RANCH, 1100 ACRE?? IN WHEAT. 60O ACRES SUMMER FALLOW. tKiO ACRES PASTURE. Located in the best section of Eastern Oregon wheat belt. Stock, crop and equip ment, god buildings, plenty of water. Price $4t an 4Xcre for quick sale. See Sara Hew ey at J. L. H A R TM AN COM PA N Y, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 4th and FINE FARM. NEAR PORTT.AVTl 160 acres, within 15 miles of Portland, on good auto road, all nearly level, fine soil, 5 acres beaverdam. 8n acres in cron now ; good 7-roorn house, big barn, other good buildings, good fences; no rock or gravel on place. This place is easily worth $150 per acre; but for quick sale will take $100 per acre, one-fourth cash, balance v lvr cent. long time. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 113 Chamber of Commerce. SHKEPMEN. TAKE NOTICE. 242 acres. 18 miles west of Oakland, Or. mile from Umpqua river; ISO acres Plashed, burned and seeded ; makes fine pasture; acres cleared and cultivated ; 11 acres In oats and cheat for hay; 1 acre in fall wheat; 5-room house, water piped to house; good, new, large barn, cost about $N0t; ranch is well watt-red ; lots of out range; would make an ideal sheep ranch; cost present owner $5nn; need the money for bigger dful ; sacrificed to $3500; some tprms. r.IRSO.N, ttark st. Marshall 12. DEAL WITH OWNER. 1 G acres, all in cultivation except 10 acres of oak timber. Fenced and cross fenced, good buildings, well watered, a h miles to 2 good towns, in heart of Wil lamette valley ; family orchard, about 75 acres in grain, rest in clover, rural route and telephone, railroad station on place, complete lint of stock and implements, all go with place; price $125 per acre. For information phone Columbia 371 Address lt Stockton st. SM A LL DA I R Y R A N'CH. 60 acres, located- 2 miles from Rom Lodge, Or.. Lincoln county ; all bottom laud; 12 acres under cultivation. IS acres pasture, baianee aliler brush ; good large orchard, apples, pears, prunes and lots ot berries; 5-room house, barn 30x44, wood shed, store house and fruit cellar; price $:200, $1500 cash, including 6 good cows, 7 young cattle, hogs, chickens, all farm tools, machinery ami furniture. John Fer guson. Herlirmer bldg. WASHINGTON CO. SNAP. 53 acres on Hairy creek bottom, 25 mL west of Portland on United Electric, sta tion on place, new buildings, trout stream, fenced, telephone, R. F. L, 1 mile from store. This Is an Ideal dairy or hog farm and no better producing soil any where. Will accept some trade. Pos session this fall. Price $125 per acre. See owner, A. W. Johnson, 47 East 53d st-. 1 block north of Stark. IRRIGATED LANDS. Am making a specialty of selling Irri gated lands in large and small tracts In Eastern Oregon and Washington, and in South Idaho, raw or improved. Have the best lands and at right prices. Just now some attractive buys that take the crop if sold soon. Write or call for particulars. W. S. BADLEV. 1517 YEON BLDO. A MODERN COUNTRY HOME A beautiful 60 acres, with fine new build ings and all accommodations up to the minute; IS miles Portland: fine orchard, So acres fine timber, bal. diversified fine soli and dandy water system; no waste land, tor details and net price deal with owner on place; some trade. AV 140, Ore gonian. A V UKY LAKE. OREGON. 3-0 acres nrn trie in ml nil m from stone, all under new fence, with cross fence; 0 acres cultivated; good house, with other buildings; drilled well with pump, farm Implements, 4 horses. 8 cows, wagon, liai'k. cart, a'.l in good shape; rrice per acre. $10, with tprms. See owner f "It Panama bldg., Portland. Or. SALMON RIVER RANCH. 160 acres, located in Lincoln county, Oregon; good county road; ti-room house, barn and outbuildings, good fences; 1 miles from Rose Lodge; young orchard, spring water; 40 acres in grass; all the land can be seeded to grass; price $1500 $.".00 cash ; 4.0no.i00 feet of fir piling on this place. John Ferguson, Gerllr.gor bldg. 1UJ0-ACRE wheat ranch, close to R. R. sta tion ; 1S00 under cultivation; good well, buildings; 700 in wheat; owner receives delivered: should pav him at least SS0O0 or $.mno this summer. Price $:i0 per acre. Wt'.l consider good clear prop erty to $25,000. remainder small amount of cash. bal. crop payments. L. K. Moore, R17 Board of Trade1. SO ACRES, nn Pacific highway, 15 miles from Seaside. Or.: I'1- acres cleared, small house and bam. creek and lots, small sprin gs : a 11 the rest level and bench land ; cannot stay there on account of sickness; price Moon cash or payments. Frank Domaiko, "4tt N. 17th St.. Portland. Or. UrST sell this farm: 320 acres. In Alberta, Canada, 100 acres in oats. 40 acres In rve, 17 In wheat, house, barn, granary and other buildings, good water: S miles from good town, $:'4 an acre, including crop: on.y J--mh casn, r-aiance h years. 5 per cent. t'none ai;er o i . .m. siam o.ioi FOR SALE 40 acres or more in Clatsop county. $30 per acre. Best of soil, good road, plenty water, considerable yellow fir tujiber. A 263. Oregon laru REAL ESTATE. PACIFIC AGENCY. TXC. 514 to 519 Swetland Bldg. TIMBER LAND. $100,000 75,000.000 feet of timber In south ern Oregon. 2255 acres. 30 per I cent pine, balance fir, directly on railroad; will exchange for good income, brick, in good coast city I and will assume. STOCK RANCH. $ 52,500 875 acres in land equity near good I town. 4UO acres under cultiva tion, 475 acres in woods and pas ture, small family orchard, good 8-room modern house. 2 new barns and plenty of outbuildings; sDlendid stock rancn ; on ma cadam road, will exchange for I income property up to $30,u00. STOCK RANCH. $21,6001200 acres. 1 Vm miles from Clat- skanle, 65 acres of good creek ! bottom, barn with room for 100 I head of cows; 10 room house. I fln stream of water for Irriga tion and water power, rock road I runs through place. Will take home in Portland up to $2000 I as part payment. FARM LAND. 20,000 1384 acres. 8 miles from Salem. I i'oiK county, iuu acres uuaer cut- tlvatJon. balance oak timber. rood 7-room house, large barn and plenty of outbuildings, three acres of prunes, 1-3 of this year's crop goes with place, 2 miles from railroad. Will exchange for stock of general merchandise or other good stock of goods or smaller farm. FARM LAND. .1 16.000 acres adjoining the city lim its of Woodburn. all under plow all good land, well fenced, good house of 6 rooms, large bam and 1 other outbuildings; located on county road: a fine farm and good location. Will exchange for good wheat farm In Alberta. Canada. STOCK RANCH. 15,000 Fine stock ranch of 220 acres. 3 miles from Estacada. 80 acres I under cultivation and In crop; good improvements, eight-room house, big family orchard, living sDrlnsra on Dlace. which furnish plenty of water. Thousands of I acres of outran (re for stock srraz- insr. completely stocked and equipped. Will exchange equity I of $11,000 for good, clear farm lr Willamette valley. FARM LAND. t 14.000 Excellent 40 acres en FacineJ highway. 2 V miles from good valley town, fine improvements I consisting of good, new, 'j-story house of 6 rooms downstanrs. good barn 45x65 and one of the 1 best In the country; plenty of outbuildings, water from spring I and pressure tank. 3 blocks iron school and church, stocked ind equipped. Will exchange foi good farm of more acres. FARM LAND. 7,000 25 acres. 15 miles north of Van couver. Washington, an in tins state of cultivation, rood 7-room i house, good barn and plenty of outbuildings. 4 acrea of orchard. 44 miles from railroad, stocked ana equipped. win exenanrc for home in Portland up to $JG0U GARDEN ACREAGE. 6.000 6 acres of land on Oregon City carllne. 1000 feet east of depot st Boardman station on north I side of the street, 1 acre undei cultivation, balance timber and brush; will exchange and consldei any good offer for clear prop erty. GARDEN" ACREAGE. 5.000 20 acres at Cove Orchard tn Tarn- I hill county, all good. level rertiie soil, all under cultivation, small houM of two rooms, good barn I Z&X33, and other outbuildings, some equipment; will take good home in Portland up to 000 ai Iirst pay men t- HOMHJ. 3.500 Two lots, near 82d street. lOOx 100, with good 7-room house, city water, cesspool, etc, larce hen House, chicken park, family or- orchard. 4 blocks from school: will exchange for acreage and will assume up to JO00O. POULTRY FARM. 8,500 2 lots, 110x160. about 10 minutes walk northwest of Ma pie wood station ; new house of G rooms. new barn 14x20. 3 chicken houses, chicken yard, all fenced, orchard, berries and garden. 1 Jersey cow. 111 exchange for farm lo to 40 acres, suitable for pouitrj raising. FRUIT . LAND. 8,000 -" acres. Vs mile southwest of osier, good, rertiie soil, on gravel county road, fair a-room plastered house, small barn, fam ily orchard, about hit mile from school, enousrh timber for wood. Will take good auto or house in I .Portland up to -000 as first pay ment. i Jl "J -Vl Zi. 3,000 2 lots and house. Jtist outride city limits or Herkeiey. Califor nia, oetween Berkeley and Rich mond; Mouse la 12 -story. 5 rooms w no gas. electricity, city water. etc., place an lencert. Will ex change for home in Portland and ' win assume. PACIFIC AGENCT. INC.. 614 tp R10 Swetland Bldg, Marshall Z'JXJ. THE BEST WE HAVE. Here's a diversified farm that Is a Mf I uiuiicj-uidcr m-uu. a oargain at tnai. I Listen: 638 acres, near Wallow. 140 acres beet ci soii in cultivation, 4ru acre fine pas- I ture, 40 acres saw timber, easy to log; I whole ranch abundantly watered by I numerous sprinRs. aii iencea; near xorest reserve ana t.ovt. ranee : described "one of the beauty spots of the northwest I ana me piace to matte money In stock. l nis rancn is sure cheap at 923 perl acre ; $ aui'v wn: nana le. MaclNNEs & PRATT, 413 Board of Trade Bldg. 27V4-ACRE WELL IMPROVED FARM. 1 Jtlii.h i-'KUM HIIiH W A Y AND ELEC TRIC STATION SOfTH OF PORT LAND. $3000. All In cultivation, fine dark loam rsofl. lies well, no rock, fenced with woven wire, j on gravel road. mile to school; good I 7-room house, barn, other outbldirs.. all in I good shape. Fine family orchard, berries I of all kinds: goo"i water. See Sam Hewev I at J. L. HAR TM AN OOMPA-NT, No. 7 wnamoer qi commerce sni&. ' 640 ACRES 27 miles from Portland, two miles from gravel road. 6 miles from car line, cut over land, some timber, finest pasture at present time, gona son. t ricea lor quick sale $10 per acre. $2500 cash; balance t1 o. free Peterson. THE FRED A- JACOBS COMPANY 104 r.tn Street. Main 6fs6. SOOO ACRES SHEEP RANGE AT ,- PER ACRE. Fine winter and spring lambing range; a;ong oiumina. river in Deal pa: ot eastern Washington; buy this range anu, cui oui tn losses; : loerai terms. MucINNES & PRATT. 413 Board of Trade Bldg. IRRIGATED LAND. 40 acres, located 3 miles northeast of Bend. Or.; paid-up rerpetuul water right for 24 acres; '.U) acres can be cultivated. l!u acres nas oeen euitiva:d; county road. rural delivery: price ili'.-u. casn; this property personally inspected by us. j on n r erguson, uer.inger Diug. 324 ACRES of land In Eastern Oregon for sale cheap; will accent trades. For fur ther Information please address P. O. box 405, Carlton, Or. BEAL ESTATE. CHOICE FARM BTTT Tw THE VICTNTTT OF bn tHWOOD. ConsistJnjr of 81 acres. TO acres under plow, balance pasture all fenced and crosa- zenceo. spring ana wen water pipea to house and barn; house has 10 rooms, barn 70x60 with basement room for 4U head ox stock, upper part room for 150 tons of hay. hop house and several other buildings; 10 acres of English walnuts, 4 acres of family orchard; there are now j. acres in winter wheat, 20 acres winter oats, about 4 acres In potatoes and otner root veg eta Dies lor cow feed. Personal property, span ot horses. 6 milk cows, 2 yearlings, S calves, 4 sows with pig, 125 good laying hens, be sides geese and turkeys. There Is a splen did prospect of a good yield of walnuts this coming season; here is a splendid opportunity to step In on a well-improved farm, everything on place that Is needed to work the farm. Close to transportation and only about 25 miles from Portland, Price lor everything sis.ooo. There ls a federal loan of $5000 due in 36 years at & per cent xr xurtner mrormation can on OTTO SJLRKSOS REALTY CtX. 413 Chamber of Commerce Side 875 ACRES 130 acres highly Improved, bal ance pasture and timber, some easily cleared, 80 acres in timothy and clover, 60 acres tn oats, corn and potatoes. New 10-room house, new barn, room for 100 head of cattle, will hold 300 tons hay, sheds, hog house, chix runs, 650 goats, 160 ewes, 130 lambs, 1 registered Stal lion easily worth $15oo. two regis tered mares, good team of horses. 30 head first class cows, some calves, 12 yearlings. Fully equipped with all machinery necessary for successful operation. This ranch ls but 25 miles from Portland. Price for everything $4O,000 less stock $30,000. We can give you reason able terms. This is a going place, up to present day requirements and at a sacrifice price. See Peterson, THE FKED A. JACOBS COMPANY 104 5th Street. Main 6869. 480-ACRE WHEAT RANCH WITH EVERYTHING! TO RHV TT 210 acres In winter wheat. J00 acres In spring wheat. Wheat never looked finer: at mar- anteed price should pay for the prop eriy, 12 head of work horses and hunMi. 1 Dee ring harvester, equipped with en gine in short, everything necessary to run wneat ranen. $40 per acre takes all; terms. Urab It Quick. Also 11M-ACRE WHEAT RANCH, FULLY EOriPPKn. 630 acres in crowine wheat. 600 acres ready for fall or sprint plant ing, bee tms wneat growing. All stock and machinery goes with place. Step right on It and make money. Immediate nosssRlnn $35 takes it all: liberal terms. As a home or an investment It ls ab solutely nare. See MacIN.VES &. PRATT. TO BUY OR SELL YOUR FARM. 413 Board of Trade Bldg., Portland. Oregon. OPPORTUNITY CALLS YOU to the LAND OF PROSPKRIT7. New, rich prairie land and well -lmpro Ted i arms, iu to su an acre. WESTERN CANADA has Droven to the world her wonderful possibilities. Immi gration is Increasing, lands are advancing. INVESTIGATE and buy now; get a piece of good land cheap that win earn you a good income and grow into a valuable farm property. For a home farm or Investment property It us safe and sure ; no experiment, no chance. Write us or call and learn what hun dreds of American farmers are doing there. fames going every ween. ileduced rates. Absolutely reliable Information freely fur nished. UNITED GRAIN GROWERS' SECURITIES CO., LTD., 624 Henry bldg. AIWirVTPTRATOR'R SALE OT TTTTS SPLEN- DID 22H-ACRK FARM. GRAIN. CROP THROWN IN $77 AN ACRE. 90 acres fat! rrain In fine condition: about &0 In spring grain; good soil, most of it rich bottom land. Some pasture. balance timber; all tillable except a few acres. Watered by creek. 3 springs and wen; iamiiy orchard; woven wire fences o-room house, big barn, other outbldgs. 3 miles from good town; 40 miles S. W. of mortis no. trop an goes with sale, give immediate possession. ine erain cron will make a big payment on this ranch. See am newer at j. ha k tm an cm PANT, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ESTACADA FARM. One of the most beautiful farms In cnackamas county, 81 acres; HQ acres Jn cultivation, all fenced and cross-fenced. family orchard, 1 acre timber. Gu acres In crop, plenty of good water, creek sprlnir and well; large 9-room house. In gooi condition, large barn, ail stock and equipment go with this farm : on rood crushed-rocs road; church, school, store and grange hall within a few hundred yards or house : fine view of Mt Hood plenty of the very best of neighbors: tele phone, R. F. D. mall. This farm will stand the strictest investigation. Three miles out. Price 1 l,.oo, Rood terms. S E. WOOSTER. Estacada. Or. I BEST 40-acre buy yon could find If yon lootcea an summer; tne sou is splendid and it Is in one of the very best farming sec tions near Portland; It ls a short run out with machine; let us show you; 41! acres, 81! acres in high state cultivation, balance timber and pasture; cleared land all In one body; not a foot of waste land on entire tract; living water; small house, good barns, outbuildings, bearing orchard. Price only $4750 ; easy terms. Hargrove Realty Co 121! North 6th at. Broad way 43SL NEWBERCr. 60 acres, all in cultivation. 4S acres now In crop, balance used for pasture; has running stream, all new buildings. 7-room double constructed and plastered house, wired for electric llhts, hot and cold water, drilled well, tower and ank, water piped to bam and cement tank; barn 32x44. leanto 10x34. granary, chicken houses, machine shed, woven wire fences, on good road close to school: only 5 milei from New berg; R. F. D. and telephone service: this is an ideal home for someone wanting something good; price for crop, some stock and machinery $12,500; good terms. H ESGARD T5ALTT CO. Main 630. fil4 Swetland B!dg., 5th and Wash. Sts. FOR. SALK Country home 64 miles north of San Francisco, 1 1 -room house, garage, barn and 4-room cottage for help, 4 acres of park and 30 acres In grapes with wal nut trees planted between vines, which will ccme Into bearing in about 5 years; 24.000 gallons water on place; Income has been from $6000 to $7000 per year. Can have an extension of 8 acres unimproved.. Property with improvements to date cost over $100,000; previous mortgage of $20, 000 reduced to $10,000 now; will setl for $50,000, on easy terms. AV 782, Orego nian. HERE'S YOUR OPPORTUNITY, MR. FARMER. Rrver-bottom. sub-irrigated land In par eels of 5 acres up; adjoins city of 75.000; team and electric lines and water trans portation; paved highway; Ideal for truck gardening, dairying, hog raising, alfalfa; crops pay for land In full tn 3 to 4 years. Opening prices $ 125 to $200 per acre; 15 years to pay; this) ls the best proposition on the Pacific coast today; come and get full Information or write H. E. CASTLE, Ramapo Hotel. Portland. FOR SALE OR TRADE. S20 acres, near Fort Rock. Iake county; 60 acres in cultivation and seeded; nearly all fenced; small house, barn and chicken house, good water. This place ls near the government forest reserve and all open range. Will make excellent stock ranch: all clear of Incumbrance. Price $4000. or trade for Fmall farm near, or house In Portland. William Radke, 1244 E. Alder. Tabor 420."L POSTS POSTS POSTS. 20 aeres of fine farm land; 10 acres In cultivation, balance heavy cedar and fir timber; several thousand pos'a tn down cedar alone: mill building close to nlace this Is a good buy for someone. Consider good auto as part payment, balance part cnHti ana terms, j c.tj. uregonian. SO ACRES 20 cleared, planted to oats and potatoes. 4-room nouee. Darns, orcnara. nice snrtn. well with pump. A rare chance $22..0 rer acre; JKMio cash, balance easy. 25 mils fron Portland. Se Peterson. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY 104 5th StreeL Main 6809. FOR SALE 10-acre tract, splendid loca tion and view; partly sown in wheat, re maining nearly cleared : Jrtal place for fruit and chicken ranch ; $00 ; terms to suit; located 12 mils west of Portlan.l and 3 miles south of Reedville. F. B. Grab horn (owner). I HAVE two good good walnut orchards for saie; one has prunes, peaches and ap ples for fillers. The other has app.es; both have good buildings, water and on good roads; these are good and priced right. HESGARD REALTY CO. Main 6030. 1 4 S-ivet!and Bdg-. ?th and Wash. Sts. 30 ACRES, about S in crop, on good road. mnes ancou-v t. w an., t io scnool, 6-room house, cream separator. wagon, harness and other tools, f 3j.iO. Terms. C I. Parson. 180 E. 60th St. N. Tabor 1574. 17 ACRES, all improved; small house, barn; 4 mile from elec. line; fine soil; cheap at $2&0O. East 419. BEAL ESTATE. k or bale arms. ALFALFA FARM." POSITIVE SACRIFICE. CROPS GUARANTEED (BT IRRIGA TION . LOCATION: IN" BEAUTIFUL "EAGLE VALLEY" DISTRICT. BAKER COUNTY. HEALTHFUL CLIMATE; ALTITUDE: l&uu FEET. A GOING. PROFIT ABE DIVERSI FIED FARM (RANGE FOR CATTLE AND SHEEP). 10 ACRES. ALL FENCED. (NEARLY 100 IN CULTIVATION . WILL PRODUCE ABOUT 3U0 TONS HAT THIS SEASON- COMFORTABLE HOUSE. SOFT WATER. GOOD NEIGHBORS. GOOD SCHOOLS. NEAR RICHMOND. OK.. CREAMERY, R. F. D., TELEPHONE, ETC PP.ICE QUICK SALE S65 PER ACRE. (LAND AND WATER ALONE WORTH S1U0 PER ACRE). LIBERAL TERMS. SJOlK) TO $40U0 CASH. BALANCE LONG TIME. PRICE INCLUDES 200 SHARES WATER STOCK, HORSES. HARNESS. WAGON. NEW MOWER. HAY STACK ER AND FARM IMPLEMENTS. AND ltflD CROP. POSSESSION ON SHORT NOTICE. ADDRESS J. W. PATTISON. OWNER. P. O. BOX 222, PORTLAND. OR CALL 302 SELLING BLDG. INQUIRE FOR rATtKbtN. FHO.NE MAIN 17T7. WHEAT. WHEAT. WHEAT. 2640 acres. In Morrow county. 950 screj now In cron. 50 horses, combined har vester and full equipment, crop, stock and maenmery at sju per acre. WALNUTS, CHERRIES AND APPLES. 32 acres all In fruit. 15 acres In Eng lish walnuts. S acres in cherries, lomi peaches, pairs and lots of small fruit, balance In apples; trees axe ait In beam ing ; good 6-room house, hot and coid water and bath, fine large barn, chicken house and run; on main county roid. close to school and church: mxles fiom Aewberr Price SI 3.000: terms. 85 acres, 5 miles from Cottage Grove, county road. 1 mile to school and church. good house. 2 barns. 20 acres In cultiva tion, balance In pasture. If you are loo it -In g for a good place, priced right, see this; 3300; terms. I have several small tracts from 5 to 20 acres, close In. fine for berries or chlpkpni. CnmA In a.nd aes ma A dandy valley stock or grain farm of 147 acres, sood bulldinfrs. lots of water, on county road; prices to sell quick at !' per sera. H ESGARD REALTY CO. Main 6930. 14 Swetland Bldg.. 5th and Wash. Sts. H OAf ESKEKERR. ATTENTION! We are now placing on the market BO 00 acres of the finest alfalfa and di versified farming land In the northwest; this land ls located In Umatilla county, Oreron. 180 miles east of Portland, on the main line of the O.-W. R, dc N., a Stanfield: fine schools and all rural ad vantages; In this project there ls 10.000 acres of land. SoOO acres of which Is now producing alfalfa and other cropi: aver age yield of alfalfa ls six tone per acre; tee soil Is pure volcanic ash, 20 to 00 feet deep; no alkali, no rock, or grave!, no rough land; chemically pure domestic water; our water right ls one of the od'st and most perfect In the northwest, and 1 s f u 1 1 y pal d up; our main dltr hes re concreted: $1000 will handle 40 acres, balance 10 years at 6 per cent: no pay ment for two years. Remember, thla is only six hours from Portland. For full information. photographs of leni and crops grown on It, ca.ll on or write Thirap" son. Swan A Thompson. 3d and Mmn sts., Vancouver, Wash. CENTRAL OREGON" -STOCK RANCH." REAL STOCK RANCH. ABOUT HALF PRICE. S 'JO OR C40 ACRES. DESCHUTES COUNTY, NEARLY HALF READY TO PLOW. ALL FENCED. FAIRLY GOOD BUILDINGS. PLENTY HOOD SOFT WATER. (2 SETS BUILDINGS). NEAR R. R. PURVEY. STAG 15 STATION. P. O.. STORE. PHONE. . SCHOOL, ETC. OFFER THIS LAND AT 10 PER ACRE. ON TERMS ITS WORTH $20). DISCOUNT FOR ALL CASH. WOTTLD CONSIDER SMALL CITY HOME OR SUBURBAN HOME ON EXCHANGE. THE BEST LOCATION IN THE WEPT FOR LIVESTOCK AND HAY RANCHING. SEVERAL GOVERNMENT HUNCH CRASS LOCATIONS STILL OPEN TO' SETTLEMENT FOR PASTURE. SAME DISTRICT. ADDRESS PATTERSON. Ro2 SELLING BLDG.. PORTLAND. ATTENTION. MR. PRUNE MAN. 70 acres, all tillable; 30 acres In high state of cultivation ; fenced and cross fenced, watered by fine spring; 10 acres of prunes jut cnmlng into bearing; also large family orchard in full bearing; small house, fair barn, necessary outbuildings, necessary Implements to run farm ; very best of land, with plenty of wood for family ue; only 5 miles from Columbia river town; close to school; has all rural adviintapM; In thlcklv-sfttled community. Prff-e nno, balance terms. THOMPSON. SWAN THOMPSON. Vancoxi vor. Wash. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Suburban home about 6 acres with fruit, garden, chickens, etc., or small chicken ranch. Want modern house, 3 to 5 rooms: Kood water and near elec tric line. Have $1000 in war saving stamps, liberty arid victory bonds as first payment. Can ehow ability to pay bal ance. Couple want this for permanent home. Must be good at $000 to $ouo. j yo4. oregonian. " s. o. s. . I want cheap suburban homes from 4 acre up; have sold five in past week; have customers waiting; send me price and de scription of yours if for sale. ueo. J. Henry, with FRANK L. McGUIRB. Ablngton bldg. Open Sunday and evenings. WANTS APARTMENT HOUSE. Client has several pieces clear income property in Portland, aggregating about $.ru,ooO; wants apartment hout-e and will go to $10h.imm and pay cash difference. Ll EDDKMANN COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW WANTED. Must have a fireplace. We have client with $150 cash waiting for a modern bun galow, must have fireplace. Phone us .Monday morning. GEO. T. MOORE CO, 1007 Yeon P.ldg. WANTED for client a good stock ranch. equipped, for $20,000. Have nice 50-acre fiirm near t'ortland r value $10,000. b: cash. Owners or reliable deaiers do not submit any inflated value and give true description. F. Fucbs, 420 Chamber of Commerce. WANT to 2 acres with modern house. near car line and good road, not too far out: will go to $3000 If suited; client waiting. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. WE WANT ACREAGE. East or west side. Improved or unlm proved. If you really want to sell give us tne lniormation. J. C. Corbin Co., 305--7 Lewis Bldg. I WANT to buy a Dutch Colonial or good nouae, not too large, in irvington or Ala meda park. Can pay cash. Give complete details, location, price, etc. F 467, Ore gonian. BUNGALOW WANTED. Have several clients desiring bungalows In the Richmond .district, value around $3WU, on terms. R. P. FEEMSTER. 30ft Ablngton Bldr. WE have many buyers waiting for large and mall homes. Irvlngton, Alameda. Laurel hurst. Roee City Park. R. T. Street, agent. fc-sst e;. MUST have modern 5 room bungalow; good dlst.: to ssooo. cash no object. G. C. GOLDENBERO. ABLNGTON BLDO. "35 Years In Portland." Main 4-803 SPOT CASH and quick deal for bargain In modern 5 or 6-room bungalow on paved street, convenient to car. rtea trie tea aim trlct. A. K. Hill. Bdwy. 42L WE have many buyers watting for large and mall homes. Irvlngton. Alameda, Laurrl hurst. Rose City Park. R. T. Street, agent, Eist Pl4. I HAVE a $100 liberty bond as first pay ment on cheap house from owner; could pay balance monthly. AG 24'J, Orego- nian. WE have many buyers waiting for large and small homes, Irvlngton, Alameda. Laurei hurst, Rose City Park. R. T. Street, agent. East 04. WANT to buy good home In Rose City or Laureihurst. Can pay cash, if necessary. Give location, price, and number of rooms. B 4fil. Oregonian. WE have many buyers waiting for large and small homes. Irvlngton, Alameda, Laureihurst, Rose City Park. R T. Street, airent. East 04. & SALES M EN, autos; we can sHl your home. Phone or call JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. ft34 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. I WANT a cheap bouse from owner. I have a $50 liberty bond as first payment. bslance monthly. AP 203. Oregonian. HAVE customers for houses In Irvington, Rose City and Laureihurst. Geo. M. Reed, Spa!l Ing bkig. HAVE client for home up to $7500; $1500 to $2000 cash. J C. COR BIN CO.. SQ5-6-T Lewis bldg. WANTED 5-room bungalow. Rose City park. Owner only. L llt, Oregonian. WA NTED -3-room cottare. near car: era only. L 120, Oregonian. WANTED Lot in Rossmere or R. C. Park fr cash. Tabor S741. WANT 40 to 200 acres, close to city on paved street. A. K. Hill, 14 Lumbermens Bldg. I HAVE the cash to pay for good bungalow. Must be modern. P 463. Oregonian. Have cash to pay for bungalow la good district. D 3G4. Oregonian. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE HAVE CALLS for bungalows, east side, Irvlngton. Rose City Park, Beaumont; we have a special call for 7-room bungalow not north of Thompson st.. between East 15th and .Oth. FRED W. NEWELL. OREGON INVESTMENT A MTG. CO, -0-221-222 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 205. WANTS PORTLAND PROPERTY. Best tract for subdivision on Columbia liver, on railroad and highway. IT GO acres at $25; you can sell this in smaller tracts at big profit ; this tract and balance In cash or mortgage for income property worth ftin.ooo to I75.UOO. LVEDDEM AN N COM PANT, t13 Chamber of Commerce. IRRIGATED LANDS WANTED. If you want to sll your Irrigated lands In Oregon, Washington or Idaho, Hat them wun me. eoia last wee a isu-acre urm, and can sell yours. Have buyers ready with cold cash if your price ls right. Call and talk It over. W. S. BAPLEY. 1517 TEON BLDG. WE WANT 20 ACRES Improved on mala traTeled roads in vicinity of Beaverton. FRED W. NEWELL. OREGON INVESTMENT c MTG. CO, 22U-221-222 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 205. WANT APARTMENT HOUSES. We have clients wanting apartment houses and other Income property from t5,ooo to lloO.ooO; offer some trade, bal ance cash and mortgages. LUEDDEMANN COM PANT, if 13 Chamber of Commerce. 1 WANT SUBURBAN HOME or homesitea on the, Oregon Electric line; am selling more suburoan homes than any other dealer; have buyers waiting for homes at Ryan Place. Multnomah. Dosch. Bertha or along Capital highway. For quick sales see N. 11. Atchison. 40 Piatt bldg. WE are doing the big Rest business In Lhe history of our firm. We need more houses to sell. If you nave listed wth others without results try us. We won't oUap point you. COE A. McKENNA 4k CO. Main 4522. 82 4th St. Board of Trade Bldg. NEAT BUNGALOW WANTED. East of Union ave., vicinity of Alns worth; will pay $10o0 to $15oo cash; buyer desires living room of good size and would like to secure a home by Wed. OEO. E. ENGLEHART. Main T260. 6L'4 Henry Bldr- MORE BUYERS THAN BARGAINS If you want to sell your house, lot. acre age, or farm, let me save you time and trouble. B. F. KELLY, , Swetland bldg. Main 777. WANT H ACRE FOR CASH. Will pay ail cash for around Vi acre, with houe 5 rooms, all on one floor. Price around SiiTiOU ; prefer Oregon City car: other cood suburban districts win oo. Hargrove, 1.' North tith st. Bdwy. 43&L I W A NT a Groveland could use something home- In the Hawthorne or district; prefer a bungalow; rooms or more: would like ibout nou; mlpht pay up to S4UOO K cj n see value ; suitable payment down. AG -."0, Oregon tan. WANT to luv for cash about 2.1 acres. Un proved, stocked and equipped, on goo a road, reammably close to Portland, with value around s.0". SAMUEL DO A JC 1202Nortnweaternliank bldg. ABOUT an acre or two. Improved to keep chickens and rate some leed ; close in ana handy to carline; small cash paymt. and monthly. Give full particular. D. U. Balh rick, 61S Chamber of Commerce. WANT a modern home in Irvlngton or Alameda; I would like a Dutch co.onlal: will make substantial first payment; will not pay mure ihua $0000. AG --At. Ore gon tan. ACREAGE. Wanted from owner, 2 to 5 acrea. Im proved ; bouse, f n mlly orchard, good road, near station ; give price; cash. deal. C 4. Oregonian. WANTED 1 to & acres near city, with or without modern bungalow; must Dm ciose to eood school and carllne, with water and eiectrlcity available. niun. E 803. Ore go- WA NTED 4-ROOM HOME. NOT MORE THAN $3U00; ALL CASH. MAIN 1643. MUTUAL REALTY CO 1211 N. W. BANK fciLDG. ukst KIiE houses wanted south of Madl son street. Handling west aiue property is my tpcclalty. Joiin binger. -o ber of Commerce bldg. WANT corner lot in Laureihurst. Roee City park or Kossmere; might consider iuuxiuu will pay cah for a bargain. E 8Li. Ore gonian. 1 WANT a home, must any district, up to $J.iU0; must be muuern; wouia uk suma fruit; can make suitable down payment. AH 242, Oregoniaiu W ANT a home in Laureihurst, not over ctiitiiii- muni it modern: can make satis lactory lirst payment. All -41. Orego nian. nnvT LOSE ON FORECLOSURE. I will give you a good trade for your property where mortgage nas oeen sore- ClOSt-'d. iU urrsuiiiau. vi-1.- v, . v manv hnri wAltlnc for larre and small homes, irvingion, Aiiimru. im c hurst. Rose City Park. R T. Street, aent. E:iSt M4. $1MH CASH down on bungalow, 5 or 6 rms. sleeping porcn. rmer u - " flated values not considered. AJ 435, Ore goniun. FOUR or five-room modern bungalow in rMI district, muct ie reasonauie. particulars. Owners only. li 400, Ore gonian. IF YOU have a good bungalow In Hawthorne on Roe City worth tne price you aro Ing call Mr. King at Broadway 26o Mon day. w- a VTE-T Clva rr .iLrnnm bun K&lOW In good district. Lot In Waverleigh Heights as nart Davment: Improvements in and paid. BF St4, Oregonian. I AM in the market for a R. City home; I nnrr . hnncaiow: must be modern rooms or more; can make good first pay ment. AG 24., Oregonian. 1 W A NT a modern bungalow In Richmond district for aoout uuu; m -r facturv first payment. AH 249, Orego niun. . WE have many buyers waiting for large and .moil hnmci. IrvinKton. Alameda. Laurei hurst, Rose City Park. R. T. Street, agent. K.rtst f'lt-. w a vTi-n Tn Tchinr first-class auto mobile. Will give some cash for a modern n nr 6-room Dungaiow. Brdy. 27y. WANTED For customer, good 5 or 6-room house with some truit. close to car. uoi over $2.".U0. Hesgard, 514 Swetland bldg. Call Main 6030. xi- a v-ft'i- iTwwiftn vcanL on paved street, between Hawthorne and Division, 02d and r.rtt h st Ate nrice. nns ana otner pai ulars. F Oregonian. WANT to buy a lot in Alameda Park or Rose City that's a bargain for Pot cash; .tote location and amount Hens. AF 44o, Oregonian. WANT to buy from owner a bungalow In ltcuia Cltv Dara doi over oow. and easy terms. AF 445 Oregonian. o oai rcwcM a a.utos: we can sell you home. Phone or call JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 634 IS. W . Pm.n. " ' - 5 OR 6-ROOM bungalow with larg lot tn or near rtoe , E 722, oregonian. WANT 8 uncleared lota oa carllne between Portland and bL Joona. C 4o5, urego- nlan. tit a MT?nHnuM aa tr for bagen rear dAnM. oDDoalte university. ELLZEY. 4th St. Main 1293. WANT to buy modern 6-room furnlahed bungalow; $400 down. $40 monthly; de scribe tuny, r i J. wrgwmA. a SALESMEN. 9 autos; we can sell your home. Phone or call JOHNSoN-DODSON CO., 634 N. W. Bank bldg. Alain a5i. f unnu r4rirw with run narlor. sleeping norrh and parage. Must not be over four D 353. Oregonian. years uiu. t wiVT a hnv a home city or suburb; Write or phone D. Q. Wilson, 250 3d at. Main &!2. u'ivTi."n a tn lu acrea. not rraveL with to" miles courthouse; must be reasonable. Terms. East 6'.' 74. Q SALESMEN. 9 autos; we can sell you home. Phone or call JOHNSON-DODSO CO.. 634 : BUILDING lot In Laureihurst or Ml Tabor. describe, aiaia cua ajww uu 2tl5. Oregonian. fi SALESMEN. 9 autos, we can sell you home. Phone or call johnsi-'N-dou&u. CO., 64 N. W. Bank bldg. Main tb.. WANT fair house with bath. $150 cash, good monthly BBimenu, " k- gonian. a MODERN 5-room bungalow, not ove inooO. in rood location, would like to trad a good lot. Call Sellwood 100. PRUNE orchard with buildings and equip ment. In good prune district: state oc tion and terma. G 260. Oregonian. MODERN bungalow In good locality. Giv dealer. K 212. Oregonian. x- a v -r . rr- a 1 1 houne. $1"0 cash. $15 mor.thl under $1100. from owner. X 716. Orego nmn. a'iVTF.n Modern 6-room house, basemen about $2600; give description, 872 Brook lyn st. HAVE 40 acres near Vancouver suitable for Immediate building. for lots. AO 246, r-gonian. I WANT bungalow or cottage, some fruit preferred, one or two lots. Main 7"40. 4-ROOM bungalow, strlrtly modern; lot 50a loo. W. J. Hyland. Tabor M2. AN unfinished noune or small on to build onto. Tabor 2632. WANTED REAL ESTATE. TRADE MY 4-ACRE HOME, located only 12 miles out on the Oregon Electric, five miles from station and facing good good county road, rocked, and only mile from paved highway to Port land: large 7-room house, fine well, plenty of bearing fruit and berries; all culti atvi. Want modern home In good district worth S45oO: am clear, so will not assume larp mortgage. See my representative at 4 Kenton birtg. Sunday phone Main 93 1 H. HAVE CASH BUYERS TOR 5-room house. Woodstoctt district, about J 2 (XXI ; nice home with V acre In suburb not higher than $2500t nnt S-room bunga lows. Hawthorne and Sunnyside. up to $4oo0; residence with 4 bedrooms In de sirable location up to SGOtK. Will not consider inflated values. If the price is right it means sold. F. KUCHS, 4 -TO Chamber of Commerce. ,'E have buyers for Portland homes as fol lows : I m mediate deals for suitable places. $30ti0 cash. $'000 cash, $SX0 liberty bonds. $12,000 municipal and Govt, bonds; $14.oH tJO.ooo and $30,000 cash. Call or stuid de scriptions. W. B. STREETER. J. H. KEATING, 17 Board of Trade bldg. Main 1H3. sALEdM EN, 9 autos; we can sell your home. Phone or call JOHNSoN-DODSON CO.. 634 N. W. Bank bidg. Main 3Ts7. Firms Wanted. W ANTED Chicken or berry ranch. 10 to 15 acres, on east sule. close to t'ortland on paved road; must be good buildings, priced riitht. H ESGARD REALTY CO.. MAIN 6930. 14 Swetland bldg.. 5th and Wash. sis. HAVE party wanting 30 or 40 acres, must ii&w borne improvements, nas only aooul $o to pay down. Draper & Calway, 6J6 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Wanted to Rot Farms. WANT to rent a chicken ranch; will pav cash for personal property; from 10 to 0 acres: must be m-ithin 5 to 15 miles from courthouse of Portland. Main "4t3. WANTED to rent, 6 to 10 acres, good hour ana cnicKen coops, would buy loo well bred pullets: state price and location; no children. Address 261 Broadway S. IP YOC want to rent your farm, transf ei your lease or sell yonr personal propertv. send description to Wilbur K. Jouno. 320 Henry bldg. WANTED TO RENT A farm. 15 to 100 acres, in wuiamette valley. Main 1492. WANTED To rnt, 5 to 20-acre tract close to city. Li lai, Oregon i an. TIMBER LANDS. A PINE BODY OF TIMBER. 74 million fet. almost solid body, me dlum-sixe yellow fir, clan-bodied, good logging and good shipping out lot ; taken for debt ; price 8Sc per M., very small cah payment, balance as cut. TIMHER-LAND BUREAU, Board of Trade Hldg.. Portland. Or. HAVE $1500 cah. I want a real liveware sawmill man. with an equal amount of cash, to join me in a smail mill proposi tion, buying timber on the trum pane bais, pay as cut, he to run the iogging and sawing, I to look sf ter orders, shipping, etc. H 411, Oregonian. PARTY with 7 to 8 million fet of timber wants partner with l." to 120 -M. mill; ti m ber man to put Iors in pond ; mil ', man to do sawing and split proceeds plen ty more timber available. TIMBER-LAND BUREAU. Board of Trade Bldg.. Portland, Or. TIMBER WANTED. We have buyers for 40 to 60- million feet with good outlet, also parties m anting 15 to 3') million. TIMBER- LA ND BUREAU. Board of Trade Bldg.. Portland, Or. OR tALE SO acres first-growth fir. 16 miles from Poriland. 1 S from electric line. S mile from good school. Land level, fine oil. well watered, timber good for lurr.:er. ties or cordwood; terma to suit. AG -4L Oregonian. SNAP IN FUEL TIMBER Estimated 7000 cords, close to station and easy to get out. within 23 miles or f'ort.and; pn JJ.'.OO. Lueddemann Co. 013 Chamber of commerce. TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE. Tracts from loo million to 10 billion feet, fee us; 25 vrars' experience. TIMBER-LAND BUREAU. Board of Trade Bldg.. Portland, Or FINE body of tie timber, located In west ern l.ane, on line roaa. aown mil naui to railroad. $1 per M. pa.rt down, balance as manufactured. -0 Henry bldg.. Port land, or. HAVE ten million feet standing timber in two parcels, one In Douglas county, the other in Tillamook county ; leaving city, must sacrifice; want offer. Phone owner, Main OtUl. Ii07 Villa tt. Clara. FOR SALE Fine 20M Rusell mill; also ft1 xlO Seattle donkey, rull logging equipment, bargain price and terms. F. E. Bowman & Co., 213 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED A contract to cut cordwood; have all the necessary equipment; win consider stum page proposition. Phone Main 87. or "P. O. Box lv49. WE HAVE somethinK attractive in tie prop osition to the amount or i w.uuu.uuu ieet; very accessible, will sell with or without land. 3iy Failing bldg. 402 ACRES and 14.kiu.uou mercnantao.e lumber for sale. In Twp. 40. 1 West, Jack son Co., Or. A V 61. Oregonian. WANTED Tie timber; pivo location, rail road, w agon road, size or timber in iirai letter. J e-'id, Oregonian. S A W YER WANTED. Tie mill man; good wugea and bonus, H Oregon ian. 10,000.000 FEET FIR, 50 miles Portland, on railroad; $1 and terma r oo. ore gonian. WANT to purchase 1G to 25 M. sawmill. AU --u. uregonian. PILING wanted; give scale, price and when cut. O. V. Oamhle, Couch bldg. FOR RENT FARMS. ONE of the best 2o3-acre farms in the valley for sale. 13o a. cult, and in crop; aepoi and store on piace; 27 miles out; fine for dairy and hogs: all bottom soli; well im proved. Cheap for cash. Box 16, Tigard. Oregon. FOR RENT, 20 acre on Columbia highway on Sandy river lft miles irom ori lano ; good f iEhlng. camping ground. s pring water; for rent 1 to 5 years. J. W. Grigg, 318 Fenton bldg. 10O ACRES 95 acres In cultivation, near Brownsville; sheep ami lamoa. crop and other personal property; but $1000 Wilbur F. Jouno. 30 Hnry bldg. 121HJ ACRES 340 acres In wheat. 240 acres plowed; rent on shares; owner to lurnisn equipment to reliable party. Wilbur F. Jouno. 320 Henry bldg. FOR RENT One of the best dairy farms on the Columbia, long leate, station at floor; stock, equipment and crop for sale, rea sonable. Apply to James Fozneroy, 6th and Davis. TO EXCIIANGK REAL ESTATK. VTtTl EXCHANGE. 4Wt2 acres. 17S acres in cultivation, balance open pasture land ; Ilea well for farming. S"2 acres in alfalfa; good buildings. Pa eifle hlrhwT runs throueh farm. Price $40,000. Want wheat farm or larirer farm near Portland; w-iu pay cash dl tier nee. DRYER & BLAIR. The Acreage Men. 608-9 Lewis Bldg. T0 TOTT WIPH TO EXCHANGE t See ni We have homes In Portland. farms and business opportunities to ex change, one for the other: only legitimate propositions considered; schemers and hot air peddlers stay away. F. Fucha, 420 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE or trade for property outside Portland; 4 lots. 2 miles from Marsh fleld. Or., on paved county road, new build ings, electric light, all kinds fruit. Jitney and train service. Route 1. box D2, Marah- fleid. Or. I HAVE two elegant Ray Ocean lots 50x100 each. Taiuea at uuu, onin ocean ana oaj view: oaved street and water; wisn to ex change for an sutomobiie. any standard make, wortn $ir"u. r i urrgonian. HOI'SE and lot tn Ooldendale, Wash., prl It jnO; al?to 40 acres, miles out. price ii'.mv t-refer suburban acrea- or property Inside Portland iimits. D. D. Dathrick. 516 Chamber of Commerce. for BALE OR TRADE Two lota In wiiIv'h Addition to Portland. Or. : wi .ir ne.l ear In trade. Call at 700 E 14th mu S.. or addresa W. W. at 7t6 E. 14th st. 8. fiKTROlT. MICH. a hrand new modern bungalow In Hawthorne district In exchange for De troit. Mich., property. oregonian. i.wnnM mmlern bunralow and Karaite, per fe-l condition ; lot 10OX 1U, elegant fruit : price f.VHM), will take ItmxlOO In Rose City part payment. Tabor o441. t-mtilM houite and lOOxl 13. Irvlngton dis x.rnnm iioue tt- Johns line and lOOxl 13, Irvincton iist.. fr good 6-room house. J. N. RICH ARDT. 32 Main st. HOI'e" w-ith 5 large rooms for sale or trad for houso in Rose City. Inquire 12T0 Bel mont. or Tabor 6!32. irrtw SALK or trade for Portland pronr:y 1 "'O ten i unlm proved land on McKenne river. Address 1 -'"-'4 Montana ave S3.VHJ LOAN wanted on improved home Juj-t completed; Interest . A lu. un regonian. 80-ACRE improved farm; exchange for city property. oi i stein, 1 1 1 r irri. CLEAR Council Crest lotn. $:no to $J(H) on modern house; no dealers. Everett st. 40 ACRES choice equipped farm : sell or trade: $7OO0: oi UerliugerDiug. 7TROOM houae, 33d near Alameda. $i-".0 big bargain. J. D. Kennedy. Salmon. I 120 ACRES nesr Camas. Wash., unimproved, I for house In Portland. East ZtiH. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. CENTRAL OREGON "STOCK RANCH." REAL STOCK RANCH. ABOUT HALF PRICE. S "JO tOR 64iM ACRES. D E SCHL'T ES CO V N T Y. N E A RLY HALT READY TO PLOW. ALL FENCED. FAIRLY GOOD BCILDINGS. PLENTY tiOOD SOFT WATER. 2 s-ETS BUILDINGS). NEAR R. R. PURVEY. STAGE STATION. I'. O.. STORE. PHONE. SCHOOL, ETC. OFFER THIS LAND AT $10 PER ACRE. ON TERMS (ITS WORTH $20). DIsroi NT FOR ALL CASH. WOTTLD CONSIDER SMALL CITY HOME OK SUBURBAN HOME ON EXCHANGE. THE BEST LOCATION IN THE WEST FOR LIVESTOCK AND HAY RANCHING SEVERAL GOVERNMENT BUNCH OHASS LOCATIONS STILL OPEN TO SETTLEMENT FOR PASTURE. SAMS DISTRICT. ADDRESS PATTERSON. 902 SELLING BLDG.. PORTLAND. WILL TAKE-IN 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Just a grand . 7-room home close in; living with fireplace, nice dining, lovely larse bedroom with toilet and wash basin; v a ter cooling system In pantry; line kitchen and breakfast room; 3 large bed rooms with fireplace In one, cheerful Trial la, dressing room, full cement basement, Al furnace; laundry trays; a real complete and beautiful home. Will take In as part, a nice 5-room bungalow. This home la priced $350U lees than would cost to build today, only $ See this at once. THE LAWRENCE CO.. ?0it Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. A 2 SIS. MISSOURI PCS TNE PS FOR PORTLAND. A good-paying elec transmission propo sition, carries a position with salary. If you wish to go east. It will certainly pay you to investigate; exchange for Portland vacsnt H 20, i '00. CLE VELA ND-ARR-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 6752. FOR 6 ALB OR EXCHANGE OREGON. Lincoln county, 3 miles from Elk City R. R.. 1 TOO acres stock and timber ranch; bout lOO acres under cultivation; apple orchard, build-ng. some stock and Im plements; KuOO.ooO feet of merchantable timber tred fir); incumbrance $18,000; pnee $4. 000. Submit your offers to owner. 303 8. Hill st., Los Anretea, Cal, Otto fZ. Georgl. Courtesy to agenta FOR TRADE What have you to trade for a good, la rice semi-modem house and IS i:ne lots: gooa nam. chicken house. 4 bik from business section, in a prosperous Wil lamette valley town of 1S0O people. 40 uiii' j imm i oniana j Will take stump land or farm land. Bend lots. Address W. S. F-, 22ft High it. Ashland. Ohio. 40 ACRES COLUMBIA CO., 2M)0, West of St. Helens, riirht at P. O.. school and store: running stream. 2 springs, old house and barn; bearing orchard; 12 acrea in cultivation; 5 acres seeded for pasture; Z.SO.OuO ft. timber; on good road and mail route, all for IL'OOO; will exchange for house In Portland. Fred W. German Co.. r32 Cham, of Com.; open evenings and Sundays. STOCK FARM. 456 acres. 70 acrvs in crop, balance tlm her and pasture, running water, 5-room house, barn, ot her out but. dines, good la mi, 20 miles Portland. 5 miiei railway station. Price $1S.i0o. Want to exchanue equity of I13.MK) for small farm of 7& to 1O0 acres, or w uM ri e Rood terms. R. M. GATE Woop & CO.. 16?tH 2.5-ACRB IRRIGATED FARM. With paid-up water right. 1.V1 acres under water, fine land, extra good bldgs on good road; price $3,00o, consider other pood proj.-Tty in part. U. S. MORTGAGE Jt INVESTMENT CO o7 Yeon Bidg. Main 2419. 4w-ACRE wheat ranch. Gilliam county, S mile north of Gwendolln; 400 acres under plow. L'H In wheat; buildings Just fair, fences cood; 12 horses and all neceasary farm machinery to r in piece; all goes (or $40 per acre; mortgage $4rUK: cash $3000. will take valley farm for balance. Glii PON. 2:S :ark. Marshall 12. TWO nice, unincumbered Portland lota price around $1500. and a $1000 mortrars to exchange for house and lot. and might assume . e-usonable morta rt. SA M U EL DO A K. 1202 Northwestern Bank bldr. GRKSHAM DISTRICT. 20 acres, crop ail in. clover, spuda and grain; tine loganberry land, on good road; houne, barn and chicken house; cash price $40oO; will consider house for part. S. P. I'sburn. CIO McKay bidg., 3d and Stark, CAN offer one of the very best and most attractive farm propositions close to Port land at a big sacrifice and can accept biff lia-rt in trade, SAVXKL, DOAK. 1202 Northwestern Bank bldg. WANTED To sell or trade for well equipped chicken ranch. 40 acres, 4 mi lea from Yamhill; near school, on mall route; fair build.t.fcs. good graveled road. Box R. 1. Van: hill. Or. . FINE corner, lot 24. block 2. Westmore land, Portland, tor property in or near San Fmncisco. Oakland or Los Angeles. Cal. Henry A. Wooriard. Hotel Mary mount, San Francisco, Cal. OWNER will accept acreage or lots on S-rra. house with lurnace, lots, xruit, oernea; In good condition; also 6-room modern house, sleeping porch and garage. J 660. Oregonian. EXCHANGE Modern 6-room house a Northwest boulevard, bpoKane. asn., ior I'ortland residence up to $3500. Addresa 67 Broadway, beL Oait and Ankeny. Port land. g40t 3 1-. ACRES; 6-room bungalow, iruit trees ana Derries; oeei or son, win c ct.ange for city cottage or take car aa part payment. Tabor 4 842. SELL OR TRADE. Forty acres fruit land, with timber on, for home in Portland; timber pay for land; value f30Q0. Phone Tabor 7031. POUR large, sightly lota, corner, five blocka west Courtney station; wiu sen or iraaa In on five or six-room modern house in city. Phone Woodlawn 1042. I HAVE $7r0 and four elegant lots in Minneapolis. Minn., to exenange tor a good bungalow or eight or ten acres Im proved near this city. A 273. Oregonian. FURNISHED rooming house and stores. close in. west side; $swu; part casn. or exchange for improved city property. AQ loi, Oregonian. FIVE good building lots 2 blocks from Rose Citv Park to trade ior ciose-in acreage or modern bungalow; will aasume, O 613. Oregonian. TRADE two fine beach lots at Bay Ocean, Or., in block adjoining noiei, tor P.ulck 6; will pay cash difference, C 4oS, Oregonian. FOUR large sightly lots, corner five blocks west Courtney station; win sen or traae in on five or six-room modern bouse in city. Phone Woodlawn 1042. FOR exchange. Improved well-located acre- ace with buildings ior timoerianaa or Portland bungalow, 217, Oregonian. clear for clear. H HAVE six lota near Sandy and 42d sta clear of Incumbrance, to trade tor nousi; give house number and your price first letter. A E 114. Oregonian. EXCHANGE 160-acre farm for 10 or 20 acres partly Improved lana; must oe near school. Wilt pay some cash. L. J. Brown, SSS S. 11th st. Marshfleld. Oregon. FULL-BEARING Hood Rlvr orchard, one mile from town ; heavy crop assured and high prices; want Portland. Phono East y6 after 6 P. M. Sunday. WILL exchange my equity of $300 in 5-room. bungalow in St. Johns for relinquishment near Bend. Or., preferred. 102 S. Edison Bt Portland. Or. 5-ROOM bungalow, modern, full-els lot Hawthorne district: an city improvements made: 13000 or exchange for cheaper place In suburbs. D 863. Oregonian. A FEW acrea of East Oregon land at bar ga i n price. Call room 62 1 C ham ber of Commerce between 9 and 11 A. M. FOR PALE or trade. 10 acrea with all Im provements, close In on the west a id a. E 731. oreronlin. TO trade for sma.ll place on O. E-, 10 acrea, a'l Improvements; at Tigard. 732, Ore- gontnn. FOUR 101x100 lots. Phillips, Okla.. to trad for auto, or what have you T. Owner. 81 Northwestern fTank bldg. WHAT have you to trade for 8-room hous and 2 lots. Aleberta district. In part or full? Phone Woodlawn 37S6, TLT exchange lota S and 4. block 25. Point Vit-w ald., Portland, for auto or Seatti lota Robert J. Re:d.2136jth. Seattle. vVlTL trade for farm land, a good 1H, two ton Ienby truck. Phon East 7727. 32$ Waco street. $2."0 EQUITY in mr f.0-acre farm, all culti vated, near Woodhurn. for city property; prefer bunralow. Miin 94.'L ft-FLAT building, income $130 monthly; mortgage $.1i0: will sacrifice $POOO; want el one-In acreage. B 4.2. Oregonian. WANTED Equity In bungalow or house la good location for clear Klamath FaUi lot. W 1!19, oregonian. FOR SALE OR TRADE Six-room modern houe; take car as part payment ; prlc IU'i. tiOl'S 41st ave. 8. E. FOR EXCHANGE Five good level lota; ant small tract land equal value; Hood It ivcr preferred. Box &Q1. The Dalles. Or. 5uxloo LOT and 4-room house, rented and cash. Want 6 or 6-room bungalow or equity. Not a dealer. F 2h. Oregonian. CHulCE corner lot on E. Giisan; cost $io; trade for good house equity. Owner, S06 Northwestern Bank bldg. TRADES-for all kinds of property at 313 Railway Exc hange. DKSl RE Portland residence property for &a km property. Phone Main 2012. IO-ROOM corner residence. Irvlngton. Tmk smaii ex plac. balance easy. aat 632a. 1