THE STJXDAT OREGOXIAX. PORTLAXD. JTJXE 1, 1910. 9 BEAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. ROME BARGAINS. $3150 Sunnyside bungalow, near Lan relhurst park; strictly modern; paved street, paid. CHAS. EINGLEB & CO.. 225 Henry Bldg. 3950 Corner. 60x100. 24th at., between Ankeny and Rose City cara; close in; 1 room modern home, fine lot, fruit trees; paved streets, paid; $700 cash. bal. terms. CHAS. RINGLKH & CO., 225 Henry Bldg. $4800 Irvington: T-room home, with pa rage; paved streets paid; cost $6800; big bargain to settle estate. CHAS. EIN'GLER & CO.. 225 Henry Bids. $4950 Rose City; 7-room bungalow; ga rage; paved street and a fine home. CHAS. R1NGLEE & CO.. 225 Henry Bide. $6800 Large T-room bungalow, with ga A rage; Rose City car; beautiful 100x100 corner; paved streets paid; trees, shrub pery ana lawn; Ideal home; $1300 cash, balance terms. CHAS. RLNGLER & CO, 225 Henry Bldg. $5850 Laurelhurst; T-room home with garage; paved streets paid; near Glisan cr;ownor leaving city; big bargain. iki.tvmt.xw ot vw., nenry mag. $5500 "West side; 8-roora bouse, 12th at, near Harrison; bargain; terms. CHAS. E.INGLEK & CO.. 225 Henry Bid. ONE tj500 Portland blvd.. near Peninsula -""xj,ou; 7-room home, with earagi fcLtvs. KINGJLER & CO.. 225 Henry Bide. -hj. a. ill oiO, A a. DOT ZWDZ. $3500 HAWTHORNE BARGAIN 43500. xiere is an unusual opportunity to buy nuracuvo moaern borne on Mar rue rite avenue. In the heart of the Haw thorn e district at a bargain; large living room with fireplace, bookcases, window seat, paneled dining room with plate rail and buffet, white enamel Dutch kitchen, sVeened-In back porch with extra toilet ; Tun cement basement with furnace and 'Binary trays; 4 Dearooms on the 2d floor, white enamel plurnbinsr. sleeping porch : 500 will handle. Owner Is in Canada an.cj icuukvu price ior quick saie. atLiu FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home. Ablnyton bldg. Main 5156. Main 106S. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. ROSE CITY PARK $4500. REAL MODERN BUNGALOW GARAGE We know that this is just the type of nome you are looking for; if is right up to the minute, the last word in bungalow construction; you win appreciate the reai cownrignt value in this splendid home street and sewer assessments paid; located in the best part of Rose City Park; hard wood floors, fireplace, bookcases, French doors, buffet, full cement basement, fur Dace, etc Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark St., near 3d. Branch Office 50th and Sandy, Main S092. Open Sunday. Main 8516. $2650$2650"$2650. 5-room bungalow, having reception hall, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, etc, etc, golden oak finish, beautiful lawn and garden; $450 cash, terms. - ROSE CITY PARK HOMES. 5-room bungalow, $3000; $750 cash. $30 and Interest. 5-room bungalow, $3400; $750 cash, $25 end interest. 5-room bungalow. $3650; $1000 cash, rea sonable terms. Numerous other good buys. GIBSON, S10 Gerlinger bldg.. 2d and Alder its. Phone Main 6920. Open Sundays. A REAL BARGAIN. Modern 6-room house on Borthwlek st,. near Shaver st. : has furnace, trood olumb- Jng. electric and gas. fine large basement; the lot is 50x100, running to an alley; all Kinds of choice fruit and shrubbery: this Is a splendid home and should be seen in side to be appreciated. Price only $2700, $600 cash, baL lik.. rent. J. V. HILL, 696 Williams ave- East 26. NOB HILL HOME. Lovely large living, fireplace and built 1ns ; cheerful dining, real polished oak floor, Dutch kitchen, oak stairway, 3 lovely bedrooms, both and toilet up. 50x100 lot in fine locality on Northrup st., close to car. This is Just a grand home, and a most remarkable buy at $7500; $2000 cash. Hera you have a most lovely home at small amount above value of lot. Immediate po ssession. THE LAWRENCE CO., 205 Corbett bldg. Main 6915-A2315. " CHOICE 100x145 MT. TABOR. Very desirable building dpot on hard mrface street, good view, fine assortment fruit in ful. bearing1, plenty of shrubs and newer; o-room nouse on this property ; not modern but comfortable and con venient and In good repair; has furnace and fireplace. Price is less than ground is worth ; $3750. only $375 cash, balance reasonable monthly payments. A. H. BIRRELL CO., 217 Northwestern Bank bid. Marshall 4114, A 4118. $j.600 ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW $1600. jn a iuii lot, Diocrt to tne car; is a Practically new bungalow: retention hall: living room; dining room; Dutch kitchen; 2 light, airy bedrooms; large closets; white enamei piumomg; electric ugnts and gas; ! gooa cement oasement; nice lawn, roses, berries, etc Unusual bargain. Terms. EEE FRANK L. McGUIRE, TO BUY YOUR HOME, Abington Bldg. Main 10t8. Main 5156. Office open evenings and Sundays. $4500 WALNUT PARK MODERN HOME. I On a beautiful lot. choice of this select district, with line shade trees, hardsur- faced street and alley in rear. We have a modern 7-rom home with sleeping porch, full concrete basement, furnace, fireplace, good bathroom and lighting fix tures, convenient to two carlines. See us ior term a A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank bldg. Marshall 4114, A 4118. 0 ROOMS 52750. Go and look at this 9-room house, newly j painted and renovated inside and out, comer lot 50x100. located 734 E. 8th St.. corner itxione. aaaptea tor tne use or families, 2 toilets. 2 hot water tanks, fire- I place and bearing fruit; $oOO cash will 1 (handle, FRED W. GERMAN CO., 732 Chamber of Commerce. Open evenings and Sundays. " ALA M EDA PARK! 6 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. SS5750 Located on Alameda, drive, with splendid lew; modern in every detail; we would! consider it a privilege to snow you, A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St.. near 3d. Branch Office 50th and Sandy. Main 3002. Open Sunday. Main 3516. ALBERTA BUNGALOW. CORNER. 5 rooms, floored attic, built-in book csaes, buffet, fireplace, lull semi-cement basement, clear of all encumbrance, quick possession can oe nan; price $d2ou. Terms. C. A. WAKKhNE K, RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ROSE CTTT BUNGALOW. 5-room modern, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, fine lawn ; real cosy and a dandy buy ; 1 block to Sandy. $3150, on easy terms. jau i4i aanay oiva. WEST MT. TABOR S3500. 5 rooms with hardwood floors, fireplace. Duxret, cement casement, furnace, etc.; beautiful corner lot. $100 bonded assts.; located on 50th st; let -us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark St., near 3d. Branch Office 5Uth and Sandy. Main 3092. Open Sunday. Main 8516. IRVINGTON HOME. Singular charm and beauty with large I reception hall, beautiful livine room, din ing room, breakfast room, Pullman kitch- en, 3 oearooms, steeping porch, connect ing bath, lot 75x100; coat $0000. Will soli for & .50O; immediate possession. Dela.- nunt. Kast 1347. CliAlOILNG AUMF.DA HOME SU600. This is one of the finest homes In this I beautiful district, s rooms, hot water heat- I ing p; ant, ivory finish throughout, corner I lot SDxIll; some terms. See Kodgera. COE A. McKENNA & OO. Main 4522. S2 4th St. Board of Trade Bldg. ON CHAPMAN St., on the west side, or on Market st., your choice of nice cottages I where the lots alone are worth more than the prices asked; from $3000 to $3500 will puv any of these properties. i His is side down-town property on the west side. Payments of $."00 down will be sufficient. JUJ. CLOHESSY, A&lngton Pldg. $1600$C.00DOWN FURNISHED"! Artistic little 5-room bungalow, com- I letely and prettily furnished, gas. water end telephone, corner lot, four blocks from I car on l:n ana tiifrniana. xaKe ood- lawn car to 17th st. Call owner, Wood- lawn 183 6. FOR SALE HOUSES. 7-room house, 4 bedrooms, bath, living room, dining room and kitchen, full ce ment basement. Lot 62x100 feet- 146 Rodney ave. For sale by owner. Inquire 4uu Oregoman bldg.. between l and . M. Price $33u0, all improvements paid. " ROSE CITY PARK. 5-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW HARDWOOD FLOORS. FIREPLACE. ON E. 57TH ST. PRICE 360: TERMS.. $675 DOWN. $.10 PER MONTH. OWN ER LEAVING CITY WHY PAY RENT'. TABOR 234. " S300 VACANT $20 MONTH Five-room double constructed bungalow. $1000. Street improvements paid. Alberta car to 25th. one block walk. 621 Sumner I st. Owner. Wdln. 6430. -ROOM modern bungalow, corner lot, street improvements all in and paid for, on Haw thorne carline. See John Brown, 324 Ry. Ejl change bldg., or phono MaraHaJi .So Jl. SEAL ESTATE. FEW CHOICES HOMES IX RESTRICTED $12,000 lOOxlOO with a splendid modern residence facing on Broadway In the center of Holladay Park. Would consider 6-room modern bungalow as part purchase price of about $i50O to $4000 in. & good neigh borhood. $6000 A splendid home In Walnut Park, well-known residential district for its beau tiful location. Terms can be made. J10.000 A splendid tray; the house has large dining room, parlor and sitting room, with f ppnlfti. front And rear hall, kitchen. 2 pantries, 2d floor, four bedrooms, 5 closets, one linen closet, bathroom, large hall, stairway to large attic ail floored and one bedroom completed; two more rooms could be added if needed; a sleeping porch -.n ?Hiiv h added on 2d floor: full base ment with furnace, lot 100x100. with fruit and shrubbery; terms $3000 cash, balance suitable terms. This place la close in on East Salmon st. OTTO fc HARZSON EEALTT CO.. 413 Chamber of Commerce Bids;. BLOCK from Lincoln high school with a frontage or 100 it. on Broaaway anu a frontaee of 100 ft. on the park blocks. 100x200 feet, runnlne throueh the block. no choices, no more valuable property for inside almost down-town could be obtained at the sacrifice to the present owner that this property will change hands. It is a case where heirs are forced to part with it and accent for their eoultv something of value commensurate with about haif the orie tha,t this nroDertv is really worth. It is one of the greatest opportunities for any person who has other property either in land, houses and lots or good vacant lots close rn to acquire a fortune In redeem ing this; there are three large apartment or flat buildings on this property witn a monthly income of somewhere about $300; the house contains 31 rooms. Any person who has or can command about $15,000 cash will be able to take care of the mort gage, and if they have less desirable prop erty to excnange clear oi maeoteaness. bring in. your proposition. so J. Ci-u- HESSY, Abington bldg. SOME GOOD BUYS. 5-r. bungalow, large attic 100x100 I feet. $2000: $700 cash. bal. terms. 5-r. bungalow, sleeping porch, fireplace, garage, gas raidators; this is nice, neat. clean, close to car; $3250; $iuuu casn. balance to suit you. 5-r. modern bungalow. full concrete I basement. 100x135 feet. $1700; $350 cash. lo month. 4-r. cottage, modem plumbing. 4 years old. $1300; $500 cash. baL $10 month, 6 1 ner cent. 5-r. house. 4 lots 50x100 each, $2000; $200 cash. bal. $15 month, 6 per cent; this I im in Kallwnnd. S-r. modern bnnralow. fireplace. Paved I street, Hawthorne district, $2800; $600 1 cash. bal. to suit. A snap. 6-r. modern house, rurnace. fireplace. paved sc., corner, on car line. 20 minutes I from heart of city, $3700; $700 cash, bal. easy. R. M. GATEWOOP & CO.. 165H 4h gt. i2SftftMnnP!R RTTVfiALOW $2300. On a lot 50x100. 2 blocks from the Woodstock car. on E. 37 th street. Is verv ftttrnrtivA 5-room tvolcal bunealow ; large porch extending across the entire front of house, reception hall, living room. illnlni i-nnm InrPA hll f f -t Dutch kitchen. llPht nlrv herirnnms. white enamel plumbing, artistic lighting fixtures; house lik nw: ennd cement basement: abund ant rtf fruit, hprries. flowers and shrubbery. Vacant, immediate possession. Very easy terms; no mortgage or street liens to as- ,,m Aornop will flimlturB if dC- sired. Let us show you this bargain. SEE FRANK L. MCliUlKHi, To Buy Your Home. Abington bldg. Main 5156. Main 106S. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. ON COLUMBIA St.. close In on the west side, is a 13-room house, two complete flats with ipnnrutP entrances, full plumbing in each flat. This property is an income A-mnhiA of brineine in with a little i-oniir etft rr -month: there is a lot which' goes with it about 40xlo0 feet; the lot alone is worth more than the price asked, if von want a home and desire an income outside of the place you occupy to live of $50 per month besides, take the s-hnl. thin? for $4500. $1500 cash will handle It. Or if you have a small home in th ifr to the value of $2000. this will be considered in exchange. M. J. CLO- HESSY. Abington bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. IS TJnflMS BREAKFAST NOOK $3850. We want you to see this new. nifty Vi,tr, err, inu.- wirti TrpDtionall v larefl livine- r-nrvm with nlate-trlass window : hardwood floors: fireplace; buffet; Dutch kitchen with brkfRt nook: cement basement; wash trays, etc. ; located in the paved district of Rose City Park, with sewer connections: $500 cash will handle: let us show you. Call Sunday at 51st and Siski you, or at branch office. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark St.. near 3d. Branch Office 50th and Sandy. Main 3092. Open Sunday. Main 3516. BARGAIN. San Rafael St.. near Williams Ave. Modern 6 rooms with alcove, furnace, at tic, electric, white enameld plumbing; this house is In the very best condition nnd ( In a snlendld location, only 2 blkn. to broadway and Is within easy walking distanceof the west side; lot is 50x150, street paved and paid. This is an excep tional buy. Price S3S0O. very easy terms. J. F. HILL. 690 Williams ave- East ROSE CTTT HOME. Beautiful corner, 75x1 OO ft., all paved and paid, fine cement retaining wall, ce ment garase, $2000 worth improvements paid; fruit trees, shrubbery, berries, gar den, o rooms ana Bieepiug new -- wood floors, cement basement, furnace, Dutch kitchen, fireplace, everything that goes to make a real home. You had better see tnlS at once; owner . $500 cash. Call at 1314 Sandy b'.vd. GRAND 7-ROOM HOME. T.arcre livine. fireplace, lovely dining. large bedroom, kitchen down, 3 fine bed rooms, Datn, tOliet up. i ouei aim down; fuil cement basement; Ai furnace. 50x100 lot. paved street ana paia ; no incumbrances wnatever. uwner is moving out of city and offers at approxi mately one-half its value. $5"00; $1500 cash, balance at 6 per cent. This la your opportunity. 205 Corbett bldg. Main 6915-A2S15. FOR EXCHANGE. 160 acres of land, 40 acres cultivated. balance in good timber and pasture, a fair house with 3 rooms; there could 'be made more. A good outsiae ceuar. Darn anu. chicken house; on the main country road; there is a oig orcnara oi more man iww bearing fruit trees; this place is located close to Glendale, Wash., all clear of in-,imh!-anr( The owner will exchange for suburban nome wnicn nas a vaiue oi $5000. even exchange. M. J. CLOHEfaSY Abington bldg. ROSE CITY HOME GOOD. Tftn'ii aa v it'it real .rood when vou see tt. Corner lot, 2 blks. to car, all sts. paid in tiii firnt-class 2-story house, witn large rooms, sleeping porch big enough for sev eral beds, furnece and fireplace; a $5000 property going tor $uuu. it you are Buy ing a home, better look this over, for It's bargain, tan matte A. H. BI RRELL CO., 217 Northwestern Bank bldg. Marshall 4114, A 4118. H A WTTTORNE $3250. Here Is one of the niftiest, classiest little bungalows you ever saw. Hardwood floors. fireplace, oootccases, uui.ei., amw kitchen with canopy over range, cement basement, wash trays, etc. Let us show you. A. VJT. H. LL.t t-. V. ., 264 Stark St., near 3d. Branch Office 50th and Sandy. Main 30!2. Open Sunday. Main 3516. FURNISHED BUNGALOW. i r.tfi PRMVSt'I.A X 1600. 4 rooms, 2 roughlv finished rooms on 2d floor, eood basement, all good furniture. int verv attractive nice lawn, shrub hArv. abundance of fruit trees, chicken .inc0 tn i-nr easv terms. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. mi? KALE HOUSES. K-rstnm Vinuise. 1! bed rooms. 1 bath, liv ing room, dining room and kitchen, full cement basement, fireplace and built-in hook cases either side of fireplace. Lot 50x100 feet. East 33d and Gladstone ave. For sale by owner; inquire 400 Oregonian bldg., between 1 and 5 P. M. Price $2500 All improvements paid. BUY FROM OWNER. KENIL WORTH $3500 TERMS. 6 rooms. large porches, sleeping porch, modern, built of No. 1 material by daj labor. Full lot, hard surface street. Pos session immediately. P. F. Jones. Bdwy. 656 or 4i)S0. BEAUTIFUL new colonial home, north of Piedmont; T rooms ana B.eepins porcn. fireplace, oak floors, bookcases, buffet, furnace. full cement basement; price $45 00 - $500 cash, balance terms. JOHN-SON-DCDSOX CO., 634 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 37S7. $3750 MOUNT TABOR HOME $3750 Non-resident owner will sacrifice fairly modern 6-room home, excellent condition. Fine view. 1S70 Alder st. M. T. car to 71st st. Tabor 250. BUNGALOW 6 rooms, furnace, fireplace. laundrv. large porcn. view iot uixiuu. Raleigh st. Terms. F. E. Bowman & Co.. 213 C. of C. bldg. Main 3026. 5-ROOM corner bungalow, partly furnished. Hawthorne district, owner selling, tail Tabor 82&S. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -II oases. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-S-9-10 11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20 21-22-23-24-25-26-27-2S-23-30 31-32-33-34-35-36-37-38-39-40) 41-42-43-44-45-46-47-4S-49-50 61-52-53-54-55-56-57-58-59-60 61-62-63-64-65--67-8-69-0 7l-72-73-74-75-7-77-78-79-fc0 81-82-H3-84-S5-S6-87-88-89-90 61-2-i3-94-95-96-97-08-9i)-100 101-102-103 Tea, 103 homes were sold by our office during the month of May, amounting to over a quarter of a million dollars. This is hi the amount of our total sales for the year of 1918. We claim thi sis the record for the United States for the month of May. WHY? Because we sell homes ex clusively. We make a specialty of this branch of real estate business and have the most efficient selling organization, composed of 10 experienced real estate salesmen, each with an automobile at his disposal. Each house listed with us is personally Inspected, photographed and appraised by an expert appraiser. Each FOR pnotograpn is placed on dtsluy in our dis play room in its respective district, with the authorized price, terms and location under each house. We never pad prices. the buyer and seller know exactly what we are making. We expect to sell more than 103 houses in June, if we can ret enough new listings of houses for sale at uie rieni price ana terms and In rood dis tricts. List your house with us today. If your price is right we will make a quick and satisfactory sale for you. Office open evenings ana aunaays. BKB r main lv L,, McUUIRB To Buy Your Home, Successor to H. D. McGuire Co. "39 Years of Servlpn " Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Main B156. umce open Evenings and Sundays. IRVINGTON COLONIAL HOME. $4700. PRICED FAR BELOW VALUE FOR OWNER IS A WTnnwim 7 large rooms, built for rnm fort and fan. enience comoined, beautifully decorated. wowijr unisDca, now open for your im mediate occupancy; all incumbrances paid; terms if desired. Take Broadway or Irv- lngton car. 411 EAST 11TH, NORTH. OPEN 2 TO 6. GRAND OLD irnMP! niRrsiTV Extra Well-built 9 Tonma lnln nnn1i cabinet kitchen, fireplace, furnace, electric igaij, new, moaern plumbing, sirhtly lot. located near Irvington club; price only $4000, terms $500 down, balance payable iiite rent If your family is small, this House can be madi b lx tnnnm nrntlnmr E. J. G. GORDON. EAST 6TH AT BDWY. SOME BARGAINS. oooa 9-room modern house, vacant, could be used by two families; large lot, Iruit. etc. 266 E.45th st. ; terms to suit. o-room moaern nouse. 430 Mag nolia st.; terms to suit; possession June 5. Good 7-room house, garage, fruit, ber "IV ll 75100. only $3500; terms to suit. i hi 'jayior. oooa i -room modern house, garage. rruit, etc. 840 Woodward ave. ; terms to suit. Good 6-room modern house, close In. walking distance; assessments paid. 390 E. 11th st.; easy terms to suit. L. E. STEINMETZ, 406 Gerlinger bld Main 6091 or Tabor 3224. $3375 INSIDE PROPERTY $3375. Just across the Broadway bridge, on the N. E. corner of 2d and Hancock is a very substantial 6-room modern house that could not be built today for the price asked; has a full cement basement with furnace; living room, dining room and kitchen on the 1st floor; 3 bedrooms, white enamel plumbing on the 2d floor; fire place, electric lights and gas. This lot alone should be worth $2500. Street liens all paid. This is walking distance. $500 will handle. Unusual bargain. SEE FRANK L. McGLIKE, To Buy Your Home. Abington bl'ig. Main 5156, Main 1068. Of flee Open Evenings and Sundays. A SNAP FOR CASH. PERFECT LOCATION. This Is in the Rose City district, just 1 blks. from R C car, 6 rooms and sleep ing porch, modern to the minute, all bed rooms and sleeping porch finished in white enamel, hardwood floors, built-in bookcase, buffet, writing desk, fireplace, full cement basement, furnace, paved sts. in and paid, full lot, east front; this is the biggest snap in the K C district. Pries $4500. C. A- "WARRINER, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. THIS IS A BARGAIN. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE WITH FURNITURE. 6 rooms, all on ground floor, fireplace, electric and gas. white enamel plumbing, good basement, corner lot all kinds of choice fruit and shrubbery. Property Is located on Emerson and Gay streets. Price $2800. $500 cash, balance like rent. This is a splendid opportunity for some one. J. r . HILL, 696 Williams ave. Esst 26. $2000 IDEAL HOME $2600. On E. 48th st. we have a very attractive 6-room practically new modern bungalow: porch extending across entire front of house; living room; dining room with buf fet; Dutch kitchen: 2 light, airy bedrooms; white enamel plumbing; good cement basement; abundance of bearing fruit, ber ries, flowers and shrubbery. Easy terms. Vacant. Immediate possession. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE, TO BUY YOUR HOME, Ablnsrton Bldg. Main 1068. Main 5156. Office open evenings and Sundays. LADD'S ADD. SACRIFICE. $7000 HOME FOR 65500, VACANT. MOVE IN. A modern 8-room home, located In the best part of this close-in addition ; oak floors, fireplace, furnace, buffet, beamed ceilings and paneled walls, large living rooms witn den orr amine room: full ce ment basement, with finished fruit room. This house Is exceptionally well built and in first-class condition ; $1000 cash, bal ance rent terms. CLEVELAND-BARR-HENDERSON CO. 212 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 6752. IRVING TO NT BUNGALOW. No. 511 East 8th st. North. Modern 5 rooms with one room finished In attic; hardwood floors, furnace, fire place, Dutch kitchen and many other mod ern improvements. Price $4250. $750 cash. bal. easy. J. F. HILI 696 Williams ave. East 263. CLASSY PIEDMONT BUNGALOW. New, neat and attractive. 6 rooms and den, finiRhed in old ivory, beautiful hard wood floors and rirepiace, large living rm built-in Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment, furnace, corner lot, garage, all paved streets In and paid, close to car price $0000. Terms. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $4750 BEAUTIFUL HOME. HAWTHORNE r or r-aie uy uwner, 8 rooms and sleeping porch, white enameled . finish, Dutch kitchen, den, bed room on lower floor. French doors, fur nace heat, full cement basement, wash travs. concrete parage, full driveway, beau tiful yard and shrubbery; half cash, 3 years on balance. Phone Tabor 4 1 . 7. call at 316 East 36th St., south of Haw thorne. THE McGUIRE SYSTEM makes home-buying easy. You can corns to this office and see over 600 photographs of homes for sale, arranged in districts every one has been appraised. 10 auto mobiles at your service. ShB FRANK L. McGUIRE, TO BUY TOUR HOME. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Main 5156. Office open evenings and Sundays. beautifu1TtewproperttI $3500 west side $3500. 10-room house, irround 100x150. abund ance of nice roses, shrubbery, fruit trees, 2 blks. from car, now vacant, easy terms. This is a pick up tor some one. C. A. WARRINER, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. MR. AND MRS. HOMESEEKER, Just look at this modern, double-construct ed, beautiful 7-room home In the Piedmont district; hard-surface street all in and paid lor: electric ncnis. oatn, lonet, nor an cold water, hardwood floors, fireplace, fu: nace, wash trays, and extra-well con Ktrnrted for S4SOO. J. B. HOLBROOK. 214-215 Panama bldg. BUNGALOW 5-rooms. attic, basement, fire place, beamed ceilings. Dutch kitchen ; paved street, garape: fine condition inside and out. Price $:.". "1 0 and $100 balance on street. Take MV depot cars to 84th; lim ited cars make quick time. $350 cash, $20 month (no mortgage). 2090 Glisan st, ROSE CITY nice 5-room bungalow, garage, hardwood floors, furnace. $S0O cash, bal ance $:J0 per month including Interest -. price $3500. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 634 N W. Bank bldg. Main "7S7. $3500 BUYS 5-room, 1 -story bungalow on 26th St., just compieieu, naruw ooa xioors, splendid view of west side, only block to car; you will retrret If you miss this. 500 Concord bldg.. Main 85. MODERN" BUNGALOW BARGAIN. Only $2500; cash $300 or more; a dupli cate recently cost $"J600; one block from car on ML Tabor line. Call owner. East 253X WILL sacrifice brand new 6-room modern bungalow, on account oi leaving city, o-i-j Hawthorne ave., take ilL Tabor car to 62d, by owner. "BEAUTIFUL HOME. 7 ROOMS. ACRE. Cose In. paved streets, orchard and garden; $4500. Terms. Main 523L Ta bor 82:2. MtiHERN 7-room home. 6th and Holman paraife, corner lot; best offer Rets tt SJoOu mtg. on It now. Box 2Go, Gresham. Or. FOR SALE by buniralow on Park. 805 E. all paid. owner, an attractive 5-room paved street in Rose City 61st st. No. ; improvements S2S50 7-ROOM house, corner, paved street. f)i East 30lo. cor. Wash. Owner. BEAL ESTATE. For Sale -Hoawt. SALE by owner. Tel. Main 69-4 any morning at 9 A. M. : a W. cor. 16th and Alder; 100x100, one story garage. 865 Overton; 100x100, 11 -room residence and garage. 388 Eugene; 25x100, 6-room residence with bath. 390 Eugene; 23x100, 6-room residence with bath. 500 Borthwick; 50x100, 6-room residence with bath. 689 Clinton; 50x100, 4-room residence with bath. 520 E. 19th and Clinton; 50x50, 4-room residence with bath. 52S E. 19th st.; 60x50, 4-room residence with bath. 304 N. 24th; 83 1-3x60. 7-room residence with bath. 568 Qulmby; 83 1-8x100, 7-room resi dence with bath. Two houses and four flats, cor. Michigan ave. and Jessup st. $1800. ADJOINING LAURELHURST. $1800 $2O0 DOWN VACANT. Here is your one opportunity to buy sn attractive, artistic little bungalow, close in. Why. It's west of Laurelhurst. 1 block to the car. and practically new; good ce ment basement; white enamel plumbing, Dutch kitchen, paved street, sewer and sidewalk all In and paid In fulL Vacant. Only $200 down, entire balance like rent No mortgage, no lien. Fractional lot, but It's walking distance. Look at this today. SEE FRANK L. McGUTRE) TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Building. Main 5156. Main IOCS. Ofiice Open Evenings and Sundays. LOOK at No. 1036 Vernon ave., just one block east of 14th st., on the Alberta car line; there you will find a complete 7 room bungalow, modern to the last notch, furnace, beam ceiling, Dutch kitchen, wash trays, awnings, a full basement, a cement garage, a beautiful lot, lawn with all kinds of flowers and shrubbery. This place is only a half block from the Alberta car, 2 blocks from the Irvington. You can move In the day you buy; the price Is only $4200, about $100O cash will handle it. Every thing on this street Is a fine Improvement, hard surface. You will have to look some to find anything like this for the price as this Is a splendid homo. M. J. CLOHESSY, Abington bldg. GREAT OPPORTUNITY. $1650. $1650. $1650. 6-room cottage. 50x100 corner lot. paved street, good plumbing, electric lights, lots of fruit, garage, etc This property is located on East 46th st. near Division at. J. x. UllL, 696 Williams ave. East 266. FOR CASH OR GROCERIES. A fine 4-room house and bath, base-1 ment, electricity, gas. gas hot-water heater. modern plumbing, front porch 8x22 feet I elegant), small back porch, new walks front and back; entire house painted Inside and out, kalsomined. Just like new (four years old). Lot 50x1 GO; some bearing fruit; owner now lives In the house; price $1500. half cash. Was offered $J0 a month rent; can be seen bunday. 12 West Hum- Doit street, woodlawn 4572. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. QUICK POSSESSION. 5 rooms and full floored attic, all butlt rn con v.. full cement basement, furnace. east irotiL nice large porch, paved sts. and paid. 2 blks. from 11 car: this is neat and cozy and well worth the price wo axe M-Btwmg, xerms. C. A. WARRINER, RITTER, LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $1600 11TH AND MASON SNAP $1600. 5-room neat cottage; large living room across entire iront ot nouse, outcn Kitcn- en. electric lights and gas. paved street. liens all paid; close to Irvington car. Just aorta oz irvington; terms. t.1 FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home. Abington bldg. Main 5150. Main IOCS. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. LEAVING city, will sacrifice 6-room house 1 in Haw. district, l oik. soutn oi Haw. car; fireplace, furnace, full cement base- I ment, garage wilh cement driveway, large cabinet kitchen, hall, living and din. mi a. fin. In old Ivory. 3 bed-rms. and bath white enamel. Will give possession once. 315 E. 36th st. Owner.' LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. 43750. S750 DOWN. TERMS. Rec. hail, 5 rooms and sleeping porch on first floor; 1 finished up; hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, garage; Just put on market. Better nurry on tnis. CLEVELAND-BARR-HENDERSON CO. 212 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 6752. KEN looklnr at "flimsy-construct Ion" bungalows? Then you'll appreciate this I beautiful 5-room and attic bungalow on I paved street; hardwood floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, laun dry trays: corner. Cull N. W. cor. 53d and Broadway. Price $3450; $500 cash, $20 1 month. BY OWNER IN PIEDMONT. I am going to sell my strictly modern I 7-room bouse this coming week at a bar srain for cash or Part cash. Why not be the lucky one? My price is one-third less I than it will cost to build and it is neany new. 1331 Williams ave. Phone Wdln. 4588. WHERE CAN YOU DO BETTER FOR $300 CASH. BAL. $25 PER MONTH? Good looking 5-room modern bungalow. sleeping porch, fireplace. Duiret, door- caes built-in. kitchen, full basement, streets caved and paid. Hawthorne dis trict; price $250. this will go quirk. Se Mr. King, 304 H Oak St., Bdwy. 266. ONLY $1800 for a good 6-room house on the I Montavina carl in e, cement siaewajKS, an i city conveniences; there Is Vi of an sere I of land with this place and the location I Is on G3d St.. No. 26S. $50O In cash will handle it. M. J. CLOHESSY, Abington I mig. FOR SALE 425 East Couch st- 8-room bungalow with store basement, sultab.e for electrician, painter. plumber. sheet metal worker or any small tradesman or ( for small store: worth $..200. cost more; will sell for $4200, $500 cash, balance on time. 4000 $1000 CASH. 965 E. COUCH ST. 8-room house, located on choice 100x100, has full nlumblnr. conveniently arranged. has choicest shrubbery and some fruit. street Improvements paid. To buy your I home see JOH.NS ).-uui)su. CO.. tw is. W. Bank biag. -Main aisi. ARE YOU PLANNING A HOME T Will build any style of home or bungs- low you desire. CALL US UP and we will cheerfully help you work out your Ideas Inin n beautiful bunca ow. HOY & HOUCK. Architects and Builders, East 2533. 114 B. 2Sth st. A MODERN bungalow flat, built for 2 fam ilies; one leased Tor 3ftO a year; large ce-1 ment basement, furnace, wash trays, fruit rooms, nice yard: lot 80x147. 204 E. 53d st. N.. 2 blocks north of Glisan. Call Sun- I days or evenings. Owner. ONLY" $L00O for a 6-room house with a full I lot right in the neart or. tne ciry on tne i west side on Caruthers st., between Front I and Water. This Is a sacrifice price and j this place should bring twice that amount. I M. J. twJnKh&r, Aoington oiag. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT Immediate pos session : 6-room oungaiow, newiy paintea an a drwnrated inside and out: paved street, no assessments; will take $500 cash and $20 per month. See Atchison, 404 Piatt bldg. MT. TABOR, west slope, close Glencoe room house; hardwood floors, fireplace and furnace: a real bargain. ri. n. tuauo. 1027 Belmont; week phone Tabor 219. 5-ROOM bungalow, hardwood floors, f ur-1 nace, fireplace and all built-lns; garage, orix. soo- s750 cash, balance like rent: or will accept a good lot or auto as first I payment, pnone nroaawsy w. 2-STORY modern bouse. 7 rooms. 50x100 lot. berries ana iruii trees. uiock. i ruin -n&w thorne carline. $4500. $1250 cash, 811 a 48th St. xinnERN BUNGALOW. 8TJNNTBIDE. n moms, attic sleeping porch, oak I floors: full lot; $3250. Terms. Tabor a 292. FOR SALE Beautiful Piedmont home, fins location, corner, 100x100, 7 rooms snd poolroom. 11S5 Rodney ave.. phone Wood- lawn 13Q9. MnnRRN 8-room house, best section Pled mont, must be sold at once. 100xl'0 cor- J ner, big sacrifice ; 95500, worth $a500; Im-J proved streets, vvoouiawn "-' EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN 9-room. modern residence, on quarter block, well located In middle Portland Heights, with extra fine view: roses and shrubbery. Main 2471. 6 ROOMS, new, only $3250, absolutely mod ern, hardwood floors, targe closets. Tine view, 1 block to car; convenient terms. Call 500 Concord bldg.. Main 85. S'UNNYSIDE bargain. $3600, very good mod ern house on E. Alder St.; runway for ga rage. H. H. Staub, 1027 Belmont; week phone Tabor 21. I HAVE many houses from $2000 to $20.00. and can quote a homeseeker very reason able prices and terms. J. B. HOLBROOK. 214-215 Panama bldg. FOR SALE i-room. H. B . everything mod ern, $550 cash. Call Pellwood moorage be fore 6 Sunday. E 870. Oregonian. BUNGALOW, best construction: 5 rooms. Ka raite, lance sleeping porch- 6S9 E. Burn side. East e:5l- FOR SALE Three-room modern cottage, vicinity of Kenton: snup. JfSOO. Call Wood lawn 1063 Sunday before 3 P. M. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS ADD. 6-room. very modern house, lSl Savier st. Phone Mnin !272 for price and terms. LAI'RELHl'RST. Modern 8-room home. 116 Laddlnton Court. Tabor 32S4. LOT 3iixl00 and 6-room house, excellent con dition, near Broadway brtdsce: $Jtlo0. $1500 cash, terms. Hancock. SHACK and furniture for sale, cheap. 159 East 1st st. N. BEST buy In Irvington. 6. P.. 60G0. Eaat 731: 7 rooms; (erase. REAL ESTATE. 1- off Sale -Hon PERFECT HOME. For a gentleman of refinement. Bwlt on 8 acres of ground, terraoed into beau tiful garden with. fountains. gravelod phths. fiower beds, p-rgolas draped with creepers garbed in their springtime gowns of pink and white and the green of burst ing foliage open m fragrant greeting to the many who motor out to enjoy the beauty of the place. The houe consists of large reception hall. 18x3u, from which you enter through large French doors to living room, 3ux33; also through French doors to dining room. 20x25. all of which Is treated in old ivory rubbed to a aatln finish, lhe billiard hall In San Dominttq mahogany, conservatory with special foun tain, loggiK for smoking and lounging. 4 bedrooms in w hite enamel, each connected with tile baths, floor tubs, snowers. in Closed Bleeping porches, servants' quarters with ba-hs, 4 garages with chautfurs quarters; cost $i0,(Rk; will sell 55 cents on the dollar; furniture for sale. DKLAHU.NT, East 1347. East 1347. IRVTNGTON. One of the exclusive homes f this pop ular district; 7 rooms and e-eeplng porch; hardwood floors throughout ; living room, 32x26; large dining room; beautiful grounds, roses and shrubbery; garage with cement runway. This home is exception ally well-furnished, complete to silverware and linens Price $10.0u0. Will consider selling house only. This place will ap-r-eal to anyone wishing an up-to-the-minute home. Office Cpfn Sundays. STANLEY S. THOMPSON OO 803 Oak ISM) Km&ll ilors buildinS. lot 50x100. OO jjean iu, near o iu oouuioui, " v " Arm 1 eh 40th avenue southeast; terms; $25U casn balance monthly. S16UO t-room nouse, .asi iom, lawn ave,. full cement basement, iruil -aa... lUUl ash S16UO 5-room nouse on s.. oiu w KOv 1 (Hi - IdrmH ' Ml r-sh. $10uo 6-room bouse. uxiuu, itwowb. station on Cooper st. WILLIAM U. tJt.ia Real Estate, Loans and Fire Insurance. 213-216 tailing mag. S. E. Corner Third and Wasuington t t.tlVtA IRVTVr.TOVa REST BUY. In arrirtlv mnrlnrn 7. room and Sleeping porch home, with hardwood floors sweii i fireplace, extra large built-in ouiiti u window seat in diuing room, Duich kitch mn rnAiir r?nut. etc: foui nice large bedroon-L clothes closet to wen, i Ka t t.MAnm a nH alaPtrif f t vtlireS ! f Ull C crete basement with exce.Unt furnace tnd laundry Uays; extra large lot ; - -frt,vument in. Xon-resident owner Ol- Xtirs exceptionally liberal terms. A. ti. jjin.itn.iji- 217 Northwestern. Bunk bldg. Marsluill 4114. A 4118 VmV (MTV PAItlv. $4750 Bcautuul buugalow in the best part ot me it. s. i -. ueiuw close to Sandy blvd.. rooms and music! rrom. breakla't room and I Ui-nlnv unrrh all on one floor; Eood attic for storage; beautilully tmiKhod A verv attractive, practi cally new home. You would exiect j to pay over $50a for this. Investi gate today, isow I A Vl'liVMAW CCi. S04 Rv Kxi-h. Bide. 3Iain 1W1 POSSESSION AT ONCE, et't-oi k'U W. ROOMS S1250. rii,. t..Ar hd it Taiior car: 50 x inn int .Km. ni walki. curb and street; 13 full, h.o r r ir fruit ire9. ueaches, prunes. cherrits. plums and apples, some berries and three Deaulii ui toncoru Kijo water in the house ana smo i"""'"J''- it t... u.hun r.iti make a buy like this? You fellows who have been look ing for a snap, see this. Call the owner Kundav and evenings. Mar. 164; during week, Alain cijr rm, NEAR UNION AND K 1 LLI NGSWO RTIL 6 ROOMS AND LARGE ATTIC $.11. 0. Immediate sale; you would never dream it possible to buy sucn a nou L" V;i cation for so little money $j00 cash win handle. 264 Stark fct,. near 3d. Branch Office 50th and Sandy. Main 80ii open Sunday. Main oio NINE-ROOM LAURELHURST HOME. Rt-'.ITIKI'LLY FINISHED. In old ivory, hardwood floors in every I room; close to car; sightly location, duiu fMir vn am on a low market; cost I -. . k . r iimM SSOOO: STOOO buys it this week: HUUU casn w in uuui. with good monthly payments. MR. UtLAHli.MI, Lsurelhurst Office. 270' Stark St. Main 1700. or Evenings East 2036. AM GOING EAST. MUST SELL AT ONCE. wttyj wiu v.- ii urfiA I.O W OARAGE. GlUnasa I' a I I m fUS( At ODC6. 1 Will I sell you my bungalow, five rooms, hard-1 wood floors, fireplace, furnace, full ce-1 ment basement, garage, corner iot isatner and oak furniture; will sell complete I for s:t3Su: sioou or more cash; I want I to close out at once: this Is sure a bar gain; owner. Woodlawn 2S8. "EXCEPTIONAL BUY IN IRVINGTON. tiV.K THIS BEFORE DECIDING. Seven rooms and sleeping porch, strictly modern: line basement, furnace, trays. flr...ic .vi-v kind of built-in conven ience, hardwood floors upstairs and down, and whole house in fine condition. Price tr.non n ti-rm. Sundav and evenings. XI r. 59ti;i: wer-kdas. Main 7i67. Marlels or Williams, bJO Cham, of Com, bldg. TWRXPENHIVE GOOD. 7-room house, concrete wall basement. hutbr.w.m fixture, electric llKht gas. etc., on a nice corner lot, with side walks and curbs in, one street newly im proved; close to car, frame garage. Only $1500; $150 cash, balance like rent. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank bide. Marshall 4114. A 4118. PRICE OF 3 YEARS AGO HAWTHORNE. NEAR DIVISION. 7-room bungalow, strictly modern ex- fl ro cent furnace ; line basement. iray. place, all built-ins. ll, w. floors, garage; every thin One condition, near car; street h. s. paid; price $3750, terms bunoay. Mar. 5t63. week days. Main 7107. Maries & Williams. fc20 Cham, of Com, bldg. FRUIT. BERRIES. CHICKENS. t t."" itti vr I . WAT.V ACRE and modern 0-room bungalow in Mt. Tabor district, near car grapes, roses, etc. The price Is only on terms. Sunday and evenings. Mat week days. Main 7i6i. Mariels or W 11 oniy h tar. 11 Hams, 820 Chamber of Commerc bldg. T rooms, sleeping porch, narawooo noor, Dutch kitchen, hreplace, extra large living room. French doors In hall, living room and dining room; full cement basement - v nd wash trays. Sunday and Mar 513. week days. Main 7H67 Marlels or Williams, l!0 Cham, of Com. IN THE CENTER OF LAURELHURST. Seven-room house, with hardwood floors throughout: garage; close to car; this home Is offered at a bargain; $750 cssh will handle; get key and other Informa tion at office. B. 89th and Glisan sts. Tabor 3433. or evenings Tabor 5 9. tjocf. f-TTT SPECIAL jlfty bungalow 5 rooms, hardwood floors, modern In every respect, lot 60x100, south-east exposure; $1600 will handle this blK bargain. See Lawrence with THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY 104 5th Street. Main 6869. 800FEET ROSE CITY CAR $650 down, 7-room house. fireplace, built Ins, large sleeping porch, ruit, berries, ffowers; lot 50x100; price $3150. Ask WajM. DeFOREST A CO. 820 Henry Bldg Main 2690. tv.nn TtnP: PITT P A R K $3500. a.nm l u.-8torv bungalow, all built-in Arenlace. full cement basement, furnace, wash trsys, lot 50x100; easy terms. Sundays snd evenings. Mar . B9t3, week days. Main 7967. Mariels & Williams. 820 Cham, ot iom. m' BEAUMONT. $2500. Coxy new 5-room bungalow, fireplace, full cement basement, garage, lot 60x109. Ask WrIcs. A. J- DeFOREST CO. 820 Henry Bldg. .-Main awn. BUY from owner, new, modern 6-room bun galow in Rose City park, built-in conve niences fireplace, hardwood floors, cement basement. Call room 306 Board of Trade bldg. Main 270. " SfllTTIi PORTLAND . . WHn want to bUV & hOltlB In SOI t h Portland call and see me as I handle that rooertv exclusively. $1200 and up. John Singer. 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. PIEDMONT CORNER A good home In fine location at lo.w price I4O00; 7 rooms, furnace, a fire place' garage, fruit, shade, paved street. ll7 Rodney ave- Woodlawn W- TroOm" house and sleeping porch: corner. 60x100 Sicramcnto ave.. close to Sandy blvd: $350; fine proposition; this is cheap. Phone East 419. U75 3-ROOM house, fine 50x100 lot. fenced. near Columbia park. St. Johns car line. $2oo cash or take small car. J. N. Rich ards. 3-S Main St. PARK-ROPE 5-room house ard lot for sale by owner. Call Tabor 3370 for Inlorma tion. MONTA VILLA. Five-room modern buncalow. corner lot. 100x100, and garage. Owner. 73 E. 71st N. BARGAIN. 4-room modern house, 1 blocks from car. Owntr 1031 K. 31st at. N. Wdln 70S. MODERN 8-room house by owner. 32d near Hnwthorne. A bargain. Tabor l'n.,1. j;tr,.H 6-ROOM modern house, near Sandy blvd. : easy termav East 6H29. ROSE CITY PARK, fine 5-room bungalow. furnace, bargain. .ast 6J3. REAL ESTATE. For iSale Ho BIGGEST BARGAIN ON UPPER PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Beautiful 9-room house of semi-Dutch colonial architecture on corner iot. both streets paved and all liens paid but $-35. Hardwood t.oors, t irvpiae, furnace. 2 lavatories, etc., glass Inclosed den or con servatory, every built-m convenience, tlowers, ttc, wonderful view, only S blks. to car on level walk. Hou built four or five years ago when construction was low; total cost of house and lot then was $7tM. Couldn i be duplicated now under $10.0"O. For quick ale owner sacrifices for $5250. $10o0 cah. Will stand the closest Investigation. KASER St RAIN E Y. S23-6 Gasco B-ug. Marshall S125. $2500 VERY ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW On an 60xl20-foot lot. with abundance of flowers, fruit and shrubbery Is a 5 room artistic bungalov; living room, pan eled dining room w it T plate rail ana tui I at : Kond wark In w hitn enamel : 2 bed rooms with large closets; white enamel Dutch kitch-n with tid floor and wails; white enamel tiled bathroom, screened-ln halc nnrr.h and lnundrv room. Woodstock car line. r.asy terms. lou musi ie i place to appreciate Its value, Autos at your service. SEE FRANK L. McGXTlRE. To Buy Your Home. Abington bidg Main 5156. Main 1066. Ofiice Open Evenings and Sundays. INDUSTRIAL CENTER j New boulevard from Broadway bridge shortens distance out here 1 mile. 6-room moaern nouse. ouxiuu 101, irrtii assessments paid, $20OO; $200, $250 cash. 5-rouin modern nouse, new; an ouwv " features; lot 50x100; $2S0; $500 cash. 6-room modern nouse, sleeping por-n. 2 blocks from car: street assessments paid, $30iiu; ijou, -u casn; una si uvu ana lots ot iiowers. See our li-t of bargains In from 8 to 7- roora houses on very easy terms. Prices right. It we can t suit you we wui uuwu you a house. a. c. Mcdonald, agt. 206 Lombard. Wdln. 62.3. Office open eunaay ana veain. A COUNTRY HOME WITHIN THE CITi. 17 LOTS W 51 .UA v o.n-w. Located in beautiful Irvington Park. -T,,. nitnr a real, modern, up-to-tne- mlnut bungalow, built rignt in tne cemrr i of a natural nark mind you. your own home and your own park with a ma; nf natural ahrubberv and trees, with imiv wonderful view of the mountains; all we want is an opportunity. Just the! Drlvliere of showing you. so that you yourself may be the judge. Naturally, you will be under no obligations. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St.. near 3d. Branch Office 60th and Sandy. Main 30H2. Open Sunday. Main 3516. ALBERTA. A XT A WQAI .nTK RATtGAW. This house is now scant, which Insures I lmtnedlKt- possession; 116 East u-in good conditions; good neighborhood. This a roou vaiue at .w"v. ,,u:l.r this week so have priced it at e-ouu, auu -will be sold ou terms. Office (pn r- u n ti n y . STANLEY S THOMPSON CO, 30 Ut FOR TWO SMALL FAMILIES. ! Cosy, modern two-family house rigm near Island Station. Oregon City car Una 20-mlnute ride into Portland; electric i,Kt. iuii! Hun water, good neigh borhood, beautiful view of Willamette river, two gaa ranges, hot water heater, two heating stoves and about $40 worth of good linoleum goes with it; 6oxlOO lot; Immediate possession; price only $3l.u. , very easy terms to reliable buyer; beats living in a stuffy apartment. THE CROSSLEY-VIGAKS CO., 27Q Stark St. Main 3052. FOR REAL VALUE. ANALYZE THIS. $2250 for 5-room bungalow on 60-foot lot in Hawthorne district. H Improve ments In and paid but $147. The lowest price a 60-foot lot with paved street ever sold for in this district is $1250; you ge the bouse and furniture for $1150. Large rooms, nice bath, big attic, full basemeuu Terms. k mv.n A RAIET. 823-6 Gasco Bldg Marshall 8125. "BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW AND HALF ACRE. $4250 SEE Til IS TODAY $4250. A LITTLE FARM IN CITY. A beautiful, modern 6-room bungalow, full basement, furnace, trays, fireplace, h. w. floors, all kinds of built-lns and with the bungalow goes one-half acre or nne ground, with fruit, berries, chicken yrd. garage, etc. You should see this; It is eome buy. on easy terms. Call the owner Sunday and evenings, Marshall 5U6J, wee days. Main 7067. $4250. HAWTHORNE AVE. DISTRICT. Good 6-room house, large basement. UnnrirV trVL fine liVlnC TOOm. large bedrooms, closet, etc. ; house to be vacated June 15: lot 60x100; all improve ments in and paid; located E. Mad on, nti t lot alone worth $JoOB: hAii rnnM not be duplicated for less than $4000; price msde extremely low In order to make an Immediate sale. J. L. KARNOPP & CO., 819 Railway Exchange Bldg. Mam 6T5. $2200 ADJOINING WESTMORELAND VJJ -v -V- ...... Very attractive, typical bungalow, prac tically new; large combination living room and dining room with fireplace; white enamel Dutch kitchen; 2 bedrooms with large closets; white enamel plumbing; electric lights and gas. Just repainted and tinted. SEE FRANK I- McGUIRE. TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Main 5156. Ofiice open evenings and Sundays. POSSESSION IN TH RE E DA Y S. SVVE RENT SEE THIS TODAY. GARDEN. CHICKENS AND FRUIT. Most two lots and a good 6-room house, east of Laurelhurst; full basement, good plumbing, gas. electric lights and in fine condition; lots of fruit, berries, chicken run. henhouse and garage. The Pfice is only $2650, on very easy term. This is some snap. Sunday and evenings. Mar. 5163. week days. Main 7067. Mariels or W 1 1 Mams. S20 C h amber o fC o m m erce bldg. $2750 $350 CASH $2750. --.- nnt nut nnd have more room for garden, chickens and fruits? On 4th at. we have choice Hnx100 corner; no rock or gravel in soil, with dandy 6-room bungalow, all rooms on one floor, good i w"ITm' -fWM,r rAA. electricity, fire- woodlift. good basement; good terms on b bin nee. A. IT. BIRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4113. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW $3500. Within one block of Sandy; 5 rooms with hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet. cement basement, furnace, large garage; now rented for $40 month. tttc. This is a genuine bargain. A. G. TEEPE CO 264 Stark St.. near 3d. Branch Office 60th and S-aoay. Maln 8092. Open Sunday. Main am-a. J5000 IRVINGTON r000. B-ROOM BUNGALOW. ONE FLOOR. All larre rooms, fireplace, beam celling-. Dutch kitchen, hardwood " . ..m.nt basement, laundry trays? furnace. You can't beat It for loca tion, arrangement or price. Sunday and v.n!n. Mar. ;-oj: "'. Main 7!6T. Marlela WUllama, Com. bid. 820 Cham, of EASY TERMS. NEAR S. P. SHOPS. 6 -rooms, full basement, full lot paved st. in and paid, on carline. near good ichool and stores; price 100. Terma Ilka WATCH OCR ADS. WE OET RESULTS. " O. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWB & CO., S01 -3-5-7 Board of Trade B!flg. WHY OO TO THE BIJACH1 WHY STAY IN THE A PAKTM k.NT? Beautiful half acre and n-w. modern nn.r.r tervlce. Ciihins. boatlni. i.lmmlni; .nH think of the price, only on ...v trms. Sunday and evenlnus Mar. r.,.'i u-.u ri.iv.. Main i ! Mariels or Williams. C20 Cham, of Com. b'.dp?. i.-taxk WANTED. ct.-r-notn house o T bungalow, modem. , , . . vm or Sunuvslde district h.v. several clients for this size house and can aell If location and price " r'Chi: I. KARNOPP CO.. 819 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main RT5. i t-ij t-i .tt'rtsT. Have a brand new home just completed In laurelhurst; finished In old Ivory and white enamel: hardwood floors: break fast room: F.VEKVTHISO OF TH lATFiT" locnted artiacent to club inn park;' INITIAL PAYMBNT $2000. Tabor R4"13. or fvenlrss Tabor &. UKAUTIFl'L I4.000 HOME. TOR QUICK SAI-K. J',(HK). fVWX. will hanrtl1: corner lot 100x100. Cfriar built-in, hardwooii floors, two fire places, bic Dutch kitchen, fru.t. berries, law n icarden. rofs. Oarau. Ask Wales. A. J. IFOKEST & CO., 320 Hnry Rlrtir. Main SfiOO VF.RY nttraotlve, mod rn. 6-room house, slef plnff porch, fin-pi ace. fine basement, furnace, itarase. and on attractive, close in. -at sl'le corner lot. Will cut price to $4-i0. It ie biric!in. Terms. SAMt'EL DO A IC 1 202 Northwestern Bank bldg. SEI.LWOOO SNAP. JlS.r.O Rent J2il upstairs w-111 buy this home, you live down, conveniences up and down; garage; lot OUxloi': 7 rooms. Aait Wales. A. J. DeFOREST Si. CO. 320 Henry Bldg. SHin2&00. MODERN house near T'nlon and Alberta st. Price I21S0. Easy terms. Call Main 2-7. REAL ESTATE. For ISale -llou 00 E ST M OHELAND B A KG A 1 N $-U;:.v. Very atirc:ie typical bun pa low paint ed wbit-; reception hall. (ui. mirror and hall seat : li ing rom with fireplace, beamed celling, solid paneled dining ro.-m with piste rail and :edd glafts butfet. hardwood floors, woodwork in these two rooms tinlthed in w hite tnamel and lvor ; Ideal Dutch kitchen, lull cement bnemt-nt, laundry trays, white enamei plumtung: 2 light, airy bedrooms wuh large closets. Itr in a, SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home. Abington bide. Mam 515ti. Main 1069. O: :n-e Open Evenings and Sundays. A FINE NEW HOME. $3750 $750 down, balance like rent, dandy 5 room bungalow In Roe City park, only one block Irom Sandy boulevard. All the rooms are srood Me. spiendtd fireplace In living room. built-in butt t in dining romi. built-in features in kitchen : excel lent bath between the bedrooms; the tin Jih Is white enamel throughout, large attic and fine basement ; good location, open lor Inspection today 2 to 5 1. M. Eat 66th, one block south of Sandy bo ulevard. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY 104 5th Street. Main 61. FINE IRVINGTON HOME. Ground 5Oxl00. faces east on street, house is stucco and was constructed by the owner for home, rooms of which are 4 large bedrooms : house Is modern In all detaCs; hardwood f.oors. furnace, fireplace and fin 'shed in while enamel and mahogany. This property has to be seen to be appreciated. Price $ 12.500. Terms If desired. C. 1 1. WOODWARD. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. Ol-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. CLOSE I.AURELHURPT PARK. PUNXYS1DE CAR. MODERN HOME. Corner lot. streets an d si eep i n g pore h. Dutch kitchen, etc choUe neignborhood. 1 paved. 6 rooms Fireplace, furnace. Dandy garage. In Convenient to best 10 minutes to west car service in city. side. Price only $4500. plus small bond. balance. Located corner 3Sth and K. Washington st. Open for inspection Sun day 11 to 2:3a Don't fail bfdng this. A. K. Hill. Bdwy. 421 or Tabor 7552. 3ooo bttts ftrictlt modern home. 5 rooms, fine basement, floored attic, furnace and fireplace, all built-in Imp., white enamel cabinet kitchen, new lino leum, hardwood floors; large lot, fruit and berries. Terms very easy. Hum tnell fc Kuuiraell, 274 Stark su BEAUTIFUL BEAUMONT HOME, $4750. One- of the finest corners In Beaumont and a handsome home of 6 rooms and den. big fireplace, hot-air heat, full ce ment basement, all built-in convenience. If you are interested in Beaumont we want you to see this. Terms $10o cssh. Photo at our office. Call for Mr. Morrow. COE A. McKENNA & CO. Msln 4522. S2 4th St.. Board of Trade Bidg. VACANT IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. PEKFriCT CONDITION. 6 rooms and sleeping pirch. hardwood floors, fireplace, lurnace, thoroughly mod ern; 50xluo lot, hard-surface paving. Tins house is attr.LCtf vely arranged, in PER FECT condition, almost new. 3!2 Kast SMh street North. Key next door. 2 blocks north Rose City Park car. I'rice $4-5u. Terms. SAM NORTON, Henry bldg. Main 2326. J4i00 ALAMEDA PARK DISTRICT 640UU. Fine California bungalow, among the trees, beautiful surrounding view : bed room on first floor, cry large room, liv- Ir.g. dining room, kitchen, numerous built lns and toilet; 3 bedrooms, bath and toilet 1M fioor; large mantel fireplace and fur nace; some terms. (iKO. E, ENGLEHART. Matn 7266. 64 H-nry Bldg. IRVINGTON. A MOST at-ractlve. thoroughly modem and almost new S-room residence; desir ably located on choice looxlmt comr. This house was NOT built as "For Sale houses, but by owner, and Is well con structed in every way. Will make lib eral discount from cost price on sale or might accept well-located vacant or Im proved Portland property for uiy equity. AF ;i35, S4-500 ROSE CITT BUNGALOW $4500, 5 rooms floored attic, full cement base ment, laundry trays, furnace, fireplace, oak floors and blt--ins. ; fuil lot. garage, etc Hard-surface su in and pd. Terms easy, llummell & Rummetl, 274 Stark su HAWTHORNE. VACANT. MOVE RIGHT IN. Here is an exceptionally well built 5 roora bungalow with every modem con venience. Large floored attic hard-surface street, paid in full. If you see this you will buy it- Price $3250, $S0U cash, and terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. an9 Oak st. Broadway 4133. Xl-jui) VICINITY REED COLLEGE $lSO0. Here's one you'll admire: 5-room bun galow, with attic; In delightful locality, with superb view; large rooms, built-in buffet, swell Dutch kitchen, bath, sewer connected; nice 50x100 lot, with vacant lot next to It; fruit and berries; handy to Easuuoreland car; $"'.h cash, baL to suiL Open Evenings. CEO. T. MOOKE CO., 10u7 YEON BLDG. " $3000 BUNGALOW. East 29th st. N-, block off AJbert carline, 5 rooms and bath, hardwood f.oors In living-room and dining-room; full cement basement; Dutch kitchen. Garace, $M0 cash will handle, balance at 6 per cent. Lot 50x100 WAKEFIELD. FKlESJa CO.. 85 4th St. WAVE RLE Y HTS. BUNGALOW. Neat corner, 6 rooms, cement basemen furnace, all st- imps, in and paid, close to csr. school and stores. Price $3150. basy terms. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IRVINGTON ELEGANT HOM E-Center hall, beautnui recepLiuii n-"i - Ivory, living room ana uuhui room in eastern oak. All oak floor, plate glass, j bathrooms, 2 fireplaces; fine garage. tiful large corner; choice location. Owner will SACRIFICE if sold NOW. Neuhausen & Co. IRVINGTON. $5500. 2 blocks from Irvington club, near Braxee. 3 bedrooms. 2 fireplaces, large living and dining rooms, oak floors; high and beautiful; 62-xlOO lot: easy terms. GEO. E. ENGLEHART. Main 7260. 6J4 Henry Bldg. SuXlOO, 8-ROOM moaern nouse ave. near Shaver, full basement, cement floor. wftFh trays. fireplace. V"1'1; house could not be duplicated for U-ss than teuton- strcpt improvements all in ana tne rir is only $3300; terms $500 cash. ba.1- ance $25 per month and interest. GIBSON. 26S Stark. Marshall 12. 5-ROOM bungalow. North ML Tabor aistncw bookcases, Duiiei. 1 11 t-pi. - - - mcnta in and paid, lt , fruit and sardi-n on back. Price JbOO. SU0 cub balance to suit- JUHNSOX-DODSON COMPANY. 634 N. W. Rank Bldg. J2750. . 100x200 feet, with -room house, fT-utt trees, etc: situated on south side or b.. . , . c V l.etween E. 45th ana r .:.h iil R. E.: taken In under foreclosure; JVU terma F. V. Andrews A Co.. 601 Piatt bldg. l'hone Marshall C0-5. " LAURELHURST J7..-.00. Roval Ct. near B. 41st N.. 50x100. T-room residence, extra good fixtures and built-in features : all finished in white ivory, sts. paved, cement walks, furnace, laundry. fruit room. etc.. terms. la.MlABD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark at. FtHl SALE BY OWNER. Pnit.i.. 5 rooms, bain mo juh base- ment: lage lot: paved ftreets : el"'. school and Sunnyside car line. Price $-.50. J3UO down. mo.: w ould consider late model 5-pass. car. Tabor ..-4S. $70"it. k nK.w K.T...n Ralelrh and Favter fire-pi.: sts.. Pi room. ..-w.-. lot UUXiOU. seen jj ."J " - KKKifRIEC05thSt ST JOHNS .hlpbuiMing district 6-room-plaitered hou.-e. 2 lots. 10 fruit trees. S blk to car and bard-surfaced street: hlir b . ream for Q nck sale- I'rto. .VH: terms i3..o Fh. per month and interest. t;lBSoN.:f'S.'i'.arlt. Marshall 1- BUT from owner and save commission, ona block to Tabor car. new. modern o-room cottage, all new furniture; my equity 40i; will sell or trade; what have you T Call Mondav Proadway l'J3,. room .15. write 41S'- Washington St. room -1-- DOWN ROSE CITV B1NOALOW 6-room brand new. Jusl completlnr: U the modern except furnace, j, mile gem: only JSTiKl: .." down J c CORBIN CO., 31.5-6-7 IWI. Bldg. 0-ROOM at H-' house, semi-modern, bargain. I rice ill and eav terms if desired. Will - lirtie home to keep or to r.-nu Quick sale. g-.nian. Address a ij. tiKtlM liouse and Pellwood Park: Oregon City curs. Sleeping porch, nenr blocks from iitllwooci. bargain fiiiu. Wdliu NICK 6-room liouse. plastered, electric light. " c plumbing. garaKt. Vs block from car. l.l "minuirs car service. 2300. easy terms, (.'all at 11133. Kast 'Jth st- N., Alberta OWNER will svll S-room house, with fur nace 2 lots, fruit and berries; also 6-room modern house, with sleeping porch and garage. Terms. J bij. Oregonian. fRVINGTON. CHARMINO. COLOMAU $7.-,. hi. All Ivory finish, oak floors, garage. Neuhaueen & Co. FURNISHED bungalow. Sunnyside, terms. LLLZEV, Main