8 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, JUNE 1, 1919. REAL ESTATE. Fur Sale Loin. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. REAL BARGAIN'S. Tillamook and E. 35th, $600. no Hens. Cor. K. 31st and Klickitat. 50x100; 8550. Ho liens. Hancock, near E. 33d. ; $S0O. paved st. Cor. E. 31st and Schuyler; SHOO. Hancock, near K. 23th. 50x100; all liens paid; $1200. E. 10th. near Tillamook, 50x100; $1600. The biggest snap in Irvington. 100x1 oo E. lath and Brazee. beautiful Jiome-site; S420O. WATCH OUR ADS. "WE GET RESULTS. BITTER. LOWE & CO., JOi -.1-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. BACK OF CITT PARK IX ARLINGTON HEIGHTS. A dandy level lot with 127-foot frontage, no grade In front of lot. wonderful iew, absolutely unobstructed, ft H blocks of car and near beautiful homes. All improve ments in and paid. Non-resident will sell lor Jjr.uij. If you want a Heights lot. in vestigate this first. AH Oregonian. HIGH RK.VTS will continue for at least 5 years. "Why not gt a lot in the suburbs and build as your finances permit ? 1 have a number of level lots, near cars, from $2io up, according to size; near Ml. Tabor; ai.s a few leit just over city lim its, on and near E. Glian st. ; w ater, gas, phones, etc., at hand ; easy payments. Oifice open Sundays. Mr. iiuCoy, Mt. Ta bor (MT-f) cars to Sth sL, then 4 blks. north. 1 eaat. BLOCK OF 3 LOTS $1000. Non-resident paid $5000 for this prop erty. Level, on Kast Ha.sey. has trackage on O.-W. R, & N.. fine location for many industries; also good residence property. Account not being able to be here, wiU bell during next few days at this sacrifice price. AH U3Q. Oregonian. ALAMEDA 50x100, south front, everything paid Close to car line- A pick up, also 50x100 corner; no liens, $lo00. We have several bargains in Alameda. See us before buy ing. RITTER. LOWE & CO. 201, 3, 6. 7 Board of Trade Bldg. READ CAREFULLY HAWTHORNE AVENUE AND 53D Bts. Kortheast corner, 100x100; hard surface on both, streets, all paid; desirable surround ing's; price $2750. only 9650 cash. NO GKEATER BARGAIN ON LOTS LX PORTLAND. , n,no BAM NORTON. Henry oldg. Main 2320. LARGE homesite on E. Stark St., near fine homes; none more desirable west of Mt Tabor. 60x100 corner. E. 35th and Bel mont; fine for any purpose. 50x100, corner Virginia and Vermont sts., on Fulton car line; all these and other good locations at right prices. L G. DAVIDSON, &19 Chamber of Commerce. ROSE CITY CORNER. E. 4tiTH AND SANDY. The choicest 50xl"0; everything pafo, cne of the beauty lots of this addition ff houses. Let ua-how you Price lw? Make saving on lot pay additional cobt of constructing your house- K1TTEK, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. " NOB HILL WEST SIDE) 95x100 Nortnrup and 26th sts. Beauti ful homesite. Out of town owner author ises low price. Call for particulars. RITTER. LOWE & CO. 201, 3. 5, 7 Board of Trade Bldg. AT AVF.nA PARK. E. Slst., near Mason. $1000; an Inside lot, facing beautiful park, with wide paved street, as good as corner, Justtwo blocks to car. RITTER, LOWE & CO-201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. r i'T OETER Non-resident orders sale of his beautl t,i humour lOOxlOO. corner, level; tine .-. t,& thA Vipst west side resi dential districts Jn the city at half cost. Main 1963. WESTMORELAND lot for sale, cheap. Own- or. Sell. kioj. For Sale Houses. HAWTHORN'S BUNGALOWS. $2600 for a 5-room bungalow near Ssot for a fine, modern, up-to-date bungalow on E. 46th st.; $300 cash, balance te$;l300 for a fine bungalow; hardwood floors; fireplace; attio anu. uiocc siono cash. , $3350 tor a line o-rnom, w . "l'S hardwood floors and i ' ,.-, i i-i ssno cash. s::son for a li-room; fireplace; large . - i n4 v half en h on E. o4th St. $3lt00 for a fine, modern, up-to-date 5- Toom; hardwood floors; furnace: nrepiace If you wish to see these, phone aiarslia.il 821). Open fcunuay. F. 1. BLANCHAKD, 510-5'JO Railway Exchange Bldg. t . hmi-Tiitw that Is priced right call at our office. Our machines , o n t vmir service. We have 5 new bungalows finished in old Ivory, artistic buffets. f.OxlOO lots, ior . i. fi.i a inm to your liking n i a cnlpnilid listing at Hoha V'irv office. 141S Sandy. Call HAWTHORNE REALTY CO., 30th and Hawthorne. " TTTrxir nfT.v: FIRST PAYMENT. -'.rm .11,1 constructed residence. 4 blks. nr,.Ai-,n -.t.r- r- loan 10 Bi'.hool. This is substantial, modern home; fine lot with fruit trees; will take automobile as part of first payment; lull price oniy -uuu. Abk us about it. Open Evenings. GFO T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon bldg. "vniT riX-'X Tt 13 AT THIS VERY MUCH. .. r.-t- nirti house, modern conven ."T, "... inviiin j. hirtrk from car line on i,.hard st. 'and entrance to Columbia P.rk- sn"ro. S5U0 cash, balance to suit. See E. M. l'.rown with vrii.W PARKHILL 219 Lumbermen's Bldy., 5th and Stark St. i7 Q'niuii.. aiifi hfst of construction 5 room bungalow. French doora, inverted lighting, ail built-ins, breaklast alcove, furnace, fireplace, full cement baswmenu waah trays, garace. corner lot, improve ments in and puid; $4K. E. L. Sanborn, owner and builder. E at 1044. WEST WIDE HOME. 8 rooms, 70i Everett si., near 22d, base ment, furnace, fireplace, gas and electric lights; $.'0U0, $2ot'Oi c-tah. balance on time, ti per cent. See E. M. Brown with N Ell. A N v PARKHILL. 210 Lumbermen's i31dg.. 5th and Stark St. ' ALAMEDA PARK. Brand new 6-room bunKulow, just be In finished; hardwood floors in all rooms; large attic; all buiit-in features; fire-pluc-b; furnace; pavd street; easy terms. N. O. Lcklund, ov. uur and builder, Taoor twso. $300 THAT'S ALL $300. We cun pluce you in one of the finest fi-room modern and up-to-date bungalows, blocks from car; FINE garage, 10 ft. iUh'v: LOOK and vou will be convinced, SMITH-WAGONER CO.; STOCK EX. - HAWTHORNE DISTRICT, 330 E- 40 th. A dandy bungiilow, 0 rooms, modern con veniences a-plenty. Wo can't give justice to this place hero but let us show you. Price $3t0; $1250 cash. Mall & Von Burnt el, lt Second st. ROSE CITY PARK, ST R ICT I.Y M ODE II N. Five rooms, si eep ins porch, has 1 S windows; this will pU-a-so you. Come out. 72j E. until N. $1200, terms. Main 54Co. Main US $2. FOR SALE By owner, furnished or unfur nished 7-room modern cottage; lot 100x100, abundance of shrubbery, flowers, small and large fruit ; one blik lrom car line ; r;ijiy terms to r is lit party. 1303 East Morrison. FI VE R COM S t ' LOSE I X $ 1900. 2')0 down, balance like rent; loc-ited at 203 Cherry t.. on- block from V"illia.i:s e. car; brick basement; house in good condition: go look lodny, then see the G. G. McCormic Co., 41S Fcnton bldg. L LEG ANT lrvingtn bungalow, 10 rooms and sleepintr porch, tile bath, hot water heat and garage; lot HT-xlOu; rrncr 20th and Ktictr. Co.-t over f 1 3,')uo. Price 510.000. Fred S. Wlllr.ims, 02 1 Ft st. HOMESEKKERS. We have all kinds oi homes in Portland. Pee us if yon wish to he treated riht ;md receive full value for your money. Fuchs. 420 i'liamnt-r of Commerce. ' $ti300 03 r E. th st. N., a modem fi-room house, lot 50xloo. hardwood floors, full basement, hot water furnace and garage, terms. REAL BARG MX IN HOME. Nice lot and modern 5-room buncalow with garage for ?:i..no; $10uo cash to han dle. F. r uchs, 42o Chamber of Commerce, IRVINGTON HOMtT ' VACANIY" -V2M terms. 0 rooms, oak floort. fireplace; fS; East 20 th. near Knott. Open today, be tween 2 and 5. Ncuhausen jfe Co. ROi'E- CITY FAR K buncalow with parage. S4.M E. 4Mb it. N. llt water heat, lire place and mo'lern plumbing. J35oU; terms. Fred v Wi i Hams. 12 J2 1 .-t st. $32."0. l'--story house, hardwood floors in 2 rooms. let "'x.o. Tmi)i. WAKEFIELD. FRIES .V CO., S3 4th St. PO RT LA N I) HEIG HTS E XCLUSIVELY. Beautiful home.- and lo:s in ad parts of this choice disirict. Mar. 427. BROOKE. A 30. WOODSTOCK CAR. $5iki. TERMS. G nice rooms, full eement basement, bath, f'-uit ; lot Wxl 10. ner. Main 1043 or Main 1377. IRVINGTON CHOICE HOME. between Knott i'.i'd Stanton, all oak floors, fire place : ? 00 . Ncuhausen A: Co. FR SALE- By owner. 3-room modern bungalow : Karate, electric btuve. Phone Sonuay Tnbor M03. ICR SALE By owner, 6-room "hoiiF. mod ern, fruit tres ai-d berries; I'tivs. Take Voodtock car. 6221 44th et. S. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. $7000 DISTINCTIVE IRVING TON BUNGALOW. - Here is an unusually attractive, artistic, typical bungalow, practicably new; butlt for a home; best material and workman ship: double-constructed ; contains many unique, original practical ideas and con veniences; plate-giass and hardwood floors throughout; den with fireplace; large liv ing room; paneled dining room; plate rail; beveled glass buffet; French doors open into pergola; a wonderful full Dutch kitch en; every buiic-in convenience; 1 light airy bedrooms; large closets; best white-enamel plumbing fixtures; separate shower room; full-floored attic; full cement basement; furnace; laundry trays; fruit room; Arco Wand electric motor vacuum cleaning plant; large Ruud automatic gas water heater; a full lot on E. 24th st., one of the choicest locaLibns; beautiful lawn and rosea. Its clinker brick porch and col umns, its very distinctive bungalow lines make a very pleasing, substantial ex terior appearance. Unusual bargain. Can arrange terms. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRB To Buy Your Home. Ablngton Bldg. Main lo3. Main 5150. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. A LOVELY WISTARIA AVE. HOME. Most delightful living, 4Sxl,J, with fireplace, in Ingle wood; cheerful dining, built-in buffet and French doors leading out on porch; Dutch kitchen with break fast nook, 3 Just fine bedrooms, sleeping porch, soiled clothes and dust chute., bath and toilet up, cement basement Al furnace, most lovely lot, 75xluo, and Just li blwcks from .car. Owner wishes to go east and offers at remarkable bargain, only f.-iSOO, $1.00 cash, ail assessments paid. If you are looking for one of tin fiuc&t, be. sure and see tliis. THE LAWRENCE CO., 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 6315. A 2815, $3675 REAL KENTON HOME 1367a. 6-room very modern, substantial, at tractive home with garage on a paved street, H block to Derby street, 1 y blks. to school, and 3 to bank; has furnace and fireplace; solid paneled dining room; Butch kitchen : many built-in conven iences. Total price $3675; street lieus in cluded. Terms. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRB To Buy Your Home. Ab In Eton Bldg. Main 1068. Main 8156. , Office Open Evenings and Sundays. VACANT BUNGALOW, $3250. Very nifty, well-built 5-rm. bungalow; large attic nrepiace, h. w. floors, wall breakfast table and all nifty conveniences that the lady likes, located on full lot In Westmoreland; street work all paid for ; $500 cash. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com Open evenings and Sun days. HOLLADAY PARK DISTRICT,, Till June 1, a bargain at $4500; modern 7 -room home, double construction, fire place, 2 toilets, bath, sewing room, with built-lns, glassed-in sleeping porch 9x23, full cement basement, furnace and tubs. Price would not build this house, say noth ing of lot. Owner has been only occupant. Phone East TU'JX $ 3'J 50 C LOSE IN $ 39 50. Corner east Davis and 24 th st, fine 6-room home, beautiful lot, hard-surface streets, im. paid. Here Indeed Is a great bargain for you. $750 will handle. Bal ance easy. Don't let this slip. A home such as this Is q ulckly picked up. Call CHARLES RINGLER CO., Main 8123. CORNER lot, 6-roora house, 1015 "William ave., at vvygant, dtuu. terms. KOSENBLATT A. CALOMON, Inc., 403 Selling Bldg. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW, $3S0O. Elegant 1 -story 8-rm. bungalow with all modern conveniences. Including bil liard room and table, located bslow the hill ; good garage. Fred W. German Co., 73 Cham, of Com. Open evenings and Sundays. FIRST TIME OFFER FOR SALE. $3000 6-room bungalow. S. P. built In. everything right up to date, on corner. 90 x&5; a swell home place. Improvements all paid,T. blk. to car, ;i0 minutes. Photo i office. Mitchell & Rippey, 205 Gertingei bldg. Main 2534, BUNGALOW SACRIFICE. $3.00 Five-room bungalow, built In, fireplace, furnace, fine cement basement, 50x100. pretty lot and roses galore, 1 bile to Sellwood car, walking distance; reason able cash payment, bal. easy. Mitchell St Rippey, 205 Gerllnger bldg. Main 2534. FOR SALE, by owner, real home; bargain, good 6-room house on Alnsworth ave., fruit, lawn, roses, good barn, fine place to koep cow and chickens; price $3.50; small payment down; balance like rent. Call Main 5590. 51RO0 250 DOWN, $25 MONTHLY INC. Modern 5-roora bungalow, fireplace, electricity, full plumbing, good basement, nice'full lots, 1 block Mt. Tabor car. Real bar era in on easy terms, vacant. Tabor WANTED To sell 4-room modern house, with best furniture: reasons for sale, must eo east: 2 lots. 80x100. one lot empty. Address 1132 E. 2oth st. N. Alberta cat or 11 E. i:7tn st. n. PIEDMONT, 7-r. bungalow, hardwood finish, full basement, furnace and fireplace, : lots 50x100, several fruit tres; $j500 ; no assessments; terms. C. S. Tigard, 405 E. Yamhill Bt. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Strictly modern, seven-room home, close In Hawthorne, $3000. $.100 cash., $U5 Month. ilcReynolds, 214 Ablngton, Main 4141. LEAVING TOWN. Nice S-room house and bath, large at tic and sleeping porch, basement, 2 lots, and hen house, $4u0 casn, bal. $20 month, by owner, 5425 36th ave. S. E. STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! I must sell our home in Irvlngtoii Heights; 7 nice rooms, bath and reception riall. cail ooaiawa Ay alter o tf. AL. Owne r. $t00 WILL buy you a C-room. double con structed house, in Hawthorne district electric lights, gas. cement basement. garage, xruit trees, uuxiuw iou bee owner, 1110 E. liarrlpcn st. EXTRA large 5-room house with modern plumbing, large Dutch kitchen with inlaid linoleum, uunt-in siaeooara. writing desk. bookrase and cove ceiling, full basement, for SlHl'O. Call Tabor 701!1. GREATEST SACRIFICE EVER. Two pjod 5-room houses, both rented, lot OOxt'J.'i, on Williams ave.. -near Broad way. Price for 10 days. $43'K; terms; worth double. Owner. Main 145 1. DO YOU want a home? I want a car. Will take small car for part payment on seven room house on paved street, near school and street car; balance terms to suit. Call owner. East 4O50. BUNGALOW C rooms, furnace, fireplace, laundrv. large porch, view lot 75xlO0. lu2'J Raleigh st. Terms. F. L. Bowman & Co., 213 C. f C. bldg. Main 3026. FOR SALE Nice seven-room l:ouse bath, gas. tarn and chicken yard, 50 chickens, lovely garden; leaving town, must sell at once. Price $J.00, terms. Call Tab. 5825. MUST SACRIFICE at once my fine 6-roora bungalow, wun garage. lurnace and fire place, $325U. See owner. 1123 East Har rison st. Tabor 4Sf2; no agents. " LOOK HER" Hurry If you want this modern 4-room bungalow for $!5o0, $7o0 cash required. 507 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Modern 7-room house with pri- ate garage, newly remodeled, good con dition, $.Ti50O. easy terms. Call 67 Broad way, bet. oak and Ankeny. OWNHRS will sell two Beaumont houses. 6 rooms, s..nuu; t rooms wun seeping porch. $5."0; terms If desired. If interested call Tabor 2701. WOOLMERE 6-room. nearly new and bam as garage 1 tlx20. berries and f mit trees; cost new $2oo: wi'l take $2300. C S. Ticard. 4nr, E. Yamhill st. CUSY cottazr, nicely furnished; price $1400. terms. laoO S.skiyou st., near 7uth. It, C ca r. LEAL with owner, 9-room, modern house with 3 or 5 lots: furnished or unfurnished. Some terms. UK 500. Oregonian, II Y owner. 5-room modern cottage, lot 50 r 12rt. fruit, walking distance, near 3 car lines. 5 i2.-o; tT-ns. a;'P y on uoaney ave. jHOrt FOR bath, gas, p:id; eas SALE by owner. .Vroom cottage. eicc. iot 50x100; street licua terms. Phone 1 abor 2220. LAL'KELHURST home, 0 rooms. 2 baths. shower, vacuum steam heat, modern In every tleta;:. laoor Jz.l GOCUl 8-room modern house and garage, lot looKluO. with fruit and pine trees; easy t'-rms. laoor m- IRVINGTON HOME. IVELAHUNT. East 1347. IF YOU want a comfortable, well-built hou from owner at a bargain, phone Woodlawn 434. Ht)l"SE and 50x200 lot block to car line. a. bargain. Look at this. 713 Allegheny St., t t. jon ns. kj r. TH REE-ROOM HOUSE and lot, 100x100 barn, chicken? and cow. Apply 20y3 Schuyler st., iane .ioniavma car. FOR SALE 4-room house. ries, garden, reasonable. SH3 E. 33d ft. 2 lots, fruit, ber- woouiawn S01S. GOOD small home, S43 13th near Shaver, rooms and bath. Tabor 2' '23. FOR SA l.K New house, sewing machine. (all wopqiawn .una .-"un a ay. LOT and 7-room house in the Irvington dis trict. Call roau way ..au. H, C. PA R K, bargain. 6-room, sleeping porch, 4ooo. uwucriaoor FOR SA LE Modern 6-room house, Ir ing- ton, by owner. Phone Tabor 4i2. Terma IRVINGTON HOMES OUR SPECIALTY. KliUHALa'EN & CO.. Main bU78. Eaat 3l4. MOD ERN 7-room house, furnace, shrubbery and fruit tree?. Uji nnton. 7-RCK'M house, E. l;ih, and iiere;t, uOuU, REAL ESTATE. For Sale House. $7500 DISTINCTIVE ROSE CITY HOME. On Wistaria, 1 block from Sandy blvd., on a large lot is a very attractive strictly modern 7 -room bungalow type home with garage. Best of material and workman ship; reception hall ; large living room with fireplace; solid paneW-d dining room; 12-foot very artistic buffet; plate rail; French doors; hardwood floors; den; white enameled Dutch kitchen with every convenience; srreened-ln back porch; full cement basement with laundry trays; fruit and fuel room; hot water heating system. On the second floor are 8 Hfcht. airy bed rooms; best white enamel plumbing fix tures. $500 will handle Liens, all paid, SEE FRANK L. McGUIRB To Buy Your Home. Ab In Ft on Bldg. Main 1068. Main PI 56. Of rice Open Evenings and Sundays. BRAND NEW BUNGALOW. BRAND NEW BUNGALOW. f-'6r,0 TK RMS 2W0. SliS'.O TERMS $2fi.0. 3134 E. 17TH ST. N. ALBERTA CAR, Just completed, never occupied, 5-room bungalow, sleeping porch, Dutch kitchen. Buine built-ina. panel dining room, full basement, electric fixtures, plumbing com plete, street lins paid. See tliis today ; take Alberta car to 17th St.. then go two blocks north; owner on premises 11 to 5 daily, or phone Main 51-4 evenings. Deal direr t with owner and builder. Best buy in Portland A NEW HOUSE IP LIKK A tNEW AUTO. YOU GET ALL THEGOOD. BEAUTIFUL ALAMEDA BUNGALOW Large, light living room with north, south and east exposure, fireplace; attractive dining room with buffet ; Dutch kitchen, 2 large, light bedrooms in white enamel, extra fine bath, pedestn.1 lavatory; full stairs to floored attic with space for two more bedrooms If needed ; cement base ment, furnace, laundry trays; highly re stricted district: a cosy, attractive, modern home at a sacrifice. Broadway car, K3 . 33d North. D. G. Wilson, Main 250 3d st. RIVERVIEW AT ROCK SPUR. Beautiful modern 6-room bungalow with over an acre of ground, situated overlook ing the river and Elk Island, beautiful homes adjoining. The acre Is covered with beautiful trees and shrubbery and on Pacific highway and within 100 yards of Rock Spur station on the electric R. R.. good service, pnly 7 miles from postoffice on good paved road. Price only $50t0, $700 cash. This Is surely a splendid buy. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. A 2815. IRVINGTO?. A MOST attractive, thoroughly modem and almost new 8-room residence; desir ably located on choice 100x100 corner. This house was NOT built as "For Sale" houses, but by owner, and is well con structed In every way. Will make liberal discount from cost price on sale, or might accept well-located vacant or Improved Portland property for my equity. AF 335, Oregonian. WONDERFUL VIEW HOME. Overlooking the cltv and the Willamette. thoroughly modern. 7-roora house with hot water heating plant and finished In old Ivory; beautiful lawn around the entire place, lots of roses and fruit trees. 20 mln utes streetcar ride from the Benson hotel; the district is restricted residence property; a splendid home and an unsurpassed view location. Buy from the owner. 78:2 Melrose drive. Phone W oodlawn 2235. WALNUT PARK. A grand 7-room home oo Cleveland ave.. surrounded by most beautiful homes. This Is Just a real nice home, and level lot; large rrult trees and lovely rosea Street paved and paid for. Here is a splendid opportunity to buy a real home in iinest district at exceptional value. Price $420O, 1500 cash. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 6&15. A 2815. $2000 UNUSUAL BARGAIN $2000. A 6-room substantial house; white enamel plumbing; electric lights and gas 8 bedrooms: good basement: newly paint ed; 1 block to the Sellwood car. You couldn't build this house for $2500. Very easy terms. .ts FRANK L. McGUIRB To Buy Your Home. Ablngton Bldg. Main lutjH. Main 51 53. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. NEW. MODERN IRVINGTON RESIDENCE. 12 rooms, hardwood floors throughout, beautltul mahogany and oak finisn; sun parlor, sleeping porch, full cement base ment, large finished attic, 3 toiiets, tile bathrooms, sanitary plumbing, 3 artistic tile fireplaces, stationary vacuum cleaner, all modern conveniences; easy terms t consider some trade. Owner, BL 252, Ore- eonian. EXCELLENT RIVER VIEW. 4-room modern house, all convenienses. one-quarter acre, 15 kinds of fruit, roses and other flow-rs; accessible to perfect bathing beach; garden planted, good soil. spacious porcnes. on rock roau, best eiec trie service out of Portland; $2400, $250 cash, balance easy terms. Fred W. Ger man Co., 732 Cham, of Comm.; opm even ings and Sundays. WAVERLY HTS. HOME. CORNER LOT 50x101. good cement gar age, large seven-room hous- 4 bedrooms, good cement basement, wuwh trays and woodlift. alt paved sts. in and paid, 2 bias, to car; price $3500. Terms. C A. WARRINBR. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS HOME. CORNER RUGBY AND FRANKLLV. Modern 6-room house on full corner lot commanding beautiful river view; rose hedges and climbers on three sides of lot; hardwood floors, two large fireplaces, ce ment basement and good furnace. See owner o premises or phone Main 4072. $2000 ROSE CITT PARK 5-room bungalow; hardwood floors In main roms; on paved street and sewer. Terms $400 down, balance monthly. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4th and Stark. Main 20a. ' THAT VACANT LOT. ' Why not turn a burden into Income? We design and build apartments, garages, residences anything; f urnlfh plans and finance. Established ten years. We offer SECURITY, K BR VICE, SATISFACTION. L. R. Bailey Co., Inc., contracting archi tects, D24 N. W. Bank bldg. WE HAVE for sale houses at all prices in good districts or good va.ue; also have f irst-class architect and builder in our office who is reliable and will furnish plans and build to suit; wo have an auto tat your servica and wlM be pleased to show you houses or submit plans. M. B 1 1 1 i n gs, 509 McKay b 1 d g. M aln 1390. TWO A-l modern houses, one locatsd on Commercial su, near pumic library and Jefferson high school, $ 0; the other on Gloucester st., near Portsmouth, worth $0000; can be bought for $3bo0. terms; no agents; by owner. J. W. Hance, Wood lawn 4 501). modern c-room; house, fireplace. BL I L. 1 -1 IS I- V t I'j t A 1 i li JO IvtJAbK. GARAGE: CORNER, CLOSE IN O.N EAST HIDE; BEST CARLINE IN CITY; $-i2J0, TERMS. PHONE EAST 300. $1050 BUNGALOW $1050. TCear piedmont. 1 block from Union and Killings worth ; ft rooms and bath, base ment, electric lights. gaM; comer lot; easy terms. Look at 424 Church at, Marshall 4o79. Osncr, 410 Henry bldg. 7-ROOM, 2-story frama residence, furnished; grounu space uux t . Kara e 9 space ; & choice view; c!os? In. on Portland Ht foothills; cash $1000, balance easy; upper 60x72 same terms. Owner, 430 13th it4 corner u acuswii. $42oC Up-to-date six-room h 00 use, short aiK to uroiwway ana steel oriages; thoroughly modern, with hot water hat ample garden space and beautiful fruit trees. K. h.. -Menrree &. Co., 410-41 Railway Exchange. Main 4033. 8-ROOM nouse. oains, a Dnrooms, large living anu amins rooms, iuu Dasement, garage; lot 75x150, terraced; fine view; choice neighborhood. Call Alain 22t3, lrom o to 1-. $3."00 6-ROOM modern house, with garage, 1140 E. Yamhill; interior freshly painted. vnmLBheii ana tnorouuniy cleaned. rari v for occupancy; wili lane liberty bonds lor first payment. rnone wowiawn 3152. BROOKLYN CAR SHOPS. Modern 4-room bungalow, hardwood floors, enameled kitchen, high-grade plumbing; only $2200. easy terms. call owner, hast SIX 5 and 0-room modern flats In best west side location wun ccnirai neaiing plant; lot assessed at $11,U00; will sell lot and building for $lt,000; half cash. Phone East bntKJ ana astc ior r.. it, coins. 7-ROOM modern house. 2-story, barn, 4 lots. 13 bearing iruii trees, nerne snrubberv. flowers; price $3300; $o00 down, balance monthly. 0210 oswi ave. fc. 1. Tabor 7337. THE house you buy is much more attrac uve- wliu xjngimn ugnting zixturea. J. C. English Co.. 14S 5th st. tTNGLISH licrhting fixtures In a house de note a high standard or construction. J. C. English Co., 148 5lh St.; ups lairs. PLEASANT S-room house, choice 150x100, producing per cent on me price asked easy terms; liberty bonds' taken. 53 N. E tSOth st. GOING to build or repairt Get my Ideas and estimate. B. T. Allyn. 243 Stark st. Ofiice hours 3 to 5 P. M, Phone Main S3L Res, phone. Tabor ll4. SMALL house, lot 30x100, fruit and berries; convenient tn "St. J.," " WA," "MA" and "KS" cars. -Woodlawn 30O0. VR Y attractive 7-room nouse. first-class material and finish, A-l condition; only $:Q-.Q Inquire 53 N. E. 60! h st. EKTZp &. WEGMAN, Architects and Builders, 6M Pittock Block. We design artistic homes. FOR SALE 6-room house, all modern, on paved st. and good district, cor, iot, $3500 ca&n. AX 210. OregouUn, REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Houses. $2350 GREAT HOME BARGAIN $2350 I know it is poor advertising to say that this Is the best borne bargain in the city at the price, but I oelieve it is and you will say so upon Inspection. The house Is practically new ; has unusual, substantial attractive lines with a large "--porch x tiidlng across entire front of house, re ception hall, large living room, beautifully grained woodwork with natural finish, very artistic lighting fixtures, solid pan eled dining room with plate rail, heavy beamed ceiling, built-in buffet ideal white enamel Dutch kitchen; best white enamel plumbing fixtures; 2 light bedrooms with large closets, full attic, good cement base ment with laundry trays. Very easy terms. On 60th avenue, 1 block from the car. This Is an unusual buv and will be Bold by Mou i day night, so ACT UUICKLY. SEE FRANK L, McGUIRB TO BL'Y YOUR HOME. Ablngton Building. Main 5151. Main IOCS. Office Open Evenings and Sundays.- BARGAIN. TOtT CAN MOVE IN AT ONCE. $1750, ALBERTA DISTRICT. 8 -room cottage with modern plumbing. Price Includes some gardon tools, furm fire. gas heater, etc. The place is newly painted inside and outride. Yard in fine condition. 7 bearing fruit trees and lots of berry bushes. Terms $500 down and $5 a month. Including all Interest. Will sell on straight contract, no mortgage. J. I HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 5th and Stark. Main 203. ONLY SEVEN MORE LEFT. They are goiu-g turn and soon anot.ier golden opportunity will have slipped by. I171M1. 175U, $lbO0, $lSOO, $llHn). $1050, $2000, all 5 rooms, bath. gas. electric lights, full basement, wash traya, street improve ments all In and all paid; no mortgage; also one C-room home corner at $2tjoO. Plastered home and all In fine condition. Not ffhack, Very close in. convenient to Mt Tabor, Sunnyside and lontavilla cars. Eay tor ma Sunday call Tabor 3utM and Tabor 6bdl. J. A. WICKMAN CO. 204 Ry. Exchange Bldg. Main 1O04. $1575 HOME BARGAIN $1575. On a 50xl35-foot lot. on Portsmouth ue, close to St. Johns car. Is a good, sub stanuai plastered home; large combina tion living and dining room, kitchen and 2 bedrooms: electric lights and gas; white enamel plumbing, on a paved street. Total price. Including all liens, $1575. Only $i!00 down entire balance like rent. Real bar gains. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRB TO BUY YOUR HOME. Ablngton Building, Main 5156. Main 10C 9. Oftice Open Evenings and Sundaya MR. AND MRS. HOMESEEKER, Just look at these for reasonably priced and com fortable homes: 6-room, double constructed- modem no me. on estn street, in itosa uity rara hardwood floors, furnace and fireplace ana nara suriace streets; on;y s-ttau. 5-roora ' bungalow cottage, on East 84th, Close to cunnyside and Hawtnorne a cars; nice lawn and rosea, hard surface streets: oniv S-YOU. J. B. HOLLBROOK. 214-215 Panama Bid. ONLY TWO BLOCKS TO ROSE CITT CAB. 1 N EAR 43D AND TILLAMOOK ST. A modern home of 6 rooms with large oen ana sleeping porch. Lots or vines. Good location, full basement with fruit closets and Al furnace. Modern built-in errecta Price 5750. naif cash. J. L. HART MAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Com merce bldg., 4th and Stark. Main 208. MODERN HOUSE Nine large rooms, fin Ished. and store room unfinished ; fins lot 80x100: faces two lm Droved streets fruit, berries and lawn; occupied by own ers; decrease in lamuy reason for sell ing; lot worth $3000; would cost $5000 to duplicate the house: price for whole. $6000; terms; location 422 Fremont su Phone East 4122. Do not call unless you mean business. $9000 FOR PHYSICIAN1 OR SURGEON. 784 Hoyt Street, Near St. Vincent's Hospital. rooms, newly renovated throughout modern, hardwood floors downstairs. baths, 2 fireplaces, desirable neighbor- nooQ ; laiiaiaciory terms. WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO.. 85 4th St. ROSE CITY PARK Fine 6-room modern nome, 1 -story bungalow type, corner lot. facing south and east: street paved has hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, bookcases, buffet. Dutch kitchen, double constructed, making a thoroughly modern nome: price inciud iriir streets. S4.oo : rea sonable terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., u-w r. w. canK oiag. aiain bei. ALBERTA BL'NXSALOW. VACA.NT. MOVE RIGHT IX. $2500 -room, newly painted and tinted Inside and out, bath, gas, electric iignts, run basement with laundry room; 1 'j blocks to Alberta car. Terms. Sundav call Tabor CsSL J. A. WICKMAN CO. 2Q4 Ry. Exchange Bldg. Main 1004. WEST-SIDE HOME. $6300. Easy walking distance to retail district. fine view of mountains and river; 0 big rooms, an in good condition, lot box 100 will sacrifice at S050U, which is about value or ground alone, easy terms. LUEODEM ANN COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce. MR. HOMESEEKER, wouldn't you like to own a nice lit 1 suourban home, where you can enjoy the beauties 01 country iiio ana raise your own vegetables, fruit, chickens and egggs? x nave some nice suouroan nomea xoi sale and exchange. J. B. HOLBROOK, 214-215 Panama b!d ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. The Interior of a house is where you live, and to appreciate this s-room bunga low on paved street, complete in every detail, you must see the interior. This is a bargain, so call Sunday at 0U Las tiuth N. or phone Tabor P245. or WE BOTH LOSE. ROBE CITY PARK. 5-room strictly modern bungalow In choice part of Rose City: large rooms, hardwood floors, built-lns; all freshly tlntad ana enameled: excellent cas rur nae. naved streets. Come to G29 E. S7th st. N. and. deal direct with owner. Price M2T.O. HAWTHORNE. S-room bungalow. 2 additional sleep I r. roomi In attic buffet. fireDlace. furnsre, garage, roses, some fruit; streets hard surfaced included In price; $t700, easy terms if desired. JOHNSON-DOpON Co.. r,:; N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3TS7. HAWTHORNE bungalow. $3100, by owner. Modorn 6-room bungalow, 5 rooms down 1 up, full concrete basement, driveway In. but r.o garage. All street Improvements In and paid. $700 down. $30 month. In cluding Interest. Tabor 2028. NOB HILL residence. Northrup street, be tween 24tn and 2.jin. & rooms, an nara wood floors except attb: hot-water hat, lot 5ftxUn; one of the best finished houses in Fortlnnd; terms csn be arranged. WAKEFIELD. FRTES &i CO., 85 4th Kt. EIGHT-ROOM house with two toilets and baths, full basement. lot 42xl0O; pries $4.00, cash $5u0. balance easy. 30th st., cast side, near Hawthorne ave. See Wor then, I'tilou Building &. Contracting Co., 2U Alisky bldg. FOR SALE by owner, fine cor. with tw o houses, one 6 rooms and 1 & rooms, an modern, with cement garage: 2 blocks to sehnol and 3 to car. In walking distance $2.'i('0 cash, balance x to suit. f?!ark St.. cor. 1 0th. Last HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. We are the owners of 90x100, corner 53d and Sherman, where we will build you a home from your own plans and sell you on your own terma East S3 16. BUNGALOW, smon g fine homes, beautiful view tot, 1022 Raleigh st.. Willamette hta. 6 rooms, furnace, fireplace, large bath room, laundry, etc. For sale by owner. Price S55O0. Main 5042. CLINTON 8T.. near S4th, large six -room house, modern except mm ace ana nara wood floors; line view of city; $3250, $5u0 down. Tabor 1M1. W. H. Sawtell. BY OWNER Six-room house; bathroom, electric lights, gas. laundry trays, full basement, six bearing fruit trees, garden, chicken house; assessments paid; lnvestl gate. Woodlawn 8 5 SO. FOR SALE Two bungalow-, practically complete, one five, one six-room. Rose City Park. If purchased now will permit purchaser to dictate details In finishing, decorating, etc. B 45S. Oregonian. MUST have some money right away; will sell you a 7-room house, corner lot, one block from paved street, fruit, all for $ 1 140, and give terms House Is In Hell wood. Elliott. 517 Hnry blng. $5750 IRVINGTON $5730. Modern 6 rooms and sleeping porch, garage, hardwood floors, built-lns, excel lent condition. Ideal location. Owner, 622 B. 24th N. Last 3S20. . WALNUT PARK DISTRICT. 6-room house, fine corner lot. fruit, tn.rio: $330 cash, balance 11 k rent. JoHNSON-DOD.-OX CO. 634 N. W. Eank hMe. ' Main 377. IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL YOUR HUilB. If ri. JJ. kj n AnaAua. ssriBt i. ml.. ADAMS. 507 CHAM. OF COMMERCE. MAj:SHALL-C57ft. Ft A TM1 Al N Modern 6-room houne: very large porch; one block to Montnville car; price o.uu, uu casn, very easy terms. Owner. :31 E. Flanders. East bl. FOR SALE A six-room modern bungalow with J im ix 100- lot, 2 blocks from car, free from all incumbrance; price $3500, some terms. Phone owner. Sell. 55. FOR SALE 5-room cottage In good condi tion, Sunnyside; $2mj0, terms. Owner. Ta bor 3S&S. FOR SALE House and lot 40x120. In Glad stone. Or.: price 1 -ou. ierm n ueaircu. Inquire 243 Beech st. Portland. O'. S ROOMS, modern, S. E. corner E. 40th and Tillamook, cost $$500: will sacrifice. L. 4. iux -71 C ftf i-'. - i iiiiwaukie. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Hou $7300 LAURELHURST $7300. Here is a wonderful bungalow, very mod em, unusuaJly attractive; has large front and side porch, living room with fireplace; bookcases, French doors leading into large music room and dining room, which lias a 7-foot buffet; ideal Dutch kitchen wttn breakiaat nook, 2 large licht atry bed rooms; house equipped wini Rector gas radiators; entire house Is finished in oid Ivory ; hardwood floors; very artistic lighting fixtures: best white enamel piumb- li'g wuh separate shower room; on a full corner loc. Just east of Laurelhurst park. uta arrange some terms. FRANK L. McGUIRB To uy Your Home. Ablngton Bldg. Main lOoS. Main 6136. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. HAWTHORNE LISTRIOT BUNGALOW. Just a oandy brand-new five-room mod ern bungalow, 1227 Mlxter st. (near 41dt; spiendioiy constructed and arranged, re-c-rtiun hall, living room, nne nrepiace, large nlsts class window, built-in book- caes. dining room, bullet, Dutch kitchen. Dreaaiast Sicove, two nle oea rooms, cioi- eis. batn. unisbed in old 1 or and wnue throughout; hardwood floors, shades, I paved streets, cement walks, all inuprove-n-inL4 In: n r flne cltv school, a'so Cath olic: WHlklnk' distance to . Franklin high. Call today Sundi ). see owuer. Interior decorated to suit purchaser. Price very reasonable, terms. Telephone Sellwood I 14 7. ROSE CTTT PARK BUNGALOW. READY TO BE OCCUPIED. Beautifully papered throughout. Modem gas heatins system. Cozy little breakfast room. All rooms old ivory enamel finish. Excellent hardwood floor. Thia attractive home Is located on the Alameda drive and only two blocks to Sandy Blvd. Price SS000. 130O down. .T. L. HARTMAN COM PANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bidg. 4th and Stark. Main 203. MT. T A HO R R T ; S'dlLOW. $3050 Beautiful bungalow, newly painted and tinted throughout, all large, light, airy rooms, hardwood f loora fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchsn, full casement. lurnace. i ma is a w on- derf ullv food bur. and. say. ths view, why, it can't be beat. Per- I fectlT wonderful: $500 cash wilM handle. But don't delay, as this! will e!l today. Sunday call Tabor I C3SL Last 244 or Tabor 3iVO. J. A. WICKMAN CO. 204 Ry. Exchange Bldg. MilnlWi TILLAMOOK DAIRY RANCH, S20 acres, located 6 miles from Kesko- win, 20u acras in pasture and hay. some I oats, balance of the land can be seeded I to grass, some green timber for fuel; I good orchard. & springs and creait, 1 r I miles to school. 7-room house. bath. plumbing, electric lights. dynamo 110 I volts; A No. 1 fences: price $7500; $40u0 casn; cows win be lezt on tne piece it Dnc run be arrMil unnn: 25 cows on I this place and lots of young stock. John I rerguion, Oerlinger bldg. THE McGUIRB SYSTEM. makes home buying easy. You can come to this office and see over 600 photographs oz Domes ior sale, arranged in districts; every one nas been apprai&ea. iu auutmo- Dues at your service. t-t-K FRANK I McGUTRR TO BUY YOUR HOME. Ablngton Building. Main G156, Main 1063. oriice open Evenings and Sunday a DTVISION-STREET BARGAIN. Nearly 1 acre and 5-room house on I naved street and car line: this Is a bar gain, price only $35J0; or will sell house and 2 lots for $2250, $500 down, balance to suit. LUE DDE MANX COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. ROSE CITY PARK Price $4300; terma New modem 5-room bungalow, bard-sur faced street, located 3 blocks from car I north of Sandy blvd.; hardwood floors, all bullt-tns, breakfast nook, linoleum in kitchen and bath, cement basement. COx 100 lot. See JOHNSON-DODSuX CO, 634 X. W. Bank bldg. NEW COZY ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW. 6 roomf. attic, fireplace, oak floors, good I plumbing, fine built-in works, walla tinted and licht fixtures, window shades, only $3350; easy terma See owner at office, 1230 Sandy boulevard. Tabor 3I25. onice open .Sundays. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. If you are looking for a strictly modern. up-to-date home in this district taae look at one 1 am building at S2d and Lincoln; I will finish the Inside, decorate, paint, etc. just the way you wish. Owner and builder, B. Dewdney. East 8316. BRAND-NEW ROSE CITY BUNGALOW Built for owner: best of reasons for sell ing; 6 rooms, fireplace, buffet, bookcases, hardwood floors, full cement basement. wash travs: 2 blocks to car. Price -ivo. $5u0 cash, balance $25 per. See Mr. King, UaK St. Jiroauway Utt. ALBERTA BUNGALOW. $2150 buys 5-room gungalow on full lot, I , alley, bath, gas. electric lights, wat-h trays, only one block to car. Terms. J. A. WTCKMAX CO. 204 Rv. Exchange Bldg. Main 101H. WHY PAY RENT WHEN X have a few small houses for sale on easy terms, three, four and five rooms each. You can move in at once. Some of Lb cm are close in. Union Building A Contracting Co. Aak for Worthen. 20t Allsky Bldg. WESTMORELAND Death forces me to sac rifice 5-room modern house, comer lot. fruit, berries. paved streets. beautiful 1 view, vacant, open for Inspection Sunday between 2 and 5; price $3l00. terms. 1353 Mil waukie street, cor. ti ion wood ave. WEST SIDE $500 cash; nice 5-room bun galow, lot 4ux 170. full basemen t. hard- surfaced street tncluaed in price; xur nislied $LJ7uo. unfurnished $.".00: rents $5 I per month. J H NSON-DOLSON CU. 034 N. W. Bank bldg." STOP PAYING RENT $800. TERMS. Hut from owner, nice 2 -room house; white Ivory finish. Dutch kitchen, bath. clothes closet, built-in drawers, large gar-I den. rosea, nlre lawn. 0'4 i tn St. s. R. C. car. 3 blocks south. iiiuoo '. Last Main street, west of SOth: 8 rooma m.-dero. garage : hot-water heat; lot 75x 1 OO : trma cun be a rrained. WAKEFIELD. FlUilS CO, !t 4th St. MT. TAUuK car line, once $25-5: cash $500. Modern 3-room nouse, located Close in and I only "-5 block imm car; tnis is a ouy. JoU.NMN-ut'PSoN CO., 654 N. W. Lank b!lg; M aln 37S7. MARPHFIKLD. Or.. 9-roora residence, value $3..to. good income, will sacrifice for larm residence or suburban ulare near Portend or trade for good auto. Address O. 1L Wil on. 10U Knott St.. I'ortiand. OWN ICR. will sell attractive, modern S-room home : best construction and materia.; large lot. paved street, good Cf Irnborhoou, fruit trees and rose bushes; 94750. terms. Taoor 03. $ 2 7 .". 0 House 6 rms.. full basement, w ash 1 truys, furnace, nrep.ace. 14 join, improve- 1 inents puia: nne location ana view; r.ai Ftark bt; large fruit trees; a buy. Hart, 010 Ch. of Com. Tel. Mar. 1. .".. REMOVING to California, will sell my tractive 7-room home at a bargain; mod ern conveniences, fruit, roses, full cement basement. v.t E. ISth st., between E. Wash- I Incton and frtarK. itusn CITY PAR IC S-room modern bungalow; hardwood floors throughout, white kitchen, bunet, fireplace. booKca.ses. fnrnarc, living room 30 feet lonr; $4 000. Fh'n Tabor . vS. 93O0O $500 CASH. $25 monthly; cosy five- I room bungalow, rirep.ace. bookca&es, :aun - rl rv travs. cement ha? r ment. JoMXSuN- DODfrON CO.. C34 N. W. Bank bldg. ?t:tln 37S7. BY OWNER Neat, partly furnished bunca- I low, rour rooms ana weeping porcn. near Piedmont and Jefferson lilgh school. U3d Gree'ey st. Cash or terms. $3200. 7 LARGE, pleasant rooms, not strictly modern, but very convenient, lot 77x177; large porches and yard, garden, fruit, ber ries, on 45th ave. J1500 cah. SHI wood 74 7. IDEAL home for children, lurite ground.,. 1 1- room modern nouse, - natnrooms. sipp ing porch screened, 818.500. BF 563, Oro- gonlan. CHOICE new modern five-room bungalow in good location, worth $3000, for best offer over three-fourths of value; no in cumbrance; owner. Woodlawn 1843. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. 6 rooms, modern, close to car; furnished I If desired, bee owner, u 1 um su Phone T abor 32 3 0. A BARGAIN Modern 5-room cottage. 50t 100 lor. on car line: nsrd-sur:ace street. S bearing trees and berri; $J300. 7i3 K. Sth st. S. Phone Sellwood all. VCi R K l.F. fsmall house on 50x100 lot: sidewalks In and paid for; m blocks from car: price U00, terms, rnone owner. fiellwood 55. 3-4-ROOM new plastered bungalow, ready tn fBo ilavi' will be sold cheap. $145j: at Kenton; 245 KUpatrick St., U'-i blocks west of Kenton banK. Owner on ground. 875110 bl East 16th st.. near Belmont. 7 rooms. tritr.T ire lot soxipn- ii oerai trms. W A K E FIELD. FRIES A CO.. ? 4?h Ft- MODilKX house for sale: six large, airy r'oms pleasantly located, one block frorn Woodlawn car. Call at 402 Durham ave. Save commissions. J. . ruray. f-iv little 5-room bungalow, comer 40x00. garage; a dandy buy at $1840: $:i0n cash. balance terms. JOHNSON-DODaON CO. Main 37S7. FOR SALE By wr.er, modern six-room 1 house, furnace, full basement, 813 L. Tay lor B 1M0. IRVINGTON HOMES Es( 6b4. R. T. STREET, IRV A G i N T. 2 LOTS, l.ica t io 4 rooms and bath; good buaineS n. T'J J j- nsrer read. MoDEIiN -room houte on block from car. Owuer fit ueilcatcsai-u, Liucny najaet. REAL ESTATE, For Sale -Houses. IN LAURELHURST Multnomah St., H blk. rrom car, strictly modern 6-room house, full bunement, laundry trays, furnace, etc.. kitchen, living room, dining room. .-ith beamed ceiling and panels, fire place, hardwood floors, kit alien and up stairs in white, downstairs in natural wood. 3 bedrooms and bath, laundrv trays in basement: lot fetxloo, house faces nortn. .trice xibou; tor ma. Floral ave. 50x100. Inside lot. B-room nou, garage. First floor 1 bedroom, bath and show er. 'J fireplaces, living, dining room a kitchen, den. billiard vr party room 21 X2. narawooa x ioors. Second floor 2 bedrooms and sleeping 1 porcn, natn. run basement, laur.cry. itim heat, or I can ce turned into nut water. Price $o5uu. 1 Xf VTVr.TOV Elegant 7-room bungsiow. isth st. X. near Knott st.. lot 7 5x1 OO. fine lawn, ce- I men drive and walk ways. First floor Living and dining rooms. plate glajf windows and doors. I'.rep.ac. I nuut-tn oooKraf. naruwood noors, line buffet. 2 bedrooms, alao modern bath. v it ehen Many closets and pautrlea ishea in white; electric cooker goes wit n piac. tcona floor1 2 bedroomi. modern bath. sleeping porch, garage t new ), cemont porch arrows front of house; very reason-I aoie price ana good trms. K. 21st N. near Rrazee St.. 73x100. 5 I bedrooms, living room lti32, dining room l.-iia, reo. nail 14x10. bath room, library. pass pantry, dfn, lavatory. basement. laundry, toilet, billiard room, brick bid;., hardwood floors. Price $13,000, terms. B. 23 th at. X.. near ThomDSon. 12 room house, 100x150. elegantly finished. xnahorany and solid oaa. oiled walla hand-painted decorations, cove celling, un parlor, stationary vacuum cleaner serving whole house from atUo to base- I ment. balance of house corresponding and I an aeeping. JKeasonaoie price ana terms. EL 12th mt. X.. near Srxntoa st. l-room house, 4 bedrooms ltd floor. 2 bedrooms 8d floor, usual bathrooms, living, dining room, Duill-in Dultet. also otner conveni ences, finished In mahogany, plate glass windows, French glass doors opening to living room, also white enamel sun par lors, double garage, full basement, fur nace, etc Second floor finished in white. ' Price $3000. mtg. $2300 at 7 per cent. BAST BIDE. Bast Tavlor street, near Wfh Doiihln Hats or 4 rooms each, neatest and clean est proposition In the city, finished in white; lower flat rents fur $40 per month: full basement, furnace, etc. front and I back yards, room for garage; price $4uu0. I uoeraa terms. 13th and Bast Brosdwav 100x100. 10- room house, ft bedrooms, parlor, library. fireplace. full basement. kitchen. oass pantry, built-in buffet, house modern and I in fine condition; many fruit trees, roses. etc; price $12,00O, eaay terms. Xear 12th and Knott streets Dutch eo- I lonlal house, 8 rooms, bedrooms and up stairs hall finished In whlte likewise kitchen, living roojn, dining room with beamed celling, also panel work ; recep tion hall, sun parlor, hardwood floors. two fireplaces. bath and toilet. extra toilet in basement, furnace, also Royal 00c waier neater; lot mjxiuu; price fiuu, terma. Ladd Addftlon Elegant 11 -room house: I plate glass windows, 4 bedrooms second floor, with bath and toilet, also sleeping porch. 3 bedrooms third floor with bath and toilet, living room, reception, hall. vesuDuiea, aming room witn beamed ceil ing, telephone room, butler s pantry. fngerator room, den. with panels, full basement, furnace; very modern house; vnto w, lernu. Rose City Park 5-room bungalow. Kr. Inr room. built-in bookcase. window seats, fir finished dining room, built-in I ouiret, neavy molding around ceiling living and dining rooms. butch kitchen finished In white, also I vwo oeurooms ana Dam in wnite. Cement basement, wash travH. hnnxn I g piped ior gas neat; fruit trees, etc; sts. nara surracr-a; a diocks to car line. Price $3750 cash $1200. Waaeo, near East 24th street Lot 42: iuu: 7-roora nouse. hail, living room. fireplace, dining room, bay window, eew Ing room, pass pantry, kitchen, finished in wnito. louet downstairs, 3 bedrooms. bath, large slee(ping porch. Price $4050. MtJKRATMHAD district. East Sherman. near ii.ust 4tn street S-room house. large bedrooms. sleeointr Dorch. livine room 10x3O. fireplace, dining room, cove I ceiling, cam net. Kitcnen, eiec. range. Kiicuen ana cam xinisned in r rencn gray bedrooms, living and dining rooms In I ivory white, full basement, wash traa. very fine furnace, unusual, use 5-foot I slabs, firing once In 24 hours, used 6 I cords last season at $7 per cord, entire cent 9; lot 4Uxlls; garage, cement run- Price 93000 cash $2300. WEST FIDE. 60x100 lot and modern 1 0-room house; doum now leased for one year at J 60 per month; location near Ft. Helens road and Thurman street. This Is a nice, clcaa property. 2" rice it&o; $.5uo cash. Two bouses for sale, west side, 8 to 10 I rooms eacn; fireplace, furnaces, baths one located 12th street, near Montgomery St.; one 6th street, corner north of Harri son street; lull lota; reasonable price easy lerma. -room modem house On Harrison St.. near Portland academy: 4 bedrooms. maid's room, up-tof at bath and toilet, sleeping porch, reception hall, living room, dining room, den. fireplace. hardwood floors, pantry, ki tchen, full hjement. furnace, etone bulkhead, lot oOxluo, h.ird- eurracca street, line view; price $suo. terms. Nearly one acre and 4-room bungalow. Bast 62d and O.-W. R N. Co. right of way; price $3-10, cash $700, balanee mortgage at 6 per cent, payable at $25 a mouia. 4-room bungalow, 50x100 lot. 83d and ant n urns: no a tree la. located in .Munu- viiia district: price 20(mj. cash, bal ance mortgage at J per cent. o-roem nouse. Multnomah street r., nssr t east -4th street; strictly modern; lot 40X lu; price 335U0. terma T-roora brick bouse, some frame, very nice proposition: lot ooxioo; in Lenta dis trict; price l.'j'J. casn Jlft'lO. RICHMOND DISTRICT 5-room bun- ralow. living room, dinine room, f.i place, kitchen, pantry, 2 bedrooms, bath. full cement basement. wa:ili trays, fur- I mture Included; corner 5'ixlOO lot: beau- I tif ul shade trees, rose hedge, hard-sur- I Zaced street: on car line. I'rice j:t..oO. 1176 Albtna ave., a block north from ICtltingsworth. faces west; 8 rooms, liv ing room, parlor, dining room, kitchen, 4 bedrooms, bath, full basement, 50x100 lot. rnca -.o. FRED W. NEWELL. OR BOON INVESTMENT MTG. A CO, 220-221-222 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 205. LITTLE GRAY HOME IN TH K WEST. $70J. TOTAL PH. ICR. Just north of the Portland boulevard on Boston ave., close to St. Johns car. among the cool fir tr--j. in a natural park is a 5-room bungalow-cottage: 2 bedrooms; liv ing and dining room. Dutch kitchen. The hedge of rofes around the front, the ro-o arbor over the front door, the green lai the fruit, berries and flowers, gives this little place a happy, contented, homo-lika atmospucre tnat 1 lucumg in many ex pensive homes. This is a bargain. Act Quickly. SEE FRANK L. McGT'TRE TO lU'Y YOnt HOME. Ablngton Building, Main 5150. Main 106S. Oftice Open Evenings and Sundays. ' THE TIME IS SHORT. If too want this nlco larre bungalow. art quickly, n rooms and den, all built in effects, full cement basement and furnace. comer lot witu nice lawn, f h rubbery and fruit, garage, school and stores, hard sur face street in and paid, close to car, Al location. Price $45oo. C. A. WARRTNER, RITTER. LOWE 4 CO.. 201-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FINE LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. 8 rooms, breakfa.t room and sleeping porch. 2 bedrooms downstairs, 3 upstairs, every built-in convenience, tiled bath room, eu u limed with wail tub. sitz and shower bath; fine hot-water heatir.g plant; double garage; signuy iocauuu; price $11.(xio. LUEllEMANN COMPANY. 013 Chamber of Commerce. jOOIl East Salmon street, near 2Sth street, six rooms and bat h ; hot-water heat; lot &ox 111. I- tlOOO (lg 1. WAKEFIELD. FRIES A- CO.. S3 4h Ft. -ROOM cosv cotUK'; a bargain: bath and toll -t. be rrln i hcrrioi, apples, tardt! l.iwn. rosea, L. 3d IU Is. Wuoauwn 501 S. REAL ESTATE. For tale -Houe. $5MH HEIGHTS BUNGALOW $5SO0. A very attractive gray bungalow with a rare unobstructed view of the city, moun tains and river, cloce to car; has large llv lnc room with fireplace, window seat and c.tvKcae : rrt ncA doors open onto a large Dii-e porch extending across the entire v nun 01 nouse, wuicu nas an unoonruciea mow; has a very attractive paneied dining room with plate rail, beamed ceiling and arn.xtic buf let. kitchen : butler's pantry. l.awng every bul.t-in convenience; 3 light, a.ry bedrooms with large cioets; bet wnue enamel piumoing iixtures; iuu ce ment basement; laundry trays and fur nace. Can arrange terma 10 autos to snow our properties. At your convenience wa wouid bo pleased to have a machine call for cu. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRB, TO BUY YOUR HOME. Ablrgton Dld. Main lotx. Main 6136. Oi lice open evenings and Sundays- TWO IRVINGTON HOiitS. NO. 1, 950OO ; $13u0 CASH, TURKS. 1 nis is ceitainiy an attractive nome. with large Lvicg room, uididk room, bail and kitchen down; large bedroom, with dressing room, one other bedroom, sleep ing porcn. o:n ana tone up; toiset oown; Srase. ceaunrui lawn ar.a snruooer. P-ir jut reduced from $CuOO to $5Ou0 for quick aS. NO. 2. $6000; 9i.vm CASH, BAL, $35 MO, A.N L llNlKlltT This Is a tine, large home, with large room; plate-g.ass windows, fully modern; rate. T hese are cer: a lr. tv good buys. CI.EVKtAND-BAKR-HENDEhSOX CO. - KaiiwsyKxchange bldg. Main C J. BEAI'TIFI L irvington" home. In t.'ie heart of the district is located this beautiful homo. 7 rooms, sleeping porch and 'J large finished rooms on 34 f.oor. hardwood floors on 1st and 2d, all bunt-ln iaturvs of a real home, full ce ment tasement. furnace, full east front lot. garage, paved sts, in and paid for, every t:ung in perfect shape. This win have to, be Ffea to be appreciated. Price $650u TcruiS. C. A. WARRINER, HITTER. LOWE A CO-501-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IRVINGTON HOME. SOxlOO 511 -OLh. comer Brasee street l wtl-built modern residence, 4 bedrooms. s.eepinx porch, furnished attic t-A l in v i.ui . &0xl00 AttraeUve new 6-room mod era bungalow about completed; good neighs oornooa. PIEDMONT BARGAIN. 63x117 We.l-bulit colonial 7-room mod ern residence, garage, no rt a west cornai llsrt 7th snc Amsworta ave. P"NM n MACLKOD. 10'l-2 gpsldlng Bflfc BUNGALOW. A dandy little 5-room bungalow. No. 409 Margaret sve near Division st. Furnace, firep.ace. fine plumbing, electric and gas good basement and many other modern fixturea Drive by and take a look at this little home- Price only $sooo. soma terms. J. F. HILL, fflg Williams ave. East 26. COMPARE THIS WITH ANT. Double constructed bungalow, 8 rooms. and den, finished through in old Ivors iiropiace, all built-in couv., a-rencn aoor. beautiful hardwood floors, fireplace, full cement basement. furnace, nice lawn. shrubbery, garage, hard suriace sts. tn ana paid, restricted district; this for $4500, C. A. A r. r! I . t iv. RITTER. LOWE CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bid. 12000 SUNNYSIDE HOME $2000, On E. Tavlor near 35th. we have a T- mora house: cood olumbinc: living room: dining room; kitchen and 1 bedroom down; S rooms on -d lioor wun extra sma. v-ouiu be used for two tamlhes. $j(0 will handle. Liens all paid. Bargain. SEE FRANK L. McGUIKE. TO BUY YOUR HOME. Ablngton Bldg. Main lotW. Main BlOflL orrice open evenings ana puna ays. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. $500 CASH $500. K rooms, full floored attic, hardwood floors, firenlace. built-in bookcases, buffet- etc. Full cemi-cement basement, fruit trees, nice lawn and shrubbery, paved ts room for garage; op por tun. ties like this art lew in Rose City Park. Price $3650, C. A. WAKKlMiB. RITTER. LOWE &. CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg PIEDMONT PIEDMONT. PIEDMONT. $5ouv buys wonderful bungalow of 5 rooms and breaKrast room wun ame, large plate glass windows, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, all built ins, garage, alley, improvements all pa.d. Terms. Sunday call TaboX 3O.0, Tabor 0S1 or East 2544. J. A. WICKMAN CO. 204 Ry. Exchange Blug. Main 1Q94. A FINE, niujern home, center of Irvington; ground 75x 150. tu.l cement nasement, toi let, fruit room, cement wash trays, fur nace. First floor: Large reception hall, larpe living and dining room, den. kitchen; first floor hardwood floors and all enam eled. Second floor: 4 large Sleeping rooma. uleeplng porch, large bath and toilet. Price tio.uoo; terms if desired. L. K. Moore, 317 Hoard or iraoe. 7-ROOM BUNGALOW. Modern 7-room bungalow, on Emerson street, comer lot, hard paved street, lot 50x100. Irult and oernes. 1 nis is a ery attractive place and should be seen to bs appreciated. i-'lvll J0'. x c rjij. J. F. HILL, 606 Williams ave. East 268. $3250 VANCOUVER AT BROADWAY Here Is a very substantial 6-room mod ern house, on a 50x5u lot. This is walking distance. Can arrange terms. 8KB FRANK I- McGriKE, TO BUY YOUR HOME, Ablnrton Bldg. Main l0t"i. Main 815flL Oifice open evenings and Sundaya FOR SALE. By entting every middleman's expense 1 am able to offer for $2S50 a new, 6 room bungalow. &0th st. south of Division. Hard-surfaced street, sewer, all paid, $500 down, balance easy payments. BUILDERS' CREDIT CO.. Main 53'J. Marshall 2a. SAVE RENT. Live tn one, rent the other to pay ln tre.t on the investment ; two modem flats, good location, on paved street; up per and lower, each with private baths price !6on-.. good terms. LUEDDKMANN COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce. WALNUT PARK BUNGALOW. This Is c-rtainly your opportunity to pick up this attractive bungalow of 5 rooms and break:at room, extremely large ll mtr room, ful.y modorn. extremely large aid ro-e: $1000 csfh: price $4H0. CLEVLLAND-i A UK-HEN DEK&oN CO. JIJ Kt!lay Exchange hid. Main 6.5 " LOOK HERE FOR $1500. Vaear.t 5-room plastered, plumbed, gaaed, wired. nat looking, well arranged roomy home, block of car; with garage, cement w.i. as, rosea some fruit: $500 down, laki Ml Scott car to Kern Park. Sea No. 6618. p;t osiTe. ALBERTA HOME BARGAIN. $2250 Large home with 3 rooms and dea f.rst floor. 5 rooma bath second floor. a.s- 2-room house on rear of lot. Tema. l et us ahow you. J. A. WICTCMAN CO. 24 P.. Exchange Bldg. Mafn 10tM. FOR PALE FOR 50ri OF ITS VALUE. Ocing to Cal.fomu and must sell my e'eeant home of lo rooms. aJl modern, quarter block of land, overlooking Wil lamette; come and buy it at only ha t price; will give terms. 313 N. Syracuse st Co'umMa 704. MOUNT SCOTT CAR. $1500 Nest, almost new substantial 8 room bungalow cettage on 40x200 lot. some fruit tres and enough ground left for marketable produce, 30O cash. Balance monthly piiymenta. U. A. K. as per, 404 Panima bldfr. . WEST SIDE BARGAIN. T rooms and floored attic, full east front lot. fruit trees, paved sts. in and paid Cose to car. price $3700. BaL eaay. i A- WARRINER, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. "01 -3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BY OWN ER Hawthorne district. $320i n'Oficrn u-room ountaiw. iuu umouicu lnrce lot, 4 lovely snsde trees In parking. Iols of fruit and berries, all Improvsmenis In and paid; part cash, balance to suit buver. Phone Tabor -'235. 1 sirs Die 7-room noue ta voj7. l'.uh st-: garages fine &Oxl00 corner lot; im mediate possession; terms can be ar VAKrirrgl.P, FRIES ft CO.. 83 4th St. WEST tIDE 5-room bungalow, sleeping porch. g.H rage, gooa iochlioo, w". b -tia nee $-5 P-r month : 2 blocks to car; Rood bnv. JOHNSON-DODSON CO- 634 N. W. Kink bldg. MUST BE SOLD. My 7-room home at 26ih and East Sal mon st I will be in town Monday. Tues day and Wednesday. Call up owner at Tabor 3422. OWNER leaving city, will se.l B-roora Bun galow On II'OXI'MP K n..o, i,.nr cua. vr I,. 1 with .'.OxloO at $2100; $1070 cash. JOHNSl)N"-DDSON CO., 634 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 37S7. WANTED Some small houses; can sell at once See ortiien, tnion ouuumi m Contractiag Co., -uU Alisky bdg. Mala 2itl".. WILL hell you a good 7-room house, 60x100 corner lot ; zruit Tree, ceoirni usuitni lnh lights, gas, 2 blocks frcAn car; price Sl.".."i. terms. E'.I'owt. M7 Honry..,.V1(1y FOR SALE or trade. 5-room cottage, fine lo.-niion, oeiween ccvicv auu uuia oewu. Call Eat 73'J4. NF.W 5-room bungalow at Kendall station. 2 tiorks rrom -d st. rnca aiuu; terms, t. oj 1 Ja bo r 306 1 . o w n er. SNAP, new 3-room furnished bungalow, th. jrarage. corner, oox.cu; leavtua .wwa. Ih 79th st. North. Rose City. FOR SALE Lot B'ioo. with cottage, on T.. l.'th t- Oct. a:-nni5in una oia:a vaxa iiur. 113 or A 4v-3. CH LeU b.Cg.