The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 23, 1919, SECTION TWO, Page 21, Image 45

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Honee keeping Krxm la Private Family.
2 LARGE rfxrr over private saragt on Hl
iF St.. lrvinglon." which could be used
for housekeeping; stove installed for cook
lnj, runulr.g water, electric light, but no
b&tbtub; free water; a. 90 lots of ground
for garden; rent lo month; adults only,
ots account of garave; muit give refer
ences. Phone Et
jDNE comp.euly furmsned h. k. room, bath
roora Id connection; p.easant borne for
woman emp.oyed : 10 minutes wHik to
-M. A f. store. 3-7 Market after 3 P. M.
.aM Broaiway 7?3.
FOK RtNT 4 laxg. nlce.y furnished h, k.
rooms, splendid view, in ground floor,
close to C C : fr- light and water; no
-hi :fren. E. 3ith.
ONE room with kitchenette; nicely fur
ntshed, clean; heat, lirht. phone; walk
ing distance: reasonab.t:. 170 Stout, near
30 th and Washington. Marshall 1S39.
it CLBA.N, pleasant housekeeping rooms. $25;
llcni. heat na te.epiiuue acrvice: preter
coupie w ho work all day; do children.
5o B. 23d st. tlwood GOO.
THREE fine, iry front rooms, fine home,
beautiful view, strictly private: water and
phorve fre. $15; 2 cur lines; no children.
R 2153, or call 4'3 E. 23d at.
6o PETTYGKOVK 1 nicely furnished room
with sloping porch; roust-keeping privi
leges. Suitable for two people. Refer-
encea. Broadway bH.
$J5 TWO furnished housekeeping rooms on
car Irne: gas, ba'h, phone and Irshts free;
no children, 3ao5 41st 6t. S. E- Wood
stock car.
JIOVSEKEEPINO room with kitchenette.
sRiitabie for working girl onl ; private
family: walking distance to business cen-
'er. 4jg S. Broad way.
III REE housekeeping rooms, dining room,
bedroom and Dutch kitchen: stove heat.
$ J 7.00; gas and light included. So Chap
man, cor. M ill.
ft FURNISHED H. K. room, not modern.
I p-r month; adults. 674 K. Salmon
st.. 3 b'ocks north of 10th and Hawthorne.
W'O nice'y furnished housekeeping rooms.
good neighborhood, fine view. Phone
Wood law a 27u.
FURNISHED sleeping rooms, h. k. convenl
ences. Call after y A. M. Sunday. 401
coucn sc. nai 4.
ARGE room with kitchenette and porch.
ana coia running water, grouna iioor.
2 N. 20th st.
rAtiiLl furnished housekeeping rooms
w:th kitchenette, 312.&0 per month. Wdln.
WORK ING woman f urn ishing refrer.cs
nave iirsi-c.ass room, u. Lowing llgnt
nouseaeeprng. A f 4. ur-onian.
UAtHfcLUH a furnished rousekefping Timi
tor rent; fuel and liicht; month. UV
ceiiaont st. Tabor KM.
FURNISHED room. Broadway 12 1.
I WU furnished
H. K. rooms.
00m, suitable
East 0;31.
one 291 11th.
JERT select new home In select neighbor-
nooa; o very large rooms, e-eepmg porc-n,
garage, every known modern convenience:
tenant must b- high class, re:lned and
jt xeapooslbie; prefer one with small babies.
I live eext door, have om and 1 love
i. babies and desire to play with them. Also
prefer terant with a real wife, one who
t; lovea a home and willing to assume Its
a u ties and responsibilities rather than
loaf la a hotel or boarding bouse tnd eat
breakfast in bed and piay bridge and gos
sip about hrr neighbors. For Interview and
Inspection of home see Mr. Kaste, 6O0
Heary bldg. Poasessioa April L Phone
Tabor 34.
XI S iiOMo. iWEfol HoME: 6-room cut
eage. one room in basement, furnished or
1 Unfurnished, hot and co:d city water,
everything modern, nice flowers in yard.
on fcL Johns car line: no children: get
off at Peninsula school and Inquire for
',. Farmer's big store. Don't spoil your wife's
complexion by renting where th-re s no
shade treea Call Sunday at residence
' near store.
Good -room hou. JuuxlOO ground. $30
. month; o months rent must be paid In
' advance.
Henry Bldg.
Open Sunday, 2 to 4 P. M.
IRE you a fine housekeeper? Have you
good furniture ? I have a i-room house,
modem, large lot, wish to rent until sold
at $20; wl'I pay you 34o for moving if
sold; near Woodstock car line; N. W. cor.
4m h st. and ti-d ave. Wi: 1 put in fine
condition at one-. Tabor J54.
LARGE tract of fertile gardening ground,
planted to bearing orchard, with 4 -room
hous. located on prominent street; ac
rssble by automobiles during any time
f the ye-ir. 1 wiu rent this to respon
sible party for the term of one year. See
owner at 404 Piatt bldg.
To responsible party, beautiful 9-room
house and garage, located on most attrac
tive corner. Ladd's addition ; hardwood
f .oorw. sleeping porch, sun room with fire
place; every convenience: $65 month under
1-ase. Call Broadway 15, Mr. Uothchtld.
S-ROOM houi-e 1
and Tillamook
block from car. E. 4fHh
hardwood floo
fireolaces. extra toilet and lavatory do
stairs; plate-glass windows; garage; wt!l
lea: for one year for $55 per mouth. Call
before 10 or after 4. Ta.bor 3C1D.
FOR RENT Sale, exchange nice 5-room
bungalow and barn, 4 acres, fruits and
pie ptant will pay Vi rent. Located at
5029 East 5Jd street S. E. Owner H.
Grebe. Tabor 94:5.
FOUR-ROOM house. 2 lots and barn, plenty
of fruit and fresh Jersey cow and calf
and furniture l.'.o. Take St. Johns car to
Berkley U. 4 blocks north. C. F. McDer
mott. FOR RENT or sale, 7-room modern home;
beautiful grounds. 44u Prccott. cor. E.
7th orth. Take A 1 berta or W oodlaw n
car. Phone Woodlawn 303.
A M renting good 6-rm. house. -3; need
only 3 or 4 rooms in or near Alberta.
Could jou exchange with me to mutual
benefit? T. E. Noeding, 946 E. 2uth st. N.
6-ROOM house, $12.50; room for garden.
Apply corner Mth and East Stark. ML
Taor (MT fTH) car to end. four blocks
north, one e.-isu
FoR RENT S-room modem house, barn.
S-acre garden and fruit. Phone Tabor
4'2t. bet. 9 A- M. and 4 P. M. E. 96tb
and Everett. "M-V" depot car.
IODE RN 5 -room bungalow, fireplace. 14S
Curry at., walking distance, west side;
adults; references. Call Bancroft ave.
m 30.
6-RCOM cottage, distance, rent 0;
rent paid to April 10; furniture for saie,
RITCHIE Sk RIORDFN. 353 Morgan bldg
CLoSE In. west si J. 7-ruoiu house
rent, furniture for sale. 3 rooms rented
pay expensea Call only between 9 and 11
A. M. Marshall 2V-1.
J-ROOM houe for rent; fine location, with
some furniture tor aa.e : good ranse con
nected, rugs, drctosera, etc AG Or
Broadway 690. A 6747.
ft-KOOM upper flat. bath. to;!et. elec. lights,
gas will Insta.t hot wteri : will lease.
314.60. water paid . 18 minutes out on
Fu'ton car line. 1J'.5 Corbett st.
FIVE-ROOM mudrrn houe. walking dis
tance. 322. Apply 365 Victoria, near
-ROOM house, with 4 iarce lots; 1 block
carhne. 37 per mo., including water.
Phone Fell. li
cial at., between RumII and Page; key
412H Wasco. Phono East S05.
FOR RUNT Four-room cottage, water and
gas; corner lot; paved street; ML Scott
car. 6647 32d st. & E.
FURNITURE for five moms for sale. hou.e
modern; purchaser may rent house. East
house. g.As-d in s.eplntf porch,
good location ou Portland Heights. Main
$30 GOOD c!oe-in 7-room houte; rent may
apply on purchase If desired. Phone
v w ft e r. E ! t 6153.
HOV1NO Piano furniture and long-distance
hauling a ?pe O. W. Trurlc
Service Co.. 4Q 2d t. Phone liiwy. 5121.
V-ROOM house, Ju!t remodeled, wtth all
onnventen :: close to S. P. smiyirda. Ap
ply at 20 Porter iL, nu.r 4th st.
BOUSE for rent, furniture for sale cheap;
leaving city; rooms pay rent. 323 .N.
17th st.
FIVE-ROOM upper flat at 164 Fsa st. in
rVntmruta district, near Columbia Park;
tl Broadway 553,
ner of 2th
ewn-room nicM-rn : JO ; cor-n-i
Powell. Phone Main 767.
lor rent
t st. S.t
and furniture fur sale,
h. Brar SMrk sr.
ROOMS $22.5.
Seitwood 12!
4750 47th ave.; adults only.
5- ROOM bouje for reoL
bird and 2Sth st.
Ca.l at txil Sndy
3-KOOM unfurnished hou.
sc. call after 10 o'clock.
4ul E. Russell
-ROOM house for rent. $15, furniture for
sale. Plrst St.. c!oy to shipyard.
FOK RENT I -room cot'age. $12, loo" E.
iat h. pear Be 1 m o nt ; re i ere n c ea,
T ROOMS, modern convenience. 450 E 10th
X. Main &2S1. owner, a'ter 10 A M.
FOR RENT Pedmont. C rooms. 12SJ
H sight ave., $-5 month.
THREE-ROOM unfurnUhed house: 401
Fosse!) st. Call after 10 A. M.
ale. Tabor 67o9.
rent; furniture for
Furnished Hon
FOR KENT 7-room house. East Flanders,
close to Laurel hurst, completely furnished,
furniture for sale at a bargain. J TOO cash.
Rent reasonable. Inquire at 431 Lumber
Kxchanre bias:., between 1 and A P. M.
Monday. Tuesday or Wednesday. 2d and
STK1CTLV modern, varv well furnished
home In one of the best eaat side dis
tricts for rent at $125 per month, bee
Wakefield. Fries A Co.. So 4th st.
7-ROOM house, all modern, lots 100x100. 13
pear trees, all kinds of berries and choice
roees: piano; no children. -Must give rol-
erences. miiwooq sk.
IRV1NOTON residence, furnished. Will rent
for five months. 5 rooms, sleeping porch.
garage, one block to car. Kent, including
water and telephone. aO. Last JI7.
FURNISHED S-room cottage, modern; lots
of room for garden and plenty of fruit
trees. 4707 4 1Kb. at. take Woodstock
car to noigate.
WILL rent for 5 months, becinnina May 1.
tt-roorn modem, nicely furnished, R. C P. ; I
adults only; $40. 500 Concord bide, 2d
and Stark.
TO COL'PLB without children. 4-rm. new,
St. Johns bungalow. $15. see Cozyhome I
to. atter junen, iwv Lombard, cor. u-
8-ROOM modern furnished residence on K.
33d st. S. Nicely located and desirable.
Kent $60. Parrish, W at kins Co.. lutf 2d
st. rnone Jiam itrf.
V1 L.N share my modern a. room bungalow
with one or two business women. Tabor
5Ti 1 ...
X 1 EATLV furnished 5 -room cottage, St.
Johns, overlooking- river; fruit and gar
den. Last 1S04.
PARTLY furnished house, 2 rooms and clos
ets. ;tn ave. inquire 4--T &otn ave. 0. L.,
v ooantocK.
MODERN' furnished bungalow on Willam
ette river, $." per month, telephone. Call
uaK orove lu.x. or Main 43.
A FIVE-ROOM furnished house for rent
$22.30; pariy must buy one piece of fur
niture. Jatwr OV34.
FURNISHED hous for rent.
neir Vancouver ave.
200 Ivy at.,
f urntshd.
-5-room bungalow, moderately
wan wnwooa zfBi.
bumroir Beworta.
would yon like to own your summer 1
noma without buying a lot 7
I have a number of lots at Tillamook
Beach, which 1 will lease for a terra of
years at a nominal rental. All of them are
ciose to beach and station, ix in teres Lea
rite, u zia. uregontan.
teXAP My borne at Seaside, completely
furnished; strictly modern, large lot. block
tTom Moore notci. ku 130. uregoman.
TWO furnished cottages for rent at Seaside. I
j 4. Oregon lan.
CEARHART For sale or rent, modern 4- I
rm, cottage, bath. F 810, Oregonian.
Fifth and GHsan streets; in mod
ern brick building; AoxloO or leas..
R1TTER, LuwVE & CO..
203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg.
100x100 now being built on west aide;
close in; 325 per month.
BARBER shop, downtown location, connec
tion with shoeshinlng parlor, space for 3
or 4 chairs. Call Main 4tf7.
FOR RENT Store and fixtures; good place
lor ury goous or any ainu ox ousineas.
f done woodlawn 093b.
FOR LEASE Space for grocery store in
public market at Vancouver, Wash. All
other stalls leased. Phone Bdwy. i40.
GARAGE for rent; will build cement garage
Lnion ave.. corner 9x77W feet, oppo
site rMeumont. A uregonian.
TWO stores. South First t 94 feet long.
s-w each. A 24, oregonian.
io.' Northwestern HanK bldg.
OFFICES, storerooms and halls; also rooms
auiiubie for light manufacturing; office
bulMing accommodations: rent ruastfnabie.
Sweeney Investment Co, 615 Dekuin bldg..
ami w asnington.
LA KGE modern office rooms, one or two.
newly tinted, janitor and eievator serv
ice, Raleigh bldg., 327 Washington st. Call
FURNISHED office, also combination suit
offices, parking, garage near by. Stock
Exchange bldg.
2 COMPLETELY furnished private offices,
with large reception hail; rent, $30. Main
1 io.
WANTED Experienced real estate man to
snare offices with advertiser, long estab
lished. Address S 3S1. Oregonian.
DESK ROOM No real estates. 1029 Norlh-
western Bank bldg.
Business Places.
HAVE a first-class, complete 2-chair sjvhite
barber shoo outlit: would like a location:
no objection to cigar stand or pool tables
In same room; will furnish referencea J
fi.3. Oregonian.
M tsceflaneons ,
PRIVATE garage for rent
st. N. Tabor 8454.
at 352 E. 49Lh
GAKAGE for rent. 422 Monroe st. East 667L
On highway, large cement building,
filled a ith storage, good repair business.
Owner show you clearing nearly $4u0
month; some terms. Call 511 Railway Ex
IF YOU want to buy or sell a rooming
lu se, furniture or anything of value.
write me fully : 1 will call personally ;
have some buyers, with cash, waiting;
square dealing my motto. V 143, Ore-
WANT man with ability and mechanically
inclined to manage corporation: proposi
tion requires party to become Interested,
but win take property or automobile for
Interest If cash not available. V 160. Oro-
1 HAVE an excellent proposition for a man
with S3OO0 to $4000 to Invest In a busi
ness established for seven years and with
an exceptionally bright future. This will
pay a good salary and large returns on
the Investment. AN 13. Oregonian.
POOL room, clear stand and lunch counter.
on corner at transfer point, doing big
btisiiie at good prices; low rent; price
3Joo. This is a live business and should
be invest 1 gated early Monday. Call room
4'3 Dekum bldg.
Connected with one of city's large hotels.
Going big. One partner died. Must seil
big sacrifice. See
MANAGER of the real estate department
wanted by old. established, reliable firm;
good opportunity If you can qualify; give
references, experience and phone. V 14L
Oresonian. 1
BAKE it Y -In heart of business center, do
ing i5 dally and increasing; owner will
verify this statement ; ainpie room for
light tunchea. Price S20O. terms on $500.
RITCHIE & RIOKDEN. 353 Morgan bidg.
YOLK own boss; its stabler: office business.
ladv or tent who operates typewriter;
$150 required. Monday. 2R block Ex-
Fi'K SALE Confectionery, delicatessen and
lunch room : living-room fixtures tio with
bui.ding. Call between 2 and 6. lowU
LMTED Statea patent for sale, cheap. Can I
be manufactured for SI and sold for $2.50
with unlimited demand, tan be started on
small capital. J 307. Oregonian.
FOK SALE OR RENT One of the best
. country hotels In the state; 30 rooms.
Will be in the city Monday. Address AV
77. Oregonian.
MUST SELL I will .start anyone In the har
netts business for S450: all machinery.
whipn. buckles, etc. H. Spar her. Washing
ton hotei. 5-unoay.
4 POOL tablvs and cigar outfit In A-I con
ditTon. by owner. 26 Beech sc nax
v illlami ave.
GOOD investment, Marshall, above 23d :
earns 8 per CtDl net on 10.0o0. AK 145,
GROCERY STORE cheap. Best location in
the city. Call East 46$ Sunday before
10:30 A. M.. any time week days.
$7int WILL put you In a going business
where you can make over $40O a month.
Investigate. Gllwon, 451 Ch. of Com.
PL'nNlTUiiE for 2-cha:r barber i
plete, -'- cash. Call at 122
after 6:30 P. M.
hop. com-
Idaho st.
MAN with $iO0 and services, duties mostly
collecting, to get into a nice, profitable
bU5ines. P 80S, Oregonian.
WANT someone to Invest $ -00 tn honest
business, oO monthly return on Invest
ment, W. Whit ford. Alpine. Or.
GROCERY and confectionery', doing nice
busiuesa, near school, for sale, Sell wood
BL'TCHER shop, established: terms. Inquire
Mr. Schlldlsr. 834 Northwestern Bank bldg.
BARBER shop in best location, for saie.
t 6th st, near Stark.
WORK1NO partner to travel with auto to
work and prospect. A 24, Oregoniaik
A complete manufacturing unit, from
.stump to consumer, not too large for one
man to handle and by buying on easy
terms will not require large outlay of
25 million feet western yellow pin in
one block.
20.000-ft. capacity double -circular mill
In center of timber.
20,000 ft daily capacity of box factory.
Going concern with stock of lumber on
hand and logs decked at pond for 1919 run.
Bulk of outout consists of fruit-box
shook and delivery direct from factory to
growers' packing house.
Available timber gives Ufa of 50 years
to mm.
Can furnish orders for entire season.
For particulars address L. W. Lewis,
Edmonds. Wash.; no agents.
A No. 1 stock of general merchandise,
located In a good farm and dairy com
munity In Washington Co.. 7 miles south of
Hillsboro; rock road all the way; stock will
Invoice between 910.000 and 312.000; will
either sell or lease property which con
sists of No. 1 building; reason of selling,
my husband died, thus leaving me without
help to take care of business: also have
postoffice In the building bringing In a
nice sum each year. Reference, Allen ft
Lewis, Mason-Ehrman. Honeyman Hard
ware, Portland. Oregon; Shuts- Savings
Bank, Hillsboro. Oregon. Mrs. E. T. Tur
ner. Laurel. Oregon.
; WILL accept a second-hand touring car
with a small cash payment on a fully
equipped meat market, artificial Ice ma
chine, refrigerator, building, size 20x43,
buiit In lulti; lot 50x100; doing a good
business, located on Pacific highway be
tween Portland and Salem In a good live
town of tkH) population, and will take a
first mortgage for balance. AV 70S, Ore
gonian. WANTED Party with some capital to assist
practical mining man in developing toe
only big nickel prospect in the west. If
looking for an opportunity to get in right
on a proposition that will put. you on
"Easy street," you will do well to inves
tigate; no wildcat Idea, but a clean, open
OUT. -lCKel is in constant aemana, mar
ket steady, U. S. depending mostly on for
e i g n Import. BC b5, Oregonian.
IF YOU want a restaurant let us show you
One located In market district, $1150.
Two depot locations, either is a good
buy at 3.V0.
Also one for $525, nice location.
One at a sacrifice, only $300.
r 1 5 Sw e u andB Idg. t
GROCERY and confectipnery, good location.
Orocery in suDuros. tioinp aay. rent
$20. price invoice, about 3400, includes
car. Another suburban grocery with living
rooms, rent $25; a clean, nice place, good
trade. Western Land Co., Sll Railway
In I timbering community. investment
about S3O.OU0. This Is half stock and half
real estate. Wilt not sell the stock aloii
Sales run $00,000 annually. Want some
cash and will consider some trade. De
Forest, 3-0 Henry blag.
I FOR SALE New Ford ton truck, used only
6 weeks, and with it goes two good haul
ing contracts that will net better tnan
$200 a month. In best town In Oregon; a
good .reason for selling; s.iuo win nanuie.
Write H. W. Weigle, -tf exchange su,
Astoria. Or.
PARTY with one to five thousand dollars.
Gilt-edge opportunity lor oeveioping new
Inventions in auto ana auto-pavement.
Tremendous profits from ti.OO0,000.0O0
contemplated highway and traffic improve
ments in u. b. atone. w .lie at. once 10
Lock Box 29S. Portland, Or.
CONFECTIONERY, cigar store and pool hall
combined; nigh-ciass proposition; runs u
to ill' 5 day now. will do s:!00 in summer
beat of location: 5 years' lease: $250 cash
handles it. Investment about. J&OOO. ue
Forest. 320 Henry bldg.
FOR SALE Plumbing business, stock and
tools, good Willamette vauey town 01
1200, no competition, plenty of work for
two men; about $J500 to handle or can
be reduced considerably; cheap rent. Ad
dress Ivle Payne & Son. Sheridan. Or.
(BARBERS, attention. We have established
service station for the Moore Electric
Hair Cutting Machines. All parts in
stock. Machines sold on trial. Wrin
call Portland Cutlery 6c. Barber Supply
Co.. Stt 6th st., near Mark
WANTED A partner in an established mov
ing picture snow locaiea in a mnving
country town, musician preferred, a small
amount or capital requirea; or win sen
outright. Call on or address W. L. Peel,
4 Hood St.. rortiana. ur.
RESTAURANT, doine 350 day and closed
evenings; rent $'2t month; price 50. inn
la a monev-maker rient now. dul receipts
can he greatly increased, can room us
Dekum bldg.
BRICK garage building and business in
Kood location: business averasea over
fll'uO per month, mostly storage and re
pairs: $12,000, half cash; mipht take part
ner if agreeable. AV 776, Oregonian.
CORDWOOD proposition, 300 cords ready
for market. 2U0 cords lei lea. louu coras
standing; have gas saw and men cutting
near Portland; want rename man to uko
half Interest. S 371. Oregonian.
FOR SALE Grocery and confectionery, es
tablished 12 years; modern living rooms.
good trade, near school, fine neighbor
hood: guoa reasons tor sening. a is 00.
I WILL make you a present of approxi-
mstely 500 cords heavy country ai&o
nnnd if vou will buv me 2-ton Reo truck.
cash br terms. See Mr. Young, 330 Burn
side. Broadway 476. '
SUBURBAN auto repair shop, all kinds ma
chinery, good storage, low rent, a money
maker. Price 3-500, some terms. Call 511
Railway Exchange.
Good location for big repair business; 30
cars. etead storage; profits extra good,
$ 1 400 required. Call room 403 Dekum bldg.
GENERAL merchandise store doing $3000
per month; rent Jo; lease; win sen at
Invoice and consider some trade. Mr.
Millershlp, Aider Motei.
WISH to Join husband stationed in navy;
will sell bldg., income i-u wo.; Bunga
low. 6 rms., sleeping porch, near high
school. Woodlawn 3219.
HOME bakery and delicatessen, close in on
best street, rent oniy ia monm; price
$450; a real buy and season just starting.
Call room 403 Dekum bldg.
WANTED Man that understands Ford car.
with little money, to taae agency tor dir
money-maker. See J. L. Miller at Hotel
PARTNER wanted with $250 and service
owner will show you can maae iuu monia
if willing to wort can an nauway rx
AUTO repair business on west side: have
fully equippea snop, iatne, arm. etc,
profits larse; $1750 required, fully se
cured. Call room 403 Dekuin bldg.
WE WILL start you in the cleaning and
rive ri r business, utile capital neeaeo. Dig
proms; write ror oooKtei. oen-vonue
system, dept. g3S. cnariotte. w. 1.
COUNTY seat newspaper for sale, one of
the best in eastern wasnington. tuny
equipped: will take $2000 to handle. AV
itiit, oregonian.
X0O0 WILL buy an established business where
can clear Sld montn, macmnery. eic in
voice more than amount requirea. can ttii
Railway Exchange.
MANUFACTURING partner wanted, will
ing to work; salary with prorits snouia net
you $15 day; $2500 required, fully secured.
Call room 403 Dekum bldg.
WATCHMAKER'S outfit. Jewelry stock, etc.,
value SI 700. obtained by foreclosure, seil
or trade for land equal value or bonds.
Box '. feaiem. jr.
FOR SALE Jewelry business In Oakland,
Csl., small stocK ana iixtures, pienty re
pairing: for particulars suaress n. camp
bell, b62Northrup st Portland, Or.
A SOLID grocery, excellent location, sales
over SlOti day; owner naa it long time,
wants to retire: trial given before buying.
Call room 403 Dekum bldg.
PARTNER wanted in a very profitable line.
must be able to meet public, $500 required
Investment secured. Call 511 Railway Ex
change. 1NVEST1VATE THIS Want a man with
$5000 and services, salary to start 5150
per month. ui. oregonian.
$250O WILL handle a good grocery, must
sell on account or otner dub mess, w 00a-
lnwn I10O. or BJ 31. oregonian.
HARDWARE store in good town, good bust-
;; must sell on acct. of health. BC
83S. Oregonian.
IF YOU are looking for a good chance to
purchase a paying business cheap, see me.
502 Buchanan bldg.
OWNER compelled to leave city; will sefl a
corner restaurant doing good ousiness, on
terms If necessary, v 100, oregonian.
A CASH store on busy Yamhill st. Sell butter.
etegs. groceries, etc.. no aeuvery; big
profits. Room 40S Dekum bids;.
FOR SALE Harness, shoe store and re
pair shop, in gooa town near rortiand;
can reduce. AV 771. Oregonian.
RESTAURANT Long established. $125 to
$200 per day. Pever oeen on tne market;
SltfoO. Evans. 414 Gerllnger bldg.
OWNER going east would sell hotel doing
good business, write tor particulars Ted
No it. South Bend. Wash.
BUSHELING shop for sale cheap If taken
tit once, Main 7b.i.
FOR SALE Two-chair barber shop, living-
rooms, iciepnone. proBoway 1 o.
FOR SALE Tailor shop
at 463 Washing-
ton st.
PATENT for sale or trade; a good thing
for the right party, can wooaiawn &5o.
FOR SALE: Bakery and grocery, good loca
tion on busy street u uregoaiaa.
JtWOO Seaside hotel, 39 rooms. ,$4000 cash.
balance terms: netted SlloUU last sea
son; rent $60; winter $50; no dining
room; a fine proposition for man and
wife or. two women. Act quickly on
mis, as tne season win soon open.
$7500 On account of til health of family.
in is price is quoted on a strictly mgn
class hotel: only one In city of 30u0;
county seat; in Washington, midway
between Spokane and Portland; 50
rooms; ten with private baths; all
have hot and cold water and tele
phone; steam heat and electric lights;
fireproof, three-story brick building,
built In 1910; rent $175 for 1919. then
$200 per 'month for five years. This is
one of the most thoroughly equipped
and elaborately furnished hotels in the
state. Call and see picture and get
other Information that may interest
$15,000 Centrally located hotel of 75
rooms in Portland. Rent $450; 5-year
lease; $10,000 cash. Small monthly
payments for balance. A cash buyer
can get quite a reduction. Must sell
by May L.
We are exclusive agents for probably
more hotels, apartment-houses, restau
rants and catering establishments than
any other office in the city, as we spe
cialize In this line and are In position to
give buyers more Inside information than
others are able to secure. The above is
only a sample of many that we have to
We have "buyer for small hotel, say 40
rooms; invest $5000. balance terms. Also
restaurant that $2500 will handle, or
would consider cafeteria.
604-005 Buchanan bldg.. Wash. St.
Stock of about $SOO0: also own building
and ground, which cost $5000; will sell
for half; will take a Portland home or
close-in property for two-thirds' value.
$2200, mostly in stock; first-class trade:
rent $60 per month; would be pleased
to show this.
Good west side location, with rooms in
rear; will invoice about $3000.
Dandy little brick, living rooms in rear,
$800; stock and fixtures $300; rent only
$30 per month.
I have several In towns, both In Ore
gon and Washington. Call and get list
203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg.
can furnish excellent retail business loca
tions and tell how to start new and prof
itable store of your own on small invest
ment. AM information free; ask. for free
copy of Retailers' Text lioon. a v ouu,
FOR SALE: A feed and seed store, an old-
established place, doing a gooa ousincoa.
I have run the business for 15 years and
am doing well, but wish to retire. Will sell
business property and stock, or will sell
stock and give a good reasonable lease
on the property. Have a chop mill, a
feed roller and a grain cleaner. Will sell
or lease with bldg. This will bear the
strictest Investigation. For further infor
mation write or call on S. M. RAY. Dallas,
In every city to organize and control
subsidiary corporation to meet nation's
crying necessity. New, conservative and
bearing nation's highest indorsements. Ap
peals quickly to conservative investors.
Large, quick profits. Substantial cash fee,
and a safe, conservative, lucrative busi
ness Indefinitely to right party. No in
vestment required. Donaldson Engineering
Co.. 548 First National Bank. Chicago.
Furniture of 16-r.oom house; also gar
den already planted ; chicken run; for
$1000. Owner, 405 W. Park, Main 3G4.
FOR SALE Woodworking manufacturing
plant, equipped witn tnree hwiuib, cm
saw rip saw, two trim saws, blower, etc.,
built for manufacturing hardwood lumber
and furniture stock; favorably located in
city; terminal switching facilities; rsady
for operation; oarga.ui . .
ber, Lumbermens bldg.
AN Eastern factory, manufacturing a ign-
sires to arrange with a responsible party
to handle their goods in Southern laaho.
A representative is aiso wan.u
tana. Tri-State Tire Co., i2 Sixth st.
Portland. Or. -
irro Sil.F anl. mdsei Stoca. aim biuib
lev town; good farming and dairying
iommunitV: stock of around $10,000; , doing
business of $4o,000 annually; muu
ev but owner wants to retire from ousi
ness. AV S04. Oregonian .
t, cat it rwilw hotel In town of 500
nnnn ur nn: iiluhicu -"
hiehway. which 11
now under construc-
.Ki- niPAi best country location
In the state. For particulars write or
call. E. C. Maddock, Arlington, Or.
iSPm SALE OR TRADE, 1 Taft carpet ma
fhlne as koou "c - .
125 cash, or will trade
for furniture;
So-foot track. See D. L. Webster at v. ts.
Mercantile store, 701 Wash. St.. Vancouver.
BANKING corporation ff'"'tIei,11Slu:
todian: s.uuu ucuau . - -
imployViInt: salary t500 per month; give
references. President. 954 Phelan bldg..
San Francisco.
I WILL, seil my retail oil and gasoline route
In Portland. Including one-ton Republic
truck and all customers' cans, cood propo
sition tor an acuve man; price su.
ply Geo. Bracey. 20
E. 6th st. North.
PRINTING plant at a bargain, cylinder
cress 2 Jobbers, a good variety of type,
mflrlal etc.. all in good condition. Ill
health reaSon for selling; 3400. 75U cash,
h.lance to suit. J 63b. Oregonian.
WONDERFUL, big money-making proposi
tion lor energetic, biii.ih.
ferably discharged officer or motion pic
m.n: t50tf reauired. AO 89, Ore
COUNTRY STORE to trade for Portland or
C auburn property, stock about $1200 real
estate $6500. Located lo miles from
PorVland!DeForest. S20Henry bid.
FOFSALE-2 regulation bowling alleys,
complete. first-class condition; also 2
Backus Pin spotters. Inquire J. W. Bianey.
fiti Broaaway.
Before closing deal of so-called Interest
in established real estate business, get
advice of Portland Realty Bord.
PAUL COWGILL. Secretary.
FOR SALE Tailor shop and cleaning busl-
ness in gooa u "
ulars call at ouo aumBwu
Thifd st., Portland.
.j0 BUYS milliner store. This is a snap.
Nice-looking place, season's stock all in.
rhnce to get your money back quick.
Deforest. 320 Henry bidg.
S15.00O aesireu , " 7
that will net investor splendid returns;
Interview confidential. BC 844. Oregonian.
1-..T1 nns wanted to ouy
live town in
Oregon. For particulars call at Cress &.
Meadows, 50H A oirigiorioius.
GROCERY and meat market rignt aown-
t nwTi saies fowvw ... . t - - -r -JtiOOO
cash required. DeForest, 320 Honry
WILL TRADE paying grocery for ranch or
will consider residence as part. A 2So,
WE sell all kinds or Daroers supplies. Agents
for KOKen i u; V, "
Supply Co., 271 Washington st.
FOR SALE! Stage line on hard-surfaced
road, half Interest to good driver. S 30,
LUNCH counter, $550; making $325 a
month. Hotel Amsdon, room 4. after 8
P. M.
Groceries and liberal discount; fixtures
t bargain. Tel. Woodlawn 2060.
FOR RENT Small restaurant. fully
equipped; good opportunity for man and
wife. BJ 343, Oregonian.
GROCERY STORE, staple line, sales S3000 a
month, rent $"5; stock and fixtures about
$3000. DeForest, 320 Henry bldg.
BLACKSMITH shop, cheap, first-class busi
ness. Write C. F. Blomquist. Sherwood. Or
$550 GOOD, live restaurant, snap; owner
caving city. S 315, Oregonian.
Suite C14, Swetland Bids.
$2250 A nice little concrete building-,
40s40; rent $60; 2-year lease; com
pletely equipped machine shop;
able to take care of any work that
might come in; -best repair busi
ness In the city; snap at the price.
$2750 Close in: east side location; fire
proof brick building; two stories;
50x100; rent $125; good lease. This
price- Includes the service car, all
tools and equipment.
$3000 Filling station on the highway;
sella accessories and gasoline. This
place will invoice the price asked.
$3500 Brick building. 60x100; completely
equipped machine shop; 40 cars in
storaKe; good close-in, east side
- location; lent $85 per month; good
$35003 One of the best locations, close tn
to the business district, east side,
50x100; two-store brick building;
completely equipped machine shop;
S1000 of accessories; rent $150 per
month; Hiree-year lease; storage to
the fullest capacity.
$4000 50x100 fireproof building; rent $500
per year, payable monthly ; com
pletely equipped machine shop;
nico line of accessories, and the
above price includes service car.
$5000 One of the best exclusive locations
on thej east side; concrete building,
COxlOO; completely equipped ma
chine shop; accessories aud 40 cars
In storage; place clearing from $400
to $500 per month : 3-year lease ;
rent $S5 per month; $20o0 cash
will handle, balance to suit
$6500 Wholesale tire business. $4000, all
stock on hand, in addition to new i
lord car. office eauipment and
contracts. This Is an exclusive
agency for Oregon and Washington.
$8500 Brick building, 100x100; rent $175
per month; sublease end still have
one floor 100x100 with $rt'K)0 on
machinery; in fact, one of the big
gest repair businesses in the city;
some terms to the right party.
$600 One of the best paying little res
taurants in the wholesale district
of the wost side; cheap rent and
well equipped. Look this over.
$1000 Hotel of 23 rooms; rent $35 peh
' month; good lease; In the manu
facturing district at St. Johns; al
ways full; furnishings of this place
could not be bought for less than
$1500. We are going: to sell today
for $1000.
$1000 Dairy lunch and restaurant on
Broadway ; rent $40 per month.
This is a Tuesday morning bargain.
$2000 Morrison st. location; good-paying
business; good equipment; low rent
and good lease.
$3000 5th and Washington stsC location;
five-year lease ; rent $450 pet
month: has been one of the big
Rest places of its kind in the city;
information given at th office
$3500 Wist side dairy lunch In the heart
of the business district, doing a
nice business; clears a nice chunk
of money every month; reasonable
$4003 West side dairy lunch; one look
at this will be all you will need
to know that it la worth, the
$15,000 West side dairy lunch, doing the
biggest business in town of Its kind.
This place shows a profit of $1000
per month ; Ions lease and low
$27,500 Nicest restaurant proposition on
the west side. If you are looking
for a business location that is es
tablished, you can't go wrong on
$600 Good ast side location; nice little
stock of groceries; good place for
a bakor and his wife to open oaK
tfrv: a complete Installed oven.
this location will want a baker
opening in this location.
$1000 Nice bakery and delicatessen; rent
15 ner month: doing a $1000 a
month business. Account of other
business will sacrifice.
$1200 Can't be beat; living rooms; cheap
S1200 Good, clean, little srrocery and con
fectionery; doing nice business. On
account of other business will sac
rifice at the above price.
$1500 West 3lde; 5 living rooms; gro
ceries, delicatessen and bakery.
r.'ftnn Good ant house dist. : cash bus!
ness; no delivery. Look this over.
$2500 East side, doing $100 per day. Look
uns over.
$350D Yamhill public market; $200 dally
T . A !ivorv Vllf StH
$4500 Yamhill market Nuf Bald.
$7500 West tide groceries; about $4500
store building and bungalow; $2500
for quity worth $50u0 ; balance
cheaper .han rent. Any man look
inr for a business that is estab
lisiied should look at thia before
he buys.
$6500 Wholesale tire business, well
establUned; big business for any
one who win nuaue; iols oi or'
dera in. now.
12300 Partner wanted to help care for a
business that has got too big for
one man to handle; $200 a month
$13,000 Public carrier; invoice twice price
aslied; 1id $30,000 last year; su
perintend this business and clear
$1000 per mcLin.
w can sell vour business of any kind.
If you want a business, get the habit
of coming to see us.
512-13-14-15 Swetland Bldg.,
Portland, Or.
TT.ra l a rhflnCfl nf ft. lil'etlme: W6
are going to sacrifice the balance stock of
tne "spencer naruware --. ui tjamm, w..
We will sell In small lots or entire stock
and fixtures at once; principal reasons
force us to give up; a chance tor someone
to step into a money-making proposition,
as this place is well established for the
nait i s vpnra. always doing a successful
business; the best location In the town.
Spencer Hardware Co.. Salem. Or.
rr.v--r l YOUR WAGES BE AT-
TACHEl Take all the time you want
to pay "back bills." We stop the pressure
of creditors, give you a chance to clear
yourself and live without worry; keep your
present Job. avoid attachments, satisfy
your creditors, all on the money you an
now earning. Our plan and services are
f ree. We don't loan money or as you
for one cent. If you need help, address
box 192. citv.
EXTRA EXTRA Send for March 15th is
sue of the Oil Preeis. containing new start nnri nfftir.ife analysis of present con
ditions. Okmulgee- Producing Refining
Company, Sinclair. New Hoffman, Globo,
fatiott-navis. Shirt Sleeve. Prudential,
Apex, Consumers and many other new and
nl.l mid-continent oil producing companies.
Copy of this important issue sent on re
quest. Oil Presti, lbOO Republic bldg., Kan
sas city. aio. :
LUMBER yard, wood, coal, building mate
rial- finest openlne about Portland; lo
cated on a hard-surface boulevard in the
center of a rapidiy-growing residence dis
trict; but small capita! necessary. We
have nothing to sell but need a lumber
yard iu this district to further our own
business. we are ounuere uti wain ma
convenience of handy material. For par
ticulars call at 4o4 Piatt bldg.
FOR SALE or trade for cash, terms and
residence in city up to 45000. clear of in
cumbrance, one acre. 2-story store bldg..
20x70 feet, 6 living rooms in rear, hall
above, basement, garage, woodshed and
oil house and warehouse ; stock and fix
tures about $3500. mostly groceries. An
opportunity. Owner, AV 758, Oregonian.
FURNITURE stock, located in one of the
best towns In the state of Oregon, doing
a good business ; this stock Is clean and
up to date, with no incumbrance, all
wholesale bills have been discounted; will
invoice about $10,000 (ten thousand dol
lars). Act quickly, this will not last olng.
AV 772. Oresonian.
BIG opportunity, right man with a little
mechanical ability can make 40 to 60
a day by secret method of repairing scored
cylinders; 6t per cent profit. Some ex
clusive territory still open; $500 up. Write
now to Cylinder Works, 4U3 Golden Gate
ave.. San Francisco. '
FULLY equipped 25,0f'0 sawmill, good con-
altion, COBl auove i'w. in ociivci fib
O.-W. R &-N. point for $4600, half cash,
balance Portland property or terms. For
particulara writa A &, Orconiau.
Phone Main 6433. 6th and Washington. .
Suite 511-12-13 Wilcox Bldg.
Film Producing Co. wants high-class
man who can assist with management of
business; too much work for present own
er; place Is run on strictly cash bai,is and
not a dollar indebtedness; everything is
paid for. Have 25 movie actors working
new films, all contracted for ahead. Will
show work and inside business to pros
pective purchaser who w-iil show their
ability to purchase. A chance for some
one to get in on the ground floor in one
of the largest paying propositions today.
Requires about $10,000, you to handle your
own money, which is to be used in the
business. Owner asks nothing for himseif.
but wishes to increase the output of films.
Established l'JUH by present owners.
This place Is the best business of Its kind
In the west. Rent $125 monthly; lease
runs 10 years. Everything about this will
stand thorough investigation and will sell
on trial and guarantee to clear above all
expense $800 per month and pay you a
salary during trial. Price $0000,
Parties have just completed deal for
one of the best 25,000-ca.pacity mills in
state of Oregon at a ridiculously low price.
The property consists of 30.0U0.0O0 feet of
standing timber and the land; also abun
dance of the very best government timber
adjoining; mill is very complete; have
road with locomotive and cars all com
plete; prefer man who can take charge of
the logging business. Will take partner
in on same basis which they have nought
at. This is an exceptionally good oppor
tunity to get in on the ground floor with
a live firm. Owners are all workers and
understand the business thoroughly. We
claim this is the best opening In the state
and will be pleased to have you make us
prove it,
Room 10x30; very nice fixtures, cash
register; good clean stock and a good pay
ing business. On account of age owner
will sell for $625.
Suburban location, building. land and
all go. $7000 stock; 6 large living--fooms,
hardwood floors, bath, gas. electric light,
modern in every respect. .Sleeping porch,
and is as well arranged as money can
make it. Owners are old and In ill-
health; want to go to California to spend
their declining years. Everything about
this place is open and above board and is
open for thorough Investlgatfon. The
price Is much less than place is worth; all
free and clear of debt. Price $12,500;
Vz cash, balance from business. Where can
you ouy a large going ousiness witn a
payment of less than stock is worth ?
Place has large trade and you can soon
pay Daiance irom ousiness,
Established 10 years, taking In $100 a
day; rent $45 for store and 5 living-rooms;
a chance for some one to step right into
a large paying business at a very reason
able price oi tjuuu.
This place has 9 rooms In connection
all furnished, and the rent is only $35 s
month with srood lease. A dandy, clean,
up-to-date stock. Owing to unforeseen
circumstances owner will sell at this time
for $1500. Place Is worth a great deal
more. This place h-s all cash trade.
Where else can you buy a business of this
kind that will pay ror itseit in iour
74 ROOMS. S12.000
Fine location, elegant brick building
with fine lobby, good furniture, all rooms
full at a good rental, netting $850 a
month; long lease. This place can be han
dled on part cash and will pay for itself
tn 14 mom ns.
90 ROOMS, $18,000
One of the best locations In the city
K nar' lpasp: rent verv reasonable
rooms all full and a waiting list of high
class people. Place netting around $l00
a month. All books open to inspection
Make a deposit and try this place to see
what you are buying. Deposit will be
returned if place is not true to descrip
xwtr.m. m.-.ft Positively clearing $400 a
month, which owner will prove; good stock
on nana ana a aanuy uuy, nsm. """
town Very cheap, rent only $25 a month,
worth much more.
Doing $2500 a month, rent $50 a month;
can furnish lease. Will selL this place for
$1000 and give trial and guarantee busi
ness to be just as represented: owner will
stay and help you get started. Place is
inrnted on one -of Portland's business
thoroughfares. -
Price $500. This place is an especially
good location; nxtures are goou. w jumg
place at a small price.
Dandy little place, doing good business,
exceptionally well equipped, having elec
tric irons, sewing machine. Hoffman press
and everything needed; best of reasons for
selling. Price $500.
With dining-room, clearing $750 month
ly; books open for inspection and will
give trial to prove profits; $10,000 cash,
balance out of the business. Owner has
made enough and desires to retire; might
consider Portland property as first pay
ment. Investigate this.
GARAGE $23,000.
One of the big ones; done $67,000 In
business last year; cleared over $12,000.
"With place go 14 cars and all equipment.
Lease 4 years and 6 months and the rent
Is very reasonable; the location cannot be
beat. If you want a big proposition and
are financially, able to handle this, we
would like to have you call at our office
and go Into the matter fully.
Has three good pool tables and a soda
fountain, good stock of cigars tobacco
and soft drinks; has an attractive front
corner location, a good business In the
right place. Price $1150, on easy terms.
Elegant close-in location, barber shop
In connection goes with business; rent
$35.50; 7 pool tables, chairs for 60 peopie,
fine large room: doing big business, high
class trade; rent $100 with lease; good
reasons for selling: will stand every in
vestigation. Price $4750, on easy terms,
Old-established grocery in inland town
of about 5O00, in heart of the best dairy
and farming counties in the country;
about 125 miles from Portland. Present
owner has run this place 10 years and has
become wealthy, and being in poor health
will sell stocK at invoice ana imu
second-hand price and will guarantee that
the turn over was $71,000 last year. . No
credit business more than 30 days; the
Btock is all clean and fresh. Can give you
long lease on building at $55 a month.
Will sell this on trial and guarantee to
be just as represented in every respeci
will Invoice about $SU00.
Have one of the finest little places 10
miles from Portland; everything .about
this in best possible condition, clean, neat,
,..wr infill acre elegant garden,
fine place for chickens. Store" is netting
bove owner's living and all expense. $lo0
monthly; has ticket office in connevtion.
b living-rooius, an iwi ,U'JU-
In cnt-over district;
all complete.
35-horsepower boiler, w norsepowei en
gine ana every amu ",ttV, "i.
in a good tie mill ana win sen eu "i-
ttik i..c niopB. eaterlnsr to best peo-
nle lease 5 years; rent $137.50; one of
the best fountains In Portland; large stock
tobacco and cigars. Will guarantee this
im naving better than 2U aany, aoove
sSalaPriei fnd all expense. Price $6000 and
will make terms. Especially fine tables.
Close-in Washlngton-st, location; rent
70- worth much more: a dandy going
business and cheap at $2000.
Phone Main 5433. 6th and Washington.
Suite 611-12-13 Wilcox Bldg.
Meat market and packing plant. In
cluding cold storage rooms, smoke-hou.-e
and ice plant; two-story brick building;
good location; on paved street, with
paved road to Portland. Fries very low.
eaty terms.
New berg, Oregon.
COUNTRY STORE at a good point for busi
ness. The only store there. The owner is
postmaster, expressman, etc, which alone
pays $ti00 annually. Stock and property
goes for $0000, part time, or good stock
ranch considered.. DeForest, 320 Henry
SUBSTANTIAL manufacturing corporation
wants capable men to establish branch and
manage salesmen; $200 to JIO00 necessary.
You handie own money. Will allow ex
penses to Baltimore if you will qualify.
For particulars, address Secretary, 41(i N.
Howard st.. Baltimore. Md.
FOR SALE OR TRADE Ice and cold stor
age plant, capacity 5 tons ice per day;
could easily be doubled; situated in one
of the best small cities in the state;
equipped with both steam and electrio
power; a good paying business. If intcr-
Jgsj-edwriteE. F. Magoon. Yamhill, Or.
BE INDEPENDENT. Chiropractic doctors
earn $:iuoo to $tioou yearly; work for your
st'lf ; this good-paying profession quickly
learned by correspondence; low rates, eay
terms. Illustrated books and charts free,
American University, 107 Manlerre bldg.,
DRUG STORE; will Invoice about $10,000.
Old-established business; fine corner, rent
it 1 25 ; over 2 years' lease ; sales $ 100 to
$125 a day; $00u0 or $7000 cash and good
security for balance acceptable. DeForest,
3-0 Henry bldg.
A WELL-PAYING greenhouse business with
best of retail trade; 200x200 ft. square,
with 7500 feet of glass; house, barn, work
house, etc.; $5000 cash will handle; open
to investigation any time. M. A, Schuster,
3287 E. 14th st. N.
with that old fountain pen? Does It leak,
scratch, blot, need a new point,
Take or mail it to Sandy. AH work
BAKER Attention. Fine opportunity for
baker; good east side location; small stock
groceries, with complete tlx tu res; good
oven also furnished; H. K. room In buck;
long lease had if desired. Price $b00. 2U4
RUSSell St;;
PARTNER wanted ; farm partner wanted
who understands cattle raising and gen
eral farming; also a little capital to work
with; chance to make good money; don't
answer unless you are interested; act
quick. Owner, F 017, Oregonian
POOLHALL right downtown, one of the
best in the city; will invoice $4600; dis
count for cash or time on part. 10 .ables,
' one Snooker table, doing 35 to $50 a day.
Rent $125; 5 years' lease. DeForest, 320
Henry bldg.
HAVE several very rich placers (gold and
platinum) in Oregon; have machines for
saving- both coarse and fines, any ton
nage; want capital for mills on ground
floor basis. Room 227 Franklin hotel,
Portland. Or.
MEN, are you looking for work? Make a
home and job lor yourself. We have lots
and materials and plenty of work for men
who can take an active part with small
investment in a home building company.
M 25, Oregonian.
5 ACRES Va mile from city limits San Diego,
cai., ?i00 per acre; main waier pipeimo
passes land, also gas and electricity; will
e:ohange lor paying dairy lunch, cafeteria
or grocery. What have you? BC S67, Ore
gonian. WILL sell separately or together, 80 acres
in Tillamook, unimproved, near Blane; 40
acres in Kern county. Cat., unimproved; a
nice 5-room cottage in Salem; all clear of
incumbrance, for home here, or what have
vou? D. V. Bangle. 014 4th st. Main 52Sj.
$6600 WILL buy a 72x135 comer lot, 35 fur-
mSnea U. K. rooms, .H Bicam heuu, ...
come, $1170 per month; $2000 cash, balance
$50 per mo. at 6. J. Landigeii, 400
Vancouver ave. Phone East 6031.
COUNTRY STORE near Albany. Stock.
bldg. and grouna $4.uu. eaies fioou per
month. Will trade for Portland home, or
want $500 cash and suburban property.
DeForest. 320 Henry bid g
' $4000 CASH.
Hemstitching, pleating and button man
ufacturing business; long established and
paying wall; owner retiring. AN 10, Ore
PARTNER wanted with $1201 to take half
interest in lugn-ciass estaoiisnea ousmex
clearing over $400 per month; experience
not absolutely necessary but must be re
liable. AR 302. Oregonian.
FOR SALE: Exquisitely furnished billiard
hall, cigar s ore nnu soaa ioumum n
largo town, fine location, clean slock; no
finer proposition could be had. Address
A G., 701 Washington. Vancouver, Wash.
HIGH-CLASS confectionery, small town In
rich farming community; no cornpcutiun.
Price $30uo; rent $-0. DeForest, 320
Henry bldg. -
FOR SALE or trade, sawmill, 25,000 capacity.
in good running oruer; o miiea
road on good road, 10,000.000 ft. of timber
available. P. F Moehnke, Hoff, Or.
WE HAVE a good list of garages and ga
rage property, can giv you auuta ihuh
making propositions at the right price.
502 Buchanan bldg.
ORGANIZE, finance, sell stock Declaration
of Trust, iniormaiion nee. uwui w.
Co., 123 Madison, unicago.
REGISTERED druggist would buy Interest
In good arug store wuere uv
wanted rather than the money, a ooi,
Oregonian. . , , .m
$2000 COUNTRY grocery near Portiana,
Will seil stock at invoice. Deforest, 3-0
Henry bldg.
DEPENDABLE man going east (selling and
merchandist exp., wouia nanuie leniuiiidiq
proposition; state proposition. P 7iW, Ore
FOR RENT An equipped lunchroom and 2
living rooms, corner Alia ana i.rawioru
sts., St. Johns shipyards. Call 31 Edison
St., St. J oh us.
BILLIARD, parlor, best small business in
city; win pay ior sen iu one jw yw
cash, bal. easy; term. Apply 447 Wash
ington st. .
POOLROOM, soft drink bar and cigar store.
Good east siae location, rem uv.o
$3750. Our price $2250. DeForest, 30
Henry bldg. r
OPPORTUNITY to invest with a local In
dustry, $300 to souuu; rauuey i'".UOu
expansion; orders exceed capacity; profits
large. K 103, Oregonian.
HAVE good logging contract to let to re
liable logger with donkey and 1500 feet
of line on railroad. Is also good horse
logging chance. P. O. box 546;
HARDWARE and lumber business in grow
ing town; will sell at cost, less lOcci
Btock $10,000, can be reduced. AV 03,
BAKERY and delicatessen, only 9?0,
Washington-st. location; rent $L. DeUor
est, 320 Henry bldg.
PICTURE SHOWS Two of them; one in
country town, one in city. Leonard, 717
Board of Trade bldg.
DRUGSTORE, bt-st small store In city. lo
cation and business great; cash only. Y
102. Oregonian
WANT to lease woodworking plant with dry
kiln between Portland and Seattle, 1
H2, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED and reliable truck driver :.
with $1000 wanted in a partnership on a
large truck and drive. BP 131, Oregoniam
WANTED A handy man with $1000 to en
gage in plumbing business; big money. 71
East Morrison. East S725. .
GROCERY store at invoice; good investment
or will exenange ior nuune mu
4226J; .
MAN with some motorboat experience to
take part interest and operate paying
boat run. S 3S4, Oregonian.
SMALL stock of groceries with living qu
trs in rear; will sell reasonable. Te
phone Woodlawn
MOVING picture theater for rale, good sub
urban location, small investment. v wi,
PARTNER WANTEP Busineas too ar'r
for me atone; oraers aiieaa ; uuibiud,
required. 503 Gerllnger bldg. Main
PHOTOGRAPHIC studio for sale, good loca
tion, eneap ior casn. fay,""
bldg.. Third and Alder sts.
BAKE SHOP for rent. $20;
ovens, boih-r.
pans. 3 40 Front St. t
ON ACCOUNT of ill health, hmall Job print
ing plant for sate, m ii, uregonian.
PATENT for sale, 15-cent article, used in
every home. tJ Zl. oregonian.
NEW Motagrap model J -A. motion-picture
machine, at a nargain. oiv i.iay su