11 TITE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, MARC1T 23, 1919, EEAL ESTATE For Sale Hoiim. REAL. BARGAINS IN HOMES. f?9V. Ntcft lot, on Mt Tabor im, with J-rn.m buncalow, S-V canh. $o, lots. Alberta. 5-room bungalow, at K37" Emrsvn strefi. $40 cash. I21.V. .Mr lot with fruit, near Clinton n-l SJ'i. $Juo c m. t jacu Liirc corner lot with fruit, 7-room hoj. on Clinton car. $ ch. $3500. B'ftuttft; lot on East 5Mh, with xtra-weil-built 6-room house. $1500 cwh; re-t monthiy. $45uJ For tvautlful comer 100x120 In Al berta, with trjftiy modern. 8-rorn house; genuine bargain. $l3oo cash: rst easy. 7." mi. Pine . -biock with beautiful S-rum T-ldence. unobstructed view. Take $2ov0 cash; ret monthly. And so forth. as If you want fear gain Id am all or large homes. We have bargains. P. FLTH8. 420 Chamber of Commerce rose: city park. 5-Room Run alow- 1300. Dot to unfonunate circum.ttiinci, this Kauriful bunialow la Dut uoon the mi VcL Locatu on 5Uh a-, north of Aia- ni'dt. Hardwood llrs. firep ace, Duiiet, remnt basement, furnace, etc. Let ui how you. A G. TEEPE CO.. 211 Stark si., near 3d Main Ii ranch off.ce. 50th and Sandy. (Open Sunday.) buiiday phone Mr. liiiier. Tabor SJ.V.. BEAUTIFUL. Queen Anne 7-room double constructed home, selected all choir grain oak wood fur ai: built-in conveniences, hardwood floors, fireplace, laundry trays, rarden. rraiys. berries, fruits an.l f low- -e; $4200, term?: worth $rtouo. 3"0 ft. to Rose t'ltv car. paved street, school clpse. Mr. W'als. A. J. D FOREST & CO. 20 H-nry Bids. MalnW $I5 CASH PORTSMOUTH. Half blo k to car we have a bauMful Hw bungalow. It has a big living room uh buhi-in bed; a Pullman buffet break fast room, a Dutch kiti hn, fine plumb Ins; In bath room. This L- an awful. y cosy Burnt for $R5U. S it today. COE A. McKENNA & CO. 82 4th St., Board "f Trade lildff. Main 4522. $1.VK CASH NECESSARY. 6 beautiful lare rooms, hardwood floors, flrep'are. built-in effect, beamed celMngs. budding 'ike new: full cnif-nt basemen;.; near Division STcer, ; b oi'ks from car; be a at:inlin g offer of I120O for t he propcrtr, oown. but must have I15(MJ cash, so Will make the prh-e only Uooo, whtrh is than cost of building. OEO. T. MOOKK CU l'7 eon R!rig. F.MALI- ACRE AND SHACK. Three rooms, e!rt.. gas. water, etc.; bout -0 good bearing fruit trees, first class sill; on Hawthorne car line at tint at. Price S:.J."i iasv terms. WATCH OUR ApS. WE GET RESULTS. A. VARKINbK. FITTER. LOWE Ar CO.. 203-5-7 Board o Trade bidg. IN BEAUMONT BENEATH THE -H TLL A modern six-room house; excellent neighborhood; all Improvements In. Po? ion within a short time. Price $4500. Terras. Call at Laurelhurst Tract Office, East 39th and Git. -an streets for key. MR. BROWN TABOR 3133 or TABOK 59 Eves. THREE GOOD ONES. $3300 Rossniir-; a mighty good buy; all Improvements paid. (-4300 A ia. ed ; 5 -room new bungalow with garage. 14500 Hoe City. 3 room?, almost ne with garar. a Jewel. MR. DEI.AHUNTY Vain 17mi, or evenini;?' East 206. ROSE CITY P C. 5-room bungalow, br ..t nook, onk floors, tireolace. extra i.irse buffet, built In effects In kitchen, full cent nt base ment, rood attic. 5t'xPo lot. This place Is on Fajidy bird.. $:u;u. See it before you buy. r Vanduvn, M5 Chamber of Commerce. Mam llo. ROSi; CITY PARK. 42d St., near Tillamook; strictly modern. rooms nnd sleeping porch, hardwood floors throughout, and a latent buiit-ln features. Don't fail to see this today. Houf-u alone could not be built for price aked. tan b handled on terms. Save commission. Owner. Tabor 8i4t. " NfciAR S. P. SHOPS. EASY TERMS. Larsre 7-room house, bath, full basement, brd-urface st-1. m and paid. Price $lauo; $t cash, batance to utr. r a. WA RUINER. HITTER. LOWE & CO, 20:;-."-7 Board of Trade bldg. BY OWNER, a bargain. 7 rms. ; sleeping pon-h. lull cement basement and floor. garaKe. bearing fruit trees, lot of roses ; owner Is going away. If yu look for a borne, then see this at 1540 Minnesota ate., take Kenton car, get off on Holland fcl.; terms. -"WELL-BUILT MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. 1 5 ' x 1 .'. cor. E. Stark and 7 u t h ets. Choi.- fruit trees. 7".x 1 J." on K. S'ark. Valuable Dusinea fiontaee. Present ownT cannot handle and will aacrifice for $0ima. t.T.lll. JOHNSON. 212 LUMBERMEN'S FLDQ. $150. $350 CASH. Near Laurelhurt Park, good 4-room fcuiiRa low, on ;i7a lOO; full basement, full plum bin if. built-in kit hen. nice buffet; toaiti bhrubberv and berries. See Ua at once. J'UNSON-DODSON CO., 631 N, W. Bank b!dg. FOUR-ROOM HOUSE $6S3. Four rooms, two upstairs, two down; plastered and in good condition; no built in features; lot 5ox.lH; $Jin cah. balance like rent; a good Utile home; No. tis30 4 1st ave. S. K. GOKlON. 631 Chamber of Commerce. ROSE CITY PARK. 6-room bungalow, "below the hill." extra large bedrooms mod' ru in ev-ry pnrtii? viar; house Is lean than 3 years old and is vicni. You can move in at once. $37"o. r. Vanduyn. ulo Chamber of Com tuerce. Main iy"5. RICHMOND DISTRICT. $-0. Beautiful 6 roonis. line bath, nreplace, full cement basement, house could not be built for less than $.'00 today. Kull price J.'.H, 3h down, balance monthly. 1 iKO. T. M CHj r K CO.. 1 ' 7 Yeon B M g. A SNAP 5-room cozy bungalow, beam critmir in living and dining rooms, Dutch kitchen and bath in white, good plumb ing, full bast-mfnt, wash trs, Kara 60loo lot. 7us 4ath at. SE. Woodstock car to Ho! gat. Itl'NtiALOlV, strictly modern and up to date, htsh ground, full bament. largo porches; $7C0 down: $lt."0. Now rents for $3 month. Mr. Wales. A. J. I FOREST & CO.. Henry Bldg. Main g0. Beautiful colonial home I-ocat-d in th chot.-tst part of Ianrel hurst. one block to cr. t.";n bv appoint ment only; a splendid buy. MR. DKLA HUNT Y. Main 1700 or Evenings Kst 2s. KOM owner. rxui modern bungalow, fire place, hardwood floors, a'l built-in fa t'jr.. $3ii dwn. ba'ancc $25 pr month, including lntirtt. in:; E. 'th t. N. Call Ml E. 0tl N. for key. One block from Vfndy blvd " WEST tIDE. Have all kinds of houses to sU in South Portland, from $li'0 and up; if you want a hous in that district, call and see me. John binger, 4-0 Chamber of Commerce b!dg. S-PTORY 7 rooms In Alberta district; well built and convenient, cement basement, full "plumbing, garagr. lot IHif102. choicet fruit, berries, etc.; rnce $: . $00 cash, balanc $20 p-r m.mth. JOHNSuN-DOD-MN CO.. Wl N. W. Bank bldg. flOik). $100 CAU. 4-room house, sheds, garden, electric lights, paved stdeeLs, 3 Mocks Sandy boulevard, all clear. Mr. Wales A. J. D FOREST & CO.. TCP HenryBldg. Main Cg?0. FOUR-ROOM HOUSE AND lOOxlOo. Nue place for chickens; cement side walks In; tix blocks from car on Ml -coit line: hour I modern; specially priced at Slini; cs-h. bal.ince t'-rras. SMITH-WAGON ER 0.. STOCK EX. 6UNNYItK. $!." with $! cish down. 4 room cotUigc with fine lot. 4ixl"i; tmit frrs: - t'lock Bel men I st A bareain. H. H. Stub. J0-7 Belmont; week phone, Titbor I'll. iiiIKRN S-rortm buncdiow. best part Rose 'itv; hardwuo1 fioora first -cia?s furnace, floored attic; $.1 lerms l'tH cash. $.".0 pr month ar.d interest. Gibsum, tark .t. Marshall 12. IRVIXGTOVS "SHOW BUNGALOW"; swell ivorv pnd mahogany finish. -ak floors, fireplac. handome tixtures. SOMETHING t'HOK'K. Neuliaustn A Co. tf-Kot'-M houw. complrtfly furnished. in Sunny slde district; 1 bock from car line: part caaii. trina balance. tUl. Oregu matv XHV I N i TON" DUTCH COLONIAL All Ivory f'ntshrd, oak floors, tiie bathroom. 2 fire places. Very modern throughout. Neu liauscn A Co. $'." 10 min. ride frxm town, small house, connected to n wer: $40 cash or $Kmi; any terma 1 46 Fine. ML Tabor to Vth. 1COSK CITY PAR X KiVf-mom m d e r n bungalow; paved str-et; terms; 8iH will handle. Tabor 1t7. A 0KD RUT. 8-room no-l-rn hme on Hawthorne ave : fine gATage. Tiber MIS. $lrtt BUYS 4-roorn bungalow, west side, fine view. lot 4xlOt; .-..m cah. balance to suit you. M. E. Lee. :.. Corbet t bldg. 6-ROOM modern bungalow. $J..n. down $J"M) and f'-- p' month, bl k MV r.ir; come Sunday anti -e itie. 11'J B. S4th st. V FHONB EUflt M2: weil-built ."-roin bunga low; must be ne'a to be apprecJaled; in restricted district. IRVfNGTN SNAP Attractive. modern home, large living room, fireplace, garage, f 575. Neuhaus-n V Co. 4-ROOM bungalow, with bath room: At- K'- distrt--t: $to50, part pa)-menta. X 634, Orecoiuaa, REAL ESTATE. "or Sale House, $300 TO $'00 DOWN $2Snn joo t t.i-".0 AND UP LOW PRICED NEW BUNGALOWS ROSE CITY PAR K We have for sale a number of bungalows NOW UNDER COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION. They, with w .-at her permitting, will be finished In about to days. Ca.l at our office and let us show you the plans and the ones now unarr course or construction. i ne bunralow will be finished in old ivory or natural finish, and wi.l tint walls and paint bunjralow to suit purchaser. Hard wood floors in main rooms. We have some plans for very nobby 4-room bunga low with sleeping porches. These bun galows should appeal to you. Not on:y w iil you have a new bungalow, but w can but id In and make lit tie chants to suit your ideas. They are on paved streets and sewer. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bidg., 4lh and Stark. Mala uS, A fuOO. $2400 MODERN" 5 -room bungalow; fire- ftlace. Dutch kitchen, fine basement, arse attic; full lot. can use lot next for garden; roses, fruit; a fine place for chickens. $500 cash. $2300 S-roora cottage, garagr. full lot; block to AJbcria car on 13 th street; terms. $2650 Attractive B-room bungalow, fine attic basement, laundry trays; 0 fine tre"s, garden, lawn; 1 block to car, 3 blocks to school. $300 ca.h. $3200 Modern 5 -room bungalow; very at tractive living room, dining room, oak floor, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitch en : fine lot, fruit, garden; ear age. cash. $3730 A rooms, reception hall, den; nicely arranged; furnace. fireplace, fine basement; full lot. lawn, fruit, gar den; 1 block Hawthorne car on E. 4Vh St.: & good buv. fftQ cash. LIBERTY REALTY & BROKERAGE CO. Main 71-. 5y' Buchanan bldg. yzofv: CTTT PARK 6-ROOM BUNGALOW GARAGE $3230. All rooms on t floor, old Ivory finished, beautiful electric fixtures, plas tered f .'traga and connected with bunga low. Will show by appointment. J. L. HARTMAN" COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4 ih and Stark. Main 206, A -000. $1030. KERBT STREET. NEAR BTAKTOX. $1050 FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE $1050. Street n and paid. Just the place for a small family. Can give some terms. Thla is a splendid buy. Don't overlook it. J. F. HILL, 616 WILLIAMS AVENUE. EAST 2GS. BEAUTIFUL HOME ON THE HEIGHTS ALMOST NEW. Corner lot, magnificent view of th mountains overlooking the city; 8 roomi Including glassed-in sun parlor, hot water heat, '' tireplaci-s. - baths, hardwood floors throughout, in fact, thoroughly modern and finely finished in every detail, nice garage, property tan be inspected by appointment. Price 13..VK), liberal terms. S,ee E. M. Brown, with NEILAN A PARKHILL. 219 Lumt ermen's Bldg.. &th and Stark Sta ONLY $19 0 tit should be $30OOj lor a big quarter acre of highly improved ground, nice law n. fruit trees in full bearing, thre is a good five-room practically new house, modern enough for any person; all of the city conveniences are In the house; a garage on thi place. Do you know where you can buy anything like this for V10OO? $100 in cash you must have. M. J. CLOHEisSY, 413 Abington bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. 5 Rooms Garage $4:100. We want you to ee this strictly mod em bungalow. located near Sandy; best car service. You will appreciate the downright value in this splendid home, A. G. TEEPE CO.. 261 Stark St.. near .'id. Main 3516. Branch office. 50th and Sandy. Open Sunday. ) Sunday phone Mr. Hlller. Tabor fcl"5. Mr. Claytor. Tabor ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW o ROOMS AND GARAGE ON PAVED STREET. Large fireplace, built-in effects, concrete porch floor. Lo cated In a good residence district. Price $4uj. half cash. J. L. HARTMAN COM PANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bids., 4th and Stark. Main -tS, A uo0. CHICAGO MAN SAYS: "SELL." GO SEE OUTSIDE 10i!.-. TILLAMOOK ST. S.KLL FOR $:.0i AV.NER PAID CASK $4-jru. 6-room bungalow type, rec. ha'l, bath, g-as. furna.ee, elet-pinn porch, hardwood f loors. white and mahogany finish ; bea.u tlful lawn, roses; don't bother tenants. " LEVEL AN D-Ii A Hit-HENDERSON CO., 212 RY. KX. HLImJ. . MAIN 67.'. J. i-KOOM HOUSE. ST. JOHNS. $100. NORTH KELLOii ST. Oood 5-roorn house. lare lot. Improved with all kinds of beautiful shrubbery roses, trees, flower, etc. This is the biggest bargain ami prettiest lot rn St. Johns to cav. Ixok at It and be convinced; $1000 takes it: terms. H cah. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 01 Chamber of Commerce. ONLY l'"iH for a good seven-room house, two bittcks from the Broadway bridge and oniy one block from E. Broadway; this house is In good condition; wa Iking distance. Where can you got anything like it ? Ir is on Ross st. ; $1000 in cash you must have, otherwise there 1 no uo talking. M. J. CLOHESSY, 415 Abington b'dg. RtSE CITY PARK. Two blocks from Sandy blvd.. 4-room bungalow nnd furniture; white enamel fm lh, neat nnd clean; hot and co'd water, gas., .'lectricity; lot fixlu0; raspberries, logans. s;rawberrie. S bearing fruit trees, rhickeu house; J1T-", terms, by owner. Home after 2 F. M. Sunday, US6 East 7Mh st. N. UNION-AVE.. ALBERTA, WOODLAWN CARS. $2200 Cory 5-room coftag on T.CxIOO lt, full basement, elec trie lights, gas, bath, hard-surface st. in and paid; m't: forms. ,T A. "WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Ex. Bid p. Main T.::. Sun. Call Esst 2."-44. $::oi DOWN, ?l"0 0 ROOMS. SEE OUTSIDK 1303 DELAWARE- AVE. 6-room coi i age. lot 5"100, f rult, ber ries, etc.: rents now $22.50 month; dun't bother tenants. CLEVUL.VN O-BARR-HENDERSON ""0., 212 RY. EX. BLDG. MAIN 6752. BY owner, 5-room bungaiow. modern except furnace, ana 4 acre 01 iana; irun iret-e In bearing, private water system. This place is located at Oak Grove, on th road lending to the river. List house on the ttft-hand side. Fnce $3250, $250 off for cash. 6-ROOM modern house, 1.2 E. oftth St.. Sunnystde car; aewiy painiea ana acco rated inside and out ; 1 b:ock of school, church. s:ore and car; if you want a nice, convenient heme at a bargain, see tlus hour ; only $2.-00, terms if desired- A. M. HOWELL, 401 Board of Trade. $1;,ik ALBERTA district. 3 rooms and store room, modern conveniences; iuhvu-iu kh, Including larire shed; $100 cash and $20 per month with Interest at 7 per cent. DABN E Y IN V ESTM ENT COM PAN Y, Room 1. Worcester bldg. 15 BUNGALOWS, Albr-rta district, $2o0D to $5l0 4 and rooms, moueni, vu uu". terms; immediate possession, w K( r, .Mr meant. Darlnff. 540 UNION S. SAFE I'bfUM x ae mioi vw. 24 Oh It St. FOR SALE S-room modern home, new ox lurnace, lot i.-xivu. iruiv n,t br.he- bW'Ck from car line: vacant ground ad.'-miing can bu used for gardening. Sell wood 2" 7 2. 4-ROOM cotiaqe, $1U": $T0 down. $20 per month at ' mitres; wuwivvik. " "nkvnVVmt company. Room 1. Worcester bids. lin.BKLI, & SON. H-'l Sandy, offer modern 1. -story 7-room bunplo: street im proved and, pa.d. hd d. floor.: cll.Jo-.-ttted. 6a K. 4..th ru N.; less than J-jO, bnrsntn. Tabor -1K1 n.- Ar.,om noilSe. corn.r lot. 5010". wmi Main 467 -or 100 Clh ml., corner Stark. WEST SIDE. -Modern 9-room house. S Jn rooms, rn lot 4.7 "& t. near Hall: 7(XX. Marshall .-,-.15 jnnort. Main 43 weekdays. I'KACTITAI.I.Y new o-room v All beria car: ,r.; t:s:.. terms. Call be f,.re 1 it after 7. IPS! B. 1'fth N. S17.-.4. $-4... -o.. A -, u . - ' ""rhoni.Vo.. owners, today. 1000 Lorn ha'd. ror. Puchar.an. VOorl.AWN SNAP J2o". a?X ,.Tf her- ris- Owner S33 N.W. Bank Bldg. FT OWNER 7-ROOM MODERN. Onlr $2:C.. terms. Call Mam f70 or fil4 Iekum bld(f: IRVINGTON $rt2.'0 Choice tiome. fine loca tion, extra w tn uun ''. 7," N E fHALSEN & O N. W. Bank Bide. TO THE homeseeker: .ubstantiai residence n ; no agents. Phone Tabor .m4. SHACK, west side, for $0O. $0 cah. hal- ance per mon.u. m. -bett b'dg. 5-R"wf houf-e, brtwn ri'roal urn Mroad- REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses LOVELY HOME. S rooms and sleeplns; porch: hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, full cement base ment, well painted, fine equipment throughout. See this. Phone Main 3oo.i. Price $3000, including a $lio combination range. DABNEY INVESTMENT COMPANY. Room 1, Worcester bleg. " LEADERS IN WEST SIDE HOMES. 6- room house. Lucretia, near Washlng-- t06-romhouse. Willamette Heights. fW. tt-room house, full lot, hardwood, $o300. 7- rooin-house. Johnson. $5300. 9-room house. 4th St.. corner. $8500. 6-room houae. near St. Helens hall. Kings Heights. $11,000. South of Jefferson, 9-room house, 10th and MUI. $7r.00. . .rnn 7 rooms, corner of Broadway, 4S0O, 8- room house, 5th and Hall, $3600. 6-room cottage, $3500. (i-room house, Harrison, $3300. Broadway. 70x100. 2 houses; take bunga low on part. $7500. Goldschmidta Agency, Stock Exchange, 3d and Yamhill. . 50OTrVINGTON BUNGALOW $4500. Modern 7-room bungalow, No. 4f6 East 11th st. norta. This is a mighty at tractive little home; has hardwood floors, .fireplace, furnace. Dutch kitchen and many built-in features. This Is a splen did opportuuKy to get a nice home in 4his beautiful district. Purchaser can have immediate possession as tha place is vacant. Go ;ut and look it over, then call J. F. HILL. 66 Williams ave. East 263. WHAT do you think of this? A fine new eight-room house with a lot 60x100 feet; only 100 feet off tho paved Sandy road, out in Rose City Park; the house has four bedrooms, two toilets, bath and laundry trays, full basement, furnace, fireplace, Dutch kitchen; In fact, all sorts of built-in effects; it is up to date In every respect and the price is only I4S00. Can you beat it ? $2000 cash and monthly payments on the balance. M. J. rLOHESSY, 415 Abinyton bldg. $2650 WALKING DISTANCE East 14th St., near Burnslde. 4-room cot tage, large rooms, furnace. Buy this and you will have both a home and an In vestment. Terms, half cash. J. L. HART MN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Com merce bldg., 4th and Stark. Main 20S, A -030. ONLY $1100 for a fine four-room house with two lots right off the paved high way on E. Jd st. ; this house Is ceiled and papered and the lots are fenced; there is a woodshed on the property; all of the city conveniences are In this house, such as city water, gas and electric lights; this is a chance for somebody to get a nice home for little money; you must have $500 In cash. M. J. CLOHESSY, 415 Abington bldg. ONLY $000 for a cosy four-room cottage practiculfy new; In this cottage is city water, gas and electric lights; only one block from the station with 5c carfare; only five blocks from a city school; lots of nice neighbors ail around you; this cottage Is riht at Ryan Station; the lot is practically a full lot ; half cash Is all you need. M. J. CLOHESSY, 415 A bington bldg. WEST SIDE BARGAIN. .Fine residence, wonderfully built; most exclusive section of Portland, 3 blocks from King and Washington ; good view; beautiful living room. o2x0; dining room, 3hx2ti ; fine library, 3 bathrooms. 2 lava tories, 7 fireplaces; fine sleeping porch. Kverv modern convenience. $20,000. Mar. 4S7. BROOKE. A 3839. $lS.-,0. PART CASH. $1850. Party leaving city; 0-room house, plas tered, papered, stained and varnished built-in buffet and beamed ceiling; hot and cold water and bath: lull basement; full view of Tualatin valley ; 10 minutes walking distance from end of Council Crest car. Address owner. Lew is Theiderman, city. Marshall 545i for directions. WEST SIDE BARGAIN. FINE RESIDENCE. Most exclusive section of the West Side, 8 blocks from King and Washington; goo.1 view, beautiful living room, 32x2u; din In tr room. ISx20: fine library. 3 bath rooms, 7 fireplaces; fine sleeping porcn. Every modem convenience. fc-'O.ooo. Mar. 47. BROOKE. A 3S39. $:(00 DOWN PRICE $2200. GO SKE OUTSIDK J16'. IVOX STREET. 1 Bl.K. S. DIVISION ST., COR. 3&TH ST. 7-rooni home. 5;100 lot, all streets in and paid; fruit, berries, flowers, etc.; don't bother tenants. CLE VELA ND-BARR-HENDERSON CO., 212 RY. EX. BLDG. MAIN 6752. J 1ST EAST OK WA LNUT PARK. $100 Beautiful bungalow, with 5 rooms and den first floor, large bedroom and attic up; electric lights, gas, full line of plumbing, hard-surface st. paid; terms; 'near Union-ave. and Alberta cars. Main -W'.. Sun. Call Tabor 207 ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW. 3ni0; 0 large rooms; delightful interior finish; a real home, all conveniences; full cement basement with trays, gas and elec tricity; lrge grounds; bearing fruit trees; 2 blks. to car: convenient to school ; a sacrifice with $1000 down. R. W. Fisher, 41.". S'oik Exchange. ON KILLI NOS WORTH AVE. is a corner with a store building and five-room flat overhead : it would cost $3-"00 to build this building alone, leaving out the cor ner lot; there is an indebtedness of $lt;."0 on tho property; come along with $000 in cash and you can take tho property. M. J. CLOHESSY. 415 Abington bldg. i-ROC'M cottage, $1300: $100 down, balance at $20 p-r mnlh, with Interest at 7 per cent. Good bath, toilet, water, basement. 2 lots, several fruit trees and garden spot; in Mi. Scott district. DABNEY INVESTMENT COMPANY, Room 1, Worcester bldg. 5-ROOM bungalow, built-in bookcase, writ ing desk, dressers, buffet and cupboards; hardw ood floor; dining room beam ceil ing and paneled; fine bath; upstairs floored but not finished: cement floor half of basement. House and owner 1222 Ii. 17th st. N. CAN YOU BEAT THIS? $1250: 3 large rooms, bath, hot-water tank, electricity, phone: half basement; 60x100; fruit. $100 down; rent for more per mo. than your payments. R. W. Fisher, 415 Stock Exchange. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW, o rooms, bath and furnace; two lots on comr. level, with lots of trees; must be sold: owner gone to St. Louis. Mar. 4827. BROOKE. A 3S39. Call Mornings or Evenings. $3.',o DOWN. $2350 5-RM. BUNGALOW. oi2 SKIDMORE. BLK. UNION AVE. . Don't bother tenants. CLEVELAND-BARR-HENDERSON CO.. 212 RY. EX. BLDG. MAIN 6752. SMLL house, plastered, electricity, piumb inir. lovely lot on carline, corner lot. flowers and fine trees, garage with cement floor and electric lights. Cheap, by owner. Wood stock car. Corner 41st and 5Sth ave. MODERN" d-room house, full cement base ment, wash trays, furnace, two toilets, hardwood floors and fireplace; up-to-date garage. 224 Glenn ave. Call Tabor 4003 Sundav and Broadway 4500. Mr. Abel. LEAVING the city forces me to sacrifice mv modern 5-room house for $2200, fur nished comp'ete; $500 cash; will also sell It without furniture: no agents. F. J. Trout, owner. 544 Emerson st. KENTON Bi'NGALO W $ 2OO0. 5 rooms, modern; 5xl00; cement side walks; fruit trees: improvements paid. Owner, evenings Marshall 57S5. AM 138, t reKon lan. m PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. I still have a few beautiful modern residences left in this district. Call at once. Th?y are golns ffist. . Mar. 4S27. BROOKE. A gg"9. IRVINGTON $t00 homo, this week, $4700; elegant 7-room house, east front lot, all Improvements m . vu nui near Broadway. Phone Monday E. 356. G-ROOM. thoroughly modem house. Will sacrifice for $1350. $200 cash, easy terms. 7-room house. 5 lots. J2S0O. Arnold, 300 Henry bldg.. with Ernest Wells company. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE Attractive, mod ern home, 17th street, $4S50, worth $6250. Neuhausen & Co. MODERN S-room bunealow, full basement, cement floor, electric light, lot 40x100. Price $2200. 1025 East 29th st. North. fjC'.rt D.indv 5-room bungalow; see It be "fore 12 o'clock today. 1506 E. ISth st. $7"0 cash. - IRVINGTON HOMES OUR SPECIALTY. NEUHAUSEN & CO., 83,1 N. W. BANK BLDG. Main 8078. FURNISHED house for sale, close in; also furnished housekeeping rooms. Call at 352 2d St.. or phone Main 770. ltoo 5-ROOM modern bungalow near SRndy blvd.. $500 cash. E;ist 6329. ACRES close Sandy blvd, whole or part, easy terms. Bast 6329. TWO modern 5-room bungalows in Sunny side. By owner. Phone Tabor 7232. COSY 4-room cottace. garage, 44 fcuaver tu 50x100 lot. J .Price 2UU0. REAL ESTATE For Sale House. A. B. C. EXCHANGES. A 823 acres highly improved, stocked ana equipped, Columbia river dairy ranch for clear Portland incoma property. Price $40,000. B 90 acres Gresham dlst., the best groins ranch in Oregon; stocked, equipped, crops planted, fine buildings. Accept $J000 in clear income property, $4000 cash and give long; time on .balance. C 00 acres In best part of Willamette valley. 27 miles from Portland; on Pa cific highway ; all tn cultivation ; owner living in California, has authorized us to exchange this for Portland income. D 6-room cottage on Belmont street; value $4000; exchange for 40 to bO acres in Willamette valley; will pay cash dif ference. 6-room modern bungalow. lot OxlOO, located in Brooklyn district, clear of en cumbrance, together with $1000 cash, for eu acres in Willamette vauey; wiu assume on an improved piace. Business block and hotel in suburb of Portland, valued at $8000, to exchange xor rancn ; prefer eastern uregon; im proved or Irrigated. (? These are only a few of our exchange listings. We can match any trade. See ua for quick results. ST. CHARLES LAND CO., (Farm Land Specialists) St. Charles Hotel Lobby. 204 Morrison. LAURELHURST $4300. BARGAIN. Don't pass this up. You can't afford to. Come, let us show you this modern home: 6 rooms and sleeping porch. Finished in white throue"hout. Hardwood floors, fire place, full cement basement, etc., full lot with all assts. paid. 1 block to car. Don't confuse this with the ordinary house of fered at thia price. You will be buying this tiuoj under value. Must be sold at once. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st.. near 3d. Main 3516. Branch ' office, Ruth and Sandy. (Open Sunday.) AM GOING EAST. "REAL SACRIFICE." SEE 725 EAST 2STH STREET. NEAR KELTON (NEAR WOODSTOCK CARl. DESIRABLE HOME, 7 ROOMS. MODERN BATH. ETC. GOOD CELLAR, LOCALITY O. K. WELL-BUILT HOME. SOME FRUIT. PRICE, THIS WEEK, $3250 (WORTH $4'i00). ABOUT ' $:i00 TO $500 CASH. BAL. LONG TIME. TAKE LIRERTY BONDS AS CASH. PHONE "MAIN 1900. OR ADDRESS PATTERSON 212 SELLING BLDG. IRVING TON $4S.-0. Fine modern 6-room bungalow in the heart of Irvington. hardwood floors, book cases, fireplace and other built-in conveni ences; large enclosed sleeping porch, good full-cement basement and furnace heat ; lot 50x100, with large fir trees; an ideal home. All Improvements paid. J. L. KARNOPP & CO.. 819 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 675. $400 CASH Beautiful 5-room bungalow, fine corner lot, with pleasing outlook. Lovely homes all around ; entire district fully paved and we've paid $G00 on this corner already (only $37." unpaid). Price Is only $2550: $20 monthly payments. Two blocks north Richmond car, N. E. cor. 34th and Caruthers. Vacant. Open. Owner, Tabor 54. ROSE CITY PARK. $46007 rooms, sleeping porch, den. hardwood floors throughout, not veneer; all nice large rooms, fire place, steam heat; imp. all in and paid, requires about half cash; shown by appointment only. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Main 5R3. Sun. Call T. 2975, T. C&sl. IN LAURELHURST A modern home of seven large rooms and enclosed sleeping porch. In first class condition: one block from car. Price $5500 with terms. Immediate possession. Call at Laurelhurst Tract Office, East 30th and Glisan streets, for key. MR. BROWN TABOR S433 or TABOR 59 Eves. $1575 3-ROOM MODERN $1575. Splendid value in this cosy cottage, close In on E. 33d; reception hall, large living room, bedroom, kitchen and pantry; nice porcelain plumbing, cement basement; beautiful, sightly 50x100 lot connected with sewer; valuable fruit trees and berries; $200 cash, easv terms. R. F. FEEMSTER. 309 Abington bldg. $:;00 CASH 5300. NEAT BUNGALOW. S rooms and full floored attic, full base- TTiflnt nie lawn and fruit trees, east front 1 blk. from car and paved sts. Price $2650, terms like rent. C. A. WARRTNER. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 503-5-7 Board of Trade bldg $3300 BEAUTIFUL house of 7 rooms, den, with fine auarter-sawed oak floor, -ln.: large sleeping porch; fine view Wmt. river; 100x100 lot, with some of the finest trees in the city. Sunday call Wdln. 014, after Sun day see J. A. "WICKMAN CO., Main B83. '-104 Ry. Exch. Bldg. PIEDMONT DISTRICT $3000. Mnflftrn fi-rnnm bungalow with fireplace, electric lights, gas fixtures, large living room with all built-in conveniences: full basement and garage; corner lot, on Cleve land ave., near Lnion; terms. J. L. KARNOPP &. CO., 319 Railway Exch. Bldg Main 675. BEAUTIFUL VIEW HOME. $3000. Uooer heights, nearly new home, nouse .inn ciinnot be built for less than $3500 lot 50x113; unobstructable view; improved street, garage. Just outside city limits, hence low taxes. Investigate this offer. Photo at the office. J. C. OORBTN CO.. 305-fi-7 Lewis Bldg. 10-ROOM HOUSE SACRIFICE. Corner lot in St. Johnjs, close to business district. 4 blocks from carline and easy walking distance to industrial plants. Price $1700; $550 cash, bal. monthly. See E. M. Brown, with NEILAN & PARKHILL, 219 Lumbermens Bidg., 5th and Stark Sta. BEAUTIFUL 7-room house, strictly modern, $3150. easy terms: all kinds of berries, fruit, grapes, shrubbery, big garden, chick en house, paved street, 2 blocks Sandy blvd.; a real home. Mr. Wales, A. J. D FOREST & CO., 320 Henry Bldg. Main 2690. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT l'i blocks north carline; paving, sewer, all in. paid; five pretty rooms; clean as a new pin; vacant, onen. Very nice homes all about you. x'r.ro: $400 cssh. $20 month. This is 244 E. oargain j 1 ou w . Mst st. Owner. Tabor 8-4. ONLY $4150. Feven-room house, completely furnished. Including piano, furnace. fireplace, all built-in effects, everything firt class; terms. J. Robins, 301 Railway Exchange. Tabor 5319. Main 793L RENT OR SELL TCTT.LAMETTE HEIGHTS 7-Room. modern house, one block to car. Give year lease to right party. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. 309 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. 2000 BUYS 6 rooms, bath, gas, electric lights, Minnesota ave.. between Simp son and Jarrett sts., 50x100 lot. Sun. call Wdln. 914, after Sunday see J. A. WICKMAN CO.. Main E3. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. SUBURBAN house, 8 rooms, modern, close to station, 6-cent fare, plenty of fruit of all kinds; lots of roses; lot 100x100. all fenced- This Is an ideal home. Price, $3500. H. H. Realty Co., 615 Swetland bldg. $1100 MOUNT SCOTT HOME. 60x74 corner lot ; six-room house, good front and rear porches; near car line; $250 cash, balance monthly. PMTTH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EX. BY owner, 6-room, modem house, fireplace. furnace. Cement Da.seme.ni., ouxivu, corner lot, east front, good view, near Kenton, $3500; terms. Call Main 267 or 100 6th St., corner Stark. FOR SALE. Two-family modern flat building, close In, good district, well furnished, good monthly incomf. See owner, 1201 North western Bank bldg. " " luOXlOO, 6-RM. HOUSE On E. 8th st. N., $2750. See E. M. Brown, with NEILAN & PARKHILL. 219 Lumbermens Bldg., 5th and Stark Sts. FOR SALE. Modern 8-room residence. LAURELHURST. 1185 E. Oak. Price $4500. Tabor 2050. $3300 Modern C-room house, garage. cniCKen II U 1130, occva ins " 1 berry bushes. Two lots corner 43th ave. and"52d st. Sell. 2303. MUST SELL TODAY. Have 6-room modern house, furnace, full lot. Alberta district; $250 down. $30 per month. Bargain price. Woodiawn 5436. $1500 BUYS 4-room cottage and B lots near car line on k -"' outouivuna u cash, balance $20 per month. M. E. Lee, 505 Corbett bldg. 3-ROOM cottage, lot 5xl00. 10 nice fruit freest. CniCKen nuusr. v.n uc uoukiil iui $1650 with $300 down. 209 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1658. ALAMEDA BARGAIN $6000, attractive. modern nome, ivory unisn, oas noors, garage, choice corner, near carline. Neu hausen & Co. MODERN 6-room bungalow. Jot 60x100. If you a;S lOOKins iw tunicunng goua, nere it is; reasonable In price and terms. Own er. Tabor 4048. 7-ROOM house, 50x100 lot, near Laurelhurst; easy terms, rnone am . n. BY owner, fl-room hous. Inquire 648 E. 15th st. Take Brooklyn car. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. TTpninvn ntRTRIfT. 2600 A little beauty of a bungalow. On hard-surface street. A 1 .RRRTA. $2750 Big snap in a 7-room house. NEVER offered before. ROSE CITY PARK. 4fsn s.iionm hunealow with garage close to Sandy. Below the hill. A real snap. mwr.: r TY PAKK. $5250 Corner below the hill, 6-room bungalow. Finest lawn in Rose City. Never otierta ueiore. HAWTHnnVR AVE. $5750 Right on the avenue, large 8-rra. nouse witn large attic, wen worm a 1 . i xi vn a park. $5750 About the niftiest thing yet, 8 room, up-to-the-minute house, bungalow style. ias evcrytnmg. A I A VI L- r A PiR Tv $8000 Some house; never been occupied. and especially attractive. RriSSM ERE 6500 100x100 with a good, serviceable, 7-room house, fine condition. ROS5MERE. J 6.00 7-Roora house with 100x100; big buy, and a dandy location. A T . A t V.T1 A IS000 Brand new, never been occupied. TiTIfiR riTY PARK. $12.500 Large grounds, beautifully land scaped; K. C. s ttnest Dungaiow. l.ok t- 48th N., cor. Tillamook. Submit proposition. ERNEST WELLS CO. 300 Henry Bldg. Open Sunday 2 to 4 P. M. ROSE CITY PARK. ft rrtnmR Wa r 4i.th and Sandy. Real California bungalow in Rose City Park's best location. 6 rooms on one floor Hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet Dutch kitchen, furnace, etc. Wo want you to see this it will appeal to you, strongly A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark at., near 3d. Main 3516. Branch office. 5oth and Sandy. (Open Sunday.) Sunday phone Mr. Claytor, Ta bor 9321. Mr. Hiller. Tabor 825 5. ROSE CITY PARK Car Line. S.2750. Fine 6-room house wMh newly tinted walls, painted white enumeiea Kitcnen built-in efiVets: full basement and fur nace; must be sold at once; East Davis, near 20th, and 3 blks. from Rose City car line; real value $4ou0; terms. J. L. KARNOPP & CO.. S19 Railway Exch. Bldg Main 6.5. ROSE CITY HOME. T?IfW WITH REALTY. Here is a dandy located in the beauty spot of Rose City proper; 6 rooms, modern from A to Z; beautiful lot. east front: paved sts. In and paid; just right distance from car. Price $4500. easy terms. Quick action needed. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE ''O 203-5-7 Board of TraQe bids. sirir.n PI'RNTSHED BUNGALOW $1650. Wonderful bargain in a modern 4-room H.'.in- niilv furnished: 50x100 lot; rosv living room. 2 nice bedrooms, white enamel Dutch kitchen, built-in china closet and cooler, full plumbing with porcelain bath, sewer connection; large front porch with swing seat ; full cement basement; elec. lights; STtiiO cash required. R. F. FEEMSTER. Abington bldg. OWNER LEAVING CITY. $3600 7 rooms and unfinished sleeping porch, hdwd. floors, bookcases, dui fet. Dutch kitchen, fireplace, fur nace, full basement, wash trays. 2 bedrooms down, 2. up; 50x100 lot. 1!. blks. to R. C. P. cur. terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Main 583. Sun. Call T. 275. T. g$Sl. r.-TfOOM BUNGALOW. Partly furnished, $3500; cement base ment, furnace, laundry trays, fireplace, hardwood floors, built-in buffet and con- .Anen In kitehen. 50x100 lot. 2 blks. from Rose City car; $75o cash, bal. month ly. See E. M. Krown, witn NEILAN & PARKHILL. 219 Lumbermens Bidg., 5th and Stark Sts. PIEDMONT DISTRICT $3300. Fine 8-room house, with full basement, furnace, buiit-ln buffet, Dutch kitchen, .t - mnrl.rn nnd In first-ciass condition; only 1 block to car line; lot 50x100; im provements paia. J. L. KARNOPP & CO., ni9 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 6T5. tuWTHnRE mrVOALOW BARGAIN. $3500 7 rooms, sleeping porch, strictly mod. except heat, lirepjace, nawa. floors, bookcases, buffet, Dutch kitchen. full cement basement. wash travs: no mortgage, no as sessments; imps, all in; terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Main 3X3. Sun. Call Tabor 207... FIVE rooms and attic, very modern bunga nw lot f vi u: narawoou noors, vww i" lets- sun parlor; cove ceilings; fireplace in living room; full size triple mirrors; Ruud water heater; furnace and laundry trays and fine basement; all Improve ments in and paid; full view or the moun tains. J. C. CORBIN CO. 305-6-7 Lewis Bldg. $1700, $500 CASH; 4 rooms, water, elec tricity and gas. sink, cesspool, cement walk and curb, lot 100x100. 18 fruit trees you prop up each year; all kinds of ber ries, 500 lbs potatoes in 30x30, big chick en house. Mr. Wales. A. J. De FOREST & CO.. 320 Henry Bldg. Main 2690. SIX-ROOM MODERN HOME with elee-ping porch, oak floors, fireplace, -ii v,,iiiii full cement basement, fur- thnrnu'crh double constuction; 50x100 lot; 2 car services. E-a-st 42d and Thomp son; $4000, including ail street Improve- !"ec!bORBIN CO., 3Q5-6-7 Lewis Bldg. NEAT COTTAGE. CLOSE TO S- P. SHOPS. 4 rooms, full cement basement, full Int. This is a choice location for anyone work ins at the shops; $2000. easy terms, C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 03-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. MECHANICS. ATTENTION. 6-room house on Haneock st.. 15 min utes' walk from this office; suitable for working man with large family who is not too particular and wishes to be close to citv. K2200 at $25 per month, small payment down. J. J. McCarthy, Abing ton bidg- . IRVINGTON "SWELL HOME." BARGAIN Located on finest corner, Irvington. all oak floors, two fireplaces, 2 bathrooms; eU-gantlv finishrd throughout, renter hall. One of tho CHOICEST HOMES ever of fered. Consider some trade. SEE THIS. Ncuh au sen & Co. DOUBLE constructed modern 7-room house, corner big garden, fruit trees, berries. 3 blocks Rose City car. schools and btores handy ; investigate ; $2550, $1 150 down. Mr. Be FOREST & CO.. 320 Henry Bldg. Main 2690. 3-RM. HOUSE. 4 LOTS. PRICE ONLY $1350. This has all kinds of fnift and berries. Chicken house; and yard. $350 cash, bal ance ea.sy terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 309 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. FOR-SALE 6-room house, bath, toilet, gas, hot and cold water; lot 50x120; bearing fruit trees, berries, fine lawn and roses; all Improvements in and paid for; place in good condition ; close to Laurelhurst park. Price $2500; $500 cash, balance to suit. Tabor 1478 6-ROOM bungalow, Rose City, near car; 7-room house, Beaumont, 3 blks. rarllne. Do not fail to see these. Terms. McLeod & Taylor. 330 Railway Exch. Phone Mar. 2633 evening, or Sunday call East 1191 or Woodiawn 3752. 3000 5-room bungalow, on full 50x100 lot, with hard surface street in and paid; furnace; convenient to car; near Jefferson high. J A WICKMAN CO., 204 By. Exch. Bldg. Main 583. Sunday call E 2544. FlVE-room semi-modern bungalow; 2 bed rooms, living room, dining room, reception hall, kitchen and pass, pantry; attic and good basement; furnace; on macadam street $3130, balance on terms. J. C. CORBIN CO. 305-6-7 Lewis Bldg. ATTRACTIVE 7 -room house. 1062 E. Wash ington st., one block from Laurelhurst Park lot 5uxl'0; hard-surface street: bearing fruit trees; 15 minutes by street car to center of city; $3000 cash. P 912, Oregonlan . , $,3000 Beautiful 5-room bungalow, fireplace, usual built-ins; near KilMngsworth ave : 50x100 lot; terms. Sunday call Wdln. 914. After Sunday see J. A. WICKMAN CO., Main 583. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. S0000 8-ROOM bungalow. E. 10th. $3730 5 rooms, 2 lots, corner, well fur- nt-ihpfl- attic ana uascmcui. -jot $1750 1-rm. bungalow, fireplace, attic, th st. s. E.; terms to suit. Owner, E. 66 th 2303. 412 Fenton bldg. " MODERN HOME SOME TRADE. Will take clear lot or other good prop erty a part on splendid modern 8-room home "in Holladay's add.; improvements all in and" property clear; $4500. K. F FEEMSTER. 309 Abington bldg. FOR SALE. Modem 5-room bungalow. 6S6 E. 48th North. Rose City. Price $2600. Tabor 2050. GOOD five-room house, with electric light, gas and bath, on high ground, near E. 5th and Brooklyn: lot 30x100 feet; price $1300: on easy terms; 317 Beck bldg. Broadway 5563. FOR SALE An 8-room house on North 14th Street, nam-woou nuuia, i m vcmcm. uaac- ment. one block from 23d st. car. See owner at 1305 Northwestern Bank bldg. phone Main 2600. IRVINGTON DISTRICT SNAP Dandy, little home. Close in, ooj. nait-ey eiret i, i ov, easy terms- Seen by appointment, Neu hausen & Co. 5-ROOM bunjralow. 62d and East Davis; fireplace ana an Dunt-in eiiects. mi .miw, only $2600 with $30Q down. 209 Oreroii bldtf. Broadway I0o& REAL ESTATE. For Sale -House. $2500 WOODSTOCK. Dandy 5-room bungalow with full ce ment basement. Lot 100x100, good barn, 39 assorted fruit trees. Variety of ber ries; $1000 cash, balance installments. $2500. 6-room house, lot 100x100. hard-eurfaee street. Fine location. Tea fruit trees. $500 cash. IRVINGTON. $3500 Good house on East 15th st. N. lot 50x100; $1000 cash. BEAUMONT. $4500 Fine 7-room house, modern, sleeping porch and garage. Lot 50x100; $1500 cash. ROSSMERE. 8-room house. Lot 100x100: $9000. $4500 cash. Will tar tie for acreage. MOUNT TABOR. 8-room modern house, beautiful sight'y corner lot. 50x100, 1 block from car; $5000 $2500 cash. ST. JOHNS. House, with 9 lots; river view can never be obstructed. An elegant location for apartment house; 3 blocks from business center; $45oo. $2250 cash. A. W. LAMBERT & SON, S. E. Cor. Grand ave. and E. Alder st, Portland, Or. HAWTHORNE. $2000 4-room bungalow, with S. P.; 40x , 100 lot; imp. paid; well located. $25005 rooms and attic bungalow, near school, near 40th st.; good buy. $2000 t rooms and good attic: Slxl40 lot; fruit and berries, chicken yard. ROSE CITY. $4000 8-room beautiful frame, hot-water heat, east front. You should see this; must go at once. $4600 7-room home, below the hill: all imp. paid. If you see this you'll agree the price Is right. $4900 This is one dream of a home; Just off of Sandy; east front, paved st.. garage; everything complete; 8 large rooms. Let DERR & KING show you some good home buys. Call Broadway 260, or call 304 Oak st. GRAHAM AVENUE HOME. Modern 7-room house on Graham ave., near Commercial St.; has hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, large reception hall and living room, beautifully finished in white enn mel four In rire bedrooms: garage, etc. The lot- in 4-xi:i5: all kinds of choice fruit tres and shruobery This place is one of the most attractive places in this section of the city and a splendid buy. Price $4500; terms. J. F. HTLL, 696 WILLIAMS AVE. EAST 268. HOLLADAY PARK ADD. WASCO ST.. NEAR 24TH. A comfortable 7-room home at an at tractive nrice with terms to reliable per chaser; built with double construction for owner, who has been only occupant du now requires more room ; modern equip' ment ?. t.iiiets. hath, both eas and eiec' trie fixtures, full cement baJement with tubs and gas stove, furnace, iirepiace, sewing room with built-in conveniences 9x12 sleeping porch with drop windows fruit trees in rear; inspection by appoint ment. East 7099. A REAL BARGAIN. $2000. modern 6-room house on Sumner St.. near Union ave.; lot 40x140. Thla place has modem plumbing, good concrete nase ment nnii with :l little naint would be worth $3000. Let me show you this; I konw it vill suit you. Price $2000; $500 cash, oa I. to sut you. J. F. HILL, 696 Williams ave. East !68. KENTON. INDUSTRIAL CENTER. New 2 to 4-room houses, only 3 to 4 blocks from Kf nt in or St. Johns cars: street im provement.! paid: 50x100 lots. Prices, $0j0 to $800; $25 to $33 cash and $10 per mo. int. 6 per cent. Sold and NOW BUILDING 10 of these houses. A n Me DONALD & SON. Office 304 Lombard st. Residence phone, Tabor 1794. OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY. WILLIAMS AVENUE BARGAIN. Modern 7-room house on Williams ave.. near Going St.; lot 50x120; street improve merits paid. The lot alone is almost worth the price asked. Price $3200; gome terms. J. F. HILL, 696 Williams ave. Eaet 268. ROSE CITY BUNGALOWS. Nice 5-room bungalow, fireplace, cab inet kitchen, 2 bedrooms, bath, kitchen and dm nz room white enamel, basement 4aundry trays, garage, lot 50x100. on Sac ramento St., near 55th. Price, including paved street and all city liens $3100; $5uo cash and ?a per month. GRUSSI & BENNETT, 318 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 745 HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. $3150. $3150. $3150. Here Is something for your money; rooms, furnace, trays, etc, full cement basement, fine garage, paved sts. ; $50i cash, owner leaving. Call CIIAS. R1NGLER CO.. 225 Henry Bldg. Main 3123. ST. JOHNS LINE. $llu0. Say, here is a fine place for garden or cniCKens: a oig tot ooxnu ieet ana gooa 3-room house with bath, all kinds fruit. If you can pay $350 down you'll get a big bargain. COE A. McKENNA & CO., 82 4th St.. Board of Trade. Main 4522. MUST SELL. To avoid foreclosure must sell my 6- room modern house, cor. lot, paved streets; good dist., near car and school. bee it and make me an offer. M. BILLINGS, 509 McKay bldg. Main 1390. IRVINGTON. E. 20TH, near Klickitat. 8-room bunga low. unusually attractive, two baths, hot water heat, hardwood floors throughout, fixtures, shades, etc., complete; new and worth more than asking price. Call Mar. 646 for further information. SOUTH PORTLAND. Nice location near Hamilton ave, a 5 room bungalow In perfect condition; good view of river, near school and stores: com out and look it over; I arn sure it will suit you. Inquire at 976 Corbett tit. Get oft at Bancroft. rnre jji-joo. $370ti ABSOLUTELY modern In every re- snect : i rooms, nawa. noors. iirepiace, sun room, French doors. bullt-Ins, Dutch kitchen, garage, everything. Pleasure to show it. M. BILLINGS, r.nn McKay bldg. Main 13ft0. SUNNYSIDE SNAP. $2000. 5 rooms, electricity, gas, bath. toilet; lot noxioo; rmit ana garden; Ji. 45th. 1 blk. from Sunnysldo car; easy terms. M. BILLINGS, 509 McKay bldg. Main 1390. MODERN bungalow. 4 rooms and bath. hardwood floors, full cement basement, hard surface street in and paid, close to cars In Hawthorne district. This should be seen to be appreciated. Price $2800. Call Tabor 7726. FOR BALE 4-room. plastered house, i ment foundation, fruit trees bearing, gas and electricity. Cement sidewalk, loo feet south of Lombard at 1562 Omaha Kenton or St. Johns car. Price. $1500, $900 cash; no agents. Phone Wdln. 2163. SAVE RENT. We have a number of cheap houses priced from $850 to $2000; also good buys in vacant lots. M. BILLINGS, 503 McKay bldg. Main 1390. $7250 WEST SIDE NEW 0-RM. COLONIAL MODERN AND COMPLETE EXCLUSIVE DIST. ; VIEW . G. C. GOLDENBERG, 35 Years In Portland." Main 4803. 39TH. NEAR HAWTHORNE. $2800. 5-room bungalow, east front ; full base ment, garage, large lot 40x132; hard-sur- lace st. in ana paia; eouu catn, Dai. per mo. Call 304 Vj OAK ST. BROADWAY 266. READY TO MOVE IN. $22r.O Good 5-room bungalow on E. 8th st. N.; lot 50xlo0; $500 cash, $250 first year, $2o0 second year, Dai. it yaers. M. BILLINGS, 509 McKay bldg. Main 1390. FOR SALE 6-room bungalow; large attic. Dutch kitchen, oatn, iirepiace. launury travs 2 blocks to ear. Price $2500. $500 cash and $25 a month. Owner, X 523, Oregonfan. $700 BUYS a $1000 equity in a 5-room bun galow witn one ui i"" linens bj einus porches in the city, 1 blocks from Rose City car; balance $15o0 at $20 a month. Morris. 619 Himry bldg. FOR SALE, $;i"00 7-room house, furnace. fireplace, - loneis ana lavaionea; cemenL basement: 2 blbfks to car; $600 caeh, bal ance $23 a month; no commission. Owner, M L'S. Oregonian. .. lulu GLADSTONE ave., cor. K. 34th, full corner lot on carline; neat 5-room modern home, newly painted, in fine shap,: built ins, full basemeiiL, wash trays; cash $00, bal like rent. E. L'871. Pove & Gardner. 6-ROOM modern bungalow, lot 70x100, ga rage; on Minnesota ave., near Shaver st. Price $4000, terms. M. BILLINGS, S0 McKay bldg. Main 1390. FOR SALE A cosy 3-room cottage in Al condition, Mt. Tabo. district ; or will trade for modern 5-roomT)ungalow. 66j Jorth- rup st. 7-POOM house, furnace, fireplace, all built in effects, strictly modern. J. Robins, S01 Railway Exchange. Tabor 5318, Main 7931. $S00 Comfortable home, five rooms, bath and sleeplns porch; three-fourths block from Alberta car, two blocks from school; A-l condition. Phone 'Woodiawn 3C44. IKVIN'GTON Will sell my fine 7-room home at a bargain. Easl REAL ESTATE. For Sale House. LISTEN. JOHN, LISTEN TO THIS. BEAUTIFUL LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. 8-room bungalow type home, verv large living room with a wonderful little den or music room at one end, French doors between, French doors from reception hull into living room, also into dining room, the dining room in just right, lixbt and cheerful, with the cutest buffet; tho kitchen will please any woman, every kind of built-ins. Just where they should be, and Just back of the kitchen is the dear est little breakfast room with Japanese curtains on the windows; an open stairs from the reception hall and you aro in another hall on the second floor, off from which is 4 beautiful bedrooms, a sleeping porch and the bath: each bedroom h,a large light closet; fine hardwood floors throughout housu ; whole interior, except dining room, white enamel finish; fine basement with trays, fruit room and extr good furnace, a white brick fireplace in the living room, and the whole house out side is in finest condition; the garage is on rear lot; street 11. S. and paid; it you want a real home don't overlook thit price $6000 on liberal terms. Sunday and evenings Mar. oytij, Wtek days, Main -m a-m. of Com. bldg., Maneia or V illiams. naiu HATFIELD 4k CRABTREE. .314 Morrison AIum 93-3. ruite our Choice; Homes for All. -room modern up to date, Hawthorne dlst., near 30th. Price $5000. tf-room thoroughly modern, fine home site. Willamette heighu. Price $UO0u terms. B-room modern, except furnace, Kaat Grant m. Prien . $-J."0. 5-room modern, exc.pt furnace, cor. lot, E. Sherman. Price $2150. ; 4- room common, fine lot, St. Johns car line. Price $S00. 5- room, full lot, St. Johns Uist.: a bar gain at $1000. Terms to suit on the above. FARGO STREET. Modern C-room house on Fargo St., nu Commercial at.; has nice large fircplacuT up-to-date kitchen and many other mod ern convenleiiCL-j; lot is 4oxloo, runnlUK to, an alley; lots of fruit and berries. This Is a, very attractive place and will make jou a mighty comfortable homo. liite JU00; the very hist of teruw. J. F. HILL. 696 Williams ave. East 26S. WALNUT PARK DON'T FAIL TO READ THIS. Modern .-room house on Williams ave., between Em- rsuu and Kililngswo-th aw extra largo ruoms, n aiiy built-in feature.: .,J Btr,;t't Improvement, in and paid This is . wonderful opportunity fur someone who wante to Km ale in t;iitf beau tiful district. Price $4uuo; terms suu cash, baiauco like rent. J. F. H ILL, 696 Williams ave. East 2ti8. FIRST T1.MK OFFERED $77ill inviNul ON 7V,"iO $77io NEW Cl'LONIAL J77.50. 7 majestic rooms, artistically finished and decorated, oak and maple noors. fire place, furnace; 2 sets plumbing, minor doors, breakfast room, built-ina of bt-.t nature. Tills placet is eximitte aud lull of israndear; no niortg., no liens. CKWT'iALLY LOCATED Terms arran-d : shown by app't, G. C. GuI.DENBEKG. -iJ-16 Abington bldg. lor.'s 3d r icuia in l orciuiiq. Main HAWTHORNE'S BI66EST BUNGA1 rJAxiti Al.N. ' $3000 $350 TO $."100 DOW 5 rooms, reception hall, mir cloak closet, urduood floors, bookcases, buffi, white kitchen, rooms and bath, floored at in.-, full ce ment basement, laundry trays; double constructed; built for a home; put on market today to sell quick; bent part o Hawthorne. Better hurry on this CLK VE LAN D-H AKlt-11 K.NDK RSu.N TO.. 212 Ry. Exch. biag. Main 6752. ARE YOC THE OWNER OF A I,OT worth $1000? Jf so, we have oiu of the best 7-room Btrictly modern horn en m Laurelhurst, all bunded paid; tliU place 1h modern to the minute; very large living room, all built-ins, hardwood floor, ft re place, furnace; garage; near car. We will take in your lot aa part first payment it It is in a location that 1 can build on; will give possession In 30 days. Price JOnOO. The place is worth more money than I am asking, but 1 must have a larger place. Phone Mar. 5163 Sunday; Monday Main 1W63. COOK AVENUE COTTAGE. Modern 5-room cottage on Cock aye near Williams ave. This Is a very attrac tive little piace and should be seen to be appreciated. If you are looking for a nice little cottage, well located. Inquire about this one. Price $2000; $000 cash, will handle it. J. P. HILL, 606 Williams nve. East 268. BEAUTIFUL ALAMEDA HOME. 8 rooms, strictly modern ; large living room with den, large dining room witn massive bufiet, fine built-in ' kitchen, -& large bedrooms and bath on second floor. II. W. floors, fireplace, built-ins of every kind; fine basement, furnare, trays, etc. : corner lot all bonded, paid; garage; mighty fine buy ut $5S0u; liberal terms. Sunday and evenings. Mar. 5U0.I, weeic days, Main 7907. 420 Cham of Com. bldg.. Mariels and Williams. w $2000 CLEVELAND AVENUE 12000 COTTAGE, 5-RM. COTTAGE. NO. S02 CLEVELAND A E. ; a .LARGE ROOMS, MODERN PLUMBING. GOOD BASEMENT. LAROB ATTIC. A FEW NICE EKUIT TREES, HARD-P WL'J STREET IN AND PAID THIS WILL MAKE YOU A NICE LITTLE! HOME. LOO IT OVER. PRICE $2000; $000 CASH, BAL. LIKE RENT. J. K. II II. I,. 69G WILLIAMS AVENL'E.EAST 2tiS. IRVINGTON PARK. SWELL BUNGALOW f.W)0. Drive out and see this attractive bunga low, located 12 tit E. 3mh N. ; 0 nice rooms with hardwood iloort, fireplace, buffet, lull cement basement. furnace, etc. ; Dtiti-li kitchen with breakfast nook: street pavd and all assu. paid. Ry all rmuiis see thla. A. G. TEEPE CO., 2W Stark St.. near ::i. Main 351ii. Branch Offii-e, fiOt h and Sandy. (Open Sunday. 1 $(1000 LAURELHl'RST home; modern, fight rooma ana ucu, nne. bathroom, living room 13x25 ft. with fireplure, 4 large bedroom, lovely dining room with all built-in rf fectH, Fremii doors, Urge reception hall, large kitchen, bnukfa.st room, oak flom w throughout : large basement with f urna- o and wa.h trays and fruit closet; lot Sux 1 (0 : good ga ra gf ; i m provemen t s in and paid ; good terms by owner. Tabor 411." any forononn. J20O0 ADJ. ALAMEDA PARK-. Doable const, artistic bungalow, vry classy place ; owner must sell ; has fire place, oak floors, bufff-t, bookcases, all white enamel ; full bas' I. best standard plumbing; liens all paid; 2 carllmo. Terms, ilaln 4S03. G. C. GOLDENBERG, "35 Tears In Portlaud." Main 4S03, ONE of the best buys in Hawthorne dis trict, 5-room bungalow, full cement base ment, large lot, good garage, $2500, $1000 cash, baiance easy. 5-room modern bungalow, den, hard -wood floors and fireplace, furnace aud full cement basement; lot. 50x100; $34fo, half cash. P. M. Madden Realty Co., 1028 Hawthorne. Tabor H.J55. A REAL HAWTHORNE HOME. o5TH ST. 35TH ST. Kxtra well built 6-room home, larp rooms, bath, furnace, trays, rtc; lino lot, paved street, cement basement; excellent, close-in neighborhood. See today. $3700. $3700. $3700. CHAS. RINGLER CO., 225 Henry Bid. WAVERLY HEIGHTS. A modern 8-room house; sleeping1 porch, lot 100x100, stone wa H, nice lawu, 22 choice fruit trees, berries and roses, ce ment basement, furnace laundry trayf. large living room, fireplace, den, beamed ceilings, bath and 2 tolieUj. large a t tic, paved streets. f74 East 33d st. By owner. BEAUTIFUL ALAMEDA HOME. 7 rooms, modern In every way ; lot 50x100. On account of owner leaving ciiy will sell much below cost to make qul-K sale; $1750 cash, "bal. very easy t'rma. Building alone cost more than our pricu, M. BILLINGS, 500 McKay bldg. Main U'.flQ. SUNNYSIDE BUNGALOW. $3250. $3250. $3250. 5 rooms, attic, fireplace, cement base ment, trays, etc., 2 blocks from Laurel hurst Park. 37th st. ; finest car service in city See this; $700 cash, bal. rent. rHAS RINGLER Co.. 225 Henry Bldg. VACANT, NEW AND CLEAN. Strlctlv up-to-date house In Laurelhurst; lot 50x100. This place cost. owner $7nu0; will sell for this week at $5500; xh cash, bal. to suit. A real snap. M. BILLINGS, 5f McKay bldg- Main 1..90, SEE THIS FIRST. Unusually attractive 7-room home, extra large lot, commanding situation; choice shrubs and fruit trees; clone price to sell at once: easy terms. Owner, 715 E. Ash. laoOO 5-ROOM modern bungalow in Alber ta dlst. ; corner lot 50x100; good basemen oil- tprmK. ' M. BILLINGS, !0f McKay bldg. Main 13f0. FOR SALE House and one dot in Sell wood. $3500. Phono Sell wood 1275. CALL Tabor 5319 or Main 7H31 if you r looking for a a or o-room ..u.ibjww.- FOR a swell 5-room bungalow call Mala 7931 or Manor ii.-ww. 8-ROOM house for sale cheap. All kindsoC fruit, bungalow Etyie. i.nn .-hi. $J 2."i0 4-ROOM plastered ot tuire, South. r Y