9 IDAHO LEGISLATURE Big Increase Shown in Appro priations Authorized. THE gUXDAT .OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, 31 ARCH 16, .1919. COVERS MUCH GROUND BECONSTRUCTION IS PLAN rrovlslons Made by Solons to De velop Slate Through Building of Belter Highways. BOISE. Idaho. llarch 15. Speclal. The fifteenth Idaho legislature passed 241 bills, memorials and resolutions be fore it adjourned. Of this number . were senate bills and IS senate me morials and resolutions: Kl were house bills, and 21 memorials and "solutions. The legislature went on record for number of important issues, imonl which are the following: Reconstruc tion of the state government, by wnicn 4s separate divisions are consolidated into nine commissions and dePar' ments: for constructive internal devel opment of the state through the build in of good roads and public edifices. against the league ot nanonw. m " ins the it senators said to be pledged against it to oppose tt during the next session of congress ana reiuse i ABrrlallsa Are lmn. In the matter of appropriations the aolons went fir beyond records of pre vious law-making bodies in xnia ii. The tax levies, bond issues and direct appropriations from the treasury wilt h . n ih. finul nummary is made, foot un close to IJ.000.000. Governor Davis will ndiiu some of these appropria tiona by veto, but the majority of them will stand. In a number of appropria tion issues, the legislature literally "passed the buck" to the governor The lecislature found Itself confront d with unusual conditions which had to be overcome, and this resulted in multiplying the appropriations. The tate had to so on a credit, instead of a cash, basis to borrow money t meet outstanding obligations instead of paying from the treasury's coffers This condition was brought about bv the war. When the new year opened. Idaho was short on cash. The 1919 ti.Ves from counties will not be available for- from six to eight months. Added to this condition was the period of re construction requiring liberal treat ment of building issues, including high ways and pubiic buildings, so that work could be furnished to as mmy as possible. The session of the legisla ture cost approximately J80.000. For the state institutions over 1,000.000 was necessary, while to maintain the state government $1.S52.$U0 must be raised. The ambitious road construc tion programme called for close to J2. 000.000, with no funds in sight to use. Mate to Borrow Money. The legislature met these problems ty authorising the state to borrow 13, OiiO.OOO on treasury certificates to meet the expenses of the state government; the issuance of J 1.800.000 in treasury certificates to meet the expense of road construction work. These certificates will be redeemed in the first Instance by the levy of an ad valorem tax. and in the second instance by passage of a 2-mill tax levy on the total assessed aluation of the state for state high way construction purposes. When the treasury certificates are redeemed the slate will again be back on a cash basis. Outside of necessary funds needed for the support of the state govern ment comparatively few direct appro priations were made. They amount to bout liiiO.OUO. The more important of these appropriations are the following: lUi.OOO for the state normal at Lewis ton, to replace the administration building and for additional campus; J.,2.000 for the improvement of the state's watering resort at the Lava iiot Springs; 20,00 to investigate the water resources of the state; $75,000 for the construction of a highway from Star In Ada county to the Payette Jakes in Valley county: $119,456 to meet maintenance charges against the slate's land in the Uem irrigation dis trict in Owyhee county; $10,000 for the construction of a bridge in Boundary county: $30,000 for improvements along the Snake river, between Madison and Jefferson counties; $30,000 for the Kootenai county drainage district, and 2J.000 for an Investigation and audit of the books of all state departments. In addition, there were a number of relief claims amounting ta ,,. J..O.OU0. BATTERIES ROUTE ASKED Portland IIocs lo Welcome .Mem bers of I 17th Regiment. According to telegraphic advires re ceived yesterday by O. t- Overbeckof the soldiers' and sailors' reception committee, every effort will be made by the government officials to have batteries A and B. H7lh. routed by way of Portland when they return from overseas. The telegrams to this effect were received tx.ih from I'nited Mates Senator McNary and Mayor faker, who is now- in Washington. Word was received at Liberty Tcm rlc yesterday that 42 men from the camp at I'etervburg. Va.. will pass through Tortland at S:.1o o'clock on "Wednesday afternoon. They will stop here for half an hour, and the commit tee plans to give them the usual recep tion. It is not known whether any Orccon mn are with this detachment or not. Ye Oregon Grill for Dinner SUNDAY AND WEEKDAY You and your family will enjoy every morsel of the food we serve for our table d'hote dinner for every morsel is good! You will enjoy, too, the quiet, pleasant environment the highly trained service the delightful change from e very-day habit. Dinner Is Served 5:30 to 8; $1.23 Music Dancing Weekday Evenings Lunch with us tomorrow: 11 to 2; 50c "Portland's Finest Lunch base, must have a thickness of two inches and concrete pavement six inches. "The new specifications, said Com missioner Barbur, "will make for greater competition among paving con tractors and result in better pavements fof the city." BUILDING DISPUTE SETTLED CITY-PLAXMXG ' COMMISSION IS MEDIATOR. Applications for Permits to Erect Business Structures Will Get Public Hearings. The city planning commission re cently authorized by the -city council looms as a medium through which many neighborhood controversies, arising over the location or business enter prises In residential districts, will be settled. All applications for permits to erect garages, store buildings and other structures in thickly settled residential districts must be referred first to the city planning commission. This body surveys the situation covered in the pe tition and holds a neighborhood meet ing, to which all interested property owners are requested to attend. At this meeting an effort is made to have the property owners of the district involved select a certain area In the district to be used as c business center. The first case which has been handled by the city planning commission and which Incidentally was settled satis factory to all concerned, was the loca tion of the Irvinjton Garage & Auto mobile company on Broadway, between Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets. Plans are being made by the plan ning commission for the zoning of the city for industrial, hospital and under taking parlor districts. When com pleted this proposal will be submitted to the city council with a request that an ordinance be passed defining certain zones. PAVEMENT RULES REVISED specification-. Redrawn lo Eliminate AIIcrcU Discrimination. Elimination of alleged discrimination In Hie specifications offered by the city for patented and non-patented types of pavement is assured, it is claimed, by new specifications drawn by R. !. Pulin. superintendent of the municipal paving repair plant. The spe cifications will he submitted to the council by Commissioner Barbur. The new specifications standardize the requisites or the city in connection with pavement and pavement mixtures. .Ml bituminous pavement, covering the r I DANCERECORDS Scholt isches. Fox Trots, One-Steps, Two-Steps, "Waltzes, etc. Victor aad PaJhe Uaace Records. FOLEY t VA D KE Record Dept. Qalrk. Ef flrieat Serv lee. I'M Firth St-. Arrws Kroas the Klrat atloaal Bask DAIRY INSTITUTE SUCCESS Professors of Agricultural College Speak at Oregon City. OREGON CITf. Or.. March 14. The dairy institute held at Sandy Tuesday and Wednesday was largely attended. Professor r itts, of the Oregon Agricul tural college, and Professor K. L.. Wcstover. also of that college, made addresses. County Agent R. G. Scott nd Miss Marie Anthony, home dem onstrator, were in attendance, and told of. the work they were carrying on in the county. A meeting was held by County Agent Scott and Miss Anthony at Molalla Friday, at Eagle Creek grange Satur day: Monday, Damascus; Tuesday, Needy: Wednesday evening. Barton; Thursday evening. Boring; Friday evening, March SI. Estacada. Paul V. Maris, county agent leader of the Oregon Agricultural college, who has just returned from central Oregon, Is much encouraged over the work among ' the farmers and their wives. LABOR BUREAU TO CLOSE Vancouver Office to Suspend Opera tions on March 32. VANCOUVER. Wish, March 15. (Special.) The t'nited States employ ment office, opened in this city about six weeks ago, will be closed March 22. according to notice received today. by William N. Marshall, local agent. Fall- I lj ' 'ill j I vli! about men's clothing, but, after all, how often in a uWffiPS ": ' " pH V? wTTV'v!' 'i ' ' t J I j la day does a man see himself? And how oftercdo you Vx-Yf?flK "' Vf Yg '''ffl 'Hi I ' jj : J Much more often, of course, so you ought to be a jib y -"W ''1 jj j j,, i 1 i jj 3 better judge of his clothes than he is. And then 10 ' . U W i ' jj j!i '.'fj'lfi ji , ! I III 9 ; ' ' you have time to examine material and tailoring, 19; f$vVl Wm V ' J VlSl '! '''!'';' ill Hi 9 Si : 5 . and compare prices, and he hasn't,, and you know IB: AW''''''''Viff J Mmm yw, 1 iiW'V M lir'f'l'1 i i 'if SI . The purpose of this advertisement is not particularly to sell clothes. It is to get the women of. Portland to investigate our proposition and indorse it. Maybe you think it isn't Worth your while tout, listen a moment.1 . We can save your husband or your son f 10.00 on every suit' or overcoat he buys, because 1 We pay only low upstairs rent. 2 We sell for cash and have no credit losses. 3 We have no elaborate fixtures to pay for. 4 We buy in enormous quantities and thereby get low w holesale prices. " 5 We sell so many clothes that we need only a very small margin of profit. You could do a lot of things with those $10.00 bills if you find the saving we claim. Come up and remove the "if." Courteous salesmen await the privilege of showing you. The Best Values Money Can Buy SUITS and OVERCOATS At $15 20 $25 $30 Entire Second Floor RALEIGH BLDG. SIXTH AND WASHINGTON Entrance Opposite Sunset Theater Fit Guaranteed Alterations Free Open Sat. 'til S P. M. LARGEST CLOTHIERS IN THE NORTHWEST SEATTLE STORE, ARCADE BUILDING UPSTAIRS CLOTHIERS V 7 -1 3 I iTAKE THE ELEVATOR SAVE $1022 ure of congress to pass the necessary appropriation is given as the reason. The furniture and supplies w-ili be stored and If congress later makes the appropriation it Is probable that the office will be reopened. During the few weeks the local office has operated It has placed many men in positions. Oakland Owners We are interested in your car " Please call and let us inspect and adjust your Oakland Willamette-Oakland Company 344 Burnside St. UNDAY DINNER Served 12 Noon to 9 P. M. The choicest meats, ' vegetables . and pastries served in the most tempting style. Three specially prepared dinners for your choice : Vegetable, 35c Plate Dinner, 60c , Sunday Dinner,, $1 M0 Choice of Roast Leg of Veal. Sirloin of Beef, Roast Chicken, Roast Lamb, Chicken Fricassee with Rice. Chpice of , Creamed Corn or Buttered Beets, Mashed Potatoes Fruit or Shrimp Salad.' Choice of Special Ice Cream or 'Fruit Jello. Salted Nuts. Tea. " . Coffee. '- Milk. Rolls or Bread and Butter. 388 Washington' 127 Broadway $50 With Carrying Case' . CoronA The Personal Writing Machine , Especially Designed for Home Use. Oyer 200,000 in Use. E. W. PEASE CO. Exclusive Distributors " - 110 Sixth Street tBiaBrailBBBSBaiHBB-BM