12 THE SUNDAY OKEGOXIAN, PORTLAND, MARCH 16, 1919. LIFE SKETCHES BY ARTIST WHO SENSES SPIRIT OF THE DAY AMONG ' us . viJ MORTALS : 'If t v mi." t&ss - J9-J-- Somebody's little girl, who is going to pry off the back of Mr. Brady' teat before, the afternoon is over. il ne people ea route lor me caoarei wno icayc nreoi; nunuic ocioic ure uutti uiuuii auu vniuivi uivu vwwueiuoo m. uui; adyen the end explains humorously that she' "haJ dxopped everything but the kitchen itove.' ' IN THE iTilv SEATS ; ft y" behind If . m& fep&mk v-ff -a-'' - -a 1 It? The late young man. with the heavy ulster on his arm. who insists on dragging k over the people in the row ahead. , The man with the thousand sneezes. Germs mean , nothing to him. He has not studied germs and per-; sonal hygiene. mm M. Irs r Mrs. Banel does not like the unhappy ending. "I go to the theatre to be amused." says she. : ' 1 r - Pk One of those intimate matinee conversations, "Why. (Zlara, doctors say it was just my reill that kepi me going so long.. Would you believe it, dear, the appendix was the size of a grapefruit" Tne second act was sad and weepy, and Mae Is repairing Ls damage with the contents of the vanity case. ' '-.-ir- iV- rii on Aunt Emma has -di'scor ered a draft, and during the intermission erects- at temporary sheter. 5 "3 .. r-wt 8 V Sir li-7'J sona. ' (KW'aitorak. 3 Mm ft iMrs. Blovey starts the performance with "If my hat bothers you. I will. "All right, kid. the next time I go to the barber s you can come along! ' Mabel has been urging Sailor Eddie to train his hair long so that it will be wavy uU it off.but. clu what a look is yours if you make the request. - Mabel sits Mrs. Stutz. who has been without a housemaid for three weeks and can't keep awake after 9 p. m. The man at the extreme right is repeating all, " his frierd. witha nudgefcphasi . To the left oh the. good Jines t' 1