THE SUNDAY OREGOSTCAN, PORIXAXO, MARCH 16, t919. v I . - - - ... . -4- .. .- .-- - A, 1 . X ..v. a 1 . . . . . : ,'. v t, . J ; ' " . ,l J"". , " - - ' J ' v - r ; , . .... i , -..u 4 - V: 7-,:;.'. f c . ' ! J 4 1 - V Aat rfV e- 1 ir, ? - 6J r i Cst2i dor? cbf7 cSacoy4stZcs A.7t?'3'&'2 . IK - ARTHUR PEARSON, famous blind publisher an deducator, ar- rived In America recently to lec ure for the Red Cross on his methods it educating the blind, a task to which le has committed his life and fortune. 3lr Arthur founded the St. Dunston's t cut el for blinded soldiers and sailors :n Regent's Park, London. Despite his affliction be reached the highest pinna cle of English journalism, owning- the uondon Daily Express, Pearson's Monthly and 19 other publications, all of which he has recently- sold. He will tour America, lecturing- for the benefit if the American blind to stimulate in terest In the training of those unfor tunates, according to the London St. Dunstan's plan. Frederick Huntington Glllett, named by the republicans to succeed Champ Clark as speaker of the house, was born at Westfield, Mass., Oct 16, 1851. He is a graduate of Amherst and Har vard law school and was admitted to he Springfield bar In 1877. He was, rom 1879 to 1882, assistant attorney--eneral of Massachusetts and was lected to the Massachusetts house of epresentatives In 1890-91. He was -lected to the Eld congress in 1892 and -elected to all succeeding congresses. Mr. Gillett defeated Representative Mann in a caucus vote by 138 to 69. Captain John Jacob Astor, youngest son of Baron Astor and second cousin of Vincent Astor. has arrived here with his wife. Lady Violet. They were mar ried in August, 1916, but only now start their honeymoon, due to Captain As tor's service in the war and the fact that ha is recovering from a wound which resulted in the loss of part of -this left leg. Lady Violet was Lady Nalrne-Mtnto, daughter of the fourth Earl of Minto and widow of Major Lord Charles Nalrne, son of the fifth Marquis of Landsdown. Captain Astor and his beautiful bride, who are shown above, will go to Palm Beach for their be lated honeymoon. The couple ex pressed great delight at being "back home" and Captain Astor spoke vol umes of praise for the United States doughboys, with whom he fought side by side in the "great cause. Lady F. E. Smith, wife of England's lord chancellor, who has Just been raised to the peerage, and Lady Sarah Wilson, widow of Colonel Gordon Wil son, killed in action at Tpres. will shortly visit America, it is reported. Both of these women of note have done praiseworthy work for their country in wartime. American troops in Siberia would hardly be recognized by their home folks if they appeared in the dress that is worn there. Scenes in Archangel. depicted In photographs sent from the 839th infantry, show the unusual as pects of the surroundings in which the boys serving in that region are placed. Distributing messages and letters from the boys overseas at the .Jewish' Welfare board clubhouse, 89 Park ave nue. New York. Gathered around Mrs. Ralph Stern are mothers, sisters and sweethearts of the boys "over there," eagerly awaiting the personal messages which she has brought them. Mrs. Stern Is the former Evelyn Samuel, of New York, and has been a volunteer worker in the Paris headquarters of the Jewish Welfare board. What tran spires in the New York office is an ex ample of that for which funds are to be raised in Portland this week. ' There were no happier Britishers that ever came back to Blighty than the released prisoners of war from prison camps of the Hun. After four years of war, in which they suffered, some of them, the deprivations of com forts and denial for periods of proper nourishment, they came up smiling to board the transports for home. Moscow, ancient capital of Russia, presents 'strange scenes to the visitor today, according to dispatches. No attempt has been macfe to repair the streets or damaged buildings since the street fighting between the bolshevik and government troops several months ago. Streets in front of city hall are . still littered and strewn with wreckage I t 7 r L -i --f V. ?. H.f.-W tot i-?cv "'S'vs p- i - . y A. " t 1!. ' r-.: : r i W. 1 I . --. L ' . . tl r,7""-.7' . -jll " . ":. - ) . J '- V Tf t 5 v rr N - ' rffft 4 v N -x las, )uncv 1 7 -- S" 1 - -- 1" W . V