THE SUNDAY. OREGOXIAX. PORTLAND, MARCII 1C, 191D.. PfllEIUS MOB tmmm rotss Three-Day Show Attracts Auto Enthusiasts, ANNUAL EXHIBIT ASSURED! More Than Fifty Makes of Anto- mollie Vehicles Center of At traction In Bis rarlllon. rEVDLETOX. Or, March 13. (Spe cial.) Remarkable not alone for the number of makes and styles of cars. trucks and tractors, but for the hiKh grade of the machines and the un- the spacious dining-rooms of the com pany s orrice. President F. A. Beiberling- welcomed me treat racer In behalf of the Good year organization and congratulated : nira upon riavlnn earned the distinction or traveling over the surface .o - -earth - .-" - ci ever known in human history, ne a mo expressed his satisfaction that his company had had a part in De Palma'a wonderful victory, in furnishing tire equipment thai stood up magnificently under the terrific strain . Ie Palma, responding, declared his appreciation of the part that his tires had played, not only in setting up the new record, but in all hia race track work for the last three years. He humorously referred to some of his racing exploits and told how Immunity from tire trouble had been a big factor in winning many of his races. Goodyear officials made the most of the opportunity to quix the great au tomobile driver concerning his racing career, and he gladly accommodated them, in his modest way. by reviewing some of his racing experiences. PIERCE MEN VISIT PORTLAND Seattle Will Ilave Big Show, Dealers' Association Head Declares. K. G. Hoffman, president, and Irving Ballard. vice-president of the E. G. usually well designed setting in which Hoffman company of Seattle, dlstrlbu- they were displayed, the second an-liora 01 r.trct-Arrow v-r. .. ...... nual Pendleton automobile show, which rdad mmm lunmo Moronroia and money has been expendedfor the I good of these hiking tourists, so every I effort must be made to improve j&iY 'bad stretches' ao that Highway Programme in North west Extensive. MANY TOURISTS EXPECTED Xortb Coast States, With Their Va ried Attractions, Prove New Field for Many Antolsts. The motorist, like Alexander, is con stantly on the lookout for new fields to conquer." says w. u. AiDrignt, northwest manager of the B. F. Good rich Bubber company, who sees 1919 BATTERY REQUIRES ATTENTION Light Economy Urged as Means to I Eliminate Trouble. The man who has trouble keeping his battery charged will find that this difficulty largely can be overcome by careful handling. In other words, he should economize on. current. He should keep his engine tuned up so that it starts on the second or third turn. Thus he can minimize the amount of current used in starting, and, re member, this la very large. The cur rent required is 200 to 600 times as I much as required by an ordinary lb-cp. house lient. He should also be economical with his lights. He should use his head lights only when absolutely necessary. He should determine tne car speea at which his cutout relay makes con- I r.ection with the battery and operate I the car as much as possible above this I fiDeed. If he drives much in a congested city district and stops his engine many times, he will find that his battery can be kept more nearly charged by changing gears In traffic whenever I necessary Instead or trying to oo it i (1 -ff Pi 1 2? - A 1 ' Ar - -' ' ' - '-I pum-.X-. - - - " r.r.w-. w..a-.i.,J.-..,. ,...,,r,. nr, mm-mr- ,-m-. mm- itiih n began here Thursday, dosed tonight. More tran 60 varieties of motor ehicles were shown in Happy Canyon pavilion. The hall, though eaid to be the largest In the Inland Empire to be used for such a purpose, was crowded for display space so great was the assortment of cars. Trucks and tract ors were placed outside in the arena under canvas. Pendleton has long been noted for the number and high class of its auto mobiles, and the show was representa tive of that condition and the pro gressive character of Its dealers in motor cara and allied lines. Interest In the show was keen. It is said that the number of cars used In and about the city is as high In percentage of population as any aimiJar section of the northwest, and the attendance at the exhibition today would seem to eonfilrm that statement. The Essex. Stanley steamer and Lex Ington, new cars for Pendleton, at tracted wide interest The machines displayed ranged from the light Ford to larger cars such as the I'eertess and Harmon. The arena, where the trucks and tractors were ahown. was brilliantly lighted. Ten accessory houses were represented with exhibits in the pavilion. Concerts afternoon and evening were on the dally entertainment programme. The show closed this evening with frolic that awakened memories of Koundup days. As a final windup for the year's motor event a "jitney" dance is planned in the pavilion for the even ing of St. Patrick s day. Monday. So pronounced was the success of the show that it has been dofinitely decided to make it an annual event. The Pen dleton Automobile association, which staged the show, has purchased all the ciecorations for use at later lates. The officers of the association are: J. B. Knight, AlTen-Knipht company, president: U E. Elkins.. Oregon Motor garage, vice-president; Lyle Long. Stu debaker distributor, treasurer; L. A. Jlenton. Simpson tire service station, secretary. a tha northwest's greatest year. During the war, through shortage of all on high gear, the reason being BROTHERS INAUGURATE AMBULANCE AND INVALID CAR SERVICE L PORTLAND. TERRITORY IS INCREASED TnERSIOID DISTRIBUTORS WILL BR.1NCII OCT. Allen Hcbard Take Over Sales ln Southern Washington and Netr Sections of Oregon. Proof of the fact that the Thermold tire has established an enviable record In Multnomah county and that the dis tributors. Allen & Hebard. have made good with the product, is contained In tne announcement that the firm here after will have the additional territory cf southern Washington, a large part of eastern Oregon and the district west from Portland to the coast. In making preparations to handle this new businers in the same thorough manner that has characterized the dis tribution in Portland and Multnomah county. Allen & Hb.ird have added four field men to their force and will in crease their tire stock about $10,000. A recent addition to Allen tc He- bard's force Is Gordon- S. Bennett, well Xnown In Portland, who Is on the Job as city salesman for the Thermold tire. llr. Lennett was recently mustered out of the army. He saw more than a year of service overseas with the supply company or the Soth artillery. The Thermold tire is manufactured y the Theamifl'l Rubber company, also trie makers or Thermold brake lining, at Trenton. N. J. Kcpresentatives of the company declare that Alien Hebard will do a larfc-e business in their new territory. v, 1,. W l .v '. eni,. - ':-" '...' VJ ft t -t .r. ; w-.' -'v liTM r !S3 A. G. and V. F Onaloir started day and Bight serrlee tea day ago. Tlrry are located at Twenty-third and Washington I atreria and operate a Pierce-Arrow ambulance and a .-rnaeDnaer ligat aix seaan, wiica nan kw cimtu " l Invalid, car. V. K. Onslow baa juat been dlacbarged from the aviation service. ington city, were In Portland for the automoWIe show. They returned to Seattle Monday. Hugo KnuebeU Pacific coast factory representative of the Plerce-Arrow Motor Car company, with headquarters in San Francisco. also was here for the ehow. He left the first of the week. Mr. Hoffman is president of the Se attle Dealers' association, which will staire an automobile show in the Se attle armory March 10 to 15. He says the Seattle men expect to have the Snest automobile exhibition In the his- orv of Washington shows. All of tne visitors united in declaring that Port- and's show was one of the best ever held on the Pacific coast. PMEE. PRESIDENT VISITOR HARRY 31. JEWETT MAKES CALL ON COOK & GILL. cars, mechanics, tires and gas, he had to forego the pleasures of the long tour. Now that things are approach ing a normal state, and they will be still more eo by the time the touring season sets In, the thousands who have had to stay at home the last couple of seasons will be exception ally eager to enjoy tours this year that will more than make up for time lost. "A great many of those who will make these tours have been to Cal ifornia and have also been south, so the Pacific northwest affords a field that is new to .them. During the war and more recently the story of the that by changing gears he boosts his I engine speed so that his battery is charged, while if he tries to pull slowly on high he gets down to a speed at which charging stops due to the open ing of the cut-out. ALBANY TO HOLD MOTOR SHOW NOTHING but its downright good ness can account for the actual affection that Liberty owners feel foxv their cars. Their preference begins to assert itself tha moment it dawns on them what a distinct difference there is in the way the Liberty rides and drives. They are attracted' at the outset by its sheer physical beauty. But as they ride, they instinctively feel there is a quality to this difference in the Liberty which stamps it as superior. In the first few minutes of driving their feeling that the Liberty must be an un usual car becomes positive conviction. And this appreciation invariably thrives as the miles multiply, into an ever growing pride in Liberty performance and ownership. W. H. WALLINGFORD CO., Distributers 522-526 Alder St. Vancouver Branch, 707 Wash. St Automobile Exhibition to Be Staged in Armory March 21-2 ALBANY, Or., March 15. (Special. A big lazz Jitney dance each evening of the event has been decided upon as TRACTOR SPOKES COMING Pacific northweBt spread as never be-1 automobile, truck and tractor show, fore. Pacific northwest Industry, Pa-1 which will take place In the armory one of the features of Albany's first AVERT MAN WILL TALK HERE MARCH 20 AND 21. Manufacturer Sees Biff Future for Automobile Industry and Coast Trade Prospects in Orient. LOST 3IOTOR CARS RECOVERED Hudson Otmers Assisted in Regain ing Stolen Automobiles. With the constant Increase In the number of automobiles in use. it being estimated that there are now approxi mately S.OuO.OOO in operation m the United States, the number of stolen cars has grown until the yearly loss to owners totals hundreds of thousands of dollars. "Just one feature of the nudson serv ice supplted to more than 6i'.0'io super six owners is a lost car bulletin. This i regularly sent to dealers in all parts rf the country." siild C. L Boss yester day. "It contains a complete list of a!l tcolen Hudson cars with the factory numbers by which they may be identified. sVVVhen a report of a stolen car is rece-vea at tne factory, its nistory is tracif and ail of the secret identifying miwbe) on various parts are collected. These are sent to all Hudson dealers w ith Instructions to watch for this car. Although the thieves usually erase the engine number, they usually overlook the number on some obscure part which results In their detection the first time the car is taken to a Hudson service matron. "This free service has saved Hudson owners thousands of dollars and has resulted in the recovery of hundreds of cars during the past few years." NOTED RACER VISITS FACTORY Ealph De Palma at Plant Where His Tires Are Made. Direct from "the scene of Ms won derful performance of breaking all worlds automobiie speed records from one to twentv miles, at Daytona. Kla.. lialph Te Palma. now the "ace of aces' among speed demons, spent a day at Akron, C, as the guest of tlie Goodyear Tire eV Rubber company. All of Ie Talma s newly established records were made with the use of ;oodyear straight side cord tlrea. and raturally he was interested in visiting the factory wnu-h l.r.d helped to make these records possible. After a visit in the factory, where he viewed the process through which tires ro to enable them to attain a speed of 150 mllra an hour, be was fnvrn a dinner by a party of Goodyear ciftoaU and depaa uncut managers, la - Harry M. Jewett, president of the Talse Motor Car company of Detroit. who spent two days nere last, ween in conference with Harry Lyon, man ager of Cook & Gill, distributors of the I'alpe In this territory, declared that never in his business experience has he found euch favorable prospects for the future. Mr. Jewett was accompanied by Charles E. Harris, factory repre sentativc. The manufacturer Is making- an ex tensive trip In the west studying busi ness conditions. The demand for auto mobiles Is unprecedented, he declared yeoterday. "There Is no need for apprehension relative to the reduction In the prices of automobiles for at least one year." ho oaid. "because of the high cost of materials and Increased cost of labor. Skilled men are worthy of proper recognition in the matter of remunera tion for their services, the visitor said, and he predicted that if such an atti tude Is manifested toward the laborer, conditions soon will assume their nor mal status. Mr. Jewett is Identified with some of the big coal mining interesis of the central states and Is enthusiastic re garding the development of the mer chant marine. He says that for the I nlted States to enjoy Jhe highest de cree cf prosperity, forelsrn trade must be given due consideration and that we must not depend entirely upon other countries to supply us with ships. He eaid he was much impressed with the Dosslbillty of I'ortland developing an extensive trade with the orient and helieuM that the business men of this city fully appreciated what this would ean to the pacific toast. "Success in the manufacture of pas senger cars is due to two things." said Mr. Jewett. "First, the appearance, and second, the durability, and these factors have always been uppermost In the minds of those who produce Kalfte cars. "We are wonderfully pleased with the success that has been attained with the raise cars on the Pacific coast and we are looking for ward to greater business the coining year." cific northwest scenery. Pacific north west farms they are all very inter- esting during ordinary times, and ex ceptionally so now. Easterners Are Attracted. "The man In the east who has en Joyed the Oregon apple wants to come out and see where it grows. He has also heard so much about the prize winning 'contented cows' that he is desirous of seeing their home country. The big shipyards that set the pace for the country also have a distinctive fascination. When a fellow sits down and even begins to enumerate the vast array of thing which are so wonder fully attractive out here for the auto Ist he becomes swamped practically before he gets started. "With all the various attractions. It Is conservatively reasonable to assume that no less than 43.000 tourists cars will visit this section this year, and, with a conservative average of three persons in each, it means that 135.000 will visit us. and. providing they spend $3 a day apiece, which also is a conservative figure, they will leave more than $400,000 in 'loose change with us. and it will have cost us not cent to have gotten It. An import. ant fact, too, in conjunction with the automobile tourist business is that It Increases by leaps and bounds once it gets a good start, and our constantly changing scenery is the most magnetic thing imaginable for the bringing back -of tourists year after year. Highway Funds Voted. To make the Pacific northwest the mecca of America for tourists Oregon j supplemented its bond issue of twoj years ago of 16.000,000 for better roads with a f 10.000.000 issue during the recent session of the legislature. Montana is also doing its bit .with a $3,000,000 expenditure for the coming months, while the forestry depart ment and the state of Washington will expend no less than $10,000,000 a year over a building period of ten years, so that every main line highway in the Evergreen state will eventually be hard surfaced and well kept. "A motor trip over the roads and highways of our wonderful northwest country will live long In the mind of the visiting- motorist. A Journey through our region is a Joy for all forever, and Its fame will be scattered broadside by the many thousands of tourists that will visit us this season. You know the weakness of human nature which will always remember all the bad stretches in the highway, even though they may be short, tund promptly forget the many long and good stretches on which much time here March 21 and 22. A committee consisting of Kenneth Carter. Rolla Ralston and Jj L. Wallis has been I Tj, R. Von Volkenburg Will Lecture named to cnarge oi tnis feature. at Hodson-Feenanghty's, East First and Tamhill. Plans for the show are progressing favorably and a big event is planned. People from all parts of this section of the state are expected to attend. The show will be staged by a recently formed nssnctntlnn of th. antnmnhilA dealers of Albany, of which .Claude H. representing the Avery company, Peo Murphy is president. I Ha, 111., manufacturers of Avery trac tor, will lecture here Thursday and Reclaiming Platinum. Friday, March 20 and 21, at the Hodson- Beenaughty company's place oi dusi L. R. Von Volkenbury, tractor expert wrench you will get a socket wrench that Just fits around the plug and pro tects the core from accident. It costs only a few cents and will pay for itself after it has been used a few times. Leaky Float. 'When the carburetor develops a habit of flooding and it is found the float ing the weifrht of the float. has sprung a leak this condition may be remedied by first enlarging the hole and emptying out all the gasoline, an operation that is assisted by warming the float a little. All openings should then be soldered up, great care being used to prevent unbalancing or chang- It used to be that in the screws -of the old magnetos and contact coils there was often Inserted a good sized hess. East First and Tamhill streets. The lectures will be delivered both morning and afternoon and all persons ?,?,C'P.f.pI-"nUI?,- ?J -USin8r 5 iIe"eI interested are invited to attend fully it is possible to remove the brass and reclaim the platinum, when it can be soldered upon the end of a new screw. Circuit Breaker Points. 'The Avery company is taking a de cidedly new step in sending Mr. von Volkenburg to lecture in tractor cen ters, said C. W. Hodson, or tne tioa- son-Feenaughty company, yesterday. "He is a tractor expert and covers a In truing up circuit breaker points hWo range of subjects in his lectures .rv thin fii Kh,.lrt he used- a nail He talks on construction, operation and a very thin file should be used; a nail file will do or one of the type known as a Jeweler's file. The points should be filed out until they bear over the entire end surface. As little of the metal as possible should be removed. Aerial Mail Planned. An- aerial mall service will be estab lished shortly in New Zealand from Auckland to Dunedin, a distance of 700 miles. It is expected that a saving of 14 hours will be effected. the troubles of tractor owners and how to correct them. He came west from the factory to deliver these lectures.1 The Avery man lectured at tne ioa son-Feenaughty company's branch in Spokane March 10 and 11, in Yakima branch March 13 and 14 ana win De ir Mount Vernon, Wash., March 17 and 18 Protect Cases. After you have ruined a few spark plugs by removing them with a monkey Holes and ruts also contribute their share in the matter of tire wear. They shake and Jolt the tread and tearlt loose from the fabric There is no remedy for such a condition except to have tv ttre vulcanized. a NOTICE If your car needs washing, have it done where it is done right at a reasonable price. We will do it while you enjoy the sljow this evening. Simonizing our Specialty. WASHINGTON ST. PUBLIC GARAGE First and Washington Sts. UICKi Sexperts! TIRES TIRES We have on hand all the odd sizes that have been so hard to get, at special prices: '34x3, 35x4, 36x4, 37x4, 32x3 regular clincher. 33x4 and 34x4 regular clincher, and straight side. BIG BARGAINS IN FORD, CHEVROLET, MAXWELL, DORT, ETC. Sizes 30x3 Republic................ $17.50 Fisk Plain 14.95 Kokomo Skid u . 17.50 J. & D. Ribbed... ......... 19.75 Fisk Non-skid. 19.75 Sizes 30x3 Pullman Non-skid $15.45 Superbar Non-skid.. ...... 15.45 Kokomo Plain 16.65 Firestone Plain.. . . , 16.25 J. & D. Non-skid. ........ 21.15 BUICK REPAIRS EXCLUSIVELY 32,000 sq. ft. floor space. Lave or dead storage. Cheap rates. PARTS SUPPLIES S2x3 Diamond Clincher.$19.25 S2x3 Diamond SS 19.25 32x3 Firestone SS ...... 21.25 32x3 Kokomo Non-skid. 21.25 32x3 Republic SS 21.25 33x4 Plain Ajax.... $25.00 33x4 Cord Qd. ..... 39.75 33x4 Kokomo Skid 29.50- 33x4 Imperial 24.25 33x4 McGraw Plain 22.25 AUTO DIRECTORY Franklin offers more of "what you actually need and want in an automobile. BRALY AUTO CO. Main 4880-. A 3881. 19th and Washington Sta. HOLME; AIR COOLED Higher Slileasre Proa Gas and Tlrea McNeff Tractor & Auto Co. 225 Plttock BIk. Portland, OreffB MINUTE MAN SIX Brnnn Motor Car Co, 444-46 Stark St Phones: Broadway 2958, A 2958 New Eight Six, $1250 Factory Mitchell, Seven-Passenger, $1525, Factory MllCMilLLH LJiWlS & SXAVISK CO. Broadway at Oak SIXES Atterbury Truck WITHOUT A SUPERIOR l'i. 2, 3'z and 5-Ton Capacities ATTERBURY TRUCK SALES CO. "Truck Specialists" 334 Oak St, Portland AUTO ACCESSORIES AND PARTS ARCHER k WIGGINS Distributors of AUTOMOTIVE ACCESSORIES Sixth Street at Oak 34x4 Congress N-Skid.... $25.80 34x4 Congress Plain 23.25 34-4 Firestone Skid 29.75 34x4 Springfield Eib 29.75 35x4 QD. Congress.... $34.65 35x4 QD. Firestone... . 84.50 35x4 Goodrich PI...... 36.50 35x4 SS Kokomo-skid. . 43.00 PORTLAND BUICK u REPAIR CO. N. W. Cor. Sixteenth and Jefferson St Portland, Or. Main 3419 i ABCSEBIIUBBISBEIUJ 35x5 Firestone Rib Cord.. $47.50 35x5 Firestone Cord NS.. $49.75 . Other Sizes in Cords Will Arrive Within a Week WE CAN SAVE YOU 30 ON TUBES AND TIRE ACCESSORIES Goods Shipped Anywhere C. O. D. Mail Orders Promptly Filled. PORTLAND TIRE CO. 331 BURNSIDE STREET . PORTLAND, OREGON. Dealers Write for Discounts. . SJLUitiVUlii laBATTERY CO. Broadway and Glisan Phone Bdwy. 546 The only battery with a definite guarantee. AH makes of batteries charged and repaired. David Hodes Co. N. Broadway and Flanders. AUTOMOBILE GEARS, PARTS AND ACCESSORIES AT REDUCED PRICES ENGINES A SPECIALTY DELC0 STATION We Stand Back of Every Job We Stock Parts for All Delco Equipped Cars R. W. LEE, 6th AND BURNSIDE At Auto Electric Equip. Co. iKER AUTO SFlTIG G0? 10,000 Springs Carried in Stock Let Us Repair Your Springs Where You Get Service 15TH AND COUCH STREETS illlllSi Gibson Electric Garage & Storage Battery Co. Distributors 12tb and Alder Sta. Broadway tbit