Vr , Js. r 7 ' i-- i$ ' jT -yr .- ft I - f - v '; V-j , Xi ifr-Kx iff fc "v . jflri - - 1 f 1 vX, T- T was m. call week for Portland I ciety despite th fact that the lent- en period is well on Ha waj Con certs, musicals and lectures occupied a urominent part In the week's calendar, but dances, theaters, dinners and luncheons came tn for a goodly share of the time and attention of society, The Scottish clans celebrated merrily In honor of Bobby Burns during the week and the various community clubs contributed their quota to the enter tainment of the week with Informal dm- sni) urrf narties. The school contingent also celebrated with d-inces, mid-semesters being; the occasion for their caiety. One of the prettiest of these events was the dance given at Miss Catlin s school riaay evening by the older girls of the school. The two concerts sriven by the cele brated Danish cellist Casals were rare treats, and the theaters contributed to the diversions of the week with old- time favorites appearing on the bills. The greatest diversion of the entire week, however, was the welcoming of the returned soldiers and sailors from overseas and the numerous "homey" amd Joyous events In their honor over shadowed all other social affairs. The bicgest surprise of the week was the Ilalsted-Mason weddlns;. which was a. charming event of Monday. Soon Portland society will wend Its way homeward and the social festivities f . early sprint and summer will be In full eway. St. Patrick's day tomorrow will be a gala one and many events are planned to honor tho occasion, which also has already furnished an excellent reason for the many parties given during; the east week. The lectures being; siren weekly for the benefit of the Oregon woman's building at the university under the auspices of the Junior leag-ue are being well attended and are attracting; a large following Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Hayden fMargaret Ayer) are now domiciled In their new residence In Franklin street, - Willamette Heights. Mr. Hayden re cently was relieved of duty In the I". f. A., being- stationed at Aberdeen In the spruce production division as captain. see Among- the numerous dinner 'parties given Thursday evening to precede the performance of "Lord and Ljuiy Algy at the Hellig- theater was that for which Mr. and Mrs. C. Edward Grelle were host a Their guests were Mrs. Victor Johnson and David T. Honey man. e e One of the most charming parties of the week was the Informal dance given by the girl students at Miss Catlln s school Friday evening. It was a sort of mid-semester celebration and was charming In every detail. The young folk, numbering about 36 couples, were chaperoned by Mrs. Thomas Talbott. M:ss Grace Townsend and Mrs. Still m.m. all farnlrr members, in the ab- SPRING FURS The Very Latest Creatine la Fash Ivaable Kara tar $strlas; aad Swsasser. t'tHRIKR kfaaafaetarer aaa? Imsterter, -141 BROADWAY. S4 AI.HKR. Seatkwest Corver ( Broadway mm Alder. w - PAoto sence of Miss Catlin, who Is sojourn ing In the east. The studio where the dance was given was gaily decked with streamers of varl-colored serpentine confetti and myriads of Japanese lanterns, ina or- j encstra was siauonea in wo oaicouy overlooking the studio. A buffet sup per was served, a group of the older girls assisting In serving. Mrs. Frank Gilchrist Owen Is being delightfully entertained most Infor mally by a number of old friends. Among those who have been hostesses In her honor the past week are iirs, Charles H. Davis Jr., Miss Hazel Crock er. Mrs. Mary T. Lombard, Mrs. Walter F. Burrell and Mrs. Kums zogosum. The events have been luncheons, din ners. card parties and motor trips. Portland society is cordially greeting the return of Mrs. Robert Treat Piatt, who' will lecture throughout this terri tory In the Interests of Devastated France. Mra Plat), has Just returned from overseas, whfcre she was engaged in working for this organization. Mr. and Mrs. C H. Davis Jr. left Fri day for an extended visit In Southern California They will visit Mr. Davis' mother, who Is spending the winter and early spring In the southland. Extreme simplicity characterized the marriage of Mra Katherine MacMaster Mason to Samuel Thompson Halsted, which was a smart event of Monday. The ceremony was read at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mra William MacMaster. at Ardgour. by Rev. John H. Boyd of the Presbyterian church at 13:30 o'clock. The couple waa unattended and onry abont two dozen of the most intimate friends of the family and the young couple were present. Following the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served, the guests being seated at an artistically decked table. The bride, who Is one of the most popular and charming young women of this city, wore a simple gown of rare old lace, with a bouquet of white spray orchids and freesia. The ceremony was An Oriental Rug for Your Home J N ORIENTAL RUG denotes the i cultured home; it appeals to the imagination: it is constant in its power to charm. Let 18 show you our Oriental Rugs; they are wondrous products of the toll and aspira tions of a people. WASH-CLEAJilXG. REPAIRING, STORAGE. Cartozian Bros. Iaewrporme4 Ortratat Rasa aad Carpets, F1TTOCK BI-OCK. TEA TH AXD WASHINGTON. F. W. PATT & GO. Ladlea' Tailor Salts, Cewas. W a lata. HOW 1ST NEW LOCATION, SM-Z Broadway Blag- Marshall 48S. THE SUNDAY solemnized in the drawinsr room, which was artistically decorated with a pro fusion of deep pink roses, palms and fernery, the dining room being simi larly decked. A quantity of fragrant spring blossoms in varied tones were effectively arranged in the library and reception halls. Mr. and Mas. Halsted left for a wed ding trip of about a fortnight to Seat tle, Victoria and Vancouver, B. C. For traveling the bride wore a dark blue tricotine tailleur, .with small black flower-bedecked hat, and a corsage of orchids. They will return for a brief visit with Mr. and Mrs. MacMaster be fore arcing to California, where they will establish their home. Mrs. Halsted always has been very prominent in social and other activities, being an enthusiastic member of the Junior League and several other organ izations in this city. She recently took a nurse's course in the Children's hos pital in New York and she has traveled extensively, both on the Kuropean con tinent and in this country. Mr. Halsted is also popular in Port land society and during his connection with the army lie was stationed at Van couver barracks, ranking as first lieu tenatit. Ho is a son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Halsted of Riverside, Cul., a grad uate of Stanford, taking a civil engi neering course, and he is a popular iraternity man. Mrs. Halsted's brother-in-law and sister. Captain and Mrs. Keadu M. Ire land, are stationed at the Presidio, and the couple will visit them for a few days en route to a southern point. Mr. Halsted's other sister. Mrs. D. C. Old en bors. and captain Oldenbors are at I Camp Lewis, the weddings of both young women being notable and smart events ol the past year. Mr. and Mra Clarence Jacobson are Planning to take a trip to New York in about a fortnight to remain until the Summer months. They will occupy their handsome residence on the Co lumbia highway upon their return. Mrs. Frank Gilchrist Owen, a charm Ing and popular Medford matron, is spending several days in Portland and she is being entertained by a number of old Irtends. Mrs. Owen's two daugh ters Barbara and Shelby did not ac company her to Portland this trip, but she plans to bring them with her on her next trip In the early summer. They are charming little girls and considered the smartest attired little maids in their circle of friends. Mrs. Owen also Camisoles Reduced to 95c Dainty new styles in society satin and crepe de chine Camisoles. Flesh, white. Reduced to 95 ech. Large assortment new Georgette blouses for spring. Special at $5.95. Pennon' r. Bene. Vlee-Pres. aad Mar. 309 Morrlaoa Street. Poatoffiee Still Opposite. New Vogue Pattens at Lennon'a Aaaex, The Waist Shop. Portland Hotel Court. Spring Costumes Fashion's latest decrees in beautiful suits, capes, coats, and dresses, all at popular prices. Cloak aad Salt House. 243 MORRISON STREET, n ear wwtmr. OREGONIAX, PORTLAND. Is one of the most daintily and ultra fashionably garbed women in her set. She Is tremendously clever and in demand at all social events in Medlord. as well as occupying a prominent place In all women's activities tn that sec tion. Her visits to Portland are the in spiration for a great deal of entertain ment, and this week has been brimful of delightful events with the visitor as guest of honor. Distinguished visitors in the city are Mr. and Mrs. Pablo Casals, the former being the well-known Spanish cellist. They are house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Murray Sherwood, who have been entertaining the visitors de- lghtfully with motor trips on the high way, luncheon at Forest Hall and din ners at their home. They also were guests of Dr. and Mrs. George F. Wil son for a pretty dinner Thursday even ing. Mr. Casals gave an artistic con cert Wednesday evening at the Heiiig theater, when Mrs. Casals entertained the Wilsons and Sherwoods with a box party. East night Mr. Casals played a return engagement at the Masonic tem ple, the engagement being made pos sible, owing to a postponement in the Vancouver, B. C, date Mr. Casals' and Mrs. Sherwood's aunt, Lydia Kmmett of New York, well known illustrator and writer of chil dren's stories, are oli-tlme friends. . Society Is deeply regretting the de parture of Mr. and Mra Harry L. Sher wood, who have been popular residents of this city for the past three years. They will leave Tuesday for St. Johns via the Canadian Rockies, and from St. Johns they will sail for London, their former home. Mr. Sherwood has been uiiimiiiiuiiiimiimiiminiiimimiiiiMuj I Overheard ; On the 1 Outside, E "It is a beautiful shop but I Ej E am afraid their prices would be -E much too high for me." ONT think so for a moment. This shop has been made beautiful simply for your com fort. Just step in. and let us show you that al- though we carry only the lovelier things, they E are modestly priced E indeed most attractive- E ly so. E Goodwin Corsets E Expert Fitting Service E Blouses ' E Silk Underings 374 Morrison E Corner West Park E r.iimiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiimiiHimiiiimnmn We Invite Tour Inspection of Antique Furniture Orerstiiffed Furniture ' Art Mahogany Furniture Luxurious Furniture S.KUGEL&SONS 311 and 314 Central Building MARCH 1G, 1919. British consul at Portland for the past few years, and both he and Mrs, Sher wood have been very popular socially. They also have been active in civio and patriotic work and events, and they have endeared themselves to hosts of friends in this section. Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Hart are so journing In southern California for a few weeks. Wednesday evening was a gala one for society and lovers of music, who flocked to hear the celebrated Pablo Cusals cello recital at the Hellig thea ter, A number of impromptu line par ties were made up for the event, among those who entertained being: Mrs. C. B. Hurtt. Mrs. Clarence Ja cobson, Mrs. Richard Koehler, Dr. Mackenzie, W. P. Olds, Mrs. Susie Fen nell Pipes, Mrs. Robert fctanficld, Doro thea Nash, Miss Failing, Mrs. Thomas Honeyman, Mrs. Henry L. Corbett, Walter J. Burns; Miss Dorothy Bliss, F. J. Cobb, Mrs. O. M. Clark. Mra W. B. Ayer, Franck Eichenlaub, Mrs. W. H. Boyer, Mrs. Isom White, Mrs. W. D. Wheelwright, Miss Whiteside, Dr. A. J. Rossman, Mrs. Cameron Squires, Mrs. J. N. Teal, Madame Valair, Mrs. W. C. Alvord and Mrs. Gordon Voorhies. Mrs. Charles Clifford Smith returned early in the week from Washington, Your Invitation We want you to feel that you are welcome to visit our store during these early spring days even though you are not yet ready to purchase. We have a courteous, attentive salesrorce that will take pleasure in show ing what is new and most popu lar for spring wear. Here Are Dresses Wonderfully Pretty $30 to $35 Have you seen those with the low cu necks, edged with a real ."old-fashioned" ruffle ? They are the quaintiest things imaginable! Gay little taffeta frocks are here, all ruffly and edged with narrow fringe; then there are new Jerseys with clusters of tucks in the waist and skirt. Light colored Georgettes, bead trimmed; and 6erges, too, smartly cut, invite your admira tion. We really have most moderately priced dresses. The New in ' Blouses Filet lace trims a number of striking Georgettes, while beads lend a pretty trimming note to others. New spring colors have made their ap pearance and defy all adorn ment even to the absence of collars. We are showing many handsome blouse num bers at $7.50 to $13.50. itting WAo tiff' JL eat if & T"zi&-cZj D. Ci where sho was called on account of the illness of her daughter, Mrs. Clifton N. McArthur. The latter Is con valescing rapidly, and soon will be able to come to Portlands A. R. Porter and Erie V. Hauser also are visiting in the south, going last week to ban Francisco for a brief visit Miss Sally Hart, who recently re ceived her appointment from the gov ernment as a reconstruction aide, has been invalided back to the United States and she is at present in Bilt more, S. C. She has throat trouble and also has Buffered from, an attack of influenza. Mrs. Crosby Shevlin (Louise Burrell), who has been spending a week in Bend, Or., with her husband who is con nected with the Shevlm-Hixon mill there, returned the latter part of the week and she is with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Walter F. Burrell. The Portland Wellesley Alumnae club will be hostess at a thrift stamp tea from 3 to 6 o'clock on Saturday, March 22, at the home of Mrs. Jesse C. Remlck, 1064 Thurman street This is the first of a series of teas to be given at different homes. The purpose is twofold; first, to raise funds for the University of Oregon women's building. HE Washington Street at Tenth (oj V io Stihr,oricoj. i and secondly, to help Oregon fulfill its thrift stamp quota. One or more thrift stamps is asked of each guest as ad mittance to a musical afternoon and tea. Future hostesses are: Mrs. F. J. Cobbs, Mr. and Mrs. Summer, Mrs. J. I!. Dickson, Mrs. Donald Spencer and Mrs. Boudinot Seeley. All members, friends and the public In general who might be interested In the university woman's building aro cordially invited to attend. Club members are: Mrs. Vincent Cook, president; Mrs. Lewis A. McArthur. Mrs. Walter Babson, Mra Gage HAsHtoa. Mra Boudinot Seeley. Mra R C. WriEht. Mrs. R. M. Tuttle. Mrs. C. H Sholes. Mra William Addison, Mrs. John Dudley. Mrs. Leroy, Mrs. Samuel Banks, Gertrude James, Laura Northrup, Amy Kothchlld. Grace Pierce. Willamlna Caro theru, Marv F. Isom. Grace Foster, Alice Wllhelm, Marjorle McGuire, Elizabeth Pea cock. Elsie Oberdorfer, Alice Kowe, Miss Townsend. Mra. Roger Tracy, Mrs. J. O. Remluk. Mra William Kaiser, Mra. Joseph E. Withrow. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Haller and daugh ter. Miss Helen Haller, left yesterday for an extended tour of Southern Cali fornia by motor. They will go directly to San Diego and start their motoring from that point George P. Stanley and Howard Charl ton spent the week-end at Deschutes with the. former's father, Frederick S. M ore U nusual Styles at The Eastern A three-piece suit of navy tricotine. The striking coat, sleeveless and al lowing; for the display of the blouse sleeves of taffeta embroid ered in gold and silver thread. The blouse Is out In long Chinese smock style, elab orately embroid ered. A eult of aand Paulette, the coat and skirt bound la three - inch n av y tricotine. A knee length coat cut tn Chinese style, loosely tied with narrow cord of tricotine. s ? e Striking: cape of velour check. t r, r. Oyster sh ad e dress of Fan-ta-al silk, with bands of black and black embroidery. t t ? Taupe shade le Jerz drees, cut In loose coat style elaborate ly braided. H K Carroll Weiss hat II n e straw, trimmed w i,t h baby blue wheat. K It K Imported Milan In rose shade, crowned with rose velvet flow ers. i Tou will find hav ing a charge ac count with us very convenient.