MARCH 16, 1919. 13 FOB 9 ALE. FOB PALE. FOB SALE ATTOMOBTI FH. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. aflscellaaeoo TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX.V PORTLAXD, HARDE BARGAINS. PARTIAL LIT ONLY BELOW. WiKE lioPE. PLOW KTtr.L f- 2-in. Gxlu plow ate, rupe.... 2 ;aa 2.0OO fi 1V-iil mI'j d,o ateei roD...tiH: f ' l--in. ttxia piov atv-el rope. . .tc ft. 1-in. fixl'J plow atel rope.... rt l-;n. OxlO Dlow eteel rope. use-d.-Oc ft T -In ft-clU slow steel FOD. rnw -- f t Asia niA-ar ateM fOM. used ft. I -in. 6x13 plow ateel rop. used c ft, -in. p ow tel rope, ft. S -In. p. aw eieel rope, liooin inn: ns. S in. to X in tons assort-! chain, tuna ft.VAmed wiro. CO TOC WANT ANY DIAMOND BLOCKS? PIPE PPECMLS. 140.000 ft. 1-tTi. brack. IooKj like dw: per ft.. t c. 4 IW ft. black. S months. J .- ft. 'J-in. hla-k. No. 1 quil.ty. ."Jft. J-1 a. b ack. No. 1 quj.iijt. 1 mrtytU 4-lo. tiack. No. 1 quality. l.ti ft. ."-in. btat.k. No. 1 i.O'M ft. -.n, b.ark. Now 1 qualify. 4t rt. -in. b uk. No. 1 QUa-ity. All other sixes la ato-ck. 190 VALVES ALL KINDS, ALL SIZES. 1 414-ln. tubular btlr. 1 4-horpower Itr-uux bolder. 1 3'-horrpnwrr fir?; boi T. , horsepower flrrbox boiler. 1 i-horpowr u?r.f ht bot-er. 1 1 J-horsepower uprij: nt bo..r. I i-hompowr upr:rM bolter. 4 3-horpor nprijr Tt bot.era. 4-horsepower upright boilers. J 2 power upr.sbt boi.ers. 72 o:ber in :ock. J urn received car:oa4 lnr ha-ftlnr. :;-mch to fc-inch. lecirth. IWOO iba, octar n .. to 1 bi'EClAL. rtsyv I 7S-horsepower motor. 3-phaaa. 2200 voit lhorKTwr motor. A. C -STEAM ENGINES II 1.xl5 Skinner automatic 1 8x10 Atlas. autona:lc. i 1 11x12 rhandr A Taylor. 1 6x Jeweti automatic 3 7xl Atias automatic ::ftMtwwr 0.rit ra nfne. new 1 43 4-horaepower ienw - ?."horiiower. 2-ey!. mr!n encino 1 m-horepower marino entrina. 2 -hori'DOVtr marine er.jrin. plfltOI pump. 7x-tnCH OD'C m Ynpiwrn Kkr No. 5 rotary ame.ter blow 'or. IHx'.'S HousrYs air comprewor. 8-inch centrlfuical pump. J motor tnr" 'fc- 1 4x4 t'a!rbnki compressor. 1 n!n prwsur. ,J"C'- pumps all kinds. .11 . r.o bind truck, and barrel truck.. 3. wneeIbarror. and cemnt oiiKKle.. 12 patform Kralea, 500 to 2000 lba. cap. stump pullers". IS hoavy tTP. blacksmith Tlaea. IS a;i-teel anvils. 1 Austin rock crusher. M a. 1 I.VInch Pelton water wheel. l".ncb Pelton water wheels. 1 S-lrch P'ton water wheel. 1 n-lr-ch Pe:ton water wheel. M coil springs, aesorted. ,,. no ft. 8-inch terra cotta pip. wltB Hubs. 1 4S-lnch Inn. ) smaller fn. . KVM) pullers, ste.1 cast Iron epitt. all sliea trora 3-inch to e-lncb. In ' stock. SSO car wheel. J0" rprockets. all Aa about l.O-'O.OOO other bargain!. JI at EARDPS CLEAJf-TTP PRICES. Phone, call or write Jf. BABDE & F"NS. , Th JTou-e of a Million riarcainj. Vnln Pt.. Corner Front. Year, in Portland." ' MVMMY MINE. Ask for Victor record No. 1S.5-S. It . dandy nd brand-new. too: wonderful im trot Our record s-rvic. Is unejcelled. RKKD-KRKNrH PIANO MFC CO. 4o5 Washington St.r Corner llln. Phone uroanw.-iy hfiALLOS curb pump, meier. filter, auto matic overhead drain valve, hose, norslo. 1 .... .i i nrrf.r cah or term. pail iu;cr. in ' - - - . Phon. or writ. Decker. Tabor 44. 4.04 .'7'h . - - EC'MG attractive barrains In used sewing machine, on a.:, this i week .11 In good wwinc orner. uri't-nc-. " - 17-' d. near Yamhiil. - I-OXT 6KIX COA-f: rTBIMMro-WITH VITf". REAL ROSE I'UIM lAi- M . R 1-rt A I.I. -f-'l. WANE gasoline pump, one-gal. Inclosed, outsld. pump, used only months, like new; cash or terms. Phon. or write t. i r.h., j-.t 4-fVl "7th ave. 9. K. NEW cape cnat. unable to wear; rec- . . . . u 11"'. n. n .a ft a v till. ttiar v-a.i i v. ... - -R..yal Arm Apta, No. 35. lath and Lov. loy. . KKW and used aewinir machine. r"'d ajvn soia: bxi"1" ni-.i...... . .- guaranteed. Plnger Stora, 3S2 Morrison SILK quilt, pieced: broadc'otli quilt, top placed, and dresses, sklrta broadcloth c.ire. coril necklace. 1-' ft. long. Ear gaina Call 5 ml 6. 64 Kerby t. i7TION PICTURE camera, dandy hape. len extri uiuitiwi. leather case; fltitck a tra.le for good slide t.-ombon.. Altlress -'H tlrand ave. North. CAVrY makers' attention; thre. marhl., about 4ix;o leches. Pnon. East COMBINATION coal and wood range, earn, a. new; g.t. plate. 1 n ranee 10S1 E. l.'.th N. Phcn. Woodlawn g't. FCl SALE One-chair shining stand, white. t.V must sll bv Thur.; cost Union s'.tton barber shop. Co V PI.KTE terra cotta lined galvanlied thtunev. 12 ft: prlco i. worth t-'U all Tabor 4"1T. HKVIIMTTON tvpewHter No. 10. .100 timber Mu-prints. let-er files, larg. map. 3 ol.'ice chairs. Call 7-'tV4. jOTTOES ChoV. Purhaika grown on li'.-h sandy soil, delivered. Fbon. East Bl'l'KKH everbearing strawberry plants. 4'c dm.. 11.73 lor 100. T. Tollefioo, Trout da.e. Or. f Vl'TP.OLA. $'t. mo.1eU mshoganv case, in rtr:;i-c!ass condition: price 5. J. R. M ra rila. CI adstore. Or. Jti VPLfMtH P. F. Collier's "History of C.-eat War." I paid will se.l for 123; new. AK Ortgrnlan. 73 HOLLY TRMHS. one to two feet, ."c es h; fonr Illinois persimmon trees. 25c ach. 7. 1'- laitl. Last 145. il.!'10l.'S crabs, clams, oyster, fresh rially 1- lt St.. l-et. Wvsli and Alder. Ac.-tern Kl'h C".. Mar. B!n. BE AtTll'l T. parl tie-klac- for al. by re lish,. Portland family. If Interested writ. AM 114. Or-goman. c. SMITH typewriter and so'e leeither case: soul 1 prvr Corona, but will uad cr .elL Mar. ..". 4TOR SALi: Il.tval Wilton rue. rractirally rew. 13 by 13. 173. 4t4 N. 5lL Mala 2415; STfinTOP COT3. J4: 2 FUIT3. I.AP.r.E LIKE NEW. BARGAINS. TABOR '..-.J. aTt KT" FflT". DKF.SSES. S1ZK 41 WORN". BAKGAINS. TABOR ONE genuine leather bed davenrort. good condition, reasonable; al.o good camera. Fhcrs Wdln. Iili;rl-GKAPE btif'et clarinet, glass mouth piece, leather case, almost new, for sal . heap. Phone Sell. 5."3. $i;.o MOVING picture machine, or trade as part pavment on cood n otorcycle, 1-U1 K. Harrieon St.. Tahor 4i:a. 1.AS sTOVE. 3 burners and oven, good as rent. Call at 6T3 Vanderbilt St.. near Visk. ' HA BY whit, wicker csrrUac. also basslnelt. bed: ch-ap. 31 E. 1-th t.. East 74.;3. 4 liOZ. can. of fancy home. canned fruit. very reasonable. N. iitn si. CoV PANES hothouse aiss. ISO sixes. 12x16 and 13x13. Wood'.awn 3640. $.75 Gasoline wood saw. S. Flsli.r, 1063 E. Salmon. lOR SALE Monarch range. Phon. Main 22'M FoK SALE Multisrar'i. $50; bargain. Call today. Wooil.awo 2'''S'.i. ' U(.'1TI barsaia. Call Eat i-1'0 or East 56 4S. :) SHARtS of Universal Nut Lock Co., 1 1 vv per f"atf g t i;KioT car.oe for ss.e. or trad, for motor c yc . e. .s r i v ET "Book of Know Phone Woodlawn for sale cheap. BUHNKE-WALKER scholarship, barcaln. or trade lor typewriter. Tabor ellrto. C ARPENTER too's for sala. 10 E. 33th SL, nfst tVuttlrnift. FOR FALE Osfc heat-r; wood or coal; uaed n montha Tabor 141T. !QOD manure for sale. Tabor PP3, RCGS tt sai. Tabor 2544. S0O GALLONS .tains, all colors, at St. B0 per gallon; a discount In e-salion iota, in, square feet (renulne Earl. Brand 1- ply S1.J0 2- ply 1.3S 3- ply 1.M Top mauls, guaranteed, per lb......S .-3 llrton's whit, lipped adie. ....... . S-J Campbell white lipped ads. S.oO i'-ltn air bank, scale: a-ood aa new 00 OO 75 feet 6-Inch 4-plT. brand new belt.31.&U 1 S.ton drain block rhun. 1 Iayton motorcycle $35.00 x 1 --ox. new brown fly. cheap. 1 4x0 14-oa. tent. In good condition. 1 liord's electric-power coffe. grinder. W. ar long on all kind of rises and anvil ana our price, are right. 1 niarlno ongino. W. are headquarter for all kind of rarrlen tools. 1 3ui3Vs new non-skid auto tire; 7500 mile, guaranteed. LEVlJf HARDWARE AND FURNITURE COMPANY. i:i-;?3 Front St.. corner Salmon. Vain U7i j 7174. AN ABSOLUTE SACRIFICE: FOUR TH H. P. MOTORS 13 PHASE. 220 V.. A. C.l. FIRST-CLASS CONDITION. WITH WE-STlNlaHOUSE STARTERS. BOILER H. PRESSURE TTTlrt.AR) J.K?.?-'-iV1TH STACK. GAUGE. ETC COM I'LETE. ALSO ABOUT 15 000 FT. 1-INCH STEAM PIPE IHEAT COTLS FOR f.AfvORATOR) W'TH HEAJJERS, LiKAIN TRAPS. ETC. ALSO 28 STEEL METAL f FRUIT THAT) CARS, AND ABOUT l-'OO GALV. THAT. AND OTHER EQUIPMENT ISEFUL IN MODERN" FitL'IT EVAPORATOR PLANT. ALL OR ANY PART AT ABOUT HALF AI.t E; I.IFiERAL TERMS. SEE THIS: SIAKE OFFER. ADDRESS 'TUB OWNER." p. o. BOX 2"2. PORTLAND. OR. " NEW DISC PHONOGRAPH NEEDLE. vie now have the wontlerful new Lih rty semi-permanent needle for all disc machines; guaranteed to play 100 records without changing and absolutely no dani aro to the records: three In a packaRc: pric. 30 eenta per packaite: loud, medium and soft tone. Hatl Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. SPRAY of Bird of Paradise. Marshall 5573. FOR SALE ArTOMOBIT.F3. TOC TAKE NO CHANCE WHEN TOU BUT A USED CARS FROM THE PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COMPAXT, because w. stand back of .very used ear we sell tb. same aa we do the new ones, and glvo you ths aamo values on ternis that you would have to pay casn tor irotn a private owuer. and when you buy from a private owner th. transaction i over and ir tne car IS noi rigiil you navo no come-back. TERMS TO 6UIT TOTJ ON THE CAR THAT SUITS TOU. SEE IF ONE OF THESE SUITS: 1918 BUICK. 1918 OVERLAND. RUN ONLY 6000 MX. TWO CHANDLERS. T-PASSENGER. IN GOOD SHAPE. 1918 CHAXDLHR THAT $150 WILL HANDLE. FAXOV ROADSTER. WITH SELF STARTER AND ELECTRIC LIGHTS. AND A FEW LIGHT CARS THAT WE WILL PIT IN YOUR GARAGE FOR $100 DOWN. Ses White, PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO.. 10th and Burnslfio Sts. Broadway 521. TRUCKS. TRUCKS. TRUCKS. McPOOLE. E. CLAT ANT GRAND AVE. 2-ton Mitchell so HBuilt-over truck, brand now chassis and wheels.) 1-ton Bulck (rack top) 4" 1-ton Stud.bakor .-press,, aelf starter 50 Sttidebaker-C.arford combination cab. 7-paasenger ",0 14 Ford delivery, paneled aide...... 630 ALL IN SPLENDID CONDITION. TRADE OR TIME. ONE COLE .".A. ?50. ONE AUBURN. -00. Flv.-passenscr tourtnc car. Continental jno'or. $lln. These cars ar. in flrst-clasa condition. Sm iy R.iaJ garage. 24th axd Sandy. t.mrv UV l EC 191. newly painted, completely over hauled, all new non-skid tires, uVmaunt able rims, .hock absorbers and other extras Thl car Is better than new. Cash or term. Call Main 1442. "of It smith forma attachment. $230 each: make me an offer: usually s.-lls st $415. Clearing out my stock. Phon. Main B. 2fi Raliroad Exchange bldg. 4S CASH. 1917 3-rsenccr Maxwell ra flno Con dition; worth $i3. Touay only. Woodlawn'.V FORD delivery, demountable rims and extras. fine condition, low price. oi inu.. .u $uio lets you drlvo It home. Auto Wks., .'.'.s Alder t. 11(13 HUDSON LIGHT FOUR, electric light and starter, rive gooa tire-. u m ai ci-oi-lon: 4.J; terms. Call Kllton. Marshall !t;7. Sunday. LATElt'lti Ford roadster, excellent condi tion. $:t extras: price, cash $45: tim. 4 '5 5 1H East 20th St. north. Telephone Esst T.OT. 11.1S CHEVROLET touring. In splendid shape: this Is a bargain at tho price asked, terms. 12 Grand ave. N. 191 tl SAXON. Al condition; for other par-tl--uiars call Broadway S1U4, can b. seen at 1115 N. Rh St. sri'DKl-iAKER roadster, fine shape. $273. terms and $100 let you drlv. It home. 323 Atnr St. i-PASSKM;ER Mitchell, good condition, for sale cheap; can be seen today. Went worth lrwln. 2d and Taylor at. 191 H OLDS310BII.E SIX. run only 2S0O mltea like ne w. JJIIOO; terms. Call Kllton, Mar sl.a'l Sf.T. Sunday. NEED nioncv. make offer on 1918 Ford lie. livery today. Tabor 4573. boll Wood sto k ave. 1917 LITTLE FUICK SIX. In fine condition, four g o.l tires; a bargain at $1000. See it. East 1V2. 181S HARROW roadster, excellent condi tion: would consi-ier motorcycle aa part oavment. East 27.t!. 101S CHEVROLET touring, good tires, a real bsrrain at $S00, term If (Jcsired. 12 Grand ave. N. FORD chals. demountable rim and ready to put anything on It you Ilk.; low price at 5-3 Alder St. 11 MAXWELL touring, too light for me; Ji.V: terms. Mr. Barber. Woodlawn 51i2. ilT'MirXvt-ELU fin. shape. Rood tire d-tv.n only by owner. Marshall 9i3. 1350 CASH buys my Ford, five passenger. Call at 5o9 Maiden ave. TRUCK for sale, st. N. two-ton Reo. 31 B. 7tn 1918 MAXWELL, fine condltloi. for sale; will lake Ford as part payment. 612 Wash. ALL RIGHT. HERE IT IS. THE USED CAR TOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR. REMEMBER. FOLKS. IT DON'T TAKE MUCH MONEY TO BUY A GOOD CAR AT THIS SALE. i WE ARE GOING TO SELL EVERT CAR IN THIS STOCK THIS WEEK WHICH MEANS THAT A LOT OF PEOPLE ARE GOING TO BUY CARS AT PRICES NEVER EVEN ANTICIPATED. MAKE A SMALL PAYMENT DOWN AND TAKE THE CAR HOME WITH YOU. THEN PAY A LITTLE EACH MONTH. WE TAKE TOUR LIBERTY BONDS AT FACE VALUE. IF YOU WISH TO TURN THEM IN ON A USED CAR. WE WILL MENTION ONLY A FEW. YOU CAN COME IN AND SEE THE REST. CARS FROM $100 TO $250. Marlon. 4 cyl.. 6 passenger. Flandfi, 4 cyl.. 5 passenger. Maxwell, 4 cyl., 6 passenger. Lambert. 4 cyl., 4 passenger. Siudubaker Bug, 4 cyl. CARS FROM $250 TO $500. Bulck Roadster. Little Roadster. Chevrolet, 191S. studehaker, 19IS, 6 pass, touring, studebaker. 4 cyl.. 5 Pass, touring. Ford Roadster. 1915. CARS $500 AND UP. 5 1916 Chevrolet, 6 pass. 1917 Chevrolet, 5 pass. 3 1918 Chevrolet. 5 pass. 1 1917 Ssxon 6 cyl., 6 pasa 1 1917 Saxon. 6 cyl.. chummy road ster. 1 1918 Pullman touring with elec tric gear shift. 1 1916 Olds. 8. 5 pasa 2 1117 Studebaker, 6 cyl., 7 pasa 1 1918 Studebaker. 6 cyl.. 7 pas. 1 1916 Chandler. 111)17 Holller, 8 cyl., 5 pasa 1 1918 Mitchell. 6 cyl., chummy roadster. 1 1919 Overland, model 90. 1 1917 Cole. cyl.. 7 pass. OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS. SALE LASTS ALL WEEK. DEALERS USED CAR CLEARING HOUSE. GRAND AVE. AND EAST STARK STREET. PHONE EAST TMO. OVERLAND. MODEL 83. GOOD TIRES. PAINT IN EX CELLENT CONDITION. A CAR THAT WILL GIVE YEARS OF LASTING SATISFACTION. CLASSY APPEARANCE; SIN'il.E-CAST AC CESSIBLE MOTOR WITH 5 BEAR ING CitAXh: SHAFT. PRICE $498. TERMS. NO BROKERAGE XO INSURANCE WILLYS-OVERLAND PACIFIC CO. COU. BROADWAY AND DAVIS. USED-CAR BARGAINS AT LONG & SILVA. 1 Studebaker llcht 750 1 White liEht.s 1000 1 Overland 550 1 Cherolct. No. 490 5"0 1 Chevrolet. No. 490 425 1 Reo. lights and starter............ 350 1 Velle. liKhts and starter - 7 Fords, from $250 to 350 1 Reo bun - 2H0 1 Studehaker ... 3-'5 1 Studebaker 200 1 Flanders 1 2 Oaklands. each........ 1 2 1-to ntrucka $300 and 400 1 2-ton truck 1000 1 3-ton truck 1500 DELIVERY CARS. FORD $350. O V E R L A N D P A N E L TOP, ELECTRIC LIGHTS AND START ER. Al TIRES. $496. WILLYS-OVERLAND PACIFIC CO. COU. BROADWAY AND DAVIS. OVERLAND $300. HERE'S A REAL BUY. DON'T OVER LOOK IT. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 627 WASHINGTON ST. 1917 APPERSON. 6-cylinder, 7-pass.. looks and runs like new. Phone Main 4375 bo fore 6, leave telephone number; $11100 cash will buy If taken before Monday nleht. CALL E. J. MORIN for flrst-clasa auto repairing. 845 Gan tenbein ave. ' Woodlawn J340. NO GUESSWORK. 1918 MAXWELL 25. A-l condition, almost new; leaving city and must sell at once. A real bargain. BF 339. Orejronlan. 1 CAN USE YOUR FORD. CHEVROLET OH MAXWsiLL A3 PART PAYMENT O.N BRAND NEW 1919 MAXWELL AUTO MOBILE CALL TABOR 630. WHY BUY A CAR ? LEASE ONE BY THE HOUR OR DAY. ALL NEW CARS. G N. SMITH. 3d AND GLISAN. $450 DOWN BUYS 1918 CHALMERS BIX TOURING CAR. Al CONDITION; RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. CALL EAST 1962. . LATEST MODEL CHALMERS ROADSTER, PERFECT CONDITION. COST $1785: WILL SELL $1250, $500 AND TERMS; REAL BAKGAIN. EAST SU95. STUDEBAKER 1917 model, seven-passenger- two cord tires, one extra; term. "J. ike." 823 Alder si. Broadway 2492. 1918 BABY GRAND CHEVROLET In first class shape: guaranteed; some term. Call Sellwood 332 from 8 A. M. to ll:3o A. 1119 5-PASSENGEK Dort. never used. If you want a new machine, here is your chance to save money. Woodlawn 2507. CHEVROLET touring. 19IS. perfect con dition, will sacrifice at $KS5 and x give terme. 410 Williams ave. East 5059. a" BARGAIN Chalmers six sedan. 7 pas senger, extra summer top; 11000, terms; private owner. Tabor 4313. 11119 MAXWELL touring, new. want Ford in trade, balance terms. 440 Williams ave. East 5059. 1917 FORD touring, perfect condition: must sell; a bargain at $473, terms. 440 Williams ave. FOR SALE Trailer, cheap; ball bearing wheels: good tires. Plioue Mar. C77. 165 Stout St., room 19. MITCHELL roadster, good running order, cheap, terms; i have no use for It, Ta bor 1118. 1917 FORD, by private owner, for cash. 11th STnd Vtashinglun, ouuuay uuiy euivr xa oVlocx; no agents. 1915 FORD touring, first-class mechanical condition; spot cash will take this at a bargain. 12 2d St. Broadway 2713. 111) DOWN BUYS MAXWELL TOURING rR Al CONDITION AND GOOD RUB- EER. CALL EAST 1962. 300 DOWN BUYS 1918 MAXWELL TOUR- G CAR; REPAINTED. Al CONDITION. CALL TABOR 630. TO PRIVATE car owners Will repair or overhaul your car in your garaee; work guaranteed: reasonable. East 6043. FORD delivery, good for express. 1918. Call todav. a bargain for cash. 230 Washing ton. "Marshall 2438 or Main 4S17. BARGAIN IN 1918 CHALMERS SIX. RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. CALL TABOR 630. FORD delivery, good condition, $250, $100 down, terms on balance: can be seen Sun r)v. Columbia 2-3. after 7 P. M. Ulii FORD. A-l shape, just painted. $400: special fender. Paint shop. Ivy and Union ave. CHANDLER chummy roadster, wire wheels, one spare, five cord tires. $1350. Main 82L E LIGHTLY used tires, $3 to $1.1 each, vul canised 23c: tire repairing. 207 Madison. FORD touring. 1917, fine shape; must sell, 475. terma 218 Failing st. DODGE touring. 1916. fine condition, will sacrifice and give terms. 31H Falling st. DODGE touring. 1916. fine condition, will sacrifice and give terms. 440 Wliltamn ave. MY 1917 Bulck In Al shape, will sell cheap for cash. East 6160. AN APPEAL TO CAREFUL USED CAR BUYET.S. SELECT TOUR CAR TODAY AT HEADQUARTERS. , A LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT OF HONEST CARS AT HONEST PRICES. Coupled with clean-cut. honorable buslnoss methods, have won for us the distinc tion of beir,g leaders in our profession. We sell car of merit only a visit to our salesrooms will convince you of that fact. It makes no difference whether you buy one of our $150 specials or one of our six-cylinder beauties, you are bound to get your money's worth. WHY PAY A PROFIT TO THE OTHER FELLOW WHEN YOU CAN COME TO HEADQUARTERS AND BUY FOR LESS? WJ9 DO NOT BUT TO RESELL at a profit. All of our used car. hav. been accepted as pert payment on new cars, and are all sold at actual cost. SUNDAY IS OUR BUSY DAY. AND YOU WILL FIND US RIGHT ON THE JOB. BETTER COME EARLY. FORDS. MAX ELLS. OVERLANDS. and I SOME REAL BARGAINS IN LATE MODEL 6TUDEBAKERS. AND REMEMBER, Every car sold bears the indorsement of the FCrRTLAND USED CAR STORE. The Biggest and Busiest Corner on Broadway at Burnside. PHONE BROADWAY 610. OPEN ALL DAT SUNDAY. COME IN AND DRIVE IT AWAY. 1918 Hupmoblle 1917 Hupmoblle 3916 Hupmobiie 3015 Hupmobiie 1912 Hupmobiie . .J1200 . . 11.10 . . 900 . . 50 .. 250 1918 Grant .... 1917 Grant .. I" 1810 Grant . ...$1000 750 600 191 R Overland sir s ono ltilll Overland four s.10 1918 Overland chum, rdstr. 650 - Overland light deliv.. C50 3917 Maxwell 3916 Maxwell 3914 Maxwell 1918 Chevrolet 1 1913 Reo ..... $ eon ...... 450 ...... 350 . ...$ 675 .-...$ 250 Reo light delivery.... J 250 Saxon four roadster.. $ S00 Ford light delivery... $ 375 Two-ton truck $125Q Best Term? in the City. MANLEY AUTO CO., ELEVENTH AND BURNSIDE. BROADWAY 217. OUR LATEST LIST. 1918 Ford touring;. like new. 1917 Ford, fine condition. 1916 Ford. 2 with new bodies, llllti Ford, 'very cheap. 3913 Ford, runs fine, bargain. 3918 Ford sedan; easy riding comfort able car: can't tell from new. Two Ford bugs ready to split the wind. Two Chevrolets; special price. 1917 Bulck liffht six; card tires. 19IS Liberty; fine, light 6, fine shape. 3918 Kissel, 300-point 6. used very little. Studebaker roadster, new tires; Renault delivery. WILLIAM L. HUGHSON CO.. 60 N. Broadway at Davis. Broadway 321. Authorized Ford Dealer, SPLENDID SNAPS IN USED TRUCKS AND LIGHT DELIVERIES. Our annual spring sale of slightly used trucks starts today. Responsible buyers are invited to inspect the following list of used light and heavy duty deliveries. A regular feast of bargains. One week only at the following prices: B-ton Denhy $4000 4-ton Cadillac, express hody 450 1-ton Denby, express body ........ 900 1- ton Ford 4.10 2- ton Peerless 750 2-ton. Reo f.00 -i-ton Studebaker, panel body 1.50 a. -ton Studebaker, express body..,.. 750 1-ton Studebaker. express body.... 1C50 OREGON MOTOR CAR CO., Park and Davis. 1918 CHANDLER. 4-PASS. ROADSTER, THE FIRST USED CHANDLER WE HAVE BEEN ABLE TO OF FER FOR SALE IN MONTHS: BETTER SEE IT EARLY'. SAME GUARANTEE AS NEW CAR. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO. C14 ALDER ST. FORD CHASSIS, $175. BUILD YOUR OWN CHASSIS. ALL PARTS FURNISHED. $175. THE SEA SON IS HERE. DON'T DELAY. AS ONLY FOUR ARE LEFT. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO.. THIRD AND GLISAN STS. 1918 OLDSMOBILE SIX. Gojd as new, cord tires on rear, plate glass In rear curtain, bumper, extra tire and cover, S. & M. spotlight, mirror, etc.; price right; see It! Sunday. 839 Glenn ave. North, after Sunday 348 East Alder St. 1918 Chevrolet. Al shape, tires good. dem. rim. $230; balance $10 month. "Jake," 523 Alder. Broadway J4'.tj. MUST sell my Ford as I am going to Can ada. March 2.'tn; also one r. upngnt gas engine; also 2H-H. P. upright steam boiler. Phone East 7825. HAVE your car repaired at the Serve- U Shop garage. e uo nrst-ciass work. 01 Union ave, two blocks north of Burnside st. Jacobson & Miles. FOR SALE 1018 Chevrolet, a bargain; must be cash; excellent conamon; leaving city, must sell. For information, call at 686 Everett st., city. 2-TON truck for sale in good running order. See owner at Aioatgouicr uarugu, rroui and Montgomery. ' FORD body, fenders, windshield, top and seir-starter; a snap, aiaxweu ser vice station week days. 191C DODGE. 3 new tires, new top. Owner transierrea east, .u.t. ioi ui u iciuui. M 8. Oregonian. STUDEBAKER 6. thoroughly overhauled, good tires: snap at S25. Call Wdln. 5984. 3 -TON lumber trailer for auto-truck. Main lao. COVEY'S USED CARS. 1918 BUICK roadster, excellent shape. $1350. 1918 CADILLAC, touring, look like new. new paint, two new cord ures; 5 per cent new; $2S00. s 1915 CHEVROLET, new paint, ear In good shape, $550. 1917 CHEVROLET touring. $500. 1916 CHEVROLET baby grand, driven only 8000 milea; tires good, car over hauled: $650. 1918 DODGE BROS, touring: good cord tires; car in perfect mechanical condition; $930. 1917 DODGE touring, good shape. $850. 1916 DODGE tourinsv fino condition, $725. 1915 Dodge touring, good buy. $650. 1917 FORD touring: has been carefully used; tires and paint good; $475. 1916 FORD touring, good condition; $375. 1913 FRANKLIN roadster, good con dition. $S50. 1917 HOLLIER eight touring, just over hauled: think of it, an eight-cylinder, smooth-running car for only $o50. 1916 HUDSON, seven-pass., $1000. DELIVERIES. 1915 FORD delivery, good shape, $300. 3917 OVERLAND delivery: electric lights and starter. In fact everything that the touring car has; $500. 1918 DODGE delivery, tha best deliv ery made, $1050. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 21st and Washington sts. Main 6244. SOMETHING NEW. OUR METHOD OF BRINGING- TO GETHER THE BUYERS AND SELLE.RS OF USED AUTOMOBILES IS PROVING A GREAT SUCCESS. EVERY DAY OUR INQUIRIES ARE INCREASING. PROV ING CONCLUSIVELY THAT WE ARE DISPENSING SATISFACTION TO BOTH THE BUYER AND SELLER. CALL US UP AND GET THE INFORMATION ON OUR SYSTEM. MR. SELLER, AND IF "YOU HAVE A PARTICULAR CAR IN MIND, MR. BUYER, GET IN TOUCH WITH US AND LET US GIVE YOU THE NAME OF THE OWNER, FOR IN ALL PROBABILITY JUST WHAT YOU WANT IS ON OUR LIST. CALL, PHONE OR WRITE NATIONAL MOTOR ADVERTISING CO., 31-35 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG., PORTLAND, OR. MAIN 283L a. 1232. YOU WANT A 1918 MODEL. 1918 OVERLAND MODEL 90 Just new, $750. 1918 CHEVROLET. Full of pep and power, $650. 1918 MAXWELL. More miles to the gallon, $675. 1918 FORD TOURING. eclr--, Btarter, shock absorbers, good , . 191S GRANT SIX ROADSTER, $10i5. New in September. CONLEl-'S USED CAR CENTER. UPSTAIRS. S. W. cor. 15th and Washington Sts, DIUVE; ONE OF THESE HOME WITH YOU. The price has been cut on every one to a point which will move them quickly. Some are practically new all are in fine condition Hudson super extra equipment. Reo 6-cylinder, 7-pass. 2 Chevrolet baby grands. 3 Chevrolet light cars. 2 Maxwells, 5-pass. Ford special body. 2 Fords touring. Buick 6-cyl.. 5-pass. ' Mitchell o-pass. Dodge 5-pass. Chevrolet light delivery, extra seats for passengers. Eight-cylinder Chevrolet 5-pass. CaL seven-passenger, like new OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY. J. H. GRAHAM. Tenth and Stark Sts. $1155 NEW LIKE NEW $750. MODEL 90, LIGHT - WEIGHT OVERLAND; NEWLY PAINTED NEW TOP; GOOD RUBBER A CAR THAT HAS A EPEARANCE COMFORT. AND WILL GIVE GOOD SERVICE LASTING SATISFACTION IN AN AUTOMOBILE FOR $750. $250 CASH $50 PER MONTH. NO BROKERAGE a. NO INSURANCE WTLT.TS-OVERT.AND PACIFIC CO COR. BROADWAY AND DAVIS. CHEAP BUT GOOD. Buick touring ......... $200 Flanders touring ...$150 E. M. F. bug $123 Franklin bug ........... .....$200 THE USED CAR EXCHANGE 527 Washington. Wher. Washington and Burnalde Meet. 1917 HUDSON SUPER SIX CORD TIRE EQUIPMENT. EN GINE THOROUGHLY OVER HAULED. $1250. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO. 514 ALDER ST. BUICK ROADSTER, 1917. Snappiest in town, cord tires, Lob An geles Victoria top, convertible in one min ute to f ive-paseenge.r speedster; just out of Cook & Gills. J275 overhauling and re building like new; newly painted, olive and black, Simonized: $350 extras; runs like watch; a real buy at $1185 cash. Tabor 9o. CADILLAC CHASSIS, $100. $100 CASH BUYS CADILLAC CHASSIS. NO TIRES; A DANDY CHASSIS FOR BUG OR LIGHT DELIVERY. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO., THIRD AND GLISAJvT STS. MITCHELL $500. Al condition. Sea It for a real car at a Junk price. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 627 Washington St. CHALMERS LIGHT SIX. Cord tires all around. Best offer takes It. Has been tied up in estate. East 1018. Terms. LIGHT DELIVERY. New Briscoe delivery, same guarantee as on any new car; run only 600 mites; terms. "Jake," 523 Alder. Broadway 2492. TtON Republic uuck with flat stake body, used short time. ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO.. 71-75 No. Park St. -TON Republic truck with steel dump body and hydraulic hoist, best condition. 71-73 lio. Park EL THE HOME OF A MILLION PARTS. ENGINES TRAILERS "PARTS ENGINES TRAILERS PARTS ENGINES TRAILERS FARTS As we are making extensive alter ations we axe offering the above at astonishingly low prices to make room and save time moving parts. ENGINES. In good condition oomplete with Ignition and carburetors ready to run. Over 70 engines must be moved. Below are prices on some of the engines we now have in stock: Studehaker EMF. 30 H. P $.10.00 Studebaker Flanders 20 40.00 Studebaker 35 7O.00 Studebaker 6-cyl 90.00 Overiand engines 50. 00 Mitchell, 0-cyl S5.00 Winton 6 with Bosch mag.... 95.00 Many other 2-4-6-cyl. engines too numerous to mention at prices that will astonish you. TRAILERS at a fraction of the regular prices. To move these trailers we are al most willing to give them away. BOO to 1000-lb. capacity. .$10 to $ 25 1000 to 2000-lb. capacity. . 20 to 50 2000 to 3000-lb. capacity. . 35 to 75 3000 to 4000-lb. capacity.. 45 to 95 4000 lbs. and upwards.... 05 to 140 Goods must be moved to save . handling, and will go at these prices now.. PARTS for every make of car. Have wrecked over 1000 cars and will sell these slightly used parts at less than one-half price. NEW GEARS AND AXLES at reduced prices. Large stock of transmission gears, differential gears and axle shafts for nearly every make of car. Note our prices on new axle shafts. Below are quotations on a few popular makes of our large stock of new axle shafts: Chevrolet 490 Chevrolet baby grand . Dodge Ford Grant 6 Maxwell 25 Overland Saxon 4-cyl Saxon 6-cyl Studebaker 4 and 6-cyl., .$3.64 . 6.50 . 3.75 . 2.20 . 6.00 , 3.65 . 0.00 . 4.00 . 6.50 !. 6.00 MAGNETOS. Bosch high tension magnetos, type D, $25. If you need parts now is the time to see us. WE HAVE A FEW CARS THAT ARE TOO GOOD TO WRECK. W ILL SELL AT BARGAIN PRICES. BIG 1 STOCK OF GUARANTEED NEW TIRES. ALSO SECONDS. AT REDUCED PRICES. WRITE, PHONE OR CALL. DAVID HODES COMPANY. Broadway and Flanders St. The Original Auto Wreckers of the Northwest. 1918 FORD FORD FORD 1918 LET'S GO. FIRST-CLASS C O N D I T I ON. GOOD TOP. UPHOLSTERY AND TIRES: NO SMASHED FENDERS. THIS CAR WILL TAKE YOU ANY PLACE AND BKING YOU BACK JS! DOWN ANDo Ie'iTm NO BROKERAGE insurancb WILLYS-OVERLAND PACIFIC CO. COR. BROADWAY AND DAVIS. HERE'S A SNAP FOR SOMEONE WHO WANTS A GOOD CAR. HUDSON SPEEDSTER. 1918 Model. pyCELLENT CONDITION RUN 15 000 MILES TOWN - DRIVEN ' CAR. May be seen at Factory Motor Car Garage. Call owner, Brdwy 81O. USED RADIATORS, for all makes of cars. All our radiators are carefully gone over and made tight before sold. " BURNESS & MARTIN, 15th and Alder sis. LIGHT OVERLAND DELIVERY, $200. TIRES ARE PRACTICALLY NEW, CAR IS IN FIRST-CLASS CONDITION. THIS IS A MIGHTY GOOD BUY. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO., THIRD AND GLISAN STS. SEATS SUITABLE FOR BUGS FOR SALE CGARBER. THE RADIATOR MAN. 03-55 TH STREET. BDWY. 1S73. SACRIFICE 1918 Willys-Overland six. five passenger, with brand new cord tires on rear; car runs and looks like new; will take small car In exchange and terms on balance. Phono Mr. Billlngsley. Broadway 217 or Tabor 5702. evenings. MOTOR TRUCK BARGAINS. One each Hi, 2 and 3-ton, new. Will sacrifice 15 per cent to move same. Best truck on the market. Can be seen at our place of business, 308 E. Salmon st- WESTERN FARQUHAR MCHY. CO. ONE CHALMERS, B-pass.. 4-cyl $21. 1 6-CYL. BUG. SELF-STARTER...... 41a 53 N. 23D ST, MAIN 262. OAKLAND SIX. Good tires, mechanically Al, original paint. Easy terms. "Jake," 623 Alder. Broadway 2492. SAXON ROADSTER. She's some llftle goer. Only $-i5. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE 027 Washington St CADILLAC O-passenger, 1912 model; good mechanical condition. Would make eleeant truck chassis; JFSt-O. Call H. F. Mark- worth, Broadway 33JQ. BUICK ROADSTER, 1916 model, fine me chanical condition, 2 extra tires, one brand new, spotlight, seat covers, $900. Call H. F. Markwortli. Broadway 1130. LATE 1918 baby grand Chevrolet, run only 1600 mlies; goou as n;w, i.ra.nis w.,,., bargain. 505 Burnside St. Phono Broad way 3650. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles; we wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at half price. David Hodes Co. North Broadway and Flanders. FOR SALE Buick light 6. 1016, D45, in good order; extra tire, Biiouibin gine-driven tire pump. Price $850. Ad dress C Forsberg, box 308, Gladstone. Or. 5-PASS. Overland, good condition: must be seen to be appreciated; $475; terms can be arranged with responsible party. Call Sundav, 692 '4 Everett st. LATE 191S Hupmoblle, driven 2840 miles, like new; extra new tire, spotlight and bumper. Call B 2362 or 760 E. Salmon. WILL sell my practically new Dodge, one new- spare; price $1075. Terms. Kcxford Apt., apt. 3. Phone Main 1612. 1916 HUPMOBLLE, new ton, eat covers, newly painted, good condition. Price $900. Montgomery Oarage. Mar. 1779. GOOD offer; If considering a new, high priced car. investigate; not a dealer. H 670. Oregonian. 1917 OAKLAND light ix, 5 good tires: mo tor is in good condition. This car to be sold for suou. can jaani o.j. FOR Dtourlng, 1914, a snap at $300. 493 Flanders st. . LATE 1918 Ford; sell cheap; run 2000 miles. lbo cnapman st. TRUCK for sale In excellent condition, cheap to re.Pon.ibl. party. Eat 6180. NEW NEW NEW AND AND AND USED USKU USHI FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. OUR STOCK OF FORD CARS IS COMPLETE. $100 to $200 Down. A small monthly payment and you can drlv. a good used Ford. TRUCKS. 1 1918 Ford truck as good as new. We can also furnish you with a new Ford truck on short notice. . TOURING CARS. 1917 Ford touring, lots of extras. 3917 Ford touring, like new; extra. 3916 FOrd touring. Al condition. 1915 Ford touring, several extras. 3915 Ford touring. Al condition. 3014 Ford touring, very heasonabl. 1914 Ford touring, with Kelsey body and demountable wheels. PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR A NEW FORD TOURING CAR. DELIVERIES NOW BEING MADE. , ROADSTER CARS. 1916 Ford roadster, like new, demountable wheels. 1917 Ford roadster, Al condition. Mr. Business Man, place that order for a new roadster. BUGS. BUGS. BUGS. 1915 Ford bug. very classy. 1913 Ford bug. a dandy bargain. Cadillac bug, very reasonable. TERMS GIVEN AND USED FORD CARS. PALACE GARAGE COMPANY, AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER. 12TH AND STARK STS. BDWY. 1572. A 2442. JUST IN TIME. OUR EVER INCREASING LIST OF USED CARS PROBABLY CONTAINS THE VERY ONE YOU WANT. EVERY DAY OUR NUMBER GROWS, WHICH IS TRUE ALSO OF THE INQUIRIES COM ING IN FROM ALL OVER THE STATE. MR. COSMOPOLITE, THE SUBURBAN ITE MAY WANT JUST WHAT YOU HAVE, OR VICE VERSA. TAKE AD VANTAGE OF OUR NEW SYSTEM NOW. CALL. PHONE OR WRITE. NATIONAL MOTOR ADVERTISING COMPANY. 834-35 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG., PORTLAND. OR. MAIN 2S31. A 1232. INVESTIGATE THESE. WE HAVE ON HAND ABOUT 20 USED CARS RANGING IN PRICE FROM $250 TO $1800. t WE SELL OUR CARS STRICTLY ON THEIR MERITS. LET US EXPLAIN OUR EASY PAY( MENT PLAN. 1917 Velie, looks almost new. tires first clnss. 1917 Velle chummy. 4-pass.. first-class. 11H8 Velle, one bluo black and one maroon. 1918 Velie roadster, almost new. Neat little Studebaker. good tires. $300. Six-cylinder, 7-pass., Overland, new cord tires. 1915 Velle, 7-pass.;" ,1 first-clas tire. 11115 Velie, 5 good tires, li00. 1916 Velie. a good car, cheap. 5-pass. Hudson. $500. 81 overland, good tires. $400. Light Mitchell, 4-cyllndcr, unusual con. dition, $550. 5-paas Case, light, good qualities, $550. OPEN SUNDAYS. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO.. Main 780. 58 North 23d st. 6NAPPY SNAPS. FORD FORD FORD BUGS CHASSIS CHASSIS BUILD YOUR OWN FORD CHASSIS OR BUG, WILL FURNISH PARTS, DO YOUR OWN ASSEMBLING. $175. CALL TODAY OR MONDAY; ONLY A FEW LEFT. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO.. THIRD AND GLISAN STS. . BIGGEST SNAP IN TOWN. Late 1918 Stearns chummy roadster, a cylinders, run 310 miles; has full cord tire equipment. Harford shock absorbers. ' bumper, spot light, motor meter, special lens and large plate glass In rear. If would be a crime to mention the pric. I will sell it at. Phone Sunday. Broad way 3327. PACKARD CHASSIS. Make dandy bug; new rear cord tires, front cord tires; Just overhauled at coot of $309. To Bell for $350; this is a snap you can't afford to overlook. GERBER, THE RADIATOR MAN. Bdwy. 1S73. 53-55 9th St. North. COLE EIGHT. Here's a real automobile for the price Of an out-of-date car. Priced $1850. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. U-ii niiBuiiifiivii .... Where Washington and Burnside Meet. FOR SALE Buick Six, 1918. 5-passenger. ., nnlu noon miles on practically item, , " --- paved streets; tires good, one extra new Diamond tire, tire cover. pot light. Sic Kee lens patent lock on gear; will stand A-l test; leaving city. Sell for $1400 cash. Call Tabor .3314. REO SIX. One of the late model touring, nowly painted, perfect condition; a nifty looking; iar" $1100. "Jake," 523 Alder t. Broad way 2492. OVERLAND ROADSTER. LATE MODEL WILL SACRIFICE. C. H. & S. CO 65 N. 23d St. Marshall 1428. LEFT FOR SALE. 1917 Reo 5-passenger touring In first class mechanical shape, looks tint, on. tire brand new. one extra tire: a real snap. r,n terms Call Marshall U16. IANDY roadster. Haynes. like new fun equipment, extra tire, newly painted. No. 1 a iaLe- trade for good, clear lot. Rose City or 'Hawthorne diet. Phone Marshall 85S. 4" UtiniiiEn :-r SSENGER touring car, electric Ugl'ta and starter, all in good shape, best offer takes it. See it at Lesley Garage, 8i Hawthorne. cite OD TC A ntn ROAD81HB on. ona v.. Machine in good condition, trad ror enuitv In cheap house, lots, acreage, H0-1 e?ty bonds or cash. AV 735. Oregonian. J.,1 Fa. into .fvJi' Hudson super six, 1917 model. e'n condition: new cord tires; ex-aoldler owner. erf canh. Phone East 8169. ERLESS limousine, in good condition, or PE Vlll Belt CliaShlS .ci.ait.a, ...... - ruck. A bargain If sold today. East 34 16. OLDSMOBILE, 7-passenger, 8-cyl., I"! Al COnalllOD, Hew liui uo, -"- a- ' r good paint; a real snap, $1115 cash. Owner. Phone 1 anor m 1 1 . 1017 MAXWELL. 5 passenger, good as new. ?w battery, new ures. iji. . - ish. Cull today. 230 Washington st. arshal! 243-i, or .nam ion. GET a car your family will enjoy: a Jeflery ri-pass., at a oargain uo. ' uu Part terms or trade, mono vjnmz imi. FORD touring cah. 1918 model. oo :tras. fine condition, ajoo casta u wi. ,y. 1040 K "ion st. c. 5-PASSENGER car In good running oondl tion, $300, half cash and balance $y monthly. 1997 E. MorrisnjtaorS. FORD touring. $300 cash if taken at 000.. r.asc tiiav 131" EQUITY In new truck or touring es for sal. at a disoouat. AB 1$. CMraconiaat