10 TIIE SUXDAT OREGOXIAX, PORTXAXD, 3IARCIT 16. 1919. REAL ESTATE. For -Ftnnt. WBER FARM JOINING WILLAMETTE RIVER. Ber la a (arm of the beat soil ar.d is good m r bottom lad. Junt siop enough to drain good. Tnis p. ace car.cut be bfai for the price asked, and i stocked and equipped. C'lnti of i 6s acres. neary a.l lev. 120 acres uittl r cultivation. -5 acres fir and ash umber. The soil is Al s-nuy 'om and is all fenced with ovea baroed wire. Ls tour rr.i.es from r a. road, on.y .3 miles from Port. ana, near ichoo!, church, dc: K. F. D. and telephone. Seeri springs id one cr . on good level 1 m,., good 4-roora huL-. ba.rn Soxo?. chicken-house, smokehouse. o:ter outb.U.s. Personal properly : - p.owi, 2 harrows, cuiti i:or, grain arid, 2 masons and n.a.i too;i, 1 team. 2 Coki. 4 hogs. 5o cntcaeos. The price of this piaca is on.y -1.0.. r..c!i la priced be low tne adjo.n-.na inJ. A cash pay ment of j'-a wi.l handle, ba.ance lor.a as wanted at 6 per cent. WM accept $1" govd city property or arr.a..r farm. HATCH OUR AD3. WE GET KESULId. WASHINGTON COUNTY FARM ON THE TCAUTIN KiVEK. 2 acres, .' arri ivei, 2. 3 bottom land. 250 acrrj under cultivation. 20 acres t itr. all kinds of sma.l berries. 2 acres 34-ear-o'd prunes, pears, cherries. pp.e etc. so.i ti Al. I,. Weil fenc-d with ovea wire nd bo-rds. A I read. l mi.e to s- h-o.. ciiur. n. store. e:c. K. F. L.. te'.e pnone. well watered, 2-s:ory. 8-room hous, joo'l condition: 3 bami. X sheep barn, bay earn. t.z of barn 4 42.v4. 4xI-H and 42X C4. pouii) house with cenirtii floor, wood hous. milk house, fruit house, all with cement f.oors; bog bouM 242. shop 14xl, rrioke houf. ch:iken house, etc. Water piped to b-l'dtngs. hot and cold water 1 a ho us. T r.iji is an e xi eed : r. e J y L ne fi-m asd wei: locate 1 and :s offered for $(2. woo. $o to lio.ttj'; iinn. t-a, nr.ee terms to ult lncumbrance. This property la clear X WOODnrP-N" FARM. Thii farm 1 of ti t-t and the so., is fr- from al fe t. tne bst It I v.e va ley. u! 1 leve . a rid cons.sts 1 - acres on the Willamette rive-r, jtMrj n..t overflow; Irt mTs gnu.ne p'iWTiiim, n.l s-ul Al b-aa loam, a. i I rnc -d w ; : h w .r. S niiic t l 1'. c ti arc h at id s hool. It. F. D.. .phor.e. gravel road. '1 el!s. gd i-r.ru ii..u-.e. larn 1 . granary, ihMM-n h"i"". c;c ; all crops in and tu'i d. Price JJl. '.'. s tH. canh. b. il.-nce terms to j.uit. W are tne iar.'"t land u-viiTi in Portland, tee la t-- for- bti vi tig. WAIlH Ol'r. AD?. WE GET LL-L'LTj. 5TOTK AND GENERAL FARM. 31 nii.es from Port. and. located In good M-mi:.ic sect. on w h-re the so:l is A 1, TMi firm well worthy of your con p"!trt':nn, cnits of JT i acres. -Oo level, .tcnes b-.tro-ri land; 1 airei In cut tiva::ri. some, ttio-r. finnly orchard. - nut fmrri fL 11. tati.n. good road. 3 s ;-r . r.ci, 2 r 1 w poor house, barn, ".. rri-n hou.t-. granary, per-So.-.al prop-riy. r.iv t-uiacr. new mowr. c raKe. n w nil t .va :or. new r niier. new 1 .c. 'J i' owj. (.a r r. vv. new d r.! i. war i:i ilour-f,-t-d in:ci;v. harness 1 same and a'L s:n .I tr...j nd-.i. 4 horses. l r. t. J cows; id chicker.s. i'ritre 9i4.vvOp t'fV'JO cash. VOL ALL A VALLEY FARM, acre. 3" rri under cultirgt'on, acre.- can be c J. tl va :.d. balance pa- ture. I i arrvrf .ih".l, There Is 1'Mh rorils of wrKid rn p.ac. fw b-rries. Iu opples. pr-in'S. plams and ciirri-". Al so;l. A!l f-nced wen w.rn a-d rail. U m.U rati m.id st .it ion. L'J intv i'ort'and. 1 mile SCii''ol. 1, F. V. and tphone; 2 springs. 1 cre-k. iloo-l graveled road. 2 wel.s, ion 1 7 -rrtom o d t' irn. fr.inarv, work shop. woo'1hil. iVMnnul property: I o-. h irrow. .iiijn, hack, cu tivat.tr. g-o.l tan. J to., 2 hlf'-r. 1 "i. tfer caif. 1 lier m .i : re w. pr u e $ 1 " "U; J'ioO casu. ba.anre a yesrs. b per cent. WASHINGTON1 CO I "NTT FARM. A r.tl firm t th rtrht price, Tl:.a f.tr-n t. tn A'.im, ; rt -a county and has 20 f rrj of g-riuine baer tiam on it. cor-.t.i of l'- acre?". 15 acr. s ur;rr : a.I .in b" Irri- r : d. p.erry ..f fine- wood. 1 acre rr.fard; Al back Inim soil, corn p c.y f-nted: mi -m to s-hoo!. it. . IX, tl't iitne. 2 fin c- ks. f:r.e r k road. 1 m.U s orf U at h;ci'a. 1 houjn". b.irn 3.1 .", w.v..N'd. rl:tik-n ho;; pr;r ". 4 1 . a a. T:: beavrriam alone is worth the price of tuis t -nj -e tt. WATCH Orn AP WE CET lUJSlLT.i Fix? EASTERN nr-F.ON WHEAT k a t:m. Th owner muf w il this p'are. It I a fon. v-maker. bn .. o:her b'nin-:?'. M a.-rm all r-r.t: ro.!iric. Al so. I. v.O .-r-v un.lr Pi ow. 4. a. r.. now in fa'i wr,-a:. un .nnt.ri O'-irrnr.-; a l f.nc"I; 4 r.i . t p '-'o-r c-. 2' rt-'.n to w- t:.. a 1 r '--a 1. tVphon; I e.: 2---orv. ;.ronrn ri.ijterrd houte. f; -.-.. r-.;i..i t inn ; full sen-.:-.t. e'r ; Pinmnc w.f-r p.r- -t to 11 tv 'linc: a.-o 4-riotn c"-i ?io r'; o-d r i rn n,jrn;n-v sMed ""n.". giratre 1i.'t. 2 rou!trr h,nfm n ndtnn. 1 in. '"''f r--sT.r. wnntl fihd 2" ;-: ' ftui.dii: fin y pi!ri--. an,', new; 1 tractor. M t Wrr.lck tLre.er. 1 .-.-bvom P ow. ..;-o,n p '.. -J I n.!--n ti.se r -irn. 4 icrt". 1 f mnlnr hmI; 2 ! !r:i . I t f 4 hr4. 2 J.r.- Co. TM.t farm 1. toc.tr.-d tn Shcrn.nn c-i mv jrd rmn.it l. a t at i'r pr $,'. ;.in.i (.uv-i.iiiw tTms to -w ' m a.ce;t r , Portland home to $0ouo and $jv uvi. Urn, on r.TTT r FARM. TM rr.'P.-i..;s.n f ,r b.;.-r tian fK '. OA. ..- t. t;- f-.-t :r t i'te bui'-l -s i' the ;-!"s: p- ar.J strictly ml r-n an! up ro ti.e :n r..i-; i; a I: f-n--.-1 n--. I " a.: en- y r.. ! .-t, .'... r. ti,'-r p'aw. p.n :i .. r; knuli b-'rri. f -v. ! v or. r.A rd of J :i,t., 1 mi . K. K 'T H K. P. :' i-Liip.. sihoot. F "i i 1 f -.e fMrv p. ist-red n"" :r-i m n H p...-f - fll ha-fTT- "d . r-. lo h eh fill I' I i . -"i . . tl i. nct; . : 2 f r.e creaks. 2 l?-.ri 2 r I -:. e f,.r . ba ante lor. . n"W t u '.vators. O. ..oO cas.l. hi if. a. WIT.LAVKTTE V A T.T.TTT FARM. F Tnr ti i: -.-.-: r.itTi; ir rcha m - I. K . 1 n - f,ir :oo e-,-.. r od b b l.Tl. ,i : ii p'.c p.. T.r- pr..- . : i-r. .-rd t a K n i",. r -.nt s.I. l r.ee 7' a, .;,j Cas-i, -z nee l;r:e. A. r.?T rr 2;-5 7 u g. r r Ft k. L.-v a ro. --ard vt Trade L. jc '1 (' ?tiir id of F'o. k or. "r aro'-r-.i- r W i ; b-:-. h- id . n a- h.im. ho.,-. t! care of h imm a on : h.S-S . hrSl r'- n-rv to f l-T. tcKn h"ie. 1 ..-f- d-l .l i V 1" ! 4 r r ha i h.vis, -led. bunk n . .. , en;.-e w h.v- p c f.-nred an.t crops I - n c. j. tnr ' ran h i r :.. Ire ; snia . 1 .'frry or on art!, r ai roa 1 i !irs on P ak e "V-W. R. Ac NV .1 ni trotn W:r. na. 2" mi.es frou .". fax. Whitman county; a.: c.ear and in good S'ife to handle except fd.-r ' ,oan of f 5.- "i, m h.c'i sri'i run ur.M K.'.2 at 5H per cent Interest. TMs is pay be snit-ai:ni:a':y an-! a s-nail amount ts pi d ot pr in h:9 5!2 pr cent payment so that t1! principal ner fa ls d ie a,n ! cie b i years to pay tt in. Price f-T.it W.'l take pivn:nt of .".n,.i and g;v ear tem: on the bal ince at 5 p-r cnt. .M eht r tke good a part men t proper-.v. prU.d rU.1i. J L. Wei s Com "a", r, r."$ k' .mr of Commerce b'c. FARMS F. -R SALE. $ '.... PS acr. T3 in t-.in-i stste of cultlvat'n. 8 -room bou. liri;- new baru. C'-.oie selected young fanuly o-ch.rd and ber r.e. Bfu:i:ul tr.iut stream runs throne h th place C, -m,i spm hors-s. 3 cows, winon and a", farm i rr. pVm c:. On ec-t-.c line and g,od rtad, -1 miles from Portland. ."."a" ca?h. 1'2 scree. r miles fro-n Port's nd. W irr' In cu"larion, 7-rotTi houo. ban '.d outb:1 .dir.gs. Rusnlrg water. 4 acres eeUd to grain. Slock and full farm tju:r"ier t. A. W. LAMPERT ?OV. f. E. Cor. Crwn.i A-. e.i Aider St. Po-tland. fiLT. Hn'cr FOR ?-.M TWOw TN 40 ACRES OF L.Wri. J fOWs AND CHICKENS. Located 45 miles from rortlanfl. 3ft acres el .and. r "od soli, fin pasture. cu!T ab! hn cleared: 4 acre :n cn Mention, ba'ance h:i' rapture tan? some timber, all ti-der good fence: on county road: splen did nnj, water rT'i to mode-n . rooni ho- hot ti'l co d water. hiti ar.l t d'e. !4oue. ic;uf ar.d pne Ur. cost $tia T o rood row. rh:rlir,i. $'j,".oo for : $"'i csh. I tetms on ba-aric at fr. S P m Hewer- 3t j i, n . HT V VN C'"1 VPANT, No. 7 Chamber of Corn U'.erce bid. SO L sN A P 2 ' d acres, near P. ose burg. O r., bout 2 acres cult., prunes. oThr fruit. t:niter will mor thsn pay for the pl-ice. good mad to haul, itood market, f.r- pi.ep rr roat rai -h . cheap. Fred Warn bach, rnnvrie. o- TA AfRF!-' New bulMtnrs. nrnmf stream. fir smrrg. tove'y fi ids: 3 blocks to car. ptv.'d rd 4' m -"l es ride; low price. Owner. ? t A wy b l r FOR SALS "iW acres. Ftrn C'ct. vhtit ranch. cJ improvflm-'Ots. j'-ice f o.jica aa.e $ per acre. Pbotte Last REAL ESTATE. For Hale -r arms. biOCK. TOOLS. CROP AND MACHINERY. iamolll County J-arm .None Better, o" V acres No. 1 land, 50 acres In cult! Vat ton and crop, 7 acres In past ure and umor, 4-room bungalow, new. bam 4Sx.;o. henhouse, tionouse. run. water, also water system piped from spring 1 ml. away; here you can have a nice lawn; this sstem is worth over $loo0 to the place. This land lies well, baa good drainage and Is No. oil; 5 miles from railroad town, 4 mil from school, on good graveled road, n white land, all heavy loam soil: with this place goes 1 team, cons. 1 caif, 2 brood sous. 10 shoats, weight about 120 lbs.; uti enrkens. 1 calf, p.u, barrow, waA-un, 1 light wagon, 1 set double harness, 35 sacks ot potatoes, some hay and all small tooi; price "i"0. $5'Mifj rash, balance terms. This place ls ready for you to ee at my expanse. YAMHILL COUNTY FVAPS. 45 acres. Is IN CULTIVATION. 8 acres In tlrr.ter. enough Hi t-growih timber to pay for tne .and; good barn, small house; H nni.e to school, on public road, 5 oui3 out; price $.T.oot terms. YAMHILL COUNT l STOCK RANCH. 2o -Acre Stock and Dairy Ranch. New 7-room p.astered bungalow, 2 large bans, all buildings In No. 1 condition, hus good water, hno running stream on one end of farm which is boundary line; loO acres in cultivation and vu acres in crop. !" acres la timber ar.d pasture, lot of giod tin.br on in is; all new fences and the land lies fine: toe 1H acres In timber can be farmed wnen cleared, enough Urn ber to pay for the land. This I arm situated ti ml'es from Mc.Micnvtlle on good grave. ed road; you can have electric litfi.is and muter in the bouse n you iitte tne owner will sell at a sacrince. as h has too much lar.d; 1H take yj.!) per acre; mile from school, K. r. u., phone; terms are $.;XK) caah. balance long tirr.e at 6 per ccnu iee thla at my ex- per.se and you wi.: buy. J. C. OILliERT, McMinnviil-, Or. I. O. O. F. xiidjr. fhone White 6912. SEE THIS FINE, WELL-EQtIPPED 130- A C i : fci FA ii M N E A R N L WlilShU, ON HARD ROAD. 1n0 acres in cultivation, most of It seed ed to wheat, oats, vetch. Some plowing I done for sprlntr crops. The beat of soil. I 11 s well, about o res pasiuro and timber, farni.y orchard, some fine land for berries and prune, abundance of good water, piped to hous. barn, furnishes nowr 'or tctric llchl. enMlace cut washing machine; barn loft holds tons nf lutv .t:i ataruhL.m for COWS. Stalls x h.rafl rranurv machine shed. 1 " 0- -iii.. ft-ro.im house, other outbldbs- Personal pioperty: la cows. 17 hogs, 4 I h-ires, hay and ensllaffe for feed, com- I plete st or larm iinpiyineniB. uuc n:: si;.o an acre. !' am Hewey. at J. IV HARTMAX COMPANY. No. 1 Cham- I ber of Commerce btdg. Excellent ranch of lVati acres In the V..;l-lcnnan l:mn.nT Vall.'V in SOUthem Ori-fnn. where climate Is moderate and W inter la miid: this is an attractive prop- i env. mostlv cleared land, with some r.m.i si-nrtHnr oa ami fir timber; It is situated on the Pacnic Highway close to a good town on the southern racmc Railroad; the bulluingn are sufficient and In rood condition: tl;e property is well ; fenced and ttier la Dlt-niy of water about one-half of the property la tillable. and there is sufficient now in cultivation to Droduce all the feed necessary; this nifl.r could altto b conveniently sub divided into smaller holdings: it would: make two or three good stock ranchei ior further particulars, write to WM. MaeMASTER, S31 U. S. National Hank Bids. Portland, Or. ACKOSS FiiOM HOOD RIVER. S. acre fruit ranch.: 00 acres In New town. Spitxenbergs. Rome Beauties and KtnK apples, besides D AnJou ana I P.-rtlett pears from 40 14 yeafs old; rive room p 1 a s t ered bungalow, with ha t h a n d I toiiet: cost SlSiMi- sjOoO box apple and I other oulbuiluliigs, running; water In I hou-e and bsrn; located three miles from I White Salmon. V. asli.; this is not an abandoned run-don n place, but an up-to-date. well-keDL. tavinr fruit ranch. which. Is Just now begmninar to pay and be a paying propOMi: ion ; place has cost owner over $2l.ooo; we are autnorUed to aell It for tl4. OOO; 14000 cash, balance to suit purchaser. Fred W. German, 32 Chamber ot Commerce. nrta nvr n"t rT? r- t a vpri rnriTrn "iT r v rirtS m n-' vrm . h vi-i v im v v . v,' hv TilK i ANOl acres In cultivation, most all ric bo; torn nd. ti rd and arows very neav cru. baianc pay turn and timber; watere. bv norm ir. cre- k ai.d "i. : fenced i oven i re. family o: chard, tiond 9-room house pninted whit. 2 good barns, gran ary an-l it:ier ojto.iiirs. ; complete set of farm i m pic men ' . Price $ ! - an a l .him) r 4-i cuidl terms on balance. Kirn fiewey. at J. L. llARTMAN COM l'ANY, No. i Chamber of Commtrce bldg IVlLXi: KANi'H. acra, f mis of Vancouver, Wash.. 1 riilcn irom Pihrs, a raiiro:i and siiipi'irig po.rt, ha'f hour's motor rn to civ; ;;; acres la prunes, last year crop brlrgmg J-rtoo. dri-r capacity 1 ten Ith na king hou-e connecting; 1 a : grain, 25 acres g'-od limner. r-sl i1-nc. Irn and oilier outbuildings, amp wat.r suii'v: h.e property or part ft sal at a uargaiu; good terms. Iminedia. I ..S.U.I' MACLEOD. 102 pn.iM'n? Tl'd S40-ACRE WHEAT R A NCil AT A SA iUFiCE. T.tcni4 in eitrn Or. wheat belt: 7: in i'ii'Mv:.:i)n. Ia:ar"e irood Itajetur. -oil: ffucetl with wire; fine el!. fair houso and barn. Ori" g-od crop will pay f..- Pnnii si.-, an ncre. one-third cj i. . - k ;.- S itu llrwi v. at J. J- II ! i: i f an'ci iMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Cotiniierce bldg. :.).ACHH chicken farm. 12 cultivation In fall vr.in nw T-riKtrn bumrtlow. rood barn n- w..tUb.wi nd dairv. double-deck ihi( krn l:out lio-.d team, wnron, har- nr., cow. 1 hog. 3 dozen chicken, fnnn tiiir Iniplementa antl tool., hay and straw, 1 nn! to MchtMt! and More. - mil' Port l. nd, on good tn fadam road; tills is a bargain; all for 'uf. t rms. AI.l.EN tl ALLEN, 4" Stock E ban ye. i T ' K r..nch near C -l !eirta'e, 715 a-'re; r from rwl!rmd sta t ion anl eleva iti ac.'fj under pLw, tut a res more ttlin t a:;ce tiKxl up-n b'lm h grass pasture; tt . f. n- .l and cros fenced. 2 wel s. sev eral spr't-. Rood .-ro.-rri h"U. with bath room, wir.nmill and tank: 2 larir bar. is. out ) i Id in . a bui t 40 head Hereford and lMirh tm .at. 0 hor.--s. all equipment in ci i.l-i In p-ue: $2" .id. half caah. Ld w.t.1 Atelir. 'obler.d:'e. Wash. "jt'sT L" K AT THIS F. 'It A FA K Al. i. 10 acres In hops. 8 acres In fruit " a. re timber and pasture, balance cu t.vat'.l tracts, f.ne sprtni; water, hoiiv, b m u:;d hop hous-; t hr. e -f ourt hs mi e from e e. trio ilefot In a higiily improved farrinr.t: district, only $120 an acre. I h.ive l..rn:i, inirroved. from $"5 to fl.'id an acre, and cm quote very reason- !)..' p ; ics and tern .? It. HOi.r:R' 2U-2V" Prtnnm Ft'i i:.ai I:H farm 35 mi. from I' rtland. m P -rtiii all c Clone K. K ; cult., most an :i ciover anu er.iin: .til btnldinr. two l.ne cons. tvo Lire-- w irk horses, full I in- of tools and machinery , place cleared $25"0 last year, will do atn this year; 3: acres bottom land; Kd hu. oats. 6 tons hay, big lot of t ken.: illnc of owner compels change. Pr.ce for ail $-"0 per acre; 5ooo cash, b.ii. A per cent, long time. L. MOORE, 317 Hoard of Trade. TIM UKU AND STOCK RANCH 6.2 acres cose lo c ra wirdsvine, ur.; esumatea oe-ta.-en 20 and 3d million fct saw and tie t:. ib.-r: al50 rood set farm build'.ncs and about 70 acres now cultivn ted. W;l sell verv easv terms or will sell timber on v. Also l.uve new snwmill not used yet. Mas do btis.ness q iick on account of dath In "fl Tilly. K. E. Warner, Crawlords- tile. or. FOR SALE. FARMS. 30 acres, fine for dairy or trucking. lH-acre dairy farm. 2d a.rcs. all in cultivation. 5 acre. M in fruit. Al! these places on the Columbia high v; t- rms. If you want land see A. L. :one. Portland. Rt. A. Box 300. Phone rcs'am 21 X ev.-n mcs. A'H'r.S in" Jefferson couity. h.i acres cu' 1 1 Vftieil. housei. barn. wv''s. sprtnss. all fenced. Io acrt s grazing land adjoining can be taken up. et e' ,-nt stock ranch. Price $1' per acre. Could take some trade. hcie lots. J. S. Knauss, 40 Stoctc Exch. b I'.g -Va.n 3270. KOR SALE FARM. SI er. along Tualatin river. S U. mil 5 E. Hlil-dvro. good barn, small houre. 60 fruit trees, all clear: good roads. mile to e't-c depot and ecnooihouse; some terms. Owner, 211 Shaver st.. Wdln. 4'i5. ACRES 3 mile- N. E- of Sifton. Wash.; 35 acres in cultivation. 10 acres beaverdam, family orchard; 5-room ho;ise. good barn. 1'rfce $l-i. G. W. Rankin, Brush p rn i rle. Y a sh. owner. t BAKc'i A IN -'O acres -f rich suii, 12 miles "south of Portland: 3 acres in cultivation; s.me f .ne cord wood timber. Price $;50t. crms. TSER. 417 Cbsmbr of Com. ACltE near Hiilsboro, Washington co. , P irt cultivated : bigncst bargain rvr of fered at $125 per acre. Complete desenp ..,,n writ- F. V. Em ley. B -lie Piaine. Kan. 4-aOKE farm for sale by owner. Deep, b ack loam soil. If interested call at 111 y - ' t. N.. Portland. Or. FCR SALE Dairy ranch, fully equipped, complete, with -ock and Implements. Ad dress Frank Hl'.ke. Independence. Or. TILLAMOOK farm for sa.e. Trnsk river bot tom : income last year. $7500. AV 752. Oregor.tan. LOOGED-OFF lands. $10 acre up: running waters, good soil. S tillable, employmsat; easy term. Jesse B. Sharp, S3 3d at. REAL ESTATE. For Sale harms. NO LIMIT TO TOl'R , POSriLBTLITTES THOUSANDS OF AMERICAN rarmers have grown rich in the past ten years, thousands more will grow rich dur ing the next ten years. Will yoa be one of nie in . iuu nive tne same OPPORTUNITY that others have. Decision and action on jour part wi;i turn the trick. The ridicu louniy low Driers for the fertile, nrorlmiivi prairie lands of Western Canada will not last lung. THIVk AP TT' IMPROVED flllAIN AND STOCK FARMS it,ALX TO CHOP THIS SPRING 15 to 4t an acre Small cnh payment and -ay terms. THKriE FARMS PRODUCE to So bushels of wheat per acre 5 to 100 buehels of oats per acre " 30 to eo busheJa of barley per acre All other small grains as well Hay both native and cultivated, produces No wonder American farmers are going to Canada four times as fast as they did four ears ago. 'inty get six acr-s for th( pr.ee of one at home and just as good . " -- m m flidKe money. v ne-d more farmers. We are a Canadian farmers co-operative company with five million dollars' capital ... j u, iai VM ,lt.u lty inrmers. w c handle grain, livestock and Implements. 4iuu uepariment was organized lo Service. You ran I rn r t h f I '..m u nv t reliable Information and advice. The very u'eut-ai uana ana commerciul standing. . -. f'" write tuiiay. UNITED (5KAI.V CHOWEKS" SECURI TIES COMPANY. LTD., Mc.M INN VILLE, OKEGON. 100-ACRB YAMHILL COUNTY FARM AT ttlUdl rKlCE. Located 3 miles from good town and e.ectnc line: y acres in cultivation. 63 acres ootiom land, very rich, balance s ishtly roiling; 10 acres ot pasture, fam- i; orcnard, assorted berry patch, wo en-wire fences: 20 acres In fall wheat some clover, plowing done for snrinj crops; running water, good ell. 7-room house, good fireplace, big new barn and suo, other outoidK.. in good condition You will notice most all of this farm li in cultivation, and the price only $100 an acre, owner will sell all or part of stoc.t and equipment now on plnre. which Is in ime condition, hee Sam ilewev, at J. L.. HARTMAX COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of commerce Diag. ALFALFA FARM BARGAINS. 40 acre?, i mile from Deschutes, water rtgnt paid for l.i acres, 10 more Irrigable 10 acres in alfalfa, 6 more ready for seed ing; modern C-room bungalow and other good build J nps; must sell; will sacrifice ior ?2oaO cash. SO acres east of Bend ; 70 Irrigable; water riRht paid for HO ac-es; very fair Duildinps; all fenced; school on place. rnre ionj, t aown. 10 acres near Bend; ISO Irrigated and water pain ior; no acres in alfalfa, ion in grain; good buildings. Price $12,600; J300O win nanuie. We also have alfalfa lands at Stanfleld. finest Irrigated district in the state; easy terms. LfEDDEMAXX COMPANY, P13 Chamber of Commerce. FINE 2.10-ACRE FARM 40 MILES FROM PORTLAND. HHS WHEAT CROP THIS TEAR. ONLY $73 AN ACRL. Snlendld soil. 1 S acr. In cultivation : loo acres of this rich bottom land, bal ance open pasture and timber; part of It sown to fall grain: some plowing done for spring grain; watered by ;i springs, creek and ell; fenced with woven wire. Or chard and terrivs. bl:r barn, new outblds-, fair house; 3 miies trom good town. Ad ministrator Is niaksnjr this low price in oi dor to settle an estate. See tam Hewey. J. L. tf ARTM N COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. DON'T PAPS VP THIS BARGAIN. Only 84 miles from Portland or hard- surface road; Id-room house full cement basement, has lichts and fuel, running water to all bldps .: extra large barn and outbuildings: new garage: family orchard. improvements rust over $ooo. I'rtee for all only flJ.SOO; S2OO0 rush will haniiie: or will sell 12 acres with improvements lor 4 U'KDDEMANN COMPANY, f 1 3 Chamber of Com merce. FARM. 120 acres. 60 acres cieared, balnnce timoer and pasture, good house and barn. water piped to all buildings; 10 acres in bearing prunes; brought income of $2000 net hist yea Over $2tm0 worth of stock and Imp mnis on place: price $150 per acre, with Implements and stock, or $135 without stock and imn.ements. This is a mom y-maker and a good buy. c i. ial.m.n. .-nerwooa. or. 39 ACRES, all alder land: 10 acres alder bottom, in cultii. at ion, balance of plate easy to clear; creek and spring, fenced and eross-fenced, orchard, old buildings, ci'se to il. D., telephone and school ; 4 mile to KJO-i town, 2 hours to Portland; $ 1 tin) ft.oo cash. bal. 7 i ears, 0. llux 97, Castle Rock, Wash. 5 Ac'RES. near Harrlsburc; 40 acrs und-r cullivatton, balance in pasture and lim ber, surface renliy rolling, good black sil, nil fencetl. ti-room house, good barn, in cluding 3 horses. 2 cows and fnrm ma chinery: owner must sell at once, on ac count of falling health; price $4O"0, $25u0 rash, balance terms. John J. Cramer, Har rihurs;. r. 12d ACRES, located 1 4 miles from R. R. ciatian and large store; o nines rrm gooa lit tie city; 30 acres In cultivation; good linn, uarn pud othor otit buildings; fine spring In yard ; good outMde range for Hi,.:k: (fjod soil. This place Is well worth the money. Price $40oo, half c.if h, lal nnca on easy terms If Interested, write to P. O. Hox 30. Kelso, Wash. Ill iHLV Improved Eastern Oreron alfa!fa farm. 140 acres, ruiiy paid up water ritrnt, lot k nntl farming implements complete, new modern 10-room house, concrete base ment, electric lights, telephone, etc.; lit niil'j fro'ii good town; $22" per a- re, part cash, balance easy terms. This is an extra good buy. Thompson, Swan & Thompson, 3d and Main streets. Vancouver, wash. 24 ' At. RES hi.l land, some cultivated, well watered, t.-room bouse, nam .ioxe, large orchard, fenced and cross fenced ; eve thine; complete. 2 hors. 1 head stock, mower, spud planter and all ot her tools and machinery. Mot desirable ranch ever offered at the low price of $25 p acre; 3 mil s from Stella. Wash. J. Kraus. 410 Stock Exch. hidtr. Main 327 K A II .MS FOR SALE. 20 acres, very choice. Just a fine coun try home. 3 miles from city limits, east cb to Columbia highway; choice varb-tj of fruits of ail kinds; 5-room house, brim '4x44. Get particulars from A. I. Sin Portland. Rt. A, Box 300. Phone Gresham 21 X. FOR SALE BY OWNER. in acres, 13 clear, part sowed down In Clover. 135 fruit trees. & acre trawbr rl'., other berries for family us, 2 miles east of city limits, cm -Lstarada carline at Pt U Rose station. Stephen Reuicg, proprietor, larm Implements and stock if desired. FREE government lands Our official 112- page dock, vacant government Lands, lists and describes every acre in every county In U. S. Tells location, place to apply, how secured FREE. l'Jl'J diagrams and tables, new laws. imts. etc. fries 25 cents postpaid. Webb Publishing Co., Dept. 132. St. Paul. Minn. SACRIFICING on account of health; M sec tion in garden spot oi -asrington, in c'uding $i;moo worth of .ck. $2000 ma chinery, $2000 furniture, $2o00 improve ments; loou. Ra" bargain at $20,000. Write owner for terms. C R, Thornton. It ice. Wash. FOR SALE Farm of SO acres, about 40 cleared, some heavy timoer. located 3 miles north of La Center, 34 miies east of Woodland; price $7500, For terms and further particuiars call or address E. H. Weber. Koue 2. Box 40 La Center. Wash BEFORE you buy come to Gresham. We have many gooa ouys in sm.in larms. acreage, chicken and berry ranches: close to Portland and paved roads. Krider & El kin g ton. Gresharr SoO-ACRE Sherman co. wheat ranch, part in wheat ; $45 per acre : consider $50n0 to $lo.oo0 in clear property and a little cash; - crop payments on the remainder if you want it. I-. K. Moore. 317 Iionrd of Trade. FOR cattle and sheep ranches In the beau tiful John Day valley and wheat ranches in eastern Oregon write M. Fitzmaurice, Condon. Or. 35 years' experience with cattle and sheep. PRACTICALLY A GIFT Ten acres. 2 cleared and planted to 100 young app'e trees, house, summer kitchen, well and fence, fine soil : improvements worth th is price, jooo. urn ui " asit. Einsi o'to. WILLAMETTE valley farm for sale, 106 acres, 3-r miles good town, graveled road, well watered, woven wire fences. fair buildlnps. cheap for cash. Is6 N. Main St.. Lebanon. Or. FOR SALE cheap. 10-acre farm; 2 miles from Hermiston, Or.; under govern ment Irrigation ditch; dry ciimate. R. G. Ross 976 E. Stark St.. Portland, Or. 160 ACRES About 15 acres level land; will relinquish for $201 If taken by March 110; bal timber, fir, cedar and cascara; creek on p'ace. 90S E. Aider. STOCK RANCH. 10 acres, four barns, crop hay, 40 head of cattle, horses, hogs, bees, ma ch nery: $0500. 7-H Harlan, Or. BOND FOR REAL ESTATE AGENT. Everv agent required to furnish $1000 bond. We write them. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH, 19 ACRES. S miles Forest Grove, good house and bam. 17 acres In cultivation; price $1300 FlooO cash, balance long time. Ap pl 732 Patton road. CHICKEN! FRUIT GARDEN RANCHES. Kr Portland. $75 to $200 per acre, easy terms; best soil. Farms for sale, all alaes. M eFax land, 602 ieoa bldg., -vJorUand REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. 100 ACRES near Portland on paved road. Ideal dairy place, over 100 cleared. For price and terms, see M. E. Lee, Su5 Cor bet: bidg. FOR CHOICE irrigated alfalfa land along Columbia nignway, see owner, ai4 enam. of Com. 160 ACRES, $6 per acre; house on same timber. AO 66, Oregonian. ONE thoroughbred cockerel R. I. Red, 7104 to-'d ave. S ti. ait, sc ott line. IF looking for good farms at reasonable prices call 821 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE will leave It up to you. Do yon know of any one who sens more real gooa nouses and bungalows than the A. G. Teepe Com pany? We devote practically all our at tention to the better class of homes. If you have something to sell ranging in price from 30o0 to $15,000, get in touch with us. It will be to our muiual advan tage. A. G. TEEPE CO., 204 Stark et., near 3d. Main 3516. WANT modern house up to $5000 In ex change lor 12.70 acres, v-year-oia cnerry and pear orchard on Pacific highway, bet. Newberg and McMinnfc'ille, rignt at sta. ; good house, barn, chicken house and well; t-itn nod anil. Price S.'iUSO GODDARD &. W1EDH1CK, 243 Stark St. I ACREAGE WANTED. w have many clients who want to pur chase from 1 to 10 acres, with Improve ments, within 10 or 15 miles of Portland. List with us while the demand is gooo. GKL'SSI & BENNETT. 31S Board of Trade Bldg. HOUSE about 7 rooms, located between Hawthorne ave. and Division st and u. lth and E. 2bth ats.. or will consider nronosal from lot owner to build for me at a stipulated amount down and time payments on balance. J boi. oregonian WE HAVE farms, both in Washington and Oregon, for saie or trade, also homes and vacant property; if you want to buy, sell or trade farms, homes or business of any kind, give us a trial. H. &. U. Realty Co., il; Sweiland bldg. PAV SELL TOL'R PROPERTY. Acreage, small farms and ranches wajited immediately. Clients waiting. Many with cash. O. C. GOLD EN BERG Abington Bldg. "35 Years In Portland." Main 4b03. AM looking for a Rose City home; would consider 5 to 7 rooms either house or bungalow; w ould like it near car, and can make substantial payment. L 113, Oregonian. WANT a clear lot in high-class district; have $200 cash, clear, desirable quarter block on boulevard at Sea view. Wash., and a ftOxM) corner Killingsworth and 4otli ave. Woodlawn 4106. IF ioU have a suburban home of 1 to 10 acres we win soil it witnm 10 days u tne price and terms are right. Coe A. Mc Kenna afc Co. Alain 4522. 2 4th St., Board of Trade. REAL estate wanted. Have cash buyers for hou.ses and lots. Have farms to trade for houses and lots. We guarantee square deal to all. Send your listing to 6-12- Ol&t St., Portland, Or. H. C. Carver. HOUSE WAN TEXT. Have Chevrolet, V.IA model, and amall amount of cash as first payment on five room modern house. Wood law u 403S. Pearl O'Neil. WANT an Irvington home, 6 to 8 rooms; wouid consider a bunpalow; must be mod ern; will pay from .jmo to $woo, witn suitable down payment. L U15, Ore- oni;m. ANTED A home of 7 or 9 rooms on west bide, south of Washington st.; will pay cash. What have you ? H. & tl. REALTY CO.. Main 7592. 015 Swetland Bldg. REAL estate for sale. Have buyers for large or mali farms. Farms must be as represented. Guaintee square deal for both purtiee. Send your listing to C212 1H Ft st.. Port lan d.Or. H. C. Carver. I HAVE a client with all cash looking for a ti-room bungalow in a restricted dis trict for about $3200. Mail me full de scription at once. No phone information desired. J. J. McCarthy, Abington bldg. I AM in the market ior a good home. Must be In good district. Will pay cash if neo essury. Pieaae give address, price and do tal, s. F &:!, Oregonian. , 1 WILL pax up to $0000 for a real good bungalow in Irvington or Laurelhurst. I'ltaac give all detail in letter as to prkie, pip. T litli Oreconi-in. V WANTED to buy Btrictly modern home, 6 to H rooms in restricted addition, irvington preferred. Bungalow style, $4000 to $0OO0. rimne laoor r.M-t WILL pay casn for Rose City bungalow. Must be modern. ill pay what it actually worth. Want to deal direct with owner. P Ml. Oregonian U ANT auod. modern bungalow in Haw tiiorne district. If you own a good bunga . low, let me hear from you. Give location and the price you ask. A 6d, Oregonian, WANTED 5 acres improved, to raise truck on, worth $1lrk), and w ithin five miles nf potuoffice, and tieur Portland. O 40i Oregonian. WANT WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS Or similar location, home with a view up to o.ito; client waiting. J. C. ColiLiIN CO.. 3O5-0-7 Lewis Bldg. I AM in tiie market for a home in Alameda would consider bungalow or house; must be modern; will make suitable first pay ment. L 114, Oregonian. WANTED 320 acres of good land, not over 30 mi.es from l'ortlund. partly improved p i ve dtscriinion of iand. road and price. Henry b . Cover, 04 L nion ave. o ott 0-r(Mm modern house in good district. U ill trade 5-ronm modern house and Li'ij Grant six mat nine or pay cash difference. lib Jo i, Oregonian. I WANT a home in Hawthorne or Groveland park; must he modern, irom o to 4 rooms can make payment to suit. L 911, Ore gonian. WANT TO BUY TODAY. Modern house tfrom owner) $200 down, $25 per month, near car; need furniture. Phone before 2 P. M. Broadway m t0. WANT BUNGALOWS "AN Y W HERE- Whun can be handled on $5oo cash pav IllelHS. J. C. coilBIN CO.. 305-C-7 Lewis Bldg. WANT to buy modern house, 4 to 6 rooms; give particulars in letter. AJ 245. Ore- goninn. I WANT a modern tt 'or 7-room bungalow in Laurelhurst; will make suitable down payment, bal. monthly. L 910, Oregonian. I WANT the best home that $1S00 to $2500 wiil buy, east side to 71st st. Give loca tion an-1 price. AH 70. Oregonian. irvington homes our specialty. TO ItUV OR SELU SEE NEt'HAUSEN A CO.. N. W. BANK BLDG. WANTED 5 or 6-room bungalow from owner; Rose City car; give phone. AK 100, Oregonian. PI EcE of 'ncome. apartment house pre- lcrred. for cash, to $ J a, 000. jy 617, Ore gon Ian. MODERN" R-rrn. bungalow, Hawthorne disL, "-this side or ,rotn st; foo casn, 20 per month. BD 173. Oregonian. HA E louo fox modern home; can pa$ S25 month on Daiance. John P. weston Co., 0J0 N. W. bank bldg.. Main 3002. WANT 2 lots in Rossmere or Rose City Park, below the iuu; must oe a oar gain, .'none Tabor 74i3. WANTED Bea h property: will pay cash for Seaside house: give bottom price first letter; private party. AE b55, Oregonian. WANTED About 30 or 20 -acres. Improved, worth -'it mi, to grow beeds on, that Can be bought on terms O 416, Oregonian. WANT a modern house on PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Not over $8000; must be ba r gn i n. AP 778. Oregonian. A FEW acres within 15 miles Portland with natural trees, running stream or gooa spring. B 175, Oregonian. HAVE clients waiting for modern 5-room bungalow, what nave your nitcncock, oo 4th st. Main 113. WANTED Modem bungalow in or near Irv ington fartt. -rice must oe rignt. own ers preferred. AC 456, Oregonian. WANTED 20 acres, part - improved, near carline. Must be reasonable. No agents. N 433. Oregonian. fRADE 5-room modern bungalow on car line for 5-room modern bungalow off car line, worth $3500. O 216, Oregonian. iTrOOM bungalow, worth $3000, that can b bought on terms. Prefer Sellwood or Rose City. S 398, Oregonian. WANTED City lots or lot not over 3 blocks from car, paved streets: must be reasonable ror casn. laoor -ipui. WANTED To buy rooming house. 1404. IMPROVED chicken and truck tarn), worth. $2000. X ot, ureguamn. FROM OWNER Best 5-room modern bouse for $2500 cash. C 197, Oregonian. WANT best littl ELLZEV. 100 H house $750 will buy, Fourth. Main 1393. WANT best modern house, good location, $4000 will buy. lodi Fourth. DO YOU want to sell your bungalow? Call Broad way 266, Monday or Tuesday. WANTED Lot in Rose City Park or Ross mere for cash. Main 5812. WANTED Small. modern bungalow Irvington. AE 688, Oregonian. BUYER can pay $300 down on 30 to 60-acre farm; must have bouse. 2uL Wilcox bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE Phone Main 5433. 6th and Washington. crAr.us-ai t. V t-.NS CO.. SUITE 511-12-13 WILCOX BUILDING. HOMES WANTED. If parties having homes in Portland for sale win can at our offices In W ilcox Diag. and list their properties with us. can get Quick action if your place is wort what you ask. our quick selling methods get results; no charge ior listing; nothing too iarge or nothing too small. Come ia and talk it over with u Phono Main 5433. 6th and Washington. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED, SPARKS-STEVENS CO.. ' SUITE 611-12-13 WILCOX BULL DING. WANTS APARTM B.T HOUSE. Client has finely improved farm about miieo irom r-oruana, near Oregon elec tric. Price $25,000, clear of incumbrance. wants close-la apartment noose- up 1 45, 000. Have another client with $25,000 worth ciear .romana property on west side, an An, io give xor apartment no use up $50,000. LUE DDE MANN COMPANY, 13 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED YOUR HOME TO SELL. WE SOIJ3 4 PAST WEEK!. We want homes in Rose City. Alameda, iaureinurst, nawtnorne, any good district Call us, we will come see you and arrang to show our home. We have a number of quica ouyers ready to put down cash. CLEVELAND-BAR R-HENDEKSON CO., 212 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 6752 WHEN you place your house on the mar. you waui to sen it, not just nave it "tor Bate. Experience and personal salesmar ship is what you require and what you win receive irom us. we want gooa list ings in Irvington, Laurelhurst, Rose City aim xiawtnorne. KASER & RAJNEY, 823-26 Gasco Bldg. Mar. 3125. STRICTLY modern home of at least S rms. in exchange for modern 6-room home and some casn. POINDEXTER. Real Estate. Fire Insurance. 212 Selling Bldg., Main 1S00. Residence Phone Marshall 2234. HOlibb se;Iing is my specialty. I can sell you.-s. Have cash buyers. All listings Biveti proper attention. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C A. W AKKlN2.lt, RITTER, LOWE CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. JS YOUR HOME FOR SALE? We have buyers waiting for homes I all parts of the city from $1000 to $3000. iuuis may De tne one tney want. Ask for Mr. Farns worth. THE BRONG COMPANY. 207 Oak St. WANTED at once (for cash buyers), bar gains in lots or nomes in Kose City, .aureinurst and uawtnorne. A. K. HILL CO., 214 Lumbermen's Bldg., 5th and Stark. Broadway 421. I WILL pay cash for five or six-room strict' iy modern uunca ow in itose citv farK, with garage or room for one; must be west of Tuth st. and below the hill: pre fer north of Sandy. 1 mean business. Marshall 2403 Monday. WANTED Moderate-nrlced C-room house navo i acre with iruit, house ana barn. 2 blks. from 1st Nat. Bunk In city of rewwerg; also stock in best coal propo sition in N. W., as part payment. T. ii. io orahftm ave., Portland. i A.N'l one or two acres, with nr wiihnn buildings, in cultivation, $1500 to $2500 uu terms. A?k for Mr. Farnsworth," THE BRONG COMPANY, 207 Vz Oak St. ROADSTER FOR SAIE OR TRADE. Machine In good condition; trade for equity in cneap no use, lots, acreage, lib erty bonds or cash. AV 735, Oregonian. WANTED Best strictly modern Hawthorne, Rose City or Laurelhurst, 6-room clear bungalow $.Lo0 will buy. Full particulars and house number in reply. I mean busi- ne.33. J 022. Oregonian. HAVE customers for lots in Alameda Park. Vernon, Rose City Park. Elmhurst ;.nd Kossmere and other good locations paved streets and near carline. J. S, Knauss. 410 Stock Exch. bldg. Main 3270. FOR SALE Portland Heights building site gorgeous view, level ground; no chance ot a siide; one -of the few good sites left In the exclusive section. Cor. 10 to. and Myrtle. Maifi 2077. WEST SIDE PROPERTY WANTED. Have ready buyers for houses south of Madison su If your house is for sale see me at once. John Singer, 420 Chamber of Comnwrce blag. WE can make a quick sale for you of lots properly priced in Rose City, Rossmere and Laureinurst. see us at once, ivaser & Rainey, b23-26 Gasco bldg. Marshall .1 1 irn. HAVE client wants to buv home near car line, four or live rooms, hardwood rtoor in living room, furnace; $2Ho to $:ooo, good down payment, to oO per montu, A t Baker, Main 3o2. WANTED 5 or 6-room houses in Rose City Park, Hawthorne district or Ala meda Park; $2500 to $3500. for buyers waiting. E. J. GEIPER, 417 CKanfBer of Com WANTED 10-20 acres land, small or no improvements; must be on passable road and within 70 miles of Portland on through line; give description and terms. V 124. Oregonian. WANTED To rent or buy. easy terms. 5 or 0-room house or bungalow, looxlOO lot, no gravel, any district with 6c fare Peninsula preferred. H 5, Oregonian. WILL PAY CASH for modern two-family flat building In good neighborhood, near car, 5 or 6 rooms each. East 1!47. WANT modern 5-room bungalow; will trade half section unimproved Lane county land, free of incumbrance, for your equity. R 545. Oregonian. WANT good 7-room house, close in on east side, between East Ankeny st. and Haw thorne ave. Price must be right. C. E. Adams, 507 Chamber of Commerce. FOR quick action on your home phone to Derr & King, uroaaway -on. xney are alive. Ground floor office, 304 Oak st. Autos to show property. HAVE client waiting for 5-room house. modern, witn garage ana nara suriace street. If a bargain, will pay cash. C. E. Adams, 507 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANTED A nice o-room bungalow, with large lot or acreage, on gooa auto road or hard surface street. C. E. . Adams, 507 Chamber of Commerce. CASH buyer for houses m Rose City and Laurelhurst. J. ROB BINS. 301 Ry. Ex. Tabor 5310. Main 7931. WANTED Five or six-room house on one- hall acre grounu or more, ciose in; mignt consider purchasing; adults. AP 793, Ore gonian. WANTED Lots in Rose City Park, must be a bargain ior casn: x mean ousiness so ir you want to sell get busy. AB 1S1, Ore gonian. WANTED Modern bungalow in good dis trict, o to 7 rooms. oive lowest cash price and location first letter. A 38,Ore goniHTi. WANTED Modern six-room bungalow or house ; reasonably close in ; easy terms. Can pay about $300 down, balance month ly, including interest. AF 160. Oregonian. HAVE up to $2000 and 40 acres fruit land, three miles irom Lyie, wasn., ior o-room modern bungalow in good district. Tabor 2024. OWNER of a patent wants to trade for 5 or 6-room bouse, auto or acreage near city. N -48, Oregonian. WANTED From 1 a. up. under cultivation; must have dwelling, near Portland or good town. W 798. Oregonian. WANTED Modern bungalow for 20 acres, good soil, with some improvements; 20 miles out and assume. M 30, Oregonian. WANTED 5 to 10 acres, close to car line, good 6-room house and improve ments; terms. Phone Woodlawn 2274. WANT to buy modern house, 4 to 6 rooms; give particulars In letter. AJ 245, Ore gonian. FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW Rose City or Hawthorne; paved district preferred. East 6453. Main 3429. 5 TO .20 ACRES wanted on Red or O. E. car lines; give full particulars and terms. T 74, Oregonian. WANT small furnished house with place for auto, on easy payments. S 404, Orego nian. - WANTED1 6 or 8-room house In Irving ton or Laurelhurst, from $u500 to $6500. AN 761 Oregonian. SMALL house, preferably country place; not over 4 rooms ; owners only ; easy terms essentia). AO 85, Oregonian. WANTED To buy a 5-room bungalow. Rose City Park or closer in, not over $3500 Phone East 7736. Owners only. AM In market for Rose City lot below the hill: if you have a bargain for cash, Phone Tabor 6451. HAVE buve'ra for small and large houses. J. Bobbins, 301 Ry. Ex., Tabor 5319, M ain 7931. HOUSE wanted; exchange nice suburban acreage. Owner, 212 Mohawk bldg. Ta bor 18S3. WANTED Have customers for bungalow, R. C. Park or Hawthorne districL F. W. Torgler. 1C6 Sherlock bldg. GOLDSMITH'S or King's Addition lot wanted by private party. Phone evenings, M a rs haM 5785. - WILL pay $300 spot cash for lots in Al berta, Woodlawn. etc. B 190. Oregonian. WANT 5 or 6-room bungalow; 1 or 2 lots as part payment. G 720. Oregonian. 1 OR 2 ACRES with building. Garden Home vicinity. AV 743, Oregonian. - WANTED A small modern house; good jot as first payment. Sell. 1917, WANTED REAL ESTATE. l-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-ft-10 11-12-13-16-15-16-1 7-1S-19-20 21-22-23-24-25-26-27-28-29-30 31-32-33-34-35-30-37-3S-3a-40 41-42-43-44-45-40-47-4S-49-50 51-52-53-54-55-50-57-5S-50-60 61-62-C3-64-65-60-67-6S-69-70 71-72-73-74-75-70-77-78-70-80 S1-82-S3-84-S5-S6-S7-S8-S0-00 91-2-y3-l4-5-6-97-!8-91t-100 I Yes, 125 homes were sold since January 1 by our office, and we wilt increase this percentage if we can get modern homes to sell af the right price and terms. In good districts, convenient to street cars, wny: Because we sell homes exclusively. We make a specialty of this branche of real estate business and have the most ef- ficient" selling organization in this city. composed of 7 experienced real estate salesmen, each with an automobile at his disposal. Each house listed with us is personally inspected and appraised by expert appraiser. Each uhotocraDh placed on display In our display room In I its respective district. It is not pigeon holed and forgotten. List your house with us toaay. ii your price is right we will make a quick and satisfactory sale for J you. oince open evenings and Sundays. &ee FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buv Your Hnnrw Abington Building, Main lobS. Main 6156. oince open .Evenings and Sundays. LIST WITH US FOR RESULTS. Have calls for email tracts priced right; can get you quick action, as we specialize on acreage, ir your place can be sold w can do iu Try us and be convinced. Want now 5 and 10 acres near car and hard surface road. Have several cash custom ers waiting. LUEDDEMANN CO., 913 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. RANCH SUITABLE FOR HOGS. WANT OWNER TO JOIN ME. COM MERCIAL HOG RAISING. I WILL FUR NISH "BROOD SOWS" ALT. VOIT f V HANDLE TO ADVANTAGE: DESCRIBE lli CONDITIONS; WATER. FEED. R. R. ETC. ADDRESS O 473. OREGO- I IS JAA. BUNGALOWS WANTED We have several clients wno want modern 5 or 6-room I oungsLiows in Rose City, Laurelhurst, Irv- .ington or some other good district, up to ytoow. ior results list with us wlnle selling I GRUSSI & BENNETT. SIS Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. WANTED HOMES OF QUALITY AND MERIT. HAVE MANY STAPLE CLELNTS I WHO BUY READILY. LIST NOW. WE 1L.L,Li lOCR HOME. MAIN 4S0"J. G. C. GOLD EN BERG, 215-16 Abington Bldg., Hi6U Third. "35 Years in Portland." WE have cash buyers for bargains in real I coiAko. v pa.i ucuiany want a gooa apartment-house, two housen on to atno one for $6000, west side, vacant lot .south I of Morrison street, and a good income I property up to $25,Ouo. R. F. Bryau, 5u0 iitiiiiucr ui v-uiuiiierce. v IRVINGTON OWNERS NOTE. Buyers waiting at Street's Irvington headquarters for Irvington homes and lots. Have you either you will sell? Ad- R. T. STREET. Irvington agent. East fel'4. 601 E. Bdwy. Farms Wanted. RANCH SUITABLE FOR HOGS. WANT OWNER TO JOIN ME. COM- JHB.KUIAL HOG RAISING. I WILL FUR NISH "BROOD SOWS." ALL YOIT CAN HANDLE TO ADVANTAGE: DESCRIBE LL 1 CONDITIONS; WATER, FEED, rt. uru AOJJttESS O 473. OREGO NIAN. FARMS WANTED. I have cash buyers for farms. I can sell yours if the price and terms are right and well located. S-e Sarn Hewey, at J. L. HARTMAX COMPANY, No. 7 Cham ber ot commerce Diag. FARMS WANTED. We have buyers for good farms, priced rignt, in to iuu acres, and some larger; also have many inquiries for farms to rent. If you want to sell or lease your farm senu us description and we can Handle for you. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 013 Chambc-r of Commerce. CASH BUYER. T want the best close-in farm that can be ! handled with from $3000 to $5000 cash; I ; will assume up to $10,000 on the right i piace. j ui :f, uregonian. WE CAN SELL YOUR FARM. If your farm is salable we have a sure- snot plan which always brings -results; send for listing blanks and give us a trial. ST. CHARLES LAND CO. (Farm Land Specialists. I St. Charles Hotel Lobby. 204 Morrison St. LAND WANTED. Small tracts and chean farms, with livable buildings and some under cultiva tion; give name the place is known bv and full information. We can sell them if priced right- John Ferguson, Gerlinger niiiiuing. CAN SELL RIGHT AWAY. Acreage and small, close-in farms. I can t auooly the buyers I have waitinir. Give full details, price and terms first letter. B. F. KELLY. 715 Swetland Bldg. FARMS AND ACRES WANTED. We have buyers waiting for farms and ere tracts. Send in description of your property. we nurry. HhLIABLK 1NVESTAIENT CO.. 309 Oak st. Broadway 4133. BACHELOR, 37, warns about 20 or 30 acres, suitable for dairying: not over 30 miles irom Portland: has o00 cash and ranch north oi Spokane worth $2000. BJ ; 322, Oregonian. OVER 300-acre homestead relinquishment or. good eageorush land in wen settled valley of southeastern Idaho. Twin Falls I ate t net; $.oo value. v nut have you c, 4uu' asn. st. I'lione Bdwy !t4. LIST YOUR FARM LAND and acreage with me. I e-n sell if the piiCJ 13 ritJin. liujtrs waiiuig. W. . BO RLE i . fi?.j Irving st. Mean 2963. WANT EX) Equipped slock ranch in south- River orchard farm and city property, value $27,000, in exchange. F. Fuchs, 420 Chamber of Com. HAVE cash buyer for an improved farm of irom 30 to 40 acres within 21 15 miles of Portland, on good road. Cul- nson co., 20a3 Morrison st. Wanted to Rent Farms. WANTED To rent, with option to buv. 200 acres or more in or near Washington county; some cleared land and some wood. ouildinffs: want deal witn rignt man owner; nothing from booster or agent. Al la. oregonian. FINE garden land close to market; grow j celery, onions, poppers. lettuce, etc. ;i everything furnished ; will take share of crop; single man preierrea. laKe Ore gon City car to Fern Ridge station, walk; i-mile west. J. Al. honoweu. IF YOU want to rent your farm, transfer your lease, or sell your stock, crop and implements, send us description. We do not ask exclusive contract, and make no charge unless we get you a deal. Luedde- mann Co., is cnamper or commerce. SMALL ranch, suitable for raising chickens, located on good road within 15-miie ra- i dius of Portland, inquire ox j. j. &uf bury, 398 E. 32d st., city. WANTED To rent small ranch suitable for garden; best of care given. Address I 503 Borthwick street, city. WANTED Garden ranch, about o acres. with option of purchase; must be close in, near transportation. ai t, ureBuuiau. WANT to lease good house, barn and acre age, east side, close in, as soon as pos- ,sioie. Tabor 7202. WANTED To rent 3 or 5 acres, with house and barn, near .fortiana, mono juunuay. De Koning, East 657. WANTED To rent a small farm or a prune orcnara; preieraoiy in lamu o., nan., particulars wanted. AF 170, Oregonian. WANTED To rent few acres pasture with small hou-e and barn, li iy. oregoniai- Ti' -v-i- fiIt-v farm will hnv I fho nt,u-b - EtntA nrice. (J loi. ureeomaiL FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT Dairy ranch, 32 acres, half cultivation a ml. east a n, naru-sunace road; will sell stock at value; rent ranch 3 ' yrs. McKinley Mitchell, 202 Stark, A and Main 2131. FOR RENT Several large bearing Royal Ann cherry trees; enormous crop last year; with acre of ground for garden. East 1619. EIGHT ACRES for rent; fine soli, close In; house, small barn, rrun trees, some rasp berries, line ior poultry ritiaiufi, true it gardening. Phone .ast .o?m. 120-ACRE farm for rent or sale; 75 acres in cultivation well improved; 4 mi. southeast of Boring. Inquire at 1193 E. 31st st. N. after 4 P. M. 1, 3, 5, 8 ACRES, good for gardening, near 6c carline. Apply comer 89th and East Stark, Mt. Tabor; MT88th) car to end, four blocks north, one east. FOR RENT 10 acres with buildings; weil manured Would sell team and. farm tools 1 mile south and east of Beaver ton. S. Clifford, Beaverton, Oregon. lOii ACRES, orchard, house, water, ex cellent soil; on Molalla ave.. Oregon City. 774 Pleasant ave., Oregon Cltv 20 ACRES, good house, barn, chicken house, at Orenco; will rent or sell on easy terms. Main C773 or Main 1868. FOR RENT FARMS. FARMS FOR -RENT, 5S0 acres, 4o0 acres level, 450 acres under plow : all fenced; mile from R, R., in Morrow county; Al aoll: mile school; 1 spring, 2-room house, 1 barn 40x50; personal property tor sale: header, drill, gang Oliver harrow, 3 wagons, disc, fanning mill, 450-gal. water tank, 2 header boxes, etc., 8 head horses, harness, 1 cow, 1 heifer, 10 tons wheat headings. Price $2365, cash. 2S2 acres, Gaston, Washington county: 120 acres under plow, 65 acres) bottom land, unlimited outrange; family orchard, all fenced; 6 miles R. R., H mile to school, R. F. D., springs, 2 creeks, well. 8-room house, barn, chicken house, bsjr house; rent $800 year. Personal property for sale If wanted. 200 acres, Sutherlln, Oregon, adjoining town ; 200 acres under plow, 100 acres can be cultivated if wanted; R. F. D., telephone, 17-room house fine condi tion, city water to all buildings, 2 food barns, 2 silos; lease 2 or 3 years. $2000 year. Personal property for ale if wanted. 25 acres, Gresham; 23 acres under plow, family orchard, 4 blocks to town; city wa ter, 5-room house good condition, wood shed, chicken house: rent, $250 year. Per sonal property fsr sale: Plow, harrow, cul tivator, mowing machine, small tools, A cords wood, 2 horses, S acrea wheat. Price, $350. A. G. BENDER, RITTER. LOWE A CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. I I I I I I I FOR RENT. WILLAMETTE VALLET FARM. 200 acres, all in cultivation: all neces sary outbuildings; fine house, all modern; city water piped to house and barn; enough water for irrigating; large family orchard and all kinds of berries and grapes; well fenced with woven wire; an Al ranch and a fine home place in rail road town in Willamette valley; enough stock will be left to run the place and in cluded in the rent, which is $2000 per year, half cash, with balance payable after crops are off; good corn land; 20 acrea now in wheat and 50 or more in other grain. For further particulars sec STANLEY S. THOMPSON. 302 Oak. GOOD FARMS FOR RENT. Lane county lol acres, 63 acres in cul tivation: near Eugene; good buildings. Rent $250. nn , Clarke county, Wash. 10 acres. S3 in cultivation, near Battle Ground, good build ings. Stock, farm tools, crop and rent to Sept. 1, 111, J14O0. mt, t Clarke county. Wash. 90 acres, o in cultivation. 30 cres beaver dam; near Van couver. Rent $550. Multnomah county 20 acres, 11 in cul tivation, near Holbrook. Rent $50. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT 10-ACRE FARM. APPLY 171 THIRD ST. TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER MEN, ATTENTION. We can help you raise money through bond issues. We also have choice timber tracts and sawmill propositions, from the largest to the smallest, on 'favorable terms. 25 years experience. See us if you want to do business. TIMBER-LAND BUREAU. Board of Trade Bldg., Portland, Or. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE for business propefty. 3 timber claims, one in x-acuiu county. Wash., cruising ten million, mostly lovely fir; one in Callam county. Wash., cruising twelve million, mostly fine cedar; one in Douglas county. Or., cruising about twenty million. For information write T. P. Blauvclt. Raymond, Wash. . SAWMILL Equipped with donkey. 600U feet cable, two pianers, one (U-aorsepower an 1 one 50-horsepower engine. So acres of land, 750,000 feet timber goes with mill; abundance of good timber adjoin ing: price $3500. Call at 306 Corbet t blag. WANTED Saw-mill man with 10,000 to 211,000-capacity mill, to cut i to ju minion fir on turn page basis, average 2 V feet; easv logging, as land lies practically level; down-hill haui to railroad; will help fi nance a good man, J. M. Kennedy, 03 1 sth st. N. Full SALE One 20-M. sawmill with don- kev and timber: another 20-M. mill neeas partner with $5000; 4 million timber, near city, will take logging partner witn somn ;tpitai. Jonn f. weston -o., oov Bank bldg u CLOE-lN sawmill, in . operation, with sev eral million high-grade tnnDer ior saie; consider partner, pay stumpage as sold, $500 to $2000 required, some terms. AO M, Oregonian. SLABWOOD AND CORDWOOD WANTED. Will contract for 4-ioot country siao- wood and No. 1 first-growth fir cordwood; summer delivery; cash. AG 875, Orego nian. 100 ACRES of timber, 1 miles from Co lumbia river; over 4 minion ieei oi um ber. Priced for quick sale at $3500;owner would accept city property. M. E. Leo, 5Q5 Corbett bldg. TIMBER land. 320 acres, 12 miles northwest or Goldcndale; yellow pine witn gawuuu cheap; full information supplied by L. L. lies, Yakima, Wash. BIG tract fuel and tie timber adjoining electric line mar fortiana ; pgumnii-u 25.000 cords wood. Price $17,500. Lued demann Co., 913 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Half value to settle estate, large Willamette donkey complete logging outfit; good condition. See C. A. Mann, Lumbermen. Bank bldg. FOR SALE Fine 20M Russell mill; also 9UxlO Seattle donkey, full logging equip ment; bargain price and terms. F. E. Bow man & Co., 2 13 Chamber of Commerce. 100 ACRES timber for sale; conveniently located ; cruise 8,000.000. AE 876, Ore gonian . SO ACES conveniently located timber, ex change for grocery or residence equity. M 10, Oregonian. STUMP land and timber for sale; also don key engine. 509 McKay bldg. Main 13U0, F. M. Miles. . SHINGLE MILL FOR SALE on Tillamook R. R. For information call 240 b rant St., Portland, Or. Lincoln rooming house. GRUB OAK wood on car at Marion, Or., $5.50 per cord. c. Al. smitn, jenersoa, Oregon. 402 ACRES and 14,000,000 merchantable lumuer for sale, in Twp. 40, 1 West, Jack son CjALVG0LOregon STUMPAGE, mile R. R., near Portland, level. To cents. AL 13Q, oregonian. 20 MILLION on R. R., 50 miles Portland, $1. AL lm. Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. WILL exchange 160 acres yellow pine Um ber southern idano, near x-'ayetta river, worth $4000, for equity in acreage, hou.se and lot or good going business. 0 4tk, Oregonian. EXCHANGE 12-room modern house Pull man, W ash., 2 blocks college grounds, clear of incumbrance, for Portland im proved or unimproved, or acreage. 0, Austin, 267H Oak st.. Main 1743. SO ACRES in stock or dairy country, all tillable; tine ouiicungs; to exenanga ior residence, acreage or going business. . Ad dress 114 Washington st., Vancouver, Wash. GOOD farm wanted in exchange for Port- land corner, four flat buildings, paying nearly 10 per cent on a valuation or $30, 000. O. H. Ekotheine, fifth floor, Henry buildlng! "STOCK RANCH EASTERN OREGON. 320 acres, bulldines. jrood fences. 100 acres can oe cuitivatea. pientv gooa out range, running water. $3100, part trade. F. H. DESrtUN, 615 Ch. of coin. tsiag. WANT to exchange 296 acrea stock ranch. Coos Bay or business ounuing at tioquiajn. Wash., for an improved five or 10 acre near Portland. J. D. Gordon, 529 Henry bldg. NEAR The Dalles, 80 acres, 4-room bouse. small orchard, good wen, some partiy cleared; wunt Portland house or valley property. Main 8105. hivk 1 or-acre ranch, all In cultivation. near Harrisburg; gooa ouiiaings; ciear -ot incumbrance; $Ii.OO0. Will take clear itv nrnnertv Owner. 732 Patton road. . - ivv oo-ioom aim.w.iv ner cent on 114.000; mutft sell; price $7000: Mtg. $3000; some cash and trade. What have you? Act quick. L 901, Oregonian. $1200 40 AC RMS, clear of debt; good soil; ClOSe lO IOW II , I1U uuiiuuifta, for auto or vacant lots. Broadway 206. 804 Oak 8t. - FINE business property. Vancouver, Wash., income over $-ooo per year, exenange ror mercantile business. Owner, AF 194, Ore gonian. j j 40 ACRES of land, in Hood River valley. value oOOO, xor x-urimuu. iiume. oen- wood 18. WANTED 5-roora modern bungalow. Have 10 acres free of incumbrance and cash as part payment. Tabor 0976. $25,000 BRICK building, clear, to ex change for farm. M. E. Lee, 505 Cor bett bldg. 160 ACRES of fir timber on river, crubie 8000 ft., for Redmond Irrigated land. Ad dress 468 E. Davis. ' VERY choice close-in city property, clear, to exchange for a going stock ranch M. E. Lee, 505 Corbett bldg. WILL trade 20 acres unimproved white salmon land, some cash first payment, on modern residence. AP 782. Oregonian,. THREE lots in Seattle to exchange .for liberty bonds. Owner, Q 457, Oregonian. PIEROEARHOW auto; sood condn., for iiouoe equity-acreage. Eli icy. Main 1293,