THE SUXOAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, 31 ARCH 16, 1919. 9 BEAL ESTATE. For 8sUe Acreage- At'RiiAi; kL i ne- fou ri h mii from car line arrrt; 14 acre In cultivation, balance pasture; all good land when cleared; fair buildings. .1 ler.ceJ. p.enty 01 wu itr. lota of fruit : on auto road : one- hi f mil frora s hool, lx miles of Yan- cuvrr: S3mkj: Ijimmj cub balance live fjri at ti per .rnL Tea acres; ' it-i tn cultivation, bal ance y to put In cultivation; me acre in clowr: rood buildings, lota of fruit well locate ; near Khuo!. nine miles 01 railroad station; price JOK). Ilouo cash. Uiintf irrmi. 14 aiTM. extra vood soil: would makr rood uruna or hiru: 18 acres In cultiva tion, lots of frui. god water, fair buiid- tiiiCf; fenced: on county road: four m:l Iron f metric line; one-fourth mile from I. a co wit. hay and implements 4ttu. S1500 rah. balance 5 v-ar at I p-r vni. J. B. Atkinson, 112 W. 6th U AND UNK or Til F. LE.-T I I biCfc-S OK I.tVH 1 THT. STAT K. No ne tan ihuw you be' ter land than T.lls and it im all in a Piyn state oi cu. tuaflon: ?ies DerfecT I v not a atone: on! H mi from ta- ciy limits out Jr"3hain way; acrn, lx-room house. Drn, nu mrouj ou? bui.diir. t od ortment o Irult and berries, full set macli.nery, cow. hu k-ns. two bucy, lis- k, wO' bouse hold goods; price only $125n; io le.-s; lnv.-s:uate our list of 20 to Jo-acre tracts: It cinnot b d.ipli at'd. HAR'JltMVE KEKl.TY CO.. 1-2 N. M. Broadway 43SL fcL'FI-RHAN H-MESITES .NKAH POKTLAXD. 91350 1 Vi ai res on Tu ior Ferry rod. jurft outride city limits; no Im provement $1300 acre. Mulloy station. Oregon K ."tri'-. fruit and noniu waluuts; $..oo down. . $2100 acres. 5 miles weft of Portland; no improvements, running water. $2600 Herts nil m ultivation. just this fide- of Beaverton. 1U miles from pru posed inch way. f50vQ - acre-, near Ko"kwod. 5 acres umlT cultivation; pru-e way under :int.:ng in this ditr:et. WATCH ": ADS. WE tiKT KLaLLTb. RITTEii. LOW'K CO. n;.;,. 7 Hoard of Tn-I- Hid. OPPORTUNITY KN''KS. Half inn 's, unv ;.muunt wanted tip to 14 m-: nshi at station. ictwee-n Base I.ino and t!la avenue; f-w blocks walk to H-cni fare; ff you think this Is gravelly 1 nd vou are mistaken, as it is not. but s excellent s-j1: 111.1 1 adam ied street; owner low oit of th- state; pud $I0" an aire for this prprfv rxperimi; t' sell It sub tlivjled for f'MHl an acre. We arc ofltr- in- it for T.i .1 tr.i'-t up: trms, lA-tvii B!dg. OA RDK V CHICK K.VS KKT1T MIT.K o r,s ui-ar Tualatin brush. $.v down: II re adjotniny. some iVrd. enoush timber to pay for p. ; fl.Vni J.mmi d.wn: acre all cultiated; .mW house: 7-ccnt f re: ""'Oc:ish; T'i ai-trs ;--iiam; mod' rn barn: Tiat-.-'d liou.": trout trenin: culttva i on- J m'1f 7"- r;'.-h t hh k-n ran n. a lYqu-pr-d: no rht. kens: tntle for house, tary cth-r. See Utt. with t. tiuitll &. Co.. 4.:j Chnrnbr ofCommt rcc. f mv'rT r. -v7r o v'ntry homi: A dr.() O-roon pljwwred bmxalow. Ttrs Uu'i-h kit- hen. fine f;r.-pive. ah buiU-ln rT'e.-U 1 I wr.c and clmtu? rooms, l.or.itrd lust ff th road at .r buitdtns. d-nrn wn twi ami-n. upply ft ttai.''. This bnnitilow could nt bui i.v teems on me n.i.;uitc KAMItKR t'K (MM KII'K. I (.WN 10 AT.KS one mil from town of White Salmon. Wash., Civinc a maijnif ietit view of Ml. K00.I and 4"lumbi. river; I b-udit the i m.t-4 f..r hi. 1 n". eleard It and t-et il to hn;h-crad apph' snd pear trees, now In bearing; rln umt;m' compel me i sen t a sa.Tiff; I'.w-ly homo mm :.n ineonie-m ker tr f37. Write K fT pn.-tie Tjb-r ii: evening MKKK IS MAT Y ' ' W A N T k r.-i .rrr , liurr. Kome aood ttm Iwr on balanie, ,1-room hou.-e, barn, chick en hu- for fa h'n;.. tiiee .-print; at tmur-". .-malt creek throutch ehl throuRh. ehlt k. n y jj-.l. n la i nr, k Hd ro.ida; M Ift"! -Oil. Kt pruo e-'M. . r--h. bulan -'-' to suiu A. ' HI KKt'.l. . :i" N.rthwe?iern unk; 11 Mi. fwr-hal 41 U. A 41 IS. a-'KK.VOK on a-y pam-nl; to M a- res; $a' per ui re ; J j'Ni to cash feIame either monthly or anntiaMy; In- I -reat t p, r c nt ; tht Is M extra prood 'll ; w.ui make prune ortnaru. gm-s or irratn land . n- ro k or gravel J. LI. AtKinaon, II2 W. tilh st., an r.iitver. Wa.-h. lili; rRKlT IN' HBRKIK?. fvral small traet.i n the Willamette iMey fr eale at rea onahle priee-; h'Jll able mv crop: oi:;tnbTrie at $11'". and straw b"rrie7i at f l".o i-t i on 5-y- ar rimru'-l.s, i;i vet inTne returua on lu-xe-tmen. lh're K. 1"'.P". lo A K KS. 1 mil. frorn New berfr. nil tn 'ii:ia:ioP. I U- k 4 S ae-c In foT. acres in eers'-en b;a:kbcrrl-s. - aTi 111 lotf tnberrn s. fine spring, .'u-t t'.ffk I ean s-!i you this p'.ire for Jleu. $oft w ill handU. w I a Ctiambt r of Com inerre. OWN jour country Lomo nml work in I'ort I.mmI. a r s at tire, nberc. OreC'U i. e-1 nc. only nine mth-s out. Ait in tu! t . v 1 1 loii. 4 -room lions-. larce ba rn. -i'-l ft ui t 1 -rrj in full be. line 1'rtce is on i und f ."' will handle. li Chamber -f t'omrier. r- C"ilt lK A''KKA'.K. !...- to Milwaukie, just nu!.s from Morrisun; no improve ments, tut pn ej o tI1.1t ou can make a vood d.-al f-r ?our&vlf, terms and can hinle s-Miie trade. M'AMMNA VIAN - AMKRH-AX HKALTV fi'.Ml'ANV. .!- l.urtib-'rmer h'dc. ri: i'T!'A LI-Y A '.lr T Ten acr.-s. two e.trt j and p ant.-d to 1 "o youni? apn'e tfe.'s, ose suinni-r kttehrn, M l and fen e, fm- soil: impro 1 men's worth thi pn bT- k of l.yie. Wash. Kast or I'O Kast :tJd St. Jo" AC 1 iKS. lo. aled at M'ddleion. .fust off the pa ed Neu h-r 1; hich w a . fine trout s: ream, sprir cs. f nur-rooin house a nd t-w-rra! birn. pri e f'l.t. ?.".imi will handie. J..!n t. Howard, elo Chamber of Com- lt"-rce. H v ttV. KR 1 acres near Vam omer ; 6 bio. ks from car and town; 5 aires prunes. K-Toiim hou.o. barn: cood roatl: JL.U eash blanir aj rent; fine for chicken.; $1immi laken off pla.- in Hl Wi.oiilawn 34tJ. N" tmr own home. (hie at re located Merzer. rta-ty to cultivate, sin til io'ie. 1 f n'n mtintes' walk from or, 'n:y t I -mo will hainl-; small mont'!y payment. on balance l lliamNr of Commerce, t KVKRAI, attractive home buys near ci limits, from J to .t'l acres-; reasonable price and terms : come In for particulars. 1 ti. PAVIMSON. Mt fh i'iiNt of Commerce. TO Hr) tC!.D at bnigatn price, section of .and uu.ler I tn.iti la w et et- nsion w ith Ticr frontage oa CoUmibia ricr. tfinailes. t tr. .ti bote. . . Homes end-. Relinquishments. lSACK to the land niovement is crowlnc I nolo Yarn's holding an. rrow:nB le cry day. fcntral t'rciexu is I lie para- li'c of the ho no st ea dors. Come in and Ink with me nbout liow to pet Clu acres cf land, ttibsoii. J"'S Stark st. I.CCAT10NS .naiio 011 t'40-acr liorncsteads: a fine proPo-ition mock ralsinc: cated I:i Kasu "n W asfunRton. Atldre-r- tl.-o. J. I'arks. 'J N. iHU at.. Frt;od, Or. ifroadwav l'J-ATi;K rvliiquish mrut. Tillamook Co.. 4 miles fro m the oican ; ome easy -cleared ; fi'ie creek: would make a good stock raucu, iTicf ;VN!Y. 4M Henry Tt dp. l'y A Ki.f. bet i. so!!. oun vw, 2 miiei i.f li. K. and w- Kli,d h"u?e. f ricin; :c; $stto. Uioudway car. 4.". tl. l.lth at 1' lrtl::. 3.o-A"UK rtdiniiuhrneiit. fpi-rd. houe, el r. well, mile f rorn rail w ay and town; iti ott. or trade on auto repair chop. T M, 1 r.'irnni.m. li'KSrKAD rt.uiritiu'-h.mcnt Z miles f; . .Mm a la; smaii i.ue. creek and runnini; vsi-t; 4 m 1 s (rotu i.wc. I'rice I V t. irec o.jan. Y I KS r-LASS 3Jt-a ere hoin stad re.ln- ii'shrru-nt at a bargain. Addrcs 0d N. -"tn st . Sam. tr. CAN locat v ou oil a Hood O. & I, honie ,lr diver Howard. 0a liur- n pv, i"otl:tnd. Or. W ANTF.n H'Miicslead n nnquishtusnt. Ad ilresa K bJN. tre;orilan. r'or ;ale Krult I-andi. KKUT AND r.AKPCV IK .MK. ' u'r'S imrilisfnt of New- Perr : lt jr-, j vt finest ar.rty bearinfc a pr Vs. m'!t ; V linni'i toluen ; to ." acres finest n--h irrdtn soi'. - acres of hi, M la the finest onion lnd; about ." a.-;es o( clover; o-ro,m house; hov-shto end bar ; tm.i',1 creek and fine ell o( a' er t his ti ?!Sl:t 'y and a most pro mct;v an! vjliui-.c property; price uno on rr,i' ff-rms, -r w "i d take a a'ood Portland h.vnf In up to J;.i'0. TIIK I.AWKKVt: CO.. !:. rn-et ir-tp. Vatn v.i.-., A ?MV A rrilNTION. I'l'.rHAKl'IS I n rieelleat b-irmr ter orchard In Prn:;'ii eounte; acres of best com mercal Tar, fi.s with in pood. l-r thv fon.1ton; eM-eilent soil and puder 'l-rijriott; wtlhin one mile of yooi t--wn aril en pax rd hifhw. Price on'y fv.-Mi tr-nis. Addre-s or rj1 .n ne- r,.ot :;o ; Sel'ln c Mdc . Portland. Jjl'.HT- YKAR arpis orchard, extra ropoi imn: linear van-ties; H arru. foe ..hni. 4HI beautiful tree ; should trld S net prof t net fall. Liberal terre K. H'eKarisnd, kO Teon bldg . I'orttin J. " wai.nit" "okchard. ft acrs or mc,; ltk-yer-oH free. Handy JJ;oa., 0.6 liallway Kxcliaojw, UAL ESTA1TL i or tale arms. LAND OPENING. OREGON MILITARY ROAD GRANT LANDS. 10.000 ACRES FINEST IRRIGATED LAND IN THE STATE OF OREGON. THIS LAND WILL EE THROWN OPEN FOR SALE AND SETTLEMENT ON AND AFTER APRIL 15. 1019. Land and homeseekers and actual set- tiers only are wanted. Practi-tal farm ers. hoir, sheep and stock raisers. Dairy. men w ith dairy herds are particularly wanted. Millions of acres of open range aujoiB ana are tributary to the project. Irrliration prolect Investigated, Bp proved and recommended bv l.". recta mation service, state engineer of the state of Or-son. This land can be purchased outrlfrht or on Ions-time, payments. Thir ty-one years In which to pay lor the wa ter right first 1 years low rate of in tcreit on water bond and small ditch maintenance iee only. The land owns the water. Rich sT Volcanic Rah silt loam, ca limited water supply. PPOnrCES: Alfalfa, -8 tons per acre, ; cutting. Corn. 7a-fln bushels per acre. PnsilaRe. lS-'JO tons per acre, w ri-at, barley, rye. t-7n bu. per acre. Pot crops produce abundantly. Fruit, pouitry. berries and vegetables. T.rVFSTOCRt This project Is In the heart of the ceeatet stock, count ry In the northwest, w-ith miles of open ranee ad joining it and all classes of stock feed b'tnpr raised cheaply and ahundantty. It presents a wonderful opportunii v lo those bo wish to cubage In stock raiding. HOG St The hos; Industry Is hlirhty prof itable, due to the fact that alfalfa, corn. ruMlar and other hog feed Is raised abundantly and cheaply. Those who en jrate in ho raisins:. If they understand hogs, can make a fortune in this district. PHEFP: Hundreds of thousands or sheep are ral-si d. ran ire d and winter fed In this valley every car. It presents one of the vrv bet opportunities to engage in the raising of sheep. DATRTTNG: Dairymen here are un usuallv successful, due to the cheap and proline yield of a! fa If a. corn, ensllHce and other dairy stock food. Dairymen can make a fortune on this project. GEVERAL FARMING: General farmers are raitdng alfalfa, wheat, barley, rye. all ktnds of frui. watermelons, cantaloupes, prunes, almonds, grapes, and other prod ucts not common to general farming. Tur kev raiding In eastern Oregon is conduct ed' on a largo scale and Is very profitable. The land Is owned by the Oreson and "Western Colonization Company, and Is lo cated in th Malheur valley. Malheur countv. Ht Vale and Ontario. Orecon. The companv will ell the land outright or on Ion if lime plan at a low price and rea sonable terms. The projeet is known as the Warm Springs Irrigation Project, and s credited with being one of the best In tho state of Oregon. The land is aage brush land and Is easily cleared nnd put Into crop- There are 1J.000 acres at pres ent under Irrigation and in a high state of cultivation. Kcservotr system will store 1 To 000 aere-feet of walcr. Cost of proj ect,' $700,000. Malheur vallev has graded schools, high schools, hospitals, churches, banks, good buui!-s houses, implement houses, mod rn homes, telephones. t''leijraph. good roadx. hot sprinas sanitarium, ideal cli mate, railroads (O.-W. R. & N. and O. S. .. railways, and excellent shipping fa cilities. Towns: Ontario, population 2500; Vale, population 1000. T.TBERTT BONDS: LIBERTT BONDS TILL BE ACCEPTED AT FULL FACE VALVE FOR ANT PART OR ALL OF THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THIS LAND, Complete abstract and deed will bo fur nlshcd without cosU After two years' development, land pur ehMMerl under contract, if so desired, will .leerled to settlers, so they can se- cur loan from federal farm loan bank. Tracers and speculators are not wanted and need not apply. All the land will 1- linl.l t.niv inrousn ... ,j - o oltioc, of the company. Thi notice will trteT In very proinl neni ncPr on .e r.rlflc " Mm are a lana ana in'ni..-w cMed, you are advised to act promptly. AnpnVatlons fr lnd. mars and full In Information uet VnlV-,f V "T , General Field Agent. O. "W wrlltnc only t .., 712-713 Oregon. Corbett Didg., 1 oruanu. BEAL FTATEj For Sale Farms. CHOICE FARMS STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 15,000 (9 2-3 acres: 40 acres cultivated, about S acres rich bottom, land; good six-room house, barn and other outbuildings; all-year run ning creek; 1 cow, 1 be iter, AO chickens, 3 horse, harnesses, im plements and tools; family or chard of variety of fruit and berries; phone in house; close to ' ' public and high schools; oa good road near three good towns in .ben to a county. 17,000 64 acres; S2 acres cultivated; good six-room house, barn and o.her buildings; 4 cows, 3 heifers. z norses, 2 sows. Harnesses, im- - plements and tools; a nice creek and Columbia river highway go through, piace: one mile to pub lic and high schools, one mllo to railroad and Columbia river, and 1J miles to Astoria. $10.000 77 acres: 35 acres cultivated good six-room house, good barn and other outbuildings; water piped to house and barn; 10 cows, 4 heifers, 1 calf, 'Z horses. harnesses, lmpieniohta and tools on good, road 2- miles from Portland. $11,000 18 acres: 41 a. in cultivation; seven -room, fair house, good barn and other outbuildings. good silo, about 40 fruit trees, 11 cows, 3 hellers, 4 horses, 'J pigs. 4 a chickens, harnesses, lmpie ments and tools; on good road u mi its irom .rurtianuj 914.000 80 acres; between 35 and 40 acres cultivated : good 7-rooui bias tered bouse, good bam. large ailo ana otner buildings; 3U cows. bull, J horses, harnesses, implex ments and tools; last year's aver age 41o.a per 'month for milk alone; a bargain ior the price. 915,000 90 acres; 75 acres cultivated good five-room house, barn, ga rage and other buildings, most of them with cement foundation and cement floor, all nicely pain tea ana in good condition lamily orchard and berries; 3 cows. 1 brood sow. 3 horses. household goods, implements and tools of various kinds; 22 miles from Portland. 316,000 160 acres : 1 20 acres cultivated, 30 acres alfalfa, 50 acres seeded to grain ; five-room house, two barns, chicken house, hog house, i:o cows, & horses. 00 djcs, al chickens, household Roods, har nesses, implements and tooH; one jnuo 10 posioriice. sen 001 ana store; located in jackbon conn ty; moncy-maKing place irom uiu start. The above represent only a small part 01 ine i arms we nave ior sale, but ought to convince every buyer that we handle only such farms that are priced right uwu nucia uu cr can niilkB gOOO, E. A. L1NDGREN. Savon Land Co., 135 N. W. Bank Bldg. ONE OF THE CHOICEST STOCK RANCHES OA lllti I'ALU'IC CO AbT. Consisting o 100 acres of which 60 acres are undt r cultivation, all bottom; there in in all about Ho acres bottom land: the greater portion of tho ranch can be cultivated, all the very best of soil, nouse and barn. The land lies along the ocean beach between two and three miles and watered by a large stream; also has a lake of about 4.U acres, with mountain trout and salmon; it adjoins the govern ment reserve; lots of outrange: personal property, tl'i head of caitie, ijO head of neep, pan or young black horses, tools im iiiaeninery 10 wortc tno place. .h be bought for l.'o.Ow; 1L'm balance in two or three payments, u, good, live proposition; 11 miles towu. Can cash. It is from OTTO HARKSO4 REALTY CO., 41o Chamber of Commerce Bids. FARM BARGAINS. For Sale California stock ranch of 4H" acres, good Improvements, well wa tered, good orchard; ranch wi If keep laO head of cattle and 1000 shjep; price $10 per aero, teems. AO acres, lioseburg, improved, for S1500, terms. luu-acre farm. Itoseburg; r5 In cultlv Hon, good house, barn, two siios, platform scales, 7 acres prune orchard, 3 work horses. 5 cows, ull farm tools; price for 1 e--ro, Lerriis. 31uu-acie stock ranch. Rose burg. Or. good house and barns, alio, several liun ureu acres tarm jana. .j miles woven wire lencing; line stock farm for JO per UO-acre river bottom farm. Tne county, Oregon ; new buildings. well improved. ei"c. unu equipment; price SuuvU. TIMBKIbLAXD BUKEAf. Board of Trade Bldg., Portland, Or. WEf.L-IMPKOVKD SMALL FARM. NEAR HILLSBORO ELECTRIC and the new highway, to be paved till; Miring, acres; you have not seen Oregon a better lying tract or riche: soil; 24 acres highly cultivated, manured ami ciove red; crops up and looking fin wmall grove near buildings and anoth- 111 pasture; improvement a arcj worth aaouo. seven-room plastered houe, ment and bath : largo barn and silo water pi pea to an buildings and pasture assorted irults, asparagus and rhubarb learn, cows. hciier;,. chickens, com piete set implements and feed; milk check 1ms averaged 9150 month and farm prouucea an teed ; ? lU.OOtt complete s.itMi bure place; we w ant a particular buyer to look this over: it will please j ou, u. .ice. r,i-A 1 . il'-j n. 6th near Glisan. Broadway 431. UAIKY AND PRUNE FARM PJO acres, 70 e-res uuuer piow. i.i acres more can be acuieu 1 nut is very easy to clear; bal a nee good pasture with some timber for woou; line stream across farm; also springs; ju acres or elegant prune orchard 7 acres of which is Id full bearing; crop this year was $36of; 4 cows. 4 heifers. 3 horses, 2 hogs, all lurm machinery, equfp- ' - iuj'. isuuu 1 - room nouse, good barn. tiox70 feet; machinery shed, good prune urier, other outbuildings; water tower, ihiik, etc.; miles from Wash ougai. on county road; li mile to good school: It. F. D. daily, phone in house. Price including personal property $16.0oo; will take modern house in Portland up to v-xri'u. rumc eae-ii anu oaiUIlCO gOOli terms. i . .nuuuy o., w asnougai. wash OH bALE or trade. Jlo A. of land 12 miles irom itoseourg; an creek bottom; loo in cultivation and seeded to fall crop vKiieo.1, uaia ana ciover; iu a, siasned and seeded. 30 A. timber; place well fenced: modern -room bungalow-, fine barn, 130 maa 01 srieep. o mares, - cows. 00 chick ens. 4 tiirKeys, nogt. wagons, 2 sets or Harness, o plows, mower, binder, drill, harrow, disc, cultivator, corrueated roller. tanning mill, straw spreader and all shop anu tarn tools, with feed and grain, some household and kitchen furniture; price $20,000; will take, small acreage or good city nroperty up to $lo,00o. cash and terms on balance. 1111s (arm is clear of debts. Give lull description In lirst letter. Add. owner. George y. Peed. Looking Glass, Or. 760-ACRE STOCK RANCH. 3 MILES FROM bET!UC Ia., SOUTH OF PORTLAND, $20 AN ACRE. ISO acres can b plowed now, 500 acres can be plowed wncn cicarea; good soil, wa tered by creek and springs ; 4 to 5 million teet 01 gooa ue timoer, some narawooa fenced with wire and board. Price $20 an acre. See Sam Hewey, at J. L. HART- MAN COMPANY, No. 1 Chamber of Com mcrce bids. b ESTAOADA FARM. 40 acres all in cultivation and sown t fall grain ; 5-room house, with f ire plnce. large barn, running water, fruit and nut trees, all kinds of outbuildings. i- mile from school, less than four miles from Estacada and located ou a good crushed tock roaa. 1 nis rnrxn is wen worth $5000. I am offering it this week for 5:t5iH. If you are looking for real farm bargain, don't delay, for this one will be picked up right away. S. E. WOOSTER. Estacada, Or. NICELY LOCATED 51-ACRE FARM. 30 acres under cultivation, balance pas ture and timber. All fine. level black land. No nM'k or gravel. Good orchard, small house, new barn 42x4S. Station and spur on land. Price ? oo. 1 erma 5 cash, balance to suit. Ll'EDDEMANN COMPANY, 113 Chamber of Commerce. ESTACADA FARM. 4r acres. 8 miles east of Estacada. on the edge of the reserve, suit able forstock raising; 6 acres in cultivation; 20 acres fenced, good house and large barn. In good condition. Well, woodshed, garage k nd cellar. Price. 9 1 200. See S, E. Worst cr, Etncada. Or CANADIAN FARM LANDS. Cheap land, remarkably easy 'terms: landseekers' excursion parly leaves Port land for Calgary Alberta. Saturday. March 1'2; reduced rates. For further parttctilais ree Canadian Pacific Railway Company, 0S Railway Exchange bldg. L. P. Thorn ton, district represent alive. HIGH LY Improved country bome. h acres level (anu, new uuiiaio, targe oarn, chicken houses, family orchard, all fenced and cross fenced with splendid chicken and hog tight ferwe. Place cost $70O. My price for a quick sale $2100; terms. G. L. Webb. 414 East Stark st. $tjK0i Splendid ranch. K acres; s. cmti- va:ea. -to m - "i "" ""F'l" '- vr highwav. right at station; fully equipped; immediate possession ; $40no will handle. Also numerous others rightly priced and well located. K. 5. JACKSON, 207 Railway Exch, KE.L ESTATE. For Sale Farms. Phone Main 5433. 6th and Washington. SPARKS-STEVENd Co.. SUITE OU-lIi-la WILCOX BUILDING. FARM LANDS. Farm and a airy ranch, equipped; 196 acres, miles from a sooa town in Ore gon, loo in high state of cultivation, free from stumps, 40 acres more cleared, bal ance timber and pasture; black loam soil and very fertile, well drained, but bud irrigated, watered by never-falling springs, fenced and cross fenced, mostly woven wire; fair 5-room house with lireplace, lare woodshed, hoghouse oUxoO, toulshed 1 oiiiO, granary, ne w barn 30x60 ; fcood clover, wheat and corn land; with piace goes 3 large young horses with harness, two young milk cows, one heifer, two calves, one high-graue Holstein bull, two wagons, hay rack and wagon bed, sulky plow, walKing plow, two-seated hack, cream separator, si eel range, Jackson hay fork, many small tools, lo tons of hay, some other feed; price 910.000, part casn. This is a fine farm, just ready for the buyer to step right in and go to making money. 15 ACRES. A fine orchard tract with 12 acres in fruit, winter apples and 3UO English wal nut trees, just.coming into good bearing; house 10x3, about 3 acres where house stands is a beautiful grove; 9000 cash handles this place, balance long time. The fruit and nuts will pay lor this place in a few years; a beautiful place. 8i ACRES. One mile from Dundee, choice farm land, no improvements, beautiful view, being near the Willamette river, with timber enough to pay for the laud; 91700, cash 90ou. balance long time. TWO CHOICE LOTS. In Hyde Park, facing west; these lots are abovo grade, a nice sightly piace anC only $o.u. Phone Main 5433. 6th and Washington. fcPAKJa.S-STEVE.NS CO., SUITE WILCOX BUILDING. 40-ACRE FARMS NEAR PORTLAND YOUK CHOICE OF FOUR. 40 acres, 35 miles out; all fit to farm; 16 cleared, little timber and balance pas ture with creek; common buildings; fam ily fruit; $3600; 9&00 cash, rest 10 years, 6 per cent, 40 acres, same district; about 25 In cultivation, balance lies fine; now in pasture; soil is the best; creek en bound ary; good plastered house, barn and out buildings; machinery included ; 9000O. 40 acres, lour miles HiUsboro; best of soil; 35 under plow, rest pasture; very choice lying tract; buildings are new; family Iruit; 90700, October 1, or 90000, possession now; crop is mostly in. 40 acres, same district ; one-half in cultivation; all lies well; fair buildings; team, wagon, harness, 3 cows, 3 heifers. sow, 6 snoats, tarm machinery, engine and feed cutter; jo-no. D. McCHESNEY, 122 N. 6th St.. near Glisan. Bdwy. 4381. MUST BE SOLD IN 30 DAYS A real pro ducing, money-making farm; loo acres, located in Lane County. Oregon, 15 miles from Eugene, one mile to town and 3 miles to railroad station; 150 acres plow land, 40 acres bottom land. 10 acres tim ber, gently sloping: 7-room house, and barn 4x45, both good condition; other buildings, splendid orchard, on county road ; with farm is included 5 young hordes, 3 rows, 58 theep. 6 goats, 2 reg istered Poland China sows, 0110 registered boar, 100 chickens, wagon, new buggy, hack, binder, mower, new rake, new grain cleaner, tuky plow 2 walking plows, three-section harrow, disc, drill, clod masher, garden tools, grist mill, cream separator, 70 acres crop in ; reasons for selling, owii'-r leaving county to engage in business; price for all 913,000. This is a bargain. See Timber-Land Bureau, Board of Trade bldg., Portland, Or. THREE FARM BARGAINS. 51 i acre's near McMinnville, all In cul tivation, over 40 acres in fall wheat, at tractive G-room house and other good buildings, stock and equipment included. Well drained, sightly, and one of best Utile farms in the state. Price $1."u0. NO acres within 21 miles of Portland on fine road; three-fourths in cultivation and most of it In crop now; all nearly level; 1 mile from electric station ; 7-room house, big barn and other buildings. 4 horses, 4 cows and full equipment farm machinery. Price 912.000. 3oU acres near Washougal, 100 In culti vation, ail fine black foil, almost level: 30 roont house, barn GuxlMO, lot of other build ings; , iicre-s orchard; price 913.000, aild $000 wilt handle. Ll.'EDDEMANN COMPANY, yio Chamber of Commerce. FINE GENERAL FARM 2&0 acres, about .o acres under cultivation, about 200 acres tillable land when cleared ; balance pas ture ; fine sandy clay loam soil ; farm land level ; overlooks Columbia river, on direct route of 11c w proposed highway ; good 7 or 8-room house in good shape ; good stock und dairy barn, other out buildings; fine creek near house and barn, also springs on the land: place on gravel ii road: iC. i' u. by place daily, gooa neigii borhood; 14 mile to store; depot and boa landing: half mile to school und grangi ha II. Price, including team una son farm machinery. Sls.000. some terms desired. George Y. Moody Co., Wash oucal, AVash. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED 50-ACRE RANCH, WTTH HiG PRUNE ORCHARD. Located in prune belt, 20 miles from Portland, nn cood road: 40 acres in culti vat ion. good soil, wiin 11 acres in Italian prunes, just coming into bearing; trees in line condition; 7-rjjtn house, good bar. granary, tool house and good we I., engine, complete set latin implements, cows, hogs, chick-.-ns. Price $:mj"0. ;Je Sam Hewey. at J. L. HA HTM AN COM PANY. No. 7 Cham per o: Commerce u.ofe, BY OWNER. 22 acres, fine berry or chicken ranch nil cleared and land in a high state cultivation; modern bungalow, water, bath and sewer: 2'4 mi. from Corvams, a mi. from Albany, cannery at both cities, on main hitrhwav: can run auto year around $"000 s:;ono "down. bal. time; no trades. Albert Asbahr, Corvaliis. Or. ESTACADA. T have lUterl with IllO this Week SWELL HOME; overlooking Estacada and tho beautiful Clackamas river; there are 7 .icres: 14 acres in cultivation, good f- room house, barn. well, also south fork and Oregon City pipeline that can he tavDed near the house and a fine little brook suitable for making trout ponds, 'riiia in mi lie ideal for farming and id located on one of the main roads leading into the city; J4 mile out. This will stand the strictest investigation. Price. s.timo, terms. See S. E. Wooster. Estacada. Or. REAL HOME PLACE. ' TEN ACRES ON PAVED ROAD. Tt-mittfiil level tract, very best of soil 30 miles Portland, two miles town; class six-room, bungalow, toilet and bath fn.,rt i-iiicken houses and runs; real gar den land, all in cultivation except few ciiuHo irees: fiimllv orchard: irood cow, poultry, wagon, hack, harness, small tools are included; $3500; you may look the country over and not find the equal for $1000 more man in is. D. McCHESNEY. 122 N. 6th St.. Near Glisan. Bdwy. 4381 FARM FOR SALE St Vz acres all on creek bottom, an lencea, .u acres in cultivation, balance No. 1 pasture, acre evergreen hr.rHp fruits of all kinds. 2 wells niuce 7-rnom house. telephone; barn 50x30. new all concrete floor, holds 50 nna hav iln KvMil. chicken house 12x30. straw shed 30x40. machine shed, 2 granaries 1 4x1 1. brick fruit house 12x14; mail de- Hvrv everv mornlne: 10 min. to tow-n. If sold soon will sell it for 910,000; $0500 cash, balance to suit at b per cent in 1 K .G " U R N EY. 207-208 McKay Bldg. TEN-ACRE TRACT 10 acres, 8 acres under fine Btate ol cultivation which is imesi of land, 2 acres in small timber; land cii ievL 3-room house, good small Darn, pome family fruit, in fine location; 1 mile from Washougal. Wash., on good road; an elegant home for someone that wants a small tract. Price, $250', $10oo cash, bal ance terms; owner might trade for good modern house in good district in Port land of even value. George Y". Moody Co. Washougal, Wnsh. 63 ACRES, H mile from Scappooae and Columbia hignway, bdoui to acres uuuei eniriv;tiion. best of toil, fine spring wa ter piped to house and barn, good S-room house, fine silo, fair barn, small creek furnishing water for stock, fine view; team of young mares, fl cows, three sows, all farm implements; a bargain at $16. 000. Address A. Holaday, owner, Scap poose. Or. CLARKE COUNTY BARGAIN. fir acres ti pji r Rid c f.f i el d half under cul tlvatlon, 5-acrc orchard, including SO prune trees and fine grape vineyard: good buildings: horse and ull implements go with place for S4o". Terms. Ll'EDD EM A N N CO M PA N Y, !I3 Chamber of Commerce. 40 ACRES in good dairy country, $25i'0; 3 7 acres cleared and seeded to veicn anu timothy hay, balance of 23 acres good pos ture: good house.- barn, chicken house, woodshed, well and pump, few fruit trees, one mile from railroad station; price $2000. $1100 cash and balance time. Write to lo'-k box E, Battle Ground, Wash. YAMHILL COUNTY. 180 acres, four miles from Yamhill rail road depot; acres in cultivation, bal ance good pasture in scattering oak; good buildings and abundance of water: ex cellent soil ; $65 per acre, good terms. Donald Macleod. 12 Spalding bldg ;o-ACRE whey t ranch in southeastern Idaho for sale or trade, part cash, or trade balance crop payment. O. P. Groble. Tel. Main 55U0. Imperial Arms apts., 14th and Clay. WANTED Partly cultivated farm 35 to 40 acres, withm miles or fortiana. in trade for fine residence lot and $17h0 cash 3tid liberty bonds; owners only. AH trii, Orcgoniaa. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms ACREAGE. FARMS. Partly Improved 15 acres, 32 miles from Portland, close to electric line sta tion ; price 9J40U; good terms. Five acres, all In cultivation, part seed ed to clover: good large house, barn, chicken house, well and pump, shrubbery and berries; 16 miles from Portland courthouse, on Boons-Ferry road and i:1 miles this siae 01 v ltsonvnie; price siuooi terms. Highly improved 20 acres: four-room house, barn and other buildings; variety 01 fruit and berries: cows, horses, pigs. chickens, farm implements and tools; lo- catea miles from .fort lana, close l electric station and well-settled comma nity; price 93200; terms. 20 acres In Roseburg Home-Orchards tract, 53 miles south of Roseburg, on good road ; 10 acres in 7-year-old peach and appie trees and 10 acres used for grain; cost owner JoSOO, now offered for $4000; terms; good reasons lor se'iing. Highly improved three acres, with four- room well-built bungalow. woodshed. storeroom and two chicken houses; about 100 fruit trees and variety of berries: lo cated 1 miles from Oregon City and one-half mile from city limits; sidewalk ail the way to the place; price 9U000 terms. E. A, Llndgren, Savon Land Co., 935 N. W. Bank Bldg. A LIFETIME CHANCE FOR A FARMER. We .have for sale 20 acres of beaver dam land, close in. that has made th. present owner wealthy. He wishes to re tire from active work and will sell his farm with all its equipment for 914.450. Be will give a bonded guarantee that the net profits on this land will not be less than 9300O this year. It has paid, on an average for the past 10 years, about $4000. He will give his personal services until the crop is harvested in the fall, not actual working, but advice and supervision free. There is a possibility of a great develop ment by a younger man that would in crease the net produce lo 910,000 a year. ee FRANK L, McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home. Abington bldg. Main lOtW. Main 5156. Office Open Evenings and Sund a vs. SPLENDID FARM. BETWEEN REEDVIjLE AND HILLSBORO. have 124 acres in this fine section. 15 miles from the city: the very best of soil with river on boundary; 15 acres onion or garden land; raises great corn; oer 80 acres highly cultivated, rest in pasture; owners bought this in the roiujh, cleared it and have, with large dajry herd and heavy clover seeding, made this one of the finest farms in Oregon; they are well able and now wish to re tire; excellent improvements; eight-room house, large barn and silo, hoghouse and outbuildings, orchard, pressure water svs lem; 91S.600; reasonable terms; on good road; all country conveniences; by all means see this place; it's not overstated m any way. D. McCHESNEY, 122 J. 6tn st.. near Glisan. Broadway 4381. PRUNE- AND ENGLISH WALNUT LAND. We can offer for two weeks 107 acres, suitable for the above purpose. It was inspected recently by one of the foremost prune, l-.nglish walnut and ioganberrv growers in this state. He pronounces it one of the very best tracts for those pur poses, in one of the best districts of the Dl'Jv' in iocateu between Ncwbp aild HlllsbOrO. The SOit Ik evceerHni-l deep and fine; it lies high and above th' xiobi line, wun good arainage. It is on county road, near a school. Has a set euiue unaer cultivation, som . , tuinR; rinioer, and practical! -..-.j lv uc euinvaiea. in order 1 close an estate at once wo can sell th acres lor $mmm. It will only reauin 34?uo cash to handle It. with time on the c"-5 us Ior mil particulars. J lHvKS: bHRECK, 1102 N.W. Bk. bldg. u 11 1 j 1- A R M, STOCKED AND iiunrcu, u Mii,fcjs SOUTH OF PORTLAND. -0 acres In cultivation and crop, balance pj-iuie una nmoer. watered by spnn onu, eu, gooa ..-room nouse, water pipe in; has barn, other outbtdgs.; good fan l y orchard, assorted berry patch, 4 good .-, Homes, chick ens, iuti set farm implements. J'rice ?4;uo. - cash, balance terms. 0'. o. See Sam ITewcv. at .1 i HA HTM AN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of uoinmerce Diug. GRAIN AND ALFALFA RANCH. . One of the best irrigated grain and fa lia farms in eastern Oregon, over IOoO acres practically ail liliabie, paid up wate rigjii ior an ana plenty or water, u acres in cultivation, L'OO In alfalfa, liO more ready to seed, making 3lo acres of aiiana, wnoie piace wen teni-ea ana cross- iencea. two sets or buildings; this is very oest or atlalla lana and will stand clo: investigation, will be priced right and might tke some city income. TalJmadge i-a i v '.o., o i if neu i y mug. 324 ACRES NEAR NEW BERG. About 15o acres in cultivation and more can be. This place is all equipped with stock and modern machinery; v ater piped to building.-, electric lights of its own resources. An exceptional buy. In eluding stock, machinery, grain, feed, etc, Jit SI0 per acre. Will take some trade to $..niio to 10.o(.0. See J. E. Musgrave, with ii. S. Smith & Co., 432 Chamber oi Commerce. YOU WILL HAVE TO HURRY. 40 acres, lit miles to Portland. 6-roort house, lurge modern barn and hoghouse, water pipea in House and to barn; lots ol fruit; ail level and fenced; nearly ai cleared, close lo school and railroad; will sell with tins 1 five-passenger automobile, 1 team of horses, cows, hogs and all farm implements, ready for spring work. Write ow ner, 1320 E. Glisan st. or phone Tabor -ib. HERE IT IS. 163 acres adjoining Mtver lake, with 4 so acres of the Jake bottom, which goes with the place. One crop of hay from this lake bottom land will more than pay for twice the purchase price of the land in one year. There is a 4-room house and barn and some 20o acres are fenced The wonderful possibilities in this place can omy be toin oy coming to see us. TUCKER A: SHRECK, 3102 N.W. Bk. bldg. FOREST GROVE DAIRY FARM. to acres of deep loam soil, 40 acres cultivated, JO acres pasture, some timber, watered by spring and weil: 7-room house, barn 00x60. several out bldgs. : bldgs. in good repair; 2 hortes, S cows and heifers. bull, chickens and full line of farm imple ments included at jo.cuo: $44hhj cash. CLE VEL.VND-B ARR-HEXDERSON CO . 212 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 0702. !00 ACHES, located in Washington Co.. 20 miles from Portland, all under cultivation but 30 acres, which is fine timber, stocked with horses, cattle and sheep; plenty of farm implements; all tinder fence; two big barns. z wells and this farm will sell at tho price asked and only 1-3 cash, baL terms to suit. H. & H. REALTY CO.. Main 751)2. 613 Swetland Bldg. BEAUTIFUL 40. NE A R C A RLTC-nT" All in cultivation. 30 acres in crop; black, rich toil ; good errainage; 5-room nouse. large nam. suo, tarm implements, creum separator, ire&U Jersey cow. 5 tons hay; j& mile electric station; adjoining iana noia at uo acre: our price. acre; $2000 cash. Might consider clear property in exchange. See Ott, with G. a. cmitu & Co., 4o- Chamber of Commerce. SEE THIS PICKUP. $1000, 40 acres, 13 slashed, 25 timber; xruit trees, o years oia; gooa sou; room house ; sood well ; 20 acres easy clearing; near ecnooi ana sawmill: 4 miles to good town in Yamhill Co.; 900 caan, Dai. to run, o per cent. See Harala, M. BILLINGS, 509McKay Bldg. 120 ACRES, IS miles from Portland, 30 acres in cult., right in the heart of the Tualatin valley: about 2000 cords of wood. fine creek; mile from electric line and Pacific highway. Price 9S0 per acre; $4000 casn, Dai. to sun. BUNDY, 411 Henry Bldg. 7 ACRES. IS in cultivation, 80 fruit trees, all kinds of fruit, stock and equipment; furnished house; J4 mile from city limits. three blocks from street car. Price 97000 on terms, would consider an acre or two, near city, part pay. The Ross Company, 12 Chamber of Commerce. 7 1-10 ACRES unimproved, free and clear; A-l soil, gooa fence, never-tailing spring land lies nearly level along rock road 12 miles south of Portland, two miles to elec tric carline; price 91 2r per acre, some cash, balance terms. Call or write owner, 71S East Ash st. Phone East 4b4. SCAPPOOSE CHICKEN FARM. 30 acres, all cultivated, good chicken houses, near paved road; price 97500. Will give liberal terms. IT. S. MORTGAGE & INV. CO. 607 Yeon Bidg. Main 2418. 160-ACRE ranch, ittost all bottom land, good buildings, gooa state oi cultivation, or chards: 167 mires south of Portland, near town with high(school and churches. You may deal with owner. W. F. Thomas. Rojieburg, Oregon. TO SELL for cash, 51 acres rich soli, all in cultivation, iencea. ciose to wooaourn; no buildings; mortgage $2400; interest and taxes paid: investigation invited. Owner, AF 103, Oregouian. - SOMETHING BIG. 256-acre dairy or. stock farm In Wil lamette valley; everything modern; price -'2.550: $7500 down, balance tf per cent interest. 407 Hyde st. Woodlawn 2434. 0 ACRES, 17 in cultivation, 5-room house and outbuildings. $125 cash in advance. For particulars inquire at 6329 S5th sL S. E. , ISLAND of 475 acres on the Columbia, 150 miles from Portland: ideal tor siock rancn. Price moderate; terms easy. Smailes, Ho. tel Oregon. FOR SALE 150-acre farm, near Oiants Pass; easy terms. ratst 4u. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. ALFALFA RANCHES THAT ARE MONEY-MAKERS. If you are in the market for a good al falfa ranch, all under irrigation with a fully paid-up water right, that is a real money-maker, 4 cuttings of alfalfa will more than pay for the ranch, we have it. 40 acres, 4 miles from good R. R. town, U mile to school. 25 in alfalfa, fair build ings, all fenced, good team, harness, wagon, hack, mower, rake and all other farm machinery necessary to run the place goes with it. Price only 93S00; terms 92000. Cash balance to suit. ltH) acres, 3 miles from good R. R. town, 36 in alfalfa, balance can be; mod ern 7-room house, cost 93500 to build: barn 50x100 and other outbuildings; all fenced. The owner's Income from the piace - was over 93000 net to him this last year. Price only 9S0O0; terms, will take up to 92500 in Portland house or acreage if worth the money and 93000 cash, balance to suit. 240 acres, tn the heart of the big Johnson cattle ranch, best of soil, no stone, 100 in alfalfa, balance can be; large buildings, good fences; price only 924.000; terms 945O0 cash, balance in nine equal payments at 7 per cent. We also have a number of other first class alfalfa ranches; first payment and terms can be arranged to suit; call and see us any time in regard to same. Cullison Co., 2054 Morrison st. 520 ACRES, all but 60 acres good wheat land; located in a very good wheat-raising section; good fences, water, no buildinRs; $only $10 per acre; 92500 can stand at 6 per cent as long as wanted; balance must be cash. We consider this the best bargain we have ever had in Gilliam county, Oregon. 320 acres, all but 20 acres wheat land; buildings, water, nearly new fences, horses and machinery. Price 925 per acre, some cash, some trade, balance crop payment ; Morrow county. 100 acres, paid-up-forever water right on 130 acres. Lots of it in alfalfa; best of soil, on main canal: fenced and crose-fe-nced; all kinds of buildings. Thi3 place is a big money maker for the rik'ht man. Price only $10,000. cash down f 1000 bal ance 6 per cent, long time. No stork or machinery on this place: 7 miles east of Bend. Or. McCLURE SCHMAUCH COMPANY. 306 Railway Exchange blug, STROUT'S NEW SPRING FARM CATA LOGUE. JUST OUT. 664 money-making bargains, many with pictures, in 30 stales; get details page 41 of 53 acres, good building's. 3 cows, horse, wagons, tools, crops, all for $1700. easy terms. Page 35, see how $150U down se cures 160 acres, pair horses, ! cows, 5 calves, wagons, harness, implements, crops, 12-room house, big barns, orchards, tim ber, near H. R. town. On page IS is Ph) acres, near town, borders river, slate roof y-room home, full set bldgs.. pair horses. 5 cows, pigs, poultry, machinery, crops, all for $21:50, part cash. Read page 4. details 235 acres, state road, wails, town, fine 10-ioom home, big basement, barns, silo, improvements, 2 horses, 2o cows, 0 heifers, 5 calves. 2 b.ulls. Implements, milking machinery: 9SS0O gets all, less than half cash. Write today for your free copy of this big book. Strout Farm Agency, 225 BK. Plymouth bldg., Minneapolis. A LIFETIME CHANCE FOR A-FAKMEK. We have lor sale 20 acres ol Deaver dam land, close in. that has made the nresent owner weal thv. He wishes to re tire from active work and will sell his farm with all its equipment for 114,450. He will give- a bonded guarantee that the net profits on this land will not be less than $30ou this year. It has paid on an average for t lie Djjt 30 vcars about S4'00. will give his personal services until Hie crop is harvested in the fa II. not act til working, but advice and supervision free. There is a possibility of a great develop ment bv a younger man that would in crease the net produce to J1O.00O a year. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Buy Your Home, Abington Bldg., Main 0156. Main 106-S. Office open evenings and Sundays. NEWBERG FARMS. 40 acres 1 mile west to trade; mi. E. to trade lor more land A. 3 1 A., head stock, 7 A. orchard, 2 mi. fe., down; 30 A. S mi. S. to trade ior i-,v.a. :n a .I mi west lo trade: l.i $1000 more 1 nn. V- to sell: 10 A.. 5 head stoek, mi, S E., $1000 down; luO A., 7 A. prunes, stock and bldgs. to trade; 40 A. 3 mi. N. W. to trade; 14 A. 2 mi. S. to sell: a A. . mi. N.. new bungalow, to sell: 41- A. in citv $500 down; 6.07 A. mi. E. to trade for more land. Good description of these places at our office. Ralph Ackley Land Co.. 306 Corbett bldg1. S0-ACRE fruit ranch; 50 acres in Newtown. Spitzenbergs. Rome Beauties and King ap ples, besides D'Anjou and Bartlett pears from 40 14 vears old: 5-room plastered bungalow with bath and toilet; cost $1800; $-'5fm box apple and other outbuildings; running water in house and barn; located three miles from White Salmon. Wash.; this is not an abandoned, run-down place, but an up-to-date, well-kept, paying fruit ranch, which is just now beginning to pay and be a paying proposition; place has cose owner above $2!.ooo; we are author ized to sell it for $14,000; $4,000 cash, bal ance to suit purchaser. Fred W. German, 7:i Chamber of Commerce. HERE IS A RANCH YOU MUST CONSIDER. 2200-acre wheat ranch near Condon that will pay OOTo on the investment this year. 5oO acres fall wheat. 50O acres spring wheat. 150 acres barley. ' 500 acres to be summer fallowed. $500 worth of equipment goes with this place. Price $45 per acre. Easy terms. TUCKER & SHRECK, 1102 N.W. Bk. bldg. WELL IMPROVED 27-ACRE FARM, $3500. AH in cultivation, fine dark loam soil; lies well, no rock; fenced with woven wire, on gravel road, mile to hool. good b room house, barn, other outbldgs.. all in good shape; fine family orchard, berries of all kinds, good water. S e Sam Hewey, at .1. L- HARTMAN COMPAN1, No. . Chamber of Commerce bldg. WILLAMETTE RIVER FARM. $57 PER ACRE. 300 acres of rich loam soil, fronting on the Willamette river, about IS miles from Portland; close to electric line; So acres cleared, 160 acres fair timber, some pas ture in timber; orchard, home and barn; ',.. miles of hog-tight fence. If you want a "real farm at the right price call at CLEVELAND-BARR-HENDERSON CO.. '1U Rv. Exch. bldg. Main 6ii2. A GOOD FARM CHEAP 160 acres, t- acres under plow, acres muie e-au ne vicucu. balance pasture ; finest of water, both springs and creek; 6-room house, large barn in fair shape, family orchard, spring water piped to house and barn; all farm machinery and crop go with the place; on county road; R. F. D. daily, 5 miles from Washougal, Wash. Price. 9I0.0UO, terms if desired. George Y. Moody Co., Washougal, Wash. t MANITOBA. CANADA. 240 acres of fine wheat land. 6 miles from raHay, 35 miles from Winnipeg; lies idea.1, surrounded by fine farms, all highly improved. Owner not able to look after it. hence will give someone a bar gain; good terms to the right party. Main 2712 or 502 Buchanan Bldg. 40 ACRES, $1050. 24 miles from Portland, 3 44 miles from town and electric line; lies good, right between 2 good farms; all seeded to pas ture, fine ior clover, oats, vetch, pota toes, prunes and walnuts; on county road; v, mile to school; $550 cash or liberty bonds; balance to euit. BUNDY, 411 Henry Bldg-. 40 ACRES WITH EQUIPMENT. Only 20 miles from center of Portland and close to paved highway; half in cul tivation, building, spring, fenced, bearing orchard, fully cnu:ped. wagons, plows, gas engine. Remember, $150 per acre takes everything. 500 Concord bidg., 2d and Stark. SNAP. SO acres, 19 miles to Portland on hard surface road, 60 acres cleared, all level and fenced ; graded school on land; 3 miles electric car. I" miles to R. R. and station: 8-room house, big barn, lots of fruit. Write owner. 1320 E. Glisan st. or phone Tabor 266. ACRES, good 3-room house, some out buildings, R. R. station and school j i i ,mnt const town 6 miles. Price $1500 $750 cash or would consider good Ford car or good team, wagon and harness as first payment, rest easy terms. Call at 326 Hancock St., see owner. t? a Rn a tn Var sale. 40-acre ranch, acres in cult., lo acres winter neat, a buildings, near Spokane, electric line, telephone, R. F. D.. public and normal schools; $7500, $2000 federal farm loan, balance cash. Address owner, 381 Hamil ton ave., Portland, Or. So ACRES fine land, all under cultivation. jo acres piuiiea, lu.i.ic.. j.. joining town; good buildings. This is a good buy. Write for particulars. C. A. Ball, P6 E. 14th. . MEDFORD 3" acres, only 2 miles from the P. O. ; an ciear; wiu sen . for Portland property; will give good terms to right party. Main 2712 or 002 Buchanan bldg FARMS FARMS FARMS. We have all kinds and sizes, from one acre up to 50.0O0 in a bunch. 3f you -want vour money's worth and a square deal see F. Fucha. 420 Cham of com. DAIRY ranch. section, 10 cows, jo norsea goats, hogs. cniCKens. jiiif-eiioTi.. cords of wood, on R. R- 1206 E. Salmon. Tabor S621. WASHINGTON. Excellent 100-acre sheep or cattle ranch, well improved; lease, good range, $7300. easy terms. G. McCREADl, Gilmer, Wash. REAL ESTATE. Fur Sale Farms. IMPROVED Irrigated farm paying extra, well; i0 acres, 70 acres in alfalfa, all In extra good shape; fair buildings; fenced; plenty of water for irrigation and water right paid; within 5U miles of Ontario, Or. ; if vou want a real farm, one that pays, investigate this; $14,600; $5000 cabh, balance at ti per cent. On Pacific highway, extra well located. 80 acres; 65 acres in cultivation ; good house; fair barn; extra fine water: lots of fruit, stock and equipment; $12,000; $4500 cash, balance 5 years at 6 per cent. Going farm with prune and onion land, 76 acres; 65 acres in cultivation; stand ing timber of 500 cords; 10 acres 5-year-old prunes, in extra good shape and just coming into bearing; fine running stream and extra good deep well with pumping plant ; good 9-room house, hot and cold Water, baih and basement; large new modern barn, silo, milk and other buildings; extra well fenced; lots of fruit for family use. on extra good road within half mile of school: near carline; 0 cow. 1 bull, good team, also farm tools; $12,500; 9500O cash, balance 10 years at 6 per cent. Beaverdam, extra good onion district; 30 acres; good buildings; lots of fruit; on good road near school and carline; price T(Hio. 1500 cash, balance 5 years at per cent. Extra good prune land, 45 acres with 38 acres in cultivation; good buildings with exception of house; all well fenced: running water and good well; on extra good road w ithin 2 miles cf Ridgfield : stocked and equipped including 6 good cows, 2 horses, K.O chickens, hogs, all farm machinery; price $sooo; $3000 cash, balance 5 years at 6 per cent. Wood men take notice: 40 acres of extra fine clay-loam soil, all good pruue land when cleared; within ' mile of Pacific highway; over 2000 cords of larg old-standing fir; this is a bargain at 53000; half cash, balance 5 years at 6 per cent. T. B. ATKINSON. 112 W. 6th St., Vancouver, Wash. 2a4 ACRES STOCK AND PRUNE FARM PARTLY STOCKED AND EoUlPl'ED . AT THE RIGHT PRICE AND TERMS IV THE BEST FARMING SECTION Of DOUGLAS COUNTY. Located 4 miles from Myrtle Crek, Or., on good county road, mail route. 1 mile from school. 40 acres of this creek bot tom. 6 1) acres in cultivation. Soil is a dark sandy loam, will grow good crops of alfaifa, clover and corn without irriga tion. Ba la nee in cultivation is second bottom or first bench, soil is a black loam and produces splendid crops: 6 acres of prunes. 3 acres in full bearing wh h an average of about $5oo per yea r for t he past 6 years; 3 acres 0-year-old tret a, which produced a few bushels last yea r. Twc acres of family orchaid including ap ples, pears, cherries. pluin, English wal nuts and plenty of small fruii. Balance of furm not in cultivation is good pasture, has some sea ttering of fir and o-k limber, joins thousands of acres of outside range1- and is considered oim of the best eatlev ranges in this county. The farm is watered by ever-running stream, spring and good well. Good S-rooni house, hot and cold water and bath. Severnl shade trens and lots of shrubbery, 3 barns, 3 large, one 'email; other outbuildings. Will include ahout 30 acres serdnl to crop, plenty of hay and seed to carry cn balance of farming. Cood team of horses and 16 head of cattle. Price Sit.'.oo, $o..r-"0 down, plenty of time on balance at 6' ... W. A. Bogard, RoS'-burg, Or. BUSINESS MAX'S COUNTRY HOME. HU acres, all In high state of cultivat ion ; 6 aces of bearing prunes, family orchard in full bearing, fruits of all kinds, .v-room modern house, private witter system, elec tric Mghtf. good barn, all necessary out buildings, all fenced and crosK-feneed : oa north sido of Columbia River highway; Columbia river bottom land; no overflow; half mile from good railroad town. Price $1(250: half cash. 1! acres of tillable land. 16 acres In high estate of cult iv at ion. P acres l? seeded l o meadow, creek and two springs, well at the house, fenced and cross-fenced, some woven wire fencing, two acres of assorted orchard in tuil bearing, six-room house, bol and cold water, Iari- barn with con crete foundation, toolhouse. ' root cellar, dairy house and woodshed, chicken houses and park. Only one mile from good town, w hich has best cheese factory in Clarke county. Ten miles from Vancouver, on good roads. Price $4ra). Any amount of personal property ami implements can he purchased from owner at a very reasonable price, as he has $2uno worth of personal proper tv on t his fa rni. THOMPSON. SWAN' &- THOMPSON. VANCOUVER. WASH. (Third and Main Sts. I STOCK, A LFA LEA , GR A IN. The well-known Endieott stock ranch, 170' acres, Umatilla county, fully stocked, Durham and Hereford cattle, horses, hogs, sheep, goats, good bui'dtngs, complete farming equipment, etc., offered for sale at f ilt.OOO. 300 acres farmed to mixed grains and some a tfalfa. n n all easily be irrigated : 15UO acres tillable, iiue outrange, 7,ono.ouo feet timber contracted at fl now heing cut. Terms: Mantel priee for stock, sonio t rade, SJO.non can stand at 6 per cent. Set; owner this week only at 523 Henry bldg. GARDEN LAND INSIDE B E A V E R TON. 10 acres, fair buildimrs. 1 block to elec tric station on city street of Beaverton, good swale land. Price, $S000. might sell part. ANOTHER GOOD BUY. Right at Santa Rosa on Oregon Elec tric, 1 miles out; 36 acres, $sioo. All undre cultivation, fair buildings: good, rich garden soi;, very agreeable terms. HITTER. LOWE & CO. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. THIS is one of the best farms in Clacka mas county, only short distance from city, hard surfaced road, SO acres, 63 cleared, 26 In pasture, 35 in fall crop; soil Al ; P room, modtrn house, sewer system, fiiuj large barn, chicken house, hog house, im plement shed, etc; 4 -"' tn school. 600 feet, to store, post office, blaeksinit h shop. This is an up-to-date place in every way. Price $, half cash including stock and im plements. STEWART & BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. IRRIGATED BANC II, ROGUE RIVER VA LLEY. 03 acres. onW $loo per acre. Perpetual water right paid, only 6 miles south of Grants Pass, on the main county road: no acres under cultivation: rich clay-loam; best soil for alfalta, corn, grain and sugar , beets: k-ood buildings, 7-room dwelling, j large new barn; all kinds of pood equip ment; some stock. Owner cannot handle. SO must sacrifice. JOHNiUN. 212 Lumbermens bldg " BUY FROM" US. If vou want a small or large farm, come in and let us tell you what we have. We know the value of farm land, und vill protect you if you buy Irom. us. STEWART Sr BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank Building. 00 ACRES good bottom land, near Creswell all under cultivation and most all in crop, except what is left for corn; good house, barn, silo and other outbuildings: 9 good cows, 3 horses, was offered $500 for a Uam of these horses last fall: brood sows with pigs, chickens, all kinds farm ma chinery. Stock in lino condition, all ior 914,000, half cash, balance 6 per cent. i STEWART & BUCK, 315 Northwestern Bank Building. 40-ACRB DAIRY FARM. $0000. 30 acres cultivated, 10 acres pasture, wa tered bv spring, creek and well; 5-room , irtnv '1 barns, outbldgs.: family orchard. 6 cows', bull, brood how, farm implements i u ni fe-fl This farm Is ;io miles from Portland. M: mile to station. Price $5000, terms. CLEVELAND-B ARR-HENDERSON CO.. 232 Ry. Exch. bldg. Maiis 6752. 115-ACRE farm, also 305-acre farm, both well improved and near Lebanon. Ltnn Co. The best of soil, living stream. Each worth more than price asked; reason able terms. 120 acres finest land, 14 miles west of courthouse. mile electric station ; living stream. Price under $100 an acre. I. G. DAVIDSON. 810 Chamber of Commerce. HIGHLY improved Eastern Oregon alfaifa farm. 340 acres, fully paid-up water riyht. stock and farming implements complete, new modern 30-room house, concrete base ment, electric lights, telephone, etc.; IS miles from good town: $225 per acre, part ca.h. balance easy terms. This Is a extra I good buy. Thompson. Swan Or Thornpon, Third and Main sis., Vancouver. Wash. EVERY acre producing. 4t acres. Ly le. Wash., dist., 16 acres in alfalfa, 16 ncret I wheat, 3 6 acres bearing apples, sj.ouu . crop in sight; fair buildings, least; for five vfnra on Itio acres timber, pasture ad joining; owner cannot handle, see him thid I week at 514 Cham, of C"in. .n-ACRE ranch. 25 acres irrigated and un der cultivation, one mile to school, post- office and R. R. station, central Oregon. Mrtii nr trade for fit v rtronerl v. A. M- Mickel. with Levitt's Dept. Store, 4th and Washington. , 900-ACRE farm, tw o sets of buildings, over I V- under cultivation, ncHr goou innrn hont 5oo acres In grain, complete! en n in ned. on Pacific highway. Owner would exchange for city property. M. L. Lee, 505 Corbett bldg. i. l i : v i." t i rw un general farm near New- bere. Or.; 63 acres, 25 acres bearing B crimes: enod buildings: $2o.o: ca terms. O. H. Skothoine, Henry bldg. i0 ACRES All bottom land; 35 cultivated good buildings; $5(0; sell $.'.00 down o: trade for suburban home. Real Estaf Exchange, 325 Railway Fxchange bldg. $3500 12 acres, nar Vancouver; hon.. bam, orchard, berries, auto road, nca elee. McFarland. 2 Yeon bids- HAROAIN. 40 acrK, near Forest Grnvfr buildings and cord wood worth 300 Price $2250; terms. 804 Spalding bldg. $50 PER ACRE 120 Hcres, good buildings. team, tools. McFarland, 002 l eon oiag.