TTE SUNDAY OREGOXIA, PORTLAND, MARCH 16, 1919. 7 IEAL ESTATE. For bml Hamw. . HOUSE-HUNTING MADE EAST. -room modem bungalow comer 71st nd F'.and-r. 5oxlw lot. 1 block to car. aood neirnb-jrhoud; fuit baewnent; imme- c.410 wteMteuu. Frco 4 $A0 csli aui hax u.c. WEfT P1DE SIX ROOMS. TW RooMveit u. bet. 2Ud and 23d; 3 i bruomi, f'ii; cetatnt basement, fiood nenboraood, J JJ'JU. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 7-rom mocra r ju$. 1 n e 0,rt ! 0 comer loi (Jiargucri.e avet, 15u fe.-t asphalt um: ta.i D;d). food hom environment. fment baem-p'. fr furnace, U1 rooms 4.gnt, airy and cneerfuL IRHNOTOX BARGAiN. Vfry attract!. tiot:in T-roo-n mi - m btmc cn paveci street, good r -.$. bar hood. v -rv tifrf iitinc and qiiudx rovm, hiruwym fioors, firt-p.a'-e. furmcc. 4 fne Ifuroomi sjic ai:iL. icoo-1 rj..'ic. etc t.-;c Jv. !- cash witf hand., IhJ proir:y is pro--d at la.-t JiKi ucdr a:iux Oiut be oid qi-k,y lo ; u an estate. LADD ADDITION. We have to ry r.;c- mo'V-n home a, II rmi '".. in t.r f:c-, c :-jn home e.y. ThM homes are aa uadtr actual AIVfWOKTTT AVE. CR. HZ"H. tvil'i J !os . mode-m 5-ro3""t bus fiiow, larxo finished attic for exira b?d d.i. etc; rmn bismest : 4 on eul b t-tir:r; c'.-rry T.-v r a- co it owsr over $M.f Ne a- authorize i ts ct.'ar jama ax $-j00. caa3 w haati., r-TRT WOMJLV KNOWS WHAT A TTF.E SCfME TASK IT IS TO HUM HCL'SLs. W hoi: cunun ' every day. We know values aid refuse to ofier lor saie i rrorrt:ea that are no;. !a our juctrnep.t, m-orTh price aaked. We have a cu-led lu-i ? bargiica in coma properties in ail parts of Porixd. Just outi.n your requ:r--mtiiZM to ua ar.d e wi endeavor to of:p:y jut wtit ; vas-.eC i THE CROSSLET-VIGARS CO, &pe-:ial.s:s m Horn Procerus. 27j stark St l!a:n 52. CSoctfajr cal Vmi 50 To or .Last 2725 ) $t750 PIEDMONT HOME $5750. Here ts an exceptional bargim fn an Tyozr.. very rr.otieru home n a lull corner let. ia tro h-art of Fir Cm on t ; all s: reet li-ns pa!-i : f:rp pan:d cin!r. room. built-Jr. buifet. den. 4 bedrooms and ieplTijf porch ca the second floor, wnif '"i.'n: p!'jmjin. titctric lights and &-a. l!iii?ned attic. To sett e.sro w- are f offr this home at $075j, tcrm&; vacant. Immediate Doi-i3!on- s KANK I McGLIRE. To Buy Your Home. AWre-oo b!d. Mam UK Mai-! Office Open Ever.rrs and Surulavs. , 4S50 ROE CTTT PARK-?4. i IF INTFHESTED in the BEsT HOME . In Rose City Jark. under the kill, look i this one uo; unless you appreciate all of the stood things which make a com plete home, DRtJH IT. for tms one has oak floors up and down. In in clouts and In "th- lady's chamber": hot watr pi int installed at cost of s0): oh, well, tike It froi n this an right. t;. 64A gTIl.r S A- WKMKR M.ln A ARIPT.-E IIL'RRY. t-arre lots, lox ', 9-ft. a'iev, ntr two room tf nt-hous'. not shack, painted, scaled insiie. porrh5. gas. -atr in. chicken hous" ro.e bjshes, frutt. berries ull kind;; a barium fr a workirt nun, hy pay taxes f-n larj; horn"?? You never g-t your mney back; $i:t04, ome cash, balance Ilk rent, iutereFt. is-c owner at once; leaving; tuwn. Neir i.'olumb J-ark. St. Jo:m3 car. 15 Vincent ave.. one block to car. BfiFE'S a rhanc to buy a .'-room flat with otree und-?rn-th, on Kfilincsu-orth ave a corner for aoout the price of the niort- fife asT-'nat It. This moncjg- runs three rs; this is a good bul ding, hrd-fin- lnea ana practically new. Trie claim igainst it Is only $10. You have thrte yara to pay It in. If you will come in ith I.'H in cash you can take th- prop rt. Th buildtn alon cost $.".'t'0. M J. CLOU t;s:snu4 1 ". A t? 1 N GTO X BLDG. XON-RKSirKNT OWNER Six rooms and siepinc porch, fully mid em and a i tra-f y pi .innfi. with hard- ooi floors. ririi' e. furna'-. lot itf.xl lorated at j:'J Kst :h m. N.; kry at : Kt 3th; prim t'm. wl'h :avorat.l trm. The furniture mav alro be pur- if desired. tarn .Norton, olO rieno b!dg. a 2 fi- A DJOlNlNtl P! EDMON T 2 9-room. 2-atory horis on Kiiliiuf worth. rar Un'on; '2 families vnw o-'cupyin Viu; ciutd f:i!iiy be converted, into flats Vhjo ill hand. t FICANK MC"T"T K E. To Buy Your H-miic AMrrton bids;. M m Main M56L Of'ice Opon Ewnmcs and S'itIiv?. A 1. VlltD I'A RK Oo you w.rt a home In tin section? I Tvp on- with f"vcu r"'ns and si pin r..,r'-r. almost pw. m rn and in client t-onilit ion- full ta-meni and lull SiUv. 1'riK.v .2-"-'. fitn l""''. or fvtunes Tabor sAcmnrr. sale. 8-room ntMi-rn hou.-e. full cement base Tnnt, Hontil Mall and fl'-or-. (urnar lrc Mping ptn-h ovrrlnk in c itv; c lti"nt wall iro'in-l lot : r l-l ri'-i v a ltd g;i C-Kt $lNMt. Will il for $.tM0, Hi-i'tUTlt -:vtng city. Trrina if desired. iM'ilwoo! 147 M. JOHNS HOI "M-: AM' l.OT JIIO". -roiii h'm.ic and lt ."". ih. Jwated 2 Mx ks frm s:r-t:t Lot L- b-tu fully lmp.rord with all kinds of Ftin;hbory a n1 fif.w vn. 1'rice on. v $ i Terms 1.1 'K1IKI NN COMPANY. ;t.; t i.uIt'r if i.'tjitintt-r'". OV KKI.OuK A V-ro.ou modern 2-story house; larg- living room and dining ru.nn with . harf..-d floors, bunt-in bookrae and biifft. iir-pla.e. fu.l cement baf1- in.-nt. a.-a tra . tie Ift us a now you this hoti; t n-v-; nev r bcri llvt-d In. v ill iill on t-rni. iHt-n-Kik Land Co. Tel. Mutn 2HI. o!2 Corbctt b.d. " S 2-2 V H A WT ! 1 R N K HOM K 2 2. r-room moi em rmrne. K. Grant. near S7(h; wiii h.indl.-. S. e KllANK 1 Mcrtl'lRE, Ty Huy Your Home. AMrnoit Mdc. Mim Ivhn. Miln 5158. Ot'.c- f 'tii K -r'.r xrf and Sjr.iiv? aSAKAIN anil -.i. rirt n'w 4 -room bursa lo with t .1 Hi room. modern plu ni o:nr. i.ctrl-' lu-!it, wood hoist. e:c, on lot .ox ltH; owtn-r l-ig euy April I; h.trcaiu for cah ; rtiL-hl chhm-Iit haf payment down and b.i.a,n" mon t h y mst:il. ments. :J 'th North, l!.!sey t. . m .; UV IN IliVK CITY PARK $4,) ." roti.a pnd p,eini; poreh, mod? frn in every rr-v 1 : a. i haM ood floors: cl-e to ear and a- hool. m9t dttsirabie neighborhood. K- a-ot,.ih!r tmns, ii;t. iiiaWN. "Vain TTort, ,r e:uncs Tabr 53. ONLY $.T"iH for a ti-room up-to-date house with (u'l cement hienient. lurnace, flre-pi.-ee and ail bulH-tn efrc;s. There la a full lot with tins proper t v . J.'.i'ii cash Will b.irul'e It. M. J. CLOHKV, 415 akim; ton hi. do. y ILL a-, I or tr.-! for city property S-rtHm hnusf on corner lot li0x 1m. fruit trees, iranlen pine. chicken hou and burn, be iwr-n Wilil-irnst and Union nvea. Call Woolla n I.IHJ or Proa.i y 7t. THKKK-KiHiM plj lot. 5c car line. $7(H. $"' dovn. pavmnt. C:ill tiered hou 5il0 foot near S2d it. ; price only taan e ma;i monthly and sec about this at tit Corb-Tt bids;. P.OSE CITY PARK. Thorouchly modern anl up-to-f he-min- buncalow. room a, larce attic, close to car line: e;oy iT!n.s. F. W. TOKiit.elK. Sherlo- k B!df. Y W N K 1 : "- room mod-r timrilwood floors. Car. fum;i 1 bunralow, e. on p.i ed f3-:-0. sm.lll atrvet. 1 block to car lire: rnvmcTit dti balance like rent. 42'J Kiw! 57th North. jir SALE Ps ret-t to buyer; no agnt; at tractive -rtiori house in Irving ton dis trict. Thone Eat K20. EIN-liOvor HOI'SE in city: lot 53xHHi; l-. $:t' ivn, balance like rent. ChlI WaiuHD 2(3-. or adtireds 4i7 Hyde t., eny. t-K beautiful Arlinnon Height.-, and th-n rr how low aioi on wh.u a.-'y terms we can butM. Williams Ac Williams. 311 ran sna buio!tr-g. X E A L IllT own r. a $:too0 new 5-roorn mica low. utrt-t iy motern throughout: $;o4t ch. balance le- than rent, includ ing trtttr'-t. AC 4.-t, Oregon tun. CELLWOoP -riom bmis. 2 attic room. r.m--nt basement. electric lights. gas; fra tin lot. on hard-surface at.; $13t)u. 1 1 'i. Of cn! .i n JoRT LAN l Heights, block carline. 6 roms. modern, htie enamel. ahd hardwood fioo-s; full ler.cih basement; furnace; $.r.u. twner. 1 . . 2T-t t. CuTTA'tH. 4 room, kitch.-nette and bath : g s. elec Ilk ."it ; m. plumbing: basment ; 5ts.H lot: garage. Prue $2100. Terms. 4 Shaver !t. JOK SAL?: by owner. 2 loia on Ladd kki., nrar lUitlu-nir, u"! a nusltrn i-roon boue. Inquire at bl2 E liott ave.. Ladd s AddiMon. $1'0 CASH buvs sm.Cl fine garden land for $l2."o i: ni.nute to A;wr: ra 'e and V a-re on e-iy trni, Main 1:177. BY OWNER. 5. room stfrtiy modern bungalow, Ladd's addition. il Locust st. JfohHRN -rom home. 2 blks. -arlne, s.ttiHt; S50t down. b.L $25 per month, and iutcrtaU Jabor b'JK REAL ESTATE. For Sale Hoium. B V Y A 11 O M E. What's the use to oar hich rent for years with notttinp; to show for your money when -you ret old when oa can buy one of the fol lowing; homes on easy payments? fo'JO u-room bungalow, strictly moaern, hard wood f luura, cement basement, fireplace, buiit-in effects; on paved street, central east side, close to street car; terms, $1000 caah, bal ance to suit. o6SO H-room bungalow, full cement base ment, iirepiace. watt) trays, cemeni parare. good surroundings, full lot, on paved street; f-WjO cash. $1900 l-rovtn exceielnt cottag. full ea- mni baseineDt. Mount Tabor line; $.' casli, balance easy payments. ilust be seen to be appreciated. 53200 7-room house. .4 bedrooms, garage, full basement, double constructed; B!mont street, close in; terms, 914"4 cash, balance to suit. Let tis show you these this week. "Phone lor appointments Mam or call on Tjabnev Investment com- pany, room 1. Vorcester buildmtr. HOME BARGAINS. $'o0 c-sh. nAt 5-room bunralow, near Monta i'la car; price 1;30. cash. 6-room house, near SMlwooa rr, a'! imp. including; bard suriace, in an 1 paid: price $ljo0. cah. A-room bunga'.ow n Terraca Park- hr?place. bnra ceiimg, pric i"'.to. -.n-i .-. w iiviriim nr Mr Tiibor. Alta- 1 nrai car. jrood 6-room 'louse, garage, ai1 i ..,.1- ' f,.t nHr S10H "iiVi--tiv modern T-rom buncalow, west of ;-th .: lu-na-e, flr-plare. nearly Be; iZrjryn: or1-e S i 20. f. V. Osburn. blO mk- b'-U-. od ar.d Siark- HOME." HOMES. 5-roo-a modern burgalow. Hawthoma district, pavea afreet. iO-loot xou $3700. house, sieepinr porch, very fla "able. East lavlor street, clcsa In. LADD'S ADDITION. 2 houses, 4750 and $5600; moit D seen to be appreciated. - A number other houses In artooa loca tion: also vacant lots. See me. I . W. TORGLER. 106 Sherlock Bldg SIX-ROOM COTTAGE Light, water. ana cam; iultivu. nu, cioe to car. Prica 12100 Tenna, Five -room cottage; modern; lot 60x100. Price Good shark and 2H lots, with fruit and henhouse. Price JI0O0. rail or rnone Mrs- M. A. Johnson, MU vaukia hl-M or 65-W. LAURELHVR5T BUNGALOW I have for sa!e this week several a. 0 and 7-rrtora buncalows. ran sting in pnee from 41hj to itkoO. All street improve ments included. ALSO beautiful 5 -room bungalow, a! most new, wrh fire garage. In Rose Citr Park. Price $tir nothing ordmarv about this ptace. r-me out to Laurelhurst Tract Office, East 3'h St?., or phone TABOR ZiZS or EAST evening. "j-ALBERTA BUNGALOW C05O. 6-room attractive lfe-story bungalow. on corner lot: Las living room, dining room with flreplac. kitchen. 2 bedrooms with 2 s!eeping porches: full cement basement, white e?mr"l plumbins. electric lifibLS and ca: jw wiii nanaie e FRANK 1 McGI'IRE. To Buy Your Home. Ablnrton bTd?. Main lfBS. Main 513S. ''ffice Open Evenings and Sundays. $GU0 CASH HANDLES 5-ROOM HUN'CALoW. 1 block north of Hawthorne car; prjee $3500. i.aI'RRLHT'RST HOME. 6 rooms, mod ?rn. hich -class place: price reduced .foi quick sale; easy terms to desirable party. bee this at once. MRS. M. E. LENT. T?3-4 Northwestern Bk. Bids;. Main 850. VISIT LAURELHURST TODAY Big bargain in ti-room house close to car; 4 eatra larsre bedrooms and family a.eDina- norch : extra large living and din inc rooms, all finished in old Ivory and tapstry paper; choicst location: hot water hoat; garage; immediate posesjtion ; good terms. Call for key at office, hast .ath and Glisau St.. or phone Tabor o433 or TRVTNGTOV PA CP TFT CE. Tteautitul S-room modern home, worth $Suuu for $guuu. Phonu Tabor isoi. Il-JOO I0ft 100. COTTAGE 4 1200. 3-room cotcage on luOxRK) in Sellwood: eletrl.; Ilthui and gas, pa-ieiit toilot; $U0U Till handle. se FRANK L. McGUIRE. T Huy Your Home. AWncton bld. Mam IO. Main 5158. Of: I- Open Evt-ninjcs and Sundays. WAVER LT H KIGHTS. A modern b-rooni hou.e; sleeping porch lot 1 Ki HKi. st on 4 wall, nice la vrn, I rh"li'8 fruit trjra, bernea and rotes, ce- int-nt basement, furnace laundry traya, lure in inir room, fireplare uen. beamed oiimtJ. bain a nd - loiiti large attic, pavtd ,Htreei-. R7-I East 3;id at. isy owner. A XKW .-rooni molfrn buncalow (n Over- loi.k; hard u ood Moor in iivhig room and dining room, built-in onveniences, flre-t!n-, full cement basement, wa.-ih trays, m.; tot 5o1mu, eaM trout; will sell on terms. OVERLOOK LAND COM PANT. T-l Main 1'IH. .MJ Coroett Rldg. A V KLL-!L"ILT and attrat-tite bungalo flclit rooms, all n niched ; garage at Vached, with trance ti bajttneiit . full-siied bjment. eicht f"t tlep: ihis house is modern in n tj- respect; price $'."ou; lo cated tn h:iri of itowe fity 1'ark, one block from SanJ ; own r desires deal wlla purcha.ser only. C 1 l. Oreonian. k: mK city pai:K nrn a sev. n-roonx mii-rn houae. good location, whicti I oirer Tor 4iKK. with J firn cash payment of $0uu; baiance favor ablo terms. MR. BROWN. Main 1?ot Evenings Tabor 59. STOP RENTING. Five-room bunga.ow; electric, gas. ba Pule h kitchen : h ery pie iflb.ct lOpntlort i!anrro!t ileU'hts. end of the North and South Portland tarllm-; $l".nt, $lo0 cash, pr m.-nth. irii.rcrft at t(,. Main UiS Inquire !7rt Corbe' t ft. IRVLNOTON-. I have 2 modern Irvington homes, eTery thinx up to date, 6 room. $40o0; 7 rooms. $4.0i0. You can't beat these, J KOBB1NS. 301 Hy. Et. Tabor r.",Ti. Main 7031. HKKK is an 8-room house, modern and up to dat. on E. -tth st. This house has a full cem-nt basement and furnace. Th price is only 2"0 cash will handie If. M. J. CLoHESal', 415 AB1.NG TON HLPG. TWO or more acres, all in cultivation; nw houe, barn, windmill: water pipea over place; fruit and gssipes: on paved road: one mile from Miiwaukie. Call on M rs. M. A. Johnson, or phone Mil-waukie- fil-M or ti.'t-W. ROSE CITY $20.0. Nifty 5-roorn modern bungalow and sleeping porch. 2 blocks from Sandy blvL and R. C. car; Inn all paid; very con venient and up-to-date; $ti00 cash. 476 E Mth at. N. 1-ORTLAND HEIGHTS ' A most attractive m-w house of eight rooms and &euinj? porca: every modern tonvt-riR-nce, line ttaiace, choice location: owner leaving city : pric $:oU0, favorable te rrri.. H.I :tl I. Ore Ionian. ONE of Alameda Park's finest eight-room homes at a big sacrifice; cost over fnatiu; no reasonable offer refused: see it to day at S3." Hamblot ave. Phone Wood lawn or Main 5258. ONLY $llut for a cozy S-room cottage with 1' big lots. 1 his place is locatea on tne Sr. Johns carline. close to .McKenna ave, eash will handle this. M. J. CLO H ESS Y, 415 A BINUTON BLDG. OWNER WANTS TO SELL modern bur. ga low, close in; everything h and paKl; terms or might consider trade for de-ota Ve acaiii. Tabor 4m:. 40S Marguerite ave. iloDERN 7-room bungalow, as pood as new; p!-ie $37." 0; bard-surface streets, cement walks and sewer, all assessments paid ; wi.l take part cajdi. balance terms. Phone week days. Mam 3H73. ONLY :V500 for a 8-room house with a cor ner lot. c!oie in on E. Taylor su This house is modern nnd has a fine basement with fiirpuc. SLVu cash will handle it. M. J. CLOHESSY. 4T5 A BINGTON BLDG. EXCELLENT 7-room house near Anabel sta tion. Mt. Scott district: lot OlxlO'.t. garden space: price 2to; no mortgage; will tuke lot part payment, terms. Tabor 4-'1'o. m EXi'ELI-ENT modern bungalow with every built-in convenience; good location, west of Piedmont, at three-fourths of value, on good terms. Woodlawn 1M3. " LAURELHURST BARGAIN. Mafwive -rcum house, with every mod ern feature; $7ooq J'honeTabor lrtl. IX1TOX Enst R. t7sTREET, HOMES S'.4. IRV. AGENT. 4-KooM hous. Mt. Scott. 1 block to car; J.-.oo cash. Tabor 2732. MY STRICTLY modern home at 125 Est lring; $.;iMn. half cash. East 02.. iiol'SH Iiurelhurst. 1192 East LEAVING CITY M2V for $.1400 eauity in -room houae. gaiag T 71, Oregonian. M 'I'KRN 5-rorn bungalow in Jonesmore, i.M'ai. Owner. Tabor Mrt3. Bl NGALOW. E. Ta lor terms. Fourth. and 34th. $2k)0. Main 12-13. HmMS. modern, larce lot, at right price, bv o nT. Tab-r it. hX'R SALK 5-room modern bungalow, $law caan, $2.ju terms. Call C 1312. BEAL ESTATE. For Sale UOQ HOUSES AVT LOCATIONS. $2000 5-room cottage; elec, bain, mtnt, sjw caun. call l-H junne s aota. near Ainswortn. 12000 6-room house; 50x100; 1069 Grand ave. ."s .; ow casu. $2100 6-room cottage; elect., bath. ra rage; caan; il.u Madison, bet. 37th and i3th. $2000 tf-room houce; elect., bath, base' mem; 5xluO; AOS Etneraon, near jytn: iouu casn. $2100 l-roora bungalow. 1011 E. 0th N near Alberta: torma. $2300 5-room bungalow. 1031 Division, near o4tn: i earn. $2500 6-room cottage. 30s Halsey, ne 1st, near Broadway bridge; $oOO cash. $2650 5-room bungalow, modern, 10SO Arnold, near Marguerite; $600 cash sjooo o-ruom house and - outaoor sleepi porches; garage; 402 Ji&sup, ne&i' Union. $2700 6-room cottage, 474 Broadway, near jackson. west side: easv torms. $3000 G-room fine cottage, furnace, etc corner joilw. ijoo; city lie paid ; SS3 E. 7 to N., cor. Mason ouu cash. $3000 0-room bunralow, rood em, 1244 Aider, noar 4'i: SiiHl iMuth. $3150 5-roora fine bungalow, lot 50x100 liens an paid: ooj i.. iJb-th near Uli ion; tu earn. $3200 7-room house, fireplace, fine out s:ae a en: ooxiiv.; 451 Jessup, nea itn ; iwo cash. $320 ti-room nice house: lot 52100, 3 ivy, near union; sow casn. $3300 -room house; lot 5txlW: 76S Taylor, near 23d: 10t" cash. $300 7-room fine house, furnace, fire place, etc.; 259 E. 31st., near Haw thorne; J MX) cash; snap. $4000 6-room fine house, furnace, fire place, garage : two lots, 100x100 1217 Raaron v fftmf .Tutm $40007-room modern house, furnace, fire place, raraste. looxiuo: 5O0 Patton. near Davenport, west aide ; $500 casn. $5250 7-roora fine home. 50x100, wslIht- ias oisunce; z. am, near sroaa. $5C00 Fine modern ft-room hocse, hot . water neat. iMk ju. ZVLD, , AJnsworth; terms. GRUSSI A BENNETT, 818 Board of Trade Bldg. Main T452. $2750 IRVTNGTON PARK BUNGALOW A $2750. Hera Is an exceedingly attractive room tynlcal. nracticallv nw hiin?alnw large living room with fireplace; paneled u,"'8 ruum un piate ran ana leaaea giass outlet; Lmtch kitchen; screoned-i back porch, full cement basement, frul room, to light, airy bedrooms with larr clothes closets; white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas; full attic; on E. FRANK L. McGUlRE, To Buy Your Homf Ablnrton bldg. Main 106J. Main 5158. Office Open Kveuinga aliu &uuuus. AM leaving city; must sell this week: new o-room modern, eK-ctnc lights, gas. tele phone, hardwood floors, fireplace, beam ceiling and built-in bullet in dining room, Dutch kitchen; full cement basement. iduiiury iravs ana gus stove in basement chicken house; 2 lots, 50x100 each; 9 7 j ear-oia, cnoice, oearing iruit trees, iogi and gooseberry vines; 3 rooms can be fin ished upstairs, which reallv makes thii a n 8-room house ; cement sidewa 1 ks : one diock to woodtawn car. Take Wood law car. get off at 13th at walk one bloc south, H block east. I built this for my n r-rice o-uu. casn taika. Phone wood. 3676. IK YOU'LL PAY $"'00 DOWN you can buy this beautiful 2-story bun-a low in restricted distnot. 7 rooms, oak floors, splendid fireplace with bookcases. handsome buffet, paneled rooms on lower iioor. oeauuiui lighting xixtures, Lutcii kitchen, bath and lavatory on lower and lavatory on upper floor; high -class furnace, 01c casement, good garage, street oavtn paid. The price is 44600 and it's worth it. tUb A. McK.E-N.NA fit CO.. MAIN 4i22, 2 4th t.. Board of Trade Bldg. $?r0 DOWN $2500 N-EVV BUNGALOW 4 good rooms (2 bedrooms), modem bath, elegant kitchen, built-in ironing uoaru. wiivv. nr trees in yard, block to car line. You can move in , once. J. L. HARTM.VN COMPANY. No. Chamber of Commerce Bldg,, 4th and btark. jiaan ::t'tj. A-205O. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. NEAT BUXC.AI.OW. S rooms and full floored attic, hardwood xioor. rt replace, Duut-ln con v., full ce ment basement, lot 50xl.'.O, no city liens, clo to IU C. school, east front, price ouu, eaay term. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOWE & CO., o3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $3000 WALNUT PARK DISTRICT $3000. 6-Room. 2-story house, on 50120 lot: facing Williams avenue, just south of Wal nut Park. The lot Is worth $2100. Houe could easily be converted into flats. $000 win nanaie. re FRANK L. McGUTRE, To Buy Your Home Abfngton Building. Main lu8. Main 5156. Oittce open hvnings and Sundays. CLOiSK-lN EAST SIDE. A SNAP. 8 rooms, fireplace, furnace, full cement basement, garngo, all hard-surface in and paid, for $louu, East lth, neax Halsey easy terms. C. A. WARRINER. RITTKIL LOWE & CO.. 3A.t-.V7 Board of Trade Bids;. DAMY 5-rontn bungalow, fine fireplace. bookcases, lutch kitchen, light, airy rooms, fine, floore! atuc. pace for 2 rood rooms. largn porches; full lot and use of adjoining one; fruit and berries; fine place for chickens and garden, 1 block to iit. T. car: price only 4ix, easy terms. Liberty Roalty & Brokerage Co., Ou- Buchanan bids. Main 2712 GOOD BARGAIN ON EASY TERMS. Owner must leave city by first of Apr!!, Will sacrifice beautiful modern C-room home for SaoOO. Everything in and of the best quality. Ileautiful vines, flow ers, berries nnd fruit trees. Only 15 min utes' ritte rrom cent r or town. JOHNSON-iOl)SON CO., 034 N. W. Bank Bid. BIG BARGAIN" ALBERTA $2350. Nice living room with reception hall, dtniug room, Dutuii kitchen down and 3 nice bedrooms up; big basement, SUxlOO lot. with beaxintf fruit trees. This fine home is worth every dollar of y oi can buy it for S2:t". with $."m down Pnone me today. Wood lawn 2U35, and I'll snow you tttis borgain. EAST AN KEN Y HOME. WALKING DISTANCE. This is a well-built, 7-room house, full cement basement, furnace, cor. lot, hard' surface in and paid, this Is a good home ana investment, trice, s-t.tuu, terms. 203-5-7 Board of Trado Bldg. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO., BIG BARGAIN, $3250, $300 cash, bal ance easy monthly payments: u large, ngnt rooms, besides reception hall, pantry and Sleeping porch; fireplace, buf let, book cases, hardwood floors, furnace, garage, SoxlOO lot, near 2 good cars. Remember, only a$3250. JOHNSON -DODiiON CO., C34 N. W. BANK BLDG. ROSE CITY PARK. $r350 8-room bungalow, sun room, oak floors, furnace, all rooms white enamel and freshly tinted. This is a modern home and you are getting; a bargain if you buy it. P. VANDUYN. 515 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1!55. NEAR LAURELHURST PARK. 4-room cottage, full basement. laundry trays, bath, etc., electric lights, gas, 2 bedrooms. built-in kitchen, buffet in dining-room, owner non-resident, will sell lor $1801. $350 cash, balance $25 per ma JOHNSON-DODSON CO, 634 N. W. BANK BLDG. AN UNUSUAL BARGAIN. Beautiful East Side home. 7 rooms, sightly location, extra size lot. choice shrubbery and fruit trees; furnished or unfurnished. Munt bo sold or rented at once. Owners leaving;. Easy terms. Own er. 715 East Ash st. VACANT. NEW AND CLEAN. Strictly up-to-date house in Laurelhunt; lot 50x100. This place cost owner $7000. Will sell for this week at $3500; cash, bat to suiu A real snap. M. BILLINGS, 509 McKay Bldg. Main 13fl0. IRVTNGTON BUNGALOW, $3230. Strictly modern living room, dining room, den, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, bath, y'.eping rorch; ppace for 2 more rooms. Splcnd.d buy. Immediate possession; $.i00 cash, balance "0 per month, including interest. E. J. Mavtz. Mar. ISM). E. 503L BUILD now on that vacant lot. Dandy 4 rooms, cement basement, best plumbing, fireplace, complete. $1 730. Call and see plans. Little Homes Builders, 510 Abfng ton bldg. IRVINGTON'S MOST ATTRACTIVE small home; ivory and mahogany finish, oak floors, fine garage, choice location; $6200. Neuhausen & Co. . A" GOOD BUT. I am leaving- the city and will sell my 8-room modern house on Hawthorne ave, chea p. Tabor SI I S. VERNON 7-room modern home; den, sleeping" porch, fireplace, full cement base ment ; 1 blocks to car, 2 blocks to school. Owner, y6E. 20th st, N. O 101L HOUSE for sal. Rose City Park; 733 East 5:th N.: S4ooO: with terms if we.nted. Will sell furniture; some things go with bonne. SIX-ROOM HOUSE Modern ; good neigh borhood ; well located, east side; only J2250: terms. O 477. Oregonian. CLOSE-IN corner ; gcod 7-room house and modern, two-flat bui'ding: income $:00. A snap at $90ou. Terms. Phone East 3912. iIaURELHURST 11 Laddington court, 8 room home, by owner. Can aave you money. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. WHY PAT RENT? OWN TOUR HOME. $2000 SOUTH PORTLAND 12000. A 5-room bungalow, crood basement, fire place, built-in effects; 40x100 lot, nicely located on car line; $500 down, balance like rent. $2500 NEAR TJIVTSION ST. 12500. A 6-room house in fine condition, fine basement, bath, etc.; corner lot on 28th street; terms. S3000 HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW $3000. A 5-room buncalow. crood basement. laundry trays, oak floors, fireplace, every Diiii-in convenience, nand-oecoratea wans. iuxiuu lot; tb ju down. bal. terms. $2500 CLOSE-IN BUT $?500. A 6-room house, full basement, bath etc.: hard-surface streets and sewer In and paid; on East Main st; $250 down, bal ance terms. $3000 A DANDY BUY $3000. A 6-room house, cement basement, fire place, paneled dintng room, cabinet kitchen, stoves and linoleum; 2 lots 40x100 each; garage; all kinds fruit and berries; easy terms. $3500 MT. TABOR BUNGALOW-$3500. A 5-room buncaiow. full basement, attic fireplace, oak floors, built-in effects: cor ner lot ; a dandy buy on easy terms. A 8-roora house In fine condftlon. good basement, bath, etc.; 100x100 ground : all kin&s fruit and berries: corner Michigan ave and Jarre tt bL; price $3000, easiest terras. $3300 WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS $3300. A 7-room Queen Anne bungalow, full basement, built-in features; lots of fruit and berries, your terms can be arranged. $4500 P.OSSMERE HOME -$4500. A 6-room house, sleemne norch. full basement, furnace, laundry trays, all built lns, oak floors, etc.; terms; a nice, roomy name in tine location. $8000 ROSE CITY BUNGALOW $8000. An 8-room bun galow, sleeping porch, full cement basement, furnace, fireplace, all built-in features; 100x100 ground, beau tiful lawn, roses and shade trees, also fruit; you must see this home to appre ciate It it's first class. RUM M ELL 4 RUMMELL, 274 Stark St. ROSE CITY BEAUTY. Here is a strictly modern home !n tne heart of Rose City Park, 6 rooms, Dutch kitchen and bedrooms, finished in white enamel, ail built-in conv., French doors, fireplace, hardwood floors, furnaoe. full cement basement, east front, with very at tractive yard, all hard surface in and paid, price $4500; terms. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C. A. WAR FINER. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldff. $4750 ROSE CITY HOME $4750. Here Is a new, very attractive 6-room, modern home with sleeping porch; fire place; leaded glass bookcases; hardwood floors throughout; large living; room; paneled dining room; massive buffet; white enamel, Dutch kitchen; full cement basement; furnace; 3 bedrooms. Terms. E. 42d street, close to car. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Homt Abington Building, Main 10(J8- Main 5156. Office open Evenings and Sundays. BEAUTIFUL HOME. ADJOINING IRVTNGTON $7500. High-grade residence of 9 rooms, also garage, liv. rm. 28x14. large fireplace and book shelves, large din. rm. with beauti ful buffet, French windows, Dutch kitchen and pantry, breakfast room, toilet on rear porcn. narawooa tioors. white ana 01a ivory finish, second floor 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch, bath, also attic; lot 50x100. wUlJUAKL) & W IE D RICK. IMS Stark SL $2950 FOR SALE $2950. 7-room modern house, fireplace, oak floors, seat, bookcase, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, laundry trays, garage 16x16, chicken-house, no city liens; 2 blocks from carline: 100 ft. to paved st. jr win exenane tor nome in country within 20-mile radius of Portland on good roaas. J. a. Atterbury, owner, 35)0 32d st., Portland, Or. BEAUTTFUL HOME, v SUNN YSIDE. 8 rooms and music den. bungalow style, cove ceilings, all built-in conv., fireplace, furnace, full cement basement, cor. lot, garage, nice lawn and shrubbery, close to car. Price $4-Vi0. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 203-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $2100 NEAT BUNGALOW $2100. 4-Room bungalow; white enamel plumb ing; electric lichts and gas; very attrac tive little homo: $250 will handle. E. 72d street, near Burnside, See FRANK U McGUIRE, To Buy Your Homt Abington Building, Main 1068. Main 5156. Office open Evenings and Sundays. SNAP. Five-room house, built 1910, sold then $35u0; have taken on mortgage; this price includes all improvements paid: must b sold This week at this price, $2450. Lo cated 1012 Brooklyn street, near 35 th. Term can be arranced. Further informa tion 40 Selling bldg. Main 132. ROSE CITY PARK. 5-room bungalow less than -2 years old. oak floors, fireplace, furnace, attic, all built-in effects. Located in heart of Rose City Park's best residence section. See this for a derided bargain. F. VANDIjYN. 515 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1355. HOME SACRIFICE. Corner lot, 2-story house in good con dition. 4 blocltH from car and about 6 blocks from business district in St. Johns; must bo sold to close estate. Price $1700, terms. S(.e E. M. Brown with N EI LAN & PARKHILU 219 Lumbermen's Bldg., th and Stark St. $290OHOT WATER HEAT $2900 " 5 rooms, bath and shower bath, full lot. east front, large garapp, fruit trees, close to car; easy terms. This is a cozy little home and a snap. C A. VVAKKINKK, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 503-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. VANCOUVER, WASH. 5-room. full basement, modern bath, ga rage with water, gas and elec. ; chicken house; lot 50x100 on cor., with 100 ft. ce ment walks and macadam pavement: close to car, grade and high schools. Price $2300; terms $500 cash. GODDARD A WIEDKICK. 243 Stark st. MY IRVINGTON home, convenient, modern. & large roome. turnace. sieenlne norch. sun bath, full cement basement, full corner ot. trees, fruit, shrubbery and roses; nice garage: close In. 1.1th and Tillamook; $50o, clear, furnished or unfurnished. t;ast 7TO.. A REAL BARGAIN. Modem 6-rm. residence : furnace, fire place, Dutch kitchen; room for garage; corner lot; both streets paved; near 20th and Oregon. Price $33f0: terms $800 cash. GODDARD & WIEDKICK. 243 Stark St. $2100 4-ROOM BUNGALOW $2100. Modern 4-room bungalow, large floored attic, 81x140 ft. lot, fruit, berries, chicken run and house, waikin- distance to Frank lin high school. Derr & King, 304 Oak st. Broadway 266. IRVINGTON BARGAIN. In choicest nart of Irvinjrton. 7-room home; terms reasonable; shown by ap pointment. Owner in city for few days only. Phone East 5102 mornings. ONLY $1100 for a good 4-room house, ceiled and papered, on E. sd st. There are two lots with this property ana the price is a sacrifice. $500 cash. M. J. CLOHESSY, 415 ABINGTON BLDG. H1LLSBORO HOME SNAP. 6-room house, bath. etc.. nice nantnr and root house; 49xl45-ft. lot; garage. Price only $120); mini down, bal. like rent. RUMMELL & RUMMELL, 274 Stark st. ALAMEDA PARK fine home, corner lot, near car une; ivory nnisn, oaK floors $6000. including draperies. Neuhausen & Co. MUST SELL Will sacrifice my equity for X2UUU casn in nice nine-room nouse, 75x100 lot on paved street: lots of fruit; pood renting district. N 394, Oregonian. 7-ROOM house with furnace; Stanton St.. near Williams ave.: muet be sold at once close up an estate. Fhone East 852 day or Marsnaii 4,n nigit. VINGTON BEAUTIFUL COLONIAL HOME ideal plan, attractive ivory finish garage; fine location; $7000, terms. Neu hausen & -o. room Dlastered house. 50xl00-ft.lot. carline, near o-u bl.; price oniy tuu, ;u down. bai. smau montniy payments, uau und see about this at 3O0 Corbett bldg. AUTIFUL HOME PLACE. SUBURBAN. 10-acre tract, near Powell Valley road. 7 rooms, fruit, $6750, tenna AB 177. Ore gonian. VINGTON HOME SACRIFICED, $4800, erms; fine location, convenient to car and !. hool. Neuhausen & Co.. S33 N. W. Bank bldg. ROOM bungalow, full basement, lot 50 xl00. gas and electric, laundry trays, lo- ated vli uarneia, 1 diock irom union car. ROOM house, furnished, lot 80x100. fruit and poultry yard, very reasonable. East 8. IRVINGTON HOMES OUR SPECIALTY. rs e u tA t et to., 833 N. W. BANK BLDG. Main 8078. IN IRVINGTON, house. No. 525 pretty, modern 6-room 21st sL. near Brazee. ON ML Scott carline. five-room bouse, mod ern, partly furnished; terms. Eawt 6013. 5-ROOM strictly modern bungalow; terms. Phone Tabor STRICTLY" modern,- attractive 5-room bun galow by)wnerJCariT!abor717XT'erm FOR SALE Lot and 2-room shack. 4428 42d ave. 7-ROOM house. E. 16th Burnside; easy terms. Phone East 4404. REAL ESTATE. for Sale Houses. BEAUTIFUL country home, 11 large rooms. finely finished; completely modern; tw"o I baths, 4 toilets, cold air cupboard, water j and air-cooled; hot water heating system;! a iirepiaces: large 10x20 porcn on sou in. stoop porch in front, pergola posch on the! east ; out?ide blinds to all windows, ex-1 posed parts all of cedar; living room 15 1 py 00 ieet; line large garage ana Darn, well built; chicken houses, and six and one-half acres of land. House, garage and barn cost $o00 to build in 1013; house insured for $4000. Price to sell at once, Including- fine body brussels carpet on living room, ammg room una nan, cur Jama at windows, kitchen range and lino leum. $6500. Would take $2500 in mer- luunaibe ana the balance on Ions tune. iirst mortgage at 6 per cent, address) MR. LITTLER, Car The Bootery, Salem. Or. FREE EXHIBIT SOO 'PHOTOGHAPHS HOMRS irrvn c a 1 c Each home IS ni-rnnalu ln,nl, nnA appraised by an expert appraiser and pho- lUs'a.H oiiansea in its respective district, with price, terms, etc. on the wails of our display room.. You are invited to call and inspect these photographs; some won aerfui bargains; compare them with other nouses that have been offered you before maKing a decision. Six automobiles at your service if you should care to see any of these homes. We sold over 100 homes in the last tSO davS and over $500. 000 worth In iius because we have the '"iaijis. oca FRANK Lu McGfTTRR. Successor to H. D. McGuire Co. Est. 1SS0. To Buy Tour Home. vS ldsr- Main 106S Maln 615a- -o yea evenings ana Sundays. xrtvi.-sorON BUNGALOW "SPECIAL. 6 rooms, attic, full basement and full mod-1 iu; cuuu, iojv cflffn. CHOICE ALAMEDA BUNG.. 5 rooms. leepinsr porch and br.bfat n v Vt room. 13x23; oak floors throughout, lire place, etc, ate. $4500, $1500 cash. 2 ELEGANT IRVGTN HOMES, 6 and ' 7 rooms, la re- hall. ! h..ik. I Artistic, and complete: both in best parts Rn-wfin" 5760 and $7500. Echaefer, - rf- my ui a, m J.00 . RIVER VIEW HOME. A RiRfiiTV Finished throughout fn" whit enamel. 'wu, sleeping- porcn, sun porch and Dreaklast alcove, hardwood floors, bevel plate, bookcases, buffet and windows, fireplace. furnr.o. fun k , -v f 2 bedrooms and sleeping porch on 1st 41VU, jsiouna, iou on one siae, nice lawn. viriuQ aoouu. Terms. C. A. WARRINER, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. COLONIAL HEIGHTS - DUTCH COLONIAL 19000. 7 rooms, finished in white enamel with t coals, manogany trim.; liv. rm. across! ena c-i nouse, large central hall with den In rear, din- rm. with lan-a hiffa rt.oi-. kitchen, 3 bedrooms, and sleeping porch. 2 I .ui its lb, very targe linen cioset, hot-water heat, tile bathroom. 2 fireplaces, French I j '.- j une etecrric nxrures. GODDARD & WIEDKICK, 243 Stark St. BARGAINS IN HOMES. $400 rest like rent, 2 lots and 6- room bungalow. Alberta district; price $2000. $700 cash, rest like rent, full lot, 5-roora oungaiow, Hawthorne district; price $2500. $1000 cash, rest easy terms, nica mod ern 6-room house. Alameda, price $3600. Many other bargains. See us If you I wemi l vaiuB ior your money. F. FUCHS, 420 Chamber of Commerce. NOW VACANT. MOVE RIGHT IN. This is a strictly modern place with beautiful corner lot, all hard surface in and paid, 6 rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in conv., full cement basement, furnace, nice resi- j aence district; price iu'n; terms. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg-. $3650 ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW $3650 unusual attractive 5-room bungalow: cement basement; laundry trays; white enamel plumbing; electric lights and gas; narawooa noors; ouin in et rects; lire- place; rruit and flowers. Terms. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home Abington Building. Main 1068. Main 5156. Office open .Evenings and Sundays. IRVINOTOV. A choice home of 11 rooms with 2 bath rooms, o toilets : hardwood uo-rs on stories; lot GOxluO. on carline: nrice $10.- OOd, $4500 cash will handle. For appoint ment aaaress & i, uregonian. WPj HAVE one of the finest homes in Port land for sale, consisting of 12 rooms, com pletely furnished, with fine fixtures, full cement basement, large sleeping porch, lot J'Mjxjoo. located in ('ouch addition, on car- lino In good state of repairs; Vi ca.m, bal ance good tterms; if you are looking for a home see this. H. & H. REALTY CO., 615 S wet land Bldg. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. $3500. On the Alameda, 2 blocks from Rose City car; has cement basement, furnace. fireplace, hardwood floors, btnlt-in con veniences and is partly furnished. $750 cash, balance monthly payments. See ; E. M. Brown with N El LAN & PAEKHILL, 219 -Lumbermen's Bldg., 5th and Stark St. VERY' SELECT ROSE CITY. Strictly modern 6-room house and sleeping porch; attractive surroundings, very sightly, all nice and expensive. homes: located on w isteria drive, the very cream of Rose City Park, only one block Irom car. .Price ;2.i0; terms. KASER & RAINEY, 823-26 Gasco Bldg. Marshall 3125. ROSE CITY PARK. T HAVE A LARGE LIST OF MODERN BUNGALOWS IN ROSE CITY PARK. LET ME SHOW YOU. AUTO AT YOUR SERVICE. F. VANDUYN, 515 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. MAIN 1905. WEST SIDE BARGAIN. 80x100 on 16th street, near Marshall. Yearly Income from old buildings about j $1000. Price $11,000. $4000 cash, balance long time 5 per cent. See E. M. Brown j with NEILAN a PARKHILL 219 Lumbermen's Bldg 5th and Stark St. IRVINGTON'S HANDSOME HOME. $9500 less than cost; beautiful rooms and I servant Quarters. 2 bathrooms. 2 fire places, all oak floors: eleeantlv finished throughout, artistic decoration; one off the iinest nomes on the choicest corner I In Irvington; MUST BE SOLD. Neu- hausen & Co. $3300 RODNEY, NEAR SKIDMORE $3500 ery sunsianuai -room. moaern nouse 100x100 grounds, on paved street; liens all paiu. fitiH) win nandie. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home Abington Building, Main 1068. Main 5156. Ottice open Evenings and Sundays. ROSE q?TY PARK. . $30XK 5-room bungalow, "below hill"; oak floors, furnace, fireplace, built-ins; 1 block from Sandy blvd., the all on pavea street; garden spot, berries. F. VANDUYN. 515 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1955. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Modern bungalow, 5 rms. and attic; fur nace, fireplace, Dutch kitchen; modern house adjoining; pavement paid. Price 34UO. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. CLOSE-IN HOME. 7-room modern home; furnace, full cem. I basement, built-ins, etc.; lot 80x100, paved st. ana paia; a snap at 710,000, terms. KASER & RAINEY. 823 Gasco Bldg. Mar. 3125. ROSE CITY PARK. If yon are looking for a home In Rose I city 1 ar, let me snow you a moaern oun gaiow for $3W)0. on easv terms. F. VANDUYN. 515 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1955. IRVINGTON HOME. Strictly modern six rooms and Sleeping norch. earaee. built-in feature fino lo cation, in good condition, reasonable. East 24th N.: by appointment only. East 3820. MT. TABOR o-room bungalow, excellent condition, corner lot, 150 feet hard-surface street, paid for ; fine view ; price $2800. $1000 cash, balance $20 month. Call Mon day. Hroaaway wots. 5-ROOM modern bungalow. 1 block to cars! full cement basement, furnace, cement sidewalks, good neighborhood; price for quicK saie .ju casn, oai. iiKe rent. See Brasure, 306 Corbett bldg. HAWTHORNE home. 7 rooms, double con structed, corner lot, sleeping porch, Rec-, tor heat, full cement basement, near i schools. Tabor 6190. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW BARGAIN Choice location; $4650; easy terms; lovely. large rooms, oaa. noors, iirepiace. neu hausen & Co. CONTRACTS on sold houses for sale by owner, drawing 7 per cent interest, AE 871. Oregonian. s.ROOM bunealow: cemer.t basement, fur nace, attic, central east side, walking dis- j tance. 02 r-ast 2utn, cor. kjulk. East 20VJ. 1 ROSE CITY PARK, modern 6-room bunga- 1 low; aen ana sleeping porcn: uirect irom owner. ;ii .ast ootn st. n. wttst SIDE homes: have 3 srood ones, wan located, ranging from $S5oo to $14,500; all modern. niicncocK. ou -m st. iUain iJo. FOR SALE Furniture and small equity In place, good location. Call Tabor 7950 for particulars; no aeaiers. HAWTHORNE modern home, full lot, fur nace, oak floors, built-ins. partial sleep ing porches; bargain. Tabor 8S5L BEAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses, ROSE CITY PARK SIX ROOMS AND DEN $5250. My gooaness, but you certainly will get your money's worth in this beautiiui home; it's located at 473 E. 50th sl X., Just south of Sandy; drivo by and . sec for yourself the truly substantial char acter of this home. then, by appointment let us show you the rich interior: fin ished In old ivory and white throughout: the French doors, the massive buttct and all the littlo conveniences so much de sired by the modern housewife will ap peal to you strongly: of course, it has hardwood floors, nreplace. furnace, etc. ; this ad is written just for tho purpose of having you see tho property; it must and will sell itself; we cannot too strong ly urge your immediate inspection. A. G. TiEPE CO.. 264 Stark St., Near 3d. Main 3516. Branch office, 50th and Sandy. Open Sunday. BOAT SACRIFICE. SO-PASSENGER (ENCLOSED) LAUNCH; NEW 30-FOOT BY 7B. 1S-H. P. ENGINE. ALL IN FIRST-CLASS CONDITION. KuR BUSINESS, FISHING INSIDE THE BAR) OR PLEASURE. (.CAPACITY" 3 TONS.) ELECTRIC LIGHTS AND EQUIPMENT. READY FOR SERVICE. GREAT BARGAIN AT $750 (DISC. ALL CASH). COST AND WORTH ABOUT I'-'VO. EASY TERMS OR PART TRADE. I WANT GOOD AUTO). LIBERTY BONDS. ETC. SEE THIS: MAKE OFFER; AM LEAVING CITY. ADDRESS "PATTISON." PHONE MAIN 1S1M, OR P. O. BOX 222. WALNUT PARK. 7 ROOMS $5250. Located on Cleveland ave.. near Alberta, now vacant and ready fcr occupancy. This house is splendidly built and well ar ranged. Never been lived in. Price greatly reduced for immediate sale. Convenient to 4 cars. Let us show you. 1 es. can be handled on easy terms, I . A. G. TEEPE A. G. TEEPE CO.. 284 Stark St., near 3a. Main 3516. Branch office, 50th-Sandy, open Sunday, Sunday phone Mr. Hiller, Tabor 255; Mr. Claytor. Tabor 9321. ALBERTA BARGAIN. Foreclosure Rfdemntmn Priof? Tr $3000 asked. Make an offer of $2S00 and 1 xeei sure we can aenver; o rooms, den, sewing- room; large reception hall, furnace, full cement basement, wash trays; this Is an ida!, 2-story house and would cost $3250 to build terms. Let us show you. J. A. WICK MAN CO., 204 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 5S3. Sunday call E. 2544 $2850 $1000 DOWN. Modern 5-room bungalow with all built in conveniences, white enamel kitchen, panel dining room, beam ceiling, fireplace, full cement basement, wash trays; cor. SoxlOO. This place for sale by owner. The owner will pell furniture complete if wanted. Come and look this over. This is a bungalow of large rooms, every one of them, and double constructed; built for a home, not just to sell. 1541 E. Everett st. "MV" car. 5Sth. $2550 HOME FOR YOU Six rooms, good basement, nice bath room fixtures, gas, electricity, everything in O. K. shape, full-size lot, to alley, bear ing fruit trees, graded street, sewer, side walks and curbs in ; block to uar, con venient to O.-W. R. & N. shops; $2&0 cash, balance like rent. A. II. BIRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Elds. Marshall 4114. V 411S. BEAUTIFUL HOME. LADD ADDN. 8 rooms, modern from stem to stern, nicely located lot, 12S ft. lont;. with all?y; close to car, clear of encumbrance; price, $txo0. term a 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldgr. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO., UNION AVE.. ALBERT A. WOODLAWN CARS. $2200 Cozy 5-room bungalow on 50x100 lot; iun Dasemeni, eieciric upnm, bath, hard-surface st. in and pd. ; easy terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 583. Sundaycall Tabor 2075. NEW, MODERN BUNG AUOW $2600 6 rooms; oak floors, all built-ins; extra well-built: must sell this house to close another deal; $600 will handle; if you can get off a paved street this is your oppor tunity; full oOxluO; houso alone would cost $3500. J. C. CORBIN CO., 305-6-7 Lewis Bids. WANT A 6-ROOM HOME CHEAP? $2500 Oozy home with 3 roonis up and 3 oown; gas. eiectric nt;nis, mn 11 ne of plumbing; fruit and berries. Eaay terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 53. Sunday call E. 2544 MT. TABOR 2 stories, 6 rooms and sleep ing1 porch, full plumbing", full basement, hardwood floors, buffet and built-in kitch en, furnace, fireplace, beautiful lot. ni-e!y improved, extra large, splendid view. Price $4500. $5"0 cash, balance reasonable. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 634 ri. W. BANK BLDG. WAVER LY BARGAIN. Five rooms and attic, Richmond dis trict, near car, full lot, choice location, improvements all in; $2500, with small payment down, balance like rent, A. 11. BIRRELL CO., 217 Northwestern Bank Bid;?. Marshall 4114. A 411S. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. $32005 rooms strictly modern except heat;, ooottcaseK, outlet, annoy Dutch kitchen, lull cement bas menu; st. imp. all pd. Easy terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Railway Exchange Bldir. Main 5S3. Sunday call Tabor 2975. WOODLAWN BUNGALOW $1950. Very nice little 4-room bungalow with nreplace, ouut-in nxtures, uuich kitch-u, ilxi2 lot. 4 uiocks scnooi. 2 blocks rruii 3 car lines. This is a splendid buy. Terms if desired. - OK O. T. MO O KB CO,, 10O7 Y eon b 1 dg. $5000 Modern 8-room house with den and 2 sleeping poiches; lot oOxlOO; on East 31st tit., near Hawthorne: easiest kind of terms. Would consider clear, desirable vacant lot as part of initial payment. Al. HliliNUS. 509 McKay Bldg. Main 1390. MODERN 6-room bungalow in Hawthorne district, furnace, hardwood floors, hard surface street in and paid; gas range and heater go with property. If looking for bargain see this. Call 215 Washington Bldg. SELLWOOD 5930. Beautiful 80x178 lot with comfortable small house, 1 block from car. Just the place to raise chickens. $250 down. Only $10 per month, including interest. This is a dandy buy. un.u. 1. ivtuuttis tu., lwt x eon niag. WELL-BUILT MODERN 7-ROOM HOME Io0xl2o. corner E. Stark and (6th sis. Choice fruit trees. 75x125 on E. Stark, valuable business frontage. Present own er cannot handle and will sacriiice for $5000; terms. JOttiiNsors, Z12 j.umoermens Diag. MODERN bungalow, four rooms and bath, hardwood floors, full cement basemen; hard-surface street in and paid, close to cars, in Hawthorne district. This should be seen to be appreciated. Price, $2900, Call Tabor 7726. MT. SCOTT CAR $750. Rpnutiful lot. 12Sxl42. 2S fruit trees, lots of blackberries, raspberries and other small fruit; small house, but comfortable; easy terms to right parties. GEO. T. MOOKE CO., 11MIT Yeon bldg. WELL BUILT $1200 MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE. Corner lot. near Grays Crossing, Mt, Scott car, immediate possession; easy terms. JOHNSON, 212 Lumbermen bldg. MT. SCOTT CAR $1400. 6 rooms. 4 downstairs and two partly finished upstairs; laces east, on macadam ized street, has a garage and is equipped with electricity, gas. piumbing. etc.; ttrms. GEO. T. MOOKK- CO.. l eon bia;. S2500 Modern 6-room bunsalow. fur nace, fireplace, built-ins, Dutch kitchen. Eaay terms. M. BILLINGS, 509 McKay Bldg. Main 1390. $5 w to t'A&n, ouys a neat nine summer home with lots of room for garden, 2 blocks from car. McReynolds, 214 Abing ton bldg. S U XX YSIDE $ 2 600. 5 roms. bath, full basement, paved St.. one block from S. S. car, near E. 35th St.; easy terms. GEO. 1. Moorus k;u., jw xeon Diag. IF YOU are looking for a nice little 5-room plastered house ana a lot u.ixawi ieet. come to 870 Morse ave.. Sellwood Garden. For quick sale will take I10OO, $noo down and sio per montn. l. a. acnora. PENINSULA PARK, $1800. 5 rooms, beautiful S.'xlOO lot. fruit. shade trees, all fenced, 3 blocks school, 5 blocks car. Terms. GEO. T. MOOKii co., nwf ieon mag. FOR SALE Fine old home in heart of Sun- nysida district, large lot, line shade and fruit trees, furniture if desired; price $3200, some cafh. balance $35 per month. Call Sunday, 1108 E. Yamhill. SI-ROOM BUNGALOW, $2s50. One Axminster rug worth SloO Includ ed; furnace, laundry, modern bath; lot 50x106. Terms $1400. GODD ARD & W I EDRICK. 243 Sta rk St. A FARM right in Portland; 1 full acre, fine soil, all set to iruit. berries arm a oig bungalow. J3750. $300. cash. Think it over, then call Main 4141. McReynolds. TAKE ML Scott car. Myrtle Park station. go nortn ana east to t37 3in ave. win sacrifice my 5-room house and lot, 75x100. Show it today IRVINGTON Will sell my attractive 7- room nome at a Bargain, iasi aooo. j REAL ESTATE. Jtor bale iioiues. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. iiagnincont 1 4-room residence; one ot the untrtet homes iu Portland; $35,000. iieautiiul hume. 10 rooms and Bleeping porch, quarter btock; worth $20,000; will Uliu $15,M0O. try uesirable 10 rooms and attic; new, with every modern dovlee and arrange ment; $-"2.C.lKJ. Fine home, 11 rooms; modern house keeping devices; $11.5u0. iiood d&sirabie 7-room modern houaa $7jt. 7-room modern bungalow, $5000. 5- ruoni bungalow ou corner lot 62xl2&, $4000. 7-room, modern; foreclosure; $3500, 6- room, modern ; foreclosure ; $-00. These are oulv samples; have others. CROOK E. 541 Montgomery drive, cor. Etm. Mar. 47. A 3?.. ROSE CTY PARK. NIFTY BUNGALOW $4200. There is a wealth of richness In this most attractive, substantial bungalow ; f've rooms and den; this was built hy one of Portland's best builders; you your self could not plan a better bungalow, and to duplicate it now would cost a small fortune: there is every conceivable built in convenience and refinement you would expect to find in a costly home; come, see for yourself and you be the judge; you will bo under no obligation, absolute ly; it will b a downright pleasure to fcliow you. A. G. TEEPE CO . 264 Stark St., Near 3d. Main 3513. Branch office, 50th and Sandy. Open Sunday. AM GOING EAST "REAL SACRIFICE." SEE 725 EAST 2STH STREET NEAR KELTON (NEAR WOODSTOCK CAP). DESIRABLE HOME, 7 ROOMS. MODERN, BATH, ETC GOOD CELLAR. LOCALITY O. K. WELL-BUILT HOME. SOMS FRUIT. PRICE, THIS WEEK, $3250 (WORTH $4500). ABOUT 5300 TO 500 CASH, BAL. LONG TIME. TAKE LIBERTY BONDS AS CASH. PHONE MAIN 1800, OR ADDRESS PATTERSON. 212 SELLING BLDG. ROSE CITY PARK. FIVE ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. $3100. Splendidly built home and right up to the minute in every respect; nardwood. floors, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, ce ment basement, wash trays, furnace, etc; finished in white enamel throughout ; French doors, too. Folks, this just can't last long: it's too big a bargain: action toward inspection Fhould be immediate. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St., Near 3d. Main 85 16. Branch office. 50th and Sandy. Open Sunday. LEADERS IN W?T SIDE HOMES. 7-room, Nob Hill district, full lot...$o000 7-roont house. Irvinston 4'S0 7-room house, corner on Broadway.. 4500 b-rooin house, oth near Hall 6-room cottage, Broadway 6- room modern, Harrison 5-room fine cottage, Lincoln 7- room, large lot, 3d et 0-room modern, near 3d and Hall.. 8- room modern. 5th st Projdway, 70xtO), 2 houses, $7000 bungalow as rtart payment. UOXD SCHMIDT'S A GEN CT, Stock Exchange Bldg. 3750 3100 3500 32T-0 5000 6500 6500 take BEAUTIFUL WEST SIDE HOME. NEAR 25TH AND NORTH BUF $1 1,000. Splendid 8-room house, with hardwood floors throughout. This truly is a remark able home. It's just as new. modern and substantial as- can be. Sieam heat fur nished from central nesting plant. 3 bath rooms, garage. The present owners re cently had to take this in on a mortgage foreclosure, which accounts for the low price. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark at. nr. 3d. Main SMS. $2800 TYPICA L BUNGALOW $2800 Attractive bungalow of 5-rooms with music room; larie living room with fire place and bookcase; paneled dining room with' pinto rail and buffet; while enamel, -Dutch kitchen; 2 bedrooms; white porce lain bath fixtures, cment basement with laundry trays; on Division at reel, near 35th. Torms. Sen FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home Abington Building. Main Hs, Main 5156 Onico open Evenings and Sundays. ROSE CITY PARK. $4300 6-room modern California bungalow; aU on ono floor, to be newly painted and kaisomfned throughout; new furnace, hdwd. floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement: corner lot; imp. all pd.; terms. Shown hv appointment only. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 53. Sunday call Tabor 6881. WALNUT PARK. SEVEN ROOMS $5250. Located on Cleveland ave., near Alberta st.; now vacant and ready for occupancy; this houso is splendidly built and well arranged; never has been lived In; price . greatly reduced for immediate sale; con venient to four cars; let us show you; yes, can be handled on easy terms. A. G. TEEPf'j CO.. 264 S'ark St., Near 3d. Main 8516. WHY HESITATE. When you can buy like this? Don't worry about rent, $200 eanli and $20 per month buys a neat 4-room house, with full cement basement, full lot. abund ance of fruit trees, 1 hlk. from car and hard surface. Price. $1600. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 203-0-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK 5 -ROOM BUNG A LO W $ 3330. Absolutely new, modern bungalow with hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen with breukfayt nook, etc. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO., 261 Stark st.. near 3d. Mnin 3516. Branch office, r.nth and Sandy. (Open Sunday.) $15I1U 8 ROOM EASY" TERMS. Two blocks from car, concrete wall basement, gond plumbing, gas, electricity, east front, c'v.ier, both stree.s improved sidewalks and curbs, small building on rear of lot, suituble for garage; $250 cash handles. A. IT. BTRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 1114. A 4118. JUST EAST OF WALNUT PARK. $3150 Beautiful bungalow with 5 rooms and den, first floor; large bedroom and attic up; electric lights, gas, full line of plumbing; hard-surface st. pd.; terms. Near Union ave. and Alberta cars. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 583J Sunday call E. 2544. SACRIFICE, WEST SIDE BUNGALOW, VIEW OF RIVER AND MOUNTAINS. $3100; 5 rooms, sleeping porch, finished attic, fireplace, built-in buffet, bookcases; many other built-in effects; large verandas all arounJ. This lot cost $1200 without concrete wall, :,"arage. A few hundred will put you in. Rent tfrnis on balance. 502 COUCH BLDG. HAWTHORNE. Like a Big Lot? $4200 6-room 1 -story home on 70x100 lot; lust st. near nawenorne; iurnace, full cement basement; imp. pd.; lib eral terms to responsible party. .1. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 583. Sunday call Tabor 6881. ROSE CITY PARK. 6-room bungalow, corner lot, paved street, oak floors, tile bath with shower, furnace, fireplace, built-in buffet and book cases. This is a California-typo of bun galow and was built for a home; $43O0. F. VANDUYN. 515 Chamber of Commerce. Main 3035. LADD ADDITION. $4400 Beautiful bungalow of 5 roams and attic, large enough ior 3 additional rooms; hdwd. floors, fireplace; all built-ins; Imp. pd.; $500 cash. J. A. WICK-MAN CO., 204 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 583. Sun. call E. 2544. Tabor 6S81. NEAR PENINSULA PARK. Good, well-built 5-room bungalow, With full basement, usual plumbing, lawn, shrubbery, near car and school. Price $225(1, S250 cash, $25 per month. Imme diate possession. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 034 N. W. BANK BLIX ROSE CITY PARK. 5-room bungalow on a beautiful 50x100 lot, street improvements all in and paid; house strictly modern except furnace. Price $3500. Terms, GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon bldg. IRVINGTON PARK SNAP, $3000. One block from car, modern 6-room and bain, fireplace, built-in buffet and kitch en, cement basement with trays, largo porches, barn. Jrutt and shrubbery. See owner Monday. 3130 East 31st N. A SACRIFICE A modern 6-room house, full cement oasement, iurnace, mux iou corner lot, fruit trees, shrubbery, berries. 3727 34th st S. E.. Anabel station. y ACRE with 4-room house, west side. near car; waier, kh, eic. x-nce 1 $150 cash, balance $20 per month, M. E. Lee, 5u5 Corbett bldg. IRVINGTON DISTRICT SNAP, $3750, eaxy terms; comioriame sihhii nome, near 1 1 in and Halsey. WHY RENT? Neuhausen & Co. MONT A V I LL A CAR, $210O. 4-room bungalow, bath, electricity, gas water. 50x100 lot. Easy terms. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon bldg. PARKROSE 4-room bungalow with acre, chicken yard, nice lawn, fruit trees. Price $3000, terms. Phone Tabor 680. S1X-R OoM B UNO A LO W, $2850. $2000 MODERN 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. E. T.lti N.. between Mu Itnomah and Clackamas; close to Montuvilla car. JOHNSON, 212 Lumbermeus bldg. llTROOM furnished house, close in east side; good income property: by owner. Call evening after 6. East 3712. 508 E. Ash. 6-room modern bungalow. nnar Sandy blvd., reasonable terms. East 0320.