6 TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, tORTLA3TDf 3IARCII 16, 1919. HEAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. For Sale--TTouscs. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. For PoJ -Lot. For Sale -IIoa For 6ale Houses. For gale Houses. For Sale House. THET ARB GOIXO. Ot ob of that banco of Kenton lota before they are all cone. Our client sot them on a mirtraf and we are selling them ya PKLUN'i them at lea than 1-3 of their tormr trice. M HILLINGS. Sn McKay bldg. Main 130O. Or Air. Pot or Mrs. oNUi, fc.enton, For Mir $?.w tyv) cash; neat. 5-rm. Eunnyatde home bet. 3 car line. $ vh , o cash; mod. t rmi. flr?pAo, cement bt, 5uxloO adj. Franklin high. $-25J $! cash: beautiful 6-no. bom, adj. Ladds addltioa. f -X 7 Vj cash. T rmi, fnrn. and firupl.. u!lt-lna, garaice. paving pd, Wnvtrly dial.; beautiful work-oia-U-ahlp. G. O. OOLDENBERG, Ahlnrtrm t, d r.. lud 3d at. Texrs in Portland. " Min 4503. CORNER WITH GARAGE. BEAUTIFUL R. C. BL'NOALOW. T roomi on on floor, strictly modern, beaunfuiir arransed. Cne baiemenL trays. furnace, fireplace, hardwood floor, buiit- lr,a of every kind, fine breakfast room. ga race on rear of lot. beautiful , yard with er rubbery. Thia la rral! a wonderful bungaiow and muit be seen to be appreci ated, hara-iuruce street p&ia; near car. .Price I iuOO. very liberal terms. Sunday and evenings, Mara hall SfH; weekday a. Main 7o7. Marie. or Williams, b-u C!?rVr of Commerce bldg. 1500 30x120. lx-room house. Union ave, grj-,0i nxloo. 6-room modern, furnace, fi rep, ace. near 23d and E. Salmon. tij 1-3 by luO. -room, modem. Clen lve. ;.; wt90. corner. 6 rooms, sleeping porch, close. Hawthorne ave. ; too 3oloo. 6 rooms. Mount Tabor. $;V0 .Vul'Ki, 3 rooms, Sellwood. Ut WOliCEiTLR BLDG. BEAUTIFUL WEST PIPE HOME. NEAK TH AND NORTHRL'F $11,000. hpivndtd 8-iMom house, with hardwood floors throughout. Th:s truly Is a re mark ab1 heme. It's Just as new, mod ern and substantial an can be. Stfm h-al furntsied from central heating plant, turte bamro-jms, garitdf. The present owners rfc-ni.y had iu take tins in on imrtBjf foreclosure, which accounts for the iow price. A. G. TEEPE CO. 2M Stark St.. near 3-1. Main 3M. j f,oa Ta L A M ED A rrNn A LO W $ Ifloo" HEAITIKIL- ART 1STIC MoDE KN. A wonderful buy. room on one floor. mod en to the minute ; line bnement, furnace, trays. KuuJ heater. Iirepiace, h.w. r oors throujno'it. nui.t-ins of every kinl fme ouf.'et. very I. rec. Iteht living room; lot .v&l"c. ti. m. st. p.tid. 1 ins is tse moii cler'ol Ittile home you have been cream lt about, and if you k e it ju will buy. rry Ii-ral terms. Sunday and evn!ng. Mar. 5,,; welt-day, M.un 7.ni7. Maru is or WHIrams. s-'u Cham, of Commerce bids'. WEST SIDE BUNGALOW. Very cheap for quick sale: only fnrt; Its:? block tmm car line: cUai nthhor hood: i roome. lining room, dlnlnc room, kitchen. 2 bedr-vms. furnace, f irepace. sleeping porch and outdoor verandan, wuh vlR STRFETETR and J. H. KEATING. HIT Board of Trade. 3lam ltU. OLD i'OLTI.KS SACRIFICE. $7"' buys a .'..V)'. -room rnodem-to-the-mlnut. hardwood fioor houw. Wa r.ut Park district, fireplace. furnace. 2 bed rooms downstairs, 3 upstairs: larae liv ing room, dmmg room and splendid kit chen; -fo( f uil cement basement. Ttils la the biggest aiue of the yur; no trade: no phone information; terins; SuxlU or more ground if required. J. D. KENNEDY. Salmon St. Vdln 47?. ROSE CITY BUNOALOW. A baunful lare hvinff. wtth fireplace; bullt-tn dining, hard wood. poithcd floor. Lutch kitchen, clever breakfast nook. 2 nice bedrooms, bath and totlet. 50xlO lot on paved street, all pain, with garage rment basement. ill new and ony ItOU. verv easy terms. THE LAWRE.vrE CO. ?i5 Corbett Hldg. Main 6!13. A 2S13. iK.no Vart cash. $isoo. Purty leaving city. 6-room house, p. as tered. paprU. sialned ard varnls.i bu''t-ln buffet and beamed ceiling, hot and cold water and bath. fu'I rj.-ment. fuil view of Tuaailn va.ley. 10 minutes, wain Jng dirane from end of '"ouncil "rest car, Atiilres owner. Lwts T h'-idcrman, city .rhali ci. A for dir'-ctions. lai'Kf: r.nr nsr bargain. T-roo.n. strictly modern, in Laurclhurwt 1 city improvement in And pai; H. w fioor., built-lns: fu:i cement basement: hot wter heittng ptmt: lo-e to rur; larg let Tiic price It's a shame to tell only s.hhj ; ..k uwn, bci. as you like. Sun 1 iy ph ?ne. Mar. Ot'OC, Monday pUune. FINE HAROU.V IN HAWTHORNE. rooms, strictly modern; 5 rooms flnt T"or ; ime payment. : urnace. trays, fire place. hid. tlors, buiU-.ns of every kind. lot 4t1imi; hd. ?'. s:rret5, all paid; a rt' Iv fine buy at H"n. on ery e iv ttrms. Sunday and eveninrm. M-tr. ii wet k days. Mam . .so Chaiu. of Cum, bMtf. siirieis or wi'.iami. HEAl'TIFVL SI. C. DUNC.AI.OW. 6 rtns on one floor ; st net ly modern; fine basement. lurnace. trays, fireplace. hd wd. ( .oors. all bun I -ins. orner lot $x 1'; hd sf. sf-et. all piiU. An exceptional bar at $l'.".n. liberal terms. Sundays and evntnrn. Mar week days. Main eo CM. km. of Com. oldg- Marieis o W t"!:i rr.s. l;OSE CITY BUNGALOW. "Below the hill. 5 rooms, s'.rictty mod ern. 3 roonn first f'oor. fine bnsement, trsy?. furnaee. firepla.'e. H. W. floors, nil r-u: It -lea : street H to. and paid. ieic $4"fw; terms, unoy and evenings. Mar. 6s; weg-daya. ;-in 7:"'.7 e-'O Chsm. of Com. htd. Vm.-ls or W ulfama 7 rocm". with tn-drooin downstairs, modern, hardwood floors, rem. it base- mnt. f urrace. f lren're. bungalow s'y !e; garage, grounds i'uk ret. wttn bran tiful shrubheo": faeea rant, at 12"0 Rod ney ave.. In prettiest part of Piedmont. S- pw-r on rremies to-lay. $;.V LAUREL HURST $47.0. 0 rooms, adioinlne the park, very mod em and complete, furnace, fireplace, built- in, etc.. paving, etc. p--d: n terms. ti. C. Gtl.DENi3ER; 2131 Abington Rbig l"f.4 Third. Yrs. m ro-Uaid." Mnln 40 :. 4-KOOiI HOI'S E. $73. Tour rooms, two upsialr. two down; p'sstered and in good condlMon; no built in features. l ot 0t1f. $Wl cah, hnl. like rent. A good little home. No. fifOO 4iat ave. s. E. free Gordou, Uil Chamoer of Commerce. RICHMOND PISTKICT. $2.0. A ry r:fy j-room lMuse. s-wer. water, Fs. e'ecfu'iiy. prep'aee, fine bathroom. One of the best bu s in Portland. Easy te-rrs. ;:. T MORE CO.. 1O07 Teon b!dg. OLAt'STON E AVE., cor. E. ."4th. full comer lo.. n carllne; neat .Vroom modern home, rtew'y pointed and In rme shape, ha bu''t-lns. full basement, wash trays; rf h. bal. like rent. East 2"7 1, or rnve (MMrff. oR AI.E fi-room mcnlern hrue, fire p:re. white enam-'I bath, bulit-tn effects and gar f sc. bean ng fruit : price $ 1 i.rmi. h ani U a:. Vancouver, Wash. pHPn Ttl-J. i-K' 'CM modern hue, furnace, futl-stze Jot. J4th near Abert St.. down. bal. M pr n-onih and lnte-et. Phone Wood wn .Mod suniia y . week da s. Broad- V 40-.- OH SALE '"'": modern l-room houx on corner. blk from Mount hcott car: ri'it y I j1'1 Want auto to $.), sod $'.' cash. AG hJS. Or.gonjan. Ivhi pt'Y.'' nice peat 4-room b'lnralow and i:dw lot ; et si-ie; wonierrui view ; SV0 cash, balance to suit you. M. E. ' -. le. 3s Corbett b(dg d-mom houe ard 'xlOO tot in the ellurood d ' t ric l ; $.'L' will handle this an4 yu 'il at a fine buy: cloe to 2 cr''r" Prendre. Corbett bldg. II T. WILY MORTGAGED jr,.n y, ne 7-room house. 32d nxr Trsretu g"t 'tie. J. D. Kennedy, 0-"8 Si wn V .11 n 4T"'J. $ : ."- " n.v I V $23 7-room mr,ie-n hotise. lot !fxl00. en Td at.. 1 I improvements pa.d ; terms. A H AN-on. '5 Stock Exch. bldg F'. U S A t,E Two - rn apartments. $rt5.- w:th firorof varare. agvnta need not apply. o( Kit Eern. i.r(VkM poum. Wet SkI-. near ltth and M"n'rnf-v; siiir.ibls for two famillea AE , tr'fntan. I-- a i-.l r. :.-Jih mnr ra e re..r.'e. it. weekdays. t ali Sunday mornings and CvMb fwiay to ?" E -Tiii n.. oar Francs jvi,. for a bargain in a 5-room bungalow. JirTW 12-room I..ture'hurt r-sid-nce. every rr .-dra coovrcncc . some trade East f-rr T W t lot at W-odjtock. cheap, t. rn.i. or wtP build to "i it pur'-'ianT on easy pay mia. loth st., M.i;i 10". V I-RCM houfc. a larcal-i si $Ti. or 10 rt.i tn pr mntx burnished. Call to t y. 3T10 E 4 h st. fl'O-SOMK TERMS 100x150 corner with old house: East 21 -t and Oak. R C Piper. 41 B. 21t st. ICR bAL: Ch'f p. good b'ing.itow. rear Jef ferson high School. Call at 155 Alberta, 2 - $2500 WOODSTOCK. Dandy 5-room bungaiow with full ce ment basement. Lot loOxlOO. food barn, 1 assorted fruit trees. Variety of ber ries. $10ou cash balance Instalments. $ JoOO -room house. lot loOxlOO, hard-surface street. Fine location, 10 fruit trees. $5oj cash. IRVINGTON. $1.100 Good house on East 13th at. N. lot Ooxluo. $tMMj ravh. BtAL'MuXT. $4A0O Ftne 7-room house, modern, sepins; porch and farasTe. Lot OuxlOO. $LZji cash, I ROSS MERE. 8-room houn. Lot 100x100. $0000; 14500 cash. Will trade for acreage, MOUNT TABOR. 8 -room modern house, beautiful plfrhtly corner lot. ooiluo 1 block from car. ouuo; J-'0O cash. FT. JOHNS. House with 9 lota. River view can never be obstructed. An elesrant 'location for a part m e n t - h ouse : 3 b loc ks from business center; 4.oo. $22o cash. A. XV. LAMBERT & SOX. S. E. Cor. Grand Ave, and E. Alder St. Portland, Or. IR. AND Jins, HOMEsEEKER, Just look at these: Beautiful T-room bun r alow the delightful Hawthorne district; hard surfaced streets, beautiful lawn, fiowe and fruit and complete.y furnished; 4!tOO or S:;m0 without furniture. Nice 5-room buna-aiow, electric light Path. tolt. lot 5viimj. close to cooa service. This Is finely furnished: every thin for $2000; only $000 down, balance a per montn. I have minv others from 1 20 00 to $20. OAo each and can quote a homeaeeker very desirable prices and terms. J. B. HOLBROOK, 214-21 Panama Bids;. WITH GARAGE ROSE CITY PARK. handsome nrT,ALOW 6 room a. on one floor, beautifully papered and fin lshed fold Ivory ). aleirant fixtures. F only about- 1 year. Large rustic type with vjrniro nlajitered and connected WH house. Corner lot. paved street. If in terested would be pleased to show you th ninr tt-io trr.ft Half cash. J. I HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber Commerce bide 4th and Stark, Mai 208, A -U00. 11 A WTtTOR DISTRICT. S-rootn modern cottage, fine lot, with lar;e bearing fruit treea Price $1700 i.rnn JJft rash, balance monthly pay ments. or will consider a Ford car a first pvment if In good condition. S-room mw!rn bungalow, fine lo n-rMW rt hinciia frnm ear line. Price on I $-'700; 'good terms; will consider a good lf mnmm Clth 11 f rat DIVFtlTlt. .-room modern bungalow. fine lot fx loo. fronting on canine. Price laOOO, good . terms. r. J. CULLISOV CO.. 5QSH Morlson St. HOLLADAT PARK ADD. u iM-n ST . NEAR 24TH. A rm fort able 7-room home at an at tractive price with terms to reliable pur ht.nt with rlnuhle construction foi owner." who has been. only occupant but now reoulres more room: mooera equip' Aii At hnti both fai and eiec f.r fixtures, full cement basement with tuba and aaa stove, furnace, fireplace, sewinsr room with built-in conveniences oi- iju.mnv noreh with droo windows fruit trees in rear; Inspection by appoint ment. East 7na. 100x103 FKET, NATTRAL TREES WEST PIEDMONT 8 rooms with large rround" (natural grove. This is the typo ot a home that will appeal to the homeseeker who de nires real workmanship, but not fancy frills (2 fireplaces). Place free and clear of all Incumbrance. Price $KHi. Terms if d.ffirrd. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg etn and Stark. Main .J9, a -vov. tHiMvr.TuN RUNG A LOW. E. 2th. near Klickitat: best buy In the rttv best part of Irvington; never been i,. ..j K,..ir t.'X.ire hith orlces pre -rntled and cannot he duplicated now for nr.ee naktd by $1mo Has e.ht rooms. wo h.iths tiled, hardwood floors through out hot-water heat. P.uud heater, garage, nice fixtures and shades: $7000. Terms to rient party. Call Marahail 640. - ortn a esiern Bank. si-koo ATTRACTIVE 8 -room house, with i.. . f m ft le furnace, fireplace, w.A basement, double garage, nice back y.rd with cherry and walnut trees. Block to cir. easy walking distance, nice neigh- i i i. toiui ha la nee mortKaice. or consider terma Fred H. Strong. 3u0 Oregonian bulg. DIV1SION-ST. BUNGALOW. 5 ROOMS. Modern, fireplace, built-in effects, ete Lot 40x100. street improvements, etc.. all paid for. Located at 103 Division t. at 2'th. few blocks earn of Ladds addition One block from W-R car. $1000 will handle, balance terms to suit. A. A. Hickey. owner, room 910 Oregonian bldg. -,HKi No snfcck. but the prettiest 4-room bungalow In city; all newly decorated and P red; two blocks from two csrlines. on the edge of Irvington. No assessments. eav ttrms; a dream for a newly-wedded pair. Iav. call McLeod A Taylor at 33t l;atiway Exchange. Marshall 2633; evening or Sunday, Kast 6.M5. CHICKEN RANCH. Four-room bungalow, full set of plumb ing, lot euxlio. This lot faces 2 streets, only 1 block off of Daved road. Just outeiae city limits. Will take lot or car as first payment, or $100 cah. oa.ance i per moniu, ovo, AP 7d. OREGON I N. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. 5 rooms and seeping porch, thoroughly modern, furnace, f ireplac, h. w, floors, Du:ch kitchen, wash tray, built -ins; on paved street. 2 blocks off Sandy blvd. ; located at $01 E. olet N. Call any time. $.tjt0. 'O0 Down, you SALE 7-room house, oatn. loiiei. i tKhtS gas, case men 1, u. , uv,. fme fruit berries, lawn and roses: only 2 blocks from Laurelhurst park; all im provements In and paid for. Price $2000; $..tH cash, balance $--" and interest per month Phone Tabor 1478. IRVINGTOJf. Swell Uttt horn, o rooms, hardwood floors; all white enamel, egg-ahell gloss $4MH. Delahunt. tast 1347. S-I:OOM house with sleeping porch, fur nace. rirep;ace. etc , 00 vv numan ave.. 3 blocke from car. price $27.10. Want two good, clear Iota In desirable locations w on h $ 1000 as first payment, balance month'v J. $. Knauss, 41 1 Stock Exch. b!d. Main 0270. MOI'NT TABOR West elope. $3300, with $12on down, Dai. easy terms; modern 0-room bungalow, furnace, fireplace, be tween both carllnes: a bargain. H. If Staub. 1027 Belmont. Week phone Ta bor 21!. 6-ROOM house, bath, toilet, lights, gas. hot and co.d water, mil cement nasemeni. louxloO lot. fine fruit, berries. lawn and roses chi ken house, 2 blocks from car Price $-.7.'0; $S.o cash, balance to suit. Phone Tabor 147S. bNAP $2300; 5-room modern bungalow, full basement, wasn traya. garage, Kitcnen, bath. In white: bullt-lrs. beam ceilings In i.Lin an el d in ins-rooms : lot 5oxl00 trTina, 4705 4Sth st. S. E. Woodstock car. - Lii.tOM house, lot 4KI25. street improve ments paid; gOOO nouee. -.m.', irrmp, t.PMm houite. fruit, berries and chicken- house and run. $7 AO. Inquire 6016 6.M ave. S. E., 2 blocks rrom ena 01 wood stock car. ON Brook' vn street, close In on the east ill. rtae.nv iiEi:e ;-rvon mu-jt- iui uiuu ern ' plumbing, large woodahed and too meii lmoroved city iot for $125u. A dandy little buy for a ynung coupie. For particulars caii ai ' IC-Uot'M hou?e and let. ixitMi. on i. ni- rago Street an " " " " c! st 01 et- Jonni. -w rooms wlil rnt $150 per month; bargain At $5209. Terms. J. s. Knauss, 416 Clock Kxch. b;dg Main 32. ft. u iirt modern house in first-class condi tton. pen rooms r gnod iot. on Mount tcott carllne. price ttiioo: terms. Apply any time after Sun day. Owner. ?0- Woodstock ave. KiiMiiiv .Vroom house, basement, bath. -,,,r,irv travf lot 50 lti ; one block from Woodstock car. Pru;e $2500; terms $300 Ct;hJ. OETjER. 417 Chamber of Com K11K SALE 6-room modern house, full bae ment. lot loxlOO. garage and chicken house, cheriahed rosea. Perries and aome fruit trees, near carllne: price $3500. soma rash, terms on oaianca. taoor .'.". fi.KiiuM moJern house, bath-room, base nirnt. f.oe sleeping porch, beautiful and r.ntrsi locarion. Mohak. C Johns: 27iin. cash and payments. Phone Columbia 134 or i'H. S45 FURNISHED HOUSE $650. t rooms, elect net 1 y. gas, water, patent tot.et, fractional lot, two diocks All sals aippt "ar: ha f cash: good buy. SMITH W A G ONER CO.. ffTOCK FX. " IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Five rooms. H hardwood floors, excep tlnna: ttl bul'.t. 00 Broad a ay carllne. $710. Eat 27S. LAKE GKuVE acre and 3-room cottage, neir car; pries only $1075. Phone East 2 tVTOO A I-AM EDA HOM E. T roon-.?. s'eep. porrh. full baset., gara-e. fifO i:i handle. Fast 41": no agents. ioo 3-ROOM house. 4 acrs, fru, shade trees, opposite Arteta school. C20S 64 ih st S. E-. Tabor LAURELHURST. by owner. $5700 equity lo fine 7-room res.; no agents. Tabor 579 H OO H house, 14x24; Columbia 134. lot 50x100; $S0O. FOR $300 TO $o0 DOWN $20Oo g200 $i:i00 AND UP LOW PRICED NEW BUNGALOWS ROSE CITY PARK We have for sale a number nf bungalows NOW UNDER COURSE OK CONSTRUCTION. They, with wenther permitting, will be fin ished In about U days. Call at our of fice and let us how you the plans and the ones now under course of construc tion. The bungalows will be finished In Old Ivory or natural finish, and will tini walls and paint bunga.ows to suit pur chaser. Hardwood iloors in main rooms. We hav some plans for very nobby 4 room bungalows with sleeping porches. These bungalows should appeal to you. Not only will you have a new bunga low, but we can build In and make lit tle changes to suit your ideas. 1h y are on pavt'd streets and sewer. J. L. HART MAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Com merce bldg., 4 Lb. and Stark. Main 2ub, A 2050. AWFULLY PRETTY HOME! 5 rooms and bath, modern bungalow, Dutch kitchen; all rooms finished In "egg shell Ivory"; cement basement, laundry trays; vacant, open. Please note pleasant outlook from living room and front porch; 2 blocks north R. M. car; paved district Price only $2350 and $375 balance on pav ing, $500 cash. M. U. corner 31ih and Caruthers. WE have houses In all parts of the city at an prices and terms tnat we are not list ing. Also Improved acreage. Some good snaps. Auioa waiting to snow you oar gains. You make a mistake bv not con sulting us before you buy. Pay. Marshal 233; nights or Sundays. Kaat 1181 or 040, McLEOD & TAYLOR. 10-ROOM modern house, furnished, about t diocks rrom Broadway bridge; on hard unace street; sou month income on th: ouubb iiuw, an lor -uu; aluuu dow: $25 month. 4 rooms and sleeping porch, modern, close in on Monroe st.: lot 00x120; fruil trees, grape arbor and chicken yard. e-iw; terms. 6-room modem bungalow, with sleep Ing porch, on 41st st. ; paved; this place is wen nept up; good cement basemen furnace and fireolace: 1 block to cai can be bought furnished or unfurnished a bargain for all cash; $30. ALLEN St ALLEN. Main 213S. 408 Stock Exchange Bid WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS HOME. 7 rooms with bath and sleeping porch, ful eicht-foot cement basement. soeclall'V built hot water heating plant, hardwood floors throughout modern and convenient in every way. beautifully situated, wonder ful mountain view: owner leavtna- city on account of change in business and will aeu at a Dargajn. call 3 Rugby street, corner Franklin. Willamette Heights, or pnone aiarenaii I603. .No agents. 5 ROOMS AND GARAGE RObE CITY PARK Living and dining room faces street. large attic, run concrete basement, con crete porch floor. Price $4ooo. Half caph, J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Cham her of Commerce bldg., 4th and Stark. Alain 20&, A -uoo. TWO GOOD BUYS. 6-room house, electric lights and gas, 22 bearing fruit trees. V: acre of land, on good street: price $2000. terms $400 casn. oatance u per month. 5 -room house, electric lights and gas. garage; price $1300; terms, $225 cash, balance. Including interest, $20 per month. WILLIAMS REALTY CO., Grays Crossing. Tabor 4934. THAT VACANT LOT. Why nt turn a burden into Income? We design and build apartments, sarase, residences anything; furnish plans and finance. Established ten years. We offer SECURITY, ciEK VICE, SATISFACTION l rt H&iicy co inc., contracting arcm tects. 02 N. W. Bank bldg TAKE NOTICE!!! We certainly have about the best bar gain in the city; an S-room bungalow with hot-water heat. bathrooms, garage li(ns all paid, clear of mortgage. Only $4UU. W. H. ROSS. 1100 N. W. Bank bldg. FOR SALE 8-room, modern residence and 2 lots, north weM corner East loth and Hassalo sis.. 1 block from Irvington car and patk; the best of surroundings and finest improved block In Halladay's addi tion; further particulars. Phone owner MT. TABOR COTTAGE. Seven rooms, newly painted and decor ated Ieep lot with eight choice bearing fruit trees. Faces east with unobstructed view of the mountains. Paved street with all Improvements paid. Price $2130. Some Terms. r"none raoor 4Ua. 33TH ST. SNAP. 100x111: Improvements imid: 4U MnrV x 1 win car. inaue ireea; line location lor buiidinz: Kood earden soil: sO: lion caao, oax aiu per mo. 1. rv. STEARNS, 202 Wilcox Bldg. GOOD double constructed 5-room hnu 0-ft. lot, hot-water heat, nice furniture: fuil basement, double garage, near car; on .-:n st. isortn. i-rice. including furniture, $2tV0: half cash. balance easv rerm C E Adams. 7C7 Chamber of Commerce oing. Main 1 m.. WoDEK.V, 5-room bungalow, white enamel plumbing. full cement basement, hard surface sts., $22.10; $7.Vt cash, terms; would consider good lot In trade. Call after 5 P M. or Sunday. Phone C 2145. 9Stt Prescott street. HAWTHORNE D1ST.. 33TH ST. $2600. Five large rooms, well lighted for dark days, store room and basement, large lot, open view, room for garage; choice roses, peach tree, chicken house; vacant. Owner, Tabor 6824. ROSE CITY PAFK. Modern home. 5 rooms, sun parlor. large attic. 2 toilets, hardwood floors, cove ceil. Ing, 3 mirror doors, fireplace, lot 50x100, paved street. Dealings direct with owner. 1514 Thompson st. Tabor 4318. SUNN YS IDE BARGAIN $2600; $500 down, very good 5-room cottage on Alder et.t hard-surface street, all In and paid. H. H. staub. 1027 Belmont. Week phone Ta bor 21!. BY OWNER 7-room bungalow, modern, ex cept furnace; Dutch kitchen and garage. $300; $300 cash, balance easy terms. See at once. Also som furniture. 6l3 oherett ave.. Stllwoyd. FORCED SALE 8 rooms, modern; cement basement, furnace. garage, workshop, chicken house.. 50 ornamental trees, rose bushes; lot 175x150, 6 blocks to car: will sacrifice. 4b60 S2dst. SE. 1330O ROSE CITY PARK, 5-room bunga low, on carline: nice homes around; east front; lot OOxIoO. Imo. In and paid. Good terms given. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH $1250. $1250. $1250 Beat o-room nouse Aiameoa rarK. im provements paid; only $3650; terms $1250 cash, balance monthly; worth $4500. i'hone evenings and Sundays. East 7154. 4 ROOMS PLASTERED $975. $200 cash. $15 month : electric lights, gas, toilet, sink; 50x100 lot; 4 blocks north M. V. car. It's foolmh to pay rent. 219 E. 80th North. GLADSTONE PARK $3600 for extra fine 3 acres with good modern 6-room house, only 3 blocks from carllne, right In center of Gladstone. A snap. H. H. Staub, 1027 Belmont. Week phone. Tabor 210. IRVINGTON Two modern houses, 7 and 8 rooms, wnne enamei and mahogany finish one block to Broadway car. McLeod & Taylor, 330 Railway Exchange bldg. Mar- snau -ooj. i ignis and punaays, bast 1181. $jtiuo R 1CHMOND BUNGALOW. 5 rooms fireplace, good suroundings, street im provements all In and paid; easy terms given. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. HOUSES AND LOTS. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. HUBBKLL A SON. Tabor 2161. 52S andy. BY OWNER Strictly modern 7-room house, sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace; close-in on east side, u block from Williams ave. car line, on Morris st. AB 195, Oregonian. HOUSE, by owner. 0 rooms and bath In Mount Tabor villa, will take I15 Buick car as part payment. Call Broadway 146i Mrs. B. M. Fjerstad. IRVINGTON 7-room bungalow with ga rage: 2 lots in r-onsmoucn, gSOO ; lot In Alameda Park, oo. W. A. Hathaway, 1:08 Washington bldg. 6 ROOMS AND GARAGE Corner lot. paved streets, furnace, flre p'ace. hardwood floors, 5 rooms, complete home; terms. OWNER. TABOR 6435. GOING 10 build or repair? Get my Ideas and estimate, a. 1. Aiiyn. 243 stark st. Office hours 3 to 5 P. M, Phone Mam &3L Res. phone. Tabor 194. BOND FOR REAL ESTATE AGENT. Every agent required to xuruiso $1000 bond, v e write inera. M ITH -WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. MUST raise $lo00 Immediately; nearly new strictly mooem -room ouogaiow going fo- $2050. Tabor 2934. 4-ROOM modern house, close to M. V. car line. Iim on terms, call vi E. 72d or phone Tabor 007 2. HOUSES on lots 5oxl06-:. 1 block from car line; to momniv income; for Quick su e. $oOOO. Owner. Marshall 443. FOR SALE By owner, beautiful modern d-roomed oungaiow m Sell wood; terms. 40 Lexington ave. 5-KOoM HOUSE. $2400. hard-surface street. near -isi anu c. urioi; no agents, uwaer. East 4tH. SALE By owner. 7-room house. &b2 jaissouri ave. ooaiawn utx Phone Main 5433. 6th and "Washington. SPARKS-STEVENS CO.. SUITE 511-12-1:4 WILCOX BUILDING. RESIDENCE. A nice home w'ith $-0 a month Income derived from rent of first floor and base ment; S blocks from Broadway bridge and one block to street car; price $32uO, In- wuuius iujrmi'jre. wun term. REPIDENTK. A beautiful modern home of 6 rooms on East 41st near Hun t home w-ttli nnvH sts., furnace, built-lns and fireplace; this . m. kuuu uuy at j&au, or s-iUO. lnciua- iis lurmsnintf costing 4 1400. RESIDENCE. a comiortabie home of S rooms on wygant at. for the man who desires to be rlose to work and bave car fare; price fiuw, wun iCTTns. RESIDENCE. 7 rooms on 64th st. S. E., a dandy buy -iiu i"iTa at uhuu, with a cash payment of $loo0; a nice home at a reasonable price. w COZY BUNGALOW. With beamed ceiling, bullt-ins. etc., on k. Belmont sL, one block from Yamhill business district; price $3,00, with terms. NEW HOUSE. Just being finished, 4 rooms and bath with built-in buffet; this la close in and very desirable: price $1210, with terms. 5-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. In Rose City Park, with hardwood floors and fireplace; all streets paved; stairway to large attic, which can be 'completed, making 3 addtiional bedrooms. This Is a siehtly location ou good elevation; price $4200, some terms. tt ROOMS, STRICTLY MODERN. On corner Morrison st. East, in good neighborhood, surrounded by high -class residences; beautiful lawn with sightly shade trees; full cement basement, large sleeping porch; Just a fine home with ga rage on rear of lot having cement floor; price $4500, cash $100, balance $00 per month at 7 per cent. RESIDENCE. Large 8 -room house in Piedmont, al though not new, has been remodeied Into very modern home with beautiful interior arrangements; house built on two large lots and plenty of shrubbery and fruit trees; well-kept lawn ; hot-air furnace heat; front and rear stairways, and serv ant quarters finished on third floor; price lnctuaing an carpets and nearly all furni ture ao.iuu. with terms. A 5-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. Only 2 years old, with fireplace an sleeping porch, also hardwood floors i living and dining rooms, also cove cetlin in n ing room ; this house has sped plumbing, all enclosed to prevent freezin and all open, finished in white enamel price Sol no, some terms. Phone Main 5-433. 6th and Washington. r r AKhS-5) I hiV K.M LO.. SUITE 511-J2-13 WILCOX BUILDING LAURELHURST 1104 E. Davis Mr. Sam Bratton, former mgr. of Port land Gas & Coke Co., has gone east, leav ing his magnificent home for sale. Price n.140. Complete in every detail, hot water heat. 2 bathrooms. 4 bedroom sleeping porch and maid's room. Big garage, call us lor appointment. Home now vacant. J. L. HARTMAN IU.., PANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg 4th and stark. Main 0S, A oou. $2250 BUNGALOW. KENTON DIST. X Here is a very substantial o-room mod' ern bungalow; porch extends across tire front of hoube, stone columns; has large living room: dining room and buffe 2 bedrooms, central hail lined with linen closets; white enamel plumbing; electrl lights and gas; full basement; has small house in rear. On Minnesota near Mor gan. $400 T.1II handle. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home Abington Building. Main 1068. Main 5156. Office open Evenings and Sundays. GROVE LAND PARK. A beautiful bungalow, nice porch an porgola, large living, fireplace, nice din ing room, lovely built-)n buffet, oaf'pol isheu floors. olate-Klass windows' 2 n!c bedrooms, Dutch kitchen, bath and toile on lower floor, 1 bedroom and Inclosed steeping porch up: full cement basement, oeautiiui int. paved streets all paid: fou blocks from Franklin high school, close to z car lines: price 4o"o, reasonable terms. TrtK I.AVt Jt e. .N K t O., Corbett Bldg. Main 6015, A 2815. ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS in a fine localit Is a 1 -room house with a full level lot Thin house Is modern enough tor any oouy, more so than It ought to be for th price asked. It is only one block from the carllne and the neighborhood la good There is a full cement basement with s furnace; It has all other city conveniences ana the price la only f ;.. 0. $1000 cash, the balance can be arranged, m. J. CLO HESSY, 415 ABINGTON BLDG. $0200 ROSE CITY HOME $5250 Here is an unusual opportunity to buy real home; best material and workman' ehip: very modern, and every convenience a home with character and refinement. No. 51 ti E. 47th street N. Close to car. Let us show you this. See FRANK L. McCUTRE, To Buy Your Home Successor to H. - D. McGuire Co. . "3H Years of Servire. Abington Building, Main 10ti8. Main 5156. A BEAUTIFUL HOME on 34th st; one of the most complete and unesL in iiawtnorne uist.; nice hail French doors to living rom, pancied dining room with beamed ceiling and splendid buiret, excellent hardwood floors, fireplace, etc. In fact absolutely modern ; full cement baserneait, furnace. 2 fine bedrooms in wmte enamel and even sleeping porch : only 300, but at least $1000 cash. 4IS E. 34th st. Tabor 7500. ORTHEAST CORNER 11TH AND fiCHUY. J,fc,K -room house with center reception nan, sleeping" porch, iruit room, rurnace, 2 fireplaces, built-lns, some rooms enam eled: aiso billiard room and storage room ceiled, in attic; lot ooxiou ana garage. This property is only one block from Broadway. It is offered at a greatly re duced price; only $6000. All assessments paid. f. j. van iwce, 401 concord oiug, Marshall 5454. KENTON INDUSTRIAL CENTER. New 3 aad 4-room houses, only 1 to 2 blocks from Kenton or St. Johns cars street improvements paid; 50x100 lot. Prices $600 to $700; $25 cash, $10 per month, int. 6 per cent, McDonald & Son. Office 304 Lombard St.; res. Tabor 1704. Office open Sunday. A HOME FOR $1000. Nice little 3-room house, near KIMlngs orth ave. and St. Johns carllne; full let. BRsefisments oaid: cosy home for small family; $200 down, balance $20 per month including interest. S. L. OSBORNE, 60 Killingsworth Ave. Also have several desirable places up to $",500 in the same locality. COLONIAL HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. 8-room bungalow, liv. rm. 15x24, din. rm. 15x17, breakfast room 15x15. Dutch kitchen, central hall, bath and toilet on first floor, 3 bedrooms, bath and toilet on second floor; both floors in oak; price only $ono. GODDARD sr WIEDRICK', 243 Ptark St. 35,10 HAWTHORNE PAVED DISTRICT. 5-room bungalow, furnace, fireplace, full cement basement, attic; lot 50x100, paved street fully paid; reasonable terms. Owner leaving city. Residence, Tabor 8743. STILES & WELLER, MAIX 3429. A REAL HOME 7-roora modern bungalow, full cement basement, laundry trays, ce cent fruit cupboard, fruit and nut trees, berries, grapes, henhouse; lot S7,xl20, 2 '4 blocks from wiisona. oiks, rrom nweo-o! 2500. S1000 down, terms. G. L, Thomas, owner. Oewego, Or.. B 6161; 7c fare to N. WT. S. ur Columbia snipyarcs. ONLY" $2400 for a new 5-room bungalow triptiv nn to date. it has two lots and the locality is good. Only one block from A 1 hina ave and Lombard St. $5o0 cash will handle it. M, J. CLOHEriSY, 415 ABINGTON BLDG. rnmirrc R C P. modern 5-room buncalow a hunt -inn. cemented basement, furnace, etc.; Al condition; near car, very desirable bor 3Q65. 505 E. 51st North. '..HiinM modern house, furnished, large lot. fine location. H block to paved street and car; will sell house, lot and furniture for what house can be Duilt ior. owner, 5021 3Sd ave. S. L. ONLY $2S0O for a 7-room house, modern and up to date. It has a good basement. fireplace and hardwood noors. it is ciose- ln nrnn.rlV on E. 32d St. This IS a Snap. M. J. CLOHESSY. 415 ABINGTON BLDG. BEAUTIFUL seven-room home, Irvington district; hard-surface street, everything paid for; fine large rooms, wttn an oum in features: It's a snao at S5000: reason able terms. Pee Atchison, 404 Piatt bldg. sww-TW PflHTLAXD 4-room -cottHee. Glbbs, near First St.; price $12uU; $200 O own. Diiaitce n.e triii, vini oiuei, 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. nvi Y l200 for a rood 4-room house 1 1- blocks to the Mount Tabor car. This is on 85th st. $400 cash. M. J. CLOHESSY, 415 ABINGTON BLUU. tinn r ASH buvs $1000 eauity in 4-room bungalow, near Franklin high school; $1000 balance, long time. lauor tot. 5-ROOM bungalow on a beautiful view acre. S. E. slope Mt Tabor; 3 blocks from ill car; fruit, berries Phone East 8. NEAT four-room house for sale: $1300. Call Sell wood 100. tu Harney ave., near schoolhouae. IRVINGTON Modern S-room house, garage, improvements paid, all built-in conven iences; termsno agents. Owner, East 4&1. 3-ROOM house, bath and gas. 50x100 lot. $175. some terms. St, Johns car. 134tf Denver ave NEW 5-room cottage; hardwood fioors, fire place, corner 25th and Tibbetts. Woodstock car; buiit by day's work. Main 277. MODERN 7-room house with 1 or 2 lots for ea!e reasonable. For particulars call owner. Marshall 2611. 7-ROOM modern house, on 64th st. S. E. Call Woodiawn 33u6 from 9 to 12 A. 21. EXCELLENT BUY. Irvington. near Klickitat, S rooms, two baths, hardwood floors throughout, hot water heat, garage. every convenience; house would coat to build now almost total asked.- U R. bailey' CO., Contracting Architects, N. "W. Bank Bldg. A SPLENDID BUNGALOW ROSE CITY PARK Occupied by owner. Exceptionally mod ern in every respect. Hardwood floors Harawooa noors throughout. Large rooms with large sleeDine norch s hissed a nu screenea tan rooms on one floor). Lovely large bed rooms with large closets, entrance na.i with wrnn rtoset ehnrmf nsr buffet and bookcases ; cozy fireplace; built-in effecta in Kitcnen; cement Dasement ana a reai furnace; lot level with street; natural trees in yard: extra deep lot! little oyer block to car: hlsh-class district near Ron e rritv Park rlub: 6IS4 E. 57th St. N. Terms, half cash; 3 blocks to public school, 4 blocks to Cathartic school ana church. DO YOU want a perfect home In Ladd's Addition? If so. Inquire aoout tnis pruj 6-room residence. Everything about It is first-class except the price; everything Is contained in this home. All improvements in and paid for. To see it is to wish to possess it. It Is close in, walking dis tance to the business center. You can I get a car from the place every three min niea if von r lookfne for an up-to- date home of 6 rooms, perfect in every detail, and want to buy it less than the house cost, and the house Is practically new at that, come around and we wiu 1 sell it to you for $40o0. half cash. M. J. CLOHESSY. 415 ABINGTON BLDG. S-ROOM house, two AO-ft. lots. Corvall: electric lights, bath, sewer improvement I paid: 6 blocks from O. A. C.; might trade! for PnrtlanrI nrnnertv: SI 200. terms. 5 fir-res. near Mtiiiov. on Oregon elec tric: all cultivated, about half in fruit. some bearing: fine view, good soil, no I Atliae Imnmirnmanta- 1 Fifth termR. 40 acres, unimproved, at least 300 cords I of wood; 9 miles south of Astoria, 3 miles Clatsop on S. P. & S. ; $1000. Reach cottaare. Gearhart. Or., Ocean View; furnished, modern improvements; $4000; good income bearing property. E. J. FAIRHURST. Tualatin, Or. IMlFSTIfiiTK THIS: 8-room. house, fine bath, half cement I basement, all piped for hot-air furnace; large sleeping porch, screened back norch, I built-in cupooard in tne Kiicnen, e"" tures, 5 closets, fruit trees and flowers; 55xi5-foot lot, near the Overlook district, o hlrt.-Uc from Kt Johns car: price $3500, will take good' automobile and cash for I equity of siiiuo, paiance can 00 vaiu. a 1 $20 per month and interest. DABNEY INVESTMENT CO., Room 1, Worcester Bldgj Cisnfl ARTlRTin BUNGALOW $1500. Hrr is a neat buncatow home; full lot. 1 Rose City Park district. Has living room with fireplace and bedroom wun urepiace; combination kitchen and dining room; eiectric lights and gas; white enamel j plumbing. Terms. See. FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Rnv Vmir Home Abingtor. Jjullding, Main 1068. Main 6156. Office open fcveninga ana aunuats. A FAMILY HOME. t.mt-0-m H-room bu nsrii low. 3 larsre bed rooms, built-in bookcases, buffet. Dutch kitchen, wash trays, furnace, extra gas hatr In haement. electric llffht. Kas large sieepiiia k - """" berries ana iruit trees, cnicaen nouse, pa rage; $4,jO0; 3 lots. 50x100. Apply at 2743 6."th St., cor. 28th ave., or apply at Doc's barber shop. 64i Alberta 6t. $2350 HAWTHORNE PAVED DIST. $2350 o-room Dungaiow, comer iut uuuuijr luu structed ; some assessments. Great bar gain, investigate. xfttsn TTA WTHORVR DISTRICT $33.10. Beautiful 5-rm. bungalow, furnace, fire place, modern; excellent buy; near car. paved street. Residence, East 645!!. WELLE R A STILES. MAIN 3429. RflSSMRRE HOME I ROSE CITY). Nice living and dining room, den, 2 large and 1 medium bedrooms, grand large sleeping porch ; full cement base ment, American Radiator Co. hot-water heating plant, nice cement garage; luuxiou i corner lot, paved street all paid; in fine I state or repair and a epienaia ouy; ojuu, reasonable terms. THE LAWRENCE CO., 205 Corbett Bldg; Main6ai5,A J2S15 ftkre i ft chance to cet a corner lot with a fine 0-room house, close in on tu. tai- 1 mon st.. not as far out as 15th st. To hiti id this house alone would cost $5000; I the corner lot without the house is cheap I at $50o0. There is a mortgage on tnis 1 orooertv for S4000 that cn stand for 3 years. Come around with $90o in cash and you can take the whole thing, jo, j. CLOHKSSl, 41 A iJ 1 rs j 1 U -N ttiUKj. $ Z 05 0 FUR VKHEDllAWTH ORNB BUNGALOW. 5-room attractive furnished bungalow. white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas; on paved street; vacant, immeuiate 1 possession; No. 1117 E. Grant; terms. Seel FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abington Bid. Main IOCS, Main 5156. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. fivi.v a-r.oo for a business corner on paved street, mere is a gooa o-room com fortable liouse on the inside lot. The cor ner is vacant and especially adapted for business purposes. There is abundance of fruit. You ought to be able to sell the corner alone for tne price asnea anu 1 have the home tree. At. J. Lbunaaai, 415 ABINGTON BLDG. $3050 HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW $3950 V erV arilSllC O-rooiu oil muuci 11 1 bungalow; every built-in convenience; va-I cant; immediate possession. E. 4SLh near 1 Hawthorne. See r. FRANK L." McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home Abington Building, Main 10H8. Main 5156. Oliice open Jveninga anu punuaya. IRVINGTON 6-room house in fine condi tion ; lot 50x100, iaces easi on iot level with sidewalk; garage with concrete floor and driveway; four full bearing fruit trees 463 E. 11th X.; for only $4250. Make your date with me to see inside house. P. B. VaVn Nice, 401 Concord bldg. Mar shall 54..4. BIG BUY. fi-room. lu-story house on 50x300 lot. close to Killingsworth-ave. car; lots of fruit and a splendid home; price -oo. very eaey terms. 203 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915, A 2815. WEST SIDE. TWO MODERN HOMES ADJOINING. Two homes on Kearney St.. near za St., each has 8 rooms, full cement basement, fireplace, 4 bedrooms and bath; lot iiOxlOO. price of each $5000. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. VANCOUVER, WASH. Good five-room bungalow, 15 minutes' walk from either shipyards or railroad shops; full cement basement, gas and elec tricitv. See or call owner for terms. 95 E. 12th St. N. East 7043. " IRVINGTON BARGAINS. One modern 8-room bungalow $4250; one 7-room residence $5500 and new 6-room bungalow in Piedmont $5800; terms $1000 ffth balance to suit buyer. DONALD MACLEOD, 1002 Spalding BMg. HAWTHORNE bargain in 5-room cottage, lot 50x100, on hard surface street at E. 46th and Harri son; all for $1750; $300 down, balance to suit. Call 924 Chamber of Commerce, be tween 11 and 4 P. M. o-ROOM, 2-story bungalow, nicely located; Hawthorne district; cement basement, fur nace, fireplace, large lot, improvements in, clear, built for home; excellent condi tion; $4500 but money talks with owner; no agents. S 402. Oregonian. AS I have to sell l oner a new 8-room house at a bargain; a 101s. iruit ior lam ily use; 1 blocks from Hawthorne car; come out and look it over. Call Tabor 1030. A REAL HOME. 120x124, good 6-room house, fruit all kinds, chicken house and garden, within a block of 2 carlines; east side; terms. Also bungalow and 1 lot. Tabor 5323. MODERN, 6 rooms with sleeping porch. all kinds iruit, oerries ana enruos; con sider exchange for house near Jefferson high. Owner, W60 E. Broadway. Phone East 4316. WE HAVE houses in all sections of the city at prices very mucn unuer ineir value, so If you are looking call and make inquiry. M. J. CLOHESSY. 415 ABINGTON BLDG. ScU i H PORTLAND 5-room cottage on Water, near Artnur st., ciose to snipyards, J rice $1700; $200 down, balance like rent, ohn Singer, 420 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Attractive 5-room bungalow in Rose city rarn. r or particulars pnone C 1411. SEVE.VROOM house. Rose City Park dis trict, at a oargam. uner leaving City. Call Tabor 2170. SEE description of suburban acre home under sunuroan nomes neaamg. THE LAWRENCE CO. FOR SALE 9 rooms, A-l location, close in. aiways iun, extra gooa lurniture, good money-maker, $1000. AF ICS, Orejonian. LOOK THEPB OVER TODAY. PLEASE DO NOT BOTHER TENANTS. NO. 1 11S3 E. GRANT ST. $20O CASH. BAL. $30 MO. PRICE $2200. 3-room bungalow; rec. hali, white plumb ing, bookcast-s, buffet, etc. NO. 2 11011 IVON ST.. COR. 3!TH. In Hawthorne, $200 cah. bal. easy: $2400; all clear; 7 rooms; sts. paved, and paid; fine lot. fruit, etc. NO. ti I02.r. TILLAMOOK PT. - CHICAGO OWNER SAYS SELL for $3-of. on eatiy terms. This certainly Is an attractive home; 0 rooms and sieeu ing porch, white enamel and mahopany ii'ian. urepiace. furnace, hardwood firs., attractive buffet; everything In the pink of condition; fine lawn and roses. Owner pam e.Mj cash for this home. You cer- t.timy nave an opportunity to take ad-va-atage of a bargain 0 4 S41 HAM B LET ST.. ALAMEDA. Wonderful Alameda Home Opportunity. Owner Transferred from Portland. Authorizes the Sale of His Home, $1000 CASH WILL HANDLE. PRICE 4000O. 5 rooms, den, sleeping porch and break iast room, all on one floor: billiard room up. 1Mb Is certainly attractive and fully modern, .superb location, surrounded by very high-class homes. Do not bother ten ants. ir Interested see us. we will make 1 n.wvwi x-r-. 7 v. . ' y"i " , i ' ; ' t iu snow you 21 2 R? Exeh "-""LRtON CO 1 . " ' CLOSE TO JEFFERSON HIGH $2600. $2650. $2700. . a -$3000. rxJt'Jm modern house on Albina avenue, near Prescott. $2650. terms. "(i?m mo(1rn house on Albina avenue, near Prescott, $2O0. term- nnt" r, modern bun"'o on Albina ave- l'KPreBcon' -70. terms. niaelrS"1;0, t.vPI bungalow, fire ? n lP.!ne ed dining room, built-ia con veniences, etc. Terms. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, ' 4hlllM J B"y Tour Home. offio BIdK- Ma,n ltMiS- Main 5156. U't'ce open evenrngsa-nd Sundays. IRVINGTON SNAP ' ThUC.ST 58 00 P R I O E $4500. e-afoJr I a str'clIy modern 6-room bun ffJ?W Xns hawood fioors. fine fire n,?roA 1 U:in bocases, built-in buffet. ?ae-Ziehen, fine furnace, etc. Also S-arage. East front. Full lot. At the f ovnentlned price this is the best buy JlJ, inston- Ir,0 cash win handle it; easy terms on balance. If you want a good home, that is doubly constructed, S-ni V niCe dl8trIct. at a snap price, you this mlstake lf do not see 000 "RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 309 Oak St. Broadway 4133. IDKAL?0,M?' BEAUTTPUL IRVINGTON. r "e. b,,0,kr0m Broadway carline. eight rooms. fafnly sleeping porch, room in at Sirr?ia.ld: hardood floors, large fire fe!?. Uving room and one in front bedroom; casement windows; cost six thousand dnllara tennn. ..' Jl ' and co..M oV .r.V.""' years ago two anrt .h.,,".;B've" ""y ?' hf rrnnm.H t " l rU"' an1 c" ou?anTe4hI fue;,S?StTS0"'c.neVK . ... 77io. J. i-i. conncrs. I RVTXGTON " ior.ii All lmprov.TTi.THs paid ,,a T,..r- h: KARSOPP & CO.. IRVIXGTON-. n-..9. RPVS PRICE 12,500. v,rv 101 300x10(1 corner In the U .v.r mH Irvington and ha absolute 1 1 nHwn modern convenience found In anv he- . "'? aPt a small He iir. WX ana sme cash 0nPELI ARI1?8'1! v-v I Portland. SfM nEiM.BLK LN VESTMENT CO., Broadway 4133. oal i ir i u Laurelhurst home of nine I nJJJ" 1 narawod floors throughout, large iving room with hue fireplace, den din ing room with French duors. breakfast Eo ; ucne,n. "arge bedrooms with closets fine sleeping porch, two toilets, full cement basement, with furnace, good ga rage, street improvements all in and paid JSock. lar 4915' belWeea 10 and 12T ?"7"r?om houae- Alberta district, only $J;0; close to car; $500 cash. $12.0; big bargain; 4 lota and 4-room . "ne ; lots or fruit. 7-room house, full 'cement basement, f ur- 7-rOOm hoime. varUI rrV. XT- . J J I hov foe Von ' b uau ERNEST WELLS CO., 300 Henry Bldg. $3600 E. SALMON ST l.lftnn VerV SUbRtH ntf M 1 tl.r-n.im 1-0 nn 1 jirwpiaca; punt in buffet; full cement basement: furnace nr.H iit.,i white enamel plumbing. No liens, close" to - Avenue, oee f'RANK L. McGUIRE, TO RllV Votm H.ma Abi"fft?n Building, Main loflS. Main B156. 111-0 open .evenings and Sundays. PIEDMONT DISTRICT, t.inoo Modern 6-room hnnpiinw - tv. i litT ciwit "is"", as iixtures, large I f .Vi h ujn-m conveniences; un uacciiicu l B.11LI .Hi :i kr m fnr-nttr nt a-ve., near cnion ; terms. J. L. KARNOPP & CO.. rtaiiway Exchange Bldg. Main 675. $4200 INSIDE PRnPRRTV tionn 9-Room, substantia house on 4;-mUi' tot I wii AnKBny streec, west of E. 10th. Liens all paid. Thia is an unusual har. - FRANK L. McGUIRE, TO BUV Your Home Abington Building. Main 6150. Main 1068. vmitBuj)en evening and Sundays. FINE HAWTHORNE HOME. $3700 X37oi XMTon Here Is a fine substantial hnm. . t I . ' uwmni. iurnace, trays, etc. Bimei, line 101. uwner widow. must sell. Indeed this Is a ereat hap. gain. jerms. otn st. Excellent neich- CHAS. RINGLER CO., 225 Henry Bldg. LADD ADD. BARGATV 2-story house, laree hall. Hvinv dtntng room, den,- kitchen. 4 bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch, hardwood floors furnace. fircDlace eemnr Ko.A.un.' rw iur quits action suuoo. Terms. U. S. MORTGAGE & INV. CO.. 607 Yeon Bldg Main 241?. GO LOOK TODAY. Brand new. 4 rooms and hath fam,. 1 easement, urepiace. uutch kitchen with Dreamast alcove, price 22oo. oniv &m,n I down. 1131 E. 22d st. Sellwood "car to I narom,. waiK east 3 blka. Also 5 roomR. i"1;. r. -u anu jriarom, 1 uu. Lathrop, $800 KENTON DISTRICT $S00. 4-room bungalow-cottar on f,,n lot; 1 electric lights and gas. fruit and flowers; .No. 1538 Delaware; $350 will handle. See rttA.Mv. Jj. JVJCUL1KK, To Buy Your Home. Abington b dg. Main 1C68. Main 5156 Office Open Evenings and Sundays. ONLY $3150 for a house of 6 rooms. closTTr on Market St., on the west side. The lot alone is worth more than the price. This jjiujjeny wui aiways rent, it is walking distance to the business center. MO'iO cash i will handle it. M. J. CLOHESSY, 415 i LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Modern, 6 rooms, h. w. floors, furnace. nicFmi.e, ciL., mrfco curner iot; this is a beauty; must be seen to be appreciated $6000, half cash. KASER & RAINEY. 823-26 Gasco Bldg. Mar 8 1 J $700 BUYS a S1000 eauitv In a X.roo k., galow with one of the finest sleeping I i ilea 111 1 in; , iui OAIWU, DIllV 1 i blocks from Rose City car; balance $1500, I payable $20 per month. Morris, 619 Henry 1 A BEAUTY Nothing finer: elesrant fl-i-,' bungalow. Rose City, with large grounds 1 ueauiuuuy lannecapea, artiiicial lake, fountain, shrubbery, etc. Price $12,500 Look at 444 E. 4Sth. ERNEST WELLS. 300 Henry Bldg $300 CASH, balance $20 per month, buys 5-room modern bungalow, in Sellwood, 2 blocks from business center. Price $2250. Ask for Mr. Farns worth, THE BP.ONG COMPANY, 267 Oak St. i 7-ROOM house and lot 00x70 feet, with haif block fenced in beside it : fine place for chickens, good surroundings and close to citv: Improvements all in and nnlri for- a real bargain; no agents. Owner, Mar- snail jt. WILL sacrifice $SU0 on my $2000 residence in Woodburn, Or., consisting of eight-room nouse ana aouu;e corner 101s, weii located, and will accept light truck or Ford touring car as part payment. A..JW. Foots. " $2500 HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $250b7" 5-room bungalow, full cement basement, hard surface st. in and paid. This is a good buy at $2500; $500 cash, bal. easy. Call 304 Oak st. Broadway 266. FOR SALE: 4-room house, 2 lots, fruit and berries: fine place for chickens and gar den; price $1070, $200 down, balance easy terms. 6425 85th st. S. E. Mt. Scott car. EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN HAWTHORNE DIST. Modern bungalow, extra large lot, fine location, all Improvement!, $3600; te rma. AF 197, Oregonian. MODERN 5-room bungalow .near Killings worth and 2 blocks to street cars; 50x1 ou lot, cement walks; price $2uu0, $200 down. Call at 306 orbett bldg. BUNGALOW Among fine homes, view lot 75x100; 6 rooms, bath, furnace, fireplace, laundry. For sale by owner. Call any time. 1022 Raleigh at. Main 5942; FOR SALE West Bids 5-room modern house. Call owner, JUain 3041, IRVINGTON. A most attractive residence of 8 rooms, modern in all Its appointments and nearly new; hardwood Hours, tiled fireplace In living rooms and front bedroom, tiled bat;;, with shower; also bath for maid's room; conservatory, extra large sleeping poi ch. burglar alarm system and double eiectrtc lighting and heating systems; located in the .t-ry best district of Irvington. on 100x100 corner, surrounded by beauufui homes. This house has cost the owner betwren $18,000 and $20.o00. but an attractive pi lea will be made in selling, or would accept desirable aacant or Improved Portiaad property fur the equltv. SAM'L R. NORTON, G10 Henry Bldg. HOUSES FOR SALE. THE ROSS COMPANY. 12 Chamber of Commerce. 5-room bungalow, hardwood fldbrs, 2H blocks from car; streets paved and paid for, in Rose City Park. Beautiful Laurelhurst home $4500. Extra fine, new, empty house, finished in old Ivory; Ideal location; $5250, on terms. Strictly modern house in Hawthorne, reasonably priced. Beautiful Mount Tabor homo will be vacated Sunday. Ask about our neat little S-room bun galow, two blocks from the car, for oniy $1800. If you contemplate building we have desirable lots in any part of the city. Garage for sale on east side. House and garage for sale or trade in Chehalis, Wash. Auto to trade for equity in house. $4250 VACANT ROSE CITY BUNGALOW $4250. 6-room very attractive IH-etory bungalow-type home ; larpe Hvrng room with artistic fireplace, bookcases. hardwoo-1 floors, paneled dining room, built-in but fet, beamed ceiling, white enamel Dim-h kitchen, 4 bedrooms up. wit h large clos ets; white enamel plumbing. electric lights and gaa; on paved street; "00 down, balance of equity like rent. 4J.i E. &."in aU N., below the hill, sc FRANK L, McGUIRE. To Buy Your Home. AMngton bldg. Main 108. Main M56. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. . YOU WANT THE VERY BEST. Here It is in the best block In Ropsmere 501 E. 40th st. North. Interior can bo seen ONLY by appointment. Drive by and see exterior, but under no circum stances distrub occupants- 6 big rooms, inclosed sleeping porch and music room, atiic; is built and f.nislied with workman ship and material you And in the hlgheft price houses; a big bargain ior a-oo, ttrms. KASER & RAINEY, S23-2S Gasco Bldg. Mar. ol2ri. FURNISHED BUNGALOW IN HAW THORNE. 5-room, full basement end attic, fire place, bookcases, buffet. Dutch kitchen, laundry travs. woodlift. modern plumbing, hardwood floors, neatly and completely fur nished, immediate possession , good lot, pav.vd streets, garage, handy to car, close to school and high school; a real snap; $o"l0, $1000 cash, balance easily arranged. Call at mv office 10 A. M. Monday. My auto will be at your service to show you. K W. Hughes, 507 Journal bldg. Main 2858. $2150 HOME. ROPE CITY DIST. $2150. $200 DOWN. $25 PER MONTH. On account of business reasons will offer mv 6-room, modern, at a sacrifice; living room, dining room and kitchen, while enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas; 3 bedrooms. Act quickly. Pee my agent. FRANK U McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home. Abington bldg. Main lotiS, Main MA6. Office open evenings and Sundays. p. S. This is a forced sale. F. L. Mc. HOME BARGAINS. $4300 Laurelhurst Bungalow and garage, $.".S00 Laurelhurst 7-rm. modern home. $7500 Laurelhurst 8-rm. and garage. 55000 Irvington bungalow and garage. $0S00 Bungalow, 8 rm.. strictly modern, garage. 100x100 corner, paved st., paid; $1500 cash, bal. $65 monthly.- $15,000 Irvington home. 100x100 corner. $10,500 Portland Hts. view home. fH A s;. RINGLER CO.. 225 Henry Bldg. IRVINGTON HOME. CHOICE LOCATION Lenier nan. oiu iuj muon. doors, plate glass windows, splendid heat, living room with mat tile fireplace, den, dining room mahogany paneled and built in effects, breakfast room, Dutch kitchen, built-in refrigerator. Maid's room and lav atory first floor; second floor light, airy bedrooms, ventilated closets, tile bath, glassed-in sleeping porch. All for $7000. Immediate sale. Phone E.ist t72 $2500 EAST OF LADD'S ADDITION. Very attractive 5-room bungalow on 50x1 06 lot; built-in conveniences, while enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas; cement basement, newly tinted ; paved street; only $100 liens; Kenilworth ave nue, near Dlv'sion. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, . To Buy Your Home Abington bldg. Main 5150, Main 1068. Office open eveninrcs and Sundays. CLOtflS TO JEFFERSON HIGH. Substantial fi-room home, 1 block from car, on nice 50xl0o corner lot. paved st. all paid; being newly tinted and painted, has :i nice bedrooms and sleeping porch, ready in few days to move right In; a splendid buv, ?:i.".oO, very easy terms. THE LAWRENCE CO., 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 0015, A 215. 0 ROOMS. NET INCOME $75 PER MO. This is very nicely furnished, and in a good district, close in, on the west side. Owner occupies 4 rooms. Income could be increased by renting- more rooms. Price $14iH. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 300 Oak St. Broadway 4133. $0500 LAURELHURST $6500. Large rec. hall and living room, dining room. 4 hedrooms, sleeping porch and sun room; hdwd. firs, throughout, wide porch, good view, cement garage, tank and- pump; all imps, in and paid; clear of Inc.; $10o0 cash. bal. terms. CLEVELAND-BARR-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main Bia:, HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. $3150 $3130 $3150. For heaven's sake, see this. Owner go- inn- to country: 5 finely bungalow ar ranged rooms; cement basement, tray", etc. : Daved St.. excellent garage. $o00 cash, balance easy, by appointment. CHAS. RINGLER CO.. -'3 Henry xsiog. MODERN FLATS PART TRADE. Two modern flats. Draotically new. on paved street, all improvements paid; four rooms ana oain eacn, nice trade up to half of price, balance can stand. LT EDDEM ANN COMPANY. W13 Chamber of Commerce. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. New home, V block north of carllne; 5 rooms and bath ; nuiit-in conveniences, hardwood floors throughout, large living room with fireplace: 2 airy bedrooms. Leaving the city, must sell. Call at 442 E. 44th st. N., or phone Tabor 6477. A HOME you will like in Roue City Park. $3000. Five rooms on first floor, two rooms above; hardwood floors, fireplace, built-lns. Du.tch kitchen, fine lawn, ros-P, ill kinds of Hmall fruits: on paved Btreut. Owner. 643 East 40th North. C 2395. $150 CASH, baianc. $20 per month, buys s-room modern cottage, fct. Johns car- line, improved street. Price $2100. ask ior 31 r r urns worm, THE PRONG COMPANY, 267 H Oak St. BUNGALOW. $3000. Modern bun ea low of 5 rooms, h. w. floors, fireplace, bullt-ins, etc., only 150 fu off E. Glisan st. ; $750 down, bal. monthly. KASER & RAINEY, S23-26 Gasco Bldg. Mar. 3125. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. 5 rooms and attic, oak floors, fireplace. buffet, dandy kitchen, full basement, fur nace, imp. in ana paia. i-rice uuu. ins price ts right. Derr dt King, 304 Oak et, Broadway 266. 52750 A. GARDEN SOIL 2750. Modern b-room oungaiow, jubl ine noma to please a family that saves. Chances like this are rare. Immediate possession. Main 312,:. CHAS. RINGLER CO., .2Q Henry i5lag. ONLY $1900 for a 5-room house with two big lots, all kinds or iruit ana iiowers. rnui house has bath, toilet, electric light and sras and located at Evergreen station ; $1000 cash. M. J. CLOHESSY, 415 AB- $100 CASH, balance $20 per month, buys 4-room cottage: lights and gas; Rose City Park. Price $1350. Ask for Mr. Farns worth, THE BRONG COMPANY, 2Vli Oak St. EAST 26TH STREET. 7-room. 2-story modern home, just east of Ladd's Addition, beautiful lot, price $3350; $750 cash. Derr & King, 304 Oak st. Broadwayfte BUNGALOW 6 rooms, furnace, fireplace, Iaundrv, large porch, view lot 75x100. 1022 Raleigh et. Terms. F. E. Bowman & Co., 213 C.t C. bldg. Main 3026. FIVE-ROOM bungalow, splendid condition. Ircington Park; reasonable terms. Phone Sundays and evenings. Taoor 5375. 3-R. PLASTERED house, only 3 blocks Irom cars; lot 5oxJ0O; price $950, $250 down. See Braeure, 306 Corbett bldg. HOUSE of 8 rooms with furnace and bath, on Corbett street carline; price $2500, easv terms. Owner, 500 Copcord bldg 6-ROOM house. large grounds, fru.t and shade trees, beautiful location, reasonable. Call 1550 E. Taylor st. J. Rassi. 14 ACRE ONLY $600. TERMS. Corner 70th street and 48th avenue. F. H. DESHO.V, 615 Cham, of Coin, Bid.