THE SUNDAY OKEGOXIAN, PORTLAND, MARCH 16, 1919. 5 r XFTT TODAY. BSTABLUHEO 1B8A Grand Auction "VT nave received th very costly nrnuure, rugs, linens, etc irora a pri vate home in Irvlnsrton; also several pieces of choice tapestry chairs, etc.. . from apartment of a lady .who Is leav ing. v have combine! these two lots f goods in one large sale On Tuesday Next AT THE BAKER AUCTION HOUSE Comprising very costly kidney daven port In best tape.-trv covering, tapes. T rocker and chair with de luxe cushions, very elaborate empire colo nial nwhogany davenport, mahopany library table, carved pedesUl maho? ny center tables, parlor cabinet, ma hogany Queen Anne English card table. un room set of four places, via., table, two rockers nnd chair; also crass tete--tete chair, three room-size Turk ish rum, curtains and drapes, several pictures, mahosanv pedrsial d 1 n 1 n table, set of leather-seat chairs and buffet, cut a-Iass. silver ware, good iuie jinen. mantle clonics. Indian rugs. "'fl volumes of books, library rockers In oak and mahorany. andiron, brans fire irons, fire guarus, Axinicster BEDROOM FIRMTIHK. On room as follows: Full-size brass Jd. Circassian walnut dresser, chif fonier, dressing table, chair and rock er en suite. Room two Furl sixe bra bed, la Bocany dresser ar.d chiffonier. Koom three Full-size white Iron bed. birdseye manle dresser. Maid's room Three-quarter Iron bed, princess dresser. All beds are complete with best Brings, good clean mattresses, wool blankets, spreads, sheets and slips. Also window cushions In cretonne and rtush covers, bric-a-brac, two r o o d trunks, kitchen cupboard. large refrig erator, gas plate, laundry basket and tuaoy other lots. ArCTIO.VEER'S SOTE. Parties furnishing a new home have at chance here of gStting high-grade, first-class furniture at your own price. This la the firm that sells good furni ture at auction to the highest bidder. Too are invited to call tomorrow and InSDCCt these fronds At volir lelnnre Toil will find them well worthy of your attention. Aid ION o. TlESU.ll SLAT AT 1 A. M, On Thursday Next we shall sell the furniture, carnets. etc. from eight-room residence, AK AT V A. 31. Tu L Its DA V. WE BUT HOrSEHOlD COOD! FOH CASH or will sell (or the owner on commission. If you really mean busi ness and want to sell to the best ad vantage, consmt with ns. we will ad Vise you right. OIK l'liO.NK M MB tit f W.C. BAKER &W.H. DEAN Fvr Irnre Dealers aid Auctioneers, Kaaoale Temple B-lldln-. Yamhill sail l Park M reels. Auction Sales AT WILSONS AUCTION HOUSE i-i7i sron street Onar iamatll MTJNDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY AT 10 A. M. f BIG SALE FOR MONDAY EXTESMOI TVBI, K!S, BITFRT, 1 l K U ) A R D v, mm; 4 II lilt, mA i,o-i:t-s. MilKHIt (HIHS lIKIf niVKXPtlRTS, I.KATHEK-SK T lltirKEIIS I.IKKAKt and M M) TAHLl, HK;H. 1. A It ; K ( kKI'KTS, pictures, luce curiains, iron beds, springs, mattresses, large assortment of quilts, sheets, blankets, spreads, pillows. irm-:h. commoijks, WARKROHKS, !iKIX HtMii; dishes, cooking utensils and other numerous lots. W EDUESDAT AD FRIDAY will find our salesrooms crowded with good medium-price furnishings. DOST MISS OFR SALES If you are looking for FlOM.HtD FIRM HKE. BARGAIS HMI El:RlUOU. PRIYATE SALE DEPARTMENT la This Department We ell Ton taooda at Any Time. Onr Stock I high-clasTfurniture FUGS, CARPETS, LINOLEUM GREAT VARIF.TV OP STEEL AND GAS RANGES ! Fart We Have Imo.t Aarihln Yon Aees tm the llousef uralwhtn i.lne, ttae la and l.otL. larouea. I f DO YOU WANT A PIANO? Tr o. hf.rf: i voir niHTEi RTtHWAY I Pllll.lll, with Metro style pi.'inola 9300 KJti.Mtli A mill, rosowood CAS .SITS VHF.KI.Ot'K. mahogany case JM73 UAHLDH, mahogany case, good as new 22.1 U: It'll T, In fine condition si.V) All, l!THrMKT OF T1171 ITIGI1 Ksr RKPIT.ITIOV AND l.N n.t: iu.Miiriu. J. T. WltSOX, PROPRJKTOR. Caafc Paid for Fut-alrure. Mala ISSrt. FOR SALE! Brick Apartment House OX WEST SIDE OF IllYER. Os of Portland's Rrat and Moat Blttdera Apartmrnt llousen. A Waltlaar L,Ut at All Times. This) Will Appeal tn Oar Seeking aa Assured Income. A Good Investment for Trnat Fonda. F. H. DESHON 15 Ctmmber of Commerce Bldig. Opportunity Nov? 13th & Taylor 50x100 Fret. .rtknm Cornrr, Kon-Rrsldnt Owners Vnnt Of trs for This Prsirablr Apart ment or Garage Site. nox u,n mati.kod. 1002 Spaldlnic UulldlnK. APARTMENT -HOUSE SITE lOOslAO TIIK AV:iT JilDK. OVE OP BK'T I.OCAT10S W CITY. Haa buildings which pay a fair revenue now. t'ale at about half its former value. For full particulars see F. W. TORGLER TW TODAY. 1QTH ST A-7 (0 9th ST. 9TH, COR. BURNSIDE ST. , Ripe for Improvement NOW! E. J. DALY 221 Failing Bid?:. WANTED Income Property CLIENT WITH PROPER TIES VALUED AT $67,000, WILL ASSUME AND PAY CASH DIFFERENCE FOR WELL LOCATED INCOME PROPERTY UP TO $100, 000. PROPOSITIONS SUB MITTED MUST BE OF GOOD VALUE. PREFER WEST SIDE BRICK APARTMENT HOUSE. Inside Property Dealers GROUND FLOOR, HENRY BLDG. OVER 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 QOf NET (J i M it i tin Five - Story flrlrk. AVrwt Side Corner, Modern Mil l p to lte In Fvery Way e Hum mrly Five Vfan Yet. SECURED nnnrilng Five Yearn Oldi Would Coat BIIMI.IHHI to Duplicate Today. et an ApnrtmeDt-llnose. Land Will Mradlly . row In alar. i:xtr Good Tenant. o Trades. $82500 ET n I VKl F-AIT.IVG A- A. J- X Hi II.IM r;. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS 1124 FRANKLIN STREET, $7000 Pvon rooms and Bleeping' porch, larpe nvinp room arrosa iront or nouse strirtly modern: hardwood floors; un obstructed view; parage; lot 75x100. Ownor. in California, instructs us to sacrifice. Call for permit to Inspect. THE BEST WAY TO LIFT THE MORTGAGE on your city home Is In eaay Install inents, with uO years time to repay. fully protected by Life Insurance under Home Purchase Plan of Equitable Life Assurance Society. Interest 6. No brokerage. See Mr. Strong at Equitable Offices. Oreconlan Fuiidinjr. Stt.OOO BROADWAY SNAP, 3O00. 50xltH) Mroidway lot. clos to Jefferson st ..)Hiu c.isn: owner neeas me money; n; another lot can be had for $1-.- iMru on broadway, Detwu-n tht and t ho Journal buhUlng: fine business location. Get it at once while op tion ListJ. 6200 sq. f'ft Corner on Broadway, near lii:ig theater, strictly insine; naif p-irc. Buy when low, aell when hiifb; make haste. J. D. KKN.N'KDY, Salmon at. Wain 4T.. WANTED AT ONCE so,ooo private: loa, s vears, 6 on Portland business property. Asssd valuation $-7.00; insur ance $3t!,Cui; income $400 month. 301 PANAMA BUILDING HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO OW' VOI R MOOFRX HOME AT A PRICE BELOW COST. Fix rooms, sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace, cement basement, etc.; 50x100 lot. Kquity $1000. Small cash navment, balance like rent. fi. Good district. 301 P.AXAMA BIILDIG FOR SALE One four-room, one eipht-room; strtct-1- modern; double construction; street paved: three blocks to MV. Corner Sixtieth and Giisan. I'HOXK TAROU 4KZ. WANT TO BORROW 1.T.OOO TO-0.000 llr.t. Clam. Well - Improved Went Sltle Property, worth $75,000; interest arr. Principal only. Address OWER, 11 000, Ore arowinn. FOR 3IORTGAGE LOAS See Oregon Investment & Mortgage Co, iZi Ctuunbcr ot Commerce, MW TODAT. "Different Service'1 The house at 5S1 Knott street, on the corner of 14th an 4 Knott streets. In Irving ton, is the house I advertised last Sunday aa being the former home of a Tacoma banker, . and for sale at a price that the buyer will appreciate. The grounds are 100x100 feet on corner, with both streets paved. The garage Is large and has hot and cold water and electric lights. The house has large living room, muelc room or den and reception hall finished In hard wood. Large fireplace in living room. The dining room alio has hardwood floor and Is finished in select grain fir. A large coat closet, with running water, is entered from the hall and the dining room. The large pass pantry Is well supplied with cabinets and sink. The kitchen is large and has cooling Closet, wood lift, storage closet and built-in ironing board. The hack porch Is enclosed and has extra toilet. The second floor has four bedrooms, bathroom and sleeping porch. All rooms have closets and linen closet In hall. All the bedrooms are large and every one has a fine outlook from the win dows. The front bedrooms are connected by sliding door and one has running water. A large fireplace is at one end of one of these rooms and so makes a delightful suite and upstairs sitting room. The third floor has large billiard room, being used by present tenants as child's playroom ; maid's room with extra bath and closet. The basement Is complete with excellent hot-water heating plant, fruit room and laundry equipment. The owner has over $17,000 In this wonderful property, but is going to sell at a eacrifice If necessary. The management of this property is in our hands. Please write or telegraph If interested. Loudon Darley and Associates 111S PACIFIC AVBNTT-, TACOIIA, WASHINGTON. Factory FOR SALE The thre-8tory mlll-construc-tion building on East Broadway and Thirty-third street, known aa the Jeffery building-. Main building 145 feet long:, with an average width of 60 feet. First etory addition concrete and brick. 145 feet Ion?. 38 feet in width. Building contains mod ern machinery for the lumber Industry, but will be sold with out equipment If desired. Factory Is very light. Is built In a most substantial manner and well adapted for the manufacture of automobiles, shirts, clothing, rubber, patent medicine, furni ture, etc, eta, or would make a most desirable storage ware house. Trackage runs entire length of both buildings. WILL BE SOLD AT A BARGAIN GREAT Apply Trnnmop hastmoxtj, 1ST Sixth St. TENTH -STREET BARGAIN IEXT1I STREET. KAR STARK. flUX BE THE CE.TER OF CITY. '$21,000 If Improved with one-story building, tenant will pay 1070 on total cost. This is also one of the bebt speculative buys in the city. WAREHOUSE SITE OW TmRTF.KXTH 5TRF.RT, SOUTH OF OL1SA.V. ON TEHHMAL 6FIH. This la the Chenpeat IOt on Terminal Spur In City, only $12,000 TERMS. Rt DDVnM S CHAMBER OP I I l Dill Mil COMMERCE. How Does This Look for A BUG Radiator GERBER The Radiator Man MAKES THEM! 53-55 NINTH ST. N. BDWY.I873 AUTO WANTED Owner of new, modern six-room home, with every modern improvement. In the Irvington section, will accept automo bile to 1500 as first payment; balance on easy monthly payments. F. V. ANDREWS ai CO.. 6th Floor. Tlatt Hid. Phone Marihall W?."!. LOT V2 PRICE 50x100 fttL lnmtfr1 rm west 5ldo near Washington street. Beautiful view of mountains, rivera and city. Will sac- r u ice xor 4duu. aii improvements paicu F. Y. ANDREWS & CO. tk Floor Flatt lds. Tel. 9Ioxk. C0S& I . i:-..uj;)i.ii,l''i TTF TODAT. "OWN A HOME FOR YOUR CHILDREN'S SAKE" ' I-AtrREtHT-RST HOME 1150 iast Flanders one-half block. (Bounded bv East Flanders. East Thirty -ninth and East Davis.) Between car line at cir cle (one block) and Laurelhurst Park (three blocks). A kiddie's playground. Business requires owner's ab sence from Portland for several months at least. Owner now home tor a few days and pre pared to show property. IIorSK First Floor. Double parlors with fireplace, dining- room, sun parior, DreaKtast room. Kltcnen. coat closet, hall. Finished in mahoa-any. natural woods ana white enamel; hard wood floors. Second Floori Lirrc hall. four bedrooms (one convertible deeping porch), two dressing rooms with lavatory, tiled bath room, large closets: fireplace; mirrors in doors, finished in natural woods and white en amel; hardwood floors. Third Floori Large hall, two bedrooms, two large storage closets. Finished in white en amel. Bn.eroentt Full sized laun dry (gas and electrical eaulp- ment); bathroom, toilet; fruit room, coal room, wood room; extra large new heating plant. GROrNDS 4 1-5 lots, highly Im proved with shrubbery, fruit trees, privet hedge, summer house, pergolas, cnuaren s play house, garden seats, flagpole, concrete sun dial, fountain, flower vases, boundary walls, walks. All wood on grounds set in concrete. WTI.I, SET. I, PARTI. T FUR NISHED, IF DESIRED. VALUES! House $10,000 Grounds (original) 8.250 Grounds (improvements) 2,000 Paid Bonded Improve ments. 3,000 (24.250 MAT BE PURCHASED FORI $10,000 Cash and 8,500 Mortgage. $18,500 (No trades considered.) The above does not Include an adjoining fifth lot on East Davis improved as a garden with concrete walks and trellis, which may also be purchased if desired. FOR SALE BY H. H. WARD CAIX, PHONE OR WRITE SOT Title A Trust Bids-. Phone Main 271. Residence, 1.150 E. Flanders St. Phone Tabor 3342. Open for Inspection 1 A M. to B P. M. Sunday. Other days by appoint ment. IMPROVED ALDER - STREET CORNER ON LVCOMK BASIS PRICE LESS THAN ASSESSED VAX. IE. $15,000 WILL HANDLE' BTo Telephone Information. SELLWOOD BUSINESS LOT THIRTEENTH STREET, MEAK SPOKANE. ONLY . $2000 EASY TERMS. G. D. SIMONDS 617 CORBETT BLDG. AUCTION SALE Wednesday, 2 P. M. 191 Second St. There will be a. good assortment of medium furniture for this sale, and you are sure to get some bargains if you attend, for we have almost any thing you need in the line of house furnishings, dressers, beds, blankets, pillows, carpets, stoves, ranges, cliairs, tables, etc.. etc, E. G. FORD, AUCTIONEER. N. B. We sell anything at any time, and if you cannot find It con venient to attend our sale, call at any time, as you will readily see that we can give you some good bar gains In furniture. FORD AUCTION CO. 191 Second St. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY If Yon Wat to Buy on Portland HriKhta, Why Not Come to One Who DraU Only In That District and Who llaa EVERY BARGAIN LISTED About SO Per Ont of the Portland UeiRbts Property sold LMirtngr tue Last Five Years Haa Been Through Me and EVERY CUSTOMER IS A REFERENCE It Is Impossible to Advertise Every thing (or Sale In a District. Call Me Up, Tell Me What Yon Are -looklna for, and I Will Tell Yon If I Have It. MAR. RRfinifC A 4827 UHUUIXU 383 Ml Montgomery Drive, Cor. Elm. FOR LEASE THE ST0NEBR00K -HOTEL 165 FOURTEENTH, NEAR JEFFER SON. INQUIRE OF A. B. STEINBACH . 1S COHBETT BUILDIXG. KFW TODAT. R. T. STREET Exclusive Homes IRVINGTON $5000 BUNGALOW $5000 DETAILS An attractive bunga low of very best construction (not built for sale), well located, modern in every detail and same an new, real "class" throughout. Six rooms on one floor (three bedrooms), tile bath, attic and den in basement. Terms. Seen only by appointment. Never be fore ofered lor sale. $52507. ROOMS $5250 DETAILS Double - size comer, all hard - surface in and paid; well constructed and homelike. Large living room, dining room, fireplace, oak floors, full cement basement with Boynton furnace. Three good bedrooms and large sleeping porch, and attic partly finished. You will like it as a home, and the value is excep tional. $5500-7 ROOMS-$5500 I1ETAILS All ivory finish, large living room, 16X24; liorary wnn fireplace; three bedrooms; full mirror doors; bath with shower: all modern conveniences. Near Twenty-first and Broadway. A home you will like. $8000 cttJfflM. $8000 DETAILS Built of the best ma terial and construction. Near ly new and beautifully finished and papered. Central entrance; large living room, dining room, kitchen and breakfast room: four bedrooms and sleeping porch; oak floors throughout; old ivory fin ish; tile bathroom with costly plumbing fixtures; two fire places; moisture-proof basement: extra good furnace: solid con crete garage. The last word in a home beautiful. Shown by ap pointment only. Never before of fered or advertised. SI0,O0O-KN0TT ST.-$IO,UOO DETAILS 100x100, between Fif teenth and Nineteenth streets: really built NOT built for sale; hot-water heat; four bedrooms and sleeping porch; large third floor entirely finished, with bil liard room and storage. All liens naid. Is it a BUY? Easy terms. By appointment only. $13,5007 ROOMS $13,500 AVERY CHOICE CORNER, with shrubbery; living room, 15x26, in old ivory, tiled fireplace, French doors to pergola porch; dining room in mahogany, piano finish, artistically lighted. Con servatory off dining room, in oak. rront Dearoom very large wuu fireplace and private bath. Men's den In oak. Billiard room with fireplace and tiled floor. Hard wood floors throughout. Two baths on second floor, three bed rooms and sleeping porch. Full concrete garage. An elegant home, not large, but in exquisite taste. Inspection by appoint ment only. Cash or terms. $l7,500-r8 ROOMS $17,500 ETAILS A distinctive home on luuxiou corner in cauuoud residence district, f Besides the eilll i uuill. mo, a a attic with bedroom and bathroom. Central entrance. Very large living room; music room; hand somely appointed uiiiihb iuuiu, four bedrooms, sleeping porch; , V. -rtrt m VirKt floor fin- 3 1 1 til in um vi tt wv. , ' vory; all oak floors; hot-water eat; vacuum cieaiiuiB ojiwuit tistantaneous hot water: finest oi (iiuiiiniiifs . 1. ' ' " ' f,... home you will always feel proud of terms. CCC II? tor 018 nmes we do not OLL UO advertise. We cannot advertise them alL Or. ir you nr.f tn hnild. eee our list of lots for sale. HAVE lived in Irvlngton many vears and know this section. Am selling many homes. Both buver and seller receive a real realty service at my office. Do lot buy or oner ior saia uuui ou see "Irvington" Street. AT EAST I5TH & BROADWAY EnstSM. Residence, East 42S0. 150 ACRES COMMERCIAL APPLE 'ORCHARD IN PAYETTE VALLEY, IDAHO. PRICE $51,800 ALI UNDER IRRIGATION AND IN FILL BEAKUU. WU.I CONSIDER FIRST-CIASS STOCK FARM OR OOD POaTLASU PROPERTY. GODDARD & WIEDRICK 2-13 STARK ST. IRVINGTON HOMES f Cfin Seven rooms, modern; 50x100 0U,3UU foot lot; one block to Broad way car. C 19 Knn'Sht rooms, modern bunga $lj3UUlow; 150x100 feet, on Broad way car line. F. V. ANDREWS & CO. 6th Floor Piatt Bid Tel. Marshall 6025 HEAL ESTATE. SACRIFICE FORCET SALE. MUST HAVE MONEY. 80 acres near Goldendale. Wash., 10 acres cleared, buildings; 1 million feet timber; timber alone cut into wood will bring $5000 on ground; warranty deed for $1000. J. H. Taylor, 305 11th sU. Port land. Or. 418 ACRES. in fall wheat, looking fine; modern buildings, almost new, double ga rage, water piped from splendid spring; large reservoir, can irrigate part; splen did fencing, near paved road; this Is the best farm we nave on our list, with the place goes of crop, 4 horses, all tools and implements; price oo.wu. wouia taxe home in Portland up to $50 00 $5000 cash, balance terms at 6 per cent. See G. L. Rees, O. W. Taylors office. 100 & 4th st. FOR SALE: At Tillamook. Or., the fully equipped ou to current date long estab lished abstract plant of land titles of the Tillamook Title and Abstract company, kept in vauU In fire-proof building, ground fioor Til'imook County Bank building; also new modern 7-room bungalow and three large lots. Owner intends moving away; must make quick sale. Address P. O. box TiiiamooK.- or. FOK SALE, by owner, four attractive, mod- f1,, TCnh Hill infnma 11 ...... . net. $12,500, naif cash. AG 50, Ore- T OR information regarding farms for sale tn Yamhill and Polk counties write for a copy of -Dirt," or call on C Vi, .Vail, Carlton. Oresoa. RKAI. ESTATE. FARM OPPORTUNITIES UNITED STATES. If you are interested, write to the Home seekers Buroau, U. S. Railroad Adminis tration, for free information, naming the state the advantages of which you desire to investigate, and giving full particulars about your require mUs. The Homeseekers Bureau is NOT selling real estate, Ita mission is to furnish de pendable data regarding- land values, production, markets, climate. schools, churches, roads, etc, to those who wish to engage in farming, stock raising, dairying, Hardening and kindred pursuits. A letter will brinK an answer which may help in solving your problems of living. Address J. I EDWARDS, Manager. Koom 2."i2 Agricultural Section. U. & RaU road Administration. W atuinton, D. C. ROSE CITY. We ara ooenine a new office ftt 3' nrtri Snnriv will hn knnwn an The ROS CITY REALTY CO. If you are interested in homes in this district drop in at l-US Sandy and see our li&ttnes. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO., 3lth and Hawthorne. Tabor 7463. . ITRFf Y fin Kiihnrhan home site, a ion county road, 20-min. ride with auto from city. Sell on easy terms or tr;ae i auto. Tabor but oatn n. For Sale Beach Property. TILLAMOOK Will sacrifice beach hotel o account ot sickness. AV 7o-, Oregonian, LOT at Cannon beach at bargain, bor 7134 or C 319. Flat and Apartment Property. WALNUT PARK. Modern flat bulldinir on 100 bv 1O0 cor ner, highly restricted district, containing lour 4 -room nata ana tour y-room uttts. nicely arranged; each have gooa oase meat and furnace: property in line cona tion. always rented, and in dull times pa 10 per cent net.; building practically new, investigate tms: price ana, terms ngn wz -uucnanan tsjqg. Main -iz. CHOICE flats, easy walking distance, on .cast i-'tn st., near Antceny, tor aie on reasonable terms, or will accept a sma home as first Davment: the buildine cou not be put up for the price asked, $7000 present rent $65 per month. J. J. Mc Carthy, Abington bids. DESIRABLE, steady income 10-room house ana two b-room xiats xor saie at a oar- gain. Phone Broadway 556G. 4 FLATS. 2 houses, west side. $C400. $100 cash, bal. mortgage, 6; rent $100 montn. n, i-. i z. x , iuutj -stn. -Main izws. For Sale Lots. CHOICE BARGAINS. 40x100 Kern Park, cement walks. EDunaance of fruit trees. SdOO. 50x100 Cor., cement walks and curbs. ooth and Tillamook. S6M). 50x100 Overlook, cement walk and curb, macadam sts.. 7i. 50x100 All street imps. In and paid, on Schuyler, near 35th, $700. 100x100 White City park, cement walks ana euro in anu oaia. iza and Clackamas county line, j.vju. 50x100 North Mount Tabor, cement walks and curb. $400. easy terms. 50x100 On east Couch, near 24th, cement walks and curb, macadam sts.. all in and 100x250 Peninsula con. Hunt and Chase. J 2000. 150x1 00 Sou thmore land, cement walks ana euro. iiry. 50x90 Peninsula cor Gilbert and Roch ester. 5200. 50x100 Montclalr. cement walk and curb in and paid 78th st., near Mason, bz;. terms. 45x100 Hawthorne district, 2oth ave. and Gzd St., $400. 50x217 Berkeley Add. at Berkeley sta., on t eta cad a carime, s,uo. terms. 50x111! Hawthorne district, all St. imps. in and paid tor. $i.u, terms. 50x99 Rose Cfty Park, aii st. Imps, in and paid, cor. 4bth and sandy bivd., $inoM, WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS, C. A. WARRINER, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $2000 acre, modem bungalow, ele gant fireplace; fruit, flowers, shrub bery, view; mile west of Llnnton rd. at St. Johns ferry. Term a Main 4803. G. C. GOLDEXBERG, ABIXOTON BLDG, Vk Xears in irortiana. IRVTNTGTON $1650 150 ft, N. of Thompson on 6th st., west facing. All Improvements in and only $41 to oe assumed, j. u. waktmaa t:uja PANT, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bids-, 4th and stark, aiatn ZOs, A-1:000. HAWTHORNE CLOSE TO SCHOOL A grand 5-room bungalow on East Grant, 40x100 lot, paved street, all paid nice, large rooms, fireplace, built-in buffet, A splendid buy at $2050. Only $C00 casn. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 6015 A2815. BUY AN ACRE Over 8 city lots, utt for the price of one, a few blocks away: Park View acres. 82d st.; paving to west side; out of east side gravel district; best of soil; $375 an acre up: iu per cent casn, oaiance to suit; spe cial Inducements to immediate builders. J. C. CORBIN CO., 305-6-7 Lewis Bldg. AM looking for a man who is looking fpr a ciose-m lot at a Dargain; nere it is; take a Sellwood car south, get off at Cora ave., walk 3 blocks west to corner Sth st. and Cora ave.; a steel shack with ga rage underneath stands on a 5ix92-ft. cor ner lot. TeL Wood la wn 4057 or write owner, W. C, 81 McClelian st.. city. LOT SNAPS $275 50x100, 74th and Orepon. $500 50x100, Van. and Dekum ave. $750 50x100 $38th and Brazee. $1000 50x100, Broadway, nr. 27th. G. C. GOLDEN BERG, 215-16 Abington Bldg. 100 Sd at. "35 Yrs. in Portland." Main 4S03. LOTS FOR SALE. Fine level lot, 65x133, on Base Line road tnara surracej at is. UOth st. Good location for residence, store, or chicken ranch. Four blocks to Mount Tabor car lne. Jrnce $1000. JSasy payments if desired. G. W. McCoy, 90th and E. Stark sts. 11 ACRES at Tigard. half in cultivation, balance in brush, faces main county road, no house, close to two electric lines. Price, $3500. Will consider good city property clear of incumbrance. Call 215 Washington Bldg. WESTMORELAND LOT, $220. Lot 14, block 27, Westmoreland, 50 feet north of the northwest corner of Bybee and East 21st, facing east. Hard-surfaced streets, sidewalks, sewer all in. Balance bonded assessment, $290. See Gordon, 631 Chamber of Commerce. WOODSTOCK Just a lovely 5-room bungalow on 100x100 ft. lot, close to car and fine schools, almost new and a splendid buy at $3250. $500 cash. THE LAWRENCE CO., 205 Corbett Bldg. Main G015 A 2815. IRVINGTON LOTS LOTS OF LOTS, double corners on Knott and Thompson streets, inside lots throughout Irvington at very reasonable prices. We can show you some buys. K. T. Street, Irv. agent, East 8!4. 1 HAVE a fine lot on the corner of 50th and Sandy; will sell reasonable. This is an over-size lot, and would be e. fioe I oca tion for a home. Owner, Main 2712, or oij aticnanan oiog. $1000. 80x100 S. E. Cor. Campbell and Simpson. BIG SNAP. HOWARD STACKPOLE, San Jose, Cal. IRVINGTON' CORNER. Best of location, inoxlOo; S4250 Includ ing Improvements; will consider some trade and cash. J. C. CORBIN CO., 303-6-7 Lewis Bldg. 1RVINGTON-BROADWAY. 100x100, s. e. corner East Broadway and 17th; $7000. all liens paid. B, T. Street, Irv. agent. East 894. IRVINGTON LOT. facinsr south on Schuy ler. 1UU xeet east or .Mn, tu, all liens paid. It is a snap, K. T. Street, Irv. agent- ALAMEDA, facing south on Shaver, 100 feet east of 60th, facing the former O. K. Jeffrey home. SS00. all liene paid. R. T. Street, Irv. agent. East 814.; BV OWNER My lot In Beaumont will have to be sold, as l nave to go east. J. 4., box 16a, R. F. P., Oswego. Or. 8 ACRES garden land, under cultivation. house, 4 miles city limits; small yearly payments. l-Ol w ucox oiqg. 100x100 IN Rose City, corner and Thompson, will sell on easy terms. Main 2712 or o02 Buchanan bldg. BUILDING lots wanted in exchange for 40 acres at ooa Kiver. -iuuu. uiear. u. . Skotheim. Henry bldg. NON-RESIDENT will sell lot in Rose City park for less than half actual value. Address BJ 364, Oregonian. LOT 80x120 with shack; price $400, $50 cash, balance $5 per month. M. E. Lee, 605 Corbett bldg. ONE or more acres near Hawthorne car line; owner. East 386(1. FOR SALE 50x100 lot, cheap. Terms If desired. Call SelL 552. CORNER lot, 50x100, 33d and Emerson, cheap for cash. Marshall 216. FINE level lots, all sizes and prices. Geo. W. McCoy, end of ,Mt. Tabor car 'ino. 2 ACRES cheap; J 2 miles on O. E. CiU owner evenings, Sellwood tU3L REA1, ESTATE. Fit Sale Lots. FOR SALE One or two acres in Kenll worth, iust what you want. The price is rigrht if you buy now. You will never regret. Beautifully located in a fin resi dence district. 1 block from cariine. 100x100 feet on East Burnside street, close in, excellent location for Kamga or apartment house. Owner Is non-resident and wants to sell. Attractive price and terms will be made. J. L. WELLS COMPAXY. 324 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FOR SALE COMPLETE FARM. 160 acres. .0 acres cultivated, lo-room house, alt furnished, new barn, 2 chicken houses, hog house, water piped to house and barn, 15 head of cattle, 3 horses and chickens, implements and tools, several hundred fruit trees, all fenced and cross fenced with wire; 4 miles from Kalama. Wash.; only $7000; terms. $1000 cash. Ad dress Mrs K, Kander, 13yi Corbett st., Portland, Or. BUY A LOT BEFORE PRICES ADVANCE. $1350 Laurelhurst view lot. off Park, St. impt. paid, cost owner $2 1 00. $ 900 Laurelhurst lot, impt. pd., cost $1600. $1250 Irvington lot. impt. paid, 2 2d st. $ 450 Rose City. 50x110. Sn;ip for builders. $ 3l0 Kenton lot, impt. paid. $ 8OO Waverleigh Hts. cor.. 2ft Tlbbetts. CHAP. RINGLER CO.. 225 Henry Bldg. 500 ROSE CITY CAR 50x100 East front half block to car. On titith st., snuth of Sandy blvd. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4th and Stark. Main 20 S, A 2050. . FOR SALE 6 lots with one modern 7 and one 9-room building; fir shade trees, bear ing fruit tress, running water througli grounds; water right from mountain spring. This place is 48 miles from Port land, 60 feet off Columbia highway; an Ideal spot for summer home or resort ho tel. Can be had for $4000. Address Box 154, Cascade Locks, Cr. 2nd MORTGAGE TERMS TO BUILDERS $70(t 50x100 Rose City Park, lot on pavements. $140 down, $12.50 month. In terest e. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4th and Stark. Main 20S, A 2050. IfiTH AND MTXTj COR, 125x81; $8000. A real apartment site RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. ROSE CITY PARK CORNER 1 block to car. Natural trees. Lot on grade with street. Go see it. Southeast corner 57th and Stanton sts. Extra sire, 105 feet deep bv 50 feet wide. Paved street. Price only $750. Street assess ments bonded $107. Tabor 5533. BEAUTIFUL BUILDING SITE For a fine home on Portland Heights, 100 feet on Park avenue, 200 feet on Douglas place and adjoining the park. For price and terms:e E. M. Brown with NKILAN & PARKHILL, 219 Lumbermen's Bldg., Sth and Stark St. "$1350 LADD'SADDITION SNAP; $1350. Cost $2150; street impvts. all paid; alley In rear; faces pretty little park, a rose garden; $350 cash, time on balance. An opportunity to buy hiKh-grade property within walking distance at a sacrifice, Fred H. Strong, Jtt6 Oregonian bldg. HAWTHORNE AVENUE. A GENUINE SACRIFICE. CORNER, 100x100. with hard-surface paving on both streets, ALL PAID. PRICE $2750 .and only $050 cash re aulred; favorable terms on haiance. TELEPHONE MAIN 2320. LOT BARGAIN, $350. 50x100 in Berkeley Addition, close to car; only one block from paved st. and East Moreland. KASER & RAINEY, 823-26 Gasco bldg. Mar. 312t. VANCOUVER BARGAINS. Several excellent lots in Vancouver, Wash., $100 and up, easy terms; 2 blocks to car; on and near paved road. Write at once ior full particulars. P. H. Kraetcu, 534 Franklin ave.. Astoria, Oregon. LOTS FOR SALE. 2 level lots at 31st and Klickatat, clear of debt; will sell cheap, or trade for 1 lot In Irvington or Laurelhurst, or for equity in bungalow in either district, W 18, Oregonian. ARLINGTON HEIGHTS Level JOt acro the street irom ma ocuiii home; Rood view; no expense builrt, imp. paid; a great big snap for .J?0"?- cash. Kaser & Rainey. S23-2U Gasco bldg. Marshall 3125. WANT OFFER. Fine high-grade 100x100, close In, very desirable west side residence district, sur rounded by costly homes: level good view; non-resident wants offer. Will be slaughtered. Malnl63. FOR SALE Lot 8. block 3o, Roosmere. on 4;id St., 3d lot rrom oauuy uivu. and abstract; .-u cae.ii, iui-io v sume approx. assessment. Ray, Ilwaco, Wash. D. 10 ACRES near Salem; new 2 -room bunga low; on Oregon Electric. Price $1000. $200 casn, oaiance can c at $3 per cord. John Ferguson, Gerlin- ger bldg jEG1AIj on Vancouver ve., T onr. lots. 50x100 at your own terms; price $300 fr bthH. & H. REALTY CO.. 615 Swetland bdg HAVE lots in Alameda Park for t50 each and in Irvington at 750 each; the abovo prices include improvements In and paid; terms or cash to suit purchaser. C. J. Johnson, 313 Henry bldg. Main 581- OR SALE Portland HciKhts building site; gorgeous view, level giuuuu. ...-....-of a slide; one of the few good site, left in the exclusive section. Cor. lota ana Mvrtle. Main -1"77. KOSSM1SRB lot. on E. 41st, near Thompson. east front, very ueairauitj iuww, ' te'mLrEDDEMAXK COMPANY, Sl:i Chamber of Commerce. Y owner, nice corner lot close to Haw thorne ave.. 4th and Madison.; all im provements In and paid to date; price provemen 5S0O cash. Tabor fioOS. T.'l-iT? sat.r LOTS. Will elve 550 l"t as part payment on excavatinK and cement work. J-i, Oregontpn $.-,rt TERMS. I,ot on Mount Tabor carline. to for home and Krocery Btore. Owner. Phone Tnhor r.ltm, evenings. J 550 GROVEL AND PARK $550. 1Tr 5(1x100 lot: paved district; S70 rssll required; 6 per cent interest. Tabor 74S. STILES & WELLER. Main o4L'. I MBER of fine bldg. lots lu good dist. 4M. Clinton, cneap ir "'..', "V ;' bonds. Owner, J. II. XIcMahon. liUOU fcaat 4;id st. Tabor 5:16 1. ' AURELHURST BARGAIN One ot tna best located lots in im ... . ..... naid: $140U. Kaser & Kainey, 6Jo-Jtl Gasco bldg; Marshall Jl-'.i. m LOT 50x100 Laurelhurst, 3!th St.. block from parK: oiocn im, i - ' " Burnside street; improvements paid. Price each. $1250. Owner. Tabor !ij2. IRVINGTON Beautiful lot. 17th, near Knott; cost uov; inaiio i.cUw..Uai & Co. . FOR SALE: Fine lot In Irvington, two feet above grade, east iuuiub, ouau p, Phone East 1233. CHEAP for cash, corner lot in Koee City Park. 4th and Stanton. Phone tiunday or evenings. Tabor 075S. SELLWOOD SNAP: two lots corner Sth and Clatsop, $700. Owner, 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8078. IRVINGTON 2 choice lots; all Improve ments in and paid; also 75x120 near Han cock st. Hitchcock. SO 4th St. IRVINGTON LOT On Broadway car, east front, improvements all In; a snap at $1410: terms. Phone owner. Main 52,'iti. ROSE CITY PARK lot. 50x100, East 40th, l"t. Tillamook and Thompson; a bargain. Phone Main 1020. IRVINGTON lot. clear, a bargain for cash; fourth lot north of Stanton on East Din, facing east. Information; Tabor 502. SACRIFICE fine warehouse site on O. R. A N near E. 2Sth and Holladay; consider trade 833 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 807S. IOR SALE Fulton Park lot, near school and carline: cost $B50; will sell for $o0 cash. Tabor 4296. IRVINGTON LOT. $850 AND UP; COR- 1 .Z.V.V . -r. ITC K-17ITtTATTKl.'.V ALRft, 1JJ" A., ...-w--.- & CO. LOT 12, blk. 15. Belle Crest: also lt acres Mt Tabor. By owner. Phone after 11. Broadway 133C. AF 1i5, Oregonian. 10 ACRES, Oak Grove. Oregon City line; well improved. Price $6500. or will divide. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. IRVINGTON BARGAIN 100x100 corner, near 23d and Knott; $3200, clear. Neu- hausen & Co. IKVINGTON'S choicest home sites, cash or terms. Phone owner. East 3225. TWO beautiful lots. Portland Heights, at half price for quick sale East 141. HAVE clear lots, would co-operate witU party wishing to build. Tabor 7359. IRVINGTON lots for sale or will consider a late model car. Wdln. 4410. WILL sell my lot in Alameda Park, bit sacrifice. S 425, Oregonian. THREE 50x100 lots, corner nth St. and 42d ave; fine location. Call 4120 64th at. FOR SALE; Lot In Ladd Add.. 20th St., near Hawthorne: 50x118. $1550. Call Main 80411. VACANT corner lot. West Side; build ga rage lor cespoxuuble party,, Alalu Jd4.