TITE SUNDAY OKEGOXTAX, PORTLAND, 3rAKCn 1G, 1919. 11919 iraSCiUSTIG TO High School Coaches to Meet and Arrange Schedule. NINE TEAMS IN LEAGUE lijr Middle of This Week All Aspir ants for Places on Different Ag gregations Will Be Out. The 113 Interscholastic baseball r jedule will be drawn up by the high t caooI coaches at a meeting at Mult-ji-:n:io club nxt Thursday afternoon. Nine schools will play baseball this year. Christian Brothers, dropping out of ihe league. The schools to have teams again this season will be Jef ferson, Washington. Lincoln. Frank In. Benson. Columbia, Commerce, Ja nes John and If i IL By the middle of this week all of the coaches will have several, teams limbering up and by next week prac tice will be well under way. Several of the schools already have turned out for indoor work in the gymnasium, but little or no outride work has been done yet. Nearly all of the schools are well supplied with letter men and some fast teams should take the field this season. Kranklin wen the championship last ear but will lose its pitcher, Ed Thompson. Thompson worked like a big leaguer on the mound for the Quaker last year and fanned an aver age of about 12 men per game. Tucker, last year's Franklin catcher, also will te missing. Both Thompson and ; Tucker entered the students' army training corps at Oregon Agricultural College last year and played on the Aggie football aquad. Both are now in Portland, but are through as far as fcigh schools are concerned. JVew Talent to Be laed. ' Coach White will have to work hard to make up for the loss of Thompson and Tucker, but hopes to fill the breach from the following who have signified their Intentions of turning out: "Skin" Reynolds, Hallier, Jones, 5"ehrung, "Babe" Hobson. Harry Thomas, Charley Thomas, Blake, Knight, Bennett and Whetstone. Harry Thomas, Reynolds, Jones and Zehrung played baseball at Franklin last season M.nd will form the nucleus of this year's learn. George Dewey will coach the Lincoln team and will have four letter men in Jrve Cole. Oailo. Helmke and Knkelis to build this year's nine around. Others at Lincoln who are out for positions are Beck, Stien, Barton, W right, Leo Jietta, Kingsley, Harris Clow and Berry. As yet a coach has not been named at Jefferson, but the boys already are declaring themselves ready for base ball and will turn out next week. The last year men back at Jefferson are Andrews, Laird, Gray. Julian, Anderson and Ilainmett. Humans and Coulter, both crack baseball players, are eligible this season and will strengthen the Jelf lineup. WaikliKtoi Oat look Bright. Ir. W. A. Fenstermacher again will te in marge of the diamond game at Washington, and with his star pitcher fr'coti back in company with several other letter men, the outlook for this fa&on ia bright. As yet practice has not been railed, but some sort of light ifturkout will be indulged In this meek. Among thoe who have signed up for b -isvbitl! at Washington so far are Kin-hi. Kdlund. Raeenovich, Scott, leirrson. Irvine. Clark. Rowley, Mc C.trdy. Ha yd n, tluak and Lulph. Dolph in captain of this year's Washington team. lach Murphy is not enthusiastic er his prutprt-ts at Commerce, but is r raily to make the best of them. Those tio will answer first call for baseball at Commerce will be Anderson. G rider, l':iulbat-h. Oliver, Mock. Wagner, Rich arilson. Masters. Stringham and Bast lan. Herman Cook, who will look after the destinies of the Columbia University te.-iin. Is very optimistic for this season and hopes to have his aggregation well up in the running. First he will have! Tuny Dwyer. last years all-star third-! b.iieinan bark, other speedy letter men w ho are ready for another season are B rt Jacobberger, Ray Keating. Fete Sweeney. Johnson. Murphy and Prls rolL Among the new men out who look -jrorniinfC are cook. Manning. Walker, .McKtel. tchck.tr, Settle ton and Lunn- lttan. Ha-oa Proaperta (ood. Coach Campbell at James John has nothing to complain about. He will bave John VVulf, Iick Girt, Johnson. Jiiatt. Toole and a number of others to mold a team this season. Wulf pitched fair ball last year and should show iM improvement this season. Benson had a pretty good ball club last season and should have even a b-tter one this year. Toung Baker, brother of Iel Baker, crack Fort land en t cher, is the first string pitcher for Krnson. He worked like a veteran in several of last season's games, but in tther rontests was inclined to be a little wild. With a season's experi ence he should be just right. Other ballplayers at Benson are Scott. Len nox. Campbell. Ferguson, Durham. J'aliner, Ktchels, Lind. Connolly, Cooper, and Sherrttt. About -0 others are expected to turn out for the team at Benson Tech. Nine letter men are back at Hill In the persons of Al Berger, Verne John son. Wilbur Nelson, Heyden, Dick Ball. J'hil Boyd. Rus.ell Fage. Wilbur Haines. Irving Day and Terry Livertnore. New men who have told Coach Irvine of their intention to try out are Royal Vnley. Harold Dooley, Krrold Halton, .Mtlburn Knight. 'Stub" Pendleton. Rob inson. Johnny Smith. Georee Wricht, Fred Hooper. Tyle Brown, Bert Hatha way, Tom Took. Tom Bollard. George Crawford and Norris Coleman. EOLF MATCHES ARRANGED AVAVFRI.KY rOVXTHT CUDS f LAY Kits OCT FOR PKIZ:. l onr Trams Made l"p and AH Con- tot; to n- IMnyrd Ho fore the Fiot of April. Four teams of four men each com ett of players with the 16 lowest sxrtK score st the Waverley Country vlui will fisrht it out for a prize to go to the Kolfer winning the largest numhr of matches, all contests to be played before April 1. Kach man to play mate h -play at scratch with very other man on his team. The four teams are made up as fol lows- No. 1. A. K. White. A. S. Kerry. 1L I- Mar lea y and P.lchard Wilder: No. . A. I'ettyirovr. Ir. fc r. L. Mae- IrrKor. Pr. S S. Slorum and W. K. Prarion: No. 3. U. A. loiter. lr. A. A. Mrnon, tlordon Voorhiea Jr. and A. B. 2cott; .No. 4. Alan !!. i A. Hart. N. E. Ayer and W. F. Kettenbach. Th cherry tree, made famous through I MV SOON I the antics of George Washington, is a symbol of troth. Indeed! Whenever and wherever a man hap pens upon "a cherry tree he Immedi ately thinks of things G. W. and his little speech. When the new Del Monte golf links at Pebble beach were laid out the pro fessional must have had c guilty con science. At the first tee. Just where the matches get under way. a cherry tree was planted. Before the players tee off their attention is attracted to the tree and they are sworn to truth fulness. Verily, the cherry tree is there for a purpose. MISS PAYNE WILL GO EAST Fancy Divinjr Champion to Defend Title at Detroit, Michigan. Miss Thelma Payne, national women's fancy diving champion, will compete in this year's championships which will be staged by the Detroit Amateur Ath letic club March 29. At a meeting of the board of directors of the Multnomah Amateur Athletic club tomorrow night; the details will be threshed out, and it j will be decided whether Instructor Jack Cody will accompany Miss Payne. It) s very likely that Mr. Cody will make the trip. Harry Fischer, secretary and swim ming trustee of the winged "M" insti tution, telegraphed the Michigan or ganization yesterday formally advising them that the pride of the women's annex of the local club will defend her title won from her teammate, Constance Meyer. 4 HOCKEY TEAMS MAY" PLAT Seattle and Vancouver May Meet Montreal and Ottawa. VANCOUVER. B. C, March 15. Four hockey clubs. Montreal, Ottawa, Van couver and Seattle, may meet in a series In Seattle and ancouver next week for the world's hockey championship. Frank Patrick. ancouver, president of the Pacific Coast Hockey association, has suggested that the coming east and west series be made a four-club affair. as Montreal, the eastern champions, and Ottawa, the runners up, are on their way west. If the plan does rot go through Se attle, the winners of the Pacific coas championship, will meet Les Canadien. of Montreal for the big title in a two- club tourney here. Dow Walker to Play Pushball. Dow V. Walker, superintendent of the Multnomah Amateur Athletic club, will lead a team of pushball artists a en ins t the best team in the Multno mah clubhouse pushball league Multnomah field this morning. Wal ker's aggregation will be comprised of members of the club, who have jus returned from active service and who learned the game at the various army cantonments, where it has gained much prominence. The game has been se for 10 . o'clock. Baseball Game Scheduled. The annual St. Patrick's day baseball frame at Columbia university will be played tomorrow on the university campus at 2:30 P. M. It will be the first game of the season at that insti tution. A snappy battle Is expected, for the "Sons of Erin" will take on the Bolshevik 1 nine. Murphy and Quinn will form the battery for the "Sons of Krin. Kay Keatinsr, the well-known Interscholastic hurler. will work in the box for the BoNhevikl. Co-eds to Play Cricket. Features of women's athletics during next term at Oregon Agricultural col lege will be swimming meets, tennis tournaments, baseball and cricket Swimming and tennis are recognized as major sports in women's athletics. Miss Ecuth Welbourn. instructor in the phys ical culture education department, will coach baseball. Cricket is to be played as a class game on the campus fur the first time. Letters Await Athletes. There are letters on the sporting editor a desk for Tomrnv Tracev. ex boxing instructor of the Multnomah Amateur Athletic club, and Morris Lux K.in'ax rMtv boxer. Directory of Prominent Life insurance Agencies U embers of Life Under&rileri Auociation of Oregon, W m Goldman. General Mtniftr Oregontaa B.dg. M. O. Col too. Manager. KAS5ACH UtofcTTS MUTUAL. LIFB. Chamber of Commtrct llldg. B. 1 Harmon. Genacal Agent. MUTUAL. i-iKc. iorthwcaicrn Bank Bldg. Horace Mt Klein. Manager. NEW K.NGLANU MUTUAL, L4F& Nortfiweiicrn Bank Bids. H. R. Aitn. G-neral Agent. NORTH WESTEKN MUTUAL LIKE INS. CO, No"hwlfrn Hir TOO L.ITK TO M.ASIKY. ONB flnt-rlana ptario. "WVsr Firos.. New York." in the bt of condition: parlor ru. S3lVt;; small ruz and rue rs to mutch; 1 1 lrary t.t h).. t nprln W her sea i rtrkir. touch, nupr and i u.th.onn : ine braM nt H tul. elt riv la nip anl ref rlKralor : every t hi riff a! mogt new, for til take hondu r Reparate- 1y. Cu.l JUJ N. lith ft., mr. Kearney. Wil.l.. se.i or trade my equity in povd S0 acre l.irm. arr-i car-d. 3 min-s from U. R., a miles fr.-m I'orCanii; will b no Mount H-Hjtl t.gl w y w hen uii;t ; .t;:"fU w ith rtix-k and ttnp:emn:s, Jint w ith ut. Wiii trade for riunki v engine, or good sar timber, bai. $if"0 in Tt yr., fi', pay- atje anmia'ty. Jame T. Ogden. Fandy, Or. PKTKR A. PORTER CIRCLE XO. U-ins of the Jrand Army, wlii give a I in y v fnn'tui) h it-rnotn. .vc.i r-h 11, at Ka ker's hall, cor nor of K IP igj worth and A!hina avtnue. Admission -5 ctnis. Good prtzt-s i'Olt KENT ,1-room unfurnished apart ment; 'eam heat, pnv ite phone anil bnth. '.7: no children: Wavcr!'7 Court. K.t -t.th and Clinton sta. Janitor in more next to entrance. Ol NG woman with two little girls wishes position as houst keeper; Vancouver rt-f-erencs. Call Mrs. Hunter, oil Grant St., t h . Vsnrouver. Wan!:. W ANTE I Silent or ai ti e partner. I am going to Alaska shortly and h ive a good proposition for someone with limited mratii. L s, Or.iii.'in. VOH f?A LK I'heap, Vii tn!a, t pewrlter deiK with iira ers. e.ectric 'amp, box couch and other article. A ViU.V KINK housekeeping room and sleeping room for geniner;; minutes' a,k from pot-off:r-. Park. V M A N iintev1 for lisht hfmy.vurk; small wage and rood horn-: snl! family. AI11 ler Pharrracv. Jt. North Ttiird rt. KE'I iS'f K I: Ki ph:trmac:s. long experienced, best refTTces and live wire. Allller P"rTt.i'v. North Third. K. 'K !-AI.K or exchange for sm e;-lc;ly modern eight rooms. r house, il Tabor EN PERIENCED 7:r Hoyt st. aitics. Hereford hotel, ENPEKI KvckD chamoermaid. ho:'. 7:tr. Hoyt. S A WM 1 M. at W avnllAh'e timber. i"'-hinerv ; plenty LATK V'7 ttrs and Ir.int yix. fin spare. Ea.: condition; new 3U-TON truck; must svll; good iiiape. East WANTED Meat hc.-k.it nd trolleys. K..vinar .. IM Front. lto M with t'ore E ir t.m ri. modern ion eniences. S A NTED Millinery maker M Park. King & Co.. E l-EK IENEr music teacher; rates rea nnb. M.iin fi ' --V KVlNRl'l'E motor canoe for sale. CHD home for younc woman In exchunce for T'ght liousefceping. K 4. Orvgonhtn. .uit taxi 'wad"stai 4ui 7tith u TOO T.ATE TO CLASSIFY. ON HAND FOR IM MEDIATE DELIVERY. 1 No. 2 jaw crusher, with screen and eievator. 1 model 61 Marion track shovel. 1 model -0 siaiion track and traction novel. 1 Austin Giant road grader. 1 extra heavy Avery traction engine, 50 -4-inrh gauge dump cars. 150 3.-inch gauge 4-yd. dump cars. 5 Srt-inch taupe dinky locomotive. 1 1-yd. clamshell bucket. 1 li-yd. clamshell bucket, rt bei t-driven compressors. Gasoline engines from ti-H. P. to 60- a. f.. stationary. 2 8-ton. -0-mch. gauge gasoline locomo tives. ( 6 sts st Iff-leg derrick Irons. , 1 7xl 1. D. American hoisting engine. 1 3-drum American hoisting en gine. -." sets SO.OuO-cap. all-steel logging irurKS. 'o tons 60-Jb. relay rails. 1") tons 4't-lb. relay rails. to tons 20-lb. relay rails. 1 40-ton Helsler locomotive. 1 tf-'t-ton Helsler locomotive. 1 Switcher tvpe locomotive, 4 ."-ton. 1 liIdwln rod locomotive, .lo-'ton. 1 B.ildwin rod locomotive. &-ton. 1 Baldwin rod locomotive. 7.-ton. 1 -4x48 Corliss 4-valve engine. - 1 xlM Chandler-Taylor engine, .14x11 return tubular boilers. ;txlH return tubular boilers. 2 Tmi-H. P. firebox boilers. 1 2r.o-H. P. firebox boiler, 123-lb. 1 fiO-H. P. firebox boiler. Piledriver hammers. 14O0 to 4000. 1 used icow. .16x100. Drag line scrapers, crushers, elevators, steam pumps of all sizes, machine tools, compressors, rails, dump cars. Send us your inquiries for anything In Iron or woodworking machinery. lodging, sawmill. shipbuilding and contractors' equipment and suno'les. BL'KKE MACHINERY COMPANY. Railway Exchange ttldg. Main V.! 12. A 2423. TO EXCHANGE 3-0 acres. 215 In culti vation, W) in crop, 30 acros fine oak tim ber, bala nee open pasture; 2 miles from town; good barn and fences, fair bouse; tfO acres bottom land; 8 horses. 10 cows and heifers, cream check $150 per month; 3.' hogs, and all necessary farming imple ments. Price $27.50O. including every thing: will take $14..VH trade, bul. terms. C. C. Low. 830 R razee at. Phone East 1445. 2 l.,AUJE rooms over private garage on Hal sey st.. 'IrvJngton," which could be ued for housekeeping; stove installed for cook ing, running water, electric lights, but no bathtub; free water; also lots of ground for garden; rent $10 month; adults only, on account of garage; must give refer ences. Phone Monday morning from to 12. East 751;. WANTED Experienced saleslady to assist In sewing machine dept. Apply employ ment office, 6th. floor, Meier & Frank Co. FOR SALE By owner. 100xl.0 lot at Mult nomah station, on O. K. railway. Small house and barn. Bull Run water, electric lig-his, gas and telephone service. Fruit trees, large lawn and flowers: commands beautiful view. Price $luou; terms. K. O. Schaefer, Main 1.".7. 4-CYLIXDKU Case touring car, electric lights and starter, in first-class mechani cal condition; $000, terms to responsible party. BR ALT AUTO CO., U Washington. St. Main 4S30. S:;2.".u ATTRACTIVE 6-room bungalow. uleenln- noreh. flreoiace. built-ins. hard wood floors, chicken house 15x40, two lots 4Oxl00 each: near peninsula park; S10O0 csh. Call Sunday bet. 1 and 4 o clock, 14:;i Michigan ave., Kenton car. BEAUTIFUL RoKe City park bungalow; 5 large, airy rooms, breakfast alcove, fur nace, fireplace, oak floors; beautiful loca tion, paved St.; garage. Price $300; $500 ca.h, $25 a month. F. B. Turner, 312 Henrv bidg. Main 7847. UN Til E 10th of March a notice appeared in the Journal stating that I. A. Goldberg, was not responsible for any debts con tracted bv Celia OoMberg. I now wish to give notice that I withdraw that state menu A. GOLDBERG. B. C. LAND 67i acres on the Grand Trunk Pacific road, 40 acres in cultivation, good buiidtngu; price $20 per acre; will accept Oregon or Washington property. Address J. Brooks, box J52, route 3. Lents sta., Portland. Or.. ph.ne Tabor :t505. Hi'DSoN i-4t, taken In exchange on a Frank lin, just a dandy buy lor tne money; oniy 1750, terras if desired. BRALV AUTO CO.. ot Washington St. Main 4SS0. TKl'riTWoKTH V bookkeeper - stenographer would like management oi nmei. ur ni have von to offer for K years experience? Helen Watson. 57:5 Qulmby st. GIRL for y-neral housework, family of 3. Phone Last o-o. M AN of nt appearance. -. to .hi ears. fair eduvat ion, willing i wora naru ior advancement; good fcalary to Mart: give personal dei-rf prion, relerences and phone. A L I'.!". Oregon ian. HAVE a let to trad" for an automonue; ,VxloO ft., 1 1IK. rrotn scnooi. isi-iiaos neighborhood, east facing: will trade for a god automobile. Call 156 Glenn ave. N.t nc.ir prescoit s. WANTF.D Two men to fall and hut k tim ber for email mill near i-ortiana uy con tract: tool furnished. Call before 3 P. M. Sund:iv. 41.S Kaju 12th M. North, city. WAN'TLD To rnt at once. to to acres near carilne. improved; may ouy siock If anv. Answer at once. J. Zwick, 1244 Aid -r. ylt SALK .".-room house, modern couven- tenee!: fruit ire-. cnu-Ken other outbtdgs.: lot .'mx1. 1 blk. W est Courtney Ma. Phone Oak Prove. I.i2-J. 3117 Hl'I'MOBlLK touring car. run only 110ij mtls. in tirsi-rrass ronumuu. HRALY AL'TU CO., ttoi Washington St. Main 4Sr. ASSISTANT bookkeeper and atenographcr; wtie who has bad expentme ieinicu, must be eood p-nman. Apply iu writing. I; 4:t.t. irt gonian. OK SA I.B First -elans furniture of five room hunratow at private sale Sunday aft - r .t p v.. all day Monday. hl E. Kra n k 1 1 n. v owner, modern S-room cottage-bungalow. attic all improvements paid : terms rea sonable. Call Sunday, 33 Division st.. or prion1 Tabor 7rU. HUM DODGE SEDAN. All good shape. Al mechanically, wire wheel p. goon iires : i.vin iu, n - rifle tor gloo. Tabor :i01. T ' K of groceries wanten. win exenance ..i-ar Port and nroperiy ior saiiie. muue K VI N JTt-N houio'. newly tinted and pa pered.. Can morninsH aiirr uima.j, -1" 7a 1 Ith Ft nar Salmon. FORD BARGAIN'. 1017 roadster, all good; price only $350. CnH Tabor a:wt. KED potatoes. 5 tack: bariv none, v nue name, tc. tioggess, a.ix rrunu SPLENDID opportunity Tor bright boy over 10 years to learn ranroau ctouiiwiiB. I, Ki. cregontan. THK best located and most reasonable apartment site in Portland. Regan, 376 Yamhill. EXCELSIOR RABBTTRY. For sae, Xsw Zealand Reds. $1.50 op. RS E. Mst st. N. Tabor 7773. WANTED To buy or rent a machine. 4Z Washington Broadway M!. hemstitching st. Phone COMPETENT Japanese cook, wife do second work, wishes position in family. AE 892. OregoniHn. CAN uo fix ex-service men. positions brinie from J" to S per day. Room 4-0 Carlton hotel. Sunday. FOR RENT Half of office on ground floor of Railway Exchange building. Crossley Vigars Co.. J70 Stark st. W STED Auto tire salesman. Call Mon day. "" Washington, or phone Broad w Vy 1 1 SO. W NTED god, all around man who c.Vn drive truck. 25 Washington st. WANTED Good janitor who can fire. Washington st. CORSETS cleaned, altered and repaired. ' Corset Hospital. 493 Wash, st FOR RENT Large room, kitchen, 1; man or employed couple. 4i2 Park. llarlMO. Dt7.EN vning hens, guaranteed laying, SI. 50 ench. "2(rt E. fith st.. Mt. Tabor car. GENERAL. IminchM. rerair work Call Marshall on gasoline WANTED A g-wd second-hand bed couch. 1 rS. Oregonian. LADY Light duties and stay with child, own hosa. 77:s Qulmby st. SLEETING room, front, nicely furnished. North loth st. LOST 3 biik books. Return 321 Glisan st.. near Hth: reward. KOU SALE it-room modern house, S79 Mal lory ave.: easy terms. LOST Black pat-nt -leather purse, trap: reward. Tel. Sell ORCHARD man wanted; st.. S P. M. Monday. call C2 East 27th FOR Ph SALE Silk hat. Marshall IMS drees suit, size 4'-. SIX-R'OM. 14-ftory hotn. 510 E. 4Sth st. N.. Roe City Park: $47M: terms. 2?.n 14TH STREET Choice fnrnlshed rooms. Walking distance. Main 33. LADY dentist detdres position, conlan. N 41!, Ore- ONE large busekeenlns; or sleeping roam, ciose In. Main 15-'U. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. WANTED AN APARTMENT HOUSE in exchange for 24 acres; country place, with creek, and all modern conveniences in 4 -room house; give teiepnone numoer. A B oregonian COLUM Ell A Orafonola and 26 double-disc record for sale cheap, or trade; what have you? .Phone East 4044 or call dt4 E. Morrison, apartment 23. $3000 EQUITY 8-room Laurelhurst home; for five or 6-room bungalow; Hawthorne or Rose City; price $56K); terms. Sunday Tabor 8551; weekdays. Tabor 3961. Owner. FOR SALE Hires root beer barrel, four soda tanks, charging- outfit, gas plate, electric plates, phonograph. Inquire of A. E. Peters In Cascade Market. ? -ACRE farm, good buildings all In high state of cultivation; close to station and school; clear; as payment, on larger place. N 428, Oregonian. NTE D To borrow $ 1 2,000 on $ 25,000 business property at Vancouver, Wash. Would deal with lender direct. Main 4193. SOLICITORS wanted. Apply Monday mornin g. 7 : SO. Washington Hand Laun dry, 575U Washington st. WANTED Supers, Alcazar theater; expe rience not necessary; call at stage aoor, 10:30. PARTT will sell some good popular novels. also two large trunks; all in good con dition. East 4340. FOR SALE ft-room bungalow on fine view lot. 12 East lstft 3 blocks from irv lngton car. Woodlawn 3648. LATE 1915 Ford tour inc. $350; $225 down. rest terms; extras. 3d and Ullsan, lire station. FOR RENT Furnished flat 3 rooms and bath. 4h 4th St. WANTED Boston bull bitch to mate with Spitz. See Brown, 388 E. Burnside st. JAPANESE White Cochin bantams and rooMer for sale. East 22S4. PIANOS tuned, $:J. George T. Peck. Tabor K.174. Grad. New Eng. Conservatory. FOR SALE 1017 Ford; good condition; call at Army Garage, 3d and Morrison. THOROUGHBRED White Rock rooster for sate, cheap. Main Ills. WANTED Manicurist. Hotel Portland bar ber shop. Bates for Classified Advertisements la The Oregonian. IaUr and Sunday- Per line. One Dne ..lie Two conaeeDtlve times ............ ..tSe Three consecntiT times ...Joe Sis or seteii eooseeutivo time S6a The following classifications excepted, the rate on which is ?c per lino per da; Situation W anted Male. Situations I'rUate Familiea. Board and Koo nu- Private 1-amities, UouHekeeping Koo in Private 1-amlHeo. No aa taken for lev than two line. Vouat ml, words to Ihe line. AdvrtiemenU (except Per sonal" will be taken over tho tele phone if tho advertiser I m subscriber lo either phone. A pricm will bo quoted er the phone, but otatement will h rendered the following; day. Advertise men l are taken tor The Daily Oro gonian until & 1. M.; for The Sunday Oreconlan wntil 6 P. M. Saturday ACCTION SALES TODAY. DISPERSAL SALE. Thursdav. March 20. becrinning at o'clock P. M., I'yi miles southeast of Dundee. iz registerea Jersey cattle; o graae xxoi steins. 1 Jersey and 1 Durham heifer. Noble's Jolly Likeness 274854, bred by John B. Flood. Crestwood. Ky. Kmanon Clarissa H. bred by Edward Howe, Princeton. N. J. and Lady Tennys of Jngle- slde 247,103, who milked an official test 58.7 lbs. per day. llt..i l us. in two uays, proaucing in G months lbs. ml IK and lbs. butter; bred by JB. C. Altman, Grcshara, Or., aad 9 of their descendants wilt be sold. AM these cattle are of the breeding that makes good K. or M. records.. Kree lunch at noon. Terms of saie are cash; reliable parties may, however, arrange with the owner to give- bankable note. J. w. Hughes, auc Uoneer; . L. Parrett, clerk. C. W. ALTMAN, Owner, Dundee, Or. MEETING NOTICES. GRAND MASQUERADE BALL will be given by Eure ka Council. K. and L. of S. I east Bide W. O. AV". hall. E Hth and Alder. tomorrow (Monday) evening. March 17. 1 The largest and bet council of its kind n state of Oreeon. J rati d. rrizs will be given to bt dressed and Bun.tnlnd rtiaractcrs. Lnion music. Large commit t"e will insure everybody a good time. Come and brinv all your friends. Admis sion ouu ana oc KIKKPATRTCK COINCTL n !-f7 KNIGHTS AND LADIES OF SECURITY To all members, the national officers are coming and a red-hot campaign is now on for 2O0 new members. You are earnestly requested to help. You belong- to Portland's fastest-growing council, 82 applications last two meetings; aiso subscriptions now taken for stock in our new building. Remember that this opportunity is a real test of your loyalty ana a patriotic duty to your council. GRAND MASQUERADE BA LL given by Columbia Legion. No. 170, St. Patrick's nay. March 17, Moose Hall, Fourth and Taylor streets. eight prizes. PORTLAND PTAR HOMESTEAD vn 41. BROTHERHOOD OK AMERICAN YEOMAN win Rue a. uance in me new Aioose temtie, corner Fourth and Taylor streets, Thursday eve tit tig. March 6. Admission 35 cents; tames, cents: union music. Yetta Haines. correspondent. 2T Alisky building. Phone Main Uub, resident phone. East 7U90. DON'T FORGET TO ATTEND the big- In formal dance given by the Swastika Club Wednesday evening. March 19, at Neighbors of Woodcraft Hall, Tenth and Taylor streets. rirsi-ciass union music ana a rood time assured. Admission 50c, including war lax. cneca. room eervice ana reiresuments. ROYAL HIGHLANDERS Come and brinff your friends to the big- card party and dance Tuesday evening. March 18, to be frWen by the Royal Highlanders in the East Side Woodman hail. East 6th and Alder. Key's orchastra will furnish the music and a very en.ioyable time is assured. Admission 25c; prizes for cards. COMMITTEE. IVANHOE HOMESTEAD, BROTHER HOOD OF AMERICAN YEOMEN Itesular lodse meeting Wednesday evening, March Itf, at Masonic temple, 3SH Yamhiil street. All members urged to be present for special business. MRS. E. EARL FEIKE, Correspondent. 103 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 102G PORTLAND COUNCIL, KNIGHTS AND LADIES OF SECURITY will give a card party and dance Wednesday evening, March ID, at Eagles' Hall, Third and Madison. Good prizes; union music. Cards start at 8:30 sharp. Admission 5 cents. MULTNOMAH CIRCLE OF THE WOM EN OK WOODCRAFT. NO. 744. will hold their nomination of delegates for the dis trict convention Fridax evening, March 21, at 7:30. ACME REBEKAH LODGE, NO. 32, I. O. O. F. will give a "5iK" party and dance Saturday evening. March 22. Admission, 15 cents; refreshments. Everybody invited. L O. O. r . nan, Aiaer. near jp irst street. MOUNT HOOD CIRCLE NEIGHBOR OF WOODCKAFT will hold nomination of dele gates to district convention Tuesday, March IS. FIRE RESERVE ASSOCIATION Regular meet in e Tuesday. March 18. 8 P. M.. 720 Courthouse. By Bernard Mulvlne. Sec FRIEDLANDER'B ror todss em b lama Cass pins sod medaia 310 Washington su EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, eharras. plaa sew designs. Jaeger Bros. 131-9 6th st. DIED. Lt'MM In this city, at her late residence, 12;tl E. 2!Mh at. N.. March 4, Emily C. Lumm, aged 78 years, mother of Captain 'William Lumm. Clara Lumm and Mrs, M. L. 13rooks of this city, Lewis Lumm, Mrs. U. O. Miller and Charles Lumm of Milton Junction. Wis.; Mrs, Alaide Mor ris of Chicago. III., and Lieutenant Oliver Lumm of Camp Humphreys. Washington, JJ. C. The remains are- at Finley's, Mont gomery at Fifth, MIN'TER In this city March 15. Clara Minter. aced 3 7 years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Minter, residing, in Linn county, Oregon., sister of Caroline, An thony. Henry, Alexander, Leander, Ray mond Minter. all of Linn county, and Sister Fellcitas in St. Mary's institute at Beaver ton. Or. Remains are at the chapel of F. S. Dunning, Inc.. 414 East Alder street. Notice of funeral will appear In a later lue. i'DY In this city, March 13. George Thomas Udy. aged 36 years, husband of Mrs. Elsie Udy of 5415 4th ave. S. E. The remains are at Finley"e. Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral hereafter. MONTMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS. 204-26 4th St.. opposite City Hall. Main 6564. Phillip Neil Sons, for memorials frfS BLAESING GRANITE CO. I j1! THIRD AT MADISON STREET I 1BK -V W FUNERAL NOTICES. SILKN'TTTER In this City at the family residence, 114 E. 48th Bt., March 15. Eliza beth Ellen Silknltter. aged S7 years, wife of George F. tfilknitter, mother of Frances and Marian Siiknitter, daughter of Mr and Mrs. R. V Smith, sister of Robert V. Smith Jr., Verna U Smith and Mrs. Harry G. Allen of this city. ine ae ceased was a past matron of Corinthian . chapter No. 54, Order of Eastern Star. The funeral services will be held March 17 at 2:30 o'clock p. M. at Finley's. Mont gomery at Fifth. Friends Invited. In terment at Mount Scott Park Cemetery McGOWAN March 14, at 306 Failing street, James McGowan, aged 52 years, beloved brother of Mrs. John Bonner of Missoula, Mont., Margaret and Alice Mc Gowan of this city. The funeral will take place tomorrow (Monday), March 17, at 8:15 A. M. from the above rM'.dence. thence to St. Mary's church. Williams avenue and Stanton street where mass will be offered at 9 A. I. Friends invited- Interment Mount Calvary ceme tery. PURCELL At 505 Bidwell avenue, March 14. Stephen Purcell, age 76 years 4 months 5 days, beloved father of H. A. Purcell of Hillsdale, Or.; V. K. and V. A. Purcell of Portland. Mrs. J. F. Tiehe of Walla Walla. Wash., and S. H. Purcell of Spokane. Wash. The funeral services will be held March 16. at 2:30 P. M.. at the residence funeral parlors of Walter C. Kenworthy, 1532 and 1534 East Thirteenth street. Sell wood. Friends invited. CRONQUIST At her home :n West Port land. March 15, Augusta Croncimst, aged 55 yearn, beloved wife of John Cron quist. The funeral service will be con ducted tomorrow (-Monday), March 17, at 2:30 P. M. in the Wnmanuel church, Nine teenth and Irving streets. Frionds in vited to attend. Interment Rivervi:W cemetery. Remains are ax the Dunning & McEntee funeral parlors, Broadway and Ankeny street. KING In this city March 13, Clinton Adel bert King, aged 00 years 10 months and days. Husband pf Ellen King of Rifle, Colo.; father of d) in ton C, Myron and Mrs, Andry Chapman, ail of Colorado, and Mrs. Charles D. Allen of this city. Re mains will be forwarded to Rifre. Colo., by the F. S. Dunning, Inc., funeral direc tors, tomorrow (Monday), where services will be held and interment made. BAKER At the Tamilv residence. 6021 38th ave. S. E., Henry Richmond Baker, aged 49 years; beloved husband of Mrs. Ida Baker. Funeral services will be held to morrow (Sunday), March 16, 1UI9. at 3:30 P. M., from the Portland Crema torium. East 13th and By bee ave., under the auspices of Arleta Camp, No. 805, W. O. W. A. D. Kenworthy & Co., direc tors. 5802-4 &2d st. STRAIN In this city, at her late residence, 409 Stark st., March 12, Henrietta Strain, aged 45 years, wife of Charles M. Strain, of . this city, sister of Mrs. W. W. Donald son and Miss P. P. Ward of Los Angeles, Cal. The funeral services will be held March 18 at 2:30 o'clock P. M. at Finley's, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Interment at Rose City cemetery. MONTGOMERY At the residence, 1664 B. Terrace. March 15, Ruth Rosemary, aged 5 years, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. C Montgomery. Mass will be offered tomorrow (Monday), March 17. at 8 A. M. at Ascension church. Seventy-sixth and Yamhill. interment ML Calvary cemetery. ANDERSON At the residence, 546 Ladd ave., March 14. Arlyn Anderson, agea io years, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Anderson, brother of El vera, Lillian, Dorothy and Duward Anderson, all of this city. Funeral services will be held March 17 at 2 P. M. at the chapel of Miller & Tracey. Interment Rose City cemetery. COHON At the residence. 402 Bast ThrtyT fifth street, March l., Louis Cohon. aged 37 years 10 months 5 days, beloved hus band of Sadie Cohon. Friends invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at Hoi man's funeral parlors at 12 M. March 16. Interment tiharei Torah cemetery. GAXOE In this city March 12. Mrs. Eliza E. Ganoe, aged &4 years. The iunerai services will be held from the conservatory chapel of P. S. Eunnins, Inc., 414 East Alder street, tomorrow (Monday), March 17. at 2 P. M. Friends invited. Inter ment in Rose City cemetery. HALVORSEN The funeral service of the late Charles Halvorsen, aped &1 years, a native of Urammen Norway, will be con ducted tomorrow (Monday . March 17, at 1 P. M., in the Dunning &. McEntee chapel, Broadway and Ankeny streets. Friends invited. Interment Multnomah cemetery. SHAH AN The remains of the late Barney Shahan were shipped March i. under di rection of Miller Tracey to Shreveport, La., where services will be held and in terment take place. BANKHEAD Funeral services for the late Mrs. C. A. Bankhead will be held at 2:30 P. M. Sunday, March 16. at Portland Cre matoriuin. Friends invited. FCXERAL DIRECTORS. WILSON & ROSS EAST 7TII AND MI7LTNOMAII. Portland's Most Progressive FUNERAL . DIRECTORS EST 54 C SI65 H0LMAN UNDERTAKING CO. Funeral Directors Established 1877. Third and Salmon Streets. Main 607, A 151L , Lady Assistant. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Services for Less. Independent Funeral Directors. Wash St.. bet. 20th and Hist, West Side Main 2391. Lady Assistant. A (BOO. J. P. Finley & Son PROGRESSIVE FU.NtttAL Lnnr.v, 1 una Main . Montgomery j.h. j-w. F. S. DUNNING. INC. it. tirior Phone East 52. t Bp'rvicA. nersonal direction, fre use of floral chapel and auto equipment. rtt-wvivr. a- McFJCTEE. funeral directors. Broad way and Pino street- Phone Broadway 30, A 4io&. i-aqy tt11-"'"""- M R. AND MRS. W. H. HAMILTON, Fu- P. L. LERCH East 11th and Clay Sta. East 781. B 188a. ERICS0N TWe"thBaroadIwa7j4."reel" AD VTTl T T?t? rn &y- Williams Ave. A. I. KENWOKTH X CO.. 5802-04 92d st , Lenta. Tabor 15267. itt iTTii rj p. ct-KTrrTr 1047 BeliiionL OLXHjIjHj Oi, OnUUXVrab. 1258. B 254tf BKKWES UNDERTAKING COMPANT. 3d and Clay. Main 41o. A 2321. Lady assistant. FI.ORIST8. LUBLINER, FLORISsT. 328 Morrison, DISTINCTIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES, Wreaths as low as $4; sprays $2. Portland Hotel. Phone Marshall 753. MARTIN & FORBES CO.. Florists, 354 Washington. Main 269, A 126a. Flow ra for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., Florists. 287 Morrison st. Main or A 1805. Fine flowers and floral designs. No branch stores. PEOPLES FLORAL SHOP, 245 Alder. Flow ers and designs very reasonable. Mar. 5922. 1RV1NGTON PARK FLORAL CO.. 4th and Yamhill. Funeral designers: lowest prices. MAX M. SMITH, Main 7215. A 3121, Selling building. 6th and Alder sts. TON6ETH FLORAL CO., 287 Washington et.. bet 4th and 5th. Main 5102. A 11M OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office. Koom 15S Coarttiou. Mb. 3U Entrsoce. Fhnn from 8 to A, Mam SIS. Home Pbeos A 65. Mlflit call after flice haunt. U'eeU la wo 74a Repoit all esses of cruel-.? to the abovs d dress. E'ectiic lethal chamber for sma.i animals. Horse ambulance for sick, and dis abled snlmais at a moment's notice. Any one desiring a dog or other pet com nunl cate with us. Call for all lost or sn rayed stock, as w look after the Impounding. There Is no mors city pouad, Just Orng Humnae Society NEW TODAY. S5500 Seven-room home with 75x7S feet on N. E. corner E. Twenty - eighth and Hawthorne avenue OR Seven-room home with 48x100 feet, in rear of above, $5500. All improve ments paid. Terms reasonable. F. V. ANDREWS & CO. etb Floor Plntt Bldg. Tel. Marwh. 6025. MORTGAGE LOANS ON BTJSIXESS AND REriDEN'CE PBOjPEHTY. BOPTIHTSlHf A EOTXG, M7- us""-" tur-ii BldK. ' m lp A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and classified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. ACCuauiu.N nmLu, MtMsinciiiNo. W tUJAT skirts any ityie, 91; hemstitch ing luc per yd.; bullous covered. &.&siera Novelty Ally Co., bon iilh st. nuwy. 2UUU. AGATE CllTtKS A.l MiU. JEMELEKs. JKV L.K1T and watch reyajrmg. Miller s, Hop ash, st.. Majestic tneater blds ALFALFA MEAL. OUOl'KU jrEEU. HAY WALTER SCOTT. Boara oi Trade. M. Sttlii- ASSAVKKS and analysts. MONTANA ASSA OFFICE, 142 Second uold. stiver anu platinum bousht. ATTORNEYS. UOKK1S courts. A. UOEDSTEIN, practice la all ou;: NOrinvveSlern iJanaoms. CARPET CLEANING. DlfftQ Tae iind that wear the best are IIWUU made from your wornout carpets by The Northwest Rug Co. llormer address, lott Union ave.;. Kag rugs woven ail sizes. Carpet cleaning, reiituug anu resizing. Malt orders solicited. las East Elgnta. FrlONE EAST 3060, B CARPET WEAVING. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Katr rugs, all sizes; carpet cleaning. tc Mail oiders prompt. Send tor booklet. Factories6 i'fhe' NORTHWEST . FLUFF HUG CO.. 64-56 Union ae. N. Fhonea; 6516. B 14 1 5. CANCfcB TREATMENT. L. M. JON'ES, M. I). CANCER TREATED. 312 Morgm bldg. Marshall 6143. CKLLLXOID BUTTON'S. THE IRWIN-HOUSO.V COMPANT. 887 Washington. Broadway 4 J 4. A 1254. CHIROPRACTOR. 3 OA, 000 KNOW McMahon, 1009W chiropractor. Throngs pronouncing treatment easiest, best, permanent. 31 "treats" $15. Tei. CHIROPODIST ARCH SPECIALIST. WILLIAM, Estelle and Floreilo De Veny, the only scientific chiropodists and arch spe cialist in the city. Parlors 3u2 Gerlingar bldg., southwest corner Second and Alder. Phone Main 2301. CIRCULAR LETTERS CRANE LETTER CO., 310-11-12 Royal bldg. Mar. 5S22. Mu.tigra.phwg, mimeo graph and mail advertising. KBTH & CO., Worcester bldg. Main 176 No collections, no charge. Established li)Uu. DANCING. MRS. BAVTH'S Dancing Academy. 30S-11 Dekum bldg. Best instructors. Beginners' ciass Tues. eve., class party Fri. eve. Les sons day and eve. by appt. Main 1345J ALISKY Dancing Academy. Private Instruc tors day and- evening. Classes Friday eve ning, 2d floor Alisky bldg. 8 lessons. $5. MRS. FLECK'S ACADEMY, 109 2d st. Ball room andbtage dancing; class Tues., Fri. eve.; children specialty. .Main 2100. BERKELEY Dancing School, 129 4th st. Main 3318. Mrs. Summers, Mgr. Lessons by appt. ; personal attention. Dances Wed. DANCE orchestra. "Union." Violins repaired. W. 1. King. 544 Wash. Broadway 4?. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL. HOSPITAT Dr. G. H. Huthman. veterina rian. 415 East 7th St. East 1S47. B 1UBJ. ELECTRICAL REPAIR SHOP. H. M. H. ELECTRIC CO. 31 North First st., Portland, Or. Rewinding am". Electrical Repalr- or used motors. Bdwy. 2045, A 104tt. - EVE, EAR, JiOSE AND THROAT. Dr. F" F. Casseday, specialist: glasses fitted. 700 B. Burnside. cor. 20th. B 13y3. E. 4734. FERTILIZER. FIRST-CLASS MANURE. ROSES. LAWN. GARDEN.' LARGE OR SMALL LOADS. F,ST 538. HEMSTITCHING. K. STEPHAN. hemstitching, scalloping, ac cordion side pleat, buttons covered: mail orders. 219 Pittock blk. Broadway 1090 HEMSTITCHING and picot. All work guar anteed. Singer Sewing Mach. Co.. 402 Wash. HOT AIR ItKNACE. STALE dry air made moist and invigorating by our process. Room 404 N. W. Hank bldg. Marshall B.'.IO. INCOME TAX RETURNS. INCOME tax returns prepared : open uighta .jiiw t'anama uiag., jiaiu uuo. WHOLESALERS AND AUTO TOPS. DUBROILLE BUGGY TOP CO.. 9th and Oak. DRY GOODS NOTIONS. L.D!NKELSP1ELC0,1tn' kroom and Office iorth Fifth street. GRAIN MEKCHA.M8. PACIFIC GRAIN CO., Board of Trade Bldg. If ATS ANU CAPS. THA.VHOUSER HAT CO., 0S-G5 Front St. HIDES, WOOI., C A SCAR A BAKK. KAHN BROS., 105 Front street. PAINTS AND 1.1BBICATING OII.S. W P. FULLER CO., 12th and Dnvis sts. JEW TODAY. $3500.00 HOME $2500 can remain on first mortgagre, balance part cash and monthly pay ments. House contains six rooms. sleeping porch, full basement, furnace, fireplace; 60xl00-foot lot. Irvington district. An absolute snap. F. V. ANDREWS & CO. Mb Floor Piatt Bide. T1. Marnhal! 6025 Garages Call ior Illnstrated Price List. S54 Ankeny St. Phone U roadway 14S. Sam Connell Lumber Co. APARTMENT SITE 7216 sq. ft., close in. Eighteenth Kt corner, ideal location, r. xt. rjoara appraisal 18,000. Some rental. PRICE $14,000 J5000 cash, balance long time, 6. OTIS C. BECK. 525 Henry Bid?. Marnhall 5S58. $17,500 Mni)ER. I'P-TO-D ATK A . U C OM. PI.ETEI.Y FI'HXISHKU FLAT AND APARTMENT BCILDIXli tnat IS just a ittlx different from the ordinary, wirn a net income of $2873 per year, netting over 16 per cent on tne purcnase price. J,S. SULLIVAN "I," HENRY lijix; APARTMENT -HOUSE ?Vew nnd l'p to Date. Groas Ineome Over $70O Per ."(1onti. uprrinsK ex pense I75 Per Month. PRICE $55,000 Will Accept Clear CltT Property an Part J. S. SILLIVAX, 44IS Henry Bnlldlns. sr FLUFF RUGS From old carpets. Carpet cleaning and refitting. Rag rugs woven, all sizes. Mail orders solicited. NORTHWEST FLl'FF RUG CO PAi.ni 0 v aridress 1l3 Union Ave. EAST 3580 'W M IVK1 E Mb V 1UU JOHN B. COFFEY MORTGAGE LOANS. Insurance, Surety Bonds 3U2 WILCOX BUM. Main 70S, A 3703 a llSliti IKON l OKU 3. PHOENIX IKON WORKS. Engineers, lounacrs. mecnanlsts. boi'er mskeis. boiler and blacksmith shop. Of lice and works, ilawthoruo ave. ana East Third st. ail sic. OREGON Conservatory (school) of Music floor KueeU blag, tovei the "Lion". Em ranee loO 4th at., cor, of M omson. GRADUATE piano teacher with experience; lessons at your home. 70c Catl Tabor PROF. LAWSON 20 years' experience piauo lessons, your home. 76c. Tabor 20ti. EMlL THlELliOKN, violin teacher ; pupil SevUk. -01 fciieauer biug. Bmudwsy lii-J. VIOLIN, piano, haimon, guitar, maudcuo, banjo. E.ol Ken oeck. 40i laiuiillL OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. GLASSES AT A SAVING. I solicit your patronage on the basis of capable service. Thou eanus of tails fled patrons. A trial will convince. Charles W. Goodman, Optometrist, 2UU Morrison. Main 21J I'AIXTING ANI I'AI'KKHAXGINU. WILL, save you money if you do your Inslds paintiug, tinting and paperhunging beiore we get busy uuiskle. Jolinsou. rJast Mtf. MlDMa. PATENTS Send sketch or model for pre liminary examination. Booklet tree. High est references. Best results. Promptness assured. Watson E. Coleman, Patent Law yer, tSL'4 F St.. Washington. D. C. TATEM' ATTOKN EiS. EX-CO.SOKKSSMN it. M. McCKACKEN, reKlteied patent attorney. loul Avoa Place. Washington, IX K. o. WKIGHT years' experience U. S. and fureitfn patents, bol Dekum bldg. GOLDlEHG, ti20 Worcester bids- Main JoJ I-HVSICI.XS. UK. E. E. WATTEKS. U0 Swetiand bid. CflC Increased efliciency drUl 0U O treatment, goitre, paralysis, bead ache, appendicitis, liver, kidney. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. 05 liroadway Blag. Kheumattsm, lemaie aisoroers, saia rou bles, st-Jinuch, liver, kidneys. bowels, throat, goitre, scalp, high blood pressuis. JIBING Si rPLIlCS. PLUMDING SUPPLIES at wholesale price. Stark-Davis Co., i!l- iniro. mam POST,E STAMP DEALERS. PusTAGE stamps for coliectors hought and sold. to:umoia Manip r.xtu.uc, !4 North 10th St. Broadway 2M. rKI.NTINU. KEYSTONE PRE'SS J. E. Gantenbeln, Mgr. prlntlnar ana iiuoiypuis. i"'7s .. crorner Stark. Main or A Ilia. DDIMTItl.' F. W. BALTES & COMPANY, rnlltDltU 1st and Oak sts. Main 1B5. A 116 KAZUK BLADES. SUUE SHARP SHOP. 45 Washington St., will sharpen raror blades on "Velvet Edge" machine. SECOND-HAND STORES. LEVIN HARDWaHE & FURNITURE CO. 221 Front street, "Wo buy and sell everything In the hard ware and furniture line. Phone Main 872. A 7174. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Glisan st, corner of ISth. Telephone Broadway 12KI or 119 We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks Lowest Insurance rates In the city. INTERSTATE! TRANSFER. Furniture and General Hnullnff. Reasonable ratfex. Phone Woodlawn 4B42. LARGE truck, reasonable rate, long distance haulintr. dally trips to all parts of the city; also light truck. Phone Main 14.40, 263 Salmon st. FIREPROOF STORAGE C. M. OLSEN TRANSFER CO.. 248 PINW. MAD1SON-ST. DOCK & WAREHOUSE Of fice 1S9 Madison st. General merchandise and forwarding agents. Phone Main 1691. PACKING MOVING STORING. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. 105 Park st. Vain 5195, A 1051. CLAV S. MORSE, Inc. TRACKAGE. STORAGE. TRANSFER. 44S-454 Glisan St. FULTON & SONS Baggage moving and storage room. East 450. 350 Hawthorne. VACUUM CLEANING. ELECTRIC vacuum cleaning in your homo, 50c a rug. Carl. East 1'iQg. WATCH REPAIRING. IIGHEST prices paid old watches and Jew elry Condition no object. Repairs a spe cial t y. Rainier Jewelry Co, 449 Vt Wash, st. MANUFACTURERS PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. RASMUSSliN & CO., 2d and Taylor. Firij, PII'K J-ITT1NG AND VALVES. M. L KLINE, 84-8 Front street. TLLMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. L. KLINE, S4-86 Front street. PRODUCE COMMISSION MEItCIIANTS. EYEBD1XC & FARRELL. 140 Front street. ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrup. SAS1I, DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FCLLER CO.. 12th and Davis sta WALL PAPER. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 250 2d st. NEW TODAY. That Cost You Less and Get Tou Out of Debt THE MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN NO COMMISSION Equitable Savings and Loan Association 240 Stark Street EDWARD E. GOUDEY CO. United States Bank Building Loans on APARTMENT HOUSES and some other classes of real estate. 6o' on residences. Send Us Your Old Carpets Old Ku and Woolen Clotbinr. We Make Kverible, Hand-Woven FLUFF RUGS They Wear Like Iron. Mail Orders. tend for Booklet. Uiis Ruffy Woven, Ail (size. Carpet Cleaning 9x12 Rugs Steam Cleaned $1.50 WESTERN ILlf t KLG CO., S4 Union Avenue N. Ea.t 65 IB. B 1475. MORTGAGE LOANS Improved city nd farm property I UNf ailment repayment privilege it preferred! prompt, reliable service. A. H. B1RRELL CO. 217-21 North went em Bank nulldlof. Marshall 4114, A 4118. Mortgage Loans SYz EDWARD t. GOUDEY CO, fITSD ' S TATES UA.VK ljtlLDIXG.