The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 16, 1919, Section One, Page 17, Image 17

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A Good Used
Rather Than a Cheap
New One
Announcing a Most Exceptional
Fleet of Fliers May Be Feature
of Rose Festival.
Stopping Places, Sajs Colonel Davis,
. Sboald Be Provided at Salem,
y Eagene, Roscbarf, Medford.
The prospect of Portland being- put
permanently on the United State air
service map and of it being a regular
thing to hear the hum of aircraft mo
tors and witness the. antics of fliers
over Portland business blocks has been
brought very much nearer as the result
of tha receipt of a letter from Colonel
Stilton F. Davis of the air service, war
department at Washington, in reply to
Ilose. festival reqursts for a big air
fleet to visit TortUnd at the time of the
Rose Festival.
"By June." says Colonel Davis,
plane undoubtedly will visit your city.
providing you can provide a safe land
ing place for fliers."
That everything possible will be done
by Colonel Uavis to send a fleet to do
ftunta over Portland during the festival
is made certain by the expression of
liia deep personal Interest in Portland
and Oregon, lie was appointed from
this state and attended and enjoyed the
;rt Hose Festival in Portland.
In hia letter to trie V. liauser. which
lias been turned over to H. C. Von Bor-
tel. chairman of the festival commit
tee on special features. Coionel Davis
It ia the Intention of the air eerv.
!- to extend our system of air explora
tion, map making, landing field, hunt
Ing. etc.. throughout the northwestern
elates durtni? me coining summer and
by June planes undoubtedly will visit
your city, providing you can provide a
aife landing place for fliers.
"In order to have planes visit the
JSose Festival In June, you should Im
mediately take steps to provide a land
ing field In the Immediate vicinity of
the cltl. Sly home is at McCoy. Polk
County, and I wouldn't hesitate to
land a fleet of planes at almost any
place from Hillsboro to Eugene on
either side of the valley. A landing
field should be approximately 3000 feet
long and fcOO feet wide, and smooth
enough for an automobile to make 2
or 30 miles an hour across it in any
Oregea t Idea Told Get Baay,
"Portland. Salem. Kugene City. Rose
Purr and Grants l aw or Medford migh
well look ahead and provide landing
fields witn least uelay. because they
will need them in the near future.
"I am perfectly familiar with the
Rosa as I was present at the
Jirat one that was ever pulled off,
many, many years ago. In the daya be-
jore Binirer Herman appointed me
cadet to West Point."
The Rose Carnival officiate are In
formed that a start already has been
made toward setting airfields along
the coast. S. T. French, who was Is
months In the service and who was in
fitructor at fall Field. Wichita Falls,
Tti, at the time of bis discharge, re
cently picked out a field at Albany.
Mr. French is aMsooiated with hia fath
er In business at Albany and is In Port'
land attending th Pe Kever School
Out used pianos are put in good
condition before offered for sals.
Bailey, tone and action good$13o
Automatic (rebuilt to a
straight piano) $210
Pease, Mali., fine condition.. $225
McPhail, walnut $250
Kohler-& Campbell, late
style, like new, $325
New shipment of Hobart M. Cable
pianos and player pianos on displayv
'.' AH sold on reasonable terms.
All fully guaranteed.
Foley & Van Dyke
Pianos Phonographs Records
106 FIFTH ST.,
Across from First Nat'l Bank
Of Fine Wall Papers
Beginning Tomorrow at. the Establishment of
Babcdck & Peets, Inc.
Lamps and Bric-a-Brac
An J1S.00 Fulper Pottery Lamp
JBase, large size, three- dQ Cfl
light fixture, at wO.OU
A $18.00 Fulper Pottery Lamp
BaBe, medium size, 2- sTfl
light fixture, at.
An $15.00 Blue Porce- dJQ Cf
lain Lamp and Shade wOOU
A $$.00 Decorated Lamp Ease,
two-light fixture, to gQ
of Optometry. Th festival directors
are gathering names of other dis--charged
fliers and will seek their advice.
Soldiers In Sooth African Conflict,
Zulu Rebellion and Great War
Mingle at Restaurant.
Brown Your
Hair With
Give the Natural Beauty of Your Face
a Chance- .
F.very woman knows that a pretty
ftce loses its beauty nhfn framed by
failed, array, streaked or bleached hair.
Kven wrin'Mt-o and blemishes are not
to disfi?urinc as streaked or faded
liatr. Jt is unfair to your children and
husband, and most of all to yourself,
to look older than you really are.
Veterans of the South African war.
Zulu rebellion and great war gathered
together at a downtown restaurant last
night. This Jittle band consisted of
English. Irish, Scotch. American and
Australian heroes who. had fought at
the battles of Modder river, I'aadrc-
hurg. Jacobsdall, Abraham's Kraal,
Petersburg. Natal, Festubert, Tprcs,
Arras,. Somme, . Vimy ridge. Passchen
dael. Hill 60. Hooge and Uallipoll.
In all 14 were present at this little
party, consisting of the following mem
bers: ' Lieutenant It. A. Blyth. 67th
Canadian infantry; Lieutenant V. A.
Campbell, 'motor transport; M. K. Car
kin, Canadian engineers; J. H. Bartlett,
8th Canadian infantry; W. J. Sutton,"
Canadian cavalry; E. Parr, Canadian
Forestry corps; B. Soovell, Canadian
T. M. C. A.-:W. F. Bent, 20th Canadian
infantry; W. C. Berry, 44th Canadian
infantry: J. E. McBride, 113th Canadian
infantry; W. R. McBain. 14th Australian
M. 15.: L. H. Tweedie. Canadian railway
troops, and W. J. Enwrlght. Canadian
It is the intention of these veterans
to form a club of returned soldiers who
have fought under the British flag, so
that they may And a welcome and get
information as to pensions, post-dis
charge pay, land grants and to help
each other by sharing In peace times if
necessary their "hard tack and bully
beef.' as they have done in war times.
Later in the evening the veterans
were guests of Alexander Finley at the
concert and dance given at the Scottish
Rite temple by the Bobble Burns so
A $6.00 Whits Enanf- tfjo OP
el Bedroom Lamp atJ363
We have also a large number of Sofa Pillows and
Table Covers, very artistic shapes of handsome
decorative fabrics at VERY SPECIAL PRICES.
Rare Values in
Selected Pieces of Furniture
Let Us Explain
why this is no ordinary sale of Wallpaper, but one that-will afford you a most unusual
opportunity to decorate the walls of your home in rarely artistic fashion.
Every piece of wallpaper of real merit has a meaning; that is, it is copied from some
kind of wall fabric, both in texture and design. It may be European Wall Damasks, Bro
cade, Tapestry, Prints (Linen, Chintz, Cretonne) or Plain Effects and Stripes in many,
different textures.
Our domestic manufacturers for many years have turned out large quantities of wall
papers that, while they may satisfy the ordinary commercial taste, do . not mean any
thing to the true decorator or to the homemaker who would have her home express real
beauty. ' , "
We have on hand at present a large stock of lovely, artistic papers, all in large quan
tities. The patterns are quiet and dignified, and the colors very satisfying and harmoni
ous. We wish to make room for other merchandise and will therefore sell these papers
at remarkable reductions. There are about ten thousand rolls in all and two hundred
patterns to select from.
It's ! F-aay w 1m
Have Beaatifal Ilalr.
Brownatone" will tint your streaked,
faded or bleached hair to any shade of
rich, soft brown, or glossy black if
preferred, and take ten years off jour
Afcaalately Harmless.
This sale and harmless preparation
Is usod and indorsed by thousand of
women in business and in society.
Apply it yourself with comb or
brush. The results will delight you.
Guaranteed safe and free from lead,
aulphur, silver, mercury, zinc, aniline,
or coal tar products. Used for switches
eame as for srowitj hair. Io colors:
Light to Medium Brown" and "Dark
Urown to F.lack." Two sizes. Sac and
SI. 15. at all leading druggists. Get
the genuine.
Trial Package Free
If you write at once. Mail the coupon
ith 10c to pay postage and packing,
and we will svnd you a free trial pack
age of "Brownatone." with valuable
booklet on the care of the hair. Men
tion shade desired when writing or
purchasing. This Free Trial bottle not
o be had at Cealers. but only by mail
from us.
Mall This Cmp w.
The Kenton Pharmacal Co..
443 Coppin Bids;.. Covington. Ky.
Enclosed find 10 cents to cover
postage and packing), for Trial
'ackage of Brownatone.
Light to Sledram Frown or
Dark Brown to Black
Mark with X shade vanted and mail
with Tflur fn'l name ana idrMe.
Story of Heroism of Portland Boy,
Injured by Explosion, Comes
to Li;ht.
With the end of the war and lifting
of the censorship many heroes are com
ing to light. Among these is a Port
land boy, formerly referred to in dis
patches simply as a "dotrghboy." He is
Sergeant Ferris VY. Abbett, son of Kev.
T. Abbett of University Park church.
Karly last year, when tha first of
the Oregon boys were landing in
France, a story in The Oregonian told
of a deed of heroism in one of the
American camps.
A bunch of doughboys had been
standing together when M hand gren
ade fell in their midst, instantly one
of the boys stepped forward and stood
on the grenade. It exploded but in
ured none save the brave boy. He was
In the hospital for several weeks be
cause of "eating too much French
cheese. he told his friends.
When Dr. Carl Doney. president of
Willamette university, came back from
France, ha aeemed surprised to learn
that no one here, not even the boy's
parents, knew of the incident. The
news later was corroborated by others
returning from the front.
Sergeant Abbett is with the supply
train of the lt2d regiment. He ar
rived at Camp Lewis recently and Is
ezpected to return to Portland next
week. He has been doing clerical work
since his injury in the "line of duty."
That he will get a royal welcome at his
home. 667 Vanderbilt street. Is without
Dates for Annual Convention Set at
Portland Conference.
Annual convention of the Oregon
Bankers" association will be held In
Portland June 1J and 14. Time and
place of holding the 1S19 session was
left in the hands of a committee ap
pointed at the Bend convention of last
Members of the committee who at
tended the conference were: E. G.
Crawford of the association, who pre
sided: John L. Hartman, eecretary
treasurer; William G. Tait. president
First National bank of Medford; A.
H. Parker, president Enterprise State
bank. Enterprise: N. U. Carpenter,
president of the Citizens bank of Port
land; J. W. Siemens, president of the
First State A Savings bank of Klamath
Falls: E. P. Meheffey, second vice
president of the Central Oregon bank
of Bend, and W. G. Vassall, vice-president
of the Pallas City bank of Dallas.
A J4S.C0 Jacobean Library Table,
In oak: 30 by 43 In., 00 Cfl
will go at 0ttJM
A $22.00 Oak and Cane dQ 7C
Chair to go at PSe I J
A J21 .Butlerette, dec- -A
orated in black, at.. 0nr I J
A $12 Mahogany Tip- JC
Top Tabla, small, at OaJ I J
A J41.0Q 43-in. Drop-Leaf Table,
enamel ' decorated, QO SZfl
to go at
A $24 En
rated Chair to go at
A $24 Enamel Deco- 10 ff
A $56.00 Lady's Desk In Mahog
any; a lovely littls
piece, to go at
A $1 Tip-Top Table, e Cfl
black lacquered, at... WUiDU
A $11.00 Mahogany s f(
Tip-Top Tabla to go at ODtKJVJ .
A $70.00 Lady's Desk In Mahog
any; a veritable CAf Cft
beauty, to go at.... tDtAiOU
A $35.00 Drop -Leaf d07 Cft
Table in mahogany, vDS I eOVf
A $48.00 Inlaid Sheraton Mahog
any Tea Wagon; a QO Cf
fine piece, to go at wMtOU
Chairs, Settees, Davenports
lOT 1
15 Patterns to eelect from in Domestic and French papers. ; Original and Special. Suit-,
able for Halls, Living-rooms, Dining-rooms and Bedrooms. .. .
Selling Regularly From 20c to $1-00, Now
' LOT 2 , ,
60 Patterns for selection. English, French and Domestic papers. Suitable for Halls, ,.
Living-rooms, Dining-rooms, Libraries and Bedrooms. t
Selling Regularly From 30c to $125, Now
LOT 3 '
70 Patterns. English, French and Domestic. Suitable for Halls, Living-rooms, Dining
rooms, Libraries and Bedrooms.
Selling Regularly From 40c to $1.50, Now
SO PatternsTto select from. English, French and Domestic. They will look well in
Halls, Living-rooms, Dining-rooms and Bedrooms. These have all been expensive papers.
Selling Regularly From 60c to $1.75, Now
A 3-Cushivn Overstuffed DavenT
port. covered with Tapestry.
. originally $172.50. C107 CA
' now to go at iBltl
A 3-Cushlon Downfilled Daven-
f.ort, black aateen covering, orlg
nally worth $150, d1 1Q (1(1
now to go at i5113.UU
. A Queen Anne Davenport, with
Mahogany Base. Fine piece of
furniture. Originally QC f
priced at $145, now (JSO.UU
A 3-Cushlon Overstuffed Daven
port, excellent Velour Coverine.
Originally priced at QO EJO
$138, now to go at JJi'J
A Chaise Longue. covered with,.
Linen has been $90, gCJ gQ
A Loose-cirshion Overstuffed Set
tee. Original price tfJO Cfl
$85, now to go at.. Wfc"!"
A $70.00 Overstuffed Chair, with
beautiful Tapestry d00 C
Covering, to go at.. DUSsUV
An $88.50 Overstuffed Chair, Tap-
gtrayt .rf.f:..!? $49.50
A $54.00 Mahogany Ladv's Chair;
Black Sateen Cover- tfJOl t7C
ing, with gold welts Oil)
A $41.00 Mahogany Lady's chair,
covered with Black Sateen, with
gold welts, to go In OQ C"
this sale at Da-i7.0U
A $65.00 Loose-cushion Over
stuffed Chair, covered in Denim
or Black Sateen, to
go at
A $68.00 Mahogany too tZ(
Lady's Chair at tJiJA.OU
A $37.50 Lady's Chair. Black
Sateen Covering, tfOfS fifi
Enamel Feet, at 9iiJJJ
A $33.00 Queen Anne Bedroom
Rocker, covered with B
Striped Damask,
go at
A $32.00 Chair
match, to go at
A $36.00 Bench
match, to go at,
25 Patterns to choose among. English, French and Domestij Papers. .They will fit
Hafts, Living-rooms, Dining-rooms, Libraries and Bedrooms. These are beautiful papers.
Selling Regularly From 80c to $2.25, Now
I u e
to 4toi en
!! $23.00
An Extraordinary Value This $400 Period
Bedroom Suite $290
A very beautiful and refined bedroom suite in American walnut, with cane chair, rocker and
bench to match. This suite is of splendid construction, and the drawers are dus proof.
It consists of
A Full-Sized Period Bed
A Dresser With Large Mirror
A Vanity Dressing Table
With Triple Mirror .
A Cane Rocking Chair
A Cane Side Chair
A Cane Tabte Bench
A Chiffonier
Interior Decorators Dealers in Fine Furniture
thereafter, autoists, pedestrians, ani
mals or wayward fowls venturing upon
its paved surface value their lives
lightly. Conversion of the road into
racetrack for that perioa nas peen
allowed by the county commissioners.
Commissioner Muck dissenting.
Question as to the legality of the pro
ceeding was set at rest yesterday when
District Attorney Evans opined that if
the county commissioners desired to
convert roads under their jurisdiction
into motorcycle race courses on a Sun
day afternoon,, there was a statute in
the 1917 session laws quite apparently
designed to give them that privilege.
The statute may appear to contradict
other laws and to abrogate the speed
laws of the state, which provide that
25 miles an hour shall be the limit on
Oregon highways, but It Is on the books
and its legality has yet to be brought
into question by court action.
Citizens who might object to the in-
terference with their rights to travel
on that county road during those hours,
citizens who believe Sunday is a day of
rest and should not be devoted to races,
residents along the road who might de
sire to go in or .out of their homes
during that period may blame the leg-
DiMirct Attorney Holds County Com
missioners Have Authority.
Until 12:30 this afternoon the Base
Line road from the city limits to
Twelve-Mile Corner will resemble any
other county road.- For two hours
InflnewA is produced by a baciThia
or germ coming' chiefly from dis
charges from the nose, throat and
longs of the person who coughs,
sneezes, or spits. The person at
tacked feelsjchflly, develops a high
tempera tare usually accompanied
by headache and "ache all
over" as it is usually described.
If you have the above symptoms
get into bed as quickly as possible,
after a hot mustard foot-bath.
Take a good purgative, such as one
made up of May-apple, leaves of
aloe, root of jalap, and sold in every drug store as Dr. Pierce's Pleasant
Pellets. Then surround yourself with hot water bottles. It is a
fact mentioned by physicians of the largest experience that the effort
on the part of nature to throw off the poisons results sometimes in
inflammation of the kidneys. It is therefore Very important to assist
nature in eliminating the toxins (poisons) from the body thru the
bowels, skin and kidneys. Not only should this be carefully attended
to by the sick, but by the person who wishes to ward off an attack. A
new kidney remedy called " An uric" (anti-uric) can be obtained of the
druggist. This "Anuric" flushes the bladder and kidneys and throws
off the poisons (toxins), and should be taken with hot water or hot
lemonade. Clear the nose with some good antiseptic spray or
Dr. Sage's Catarrh Bemedy. It is, of course, unnecessary for me to
emphasize this, keep strong and healthy, fear neither germ nor German,
and observe the three Cs: A Clean skin, Clean bowels. Clean noee
and mouth and you have half woo the battle.
islature which passed such a law, or
make their protest to the commissioners
who gave them no opportunity to be
heard on the question.
T) mi of Xnaaanaa XaBiflad over
6,000 Times).
47 Rue Blanche, Paris
IT is really, quite un
necessary for your
American women to
suffer from nervous
lieadachel My
although it is in no sense a
cure, certainly quickly re
lieves such pain as this, as
well as sore throat, back
ache, rheumatism, sciatica,
neuralgia and lumbago.
Your physician will
probably advise its use, as
he is entirely familiar with
its superiority.
Thos. Leeming & Co.
Amtricmn Affti. Amm Yrt
It's Easy to look Young and
fascinating by Use ot
"La Creole"
Before Taking
and After Taking
3-Graln Cadoraene Tablets, Which
Supply Health, Red Blood and Ed
ersy to Men and 'Women Everywhere.
"La Creole has tnaiw" f
" t -is
Some people think that you are lazy'
I ana you wonder what is wrong, for
you have headaches, backaches, rheu
matic pain, neuralgia, lack of energy
and ambition, your extremities are cold,
nerves easily shattered. Tjeart flutters,
stomach fails you, strength gone with
little exertion, no vitality no "pep."
If you have any or all these symp
toms, you need the vitalizing effect of
the wonderful tonic properties of three
grain Cadomene Tablets. Get a tube of
your druggist and in a few days all
symptoms should vanish, and life will i
be well worth living. Abundant health,
vigor and strength follow eo aulckly
that you'll bless the day you learned
of Cadomene Tablets. Sold by all drug
gists in sealed tubes, with full direc
tions for self -administration. Adv.
look IS years younger,
NO woman should be handi
capped socially by gray
or faded hair. Every woman
owes it to herself to look
her best and avoid the ao-
pearance of coming age.
Gray, streaked with gray, or
faded hair makes many a
woman look old before her
time, and gray hair Is so
very - unnecessary.
IA CK-t-oijii Hair Dressing
is the most oonular Ha,-
Color Restorer in. use amone
society Men and Woman r
America, today. It is a safe,
deliirhtful toilet nrenar.tin.
which uniformly restores grav v.
with gray, or faded hair to f Stre.uH .
beaut? and lustre. 1 ,U youthful
LA CREOLE Hair n ...
stain the, scalp, wash o! ,ffb off. or
leave the' hair with that Vriv or
dyed appearance. You apply it your
self by simply combing or brushing it
through the hair before retiring and
the reSUltS Will delie-h, vnn m.rn,li.
LA CREOLE 13 sold by Owl Drug Co.
and all good drug stores and toilet
counters everywhere. Pries S1.00. Adv.
It's Easy If You Know Dr.
Edwards' Olive Tablets
The secret of keeping young is to feel
young to do this you must watch your
liver and bowels there's no need of
having a sallow complexion dark rings :
under your eyes pimples a bilious
look in your face dull eyes with no
sparkle. Your doctor will tell you ninety
per cent of all Bickness cornea from in
active bowels and liver.
Dr. Edwards, a well-known physician
In Ohio, perfected a vegetable com
pound mixed with olive oil to act on
the liver and bowels, -which he gave to
his patients for years.
Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets, the substt-
tute for calomel, are gentle in their action
yet always effective. They bring about
that exuberance of spirit, that natural
buoyancy which should be enjoyed by
everyone, by toning up the liver and clear
ing the system of impurities.
You will know -Dr. Edwards' Olive Tab
lets by their olive color. , 10c and 25c pet
box All druggists
1 v . -