The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 16, 1919, Section One, Page 11, Image 11

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Buy an Electric Cleaner for Your Rugs and Carpets We Sell the "Hoover," the "Frantz Premier," and the
"Pittsburg' Let Us Demonstrate One Easy Terms, if Desired " : ' f
at Fifth .
at Fifth
Substance of Plan Regarded
as Worth Keeping.
Iorel;n Ptmrrs, Says Famous Kd
' itor. Care Nothing for Welfare
of United Slates.
VT11 tit
CHICAGO. March 13. Colonel George
Harwey, editor of the North American
Review, 1a an address before a gather
ing of bankers tonight, declared the
Hague of nations covenant as drawn
"is doomed to failure. but thai "the
aubftance of the plan has not been and
will not be abandoned.
. Colone Harvey declared that "America
Is only a cat's paw" and that no for
eign power cared for the welfare of
tne United States and was not giving
a to it. except to gain advan
tage and to obtain control of America's
'at resources. He asserted at the
outset that he would not under any cir
cumstances "in the common phrase,
aid" the president, but. he aserted. "we
are prone to make a fetish of our
rhitf magistrate and to regard his
ecry act as of origin so nearly ap
proaching divine as to be practically
immune even to discussion.
The' speaker said that the people
were asked "to divest our nation of its
full independence and Its most cher
ifehed tradition and to sacrifice, in part
:.t least, our sovereignty." The present
'e;tijue proposal, he continued, "is per
jctual. a covenant from which none of
the parties can withdraw with honor
or without in effect declaring war
upon the rest of the world.
" The president Is so fully committed
to the project and so firmly convinced
of the support of the people that a
test of the sentiment of the country is
Inevitable. said Colonel Harvey
"Whether he will succeed tn convinc
ing the delegates of the other powers
of his ability to so entwine the league
notion with the peace treaty proper
'as to enable him to coerce the senate,
scims doubtful, but, failing that, there
Is hardly a question of his fetching
home some kind of proposition upon
which to raise a definite ijsue before
the country."
Jl upland. Shot by Wife. Exonerates
Woman in Testimony Before
Court InveMisatlon.
Blanche Brooks, who shot at and
grounded her husband. Maurice Brooks,
last Tuesday, was exonerated by the
1ultnomah county trrand jury yester
day, a not true bill being returned.
SSh, was held to the grand Jury on the
charge of assault with a deadly
Tno testimony of her husband be
fnr the grand Jury tended to clear
Airs. Brooks from blame for the shoot
ing, it is reported. He asserted that
his wife had not intended to shoot him:
th;it she did not know that he had
loaded a pistol which had lone been
empty, and that she pulled the trigger
in the course of an argument, holding
It in front of her with both hands.
The firing o-currcd at the Villa St.
Clair. Brooks being slightly wounded
Jn an arm.
Madge Fontenot was indicted for the
stabbing of Mabel Toole with a pocket
knife in front of the Golden West
hotel during a midnight altercation on
February 1'S. 1919. Mrs. Fontenot
claims to be an Indian princess, having
a. Choctaw strain in her blood. Her
hunband is a Creole negro, it is stated.
Mrs. Poole married a Japanese and is
accused by the woman who stubbed her
of trying lo alienate the affections of
an unnamed man. The cut. which was
' Hi the neck, was not serious.
J. Cunningham was indicted for
passing worthless checks, one for o0
on I. Brunn and one for on I. J.
1). J. Chisholm was indicted on three
counts for alleged attacks on girls of
10 and II years. He is 48.
riuiiiumg ware
for Luxury and Comfort
PEERLESS means good plumbing
and good plumbing means
PEERLESS costs you no more than
UUll-OUUIUOIU W (XL C 1 1 id JCllllg, UCdU
tiful in design, handsomely finished,
and highly sanitary.
The bathroom furnished with PEER
LESS always will be sweet and clean.
When you build or remodel, insist upon
PEERLESS, for it is the best.
We are the manufacturers of PEERLESS plumb
ing ware. Our guaranty is your constant protection
and assurance of satisfaction. The PEERLESS
trade-mark on each fixture stands for best qual
ity of materials and workmanship.
Your plumber or dealer carries
PEERLESS, or will promptly
obtain it for you.
The Peerless Pacific Go. i
Manufacturers of
High-Grade Plumbing
68-70-72 Front St., Portland
Factories at
Evansville, Indiana.
before the last of the members of the
egisiature which voted him the largest
budget ever provided for road building
in Washington, have left the capitol.
Bids on 10 pieces of new construc
tion will be opened Monday. The work
may be started this month. Most of
the work is in eastern Washington. Al
len "took a chance" and advertised for
bids when the highway budget was
prepared, not waiting for its passage.
It was - practically- certain the roads
would be included, he believed.
Roughly, the highway department
has 911.000.000 available for highway
work during the coming biennium. ex
clusive of permanent highway work
which, when matched up with county
appropriations, will add approximately
$6,000,000 more.
Tom I of SI 7.000.000 Available for
Work in Evergreen Stale anil
No Time to lie LoM.
OLTMPIA. Wash.. March 15. High
way Commissioner James Allen has his
highway programme under way even
Don't Suffer! Relief Comes the
Moment You Rub With Old
"St. Jacobs Liniment."
rvn"t stay sore, stiff and lame! Lin
ker up! Rub aoothing. penetrating "St.
Jacobs Liniment" right In your achil g
muscles, iolnts and painful nerves. Its
tne quickest, surest pain relief on earta.
It is absolutely harmless and doesn't
burn the skin.
"St. Jacobs Liniment" conquers paia
Jt instantly takes away any ache. sor
ness and stiffness in the head. nec.
shoulders, back, legs, aims, fingers or
a,ny part of the body nothing like it.
oi simply pour a little In your hand
and rub "where it hurts." and relief
comes instantly. Don't stay cripple.!!
liet a small trial bottle now from iy
drug store. It never disappoints six
gold medal awards. Adv.
Get Rid of That
Persistent Cough
Stop that weakening;, persistent cough
or cold, threatening throat or lung af
fections, with Eckman'e Alterative, the
tonic and upbuilder of SO years sue
cessful use. tOc and 11.50 bottles from
druggists, or from
Edward Tavnc and George Lewis
See Service In France.
Or.. March 15. (Special.) Two more
former Willamette men who have seen
service overseas have returned to the
campus to re-enter the university
for the third quarter's work. They are
Private Edward Payne, an ex-member
of the class of 1920, and Private George
Lewis, who enrolled in the university
a year later.-
Private Payne enlisted with M com
pany.- going overseas with it, but se
cured his transfer later to a musical
company connected with the aunset
division. He saw more than 12 months
of foreign service. Private Lewis was
connected with the first army in an
engineering division, and saw some
thrilling service in France.
Grades Are Established by Depart
ment of Agriculture.
WASHINGTON. March 15. Official
standards of four numoered grades and
one sample grade for oats, following
closely the tentative standard approved
by the grain trade, were established
today by the department of agricul
ture. The standards were made ef
fective June IS, lsis.
Factors used in grading were test
weight per bushel, minimum percent
ages, for sound cultivated oats and
minim-um requirements for heat dam
age and foreign material. No provi
sion was made for dockage, but it
was said to be not unlikely that the
standards would bo placed on a dock
age basis later.
Savings and Loan Association Or
ganized at Vancouver.
VANCOUVER. Wash, March 15.
(Special.) Another organisation which
will assist in the housing problem in
Vancouver is the savings and loan as
sociation now being organised by L. G.
The association will be incorporated
for $4,000,000 and will assist persons to
build their own homes by loaning them
money at a low rate of interest and
making repayments in gums no greater
than rent.
Vancouver now has a population of
20.000. it is estimated by thoso in a
position to know.
Fruit Outlook Declared Bright.
COTTAGE GROVE, Or.. March 15.
(Special.) Optimism concerning the
cannery business and a prediction that
fruit prices would be good this year
were expressed by J. O. Holt, of the Eu
gene Fruit Growers' association, in his
address before the local commercial
club. According to Mr. Holt the terri
tory between Roseburg and the British
Columbia has a monopoly on the pro
duction of quality berries and cherries.
Showing Is Within 17 Pounds of
Breaking World's Record for
Mature Cows.
NEW YORK, March 15. (Special.)
According to an announcement just
made by the American Jersey Cattle
club, the cow Old Mans Darling II,
owned by Pickard Bros, of Marion, Or.,
has broken the world's official test
record for Junior 4-year-olds of the
Jersey breed. During her yearly test.
which ended on February 1, this phe
nomenai cow produced 984.86 pounds
of butterfat. adding 98.86 pounds to the
existing record and coming within 17
pounds of breaking the world's record
for mature cows, which is held by
Sophie's Agnes a cow bred and owned
at Hood farm, Lowell, Mass.
Old Man's Darling TI was bred by
her present owners. She was sired by
the famous bull. Golden Glow's Chief
an animal bred by the estate of W. S.
Ladd of Portland. Her dam. Old Man's
Darling, was bred by .Pickard Bros.,
and is now owned by the Oregon Agri
cultural college. She has an official
yearly record of 817- pounds of but
terfat. Pickard Bros, are also the owners of
Vive la France, the present Junior 3-year-old
champion official test cow of
the Jersey breed. This cow is now on
test as a senior 4-year-old, and in ten
months has produced 940 pounds of
butterfat. If she keeps her pace for
the remaining two months, she will
break the record of Sophie's Agnes
(1000.70 pounds butterfat), and will be
come the world's champion Jersey cow
of all classes.
In proportion to its Jersey popula
tion, Oregon has more high-prcducing
cows than any other state in the union.
1 II U sV-- - 1 K.'
i 1 1 i k mi mj vi
. ' Hhf C
18 Mb
fvou,to have a room
fixed up for me like this
WE SHOW many bedroom suites, variously priced, similar to the one shown
in the illustration. One of the many that will interest you is a
Handsome Three-Piece Colonial Suite
In A merican Walnut or Mahogany
Full-Size Bed $33.75 Dresser $31.50 Chiffonier $34.25
You may select one or more pieces from these suites, and on the most reason
able of terms. Many other bedroom suites are shown, lower in price.
Eat " i
Alamo Range
Made by Bridge, Beach & Co.
A fine guaranteed steel range on
sanitary leg base; polished top and
full nickel trimmed. Equipped
with sliding; damper, which regu
lates to a fraction the heat that
goes to the oven and permits you
to do your baking just as you want
it done. Burns either coal or wood.
We will take your old range as part
payment on one of these splendid
Alamos and we will give you easy
terms on the balance if you wish.
Price Only $79.50
Corvallis Organization Unanimous
for Affiliation. ,
CORVALLIS, Or., March 15. (Spe
cial.) At a meeting of the executive
committee of the Corvallis Commercial
club it was unanimously voted that the
club become a member of the State
Chamber of Commerce.
A movement also is on foot to or
ganize a Benton County Chamber of
Commerce, which will affiliate with the
state chamber. A committee on organi
zation has been appointed and is work
ing out a plan. It is hoped to have an
organization modeled after the coun
cil of defense. ' " .
Phone your want ads to the Orego
aian. Phone Mala 00, A 6lOi.
Frank Cushman of Tacoma Says
"Going Over Top" Tame Work. .
TACOMA. Wash., March 15. (Spe
cal Going over the top is Just like a
Sale of Wool and Fiber Rugs
for Spring and Summer
Cool, beautiful in pattern and altogether desirable for the days of
sunshine. We are making special prices this week in order to
effect a wide distribution of these rugs. The reductions are indeed
tempting. See them !
Regular $10.50 Rugs, 7'2x9 feet, now ..." $ 7.35
Regular $13.25 Rugs, 9xl02 feet, now $ 9.65
Regular $15.00 Rugs, 9x12 feet, now $11,25
New Davenport . Tables
What a wonderful array of styles! ;And how reasonable the prices!
No living-room is completely furnished nowadays without a handsome
davenport table. You will find one to be beauty and utility in one.
Call in and see the exhibit of these and of other living-room pieces.
Sale of Rag Rugs
Reduced. prices on old-fashioned rag rugs; all made of clean, new
$ 7.25 Rag Rugs, 4x7, now $ 5.50
$13.50 Rag Rugs, 6x9, now $ 9.25
$17.50 Rag Rugs, 7VixlOj $11.25
$20.25 Rag Rugs, 8x10, now $13.75
$23.50 Rag Rugs, 9x12, now $15.50
Dainty Breakfast Suites
For the Small Dining Room
There's nothing else quite so appropriate for the
small break
fast - room or
dining - room
as one of these
e x quisite
show them in both
suites. We
ivory enamel and in mahogany.
Come in and see them.
Sold on easy terms if desired.
SPECIAL Regular $7.50 Bigelow Utopia Axminster fl 4 Or
Rugs, 30x60, in assorted patterns Dss5J
i EXTRA Regular $1 Felt-Base Linoleum; best grade now 64$
Exclusive Portland distributors for the Famous Duplex
Alcazar Range. Burns wood, coal and gas.
Exclusive Portland distributors for Bridge, Beach &
Co.'s Superior Ranges and Heaters.
call to meals, declares Frank Cushman,
son of Federal Judge E. E. Cushman,
and nephew of the late Representative
Francis W. Cushman. who has returned
home after two years spent fighting in
a Canadian regiment. He is here spend
ing a two-week furlough, before re
turning to Vancouver ot be mustered
Cushman had thrills during the bat
tles of Vimy ridge, Amiens and other
historic engagements. He was wound
ed and spent many months in an Eng
lish hospital. He lauds the bravery
of Canadians who were his mates.
Aberdeen Probes Disloyalty Cases.
ABERDEEN, Wash., March 15. (Spe
cial.) The Soldiers and Sailors league
at its regular weekly meeting au
thorized an investigation of meetings
in the city of doubtful loyalty, with
the understanding that the committee
shall report findings at the next meet
ing of the league.
Seasoned siaowooa ana inside wooa,
green stamps, for cash. Holman Fuel
Co.. Main 863. A S353 Adv.
Read The Oregonian classified ads.
Unusual values in
large diamonds
You may wish to choose from these beautiful
solitaires, which range in size from 1M carats
to 3 carats.
Call in and see them; they are of wonderful color.
Convenient Terms. V
Established 1870
310 Washington, Bet. Fifth and Sixth
to the
is the background of
everything at the
Behind the serving
and the music of the
dining rooms, there is
the purchasing of the
finest meats, vegeta
bles, and fruits the mar
ket affords; the scien-
- tific and hygienic condi
tions of their prepara
tion ; and the skill of the
chef in their cooking.
Sunday Dinner $1.25.
Special Music by the
Portland Hotel LadieV
First National Bank
Of Portland
Fifth and Stark Streets
Window Three, Second Floor