The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 09, 1919, Section One, Page 9, Image 9

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Senate at Olympia Approves
Distribution of $4,000,000.
'Field of
ft Distinct Vision '
hi rtt muTA I UU
W ILL. tilVE
Mr S . r, ZJ c
Opposition Bashed on View Money
Should Accrue to Counties Ac
. cording to Payments Made.
OLTMFIA, Wash., March 8.' (Spe
cial.) Senate indorsement of the state
highway fund distribution of approxi
mately 14.000.000 was recorded this
fternoon in a vote of 22 to 4 in final j
passage of tlic bill as it was introduced.
Four who voted in opposition -were i
Senators Brown, Lamping, Ben Johnson
and Landon.
Senators Brown and I.ampincr on the
floor opposed diversion of auto license I
collections into the state highway fund
for construction and paving elsewhere j
than in the communities collected from.
where, they asserted, tho money should
fce expended for the particular benefit
of the people who pay the bill. Mr.
Brown declared that in the next two
years he wold initiate a bill to restore
the auto license revenue fund to be ex
pended by counties in proportion to the
amount paid in.
Injustice Is Charjeed.
Mr. Ianipins: based his objection on
showing' that while King: county con
tributed from 30 to 40 per cent of the
entire auto license revenue, it would
receive in return an expenditure of
about $100,000 on highways. Chairman
Oliver Hall of the senate roads and
bridges committee pointed out that op
ponents of the bill were simply voting
to let the $1,000,000 of highway im
provement funds it carried lie idle in
the treasury until they could devise a
method of distributing it to their own
As finally passed the state highway
found bill provides for the paving of
!9 miles of the Pacific hisrhway from
lilaine, at the British Columbia, boun
dary to the Lewis and Cowlitz county
lines. From this point to Vancouver
sufficient money is. appropriated to
prade and gravel the highway to Van
couver and put it in shape for the next
paving undertaking.
A roadway to the ea through the
southwest is provided for in an allot
ment of $150,000 from South Bend to
Holman. and the North Bank highway
from Vancouver east is assured of com
pletion this biennium.
Grays Harbor county, in co-operation
with the federal aid fund, will add
$180,000 to the state appropriation of
5100.000 for the Olympia highway be
tween Lake Quinalt and Clearwater
port office.
On 1500 miles of highway, with a
maintenance allowance of $200 to the
mile, the maintenance charge will
amount to $300,000 annually.
The senate today passed senate bill
184, which furnishes the land settle
ment machinery to co-operate with the
federal government in the purchase of
lands for settlers, reserving rights for
war veterans.
The Carlyon bill submitting at the
next election a proposition to bond
auto license revenues for $30,000,000
was passed by the bouse today.
Elks' Resolution Denounced.
Senatorial indignation developed con
siderable pressure today when copies
of a resolution alleged to have been
adopted by the Seattle lodge of Elks
reached, the statehouse. Legislators
who voted against the Lamping sol
diers7 relief bill are denounced in the
lodge resolution as undesirables be
longing in the same class with slack
ers, 1. W. W. and bolshevik!.
Several legislators so classified are
members of the Seattle lodge.
As both a senator and member of the
Seattle lodge. J. D. Rockwell de
rtounced the action and introduced a
concurrent resolution resenting the im
putation cast upon legislators as an
undignified expression of views of a
few ill-advised and impetuous members
of an order that has as one of its chief
tenets nonpolitical activity. The Elks
resolution is signed by W. A. Bane,
lodge secretary.
The Rockwell resolution is designed
for reference to the grand lodge as part
of an appeal against the Seattle lodge's
action. As a means of giving the Elks'
lodge an opportunity to rescind its own
action, on Senator Hall s suggestion,
the senate resolution went over to spe
cial order Monday at 11 A. M. Senator
Lamping, author of the defeated bill,
discredited the Elks' resolution.
Officers' Terms Lengthened.
At noon Elks members within and
without the legislature met in the
Olympia lodge rooms and hotly directed
a committee to draft resolutions de
nouncing the Seattle resolution and
making an appeal to the grand lodge
and Elks lodges generally against the
feeattle lodge s action. On continua
' tion of debate the senate passed bill
392. which lengthens terms of county
officers from two to four years, with
the exception of county commissioners.
As originally presented this bill at
i. tempted to extend the term over the
3920 election. It was sharply criticised
ps a precaution of present county of
fice holders to safeguard themselves
against the possibility of being replaced
t Sn 1920 by returned soldier candidates.
Constitutionality of the proposed ex
tension beyond the terms for which
they were elected was also attacked.
a cleftrly defined ranee of vision to
the very margin. You can rotate
your eyes as though you did not
wear glasses. No turning the head
or twisting the neck. The PUNKTAL
I.ens is the latest and best that
science has produced, the sight angle
of PUNKTAL being 60 degrees, a
gain of 28 degrees over the sight
angle of the ordinary lens. Write
or caH for booklet, -The Eye nd the
Lens." It's free.
. 365 Washington.
Main 0587.
Strand. Next to Star.
Campbell Hotel
Marshall 881. 23d and Hoyt.
Sunday Dinner 85c
5:00 to 7:00 P. M.
Mock Turtle Soup
Olives Homemade Jam
Braised Chicken
Top Sirloin Steak
French Fried Potatoes
Mashed Potatoes
Baked Squash Lettuce Salad
Thousand Island Dressing
Hot Rolls
Cheese Pie . Ice Cream
Real Home Cooking
of the. exports, cotton textiles totalling
2,750,000 and woolens 2,125,000.
Ring Contest Manager Dies.
NEW YORK, March 8. Martin
Julian, who managed and seconded his
brother-in-law, tne late -Bob Fitzsim-
mons, when he won the heavyweight
championship from James J. Corbett at
Carson City, 22 years ago, died at his
home In Brooklyn yesterday, after a
brief illness. Julian was credited with
being: among the first persons to have
had moving pictures taken of prize
ring contests.
Mass Said, for Pierce McCann.
DUBLIN, March 8. The body of
Pierce McCann, Sinn Fein member of
pariament for east Tipperary, who died
of Influenza in the prison at Gloucester,
England, reached Dublin this morning.
After mass was said a public funeral
was held, being attended by all the
recently-released Sinn Fein leaders and
about 3000 members of that organiza
Gas Tank on Ship Explodes.
SAN PEDRO. Cal.. March 8. Twenty-
two men were seriously burned and
otherwise injured, today when a tank
containing artificial gas exploded on
the ship "West Carnaval, which was be-
mr prepared for launching from ways
in the yards of the Southwestern Ship
building company. One unidentified
man was 'believed, to te iatany nuru
Slide Changes Train Route.
ABERDEEN, Wash., March 8. (Spe
cial.) A slide of earth extending over
300 feet of track has blocked the track
of the O. W. & Milwaukee railroad near
Independence for two days, causing
detour of trains to the Northern Pacific
tracks. The slide will remove a hill
that h as been a source of annoyance
and delay for a long time.
Brewers to Be Candy Makers.
BOSTON, March 8. Brewers of this
city are planning to become candy
makers after July 1. Officers of one
company said today they plan changes
in their plant in Roxbury to equip it
for candy manufacture and officers of
two other brewing firms have filed
certificates of incorporation as a choc
olate company.
1,390,000 Yanks Meet Enemy.
WASHINGTON, March 8. American
troops actually participating in en
gagements against the enemy num
bered 1.390,000 men. General March an
nounced the figures today showing
that 100.000 comprised divisional troops
and divisional replacements: 240.000
corps and army troops and 50,000 ser
vice of supply troops.
Gas Plant to Expand.
State bestowal of special service A $15,000 extension and the installa
fcadgos and buttons upon veterans of I tion of new machinery wil double the
cither foreign or Mexican border serv- capacity of the Portland Gas & Coke
Ice was authorized by the senate, I company's plant at Gasco. The com
amended to provide similar distinction I pany will spend $15,000 also on a con
for Red Cross and semi-civilian war crete retaining wall on the St. Helens
workers. An allowance of $10 a day for
expenses while serving as acting gov
ernor was passed for the benefit of
Jjieutenant-Governor L. F. Hart.
road, between the Shell Oil Station and
the moorings. Permits have been is-
Meet the "BILTMORE"
You've been proud of your uniform and
you've built yourself a mighty fine
physique inside of it.
Dori't spoil your looks now with a poorly
fitting, unfashionable suit.
Try the "BILTMORE."
Thft's it. over there on tbe one-time
lieut. loks good on him, but it would
look still better on you.
It's the newest of the semi-military waist
seam models, with seams over the a-houl-ders.
both back and front, and the new
slash breast pocket. Side pockets are
sh, and sleeves are tight,
you can get it In several
colors and materials
At $20 and $30
I.: ::::::::::::::::: .X,
A 7-
rs 1 1
Our big" upstairs stores in
Portland and Seattle are
equipped to outfit every
discharged soldier and
sailor in Oregon and Washington at a sav
ing of $10 on every purchase.
There's nothing patriotic about that,
though; it's our business. We give the
same values right along, because of
But just right now we've got a lot of new
models particularly appropriate for return
ing soldiers and sailors, and we kind of
figure you fellows will realize our saving
sufficiently to come up and look us over be
fore you buy.
You Can't Equal Our
VTJk !
J 7
i ii
15, $20, $25, $30
SIXTH and WASHINGTON. Entrance Opp. Sunset Theater
Largest Men's Clothiers in the Northwest
Seattle Store: Arcade Bldg., Second Ave.
ft A
sued for both pieces of work. The eon
tract for the Gasco plant job has been
let to f. R. Wayman.
Chicago Landmark to Go.
CHICAGO, March 8. The Grand Pa
cific Hotel, one of the landmarks of the
business district ana one of the most
Spread of Smallpox and Diphtheria 1
Cases to Be i'ought.
Persons who oreaK quarantine in
Portland are to be dealt with severely.
according to City Health Officer Par-
lish, who caused the arrest Friday of
Forrest Ginn, of 989 Corbett street on
a. charge of leaving his home after
being placed into quarantine because
of diphtheria. Mr. Ginn was fined $25
and costs yesterday by Municipal
Judge Eossman, and in addition was
scored, by the court for "carrying
perms more deadly than bullets'
through the streets of the city.
A fairly large number of smallpox
rnd diphtheria cases is prevalent in
Portland at present, but Dr. Parrish
cays that if quarantine is observed
there is little danger of either disease
kecommg epidemic.
1 il
i British Imports Increase.
"LONDON, March 8. Imports into the
TTnited Kingdom during Fehruary in
creased 8.044.000. as compared with
January, according to the monthly
statement of the board of trade. Ex
ports increased 7,815,000. The princi
pal increase in imports was 9,000.000
in foodstuffs, and f 2,000. 000 in wool,
-while cotton decreased 1,000,000. Man
ufactured soods formed, the, main, cart
"1 nwil
Inner surface made mIF- TMROUt! TMi
aliDDins and to kaep constantly applied
WV LI.1 1 th hmrhcnt..ltrinclt medication
I called PLAPAO. Cloae the hernial c
L" ITTX a nature intended sotba Rupture
I LmFmU con down.
Do Away With Steel and Rubber Bands That Chafe and Pinch
tS" Ton know by your own experience that the traa la a mere makeshift a tales eras asalnst
coSamtnc wall and that It ia nndenainlna; roar health, way, then, continue to wear ttf
aTUAaTa rtlaj rant are enurelr different belnff medicine applicators made aeUV
adhesive purposely to prevent sUpplnC and to hold the distended moscles securely la place.
Mo straps, buckles or springs attached, Va " dicing la" or vrhtdloa; pressure, awta as
y,!,,! yi.sie. sTesy e apply le.Kssaerrs, Coconuoua day and night treatment at home.
No delay from work. Hundreds of people, old and youna, ba-o one before an officer qualified
to acknowledge oaths, and swore that the FLAP AO-PADS cured thalr Runturos some ot thera
snost aggravated cues and ci long gtsndlng.
Send Today For FREE PUPAO-Ho Charge for it-Now or Ever
Simply write your name and address Below. Send this advertisement for absolutely
FRE1! TRIAL FLAP AO end 49-pege Boole on Rupture. Ho charge for tt now or ever, nothing to be
returned. "BawlM today tls to daier." Address, rt-ro CO. Block 67 et.a.eele. Ire.
widely known hostelries in the country.
is to give way in May to a modern
offtce building, it was announced today.
A Woman's Verdict
Tells of Suffering Greatly With
Kidney and Bladder Trouble
and How Balmwort
Brought Relief.
Iler Letter Well Worth Reading
Mrs. Nellie McGinn, 609 East 138th
street. New York City, writes:
"For the last year I had suffered
greatly from Kidney and Bladder trou
ble, distressing pain in the back and
hips, with rheumatic twinges and fre
quent severe headache, accompanied by
nervousness, chills and fever! also a
frequent desire to eliminate, a smart
ing, burning sensation, with pain in the
region of the bladder. I would fre
quently have to arise at night, my
sleep being disturbed by the pressure
and inflammation in bladder. Begin
ing the use of Balmwort Tablets, I no
ticed almost instant relief, and con
tinuing to use them. I am now totally
well and relieved of all pain and dis
tress front which I -suffered. I am glad
to recommend Balmwort Tablets as a
reliable, beneficial medicine and trust
others may find relief and freedom from
pain and distress as I did." etc.
The above letrer is a true statement
and is on file in our offices. Balmwort
Tablets bring relief when other medl-
jclne has failed. Sold by leading druj;-
eUUi per iu.De -Aav,
Appendicitis is primarily doe to the
poisons formed by decaying food In the
bowels. It Is a disease caused by Im
proper and insufficient bowel elimina
tion. Many people have only a small
passage in the center of the bowels
while the sides are clogged with old.
stale, rermenting matter. Tney may
have a bowel movement every day but
it Is not a complete movement and the
old stale matter stays In the system to
ferment and cause trouble. Besides
appendicitis such unclean bowels
cause headaches, stomach trouble and
90 per cent of all other sickness. The
Did foul matter sticking to the aides of
the bowels often stays in for months,
poisoning the body and causing that
listless, tired feeling known as "auto
The way to avoid sickness and to
keep feeling full of ambition is to
watch your bowels. Just as you keep
the outside of your bodv clean, you
should also KJJKP THE INSIDE
CLEAN. It is even more important to
keep the bowels clean than It is to keep
your body washed, because the millions
of pores in the thirty feet of bowels
quickly absorb poisons generated by
decaying food left carelessly in the
bowels. Don't allow the old. ferment
ing, filthy stuff to stay in your bowels
for weeks, but GET IT OUT and keep
It out. Remember, filthy bowels are
the cnuse of most sickness no etom
aeh. liver or any other organ can do
llO w.Mk wltJi a, fvU sesanool sending
out gases and poisons. Even if your
bowels move sllmhtly each day, that is
not enough.
There must be an occa
sional THOROL'iiH. complete cleans
Ing to rid your system of all accumu
lated, decaying matter.
The MOST COMPLETE bowel cleans
er known is a mixture of bucktltorn
bark, glycerine and ten other ingredi
ent.", put up in ready prepared form
under the trade name of Adler-i-ka.
This mixture is to powerful a bowel
cleanser that It ALWAYS does its work
properly and thoroughly, it removes
foul and poisonous matter which other
cuthartic or laxative mixtures are un
able to dislodKe. It doe- a COMPLETE
Job and it works QCICKLY and with
out the leat discomfort or trouble. It
is so gentle that one forcretn he has
taken it until the THOROUGH evacua
tion starts. It Is astonishing the great
amount of foul, poisonous mailer a
draws from the alimentary canal
matter you would never have tliouaht
was In your system. Try It right after
a natural bowel movement and notice
how much MOKE foul matter will be
brought out which was poisoning yoxrr
system. In slight ' disorders tuch as
occasional constipation, sour stomach.
"iras on the Ktomach" or sick head
ache. one spoonful brings relief
almost INSTANTLY. Ailer-t-k is
the MOST THOKoUC II bowel cleans
tr and antlteotiier ever offered in
fiCCVMCt form. 11 ia a constant
surprise to people nho have used only
ordinary row-i and stomach medicines
and the various oils and waters.
nt:i'OK'i s KitoM riuMi its.
Dr. James Weaver, Loa, Utah: "I
have found nothing in my iO years'
practice to nn l Aiiler--ka "
lr. W. A. Line. West Kaden, Ind :
"I Use Adler-i-ka in my practice and
have found nothing to excel it."
Or. F. M. Prettytnan, Mallard. Minn.:
"I use Adler-i-ka in all bowel cases
and have been very -ucccssful with it.
Some caos require only one dose."
Drugslst I. Hawks. Goshen, Ind.:
"One of our leading doctors has used
Afiler-i-ka in caes of ttomat-h trouble
with wonderful suet-ess. He lias net lost
a patient and saveil many oierat ions."
J. E. I'uckctt. Cillliani, Ark.: "I had
bad stonim-h trouble. After taking
Adler-i-k:i I fctl better th;in for '.'0 yearj.
Haven't l.tncuane to express the anful
Impurities which were eliminated tro-.n
my system."
Cora E. Noblett. Sacccyah. Okla :
"Thanks to Adler-l-ka I can sleep ail
right now. something I could not do.
for years."
Mrs. U A. Austin. Au1and. Minn.: -r
could not eat a thing, my stomach was
so weak. Adler-i-ka made me feel bet
ter and am now abio to work and gaining."
Adlcr-i-k.a Is sold only by the lending
rirut-Kist In OMi-h eity. Sold in Portland
by Skidmore lru.- Co. land leading
Urugeals. Adv.