TIIE SUNDAY ORTSGOXIAX. FOHTL.AXD, MARCH I, J019. WEAK I PLAYING PROPER PROTECTION NOW Five Strategic Groups Clamor for Guardianship. Save their patrons from $5.00 to $10.00 on the Suit or Overcoat they will need in comparison with values shown elsewhere. We ask you to make comparisons. ' Grays save their patrons 7 discount on Furnishings and Hats when the purchase amounts to $4.00 or more. Through our efficiency selling policy we have greatly increased our business and our customers receive better value than they can get at other stores. AMERICA IS MAIN HOPE JJalkan?, Turks, Armenian .Vrabs and Persians Present Problems to the Peace Conference. DNS 1L f ' y y yy ( BY WILLIAM T. ELLIS. (Copyright. 1010, by the New York Herald Company. All Rights Reserved. (Copyright, Canada. by the New Tork Herald Company.) PARIS. Since America seems des tined to bear a large share of respon sibility for the feeble folk of the earth, it is important to consider the possibil ities that confront her. Five clear groups of humanity will have to be policed and protected and "big-broth- ered" by the league of nations or by -whatever individual powers the peace conference may deputize for the task. These are the "problem blocks" of territory which are giving concern to the statemen assembled here. All are pivotal to the peace of the world. Each is represented here by claims which must be met in whole or in part. And some one or more of these sec tions of the earth, with their ancient peoples, must be taken under the wing of the United States of America. While there is yet time, the people back home may as well get out their old geog raphies and decide upon which partic ular bit of historic earth, with its vex atious problems, they will choose to ad minister. It will clarify the situation to treat these five great areas as simple unities or blocks of territory though none of them Is by any means simple in the task it presents. All, however, have clear claims to consideration and to as sistance from the nations which are undertaking to make the whole world safe for democracy. Other parts of the earth need help and apparently will not be able to come to self-realization without friendly succor from the great powers, as Russia, China and Poland. At the moment, however, the five great congeries of peoples demanding atten tion are all within the near cast. Balkan Being; Bolstered. First is the Balkan block. For ages the little peoples in and about the Balkan mountains, down in the south- fast corner of Europe, have had to fight their own battles, not only with one another, but primarily against the Turk, and also against the statecraft of Europe, which regarded them as mere pawns in the diplomatic game. Primi tive, virile, liberty-loving folk, wedded to the glories of their own past, whom fate has placed under the feet of all the marauding armies of the ages, the Balkan states 'have of late shown the world the stuff of which they are made. Serbia's tale of Vnoral grandeur and of physical heroism surpasses telling. No other nation has suffered so sorely in the war. This furnace of affliction has welded her to her brother Slavs and we have the new Jugoslav, or southern Slav, state, combining Serbia, Monte negro. Bosnia, Mergezovina and -other parts of what used to be Austro-Hun- Kary. - All "the glory that was Greece' is in cluded in the Balkan states, for that tstorm-tossed little kingdom is In tho Balkan group. So also is Bulgaria, in whatever form the peace conference de cides to leave her. Roumania, too, re united with her Transylvania children Is also a. Balkan state. Czecho-Slovakia mav be considered as lying north of the Balkan block. This roup of states, lying on the di- i rect hishway between Europe an Asia, i and, if left alone, a prey to all the ! old-world ambitions of conquest and expansion, calls for counsel, guidance, support and protection. In the forma tive years, during which a federal Bal kan nation will probably emerge, it must have a big brother to stand by. And the peoplo themselves, myriads' of whom are returned American immi grants! say they want that big brother to be America. Totks 10 IIae Chance. Going eastward, we find that the next block to be looked after and helped into self-support and self-realization is the Turkish group. At last tho Turk is to have a fair clVance at life, liberty and the pursuit of happi ness in his old home in Anatolia, or Asia Minor proper, with a capital at Konia. Hitherto the Turk has been busy trying to govern other peoples and not himself. At this he has been a complete failure and a monstrous criminal. In charge of an empire, he has been an affront to modern civilization, an offender against all laws, human and divine. No sincere student of history will say a word in his favor though cr.at i i .-.-ri'it i-iii-a 1 fiii-im-i'il Inlornnta which are as denationalized as bolshe vism, are working for the perpetuation of the Ottoman government. They are doomed to failure. Civilization will not stultify itself at Paris. As one conservative man said, "To continue Turkey would be a. truce with hell." Nobody of real power, so far as can be learned, has the slightest inten tion of perpetuating the rule of the Ottoman empire. tsut tne uurks themselves the peo ple who have been the victims of their own crimes and misdirected energies, so that they have descended with the COMPARE GRAYS' 30.00 ' SUITS AND OVERCOATS With Those Sold by Other Stores for $35 and $40 C03IPARE GRAYS' $40.00 SUITS AND OVERCOATS With Those Sold by Other Stores for $45 and $50 After Comparison We Supply Your Clothes Needs Because Our Values Will Tell M. GK AY 366 WASHINGTON AT WEST PARK peoples they have pulled down despite all their offenses, should have a chance at self-government, divorced from the attempt to govern any other peoples. The present plan is t6 settle them In Anatolia, where they used to live be fore they spread as a blight to Europe. Sea Coast Anred. There thev may farm and mine and do business, ir they can. They will not have all the seacoast of Asia Minor, but enough for all purposes of com merce. Tho ruins of most of the cities which the Book of Revelation speaks of as "the seven churches in Asia" will be within their territory. If there is real stuff in them, as their friends declare, they will have full opportunity to re store in peace the ancient prosperity and glory which they themselves de stroyed by war. All the while, though, the Turks will be under the watchful eye of civiliza tion, and especially of tho power that is .deputized to be trustee of their transformation. They will have to be have themselves. There will bo no more Turkish massacres, no more "holy wars." For with Constantinople gone from their hands, and their own empire whittled down to a province under the oversight of a strong Chris tian nation, they will cast no spell over tho imagination of the Moslem world. The Turks will be expected to hang their own Envers and Talaats and Djemels and not leave that sort of work to the outside world. With the generosity that is so amusingly pre valent in many Quarters, especially since it is desired that she rule Con- with overlordship. Indeed, -the pre vention of retaliatory measures by such people against peoples wiir be one of the first tasks of tho unlucky power that asumcs this particular parcel of the "white man's burden." Local sen timent i3 Insistent that Great Britain or America alone would furnish an ac ceptable protectorate; either would quite willingly stand aside in' favor of the other. Both tnow that the Job must be done with Anglo-Saxon courage, pa tience, thoroughness and justice. Arabia Requlrn Guardian. Fourth of the five blocks of territory mat win nave to he overseen ty a rep resentative of the peace conference or of the league of nations is tho Arabic speaking section. This includes Arabia. Syria and Palestine as well as part of upper Mesopotamia. It is the unit over which Prince Feisal. of Damascus and Mecca, row claims rule. Its bond is a common language and a common Semitic origin. Within its .bounds are many of the most enlight ened and progressive young men of the levant, educated in American schools and colleges. The recent military activ ities in Syria have solidified public sen timent, w netner the lorm of govern ment will be a. republic or a monarchy tho peoplo themselves will have to de termine. This fourth block acquires special popular interest for two reasons. One is that it embraces the Holy Land, the scene of the birth and growth of the three srpat monotheistic faiths. The other reason is that all tho hopes of Zionism will have to be worked out within this region. The old idea, now stantiuople (of which more later), it"10 longer held by Zionist leaders, was is proposed that America become trustee to the Turks also! "This is a job. likelier 1 to fall to France, for France has long been popular with the Turks. Armenia Is lrobIem. Third, and most difficult of all the block to lead along the steep ascent to competence for telf-goverrunent, is what may bo termed the Caucasus or Armenian group. Every man who knows this region and its problems devoutly hopes that his own country will not have to ta-'kle it! Geographi cally, it runs from the Caucasus moun tains to the Mediterranean, westward to te Black Sea and eastward to the Caspian. A line fro.n Alexandretta, at tne northeastern end of the Mediterranean, to Diarbekir, on the Tigris river, might reasonably be its southern boundary. It would include whatever territory ia allocated to the Armenians, as well as the kingdom of Georgia, and the country .of the Kurds, together with that of the Tartars. Within its bounds would be at least half a hundred little tribes and nations which have clung to their own place and identity despite the mutations of the centuries. Even the Moslem Circasians have returned thither from Turkey fter the successes of the Arabs and the British in Syria and Palestine. Race and religion clash constantly here: it is a turbulent por tion of this old earth, a bubbling pot of unrest. Its problems are almost as old as history. Nevertheless, this Caucasus block has to be safeguarded and the rights of the little peoples given decent considera tion: Some western power will have to undertake the nasty job. There is no resident nation that can he trusted that Palestine would be summarily seized or purchased from its present government and turned over to a ready made Jewish body to rule without re gard to the wishes of the resident population, who outnumber the Jews nearly 10 to 1. That is so obviously inconsistent with all the new principles of the right of self-determination that the newer scheme and purpose of the Zionists is that they rhall be free to purchase land in Palestine, to fettle there freely, to settle there freely, to exercise all civil rights, to Fet up their own communi ties and enterprise and when they be come a majority population to make Jewish state. Prince Kelsal is in full sympathy with the Zionist schemes. Whatever power becomes suzerain or protector in this Arabic epeakinsr re gion should likewise be absolutely com mitted to a policy of religious tolerance and of sympathy for Jewish and Arabia aspirations. CCREI IIEK. KITS. Mrs. Paul Gram, residing at 9I Fourth street. Milwaukee, Wis., recent ly gave out the following statement: "I had suffered With Fits (Epilepsy) for over 14 years. Doctors and medicine did me no good. It seemed that I was be yond all hope of relief, when at last I secured a preparation that cured me sound and well. Over ten years have passed and the "attacks have not re turned. I wish every one who suffers from this terrible disease would write R. P. X. lyepso, 113 Island avenue. Mil waukee. Wis., and ask for a bottle of the same kind of medicine which he gave me. He has generously promised to rend it postpaid, free to any one who writes him." Adv. Simple Way to Have Beautifully Wavy Hair Lustrous, fluffy, wavy hair plays an important part in the (scheme of beauty. A heated iron should not be ued to give the desired wavy effect, for it destroys the life, lustre and flufflneps of nir. It in far better to use plain liqind silmerine, which curls the hair more effectually, more lastingly, and at the frame time keeps it beautifullv soft, "light" and g!oy. It is benefi cial. Instead of harmful, and it is such a simple thing to apily the liquid be fore retiring, using a clean tooth brush for the purpose and drawing this down the hair from root to tin. Very differ ent from the tiresome, fuss', odorous curlihsr iron method. Pure silinerine in liquid form may be found in any drug store and a lew ounces will last a very long time. It is neither sticky nor greasy and leaves no sediment, spotn or Mre:ks. The hair will be quite manageable, no mat ter what the stylo of con f nre. -Adv. n la lllllillHiillllllllillHIiiHliSllliillllillHIIIIl II est "Equipped Optical Pa ivastern Oregon. tors Dr. J. T. Arneson A registered Optometrist and Post Graduate Neurologist from Minnesota lias bought the Optical Parlors and jjood will of Dr. L. E. Sook, of Baker City, Oregon, and expects to develop a flourishing practice. Dr. Arneson comes with strong recommendations from his home state, and Minnesota optometrists rank as the best in the world in their chosen profession. A complete grinding plant will be maintained in connection, and lenses will be ground while you wait. Offices Over Firet National Bank Bldg. BAKER CITY, OREGON Will be at home about March 20. After the day's work DINNER ! Delicious, wholesome, and al together refreshing and strength-giving is our Table d'Hote Dinner ; Sunday and Weekday Yffu and your family will en ' joy the change of food the companionable environment - the friends you greet the new faces you meet at Port land's famous dining-place. 5:30 to 8 $1.25 Music Noonday Lunch 11 to 2; 50c. Ye Oregon Grill Broadway at Stark Manufacturers don't overlook a bet Industrial opportunities in Portland are good, but don't overlook the pos sibilities for profitable industrial open ings across the line. here's a comparison for you The trans-Pacific and Panama canal trade of the United States is handled from many ports on Puget Sound, Portland, the Golden Gate ports,. Southern California ports. Vancouver, B. C., is the one port at which all this business is handled for the entire Dominion of Canada a country even larger than the U. S. and Alaska a country just on the threshold of tremendous development. 'IHUHiHililillHilliliilillllllllilllllllilimi Last fall a manufacturer in the Northwest states read an advertisement like this. lie made inquiries he visited Vancouver. Today he is laying the foundation for a prosperous industry in the city. investigate Vancouver, B. C. it may be the city that holds out just the industrial opening you're looking for. Any bona fide manufacturer or investor looking for industrial opportunities can secure an unbiased report as to the possibilities in his line by forward ing definite inquiries to J. R. DAVISON, City Industrial Commissioner, . Board of Trade Bldg., Vancouver, B. C. ti a ... In this great Broadway success Miss Frederick proves her right to the title world s greatest emotional actress. She is r ' 11 1 Jl 1 xl T il I J" i- tTTn 1 1 HT 1- - aoiy supponeu uy uie .roruaiiu lavornc, wuiaru xuaciv, in a tremendous mystery drama oa woman with a past and a present. Programme of concert on our Super-Wurlitzer today, 2:30 P. INI.: "Ghost Dance" (Salisbury) ; Serenade (Drigo) ; "Mother Machree" (Ball); Selection, "Jack o' Lantern" (Ivan Caryll). Ernest H. Hunt, Organist Y M C A S c H O O L S Increase Your Own Pay Envelope rrnetie.il lnntruetlon with excellent equl pmenu Laboratories and xhopi at tractively fitted out. Fave tlm and pet superior train Ins in your chuuen line. Office advisers jjlad te con fer with you relative to best course to study. Students can enter NOW for Auto and Tractor School, Radio Telegraphy, Busi ness School, Stenographic School, College Prepara tory School, Electrical En gineering, and Mechanical Drafting. Detailed Information on the above and other schools on request. For Cataloimea Call at or Aitdrrsa Y. M. C. A. Ilep't of Kdnea tlon, Dlv. C, Office U" SOLDIEkS andSAILORS ATTENTION To the boys of UNCLE SAM desiring employment The Ore gonian will, for a limited time, publish free for three days th advertisement of any soldier or sailor in uniform or those show ing credentials that they have been honorably discharged from the service. ADVERTISEMENTS MUST BE PRESENTED TO THE BUSINESS OFFICE OF THE OREGONIAN. TELEPHONE OR MAIL ORDERS WILL NOT EE ACCEPTED. 7770 i&n act I'V.-'iu i says I use (JJantJ It gets them out cleaner Professional blasters know explosives. They have tried all the different makes. Many of them say "Giant gets the stumps out cleaner." John Zurr of Santa Rosa, CaL, writes: "From the beginning of the time I have been usin rowder for stump blasting and other agricultural work, I have found the powder made by The Giant rowder Co. to be the most satisfactory. Each certain percentage of Giant Powder is exactly what it is represented to be."' Tell your dealer you want the genuine Giant Farm Powders -Giant Stumping or Eureka Stumping:. The Giant trademark on every box is your sure protection against imitations. ff mill yoa to write today for euf VooV. "Better Firming with Giant Farm Powders. It tells scores of money-saving ws ct doing lrm iobt laad clearing, ditching, tree planting, etc. THE GIANT POWDER CO.. CON. "Everything for Blasting'' ?30 Firt National Bank Bldg.. aa Kraocuca P ranch O&cos: Icavcr. f oruand. b,t Laavc City, fccauJa. Spokaaa STUMPING IS EUREKA