The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 09, 1919, SECTION THREE, Page 10, Image 58

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Multnomah Athletic Club Will
Stage Championships.
Winners in Two Classes Are-
Sure, of Place So Far.
Programme of Events Completed
and Much Interest Is Being
Shown by Oregon Clnbs.
First Division Likely to Have Hot
Finish, as Leader lias
Strong Contenders.
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The 1919 Oregon state swimming: and
diving championships will be decided
in the Multnomah Amateur Athletic
club tank next Saturday night. March
15, with a great array of swimming- and
diving talent competing lor the titles
in the various events.
Locke Webster, who won the plunge
for distance title in 1918, and Louis
Balbach, who won the men's fancy
diving title last year, will be the only
champions that will not be on hand to
defend their titles at this year's meet.
The 1919 championships originally
were scheduled to take place last
month, but all plans for the tourna
znent were called off at that time
when Jack Cody, swimming and div
ins instructor, was taken ill.
Profframme la Completed
As soon as Cody recovered, details for
the meet were rapidly rushed and ev
erything Is now in shape for the first
big aquatic event of the season. All
of the contestants are training daily,
getting in the best of condition for the
Following is the list of events and
entries in each event:
Fifty-yard free style, (men) Al Mat-
tern, Myron Wilsey, Ed Leslie, DuV
Walker. Frank Lindstrum and Jesty
Fifty-yard breast stroke (women l
Virginia Pembroke and Helen Lange
Plunge for distance (men) Cljf
Ewlng, O. J. Hosford. H. De Waide
Fifty-yard backstroke (men) Ja
Popochanko, H. Berg, W. H. Bucklai.
Ed Leslie, Roy Webster.
Two hundred-yard free style (met
Doc Roller, Collie Wheeler, O. J. HoJ
Fancy diving (men) George Rich
ardson, Happy Kuehn.
Fifty-yard free style (women) Iren
Pembroke, E. Carmeny, Virginia Pembroke.
Two hundred-yard Junior relay race
(boys) Couch, grammer school vs.
M. A. A. C
Five hundred-yard free style (men)
O. J. Hosford, Jack Popochanko, C.
Ewing. C Wheeler.
Fancy diving fwomen) Thelma
Payne, women's national indoor fancy
diving champion; Irene Pembroke,
Constance Meyers, former national
champion; Virginia Pembroke. Helen
Hicks, Myra Gammie.
One hundred-yard free style (men)
Frank Lindstrum, Al Mattern, Ed Les
lie. Myron Wilsey. Duke Walker, Jessie
8he 50-yard free-style swim, the 100
yard free-style swim, the 50-yard back
stroke swim, all for men, and the
women's fancy diving loom up as the
feature events of the meet.
A great deal of attention is being
centered on the backstroke events and
the women's diving event is always a
Cody Awaits Reply.
Jack Cody is waiting to get a final
answer from the Detroit Athletic as
sociation regarding that institution
paying part of the expenses of a full
women's diving team from Multnomah
club to compete in the national diving
meet in Detroit on March 29. A tele
gram is expected any day now.
In case the Detroit Athletic club does
not see fit to help bringing a complete
team of women from M. A. A. C, Thel
tna Payne, present holder of the nation
al Indoor title, may be the only one to
make the trip, accompanied by Jack
Cody. Cody has developed a wonder
ful women's diving team at Multnomah
club, a team that is not surpassed by
any in the country and he expects great
things from his proteges this year.
Women's Varsity Association of
A. C. in. Favor of Contests.
Corvallis, March 1. (Special.) Despite
opposition, the woman's varity "O" as
sociatlon of Oregon Agricultural college
has declared itself in favor of inter
collegiate athletics for co-eds. The
faculty members of the physical edu
cation department, including Miss Ma
bel Lee. director, and the association
president. Miss Agnes Houck, are not
inclined toward athletic events with
other schools, but the association over'
ruled these decisions.
The varsity girls will aid in further
ing a strong schedule of intercollegiate
work in the four major sports for
women, hockey, basketball, swimming
and tennis. At various times games
have been played with the University
of Oregon and Willamette and it i
hoped that schedules will be possible
Canadian Universities Revive Ath
letic Activities.
MONTREAL. March 8. (Special.)
That all branches of sport will be re
vived at the various Canadian univer
sities this season is assured by the
announcement of the annual meeting
of the Canadian Intercollegiate Ama
teur Athletic association. The meet
ing will be held at Kingston on Sat
urday, March SZ. when plans for the
coming season will be decided on.
McGill and Queen's universities favor
a complete resumption of sports on a
pre-war basis, while R. M. C. will fol
low with Queen's in whatever stand
they take. No announcement has been
made from Toronto, other than that the
University Athletic association would
be ready to take up sports next au
tumn. That announcement was made
following an effort of McGill to re
organize the hockey union.
Eight Cities in New Baseball Asso
ciation. LONDON. Ont., March 8. (Special.)
The Ontario-Michigan baseball league
will be organized at a meeting to be
held at the Bancroft hotel in Saginaw,
Mich., on Saturday, March 22. This
statement was made by "Knotty" Lee
' of Toronto, one of Canada's best-known
baseball league organizers, upon his
return from a week's visit to numerous
cities in Michigan.
Flint. Saginaw, Bay City and Lansing
axe the four Michigan cities to be
linked with London, Brantford, Hamil
ton and Kitchener in the formation of
the league. Taking the population of
the eight cities combined, the league
will be enabled to play to over half a
million people. This is more than Is
roauired for class B ball by the N
tional Association of Professional Base
ball Leagues and assures the success
f the venture.
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Rlaito Throo-Cufthloa Handicap Billiard
Tournament Standing.
CI-A.S3 A.
W. I
Gwrffe Hart 7 1
Krod Boalt 4 2
Hn I'latts 5 5
T. M. Howland 3 4
o Havitlston n 3
on Mrdunkey ................. ti 4
. r. Warren 1 4
CM. Peterson :i
M. Leviason - 7
H. J. Chapin 4 5
W. n. McAllister 2 4
E. Ttjiyer 4 tt
JarkO-Brien It 2
U Ta:bot IO ;t
n TUomRI S
0ora Fantona ................ 7 R
C. liucea T t
Alex M-rk 8 6
Jamr.i Martin 3 5
C. I. Millt-r T e
M. M.)r-t 3 H
Arthurs 3
E. C. Arfhfr 6
Claude Welch
Fans Will Watcb Results With Keen
Interest After 1019 Season,
Is Under Way.
There probably wert more trades of
players In the major leagrues for the
1919 season than any other time In the
history of the frame. What the results
may be remain to be seen.
The exact strength of a trade Is not.
as a rule, known until the season la on
its way. One side may look to be the
winner by the exchange of players, yet
it tumbles to the bottom of the league
standing when it is thrown into action.
Miller Huggins arranged a deal during
the winter of 1913 for his Cardinals
and jumped from the bottom to third
place In a single season. Now. as man
ager of the Yankees, he has made quite
a lew trades and it remains to be seen
whether he will benefit or not. Follow
ing is a list of trades and sales up to
date in the major leagues:
American Leatree.
Browns Secured Catcher BltUngs from
Indians tor Nunamaker; purchased Catcher
Mayer from Red Sox.
Ketrolt Secured Catcher Alnsmtth from
Washington: Pitcher Love and Outfielder
Shorten from Red Sox; sent Oscar Vitt to
Red Sox.
Cleveland Secure! Catcher Kuuunixer
from Browns for Billings.
Yankees Secured Outfielder Lewis. Pitch
ers Shore and Leonard from Red Sox for
Outfielder GUhooley and Pitchers Caldwell
and Love.
Nationals Secured Xnflelder Jaavrln from
Red Sox and sent Pitcher Dumont to Red
Sox and Catcher Ainsmlth to Detroit.
Red Sox Secured Pitcher Dumont from
Nationals and Oscar Vitt from Tigers: sent
Pitchers Shore and Leonard and Outfielder
Lewis to Yankees and Pitcher Love and
Outfielder Shorten to Tigers.
Athletics Waiting to figure In deal for
Outfielder Roth.
White Sox Silent.
National Leex-ae.
Cardinals Secured Third Baseman Stock.
Pitcher Davis and Catcher Dilhoefer from
Phillies for Third Baseman Balrd, Inflelder
Stewart and Pitcher Packard.
Cincinnati Secured Jake Daubert from
Brooklyn for Outfielder Grlffflth and Short
stop Kopf; secured Walter Holke and
Catcher Rariden from New York for Hal
Chase; secured Outfielder Rehg from Braves
for Shortstop Blackburne; secured Shortstop
Jimmy Smith from Braves for Walter Holke.
Pittsburg becurea bhortstop zeo Terry
from Braves for cash.
Giants Secured Hal Chase from Reds for
Catcher Rariden and First Baseman Holke.
Superbas Traded Jake Daubert to Reds
for Outfielder Griffith and Shortstop Kopf.
Braves Traded Walter Rehr to Reds for
Shortstop Blackburne; traded Jimmy Smith
for Walter Holke.
Phillies Traded Stock. Davis and Dil
hoefer to Cardinals for Balrd. Stewart and
Cubs Silent.
Crack Distancer Will Strengthen
Williams on Track.
WILLI AMSTOWN. March 8. (Spe
cial.) 'Williams college track prospects
have received a boost by the return
of Brown, "20, New England intercol
legiate champion two-miler, who re
cently received his discharge from the
service. He was in the aviation corps
and saw active flying on the Italian
front. Brown left college shortly after
winning the 1817 New England cross
country championship at Boston. He
has re-entered the sophomore class.
Brown Is considered one of the best
college two-miiers In the country.
News has been received here that
Fred Daly, former Yale athlete and
director of teams at Williams a few
years ago. has returned from France
after serving nearly two years In the
ambulance corps and resumed his du
ties at Andover academy. He will
coach the tatter's football eleven - In
the fall. Daly quit as athletic director
for Williams following criticism three
years ago.
Junlor Five, With Four Games Won
uid Three Lost, Is Second In
Intel-class Series.
Or, March 8. (Special.) The hard-
fought contest between the freshman
and junior first teams marked- the close
of the university's Interclasa basketball
series. The game was a tie until the
last three minutest when the rooks,
by some skillful maneuvering, slipped
over six additional points, thereby
winning 14-8. Power, rook guard, was
the shooting star of the melee, while
Legge was high scorer for the losers.
The game was marked by some rough
playing on the part of both souads.
The winners exhibited better all-round
work in passing and shooting, while
the juniors kept down the score by
their hard fighting.
By taking this game, the freshmen
ended the series with a clean slate of
seven victories, without a defeat
During the series. Harra and Doney,
both of Salem, have shown the most
consistent ability in tossing baskets.
The Juniors got a bad start during the
first of the season, but won three con
tests before their defeat of yesterday.
Next week the after-season three
game series between the freshmen and
sophomore first squads will be staged.
The sophomore quintet, which has been
iept out of the lnterclass schedule to
practice with the varsity, will consist of
Fisher, Medler, and Davles. forwards:
Basler, center; Hickman, Rarey, and So-
colorsky, guards. The rooks will pre
sent the same line-up that they have
been using against the various high
school teams; Doney and Harra, for
wards; Gillette, center; Power and
Dimick. guards; Barnes, Sackett, and
Lucker, spares.
At the close of the class schedule, the
standing of the five quintets is aa fol
Team Won. Lost. , Pet
Freshmen, first..... . .T 0 LC00
Juniors .4 8 .671
Freshmen, second. 4 4 .600
Sophomore, second.. .3 4 .420
Freshmen, third 0 7 .000
. x
Edward B. Tufts, president of the
Southern California Golf association
announces that Douglas Grant, the
state amateur champion, will compete
in the southern California amateur
championship, which commences at the
Los Angeles Country club March 26
Even "Scotty" Armstrong is also ex
pected to arrive In California this week
and he will again go after the title
which he won in 1912 and 1916.
greatly reducing the general expense
of the coaching system, the tendency
will be to Install one. or at the most
two, "general coaches, one of whom will
probably have a position as a member
of the university faculty as the head
of the department of sport and physical
conditioning. For about fifteen years
Walter Camp, head of the Yale coach
ing system, held such a position as a
member of the university council.
Professor Robert N. Corwln, head of
the athletic council. Is a member of
the German faculty of the university
and a former football captain.
Sewanee Football Dates Set.
1 Vlrnrtaaia Pembroke. 3 Georarta Caraaeay. 3 Irrae Pembroke. 4V Myra
Gammie. 5 Thrlms Payne and llrleat Hlcke. Constance Meyer, Oregoa
state fancy diving; champion. T Tacima Payne, women' nntlomal fancy
divine champion. M O. J. Ilaaford. Jack PoBOckaako and J eaule Perry.
NASHVILLK. Tenn.. March . (Spe
cial.) The football schedule of the
University of the South (Sewanee) for
1919 has been arranged. It follows:
Howard at Sewanee. October 11;
University of Georgia at Athens, Ga
October'18; University of Kentucky at
Sewanee. October IS: University of Ala
bama at Birmingham. November 1;
Oglethorpe at Sewanee, November 8;
Rice institute at Houston. Tex.. Novem
ber 15; Baylor University at Waco,
Tex.. November 17-II: Vanderbilt at
Nshvillp. November 27.
J. Russell 10 3
Mutheney 5
l'ni;r 3 3
M. Abflann T 5
K. M. Hutton 4
W. K. lii.eors J 4
Ollti Hrown & 4
It. Viion a
A. W. Roth O 5
K. tetril A -
W. Dmham
Oscar Kes 4 3
E. N. Enckson - )
With the winners In two classes al
ready decided and the play the third
.class nearlng an end the first annual
three-cushion handicap billiard tourna
ment at the Riallo billiard parlors will
soon be brought to a close. The tour
ney got under way some weeks ago
with over 40 of the city's leading three
cushion billtardists entered and has
been the largest and most successful
tournament of its kind ever staged in
The tournament has been run off
under the class system. The best play
ers have been grouped in cas A, all
but five of them playing for SO points
for game. Five of the players were
considered a little better than the
average in class A and were required
to register 35 points for game. The
players in class R play for 25 points
for game and the players In class C 20
points for game.
O'Brien Leads In B.
Jack O'Brien won first prixe in class
B. winning 11 games and losing only 3.
Larry TaJbot and Ira Thomas are tied
for second honors, each player having
won 10 games and Iom 3. At present
Alex Merk and James Martin are tied
for third honor with 8 victories and 5
losses apiece, but George Parsons and
Claude Welch still have a chance to
tie for third place with Martin and
Up to date Parsons has won 7 games
and lost 5, while Welch has won 4 and
lost 5. Welch has four more matches
to play while Parsons has only one
that against Welch, which will bo
played this week. If Parsons defeats
Welch he will be tied for third place
with Merk and Martin. In order for
Welch to tie in third hole he will have
to win all of his four remaining
Raaaell Gets Stnmpea.
Jack Russell won the flS In war
saving stamps up as first prize in class
C by winning 10 games and losing only
8. J. Matheny and Otis Brown are
at present tied fr second place In
class C, each having won 8 games and
lost 4. Both players have only one
more game to play.
George Hart is leading all class A
billiardists with 7 victories and only 1
defeat. Fred Boalt has won 4 games
and lost 2. and has yet to play Hart.
If he Is successful in meeting the rest
of his opponents and can trim Hart he
will have a chance to tie for first place.
Hart also has some other crack players
to meet in class A. and has not cinched
the title of his class, although he seems
to be the ranking cueist of that divi
sion. Jllgh It an Still Seven.
The high run of seven billiards set
by Ira Thomas the third week of play
has stood as high run all through the
tournament up to date. Any number
of players scattered through all three
classes have marked up runs of six
three-cushion billiards, but failed on
the seventh.
Portland Is sure getting Its share of
high-class billiards thl9 year. Besides
a number or gooa tournaments aireaay
run off and in progress, the fans will
have the opportunity to witness Willie
Happe. champion balkline billiardist of
the world, in exhibitions with George
Sutton, former world's titleholder, here
Monday and Tuesday at Bowie & Cald
well's. March 20 and 21 will see Welker
Cochran and Jake Schaefer. Jr.. two of
the most brilliant balkline players In
the world, tangle in a four-game match
at the Rlaito billiard parlors.
nniiT riPT ninrnn iirnrlcour8e wtn kept ciear- sergeant
MLHl IRSl Hilll-HS HrHr I irvin will be assisted by a large squad
New World's Record in Five-Mile
Contest for Barknorst Prlzo
Deemed Probable.
Eight of the best-known motorcycle
race riders of this country are already
in Portland getting ready to compete
for the Ray Barkhurst prize, which
goes to the winner of the five-mile
world's championship race, to be run
off here on Sunday, March 16. Many
other crack race riders are on their
way here, assuring the race committee
of the Rose City Motorcycle club that
they will be able to present a fast field
to the public
The riders who' are here have with
them the fast machines and are all
confident they will lower the present
world's record of 3:05 for the five miles.
Some of the machines have never been
before the racing public, having been
built especially for this meet.
Sergeant Frank Irvin of the Portland
police motorcycle squad will be mar
shal of the day. His wide experience
in safeguarding the public at speed
contests gives assurance that the
of mounted police.
Ed Berreth. a crack rider, says that
while he may not be the winner of the
race, he can be put down to lower the
present record.
Ray Barkhurst. Portland clothier.
sponsor of the race. Is highly pleased
by the Interest created. "I hope the
riders will be able to lower the present
record and show the world that. Port
land has facilities for staging cham
pionship events." he said. "If this race
proves successful I Intend to make it
an annual affair here
The riders are eyeing the weather
man and hoping that jup PIuv will
keep the water bucket stowed away
until after the race. The race will be
run if no rain falls after 9 A. M.
The course has been accurately meas
ured and an electrlo timing apparatus
will be Installed to Insure accuracy in
timing the riders.
All-Year Plan Will Be Substituted
for Seasonal Programme.
NEW HA VEIN. Conn. Tale's reorgan
isation in athletics on a peace basis.
which has just been established in con
junction with the triangular agree
ment with Harvard and Princeton, will
put Into effect the plan of all the year
Instead of seasonal coaches. While
limiting- the number of coUches and
A major-general heads each army
corps; a brigadier-general heads in
fantry brigade; a colonel heads each
regiment: a lieutenant-colonel Is next
In rank below a colonel; a major heads .
a battalion: a capcain heads a company;
a lieutenant heads a platoon; a ser
geant is next below a lieutenant, and
a corporal is a iud officer.
it from me.
says the super to
the engineer
'You can't ever
beat good old
Gravely Plug. Itls
got the real tobacco
taste that keeps a
man satisfied."
Good taste, smaller
chew.longer Jife iswhat
makes Genuine Grave
ly cost less to chew than
ordinary plug.
Wrif tm:
Genuine Gravely
booklet sa tktwimf pluf.
Peyton Brand
Plug packed in pouch.