The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 09, 1919, SECTION THREE, Page 2, Image 50

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Mrs. 'Scm 3- JSo rs-ort, ?Acr mrzp
o r r -r.-S.
POF.TLAXD society Is sadly depleted
at the present time, owing to the
tremendous migration to the
southland and eastern cities. An un
usually largo colony of Portlandera Is
at the present time In southern Cali
fornia, and groups of persons, although
not traveling in the saml party, happily
meet occasionally at the same hostelry
Last week a group of prominent folk.
Including Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Burns,
Mr. and- Mrs. Lee Hawley Hoffman, Mr.
and Mrs. Winthrop Hammond, Mr. and
Mrs. James D. Honeyman, Miss Helen
Honeyman and her guest. Miss Nadlne
Caswell, Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Squires
and Miss Ruth Teal, Dr. C. G." Sabln,
Mrs. Joseph K. Bowles, Edward Boyce,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Bair and
daughters, the Misses Margaret and Al
berta, and Rev. E. P. Murphy met at the
Paso Robles hotel in Paso Robles. The
majority of this group of Portlandera
are spending the early spring days
motoring through California, stopping
at various famous beach resorts when
fancy ttrikes them.
There also are a number In New York
attending the opera and the theaters,
as well as doing a great deal of shop
ping for the spring and summer ward
robes, and primarily, of course, to wel
come the returning troops from over
seas. During the week past there- has been
a burst of gaiety for popular residents
of this city who will remove to other
cities, including Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur
E. Coman, who will go shortly to Spo
kane, where the former will bo in busi
ness. Practically every day has marked
some entertainment in their behalf,
and their leaving Portland ia causing
much regret among their relatives and
Among the prominent matrons going
to New York are Mrs. Thomas D.
Honeyman, Mrs. Frederick H. Green,
Mrs. David T. Honeyman. and Mrs.
David C. Lewis, all of whom left yester
day morning for an extensive visit
through the east, principally in New
Society was most enthusiastic In its
reception and' attendance upon the
French army band which played at the
auditorium Thursday evening. It was
one of the brightest spots in the social
calender as well as In musical circles
this season.
The announcement of ths engage
ment and wedding of Miss Dorlne Wyld
and Gorrill Swigert caused quite a rip
ple of pleasurable excitement in society
as it was a genuine surprise to their
numerous friends. The wedding was a
simple event of yesterday afternoon.
When plans for the wedding of Miss
Dorine Wyld and William Gorrill swi
cert were made known last week the
news caused quito a flutter of excite
ment in social circles, as the young
folks' engagement, although known to
their relatives and a few intimate
friends for some time, never had been
formally announced. The hastily ar
ranged nuptials were made necessary
by the announcement that Mr. Swigert
would leave for Boston to be gone for
some time.
The wedding was a charming, simple
and notable affair of yesterday after
noon, being solemnized at 4 o clock in
St. David's church. Rev. Thomas Jen
kins officiating.
Miss Alice Dabney was maid of
honor, and Charles Frederick Swigert
Jr., brother of the bridegroom, was
best man. Mr. Wyld gave his daughter
in marriaire, the wedding music being
i J
ushneJ ,
flowers, ferns and palms, the drawing
room being especially lovely with fra
grant blooms in a riot of pastel color
ing. The dining-room also was charm
ing in its floral garb, Ophelia roses,
narcissus, primroses, violets. Jonquils
and other harbingers of spring being
effectively arranged in the reception
and dining rooms.
The bride, who is a charming and
attractive girl" was attired in a simple
girlish gown of soft white chiffon taf
feta trimmed with narrow bands of
silver. The gown was made round
length, and it was enveloped by the
soft tule veil. Orange blossoms adorned
the veil, and the carried a shower bou
quet of spray orchids, freeeia and bride
Miss Dabney's gown was a handsome
model of yellow Georgette crepe, elab
orately embroidered in iridescent
beads, and sho carried a bouquet of
Ophelia roses.
During the reception a buffet sup
per was served, Mrs. R. Lea Barnes,
Mrs. Russell B. Caswell and Mrs. J. C.
Robinson presiding at the tea and cof
fee urns. They were assisted in serv
ing by a group of the younger girls.
Mrs. Swigert is one of tho popular
graduates of St. Helen's hall, later go
ing to Mrs. Dow's school at Brlarcliff,
N. Y. She is the tonly daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Ernest A. Wyld, the family
being one of Portland's oldest and most
Mr. Swigert is a son of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Frederick Swigert, also-an old
and prominent family of Portland. He
has just had his discharge from the
U. S. navy, being stationed at Seattle
in the naval aviation service. Mr. Swi
gert, after his graduation from Port
land academy, attended Milton acad
emy in the east, preparatory to en
tering Harvard. While at Harvard
his studies were Interrupted to go
into service. He is a brother of
Ernest Swigert, also popular in the
younger set.
Mr. and Mrs. Swigert left last night
for the east and will make their home
in Boston for some time, later return
ing to this city.
Mrs. Harry Leonard Kuchlns (Ivelou
Shea), one of Portland's most attractive
and popular young mations, has been
ntertained delierhtfully with several in-
of Sheets jnOcifs.
played by the organist of St. David's.
A large number of relatives and
friends of the couple filled the prettily
decked church. Following the cere
mony a email reception was held at
the home of the bride s parents, 590
East Madison street, for relatives and
intimate friends.
The rooms were aglow with spring
Spring Showing
Capes, Coats, Suits,
Dresses and Waists
Something New Every Day
144 Broadway, Near Alder
is taken into account
when a Dress, Coat, Suit
or Riding HaToit is made
at this establishment.
Charming spring styles
are now here. We wel
come visits from women
who appreciate distinc
tive models.
Tailors to Men
and Women.
Northwestern Bank
formal functions during trie past week,
prior to her departure for St. Louis.
Mrs. Kuchlns left Thursday to Join her
husband. Lieutenant Kuchins, in the
eastern city where they wilt make their
home. Mr. Iwuchins recently has been
discharged, from service and he has en
tered business in St. Louis. The Kuch
ins family are one of the most prom
inent and oldest families of St. Louis
and the young bride will be a charming
acquisition to St. Louis society.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Burgard were
hosts for a charming1 dinner party
Thursday evening complimenting Mr.
and Mrs. Wilbur E. -Coman. who plan
to leave about the middle of this month
for their new home in Spokane. They
have been entertained delightfully and
extensively for the past fortnight by
their many friends and relatives, who
deeply regret that they will make their
home elsewhere. The dinner table was
artistically appointed and decked with
large basket filled with fruit blos
soms and spring flowers in yellow
tones. Covers were marked for Mr.
nd Mrs. Coman, Colonel and Mrs
George H. Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. Dom J.
Zan. Mrs. Charles A. Burckhardt. Mrs.
Arthur Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Jay
Smith and the hosts. The rest of the
evening was spent informally playing
cards and chatting.
Dr. and Mrs. E. DeWitt Connell re
cently returned from an extensive trip
hrough the eastern states and the
south. They are domiciled in their res
idence on Salmon street.
Mrs. Thomas D. Honeyman, Mrs.
David T. Honeyman, Mrs. David C.
Lewis and Mrs. Frederick H. Green
left yesterday for an extended visit in
New Georgette
Crest Blouses
Round necks with frills, dainty
lace trimmed, fancy beaded and
embroidered effects CJCT OCT
Great value at DUIJD
NewTissne Handkerchiefs QPT
Dainty designs '.. ODL
3 for $1
Vogtie Pattern Catalogue OCT,
Spring pattern designs, OC
309 Morrison and
The Waist Shop Portland Hotel
C. F. Berg, Vice-Pres. and Mgr.
New Materials
for Spring
Fashion's latest approval of ma
terials and styles for
spring suits.
Schweitzer 8c Eagin
392 yz Washington St.
Next to Hazelwood
New York and other eastern cities.
They will be gone for six weeks or
Mr. and Mrs. William MacMaster an
nounced Saturday the engagement of
their daughter Katherine to Samuel
Thompson Halsted of Riverside, Cal.
Mr. Halsted wa a lieutenant in the
spruce division, being stationed in
Portland during the war. Ho is a
graduate of Stanford university.
One of the most popular and best
loved girls in Portland society circles,
Mrs. Katherino MacMaster Mason has
been a resident of this city for many
years. Though educated in the east
and having traveled much in this coun
try and abroad, she has always made
Portland her home and has a wide
circle of friends here.
The 'MacMasters for years have been
prominent in Portland society. Two
other daughters are married to army
officers. Malale ia the wife of Captain
L. C Oldenborg. now stationed at
Camp Lewis. Allsa is the wife of Cap
tain Reade M. Ireland of the 4th United
States infantry, stationed at the Pre
sidio, California.
Mrs. Harold Gill Amy Robinson) en
tertained with a charming informal
luncheon Saturday in celebration of
her birthday anniversary. Her guests
were but & few of her intimate friends,
and they spent the afternoon knitting
and sewing.
Colonel and Mrs. Ray C. Hill and lit
tle daughter left last nisrht for the east
via San Francisco. Colonel Hill has
been assigned to a camp in (jeorgia.
and he and Mrs. Hill will make their
home in that state. They both are very
popular and h.-ive hosts of friends in
and around Portland who regret their
departure for the east.
to enjoy the trip on tho lilchway be
fore dinner included Mr. and Mrs. Nel
son Ely of Saginaw. Mich.; Mr. and
Mrs. William Powell. Mr. and Mrs. Har
rison Tru-Moovl. Mr. and Mrs. O. M.
Plummer. Mr. and Mrs. Frank sS. Parnps,
Miss Marjorle Cameron. Mr. and Mm.
Henry Wagner. William Ross. Captain
David Whitmer and Nelson MacEweu.
Mr. and Mrs. Varnel D. C. Reach
(Virginia Menofcc) are spending sev
eral days at their country home. Waldo
hills, near Salera. They will return t
this city early this week.
Miss Genevieve Rutterflold enter
tained at tea Informally Thursday aft
ernoon for several of her close friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Berwick Wood were the
puesta of honor for a small dinner
party pesided over by Mr. and Mrs.
Spencer Piddle. Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Wood will return soon
to their home In eastern Oregon.
One of the most chlrmlns and inter
esting events of the week van the
elaborate luncheon plven by Mrs.
Kdgar B. Piper on Wednesday at her
home in Marshall street. The guests
included ten prominent matrons, prac
tically all of whom were mothers of
men in service. The table was artis
tically decorated with a basket of
spring flowers, and covers were placed
for Mrs. L L. Cartwrijiht. recently of
lyondon; Mrs. Dan J. Malarkey. Mrs.
K. P. deary. Mrs. A. D. Charlton. Mrs.
K. W. Langdon. Mrs. 11. L. Sabin. Mrs.
Carre Louise Dunning. Mrs. L. Willis.
Mrs. William V. Ureer and the hostess.
Following luncheon each truest read
a letter received from a relative while
in service, all of which were most in
teresting. A distinguished and interestinu artist
who motored out early in the evening 1 land in concert. 1m Pablo Casals, the
Mr. and Mrs. George Boiohke and
family, former residents of this city,
returned here last week to resume
their residence. They have been in
California and Texas for the past few
years and their numerous friends are
rejoicing over their return.
Ranking among the most attractive
and interesting events of the week was
the formal dance given at the Multno
mah Amateur Athletic club Thursday
evening for members and their friends.
The ballroom was decked prettily
with spring shfubbery, blossoms, palms
and ferns, and an excellent orchestra
furnished music for the hundreds of
dancers. It was especially notable in
asmuch as there were a number of
members present who have just re
turned from army camps and service
overseas. Men in uniform were Invited
especially and they were mads the
guests of honor for, the evening.
The patronesses were: .
Mesdames Kverett Ames. William W.
Ranks. F. W. Camp, C. C Colt. A. M.
Ellsworth. Harry Fischer. Een F.
Oreene, Pavld T. Honeyman. H. D.
Klnrsley. C Henri Lab be. J. E. Maekay.
C P. Osborne. Fred H. Page. R. F.
Prael. H. A. Sargent. Norrls D. Stoue,
Clayton Sharp. Ralph W. Wilbur.
Floor committee George A. Ander
son. William W. Ranks. Fred L. Carl
ton. George P. Dekum, Allen M. Ells
worth. 1. R. Elder, Ben V. Green.
Milton R. Klepper. Jan Kool. Edward R.
Morris. Clayton Sharp, Norris B. Stone.
Frunk E. Watklns. Ralph W. Wilbur.
Dance committee Paul R. Dickenson,
Harry Fischer. Taylor C White.
Lieutenant and Mrs. Paul E. Terry
(Ruth Plummer) were nosts Tor a
charming dinner and dance at Forest
hall on Tuesday evening. Tho guests
3 o
.e2e v
Popular Cape Suits
Here Now
Decidedly novel suits the skirt cut long
and narrow, and the wrap in cape style, yet
fitted in the front in coatee effect. The
cape is lined in Dresden, making a pretty
contrast as it falls gracefully away from
the figure. This cape suit comes in navy,
green, sand and gray and
is priced most reasonably
Ill 11UV J(
III . . tUv'S
Wonderfully Pretty
These Dresses of Flowered Georgette
And they are priced at only $35.00.
One couldn't picture a prettier dress
effect than these vari-toned Georgettes,
contrasted with touches of the plain crepe
in the most dominant color.
New and Distinctive
here for milady's choice. We always show
something: a little different a little more
Capes and Dolmans
There seems to be no end to wonderful ef
fects in these graceful wraps this season.
Every new shipment we receive simply
makes us marvel-at their originality and
beauty. Nowhere in Portland will you find
more lovely styles. Our very handsome
ones are priced in accordance, but there
are simple little capes at only S22.50
Wc would like you to open a charge account with ns.
Outfitting (q2P
Washington Street at Tenth